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Catalogue for the
(sold under the Zwartbles Sheep Association Rules and Regulations)
FRIDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 2019 comprising:
MV ACCREDITED 11 Ewes 37 Shearling Ewes 84 Ewe Lambs
JUDGING – 9.30am SALE – 11.00am
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Telephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231 E-mail: info@borderway.com Website: www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SETTLEMENT & CLEARANCE OF STOCK Please note that all lots must be settled on the day of purchase Completion of a buyers slip is essential for parties who have not dealt with the company before New customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the companys main office 48 hours prior to a sale No Lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office
Purchasers From Outside The United Kingdom Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling. We request that payment is made to us in pounds sterling by cheque/bankers draft on the day of sale. Debit cards and business credit cards only accepted. (2% surcharge on business credit cards) If you pay with a credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE Parties who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alternatively it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale.
Please fold and detach along this perforation
SALE ........................................................................................................................................................................ TRADING NAME ................................................................................................................................................... PARTNERS NAMES (if applicable) ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... FULL POSTAL ADDRESS .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE ............................................................................................................................................................. TEL. NO ................................................................................................................................................................... HOLDING NO. ....................................................................... FLOCK No. .......................................................... DESTINATION DETAILS OF ANIMALS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE CPH ......................................................................................... POST CODE ......................................................
2019 LIST OF ACCOMMODATION WITHIN EASY REACH OF BORDERWAY MART Farm House Accommodation Brookside Bred & Breakfast, Warwick Bridge, Carlisle CA4 8VE Tel: 01228 560250 www.brooksidebnb.co.uk Janice Byers, Midtown Farm B & B, Easton, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 5DL Tel: 01228 576550 wwwmidtown-farm.co.uk Mount Farm Bed & Breakfast, Mount Farm, Blackford, Carlisle CA6 4ER Tel: 01228 674641 www.mount.farmbandb.co.uk Guest House Accommodation Crossroads House, Brisco, Carlisle CA4 0QZ Tel 01228 528994 www.crossroadshouse.co.uk Howard Lodge Guest House, 90 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1JU www.howard-lodge.co.uk
Tel: 01228 529842
Town House B&B, 153 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LU Tel: 01228 598782 www.townhousebandb.com Warwick Lodge Guest House, 112 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LF Tel: 01228 523796 www.warwicklodgecarlisle.co.uk Hotels *Greens at Gretna, Glasgow Road, Gretna, Dumfriesshire DG16 5FG Tel: 01461 337621 www.greensatgretna.co.uk *Gretna Hall, Gretna Loaning, Gretna Green, Dumfries & Galloway DG16 5DY Tel 01461 337621 www.gretnahallhotel.com *Smiths Hotel, Headless Cross, Gretna Green, Dumfries & Galloway Tel: 01461 337007 www.smithsgretnagreen.co.uk *Crown Hotel, Station Road, Wetheral, Carlisle Tel: 01228 561888 www.crownhotelwetheral.co.uk Angus Hotel 14-16 Scotland Road, Carlisle CA3 9DG Tel: 01228 523546 www.angus-hotel.co.uk Farlam Hall, Country House Hotel, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 2 NG Tel: 016977 46234 www.farlamhall.co.uk Pinegrove Hotel, 262 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2QS www.pinegrovehotel.co.uk
Tel: 01228 524828
*Customers of H&H offered a Special Rate
BIO SECURITY RULES HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITED, BORDERWAY MART, CARLISLE Notice to all Visitors and Traders Please read and observe the following: Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.
All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.
All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.
All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.
Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.
Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office.
No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.
Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.
Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.
Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times. Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Stuart Graham, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
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General Information & Sale Notes LOCATION - The Sale will be held in the Borderway Mart, Carlisle Cumbria. Motorists should leave the M6 at Junction 43 and follow CARLISLE signs. The market is on the left hand side of the road within 1/4 mile of M6. METHOD OF SALE – All sheep will be sold in guineas and in catalogue order unless any alteration is announced by the Auctioneers. A commission of 5.2% will be charged on all sheep sold, a further 1% levy will be charged and paid to the Zwartbles Sheep Association. CONDITIONS OF SALE - The Sale is held subject to the LAA Conditions of Sale in addition to the Auctioneers General Conditions of Sale and the Rules and Regulations of the Zwartbles Sheep Association. RESERVE PRICES – Vendors shall have the right to refuse to accept the final bid for their animals. Any animal in the Sale Premises which are sold by private treaty after the Auction are subject to the full commission on the price realised and all such transactions must be passed through the Auctioneers. MAEDI VISNA - All sheep from Maedi Visna Accredited flocks will only be accepted into the market and penned for sale if they are accompanied by an official ministry Certificate of official MV status which has been correctly completed. Please note – a representative will be on duty to collect and inspect all Maedi Visna certificates. All sheep must have ear tags to comply with current ministry regulations. INSPECTION PROCEDURE - All sheep must be presented for inspection. All sheep that are rejected by the inspectors must be removed from the pens. All sheep must be marked with their lot number or ticket prior to inspection. Unmarked sheep will not be inspected. The Association expressly forbids the use of OP dips or other noxious substances within the sale area or prior to the sale. Any sheep which is found to have had its fleece coloured artificially , will result in the whole of that vendors run of sheep being barred from that sale, as well as any other disciplinary action Council renders fit upon report by the inspectors. The person responsible for the sheep or vendor should be present. INSPECTION - For all official sales the Association shall appoint inspectors who will consider the points below and are empowered either to disbar the animal from the sale or alternatively any faults found by the inspectors shall be declared by the auctioneer, who shall announce these at the time of sale. The inspectors decision shall be final and binding to all concerned and neither the inspectors, the Association, nor the auctioneers shall be liable to the owners of such animals or any other person or company for damage or any loss arising out of such rejection. - The inspection will be carried out by Coomara Veterinary Practice. - The lot number must correspond with the ear number as entered for sale. Animals without the correct identification will be rejected from the sale. - The animal is not suffering from any infectious or contagious disease.
- All rams must have two adequately sized testicles of similar size and normal consistency. - Ewes shall be sound in udder. - The animal is of a quality commensurate with that set by the association and is of adequate weight for the age and shows no malformation of structure. - The teeth of the animal shall be on the plate and in the correct position. Account will be taken of the age of the animal , however all lambs must have correct mouths . - There is no abnormal deviation in the structure of the feet and/or legs. ARRIVAL OF STOCK Thursday 21st November 1.00pm and 5.00pm & Friday 22nd November 7.00am and 8.00am All sheep must be presented for inspection between the following times: INSPECTION Thursday 21st November 5.00pm and 6.00pm & Friday 22nd November 7.00am and 8.30am SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK - Settlement in full is due immediately at the close of Sale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’, obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement. PEDIGREE CERTIFICATES – Pedigree certificates and transfers will be dealt with by the Auctioneers and Association following the sale. NUMBERING – All entries must be identified by their catalogue number by means of a neck card which will be provided. This must stay with the sheep at all times. SCRAPIE GENOTYPE RESULTS – This catalogue lists Genotype results where official written confirmation has ben provided. Whilst the Society will make all possible effort to provide purchasers with the correct information, they can in no way be held responsible for any error or omission of information. SUBSTITUTES – Substitute entries must be notified to the Breed Secretary no later than 7 days before the sale. GUIDANCE TO BUYERS – Each animal has a unique number which includes a year letter as follows: 2015 - C, 2016 - D, 2017 - E, 2018 - F, 2019 - G Errors and Omissions. The auctioneers can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue.
Secretary - Christina Cormack Oxnam Neuk Farmhouse. Oxnam, Jedburgh, Scottish Borders, TD8 6RE Tel: 01835 864555 Website – www.zwartbles.org Email - secretary@zwartbles.org
Conditions Of Sale All sheep are sold under the Conditions of Sale as displayed in the market recommended for use by the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association Ltd SCHEDULE 2 – SHEEP 36 Definitions In this Schedule the words or expression: “In Lamb” or “Due to Lamb” means any female sheep carrying a lamb but shall not imply that any lamb due will be born alive and, where the female sheep is stated to be In Lamb or Due to Lamb to a named ram the Vendor shall provide the Auctioneer with details of the ram, his ear tag number and any breed society registration number together with such, if any, further information that may be required of him, such information to be included in any catalogue for the sale and announced at the sale. 37 37.1
Female sheep Vendor’s warranty Each female sheep is warranted not to be In Lamb at the time of sale. This warranty is 14 weeks and 5 Day Warranty. Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to 33.33 per cent of the purchase price. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate or a slaughter-house manager’s or other competent person’s certificate confirming the sheep to have been In Lamb for a period of at least 12 weeks on the day of sale. Female sheep not described as In Lamb
Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that a female sheep not described in any catalogue for sale or at the time of sale as In Lamb is not In Lamb at the time of sale. This warranty is a 14 Week + 5 Day Warranty. 38.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty then, at the Purchaser’s option, either the Purchaser may exercise his rights under Schedule 6, or the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to the amount in paragraph (i) of the Appendix. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate or a slaughterhouse manager’s or other competent person’s certificate confirming that the sheep was In Lamb 39
Female sheep described as correct
Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that all female sheep described in the catalogue or at the time of sale as correct are sound in mouth and udder, that is they are not lacking any of the 8 broad teeth and do not have any damaged or worn teeth or a defective udder. This warranty is a 5 Day Warranty. 39.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty then, at the Purchaser’s option, either the Purchaser may exercise his rights under Schedule 6, or the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser as Liquidated Damages a sum equal to the amount in paragraph (i) of the Appendix. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate. 40 40.1
Female sheep proving barren
Vendor’s warranty The Vendor warrants that any female sheep sold as being In Lamb is In Lamb at the time of sale. This warranty is a 21 Day Warranty. 40.2 Purchaser’s rights If the Purchaser proves a breach of warranty, he may exercise his rights under Schedule 6. Notice of a claim must be supported by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate.
HARRISON & HETHERINGTON Farmstock Auctioneers, Brokers & Valuers
The UK’s Leading Livestock Marketing Company Nine Sale Centres Pedigree & Commercial Livestock Official Society Sales of Beef, Dairy & Sheep Tractors, Machinery & Commercial Vehicles Specialist Livestock Sales, Equine & Events Professional Valuations Online Internet Bidding
01228 406200 harrisonandhetherington.co.uk Borderway, Carlisle CA1 2RS
VENDORS INDEX ADDISON P & S HAYBERRIES 125-128, 162-163 S, Hayberries Farm, Mickleton, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, DL12 0LP BATEMAN AJ, Ivy House, Lowgill, Cumbria
106-107, 116-117, 198
BECKWITH, MJ SHARPLAW Holme House Farm, Gargrave, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 3PR
BLAMIRE T & G, WHINNOW Mid Whinnow Farm, Thursby, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 6QL
BRAID STEWART, LOCHWOOD Lochwood Cottage, Beattock, Dumfries, DG10 9PS
BROWN J, CAERLAVEROCK Hollands Farm, Caerlaverock, Dumfries, DG1 4RS
BROWN L & F, STAINMORE Mount Pleasant Farm, Stainmore Road, Bowes, County Durham, DL12 9RH
COWIN K & S, HELLSTANES Craigiehall Bungalow, Carnwath, Lanark, South Lanarkshire, ML11 8LH CRAIG STUART, CRAIGIES Wormerlaw, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7QW
108, 145-146
109-111, 139-143, 182-184
CRITCHLEY THOMAS & CHARLOTTE, CLAREWOOD Mercer Farm, Grange Lane, Hutton, Nr Preston, Lancs, PR4 5JH CUSHNIE G, STROME MORE Old School, North Strome, Lochcarron, Ross-shire, IV54 8YJ
113-115, 211
103-105, 147-148
DICKINSON A, HARLE Three Farms, Harle, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE19 2PS
DONNELLY, TW & SP SALTUR Bogra Farm, Half Morton, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire, DG14 0YG
DUFFY C & H, SMIDDY HILL Smiddy Bungalow, Dunragit, Stranraer, Wigtownshire, DG9 8PL
FRANCIS GA & HM, PISTYLL Pistyll Uchaf, Abergorlech, Carmarthenshire
HEIGH RAYMOND J BROOKDENE Brook House Farm, Bentham, Nr Lancaster, North Yorkshire, LA2 7LT MCINTOSH GILLIAN, ARDANBEAG Bent Farm, Galston, East Ayrshire, KA4 8NF MCLEAN J & J WHITLAW Whitlaw Cottag, Lauder, Berwick, TD2 6QA MILLAR JOYCE & NEIL, JOYFIELD Woodhouse Mains, Kirtlebridge, Lockerbie, Dumfries, DG11 3AP
137-138, 191-195
144, 229-230
MISKELLY D CORRYBRAE Corrybrae, Kildrummy, Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8RX
PRESTON M, GREENHILL Lady Close, Lady Lane, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 4AU
RAE COLIN, WALLACETOWN 9 Rokele Drive, Collin, Dumfries, DG1 4JG
STEWART RJ & F, BRIDGELANDS East Bridgelands, Selkirk, Borders, TD7 4PT
132-136, 196-197
THEXTON JOHN, EDEN HAZEL Hazel Cottage, Armathwaite, Cumbria, CA4 9PG
THORBURN AJ, HOLMLEA Holmlea, North Road, Lowertown, Annan Dumfriesshire, DG2 6TE
WALTON PETER, BEECHWOOD 10 Great Easter Drive, Glencaple, Dumfriesshire, DG1 4QZ
WILSON JACK, HELMBECK Ormside Lodge, Ormside, Appleby, Cumbria, CA16 6EJ
129-131, 179-181
Lots 101 - 111 (11 entries) P WALTON
LOT 101 BEECHWOOD EVE 01106-006E (UK0564908/00079) TRIPLET 04/02/2017 Sire: Wallacetown Carter gs: Brotherton Woodcomb (00204-063W) (00430-140C) gd: Wetheral (00240-027S) Dam: Pennygill Betsy gs: Cynefin Saithennyn (00251-027S) (00394-042B) gd: Pendle Wild Rose (00490-703 W) Service Details: Served 17/08/19 by PADDOCK ENTREPRENEUR (01440-001E) LOT 102 BEECHWOOD DELIGHT 01106-005D (UK0564908/00071) TWIN 14/01/2016 Sire: Beechwood Chester gs: Eildon Hill Afro (00326-035A) (01106-004C) gd: SALTUR (00273-050S) Dam: Pennygill Betsy gs: Cynefin Saithennyn (00251-027S) (00394-042B) gd: Pendle Wild Rose (00490-703 W) Service Details: Served 03/09/19 by PADDOCK ENTREPRENEUR (01440-001E) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G CUSHNIE
LOT 103 STROME MORE COILLIE DUBH 00974-019C (UK0509891/00019) TWIN 24/04/2015 Sire: Strome More Acorn gs: Skye Woden (00275-164W) (00974-004A) gd: SKYE (00275-099R) Dam: Skye gs: EAST MIDDLE Solario (00133-004S) (00275-126T) gd: SKYE (00275-086R) Service Details: Ran from 18/08/19 with OLBRE ENZO (00905-066E) LOT 104 STROME MORE EDELWEISS 00974-075E (UK0509891/00075) TRIPLET 23/03/2017 Sire: Greystone Campbell gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00818-095C) gd: Brotherton (00204-029W) Dam: Strome More Buffalo gs: Strome More Archie (00974-002A) (00974-009B) gd: Pentland Tic Tac (00371-135T) Service Details: Ran from 18/08/19 with OLBRE ENZO (00905-066E) LOT 105 STROME MORE ERIN 00974-084E (UK0509891/00084) TWIN 19/03/2017 Sire: Greystone Campbell gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00818-095C) gd: Brotherton (00204-029W) Dam: Strome More Cheyenne gs: Strome More Archie (00974-002A) (00974-021C) gd: Pentland Tic Tac (00371-135T) Service Details: Ran from 18/08/19 with OLBRE ENZO (00905-066E)
LOT 106 SELSIDE CALYPSO 00286-5025C (UK0125093/05025) TWIN 28/02/2015 Breeder : R & J Lambert Sire: Killymallaght Bespoke Boy gs: BISHOPSBRAE (00290-005L) (00260-013B) gd: KILLYMALLAGHT (00260-011M) Dam: Selside Thunder gs: Greenhill Ronaldo (00131-033R) (00286-1272T) gd: MOUSENATCH (00377-028R) Service Details: Served 02/09/19 by HOLMEPRIDE GUINNESS (01450-037G). Scanned 2. LOT 107 TOMBOB 00540-4234D (UK103250/04234) TWIN 05/04/2016 Breeder : Mr T.R. Birkbeck Sire: East Middle War Artist gs: East Middle So What (00133-047S) (00133-139W) gd: EAST MIDDLE (00133-137P) Dam: Harle Tawny gs: Lair Gill (00276-097P) (00284-695T) gd: CYNEFIN (00251-044N) Service Details: Served 18/08/19 by HOLMEPRIDE GUINNESS (01450-037G). Scanned 2. Won Reserve Female Champion Cartmel Show 2019. Reference to Service Sire: Holmepride Guinness (01450-037G) – Dam has been shown successfully winning Reserve Champion Grayrigg Show 2018, 5th prize aged ewe Westmorland Show 2018 & 2019, 1st prize aged ewe Masham Show 2019. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K & S COWIN
LOT 108 HELLSTANES ELSA 00689-006E (UK0564754/00161) TWIN 13/01/2017 Sire: Didcot Benji gs: Joyfield Andy Pandy (00177-009A) (00891-006B) gd: Blacklee Sorcha (00215-005S) Dam: Hellstanes Clematis gs: Saltur Bono (00273-204B) (00689-011C) gd: Hellstanes Wisteria (00689-009W) Service Details: Served 09/08/19 by KILLYMALLAGHT FIGARO (00260-324F). Scanned 1.
LOT 109 CRAIGIES DUCHESS 01400-045D (UK562600/00845) SINGLE 03/03/2016 Sire: Whinnow Bright Spark gs: Skyhigh Tiptop (00216-065T) (00600-134B) gd: SKYHIGH (00216-102W) Dam: Eildon Hill Becca gs: Eildon Hill Am yer Man (00326-001A) (00326-035B) gd: BLACKLEE (00215-156R) Service Details: Due 27/01/20 to CRAIGIES DICTATOR (01400-005D). Scanned 2 LOT 110 CRAIGIES ENIGMA 01400-041E (UK562600/01041) TWIN 20/01/2017 Sire: Wallacetown Tristan gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00430-033T) gd: WALLACETOWN (00430-061R) Dam: Eildon Hill Sabatini gs: LLEPAN (00138-219P) (00326-025S) gd: PISTYLL (00054-253M) Service Details: Due 27/01/20 to CRAIGIES EPIC ERIC (01400-096F) Scanned 1 LOT 111 CRAIGIES ERIKA 01400-051E (UK562600/01051) TWIN 22/01/2017 Sire: Glenfield Duke gs: Brimar Chester (00837-025C) (00566-069D) gd: Glenfield Wendy (00566-017W) Dam: Eildon Hill Teviot gs: Cynefin Siencyn (00251-028S) (00326-028T) gd: EILDON HILL (00326-020R) Service Details: Due 27/01/20 to CRAIGIES EPIC ERIC (01400-096F) Scanned 2.
Reference to Service Sires: Craigies Dictator (01400-005D and Craigies Epic Eric (01400-096F) are both homebred sires, which have been retained for their power and correctness.
SHEARLING GIMMERS Lots 112 - 148 (37 entries)
LOT 112 EDEN HAZEL FLAME 00913-287F (UK0115032/00287) TRIPLET 15/03/2018 Breeder : Mr John Thexton Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) (00338-12005E) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) Dam: Eden Hazel Colleen gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) (00913-078C) gd: GARRIS (00098-124P) Service Details: Due February to HAYBERRIES FULL TILT (00843-3855F). Scanned 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T & C CRITCHLEY
Lots 113-115 have all been Enzo and Toxo Vaccinated and are eligible for Export to Northern Ireland. LOT 113 CLAREWOOD FOXY LADY 00890-007F (UK0181477/03083) TWIN 11/01/2018 Sire: Clarewood Don gs: Cynefin Arwel (00251-0141A) (00890-011D) gd: Marton (00140-121B) Dam: Clarewood All Star gs: Holmlea Titus (00300-063T) (00890-006A) gd: Quarrydale Tammara (00530-090T) Service Details: Served 14/08/19 by WALLACETOWN FULMAR (00430-301F). Scanned 1.
A very smart and stylish gimmer with fantastic markings and powerful frame. She has been very successfully shown in 2018 and 2019. Winning numerous Championships and is out of the flocks best breeding ewe.
LOT 114 CLAREWOOD FLOSSY 00890-004F (UK0181477/03080) TWIN 05/01/2018 Sire: Wallacetown Energy gs: (IM100152-899345) (00430-237E) gd: Brotherton (00204-025T) Dam: Clarewood Candy gs: Cynefin Arwel (00251-0141A) (00890-010C) gd: Cynefin (00251-089W) Service Details: Served 30/08/19 by TOP NOTCH GLADIATOR (00282-2259G). Scanned 2. LOT 115 CLAREWOOD FIZZ 00890-008F (UK0181477/03084) TWIN 27/01/2018 Sire: Wallacetown Energy gs: (IM100152-899345) (00430-237E) gd: Brotherton (00204-025T) Dam: Wallacetown Bangles gs: Brotherton Woodcomb (00204-063W) (00430-0118B) gd: Marton (00140-013S) Service Details: Served 14/08/19 by TOP NOTCH GLADIATOR (00282-2259G). Scanned 2.
Reference to Service Sire: Wallacetown Fulman (00430-301F) is the flocks stock ram, who was purchased privately last year. He is a tall black ram who still has a fantastic mouth and legs. He has bred well last year leaving elegant, sharp looking heads in his progeny. Top Notch Gladiator (00282-2259G) is a new junior stock ram in the flock. Purchased for his fantastic and powerful carcase, cracking feet and legs.
LOT 116 HOLMEPRIDE FERRERO 01450-015F (UK111472/01935) TWIN 07/01/2018 Sire: Glenfield Domino gs: Brimar Chester (00837-025C) (00566-066D) gd: Glenfield Betty Boop (00566-045B) Dam: Hedgeholme Bramble gs: Killymallaght Wil.Iam (00260-1202W) (00937-0016B) gd: Scottfair Wonmischief (00318-0454W) Service Details: Served 07/09/19 by HOLMEPRIDE GUINNESS (01450-037G). Scanned 2
Won 2nd prize ewe lamb Cartmel Show 2018.
LOT 117 HOLMEPRIDE FROSTY 01450-013F (UK111472/01933) TRIPLET 19/01/2018 Sire: Barmurrie Empire gs: BROOMHILLBANK (00338-022R) (00849-016E) gd: Speyside Winner (00524-W119) Dam: Tombob gs: East Middle War Artist (00133-139W) (00540-4234D) gd: Harle Tawny (00284-695T) Service Details: Served 18/09/19 by HOLMEPRIDE GUINNESS (01450-037G) Scanned In lamb. Holmepride Guinness (01450-037G) – Dam has been shown successfully, winning Reserve Champion Grayrigg show 2018, 5th prize aged ewe Westmorland Show 2018, 2019, and 1st prize aged ewe Masham Show 2019. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A J THORBURN
LOT 118 HOLMLEA FUDGE 00300-514F (UK0585424/00514) TWIN 28/01/2018 Sire: Holmlea Count gs: Holmlea Winning Glory (00300-098W) (00300-271C) gd: Stonebyres Whinstone (00539-001W) Dam: Holmlea Camilla-Wicked 3 gs: Holmlea Winning Glory (00300-098W) (00300-264C) gd: Holmlea Wicked Lady (00300-130W) Service Details: Ran from 20/09/19 with HOLMLEA ED (00300-464E) LOT 119 HOLMLEA FRILLY 00300-526F (UK0585424/00526) TWIN 03/03/2018 Sire: Holmlea Count gs: Holmlea Winning Glory (00300-098W) (00300-271C) gd: Stonebyres Whinstone (00539-001W) Dam: Holmlea Carli gs: Holmlea Winston (00300-115W) (00300-269C) gd: HOLMLEA (00300-062P) Service Details: Ran from 20/09/19 with HOLMLEA ED (00300-464E)
LOT 120 EDEN HAZEL FIONA 00913-296F (UK0115032/00296) TWIN 21/03/2018 Breeder : Mr John Thexton Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) (00338-12005E) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) Dam: Eden Hazel Crystal gs: Eden Hazel Admiral (00913-020A) (00913-131C) gd: Brookdene (00305-00312S) Service Details: Due January to GREENHILL DANDY (00131-436D). Scanned 2 LOT 121 ARDANBEAG FOXGLOVE 00253-415F (UK0585002/00415) TWIN 30/01/2018 Breeder : Mrs Gillian McIntosh Sire: Corrybrae Discovery gs: Liverton Cavalier (01081-019C) (00919-013D) gd: Corrybrae Acacia (00919-0004A) Dam: Wallridge Moor Suki gs: Beech Hay (00256-021N) (00466-008S) gd: HOLMLEA (00300-079P) Service Details: Due February to GREENHILL DANDY (00131-436D). Scanned 2 Reference to Service Sire: GREENHILL DANDY (00131-436D) is a very correct son of Greenhill Blakeney. He has bred well marked lambs including prize winning stock. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MATTHEW J BECKWITH
LOT 122 SHARPHAW FAY 00429-007F (UK0124923/04657) TRIPLET 10/02/2018 Sire: Joyfield Empire gs: Bessiebell Dumbledore (00939-342D) (00177-019E) gd: Joyfield Bombay Sapphire (00177-006B) Dam: DixieSharphaw gs: Bingheleia Carlton (00999-250C) (00429-009D) gd: Blacklee Whin (00215-065W) Service Details: Served 24/09/19 by CORRYBRAE GALILEO (00919-007G) LOT 123 SHARPHAW FLASHY 00429-016F (UK0124923/04666) TWIN 07/02/2018 Sire: Bingheleia Carlton gs: Greenhill Blakeney (00131-264B) (00999-250C) gd: Selside Arabella (00286-3484A) Dam: Sharphaw Belle gs: Hellstanes Wizard (00689-011W) (00429-001B) gd: BRACE (00329-682N) Service Details: Served 25/09/19 by DANYGRAIG GUCCI (0185-239G) LOT 124 SHARPHAW FRAN 00429-003F (UK0124923/04653) SINGLE 03/02/2018 Sire: Joyfield Empire gs: Bessiebell Dumbledore (00939-342D) (00177-019E) gd: Joyfield Bombay Sapphire (00177-006B) Dam: Sharphaw Caroline gs: Hellstanes Wizard (00689-011W) (00429-022C) gd: SEASIDE (00422-3022R) Service Details: Served 18/09/19 by GREENHILL ECHO (00131-486E)
LOT 125 HAYBERRIES FORTY FOUR 00843-3844F (UK0107700/03844) TWIN 09/12/2017 Sire: gs: (IM100098-223965) (IM100138-324544) gd: (IM100032-646900) Dam: Hayberries Allegro gs: Tombob Superstar (00540-00004S) (00843-0007A) gd: SLEDWICH (00174-055R) Service Details: Due 28/01/20 to BEECH HAY CHANCELLOR (00256-449C). Scanned 1 LOT 126 HAYBERRIES FOX FIRE 00843-3861F (UK0107700/03861) TRIPLET 12/12/2017 Sire: Hayberries Ennistymon gs: Beech Hay Chancellor (00256-449C) (00843-3352E) gd: Broomfield Beauty (00411-006B) Dam: Aquila Cutie Pie gs: Aquila Blueprint (00472-067B) (00472-073C) gd: Brace Treasure (00329-048T) Service Details: Due 21/01/2020 to STEWARTON FANTASTIC (00148-204F). Scanned 3 LOT 127 HAYBERRIES FLASHY 00843-3869F (UK0107700/03869) TWIN 10/12/2017 Sire: gs: (IM100098-223965) (IM100138-324544) gd: (IM100032-646900) Dam: Hayberries Damsel gs: Hellstanes Controversy (00689-002C) (00843-2791D) gd: Beeston (00516-019S) Service Details: Due 28/01/2020 to BEECH HAY CHANCELLOR (00256-449C). Scanned 3 LOT 128 HAYBERRIES FORTISSIMO 00843-3839F (UK0107700/03839) TWIN 17/01/2018 Sire: Hellstanes Controversy gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) (00689-002C) gd: Saltur (00273-079T) Dam: Adeney gs: ADENEY (00175-015M) (00175-116T) gd: DORMSTON (00068-046M) Service Details: Due 28/01/2020 to BEECH HAY CHANCELLOR (00256-449C). Scanned 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J M WILSON
LOT 129 HELMBECK FOXY LADY 01049-061F (UK111142/00061) TWIN 12/01/2018 Sire: Hayberries Darkside gs: Beech Hay Tornado (00256-051T) (00843-2789D) gd: Hayberries Blackrose (00843-0018B) Dam: Blacklee Seana gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) (00215-0023S) gd: (00215-003M) Service Details: Ran from 16/08/19 with STAINMORE FERDINAND (00864-333F) Scanned 2 LOT 130 HELMBECK FIZZ 01049-092F (UK111142/00092) TWIN 04/02/2018 Sire: Hayberries Darkside gs: Beech Hay Tornado (00256-051T) (00843-2789D) gd: Hayberries Blackrose (00843-0018B) Dam: Helmbeck Darcey gs: Scottfair Bollinger (00318-531B) (01049-022D) gd: Blacklee Seana (00215-0023S) Service Details: Ran from 16/08/19 with STAINMORE FERDINAND (00864-333F). Scanned 2
19 LOT 131 HELMBECK FIRST ROSE 01049-078F (UK111142/00078) TWIN 27/01/2018 Sire: Hayberries Darkside gs: Beech Hay Tornado (00256-051T) (00843-2789D) gd: Hayberries Blackrose (00843-0018B) Dam: Helmbeck Daisy gs: Scottfair Bollinger (00318-531B) (01049-019D) gd: Helmbeck Blossom (01049-003B) Service Details: Ran from 16/08/19 with STAINMORE FERDINAND (00864-333F). Scanned 3.
Reference to Service Sire: Hayberries Darkside (00843-2789D) has been shown successfully, winning 1st prize Appleby Show 2016, 2017, 2019. 2nd prize Brough 2016, 2018 & 2019, 1st prize Brough 2017.
Stainmore Ferdinand (00864-333F) won 1st prize Appleby Show 2019. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RJ & F STEWART
LOT 132 BRIDGELANDS FEVER 00165-220F (UK0562158/00388) TWIN 30/01/2018 Sire: Glenfield Duke gs: Brimar Chester (00837-025C) (00566-069D) gd: Glenfield Wendy (00566-017W) Dam: Bridgelands gs: SOMERWOOD (00030-01941P) (00165-074T) gd: HEATON (00060-179L) Service Details: Served 26/09/19 by PENDLE FINDERSKEEPERS (00490-2904F) LOT 133 BRIDGELANDS FLOSSIE 00165-228F (UK0562158/00396) TRIPLET 06/02/2018 Sire: Hedgefield Watch That Boy gs: Culriach Sebastiaan (00582-005S) (00518-174W) gd: Hedgefield (00518-011S) Dam: Bridgelands Wren gs: SOMERWOOD (00030-01941P) (00165-108W) gd: BRIDGELANDS (00165-045S) Service Details: Served 26/08/19 by PENDLE FINDERSKEEPERS (00490-2904F) LOT 134 BRIDGELANDS FAUN 00165-247F (UK0562158/00415) TRIPLET 23/02/2018 Sire: Glenfield Duke gs: Brimar Chester (00837-025C) (00566-069D) gd: Glenfield Wendy (00566-017W) Dam: Bridgelands Whisper gs: SOMERWOOD (00030-01941P) (00165-093W) gd: BRIDGELANDS (00165-044S) Service Details: Served 25/09/19 by PENDLE FINDERSKEEPERS (00490-2904F) LOT 135 BRIDGELANDS FALCON 00165-227F (UK0562158/00395) TRI-PLET 06/02/2018 Sire: Hedgefield Watch That Boy gs: Culriach Sebastiaan (00582-005S) (00518-174W) gd: Hedgefield (00518-011S) Dam: Bridgelands Wren gs: SOMERWOOD (00030-01941P) (00165-108W) gd: BRIDGELANDS (00165-045S) Service Details: Served 07/09/19 by PENDLE FINDERSKEEPERS (00490-2904F)
20 LOT 136 BRIDGELANDS FRECKLE 00165-243F (UK0562158/00411) TRI-PLET 23/02/2018 Sire: Glenfield Duke gs: Brimar Chester (00837-025C) (00566-069D) gd: Glenfield Wendy (00566-017W) Dam: BRIDGELANDS gs: BRIDGELANDS (00165-013N) (00165-044S) gd: (00054-160L) Service Details: Served 25/09/19 by PENDLE FINDERSKEEPERS (00490-2904F) Reference to Service Sire: PENDLE FINDERSKEEPERS (00490-2904E) won 2nd prize Carlisle August Sale 2019. He is a strong black ram, with good markings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GILLIAN MCINTOSH
LOT 137 ARDANBEAG FRAGRANCE 00253-409F (UK0585002/00409) TWIN 27/01/2018 Sire: Corrybrae Discovery gs: Liverton Cavalier (01081-019C) (00919-013D) gd: Corrybrae Acacia (00919-0004A) Dam: Ardanbeag Bling gs: Holmlea Superior (00300-027S) (00253-170B) gd: Harle (00284-005S) Service Details: Ran from 21/09/19 with HOLMLEA CHIEF (00300-296C) LOT 138 ARDANBEAG FLEUR 00253-405F (UK0585002/00405) SINGLE 31/12/2017 Sire: Corrybrae Discovery gs: Liverton Cavalier (01081-019C) (00919-013D) gd: Corrybrae Acacia (00919-0004A) Dam: BRACE Willow 1 gs: Bobet Shaun (00048-013S) (00329-111W) gd: Brace Shona (00329-023S) Service Details: Ran from 21/09/19 with HOLMLEA CHIEF (00300-296C) Reference to Service Sire: HOLMLEA CHIEF (00300-296C) has been shown successfully and has bred plenty of well marked progeny. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STUART CRAIG (CRAIGIES) LOT 139 CRAIGIES FLOSS 01400-058F (UK562600/01258) TRIPLET 05/02/2018 Sire: Whinnow Bright Spark gs: Skyhigh Tiptop (00216-065T) (00600-134B) gd: SKYHIGH (00216-102W) Dam: Craigies Divine gs: Wallacetown Tristan (00430-033T) (01400-043D) gd: Wallacetown Bonnie (00430-0111B) Service Details: Due February to CRAIGIES FAST TRACK (01400-073F). Scanned In Lamb LOT 140 CRAIGIES FREDA 01400-039F (UK562600/01239) TRIPLET 01/02/2018 Sire: Craigies Dictator gs: Eildon Hill Am yer Man (00326-001A) (01400-005D) gd: Eildon Hill Anna (00326-045A) Dam: Eildon Hill Tessa gs: Blacklee Solo (00215-0024S) (00326-015T) gd: EILDON HILL (00326-006P) Service Details: Due 22/01/20 to CRAIGIES EPIC ERIC (01400-096E). Scanned 2
21 LOT 141 CRAIGIES FLAME 01400-080F (UK562600/01280) TWIN 10/03/2018 Sire: Wallacetown Cairn gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00430-147C) gd: Brotherton (00204-025T) Dam: Craigies Dancer gs: Eildon Hill Am yer Man (00326-001A) (01400-008D) gd: Eildon Hill Aye Up Lass (00326-0050A) Service Details: Due 22/01/20 to CRAIGIES FAST TRACK (01400-073F). Scanned 2
Clipped bare in August.
LOT 142 CRAIGIES FUSSPOT 01400-007F (UK562600/01207) TWIN 24/01/2018 Sire: Wallacetown Tristan gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00430-033T) gd: WALLACETOWN (00430-061R) Dam: Craigies Do The Twist gs: Holmlea Border Talent (00300-232B) (01400-042D) gd: Brookdene (00305-397T) Service Details: Due 03/02/20 to CRAIGIES FLIPPIN’ ECK (01400-075F). Scanned 2
Clipped bare in August.
LOT 143 CRAIGIES FIFTY SHADES 01400-050F (UK562600/01250) TWIN 03/02/2018 Sire: Eildon Hill Am yer Man gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) (00326-001A) gd: HEATON (00060-139L) Dam: Brace Bella gs: BRACE Wilkinson (00329-107W) (00329-237B) gd: Brace Tara (00329-046T) Service Details: Due 27/01/20 to CRAIGIES EPIC ERIC (01400-096E). Scanned 1 Craigies Fast Track (01400-073F), Craigies Flippin’ Eck (01400-075F and Craigies Epic Eric (01400-096F) are all homebred sires, which have been retained for their power and correctness. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOYCE & NEIL MILLAR
LOT 144 VIKING FIONA 00234-638F (UK0132117/00638) TWIN 31/01/2018 Breeder : Mr & Mrs A R Houseman Sire: Viking Egor gs: Barmoll Cassius (00061-190C) (00234-601E) gd: Saltur Charity (00273-255C) Dam: Viking Delphi gs: Barmoll Cassius (00061-190C) (00234-576D) gd: Viking (00234-414C) Service Details: AI’d 11/08/19 to JOYFIELD EMPEROR (00177-014E)
Reference to Service Sire: Joyfield Emperor (00177-014E) won Champion RHS and ZSA National 2019. His maternal ET sister sold for 2000gns.
22 K & S COWIN
LOT 145 HELLSTANES FIREFLY 00689-010F (UK0564754/00245) SINGLE 03/02/2018 Sire: Didcot Benji gs: Joyfield Andy Pandy (00177-009A) (00891-006B) gd: Blacklee Sorcha (00215-005S) Dam: Hellstanes Dragonfly gs: Saltur Bono (00273-204B) (00689-020D) gd: Conic Bounty (00804-004B) Service Details: Served 10/08/19 by KILLYMALLAGHT FIGARO (00260-324F). Scanned 1 LOT 146 HELLSTANES FREESIA 00689-007F (UK0564754/00242) TWIN 15/01/2018 Sire: Didcot Benji gs: Joyfield Andy Pandy (00177-009A) (00891-006B) gd: Blacklee Sorcha (00215-005S) Dam: Hellstanes Clematis gs: Saltur Bono (00273-204B) (00689-011C) gd: Hellstanes Wisteria (00689-009W) Service Details: Served 09/08/19 by KILLYMALLAGHT FIGARO (00260-324F). Scanned 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G CUSHNIE
LOT 147 ARLICK FIDGET 01573-053F (UK0542006/01483) TWIN 15/02/2018 Breeder : Miss C Pringle Sire: Craigies Dynamo gs: Wallacetown Tristan (00430-033T) (01400-010D) gd: Eildon Hill Wannabe (00326-003W) Dam: Darroch Dutchess gs: Brotherton Ashmill (00204-037A) (01100-020D) gd: Brackenbrae Aster (00741-084A) Service Details: Ran from 18/08/19 with STROME MORE FINBAR (00974-002F) LOT 148 STROME MORE FLECK 00974-003F (UK0510886/00003) SINGLE 06/03/2018 Sire: Greystone Campbell gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00818-095C) gd: Brotherton (00204-029W) Dam: Strome More Coillie Dubh gs: Strome More Acorn (00974-004A) (00974-019C) gd: Skye (00275-126T) Service Details: Ran from 18/08/19 with OLBRE ENZO (00905-066E)
Lots 149 - 232 (84 entries) G A & H M FRANCIS
LOT 149 PISTYLL TWIN Sire: Bessiebell Fantastic (00939-730F) Dam: Pistyll (00054-2384E)
00054-3568G (UK0741516/03568) 02/03/2019 gs: Donbraid Ed (00992-386E) gd: Bessiebell Alex (00939-064A) gs: Pistyll Charmer (00054-1201C) gd: Pistyll (00054-1190C)
LOT 150 PISTYLL TWIN Sire: Didcot Freddie (00891-019F) Dam: Pistyll (00054-882B)
00054-3574G (UK0741516/03574) 10/03/2019 gs: Cernyw Dynameit (00811-013D) gd: Didcot (00891-022D) gs: Castle Hill Alfred (00717-0019A) gd: PISTYLL (00054-680N)
LOT 151 PISTYLL TWIN Sire: Bessiebell Fantastic (00939-730F) Dam: ABBOTS GROVE (00052-001S)
00054-3566G (UK0741516/03566) 07/02/2019 gs: Donbraid Ed (00992-386E) gd: Bessiebell Alex (00939-064A) gs: PISTYLL (00054-745P) gd: ABBOTS GROVE (00052-163N)
LOT 152 PISTYLL 00054-3564G (UK0741516/03564) TWIN 06/02/2019 Sire: Didcot Freddie gs: Cernyw Dynameit (00811-013D) (00891-019F) gd: Didcot (00891-022D) Dam: Pistyll gs: Pendle Wide Load (00490-714 W) (00054-1202C) gd: PISTYLL (00054-762P) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D MISKELLY
LOT 153 CORRYBRAE GRACE 00919-017G (UK0529880/00350) TWIN 03/01/2019 Sire: Corrybrae Frankel gs: Liverton Dominator (01081-035D) (00919-001F) gd: Corrybrae Caviar (00919-010C) Dam: gs: (NL109988-819615) (IM100166-333556) gd: (NL109978-407426) LOT 154 CORRYBRAE GERTRUDE TWIN Sire: Wallacetown Falcon (00430-305F) Dam: Corrybrae Esther (00919-0012E)
00919-003G (UK0529880/00336) 29/01/2019 gs: (IM100152-899345) gd: Wallacetown Dara (00430-176D) gs: Liverton Dominator (01081-035D) gd: Cynefin (00251-660C)
LOT 155 CORRYBRAE GEMMA TWIN Sire: Wallacetown Falcon (00430-305F) Dam: Postmark Charlotte (00655-072C)
00919-019G (UK0529880/00352) 10/03/2019 gs: (IM100152-899345) gd: Wallacetown Dara (00430-176D) gs: Balchurn Torpedo (00225-137T) gd: Postmark (00655-011T)
24 LOT 156 CORRYBRAE GYPSY TWIN Sire: Liverton Dominator (01081-035D) Dam: Corrybrae Camera Shy (00919-020C)
00919-002G (UK0529880/00335) 07/01/2019 gs: Liverton Bazil (01081-006B) gd: Selside Angel (00286-3489A) gs: Corrybrae Bushwhacker (00919-0009B) gd: Corrybrae Adele (00919-0008A)
LOT 157 CORRYBRAE GOLDIE 00919-006G (UK0529880/00339) TWIN 15/02/2019 Sire: Wallacetown Falcon gs: (IM100152-899345) (00430-305F) gd: Wallacetown Dara (00430-176D) Dam: Cynefin gs: Cynefin Wallgo (00251-037W) (00251-1119D) gd: Cynefin (00251-085W) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUDITH BROWN
LOT 158 CAERLAVEROCK GYPSY TWIN Sire: Cynefin Caleb (00251-748C) Dam: Caerlaverock Edna (01356-042E)
01356-098G (UK581457/00098) 02/01/2019 gs: Cynefin Wallgo (00251-037W) gd: Cynefin (00251-140W) gs: Selside Cast Iron (00286-5024C) gd: East Middle (00133-156W)
LOT 159 CAERLAVEROCK GEMINI TWIN Sire: Cynefin Caleb (00251-748C) Dam: Caerlaverock Evaline (01356-041E)
01356-104G (UK581457/00104) 03/01/2019 gs: Cynefin Wallgo (00251-037W) gd: Cynefin (00251-140W) gs: Selside Cast Iron (00286-5024C) gd: Clarewood Chanel (00890-012C)
LOT 160 CAERLAVEROCK GENNY TWIN Sire: Cynefin Caleb (00251-748C) Dam: Bridgelands Briony (00165-147B)
01356-106G (UK581457/00106) 02/01/2019 gs: Cynefin Wallgo (00251-037W) gd: Cynefin (00251-140W) gs: Hedgefield Watch That Boy (00518-174W) gd: Bridgelands Whisper (00165-093W)
LOT 161 CAERLAVEROCK GIGI TWIN Sire: Cynefin Caleb (00251-748C) Dam: Caerlaverock Evaline (01356-041E)
01356-107G (UK581457/00107) 03/01/2019 gs: Cynefin Wallgo (00251-037W) gd: Cynefin (00251-140W) gs: Selside Cast Iron (00286-5024C) gd: Clarewood Chanel (00890-012C)
LOT 162 HAYBERRIES GOLDBAR 00843-5136G (UK0107700/05136) TWIN 18/01/2019 Sire: gs: (IM100098-223965) (IM100138-324544) gd: (IM100032-646900) Dam: Beech Hay Dbl Diamond gs: Beech Hay Barrister (00256-285B) (00256-482D) gd: WOODSTON (00057-125N)
Beech Hay Dbl Diamond (dam) won Reserve Champion RWAS 2016, and was purchased as a ewe lamb for 2700gns.
LOT 163 HAYBERRIES GREENDREAM TWIN Sire: Greenhill Blakeney (00131-264B) Dam: Hayberries Elitebeaut (00843-3354E)
00843-5165G (UK0107700/05165) 01/01/2019 gs: Beech Hay Black Pepper (00256-93P) gd: Greenhill Wallace (00131-076W) gs: Beech Hay Chancellor (00256-449C) gd: Broomfield Beauty (00411-006B)
Hayberries Elitebeaut (dam) won Reserve Champion GYS 2018. Greenhill Blakeway (sire) won Reserve Male Champion GYS 2014. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOHN THEXTON
LOT 164 EDEN HAZEL GILLY TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Wilmott (00913-006W)
00913-346G (UK0115032/00346) 01/05/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: Cynefin (00251-097S)
LOT 165 EDEN HAZEL GILLIAN TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Wilmott (00913-006W)
00913-347G (UK0115032/00347) 01/05/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: Cynefin (00251-097S)
LOT 166 EDEN HAZEL GERTY SINGLE Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Belinda (00913-051B)
00913-348G (UK0115032/00348) 19/04/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: GARRIS (00098-124P)
LOT 167 EDEN HAZEL GERTRUDE SINGLE Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Whisper (00913-002W)
00913-349G (UK0115032/00349) 23/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Cynefin Taliesin (00251-144T) gd: TWEEDSMUIR (00323-4051R)
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27 LOT 168 EDEN HAZEL GERALDINE SINGLE Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Angelina (00913-015A)
00913-350G (UK0115032/00350) 25/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: Brookdene (00305-00312S)
LOT 169 EDEN HAZEL GORGEOUS TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Darling Milly (00913-167D)
00913-351G (UK0115032/00351) 19/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Whinnow Cuthbert (00600-178C) gd: Eden Hazel Beatrix (00913-065B)
LOT 170 EDEN HAZEL GRANIA TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Diddy (00913-166D)
00913-352G (UK0115032/00352) 15/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Whinnow Cuthbert (00600-178C) gd: Eden Hazel Bethany (00913-070B)
LOT 171 EDEN HAZEL GLAMOROUS TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Bell (00913-054B)
00913-353G (UK0115032/00353) 19/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: Brookdene (00305-00312S)
LOT 172 EDEN HAZEL GLAMOURGIRL TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Bell (00913-054B)
00913-354G (UK0115032/00354) 19/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: Brookdene (00305-00312S)
LOT 173 EDEN HAZEL GLAMAZON TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Colleen (00913-078C)
00913-355G (UK0115032/00355) 18/04/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: GARRIS (00098-124P)
LOT 174 EDEN HAZEL GINNY TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Destiny (00913-147D)
00913-356G (UK0115032/00356) 23/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Whinnow Cuthbert (00600-178C) gd: Eden Hazel Ballerina (00913-076B)
28 LOT 175 EDEN HAZEL GLINDA TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Bernice (00913-062B)
00913-363G (UK0115032/00363) 16/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: DYFI (00085-035M)
LOT 176 EDEN HAZEL GLIMMER TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Bernice (00913-062B)
00913-364G (UK0115032/00364) 16/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Lair Gill Tyro (00276-110T) gd: DYFI (00085-035M)
LOT 177 EDEN HAZEL GLITZ TWIN Sire: Broomhillbank Erasmus (00338-12005E) Dam: Eden Hazel Cassandra (00913-080C)
00913-365G (UK0115032/00365) 20/03/2019 gs: Killymallaght Blueprint (00260-026B) gd: PEN LLYN (00455-093W) gs: Eden Hazel Warrior (00913-012W) gd: Eden Hazel Winnie (00913-005W)
LOT 178 EDEN HAZEL GLOW 00913-358G (UK0115032/00358) SINGLE 10/03/2019 Sire: Smiddy Hill Flash gs: Broomhillbank Ezra (00338-11993E) (00711-268F) gd: Smiddy Hill Dallas (00711-196D) Dam: Eden Hazel Ella gs: Eden Hazel Warrior (00913-012W) (00913-216E) gd: Eden Hazel Wendy (00913-003W) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J M WILSON
LOT 179 HELMBECK GOLDIE TWIN Sire: Stainmore Ferdinand (00864-333F) Dam: Helmbeck Emma (01049-046E)
01049-119G (UK111142/00119) 20/02/2019 gs: Wallacetown Ego (00430-221E) gd: Stainmore Betty Boop (00864-375B) gs: Hayberries Darkside (00843-2789D) gd: Helmbeck Bella (01049-001B)
LOT 180 HELMBECK GEORDIE GIRL TRI-PLET Sire: Hayberries Darkside (00843-2789D) Dam: Helmbeck Daffodil (01049-028D)
01049-126G (UK111142/00126) 21/02/2019 gs: Beech Hay Tornado (00256-051T) gd: Hayberries Blackrose (00843-0018B) gs: Scottfair Border Scottie (00318-533B) gd: Helmbeck Becky (01049-002B)
29 LOT 181 HELMBECK GOLDEN LILLY TWIN Sire: Hayberries Darkside (00843-2789D) Dam: Helmbeck Darcey (01049-022D)
01049-137G (UK111142/00137) 23/02/2019 gs: Beech Hay Tornado (00256-051T) gd: Hayberries Blackrose (00843-0018B) gs: Scottfair Bollinger (00318-531B) gd: Blacklee Seana (00215-0023S)
Reference to Service Sire: Hayberries Darkside (00843-2789D) has been shown successfully, winning 1st prize Appleby Show 2016, 2017, 2019. 2nd prize Brough 2016, 2018 & 2019, 1st prize Brough 2017.
Stainmore Ferdinand (00864-333F) won 1st prize Appleby Show 2019. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MR STUART CRAIG
LOT 182 CRAIGIES GERRY TWIN Sire: Wallacetown Tristan (00430-033T) Dam: Craigies Dancer (01400-008D)
01400-101G (UK562600/01401) 16/02/2019 gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) gd: WALLACETOWN (00430-061R) gs: Eildon Hill Am yer Man (00326-001A) gd: Eildon Hill Aye Up Lass (00326-0050A)
LOT 183 CRAIGIES GIGI SINGLE Sire: Craigies Dictator (01400-005D) Dam: Craigies Duchess (01400-045D)
01400-054G (UK562600/01354) 22/01/2019 gs: Eildon Hill Am yer Man (00326-001A) gd: Eildon Hill Anna (00326-045A) gs: Whinnow Bright Spark (00600-134B) gd: Eildon Hill Becca (00326-035B)
LOT 184 CRAIGIES GLAYVA 01400-074G (UK562600/01374) SINGLE 01/02/2019 Sire: Wallacetown Tristan gs: Beech Hay Black Rhino (00256-164R) (00430-033T) gd: WALLACETOWN (00430-061R) Dam: Eildon Hill Harisma gs: Whinnow Bright Spark (00600-134B) (00326-031C) gd: East Middle (00133-155W) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J & J MCLEAN (WHITLAW) LOT 185 WHITLAW GEORGIE 01307-036G (UK0565528/00036) SINGLE 09/04/2019 Sire: Whitlaw Diplomat gs: Didcot Character (00891-001C) (01307-002D) gd: East Middle Bow Quest (00133-226B) Dam: East Middle gs: East Middle Big Bucks (00133-234B) (00133-338D) gd: East Middle (00133-060T) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F & L BROWN LOT 186 STAINMORE GUCCI SINGLE Sire: Wallacetown Ego (00430-221E) Dam: Stainmore Annabel (00864-297A)
00864-475G (UK0118052/00475) 08/01/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-799317) gs: Llepan Sebastian (00138-035S) gd: Tombob (00540-2374R)
Won 1st prize ewe lamb and Reserve Breed Champion Skelton Show 2019. 2nd prize ewe lamb Penrith Show 2019. Half sister to 1100gn Stainmore Django Carlisle 2016.
30 LOT 187 STAINMORE GOLDEN GIRL TRIPLET Sire: Wallacetown Ego (00430-221E) Dam: Stainmore Elite (00864-011E)
00864-474G (UK0118052/00474) 07/01/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-799317) gs: Stainmore Bertie (00864-380B) gd: Whinnow (00600-152B)
LOT 188 STAINMORE G&T TWIN Sire: Wallacetown Ego (00430-221E) Dam: Stainmore Elderflower (00864-006E)
00864-486G (UK0118052/00486) 10/02/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-799317) gs: Stainmore Bertie (00864-380B) gd: Wallacetown Wag (00430-055W)
LOT 189 STAINMORE GYPSY TRIPLET Sire: Wallacetown Ego (00430-221E) Dam: Stainmore Damsel (00864-524D)
00864-481G (UK0118052/00481) 26/01/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-799317) gs: Wallacetown Carbon (00430-133C) gd: Stainmore (00864-202T)
LOT 190 STAINMORE GABRIELLE TRI-PLET Sire: Wallacetown Ego (00430-221E) Dam: Stainmore (00864-202T)
00864-479G (UK0118052/00479) 24/01/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-799317) gs: Intack (00560-001R) gd: Tombob (00540-2375R)
Reference to Sire: Wallacetown Ego (00730-221E) Bred sons to 1800gns Carlisle 2019. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MRS GILLIAN MCINTOSH
LOT 191 ARDANBEAG GLITTERBALL TWIN Sire: Ardanbeag Ever Ready (00253-397E) Dam: Mischief Crystal (00977-046C)
00253-458G (UK0585002/00458) 17/02/2019 gs: Corrybrae Discovery (00919-013D) gd: BRACE Willow 1 (00329-111W) gs: Beech Hay Bestseller (00256-283B) gd: Harle Annie (00284-1523A)
LOT 192 ARDANBEAG GAIETY TRIPLET Sire: Ardanbeag Ever Ready (00253-397E) Dam: LYNE Wood Lily (00224-0054W)
00253-459G (UK0585002/00459) 22/02/2019 gs: Corrybrae Discovery (00919-013D) gd: BRACE Willow 1 (00329-111W) gs: East Middle Sir Ivor (00133-025S) gd: Lyne Stonkin (00224-006S)
LOT 193 ARDANBEAG GRAPEFRUIT TWIN Sire: Ardanbeag Bit Tricky (00253-153B) Dam: Ardanbeag Apear (00253-0255A)
00253-456G (UK0585002/00456) 23/02/2019 gs: Broomfield Trickster (00411-014T) gd: LYNE Wood Lily (00224-0054W) gs: Broomfield Trickster (00411-014T) gd: Ardanbeag Tea Rose (00253-055T)
31 LOT 194 ARDANBEAG GINGERBEER TWIN Sire: Ardanbeag Bit Tricky (00253-153B) Dam: Merkland House (00511-026B)
00253-451G (UK0585002/00451) 20/02/2019 gs: Broomfield Trickster (00411-014T) gd: LYNE Wood Lily (00224-0054W) gs: Smiddy Hill Andy (00711-116A) gd: Merkland House (00511-016S)
LOT 195 ARDANBEAG GOODGOLLY 00253-452G (UK0585002/00452) TWIN 12/02/2019 Sire: Ardanbeag Bit Tricky gs: Broomfield Trickster (00411-014T) (00253-153B) gd: LYNE Wood Lily (00224-0054W) Dam: Ardanbeag Delightful gs: Pistyll Boomer (00054-874B) (00253-344D) gd: Ardanbeag Barley (00253-166B) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RJ & F STEWART LOT 196 BRIDGELANDS GUSSIE TWIN Sire: Craigies Flippin’ Eck (01400-075F) Dam: Bridgelands Diamond (00165-190D)
00165-250G (UK0562158/00429) 19/02/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: Eildon Hill Beat The Clock (00326-051B) gs: Hedgefield Watch That Boy (00518-174W) gd: Bridgelands Wren (00165-108W)
LOT 197 BRIDGELANDS GEMINI 00165-265G (UK0562158/00444) TWIN 22/02/2019 Sire: Craigies Flippin’ Eck gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) (01400-075F) gd: Eildon Hill Beat The Clock (00326-051B) Dam: Bridgelands Willow gs: SOMERWOOD (00030-01941P) (00165-109W) gd: HEATON (00060-179L) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A J BATEMAN LOT 198 HOLMEPRIDE GALAXIE TWIN Sire: Holmlea Dinado (00300-363D) Dam: Liverton Desire (01081-045D)
01450-036G (UK111472/02556) 15/01/2019 gs: Holmlea Cheeco (00300-267C) gd: Holmlea Teresa (00300-083T) gs: Aquila Bailey’s (00472-043B) gd: Cynefin (00251-171B)
Won 3rd prize ewe lamb Ripley Show 2019, and 2nd prize ewe lamb Cartmel Show 2019.
OPEN TO ALL Industrial Supplies
Workwear & PPE
LOT 199 LOCHWOOD GILLIAN TWIN Sire: The Fort Fernando (00223-014F) Dam: Lochwood Carly (00644-181C)
00644-301G (UK0585359/00301) 20/01/2019 gs: Broomfield Black Magic (00411-008B) gd: The Fort Cissie (00223-029C) gs: Smiddy Hill Walter (00711-090W) gd: BRACE (00329-680N)
LOT 200 LOCHWOOD GINA TWIN Sire: The Fort Fernando (00223-014F) Dam: Lochwood Carly (00644-181C)
00644-302G (UK0585359/00302) 20/01/2019 gs: Broomfield Black Magic (00411-008B) gd: The Fort Cissie (00223-029C) gs: Smiddy Hill Walter (00711-090W) gd: BRACE (00329-680N)
LOT 201 LOCHWOOD GRACE TWIN Sire: The Fort Fernando (00223-014F) Dam: Lochwood Capri (00644-180C)
00644-303G (UK0585359/00303) 30/01/2019 gs: Broomfield Black Magic (00411-008B) gd: The Fort Cissie (00223-029C) gs: Lochwood Billy (00644-151B) gd: Ardionra (00750-0328A)
LOT 202 LOCHWOOD GWEN TWIN Sire: The Fort Fernando (00223-014F) Dam: Lochwood Annette (00644-112A)
00644-304G (UK0585359/00304) 30/01/2019 gs: Broomfield Black Magic (00411-008B) gd: The Fort Cissie (00223-029C) gs: BRACE Wilkinson (00329-107W) gd: BRACE (00329-680N)
LOT 203 LOCHWOOD GLORA 00644-305G (UK0585359/00305) SINGLE 03/02/2019 Sire: The Fort Fernando gs: Broomfield Black Magic (00411-008B) (00223-014F) gd: The Fort Cissie (00223-029C) Dam: Lochwood Anneka gs: BRACE Wilkinson (00329-107W) (00644-111A) gd: BRACE (00329-680N) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T & G BLAMIRE
LOT 204 WHINNOW GLIMMER TRIPLET Sire: Whinnow Dark Secret (00600-249D) Dam: Whinnow Cracker (00600-200C)
00600-412G (UK0100756/00412) 13/01/2019 gs: Wallridge Moor Rob (00466-012R) gd: Skyhigh (00216-082T) gs: Skyhigh Tiptop (00216-065T) gd: East Middle (00133-057T)
LOT 205 WHINNOW GLEE TWIN Sire: Wallacetown Flint (00430-281F) Dam: Whinnow Catch Yr Eye (00600-194C)
00600-425G (UK0100756/00425) 13/01/2019 gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-099293) gs: Whinnow Tango (00600-033T) gd: Skyhigh (00216-069T)
34 LOT 206 WHINNOW GIGGLE TWIN Sire: Whinnow Dark Secret (00600-249D) Dam: Whinnow (00600-046W)
00600-423G (UK0100756/00423) 16/01/2019 gs: Wallridge Moor Rob (00466-012R) gd: Skyhigh (00216-082T) gs: Skyhigh Samurai (00216-006S) gd: MELON (00231-002R)
LOT 207 WHINNOW GILL TWIN Sire: Whinnow Fanta (00600-362F) Dam: Whinnow (00600-0028T)
00600-429G (UK0100756/00429) 22/01/2019 gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) gd: Whinnow Cracker (00600-200C) gs: BERRINGTON (00090-349L) gd: Skyhigh (00216-472R)
LOT 208 WHINNOW TWIN Sire: Whinnow Fanta (00600-362F) Dam: Whinnow (00600-151B)
00600-427G (UK0100756/00427) 24/01/2019 gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) gd: Whinnow Cracker (00600-200C) gs: Wallridge Moor Rob (00466-012R) gd: Skyhigh (00216-009S)
LOT 209 WHINNOW TWIN Sire: Whinnow Dark Secret (00600-249D) Dam: Whinnow Belle (00600-154B)
00600-433G (UK0100756/00433) 24/01/2019 gs: Wallridge Moor Rob (00466-012R) gd: Skyhigh (00216-082T) gs: Wallridge Moor Rob (00466-012R) gd: Skyhigh (00216-063T)
LOT 210 WHINNOW 00600-431G (UK0100756/00431) TRIPLET 19/01/2019 Sire: Wallacetown Flint gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) (00430-281F) gd: (IM100152-099293) Dam: Whinnow Edie Mccready gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) (00600-321E) gd: Whinnow (00600-159B) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THOMAS & CHARLOTTE CRITCHLEY
Lot 211 Is Eligible for Export to Northern Ireland. LOT 211 CLAREWOOD GOLDEN GIRL TWIN Sire: Clarewood Don (00890-011D) Dam: Wallacetown Excel (00430-223E)
00890-001G (UK0181477/03162) 07/01/2019 gs: Cynefin Arwel (00251-0141A) gd: Marton (00140-121B) gs: Wallacetown Cairn (00430-147C) gd: (IM100152-299305)
LOT 212 HARLE GI GI TRIPLET Sire: Cynefin Eilir (00251-3174E) Dam: Harle Davina Devine (00284-02961D)
00284-4150G (UK0106304/04150) 12/02/2019 gs: Cynefin Ben (00251-007B) gd: Cynefin (00251-0056A) gs: Culriach Cromwell (00582-144C) gd: Harle Wonder (00284-00918W)
LOT 213 HARLE GAIL TWIN Sire: Scottfair Dundee (00318-954D) Dam: Harle Crimson (00284-2524C)
00284-4135G (UK0106304/04135) 16/02/2019 gs: Scottfair Blue Dutch Diamond (00318-521B gd: Scottfair Winna Miracle (00318-0458W) gs: REDGATE Wyn (00252-198W) gd: Harle Satin (00284-008S)
LOT 214 HARLE GRACIE TWIN Sire: Cynefin Eilir (00251-3174E) Dam: Harle Elegant Ellie (00284-3293E)
00284-4137G (UK0106304/04137) 17/02/2019 gs: Cynefin Ben (00251-007B) gd: Cynefin (00251-0056A) gs: Postmark Chance (00655-071C) gd: Mischief Betty Boo (00977-018B)
LOT 215 HARLE GEM TRIPLET Sire: Scottfair Dundee (00318-954D) Dam: Harle Camilla (00284-2538C)
00284-4142G (UK0106304/04142) 26/02/2019 gs: Scottfair Blue Dutch Diamond (00318-521B gd: Scottfair Winna Miracle (00318-0458W) gs: Harle Aseop (00284-1545A) gd: Harle Anita (00284-1530A)
LOT 216 HARLE GLENAMORA TWIN Sire: Scottfair Dundee (00318-954D) Dam: Harle Claudete (00284-2540C)
00284-4143G (UK0106304/04143) 03/03/2019 gs: Scottfair Blue Dutch Diamond (00318-521B gd: Scottfair Winna Miracle (00318-0458W) gs: Broomhillbank Brian (00338-047B) gd: Skyhigh Aurora Ami (00216-00144A)
LOT 217 HARLE GARNET TWIN Sire: Cynefin Eilir (00251-3174E) Dam: Harle Emerald (00284-3295E)
00284-4147G (UK0106304/04147) 13/03/2019 gs: Cynefin Ben (00251-007B) gd: Cynefin (00251-0056A) gs: Postmark Chance (00655-071C) gd: Harle Annie (00284-1523A)
LOT 218 HARLE GYSELLE TWIN Sire: Cynefin Eilir (00251-3174E) Dam: Harle Emerald (00284-3295E)
00284-4146G (UK0106304/04146) 13/03/2019 gs: Cynefin Ben (00251-007B) gd: Cynefin (00251-0056A) gs: Postmark Chance (00655-071C) gd: Harle Annie (00284-1523A)
36 C & H DUFFY
LOT 219 SMIDDY HILL GISELLE TRI-PLET Sire: Smiddy Hill Fergus (00711-254F) Dam: Smiddy Hill Darcy (00711-207D)
00711-300G (UK0586259/00300) 07/02/2019 gs: Aquila After Shock (00472-0030A) gd: Wallacetown Darcey (00430-166D) gs: Torranyard Arran (00484-0051A) gd: Smiddy Hill Brenda (00711-136B)
LOT 220 SMIDDY HILL GYPSY TRIPLET Sire: Broomhillbank Ezra (00338-11993E) Dam: Wallacetown Darcey (00430-166D)
00711-292G (UK0586259/00292) 07/02/2019 gs: Broomhillbank Bob (00338-9021B) gd: Broomhillbank Baby Whinnie (00338-046B) gs: Eildon Hill Balotelli (00326-052B) gd: Wallacetown Wamuira (00430-046W)
LOT 221 SMIDDY HILL GRACE TWIN Sire: Smiddy Hill Fergus (00711-254F) Dam: Smiddy Hill (00711-095W)
00711-276G (UK0586259/00276) 05/02/2019 gs: Aquila After Shock (00472-0030A) gd: Wallacetown Darcey (00430-166D) gs: Saltur St Aidan (00273-035S) gd: SALTUR (00273-114R)
LOT 222 SMIDDY HILL GEMINI 00711-293G (UK0586259/00293) TWIN 20/01/2019 Sire: Broomhillbank Ezra gs: Broomhillbank Bob (00338-9021B) (00338-11993E) gd: Broomhillbank Baby Whinnie (00338-046B) Dam: Smiddy Hill Debs gs: Aquila After Shock (00472-0030A) (00711-205D) gd: Smiddy Hill (00711-071T) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TW & SP DONNELLY
LOT 223 SALTUR GEM TWIN Sire: Saltur Cassidy (00273-237C) Dam: Saltur Destiny (00273-284D)
00273-455G (UK0585220/00455) 04/02/2019 gs: Saltur Woodlark (00273-144W) gd: Saltur (00273-063T) gs: Whinnow Basil (00600-165B) gd: Saltur Betsy (00273-191B)
LOT 224 SALTUR GAEL TWIN Sire: Saltur Cassidy (00273-237C) Dam: Saltur Birdie (00273-216B)
00273-461G (UK0585220/00461) 26/06/2019 gs: Saltur Woodlark (00273-144W) gd: Saltur (00273-063T) gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) gd: SALTUR (00273-008S)
LOT 225 SALTUR GABBY SINGLE Sire: Saltur Cassidy (00273-237C) Dam: Whinnow (00600-150B)
00273-463G (UK0585220/00463) 06/02/2019 gs: Saltur Woodlark (00273-144W) gd: Saltur (00273-063T) gs: Whinnow Tango (00600-033T) gd: Skyhigh (00216-007S)
37 LOT 226 SALTUR GIFT TWIN Sire: Saltur Cassidy (00273-237C) Dam: Saltur Dawn (00273-306D)
00273-464G (UK0585220/00464) 17/02/2019 gs: Saltur Woodlark (00273-144W) gd: Saltur (00273-063T) gs: Whinnow Basil (00600-165B) gd: Saltur Black Bet (00273-210B)
LOT 227 SALTUR GRACE TWIN Sire: Saltur Cassidy (00273-237C) Dam: Saltur Dawn (00273-306D)
00273-465G (UK0585220/00465) 17/02/2019 gs: Saltur Woodlark (00273-144W) gd: Saltur (00273-063T) gs: Whinnow Basil (00600-165B) gd: Saltur Black Bet (00273-210B)
LOT 228 SALTUR GINA 00273-468G (UK0585220/00468) TRIPLET 27/02/2019 Sire: Saltur Frankie gs: Saltur Cassidy (00273-237C) (00273-405F) gd: Saltur Betsy (00273-191B) Dam: Saltur Connie gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) (00273-248C) gd: Saltur (00273-125W) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOYCE & NEIL MILLAR LOT 229 JOYFIELD G&T TRIPLET Sire: Joyfield Flashy (00177-004F) Dam: Joyfield Bombay Sapphire (00177-006B)
00177-006G (UK0581801/00373) 02/01/2019 gs: Joyfield Emperor (00177-014E) gd: Bessiebell Dove (00939-343D) gs: Millburn Sam (00420-025S) gd: Wetheral (00240-128W)
Full sister retained in the flock. Gdam is full sister to Bessiebell Emz who won 2nd prize ewe RHS 2019.
LOT 230 JOYFIELD GRACE SINGLE Sire: Janetstown Fusion (00817-5943F) Dam: Joyfield Elegant Gal (00177-008E)
00177-010G (UK0581801/00377) 03/01/2019 gs: Aquila Duplicate (00472-133D) gd: Janetstown Doodlebug (00817-4404D) gs: Joyfield Christian Grey (00177-012C) gd: Top Notch Atomic Kitten (00282-291A)
Gsire is full brother to Joyfield Bonnie.
LOT 231 WALLACETOWN GUINEA TWIN Sire: Wallacetown Dutch Dav (00430-187D) Dam: Whinnow Catch Up (00600-206C)
00430-341G (UK0581510/00341) 16/01/2019 gs: (IM100021-050019) gd: The Fort (00223-021B) gs: Wallridge Moor Rob (00466-012R) gd: Skyhigh (00216-310N)
LOT 232 WALLACETOWN GILDED SINGLE Sire: Wallacetown Foden (00430-295F) Dam: Whinnow Ebony (00600-333E)
00430-352G (UK0581510/00352) 05/03/2019 gs: Wallacetown Dutch Dav (00430-187D) gd: Pen-Y-Ghent View Bluebell (00362-088B) gs: Blacklee Black Diamond (00215-160R) gd: Whinnow Catch Up (00600-206C)
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SHOW CLASSES Judge: Mr Brian Gibson - Conic Flock - Alexandra, Dunbartonshire CLASS 1 - Senior Ewe CLASS 2 - Shearling Ewe CLASS 3 - Ewe Lamb CLASS 4 - Ewe Lamb Supreme & Reserve Supreme Champion - Rosette
Supreme Champion .................................................................. Reserve Supreme Champion ................................................ If there are a small number of sheep in any one class it may be amalgamated with another class
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05/04/2018 16:50