The Black Sun № 3 (English Version)

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#3 / 08.04.2015


April 2015



Army Ukrainian scientists from Kyiv invented a new hemostyptic drug «Krovospas» for military men. It is four times more effective and twice cheaper than the best American counterpart. *** Ukrainian Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and SE «PA Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant named after A. M. Makarov» refused maintenance of Moscow missile system R-36M (SS-18 Satan). These missiles are the basis of Moscow’s nuclear forces. The decision made by Ukrainian specialists may mean the beginning of Kremlin nuclear strength to fall into ruin. *** This year Ukraine will allocate Hr 14 billion for the development of weapons for the army. Last year this number was Hr 3.9 billion. *** United States are going to provide Ukraine with Ukraine 30 military armored vehicles, 200 ordinary SUVs and UAVs in the course of next weeks. The total cost of the technical batch is $ 75 million. Economy The Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund approved the issuing Ukraine a loan of 17.5 billion US dollars. The money will come within 4 years. The loan is planned to be used to strengthen the Ukrainian economy. *** Sweden will allocate 175 million Euros to Ukraine to hold the reforms. The money will come during next seven years. Another 100 million Euros will be provided by Sweden in the form of interest-free loan. *** Ukraine plans to raise the moskal gas transport tariff to the European Union twice as much. This step may increase the price of gas in Europe and lead European countries to refuse of using it. Consequently it may destroy moskal economy. War 300 million UAH are provided for the implementation of the first stage of work on the construction of defense buildings on the border between Ukrainian-Moskal borders during the current year. The first tranche of 30 million is expected in March. *** Ukraine has approved a plan to build fortifications in the Donbas. They will be built on the current line of clash with moskal bandits. *** Military officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine units that had taken part in

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LIFE AT THE BATTLEFIELD From the beginning of June, 2014, there was yet an idea circulating among the considerable amount of residents of Mariupol, which can be conveyed by a spacy phrase: Putin will come and put things right. Although it had nothing in common with the reality, and was a result of impact made by Kremlin propaganda and hostile mass media, a lot of people welcomed it. But then the wild hordes of Moscow Khaganate broke into the territory of Eastern Ukraine. At once it became obvious for everyone, even for television-affected adorers of Putin and Stalin, what kind of «rightness» of things came from Russia. This rightness means: • complete lawlessness; • flourishing of banditism, robbery of businesses; • offense of hardworking and lawful people; • destruction of Ukraine and everything attributed to it; • replacement of the Russian language and culture with a Russian-obscene «world». Suddenly the idea that «Putin will come and put things right» has evaporated from minds of the majority of people from Eastern Ukraine. Because Dontesk and

Luhansk regions were divided into two parts: the first one was subjected to legitimate Kyiv government, while the second fell under the authority of Moscowian orders. The criminal elements raised poisonously powerless during the ruling of Yanukovich and his clan welcomed those orders. The region, which so to call «fed the whole Ukraine», now is not able not only to feed itself, but even to ensure heating and products supply. This obvious fact can not be disproved by any TV zombification. «Azovians» helped firstly to liberate Mariupol and then to with-


CHAOS hold the invasion of Russian bands. During eight months the port city was living peacefully and continues to work under the protection of Azov regiment and other parts of MFU1 and MIA2. Obviously, the big industrial center which permanently produces various goods and services, creates no danger for people walking on its streets, is a like a sore thumb for the ministers-crime bosses of the so called «DNR» and «LNR» who were appointed by Putin, as they have demonstrated their inability either to tune up the production or organize the every-day

life of ordinary people in cities and villages.That is why Moscow which has not created any good on the invaded territory began horrifying Ukrainians by: • demonstration of killed soldiers of the MFU and voluntary battalions in its mass media; • humiliating treatment of imprisoned Ukrainian soldiers; • artillery, mortar and missile attacks on peaceful cities and villages. The accident of a special notoriety was the bombarding of Mariupol with MRSL «Grad» on 24 Jan1 Ukrainian Military forces 2 Ministry of Internal Affairs

uary, 2015. From the military point of view it was absolutely irrational act made against peaceful people to spread panic and fear for the future. However Kremlin creators of national tragedies and mass deaths miscounted. Mariupol residents did not leave the city, and industrial plants did not stop their work. Petro Volodymyrovych N., 36 years old, the manager in the «Privatbank»: – It blows my mind how can they kill people who made no harm for Russia and Moscow in particular at all! The whole Ukraine as a state lives in peace, and does not disturbs others. What to disturb us for? I can’t understand it. – Why is it so? They broaden the «Russian world». – With the help of attacks? Murders? «Humanitarian» tanks and Grads? I will send to hell such «Russian world»! Then the man became anxious and fell silent. He went away. Seemed like the person took it as offense that the talker could refer him as the Russian-speaking man to the «Russian-obscene» Putin’s world. Oleksandr Ivanovych Sobko, 40 years old, ambulance driver: – I could never imagine that I will have to drive people injured by the Russian weapon in my native city! Suppose I will have to take weapon soon to defend Mariupol from Putinoids and bandukovichies. Otherwise they will make such troubles that we would not know what hit us. It is rather obvious, that there is enough support from the city itself to defend Ukrainian Mariupol from Moscowian invaders, if to arm the most active residents and teach them military art. And Azov regiment is ready to help the local authority in this great cause! Volodymyr Mykhaylenko, «Azov» soldier





the defense of Debaltsevo appealed to the President Poroshenko. They made a request for immediate replacing of the management of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine because of inefficient regulations during the events in Debaltsevo. Press service of the Ukrainian General Staff called the letter «provocation.» *** The troops began paying out the remuneration for the destroyment of enemy technique. The fighters of Ukrainian 128th brigade gained the first award of UAH 85,2 thousand for the destruction of two moskal armored cars. *** SCE Permanent Council has extended the mandate of the special monitoring mission in Ukraine for another 12 months. The number of OSCE observers will be increased to 1000 persons. *** Almost 20 thousand of Ukrainian soldiers have received the status of combatants since the beginning of the socalled anti-terrorist operation. *** OSCE Permanent Council extended the mandate of the special monitoring mission in Ukraine for another 12 months. Number of OSCE observers in this period will be increased to 1000 people. *** According to official data, since the beginning of the war in Donbass, 1543 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 6236 Ukrainian militants were wounded. Reforms In the course of the implementation of the Law of Ukraine «On cleaning government» more than 400 high-ranking officials have been dismissed since October 2014. Another 24,000 officers are being inspected for implication in crimes. Another 24 thousand officials are still checked for crimination made by Yanukovych s gang crimes. Economy In Ukraine 19 natural gas fields have been returned to the state property since the beginning of the year. Under Yanukovych s rule they were looted by the members of the dictator s family. *** The Supreme Court of Ukraine seized from Muscovya controlling block of shares of the Zaporozhye aluminium smelter. According to unofficial information, ZAS was owned by Moscow-based RusAl, which is controlled by billionaire Oleg Deripaska. *** In Kiev the new selling prices for bread began to operate since March the12th,. Retail prices for most types of bakery products increased by 25-30 percent. *** The Kyiv region Court of Appeal returned to state ownership 8.8 hectares of forest near Suholuche. These lands near the Kiev reservoir which worth more than 5200000 hryvnas were once captured by Yanukovych. There is still his residence «Acacia» Occupation Three participants of the meeting dedicated to Taras Shevchenko s birthday received 40 hours community sentence in Simferopol. The occupation court convicted citizens of their holding the State Flag of Ukraine in their hands.

«AZOV» regiment publication / April 2015

Perhaps for many people, even for Ukrainian patriots because of routine cares there is not much time for searching of information and for understanding of what is really happening in the East of Ukraine — Donetsk, Lugansk and Ukrainian lands nearby. Even Ukrainian soldiers, who are fighting there for freedom and peace of Ukrainians from Uzhgorod to Lugansk, not always clearly imagine what is happening in those so-called «republics». To be true, those «republics» just do not exist. The phenomena called «Novorossia», «DNR» and «LNR» have no signs of state as well as they can’t be regarded as an examples of what we call separatism. . Separatism – is a sign of political and cultural identity, full value and originality. They have neither identity, nor self-dependence. Social benefits, water supply, electricity, and heating are provided there from Ukraine, with which they fiercely fighting. Weapons, ammunition, fuel, instructors and mercenaries for the war are regularly provided by Moscow. They don’t have own culture or language, even unity among themselves is not an often fact. What they call traditions is clearly demonstrated during their «weddings» – drunken perverted brawl. Their language is a horse on using Russian language while they are as drunk as a boiled owl. Their culture is a wild mix of criminal principles, primitive way of life and narcotic delirium of marginals. This is not community, when their armed gangs are destroying each other in an effort to rob the occupied territories. Their identity – it is only hatred to almost entire world, especially to Ukraine. These formations don’t have any own armies. Their «army» – is a flock of marauders, armed and forcibly mobilized vagabonds and criminals who are forced by Moscow special defensive squads to go under the bullets and whizzbangs exactly like it was during World War II when Ukrainians and the rest of «soviet people» were used as «cannon fodder». Even schoolboy clearly understands that a miner or homeless vagabond is not able to learn immediately how to control a multiple rocket launcher BM-21 «Grad» or heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 «Buratino». You can not buy tank or 122mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 «Carnation» or «Buk» missile system in the local shop. It’s heavy artillery and rocket weapons, which mortal effect is felt by soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, Police forces, Voluntary formations and most tragically is the suffering of peaceful innocent Ukrainians from Donbas. Such weapons are used by Moscow aggressors in every day attacking of positions of Ukrainian troops and localities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Such weapons were used on January, 13 when Volnovakha bus passengers were killed and on January, 24 when same thing happened with the citizens of Mariupol, including small children.This is the

FAKE COUNTRY work of professional and experienced specialists of heavy artillery. This fact is confirmed by numerous evidences in the media and social networks – Ukrainians were killed by ruthless animals – regular troops of Moscow federation, wild and thirsty of Ukrainian blood. Without any sense of conscience, without compassion. — Any welder can not just take and learn how to fire from multiple rocket launcher BM-30 «Smerch» (whirlwind). To do this, he needs longterm training. Well, it is clear that it’s done by professional military forces, but not some «homeguardsmen». Calculations, route guidance – it’s not so simple. But who will be there to see into! Someone said on TV about homeguardsmen, and audience believe. — Explained warrior of «Azov» regiment called Chapay. Murders of Ukrainians are commited by Russian troops with their «homeguardians» and then without any military honor or conscience they blame Ukrainians for that mortal sins. They destroy entire towns and neighborhoods, trying to put this blame on the Ukrainian army. This is the situation when the thief is shouting «Stop the thief!». They made videos, showing off mutilated corpses of Ukrainian tortured heroes who fought not for something alien and not for profit, but only for the safety of their homes and families and for peace of Donetsk and Lugansk compatriots. Obligatory condition of this peace is the absence of alien forces and criminals, who

moved to their side, in the East of Ukraine. Otherwise – the whole Ukraine will burn with flame of deaths and destruction caused by hatred of Russians aggressors to Ukrainian people, and to morality, which is higher than their primitive barbaric one – to seize, to plunder, to destroy. These people are spreading lies about so-called «punishers» who are killing their own countrymen for unknown reasons. They use Ukrainians killed by them and their destroyed houses as evidence of these absurdities. These people proclaim «people’s» desire to separate Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk region of Ukraine, proving that with the same evidence as

before – the deaths, caused with their hands and military from the Moscow, whose chevrons, IDs, artillery and tanks was observed on the territory of Ukraine in dozens or even hundreds of times. Of course, it is not the fact for them. They declare it as a lie of «bloody fascist junta» because they know the real state of things. They understand that their real task is to bring as much as possible of bloody chaos to Ukrainians and especially to the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk region, who want now only peace in their homes and on the streets and freedom from terrorist gangs and enemy attacks. There is a complete chaos In Donetsk. Gangs of terrorists, among them «Oplot», «People police», «East Battalion» and others, divide the territories which they control. These dregs whose weapons gave them illusion of omnipotence, put the cities of Donbass in the abyss of a humanitarian disaster. They rob and exploit entrepreneurs, market merchants and ordinary people. We are intercepting conversations of these groups for a long time, and we hear how simple people from Donetsk ask that groups to return their relatives back to home, whom they simply have «taken away». – This morning they took a man. We lost touch with him and can’t find it. His name is Oleg Vladimirovich. He was located by the address Hyrurgycheskaya str., 19. He’s an entrepreneur, I’m his wife. He was taken away by «Oplot» mercenary. They took him into custody without any explaination. Please, tell me will they release him? Whom should I contact? – complains a resident of Donetsk. These terrorist groups withdraw civil cars, money, doc- u -

ments and mobile phones on the road blocks. – I was going from Donetsk to Volnovakha. Near Yelenovka some chechen run out on the road, took away my pension certificate, documents: my passport, driver’s lisence. He sat in my car «Subaru Forester» and drove in the direction of the roadblock of DNR. I went to the checkpoint, and told military about that. Three people jumped inside the car with machine guns. They said, «Everything will be ok, ...continuation on page 3


«AZOV» regiment publication / April 2015 now we will catch him up. When they came back they said that they hadn’t caught him up. But I realized that it was a deceit. It’s same people and they work together. Later I saw them all together at the checkpoint, removing lisence plates of my car. And then they moved off» – tells Vasyl D. from Donetsk. As wittily said Mr. Vasyl, what is going on in Donetsk – is a deceit. Bloody deceit. They have organized a real show of fake republic for Donetsk people, which is full of fake things: fake independence, fake leadership, fake police, fake houseguardians-defenders. Unfortunately, Donetsk and Luhansk region citizens were torn off from the information environment of the Ukrainian nation. Some even think that every Ukrainian thing is

hostile to them. Numerous myths have captivated the minds of our countrymen. Being at the epicenter of the information war, which has been launched against us together with the military war, these people were forced to listen all the time to nonsense about «Kiev junta», «Ukrainian supporters of Hitler», «crucified Russian children», «independent Donbass», «historical New Russia», «crumbling Ukraine», «American mercenaries» «zombified Ukrainian army soldiers» and etc. Introducing ourselves as residents of Moscow, we have talked with the resident of Donetsk over the Internet, her views on current events impressed us. – What is happening in Donetsk now? – Two of our squadron were killed today.


– Who killed them? – We are fired by Ukrops. I think they are nazis. They are bombarding our city. – Why are they doing that? – They hate Russians. They forbid us to speak Russian language. They are just shooting down everyone who wants to speak Russian, they are raping our women and killin our children. – Is the same things happening in Donetsk? Seems, there are no ukrops. – They occupied Kramatorsk here and made every women and every child to pass through filtration camps. Same things as fascist had, those who had taken part in referendum are persecuted now.

many others, thinks of unbelievable nonsense as of true face value. Moreover, this sick imagination makes them take up arms and kill. People who have believed in this theater of the absurd, have a chance to become disappointed ones when they realize that «DNR» is a group of criminals hired by Moscow, whose main task is to wreak havoc to cover up that banal robberies and military occupation of Ukrainian land by of Moscovian Horde. But that chance is the only thing that we, the Ukrainian military forces, are going to take away from our brothers from Donetsk and Lugansk. Such a disgusting bunch of hired criminals, murderers and occupiers will be casted away from the holy land of Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk or will be simply destroyed. As you can see, this man, like Vyriy «Azov» soldier



On the 10-th of February an offensive operation began towards the east of Mariupol which was initiated by the regiment of «Azov». Our main goal was to lead away a part of enemy forces from Debaltseve to help our mates to control the situation. Second our goal was to draw away the frontline as far as possible in order to make impossible the attacks of the enemy on Mariupol. Bitter experience showed us, that a the foe’s artillery. Summarizing the Moscow-terrorist enemy is devoid of results of the offensive operation we the least signs of humaneness and capa- may state that more than 100 units ble of mass-killing in a very brutal and of manpower of the enemy were deatrocious way the peaceful civil inhabi- stroyed. Hospitals on the occupied territory are over-congested with the tants who are completely innocent. For many reasons the Ukrainian injured terrorists. About two hundred troops retained their positions and the persons — these are the losses the same time restricting themselves from enemy had suffered because of the offensive measures in Transazovia. multifarious wounds.One of the hosThe volunteers of the regiment «Azov» tile tanks was destroyed by the adjusted with their command could not permit fire of «Fagot» the friend of Morgan. He the threat of impending enemy as well also had destroyed an infantry combat as shelling fire of peaceful quarters. It vehicle and one more tank. was decided to begin an offensive. A truck with a live ammunition was The bloody battles had lasted for destroyed also. National household five days. Although the «armistice» troops of Ukraine were taking part was concluded the shelling fire of our in this operation together with tank positions did not cease. Seven of our companies and battalions as well. Affellow-combatants had lost their lives. ter several days of emaciating battles in Brat, Ernesto, Chavur, Chempion, the village of Shyrokyne and other setBench, Kozak, Sif, Ambros, Akella tlements near Mariupol the battalion and Kutuz. This is the irretrievable «Donbas» came to their help and combereavement. They will be avenged batants of the regiment of «Azov» had properly as justice demands it. an opportunity to respite and renew a More than fifty of our warriors battle standard. The battalion «Eastern were injured. Frequently some of Corps» was involved also and provide our wounded warriors after receiv- a rather considerable aid to «Azov». An enemy was transferring on the ing the first aid or even without it were returning to the battle-field front the last backlogs of its special and proceeding to fight. Thus, be- groups. Notwithstanding the fact that the sides 300 (wounded) we have ac- foe operated professionally, an offensive quired even the 900-th one who af- operation was fulfilled successfully due to ter the third injury never abandoned an accurate co-ordination of command of the regiment of «Azov». An active his desire to continue struggle. The physicians of the regiment offensive and fights for the settlements worked around-the-clock. For days such as Shyrokyne, Kominternove, Lebour medical brigades had worked elynske, Sahanka, Pavlopil took place without sleeping. They evacuated in- from 10-th to 15-th of February. jured soldiers by the cost of their lives under an artillery and mortar fire. Be— This was like one long day. sides the warriors of the regiment of For now, it is impossible to separate «Azov» they had rendered the first aid them, — sotnik Kirt (centurion) to the combatants of Armed Forces of (who spent all the term of operation Ukraine as well as to the civilians and around-the-clock on the batvolunteers from the battalions such as tle-front) the commander of Second «Donbas» and «Eastern Corps». sotnia (hundred) narrates. They also evacuated civilians out the neighbouring village of Shyrokyne On the February of 10-th «Azov» which literally was devastating by had fought back Shyrokyne and first

blockhouses very quickly. A good deal of time was spent to ward off an counter-attacks of infantry and backlogs of the local terrorists. On the February of 11-th we did consolidate our positions. The hostile artillery began to attack us literally with everything they were able to: with «Grads», with mine thrower, bombardment artillery et cetera. Many man-powers of the foe were destroyed by infantry attacks. Two hostile tank attacks were rebuffed also. In the middle of the night from 12th to 13th of January the adversary with all its strength tried to carry out a counter-attack on the southward of the front. It commit to a fight all tank backlogs and infantry by the support of heavy artillery behind. On 14-th the enemy carried out an attempt of the massed attack on Shyrokyne intending to cast us aside on previous positions. In the afternoon «Azov» had launched the counter-attack. In the

Despite the fact that regiment «Azov» is formed mainly of non-military professionals it already reaches the level of army professionalism. Notwithstanding the lack of military education of its staff, the level of battle ability of the regiment deserve to show a good example for any army troops by way of leading a successful assaults. After the armistice was proclaimed the shelling fire from the enemy’s side, as it was foreseen, did not cease. The intensity of artillery fire was decreased a little but diversionary groups still continued to inflict blows. We may deduce of this that it is impossible to stop the enemy only by means of negotiations and agreements. No agreements ever were taken seriously by Muscovite aggressors. They never even try to keep their word. Force is always decisive matter as well as the determination and striving for Victory.

night the terrorists and hirelings of the enemy were moped-up off some settlements. The tank-infantry attack of enemy was ward off the next day. Fire did not cease. The snipers of diversionary-reconnaissance groups of opponent were working. In spite of everything our positions were retained. The regiment sustained losses but the casualties of the enemy were even more.

—We’ve exhausted the adversary considerably enough, and if there’ll be the political will and the order from the top, we are ready to purge our dear Fatherland of all occupants and with the crucial battle march to extirpate the last remaining forces of the enemy, — sotnik Kirt adds.

«Azov» had sustained losses but the battle-worthiness of the regiment will recover quickly. Instead we got — The enemy was confused by chaos. It was frustrated and had no idea necessary experience which helps us to fight efficaciously in future. what to do. Besides stated casualties a great deal of the hostile man-power were We had shed the blood of the foe and sprinkling with it our freedom. reported missing and believed killed. About 200 or more were slaughtered that We are prepared to shed it still until Ukrainians and Ukrainian lands day. Shyrokyne was divided into two parts: the western part is ours, the eastern would be free of Muscovite occupants one is taken by the adversary. The enemy and their henchmen terrorists as well. is running out of ammunition, — comMark Melnyk rade Kirt explains. «Azov» soldier



«AZOV» regiment publication / April 2015


«AZOV» PATRIOTS DEFENDING UKRAINE I spent 18 years living and working in the USSR/Russian Federation. During that time I was often asked about the famous statement of then President Ronald Reagan referring to the Soviet Union as the “Evil Empire”. Russian people took this personally and I had to explain that President Reagan meant that the government was “Evil” - not the people. During my time in Russia I shared with many the hope that when the Soviet Union, the “Evil Empire” finally collapsed that at long last Russia could be incorporated into the freedom loving nations of the world. Unfortunately that window of hope for the Russian people has been short lived. Once again they are experiencing shortages of everything with limited purchasing power due to record inflation and devaluation of the Ruble. Soviet times have returned again when people were satisfied with only black bread, herring, salty pickles, vodka and toilet paper. My Russian father-in-law told me this repeatedly and added that if you did not have toilet paper that you could always use the newspapers Isvestia, (“The Way”) or Pravda, (“The Truth”) for relief. I grew up in the fear of nuclear war and the generation of “Duck and Cover” Americans. I understood that Communism was maintained only with deceitful propaganda and illusions of reality and hope. So I thought wiping your bottom with those propaganda filled newspapers was absolutely the best use of them. You could be grateful that to economize, the newspapers used very little ink so staining your delicate parts was not likely. Today the propaganda war waged by Russia continues to spread lies, falsehoods and untruths to the Russian population. Ex-KGB Director Vladimir Putin also distributes this infective propaganda to the rest of the world. He believes that if you are going to spread lies that you might as well make them whoppers and if you tell them long enough some people just might believe. Freedom of Press exists only in theory and most definitely not in practice in the iron fisted empire of Czar Putin. Even access to the internet in Russia is strictly monitored and controlled. The only information he wants his subjects to access is what he wants them to know. One lie only motivates a (larger) bigger one. A popular theme is to accuse the Ukrainian people, the entire nation of being Neo-Nazi Fascists. He claims that the duly elected new government is a Junta and a den of evil doers. The well oiled Russian Propaganda machine loved the formation of the Ukrainian Volunteer Azov Battalion claiming that its unit chevron resembled elite units of the Nazi SS. In actual fact the insignia of the Azov Volunteers is based on Ukrainian history that goes back to ancient times when an eclipse, a black sun meant time for a “New Idea” and Ukrainian Cossacks protected the Sea of Azov based in what is now Mariupol. The Azov Battalion once again defends the same territory as their Cossack ancestors against the illicit forces of Czar Putin who desperately wants to secure a land bridge to Crimea. Promises made during the annexation of Crimea at the point of a gun remain unfulfilled, just like Soviet times. It is interesting that KGB style Published in the combat zone. Printed in Mariupol

propaganda is based on denying any misdeeds and to accuse others of fabricated wrong doing. As Vladimir Putin entered his second term as President of the Russian Federation there was a rise of Russian Nationalism and skin headed Fascist gangs started to emerge. They based their hatred on any person that was not of Russian origin. Many of the gang members were unemployed and they felt that their jobs were being taken by people from the Caucasus from Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and even Ukraine. All ex-Soviet controlled countries bordering Russia. In fact they referred to these people as “Niger s” and Klu Klux Klan style beatings and murders started to occur. The members of these Neo-Nazi gangs were not prosecuted or even questioned. In fact many Russians agreed that there were too many “Niger s” in Russia and

were badly beaten because they were conducting a peaceful protest. Instead of hiding in their homes in fear, the Ukrainians rallied in numbers up to a million. (Instead of the Ukrainian people hiding in their homes afraid, they rallied in numbers of up to a million.) They stood up for an end to corruption with the hope of throwing off the invisible yet deadly yoke of Soviet Russian (Sovietski) infiltration that gripped their society. One of these is a very good friend who I met first as a trouble shooter for a local cable TV and Internet Provider. In order to get me operating he had to return several times. When I tried to give him a tip for his extra efforts he refused. He told me that I was welcome in Ukraine and that he would not take money from me. Came as quite a surprise to me, so instead of money I asked him if he would attend a BBQ picnic I was host-

that they should go back where they came from. “Russia for Russians” was popular sentiment and to think differently was not being a good Russian. Is that not the same evil undermining of conscience used by Hitler? I made my first life changing journey to Moscow in 1989. It was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union. In many ways the freedom loving Russian people have once again had to revert to Stalin Time survival practices. A time when people could only speak freely locked in their homes sitting in their small 3m x 3m kitchens with the door closed. I guess many years of Soviet training has left its mark and once again a good Russian, “Sees No Evil, Hears No Evil and definitely Speaks No Evil.” Such a way of living in fear of being taken to the KGB headquarters for questioning is deeply rooted in the memories of most Russians. It is said that the KGB headquarters in Moscow is the tallest building in the world because from its roof you can see Siberia. The reason is that for many people who did not agree with the party that from this building you can see Siberia which is eight times zones East of Moscow. To stay alive you must shut your mouth and do nothing. Another popular Russian phrase is “What can I do”, I am only one. In Ukraine there is different thinking. Ukrainians have endured Russian oppression and corruption for centuries. In November of 2013 when the Pro-Russian President Yanokovich did not proceed with increasing relations with the EU and the West they stood up. First it was just a group of students who

ing. He agreed and since we have become very close and trusting friends. To me this young man embodies the spirit of his Cossack ancestry. He welcomes all and envisions a better future. Anybody could become a Cossack. You only had to wish to become a member of the society and then swear to defend the freedom of all. The Cossack fame and legend grew over several hundred years and oppressed peoples from across the continent became part of the brotherhood of free men. Cossack actually means “free man”. A monument in Bilyayivka near Odessa bears witness to the “Spirit of the Cossacks” and the contribution they made guarding strategic water routes to keep Ukraine freely and independently. Today that spirit lives on embodied in the Volunteer Azov Battalion which like their Cossack ancestors are fiercely defending the freedom and security of all Ukrainians. My good buddy Ed was born in Poltava where the rich Cossack tradition of loyalty and brotherhood are part of the fiber of the region. Ed had stood at the barricades during Miadan and was present when Yanokovich gave the shoot to kill order. He has held dying men in his arms who peacefully only wanted change. When Russia made the illegal and immoral land grab of Crimea, quickly followed with mystery men stirring up trouble in Donetsk and Luhansk, it did not take Ed long to know what he must do. He volunteered to become a soldier and defend Ukraine. The Azov Battalion had just retaken the city of Mariupol personally led by their Commander Andriy Biletskyi who was decorated by President Poroshenko for

Translation by Maria Horay, Danyil Maiorov, Kate Tryma, Andrew Jettison Chief Editor Mark Melnyk Layout by Slava Paliy

this action that clearly demonstrated that Ukraine could achieve victory over superior forces in men and weapons. Ed wanted to fight with the best so he joined the Azov Battalion. Ed said, «I do not want to die and I am not sure that I can kill anybody else. If one day I have children and they ask me what I did during this time of crisis, I want to be able to tell them that I served my country and fought for freedom. I do not want my children to think that I was a coward and let somebody else fight for me and the freedom of Ukraine.» Towards the end of Ed s basic training he and his platoon had to report to Kiev for official indoctrination and swearing into the Battalion. With one hand raised and the other over their hearts the new band of Azov brothers recited in unison: “I have no fear, I have no doubts. I pray that my spirit and commitment will be strong. Freedom or Death.” I believe that they are the best of Ukraine and they are fighting for the generation of hope.” These young men are brave and courageous Patriots of Ukraine which according to Czar Putin propaganda makes them Fascist Nazis. The Azov Battalion and the rest of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are all that stands against preventing Putins vision of a “New Russia” which will be under his control and domination. It is hard to imagine why such a dream of death and destruction would so motivate Putin; or is he possessed by the same demons that guided and tormented Hitler and Stalin? The soldiers of Azov Battalion are risking all to defend their beloved Ukraine and the right of all Ukrainians to live free and independent. They have the courage to stop the advance of Czar Putin and his regime of Evil, or as President Ronald Reagan referred to as, “The Evil Empire”. Yes it is true that for as long as Czar Putin sits on his throne built on the blood of others the deep cold of hopelessness, domination and oppression continues to advance. He has taken Crimea taking advantage of the transition of a new government elected by the people. Now he has infiltrated Eastern Ukraine and all that stops him is the sheer courage and guts of Ukrainian Patriots who have stood up to stop the advance of his undeclared war. Patriots like my buddy Ed who along with his fellow volunteers in the Azov Battalion defend and protect the Sea of Azov and the strategic port city of Mariupol. There courageous resistance are all that stands against the forces of Czar Putin from securing a land bridge to Crimea which if were achieved would put the strategic Black Sea Port city of Odessa at risk. The only export product that Russia has is Gas. With the illegal annexation of Crimea Czar Putin now controls 2/3rd s of the Black Sea and the oil that is there. Romania for the moment controls the other third of this energy and currently produces 80% of its energy from offshore drilling. Ukraine was going to do the same before Putin removed that option. It is the intent of the valiant soldiers of the Azov Battalion to restore that option as they are the “Generation of Hope”. Joseph Maerzke, American freelance journalist in Kyiv


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