Nigerian observer 20 02 2014

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The Nigerian

PUBLISHED SINCE MAY 29, 1968 • Vol. 38 • NO.424 • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 20 14 • N 100. 0 0 HEALTH Page 18

Curbing menace of drug abuse

Ihonvbere urges Afenmai people to join APC

By CLIFFORD AGBAJOR BENIN CITY – Secretary to Edo State Government (SSG), Prof. Julius Ihonvbere has said that the potent platform to fast-track the much desired quality life in Afenmia land is to join forces with the

movement of change which the All Progressives Congress (APC) represents. He stated this when a body known as

Afenmai Solidarity Movement paid him a courtesy visit in Benin City, yesterday. While acknowledging the strength in unity towards a common

cause, Prof. Ihonvbere emphasized that quality and intelligent representation at all levels should be the watchword for the Continues on page 2

Competency Test


Page 31 2014 World Cup

NFA Poise For Success

Edo to hold fresh talks with teachers By ADAMS OYIBOKE

BENIN CITY - Edo State government has accepted the recommendations of Civil Society Organisations in the state for a tripartite meeting with the teachers’ unions and the Civil Society Groups, with a view to finding a solution to the issue of the competency test planned for the teachers by the government I am very happy that and accept your offer. you are willing to be Governor Adams Oshiomhole who told representatives of different civil society groups in the state who presented a report of their independent committee set up to look into the issue said “If you insist that after four meetings, you still think we have not sufficiently engaged the teachers, I am ready to work harder

present and am going to invite them for a meeting. I will never get tired.”

He said “I still believe that it cannot possibly be in Edo’s long term

Govt appeals to FG for ecological funds

Appointment of HOS

Esan Royal Fathers laud Oshiomhole BENIN CITY – Royal Fathers from Edo Central Senatorial District have declared that the appointment of one of their own, Mr. Jerry Obazele as Head of Service (HOS) in Edo State is a demonstration of how much Governor Oshiomhole appreciates the Esan people. The Royal Fathers who were led by the Onojie of Opoji, Ehidiamen I, to the Comrade Governor on Tuesday, told the

Governor that “your action has again shamed your critics who believed you do not love the Esan people. We are particularly happy because you have not lived short of the responsibility of the Adolor of Esan land. When you appreciate any good, it is an indication that you expect more good. Sir, we shall ever remain grateful to you”, he added. Continues on page 2

TIT BIT “A smile and a hug may lift people above the walls of hatred; but foreigners and forgetfulness are the actual tools that break down the walls of hatred”. - Kingsley Ogbeide-Ihama

interest to have the future of the children compromised.” The governor who used the opportunity to debunk claims that government was planning to sack about 3,000 civil servants said “there is no truth in what they are circulating that we have concluded plans to sack 3,000 civil servants. “It is true we have done Continues on page 2

VISIT: L-R: Hon. Rasaq Bello-Osagie, Hon. Ifedayo Abegunde, Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Emergency and Disaster and Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State during a visit of the House Committee to the Governor in Benin City yesterday.

BENIN CITY Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State has appealed to the Federal Government to release funds to the state to fight ecological problems. Oshiomhole made the appeal yesterday when the House of Representatives Committee on Emergency and Disaster paid him a visit at the Government House over the ravaging flood in Oredo Federal Constituency. According to Oshiomhole Continues on page 2

IPMAN allays fears of fuel scarcity... As queue returns to Benin, Auchi BENIN CITY - The Western Zone of Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) yesterday called on its members not to hoard Premium

Motor Spirit (PMS) popularly known as petrol, in anticipation of scarcity. The Chairman of the association in the zone, Mr Olumide Ogunmade, made the call in an interview with newsmen

in Lagos. Ogunmade described the current scarcity of petrol in the zone as “artificial”, adding that the association had set up a monitoring team to check cases of hoarding of the product by marketers.

He said that although some petroleum products pipelines were vandalised in the area and in other places around the country, it did not lead to scarcity of petrol as being witnessed in the zone.

According to him, it is true that some pipelines were vandalised but they have been repaired and pumping of products through the pipelines has long resumed. “We have set up team Continues on page 2


Esan Royal Fathers laud Oshiomhole demonstrated how much

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“We recall with nostalgia that in your first tenure as

the governor of the state, you sacrificed the position of Speaker of the House

of Assembly that was in your area for Esan people. This gesture of yours has again

Edo to hold fresh talks with teachers

Continued from page 1

verification in the health sector, civil service and others, which puts a lie to the claims by teachers that they are being targeted and are the only ones asked to do verification, and we discovered some civil servants who are using their children’s certificates or their brother’s certificate. However, we have not sacked anybody. If anything, we have directed the Civil Service Commission to employ new hands into the Civil Service. In any event, we don’t have a record of taking unilateral decisions on matters affecting the workers.” On teachers, Oshiomhole said: “we have not sacked any teacher, however we have stopped the pay of some teachers who had issues after the verification exercise. We

have not issued any sack letter or termination letter because we want to handle the issues in the education sector holistically and not piecemeal.” He maintained that the Government is favourably disposed to training and retraining of teachers, saying ‘but even for us to design the appropriate retraining programme for teachers, you must access their competence level to get the kind of training they require. You can’t prescribe without knowing the problem”, he said. The Governor said government is ready to review the case of teachers whose names were deleted from the payroll in the interest of peace. He said: “if every other person wants to joke with education, I will not joke with it. I owe the Edo people

quality, basic education, that is why we have abolished all charges in our primary and secondary schools. “I don’t want to stay here for eight years and by the next examinations, Edo pass rate would have dropped.” The governor who slated the tripartite meeting between government,the teachers’ unions and the civil society organizations for Wednesday, next week said a town hall meeting on education where all stakeholders, including the Benin Forum, Afenmai Forum, Esan Forum, teachers’ unions, civil society groups and other stakeholders are expected to be in attendance will hold on Tuesday, next week. It will be recalled that the Civil Society Organisations had, after a meeting with the governor, two weeks ago, set up an independent committee to meet with the teachers’ union with a view to finding a solution to the face-off between the union and Government.

IPMAN allays fears of fuel scarcity

Continued from page 1

to monitor filling stations and sanction any marketer found hoarding petroleum products. “It is not everything government should be blamed for; unpatriotic Nigerians should also be sanctioned for their illegalities. “We should not allow some people to destroy our national resources all in the name of selfish interest,” he said. Condemning vandalism on oil pipelines, Ogunmade said “it is a wrong attitude which all Nigerians have to change. I and members of my executive committee were at Ijegun Imore, in Satellite Town, where a pipeline was vandalised. “I was shocked at the manner the pipelines were vandalised.” He urged the Federal Government to effectively enforce regulations on vandalism of pipelines and other economic crimes. He said that IPMAN in the zone had been supportive to fight against pipelines vandalism. According to him, “we at the level of IPMAN, South West, are doing our best in supporting government to protect the pipeline network within the western zone. But, we are constrained due to cash flow, because there is a limit to what we can do. If we have adequate resources, we can do more’’, he added. The IPMAN chairman confirmed that loading of petroleum products had begun at Ejigbo and Mosimi depots, saying that in spite of the vandalism cases, the nation had sufficient stock of oil products. He cautioned members of the public against any form of hoarding or panic buying of petroleum products in anticipation of scarcity. “The fuel situation in the country is quite stable and there is no cause for alarm. The current smooth supply of products has been sustained for a period of two years,” he said. Meanwhile, the fuel scarcity crept into Benin City and environs yesterday with most filling stations observed not to be dispensing the product when The NIGERIAN OBSERVER went round the city. All TOTAL filling stations along New Lagos Road, Akpakpava, Airport and Wire roads did not attend to customers. Oando along New Lagos road did not attend to customers. Long queues were however, noticed in few filling stations found attending to buyers. Meanwhile, major petrol

Stations in Auchi, Etsako-West Local Government Area of Edo State, have closed down for businesses following fuel scarcity in the area. Some petrol major stations in Auchi were locked, while petrol attendants sat idly. Some of the affected Petrol stations are Total, Oando, Auchi, Emeseike, NIPCO and FO stations. The Manager of Total station, Mr. Sola Olajide, said that the fuel scarcity was as a result of fuel shortage at the Warri loading depot. Olajide said that the station last got PMS supply on February 14. He attributed the fuel scarcity to non availability of fuel at the depot. “The Warri depot supplies us fuel and they only supplied PMS on February 14. “And we have been calling them that we need fuel, but all they tell us is that there is no fuel at the depot,” he said. Also speaking, the Manager of FO filling Station, Mr. Majek Saliu, blamed the fuel scarcity on non availability of fuel at the major depot that supplies petroleum products to Auchi. Saliu said that they get their

fuel supplies from the AP deport in Benin, adding that stations had been in touch with them to supply them PMS. “As you can see, we have no fuel. It is not that we don’t want to sell; if they supply us fuel, we will sell. Saliu debunked rumours that major petrol stations in Auchi deliberately refused to sell fuel because of an impending increase in the price of fuel. “It is not a deliberate attempt by petrol stations in Auchi to close down due to any planned increase in the prices of petroleum products. “We sold our last fuel at the rate of N97 per litre. There is no way we can increase when the depot where we get the fuel from has not increased their price. “If we get supplies now, we will sell at the same rate,” he added.

Mr. Igbaekemen Jerry Obazele, Head of Service

By KEN ABU BENIN CITY – Edo State House of Assembly yesterday commenced the clause-byclause consideration of the bill for a law to establish the Edo State Statistical system and the Edo State Bureau of Statistics for the collection, compilation, analysis, storage and dissemination of statistical data information. The clause-by-clause consideration of the bill which

was at committee of the Whole followed the consideration of sections 1 to 20 of the bill which also provides for the setting up of a bureau with a chairman and 11 members appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by Parliament. The consideration of the bill provided the platform for the amendment of sections 5, 10(8) and 11 of the bill while other sections were adopted wholly following further consideration of the bill which continues Monday next week.

EDSTMA loses staff to traffic offender

BENIN CITY- A typical drama of man’s inhumanity to man played out in Benin City yesterday morning when an officer of Edo State Traffic Management Agency (EDSTMA), Mr. Omo Atalor had his skull smashed on the road by a fleeing traffic offender. It was gathered that the deceased was carrying out his lawful duty of contravening a low-bed truck for committing a traffic offence by making effort to talk to the driver of the truck that was still in motion so that the driver could pull over to the parking lane. Unexpectedly, the motor-boy attached to the truck pushed the late EDSTMA personnel from the moving truck in order to avoid the truck from being contravened. In the process, it was learnt that the Late Omo Atalor landed on the road with his head broken. Unfortunately for the truck conductor, the EDSTMA staff was able to pull him along while he was falling down and he was arrested but the driver just sped off leaving the motor-boy to his fate. Following the unfortunate occurrence, all the staff of EDSTMA have threatened to down tool in protest over non-

provision of security for them while on duty. They have also declared a three-day mourning and fasting in honour of their departed colleague. The Edo State Commissioner for Transport, Ambassador Orobosa OmoOjo (JP) called an emergency meeting of all the Zonal Commanders of EDSTMA based on the sad event and asked a oneminute silence be held in honour of the fallen EDSTMA staff. During the meeting, some of the Zonal Commanders disclosed the challenges they encounter in the discharge of the official responsibilities. They emphasized that they are offering selfless service to the society, therefore, they should be protected by the security agents. As at the time of filing this report, the Commissioner, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mallam Alasa Ikhelowa, some Zonal Commanders and some top officials of the ministry were on their way to pay condolence visit to the bereaved family in Benin City.

Govt appeals to FG for ecological funds

Continued from page 1 “We thank you for taking time out to commiserate with us on this disaster. I appreciate the responsiveness of the House and your determination to identify with the people in times

Ihonvbere urges Afenmai people to join APC

Continued from page 1 address was read by Secretary desired growth and development of any people. He expressed gratitude to the members of Afenmai Solidarity Movement for their support for the Comrade Adams Oshiomhole’s led administration, and urged them to keep the flag flying. Reacting to the pledge by the body to support his ambition for the Edo North Senatorial seat in next year ’s (2015) General Election, the SSG reaffirmed that his mission is not for personal interest but to give a worthy representation to the senatorial district. The Chairman, Afenmai Solidarity Movement, Mr. Isaac Ozoboni, whose

you appreciate the Esan people in appointing, Mr. Jerry Obazele as the Head of Service of Edo State,” the Royal Fathers stated. The Royal Father said, “the Esan people are indeed grateful to you and I’m asked to thank you especially by the traditional people that before your administration, since we got the Mid-West state to Bendel and then Edo State, we have had both military and civilian governors, none has given more recognition to Esan people than the present Governor of Edo State, Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole”. The Governor in his response, thanked the Royal Fathers for the visit and informed them that government had approved the appointment of Prof. Cordelia Agbebaku as the substantive ViceChancellor of Ambrose Alli University because of her track records.”

EDHA begins clause-by-clause consideration of Statistical Bill

to the movement, Mr. Maliki Nuhu stated that the visit was to intimate Prof. Ihonvbere of the contribution of the organization to the election of the present administration in the state and to solicit commensurate reward. He also indicate their readiness to support the SSG in the senatorial race. Similarly, a delegation of the National Association of Afenmai students led by Ajibade Kingsley paid a courtesy call to the SSG to inform him of their plan to organise quize for secondary school students in Afenmai land as part of their contributions to enhance academic work at that level. Prof. Ihonvbere said the initiative was commendable, and that it will no doubt encourage intellectual skills amongst the students.

of disasters, whether man made or natural. Our challenge is to find ways to manage it”. “We have tried over the period to recognise that rather than deal with the consequences, particularly when we know from history that we need to make some investment in flood control. “That was why we carried out a comprehensive study of Benin City and we came out with a very comprehensive Benin City Water Storm Master Plan and we are now tackling the problem of flood in Benin and it’s a real huge cost.” He disclosed that the first phase which has started will cost about 30 billion naira covering a large part of the city. “We have made a lot of progress on it and we have done over 60 percent of the project. The key challenge we have is the resources to fund it because there have been a sharp drop in revenue list as a result of the oil theft and this has put a lot of pressure on our capacity to continue to fund this project. “We have other serious erosion sites at Queen Ede and this erosion was the

result of Federal negligence because it resulted from poor design of the Benin-Asaba Federal High way. Over time, this has become a major disaster that has displaced hundreds of homes, destroyed public schools, farmlands among others and yet we have not received any Federal help.” He said “I know that the House is a very progressive House and your voice is loud and clear. So I will appeal to you to lend your voice to our cry for the Federal Government to look at this matter with some favour.” The governor further disclosed that government would start on flood water erosion sites across the state with a view to finding a lasting solution to them. “We have not received federal help but we have made application to the World Bank to see how we can get support. The Federal Government should look at the country with same eye and give support to all those who need it regardless of political sentiments” he said. Speaking earlier, the Chairman, House Committee on Emergency and Disaster, Hon. Ifedayo Abegunde said,

they were in the state as a result of the motion moved by Hon. Rasaq Bello Osagie on the floor of the House informing the House of the ravaging flood in Oredo Federal Constituency. Hon. Abegunde said “We are in the state to access the level of damage caused by the flood as well as take the statistics of the affected victims with the view to seeking adequate redress for them from the National Emergency Management Agency. “What we are witnessing here today is the fulfillment of the resolve of the House of Representative as a voice of the voiceless to always ensure that democracy deliverables get to the masses. Edo State has suffered serious devastation as a result of flood for several years and your efforts at addressing this menace are highly commendable”. Hon. Abegunde who said the state under the leadership of the comrade governor, Edo has witnessed tremendous transformation said the committee and NEMA will complement the efforts of the Benin Water Storm Project.

News UK Based Organisation Trains 260 Women ASABA - Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF) in collaboration with a UKbased organisation, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) said 260 women entrepreneur were being trained under its capacity building programme in Delta. The training, which started on Monday through the Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs and Mobile Value Added Services foundation, is sponsored by Cherie Blair Foundation, the wife of a former Prime Minister of UK, Mrs Cherie Blair. Mr Nworie Ekezie, the Programme Manager of Youth Technology Foundation, told newsmen that the programme was focused on consultative, classroom and online training. He said that as part of the training, the women would also tour small scale industries and form business networks or cooperatives to enable them access credit facilities to grow and expand their businesses. Ezekiel said that under the consultative section, the training informed the participants what they stood to

benefit from the programme. He said that under the classroom and online section, the women were taught how to prepare a business plan and a business proposal. The programme manager said that under the industry tour, the women had the opportunity of interacting with some successful entrepreneurs on the successes and challenges of their businesses. “The women were also made to form different business networks which will enable them have access to credit facilities.’’ Ezekiel said that the training was in four categories, “they are wholesale and retail business, small scale manufacturing business, hospitality industry and social services.’’ He said that the foundations were focusing on those who were already in business and how such women could grow and maximise such businesses. Ezekiel said that the foundation was not only interested in the training of the women but in ensuring that they monitored such businesses to make progress.

Obasanjo Inaugurates Projects In Rivers

ELEME (Rivers) - Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has advised Nigerian political office holders not to act against the achievements of their predecessors. “Never use your hand and time to cover the achievements

of your predecessors because you will not have time and hand to achieve your own. “Where there is amendment, amend and where there is a mistake, correct; don’t say anything against your predecessor,’’ he said.

Obasanjo gave the advice while inaugurating the Nne Furo Kurubo Model Secondary School, Eleme, in the Eleme Local Government Area of

Ex-COSATU Scribe Urges Unity

Niger Delta: YENAGOA - Mr Jay Naidoo, pioneer General Secretary of Conference of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) has advised Niger Delta communities to unite and negotiate for the development of the region. Naidoo said this in an interview with newsmen in Yenagoa after a visit to oil producing communities in Ogoni land in Rivers, as well as Oloibiri and Ikarama, both in Bayelsa. He said it was ironic that the oil bearing communities had yet to develop adding that such communities should understand they had the power to negotiate with oil producing companies and the government for their development.

“I think the first step, like in any struggle we face in Africa is to organise our communities to be united in understanding the power we have as communities to negotiate with companies and to negotiate with governments. “To make sure there is compliance with laws; to make sure that proper royalties are being paid; that there is community development; that if there is an oil spill they don’t just send people to burn the oil spills; that they are able to properly rehabilitate the land. “And that where there is proper compensation for where there is long term damage like some of the damage that I have just seen over the last two days, which even UNEP in the community of Ogoni said it will

take 30 years to rehabilitate those lands. “So who is going to compensate them for 30 years; this is the responsibility of the company that has caused the damage; and it should be a principle that the polluter pays for such damage.“ Naidoo, who is also a member of the High Level Advisory Committee on Climate Change, expressed regret that the pollution in the Niger Delta was not given global prominence as similar incidents in the developed world. He, therefore, urged the media, civil society organisations and the UN to draw global attention to decades of pollution in the Niger Delta region.

Rivers. He also advised political office holders to consult God in prayers before taking any decision. “When I want to take any decision, I fast and pray before taking the decision,’’ he said, and commended Governor Chibuike Amaechi for his achievements so far. Obasanjo noted that Amaechi’s achievements were aimed at the socio-economic development of the people and state, and urged Nigerians to elect clean and trained leaders. In his speech, Amaechi thanked Obasanjo for honouring the state government’s invitation to inaugurate the projects. He said that the reason was to showcase government’s achievements since the former President was known for his stand for “calling a spade, a spade’’. “If I didn’t do well, he will say it in public, and if we have done well, he will say it as it is,’’ he said. Amaechi said that Obasanjo’s inauguration of the projects was expected to attract a crowd, and to prove his critics wrong that his administration’s achievements were on paper.

News Owan APC Pass Vote Of Confidence On Iriase OTUO – Ahead of the 2015 general elections, leaders and stakeholders of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in axis 2 of Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State have passed a vote of implicit confidence on Hon. Pally lriase, representing Owan Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives for his leadership style. A communique issued at the end of a well-attended enlarged meeting of leaders held at Otuo, equally condemned in strong terms, attempts by a group of aspirants to denigrate the federal lawmaker over a position they said, is not vacant. They posited that it will amount to injustice to the people of axis one to reside the position of the Council Chairman and that of the House of Assembly in axis 2, hence it was agreed at the meeting that the House of Assembly seat remains in axis one, come 2015 in the spirit of fair play and equity, which is the hall-mark of the APC. The meeting, which

attracted past Ward Leaders, Women and Youth Leaders, Ward Chairmen of the defunct ACN as well as past Political Office Holders, noted that the tenure of the Council Chairman presently occupied by Barr. (Chief) Jimoh ljegbai from ward 7 in axis 2, will expire in 2016 and wondered why some aspirants from the same axis will want to combine the positions of the council chairman and that of the House of Assembly, come 2015. We state unequivocally that positions that are peculiar to Owan East Local Government is the State House of Assembly and the Local Government Chairman” they said. The APC, axis 2, the meeting emphsized, believes in justice, equity, fair play and will promote the unity of the party in the Local Government Area and the state at large. While expressing satisfaction with the success recorded in axis 2 during the just-concluded membership registration exercise, the meeting condemned in strong terms, the antics of a

group of inordinate aspirants who are holding meetings with rival political parties and trying to fan the embers of disunity in the local government. The axis two, which comprises wards 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 of the Local Government Area reaffirmed “Our loyalty to the comrade governor and our great party”. Speakers at the meeting included Mr. Gabriel Jayeola; the Council Chairman Barr. (Chief) Jimoh Ijegbai; Chief Aloma Omokhudu and Joshua Oruobofia, who read the communiqué.

L-R: Permanent Secretaries from Lagos Public Service Office, Mr. Olalekan Akodu, Special Duties, Office of Lagos Head of Service, Dr. Remi Desalu, Common Services Office, Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Mr. Yemi Adelakun, Lagos Head of Service, Mrs. Oluseyi Williams and Director of Communication, Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Dr. Tope Ajakaiye, during a visit of Mr. Adelakun to Lagos Head of Service in Lagos yesterday.

Ugborodo Crisis Can Be Resolved Amicably - IDA


WARRI – The Iwere Development Association (IDA) said the crisis rocking the oil rich Ugborodo Community in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta can be resolved amicably. Rising from an extra ordinary meeting in Warri, the IDA in a communiqué said principal

actors in the crisis have lived together in the past and even, worked together to defend the common interest of the Itsekiri Nation when it mattered. The IDA opined that despite the level of degeneration of the leadership succession in Ugborodo community, it can still be amicably resolved. While appreciating the

Orhionmwon Council To Build Cattle ABUDU – Efforts are proposed site for the congestion as a result of Market on top gear to establish a Abudu cattle market. the commercial activities Sir Iyobosa Igharo said new cattle market at Abudu, the administrative headquarters of Orhionmwon Local Government Area. Sole Administrator of the Local Government Council, Sir Iyobosa Igharo disclosed this when he and some council officials visited the

the cattle market project would on completion, provide job opportunities for the people, especially the youths in the local government area. Apart from employment opportunities for the people of

Orhionmwon, he remarked that the market would boost the revenue base of the council to enable it extend development to other parts of the locality. According to him, the roads around the cattle market would be opened up to prevent traffic

that would eventually spring up in the area. Spokesman for Hausa Community in Abudu, Alhaji Abdulahi Seriki expressed joy over the foresight of the Sole Administrator for initiating the cattle market project, describing it as answer to their aspiration for since over 15 years now. Alhaji Seriki added that other animals such as goats, rams, fowls would also be sold in the market alongside tomatoes from the Northern part of Nigeria.

untiring efforts of Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan (CON), the Governor of Delta State, HRM, Ogiame Atuwatse ll (CON), the Olu of Warri and Hon. Michael Diden (a.k.a. Ejele) in resolving the crisis, the group said but for their efforts, the crisis would have gone out of control. “That in the spirit of fairness, equity and justice and for there to be no victor ,no vanquish, all those involved in the genuine resolution of the crisis should change their strategy a little bit by looking at both the root causes and perhaps the critical history of the crisis in order to have more options to explore in resolving the crisis”. The communiqué stated. The communiqué jointly signed by Com. Ogbe Eke, Acting President; Com. Agbiteyinro Weyimi, National Secretary; Com. Utieyin Godwin, National P.R.O.;Com. Progress Oyibo, National Women Leader; Com. Emma Nunu, Treasurer; ;Com. Solomon Ese Agbaje, provost; reiterated that there is no vacancy in Itsekiri National Youth Council (INYC) and frowned at the clandestine moves by some persons to ridicule the significance of the INYC to the Iwereland, asking them to desist forthwith. “Finally ,IDA Wishes to warn all those that have vowed that peace will not return to Ugborodo land or have clearly

positioned themselves to take advantage of this crisis in order to fan the embers of war in order social segments in land and to insult constituted authorities/elders to have a rethink and do a u-turn since experience has shown that such attitude will do no one any good. For a word they say, is enough for the wise”. It stated. The group therefore expressed their total support and solidarity for the Hon .David Tonwe led INYC that is made up of the following eminent and distinguished Itsekiri patriots as executives, Comrade Omolubi Newuwumi,1st Vice President Warri North; Comrade Chief Ayiri Emami, 2nd Vice President Warri South; Comrade Onesan Austin- 3rd Vice President Warri South; Comrade Isaac Dorsu National Secretary ;Comrade Gbubemi Abigor- P.R.O; Comrade Edema SmartAssistant Secretary; Comrade Evang. Tony Aderojo Financial Secretary; The lingering succession dispute in the Ugborodo Community Trust, the development committee of the riverside town, came to fore late last year as activities to kick-start Nigeria’s first multibillion dollar Gas City located in Ugborodo with construction firms started to mobilize to site.

the Sole Administrator explained that the machines were donated to the council as part of Women Empowerment Programme by NDDC for onward presentation to the beneficiaries. He advised the women to make judicious use of the sewing machines and grinding machines as expected in order to enhance their standard of living. Wife of the Sole Administrator, Mrs. Edith Igharo appreciated the NDDC for donating the items to the women

and sued for the sustenance of the women empowerment scheme so as to boost their contributions to the economy of the area. Some of the beneficiaries expressed delight over the NDDC gesture. They prayed God to continue to strengthen the council’s sole Administrator and the management of NDDC to embark on more of such empowerment programmes for women.

... empowers Woman

Kaduna Katsina area Comptroller of Customs, Alhaji Yerima Abubakar (left) briefing newsmen on the arrest of seizure of a car loaded with tramadol capsules in Katsina yesterday.

ABUDU – As part of efforts to empower women in Orhionmwon Local Government Area, the Sole Administrator, Sir Iyobosa Igharo has presented three grinding machines and three sewing machines to six women in the locality. The presentation took place at the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) office in Benin City. Speaking shortly before presenting the items to the women,

Inside Edo Kingship: Ewu Indigenes Protest Court Judgement By OKOH INNOCENT

EWU - Thousands of Ewu indigenes in Esan central Local Government Area of Edo state, have protested over what they described as a total rejection of an appeal court judgement recognizing one Jafaru Ojiefoh, as the traditional ruler of the community. The indigenes who were made up of men, women and youths carried placards with various insciptions as “judiciary cannot distabilize the people of Ewu kingdom”; , “Ewu people say no to Jafaru as the Onojie of Ewu kingdom” , “outsiders cannot make king for Ewu people” , etc. Speaking on behalf of the people, the leader of kingmakers in the community, who identified himself as high chief Robert Omosoh, kicked against the judgement, saying it disregarded the customs and tradition of the people. According to him, “it is

the kingmakers who enthrones the rightful king and from time in memorial we have rejected Jafaru, and Rasaq the man seated here has been our king and he remains; anything outside this will bring to us total confusion”. He then urge the court to always work with the decision of the kingmakers in deciding judgement, especially in issues similar to this. Addressing the people HRH, Abdul Rasak Ojiefoh, called for restrain, instructing them to maintain peace while going about their normal business.

He disclosed that he has taken up the matter and would be challenging the appeal court judgement in a higher court even as he directed his counsel to file the necessary papers to further the matter. It would be recalled that the appeal court sitting in Benin city, had given judgement in favour of one Jafaru Ojiefoh, pronouncing him as the legitimate traditional ruler of Ewu community, thereby deposing HRH, Abdul Rasaq Ojiefoh, whom had been on the throne since seventeen years ago.

BENIN CITY – The Head of Service, Edo State, Mr. Jerry Igbaekemeh Obazele has declared open a seminar on, “Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act, 2000” for senior and middle level officers in Edo State Public Service. He maintained that the

seminar was designed to reawaken the consciousness of public officers on the need to adhere to principles of honesty, transparency and integrity throughout their service years. According to him, the seminar organized by the Directorate of Establishments, Training and

L-R: Wife of Governor of Rivers, Dame Judith Amaechi; Governor Chibuike Amaechi and former President Olusegun Obasanjo, at the inauguration of St. Andrew Primary School, Mile 1 Diobu, in Port Harcourt recently.

Edo Govt Organises Seminar On Corrupt Practices Act

L-R: Governor Chibuike Amaechi and former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Wife of Governor of Rivers, Dame Judith Amaechi and Commissioner for Health, Dr. Samson Parker at the inauguration of Kelsy Harrison Hospital at Emenike in Port Harcourt recently.

Management Services of his office in conjunction with OHALIX Nigeria Limited is to refocus the service to perform optimally. The Head of Service who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Directorate of Establishments, Training and Management Services, Mr. Alfred Omorogbe Olaye regretted that the principles of morality, integrity and accountability which were once the hallmarks of the public service are now observed more in breach than in compliance. He called on civil servants to familiarize themselves with Civil Service Rules and Financial Instruction, saying that these documents are meant to guide civil servants in their conducts. He regretted that these documents seem to be inadequate hence the passage of several laws of which the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Acts of 2000 is one. He commended the State Governor, Comrade Adams

LG Begins Grading Of Roads By KEHINDE OSAGIEDE

OKADA – The planned comprehensive grading of roads in Ovia North-East Local Government Area has commenced, with Okada West Ward one being the first to benefit. The grading work started on Monday morning along

Court Road in Okada town and is expected to extend to selected roads in the ward based on the priority list the councillor representing the ward submitted to the council boss. Speaking to journalists in Okada, Hon. Osaretin Evbuomwan, the Councillor representing Okada West

Ward thanked the council boss, Barr Lucy Omagbon for matching words with action, saying that he was happy that work has started in his ward. The councillor who expressed confidence in the council chairman, Barr Lucy Omagbon said the grading of roads in the locality is a

comprehensive one, which will be extended to all the 13 wards of the local government. Meanwhile, the councillors have been charged with the responsibility of compiling list of roads that need rehabilitation in their wards as well as supervision of the work.

Aliyu Oshiomhole for his dogged commitment in building a virile and competent public service, and therefore, urged the participants at the workshop to rededicate themselves to service. Managing Director of OHALIX Nigeria Limited, Chief Felix Iyoha thanked the Comrade Governor and the Head of Service for the privilege offered him to contribute his quota towards the upliftment of the quality of the labour force in the state. “It remains our earnest hope

and prayer that with the dogged determination to invest in human capital development, the Edo State Civil Service will soar to greater heights in the years ahead”, he stated. Topics discussed at the seminar included: Management of Registries delivered by Mr. Samuel Ekhator, Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Acts 2000 and the Importance of Protocol and Dress Code delivered by Mr. Paul Osemen. Participants were drawn from Ministries, Department and Agencies of government.

Cult Clash Claims 2 Lives By MIKE OSAROGIAGBON

BENIN CITY-An early morning cult clash has claimed two lives in Benin City on Tuesday. Another victim said to be an undergraduate was also killed at Ekpoma, the administrative headquarters of Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State. It was learnt that the duo identified as Rapheal Omosigho, 25 and Uyi Igbinosa, 35 were shot dead at different locations at Ugbiyoko in Egor Local Government Area, of the State. Uyi was allegedly shot on his way to work while Rapheal was gunned down about 1 a.m at a residence where he passed the night. “ I didn’t know my brother

was one of them. He was killed at a building where many boys used to smoke. I have advised him to stop staying in that house, but he did not listen to me”. Rapheal brother stated. Sources said the crisis culminated in the killings between two confraternities even though the cause of the violence remains unknown as at press time. The Public Relations Officer, Edo State Police Command, DSP Moses Eguavoen confirmed the killings of two persons. He added that investigation has commenced. It will be recalled that several suspected cultists were paraded by Edo Police Command last month following similar cult killings that engulfed Benin City last December.

South-West Customs Promotes 94 Officers

L-R: Former Head of State, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, former Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) National Chairman, Alhaji Aliko Muhammed and former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon at the inauguration of new Leadership of ACF in Kaduna recently.

AKURE- The Ondo/Ekiti States Command of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has said that 94 officers in the command had been promoted to their next ranks. The command’s spokesman, Mr Abdullahi Kabara, told newsmen that the exercise was part of the ongoing restructuring in the service. Kabara said top on the list was Assistant Comptroller of Customs, Umar Bologi, who was promoted to the rank of Deputy Comptroller of Customs. Kabara, who was also promoted from Assistant Chief Inspector of Customs to Deputy Chief Inspector of Customs, said that Bologi was decorated alongside other senior ranking officers in Lagos on Friday.

Vice President Namadi Sambo (middle), former Head of State, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (3rd left), Speaker, House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal (2nd left), Chairman, Board of Trustees, Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), Alhaji Aliko Mohammed (3rd right), with new members of ACF National Working Committee after their inauguration in Kaduna recently.

National Confab

Ajimobi Wants Yorubas Opinions Collated

IBADAN- Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has called for the constitution of a Technical Committee to coordinate and collate the opinion of Yoruba to the forthcoming National Conference. The governor made the call at the Second Preliminary Meeting on the Yoruba Position at the forthcoming National Conference held at IsharaRemo, Ogun State. He said the committee should consist of experienced

technocrats who had held sensitive positions both within and outside the government. He said that all the states in the South-West geo-political zone should be equally represented in it. Ajimobi urged Yoruba leaders to make the re-introduction of regional government one of their major demands at the forthcoming national conference. He also advocated the adoption of the 1960

Constitution with a moderate reform that would suit the present day Nigeria and its peculiarities. Ajimobi decried the disparity in the allocation of revenue to states, adding that Yoruba elders should demand that government at the centre had lesser allocation than states. He said additional allocation

Ekiti Guber Race

would enable the states to take care of their added responsibilities which would bring about the desired development.

that of the more than 50 governorship aspirants in the state, none is a woman. Olujimi was also a member of the House of Representatives and one-time Commissioner for Works in the state. Reports that 41 of the governorship aspirants are PDP

members; one is from the ruling APC; one from the Labour Party, while 10 are from other political parties. “Initially, I wanted to run for the governorship position, but I had to drop the idea to enable me prepare well and better for another time,” she said.

Chief Superintendent of Customs. Also promoted was the Officer-in-Charge of Vehicle Seat, Mr Fasehun Fayoke, who was promoted from the rank of Principal Inspector of Customs to Assistant Chief Inspector of Customs. Others include the Provost, Mr Ogunleye Hamzat, who was promoted from Principal Inspector of Customs to Assistant Chief Inspector of Customs.

National Conference

Yoruba Assembly Approves Agenda ISHARA (OGUN), - The Yoruba Assembly on National Conference has approved the final agenda to be presented by the Yorubas at the forthcoming National Conference. At a meeting held in Ishara, Ogun, the group also agreed on the modalities for picking Yoruba delegates to the conference The reports state that the deadline for submission of delegates’ names to the conference is February 20. Addressing newsmen after the meeting, its spokesman, Mr Yinka Odumakin, said that the agenda approved by the group would be ratified by a larger house of the Yorubas on February 27. “On the delegates, we are given 15 slots and we decided that two delegates will come from each of the six states in Yorubaland. “The three remaining slots will go to those in the Secretariat for the conference,’’ Odumakin

said. According to him, all groups and associations in Yorubaland are dissolved into the Yoruba Assembly on National Conference. “This Assembly is about Yoruba nation and not on religion. It is composed of Muslims, Christians and different groups,” he said. Odumakin explained that the Assembly agreed on parliamentary system of government and fiscal federalism among others. He said that all that they had agreed upon would be presented for affirmation by the Yoruba people. Reports state that the meeting had in attendance Chief Olu Falae, Gov. Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State and the Interim Deputy National Chairman of APC in the South-West, Chief Niyi Adebayo. Others present include the Chairman of Afenifere, Chief Reuben Fasonranti and Afenifere Renewal Group Chairman, Wale Osun.

FRSC Cautions Drivers Against Relying ABEOKUTA- The Federal pick all sorts of charms at the Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has On Charms scene. I want you to know that cautioned commercial vehicle drivers and other motorists on the dangers of relying on charms as means of protection from accidents. Mr Adegoke Adetunji, the Sector Commander of the

Non-Participation Of Women Painful - Olujimi ADO-EKITI- A former Deputy Governor of Ekiti, Mrs Abiodun Olujimi, has expressed regrets that not a single woman has shown interest in the governorship election taking place in June in the state. She told the newsmen in AdoEkiti that she found it painful

According to him, the names are being released in batches. Decorating the newlypromoted officers at the Ondo command headquarters, Area Comptroller Aminu Dangaladima, urged them to be more committed to duty and work for the development of the country. Those who also made the list include the Staff Officer of the Command, Superintendent of Customs Okolo Monday, who was promoted to the rank of

Olujimi, who is currently a member of the Board of National Communications Commission, attributed the nonparticipation of women in the governorship race to lack of political and financial clout.

Corps, gave the word of caution at a sensitisation workshop in Abeokuta, organised by FRSC for members of transport unions. He said that reliance on charms and supernatural powers by commercial drivers, was partly responsible for the reckless driving habits being exhibited on the highways. The Sector Commander said the belief by some drivers that possession of charms could guarantee their immunity against road mishap, was deceitful. “When accidents occur, we

the best charms against road traffic accidents are, the strict adherance to all traffic rules and regulations, and belief in God,” he advised. Adetunji identified overspeeding, dangerous driving, brake failure and tyre burst, as the causes of most road crashes, and therefore urged motorists to always learn to obey traffic rules. He cautioned the drivers against relying on fairly used tyres, most of which had expired before being imported into the country.

Across The Nation LASU Re-Opens Feb 24

LAGOS- Authorities of the Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, has said that the institution would re-open on February . 24 with its final year students resuming first. The reports state that the institution was closed down on January 23 following a violent students’ protest. According to a statement issued by the Public Relations Unit of LASU, the university’s Senate took the decision to reopen the institution at its 214th statutory meeting held on February 14.

It stated that the Senate had approved that final year students should resume on February 24, while the 2013/2014 newlyadmitted students would resume on March 10. Other categories of students are to resume April 1, it added. The Senate also resolved that the online registration portal should be re-opened for two days after resumption. It also said the Lagos State Government had accepted to repair and replace the infrastructure vandalised by the students during the protest.

Fashola Reiterates Commitment To Healthcare Delivery IKEJAGovernor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State has said that his administration was irrevocably committed to strengthening the state ‘s healthcare system to make it more functional. The governor restated the commitment in Ikeja, while administering the oath of office on Dr Ahmed Balogun, the newly appointed Permanent Secretary of the state Health Service Commission. Fashola said the government was implementing the right reforms and engaging the right personnel to ensure that the sector transited from just offering treatment to residents, to giving complete care. The governor said that the appointment of Balogun, whom he described as a thorough professional, was another of the government ‘s steps toward fortifying the sector, to make it serve residents better. “What we hope to achieve by his appointment is to deepen our commitment to healthcare. “ And with somebody who has developed a reputation of care in that facility, it will be easier to spread that kind of culture in our healthcare system. “That will be for me a defining moment, when those we look after start to say

without hesitation and without reservation that they are receiving the best care,“ he said. Fashola urged the new appointee to justify the confidence reposed in him by discharging his new responsibilities efficiently in the service of the people. On his part, Balogun thanked the state government for finding him deserving of the appointment, promising to do his best not to betray the confidence reposed in him. He said that the Fashola administration had achieved a lot in the health sector and had made it better. The reports say that Balogun was until his appointment, the Medical Director of the General Hospital, Marina. He replaced Mrs Rafiat Olufunmilayo, who retired from service on January 23.

Prof. Kabir Akinyemi, the Dean of Student Affairs, LASU, said the different dates of resumption introduced by the university was one of the strategies aimed at addressing the “situation’’ in the school. “The students had been directed to resume in batches based on logistics and it is the best strategy that the management can apply for now, ’’Kabir told newsmen. He said adequate security measures had been put in place to protect lives and property in the institution. “The management is working with the security agencies and the state government on the security issue. “There are enough security personnel who may not necessarily wear uniforms moving about in the institution to maintain law and order.”

Oluyole Wheelchair Basketball Club of Oyo State (White Jersey) and Abia Warriors Wheelchair Basketball Club of Abia State contesting the ball at the ongoing 3rd International Wheelchair BAsketball Championship in Lagos yesterday.

CDA Chairman Advocates Transparent Leadership For Devt

IDOKPA – The Chairman, Idokpa Community Development Association (CDA) in Uhunmwonde Local Government Area of Edo State, Mr. Nosa Obamwonyi, has advocated transparent leadership as the major factor for community development. The CDA chairman noted this in his office while hosting journalists. He

posited that he has been in the exalted position since 2010 and that his laudable achievements have been benchmark of the success of his administration. He averred that the community social responsibility in the area of infrastructural development has heralded the

Dentists Caution Against Untreated LAGOS- Some dentists in Periodontal Disease Lagos have said that untreated periodontal disease could result to tooth loss and other diseases. The dentists spoke to newsmen in separate interviews in Lagos. The Online Medical Dictionary defines periodontal disease as a “disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth”. Dr Anthony Daramola of the Isolo General Hospital, Lagos, said untreated periodontal

President, Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV), Mr. Emeka Elah (left), presenting a plaque to the Speaker of the event, Mr. Jimmy Omotosho, at a business luncheon in Lagos yesterday.

disease could lead to tooth loss and increased the risk of other health problems. “Periodontal disease is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone that supports the tooth. “If it is left untreated, the disease may result in eventual tooth loss and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health problems.”

According to him, periodontal disease is in two forms, gingivitis and periodontics. “Gingivitis is a mild form that causes the gums to become red, swell and bleed easily. It is reversible with good oral hygiene.” He said the disease could, however, progress to periodontics, if left untreated.

transformation agenda of the present administration of Comrade Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole as Governor of Edo State. He specifically listed the infrastructural development embarked upon by his administration to include renovation of a six classroom block, sinking of water borehole and boosting the electricity supply with the acquisition of three transformers in the community, accessible road networks in the community and completing the multimillion naira town hall. Mr. Obamwonyi, who lamented government neglect over the years appealed to government at all levels in the state, particularly the authorities of

Uhunmwonde Local Government Council and stakeholders to come to the aid of the community in expanding the primary school blocks to accommodate pupils in a conducive learning environment. He also spoke about the lack of secondary school in the community, as hundreds of the indigenes trek long distance to attend secondary school in nearby communities. Mr. Obamwonyi who attributed the success of his administration to the cooperation he got from his people, thanked them and assured them of his open door policy in the community with a view to bringing development to a greater height.

He specially thanked the Chief Executive of Bob Izua Conglomerate and prominent chief in the Benin kingdom, Chief John Osamede Adun, the Ayobaha of Benin kingdom for his exemplary dispositions in ensuring development of the community. The CDA Chairman pledged his unflinching loyalty to the elders in the community.

Mr. Nosa Obamwonyi, CDA Chairman

News UNILAG: Patience Jonathan To Lay Foundation Of Hostel

LAGOS - The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, will tomorrow lay the foundation of a N3 billion 15-storey female hostel at the University of Lagos. Prof. Duro Oni, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Management Services), announced this at a media briefing in Lagos. He said the project which would be built by the Parents’ Forum of the institution, was expected to tackle students’ acute accommodation problem. The project, tagged: “Dame Patience Goodluck Jonathan’s Female Hostel Complex’’, is expected to be completed in two years. According to Oni, the initiative by the parents’ forum

will further elevate the institution. “As a university of ‘first choice’, we are constantly working on ways to put in place the necessary infrastructure ... we are the best in not only Africa, but the world at large. “The hostel that is to be named after the country’s first lady is the first of its kind in any Nigerian university. “Over time, we have been having issues with shortage of accommodation, especially for our female students; but as it stands, we are about to witness a huge relief in that regard. “I must thank the first lady for agreeing to be part of the historymaking event and also thank our parents for coming to partner with us,” he said.

Oni said the university was open to partnership with publicspirited individuals and corporate organisations in its quest to promote excellence. He also lauded the Delta

Government which, he said, had already embraced the project. Mr Babatunde Majekodunmi, the Chairman, UNILAG’s Parents’ Forum, said the forum

which was established in 1999 had showed concern over accommodation challenge in the university. He promised that world-class facilities would be provided at the hostel. “We noticed the challenges that our children have been

facing in the area of accommodation in the institution over the years. “We met with the authorities of the university to discuss how we can come in and at the end we were shown a piece of land we could use for the project.

Okorocha Urges New CP To Protect Lives, Property OWERRI - Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo has urged the new Police Commissioner in the state, Mr Abdulmajid Ali, to ensure protection of lives and property in the state. Okorocha made the call when he received the new commissioner at the Government House, Owerri. Ali replaced the former Police Commissioner, Mr Mohammed Katsina. He urged the commissioner to emulate his predecessor whom he said, worked together with him to achieve a lot in crime eradication and protection of lives and property. He also told the new commissioner to see himself as part of the State Executive Council, and also an indigene of the state. The governor assured the new boss that he would not be misguided by his government. “Do your work as a patriotic

officer. Continue with the good works of your predecessor or even surpass his record,” he said. Okorocha promised to give the commissioner all the necessary support. “This government does not play politics with security and does not interfere in the work of any security outfit in the state,” he said. He said there had been one or two cases of kidnapping since the departure of the former commissioner. Responding, Ali said he was in the state for serious assignment and warned criminals to steer clear as he would make it too hot for them. The commissioner promised to continue with the “good works” of his predecessor by fighting crime such as kidnapping, armed robbery and other vices with all seriousness.

Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau (right), congratulating the new Plateau Commissioner for Transport, Alhaji Abubakar Dashe, during his inauguration in Jos recently.

First Republic Parliamentarian Advocates Parliamentary System, Independent Candidacy ABA (Abia) - A lawmaker in the first republic, Mr Ejie Ukaegbu, has called for the inclusion of independent candidacy in Nigeria’s electoral process, to forestall imposition of discredited candidates on the electorate by political parties. Ukaegbu, who is now an Ababased legal practitioner made the call in Aba during an

interview with newsmen. He said that the arrangement which excluded independent candidates from contesting elections, was the worst thing that happened to Nigeria’s democracy because it deprived the system of credible people. “The exclusion of an independent candidate in Nigeria’s electoral process is a

very bad arrangement and the worst thing to happen to Nigeria’s electoral process. “People should be allowed to chose who is going to represent them. “No one should dictate for them. Today, candidates are imposed on the electorate and once you do not belong to a party, you are not contesting elections even if you are the most credible candidate”, he said.

He also suggested that the nation should revert to the parliamentary system of government to give equal opportunities to independent and dependent candidates to test their popularity and work for their people. Ukaegbu said that the independent candidates in the first republic were given all the opportunities available to their counterparts in the parties to

Don Urges Quality Representation Nat’l Confab:

Chairman, Imo Correspondents Chapel, Chris Nwokocha (right), presenting an Award of Achievement to Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo, at an interactive Forum with the Governor in Owerri recently.

NSUKKA (Enugu State) Prof Aloysius Okolie, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) has urged delegates to the national conference to be in constant touch with their people. Okolie told newsmen in Nsukka that such synergy between delegates and their people would produce decisions that would be acceptable to all Nigerians. “With such constant touch with their people, the outcome of the conference will reflect the views of all Nigerians,” he said. He advised delegates not to mortgage the interests of their people by going to the conference to look for contracts and other selfish favours.

“Delegates should understand that one of the objectives of the conference is to correct injustice in their local governments, state and geopolitical zones thereby making the country to be more united and stronger. “It is the quality of their representation that will make generations yet unborn to remember them for good or bad. “Delegates will be doing disservice to their people if they go there to pursue their personal interest instead of the interest of those they are representing,” he said. The political scientist advocated that youths should be given more opportunity to make contributions during the conference as future leaders of the country.

Business + Economy Agriculture Bank Canvasses Coverage Of Devt Financial Institutions By AMCON ABUJA - The Bank of Agriculture Limited, has urged the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) to expand its programmes to cover the Development Financial Institutions (DFIs). Mr. Waziri Ahmadu, the Executive Director, (Wholesale Finance) Bank of Agriculture Limited, made the call in Abuja. Ahmadu spoke to the newsmen on the sideline of the public hearing on AMCON

amendment bill organised by the Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions. The amendment, essentially, seeks to create a Sinking Fund or Resolution Cost Fund to cover any shortfall that may be needed to meet AMCON’s responsibility to redeem its debt securities.

He said that the non-oil sector of the economy had been making significant contributions to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Nigeria’s economy by creating employment. He said it was imperative for AMCON to help in clearing the liabilities of the DFIs to enable them provide financial support

People hanging on dangerously to their wares on Oyo-Ibadan Expressway recently.

to agriculture, infrastructural development and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). “The Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) don’t lend much to the non-oil sectors of the economy. They don’t lend much to agriculture, infrastructure

development and development and growth of SMEs. “So, if AMCON should widen its scope of coverage to include the DFIs, they would have more access to new investments. “They will also have new

NSE Market Capitalisation Rises LAGOS - Weekly equity transactions on the Nigerian By 0.80Per Cent Stock Exchange (NSE) has opened in a positive note with the market capitalisation closing at N12.52 trillion. The reports state that the market capitalisation, which opened at N12.42 trillion, appreciated by N100 billion or 0.80 per cent. Similarly, the All-Shares Index rose by 197.46 points to close at 38,964.75 against 38,767.29 achieved on Friday, Dec. 14. Reports state that the volume of shares traded increased by 27.54 per cent as 559.77 million shares worth N5.49 billion were traded in 5,999 deals. The turnover was in contrast to the 438.90 million shares valued at N4.87 billion traded in 5,105 deals on Friday.

Participatants at a sensitization workshop on the CBN N220 Billion Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund in Yola recently.

An analysis of the price movement chart showed that Nigerian Breweries led the gainers’ table with N3 to close at N145 per share. It was followed by Lafarge Wapco, which gained N2.45 to close at N109.45 per share, while Oando gained N1.86 to close at N20.06. Stanbic IBTC gained 90k to close at N19.95 per share. Conversely, Guinness topped the losers’ chart, losing N9.42 to close at N192 per share. Mobil trailed with a loss of N3

the Apapa Customs Area Command. Mikuriya said that the customs was operating a global model that needed stakeholders’ collaboration to advance its policies. “Nigeria Customs Service is under transformation. It is not only taking over the destination

inspection, but it is adopting a modern customs operation model that the World Customs Organisation really commends. “So it is that needed transformation that I want to hear the views of the stakeholders and stakeholders wish to work with the customs to improve port facility and the

trade facilitation is very impressive. “What they recommend is what actually why I am here to discuss with the Nigeria customs to further improve this transformation and customs reform process. “This interaction has been very helpful for me and the Nigeria customs is willing to

to close at N122 per share. Also, Presco depreciated by N2.18 to close at N41.58, while Forte Oil lost N2.96 to close at N93.04 per share. The financial services sector remained investors’ delight as Zenith Bank was the most traded stock, accounting for 55.58 million shares worth N1.15 billion. It was followed by Access Bank which traded 53.03 million shares worth N429.63 million,while Transcorp traded 40.65 million shares valued at N152.05 million.

Association Wants Agricultural Potential Maximally Harnessed ABUJA - The National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) says agriculture is a crucial sector that has the potential to reduce poverty and generate employment in the country. The President of the association, Mr. Ken Ukaoha, made this known in an interview with newsmen in Abuja. Ukaoha said that the involvement of 70 per cent of the nation’s population in agriculture contributed to the country’s non-oil Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and overall economic growth. He said that poverty must be addressed to enable Nigeria to meet its target of becoming one of the largest economies in the world by 2020. Ukaoha said that agriculture and industry were directly related to the welfare of the citizens. He said that government should ensure that the 2014

World Customs Organisation Pledges Support For Nigeria Customs Service

LAGOS - The World Customs Organisation (WCO) said that it would support the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) in its quest to achieve international trade through the Pre-arrival Assessment Report regime (PAAR). The Secretary-General of the organisation, Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, said this in Lagos at a stakeholders’ meeting held at

financial resources and be able to increase their lending to the real sectors of the economy. “Since AMCON is there to alleviate the liquidity problems of different financial institutions, then they should be working with us (DFIs).

continue to base its operations on best practises of the world. “So I am very positive about this and this stakeholders’ meeting has been a very good opportunity for both customs and stakeholders to move forward for a common goal in the future,“ Mikuriya said. Mikuriya also urged NCS to improve its human resource and infrastructure to enhance international trade.

budgetary allocation to the sector added value to the lives of peasant farmers. The association president said that the current policy initiatives of government were clear demonstration of its determination to uplift the sector from underdevelopment to commercialisation. Ukaoha described the commercialisation process as a vital instrument for poverty reduction. He listed some of the requirements of commercialisation to include the recapitalisation of the Bank of Agriculture, the cassava bread initiative and import substitution policies. According to him, the development initiatives cannot be achieved without incorporating the peasant farmers who constitute the grassroots and the commoners. Ukaoha said resources must be made available in proportionate dimension to ensure the realisation of the development initiatives. He said that for the country to work in accordance with the Maputo Declaration, budgetary allocation to the sector must increase on yearly basis. Ukaoha called on the National Assembly to ensure thorough scrutiny of budgetary allocations to all ministries, departments and agencies. This, he said, was to ensure that they had positive impact on the poor masses.


Understanding God And Daily Life U N D E R S TA N D I N G : The capacity for rational thought, inference or discrimination. Characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy. Understanding takes you beyond the realms of just knowing, but knowing what to do, how to do it and when to do it. For work to be effective and efficient it requires basic understanding. Exodus 31:3, 36:1 God does not call the qualified but he qualifies the called and bestowed him with understanding. Understanding is a spirit that comes from God. Every believer should strive to become a person of understanding. Understanding is simply put is what you are standing on. 1Chronicles 12:32. It forms the basis from which all others rest. Remember we established earlier that understanding takes you beyond the realms of just knowing, but knowing what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Let’s consider the case of Abigail in 1 Sam 25, the scriptures talks about her as a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance. When she heard the report from the servant of the impending danger to her husband Nabal, she simple knew what to do to avert it. Understanding helps avert any impending disaster. A man with understanding never suffers from the disease of “analysis paralysis”, because they just know what to do at every point in time. Understanding helps you make the right choice the first time. A person of understanding by default gives good advice. A person of understanding comprehends the importance of timing. Knowing what to do at the right time. Understanding makes you know things and when you know it’s only a matter of time before you become known. Many times we fail to understand what made

Solomon wise was the understanding he asked and received from God when giving a blank cheque to ask for anything. It is imperative to note that he received understanding and other things that he did not ask but God knew he needed them. When you have understanding you know that the lesser is included in the greater. 1 kings 3:1-12,

opinion understanding does not come from the number of books you have read or tapes you have listened to or seminar or conferences you have attended but it comes from God. 1Chronicles 22:12, Job 12:13, Job 32:8, Psalm 147:5. But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Discretion shall preserve you, understanding shall keep you: So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. What makes a man happy is the understanding he has. Proverb 3:13, 19:8 Two basic things required

18:2, Proverb 15:32 Benefits of understanding Self control Pro_11:12 Pro_14:29 Favor Pro_13:15 Pro_19:8 wellspring of life Pro_16:22 excellent spirit Pro_17:27 is established Pro_24:3 Pro_14:33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: Understanding is the only

4:12 Many times we ask for the wrong things, one simple basic thing that every believer should yearn for is understanding. Isn’t it funny that understanding keeps a relationship not just love. Understanding exposes the thin line between good and evil, lust and love, pride and humility. It will amaze you how people can take pride in their humility or be proudly humble. And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; you see knowing is not enough, there must be a doing. A lack of understanding can make someone make shipwreck of his/her destiny ask Uzziah, He died a leprous man because he lacked understanding that it wasn’t his duty to burn incense. 2Chronicle 26 Where does understanding come from? Contrary to popular

Proverb 2:6, 9:10 It can come through the word. Psalm 119: 104, 130, 169. Your level of understanding is in direct proportion to the knowledge of the word. It comes from the fear of the lord. Psalm 111:10, Isaiah 11:2-3 The bible likens people that lack understanding as a mule Psalm 32:9 and it is foolhardy to trust in your own understanding Proverb 3:4-5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: So incline your ear unto

of believers to get after salvation are wisdom and understanding. Proverb 4:57 When people do the wrong thing it is only obvious they lack understanding Pro_6:32 Proverb 8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength. The proverbial a little sleep and a little slumber is the hallmark of one that lacks understanding Proverb 24:30, Proverb 7:7 A fool in its simplest definition is anyone who lacks understanding Proverb 10:13, Proverb 12:11, Proverb 17:28, Proverb

thing that will make you always relevant irrespective of the circumstance. Daniel stood out because he had understanding that he served 3 different kings with a reputable cv thus a man, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers; Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of

hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, Jer_3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Dan_4:34 And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation: You can easily tell a man of understanding by the kind of questions he asks. Luk_2:47 It will also amaze you that God expects us to love him with understanding Mar_12:33 Luk_24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. 2Ti_2:7.

“Many times we ask for the wrong things, one simple basic thing that every believer should yearn for is understanding. Isn’t it funny that understanding keeps a relationship not just love.”

THE crushing poverty level in today’s Nigeria has become so overwhelming that over 70 percent of Nigerians have unwittingly bowed to the pangs of biting hardship. POVERTY is today a generic term and has been so since attempts at its classification by various study and academic groups with Non Governmental organizations (NGOs) ever more vehement and critical on the problems associated with large scale poverty and ways to improve the economic status of those classified in the group. SOCIAL scientists in attempt at plausible stratification and definition of the term find it necessary to contrast it with such opposite terms as richness, wealth, comfort, affluence and the likes as the terms carry inherent semantic undertones that most climes solicit sympathy, empathy and compassion from those afflicted with the plague which poverty has come to symbolise. HOWEVER, by daily interactions within society and among communities and nations, it is clear that poverty has striking universal perception and similarities because of its cross country feature and characteristics. The basic feature being that people suffer hunger and deprivation with not enough to eat, lack shelter and clothing as well as basic necessities required for human existence. FOR instance, the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights aptly sums up poverty as a “human condition characterized by the sustained or chronic deprivation of the resources, capabilities choices, security and power necessary for the enjoyment of all adequate standard of living and other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights”. THERE is, as a result, conscious efforts by many organizations to mitigate time harsh effect of poverty which is more endemic in developing


Tackling Nigeria’s Poverty Burden countries and many parts of Asia while in Nigeria, government’s effort at providing palliatives and putting in place workable measures from some of its economic policies that cause poverty shocks are yet to yield the desired impact. IT is the concern for the world’s poor and to find solution to speeding poverty crisis that the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is celebrated worldwide in order to push people up the ladder of comfort where health care, food, shelter, clothing’s among others are assured the citizenry without experiencing the pain of deprivation. IN Nigeria, however, government has put in place social programmes as National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP), National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS), the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to tackle problem of youth unemployment, a crucial poverty indicator among the socio cultural stratification. IT presents a sad scenario that despite several policy initiatives the menace of poverty is a staggering reality and may have accounted for the loophole in myriad of social vices, most notably are high incidence of armed robbery, kidnapping, corruption, advance fee fraud (419), prostitution Rings, human trafficking and “the likes perpetuated and perpetrated by the authors as the quickest route to scale the poverty barrier. THE United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its 2011 Human, development report on Nigeria, states that 64.4 per cent of Nigerians

are in abject poverty while massive unemployment of people and the under utilization of resources are the order of the day. Since the report, nothing about the poverty level changed dramatically. IN assessing Nigeria’s poverty level, based on its oil wealth which it described as a mixed blessing, the report explained that it was not the oil resources that are the problem, but the management of those resources. A general overview of Nigeria’s poverty crisis indicates therefore that there is a fundamental problem which the Federal Government needs to identify and tackle in order to address the continuing poverty level in Nigeria. The NIGERIAN OSERVER urges the government to re-appraise some of its economic policies and those geared towards poverty eradication. Beside, it is remarkable that government insensitivity to suggestions put forward to it is increasing and is not being addressed as they should. A holistic reappraisal is therefore inevitable at all sectors of the economy and mitigating measures put in place if government is to succeed in it poverty eradication drive. IN the face of glaring discontent at the increasing poverty level, the World Bank proffered in its report that “oil and natural gas will generate continuing wealth for many years on which Nigeria can build, if it manages this wealth well. If it channels more of this wealth to the development of its people and to the productive use of its land and other resources, then Nigeria has a promising Future”. WE implore the Federal Government to continue to put policy measures in place to scale down poverty level. Corporate bodies and organisation can play a part by partnering with the various governments to alleviate poverty in the land.


… Adding Values To People

THE National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme has continued to add more values to the great people of Nigeria and its environment, through the different community development service that are carried out by thousands of corps members across the country. The community development service happens to be the responsibility of every responsible citizen, both home or in diasporal. It should be noted that community development service is a skilled process, a planned action that helps people to recognize and develop their ability and potential, which will enable them (people) to organize and respond to problems and needs. Community development services can be viewed in different areas, ranging from the provision of social amenities like pipe bole water, drainages, construction of classrooms, provision of Infrastructure used in hospitals, sensitization of people in different health areas etc. Community development service can be tangible or intangible, that is some can easily be noticed and measured by people, while others can hardly be perceived but their values is greatly immeasurable as they come inform of knowledge. Corps members ensured they affect their immediate community positively by engaging in different forms of Community Development Service popularly known as CDS. In this regards, the Editorial/Publicity CDS group made it a point of duty by embarking on an intersecondary school quiz competition project on Thursday 30th, January 2014. The project enabled the CDS group to reach out to several

students who were able to add more value to their God gifted knowledge, by exposing them to national and historical issues that come inform of questions. It was a stern battle field of knowledge where immeasurable talents and intelligence were on display at the National Orientation Agency Hall, Benin City. The aim for embarking on the project was equally achieved as it was used in re-shaping and developing the students’ intellect, exposing them to information on current national issues, and reminding them on some of the history of their fatherland and the world beyond. A total number of 15 schools across Benin City were randomly chosen and invited for the competition but only 12 schools honoured the invitation and took part in the competition that had questions from English language, Mathematics, Current Affairs, and general knowledge that cut across of Economics, Civil Education and Biology respectively. The school which eventually displayed their academic strength through an exceptional performance were; Y.W.C.A. Secondary School, Edo College, Nosakhare Secondary School, Idia College, Ascension Secondary School, Anglican Girls Grammar School, Rosie Marie International School, Pame Group of School, Osas Group of School, Lydia Secondary School, Ogbe Senior Secondary School and finally, Edokpolor Grammar School. Out of the 12 schools that were represented by three participants each, only six schools were able to progress to the final stage after a very keenly contest in stage one and two of the scintillating

THE National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is an organization set up by the Nigerian government to involve the country’s graduates in the development of the country. The scheme (NYSC) is a mandatory exercise for all Nigerian graduates, who either passed through the University, Polytechnics or other recognized institutions in Nigeria and in the Diasporal. The founding father, General Yakubu Gowon, on May 22, 1973, established NYSC programme to integrate Nigerian Youths in order to achieve national development across the states. The achievements and

contributions of the NYSC scheme to community development projects is so numerous, and ultimately visible for all Nigerians to perceive. The achievements of the scheme, which are both tangible and intangible, are many, and they touch all known spheres of human endeavour. Furthermore, the scheme has over the years allowed for the regular and effective distribution of skilled manpower, the steady breaking of social and cultural barriers as well as the building of friendly bridges across the nation. One can majorly agree in favour that the scheme has also promoted higher values of


competition. Proceedings of the event commenced at exactly 10.05am with an opening prayer, followed by the NYSC anthems that was recited by all the corps members and the NYSC officials to the amazement of the students and their teachers present at the occasion. At the end of stage one, the president of the Editorial/ Publicity CDS group, Mr. Promise Ihezie, thanked the schools for honouring the invitation. He furthered disclosed that the theme of the programme: “Fostering Hardwork and Academic Excellence”, was chosen in order to remind the youth that hardwork is a key to a successful life, while education is the bedrock of a successful nation. “I want to use this great privilege to encourage all the students here to view themselves as winners and

future leaders of this great nation. So therefore, ensure you make positive use of the knowledge you will attain during the course of this competition,” he further said. After much keenly contest affairs, Lydia Secondary School which was represented by Abanim Joseph, Eric Gabriella and Iwejuo Ozioma, took the competition by storm, emerging as the champion with an overwhelming performance that marveled the distinguish audience. The second position went to Edokpolor Grammar School of New Benin, while Ascension Secondary School grabbed the third position. It would be recalled that Edo College were the winner of the spelling bee competition that was organized by the E/P CDS group on June, 2013 Eric Gabriella of Lydia Secondary School thanked the corps members for organizing such an impacting competition that will help in adding more values to their lives. She said,

“we will continue to strive hard to be successful in life by working fervenlently in order to become a great leader in the future. I also want to advise the corps members to continue to display exemplary behaviours that will distinguished them in the community, which will eventually be emulated by the student”. Lydia secondary school contestants went home with three school bags and three dictionaries respectively. Edokpolor contestants with the second position won three dictionaries and three calculators. While Ascension Secondary School contestants won three calculators and three mathematical sets. Certificate of participation were issued to the 12 schools and there were several consolation prizes given to all the participating students and their supporters. Speaking at the occasion, the National Youth Service Corps, Edo State Coordinator, Mr. Lanre Ologun who was

L-R: Lydia Secondary School’s students, winner of the Inter-Secondary School Quiz organised by the Editorial/Publicity CDs grouop, receiving school bags from Pastor W.A. Awujoola (representing NYSC State Co-ordinator), Head of CDS, at the National Orientation Agency Hall, Benin City. Photo: NNODIM ONYEKACHUKWU

represented by the Head of CDS, Pastor W.A. Awujoola, he commended the corps members for initiating and executing such a tasking, remarkable and brilliant idea as their CDS project. He also encouraged the participating students to embrace hardwork and discipline which he described as two very important qualities that foster human to be successful in life. Mrs. Memunetu Musa, Head of Sports, NYSC Edo State encouraged the student to remain steadfast in their academics and they should never stop pursuing excellence. She also urged the corps members to continue to be good ambassador of NYSC and Nigeria as a whole, shunning abusive and bad behaviour, and displaying good honest behaviour that the future leaders of tomorrow can emulate. Earlier Mr. Lasaki Eyitayo, the Editorial/Publicity CDS Assistant Coordinator thanked the dignitaries, teachers and all the students who represented their schools by taking part in the inter-secondary school quiz competition. The execution of this project indicated the brightness of Nigeria’s future as intelligence was on display. For children to be identified as gifted and talented, they need to demonstrate outstanding potential or promise, and that was what the students of these schools demonstrated during the course of the competition. The competition has eventually made a sound academic impact in the lives of the students and this will go a long way in developing their moral and social reasoning. The positive impact this will have on the nation is greatly immeasurable.

NYSC: Essential For National Development By ERUKUBAMI OMOLADE/ADEMOLU FOLAKE

national unity and development, in vital areas like agriculture, education, entrepreneurship, and promotion of leadership qualities among Nigerian youths. In these and other ways, the scheme constantly pricks the conscience of the nation to the right course of development, thereby keeping the hope of Nigerians and the country alive. The importance of the scheme can also be witnessed in the regular invitation of corps members, participating in the conduct of sensitive national assignments like population

census, elections, etc and the provision of material for the Technical Aid Corps (TAC), is not only an expression of faith in the ability of the scheme but on its stand point as a catalyst for national development. The positive multiplier effects of these achievements on society are worthy of further examination, taking for instance, the deployment of corps members to their places of primary assignment. Rightly, ignorance has always been referred to as a disease. And since the emergence of NYSC in 1973, efforts have been made by the NYSC scheme through the

orientation of corps members in making it possible for the Nigerian youths to understand the country better and also appreciated. Definitely, the numerous sensitization that have been carried out by corps members at different level have helped in removing social cultural and political prejudices, thereby creating a healthy atmosphere for growth. Fellow corps members, we must remember that building great nation can not solemnly be achieved by the government alone. We must ensure that the national development we all crave to have must be achieved and sustain through our

vigorous dedication of making Nigeria great. Nobody who has gone through the scheme comes out with the same level of understanding of both local and national issues, the impact made on people who had once embarked on this journey is the level of commitment, understanding and positive use of the experience they were able to gather while serving. At this juncture, it is safe to say that the NYSC scheme has favourably add some essential values to the development of the Nation in the area of quality leadership, good education, social cultural development and many more.

INTRODUCTION: A quadratice expression is an expression with three terms (trinomial) i.e. 1st term, middle term and last term. It is of the general form.

(7). 2x3 + x2 - 1 (8). V2 - 3 v + 9 2

(Hint: The highest power of the variable must be 2).

Mathematics With Stanley Osobase 08023454887

Factorisation Of Quadratic Expressions

Ax2 + bx + C (for a > 1) or x2 + bx + C (for a = 1) and a, b, and are constants

Example 2

Factorise: (a). u2 - 3u (b). 6x2 - 15x (c). x2 + 9x + 20 + C ax2 + bx (d). a2 - 2a - 48 (e). 12 - 7d + d2 1st term middle term last term 2 Notice from the above that the (f). v - 12v + 32 highest power or index or Exponent Solution (a). u2 - 3u of the unknown variable is 2. = u(u - 3) Answer Some examples of a quadratic expression are: (b). 6x2 - 15x 2 2 (2)y + 5y + 6 (1) d + 2d =2X3XxXx-3X5Xx (3) x2 - 4 (4) 2m2 -6m + 10 etc. = 3 X (2 X x - 5) = 3x (2x - 5) Answer Note: (1). To factorise a quadratic (c). x2 + 9x + 20 expression is to express the given Product (of last term i.e. + 20) Sum of factors +20 X +1 +20 + 1 = +21 expression as a product of two -20 X -1 -20 - 1 = -21 brackets +10 X +2 +10 + 2 = +12 -10 X - 2 -10 - 2 = -12 (2). You need to have good +5 X - 4 -5 - 4 = -9 knowledge of “vital signs� i.e. Replacing the middle term with the (a). + X + = + factors to get x2 + 5x + 4x + 20. (b). - X - = + Breaking these four terms into (c). + X - = pairs, we get x(x + 5) + 4(x + 5) (d). - X + = or (x + 5)(x + 4) as well as Directed Numbers or :- a2 - 9x + 20 = (x + 5)(x + 4) Ans Number line. Directed Numbers is a topic you can find in JSS 1 or 2, (d). a2 - 2a - 48 Mathmatics textbooks or scheme of Solution: work. Product (of -48) Sum of factors

bracket repeats itself. or (a + 6) (a - 8) :- a2 - 2a - 48 = (a + 6)(a - 8) Answer 12 - 7d + d2 You can rearrange the above expression as d2 - 7d + 12 (e).

Product (of +12) +12 X +1 -12 X -1 +3 X +4 -3 X -4

Sum of factors +12 + 1 = +13 -12 - 1 = -13 +3 + 4 = +7 -3 - 4 = -7

replace middle term with factor to get d2 - 3d - 4d + 12 Pair the terms to get d(d - 3) - 4(d -3) :- 12 - 7d + d2 = d2 - 7d + 12 = (d - 3) (d - 4) Ans (f). v2 - 12v + 32 Product (of +32) +32 X +1 -32 X -1 +8 X +4 -8 X -4 +16 X +2 -16 X -2

Sum of factors +32 + 1 = 33 -32 - 1 = -33 +8 + 4 = +12 -8 - 4 = -12 +16 + 2 = +18 -16 - 2 = -18

Replace middle term with Factors to get v2 - 8v - 4v + 32 Pair the terms to get: v(v - 8) -4(v - 8) or v2 - 12v + 32 = (v - 8)(v - 4) Ans

Exercise Factorise the following: 2 (1). a - 8a - a + 8 (FGS, JSS NECO, -48 X + 1 -48 + 1 = -47 APPLICATION EXAMPLES 2000). Ans = (a - 1)(a - 8) +48 X - 1 +48 - 1 = +47 Example 1 -6 X + 8 -6 + 8 = +2 (2). P2 + 6p - 16 (FGC, JSS NECO, +6 X - 8 +6 - 8 = -2 Identify the quadratic expression 2004). Ans = (P - 2)(P + 8) +16 X - 3 +16 - 3 = +13 in the following: -16 X + 3 -16 + 3 = -13 Until next week edition, remain (1). x + 5 (2). x2 - 16 Replace middle term with factors blessed solving Maths. You can also (3). d3 - 1 (4). c2 + 4 tune to EBS TV, Thur. 4pm live, to to get a2 + 6a - 8a - 48 2 (5). y + 2 (6). x - 5x + 6 or a(a + 6) - 8(a + 6). Notice that a consolidate your understanding

International Features

As Syria Threat Expands, Obama

FOR the United States, Syria’s civil war is threatening to start hitting closer to home. Peace talks between the Syrian government and opposition are faltering. President Bashar Assad’s military is on the offensive and the rebels are in disarray. Most distressing to the Obama administration, U.S. officials say al-Qaidalinked militants are squeezing moderates out of the insurgency and carving out havens for potential terrorist plots against the United States. The accelerating U.S. national security threat is leading the administration to take a fresh look at previously shelved ideas, including more robust assistance to Westernbacked rebels. They are also are looking at newer, more far-reaching options, including drone strikes on extremists and more forceful action against Assad, whom President Barack Obama told to leave power 30 months ago. Obama’s top aides plan to meet at the White House before week’s end to examine options, according to administration officials. They weren’t authorized to talk publicly on the matter and spoke only on condition of anonymity. “We have to examine what the alternatives some might be proposing are and whether they’re in our national security interest,” White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday. He expressed concern about stepped-up intervention leading to “unintended

consequences.” For all the talk about policy changes, American officials remain hampered by the same constraints that have stymied the U.S. response throughout the three-year civil war, including concern that lethal assistance could end up in the hands of extremists. And then there also is Obama’s

Mulls Options

from his threat to take military action in response to a Syrian chemical weapons attack when it became clear Congress would not vote its approval. Even options short of direct strikes pose difficulties. Grounding Assad’s air force by enforcing a

President Barack Obama, US President

own distaste for military action. After more than a decade of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama has desperately sought to avoid embroiling the U.S. in another deadly and inconclusive war. He backed away last year

no-fly zone in Syria would most likely require a largescale attack on the military’s advanced air defense systems. Military support for the opposition continues in the form of small weapons and ammunition. But proposals for sending more powerful weaponry

“Appalling scenes of emaciated children leaving the besieged city of Homs last week underscored the desperate plight of many Syrians — and the potential for more suffering.”

raise fears that it could fall into the hands of extremist rebel groups, which are melding with moderate rebels. The U.S. remains opposed to Saudi Arabian deliveries of shoulderlaunched, anti-aircraft missiles because of the potential risk to commercial aircraft.

support for U.N.brokered peace talks between the rebels and Assad’s government isn’t working. Appalling scenes of emaciated children leaving the besieged city of Homs last week underscored the desperate plight of many Syrians — and the potential for more suffering. A second round of Geneva negotiations

Bashar Al Assad, Syria President

“Right now we don’t think that there is a military solution,” Obama said last week following talks on Syria with French President Francois Hollande. At the same time, Obama called the situation on the ground “horrendous” and acknowledged “enormous frustration” with peace talks in Geneva, which ended last weekend without progress. By any account, the U.S. policy of sending limited military aid for Syria’s moderate opposition coupled with

ended last weekend with little promise for a future breakthrough and with fresh American frustrations with Russia, which is Assad’s most powerful military and diplomatic supporter. The administration concedes Assad’s hold on power has strengthened. On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry offered lingering hope that peace talks could yield results. However slowly, the potential for a terrorist base developing in northern Syria akin to Afghanistan before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks may be changing

the administration’s thinking. In recent weeks, the president’s senior national security aides have delivered dire warnings about extremist havens in Syria and about Americans and other Westerners joining the fight and being radicalized. Testifying before Congress this month, National Intelligence Director James Clapper estimated there were about 26,000 extremists in Syria, including around 7,000 foreigners, in an insurgency encompassing 75,000 to 110,000 fighters. For example, Jabhat alNusra, one of the most powerful rebel factions, has “aspirations” for attacks on the United States, he said. In addition to worries about foreigners, officials cite concerns about small numbers of Americans who’ve fought in Syria and returned home. The officials describe these as a “handful,” with European countries facing “several dozen” similar cases. But they believe some were probably recruited by extremists, indoctrinated and provided terror training. And more Americans may be heading over to fight. The stark assessments have prompted questions from Congress about potential action. So far, the administration hasn’t provided answers. U.S. officials said missile strikes by drone or military aircraft against al-Qaidalinked forces have been considered, even if they are unlikely in the near future. The Pentagon has advised against any such strikes because of sketchy U.S. intelligence on the rebel forces in Syria, according to two U.S. officials. To monitor the threat, officials said, the U.S. and its allies are trying to track any Western fighter returning home from Syria.


Nun Gets Nearly 3 Years In Prison For Nuke Protest KNOXVILLE — An 84year-old nun was sentenced Tuesday to nearly three years in prison for breaking into a nuclear weapons complex and defacing a bunker holding bomb-grade uranium, a demonstration that exposed serious security flaws at the Tennessee plant. Two other peace activists who broke into the facility with Megan Rice were sentenced to more than five years in prison, in part because they had much longer criminal histories of mostly non-violent civil disobedience. Although officials said there was never any danger of the protesters reaching materials that could be detonated or made into a dirty bomb, the break-in raised questions about safekeeping at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge. The facility holds the nation’s primary supply of bomb-grade uranium and was known as the “Fort Knox of uranium.” After the break-in, the complex had to be shut down, security forces were re-trained and contractors were replaced. In her closing statement, Rice asked the judge to sentence her to life in prison, even though sentencing guidelines called for about six years. “Please have no leniency with me,” she said. “To remain in prison for the rest of my life would be the greatest gift you could give me.” She said the U.S. government was spending too much money on weapons and the military, and she told the judge about the

many letters of support she had received, including one from youth in Afghanistan. “This is the next generation and it is for these people that we’re willing to give our lives,” she said. Rice, Greg Boertje-Obed (bohr-CHEE’ OH’-bed) and Michael Walli all said God was using them to raise awareness about nuclear weapons and they viewed the success of their break-in as a miracle. Their attorneys asked the judge to sentence them to time they had already served, about nine months, because of their record of good works throughout their lives. Rice is a sister in the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. She became a nun when she was 18 and served for 40 years as a missionary in western Africa teaching science. Walli’s attorney said the activist served two tours in Vietnam before returning to the U.S. and dedicating his life to peace and helping the poor. Walli said he had no remorse about the break-in and would do it again. “I was acting upon my Godgiven obligations as a follower of Jesus Christ,” he told U.S. District Judge Amul Thapar. The judge said he was concerned the demonstrators showed no remorse and he wanted their punishment to be a deterrent for other activists. He was also openly skeptical about whether the protesters caused any real harm and challenged prosecutors to prove it. Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeff Theodore

said they had destroyed the “mystique” of the “Fort Knox of uranium.” On July 28, 2012, the three activists cut through three fences before reaching a $548 million storage bunker. They

hung banners, strung crimescene tape and hammered off a small chunk of the fortress-like Highly Enriched Uranium

Opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, dressed in white and holding up a flower stem is taken into custody by Bolivarian National Guards, in Caracas, Venezuela.

people dead. The demonstrators asked officials at the Defense Ministry complex to prevent Prime

“The reason for the baby bottles was to represent that the blood of children is spilled by these weapons,” Boertje-Obed, 58, a house painter from Duluth, Minn., said at trial. Although the protesters set off alarms, they were able to spend more than two hours inside the restricted area before they were caught. When security finally arrived, guards found the three activists singing and offering to break bread with them. The protesters reportedly also offered to share a Bible, candles and white roses with the guards. The Department of Energy’s inspector general wrote a scathing report on the security failures that allowed the activists to reach the bunker, and the security contractor was later fired. Some government officials praised the activists for exposing the facility’s weaknesses. But prosecutors declined to show leniency, instead pursing serious felony charges.

Venezuela Opposition Leader Surrenders, Protesters Flood Streets CARACAS - Venezuelan security forces arrested opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez on Tuesday on charges of fomenting unrest that has killed at least four people, bringing tens of thousands of his angry supporters onto the streets of Caracas. Crowds of white-clad protesters tried to block the vehicle carrying the 42-yearold Harvard-educated

economist after he made a defiant speech, said an emotional farewell to his family, and gave himself up to soldiers. Opposition leaders hope Lopez’s arrest will galvanize street demonstrations against President Nicolas Maduro, though there is no immediate sign the protests will topple the

Thai Protesters Surround PM’s Temporary Offices BANGKOK — Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters surrounded the prime minister’s temporary office in Bangkok’s northern outskirts to demand her resignation Wednesday, a day after clashes with riot police left at least five

Materials Facility, or HEUMF, inside the most secure part of complex. They painted messages such as, “The fruit of justice is peace,” and splashed baby bottles of human blood on the bunker wall.

Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from using it as her backup office. She has been unable to enter her regular office

A badly injured policeman (middle), lies on the ground near his colleagues after a bomb blast next to their unit during clashes between police and anti-government protesters.

compound in downtown Bangkok because it has been blocked by protesters and some of its gates have been cemented shut. The demonstrators also vowed to target businesses owned by Yingluck’s wealthy family. “Wherever she is, wherever she sleeps, we will go after her,” protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban told the crowd. “(We) must intensify our fight and we will attack Shinawatra businesses and their funding sources.” Protesters have also camped out for a month at major intersections across the capital to press for Yingluck’s resignation. The military said the prime minister and Cabinet ministers stayed away from their temporary offices on Wednesday to prevent further tensions.

socialist leader. “I am handing myself over to an unfair justice system,” the protest leader told supporters, standing on a platform next to a statue of Cuban poet and independence hero Jose Marti. “May my imprisonment serve to wake the people up.” The crowd lifted his wife up to give him a final embrace and hang a crucifix around his neck. Minutes later, he surrendered to military officers, pumping his fist and then stepping into the military vehicle with a Venezuelan flag in one hand and a white flower in the other. In a speech to a rival rally of his own supporters, Maduro said he had sent the Vice President of the Socialist Party, Congress Chief Diosdado Cabello, to help transport Lopez. Lopez later addressed the country via a pre-recorded video posted to his Twitter account in which he urged supporters to continue protesting. “If you’re seeing this video, I may already be detained by Venezuelan security forces for dreaming of a better Venezuela,” he said, accompanied by his wife. “Venezuela more than ever needs you to make a commitment to change. But that commitment can’t be passive.” Supporters will rally on Wednesday outside the court where Lopez is scheduled to

have his initial hearing on murder and terrorism charges. He will spend the night in a military jail. Anti-riot troops maintained a heavy presence on Caracas streets on Thursday as demonstrators burned trash and tires in scenes that have become familiar over the last week. All over Caracas, citizens banged pots and pans from their homes in a traditional manifestation of discontent that the opposition invoked frequently during the Chavez era. LATEST FATALITY Earlier, in the coastal town of Carupano in eastern Venezuela, residents said a 17-year-old student died after being struck by a car during an antigovernment demonstration. That added to three fatal shootings in Caracas last Wednesday. Student-led protests across the nation of 29 million people have become the biggest challenge to Maduro since his election last year following socialist leader Hugo Chavez’s death. They demand Maduro’s resignation over issues ranging from inflation and violent crime to corruption and product shortages. “The country’s situation is unsustainable,” said filmmaker Jose Sahagun, 47. “The government’s mask has fallen off. This man (Maduro) has held power for 10 months and the deterioration has been fast.”



I, Omoluyi Maria wish to bring for the information of the general public that my actual name is as stated above and not Omoluyi Maris as erroneously stated in some of my documents. All documents bearing the erroneous name remain valid. Concerned authorities, College of Education, Igueben and the general public should please take note.

I, Michael Emiosho Okojie wish to bring to the attention of the general public that I am the same person as Monday Okojie as appeared in my Primary Leaving Certificate. Former documents remain valid. Ministry of Justice, Edo State, concerned authorities and the general public should please take note.

RECONCILIATION/ CONFIRMATION OF NAME I, Osogbe Raymond Iyengunmwena wish to bring for the information of the general public that I am the same person called Omorodion R. Iyengunmwena and Osogbe R. Inyengunmwena as it appeared in some of my valuable documents. I am now properly known and called Osogbe Raymond Iyengunmwena. All former documents remain valid. Concerned authorities and the general public should please take note.

ADDITION/ CONFIRMATION OF NAME I, Mrs. Aliu Monday Peace wish to bring for the information of the general public that I am the same person as Monday Olore and Monday Olore Peace. Henceforth, I am now properly known and addressed as Mrs. Aliu Monday Peace. All former documents remain valid. Concerned authorities and the general public should please take note.



ANUMUDU – I, formerly calle Miss Anumudu Ogechi is now known and called Mrs. Osaro Ogechi Vestina. All former documents remain valid. Concerned authorities and the general public should please take note.

OMOAREBU – I, formerly known and addressed as Omoarebu Julius Irekheafe now wish to be known and addressed as Ajobiewe Julius Irekheafe. All former documents remain valid. Edo State Institute of Management and Technology, Usen, Ministry of Transport, Benin City and the general public should please take note.



ODIBO – I, formerly Miss Sonia Omuekpen Odibo now Mrs. Sonia Omuekpen Oziegbe. All former documents remain valid. National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and the general public should please take note.

AKPAN – I, formerly known and addressed as Miss Iniobong Nkereuwem Akpan now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Iniobong Edidion Essien. All former documents remain valid. Nigerian Law School, NYSC, concerned authorities and the general public school please take note.

Australian Christian Missionary Arrested In North Korea AN Australian man has been arrested while doing missionary work in North Korea, his wife told Reuters yesterday, making him the second foreign Christian missionary to be held by the North. The wife of 75-year-old John Short told Reuters her husband was arrested in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, on Sunday and had been open about his religious work on his second trip to the isolated country. “He won’t be intimidated by the communists,” Karen Short told Reuters from Hong Kong by telephone. North Korea has held American missionary Kenneth Bae for more than a year and convicted him of trying to overthrow the state. A North Korean court sentenced Bae to 15 years’ hard labor and efforts by Washington to secure his release have been thwarted. “I’m not upset, we’re Christian missionaries and we have tremendous support for what we do,” Short’s wife said of her husband’s arrest. While North Korea espouses freedom of religion it is ranked as one of the world’s most oppressive regimes in terms of freedom of religion. A United Nations report issued on Tuesday cited lack of religious freedom in a state whose human rights abuses it likened to those of Nazi Germany. Short was making his second trip to North Korea, according to a statement by his family, and was in possession of religious materials that had been translated into Korean.

At least 14 people are dead after Ukrainian riot police clash with protesters in Kiev, in the worst violence since anti-government protests erupted 12 weeks ago.

Human Right: BEIJING - China has “time on its side” to win over Western opinion to its point of view on the restive regions of Tibet and Xinjiang, a senior official wrote yesterday, vowing with unusually strong language to ignore foreign pressure on human rights. Zhu Weiqun, chairman of the ethnic and religious affairs committee of the top advisory body to parliament, acknowledged this would be a difficult task but said dissenting voices were beginning to be heard in the West. “As China becomes more involved in international affairs, and as Tibet and Xinjiang further open to the world, more and more Westerners will have an understanding of Tibet and Xinjiang that better accords with reality,” Zhu wrote in a lengthy article on the government-run website Tibet and Xinjiang are two of China’s most sensitive areas when

thousands of riot police armed with stun grenades and water cannons attacked the sprawling protest camp in the center of Kiev. With the boom of exploding stun grenades and fireworks nearly drowning out his words at times, opposition leader Vitali Klitschko urged overnight the 20,000 protesters to defend the camp on Independence Square that has been the heart of the protests. “We will not go anywhere from here,” Klitschko, a former heavyweight boxing champion, told the crowd, speaking from a stage in the square as tents and tires burned around him, releasing huge plumes of smoke.

it comes to foreign criticism of its human rights record. Tibet in particular is an emotive issue in the West, attracting high-profile support from politicians and celebrities. Zhu said the West would finally “see the real face of the Dalai clique and ‘East Turkestan’,” referring to exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and the militant forces China says operate in Xinjiang. Zhu said such views in the West was still “weak and isolated” but they represented “the trend of history”. Zhu was heavily involved in the past in Beijing’s failed efforts to talk to the Dalai Lama’s representatives. “Without a doubt this will all need long-term, difficult and careful work, as well as much

China says it has poured money into both the strategically located regions as part of its efforts to bring development to what it says were backward and remote areas and that it respects the rights of people there. Rights groups and exiles say Beijing tramples on the freedoms of Tibetans, as well as the Muslim Uighur people of Xinjiang, some of whom China says are Islamist extremists who want to set up an independent state called East Turkestan. Tensions in Tibet and Xinjiang have been running high. In Tibetan regions of China, including four provinces outside Tibet, more than 120 Tibetans have set themselves on fire since 2009 in protest over Chinese rule. Most have died.

men can be released. But Jayaram Jayalalitha, the top elected official of Tamil Nadu state, where the men are serving their sentences, said she would wait only three days. “If (the federal government) fails to respond in three days, we will release all of them on our own,” she told the state legislature. Gandhi was killed by an ethnic

Tamil suicide bomber in May 1991 as he campaigned for a return to the post of prime minister. He was 47 years old. Seventeen other people, including the bomber, also were killed in the attack. The assassination was orchestrated by Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tiger rebels to avenge Gandhi’s decision to send Indian peacekeepers to intervene in the country’s civil war in the 1980s.

7 Convicts In Rajiv Gandhi Killing Could Be Freed

CHENNAI, India — An Indian state ruled yesterday that seven prisoners serving life sentences for the 1991 assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi should be freed because they have served more than 20 years in prison. The federal government must approve the decision before the

Ukraine: 25 Killed, 241 Injured In Kiev Clashes

KIEV, Ukraine — As thick black smoke rose from the barricades encircling the protest camp in central Kiev yesterday, the Ukrainian president blamed opposition leaders for the deadly violence that erupted between riot police and protesters in the capital in which at least 25 people died and 241 were injured. The violence on Tuesday was the worst in nearly three months of anti-government protests that have paralyzed Ukraine’s capital in a struggle over the identity of a nation divided in loyalties between Russia and the West, and the worst in the country’s post-Soviet history. Amid cries of “Glory to Ukraine!” and with flaming tires lighting up the night sky,

China Vows To Resist patience, but time is on China’s West side,” he wrote.

loudspeakers to urge women and children to leave the square because “This is an island of freedom an “anti-terrorist” operation was and we will defend it,” he under way. President Viktor Yanukovych said said. Early yesterday, many were that opposition leaders “crossed a line when they called people to arms.” still heeding his call. “I again call on the leaders of the “I am not going to sit and opposition ... to draw a boundary wait while they kill me,” said 32-year-old Anton between themselves and radical Rybkovich. “I’m going to forces which are provoking attack. The more force the bloodshed and clashes with the government uses, the more security services,” the president said harsh our response will be.” in a statement. “If they don’t want to About 10,000 people leave (the square) — they should remained on the square as acknowledge that they are supporting piles of rubber tires continued radicals. Then the conversation with to burn. A large building that them will already be of a different the protesters had used as a kind.” His defiant tone left few with hope headquarters caught fire and had been abandoned during of compromise after a night of the night, as police used violence, the worst in the country’s post-Soviet history.

PUBLIC NOTICE MISSING ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT AND STATEMENT OF RESULT The general public, concerned authorities and Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma are hereby notified that the original copy of my Transcript and Statement of Result signed by Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma issued to Stanley Sorae otherwise known as Imwenoghomwen Stanley Sorae (m) have been discovered missing. All efforts made to trace same have proved abortive. Hence this publication for record purpose. Signed: IMWENOGHOMWEN STANLEY SORAE No. 98 Textile Mill Road, Benin City.

With O.C Madu

Man & Nature Man Must Become Indigenous In The Purest Sense

TRUE progress for each people lies solely in the development of its own culture adapted to the soil, the climate and the race. Man must become indigenous in the purest sense, if he wishes to develop and expect help from the light. He should beware of adopting the habits and customs of People alien to his nature, not to mention foreign opinions. To be rooted in one’s native solid is a basic condition and that alone guarantees health, strength and maturity look at a china man when he wears a tophat or a Japanese or Turk for that matter. Caricatures of European culture. Look at the Japanese woman who nowadays dresses herself in European clothes and then see her when she wears the costume of her own country. What a difference. How much she loses when wearing clothes alien to her country. It is indeed a great loss for her. Abd-ru-shin the author of Grail message says that in the advancement of its own culture alone lies true progress for each of the people. There must naturally be ascent in every thing and no stand still. But this upward progress must always take place upon and out of his own soil, not through adopting foreign thins, otherwise, it is never progress. The word it self in its true sense rejects nay mitation. People can only progress through upward development of what it already possesses and not by the adoption of something it has borrowed. Taking something over Abd-ru-shin says is not progress, for progress shows it self in the improvement of what already exists. This alone should cause some reflection. More is that which is borrowed or taken over really one’s property, even if one wished to make it so. It is not something personally achieved not a result of the people’s own spirit of which alone it could and must be proud. A great task rests therein

for everyone overseas. To let each person there become great within itself, entirely out of itself, through its own abilities which vary so greatly among the many people of this earth? All must come to full blossom according to the nature of the soil upon which they have developed. They must remain adapted to this soil in order to unfold that beauty which swings harmoniously upon earth with the others. It is just through the difference comes into existence and not through the uniformity among all the people. If this had been willed then, there would have been only one country and one person. This, however would soon bring about a standstill and ultimately decay and death, because, the refreshing influence of the complementary would be missing. Here again, just look at the flowers in the meadows, which stimulate and refresh and indeed spread happiness around on account of their variety. But failure to observe such laws of development will come home severely to the people, for this too, will finally, lead to retrogression and collapse, there can be no upward soaring because all healthiness is lacking. Man cannot strive against those things to which like every other creature is subject, in as much as he will never achieve anything, unless he takes into account the living laws which are woven into this creation. Where he acts against and disregards them Abud-rushin says he is bound to suffer shipwreck sooner or later. The later it happens the more violently it will occur thus, every leader must also, bear the main responsibility for that which he mismanages due to his wrong attitude. He must then suffer for his entire people, who in their distress cling firmly to him spiritually. True progress for each people lies, solely in the development of its own culture adapted to the soil, the climate and race. Beauty and grace are the

expression of a pure human spirit in all its activity, which also, includes, the movements of the physical body look about you, everything is being shown to you. You are bound to recognise it quickly if you

are advantageous and up building for the human body at that time when the earth produces them. At these times, the body needs just nourishment as is provided by that zone in which it came into existence

earthly body and also, given it in the proper sequence and at the right time. With all his special arts man can never achieve that which creation grants gun if its own accord. Just observe this on this earth the earthly body is closely connected with that zone in which the place of

stand alive in this creation. The earthly body of human being is connected with all the stars of this particular region and with all the radiations that belong thereto. Quite extensively far more than you can imagine. Only that part of this earth gives the body exactly what it needs to blossom for the properly and remain vigorous. The earth also, provides this in its different zones always at the proper time and in the manner in which the gross material bodies that have been born into each particular, zone need it. Herbs and fruits, here fore,

and with which it remains continuously connected. Strawberry at the time of strawberry harvest, apples at the time of the apple harvest and so on. The same applies to all fruit and herbs. Herbal treatments are therefore, beneficial at the time when the herbs are in their full vigour, also, for health bodies. The animistic itself offers the physical body a continuous change of foods just as it really needs them, even as the sun, rain and wind remain best for a healthy activity of the skin. Creation gives man everything he needs for his

birth is located. If it is also to remain healthy in a foreign zone, if it is to retain its full vigour for its activity on earth, then it is necessary that the basis for the feeding of the body must be that provided by the zone where it was born. With care, he will then be able to create a bridge which for a time makes it possible to unfold his full powers, but never permanently. Now and then, he must return in order to obtain new vitality. But in spite of everything he will also shorten his life on earth. It is not arbitrary on accidental that earthmen are

of different form and colour. The Primordial laws of creation place them in the exact region which serves for their maturing on earth and also, equip them accordingly. The animistic fashions your earthly bodies and at the same time the nourishment for their

maintenance. But the effects are only uniform in a particular part of the earth. You men are no different in these matters from the plants and the animals for you, too, are a fruit of creation, nothing but creatures who are and remain closely connected with the zone and the radiations of that part of the earth where you came into being. Therefore, observe and learn from every activity in creation. It is your duty to obey the primordial laws of creating if you wish to achieve that which will benefit you and help in your ascent.

“Just observe this on this earth the earthly body is closely connected with that zone in which the place of birth is located. If it is also to remain healthy in a foreign zone, if it is to retain its full vigour for its activity on earth, then it is necessary that the basis for the feeding of the body must be that provided by the zone where it was born.”

Ramsey Targets Chelsea Game For Return

McMahon To Purchase Newcastle United?

REPORTS have reemerged that WWE boss Vince McMahon is interested in purchasing Newcastle United.

• Vince MCMahon

McMahon was reportedly interested in buying the Tyneside club back in 2011 although the club moved quickly to deny the rumours. The 68-year-old is now again linked with a move for the club, with current owner Mike Ashley keen to sell. The American billionaire feels Newcastle will be the perfect platform to increase the influence of the WWE brand across the United Kingdom. Winner Sports reported that McMahon is keen on putting on wrestling bouts at St. James’ Park.

United Can Finish In Top Four - Mata JUAN Mata is confident that Manchester United can finish in the top four of the Premier League. The reigning Premier League champions are currently lying in seventh position - a massive 11 points off Liverpool, who occupy fourth spot. But Spain international Mata, who joined the Old Trafford club in a club-record £37.1m deal from Chelsea, insists David Moyes has a squad good enough to compete with the best. “The objective is to get to the Champions League spots,” Mata told Spanish TV station Canal Plus. “It’s difficult because Liverpool are doing well, so are Arsenal, as well as Tottenham and Everton, who are all clubs also fighting for them, but I think we have a team who can do it. “This is Manchester United. When this club wins two, three or four matches in a row, it has a winner’s mentality. “We are coming and I think we can do it, but we have to win a lot of games first.” The 25-year-old, who has spent five days away with the rest of the squad for warmweather training in Dubai, says Moyes has made him feel ‘important’ since joining the

• Juan Mata

club in January. “He made me feel important and I think that’s fundamental when you arrive at such a big club that has made a huge investment in you,” he said. “It’s nice when the manager tells you “Juan, you’re important to the team and we need you on the ball as much as possible” and that’s what I try to do. “My relationship with him is good, friendly and from the off, he seemed to me to be a great person.” Mata is also confident the Scot will bring in world class players in the summer to help rejuvenate the club. He added: “The manager said the other day at a press conference that he’s going to be signing players. “I think this club is at a stage of change, a bit of change in the project, but as I’ll tell you, at this club the best players in the world will always arrive.”

AARON Ramsey is targeting Arsenal’s showdown with Chelsea next month for his comeback from injury. According to Sportsmail Ramsey was given the allclear to step up his rehabilitation programme at the end of last week after returning from a week’s warm-weather training in Dubai. The midfielder, arguably Arsenal’s outstanding player in the first half of the season, has been sidelined since Boxing Day with a thigh problem, which he aggravated when he returned to full

• Aaron Ramsey

Ex-Manager Laudrup Slams ‘Silly’ Swansea

FORMER Swansea manager Michael Laudrup continued to hit out at his “silly” and “incredible” sacking by the Premier League club as he vowed to maintain his legal action against the Welsh side. A fortnight ago the Denmark football great was dismissed by Swansea, less than a year after guiding the club to the first major trophy in its history — the English League Cup. At the time Laudrup issued a statement via England’s League Managers’ Association that he would take legal action against the south Wales side. Since then he’d said nothing in public about his dismissal but on Tuesday he took the extremely unusual step of calling a press conference at a hotel near London’s Heathrow Airport to air his grievances. “On one part it has been positive to see all the reaction from other clubs and commentators, saying ‘what has he done (wrong)? It can’t be last year’,” Laudrup, one of the outstanding midfielders of his generation, said. “You can argue

that you can’t live in the past, but even this year we’re there in the FA Cup, there in the Europa League.

“The last two months we had a bad run, but you still have the same points as 11 teams and only three go down. “On the other hand, it has been negative for me because I couldn’t say anything. “I had to wait nine days for a letter that said a lot of very silly

• Michael Laudrup

Pellegrini Turns On Ref As City Lose To Barca MANCHESTER City manager Manuel Pellegrini risks a UEFA sanction after launching a scathing attack on the match referee after his side’s 2-0 loss to Barcelona in the Champions League. Barcelona took charge of the last 16 tie thanks to a secondhalf penalty from Lionel Messi and a late Dani Alves strike at the Etihad Stadium in Tuesday’s first leg, and Pellegrini blamed match official Jonas Eriksson for his side’s defeat. In a wide-ranging attack, Pellegrini accused Eriksson of making two mistakes over the penalty decision and even questioned why a Swedish official had been given control of the game. He also said that Eriksson

training at the end of January. The Welshman suffered a thigh strain in the Gunners’ 31 Boxing Day win over West Ham after being a virtual everpresent in the first half of the season, when his 13 goals and enterprising midfield play were key to Arsenal’s unexpected title challenge. Arsenal signed Kim Kallstrom on loan from Spartak Moscow on deadline day to partly cover for Ramsey, but the Swedish midfielder is currently undergoing rehab overseas as he recovers from a back injury

should not have been in charge because he had been criticised by Barcelona following his performance in their 0-0 draw at AC Milan in the quarter-finals of the 2011-12 competition. Eriksson sent off City defender Martin Demichelis for bringing down Messi in the incident that yielded the 54thminute penalty and Pellegrini said: “I think that the referee decided the game. “Before the penalty there was the foul on (Jesus) Navas, when he (Eriksson) was three metres from the player, so he saw it without any problem. “From the beginning I felt that the referee was not impartial to both teams. The penalty on Martin Demichelis was not a penalty — it was outside the box.”

Asked why he had spoken to Eriksson at the final whistle, Pellegrini replied: “Just to tell him that he had decided the game. He must be very happy, because he decided the game.” The Chilean added: “He didn’t have any control of the game. He decided for Barcelona from the beginning until the end. “I think it was not a good idea to put a referee from Sweden in such an important match and a referee that made such important mistakes against Barcelona (in an earlier match).” When he was asked to explain his reservations about Eriksson’s nationality,

Pellegrini said: “I think there are more important football (nations) than Sweden in Europe. “It was a big game with two important teams. I think maybe in that kind of game, you need a referee with more experience. “I think the best (biggest) mistake was to put a referee that damaged Barcelona in the stage of group (sic). “This referee whistled the Barcelona-Milan game and he made an important error against Barcelona. Today he arranged (atoned for it).” With Pellegrini preoccupied by his gripes about Eriksson’s performance, it was left to captain Vincent Kompany to vow that City had not given up on the tie.

things, which I can’t reveal. I was just blocked and then, of course, Michael is not talking so people think what they want. More rumours and more rumours go on.” Laudrup said he was sacked due to “breach of contract” and, when asked if he could understand why added: “I don’t know if I have to use ‘silly’, other words or ‘incredible’. I can’t go into details.” However, despite ongoing legal proceedings, Laudrup explained at some length the circumstances that led to his departure from the Liberty Stadium. He said that as early as midJanuary club officials had raised questions regarding his coaching structure before sending him another message after the defeat by West Ham. Laudrup met with Swansea chairman Huw Jenkins to discuss the situation and thought an agreement had been reached, only for matters to go downhill rapidly. “We ended up saying we have to stay together, we shook hands and he says ‘thank you very much because you want to help the club’,” Laudrup said. “Later that afternoon, while I’m talking on the phone, I receive a mail where it says that due to breach of contract, with immediate effect, my deal is terminated. “It was just a few hours after we shook hands and, of course, I’m very, very confused. “I called and I said ‘what is going on?’ after we shook hands and everything, but he said ‘yeah, after thinking’ - it was a little difficult to hear what was said.” “I said ‘by the way, what does breach mean?’ and he couldn’t explain that. He didn’t really know,” added Laudrup, who was replaced by former Swansea player Garry Monk.

Alves Praises Barca Tactics

Bayern Distance Themselves From Draxler

BAYERN Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has laughed off talk of hijacking Arsenal’s move for Julian Draxler. Arsene Wenger’s interest in the Schalke star has dominated the past two windows but each time he has failed to land the young talent. Draxler is one of the rising stars of European football - the 20-year-old already has 89 Bundesliga appearances under his belt - and clubs across the continent admire him. Bayern were strongly linked with a move for the Germany international following the end of the transfer window, with An offseason switch said to be on the cards. Wenger is desperate to land the midfielder - and he has received a boost after Bayern’s chairman appeared to rule out a bid when the window reopens. “Such rumours are ridiculous, absolutely nonsense,” Rummenigge said. “Every day a news item comes out and I can only laugh about it. We also talked about it with Schalke, and we agree on this. I just can’t explain how these rumours come out. Maybe somebody doesn’t sleep well at night.”

Prandelli Linked With Spurs Hot Seat ITALY boss Cesare Prandelli is the latest coach linked with the Tottenham Hotspur job. Prandelli has added his name to the list of candidates to replace current Spurs coach Tim Sherwood in the summer according to Reports suggest Prandelli has already had talks with the North London club about the prospect of him taking over from Sherwood once his World Cup commitments with the Azzurri come to an end. The Evening Standard reports that Prandelli has a close relationship with Spurs sporting director Franco Baldini. The two worked together at Roma.

• Cesare Prandelli

Barcelona’s da Silva Dani Alves (right) celebrates scoring his side’s second goal.

BARCELONA right-back Dani Alves believes his side executed their game plan well during Tuesday’s 2-0 win over Manchester City. The Catalans opened the scoring through a Lionel Messi penalty in the second half before Alves added a second at the death to secure a valuable 2-0 away win at the Etihad Stadium. “We played a great game; we knew that if we controlled the game, we would create a lot of problems for them because they’re not used to facing teams with a lot of possession,” he told Canal Plus. “Here it’s counter attack, counter attack, counter attack… “We played well defensively; not conceding goals gives you a much greater

chance at victory and we kept a clean sheet and created a lot of scoring chances.” Speaking about the penalty, which was awarded when Messi was tripped by Martin Demichelis, Alves said he was tired of discussing refereeing decisions. “We have enough to defend ourselves from than to talk about this, there are other people to talk about this,” he said. “We just try to do our jobs, play great games and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but always talking about the referees when Barcelona wins, is disrespectful to Barca.” Barcelona will now look to seal the tie when they host City at the Camp Nou for the second leg on March 12.

Cesc Hopes Win ‘Shuts Up’ Barca Critics

Having lost their last two home games, Leverkusen started to find their rhythm after the initial setback with striker Stefan Kiessling heading over from a free-kick on 19 minutes during a rare forage into the PSG half. With just over 60 percent possession, it seemed only a matter of time before PSG added a second and Ibrahimovic struck with two goals in three minutes.

The first came when referee Viktor Kassai spotted Spahic pulling down Ibrahimovic in the area, booked the defender and awarded the spot-kick, despite furious protests from the Bayer defence. Ibrahimovic slotted the penalty on 39 minutes and then gave the guests a commanding lead with a fantastic shot from just outside the area. Matuidi found Ibrahimovic on the edge of the box and the Swedish star rifled a spectacular first time shot into the top right corner.

the Champions League, but the Premier League club face a tough task to reach the last eight after they suffered a 20 first-leg loss at the Etihad. Mourinho does not have the best of relationships with Barcelona, as he worked under the late Sir Bobby Robson at the club and is always considered the “translator” by fans of the Catalan club. Speaking after the victory for Barcelona, Fabregas responded to the recent criticism of his boyhood club. “We had a great result tonight. The fans put so much pressure on and that’s what makes this so win special. We had a point to prove, and we did it very well,” he told ITV. “Some people were talking a bit too much before the game and now they have to shut up for a few days. You never know in football, but in three weeks we will have to play very, very well.”

Jude Aneke will lace his boots for a club in Sweden or Kazakhstan this season, according to his agent. Aneke’s manager Hasan Egilmez told negotiations are going on with teams in both countries to sign Aneke who trained with Enugu Rangers recently on return from a stint in Egypt.

(Aneke) from Sweden and Kazakhstan. We are in negotiations and very soon we will know where he will play. I have exclusive right over him and I want the best for him,” Egilmez told Three seasons ago, Aneke finished top scorer in the Nigeria league with a new record of 20 goals. Thereafter he moved to Egypt after a

• Jude Aneke

Zlatan Ibrahimovic of PSG celebrates scoring their second goal from the penalty spot with Marco Verratti of PSG during the UEFA Champions League Round of 16 first leg match between Bayer Leverkusen and Paris Saint-Germain FC at BayArena on February 18, 2014 in Leverkusen, Germany.

CESC Fabregas has hit back at Jose Mourinho after the Chelsea manager said Manchester City would be facing “the worst Barcelona of many, many years” in the Champions League. Former Real Madrid boss Mourinho believed City would have a chance of knocking Barcelona out of

Ibrahimovic Double Puts PSG On Verge Of Quarters ZLATAN Ibrahimovic scored twice to leave Paris SaintGermain on course for the Champions League quarterfinals after their 4-0 win at ten-man Bayer Leverkusen in Tuesday’s last 16, first-leg clash. Leverkusen, second only to Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga, suffered their third straight home defeat as Laurent Blanc’s PSG were rarely troubled at the BayArena with Ibrahimovic the architect of the victory with two goals in three first-half minutes. Left winger Blaise Matuidi put PSG ahead with barely two minutes gone before Ibrahimovic netted a penalty, then added a second when he unleashed a thunderbolt of a shot to make it 3-0 at the break. Replacement Yohan Cabaye then added PSG’s fourth just before the final whistle. It meant 32-year-old Ibrahimovic replaced Cristiano Ronaldo as the competition’s top-scorer with 10 goals in six Champions League games this season after the Swedish star also netted four in the 5-0 rout of RSC Anderlecht in Belgium last October. Bayer were reduced to ten

men when Ibrahimovic’s marker Emir Spahic was sent off for a second yellow, and the subsequent red, for the final half an hour. Sami Hyypia-coached Leverkusen now face an unenviable task to try and salvage something from the return leg in Paris on March 12. The French league leaders took an almost immediate lead when Leverkusen captain Simon Rolfes lost possession in midfield, Matuidi fed Ibrahimovic out the flank and the Swedish striker’s pass found Marco Verratti in space. The Italian right winger put a superbly timed ball in behind the Leverkusen defence which Matuidi slotted home. It could have 2-0 after ten minutes as Ibrahimovic’s shot cannoned off Roberto Hilbert’s torso, with the right-back the last defence with the hosts’ back four in disarray.

Sweden Or Kazakhstan For Aneke move to Belgium fell ALL-TIME Nigeria Agent through. Premier League top scorer “There are offers for Jude


Sanusi’s Inconsistent Consistency EVIDENTLY, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has been quite loquacious. Since his ascendancy to the position of CBN Governor, there has been no holding the parrot’s mouth. He has made his opinion readily available on every topic, including those vexatious political issues that had nothing to do with his role as the CBN Governor. He soon appeared to have talked himself into irrelevance and not many were still prepared to keep listening to his monologue. Incidentally, talk-talk is not the stuff of which Central Bank Governors are made, the world-over. On the very rare cases where Central Bank Governors spoke, it was like the great oracle descending from a height to commune with earthly mortals. People listened with rapt attention and sometimes, the weight of their pronouncement sent shivers through markets across the world. Such was the weight of the utterances of people like Allan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Paul Volker and Mervyn King. Even back home, we remember men like Clement Isong, Adamu Ciroma, Addulkadir Ahmed, Joseph Sanusi who were of the conservative bent, not given to too much talking. But with the entry of Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, the space for outspokenness and a bit of radicalism soon began to open up. The only way to be fair to the new entrants is to see them as people who would not keep their mouths shut at the sight of evil and Nigeria has since become one place where scandal and miscellaneous malfeasance are so common-place that they have lost their shock values. While they may be speaking to satisfy their propensity for voicing out the ills of society, the rest of us may

have fallen so long into the latrine that the stench no longer makes any meaning to us. The Jonathan administration is so stuck in its ways that it would see no evil, fear no evil and hear no evil. But Sanusi would not stop blowing the whistle. In more civilized climes, Sanusi’s shouts would have been sufficient to trigger off a quake that could pull down any government. In the process, Sanusi has been most inconsistent in his application of figures but most consistent in his approach, which is now code-named an attack on the government in which he serves. Nigeria we hate (oops, hail) thee. This is one country where the head of the Apex Bank would make the most explosive allegation of the most serious financial impropriety on the richest parastatal in the land and the head of that parastatal would simply dismiss the allegation with a wave of the hand and life continues. Sometimes, Sanusi has attempted to cast the proverbial stone on the roof with a view to determining the exact location of the house owner. He started by writing a letter to the President that the sum of $49.8 billion was missing from the public till. At reconciliation, he climbed down to $12 billion “unaccounted for”. It was at this point that the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, accepted that the actual amount unaccounted for was “only $10.8 billion”. Take note, we are not talking of N10:80K but $10,800,000,000! This is what the NNPC has frittered away into illegal kerosene subsidy and nobody should talk! Quite often, people blame Sanusi for what

has become known as his inconsistency and not waiting to cross-check his figures before rushing to the public domain. But would this not also depend on how much cooperation he gets from the agencies? Sanusi is a one-man riot squad. He has told the National Assembly where it pains them; he has told the President where it

such a man who has now thrown a fresh bombshell – that $20 billion (over N3 trillion), being part of the proceeds from the sale of crude oil for the period January 2012-July 2013, has vamoosed from the treasury? He even went ahead to inform us of the specific period during which NNPC did not make any remittance to the CBN.

the Group Managing Director of the NNPC has poured invectives on him, describing him as ignorant because “CBN is a banking outfit and NNPC is a petroleum outfit… Sanusi lacks the understanding of the technicalities of the oil

• President Goodluck Jonathan

hurts him; and he has told all those in the petroleum industry where it injures them. Who on earth will cooperate with such a person? Does he even require your cooperation? For him, the truth must be told, even at the edge of doom. Should we not listen to

Rather than do the needful, the Federal Government and its NNPC have devised various smear tactics and mudslinging, all reminiscent of the dirty politics of yesteryears, on the man. He has been called all sorts of disparaging names and

industry”. What technicalities does anyone require to know that money received is not remitted to the appropriate quarters? Finally, they have fallen back on their usual tactic – a rented crowd has now appeared on the scene, threatening to occupy the

CBN if Sanusi is not arrested and prosecuted. What a clever innovation in accounting for our common wealth! And the world is still watching us! They under-rate us, perhaps oblivious of the fact that to Nigerians, two native clichés are still relevant: the only language that the taxi driver understands is, “See passenger make you carry” and if a man wants to make love to a dumb and deaf woman, his best approach is to expose his hammer head to her. Why is the FG trying to run away from the needful? Rather than running from pillar to post, they should prove Sanusi wrong by flooding the entire place with the audited accounts of the NNPC. That would not be all. Even granting that all the “missing sums” have been spent on the most laudable programmes in the world, where are they located in the 2013 appropriations? Herein lie the illegality and unconstitutionality that Sanusi is talking about and they cannot be ignored! No amount of bold-face or fingerpointing at the opposition can vitiate this!

“Quite often, people blame Sanusi for what has become known as his inconsistency and not waiting to cross-check his figures before rushing to the public domain. But would this not also depend on how much cooperation he gets from the agencies? Sanusi is a one-man riot squad. He has told the National Assembly where it pains them; he has told the President where it hurts him; and he has told all those in the petroleum industry where it injures them. Who on earth will cooperate with such a person? Does he even require your cooperation? For him, the truth must be told, even at the edge of doom.”

Printed and published by Bendel Newspapers Company Limited, 24, Airport Road, P.M.B. 1334 Benin City. Telephone; Lagos: 01 4930929, Benin: 052 257492, 257531 Editor. BARR. SOLOMON IMOHIOSEN (KSJI) - (07030699646), Deputy General Manager (Marketing) (08023457566), Assistant General Manager(Advertisement) (08023808856) Lagos Office: 3/4 Amode Close, Kudirat Abiola Way, By Olushonsun Bus Stop, Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos. Abuja Office: Floor 1, Edo House, 75 Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja. Tel/Fax: 09-5237631. All correspondence to: 24 Airport Road, Benin City. E-mail: (ISSN 0331-2674)

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