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Welcome to Issue Three of Professional Leader™

Before Rosalynn Carter, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama there was Eleanor Roosevelt. The proclaimer of the human rights movement, she worked as a United Nations activist for human rights, which led her to become one of the world’s most widely admired and influential women. As wife to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor was the first lady from 1933 until 1945. Despite childhood tragedy, she started an unprecedented movement in her adult life. In this cover story, you learn Eleanor Roosevelt’s lessons in leadership.

In his lifetime, Stephen R. Covey propounded some of the most potent principles for personal effectiveness. He communicated what was necessary to develop a successful mindset. Covey tried to break the shackles of political, religious, and social differences and encouraged us to embrace these differences and view the world differently. In this issue’s Thought Leader Tribute to Stephen Covey, The Man Who Inspired Effectiveness, you learn how to apply the seven habits of Highly Effective People.

Today’s business landscape reveals ever-changing trends. No one can expect the global marketplace to be the same from one moment to the next. Withstanding constant change requires evolution. Keys to organisational success in our chaotic business world include adapting, mitigating losses, and staying competitive. In Three Steps to Change Management, you learn how to apply Kurt Lewin’s classic model for managing change.

When the pressure is on and the stakes are high, your emotions can get the better of you, which can hamper your performance and productivity. Unwanted emotions left unmanaged can lead to stress or a nervous breakdown. To help you understand your emotions, Psychologist Daniel Goleman introduced the concept of Emotional Intelligence in a 1995 edition of Time Magazine. In Improving Your Emotional Intelligence, I outline four fundamental facets of EQ.

Therefore, I am pleased to present to you Issue three of Professional Leader™ to take you through the Spring and into the Summer!

Enjoy reading!

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