Sidebar Winter 2014-15

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It was striking to hear how familiar the team members were with each participant as they freely discussed the progress, needs and particular obstacles that each might be facing. All team members participated in suggesting solutions for each individual’s needs and in developing the individual’s rewards or sanctions. The quality approach of the team members was equal to, or superior to, the finest mental health programs in the area! These are not EASY clients and they do not present EASY illnesses and issues! Sitting in when BHC was in session was not only informative, but also a very heart-warming experience watching participant after participant greet Judge Smyth and update him on their progress. It was clear that the Judge was familiar with every participant and knew about their life, needs, struggles and triumphs. Moreover, each person seemed to feel very comfortable telling Judge Smyth about their concerns and needs. One individual openly discussed the fact that graduation was a little scary and it was acknowledged to be a bit intimidating to have the supports of the past year and a half to two years fall away. He was promptly assured that he would not be left adrift but would have access to all the identified supports and services. The Judge and many of the participants exchanged pleasantries regarding the Philadelphia Eagles and, the most popular topic, the Thanksgiving holiday which had just passed. Those in Phase Three exchanged good wishes for the Christmas holiday, as it would be celebrated before they were due back in court. The Judge was treated with great respect and, when he imposed a sanction, it was accepted gracefully and with personal ownership of the fact that the participant had broken a rule of the program. There was a true sense of caring, familiarity and mutual respect. History and the accompanying statistics delineate that the most successful outcomes occurred for participants who have high mental health needs and no concurrent addiction. Participants may be hospitalized during the BHC time, but the team considers it successful when a person knows when they need to be hospitalized and enters the hospital voluntarily, rather than having to be involuntarily committed on a 302. When the program statistics were compiled several months ago, there were 100 graduates. Of those 100 graduates, three had been committed to hospitals and three had been rearrested. This is a resounding endorsement of the efficacy of the hard work and commitment that Judge Smyth, the BHC coordinator, the District Attorney’s and Public Defender’s offices, and all the other professionals who are part of the treatment team have expended on behalf of each and every participant in the program. The program is continually growing and developing, and now includes a dental program with clinicians from Montgomery County Community College who are available to clean the participant’s teeth and evaluate his or her dental needs. Further, work continues to make psychological testing



and psychiatric evaluation more readily available, and, with the upsurge in the diagnosis of autism in individuals, specialized intervention is sought for the participant who falls within the spectrum of autism. At the top of the list of issues that need further solutions, however, is the “pink elephant” within the process which is the very serious on-going need to obtain housing for individuals, as many of them cannot live at home or afford the costs of independent living. There are programs within the county, such as Section 8 and others, but only residents of Montgomery County are served at this time. As a clinical psychologist and attorney, every bit of information that I gleaned regarding this program was impressive! The in-depth diagnosis and interventions make it truly possible for participants to have a “life worth living”! As a side note, the participants are both male and female; however, the participant for this article is referred to as “he.” For further information on the topic of mental illness and crime, see the December 7, 2014 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer, page G1.

For an informative brochure or to observe a court session, please contact Stephanie H. Landes at 610-992-7733 or go to https://wiki.

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