January 6, 2016, issue 1 volume 4

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the north grenville


Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford www.ngtimes.ca

The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 4, No. 1

January 6, 2016

2015 - A Year in Review

St. Michael Boys Basketball program heads North!

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

Ryan’s Well Foundation welcomes a New Director

8 year old Snowcross Racer riding to success

Council approve a 6.18% tax increase

St. Michael student Art Show

The Central Canada Hockey League do it for Daron

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Kemptville Panthers Bantam C2 win Capital House League Championship

North Grenville receives award for College Report

A Sweetheart of a Brunch

Share the love

Heritage Awards Night

Al Brown, owner of Al’s Used Furniture, was the special guest auctioneer for the Share the Love Art Auction.


Wasn’t that a party! Kemptville Live huge success.

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

First Tournament for Kemptville Women’s Hockey The Kemptville Women’s Hockey League was proud to see some of their “experienced” players head to the Ontario Senior Games to participate in the first ever women’s hockey tournament held at the event.

KWBSC recognizes Ron O’Callaghan as 2014 volunteer of the year

Green and Growing Local Food On March 9, Sustainable North Grenville welcomed Matt Brearley, General Manager of the Two Rivers Food Hub, who spoke to a full house at The Branch Restaurant and Texas Grill. Jim Beveridge, his son Andrew and John Barclay were also there to talk and answer questions about Markets on Rideau, a re-development project in the Rideau-Sanders Triangle in Old Town Kemptville.

Fire destroys local business

Fire completely destroyed the premises of R. Rose Automotive off County Road 43. Employees were working in the shop, unaware that the fire had started in a section where tires were stored, until a passing motorist rushed in to tell them that they were in danger.

New Chamber of Commerce Board members sworn in

The Board of Directors for the revamped North Grenville Chamber of Commerce were sworn in. Mayor David Gordon read out the text of the declaration made by each Board member, and the group gave their assent before signing the formal document, which was witnessed by the Mayor. Three Board members were absent, having been sworn in on a previous occasion. Those Board members attending the council meeting were, from left: Harry Pratt, Gerald Tallman, Cathy Sheppard, John Gray and David Shanahan. Missing were: Melissa White, John Meharg and Mark Thornton.

KWBSC announces Junior Volunteer of the Year award for 2014

Building a Sustainable North Grenville


2868 COUNTY ROAD 43, KEMPTVILLE, ON 613.258.7661 / KEMPTVILLEPHYSIO.COM January 6, 2016

In the summer of 2014, they were often seen helping at various tournaments for both boys and girls as well as with the year end fun day for the Small Ball kids. They provided excellent customer service at the BBQ's and always had a smile from ear to ear. Their positive attitude was very contagious. As dad Thomas Riding points out, volunteering for them is very rewarding. “It gets them involved with ball on a different level and they understand that the unique events Kemptville Wildcats Baseball Softball Club put on could not be done without the help and assistance from many volunteers. They also get an opportunity to learn different aspects of the game such as scoring and field maintenance, while meeting players, kids and adults from other areas. They also know it’s important to build their volunteer hours for school a little bit at a time, and what a better way to help out than to do it at the ball diamond!” The Kemptville Wildcats Baseball and Softball Club are lucky to have them and as such have awarded them the Jr. Volunteer of the Year award for 2014. Chloe, Francesca and Oliver, Congratulations! 2

Rob Caron and Dave Dunn of Rideau Woodland Ramble were honoured to receive the Canadian Garden Council 2015 Destination Garden Centre of the Year Award.

Light It Up Blue for David

On April 2nd, the residents of Oxford Mills illuminated their homes with blue lights in support of their neighbour David deQuetteville, a young boy who has Autism.

NGDHS Rotary Science Fair

RONA Kemptville supports Grenville Community Service Council

Chris Sargeant and Eric Norenberg of RONA Kemptville present a cheque for $1,287.60 to Claire Larabie of the North Grenville Community Service Council. The funds were donated to cover the cost of perishable foods included in the Knights of Columbus Christmas Hampers last December.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

UPDATE COUNCIL Monday, January 11 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. Lockwood Brothers nominated for Award of Excellence Local building company, Lockwood Brothers Construction have been named as finalists in the 2015 Tarion Awards of Excellence, which are the only awards in Ontario that recognize builders exclusively for customer service. According to Chris Spiteri, Chairman of Tarion’s Board of Directors, “Tarion sets the standards for new home builders in Ontario when it comes to licensing and after sales service delivery for warranty obligations. The Tarion Awards of Excellence finalists represent builders who go above and beyond these requirements. Their commitment to excellent customer service helps validate the high caliber of service that the Ontario home building industry has to offer.”

A happy prisoner

One of the most committed prisoner in the recent Kemptville Youth Centre Jail and Bail event was, as always, Gerald Tallman, owner of the Tallman Truck Centre and the Tallman Group.

Minister presents award to Steve Jonsson, Your Independent Grocer Steve Jonsson, owner of Jonsson’s Your Independent Grocer at the Kemptville Mall, along with store Produce Manager, James Desjardin, were presented with a 2015 Foodland Ontario Retailer Award by Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Jeff Leal, at an event at the Liberty Grand in Toronto on March 27.

KYC Jail and Bail locked up for another year The Kemptville Youth Centre held their annual Jail and Bail event on April I, and it seemed that most of the population were involved in raising funds for the KYC and having a great deal of fun at the same time.

Legally Brilliant: the Musical

The Kemptville Youth Musical Theatre Company presented “Legally Blonde” at the Theatre in the NG Municipal Centre, and is yet another success story for this exciting group of creative people. On stage and behind the scenes, this production follows in a great tradition which brought us “Seussical: the Musical”, “Shrek”, all the way back to “Oklahoma” in 2003.

COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, January 18 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking applications from individuals interested as Appointees to the following Board and Committee during the term of Council (through to November, 2018): Library Board (Monthly Evening Meetings) – One member required Canada Day Committee (Meetings as needed) – Minimum of three members required Candidates must be 18 years old, a Canadian citizen and a resident of North Grenville. Application forms are available at www.northgrenville.ca, by contacting cpominville@northgrenville.on.ca or at the Municipal Office. Please submit applications by Wednesday, January 13th, 2016 to the Municipal Office, 285 County Rd. 44 or cpominville@northgrenville.on.ca. Further information is available by contacting the Clerk at 613-258-9569 ext.110 or cpominville@ northgrenville.on.ca. 2016 BURN PERMITS In accordance with By-Law 33-12, a Burn Permit is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Permits for 2016 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15. Please contact the Fire Hall at 613-258-2438 ext. 5 for conditions prior to burning. 2016 DOG LICENSES Renewal notices will be mailed to all currently registered dog owners. If you are not a currently registered dog owner, please contact By-Law Services at 613-258-2438 ext 6 for further information. The 2016 rate for Dog Licenses is a flat fee of $15 for each dog. For information on Kennel Licenses, please contact By-Law Services. The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 general@northgrenville.on.ca Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438

Vaughan Williams Choral Concert

The North Grenville Concert Choir proudly presented a “Vaughan Williams Choral Concert” under the direction of young & talented Music Director Phillip Konopka at Holy Trinity Church in North Gower and at St. John’s United Church in Kemptville.

Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002



Kemptville Snowmobile Klub winds up with record year

After the huge winter in 2013-2014, the winter of of 2015 was shorter, but not by much. Two great winters in a row resulted in record breaking permit sales for the Kemptville Snowmobile Klub. The trails were open continuously from January 7 until March 12, about 9 weeks. Our 225 km of trails received over 560 hours of grooming, all by volunteers, and none of our events had to be cancelled and all were well attended. This year we sold a record high 524 permits, which translates into more than 700 family snowmobilers from North Grenville and Wolford Townships who enjoyed recreational snowmobiling. January 6, 2016

Trade Show draws a crowd

Bud Mawhinney

a lifelong passion for umpiring baseball

The first Shop Local(ly) trade show which was held at the Municipal Centre was a great success and a fantastic achievement for the organisers, Anne Kotlarchuk, Leah Finley and ALK Event Management.





The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

North Grenville at its best A year in review by Marguerite Boyer For the past two years, I have been given the task of compiling a list from each issue of the NG Times that is to go into our yearend review. It’s quite a daunting task having to pick and choose from each one. There’s just so much good will in this community, as the pages before you can attest to. What you see unfold in this issue is just how active volunteers and businesses are and the pride they have in our community. Everything works together. The wheel turns and each part is just as important as the other. What this issue demonstrates, once again, is the way in which volunteers and businesses give back to the community, year after year. There are the volunteers that work with the youth, in the schools and in the community, or those who work with the elderly, to give them a better quality of life, and everything else

in between. They are what make North Grenville such a great place to live. There’s the groups, from Youngsters of Yore, Friends of the Library and Ferguson Forest Centre, the Bishops Mills Women’s institute, the Hospital Auxiliary that makes Hey Day happen each year, the Historical Society that conserves the history of North Grenville, the Oxford Mills, Bishop’s Mills and Burritts Rapids Community Associations. I mention just some of the groups, but it’s a much longer list. Dedicated volunteers that keep the wheels turning. Working for this paper, I have seen so much good will. From Sharon at Bayfield Manor, who goes over to help on the nursing side, or Sara from Spencerville, who has dedicated her time to Oxford Mills (because that is where she originally comes from). Each one of you plays a part to help keep that wheel turning. It’s a long list and I could fill the pages with thank you’s to all of you.

Look at the amazing turn-out for the all-candidates meeting during the federal election: another indication of how involved the people of North Grenville get whenever they are given an opportunity. That is still such a relatively untapped resource. We lost some good people this year who gave so much back to this community. They will be missed. Michelle Brazeau’s plight brought many people out to volunteer and their sheer energy made her last days more comfortable. The loss of Harry Pratt was a shock to the community. He was involved in so much and expended much of his free time giving back to his neighbours. The last time I had the pleasure of his presence was at a cancer event this summer held at Nestle Down B&B. He was the auctioneer at the event and showed such wit, he was totally entertaining, one could have paid just to watch his performance. He had us in stitches. Har-

ry, you will be missed. To Adam Shewchuk, who was at the heart of the Ferguson Forest Centre, another huge loss. Always smiling and full of life. Rose Grahame, a gentle woman, who ran Grahame’s Bakery for years. She leaves a powerful legacy in her children. You will be remembered. Then one needs to thank the local businesses that help make so many of the events happen. You could see that at the first Kemptville Live Music Festival last year. This was one of the biggest events to ever happen in North Grenville, and, even before there was a line-up of acts, or even a place to have the festival, local business people signed up to sponsor it. Bob Besharah and Karen Beddard (local business people in their own right) put on a show that would have done any major city proud: and to do it in our local area shows the depth of talent and level of support we give each other here. When you look through

the paper, it is very impressive to see how many local entrepreneurs have been recognised provincially this year. Rideau Woodland Ramble received a national distinction, while Steve Jonsson, of Your Independent Grocer at Kemptville Mall, was presented with a Foodland Ontario Award by Minister Jeff Leal. Lockwood Brothers were nominated for an Award of Excellence in their field too. This is a community with very high standards in all areas of endeavour. A review of those individuals who received Municipal Civic Awards, or the Heritage Awards presented each February, shows that same dedication to excellence. The future is looking good too. The Kemptville Youth Musical Theatre Company made more fantastic contributions to our cultural life in 2015, and the Kemptville Youth Centre’s Book Fair provides both a promotion of literacy and added funds to continue providing programs for young

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: As a home owner and tax payer, I have lived on my road since 1991. Two years ago the Municipality of North Grenville contracted the destruction of brush on the side of the road. It made a terrible mess. Brush and small trees were not removed, but rather hacked at, leaving branches piled up in front of people’s property for the home owners to clean up. This year when I questioned one of the individuals involved in this operation as to why this was being done, I was told it was for ‘my safety’. I can assure you I have felt quite safe for the last 23 years prior to this initiative. I sent an e-mail to both the Mayor and Doug Scott, who is responsible for roads. I supplied pictures of the disaster that had resulted from this exercise and asked to whom the contract had been given, for what price and why was tax payer’s money being spent in this manner.

Neither gentleman deigned to reply. Rather I received an email from someone in the office informing me they had every right to create any kind of eyesore they saw fit as they owned the property. I am attaching the two of the pictures that I sent to these two individuals. It would appear that not only is this Council oblivious to the democratic process but further, does not feel inclined to respond to taxpayers. I trust that the taxpayers of North Grenville will have long memories come the next election. Sincerely Elizabeth Innes Oxford Mills Dear Editor: I found this written on a piece of paper in my Bible, I don't know how long it has been there or where it came from but it is food for thought as we enter a new year.

A Set of Twins in their Mother's Womb: One asks the other: " Do you believe in life after delivery?" The other replied, "why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what will be later." "Nonsense," says the first "There is no life after delivery. What would that life be?" "I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths." The other said. "This is absurd! Walking is impossible, and eating with our mouths? Ridiculous. The umbilical cord supplies our nutrition. Life after delivery is to be excluded. The umbilical cord is too short". " I think there is something and maybe it is different than it is here". The other replied, " No one has ever come back from there. Delivery is the end of life, and in the after

delivery it is nothing but darkness and anxiety and it takes us nowhere". "Well I don't know", says the second, but certainly we will see mother and she will take care of us". "Mother??" You believe in Mother. Where is she now?", asked the first. The second twin says, "She is all around us. It is in her that we live. Without her there would be no world". The first stated " I don't see her, so it's only logical that she doesn't exist". To which the other replied, "sometimes when you're in silence you can hear her, you can perceive her. I believe there is a reality after delivery and we are here to prepare ourselves for that reality...... Happy 2016, good health and may your hearts be warm. Josephine Herman

ISSN 2291-0301 www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 January 6, 2016

Marketing Peter Peers peter@ngtimes.ca 613 989-2850


Editor David Shanahan david@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

Copy Editor Pat Jessop editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671

Production Manager Marguerite Boyer production@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083


Dear Editor: I want to thank a gentleman with his two young sons who stopped on Elizabeth Street (behind Home Hardware) on Wednesday last to help me shovel out my garage driveway and the car parked on the lawn. It was very much appreciated and the young fellows and their Dad are a credit to our community. Jean Kilfoyle

Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Graphics Accounting Micheal Pacitto cfo@ngtimes.ca mike@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671 613-710-7104

people. It is yet another event that is heavily supported by local business. In the meantime, seniors maintain their incredible record of activism and volunteerism that gives such inspiration to all generations. I have seen it over and over again. What goes around comes around. The wheels just keep turning. New players come in to keep it going, and some fade out, but it is through their example that we keep going. It makes me proud to be part of this community.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated For Advertising rates please contact Peter at peter@ngtimes.ca or call 613 989 2850

Staff Reporter Beth Nicol beth@ngtimes.ca 613-258-0033 Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson hilary@ngtimes.ca


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville Erick Le Pors



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Local history on the Municipal Centre walls

The North Grenville Historical Society [NGHS] and the Municipality of North Grenville have worked together on a project to bring historical photographs to the walls of the Municipal Centre. The first five photographs in what is hoped to be an ongoing series were presented to the Municipality by the NGHS. Pictured above are Brian Carré, NG CAO, Dr. David Shanahan and Ken Mews, NGHS, Mayor David Gordon and Mark Guy, Director, Parks, Recreation & Culture. The photographs where hung in the public areas on the second floor of the Municipal Centre.

Kemptville District Hospital celebrates its dedicated volunteers at its annual Volunteer Appreciation Tea

As a special tribute, KDH Auxiliary President Jane Wolfe presented flowers to Avalon and Hal Pinhey and to Dorothy Hudson, in gratitude for their role in managing the accounting operation at the Auxiliary’s major annual fundraiser, Hey Day.

Ontario pays tribute to OPP Constable

A very moving ceremony took place at the NG Municipal centre, as a highway bridge was dedicated to the memory of an OPP Constable who was killed on duty on the Oxford Mills Road forty years ago. Provincial Const. G. Alan Thompson died on March 31, 1975, from injuries sustained when he was in pursuit of a speeding vehicle, which he followed over train tracks at what was then an unmarked crossing.

New face of Fire Prevention

St. John’s celebrates 185 Years of life

North Grenville has a new campaigner, and it comes in the form of the smiling face of Shannon Armitage, the new Fire Prevention Officer. Shannon stepped into the role on April 7, 2015, after working for the By-Law section of Emergency and Protective Services under Chief Paul Hutt for three years.

St. John’s United Church has marked 185 years of attending to the spiritual needs of its congregation and serving the community at large. Prior to the formation of the United Church of Canada in 1925, the congregation was Methodist. Originally its preachers were itinerant, eventually settling in a framed church on Clothier St. In 1869 it was replaced by a brick structure which burned down 19 years later. In 1888, the congregation built their new home on the present location.

Witnesses to history meet after fifty years

Andrewsville Bridge

It was a long and winding road that brought two men from an historic civil rights march in Selma, Alabama, in 1965 to a gallery in Merrrickville, Ontario, in 2015. In March, 1965, Peter Laux was 19 years old when he heard about the Bloody Sunday attack. Lynn Ball was another young man drawn to Selma that day. As a freelance photographer, he had already covered important events and was developing a “nose” for sensing the right place to be with his camera.

Friends seek help from Merrickville-Wolford

Time to change that. Coaching can help. Weight & health More meaning & authenticity Life change /balance Job re-direction


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Building a Sustainable North Grenville

The North Grenville Times is available in Oxford Mills at Olde Porch Primitives 9 Water Street and the Brigadoon Restaurant

Facing a crossroads? What got you here, isn’t helping you forward?

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402



The North Grenville Times

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The Voice of North Grenville

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6


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January 6, 2016



The North Grenville Times

School baskets for CHEO raffle raised $1,000

An outdoor classroom at the Forest Centre

Kemptville Public School (KPS) had a Mother’s Day basket raffle to raise money for a new cardiopulmonary bypass machine at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). The initiative was a joint project by KPS and KPS Parent Council, and was spearheaded by KPS mother Sandra Mahoney, whose youngest daughter, Adeline (9 months), had life saving surgery using the current cardiopulmonary bypass machine at CHEO. She was informed after the surgery that the machine was on its last legs and that CHEO needed almost half a million dollars to replace it.

Hitting the heights at KYC Rob Thompson of Rob Thompson Realty climbed the ladder to KYC's Star Walls, as he upgrades his Donor Star from White to Bronze.

Almost three years ago, the FFC began an Outdoor Education program which encourages the community to explore the forest trails in guided walks. Two trails used for the program, the Forest Management Trail and the Turtle Trail, and your guide on the journey is another priceless asset to our community. Alf Campbell has been involved in forestry around this area since 1957. He was manager of the old Forest Station for eighteen years, when it was under provincial ownership, and is currently a Director of the FFC.

Community Living North Grenville gives back

Community Living North Grenville held a food drive for the month of May. This was the brainchild of staff member Kaitlin Utman who wanted to give back to the community.

The Voice of North Grenville

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to production@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/Merrickville

BRANDING Just got a lot more fun

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Literacy program competition for kids

Marjorie Mosher featured artist at NG Arts Guild Exhibit

Special celebration at a special event

The Municipality of North Grenville Parks, Recreation & Culture celebrated the 10th anniversary of the North Grenville Municipal Centre with a number of events in June. They provided cake to signify the anniversary to all people who attended the 35th annual Mason’s Fish Fry on June 6.

KDH Auxiliary St. John's United Church, Kemptville extended lifetime HeyDay A Success Lifetime memberships awarded

memberships into the United Church Women's group to four outstanding ladies. The many church and community contributions of Norma Wiggins, Patricia Reid, Donna Ross and Lorna Wilson were celebrated at the June1 U.C.W. luncheon meeting. Family and friends were also in attendance as they were presented with special lapel pins and acknowledgment certificates. Congratulations and thank you to each of you.

Merrickville and District Historical Society introduces easy-to-use database January 6, 2016

Destiny’s Way Wolford’s Refuge

Once you get past the crowds and the bargains, Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary’s major fundraising event, Hey Day, is the epitome of organization and community support.

Merrickville’s Library Treasure Mary Kate Laphen 7


The North Grenville Times


It seems right that a business called To Be Continued should be located on a site where trading has continued for so many years. John Lattimer bought the land in 1834 and for three decades he worked as a copper there, making barrels and whatever wooden vessels the people of the growing village needed. In 1860 he extended the business and from then on the site was connected with trade and working people. A great Kemptville entrepreneur, William R. Anderson, who had a store on the corner of Sanders and Clothier Streets, bought the land from the Lattimer family in 1867 and were landlords to a number of tenants over the following tears. Patrick Swain was a labourer who lived in a home where To Be Continued stands through the 1890's, raising his family of five daughters as the nineteenth turned into the twentieth century. That was a family that would have appreciated To Be Continued! To Be Continued is devoted to offering only quality pre-owned clothing in “like new� condition. They have an incredible selection that is both stylish and affordable in sizes newborn to 12. You will find them at The 215 Sanders Mall (across from the B&H grocery store - many will recognize the space as the old Early Years Centre)

January 6, 2016


The Voice of North Grenville

My New Year’s Resolutions by Deron Johnston If I were a member of our municipal council, there would be a number of things that I would resolve to work on changing in the new year. This past year, some decisions were made and actions taken by municipal staff and council that left residents either scratching their heads, or outright angry and frustrated. As a councillor, to help relieve some of that frustration, I would resolve to do the following: I would resolve to seek out new and better ways to deliver information to residents, businesses and community organizations. People need to know what is happening, the details, and how it could possibly affect them. Meeting provincial standards for communication is merely a minimum requirement and I believe that we should do better. I think that compiling email lists for these different groups, so that they get the information delivered directly to them, would be a good start. Being a much stronger presence on social media would also help. This could be done both by the municipality and individual members of council. Information can be posted to multiple social media accounts simultaneously by one computer application that is available for free to anyone. This could save time for municipal staff, because messages (with weblinks to more detail) could be delivered to print media, social media, radio and email list members simultaneously. I would resolve to listen more to the concerns of residents, businesses and community groups, and act on them. If people take the time out of their busy lives to come to Council and Committee of the Whole meetings, they should be heard. People should never be mocked, condescended to, or arrogantly dismissed by anyone. This input is essential to those who truly believe in democracy, not just those who believe in it once every four years. I would wait until residents have had the opportunity to provide input or ask questions before making decisions or voting on something. Some of our residents have skills, education and experience that could shed new light on a given subject, or counter inaccurate information that has been provided to council. One member of Council seems to be doing this and I would strongly encourage him to continue and others to join in. On the same subject as resolution #2, I would resolve to create more opportunities for public input. I would do

my best to discourage all public meetings from being conducted during business hours, when almost two thirds of our employed residents are outside the municipality working. Logically, by having evening meetings, more people will have the opportunity to attend. I would also prepare a motion for council to consider that includes adding a period for questions and input from the public and press right before any voting is done at Council meetings. Questions are allowed before voting at Committee of the Whole, why not at Council meetings too? Many people believe that once something reaches a Council meeting, it is a foregone conclusion (many believe the same for Committee of the Whole meetings as well). I would do my best to change that perception and would encourage other councillors to do the same. Continuing on the same subject: I would resolve to be accessible to residents by hosting a regular monthly informal gathering at a local restaurant or coffee shop. It would be an opportunity for people to share their ideas and solutions to the challenges that we face. We have some incredibly talented, well educated and knowledgeable people in our municipality who could make significant contributions to improving the lives of all residents of North Grenville. As valuable as most of the information that municipal staff provides is, there are residents who also have expertise in various fields and for the betterment of everyone should be given an opportunity to share that expertise. I would resolve to bring my own ideas personally to the council table and to municipal staff. There's a perception that members of Council just sit back and vote on whatever municipal staff present to them. I would encourage residents to make well-prepared presentations on their ideas to Council and I'd offer to help them as much as I could. As well, rather than just make a token statement in support of something, I would personally advocate for what I felt were important ideas, in order to gather public support. All of this probably sounds like a tall order, but usually something worth having takes a lot of work. However, the amount of work it would take would be well worth it, in order to see this type of progress take place and have residents feel that they had an opportunity to contribute. After all, New Year's resolutions aren't supposed to be easy. www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville


First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word. Email production@ngtimes.ca SERVICES CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 2shoy@xolornet.com Weight Loss Coach “I did it... you can too!” Wendy Moore (613)558-4933. Free consultation. Eavestrough cleaning, repairs and installation. Free estimate 613.295.0300 House cleaning, interior and exterior, any odd jobs. Free estimate. 613.295.0300 Frame Local! Country Ways Custom Picture framing 613.322.6484 dam5@bell.net Snowplowing: Residential Driveways Call Robert Leach for estimate 613.222.2292 Dance classes for adults & seniors. Line, Jazz, Tap, Aerobics, Ballroom. The workshop Dance Studio 215 Sanders St. 613.868.9062 Hosting a Christmas event? The Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall is decorated & fully equipped facility for families, teams or businesses. Starting at $55.00 for 4 hours. Contact Jeff 258.1014 NO TIME TO COOK? We’ll take care of it! Homemade frozen meals; lunch & family sizes, muffins, soups, dessets and more! For more information go to www.lamyriade.ca. WELLNESS THROUGH NUTRITION Coaching Carol Pillar, R.H.N. Wholesumapproach.com 613.258.7133 Stucco & Parging Services, also specializing in repointing & chinking. Free estimates. cedarrockcontracting@gmail.com 613.818.5187 HOUSEWORK Need Help? I’m your gal. Will also clean litter and walk dog. Cindy 613.258.1568 SNOW REMOVAL: stairs, walkways, small driveways, roofs. Call Al 613.258.3847 or 613.295.0300 REGAL GIFTS, call or email for Christmas Catalogue 613.258.5558 gilliantrojan@ gmail.com Call Cinderella to look after your Alzhiemer or Parkinson loved one 613.859.4644

January 6, 2016

Lessons piano, guitar, ukulele, group singing and more. Your place or mine. 613.720.3531 Certified Packer can help you prepare for your move. Cinderella 613.859.4644 PIANO LESSONS for everyone. All styles, all ages. 613 324.0382 www.kemptvillemusic.com SEWING: Weddings to alterations at Stonehouse sewing. Call Sharon 613 224 3182 Rural Home Care servicesAffordable, personal, professional & experienced care for your loved one. 613.868.0356 FREE DRUM LESSON!!! Professional drummer offering FREE trial lessons...no obligation! 613 298 5913 www.drumhead.ca HANDY MAN specializing in renovations & house staging. We do it all CALL 613.294.2416 MESS “S.O.S.!” sarahlystiuk@gmail.com Free monthly articles straight to your inbox! You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call Rhonda at 258-5248 NEED A NEW ROOF? GOT A LEAKY ROOF? Over 15 yrs owner/operator, subcontracting. Free estimates Work Guaranteed call 613 294 2416 MR & MRS CLEAN residential/ commercial cleaning. Mrandmrsclean613@gmail.com, 613867-2184 HOUSECLEANING- Every working Mother and Father needs a House Wife. Sandi 613-2197277 Fencing and Deck Specialist, Renovations 20 yrs experience Brian 613 215 0805 Property clean-up, trees/brush/yard waste, scrap metal, dump runs, anything removed. Call Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 Complete Home Property Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 Rock My House music lessons in fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656 Handyman/Contractor with years of experience. No job too


big or small. Unlimited references, call for free estimate 613.791.8597

Senior needs old car batteries for making weights. Call 613 258 6254

YOGA for everyone. Wed and Thurs., at YIG. Call 258-9902


AVON. Are you looking for Avon products, call Joan- 613-2587644

Nordic wood stove, used one season, good for small area. Asking $550. 258.1246

Cindy’s House Cleaning. Need help? I’m your gal. Also will walk your dog. Call 613 258 1568.

Electric wheel chair, Model stormtdx4 invacare. In good running order. $400. 613.258.6254


Canon Rebel XT $99.00 ve3mhm@sympatico.ca

Commercial warehouse (up to 6,000 Sq Ft, will divide) and office (500 Sq Ft) to rent/lease. 18 ft ceilings, column free area, 14 ft overhead doors and mandoors, heat available. Kemptville Colonnade area. Call 613.258.1133 or 613.229.0566

2005 Red Impala, new brakes rotors $2,500.00 Don 613.808.4725/613.258.6413 2011 John Deer Tractor JD 2720 Tractor, JD 46 Backhoe with 16 & 9 buckets, JD 200CX front end loader. Used only 123 hours for personal landscaping, no winters. Asking $27,500.00 or OBO. 613.215.0674

Room for rent in downtown Kemptville within walking distance of all amenities. Heat, hydro, internet incl. $500. Call 618 878 4738.

Quality Grass Horse Hay 4x5 rounds Jon 613.227.3650 Washer & Drywer matched set, fridge white, clean $110.00 pair 613.869.8759

House for rent - Burritt’s Rapids, 2+bdrm, encl. yard, appliances. $1000/mth plus utilities. Call 613 296 2850

Firewood-Hardwood cut, split and delivered, $100/cord, Min. 3 chords. Call Peter at 258-5504 or 613-913-0810

One bedroom Apt. in town. NO stairs. $750. plus utilities 613.258.4741

Firewood-Mixed hardwood $100 per cord delivered. Call Charlie at 613-989-2768.

Commercial space for rent 513-b Prescott St. All Inclusive $750/month, Available Oct. 1 613.794.3551

Firewood-Mixed hardwood $100 per cord delivered. Call John at 613-227-3650

licence not required, Residents of Kemptville Only Call 613-894-5210”Y

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call HELP WANTED 613 258 6402

Laborer needed, for construction company Driver’s

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Municipal Client Service Representative The Municipality of North Grenville is accepting resumes from interested and qualified candidates for the position of Municipal Client Service Representative. A complete job description and information regarding salary is available at www.northgrenville.ca/ employment.cfm. Your resume and references must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m. Wednesday January 20th, 2016 to: Christa Stewart, EA/HR Coordinator Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44, Box 130, Kemptville ON K0G 1J0 Telephone: 613-258-9569 x 155 Fax: 613-258-9620 E-mail: cstewart@northgrenville.on.ca The Municipality of North Grenville is an equal opportunity employer committed to inclusive, barrier-free recruitment and selection processes and work environments. We will accommodate the needs of applicants under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) throughout all stages of the recruitment and selection process. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will only be used for candidate selection.


2 bdrm, 218 Prescott, quiet bldg, no smoking, incl. parking, heat, hydro and water. Sept. 1, $1250. Call 258 0849

TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville will hold a public meeting on MONDAY, February 1st, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 County Road 44) to consider the following item:

Old Town Kemptville 28 Clothier St. Commercial retail space 650 sq. ft. avail Oct 1st 613.295.0552

A proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, File # ZBA-1-16, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended will be considered at that time. THE PURPOSE of this application is to make a series of changes to Comprehensive Zoning By-Law #50-12, correcting oversights and errors and clarifying the intent of certain wording. There are several changes being proposed to the text and land use schedules of By-Law #50-12. This amendment is deemed to be a general amendment which applies to lands throughout the Municipality.

Renovated Ground Floor Office 1,900 sqft, 200 Sanders St. Kemptville 613.795.2389

ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or oral submissions either in support of, or in opposition to, the above item. In the event that you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to submit written comments, please ensure that your comments are delivered to the Planning and Building Department’s office (285 County Road #44) prior to the day of the meeting.

One Bdrm Apartment, No Pets, NON SMOKING, $700 + utilities 613 220 5014

IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of North Grenville before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville to the Ontario Municipal Board or may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

Kemptville, 512 Clothier, 2 bedroom apartment in a seniors building, $863 + utilities, no smoking, no pets. 613 294 6819

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to this item is available through the Planning and Building Department’s Office during regular business hours from Monday to Friday (Telephone (613) 258-9569).

2 bdr upper level of duplex in downtown Kemptville, 4 appliances/parking/water incl Call 613 296 5906




The North Grenville Times



ACROSS 1. Contributes 5. Small amount 10. Counterfoil 14. Farm building 15. Serf 16. Prong 17. Decorative case 18. Designed to be filled with air 20. Dawdler 22. Artist's workroom 23. Obtain 24. Interprets written material 25. The distribution of forces 32. Extraterrestrial 33. Love intensely 34. Not bottom 37. Applications 38. Hot

39. Overhang 40. What we sleep on 41. S-shaped moldings 42. Master of ceremonies 43. Belongings 45. Something of value 49. Children's game 50. Endurance 53. Griever 57. Chopper 59. Relating to aircraft 60. At one time (archaic) 61. Earthquake 62. Badgers 63. Oceans 64. An analytic literary composition 65. "Iliad" city

DOWN 1. Cain's brother 2. Information 3. Medication 4. Catches eels 5. 30 6. Cleave 7. Alien Life Form 8. Soft drink 9. French for "State" 10. Not fresh 11. Leg bone 12. Lacking leadership 13. Ales 19. Brusque 21. Many millennia 25. Apply 26. If not 27. Multicolored 28. Flowing tresses 29. Borders 30. Like the Vikings 31. Attempt 34. Meal in a shell 35. Baking appliance 36. P P P P 38. Since 39. Emigree 41. Sight-related 42. Brother of Jacob 44. Tempestuous 45. Fire residues 46. Cubic meter 47. Chip dip 48. Gives forth 51. Schnozzola 52. Mimics 53. Plateau 54. Close 55. Therefore 56. Optimistic 58. It is (poetic)

Jan 7

Jan 9

Jan 13

Jan 20 Jan 27

Jan 30






Medium M,W,F


January 6, 2016

Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speaker: Vanessa Gonyen-owner of The Dill Flower Studio. Do you have a Christmas tree to dispose of? Join the Oxford Mills Community Association for a tree burn at 3 pm. (Weather permitting.) Just bring your undecorated tree to the corner where Cty Rd 25 meets Cty Rd 25 (near Guy Rd). There will be hot chocolate and treats! The New Horizon Club will begin the new year with a pot luck luncheon to be held at the Burritt's Rapids Community Hall (bring your own dishes please). 12 noon. Lunch will be followed by a "guess who?" presentation of snapshots of members taken when they were children. New members welcome. Call Kim at 613-258-1780 for information about upcoming meeting programs, dates and times. Kemptville Horticultural Society, 7:30 pm at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church - 1964 County Rd # 43. Guest Speaker: Beth Tilbury - Square Foot Gardening. Everyone Welcome. The New Horizon Club will enjoy an afternoon of cards and games, 2 pm. All adults 55 plus are welcome to join this active club. Please call Kim at 613-258-1780 for information about upcoming programs, dates and times. Kemptville Legion Euchre Tournament, registration from 11am to noon. Tournament starts as 12 pm. Registration fee $10. For more information contact Chico 613-978-7828.

Weekly and recurring events

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku


The Voice of North Grenville

BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Drive, 7- 8:30 am. Call 613-918-0430 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. "All levels of bridge players welcome. "Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wed. of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. Check our website for more information on outings and upcoming events. ngphotoclub.ca Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 1:15 pm. St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome, $5.00. Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Klub 67 Euchre every second and fourth Wed. of the month, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome, $5.00. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs. of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Kemptville Concert Band.7 pm at North Grenville D.H.S. Come join us for a great evening of music. Wind instruments and percussionists of all levels welcome! Contact: dennis843@gmail.com The Kerith Debt Freedom Centre. Confidential coaches will help you get out of debt and stay out of debt. Free, open on the 2nd and 4th Sat. of the month from 9:30-11:30 at the NG Community Church. Appointments can be made at kdfc.ca or by calling 613-258-4815 x103. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am third Saturday of every month. Adults $5.00. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds:

Solution to last week’s Crossword



The Voice of North Grenville

What if my brain gets bigger in 2016? by Peter Johnson I have finally found a worthwhile New Year's Resolution...no not the one about not making any resolutions... the other one; 'I resolve to make my brain bigger'---that resolution. Greetings North Gremlins. Well, here we are in 2016. A leap year no less. I came across an explanation of the term 'Leap Year', the other day. I was given a book titled, “Why Do We Say It?”, by a fellow North Gremlin; a sometimes-long time, mostlyunimpressed follower of this diatribe. Perhaps she could see areas that needed improvement. Regardless, I will not bore you with the explanation because: a) I have far too many other interesting things to go on about, and b) you might have a short attention span and I have already burned through a pair of paragraphs without getting to the point. (Dangerous Dave, my editor notices these types of things and makes note of them. When we have our scheduled meetings for writers with writer's block, which I rarely make it to, he shows me his notes on things I need to amend. Or he would if I ever met up with him). So, back to my Big Brain Resolution. You have, no doubt, often wondered how these mostlymeandering musings must get manufactured (alliteration alert #1). Well I'll let you in on the big secret: they are usually assembled in the pre-dawn hours, while the rest of the house is asleep. I slip into my comfy chair, pull out my keyboard, coffee at hand, earphones on and I listen to classical music. But not just any old classical music. On Youtube, you can find any and all kinds of music.

2015 Civic Awards presentation

Legion Ladies Auxiliary hands in their charter

Local residents receive Veterans Affairs Commendations Douglas Brunton with Hon. Erin O’Toole, Minister of Veterans Affairs; Aubrey Callan with Hon. Erin O’Toole, Minister of Veterans Affairs

Tallman Truck Centre’s

29th Charity Golf Tournament

Kemptville 73’s reach .500 hockey and moving forward

New addition to Veteran’s Way Memorial Park

Adam Shewchuk 1932-2015

Ground broken at Fetherston

Maureen Helen Schissler 1946 - 2015

The election comes to North Grenville

O’Farrell Book Fair a resounding success

There's '8 Hours of Sleeping Music', not good if you have to stay awake. There's 'Classical Music For Studying and Relaxation'. I went looking for 'Classical Music To Help Writers Focus'. Didn't find it. But I found, “Cognition Enhancer: Clearer, Smarter Thinking-Learning & Intelligence ISOCHRONIC”. Wow! It's only an hour long. It must be potent! I haven't used it yet because I'm a bit worried. What if it makes me even smarter than I already am? Not that there is an unusually significant amount of cognitive activity rolling around in the empty spaces up there between my ears, but if there were more, wouldn't that be a bit worrisome? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be smarter than you are? Sure. Everyone has - well, mostly everyone. Donald Trump probably hasn't, for obvious reasons. But most normal people have. There are some consequences to being more intelligent. For starters, you would make different decisions. Let's take a simple example: Stephen Harper. The last words that good ol' Steve uttered to the Canadian public at large, on October 19, 2015, were something to the effect of: 'I have absolutely no regrets.' Now Steve just went from being the most powerful, influential, least-visible person in Canada, to a guy who hangs around bus stations saying, 'Hi, I'm Stephen.' Some have interpreted Mr. Harper's final remarks to mean, 'I did the smart thing, but you stupid voters didn't'. But now that he's had some time to reflect, perhaps he wishes he had plugged himself into the 'Cognition Enhancer' and grown a bigger brain. I'll bet he wishes he had listened to a few advisers who were saying, 'Steve, don't go to Toronto and meet the Fords, it'll be a car wreck.'(pun intended) If he had strapped on the earphones and the 'Enhancer', he just might still be PM today, still not talking to Canadians, still running 'The Harper Government' all by himself.

Now, while we are talking about prominent Canadian Conservative Culprits (alliteration alert #2), what would happen if Rob & Doug Ford came under the influence of the 'Enhancer' and became, 'clearer, smarter', and began 'Thinking-Learning' - and dare we imagine - intelligent? Scary isn't it? The possibilities are endless. With those two, the potential for improvement could be almost limitless. The improvement potential of the audio Cognition Enhancer is not limited to politicians: it could help out some voters. 'Yes!', I hear you screaming, it could help out some of those citizens who have never voted, or who rarely vote. You are right: to not vote is less intelligent than to vote. But there is another group. Within the category of voters, there are those who vote in every election, never miss a single one. 'Bravo', you say. Yes, that's right. They are to be congratulated. But, if each and every time they vote, they vote exactly the same way, surely that must be a bit of a head-scratcher. It's like buying a car. I have some acquaintances who would not consider buying anything else other than a Chev. Or others who think that anything other than a Ford is not smart. Have they not ever thought what it must be like to drive a Lexus or a BMW ? (but not a diesel.) To be stuck in a rut, dedicated to just one choice, restricting yourself to just one way of thinking must surely be limiting. This, I believe is a sound line of logic for car buying and voting. But not necessarily for matrimony. There's a good case out there for how helpful it could be to your financial as well as physical well-being to stick to one line of thinking when it comes to marital fidelity. So remember. To use the Cognitive Enhancer to fulfill a New Year's Resolution to grow a bigger brain might seem like a good idea. But, it just might be a life changer (or a wife changer) so chose wisely. All the best from me to you in 2016. May we all be blessed with happiness, good health and (dare I ask it?) good governance.

New Horizon Club recognizes value of volunteers Klaus Weirspecker, Karin Weirspecker, Adrienne Eagle. 11


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

George Tackaberry

Democracy at its finest

The night was packed with questions and answers: the candidates engaged each other in honest, often blunt terms. But what impressed about the event, especially in the light of the party leaders’ debate taking place on television at the same time, was the consistent respect and patience shown by all four.

wins the Bill Thake Award

Bottle Drive for Michelle A total of $6,500 was raised through the bottle drive and bake sale.

Stories from the South Branch by David Shanahan

“Rose” Roxaline Rachel Grahame 1938 - 2015

Limerick Forest celebrates 75 years

Kemptville Building Centre/RONA 40 years old

Limerick Forest was first established back in 1940, when the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville [UCLG] began a co-operative venture with the Department of Lands & Forests

Michelle Brazeau

The Royal LePage OVCA Women’s Fall Classic sponsors

Over the past four months, the communities of Merrickville-Wolford and North Grenville have offered love and support for local resident, Michelle Brazeau, as she battled Pancreatic cancer. She succumbed to the disease, surrounded by her family in December.

It is obvious in any sport that without teams willing to participate in your event, it is impossible to play host. But without sponsors willing to put their cold hard cash on the line, the events just won’t happen. For ten years the North Grenville Curling Club has been the proud hosts of the Royal LePage OVCA Women’s Fall Classic.


Star Award given to Jim Armour

Stories from the South Branch

Harry Pratt

Whenever there was an event that needed support of whatever kind, you’d find Harry turning up to help. It is so hard to believe that all that energy and dynamism could be taken away so quickly, and our community is poorer for the loss.



January 6, 2016




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