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We provide a number of scholarships throughout the year, often with the help of Recreation Aotearoa Regional Advisory Groups, to ensure go-getters have the opportunity to attend conferences.


The Southern Committee of Recreation Aotearoa and Generate NZ provided scholarships for a few local go-getters to attend the Green Pavlova Conference in Ōtepoti Dunedin.

"The vast and varied topics that were covered helped me think on a much bigger scale which I found energising, especially working in a small community and team, but nevertheless a large region. I am so grateful to have my thought processes challenged whilst at the same time feeling encouraged to step outside the box with my thinking."

- Ella Brown, Sport Central (Sport Otago)

“The networking for me with local council, and councils in the North Island was invaluable, the kōrero with other play leads and advocates was inspirational. Being around passionate like minded people for 3 days was priceless as it gave me so much. Thank you for the scholarship to Green Pavlova 2022 and what Recreation Aotearoa is doing for our people is amazing

The keynote speakers on Marae Ora Kāinga probably left me with my most challenging thinking during Green Pav and even since the conference until this day We have culture, history and whānau belonging to these Marae for generations, are we doing enough for them?”

- Megan Dawson, Healthy Families Invercargill.

The Canterbury/Top of the South Committee of Recreation Aotearoa and Generate NZ provided a scholarship to Matthew de Vries to attend the Recreation Conference in Whakatū Nelson in November 2022.

"The information I was able to take from the conference will help to progress my career significantly. One piece of information that really resonated with me was the importance of narratives and storytelling. Each story you tell adds to the narrative we are trying to accomplish, by telling these stories we can help shape the narrative. I think this is hugely important within community engagement."

- Matthew de Vries, Sport

"A particular highlight for me was the ability to connect and network with likeminded professionals within the sector. There has been minimal face-to-face opportunities over recent times, so it was great to be able to foster new connections and meet new people who are at similar stages to me within their careers. Everyone I met was so passionate for their work and their communities, and sharing and bonding over this was fantastic. The field trip on the last day was a great way to wrap up the conference and explore the beautiful surroundings of Auckland. Going into a new work week, I have absorbed the learnings from this conference and have been re-energised for the work that I do in this sector. Thank you again for this opportunity, myself and my organisation are very appreciative. I will remember this Conference fondly, and hope to inspire others to attend as it is very worthwhile.”

- Leanne Hammersley, Christchurch City Council

(Sponsored by Canterbury Regional Committee)

“Despite only starting in the recreation space this year, I found the conference to be very thought provoking and inspiring, and it has left me with a lot to think about moving forward as I develop in this field

I found the theme of ‘Ki uta tārei ai, ki tai rewa ai – Prepared on shore to sail at sea’ to be quite profound and relevant, especially to those new to the recreation space but also to the recreation space as a whole. It was inspiring to see the support and drive to get more young people into the recreation space and preparing them to be leaders.

One thing that really stuck out to me was variety of roles the different attendees had, ranging from parks planning to contract work in the field. It exposed me to a range of roles that despite being encompassed by recreation, were completely different with different skill sets and goals.

I think the conference is great for anyone in the recreation space by providing different life stories, and fresh perspectives on work structure and community, and I am incredible grateful to have had this opportunity and be offered this scholarship.” - Jared

Perkins (Sponsored

by Southern Committee)