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2022 and 2023 have brought a strong desire to connect face to face with our members. We did this through our Breakfast Series, our annual conference, and at Recreation Aotearoa events.

In March 2022 we brought back Generate’s networking breakfasts. Events took place in Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. The theme "Stories from our Sector" provided a series of mornings of discussion, learning and inspiration as members heard from local industry leaders and the journeys they have been on. We carried this theme into the 2023 series, where we saw events take place again in Auckland and Christchurch.

“A great mix of speakers with different stories and experiences to share and learn from. Great to see the in-person event so well attended too. Thanks for organising Generate.”

– 2022 Auckland Breakfast Attendee

"The speaker's diverse experiences across recreation and other industries provided plenty of learning and laughs. Following the panel discussion, participants were able to connect with one another over coffee and kai, discussing their experiences and connecting with others in attendance. A big thank you to our guest speakers for giving your time to share your story with our audience, and to CLM who sponsored the morning providing both the venue and the beautiful breakfast from their inhouse café."

- Jason Husband, Generate NZ Steering Committee & 2023 Auckland Breakfast Event Organiser

The 2023 Ōtautahi Generate NZ ‘Stories of our sector’ breakfast attracted close to 40 recreation professionals and students from around the region. It was hosted at Ngā Puna Wai with kai sponsored kindly by Sport Canterbury. The breakfast focused on allowing recreation professionals and students to connect, hear from others in the sector and also create dialogue on the challenges and opportunities that the sector faces moving forward. We heard from three amazing professionals, who were all in different areas of the sector, at different stages of their career with vastly different journeys. From how they got into the sector, mentors that have helped them along the way to what they see as the biggest issues facing the sector, all left the audience plenty to discuss.

"One of my highlights at Green Pavlova was the Generate Breakfast, not only was the food simply delicious, but I really enjoyed the chat by the Otago University Lecturer. It was great to have him share his knowledge and wisdom, talking to practical ways of wellbeing and how our sector can impact this. I also really valued the connections and speakers at this breakfast because they were relatable, having been or currently are young people in the industry, and this was only reiterated in the final Young People’s panel discussion. They understood and answered our questions as honestly and truthfully as they could and I valued the authenticity."