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Generate NZ is governed and operated by a passionate group of volunteers that make up our Steering Committee.


In December 2022 we said goodbye to Wendy Trolove, who has contributed significantly to Generate NZ over her 2 years on the Steering Committee. Wendy played a huge role in getting Generate's marketing and communications up to scratch, and also organised our 2021 Annual Conference in Ōtautahi. We thank Wendy for her contribution to our kaupapa and we wish her well for her future. Ngā mihi nui e hoa!

Wendy Trolove

In 2021, Wendy navigated an uncertain Covid-19 environment to make sure we could connect safely kanohi-ki-te-kanohi at Generate Conference - what a legend!

With Wendy's departure at the end of 2022, we brought on three new Steering Committee members to help drive the Generate NZ kaupapa as we moved into 2023.

Introducing the newest members of the Generate NZ Steering Committee...

In August 2023 Elise and Watene will be stepping down from their roles as Co-Chairs of Generate NZ.

Elise joined the Steering Committee in 2017. Highlights for Elise during her time on the committee were:

Organising multiple successful Generate Conferences. Meeting a wide range of people across the sector. Stepping up to lead Generate NZ alongside Watene. Developing her governance and leadership skills.

"I'm grateful to those who have mentored and supported me throughout my time on the Generate Committee. This has been a fantastic start to my governance journey and I'm glad to have made some lifelong friendships throughout. I'm excited to see the future growth of Generate and will always be an advocate!"

Watene joined the Steering Committee in 2018. Highlights from his involvement in Generate NZ include:

The partnership with Recreation Aotearoa which helped to grow Generate NZ.

Helping organise and attend multiple Generate events, breakfasts and discussions.

Connecting with people from across the sector, this by far has been the biggest value of the Generate Network for him. His time on the Recreation Aotearoa Board and the skills he developed from this experience.

"My time on the Recreation Aotearoa Board was hugely valuable, and the skills I have learnt from this experience I know I will be able to use in the sector for years to come."

- Watene Hema

We thank Elise and Watene for their huge contributions to the kaupapa of Generate NZ. We’ll miss them on the committee, but we’re sure they’ll continue to stay connected through our events in the future.

Jason Husband and Brittany White are picking up the Co-Chair positions once Elise and Watene step down. As existing members of the Generate NZ Steering Committee, Jase and Brittany have a strong understanding of Generate’s mission l d bj ti Th both passionate about the role Gener industry and are excited to build on leadership of Elise and Watene.

"Generate NZ can play an important ro empowering and connecting recreation professionals joining the sector. Britt a excited to be part of building and shap of the Generate NZ kaupapa."

- Ja

"I'm looking forward alongside Jase. With I'm really excited to Elise and be guided by our fresh strategy to look to the future of Generate NZ."

- Brittany White