Dear Friend,
We are pleased to present New Star's Annual Report on behalf of the Board of Directors and staff
At the core of New Star's mission is the belief that every person with an intellectual /developmental disability deserves the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life and be an active member of their community
Throughout the agency, our focus this year, and moving forward, is a commitment to person-centered care and community inclusion. Person-centered care puts the individual in charge of their choices. Social and community inclusion broadens and creates an increased sense of dignity, well-being, and self-esteem Our programs provide support and empowerment to individuals Our leadership is committed to the belief that the individuals we serve are at the center of their decision-making.
None of this would be possible without the help of our generous donors and sponsoring organizations I also want to thank our staff, family members, volunteers, sponsors, and community supporters Your partnership and your support are, and always will be, greatly appreciated. Together, we are spreading kindness and creating a world of inclusion.
Most sincerely,
Dan Strick President/CEO Dan Strick President/CEONew Star is a 501(c)3, not-for-profit community organization dedicated to challenging the limits and changing the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the Chicagoland area and Northwest Indiana
Our Mission
To provide choices and opportunities for persons with disabilities and their families through a culture of innovation and caring to enrich their lives and maximize their independence
Our Vision
We envision a community where New Star will be the leading services solution provider to minimize discrimination and waiting lists while maximizing access to the services and supports that empower individuals to pursue community employment and living if they so choose, in order to assume their rightful roles in society as productive, valued citizens
FY23 RickThiernau Chair TomKallai ViceChair KaraZilis ViceChair
JayHiland Treasurer JudyPetrungaro Secretary MarchelleGoens
ReneeValfre NickYerkes
Your support and belief in our mission help us provide our consumers with a life filled with independence and a sense of self-worth Our consumers range in age from 5 to 91 years and include people with Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other substantial chronic disabilities incurred before maturity
121 individuals live in 22 residential homes and two apartment buildings in eight communities.
CDS provides a wide array of weekday activities to 134 individuals focusing on community inclusion and the development and enhancement of personal interests, greater independence, and personal choice.
Provides residential, respite, community integration and recreational therapy support to 107 individuals throughout three counties in Northwest Indiana
Provides respite care, support, and assistance to 173 individuals
Supports more than 75 individuals each year with discovery, coaching, training, and job placement.
203 individuals participated in NSRS programs that included day camp and field trips, fall, winter and spring programming as well as mini-camps and events
571 Individuals Served total number served not duplicated
46% Females
54 % Males
New Star provides services in the following communities located throughout the Chicagoland area and Northwest Indiana.
Blue Island
Calumet City
Chicago Heights
Country Club Hills
Ford Heights
Hazel Crest
Oak Forest
Oak Park
Olympia Fields
Orland Hills
Orland Park
Palos Heights
Palos Park
Park Forest
Richton Park
S Chicago Heights
Sauk Village
South Holland
Tinley Park
University Park
Cedar Lake
Crown Point
East Chicago
Gary Griffith Hammond
Lake Station
Saint John
Like most mothers, Margaret Clark was extremely protective of her son, Richard.
"When you have a child with a disability, you build your own safe space," she said. "And, I was determined that I was the best one to protect him. He would stay home with me, and I was the best person to care for him "
But Margaret admitted she didn't realize how small Richard's world had become after graduating high school. They had a daily schedule, but it often meant that Richard would spend long hours alone. Margaret knew he missed the interaction with his friends
As time passed, Margaret saw Richard regress and knew there had to be a change She decided to bring Richard to New Star's Community Day Services program in Chicago Heights in 2019.
In New Star's Community Day Services, the program prioritizes the development of community-based living skills, such as using public transportation, accessing learning opportunities, participating in wellness activities, and utilizing local services.
However, the consumers are the decisionmakers in their day The program employs the three Es daily: Educate, Experience, and Exposure The consumers plan their day by sharing ideas and listening to staff who guide them. Ultimately, it is a group's decision on what experiences they want. Consumers in the Community Skills Program spend 80 percent of their time in the community
"I am amazed at the experiences Richard has had at New Star What a difference it has made in his life. I know I would not be taking him into the community like he does at New Star. But those experiences have expanded his world and made his life so much richer," Margaret said
"This is what I wanted for him It may have taken me a while to get there, but I can never go back," she said.
Sarah has always wanted to live in an apartment, make her own decisions, and be surrounded by her things, including her beloved cat
Sadly, she faced roadblocks throughout her life that took away her rights and choices But that changed when Sarah asked for help from a relative and became a New Star consumer shortly after.
She now lives in a perfect garden-level apartment that allows animals and a roommate in Crown Point, IN New Star supports her 24 hours daily and she also was able to rescue a cat
New Star provides support for activities of daily living, self-care, and mobility with the hands-on assistance, prompting, reminders, supervision, and monitoring needed to ensure the consumer's health, safety, and welfare.
"I know what to expect during the day, but I get to choose," Sarah said who informs her staff what she wants to do by using her picture schedule
Sarah makes all the choices in her day, and her staff assists her in her activities, whether going out with friends or even to a night out at the First Look for Charity event in Chicago.
"Her independence and the ability to make her own decisions is extremely important to her," said Debbie, her aunt
"She has learned to advocate for herself Everyone at New Star is listening to her and doing an am her aunt said.
Alexis(Lexi)Westerfieldwasnamedoneof12advocacyfellows hiredtojoinTheArcofIndiana'sAdvocacyLeadershipNetwork.
Lexi'sworkasaself-advocatebeganwhenshejoinedNewStar's ChallengingLimitsprogramdevelopedwithagrantfromTheLegacy FoundationinNorthwestIndiana
ThegranthelpedNewStardevelopaRightsProgramthatprovided theindividualsweservewiththeknowledgeandskillsontheirrights inordertocharttheirowncourse Overthecourseofthegrant,the groupbecamealocalchapterofSelf-AdvocatesofIndiana
"OurbeliefisthateducationiskeytohelpingindividualswithI/DD advocateforthemselves,togivethemavoiceandtoprovidea meanstobeheard,"saidKaraPierce,DirectorofIndianaServices "WeareexcitedforLexitoshareherpassionandprovide opportunitiestootherindividualswithI/DDtolearntheskillsneeded toadvocateforthemselves "
Sean, a New Star consumer, always wanted to work out in the community His goal was to find a job that he loved, wasn't seasonal, and was near his home
He began his trial with Panera Bread in Homewood, IL as a dishwasher in February 2019
At first, Sean had to become familiar with the fast pace of the restaurant With coaching from his New Star Employment Specialist, he soon got the knack
It was only a short time before he asked his manager, Mary Pyle, if he could come in and take on extra hours
"Of course I said yes," she laughed
Sean's work ethic has paid off In March 2023, Sean was named Assistant Manager of Panera
"We just love his passion for his job, and the employees just love him," Mary said "He is always going to give his best That's what you want in an employee "
When consumers express a desire to work in the community, they are referred to our employment specialists, who are trained to guide them through the DRS (Division of Rehabilitation Services) referral process
As an Employment First organization, we provide our consumers access to programs designed to assist them in finding work, including the DRS Milestone program, Supported Employment Contracts, and Illinois Ticket to Work
Research has shown that volunteering can be a successful pathway to employment in addition to contributing to a community and learning new skills
As part of our Community Day Services program, New Star consumers volunteer throughout the community.
Once a week, a group of consumers works at the Bloom Township Food Pantry in Chicago Heights Consumers also volunteer for Respond Now at two Chicago Heights and Sauk Village locations Consumers assist the diaper bank and food pantry and put together hygiene kits for people experiencing homelessness.
The consumers also volunteer for Meals and Wheels in Will County once a week and are on their backup call group if another group cannot make their rounds
Consumers deliver the meals, knock on the door, and converse with the home-bound senior
New Star has 22 agency-owned and two privately owned Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILAs), licensed through the Illinois Department of Human Services. The houses are the consumer's homes where they make choices on what to eat, how to decorate their room and home, and what activities they want to pursue
In addition, we also have two independent apartment buildings that provide consumers the opportunity to live on their own with minimal support New Star, I-CILA program provides services for individuals who live independently but still need outside supports Some of our consumers live in our homes and apartments, while others live in their own residences. Individuals are assigned their own coordinator and personal support worker who help them achieve the goals listed in their Individual Support Plans
Honorarium gifts were made to recognize an individual on their birthday, anniversary, milestone or special occasion
Margaret Clark
Christopher Griffin
Greg Puchalski
Glenn Franco
David Franco
Diana Goens
Dianne Brewer
Nancy Kelly
Linda Kelly-Fisher
Willa Neugebauer
Carol Primozic
New Star Staff
Dennis Fioretti
Ned and Doreen Horney
John Nosich
Charles Nosich
Harold Pollack
Joy Ladin
Judith Rubinas
Patricia Martin
Joseph Rubinas
RichardSemprevivo MaryDeLaCruz
Pat Trebe
Robert Brecco
Janet Muchnik
Seth Zygarlicke
Ms LeilaWard
Memorial gifts are a lasting impact in tribute to a loved one who has passed away.
Major Armstead
Sharon Cruse-Armstead
Alma Del Bianco
Karen Belcher
Judy Carlson
Kathleen Dunne
Nicole Hoen
Mr & Mrs John Kmetz
Danuta Szlabowicz
Steve & Bruce Dublin
Jeffrey Mina
Dwight Dunlop
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Delie
Chicago Heights Engineering Group
Ms Michele Fitzgerald
Jim Hardy
Global Design MW Ltd
Mary Lewandowski
Mark and Ellen Marquardt
Deborah Schnell
Cindy, Gregg, Paige, Abbey Todd
Maureen Walsh
Ricky Grabowski
Jean Carson
Connie LaVelle
Patricia Trebe
Jack & Joyce Hiland
Jay Hiland
Janet Grubio
Mark and Melissa Pignotti
Susan O’Halloran
Mary Mayer
Debra Verschelde
Our Parents
Ann Kash
David Perkins
Adele Perkins
Peter Rubinas
Brandyn Radavich
Mary Ann Scukanec
Debby Cullison
Donna Wade
Michael Wade & Kathy Miller
Doris Weeks
Kenneth Bruggeman
Donor Gifts
We thank you for believing in our mission that every individual deserves to reach their goals and live a life of possibilities Your gifts made during Fiscal Year 2023 to New Star have touched hundreds of lives and have helped to break down barriers and blaze new trails by supporting our life-changing programs and services.
Aileen S Andrew Foundation
Eileen and Timothy Bergen
Diane and Roger Ryon
Nancy Seidler *
Ray Van Dyke
The Arc/Comcast
Michael and Joan Campione
First Look for Charity
Don and Marchelle Goens
Ned and Doreen Horney
Legacy Foundation
Old Plank Trail Bank
Thiernau Financial Services
United Way of Metro Chicago
Action Sertoma Club
BackSwing Golf Events, Inc
Carefree Sprinklers
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Larry and Susan Holliday
The Horton Group
Tom and Lynn Kuzma
Meany, Inc
Proven Business Systems
Providence Bank & Trust
Jack Robertson
Cheryl John Rosevear
Richard Semprevivo
Sheet Metal Workers' Union International Association
Local Union No 73
Daniel and Melissa Strick
Suburban Service League
Samantha Anderson
Rick Anhalt
Mark and Kelly Berardelli
William Boyce
Brady Industries of Illinois, LLC
Peggy Brennan
Laveryl and Gary Brown
Pavielle Brown
Terrence Boone
Kenneth and Carol Bruggeman
Peggy Burford
Bradley and Stephanie Byrd
Annabelle Casenas
Joel Castillo
D'Andre Carpenter
Maria Calvetti
Cheryl and Stephan Cherny
Margaret Clark
Crete Lions Club
Alma Del Bianco *
Anita Del Bianco
Jennifer Dahlman
Jessica Delgado
Herbert and Nancy Dollarhide
James Downs
David Dunlop
Jay Ehlman
Robert and Dianne Engram
Nicole Erickson
Judith Esterlein
Phillip and Livia Faso
Linda Kelly-Fisher and David Fisher
First Savings Bank of Hegewisch
Christopher and Rosalia Foit
Erica Gibson
Christopher Griffin
Karen Harper
Gregory Heim
Justin Henry
Jay and Gina Hiland
Homewood Rotary Foundation
Christina Houser
Arnette Hubbard
Mike Huber
Illinois Tool Works (ITW)
Rev Dr Elliott Johnson
Christopher and Allison Kaufmann
Steven and Diane Kauzlarich
Loren Kemp
Richard and Kelly Kint
Mark Killian
Scott Kizer
Knights of Columbus Council #13448
Chad Kodiak
Mary Kuzma
Ian Laterreur
Louis Dodd Insurance Agency
Timothy Lynn
Jeffrey Malizia
Ron and Genie Marklund
Patricia and Albert Martin
Betty Matlock
Mary Mayer
Steve McCoin
Michael McNicholas
Mesirow Financial
Wiley Moore
Mutual of America
NIR Roof Care
Nigro Roofing Restoration
NGS Enterprises, Inc / Casmir Records
Greg and Amy O'Brien
Paige Business Ventures
Jody Parks
Phillip Paige
PayPal Giving Fund
Marcia Pendexter
Kara and Brian Pierce
Cheryl Prater
Maria Puentes-Bugarin
Al and Cheri Reid
Anthony and Sharon Renzetti
Denice Rhodes
Krystal Roberts
Dennis Rothermel
Joseph Rubinas
Joe and Bridget Rubinas
Christy Schlothauer
Michael and Lindsay Segert
Mary and Bill Shepherd
Bryan and Nicole Sherrick
Keith and Kara Sias
Paul and Margaret Slade
Jullian Spearson
Donor Gifts
Edmund and Mary Kathryn Spindler
State Farm Companies Foundation
Sutton Auto Group Fund
Tom Templeton
Rick and Donna Thiernau
Diane Kelley-Thompson and James Thompson
Patricia and Robert Trebe
Toyota Financial
Michael Wade and Kathy Miller
Benjamin Weiskopf
Christina Wernick
Andrew Wible
Leola Woods
James and Gertie Wooten
Andrew Woyna
Arthur Young
ABA of Illinois
Amazon Smile
Todd Becker
Dale Becker
Bloom Township
Calumet City Plumbing
Angelique Cope
Courtwood LLC
Mary De La Cruz
Noreen Dowdall
Alexandra Dusza
George and Gem Foster
Catherine Freeman Hall
Pam and Greg Gastelum
Robert Grecco
David and Kathleen Gromala
Jim Hardy
Nicole Hoen
Paul Jackson
John and Sharon Jelinek
Andrea Johnson
Jeffrey Johnson
John Kasperek Co, Inc
Berdia Lee
Chris Mays
Stefan Mourillon
Christy O'Halloran
Jeff Pasch
Lisa Perkins
Christine and Eric Rechsteiner
Stephen Reilly and Joanne O'Malley
Samuel and Donna Ross
Rotary Club of Chicago Heights/Park Forest
Michael Rubinas
Constance Schram
Carol Schroeder
Robert and Lori Scott
Tighe Shaffer
Timothy Shaw
Lerone Sidberry
Dr Micah Swansey
David and Karen Teichman
TriALco, Inc
Donna and Dan Vance
Alvenna Ward
Thomas and Theresa Wojtalewicz
Kari Zohfeld
Abbott Laboratories
Noelia Aguirre and Rita Aguirre
Dionne Archie
Arnie Bauer Buick GMC Cadillac
Larry and Carmen Ballentine
Jesse Barrett
BBC Fasteners
Big Apple Pancake House
Karen Belcher
Robert and Susan Benetti
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Geraldine Bergamini
Walt Bergren
Katherine Bergson
Robin Bettenhausen
David and Gina Betz
Beverly Ridge Funeral Home
Lisa Borden
Anita Boyd
John Bracha
Kelli Jean Brandt
Dianne Brewer
Sean Broderick
Raymond and Charlene Brower
Ellamae Brown
Lori Brown Runyon
Rose Butler-Hayes
Mark Campione
Serena Carr
Audrey Cast
Chicago Heights Engineering Group
Chicago Heights Lodge 1430
Michael Childress
Scott Cieniawski
Dolores Cleghorn
Anisha Combs
Ed Cornell
Sharon Cruse-Armstead
Debby Cullison
Kathy Curtis
Mary Dankowski
Randal and Carole Dawson
Sharon Del Bianco
Mike and Denice Delie
Kenyon Duner
Leroy and Linda Edmon
Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc
Alpha Lambda Chapter
Linda Fairleigh
Phillip Faso
Lorraine Fink
Dennis Fioretti
Maureen Fisher
Michele Fitzgerald
Dr Walter Flor and Cynthia Collings Flor
Gina and Jim Foote
Chester and Patricia Foster
David and Roberta Franco
Debora Gardner
Suemarie and John Gonzalez
Global Design MW Ltd
GoodCoin Giving Fund
Therese and John Goodrich
Gornick and Gornick Inc Accountants
Jean Grever
John Gromala
Colleen Hart
Greg Heim
Dolores Hellweg
Marlene and Harry Hemleben
Michael Hendrie
Randall and Dawn Hildeman
Billy Hoffman
Kerry and Deborah Ingram
Patricia Jackson
Jim Jelinek
James and Sarah Jewett
Maria Jimenez
Ryan Johnson
LeNita Johnson
Tom Kallai
Ann Kash
Phillip and Jane Keene
Donor Gifts
David and Sandra Kelly
John Kmetz
Matthew Kopff
Donald and Judith Korte
Sharon Leggett
Anne Marie Leofanti
Eileen Letts
Tony Lopez
Jo Ann Lorenz
Ken Macander
Mosqueda Maintenance
Cynthia Maiorano
Mark and Ellen Marquardt
Christopher and Cheryl Martin
Karen Maurer
James and Laverne McManemy
Mark McManemy
Arlene McNeil
McWilliams Chemical and Supply
Nancy Meyer
Joyce Morgan Michael
Rick Michalak
Jeffrey and Sheila Mina
Frederick Moore
Trevor Morgan
Thomas and Charmayne Munizzi
John and Monica Murphy
Rebecca Nagle
Caroline Nortey
Charles Nosich
Debra Nowocin
Christine Obbagy
Evelina Ochoa
Edward Paesel
Jon and Christine Pangborn
Adele Perkins
Judy Petrungaro
Mark and Melissa Pignotti
Denise Podbielniak
Andrew Podolak
Carol Primozic
Greg Puchalski
Norinne Pulec
Brady Purcell
Lois Purrazzo
Brandyn and Megan Radavich
Charles Renner
Mark and Cindy Reno
John and Judy Rickhoff
Lisa Robertson
Lucius Robertson
Robert Roeda
Byron and Iris Rogers
Ellen and Steven Rogin
Peter and Marge Rubinas
Southland Smiles, Ltd
Kristen Salkas
Richard and Dorothy Sanders
Mary Schmuttenmaer
Deborah Schnell
Gerard Schrementi
Scrementi's Restaurants and Banquets
Jeffrey Scukanec
Nickolas and Georgia Shizas
Myra Simmons
Ted Soeka
Don Spender Lawn Care
Allan Spooner
Amber St Clair
Ted Staroscik
Ronald and Pamelia Statum
Frank and Deborah Storino
Jerome Strick
Barbara Sturges
Zineta Sturm
Mike Sweaton
Sweet Josie Corp/Brown Onion Pub
Danuta Szlabowicz
Shirley Tillman
TisBest Philanthropy
Cindy, Gregg, Paige, Abbey Todd
Stephen Todd
Sylvia Tufts
Jon and Lisa Tullos
James and Theresa Unnerstall
Nancy and Charles Usher
Renee and James Valfre
David VanRoosendaal
Debra Verschelde
Janice Walters
Jim and Kim Ward
Bart and Kathleen Wegrzyn
Peter Wilkins
Marikay Witlock
Judith Wolter
Jack and Claudia Woodruff
Worn, Jerabek, Wiltse Architects, P C
Delores Yarbrough
Karen Yates
Kara and Andrew Zilis
Seth Zygarlicke
Demitra Adamovich
Beverly Allen
Michael Barone
Robert Blume
Frances Bruno
Sterling and Arlene Burke
Christina Fatten
Christine Finnegan
Rudolph Frigo
Teri Gaby
Carlida Goodley
Charles and Jeanine Gromala
Karen Susan Harsha
Bill Hearn
Louis and Yvonne Irons
Dennis and Dawn Keene
Joy Ladin
Mary Lewandowski
Garry Logan
Daria Luth
Robert and Willetta Machuga
Mark and Rachel Mappa
Alfred and Grace Martini
Bernadette Maune
Jacob Mays
Latoya Miles
Janet Muchnik
Robert and Corynne Nuckols
Rose Olsar
John and Karen Pascarella
Maureen Peterson
Patricia and Richard Robey
Nacole Robinson
Wayne Schmitt
Russell Shelton
Sonya Spaulding
AL Steele
Reginald Teverbaugh
Donald and Marilyn Thomas
Clarence Upshaw
Maureen Walsh
Leila Ward
Jody Waugh
The Weisenbach Family
Gerald Wien
Gerald Williams
Kayla Woodland
Chip Young
Jane Zalesiak
Your thoughtful gifts of in-kind donations to our events, departments, and homes have helped make our programs thrive through your generosity.
Thank you.
Joe Aurelio, Aurelio's Pizza
Monica Aguilera
Bella Mia - Midlothian
Mr and Mrs Robert Benetti
Kathleen and Dave Bowlds
Robin Cole
Ebony Coles
Anisha Combs
Cooper's Hawk
Jessica Delgado
Dunnings Market
Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc ,
Alpha Lambda Chapter
Phillip and Livia Faso
Gina Foote
Don and Marchelle Goens
Karen Hampton
Sheree Hampton
Harrah's Casino, Joliet
Mark Haines, Lincoln Oaks Golf Course
Jay and Gina Hiland
Ned and Doreen Horney
Christina Houser
Idlewild Country Club
Illinois Facilities Fund
Illinois Sports Facilities Authority
Mr and Mrs Michael Jerfita
Jonathon Kane Salon and Spa
Tom Kallai
Christina Krakowsky
Deborah Macenas
Mary Mayer
Kathy Mashburn
Nancy Meyer
Nicole Moore
Rebecca Nagle
New Star Board of Directors
Greg and Amy O'Brien
Joanne O'Malley and Stephen Reilly
Old Plank Trail Bank
Michael Pellicane, Finkl Steel
Judy Petrungaro
Christine Rechsteiner
Colleen Rogers
Alicia Robinson
Sharon and Anthony Renzetti
Cheryl and John Rosevear
Diane and Roger Ryon
Running For Kicks - Palos Heights
Michael and Lindsay Segert
Salon Serenity
Valerie Simmons
Randy Spears
Pat and Bob Trebe
Rick and Donna Thiernau
James Thompson and Diane Kelley-Thompson
Renee and James Valfre
David VanRoosendaal
Edwin Vergo
Matthew Werkau
Dr Terri Winfree
Wines for Humanity
Wood's Corner - Crete, IL
Chip Young
Tina Zanco
Kara and Andrew Zilis
Ms Kari Zohfeld
NewStarisaccreditedbytheDepartmentforHuman Services (DHS), Indiana Family and Social Services Association(IFSSA),theUSDepartmentofLabor,and theCouncilonQualityandLeadership(CQL).NewStar ismembersofTheArc,TheArcofIllinois,andTheArcof Indiana
8674Broadway Merrillville,IN46410