Extra 9.12.12

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BREWING COMPANY Bryan Youtsey, contributor for The Verge Magazine, talks with a local brewer about his passion for suds in Cincinnati.














Better than almost any nine-to-five job you’ll ever have.


ARLITT PLAYPLACE Getting children to play outdoors





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September CRIME

Tuesday, Sept. 4

What: Motor vehicle theft When: 5:30 p.m. Where: 321 Clifton Ct. No arrest made What: Theft from buildings When: 5 p.m. Where: 234 Goodman St. No arrest made

Thursday, Sept. 6

What: Burglary, unlawful entry When: 9 a.m. Where: 222 Piedmont Ave. Suspect arrested

Nintendo releases Super Mario Bros.

Ken Griffey and his son Ken Griffey Jr. become the first, and only, father-son duo to hit back-to-backhome runs in Major League Baseball.

The first issue of USA TODAY published by Gannett.

General Motors founded.

constitution adopted at the Constituional Convention in Philadelphia.

What: Criminal damaging When: 6:30 p.m. Where: 45 West Daniels St. No arrest made

Friday, Sept. 7

What: Bicycle theft When: 5 p.m. Where: 2820 Bearcat Way No arrest made

Friday, Sept. 8

What: Criminal mischief When: 11:30 a.m. Where: 2825 Campus Way No arrest made

Sunday, Sept. 9

What: Drug abuse, marijuana When: 12:30 a.m. Where: 240 Calhoun St. Suspect arrested What: Trespassing When: 2:45 a.m. Where: 240 Calhoun St. Suspect arrested What: Traffic violation When: 8:37 a.m. Where: Ravine St. No arrest made


12 1983 13 1985 14 1990 15 1982 16 1908 17 1787

A Wells Fargo depot in West Hartford, Conn., was robbed of approximately $7 million by Los Macheteros.






Mike Dewey began brewing his own beer in 2001, and 11 years later, the former mechanical engineer owns a brewery with his wife.


PROUD TO BREW TMike Dewey behind the bar at Mt. Carmel Brewing Company in Cincinnati, a business he started after more than 10 years of brewing his own beer. BRYAN YOUTSEY | THE VERGE MAGAZINE When Cincinnati-native Mike Dewey began home-brewing more than 10 years ago, he developed a love for the craft and was faced with a tough decision: to continue his job as a mechanical engineer or jumpstart a new career in the brewing business. Now 39, Dewey and his wife, Kathleen, have been the proud owners of Mt. Carmel Brewing Co. for seven years and continue to offer a vast selection of tasty brews throughout Ohio and Kentucky. Q: What got you into the beer-brewing business? A: Interestingly enough, I was always into beer, even in high school. I was the guy who opted for the six-pack of good beer over the case of cheap beer. During the 90’s, it didn’t seem like Cincinnati had what it took to be part of the growing craft movement that states like California and Oregon had going for them. It was the demise of one of my favorite local breweries during this time, Oldenburg in 2001, that launched the idea that I would do something myself. Q: Can you give a brief history on the startup of Mt. Carmel Brewing Co.?

5 A: I started home brewing as a hobby in 2001. It’s difficult and time consuming when you have limited resources. It takes away patience to make something drinkable, much less good. I started building on that and after thousands of dollars spent, I essentially had a nanobrewery set up in the basement of our home. It was actually nicer than other startup breweries and even though it was small, we were able to make good and consistent beer. At that point we decided to make a go at it, but only as a side project to our day jobs. Q: So were you looking for an escape from the day job you had? A: We weren’t looking for that, but quickly after getting a license and selling the product we realized that it would cost more money if we didn’t start making and selling more beer. It was at that time that brewing beer and building our brewery was a lot more exciting than [my day job]. I would essentially build other people’s dreams: a chiropractor office, a flower shop, a bookstore, basically building everyone else’s dreams but mine. It came down to the flip of a coin. What was more fun? I went for the brewery, left the construction work behind and became the first full time employee, followed shortly by my wife, Kathleen, with accounting. Q: Were there trials or troubles with getting started? A: You know, it was all positive feedback, from every angle. However, the headaches never stop, as with any small business. Getting settled with suppliers was the more difficult task. It took about three years to find a glass supplier and a steady hop supplier that were consistent and reliable. Something is always not working the way it should. However, if you’re willing to put in the sweat capital, it’ll work, but most people aren’t. We didn’t have a bank loan to start out; we had the risk of, “Will our brand win sufficient support of the market?” It came down to a wellcalculated plan and a lot of work that had to be put into it to get to the level we wanted. Q: Describe a typical day of work at the brewery and if it compares to a nine to five. A: About two years ago we had a 100 percent turnover in employees, and since then I’ve been able to take a step back from production. My day-to-day activities are still small business goals: working on efficiency, ordering, scheduling, monitoring of reports, and projecting surges and swings. I used to be in the day-to-day brewing and packaging process in the warehouse. Hours are never the typical nine to five. Whenever anything needs to get done, it gets done. Most employees are hitting overtime by Thursday, and that’s every week. That gives you an idea of their dedication. The amount of cleaning never stops. We operate from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. most days. If you want to see a clean brewery, you have to come in between those hours (laughs). The theory is you have to break eggs to make an omelet, and basically it’s a working brewery.

kim scaff | the VERGE MAGAZINE

TASTE OF HOME The Mt. Carmel Brewing Company offers a varitey of beers and brews 4,500 barrels annually.

Q: What’s the best part about what you do? A: I think the [best part] is that my wife and I found a sustainable company that employs people: people who come to work every day and love what they do and look forward to the day. I enjoy hearing stories about our employees who get acknowledgement or a sense of pride when someone recognizes them or a Mt. Carmel shirt their wearing, like, “Hey, you work for Mt. Carmel. Let me buy you a drink.” It’s very cool. And drinking a beer while doing an interview — now that’s cool! Q: Out of all the beer you’ve made, what’s your favorite? A: As far as my recipes go, our Nut Brown Ale is my strongest as far as styles go. I’m the master brewer, followed by two brew masters, and what we’ve been doing is generating ideas and concepts as a whole — a group effort. My other favorites are our seasonal beers. It’s something we always look forward to. Q: What is your favorite part of brewing? A: For me, it’s the process side — the creativity side. There’s as much creativity on the process side as there is on the recipe side, and we have several different ways to make beer, and I love producing something that people

actually enjoy. Q: What about tasting the final product? A: Working at a brewery, you have to taste a lot of beer, sometimes more often than you might like. You can buy all the fancy equipment you want, but actually knowing your beer by sensory awareness is the most important part. People say, “You probably drink a lot at work,” and well, it’s true. It’s like a holiday around here when a new brew comes out. Q: Has being a brewer taught you anything over the years? A: Not so much about myself, but I frequently tell people that I’ve learned more about human resources than I have making beer. We found that to be the make-orbreak for any small business. Having a greater awareness of resources in your pockets leads to building a better business.




Arlitt Playscape Children offered more than just video games, television and computers. Marissa whitaker | staff photographer

GETTING OUTSIDE HELPS The Arlitt PlayScape provides a chance for children to get outside and play instead of spending their time indoors. Selma Hansbauer, 1, left, and Greta, 4 (bottom left), Otto, 3 (bottom back right), and Selma (bottom right) starting to build with the loose wood and rock at the Arlitt Center on Corry Boulevard.

zach rizzo | staff reporter Adding to the University’s lineup of widely recognized architectural achievements, a new playground has popped up on campus, providing a place for research as well as facilitating what many see as a need for kids to get back outside. Recollections of digging in dirt, climbing trees and skipping rocks across a favorite pond or lake might conjure up the best memories of early childhood. Cooling off at a local swimming hole or swinging on a neighbors tire swing can also be considered positive experiences in early development. The Arlitt PlayScape is a collaborative of the University of Cincinnati Arlitt Child and Family Research Center, The Cincinnati Nature Center and the Office of the University Architect. The Arlitt PlayScape provides a tree house, moving water elements and loose materials such as soils, sticks, and rocks for children to engage with. The PlayScape also includes an observation platform that will allow students and researchers the opportunity to observe the effects of children playing in nature. Victoria Carr, an associate professor and director of the Arlitt Center, was an instrumental piece of the puzzle involved in bringing the nature themed play area to the university. Citing research from the American Pediatric Society, Carr said that children are “spending maybe five minutes a day outside in free play.” With distractions ranging from televisions, game consoles and computers, “kids these days,” she said, “are pretty wired.” Those involved see the PlayScape as an alternative to the typical playgrounds that are often plastic and have no fluid or engaging elements. “By creating a microcosm of the natural environment,” said Carr, “kids are free to use their imaginations.” Carr, The Arlitt and Cincinnati Nature Centers and local educators see the promise of this new kind of playground. Ashley Listo, a recent graduate of the University of Cincinnati’s Early Childhood Education program and current preschool teacher for Cincinnati Parks said the PlayScape is an important tool for educators.

“The PlayScape will create an environment that meets the needs of all children,” said Listo. “The sensory garden will not only feed their fine motor skills but also give them ample opportunities to create their own understanding of the world around them by planting, watering and harvesting food they grow themselves.” Carr invites students to walk through the PlayScape and encourages those interested in working with children to get involved by becoming PlayScape Facilitators. “We hope the PlayScapes are replicated to provide venues for our children, our families, and our neighborhood families,” said Carr. “I think this is a big, if not the biggest highlight of my career. To see it come to fruition is just really great.” The $401,000 project was funded largely by the Arlitt Endowment and the Nature Center’s Harriet Williams Downey Fund. The Cincinnati Nature Center opened its PlayScape in August 2011; both are open to the public.


LAY OF LAND The Arlitt PlayScape offers ample playspace for children.


Breaking a record Erik Kloeker, 22, juggled three axes 89 times to break the world record of 39 throws at Newport on the Levee Aug. 30. Axes were full size, unaltered and sharpened. Kloeker has been juggling since he was 13 and performing for the Pickled Brothers Circus since the age of 14.


Bearcats help needy Honduran villagers jayna barker | contributor The city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, has first-world amenities, but a four-hour drive to Cantón, El Paraíso leads to unpaved roads and homes with dirt floors. Most of the homes lack electricity and clean water. Students at the University of Cincinnati tried to do their part to help the Honduran city during a recent sixday trip. Working with UC’s chapter of Global Brigades U.S.A., which is part of the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization, students focused on improving the quality of life in the under resourced city through architecture, dental hygiene, public health, sanitary water and other skillbased service programs. Global Brigades sends more than 4,000 volunteers among 360 university chapters to various countries to fight life-threatening diseases by improving infrastructures in homes and teaching public health education within the communities. UC volunteers worked side-by-side with Honduran masons and community members to create ecostoves, latrines, water storage units, showers and concrete floors. “It makes you see how incredibly fortunate you are just to be living in this country,” said Matt Yeager, president of UC’s chapter and a second-year post-

graduate medical student. “What you consider poor in this country isn’t even close to what you see down there.” Volunteers are assigned to work with one family during their time in Honduras. Although a language barrier exists, communication wasn’t too difficult. “You’d be really surprised.You’ll figure it out that you can communicate with them — the barrier gets broken down with gestures,” said Josh Kirby, a second-year premedical student. “You found out that even though you speak two different languages, you can joke around with each other, and you start to have this Spanglish communication.” During the recent trip, UC’s chapter worked with a family whose household held supports his wife, sister and four nieces by picking coffee beans, vegetables and corn every day — he makes approximately $1,400 each year. Each day for volunteers is structured. They drive two hours from the compound to their assigned family and spend the day working on construction projects or teaching children about hygiene and how to prevent the spread of germs. “You wish you could do more — that you could stay longer, that you could help another family,” Yeager said. “Because the smallest efforts you put in go really far in the community.”


BEARCATS WORK ABROAD A rancher herds cattle along a dirt road in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.


Juggling into Guiness Record Book





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