ClubWest Magazine E-Edition March/April 2020

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VOLUME 5, NUMBER 4 • March/April 2020

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Smithville resident and Grimsby native Anthony Joosse advocates a strong natural approach to bodybuilding. Read his story to find out how he has done it. Page 6

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of Style

Page 6 – Bodybuilding muscle and mind Page 15 – 133 Main St. E The Story Behind The Home Page 20 – On Tour Fishing expert Brent Bochek takes his experience & knowledge to boat/fishing shows Page 12 – Chef In Residence - Cool weather? Chef Stulp will warm your tummy MARCH/APRIL 2020 EDITION

ON THE COVER Anthony Joosse of Smithville poses at the 2019 UFE competition. Photo courtesy of Chris Linton

ANTHONY JOOSSE The Art of Bodybuilding 13 MAIN ST. E, GRIMSBY The story behind an historic home CHEF IN RESIDENCE Chilly outside? Warm your tummy Special Supplement to

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2 | March/April 2020

15,000 copies distributed in Niagara West,Winona Proudly Published By 100% Niagara owned, and operated by 1602207 Ontario Ltd. 1 Mountain St. Grimsby L3M 3G6 Ph: 289-235-9500 Email:


Mike Williscraft

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4 | March/April 2020



“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” - Benjamin Franklin Busy is good. This proved to be a very busy edition of ClubWest Magazine and that is not a complaint in the slightest. Can one be too busy? It is much better than the alternative. Someone who also knows a lot about busy is our cover boy, Anthony Joosse. Full time worker with special needs adults and youth, award-winning bodybuilder, husband and Dad to three busy children: he’s busy. Anyone who has been involved in any athletics pursuits knows it takes a ton of time and effort. To keep at the highest levels, multiply that level of focus least. Most people can think about themselves on just about any Monday morning, when everyone, unless they really love their job, would think, “Ugh! I really don’t want to get out of bed.” If you were considering dragging yourself off to the gym to put in a couple of hours of workout pain, the internal resistance to mail one in must also be ever-present. To compete, and especially to win, competitors just don’t have that option. In bodybuilding, anything short of max effort shows on the stage. Reps, weight, diet all come together when a winning formula is created and Anthony has achieved that, still with goals ahead and a willingness to get there. Good on him and his family for helping him get there. Now, it does not take the same level of physical exertion, but Brent Bochek is working his way up the ranks of the fishing world’s ladder, too. He is a great ambassador for this area when making appearances at boat, travel and fishing shows all over the countryside. Chef Jan-Willem Stulp of Grand Oak Culinary in Vineland, and ClubWest’s long-time Chef In Residence, has similarly elevated our area and our readers through his various exploits. Entrepreneurs out there in reader land will know running one’s own business presents a near-constant state of challenges. To push through those, run a successful and growing enterprise, and present unique and localized recipes for our readers is no mean feat. As an entrepreneur myself, I guess that is why I have so much respect for people I come into contact with who make it evident they are getting things done. The old adage, if you need something done, give it to a busy person, comes to mind. Old adages stick around because they ring true time and time again. That one sure does. So with this theme of “busy” I offer you, good reader, our March/April edition of ClubWest along with a challenge to make yourself more busy in your community. You will be glad you did. Mike Williscraft, Publisher, ClubWest Magazine

Start Date: April 27

March/April 2020 |


Bodybuilder Anthony Joosse earned his pro card with professional status this past October at the Ultimate Fitness Event (UFE). (Photo by Chris Linton)

Bodybuilding muscle and mind

Elite athlete Anthony Joosse finds the balance

By Joanne McDonald or elite athlete Anthony Joosse, bodybuilding is as much about training the mind as sculpting the body. It’s been called one of the most perfect forms of art - human accomplishment - and for Joosse, a professional bodybuilder, it’s been a work in progress since he was just a kid. Funny story says Joosse. “I was about 11 years old and I was downstairs playing with Legos when a TV ad came on featuring a ripped guy demonstrating exercises


6 | March/April 2020

on a piece of equipment. I told my sister Amanda that I wanted to look like that.” “She looked at me and said, ‘well you better get started right now.’” That day marked the first of many with Joosse faithfully doing pushups and sit ups every night before going to bed. Almost 20 years on - with numerous bodybuilding titles and two Golden Glove boxing championships under his belt - and more than a few pushups later, Joosse, 30, has now earned elite status as a professional

bodybuilder. This November will mark his debut in the pro ranks at the Ultimate Fitness Event (UFE) World Championships, where he will compete against athletes from around the world. He earned his pro card to professional status this past October during UFE competitions, placing first in the men’s bodybuilding and first overall for the entire event.

PASSIONS Bodybuilding Continued From Page 6 Laser focused and formidable on stage, you couldn’t meet a more cheerful demeanor. Under all that muscle is a thoughtful and expressive personality. Joosse has a belly laugh, a huge infectious laugh that fills the room. Bodybuilding has always been a lifestyle for Joosse. The determination and sacrifice demanded by the sport are second nature. But now married to his wife Catriena, and the father of three little girls, it’s not hard to see the order of his priorities. It’s an interview that only a parent of three young children can manage with full aplomb in a demanding situation. Baby Willow, 1, is on his lap. Three- yearold Delilah is gleefully unleashing a roll of paper towels across the kitchen floor. And Autumn, is asking the questions that only a six-year-old needs to have answered that very minute. Joosse took a five-year hiatus from

bodybuilding as he was building his family. Life had changed from the unfettered single years. “At that point in time I was so busy I didn’t know the best way to make it all work.” But he found his footing and making the commitment, jumped back into the sport in 2018. It’s a force of will to sculpt the body into a masterpiece, a daily commitment to exercising, eating clean and time management. It’s complicated – Joosse doesn’t go to the gym until the kids are all in bed at night. “Catriena is my rock. She is a very supportive partner and wonderful mother and wife.” Joosse spends full-time hours at his job as a support staff member understanding the psychology of behaviour and building relationships with special needs adults and children in residential care - an entirely different skill set and an art in itself. FAMILY SUPPORT But going back to the beginning, there’s a

story to tell of a young man who has always pushed the limits, and the support of a family who got him there. Born and raised in Grimsby, Joosse was around 13 when his uncle Grant Frost gave him a set of weights. “My uncle was cleaning out his garage and gifted them to me. I still have them today.” They’re vintage now, the old-style plastic filled with cement. “I will always keep them as it was this gift from my uncle that got me started.” Working out was something Joosse loved to do and through the years of hard work, training and competition, it was always a family team effort behind the support to help him eat right and get to the gym. He said there was a lot of sacrifice on the part of his parents Ruthann and Tony Joosse. “Training was everything to me. My parents helped me financially, supported me, drove me to tournaments…. and I

Anthony Joosse, at the age of 18, with parents Ruthann and Tony of Grimsby, backstage after competing and winning at his first bodybuilding competition with the OPA (formerly the Ontario Physique Association and currently the Canadian Physique Alliance). (Photo by Dave Paul)

Bodybuilder Ben Neil of Smithville won his first-ever Men’s Physique Title last fall at the UFE (Ultimate Fitness Event). Coach Anthony Joosse says Ben is an exceptional athlete with the potential and willpower to succeed. (Photo by Chris Linton)

Continued From Page 7 benefited from their guidance in so many ways,” Joosse said. “My mother played a big part in teaching me how to cook and properly prepare the meals I needed to put muscle on my young frame. She spent so much time surprising me with prepped meals after coming home from school and work.” Graduating from Smith Public School, Joosse was off to Grimsby Secondary School where he would join the Spartacus weight lifting club. “I was chomping at the bit to get involved in that school program.” Meanwhile he was about to meet two instrumental mentors, a bodybuilder and a boxer who would turn his passion and energy in a very positive direction. As a young teen working out at Total Health and Fitness (now GoodLife in Grimsby) Joosse met provincial champion Jim Roxburgh who was then at the height of his own bodybuilding career and preparing to represent the country in national competitions. “When I saw Jim I would pick his brain. He was a good sport about tolerating a kid who had aspirations of pursuing the sport.” Discipline and determination, Roxburgh

Anthony Joosse puts in some serious work at Icon Fitness 24/7 in Smithville. (Photo by Joanne McDonald)

PURSUITS Bodybuilding

Anthony Joosse and Catriena posing for their engagement photo in the boxing ring in 2016 at Boone’s City Boxing Club in Niagara Falls. (Photo by Bill Riley)

Continued From Page 8 would say, were attributes that he recognized immediately in Joosse when they first started training. At the same time, Joosse was also training with national title holder and Golden Glove boxing champion Just Isaac of Mobile Boxing. “I would train boxing for a couple of hours and then go to the gym and spend another two or three hours weightlifting.” “J.I. taught me many great things about boxing inside the ring, but also what it can do for you outside the ring with your ability to carry yourself like a champion.” “He used to always tell me to focus on good things and good things will come. Isaac taught me a lot about the sport, about God and just about loyalty and commitment.” They called Joosse “The Pitbull”, a boy wonder with the knockout punch, when he won his first Golden Gloves fight at the Golden Gloves of Ontario 2007 championship tournament hosted by Bland’s Boxing Club and the Ontario Boxing Association (OBA). A year later, the unstoppable young pugi-

list brought home the Golden Gloves title for the second year straight at the Golden Gloves of Ontario 2008 tournament hosted by the Hamilton Boxing Club and the OBA. Fresh off the Golden Glove title win in the boxing realm, Joosse would two weeks later prove his prowess on the bodybuilding stage. Judged on conditioning, symmetry and muscularity, he brought the complete package to the match of muscle from across southwestern Ontario. Just 18, he brought home a first in the junior level, under 21 years and a third in the open middle weight, 21 years and over, from the Brantford Bodybuilding Championships. “I was training at boxing and bodybuilding and the two don’t always mesh,” Joosse recalled. “The fight was two weeks prior to the body building show so I was running on low energy. I was eating extremely clean food and dieting for the bodybuilding but was also going extra cardio for the boxing.” He shakes his head when he thinks of it now.

You have to have competed in a bodybuilding competition to understand the effort it takes to get to the stage. Onstage, it’s a 60-second window of choreographed movement to impress the judges - one minute that drains months of grueling training to reach peak condition. UFE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Joosse jumped back into the sport in 2018, working diligently at Icon Fitness 24/7 in Smithville and reducing his weight from 220 pounds to 180 pounds. It took a lot of diet compliance and creating better consistent habits in daily living. “When I came back it was strictly for fun. I did a 10-day prep contest, giving myself 10 days to get in the best shape I could for a body building show.” He wanted to see what his body could do in that short time and it meant working out around the clock and sacrificing sleep. He entered a competition with the International Drug Free Athletics (IDFA) association and came away with a fourth place. But as far as taking the 10 days to get ready, “I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.” That was two years ago when Anthony March/April 2020 |


PASSIONS Bodybuilding Continued From Page 8 went from living the “dad life” and working, to full tilt training. “I was hooked right back into it.” “The hook for me was I always wanted to become a professional bodybuilder, naturally, drug free. It was a real blessing for me taking that time off because in doing so I had to create different ways of making getting into shape easier.” “Coming back into it I was able to achieve that goal by giving myself proper time and thoroughly mapping out the plan to get the job done.” And the focus is now on November for the UFE World Championships. Training is underway and will kick into a higher gear about six months prior to the show date – altering training, diet changes, lean, clean proteins, clean carbohydrates. This is natural bodybuilding. There’s nothing artificial, no supplements and Joosse cautions young people on the choices they make. “I rely on the food to get me there.” A week out from the show is make or break time says Anthony. “Your body changes so much that last week.” Elaborate preparations kick in with spray tanning, carb loading days to fill out the

muscles and fat loading days to drain the business includes regular weekly check ins through picture progress and reading biobody’s water. Ultimately the body takes on feedback to assess progress. a shrink wrap effect, skin pulled taut over As a coach, he’s proud of his client Ben muscle, to show the next level of conditioning you can bring Neil, 22, @ben_neil on your body to tem- “Bodybuilding is an art, your instagram, winning his first ever Men’s Physique Title porarily. body is the canvas, weights in October 2019 with the Like a sculptor, “you’re trying to (Ultimate Fitness are your brush and nutrition UFE show the muscle the Event). “Ben is an exceptional best you can, all the is your paint. We all have the athlete with the potential cuts and definition ability to turn a self-portrait and willpower to succeed.” and symmetry.” By the time Joosse Neil got into weightliftinto a masterpiece.” ing for aesthetic reasons, hits the stage he’s - Kai Greene but it has become much depleted and exmore than that. hausted and thirsty. “But you’re excited. It’s time to show He says, “weight lifting is a great way to manage stress, build confidence, set and what you’ve worked for.” accomplish goals, and develop willpower. AJ METHOD COACHING A decorated natural bodybuilder, Joosse is It is also a way of attaining mental clarity, now sharing his expertise through his newly and handling stress. The feeling of stepping on a stage after months of dieting and hard launched online coaching website, training work is unmatchable, and I would suggest all levels whether for competition or health to anybody who has ever had the slightest and fitness. inspiration to do so to do it.” He believes in a strong natural approach For more information visit to weight loss and physique transformation Website: and packing on muscle. He works one-onIG: @aj_method_coaching_ one providing custom tailored workout Email: programs and nutrition plans. The online

Anthony Joosse, 19, in London, Ontario, placing first as a junior bodybuilder and third as an open men’s bodybuilder, qualifying for the provincial championships in 2009. (Photo by Dave Paul)

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Customers valued at Mountaineer Movers When Mountaineer Movers celebrated 41 years of business in 2019, the team looked back into its past to remind ourselves of the history the company has drawn from. In 1951, Harry Mans immigrate to Canada from Holland with his family. Harry’s first job was to work on the farm that sponsored them when they came to Canada. “As our family got older, Harry saw the need for his family to work together. The family started delivering mail routes, then a newspaper routes and soon flowers, as well, said co-owner Wendy Mans-Keddie. “One day Harry saw an advertisement for a moving business that was up for sale. After some careful deliberation, he purchased the business name Mountaineer Movers. Thus, the ‘family’ business began!” Their consideration of their customers is what sets them apart. “As a family, we understand and realize that moving can be one of the MOST stressful times in a person’s life,” said Wendy, who is now the company president and worked along side Harry for 47 years. “We strive to remember that we are servicing a wide variety of people and demographics and they are confronting a major change in their life. They are leaving a place they have called home for a new and unfamiliar place that will soon become their new haven.” Wendy’s husband Andrew, who has 40 years of experience, does all in-home estimates as well as Tom Ensign, an employee of several years. Their daughter Sarah oversees the office administration. “We would not be a moving company without out movers – our ‘guys’. These men make Mountaineer a continuing success. ,” noted Wendy. The company’s philosophy is simple, she noted, success is

12 | March/April 2020

honesty. “All in all – trust your instincts and treat all those around you, whether they are family, customers, or employees with respect, dignity and encouragement. This is our philosophy on running a successful and prosperous Andrew Keddie (holding Lola), with his daughter Sarah business,” said Wendy. Mans-Keddie (holding Abby), wife Wendy Mans-Keddie.


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133 Main St. E. in its prime. (Photo courtesy Grimsby Archives)

133 Main St. E.

The story behind the home E

very family, every family home has a story. Many of them, in fact. For years, Grimsbarians have been wondering about the story behind the house at 133 Main Street East, the house that for so long has been left forlorn and empty at a conspicuous corner in Grimsby. The story goes back to William Nelles, one of the younger brothers of Col. Robert Nelles.

Along with other Nelles families, William had owned a farm on the Grand River at York. This 100-acre piece of land was deeded to him by Joseph Brant, and William built a large house which became known as The Red House. Apparently, there were many friendly gatherings there with his First Nations friends, and William was well liked for his gentle, kind spirit. However, after a sad romantic experi-

ence, he moved to Nelles land on Lake Ontario, and built a cabin which he called The Hermitage. William fully expected to spend the rest of his life there in quiet contemplation. Fate had other plans for him. He met and married Margaret Ball and became a family man. In fact, William became a pillar of the community. He was a warden at St. Andrew’s March/April 2020 |


PASSIONS Heritage Continued From Page 15 Church, a member of the township council, and a lieutenant-colonel in the 4th Lincoln Regiment. The foundation and basement bake oven of William’s original house still are part of the house at 139 Lake Street. When William died, his large property was divided between his two sons. Peter Ball Nelles inherited the western portion of the land which he called Chestnut Park. William’s second son , John Adolphus Nelles inherited the eastern half of his father’s property where he built Lake Lawn on Nelles Road North. It remained in the family ownership until 1986. When work began in 1937 on the Queen Elizabeth Highway, the future of the Niagara Peninsula was changed forever. Communities like Grimsby were cut in half. Hundred of acres of fruit farms were bull-dozed, along with many

serviceable farm homes. One of these was Stone Shanty, the house Peter Ball Nelles had built on his farm. The building was apparently in excellent condition, with beautiful stonework on the exterior and fine woodwork in the interior. Grimsby mourned the loss of Stone Shanty. Still William Nelles’ legacy lived on, for in the 1860s his grandson James Willison Grout Nelles had built the house which is now known as 133 Main Street East. The house was so large that the family teased JWG, calling it his “folly”. The Nelles farm at that time extended from Main Street to the lake although cut in half by the highway, and from Nelles Road to the present site of the hospital. It remained a busy, productive fruit farm. Nelles Road North, at that time, was still unpaved. The farm had a large pond, approximately where Central Avenue is now. In the winter, the children loved to skate on the

pond, but it also had a practical use – the men cut ice to store for the summer. J.W.G’s son, William Boies Nelles married Ruby (Henrietta Lucy), daughter of the postmaster David Allen. In the early 1900s, Boies built the large white frame house at 18 Nelles Road North for his family. Boies predeceased his father by two years, dying in 1916 of pernicious anemia. He was only 45. At that time, there was no cure for the disease, and Boise had to spend the last year of his life in bed. The house at 133 Main Street East eventually became the property of the Burgess family who for many years had owned and lived in Hedge Lawn, the house (now a hearing clinic) on the northeast corner of Main Street and Nelles Road. For some years, 133 Main East has

The residence at 133 Main St. E. was derelict before Homes By DeSantis assumed control of the property and made many improvements.

PASSIONS Heritage Continued From Page 6 been owned by developers who have had plans for the building. The present owner, Homes by DeSantis has announced that it is donating space in the house to Gillian’s Place, a centre for help and support for women and children, for a Grimsby location. So the story of William Nelles and James Willison Grout Nelles’s “Folly” is not finished yet. Fruit loading platform at old railway station (soon to be the new Different Strokes) on what was Depot Street. Notice citation in the corner – Exhibit & Publicity Bureau, Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada.

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March/April 2020 |


18 | March/April 2020


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ClubWest Magazine writer Brent Bochek explains some of the finer points of fishing at one of his public appearances.

On tour

Boat shows great spot to gain fishing knowledge By Brent Bochek fter an unseasonably warm winter, spring is right around the corner. With spring comes plenty of fishing opportunities. But let’s first look back at the winter. Winter for my wife, Heather, and I sees us at many boat, fishing and outdoor shows. The first was the Toronto Boat Show. This is the largest indoor boat show in North America and since 2015 I’ve been very fortunate to do fishing seminars on the Great Canadian Fish Tank.


20 | March/April 2020

One of the cool things about doing seminars on this tank, is that you get to cast lures into the water while talking about them. Next was the Barrie Boat Fishing and Outdoor Show, The Spring Fishing and Boat Show in Mississauga and then the Hamilton Boat Fishing and Outdoor Show. While being at these shows cuts into our ice-fishing time, it’s always a great opportunity to talk fishing. One more show coming up on April 18 will be the Musky Odyssey in Bow-

manville. This event is put on by Muskies Canada which is a non-profit organization and has done some great work in research, conservation and education about the mighty muskellunge. For the second year in a row, I will be doing a Musky 101 seminar at this event. This is the largest musky only show in Canada and attracts vendors and guests from all over North America. For more information about this show or about Muskies Canada go to:

PASSIONS Fishing Continued from Page 20 For the boat owners out there, make sure to take a bit of time and check over your rig a few days before you plan on hitting the water. And don’t forget to look over your trailer as well. Make sure to check tire pressure, grease bearings, check the springs, lights and give your trailer a good looking over to make sure everything is in top shape before pulling it. On the boat, charge batteries, make sure electronics work and give it a good cleaning. Go over the motor and look for oil leaks, change the oil if required and check all filters. Check the boat itself for mold and any damage that may have occurred from mice, squirrels or racoons. If there are any animal feces, be very cautious as they can be extremely toxic. Don’t forget to put all your safety equipment back in. Approved life jackets, bailing bucket, throw ropes, anchor, paddles, sound signalling device, flare and a flashlight are just a few things that may be required depending on the length of your vessel. If you are a new boat owner and not familiar with backing up a boat trailer,

one of the best things you can do is practice in an empty parking lot. Set up a couple of pilons and try backing your boat in between them. Take your time and learn how your trailer handles and what works for you. Keep in mind that the trailer will cut the opposite direction of your car wheels when backing up. It’s best to correct slowly and not overreact. A bit of time and practice will help when you get to the boat ramp. Also, if you are new to backing your trailer in and unloading/loading a boat onto it, then try and go to the boat ramp at off times when the ramp isn’t busy. This will save a lot of frustration when people are waiting behind you. Take a friend who has this experience and allow them to guide you through the process. After a few times, you will be a pro and proud of your accomplishments. No matter what you fish for or how you fish, get out in the great outdoors and enjoy all that Mother Nature has to offer.

Editor’s Note: Brent Bochek is a multispecies guide and seminar speaker. You can follow Brent on Facebook and Instagram or check out his website at

March/April 2020 |


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MON-WED 10-6 | THURS 10-7 | FRI 10-6 | SAT 9-5

Family owned & operated...Just a phone call away • Servicing the Lincoln, Grimsby & Surrounding Area

Delectable dishes provide winter warmth By Jan-Willem Stulp ow about that weather? We’ve had a couple of blasts of winter, but nothing sustained as a Canadian winter (or Canada’s climate in general) is perceived around the world. Bob and Doug Mackenzie famously coined Canada ‘The Great White North’ complete with a map of our country, pure white….. A bit of a tongue-in-cheek hyperbole, obviously, however the weather has been anything but warm; and while the sun has peeked out on occasion, the wind and snow have certainly kept our collars up and our shovels close by. It seems that the winters are a lot more volatile, with wild swings instead of sustained temperatures, and a regular melting of the snow cover. It’s reminiscent of what I grew up with in Europe; rarely significant snow, and just overall a cool, miserable weather pattern; it made for an early spring, though, so there was definitely a silver lining. Of course, from there we moved to the Northern Interior of BC, right in the Rockies; I had to learn about gravel roads, fourwheel drive, glaciers and real snow. What’s definitely very striking about winter in Northern BC is that the cold was serious, -20 C was fairly common, but there was rarely any wind. It made for some of the most fantastic, Dr Seuss-like snowfalls. It wasn’t until I arrived in Ontario that I experienced that wind, and the snowdrifts it created. I also learned about a concept called the wind-chill-factor….


Once in Canada, we also had to learn to cut and store firewood, and I’ve never lived in a house without a woodstove since. There are caveats, of course; it’s more work, no doubt, and there’s a smokey-ness to the air inside at times; the ashes need to be disposed of and hauling wood inside is a bit of a chore, but man, to feel that heat pulsating off the woodstove and into your body is fantastic. It absolutely is a different heat than forced air, or even in-floor heat. In BC, many of our friends and acquaintances would have double-duty stoves; nothing fancy or gussiedup, just cavernous, platesteel units. These would usually be in the basement, and had a flat surface that often held a pan of water for humidifying, and was used as a slow-cooker base; soup, stew and coffee was routinely heated, or re-heated on them. I learned to love woodstoves, their heat, comfort, smell, and how to manage them. Of course, another awesome way to get warm, or stay warm, is to find those comfort foods that warm you from the inside out. At the Grand Oak, we have become well-known for our awesome, hot lunch soups and coffee, and Fridays have become the day we feature a hot lunch; bouillabaisse, lamb stew, poutine and various warm sandwiches have been featured this winter, and the beauty is, of course, that they are not complicated, but might take a bit of time. (Chef Stulp co-owns, along with his wife Jane, Grand Oak Culinary Market in Vineland.) March/April 2020 |


Chef In Residence CUISINE

Double Chocolate Hot cocoa Hot Cocoa is almost a defining, ‘warming’ drink, but these days, there’s not much to it anymore; open a packet, and either add boiling water. Making it with real ingredients, and taking a bit of time allows you to tweak the recipe to your preference; plus, like many processes, making it from scratch makes the process infinitely more satisfying and delicious. INGREDIENTS 120gr each, dark and milk chocolate chips 125 ml very hot water 190 ml milk, 2% 60 ml cream, 35% DIRECTIONS Simply place the chocolate in a small bowl, and add the hot water; this needs to sit for a minute or two, to let the chips soften, then stir the mixture until smooth.

In a little pan, scald the milk and cream, then add the chocolate mixture, and stir until well blended. Whisking creates a nice

foam layer, if you like that. For extra warming action, a shot of Canadian Whiskey in each would be effective…

Spring is around the corner, Go West

March 2020 •Opening for the Season at Featherstone Estate Winery - March 6, 2020. Come and visit us at the winery to taste and buy Featherstone wines. Featherstone Estate Winery, 3678 Victoria Avenue, Vineland. 905-562-1949 • International Women’s Day Vineyard Retreat - Sunday March 8, 10 am-3 pm. Where creativity, self-care, nature, nourishment and fun come together. Join Sharlene Styles and Cave Spring in celebration of International Women’s Day. Delve into self-care, creativity, great food, stimulating conversation, amazing wine and some peaceful relaxation. The day will start at the newly built Cave Spring Vineyard event and tasting rooms on the Beamsville Bench. Settle into a relaxing and gentle yoga class. Next, you’re back indoors to enjoy a spectacular catered lunch by ‘Fit To Eat’ catering, paired with a glass of your favourite Cave Spring

24 | March/April 2020

wine. And now for the creativity. Get settled and inspired to release your creative juices by making your very own piece of art using alcohol paint. Talented artist Debra Z will guide you through the class, taking you through every step of the process. Cost: $149.00 +hst. Cave Spring Cellars, 1B - 3836 Main Street, Jordan. Phone 905-562-3581 • Redstone Presents An Evening With Emm Gryner - March 13, 6-9 p.m. – Due to the incredible response to our Summer Concert Series, we’ve got four special Winter dates for you! Held inside our beautiful restaurant, these intimate shows include a 3 course meal and practically private show with some of Canada’s best and brightest musicians. 6 pm Doors, 6:30 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm Welcome & Music $79+HST PP. Ticket Includes a three-course dinner. All beverages are additional. Tickets can only be purchased through Eventbrite. Seats are

assigned at the time of purchase. We encourage you to “buy on map” so that you may choose your seat. Seats and tables cannot be moved or combined. Seating is limited and you can book your seats at the table by calling 905.563.9463. Redstone Winery, 4245 King Street, Beamsville. • French Farm House Fare Cooking Class March 14, Noon-2 pm. Cost $95. Sarah Appleton, chef instructor, chef de partie, Langdon Hall Country House Hotel. A self-professed lover of French cuisine, Sarah shares some of her favourite farm house dishes. Good Earth Food and Wine Co., 4556 Lincoln Avenue, Beamsville. Phone 905.563.6333 • Redstone Book Club, The Unhoneymooners - March 18 @ 6:30-8:30 pm. We have to admit, one of our favourite pairings has to be a glass of wine and a good book! Join us for our monthly Book Club, where we pick the perfect

Chef In Residence CUISINE

Warm Potato Salad, with Zesty Salami Potato Salad might not (yet) be THE heartwarming dish you use as your go-to, but with this warm potato salad, a fairly typical European style, changing your mind on that will be easy. Making the salad is also easy, particularly if you use the small red potatoes, instead of large potatoes. INGREDIENTS • 1 lb small red potatoes (although large ones could work, too) • 1/2 lb each, bacon; and spicy salami, both diced. •3 tbsp cider vinegar • 1 tbsp maple syrup • 2 tsp grainy mustard 1 tbsp roasted garlic cloves, mashed. DIRECTIONS This recipe goes quickly because you can be doing two things at the same time; cook the potatoes by just covering them with

water, adding salt and covering with a lid. Simmer until tender. In the meantime, cook out the bacon and salami, until crisping, and fragrant. Lift the meat out of the rendered fat, off the heat, and add vinegar, maple and mustard to the fat. Return to the heat, and bring to a low

simmer. Slice the potatoes, while warm, and place in a bowl; whisk the garlic into the simmering sauce, and pour over the potatoes. Top with the crisped bacon and salami, and garnish with chopped chives or scallions to finish. Serve warm.

Spring is around the corner, Go West

Continued From Page 24 wine to accompany a great read. With the cold and snowy weather lately, we’ve been dreaming of a warm and sunny day, toes in the sand, and a good beach-read in our hands. This month we live out our summer vacation fantasies with ‘The Unhoneymooners’ by Christina Lauren, paired with our crisp and refreshing Viognier! $10/person for a glass of wine + the illusion of a tropical getaway plus the opportunity to take advantage of Industry Night at the restaurant! For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact Redstone Winery, 4245 King Street, Beamsville. • The Next Generation Leahy “Escarpment Series” - March 22, 2:30-4:30 pm. As with all forces of nature, the music and energy created by The Next Generation Leahy simply cannot be contained. All 18 years and younger, the siblings are accomplished multi-instrumentalists whose live performances are filled with the highenergy, infectious Celtic based music associated with their Leahy heritage. Fiddle, cello, French accordion, singing, piano and French-Canadian

step-dancing all find a voice on stage. Partridge Hall, 250 St Paul St, St. Catharines, ON. Vineland Estates Winery Ltd., 3620 Moyer Road, Vineland, 905-562-7088. • Spring Sparkles Festival 2020 - March 21/22, March 28/29th, 2020. Join us this March during the Spring Sparkles program to experience the newest wine in the Kacaba Portfolio, the Effervescence Sparkling. The culinary stylings of Zooma Caters will be featured once more to celebrate this new release. Chef Steve is bringing his sophisticated sweet potato pancake with ricotta creme, crispy leeks and basil oil to pair with the newly released libation. Kacaba Vineyards Winery 3550 King St. Vineland. 905-562-5625 • Winemaker’s Dinner - Saturday, March 28, 6-9:30 pm. Reserve your seat at this intimate food and wine pairing event. Our winemaker, Barclay Robinson, will be guiding guests through a vertical tasting of multiple vintages of our Cabernet Sauvignon wines, paired with an exquisite multi-course meal prepared by chef Sheila Polingga from On the Twenty Restau-

rant. Guests of this event will enjoy exclusive access to limited library-vintage wines. $150 / $125 Member Price (+taxes). Barrel Cellar. The Foreign Affair Winery, 4890 Victoria Ave. N. Vineland Station. Phone 905-562-9898. • Rockstar Red Carpet Tasting - Flat Rock Cellars In The Winemakers Boots. Barrel & Tank Samples. Saturday, March 28. March’s Rockstar Red Carpet Tasting puts you in the boots of our Winemakers. This one-of-a-kind experience brings you down into the belly of our winery, where the 2019 vintage is slowly developing. You’ll taste Pinot Noir and Chardonnay directly from barrel and Riesling fresh from the tank. Be among the first to analyze, but more importantly enjoy, the virtues of the last harvest before the wines make their way into bottle. Flat Rock Cellars, 2727 Seventh Avenue, Jordan. Phone 905.562.8994. • Boardroom Blinds - Saturday, March 28, 2020. How well do you know your Creekside wines? Play our favourite wine game and blind taste through a decade of Creekside. Is it red March/April 2020 |


Chef In Residence CUISINE

Split Pea Chowder This may seem a bit involved, but it’s really just quality time with your stove and knives; a bit of patience and diligent stirring…..this is therapeutic for some of us….. This chowder is a mainstay during the winter at the Grand Oak, and is regularly on our menu. This soup is also the poster child for soups which become better as they age; it probably began life as ‘pease porridge’ – Although, in my opinion, ‘9 days old’ might be a bit of a stretch – it never makes it that long here! INGREDIENTS • 1 smoked ham hock – ask your butcher • 3 large carrots, diced • 3 large onions, diced • 5 ribs of celery, diced • 3 sprigs each, thyme and rosemary, picked, chopped fine, stems reserved • bay leaves • roasted garlic cloves in oil • 450gr dried, split peas DIRECTIONS This takes me a whole day, usually, beginning early. Place the ham hock

in a large pot, with 7 L of water, the herb stems and a couple of bayleaves. Add 2-3 tablespoons of salt, and bring to a simmer. This will continue simmering until the meat falls off the bone, up to 6 hours later. Using a pressure cooker significantly reduces that, though. Lift the meat out, and strain the broth. The meat will need to be cooled down before you can pick this off the bone, so this is when I peel and dice the vegetables. Add some roasted garlic oil and a few cloves to a pot, and saute the vegetables until they are fragrant. Add the strained broth, and the split peas, and bring to a

simmer. You can adjust the thickness of the soup by adding more or less peas; just beware, they will burn if you do not stir this every 10 minutes or so. Keep the heat low, add your herbs and begin picking the meat, which you can put directly into the soup. You’ll notice the peas swelling, and suddenly breaking down, which is what you want, but takes an hour or more. Once the peas are totally breaking down, adjust the seasoning in your soup with salt and pepper. I like to add finely sliced leek to my soup, just before serving. This is great with warm bread, also!

Spring is around the corner, Go West

Continued From Page 25 or white? Did Rob age it in Yoko or Selena? Was it from our Backyard or Queenston Road Vineyard? Winner takes home bragging rights and some pretty cool taste experiences. Creekside Wines, 2170 Fourth Ave., Jordan. April 2020 • Friday Night Dinner Series, – “The DACH Dinner”. German/Swiss/Austrian Theme. April 3. Join us Fridays for one of the most anticipated event series of the season. Friday Night Dinner Series explores the culinary wonders of the world, treating guests to a dining experience like no other. There is no need to book a flight when you can experience amazing cultures and

26 | March/April 2020

exciting dinner themes right here in Niagara. Call 905.563.9463 and book your experience with us soon, as seats fill up fast! Redstone Winery, 4245 King Street, Beamsville. • All Your Eggs In One Basket of Quiche Sat, April 4 - Sunday, April 26, Noon-4 pm. “All Your Eggs in One Basket of Quiche’ is offered weekends only in April. We’re pairing a Bacon and Egg Quiche with Double Cream Brie with our Reserve Cabernet Franc Rosé! Delish! $10 PP. Free for wine club members and a guest (two people total, per membership). No reservation necessary. Food and wine pairings subject to change. Inniskillin , 1499 Line 3, Niagara-on-the-Lake. Phone (905) 468-2187 • Simple Pleasures Cooking Class - April 11

Noon-2 pm, $95PP. Collin Goodine, executive chef & owner, Gooddine Catering. No stranger to the Niagara culinary scene, we are delighted to welcome Colin as he showcases his classic and approachable style of cooking. Good Earth Food and Wine Co., 4556 Lincoln Avenue, Beamsville. Phone 905.563.6333 • Oyster & Sparkling Seminar with Tide & Vine - April 11, 1-3 pm. Save the Date….With over a 150 varieties of oysters there is much to learn about when it comes to these beloved molluscs. Join us at Tawse Winery as we pair up with Tide & Vine Oyster House to learn the difference between a few of these varieties. Learn how to shuck like a pro and how to eat

Chef In Residence CUISINE

Portobello, Bacon and Gruyere Sandwich We regularly make sourdough at Grand Oak Culinary Market, which allows us a degree of creativity; you can pick these up, usually on weekends, but on Fridays we often feature a hot lunch or sandwich. Here is one that was a hit this winter! INGREDIENTS • 4 portobello mushrooms, stem off • 4 thick slices of double smoked bacon • 160 gr sliced or grated gruyere cheese • 1 small loaf of sourdough, or hearty bread, sliced thick • 2 medium onions, sliced • arugula leaves DIRECTIONS There are any number of ways to make an awesome sandwich, but this is definitely among the top 10. In a 300F toaster oven, place the portobellos, gills up, with a teaspoon or so of olive oil, salt and pepper inside each cap.

Let that roast away for a good 15 min; meanwhile in a frying pan, slowly render the bacon, then use the fat to caramelize the onions, adding the bacon back in at the end. Fresh herbs are awesome here as well. You could toast the bread if you like, but if it’s fresh that’s not absolutely necessary. Feel free to add condiments of your choice,

but purists will want to focus on the blending flavours of the key ingredients. Place a portobello cap on each bread slice, divide the bacon and onion mixture over the sandwiches, and top with arugula leaves, then gruyere cheese and more olive oil. Place this in your (still hot) toaster oven until the cheese melts…..Enjoy!

Spring is around the corner, Go West

Continued From Page 26 these delicacies of the ocean from the experts. Each oyster will be perfectaly paired with Tawse Sparkling wines. Tawse Winery, 3955 Cherry Avenue, Vineland. Phone 905-562-9500. • Easter Sunday Brunch - at The Casablanca Hotel! Easter Brunch Buffet in the Grand Ballroom. Sunday, April 12, 11-3 pm (Last reservation at 3 pm) $27.95/adult, $13.95/child (3-10 yrs) + tax and automatic 18% gratuity. This Easter Brunch features all your Breakfast and Lunch favourites! The Casablanca Hotel, 4 Windward Dr., Grimsby. Phone (905) 3097171 • Get Fresh in Twenty Valley – April 18/19 & April 24/25. Get Fresh in the Valley is a self-guided wine tour of up to 20 wineries in Niagara’s Twenty Valley wine country. It’s one of the most brilliant ways to learn about and stock up on our VQA wines. Our wineries are spread across five sub-appellations that produce

some of Canada’s most highly acclaimed wines: Beamsville Bench, Twenty Mile Bench, Short Hills Bench, Lincoln Lakeshore, and Creek Shores. This is such a great event to showcase the new vintage and aromatic wines paired with fresh spring flavours. Get Fresh is the perfect way to kick off the spring entertainment season and stock up on some incredible wines. This year Get Fresh is going green. Instead of our printed recipe books, all Passport holders will receive a downloadable PDF prior to the event! For tickets – • An Evening At Redstone Winery Getting To Know Stephen Fearing - April 24, 6:30 pm. Doors at 6 pm, 6:30 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm, welcome & music. Ticket includes a three-course dinner. All beverages are additional. Seats are assigned at the time of purchase. We encourage you to “buy on map” so that you may choose your seat. Seats and tables cannot be moved or

combined. Seating is Limited and you can book your seats at the table by calling 905.563.9463. Redstone Winery, 4245 King Street, Beamsville. • Cuvee En-Route 2020 - One Weekend Only – April 25/26. Tasting Theme: Food & Wine Pairing. Shatter the typical Cuvée winery experience with Kacaba Vineyards Winery and Zooma Caters. Thrill the palate with Kacaba’s fresh and lively Reserve Riesling paired with chef Steve’s confit of wild salmon on cucumber salad with horseradish crème. A titillating Cuvée event pairing not to be missed (Saturday and Sunday only). Kacaba Vineyards Winery 3550 King St. Vineland. Phone 905-562-5625 • For the Love of Bubbles! - Sat., Apr. 25, 11 a.m. – Sun., Apr. 26, 5 p.m. Sparkling wine popularity has seen a huge increase over the last few years here in Niagara. At Tawse Winery, we thought it would be an interesting topic for Pinot Noir lovers to learn more about. Visit us March/April 2020 | 27


Chef In Residence CUISINE

Crock-Pot Apple Pie Crock-Pot Apple Pie; an interesting, yet pretty classic preparation, this is awesome in that it can be made and baked while you’re out hiking or busy outside. The house will smell awesome, and there’s no concern about burning the topping or the crust…. A win-win! INGREDIENTS Apple Filling: • 8 Granny Smith, or other tart cooking apples • 1/2 cup brown sugar Simply peel and core your apples. Cut them into slices, then place them with the brown sugar into the crockpot. Stir them together with a little cinnamon and nutmeg if you would like; Add a pinch of salt and then set aside while you put together your topping. Topping:

•1 cup old fashioned oats • 3/4 cup all purpose flour • ¼ cup brown sugar • ½ cup cold butter, cubed DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Add some cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Mixing with your hands is best to ‘rub’

in the butter, until the butter ie pea-size, and the crumble clumps together nicely. Sprinkle the topping evenly on apples. Cook on low for 3-3.5 hours, or high for two hours. Turn off the heat once it is finished and let it stand for 30 minutes with the lid on. Serve with some vanilla ice-cream; bon appetite!

Spring is around the corner, Go West

Continued From Page 27 at our Disgorging Line* as our winemakers Rene Van Ede and Devin Campbell walk you through the Sparkling Wine process. We will taste different levels of sugar in our “Spark Trials” and compare the differences between our Blanc de Noirs and Pinot Noir Rose Spark! If you’re lucky there may even be a Sabering demonstration! *This event will take place at our Warehouse located at 2540 South Service Road, Jordan Station - NOT at the winery. Tawse Winery, 3955 Cherry Ave., Vineland. Phone 905-562-9500 Multi-Date Events • Fancy Farm Girl Bachelorette Party Package - Getting married? Celebrate your hen party in style with the Fancy Farm Girl Bachelorette Party Package! You and your gals will enjoy an exclusive tasting in the Fancy Farm Girl’s Dining Room, tasting three wines while learning to be a wine expert. Everyone goes home with a swag bagplus lots of fabulous memories of a great tasting. Perfect for groups from 6-21 people. Must be pre-booked and paid in full 28 | March/April 2020

at least three days in advance. Limited availability. Sue-Ann Staff Estate Winery 3210 Staff Avenue, Jordan. Phone 905-562-1719 • Fireside Weekends - February – April, Saturdays. Enjoy a glass of wine, cider or hot chocolate around the campfire while roasting hotdogs and creating yummy gooey s’mores. Feel free to take a walk through orchards and vineyards or take part in a wine tasting while you are here. Pre-Registrations Recommended. Puddicombe Farm & Estate Winery, 1468 #8 Highway, Winona, Hamilton, On. Phone: 905-643-1015 • Cheese & Meat Pairing - For the meat lovers in your group revel in the Cheese & Meat Pairing. One of GL’s knowledgeable guides will lead your guests in a tasting of four wines, explaining the basics of food and wine pairing, while providing a little history about our winery. Approx. 35 – 45 minutes in length.Welsh Cheddar paired with GL’s Betrayed series Guts & Glory, Brie & Crabapple jelly paired with GL’s 2013 Unoaked Chardonnay, Prosciutto paired with GL’s 2015 Cabernet Franc. A spicy N’duja pâté paired with GL’s 2015 Late Harvest Riesling.

GreenLane Estate Winery, 3751 King Street, Vineland. Phone 905.562.7207 • The Wine & Cheese Experience - Expand your wine & food pairing knowledge with a flight of four wines thoughtfully paired with four artisanal cheeses. This experience will be led by one of our wine experts who will guide you through each pairing to share why the wine and cheese complement each other perfectly. On top of gaining a deeper understanding of our wines, you will also learn the basic rules of wine & cheese pairings so that you can consistently create exquisite pairings for your friends and family at home.The cost is $25 per person and includes a tasting of four wines, four artisanal cheeses and crostini. This also includes a $5 voucher to use on your wine purchases following the experience. This experience is subject to availability and we require a minimum of two days notice.We strongly recommend you book in advance as space is limited. Fielding Wines, 4020 Locust Lane, Beamsville. Ph 905563-0668.


Transforming backyards −

Natural Light Patio Covers from VanAm Construction


ll year round we crave the warmth of the sun, and then by about this time each summer, we’re working hard to avoid its harmful effects. That’s particularly true in our backyards, where too much direct sunlight can transform an idyllic oasis into a spot too hot to enjoy at certain parts of the day. Every solution has its challenges, from umbrellas that blow away during storms to awnings that cast a permanent shadow and have to be taken down each fall. The ideal solution is a Natural Light Patio Cover, available from VanAm Construction. Seemingly magic, the covers block all U.V. rays and 75 per cent of infrared rays, while letting through most of the light. The result is a cool setting that is still filled with natural light. Because there are no U.V. rays, it’s impossible to get a sunburn sitting under the cover. And the air under the cover is cool because so much of the infrared heat is filtered out. All that’s left to enjoy is the sunlight – the perfect solution for any backyard. Natural Light Patio Covers use Acrylite panels, made from 100% acrylic guaranteed not to fade or discolour for 30 years. They can be configured to work in any setting, attached to homes to cover decks and patios, or built as stand-alone covers detached from the house. They are permanent structures that stay in place year-round. Homeowners have two primary choices – aluminum or wood. Aluminum structures come in white, sandalwood or brown. Each order is custom-made to fit perfectly with an existing deck or patio. The other option reflects VanAm’s expertise as a homebuilder and renovation contractor. “We also offer the covers built into beautiful Timberlite pergolas,”

“Seemingly magic,

the covers block all U.V. rays and 75 per cent of infrared rays, while letting through most of the light. The result is a cool setting that is still filled with natural light.

says Ken Blokker, director of sales. They are made with Douglas Fir timbers and can be stained in a variety of colours to suit any backyard décor. “The timbers are really very beautiful, and the Natural Light Cover transforms the pergola into the perfect place to relax all summer long.” VanAm Construction has a sterling reputation across Southern Ontario for building homes and doing renovations and backyard projects of all kinds. Owner Dave Vanamerongen is based in Grimsby. The company services customers across Southwestern Ontario. “I’ve been installing Natural Light Patio Covers for many years for customers in and around London,” Blokker says. “Now that I’ve teamed up with VanAm, I can offer a wider selection of solutions for every backyard set-up.” In addition to the 30-year warranty on the Acrylite panels, there is a lifetime guarantee on the structures themselves, along with a one-year

labour warranty. “People really can’t believe it until they’re standing under the cover, looking up at the blue sky but not feeling the heat of the sun on their skin,” Blokker says. “By filtering the sunshine, we give people the best of the sun without any of the downside. It transforms backyards.” There’s plenty of time to get a Natural Light Patio Cover installed this year. There’s a turnaround time of only two or three weeks for aluminum structures, and a little bit longer for Timberlite options. Van Am does installations all year round.

Dealer for

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Ken Blokker 905-517-0461

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905-945-5351 •

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