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Most of Sacramento’s missing children disappear from one place

The fight against coronavirus and fear p a g e s 6 , 1 3

by Raheem F. Hosseini

Sacramento’S newS & entertainment weekly


Volume 31, iSSue 48


page 14

thurSday, march 12, 2020









march 12, 2020 | Vol. 31, Issue 48


A friendly community of furries exists in Sacramento, each with their own unique “fursona.” Members of the furry fandom want to shed the fetish misconceptions and show the public all the positive aspects to this subculture that dates back to the 1980s.

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editor’s note

fo o nr @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

There could still be a local rent control measure that would strengthen protections beyond a plan passed by the City Council. And a Sacramento group has filed notice that it plans to collect signatures for a A Sacramento County voter measure to impose a 0.5% casts his ballot. The Nov. tax on a company’s revenues 3 ballot will be longer and exceeding $50 million to more complicated than the one on March 3. fund mental health treatment for homeless individuals. Besides ballot measures, there will also be lots of With the dust finally settling from the March 3 local candidates working the phones and knocking primary, it’s not too early to point toward the on doors before Nov. 3. Nov. 3 general election, which looks even more While votes are still being counted and complicated and consequential. the county elections office has until April 3 to There is the all-important presidential race, of complete the tally, it appears there’s a runoff in the course. But closer to home, voters will have no District 8 City Council race between Mai Vang, a shortage of other important choices. Sacramento City Unified School District trustee, In California, there will be a batch of big and Les Simmons, a pastor and community activist. statewide ballot measures. It appears more certain there’s a runoff in District 2 Already qualified is a referendum financed between incumbent Allen Warren and Sean Loloee, by the bail industry to overturn the 2018 state law owner of Viva Supermarkets. to end cash bail. Also eligible for the ballot are There’s also apparently a runoff for the another attempt to allow stricter local rent control, District 3 seat on the Sacramento County Board an effort to pull back on prior sentencing reforms of Supervisors, pitting Rich Desmond, a former and even a bid to change Proposition 13—the Highway Patrol commander, against Gregg politically untouchable property tax limit—with the Fishman, a Sacramento Municipal Utility District so-called split roll to tax commercial property at board member. market value. There are several runoffs for local legislative Other statewide measures that supporters seats after top-two primaries. And after a top-two are trying to get before voters include ones on congressional primary, incumbent Democrat Ami cannabis, consumer privacy, divorce, medical Bera will go up against Republican Buzz Patterson, negligence suits, plastic waste, a ban on gas-only a former White House military aide. vehicles and a push by Uber and Lyft to exempt Also in November, Sacramento County’s themselves from a new law protecting gig workers. smaller cities join the election fun. Two City In Sacramento, voters will almost certainly Council seats are up in Citrus Heights, two in decide on a half-cent countywide sales tax increase Folsom, two in Galt, two in Isleton, three in to fund road and transit projects for the next 30 Rancho Cordova and two in Elk Grove, plus the years—a second try after a similar measure failed mayor’s seat. in 2016. The campaign leading up to the March 3 On March 3, Sacramento voters rejected primary—moved up from June to give California Measure G, which would have reserved 2.5% of a bigger voice in the presidential contest—was like revenues—or about $12 million a year—for chila sprint. The eight-month campaign toward Nov. dren’s and youth programs. Headed to the Nov. 3 3 will be more like a marathon for candidates and ballot is an alternative proposal from Mayor Darrell voters alike. Steinberg that would guarantee 20% of revenue Though it may be a slog, voters can’t complain growth, or $2.5 million to $3 million more a year. they don’t have enough to decide in 2020. Ω


Email to sactolEttErs@nEwsrEviEw.com @SacNewsReview



Personal politics Re: “A candidate worth fighting for” by Janice Rocco (Feature, Feb. 27): “I’ve spent my entire adult life helping women get elected to public office, so this is personal to me.” More important than defeating Trump, this writer would rather her life’s work be optimally fulfilled than vote to elect the man who has courageously spent his adult life fighting for the whole country’s best interests. I wonder how many other Warren supporters are voting for their own personal fulfillment rather than what’s best for the country. What a privilege.

Becky karen S acr am en t o / v i a S n& r e x t ra

Democratic ticket Re: “Shake it up” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, Feb. 27): I have more modest goals— moderate Dem picks a progressive running mate, or vice versa. (Unless perhaps Trump wants to dump Mike Pence and choose a Democrat.)

alan loFaSo Sac ramen to / via F acebook

Blame game Re: “Shake it up” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, Feb. 27): I submit that the “damage done to the country” is, and has been, the Democrats and the media response to Donald Trump.

ruSSell otten roc klin / v i a em ai l

Not another billionaire Re: “A billionaire buys in” by Stephen Magagnini (Feature, Feb. 27); Last thing any Democrat wants is a slogan like, “Our racist billionaire is better than your racist billionaire.” Let’s not forget how hard he fought for stop and frisk, which is absolutely amazing that unconstitutional garbage was ever passed. We need to get big money out of our government, not keep electing them to the executive branch.

JeSSe WilliamS mantec a / via F aceb ook

Not worth preserving Re: “Demolishing history” by James Peyton (Essay, Feb. 20): As a preservationist and former avid customer of Tower Records,

I share James Peyton’s sense of loss over the Tower Books and Tower Records buildings on Broadway. I don’t, however, believe these buildings were historic and deserving of preservation. To be worthy of historic preservation, a structure must have historic or architectural value. Clearly, these very basic buildings were not architecturally significant. If the record store had been the original Tower Records one could make an argument that it contained historic value, but the original Tower Records was on Watt Avenue. I have nostalgia for the old Tower Records, as well as for long-gone restaurants, people in the past and many other things. But we can’t mistake nostalgia for history of societal significance, nor reject change because it will make things different. There are many structures in Sacramento that are deserving of preservation. Let’s save them.

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Frank Bruno S acr am en t o / v i a e m a i l

Correction Re: “Circling the drain” by Graham Womack (News, Dec. 19): The story incorrectly described what the Del Paso Manor Water District had sent to a landfill. While records show the district paid $481 to have materials moved from the old office to new office and refuse dumped on July 22, it’s not clear whether office files were in the refuse. SN&R regrets the error.

read more letters online at newsreview.com/sacramento.







By Janice o’malley Galizio


By Graham Womack

Asked At dOCO:

What Sac movie to make? Cheri Blethen

Fear and hate also spread

IT worker

Just the development of DOCO and how it’s greatly improved the downtown area. Just something to show how tiny and small it was and now it feels like a big city.

vinCe Agu

Coronavirus outbreak is causing hysteria aimed at Asian Americans It was 1982, and Vincent Chin was celebrating his upcoming wedding with friends in Detroit, when he was approached by Ronald Ebens and his stepson, Michael Nitz. Nitz had recently been laid off as an autoworker, and Japan’s success was rising in the auto industry. Assuming Chin was of Japanese descent, Nitz brutally murdered him. Both Eben and Nitz pleaded guilty to manslaughter and were ordered to serve a mere three years on probation and pay a $3,000 fine, serving no jail time. OCA—Asian Pacific American Advocates— was founded in 1975 to build a coalition of Chinese Americans who’d had enough of being subjected to unwarranted discrimination and racebased violence. The memory of Vincent Chin continues to haunt the Asian-American community today as we witness the panic and hysteria of some in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The spread of coronavirus has resulted in pervasive fear, misinformation and conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, it is Asian-Pacific Americans who are the primary targets of this anxiety and paranoia. The uncertainty surrounding the disease, how it is spread and the lack of a vaccine are legitimately concerning, but the hysteria and hate-mongering are indefensible and dangerous. Fortunately, as of early March, Sacramento law enforcement agencies have not yet received reports of hate crimes. However, many community members believe that fear has led to decrease in customers at Asian food establishments and Asian-owned businesses. On March 4, OCA—Asian Pacific American Advocates Sacramento held a forum at Sacramento State University featuring Mayor Darrell Steinberg, state Sen. Richard Pan, medical professionals and law enforcement officers. Its purpose was to provide the Asian-Pacific American community with valuable information to calm fears and address concerns over potential hate crimes. Among the recommendations from the panel: 6






Something about the levee. Something that brings out the peril that people who live in the area that [is] designated as [a] flood zone have to deal with. Janice O’Malley Galizio is on the board of directors of OCA Sacramento—Asian Pacific American Advocates.

Chris luster marketing employee

Quit spreading fake news. Obtain information from trusted sources such as the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the California Department of Public Health. This disease does not discriminate, and Asians are no more likely to contract the virus than any other racial or ethnic group. Practice safe hygiene. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds if your hands are dirty or you have touched your eyes, mouth, or nose. Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. And stay home if you’re sick. Live your life. We know that for most healthy people, coronavirus results in mild symptoms. Continue to frequent your favorite Asian restaurant and shop at your local Asian market. Know your rights. As we see a rise in racist incidents, understand that a hate crime typically involves violence motivated by prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation or other grounds. Promptly report any hate crimes to local law enforcement. Other organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations and Asian Americans Advancing Justice offer free legal counsel. If you’re not comfortable with approaching law enforcement, you can access aapihatecrimes.org to report the crime and someone from OCA will help connect you to the proper resources. Pan reminded those who attended the forum that “people need to understand that we need people to come together and support each other, and if someone has symptoms that might indicate they may have this disease, we want people to come forward.” As the virus continues to spread, we can all take proactive measures to stay healthy and safe—and take the time to be civil and respectful to our neighbors and fellow Sacramentans. Ω

Honestly, I would think this arena right here comes to mind. Man, it’s been a long time since this arena been here. It came from Natomas, came over here. Since then, it’s kind of been like a staple of the city.

MiChAel AdAMs state worker

I want to see the history of the Sunrise Mall out in Citrus Heights … I love dying and dead malls.

Mil A svAnyutA computer engineer

Sacramento [has], I think, [a] big variety of different nationalities and people all over the world. It would be nice to see some kind of movie about the immigration stuff in Sacramento.

Brent Butler software start-up employee

I personally just think that the growth [of downtown Sacramento] over the past seven to eight years since I’ve been here has been super cool to see. I feel like it’s almost been like a movie.

Secure retirement needs more than dreams Women particularly face challenges in golden years B y y v O n n E R . W A L k E R | P r e s i d e n t, s e i U L o c a L 1 0 0 0


re you dreaming of a happy retirement? For women, prospects for their golden years can appear pretty bleak as we are more likely to be poor in retirement than men. It’s no wonder given the fact that we begin and end our careers being paid less than men for the same work. Due to raising families and caring for loved ones (often unpaid), we also have fewer hours in the labor force. Meanwhile, Social Security — what many Californians rely on for their retirement income — as well as pensions are based on earnings and time worked. Adding to the financial strain, women are more likely to be single as seniors and live longer, meaning we have to make our limited resources stretch that much farther ... and often end up homeless or dependent on relatives or strangers for support. But the plight of poverty is a major problem for all seniors in California, where about half of all workers have no access to a workplace retirement plan. In response to that, we worked with the state to create CalSavers, a retirement plan for mostly low-wage workers who have no employer-based savings plan such as a pension or 401(k). To support the development of CalSavers, we invited a brave and inspirational woman to share her story: Sally Armendariz. As a younger woman, she made legal history by challenging the law that prohibited women from getting disability payments for pregnancy-related conditions that kept them from working. Decades later, Sally’s employer fired her after 38 years; a paralegal, she had requested time off because her husband had died. She lost her husband and her job on the same day. So, at 76 and with no retirement options, Sally was still working. But she continues to proudly speak out for the need for such safety nets as CalSavers. What does senior poverty look like? People have to make daily choices between buying medicine or food, between filling a prescription or paying a utility bill. It’s

no surprise local food banks and homeless shelters say they’re seeing the biggest client growth among seniors. When I go to a grocery store or to a restaurant, I often silently reflect on how old the age of the various employees I encounter may be. The gray-haired cashier or the senior hostess who showed me to a seat have to be on their feet all day for most of their shifts. SEIU Local 1000 fights for pensions for public sector workers. In California, the average monthly pension is $3,084 or about $36,000 annually. We still need to combine Social Security benefits with pensions and personal savings for our members to enjoy a secure and dignified retirement. However, for as many as one-third of CalPERS retirees, they do not receive Social Security and are dependent on their pensions and savings alone. Another group SEIU represents faces even greater challenges: Home care workers. These workers often care for family members with a disability. If you care for a family member, you are not eligible to contribute to Social Security. Unless they care for others, the worker has absolutely no retirement security. That’s why our sister local SEIU 2015 fights for decent wages, health care, unemployment and retirement security for home care providers. What’s past is prologue; we’re all going to face this issue at some point. Working together now, we can help make all Californians’ prospects for a comfortable retirement a reality. yvonne R. Walker President SEiu local 1000

SPONSORED by SERvicE EmPlOyEES iNtERNatiONal uNiON lOcal 1000

Women and retirement security



“Very confident” they will be able to retire comfortably

expect to work past age 65 or never retire



Median annual income for women over age 65

Median annual income for men over age 65

Sources: Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, Social Security Administration, SEIU

SEIU LOCAL 1000 1808 14th Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (866) 471-7348






by Lindsay OxfOrd

15 minutes

l i nd s a y o @ne w s re v i e w . c o m


by Lacey deViVO

FemmeFest co-founders Melissa McGillicuddy and Betsaida LeBron have curated a lineup of all-female comics.

Love on the levee If the city bans camps along the river, where are the homeless supposed to go? PHOTO COURTESY OF SACRAMENTO FEMMEFEST

Women who kill it If you’re a regular at the Comedy Spot in Midtown, you’ve likely seen Melissa McGillicuddy’s stand-up, or have watched Betsaida LeBron perform in any number of regular improv shows. They’re also the co-founders of Sacramento FemmeFest, a three-day festival featuring an all-female lineup of comedy performers. LeBron and McGillicuddy share a bit of their inspiration with SN&R in advance of next week’s shows.

Tell me a little bit about FemmeFest and how it started.

LeBron: FemmeFest … started in 2019. [It] is a weekend of comedy that’s all-female performers. It’s improv, it’s sketch, it’s stand-up, some musical comedy, but all comedy and all female performers. So we really were looking for an opportunity to highlight all the really great female comics that were in the area, as well as those that were from outside of Sacramento, to bring them in and to showcase all of that talent. This is something that other big cities are doing. San Francisco has an all-female improv festival, and they’ve been doing that for a few years and I’m part of helping them figure out who’s going to perform there. And in talking to Brian Crall, who owns the Sacramento Comedy Spot, we’re just like, “This is something that needs to come to Sacramento.” So I reached out to Melissa to really help picking out stand-up, because improv is definitely my forte.

What makes a good FemmeFest stand-up?

M.M.: Yes, definitely, that’s something that we consider and take into account. But to piggyback off the first question you had … we just thought, how had this not been done before, so we wanted to kind of seize the opportunity to be able the first to do that … in Sacramento. B.L.: We’ve had people say, “This is the first one? How has this never happened before?” Last year, we weren’t sure how it was going to be received or how it was going to go, and it was incredibly well-received. And we heard what people were saying and so we took a lot of that feedback and are putting it into what we’re doing this year and the acts that they liked and the kinds of [performances] they said that they wanted, and just trying to make it even bigger and better this year.

There are a few performers from out of the area?

M.M.: Probably about 50-50? B.L.: We have some Sacramento, Bay Area, L.A., Stockton. If you’re a regular at the Comedy Spot, you’re going to be seeing a lot of different acts that you wouldn’t normally see perform here, because we do have folks coming from out of town. So it’s an opportunity to see different performers.

Is there anything else you’d like people to know about FemmeFest?

B.L.: What I really love about FemmeFest is that we really made the decision … that every show is a mix of improv, stand-up and sketch … so no matter what show you go to, it’s going to be strong, hilarious, unique women with their own perspective, and you’re also going to see how they do [that] through different forms of comedy. M.M.: It kind of forces you to experience all those different forms. Ω

McGillicuddy: I know it sounds silly, but people that are funny.

Do you look for a diversity of viewpoints from the women who perform? 8





FemmeFest runs March 20-22. Tickets are $15-$40. Sacramento Comedy Spot, 1050 20th St., Suite 130, saccomedyspot.com/femmefest.

“Peace like charity, begins at home.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, speech at Chautauqua, N.Y., on Aug. 14, 1936

Lacey DeVivo, who experienced homelessness in Sacramento, is working to help the homeless in her hometown of Stevens Point, Wisc.

Life changed for me before the sunset. Newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I looked around to realize for The city of Sacramento’s new ban the first time I was homeless. states that no camping is allowed within 25 With my then-boyfriend by my side, feet of three miles of riverfront levees, and we battled the streets of San Francisco could expand to bridges, hospitals, police for more than a month. One day, an and fire stations, pump stations and other angel appeared on the alley where we “critical infrastructure.” had our tent. She took us under her If that’s the case, where do the homewing and brought us to the levee in less go? On the streets, authorities have Sacramento—to home. been doing sweeps and asking A year before I ended up on people to relocate. If you’re the levee, I was working going to tell someone at my local Salvation to pack up and move, Army in Stevens Point, I spent most of last at least have a Wisc., helping the place they can homeless. Never summer on the levee immediately go to, would I imagine and fell in love with the not just properties I would be the atmosphere and community. I where shelters one without a will eventually be home. That taught made it back to my hometown located. me one of life’s of Stevens Point, but always Or even lessons: Count will have a piece of my better yet, instead your blessings of having people because things can heart on the levee. move, fix the issue. change as fast as a Have the homeless task blink of an eye. force go around to explain The community on the and check on the camps for fire levee welcomed me with open safety guidelines. Make sure they are arms. Many souls I met felt like family. respecting the land; if they aren’t, fine or There was not a day I went hungry or cite them. was lonely. The positive energy filled my We are all on this world together so heart with warmth and happiness. They let’s work together. Please I ask everyone taught me to live off the land that Mother to work together to keep the homes they Earth provided us. Respect played a huge made for themselves. Everyone deserves role—respect each other, respect the land. a helping hand, even more so if they are I was truly blessed to fall into the arms of homeless. these kindhearted souls. The wise, kind souls I met don’t I spent most of last summer on the deserve to say goodbye to their home. levee and fell in love with the atmosphere Please speak up and don’t let this new and community. I made it back to my ordinance ruin many people who are just hometown of Stevens Point, but always trying to survive. Ω will have a piece of my heart on the levee.






If current vote counts hold, two women could join the Sacramento City Council. Katie Valenzuela (left) is leading in District 4, while Mai Vang is headed to a runoff in District 8.

Renters’ revenge

Photos by Maria ratinova

Councilman Steve Hansen was thought to be a possible successor to the mayor. Now he may be out of a job. by Scott thomaS anderSon and raheem F. hoSSeini

For updated election results, visit newsreview.com/ sacramento.

Two incumbents rumored to succeed Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg are in danger of losing their City Council seats as renter frustration surged through downtown, money outpaced experience in the north and organized labor proved it was still a force to be reckoned with. While there are still 164,000 ballots to count in the county from the March 3 election, one thing’s for sure: The new Sacramento City Council will look different.

PRimaRy Rebuke In the biggest potential upset, Councilman Steve Hansen appears poised to surrender his central city District 4 seat to Katie Valenzuela, 10





a policy director for the California Environmental Justice Alliance. According to the most recent update from the Sacramento County elections office, Valenzuela led Hansen with 53% of the vote—a margin that, if it holds, would be a surprisingly large rebuke of a well-financed incumbent. Valenzuela, a 34-year-old first-time candidate, ran a moneyball campaign— presenting herself as a progressive voice who would side with renters rather than the real estate interests that favored Hansen. That message seemed to resonate in spite of—or maybe because of—Hansen’s six-digit fundraising advantage. “The housing crisis was a huge factor,” Valenzuela told SN&R this week. “It was the No. 1 issue people were talking about. Nine times out of 10,

sc o tta @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

outspent three-to-one. So, it was about mobilizing community members. I think we had a multi-pronged approach focused on really connecting with people.” While Valenzuela focused on the issues, not everyone did. In late February, Hansen became the target of fake Grindr profiles mocking his reelection campaign. Hansen, the City Council’s first openly gay member, condemned the attacks on Facebook: “LGBTQ candidates should be safe, but this is why so many are afraid to run,” he wrote. “We are all better than this.” Controversy also arose when a political action committee funded by SEIU 1021 papered Midtown with door hangers showing Hansen’s heavily shadowed face on one side and President Donald Trump’s on the other. Hansen called it a smear campaign, while the union said it was an allusion to Hansen’s 2018 endorsement of Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, a Republican. In response, the Democratic Party of Sacramento County kicked Hansen and Councilman Eric Guerra, who won reelection in District 6, off its central committee. Valenzuela distanced herself from the attacks and said they overshadowed the real issues, particularly Hansen’s vote to eliminate an inclusionary housing ordinance and his brokering of a deal to replace a strict rent control initiative with temporary protections. Hansen’s campaign said it wouldn’t comment until a clearer tally emerged.

it was either that or homelessness or the The oTheR unsafe ways those two issues are connected.” While Hansen raised $140,000 more incumbenT than his challenger, Valenzuela had the In a January interview, Hansen was backing of the county Democratic Party, noncommittal when asked if he was Democratic socialists, housing advocates considering a run for mayor. His and labor organizers frustrated council colleague Allen with Hansen’s opposition Warren said he was defito a rent control ballot nitely considering it. initiative. Reached Those hopes may “The housing after Friday’s update have taken a blow on widened her lead to crisis was a huge March 3. Friday’s 698 votes, Valenzuela updated count shows factor.” noted there could still that Warren is still Katie Valenzuela be 6,000 to 10,000 in the lead to keep District 4 candidate, Sacramento ballots left to count, his District 2 seat City Council but sounded cautiously representing north optimistic. Sacramento, but he had “It was straightonly 38% of the vote, up volunteer power,” suggesting he may have to Valenzuela said. “We were

85 pOunDS OF mETh?! See nEWS








no supe-rise

Amid COVID-19’s wildfire spread, Sacramento leaders took time to remind the public that a potential pandemic doesn’t see race. Asian-American advocacy organization OCA Sacramento hosted the March 4 community forum at Sacramento State University. “The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in widespread fear, misinformation and conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, the target is the Asian-Pacific community,” said Janice O’Malley-Galizio, one of OCA Sacramento’s executive officers. “We’re working hard to present the facts of the disease and prevent future hate crime.” The six-person panel included infectious disease specialist Archana Maniar, pediatrician and state Sen. Richard Pan and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg. Maniar emphasized that while the novel coronavirus is concerning, communities need to see the bigger picture. “In a way, we’re all potentially susceptible,” Maniar said. “Usually, the older populations have fared the worst in this outbreak, but for the average healthy host, most people have relatively mild fever.” She reminded everyone to get flu shots since “the less symptoms you have, the less worries you have.” “Active flu season means you need to think beyond the coronavirus. Soap and water work just fine,” Manier added. “You don’t need to buy $300 in hand sanitizer from Amazon.” As of March 9, California had 133 confirmed cases, including ones in Sacramento, Placer and Yolo counties. Local hospitals “are quite well-prepared” and have a “quite decent” surge capacity, said Peter Beilenson, the director of the Sacramento County Department of Health Services. Steinberg directly addressed cultural bias, saying “there is no reason or excuse to point the finger at any people,” and that he planned to order Chinese food after the forum. “We must prevent the spread of this virus and at the same time spread good and accurate information,” the mayor added. “Let’s take it seriously, let’s do the common sense things to prevent the virus and stand up as we always do in Sacramento.” (Nancy Chan)

Sacramento County voters sided  with the two supervisors who  outraged renters last fall by Raheem F. hosseini

If a downtown City Council election showed that renter anxiety could translate into a political upset, it was a far different story in the suburbs, where two Sacramento County supervisors who fled their chambers after killing an antieviction ordinance asserted their will on the electorate. District 4 Supervisor Sue Frost cruised to reelection with 75% of voters supporting her over Bridget Duffy, a homemaker who raised no money and didn’t mount a campaign past getting her name on the March 3 ballot. According to the updated count released March 6, Frost had accumulated north of 31,000 votes from Antelope, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Orangevale, Rancho Murieta, Rio Linda and other parts of the northeastern county. Frost has struggled to articulate her political priorities in interviews, but was a reliable vote for her top donors in her first term, including real estate and construction interests. Frost and Supervisor Susan Peters prevented their five-person board from adopting protections against unjustified evictions in November. With Peters set to retire at the end of her current term, her chosen successor is leading the crowded District 3 race to succeed her. As of Friday’s update, retired California Highway Patrol commander Rich Desmond led his four opponents with 44% of the vote. His closest rival, SMUD director Gregg Fishman, was trailing by more than 8,000 votes at 24%. The results closely mirrored the fundraising capability of the candidates. Desmond accrued

ra h e e m h @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

$239,154 through February, much of it from law enforcement, attorneys, real estate and development interests. Fishman raised just shy of $87,000 through the same period, mostly from labor. In a March 5 statement, just after the first election tallies came in, Desmond thanked his supporters and sounded confident

Rich Desmond

about his chances of making it to the Nov. 3 general election. “We had a very strong showing with nearly double the amount of votes of the next highest competitor,” his statement said. Yet while elections to local political offices are supposed to be nonpartisan, it’s notable that Desmond was the lone Republican facing four Democratic candidates. Together, they drew 23,442 votes, outpacing Desmond by 4,303 in the most recent tally. If there is a November runoff, one of the questions will be whether that support will coalesce around a centrist like Fishman. Ω

Photo from the desmond camPaign

audition in November for a job he’s had for eight years. Warren’s chief rivals are Viva Supermarket owner Sean Loloee, who outspent Warren in claiming 27% of the vote; and Twin Rivers Unified School District Ramona Landeros, who had 23%, despite raising little money and racking up no endorsements. The next elections update was scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, after SN&R’s print deadline. But if Warren and Loloee face each other in a runoff, it will mean that an incumbent whose wages are being garnished will go up against a grocery store owner being sued for labor exploitation, which may be why the District 2 council race drew the fewest ballots. If north Sacramento is the story of ambivalent voters choosing between compromised candidates, then the race to succeed outgoing Councilman Larry Carr is the story of two qualified candidates creating a tough choice in South Sacramento. As of March 10, Sacramento City Unified School District trustee Mai Vang led pastor and community activist Les Simmons with 46% of the vote to Simmons’ 32%. If the final count doesn’t put one of them above the 50% mark, it will mean a runoff between two well-funded candidates with large followings. Ryan K. Brown, Vang’s campaign manager, told SN&R that the strong showing at the polls was partly due to the more than 400 volunteers who worked on Vang’s campaign. “The reason we were able to pull so far ahead is people are really responding to what Mai’s been talking about, her personal story and her determination to fight for South Sacramento,” Brown said. “A lot of people we’ve been meeting do feel that South Sacramento gets ignored and doesn’t get its share of the city’s resources. … The key for November is continuing to talk to every voter we can and make sure they feel listened to.” If the early leaders make it all the way, then next year’s council will add two women, including Sacramento’s first Hmong-American council member and a Latina who would be the only true progressive on a dais of centrists. Ω

FAllIng ShORT For Sacramento County progressives, the ground that Sen. Bernie Sanders lost on Super Tuesday wasn’t the only thing to fret about: Many had hoped that small business owner and community activist Tracie Stafford could muster enough votes to force a November runoff with Democratic Assemblyman Jim Cooper. But the latest results suggest the moderate incumbent will instead have to defend his seat against a Republican challenger. Stafford had 21.1% of the vote, according to the latest election results. As of Friday, Cooper boasted 43% of the vote, with retired businessman Eric Rigard next in line at 32.4%. Most of the Republican’s support came from San Joaquin County voters, who favored him at 56.4%. Rigard said he found plenty of common ground with Democrats and independents on the campaign trail, particularly on the topics of senior housing, combating homelessness and supporting school choice for parents. Stafford’s campaign manager Amy Champ didn’t want to comment on the results with thousands of votes left to count, but said challenges from the left serve to keep the Democrats honest. “We need to hold Democratic incumbents accountable,” Champ said. “We can’t be complacent about the fact that we have a Democratic majority, when that majority is diluted by the type of votes and type of funding that these people take.” (Scott Thomas Anderson)

03.12.20    |   SN&R   |   11

IllustratIon by MarIa ratInova

The tinted tell Illegally darkened car windows result in major meth seizure from West Sacramento man by Scott thomaS anderSon

A West Sacramento man is breaking bad in federal court, one month after his car’s tinted windows led to the alleged discovery of 85 pounds of methamphetamine in the trunk. The Feb. 6 seizure, which federal authorities described as significant, comes at a moment when overall meth trafficking continues to skew upward in California and across the country. If the charges against Simeon Hernandez-Ortis stick, he’ll prove to be no Walter White. According to federal court documents, Hernandez-Ortiz was behind the wheel of a Chevy Malibu heading north on Interstate 5 through Stanislaus County last month when California Highway Patrol Officer Matt Fowles noticed that 12





s c o t t a @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

the Chevy’s windows were illegally tinted and initiated a traffic stop. According to Fowles’ report, the 24-year-old was acting peculiar from the moment he approached the driver’s side window to issue a citation. “Officer Fowles noticed HernandezOrtis to be extremely nervous, could not keep still, and his carotid artery was pulsating,” Deputy U.S. Attorney Kathleen Servatius wrote in her criminal complaint. Fowles asked Hernandez-Ortis where he was heading, to which the young man reportedly answered that he’d just dropped off his aunt and uncle in Bakersfield and was going home. Fowles then asked HernandezOrtis where in Bakersfield he’d dropped his relatives.

“Hernandez-Ortis paused a long time and could not answer where,” Servatius wrote. The officer soon determined that the Malibu wasn’t registered to HernandezOrtis. Based on the suspect’s nervousness and the fact that he was driving a different person’s vehicle, Fowles decided to fetch his K-9 partner Pakito, the complaint states. Pakito sniffed his way to the Malibu’s trunk, “alerting” that he’d found narcotics, the complaint alleges. Fowles asked Hernandez-Ortis for permission to search his vehicle, to which the other reportedly muttered, “Uhhh, maybe next time.” But Fowles and a CHP sergeant decided—and federal prosecutors will argue in court—that Pakito’s alert on the trunk created probable cause for a search. Fowles opened the trunk and allegedly discovered three large cardboard boxes containing 85 pounds of methamphetamine sealed in Tupperware containers. The CHP eventually contacted the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, which isn’t uncommon, said DEA agent and spokeswoman Casey Rettig. “Eighty-five pounds is quite a bit of meth,” Rettig noted. “While I can’t speak to that specific seizure, the average meth we’re seeing right now has about 95% purity.” It is generally accepted that the purer the narcotic, the more addictive it is. Hernandez-Ortis, who lives on the outskirts of West Sacramento near the Deep Water Ship Channel, was indicted last month by a federal grand jury for multiple felonies. Rettig said that meth seizures in Northern California have been trending up for the last two years. “We’ve seized nearly 300 pounds of meth just since January,” Rettig added. Similar trends across the nation have spurred the DEA to launch Operation Crystal Shield, which will ramp up enforcement in eight cities it’s identified as meth-trafficking hubs for drug cartels: Atlanta, Dallas, El Paso, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Phoenix and St. Louis. In Sacramento County, a relatively new coalition has been documenting the

role that meth use plays in child endangerment cases, property crimes, overdoses and dangerous emergency room scenarios. The Sacramento County Meth Coalition’s ultimate goal is to develop better outreach and treatment strategies. Lately, it has been studying the drug’s effects on people living on the streets, and to what extent it’s a factor that causes homelessness or complicates people getting out of it. “The most common drug of choice for those in the homeless community is meth—at 39%,” said Lori Miller, division manager for alcohol and drug services at the county’s Behavioral Health Department. “That’s the number that’s been reported through Sacramento County’s admission treatment data. So, we have a lot of concern there.” They’re not alone. Drew Pinksy, an addiction specialist known for treating celebrities, told a Sacramento crowd in January that meth use in California’s homeless population is contributing to “an open-air asylum.” Pinsky was speaking at the State of Downtown event, where he urged city leaders to support the controversial notion of expanding involuntary long-term hospitalizations for those experiencing extreme druginduced psychosis. “This addiction is a fatal condition,” Pinsky told his audience. “What does the body count need to be?” According to the Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness, meth played a role in 26% of the 132 documented homeless deaths in Sacramento County in 2018. Data from the California Department of Public Health indicates that meth-related deaths have been rising statewide for several years now. Miller said there could be multiple reasons meth is proliferating in the homeless community, but bottom-bin prices seem to be at least one factor. “There’s a lot of talk about how cheap meth is on the streets, anywhere from $2 to $5 [for a small amount],” Miller said. “A huge focus for us now is, how do we engage those individuals?” She added, “I reiterate at every meeting that it’s really going to take all us to come up with creative solutions for taking this on—and making sure this coalition really means something.” Ω


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Stepping up the fight



More containment moves after California’s first coronavirus death

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1700 Fulton Ave. at Arden Way by AnA B. IBArrA

Faced with the first death of a California patient and growing concern the novel coronavirus is spreading in some communities, Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on March 4 and said testing and tracking of people potentially exposed to the virus will be the top priority. Earlier that day, Placer County health officials reported the death of a resident who likely was exposed on a cruise ship that departed from San Francisco to Mexico on Feb. 11. The person, described as an elderly adult with underlying health conditions, had been in isolation at Kaiser Permanente Roseville. The Grand Princess was en route to San Francisco from Hawaii, but was kept offshore when some of the 3,500 people on board developed symptoms of the virus. On March 6, Vice President Mike Pence announced that of the first 46 tests, 19 crew members and two passengers tested positive. The ship docked Monday at the port of Oakland. Passengers from California will be quarantined at Travis Air Force Base near Fairfield and a base in Southern California, while passengers from other states will be quarantined at bases out of state and those from other countries will be flown home. Crew members, however, will be kept on board and quarantined. On Monday, Santa Clara County announced a second death from coronavirus. As of Sunday, there were 114 positive COVID19 tests in California, Newsom said, and the state is monitoring more than 10,000 others. On Sunday, the state released guidelines for school districts and organizers of public events, but didn’t require officials to cancel classes and gatherings. Over the weekend, the Elk Grove Unified School District, the fifth largest in California, announced it would close this week by moving up spring break after a family member living with several students tested positive. Several large companies have ordered employees to work from home. Even before the death was announced, Los Angeles County declared a health emergency, reporting it had seven patients with the virus. Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Clara, San Francisco, Marin, Orange, Placer and Solano counties have issued similar declarations. Newsom has asked the Legislature to set aside $20 million to help contain the virus. California also has obtained thousands of additional tests and is administering testing in 13 labs. Newsom said March 3 that California will have 20 labs able to test in the next few days.

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California’s response isn’t without glitches on the ground, however, including nurses who say they are concerned about safety training and limited access to equipment like face masks. Nurses, who say too many health care workers have been exposed and are in quarantine, aren’t satisfied with the coordination in some hospitals. They say they aren’t getting adequate training. “Hospitals are leaving us out of the communication and planning around the care of these patients,” said Maureen Dugan, a nurse leader with the California Nurses Association, a political powerhouse that represents California’s nurses. Instead, she said hospitals’ nursing management should be communicating with all direct care nurses about strategy and expectations if patients start arriving in larger numbers. On Feb. 19, a patient with the novel coronavirus was admitted to UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. In a statement, the union said 124 nurses and health care workers were forced to quarantine themselves because of a lag in testing and poor preparedness. The medical center has not revealed the number of workers potentially exposed, citing privacy concerns, but said the 124 number is “inaccurate.” The California Hospital Association, which represents hundreds of hospitals across the state, said hospitals are following training guidelines from public health officials who have advised that hospitals limit the number of employees who come into contact with infected patients, which may explain why hospitals are training only some nurses as needed. In a national survey conducted by the nurses union, only 27% of nurses reported their employer had enough personal protective equipment on hand for a surge in coronavirus patients. While 44% didn’t know. After media reports of exorbitant charges associated with testing, Newsom ordered insurers to make tests free. It’s not so much that the test itself is costly, but related costs like hospital visits can be, said Michael Romero, a program manager with Placer County’s Health & Human Services Department. Individuals can be tested for free if a health provider contacts the county, which then approves and orders the test, Romero said. Ω CalMatters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media venture explaining California policies and politics. An unabridged version is available at calmatters.org.

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g n i s is

Most of sacraMento’s Missing children disappear froM one place—and it’s supposed to be a sanctuary for abused children

r aheem h@ n ew s r ev i ew . com

14   |   SN&R   |   03.12.20


mong the many tragedies of her death is that Kendra Nichole Czekaj had already shown such bravery in her abbreviated life.

At the age of 11, the Sacramento girl told a friend from school about the recurring nightmare that visited her when she was awake. It began with a shadow in the door, the one that made her forget how to breathe. Kendra told authorities that she was just 8 the first time her father raped her. Prosecutors alleged that it happened at least 12 times over the course of the next three years. The last time the shadow visited her was on March 2, 2019.

Kids grow up thinking that life is made up of what they see and experience, that what happens to them must be normal. But Kendra knew what was being done to her wasn’t right. And she trusted that others would see it, too. She ran away and confided in the friend. Her friend told an adult and the adult called police. On March 5, 2019, the Citrus Heights Police Department arrested Carewin Vinuya Czekaj for doing the unthinkable. New adults entered Kendra’s life—case workers and forensic interviewers and familyreunification specialists. Around the beginning of this year, they decided she should go to the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento. On its website, the Receiving Home describes itself as a “sanctuary for children and young adults suffering abuse and neglect.”

Photo by Raheem F. hosseini

by Raheem F. hosseini

Religious candles line the sidewalk across the street from the Children’s Receiving home of sacramento, remnants of a memorial for the girl who died under its care.

Photos courtesy of Michelle Bryant

Kendra Nichole Czekaj as her loved ones remember her: Happy, silly and tight with her mom and younger siblings.

But within law enforcement and state 17 separate missing persons reports, 10 of licensing circles, the home has a more which were resolved at the scene, according troubled reputation, as a place where children to a computer-aided dispatch report created can slip through its cracks. Kendra would by the Police Department. Patrol officers soon become one of those kids. are dispatched when follow-up is needed, Some time after 9 p.m. on Jan. 15, Kendra explained Officer Karl Chan, a department left the Receiving Home under unclear spokesman. circumstances. The California Highway While the vast majority of the kids who Patrol says she was following a 16-year-old leave the Receiving Home’s grounds eventugirl who wasn’t from the home. Kendra hiked ally return, that doesn’t mean they come back to the Capital City Freeway’s chewed, gray unharmed. lip. The older girl had already darted across A year before Kendra’s death, in January the northbound lanes onto the center median. 2019, a youth who left the facility in spite The story is that Kendra went to save her. of staff interventions later sustained injuries The woman in the Lexus couldn’t stop in getting out of a moving car. That same time. There was an awful, screeching thud month, a girl from the Receiving Home said and a small body in motion. It came to rest in she was sexually assaulted by the resident she the center median. Cars swerved and stopped. left campus with. An off-duty doctor tried to wake the girl Because of the home’s location on a laying on the concrete. An ambulance lurched gritty stretch of Auburn Boulevard, a block to a stop. More adults arrived, wearing from Watt Avenue’s notorious prostitution uniforms, all too late to fix what was already stroll, kids who leave are at increased risk of broken. sexual exploitation. The Sacramento County Kendra was pronounced dead at 10:08 p.m. grand jury noted the high-crime setting in She was six months shy of turning 13. She a 2018 report. Kendra’s one-time guardian was supposed to testify against her father, to Felicia Mohammed wonders by what logic confront the shadow once and for all. the county decided it would be wise to place Instead, the Receiving Home and sexually-trafficked children there. Sacramento County must now answer for the “It’s almost like a perfect storm in the death of a government witness. area,” she said. Kendra’s death represents the worst-case Of the 48 state licensing inspections that scenario of what is a chronic occurrence at occurred in 2018 and 2019, six concerned the Receiving Home, SN&R has children who were exposed to learned. The children’s shelter— possible commercial sexual a cluster of buildings on a exploitation, or what sprawling 6-acre campus used to be called child just a block from one of prostitution, after going “This guy is going to Sacramento’s busiest AWOL. get away with some of prostitution strolls—is Here’s one his crimes because his responsible for more example: than half of all missing In April 2019, daughter was killed.” persons reports in the three youths left the Jeffrey M. Schaaf city. Its porous boundarReceiving Home and attorney for Kendra’s mother ies mark it as a target got into a car parked for traffickers, pimps and across the street. The predators. Community Care Licensing This stark reality represents Division of the California a promise broken, multiple times a Department of Social Services day, to the region’s abused and abandoned later investigated a complaint that a lack of children. For them, there is no sanctuary. And adequate supervision resulted in the minors the shadows are everywhere they look. being commercially sexually exploited. In other words, the kids were sexually assaulted and money changed hands. The numbers don’T lie According to a state licensing evaluator’s The Receiving Home served 1,392 children report, three staff members who were later during the fiscal year that ended in 2018, interviewed said they immediately contacted according to its most recent annual report. law enforcement when the children got into That same year, it filed 3,892 missing the car and monitored the situation from a persons reports with the Sacramento Police facility vehicle parked nearby. But they told Department—nearly three reports for every the evaluator they were afraid to approach the abused, molested, neglected or abandoned car because it had tinted windows. When the child entrusted to its care. children emerged, the staffers escorted them To put that in perspective, police took a back to the campus. One of the kids told staff total of 6,234 missing persons reports in 2018, she had been assaulted, but later recanted. meaning that the Receiving Home originated The two other kids denied that anything a whopping 62% of them. happened to them. It has been such a consistently taxing issue that the Police Department set up a sort of bat phone for the Receiving Home. For example, continued on page 16 on Jan. 1, 2018, the Receiving Home faxed


03.12.20    |   SN&R   |   15


continued from page 15

The Receiving Home sits on six acres of property that were donated by the city of Sacramento in 1964 for a children’s shelter.

The home is a nearly

$15 million operation, according to the latest IRS  filings available through the  Foundation Center.

It served nearly


youth in 2017-18, according  to its most recent annual  report.

It received


citations from the state  between January 2013  and January 2015—60 of  them for Type A violations  deemed to be very serious,  according to an internal  Sheriff’s Office report. 16   |   SN&R   |   03.12.20

As a result, the complaint was left unsubstantiated. The same is true of many of the most troubling allegations against the Receiving Home, but it isn’t always because the children won’t talk. In late 2018, the Community Care Licensing Division, which is the state’s oversight agency for foster and group homes, found evidence that Receiving Home employees had been discouraged from cooperating with its investigations. A September 2018 memo from an administrator that went to all Receiving Home employees led them to believe they shouldn’t speak to outside providers, including state licensing inspectors, auditors and Child Protective Services officials. In fact, while the state was investigating the alleged intimidation, the person behind the memo kept looking into the conference room where interviews were taking place, “which caused staff to be concerned about ‘being in trouble for talking to (Licensing),’” the evaluator wrote. And yet the Receiving Home evaded any penalty. State licensors repealed a Type A citation, their most serious, after Receiving Home CEO David Ballard retracted the memo and the two employees who issued it received counseling. The Receiving Home hasn’t exactly become more transparent in the ensuing months.

Speaking through lawyerS SN&R attempted to interview Ballard, but the longtime CEO would only comment through the Receiving Home’s legal team.

The law firm of Sims, Lawrence & Arruti provided two statements on behalf of the nonprofit organization, which has nearly $15 million in assets and is funded largely by the county. The first, concerning Kendra’s death, explained that the Receiving Home has a state-approved plan that requires staff to verbally deter youth from going AWOL, shadow any kids who leave and file missing persons reports when they lose sight of their charges. “Despite CRH following the law, and all protocols and procedures being followed, a tragedy occurred and everyone at CRH is devastated,” read the statement from attorney Cynthia Lawrence. The second statement was much longer, running four pages and including prepared remarks from Ballard and other employees. It reiterated that Receiving Home personnel are legally prohibited from locking children in the facility to prevent them from running away and noted that California has ushered in significant reforms in trying to help mistreated children. The first occurred in 2014, when the state upended how the system responds to kids who are sexually abused for profit. Rather than treat prostituted children like criminals, the state required that counties divert exploited kids from the juvenile justice system into the child welfare system. More recently, in 2017, the state Legislature passed a law intended to drastically cut down the numbers of kids placed in group homes, where they’re more likely to drop out of school or get sucked into the criminal justice system. The Receiving Home says these reforms mean the kids that come into its care are generally older, harder to place with relatives

or foster families, and are “dealing with more intractable behavioral issues” than in years’ past. That’s why AWOL numbers rose in 2018, the Receiving Home says, because it’s accepting “more youths with challenging and at-risk behaviors.” But that doesn’t explain why the Receiving Home racked up 124 citations from the state between January 2013 and January 2015— before these changes took effect. According to an internal Sheriff’s Office report obtained through a public records request, 60 of the citations were for Type A violations deemed to be very serious. Also, a civil lawsuit filed in 2014, a year after a residential counselor was convicted of molesting a 17-year-old girl at the facility, alleged “an alarming history of exposing children to additional abuse and neglect.” And it isn’t just kids who leave the facility who face danger. In 2018 and 2019, the state investigated six instances of sexual assault between residents and four claims of staff abuse. In September 2018, the staff confirmed two separate incidents in which one youth burned another. Two months later, the state determined that residents were bagging marijuana at the facility. In both cases, staff was present and should have intervened, evaluators concluded. As for the number of kids who go missing, the Receiving Home says it eliminated duplicate reports regarding minors who go AWOL multiple times, is conducting additional screening before admitting youth and is leaning harder on a system that rewards residents for staying on campus while letting older teens sign themselves out for approved activities. “We feel a deep sense of responsibility for protecting each of our kids. However, the

Photo by Raheem F. hosseini

FactS about the children’S receiving home oF Sacramento

Missing Persons rePorts City of  SaCramento  total Children’S  reCeiving  home

reality is that it’s difficult to manage their behaviors to a positive outcome every time,” Ballard, who will be stepping down later this year, said in the prepared statement. “When it comes to our teens, we’re often the last buffer between a teenager and homelessness, crime or jail. They have nowhere else to go and we know it’s up to us to get it right.” Police statistics show some headway: The Receiving Home filed 2,097 missing persons reports in 2019, a 46% drop from the previous year. But that’s still nearly half of all missing persons reports. Through Feb. 4 of this year, the Receiving Home has faxed an additional 193 missing persons reports to police headquarters. One of those belonged to Kendra.

Public suPPort, Private concern In official circles, the Receiving Home has broad support. The California Legislature, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and Sacramento City Council all issued glowing resolutions recognizing the Receiving Home’s 75th anniversary last year. In private, the messaging hasn’t always been so effusive. In January 2018, the Sheriff’s Office circulated an internal report regarding a “noticeable increase” in children leaving the facility and engaging in risky behavior. The report summarized efforts to communicate that concern to Receiving Home staff and the “strain” being placed on patrol deputies responding to complaints from nearby businesses and returning youth to the facility. In an email, sheriff’s Sgt. Tess Deterding said the captain responsible for that part of the county described it as “a multi-faceted issue that continues to present challenges for our patrol deputies.” It’s also a bit of a jurisdictional quagmire. The Receiving Home is technically in the city (which donated the land in 1964), but much of what happens outside of the home falls into the county’s lap. And internal emails show that the county has been concerned for more than two years, even as it defended the Receiving Home in public. As recently as June 2019, the office of Supervisor Susan Peters, whose district







2,097 2019

includes affected businesses, was critical of Death of a witness the Receiving Home in internal county emails, Kendra was doing her part. writing that it had “ongoing problems with After she made the sexual abuse allegaprostitution, gang activity, thefts, human traftions in March 2019, Citrus Heights police ficking, drugs, etc.” asked Kendra if she would speak to her dad According to the emails, Peters on a phone line that detectives would moniparticipated in at least two meetings about the tor. Those calls—and what Czekaj admitted Receiving Home with probation officials. on them—helped validate what Kendra told Peters’ chief of staff, however, said the police, said Officer Michael Wells, a departsupervisor was unavailable for interviews and ment spokesman. hung up when pressed why. She was prepared to do the same in open The office of Board of Supervisors court. But Kendra’s abuser is poised to Chairman Phil Serna referred interview benefit from his daughter’s death: Instead of requests to a county spokeswoman and Peters. 12 felony counts of child sex abuse, Czekaj Their silence is notable given that the is expected to plead to three felony counts county is the Receiving Home’s largest of lewd and lascivious conduct involving a benefactor, providing most of the $10 million minor, prosecutors say. in annual public funding that the nonprofit Supervising Deputy District Attorney receives. Chris Ore explained in an email the effect the Not only that: Of the roughly 1,400 minors victim’s death had on the case. “Because of who pass through the Receiving Home each the death of the victim, we were only able to year, all are either under the supervision of hold Defendant accountable for the conduct the county’s Department of Child, Family and that he admitted, which was less than what Adult Services the victim described,” Ore wrote. or the Sacramento “This guy is going to get Superior Court. away with some of his That makes the county crimes because his daugh“We’re often accountable for what ter was killed,” added the last buffer happens there, says the Schaaf. “He arguably attorney representing between a teenager and may even profit off Michelle Bryant, his conduct.” homelessness, crime or jail. Kendra’s mother. That’s because, They have nowhere else to go Jeffrey M. as Kendra’s biologiSchaaf is preparing and we know it’s up to us to get cal father, he may a civil case against be legally entitled it right.” the Receiving Home to part of any civil and the county. The David Ballard judgment against the personal injury litigator CEO, Children’s Receiving Home Receiving Home and said Kendra and Bryant of Sacramento county. were going through a courtIt’s one of many cruel sanctioned family reunification twists to a story about an outgoing process, one marked by some difficult kid who had already overcome so much adjustments. It was during this period that when the system failed her. Kendra was ordered to the Receiving Home. Adults found her precocious and Schaaf said that Kendra spent a total of about preternaturally wise. She seemed to three weeks there, but that her release was breeze her way to good grades and spoke delayed a week because the county failed of avoiding toxic relationships like to process the court’s paperwork in a timely someone twice her age. And when the manner. bad things came to light and the people “She wasn’t supposed to be at the around her tried to process what she’d Receiving Home,” Schaaf told SN&R. been through, it was Kendra who texted If true, then the county’s delay may have tranquil images of rocks seen through contributed to the death of a government the shallow veil of lake water with the witness. message: “my happy place.”


193 2020

*through feb. 4

“She was just emotionally very mature,” remembered Mohammed, who knew Kendra for six years and briefly took her in after her father was arrested. “She was just like the strongest 12-year-old.” But Kendra was still very much a kid. She brimmed with that immortal girl magic. It poured out of her during Sylvan Middle School spirit squad practice and on the sidelines of Junior Mavericks football games. She hosted and attended sleepovers. She crafted and painted pictures for her mom. She danced to make friends laugh. She dated a boy. She spoke about one day becoming a cardiologist and a fashion designer, as if anyone could do both. Like many kids her age, she loved Billie Eilish. That one song, with its austere instrumentals and Eilish’s whispery falsetto— Kendra cooed along imagining what was ahead. The trial loomed in her future. But the terrible crimes of her father would not define her. Her story was bigger than that. Mohammed said she and Kendra spoke about what her testimony could mean. “I cannot even fathom some of the stuff that she’s been able to process and want to heal from,” Mohammed said. “I just feel like she was [going to be] able to help so many women.” The future was a star. Kendra thrummed like a rocket ready to meet it. And when she reached it, she’d look back only to mark the incredible distance, and the path she blazed for other kids to follow. That’s all gone now. It was a crisp and brittle night outside the cottage where the short-timers stayed. Kendra was supposed to be going home any day now to start the rest of her life. The dawn was a mere seven hours away. She left on foot, not knowing she’d never see it. Whatever happened, Mohammed said she hopes the bubbly, brainy and compassionate child she got to know “doesn’t just become the girl on the freeway.” “Kendra was a very good friend,” Mohammed added. “She wanted nothing but the raw, honest truth.” Her loved ones are still waiting to hear it. Ω

03.12.20    |   SN&R   |   17

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By Anne S tokes


or anyone who has lobbed the age-old question, “I don’t know, where do you want to eat?” back and forth, SacTown Bites Food Tour Adventures has the answer. Its Farm to Table tour takes diners through six Midtown restaurants and offers expertly curated dishes with a focus on locally sourced and sustainably produced ingredients — some of which are offered only to tour diners. “The guide highlights all about farm-tofork and what the inspiration is behind the dishes, where the ingredients came from, the farmers and their stories,” said owner Heather Fortes. “There are 11,000 family farms in Sacramento (Valley) and every one of them has a story. I think it’s really neat to share those stories and help you connect with your food.” Tours are currently offered 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and take guests

Midtown owned & operated House Made Jewelry, Repairs & Local Artisan Gifts 1111 24th Street (Corner K & 24th) • Open Daily Mon-Fri 11-6 • Sat & Sun by Appointment • 916.346.4615 18





on a leisurely (and accessible) three-hour stroll through Midtown’s tree-lined sidewalks. Each stop includes small bite-type dishes, culinary collaborations between Fortes and the local chefs and owners. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options are available. “It’s really important to me that anybody coming on a tour feels like their food was awesome,” Fortes said. “We have vegetarian and vegan options that are just as good as the meat options; they’re not second fiddle.” For those more interested in libations, SacTown Bites will soon offer a Cocktails and Bites tour. Featuring an Around the World theme, the focus will be on the creative stories behind iconic and signature cocktails at several Midtown restaurants. So if want to try something new, but don’t know where to start (or what to order), SacTown Bites may be just the adventure you’re looking for.

For more tickets or information, visit www.sactownbites.com or call 1-800-656-0713. In addition to regularly scheduled tours, private sessions are available and are great for family get-togethers and corporate team building!

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r u f m o o T R yone y shle A by tos o h p

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20   |   SN&R   |   03.12.20

Stone s e y Ha

Sacramento’s furry community offers a unique creative outlet

he clock hits 10 p.m. on a Saturday as the lights dim inside a crowded Steve Cook’s Fireside Lanes and multicolored LEDs bounce around the walls to the rhythm of DJ Casper’s “Cha-Cha Slide.” Brandon Zamora steps up to lane three amid the clinking of beer glasses and the sound of bowling pins crashing together. As he tries to ignore the noise, Zamora grasps a candy-red bowling ball with both hands, squats down, swings the 14-pound ball between his legs and throws it down the slick wood.

It lands in the gutter, of course. Zamora’s shoulders slump with disappointment. “Well, OK, you try to bowl with fursuit gloves,” he says. It isn’t easy to bowl using clawed paws and trying to see through the narrow slits of his racoon mask, only to be thrown offbalance by a long black-and-gray tail.

SacFurs members, part of the local furry community, pose in front of Steve Cook’s Fireside Lanes during “Furbowl,” the group’s monthly gathering on Feb. 15.

Animals crossing Zamora, aka Kuma the Racoon, has been a “furry” for more than nine years, and he’s not alone in Sacramento. The bowling alley is crowded with about 50 people, ranging in age from 11 to 62 and all wearing vibrantly colored, mascot-like costumes known as fursuits. The suits are their “fursonas,” which is like a persona, but, well, furrier. They choose the animals and mythical creatures they believe best represents them. The “furry fandom,” as it is officially known, is a worldwide community that reportedly dates back to a 1980 science fiction convention, where a discussion of anthropomorphic characters in sci-fi books led to groups who would regularly meet up at conventions. Over time, this grew to dressing up as animal characters, as well as giving them human personalities and characteristics. While members of the furry fandom are often depicted by mainstream media as primarily interested in the lifestyle to satisfy a fetish, most say that’s a misconception—and one they want to end. Rather,

The DusT Bowl lIVes oN see ARTs & CulTuRe


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Zap, a white and blue husky, bowls at Steve Cook’s Fireside Lanes during “Furbowl.”

A group of furries sit down and play the card game “Uno” nearby.


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some create fursonas as a way to explore the personality traits they wish they had outside the suit. And new social media platforms are pushing the hobby closer to the mainstream. The Sacramento fandom considers itself an outlet for creativity, mental health and community. Take the “Furbowl,” for example. Hosted by SacFurs, a local furry community group, it’s a monthly event where members can bowl and mingle in a place of acceptance. On this recent weekend night, the bowling alley is the domain of the furries. Blue dogs mingle with white and purple tigers. A blue and red husky with its tongue sticking out chats with a bright orange deer. The goat from Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame dances to the Baha Men’s “Who Let the Dogs Out.” But SacFurs’ Furbowl wouldn’t be anything like it is today without the internet. In the early 2000s, a group of local furries decided to form a Yahoo chat room, called “Sacramento Furries,” where anthropomorphic enthusiasts could connect. The group wanted an online forum to build a sense of community—a fluffier community. By 2004, local furries had established their own website, SacFurs. com, where local events and meetups could be posted. Merris-Miche, aka Zoren the blue dragon, was one of the first members of SacFurs, and is now the event lead. He’s responsible for continuing “Furbowl” after the initial organizers wanted to discontinue the event in 2013. “It was important to me because [of] the amount of fun, and the enjoyment that everyone attending continues to have, and it’s a physical thing that people can go


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“When I found this fandom and found friends that actually supported me, it completely changed my outlook on life.” Zamora

aka Kuma the Racoon to and mingle,” Merris-Miche says. He says he has seen the fandom increase as apps such as Tik-Tok have sparked the interest of the younger generations. Molly Quinn, a 13-year-old whose fursona is an arctic wolf named Fizzy, is a regular at events. Her mother, Vanessa Quinn, says she sees the fandom as a creative outlet for her daughter. “I was talking to other parents here, and we all agree when [the kids] make these costumes it makes a mess,” she said. The furry community also has been known to be used for an outlet to cope with mental health issues like depression. Zamora says everything changed when he stumbled upon the fandom when he was 16 in 2011, and started going to SacFurs meetups around 2016. “I had a very negative look on the world, and I was even to the point where I wanted to kill myself,” Zamora says. “But when I found this fandom and found friends that actually supported me, it completely changed my outlook on life.”

Heads or tails Besides “FurBowl,” furries have conventions, including the annual Further Confusion in San Jose. During the three-day convention, fursuiters attend events, buy furry-related art and meet people just like them. “The more you look … the more you realize, ‘Wait, these are regular people like everyone else,’” says Steven Lari, aka D!SK0, a local green wolf. “We just have an incredible imagination, and we let our imagination just go wild.” It’s not about sex, say members of the Sacramento subculture, who

said that stereotype can be traced to a 2003 episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, titled “Fur and Loathing,” which depicted furries as part of a murderous sex cult. Though they admit that the fandom acts as a kink for a small portion of the community, a vast majority of furries are not interested in that aspect. Besides, members of the fandom have much better things to do, such as designing their ideal fursuit that best represents their shaggier side. Most put together their fursuits themselves. The average full fursuit can cost up to a couple thousand dollars, depending on the designer and the detail. There are a few fursuit categories, including the quadsuit or the partial fursuit, where it’s just the head, tail and paws. A full fursuit may even feature digitigrade legs, which are achieved by sewing two banana-shaped pillows into the legs to imitate the appearance of actual animal morphology. For those who can’t afford intricate fursuits, some ears and a tail will do. Back at Fireside Lanes, Phyllis Franklin, a regular bowler, walks up to a pack of multicolored canines to ask questions. She says she has been curious and doesn’t see the harm in a little fluff. “To each his own,” Franklin says. “They’re there, they’re having fun, they’re having a good time, so good for them.” On the other side of the bowling alley, a group of furries line dance along with some non-furries to V.I.C.’s “Wobble.” Meanwhile, at lane three, Zamora and his other fuzzy friends laugh at themselves while struggling to pick up bowling balls with their fursuit paws. “I never would have thought in a million years that a character I created out of [my] mind would do so much for me as a person and for my life,” Zamora says. Ω

For more info, visit SacFurs.com.

03.12.20    |   SN&R   |   21

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Photographer Lewis Hine captured intimate moments during the Dust Bowl.

The past is present A new Crocker installation makes room for the Dust Bowl by Patrick Hyun WiLson

A young boy sits tangent to a large fireplace, a dirt smudge on his chin, as he gazes across the flames to a hunched-over old man wearing dust-covered clothes. The man’s skillet can’t hold much, but he carefully leans it into the pitiful flames of a single log fire. Lewis Hine was witness to that moment in 1931. The photograph he made of it is now hanging at Crocker Art Museum. According to the Library of Congress, Hine captioned the photo, “70-year-old grandfather cooking his Red Cross bacon over the fire for himself and his grandson.” Hine is one of a handful of photographers on display at the Crocker in a new installation space, designated for work from its permanent collection of more than 1,300 photographs. Associate Curator Jayme Yahr sought to find a place to show pieces from the permanent collection, which will change twice a year. “My goal was to see if we could find a permanent home for at least a small portion … of the collection before photography month so that we could kick it off in April and then continue on from there,” Yahr said. The first installation, titled Dust Bowl. Home. Land, explores themes that Yahr believes to be relevant to the current time. “I started thinking back to roughly 1930s,” Yahr said. “The photographers who were hired to document America … and the fact that they were employed by the government to do so.” Yahr said she curated the installation based on the question of whether there was a dichotomy between 22





working for the government as a documentarian, versus working as an artist. Each of the photographers represent a unique approach to documenting the Dust Bowl, and represent different ways of contending with the government’s allocation of documentary projects. Brett Weston, favoring form over representation, worked entirely independent of a government body. Rather than documenting the human condition of the time, he instead focused his attention to the light playing off the windswept sand, capturing the rich tonality of a landscape devoid of human intervention. Weston’s photograph of the rolling dunes in California stands in stark contrast to the works beside it, including one by Farm Security Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott. Wolcott’s photograph, captioned “Coal miner’s child carrying home a can of kerosene, Scotts Run, West Virginia,” captures a young girl from behind in the middle of her step. The moment seems to disfigure the young girl’s body, twisting her form beneath the dark coal trains and ramshackle, weed-covered houses that dominate the frame. Wolcott’s choice of framing and timing creates the sense that the little girl is being crushed— literally and figuratively—by her environment. “I think there’s this interesting commentary on not only what we depend on … but then what does that mean for the people actually enacting that,” Yahr said. “It makes me think about today, some of our urbanrural divide, and are we really just reenacting times of the past?” While each photograph on its own may have some individual meaning, by juxtaposing the work and drawing attention to the stark differences between each photographer’s approach, the installation forms new meaning from them. “One of the things I wonder about: These artists are by and large considered documentary photographers,” Yahr said. “But where’s the line between document and art, and can you do both at the same time?” Ω

Dust Bowl. Home. Land. runs through Aug. 1. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St. For more info, visit crockerart.org.

Genre benders

Can’t get enough of our coverage?

by Steph RodRiguez s t e p h r@ne w s re v i e w . c o m

CheCk out our new blog sacblog.newsreview.com

“My mind is slowly being infiltrated with the insanity that goes on in their brains,” says bassist Joe Cooper as he leans against a far wall inside the crowded rehearsal studio of melodic doom metal band Chrome Ghost. He’s referring to band mates, Jake Kilgore (vocals/guitar) and Jacob Hurst (drums), who formed the band in 2015 and instantly connected through the depths of heavy music and their respect for the classic groups such as Black Sabbath, Sleep and the Melvins. Their latest album The Diving Bell hit 10,000 streams on Spotify last month. It’s nearly 40 minutes of intense compositions that crest and fall between softer moments of melancholia to swells of aggressive guitar reverberating through Kilgore’s hypnotic vocals and calming melodies. “What interests me is taking all of these genre expectations and flipping them by integrating all kinds of elements that aren’t necessarily common to hear,” Kilgore says. “We all listen to a dramatically wide spectrum of music. The challenge and the fun for me is to take all of these disparate elements and then bringing them in to something that a fan of this type of music could enjoy.” Every note, every decision serves its purpose through the ominous caverns of The Diving Bell. Whether it’s a soothing three- or four-part harmony with beautiful tones, or the more guttural growls that can be a bit disarming, the members of Chrome Ghost tell foreboding stories through sound. “It’s like genre fiction. You can convey different messages through it like how we’re approaching metal music,” Hurst says. “We have these delicate parts and heavy parts and acoustic guitar that work well within the genre too, so that things are more visual.” When writing lyrics, Kilgore says he’s inspired by Renaissance paintings, pulp-era paperback novels,

Photo courtesy of taylor thomPson

Come on in, the water’s fine with Chrome ghost.

nature and Gothic imagery. It’s all used to convey a mood through music. “There is a very romantic tense to the way that everything is presented,” he says. “We’re not a weed-smoking, whiskey-drinking, hail-Satan type of band at all.” Throughout Chrome Ghost’s body of work, including The Diving Bell and the band’s first EP, Reflection Pool, there are recurring themes of water, which is an allegory for anxiety, introspection, isolation, the calm and the chaos. It all happened organically during Kilgore’s writing process, he says, but it was something that Hurst picked up on quickly. “There’s this weird ephemeral quality water has. It’s dangerous, but also safe. It’s vital,” Hurst says. “It’s peaceful and terrifying. If you’re in the middle of the ocean, you’re in the loneliest place in the world.” Chrome Ghost’s use of reverb throughout the album creates these grandiose walls of sound that are both fluid and moody, developing an ethereal time warp through songs such as its title track, a dramatic, 14-minute composition. “You can hide behind these giant waves of sound, but we don’t ever stay with that,” Kilgore says. “At some point, the smoke clears and then there’s a little piece of our identity in there to be seen by changing the dynamic or the lyrics or the mood. Our choices are all very instinctual. It’s telling in a way, it’s not a performative thing, it’s more of an introspective thing.” Chrome Ghost’s upcoming album release show on March 19 at Harlow’s is with Oregon doom metal band YOB and will mark its first live performance in more than five months. But Kilgore says they’ve each gained a change of perspective during the break and look forward to an upcoming eight-day tour in May with Aequorea from Nevada City, as well as performing at Litha Cascadia festival in Washington and the Mid-State Metal Fest in San Luis Obispo. “We’re actually bringing back some old songs that we haven’t played for a long time and potentially for later on in the year,” Kilgore says. “To play these songs is fun, but in the back of my mind, I’m just really excited about what’s coming next.” “We never stop,” Hurst adds. Ω




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UArt Sacramento


2601 J Street

it’s here!


University Art

see chrome Ghost with yoB and human Impact on march 19 at harlow’s, 8 p.m., $20-$25; facebook.com/chromeghostsludge.

03.12.20    |   SN&R   |   23

Now playiNg



The Bluest Eye

A hard knock life by Jim Carnes

Photo courtesy of B street theatre

The Bluest Eye is  a harrowing but  beautifully written tale  of the insidious effect of  racism and unattainable  ideals of beauty on a  young African-American  girl in 1940s Ohio. James  Wheatley directs the  stage adaptation, which  (to its detriment) is more  words than action, with  a feel for the poetry of  Toni Morrison’s text. Thu

8pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; Through 3/22; $10-$20; Celebration Arts,  2727 B St.; (916) 455-2787;  celebrationarts.net. J.C.

starting a family is harder than it looks.

Byhalia Mississippi


Wed 2pm & 6:30pm, thu 8pm, fri 8pm, sat 5pm & 9pm, sun 2pm; through 4/12; $25-$37; B street theatre, 2700 capitol ave., (916) 443-5300, bstreettheatre.org.

There are many good things to be said about Even Linder’s Byhalia, Mississippi, now on the B Street Theatre’s Mainstage. It’s a comedydrama about a young couple and their family and friends, some of whom could charitably be called “poor white trash,” and it is without an ounce of disdain or condescension. It is a truthful depiction of a section of American culture that is mostly ignored in a lot of contemporary theater—hard-working, struggling folks in a “new South” that isn’t quite as new as we would hope. Jim and Laurel (Peter Story and Tara Sissom, respectively, and both in top form) are a young married couple struggling with employment, the imminent birth of a first child and a couple of instances of infidelity (on both their parts, it turns out). Laurel’s mother (Stephanie McVay, who is as perfect as an aspiring Southern dame can be), Robert Karma Robinson as Karl, Jim’s best friend, and Tiffany Oglesby as the wife of the apparent father of Laurel’s child add to the stellar performances. Director Jerry Montoya takes his sweet time delivering the story that is sharp like Southern bourbon and sweet like Tupelo honey. There’s love and laughter, and tears of disappointment and rage in this engaging melodrama that goes heavy on acceptance— difficult as that can be—and light on the condemnation of bias and discrimination, although the consequences of that continue to be felt. Ω

24   |   SN&R   |   03.12.20

4 Cartoon networks Sometimes the timing of theater productions eerily mirrors emerging issues in society. Such is the case with City Theater’s Mr. Burns: A PostElectric Play being staged as the coronavirus uncertainty is sweeping the globe. Mr. Burns is a quirky dystopian comedy in three acts, all centered around survivors of a nuclear disaster that wipes out most of the population and modern technology. It opens with a small group who manage to find each other and are in survival mode, with no communication from the outside world and no trust in their government. But what makes Mr. Burns so unique is that the entire play has elements of The Simpsons animated sitcom. The first act is post-disaster, with survivors entertaining themselves recreating Simpsons episodes. Act Two is seven years later, with attempts to reconstruct society, and Act Three is presented as an operatic story of The Simpsons, who have now become mystical figures. There are times when the play lacks logic, but it makes up for it in its creative approach. City Theater is staging Mr. Burns in its intimate Art Court Theater, which adds to the feeling of being one with this post-disaster. It’s a collective cast who are clearly having fun. It’s not essential to be familiar with The Simpsons, but it helps. The set is appropriately minimalistic— mostly a bare stage with a couple old chairs and a sofa with a fun appearance of Simpsons cartoon props. —Patti RobeRts Mr. Burns: the Post electric Play: thu 7:30pm, fri 7:30pm, sat 2pm & 7:30pm, sun 2pm; through 3/15; $10-$18; sacramento city college, art court theatre, 3835 freeport Blvd.; (916) 558-2228; citytheatre.net.



Shakespeare’s  Hamlet is an  exceedingly ambitious  choice of play to put on,  but Sacramento Theatre  Company’s production is  deserving of the highest  praise, as it avoids each  pitfall expertly and is  an altogether excellent  show. Ian Hopps’ standout  performance as Hamlet is  particularly noteworthy.

short reviews by Jim carnes and odin rasco.

Wed 7pm, Thu 7pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm; Through 3/22; $25-$40; Sacramento  Theatre Company, 1419 H St.;   (916) 443-6722; sactheatre. org. O.R.










suBLiMe Don’t Miss

Photo courtesy of the stage at Burke Junction

Stage pick rick Kleber, Graham sobelman and rich Hebert have been preparing their whole lives for this moment.

Swing time The Stage at Burke Junction offers A Couple of Swingin’ …  Richards, songs and stories from Broadway offered by two  masters of Thespis, Rich Hebert and Rick Kleber. They bring  their careers to the stage in a melodic narrative with mirth  and bravura. Graham Sobelman is the musical director.  The combined 80 years of stage and screen experience  of Hebert and Kleber make for excellent musical theater.  The Stage at Burke Junction, located in Cameron Park  where Sam’s Town used to be, was recently opened by a  longtime supporter of the region’s theater scene, William  Glasser, himself from a well-known show business family.  Fri, 3/13, 7:30pm; Sat, 3/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 3/15, 3pm; Through  3/29; $24-$28; The Stage at Burke Junction, 3300 Coach Lane,  Suite E1, Cameron Park; (916) 912-5668; stageatburke.com.

—Matías boMbal

What’s Old is New Again The Northside Bar + Cafe is the latest go-to for eats and drinks By Allen Pierleoni


or owner Jasmine Peterhans, opening the new Northside Bar + Cafe has been a step-by-step project played out over the past year. “It’s been a process,” she said. “There were a lot of starts and stops.” Now, after an extensive remodel, the bar-cafe is the newest destination along Del Paso Boulevard. The renovation of the building “went from the top down,” Peterhans said. “We re-roofed it, replaced the ceiling, replaced Sheetrock and wood, overhauled the electrical system, updated the plumbing, refurbished the floor, sandblasted the walls and added wood wainscoting. Then we cleaned and painted the shell that was left.” Now the space is a showcase of art-filled concrete block walls, hanging LED lamps, porthole windows, exposed beams and a reddish-colored sapele wood bar (a hardwood similar to mahogany) hand-crafted by Peterhans’ brother, a wood artist in Berkeley. The

bar area connects to a dining room, which leads to an outdoor patio. A neighborhood bulletin board is on its way, where “we’ll post notices from local establishments about upcoming events,” she said. “We merchants are all in this together and would like to increase the traffic between our businesses.” As for food service, “We’ve stuck to reasonably priced made-from-scratch bar bites,” Peterhans said. The menu shows burgers, roasted-pork sliders, mushroom quesadillas, fried mac ‘n’ cheese balls and hot wings. “We’ll be expanding the menu with sandwiches, salads and vegetarian options, and we’ll begin lunch in April,” she said. “The outdoor patio will be a great place this spring and summer.” Peterhans is envisioning her creation as a bustling neighborhood bar with a customer base from all the surrounding neighborhoods. “Everyone is invited, and

The NorThside Bar + Cafe owNer JasmiNe PeTerhaNs PhoTo BY aNNe sToKes

it would be wonderful if we had people coming off the Light Rail for happy hour, or people visiting from other parts of the city.” Her “regulars” base is already established, a group that’s been coming to the location for 25 years when it was previous bar-grills – Callison’s, Eclipse, Silk, Little Galley. What brought Peterhans to the boulevard from her Oakland home and office-administration background? “A lot of happenstance,” she said. “I was looking for a change and was ready for an opportunity to do something different, and thought Sacramento would be a good fit beyond just moving here and finding another job. When I found this location,

I decided I could make something happen.” The boulevard is growing, and now Peterhans is part of it. “I’m excited,” she said. “The location is prime, it feels like an unexplored historical neighborhood that’s getting new attention. There’s a lot of room for growth, and what’s here is improving.”

NOrthside BAr + CAFe 1011 Del Paso Blvd. 916-900-4125 www.northsidebarcafe.com (being updated) 4 -10 p.m. Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays; 4 p.m.-midnight Thursdays-Saturdays

Come discover the Boulevard or visit us online at delpasoboulevard.com

UpCOmiNg eveNts FRIDAY, 3/13


SUNDAY, 3/15

MONDAY, 3/16

Lego Club 1pm | Free

Stoney’s St. Patty’s Day Bash 5pm | $5 COver ChArge

Macrame Hoop Workshop 1:00pm | Free

Supporting Mothers in Recovery 5pm | Free

Join us for an afternoon of LEGO building activities and free-play. LEGO and DUPLO LEGO bricks will be provided.

$3 Green Beer all night , $5 Jameson & $6 Car Bombs from 8-10pm. $5 Corned Beef & Cabbage all night. 6pm Country DJ Dancing Back Bar. 7pm Free Line Dance Lessons by Kat. 9pm Karaoke Front Bar

Love the look of macrame but overwhelmed with the thought of making something? Come join us to learn firsthand!

Join mothers in the community and find support. Free playcare and snacks are offered during groups. Participants will receive journals and materials to do self-care activities each time! Call Joy at 916-290-8278 with any questions.

North Sacramento-Hagginwood Library 2109 Del Paso Blvd Sacramento, CA

The Stoney Inn 1320 Del Paso Blvd Sacramento, CA

Broad Room Creative Collective 1409 Del Paso Boulevard Sacramento, CA

North Sacramento Family Resource Center 1217 Del Paso Blvd Sacramento, CA






Ricardo Montelongo fries fresh churros before his business partner, Erik Guiterrez (not pictured), fills each with strawberry or cajeta, a Mexican caramel. Photos by Nicole Fowler

Royally sweet

by AAron CArnes

Follow the churro Kings on Facebook to keep up with their latest events, facebook.com/ churroKings916.

Ricardo Montelongo crouches behind his modest, gray food cart that politely warns passersby: “Caution Hot.” He holds his hands out with steady precision as his metallic sausage stuffer produces perfectly long tubes of dough, which he gently places into a large metallic bowl of boiling hot canola oil. He presses several more, until there’s no room left. He’s frying churros, a favored dessert in both Spain and Mexico. After a few minutes, he removes them one at a time and transfers the tall cylindrical tubes of fried dough upright into a small basket dangling on the side of the cart.

26   |   SN&R   |   03.12.20

“Most of the churros you find at stores or in restaurants are baked,” Montelongo says. “A churro has to be fried, and it has to be eaten right away. Anything other than that is not really a churro.” After a couple of minutes, Montelongo, 39, passes a couple of churros to his partner Erik Gutierrez, 36, who stands next to him at the filling station behind the cart. The two guys, known as The Churro Kings, are set up at Pleasant Grove High School, where they sell to students and parents during a high school band performance. Today’s two filling options are strawberry and cajeta—a Mexican caramel

that’s less sweet and a bit runnier. Thanks to a convenient contraption on his churromaking device, each pastry is already hollow, making it easy for Gutierrez to fill my order with cajeta. The taste is truly unlike any other churro I’ve ever had—soft, fluffy texture inside with a crunchy outer layer. The subtle sweetness of the cajeta fills every bite and balances well with the judiciously powdered cinnamon-sugar. It’s like a long doughnut that has more crunch, but isn’t overkill on the sweet tooth. The entire process is on display behind plexiglass as The Churro Kings work their small assembly line while customers watch each step, from the fryer to the cinnamonsugar dust. “No one sees how a churro is made. When you get them at Disneyland, they’re just handed to you,” Gutierrez says. “A lot of people like the whole experience.” The duo started selling its signature sweet snack together three years ago. Before that, Montelongo would make churros for friends and family, often with an eye for experimentation. One time, he made ice cream sandwiches, substituting churros for cookies. In 2017, Gutierrez’s wife to-be announced she wanted a churro stand at their upcoming wedding. But they couldn’t find anyone to do it. This sparked an idea to start their own churro cart for hire. The name “Churro Kings” came to them when Montelongo thought about a torta vendor he visited several times in Mexico: El Rey De Los Tortas (The King of the Tortas). “His tortas are the best,” Montelongo says. “I’m like, why not call ourselves the kings? We’re doing the best churros in Sacramento.” They started by setting up their cart on weekends in front of a friend’s taqueria, but soon found demand was high for private events, birthday parties and weddings. Having a cart instead of a food truck meant that they could squeeze into backyards and inside reception halls, which handed them an untapped market with virtually no competition. Last year, the Kings sold churros during 25 weddings. Unlike wedding gigs, where customers pay in advance for a specific number of churros, the pop-up at Pleasant Grove High is not typical. Normally, they don’t set up at an event and sell their churros to the public. But tonight’s exception is to reach new clients. As a steady line formed and the sizzle of golden churros was

under way, several people approached them to find out if the two are available for events. “The people that have hired us [for weddings], they only get a little personal cake for pictures,” Gutierrez says. “I hate to say it, but at most of our weddings, people are in our line. They’re doing the toast and the DJ is like, ‘Hey, cut the line. Let’s do the toast!’” Churros have a long history that dates to Spain and Portugal, though European churros have thinner texture and are often dipped in chocolate. They later evolved in Mexico and parts of Latin America. “We made them better,” Montelongo says—and he means it. In Mexico, street vendors sell different styles and shapes of churros. But the essence of a churro is its simple ingredients: flour, water, eggs, salt, sugar and cinnamon. And of course, fried until golden. Montelongo’s personal touch is a little extra cinnamon added to the water for flavor and getting the exact dough blend is a very delicate process. Montelongo’s early attempts were too dense or runny. But he applied his experience while studying baking in the culinary department at American River College in 2000. Montelongo learned that to consistently achieve that perfectly heavenly texture he craved, the dough must be made fresh the same day. “You got to get it right every time, or it won’t taste right,” Montelongo says. The duo has an exciting year ahead of them with lots of weddings and birthday parties booked. But the Kings are hoping to expand their business, and maybe even grow their menu, while keeping churros as the centerpiece. “Our goal is to move into one of the trailers so we can expand our menu to include churros with ice cream,” Montelongo says. “Everything churros that you can think of. Churro bites. Filled churro. I’ve always wanted to do a savory churro. We want to build an empire with churros. We’ll still be the true kings.” Ω

Churro cam: Look at the cinnamon-sugar magic!

IllustratIon by Mark stIvers

Did someone say

fried chicken? (and bahn mi, and ramen) 4801 Folsom Blvd | Sacramento | 916.400.3075 | origamiasiangrill.com

Thai Food & gluten free options

The hunger in higher education by Olla SwanSOn

College is a challenging time when students face new adult choices: Should I study hard or party hard tonight? Should I finish with my current degree or change directions? Should I join sorority/ fraternity A or B—or none at all? Then there are the difficult, sometimes life-altering choices: Should I eat or pay tuition? This is reality for one in three California college students, according to a survey published last year by the California Student Aid Commission. It’s also reality for 32-year-old Eliva Martinez, who said she struggled with housing and food insecurity while attending classes at Sacramento State. Earlier this year, Martinez made the choice between continuing the fall 2020 semester or skipping it entirely so she could pay for food and rent. “One of my professors helped me find the Sac State food bank and CARES, who helped me stay in school,” Martinez said. Crisis Assistance and Resource Education Support provides basic needs and resources for students experiencing food and housing challenges. Every semester, the

program aids about 250 students, with 50 students receiving emergency funds. Of those 50 students, 99% complete their semester and the average GPA has been 2.89. “It is essential for students to have all the support they need to be able to achieve their academic goals, which we know will serve them long after they leave our campus,” said CARES case manager Danielle Munoz. “Some of our students struggle to obtain the same amount of resources as their peers and through our safety net of support, we provide a more equitable learning environment.” Not all are as fortunate as Martinez to have these resources pointed out. To raise awareness to students, the California Homeless Youth Project created a resource guide to help students find emergency food, housing and financial resources on their campuses. “We wanted to have a sense of what types of resources are being offered for students with basic needs and insecurities at colleges in California,” said Shahera Hyatt, the project director. “We wanted

to create a resource for students experiencing homelessness and those working most with them.” Food and shelter help for students is an ongoing project in California. Last year Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 173, which streamlined the Cal Fresh application process for college students. SB 1082, yet to be passed, could also benefit more than 100,000 students by improving existing student aid forms to identify Cal Fresh eligibility. Martinez, with the help of CARES and the CSU Sacramento Food Bank, was able to stay enrolled in her classes. This fall will be her last semester and she will graduate with a liberal arts degree, on her way to becoming a teacher. “With the help from CARES,” Martinez said, “I can continue to fulfill my goal of being a teacher and inspire my students to fulfill their dreams.” Ω Want to learn more about resources for college students? visit cahomelessyouth.library.ca.gov. If you or someone you know is a sacramento state student in need of assistance, email cares@ csus.edu.


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New Glory Craft Brewery’s IPA Do You Even Mosaic Broh?

Want S’More? Just one of several clever beer

names, Want S’More? is both New Glory Craft Brewery’s imperial stout — brewed with marshmallows and conditioned with Madagascar bourbon vanilla, graham crackers and cacao nibs — and a predictor of this self-described “small but daring” company. Housed in what was originally owner Julien Lux’s father-in-law’s factory and warehouse off Power Inn Road in Sacramento, New Glory is in the process of a massive expansion. According to brand manager Trevor Davies, moving from 15 to 40 barrels will make it one of the biggest breweries in a 50-mile radius, allowing it to turn out ever-higher volumes of its interesting brews. But it won’t change the hands-on approach to brewing. “We love being daring by using fun and strange ingredients in our beers that you might not be used to — especially in our kettle sours and stouts,” Davies said. “And we are very fortunate we are able to send our head brewer out to Washington to pick hops that cater better to our beers instead of just getting stuck with what was sent to us. Our brewer gets to smell through the hops to see what will fit our beers best.”

Photo by Anne StokeS

This commitment to seasonal and farmto-kettle brewing is unsurprising when you consider Lux is French. In fact, he followed a lovely foreign exchange student to the U.S. in 2006, where he also fell in love with home-brewing (and yes, they served his beer at their wedding). Lux opened the original taproom in June 2013, and opened the eatery in Quarry Ponds in Granite Bay — with a killer patio — in October 2018. “(The eatery) allows us to pair our weekly releases with the incredible dishes Chef Brian Kenyon has been pumping out,” Davies said. “It also gives us opportunities to have beer dinners featuring other breweries’ beers, as well as pairings with local wineries.” What to look for now, at either location? “This is the perfect time of year to enjoy an easy-drinking pilsner … these beers were made for this kind of weather,” Davies said. “We will (also) be playing a lot with fruited beers — similar to our Yippie Pie Yay.” New Glory is a sponsor of Sacramento Republic FC too. “You’ll be able to find our beer throughout Papa Murphy Park on draft and in cans all season,” he said. by Thea Marie rood

Catch food trucks and special events — particularly during Sacramento Beer Week (April 24-May 3) — at the taproom, and look for live music as the weather warms at the eatery. Taproom: 8251 Alpine Ave., Sacramento, 916-451-9355; Eatery & Taproom: 5540 Douglas Blvd., Granite Bay, 916-872-1721; newglorybeer.com.

This column is produced by N&R Publications, a division of News & Review separate from SN&R Editorial. For more information, visit www.nrpubs.com









A successful transplant Sutter Memorial Hospital’s famous camellia has a new home by Debbie Arrington

This successful double transplant represents a Camellia City milestone. Back safely in the ground, the oldest camellia in Sacramento is once again in bloom. On March 5, hospital staff and friends celebrated the replanting of the famous Sutter Memorial Hospital camellia, a gigantic bush that’s at least 83 years old. Its original plaque notes the bush’s first transplanting in front of what was then Sutter Maternity Hospital on F Street near 51st. The bush was a gift from Dr. A.R. Boscoe and had been moved from K and 28th streets, the site of the original Sutter Hospital. Considering the bush was probably at least 10 years old before its first move, the Sutter Memorial camellia may be well into its 90s. During its stint outside Sutter Memorial, the beloved camellia grew to tree size, reaching more than 10 feet tall. Each February and March, its dark pink flowers welcomed thousands of new mothers—and many heart patients, as well. Nicknamed “Sacramento’s Baby Hospital,” Sutter was the birthplace of nearly 350,000 babies— generations of Sacramentans and enough people to fill several suburbs. (The hospital became Sutter Memorial as it expanded its services.) “The camellia bloomed every late winter to the delight of staff, new mothers and visitors, signaling the new life that Sutter Memorial was known for,” said hospital spokesman Gary

Photo courtesy of sutter MeMorial hosPital

Shown in 2017, the Sutter Memorial Hospital camellia stood at the hospital’s entrance for 80 years.

Zavoral. “In addition, Sutter Memorial was where many of the region’s first heart surgeries were performed, including the first heart transplant in Sacramento.” But when Sutter Memorial planned to move into its new Midtown facilities in 2015, redevelopment put the Sutter camellia at risk. It had to be moved out of the way as the hospital’s buildings were demolished and the new Sutter Park neighborhood went up. A group of Sutter nurses worked with the Camellia Society of Sacramento and developer Stonebridge Properties to save the humongous and venerable plant. An unknown variety suspected to be one of a kind, the Sutter camellia was almost as wide as it was tall with roots to match. Moving such an old and big camellia— then keeping it alive and replanting it—was an extremely difficult operation. BrightView Landscape Services dug up the camellia in 2017 and maintained it for more than a year until its replanting in December 2018, supervised by Randy Sater of Stonebridge. Camellia expert Bob Peralta of BrightView checked on the plant regularly. Showing its hardiness, the camellia not only survived, but thrived once it was re-rooted in its East Sacramento home—at the entrance of the new Sutter Park neighborhood. The March 5 dedication coincided with the camellia’s current bloom and installation of a new plaque that details the bush’s history. “It looks surprisingly good, really nice,” said Camellia Society president Julie Vierra, who took part in the ceremony. “It’s enormous.” Sutter Medical Center staff past and present were on hand to greet their old friend, which now has a new name: “Sutter Memorial Memories.” The local Camellia Society plans to register the flower name with the American Camellia Society. “I’m amazed at how big it is and how healthy,” Zavoral said. “It might be the biggest as well as oldest camellia in the Camellia City.” Ω

Debbie arrington, an award-winning garden writer and lifelong gardener, is co-creator of the sacramento Digs Gardening blog and website.











for the week of march 12

by Patrick hyun wilson

Online listings will be considered for print. Print listings are edited for space and accuracy. Deadline for print listings is 5 p.m. Wednesday. Deadline for NightLife listings is midnight Sunday. Send photos and reference materials to Calendar Editor Patrick Hyun Wilson at snrcalendar@newsreview.com.

POst eveNts ONliNe FOR FRee at newsreview.com/sacramento


sPeCial eFX FeatURiNG CHieli MiNUCCi: Guitarist, composer, and arranger Chieli Minucci is the longtime leader of the Grammy-nominated jazz-fusion group SPECIAL EFX featuring Chieli Minucci, a force on the jazz and world music scene for more than 35 years. 7pm, $40. B Street Theatre, 2700 Capitol Ave.

THURSDAY, 3/12 CitY MORGUe: American hip-hop group City Morgue will be performing in Sacramento as part of the As Good As Dead Tour. 7pm, $17. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

WHile sHe sleePs: Sheffield based English

JaZZ BaNDs OF UC Davis: The UC Davis Jazz

metalcore band While She Sleeps will be coming to Sacramento on their first ever U.S. headline tour. 7pm, $18. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

bands will perform at this concert. 7pm, $12-$24. UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis.

ROYal tHURsDaYs: Spinning Afrobeats,


dancehall, hip-hop/R&B. Enjoy music from a different angle of the Afro music genre. 9:30pm, no cover. Chaise Lounge, 1330 H St.

lONG tiMe & BlaCKOUt BettY: Blackout Betty and Boston tribute band Long Time will be trying to cram an ’80s-era arena show into the Opera House Saloon. 9pm, $10-$15. Opera House Saloon Roseville, 411 Lincoln St., Roseville.

YaCHt ROCK RevUe: Georgia-based rock



Break out your green attire for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade at the Old Sacramento Waterfront.

band Yacht Rock Revue will be coming to Sacramento on their 2020 U.S. tour. 7pm, $17. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

BaCKBaR satURDaY’s W/ MiKe DiaMOND:

FRIDAY, 3/13

Backbar Saturdays is every week with DJ Mike Diamond spinning house, bass, rap and Electronica. 10pm, no cover. Golden Bear, 2326 K St.

Basi viBe OPeN sessiONs: Basi Vibe is bringing smooth soul and cold funk to Highwater for an open jam session monthly. 10pm,

a mostly irish celebration Old SacramentO WaterfrOnt, 11am, nO cOver It’s Patrick’s day. At least for the Patrick who drove the snakes from Ireland. A strange reason to celebrate Festival a day with Guinness and green, but any excus e to parade through the streets is good enough. The Old Sacramento Waterfront will be chock full of marchers, Irish and Highland Dancers, pipe and drum bands, historical re-enactors and a whole lot of green. You’ll have to cook you own corned beef and soda bread, though.


raised in Monterrey, Mexico, Sonia De Los Santos has been performing live since 2007. The English and Spanish singing, guitar and jarana playing, Grammyaward winning musician is performing in Sacramento. 5/31, 2pm, $12.50-$85, on sale now. Mondavi Center, mondaviarts.org.

WHOSE LIvE ANYWAY? Whose Line Is It Anyway star Ryan Stiles—joined by Greg Proops, Jeff B. Davis and Joel Murray—will be performing live improv comedy and songs based on audience suggestions in Sacramento 6/18, 8pm, $45-$72, on sale now. Harris Center, harriscenter.net.

The first celebration of this holiday may have been in 1737 America, but it was officially made an Irish holiday in 1906. So break out your fake Irish accent and everything green for the 24th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Sacramento. There will be live music starting early and absolutely guaranteed no snakes whatsoever. You can thank St. Patrick for that. 1002 2nd St., godowntownsac.com.

ENRIqUE IgLESIAS LESIAS AND RICkY MARTIN ARTIN Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin, live in concert. Enough to make someone swoon. They’ll be joined by Sebastian Yatra for a concert in Sacramento. 9/24, 7:30pm, $65-$902.50, on sale now. Golden 1 Center, golden1center.com.

JANET JACkSON SON Janet Jackson’s Black Diamond Tour 2020 is bringing the international star to Sacramento in late summer. 8/17, 8pm m,

DaMN liaRs & JONeMeRY tHe UNCONveNtiONals: SAMMIES Americana nominee Jonemery & The Unconventionals are teaming up with The Damn Liars for this Roseville concert. 8pm, $7-$12. Opera House Saloon Roseville, 411 Lincoln St., Roseville. described as Nordic folk music, but the group has collaborated with musical groups of varying genres including classical and rock. They’ll perform in Davis for two nights. 8pm, $10-$40. UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis.

HiGH PUlP: Seattle-based High Pulp is on tour and coming to Sacramento, where they’ll be partnering with Gold Souls. 8pm, $10. Torch Club, 904 15th St.

MiCHael DOUCet & tOM RiGNeY: This event featuring fiddle players Michael Doucet and Tom Rigney will be the third installment of Harris Center’s Cajun Night. 8pm, $20$40. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.

Surely you’ll need a ticket.


$45-$495, on sale now now. Golden 1 Center, golden1center.com.


wrote “Dan + Shay” a couple seconds ago, I thought to myself, “who?” Turns out they’re an American country duo composed of Dan Smyers and Shay Mooney, they’re from Nashville and they are coming to Sacramento in the fall. fall

10/24, 7pm 7pm, $35-$75, on sale no now. Golden 1 Center, golden1center.com.

Make me swoon, Enrique.

DReaMeRs’ CiRCUs: Dreamers’ Circus is

$5. Highwater, 1910 Q St.

DReaMeRs’ CiRCUs: Dreamers’ Circus is

nominated singer-songwriter William Mylar has been performing free live music events since 2012. 5:30pm, no cover. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge, 3030 Mather Field Road, Rancho Cordova.

PUP: Canadian rock band Pup will be performing this concert with Screaming Females and The Drew Thomson Foundation. 7pm, $20. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

sHaDes OF PiNK FlOYD: The Shades Of Pink Floyd tribute is a seven-piece band that delivers the Pink Floyd sound, including a complete performance of Dark Side Of The Moon, songs from the The Wall and Wish You Were Here and more. 6:30pm, $10-$12. Swabbies Restaurant & Bar, 5871 Garden Highway.

snr c a le nd a r @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

described as Nordic folk music, but the group has collaborated with musical groups of varying genres around the globe. They’ll perform in Davis for two nights. 8pm, $10$40. UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis.

GiORGOs tsaliKis: Greek Laio singer Giorgos Tsalikis will be performing in Sacramento with Vasiliki Ntanta. 7pm, $102. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

KNUCKle PUCK: Chicago-based rock band Knuckle Puck is coming to Sacramento on their 2020 tour. 7pm, $22. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

GROOve DelUXe BaND: Enjoy free live music every weekend at Laughs Unlimited, this week featuring Groove Deluxe Band. 3:30pm, no cover. Laughs Unlimited Comedy Club, 1207 Front St.

MetalaCHi & ClOWNvis PResleY: Heavy metal mariachi band Metalachi will perform with Clownvis Presley in Sacramento. 8pm, $20$25. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

ROCK ‘N’ ROll FOR a CaUse: The Count returns for a benefit show supporting Francis House Center and its clients, with donations at the door. 4pm, no cover. The Torch Club, 904 15th St.

sHaMROCKiN WitH ReMiX: Come have a Shamrockin good time with SAMMIES nominated tribute band Remix. 9pm, $8. Corner Pocket Sports Bar, 7777 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 1400, Citrus Heights.

tHe siBeRiaN state sYMPHONY ORCHestRa: From Krasnoyarsk, Russia, the Siberian State Symphony Orchestra visits Folsom as part of an eight-week U.S. tour. 7:30pm, $19$68. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.

sOUNDtRaCK: Paying tribute to all of your favorite movie hits, pub crawl your way

CaleNDaR listiNGs CONtiNUeD ON PaGe 32









New American River Bike Patrol initiative information session Shriner’S hoSpiTal, 6:30pm, no cover

Clayton Joseph Chenier’s father, the legendary Clifton Chenier, invented the style of music we know today as Zydeco and was the first Creole musician to be recognized with a Grammy Award. On the road, his father showed him how to front a touring band, how to run the family business and how to develop his lifelong passion for music into a career. 8:30pm, $25. B Street Theatre, 2700 Capitol Ave.

JAHNY WALLZ: Chico-based artist Jahny

The American River Parkway is getting some new eyes in the form of a patrol that will watch over the bike trails PHOTO cOURTESY OF ASHLEY HAYES-STONE on the parkway. The initiative was unanimously approved by Sacramento County supervisors and is recruiting members from the American River bike community who will be trained by the National Ski Patrol. The 85 miles TAKE ACTION of American River Parkway trails will be watched by the patrol starting in early summer and they will provide directions, equipment assistance, safety insights and bike safety programs. For more information on this new initiative, attend the open information session this Thursday. 2425 Stockton Blvd., regionalparks.saccounty.net.

Wallz performs Latin rock reggae at this free show at Sacramento State. Noon, no cover. Sacramento State, 6000 J St.

FESTIVALS THURSDAY, 3/12 SACRAMENTO BOAT SHOW & OFF-ROAD EXPOSITION: The Sacramento Boat Show is the largest power boat show in Northern California. Join thousands of boating enthusiasts to check out the latest boat models and accessories. 11am, $0-$12. Cal Expo, 1600 Exposition Blvd.



MONDAY, 3/16 DAN DEACON AT HARLOW’S: Baltimore electronic musician Dan Deacon will perform live in Sacramento for his Mystic Familiar North American Tour. 7pm, $16-$18. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

into Jan’s Lounge to be shamrocked by Soundtrack. 9pm, no cover. Jan’s Lounge, 9222 Greenback Lane, Orangevale.

VIOLIN ON FIRE: Patrick Contreras and his band comes to The Torch Club covering Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, ’80s dance music, fiery interpretations of Santana and modern hits such as Despacito. 9pm, $10. Torch Club, 904 15th St.

SUNDAY, 3/15 A UNIVERSE OF SOUNDS: The Sacramento Symphonic Winds is a 66-piece adult symphonic wind ensemble conducted by Timothy M. Smith performing this concert at the new El Camino Performing Arts Center. 2:30pm, $0-$15. El Camino High School Center for the Arts, 2340 Eastern Ave.

HEATH WILLIAMSON & FRIENDS: Sacramento’s Heath Williamson will be performing live every week. 5:30pm, no cover. Old Ironsides, 1901 10th St.

TUESDAY, 3/17 FALLOUT KINGS: Former SAMMIES nominated Rock ’n’ Roll band Fallout Kings will be playing their debut arena show as part of a pregame performance before the Sacramento Kings take on the Dallas Mavericks. 5:30pm, $17-$134. Golden 1 Center, 500 David J. Stern Walk

SHARRON SHANNON & SOCKS IN THE FRYING PAN: A complimentary beer tasting featuring a selection of local breweries precedes a double-bill of acclaimed accordionist Sharon Shannon and Socks in the Frying Pan, a young traditional trio from Country Clare. 7pm, $27-$55. UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis.

GAYC/DC & SHEASTIE BOYS: The all-gay tribute to AC/DC will be performing in Sacramento with the all-female tribute to the Beastie Boys. 7pm, $15-$18. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

KIRTAN LIVE MUSIC AND SINGING: Weekly musical gatherings with spiritual singing and dancing followed by vegetarian meal. 5:30pm, no cover. San Juan Lodge, 5944 San Juan Ave., Citrus Heights.

SEAMUS EGAN: Seamus Egan won four AllIreland Championships on four different instruments by the age of 14. He was behind the soundtrack for the award-winning film The Brothers McMullen, and he co-wrote Sarah McLachlan’s “Weep Not for the Memories.” 7:30pm, $12-$42. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.

VOICE OVER BAND: Enjoy free live music every weekend at Laughs Unlimited, this week featuring Voice Over Band. 3pm, no cover. Laughs Unlimited Comedy Club, 1207 Front St.



celebration of Ireland and its rich culture” returns to Folsom, featuring principal dancer Connor Reider and four multiinstrumentalists from the Kerry Traditional Band: Ryan McKasson, Colin Cotter, Christa Burch and Preston Howard-Wilde. 2pm, $12$42. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.






Austin-based band Summer Salt blends elements of 1960s pop, Bossa Nova and jazz. They will be performing live with Okey Dokey and Breakup Shoes in Sacramento. 6:30pm, $17-$20. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

GPAA Gold & Treasure Show circuit will house more than 33 ounces of gold, $110,000 in prizes including prospecting trips and equipment, several dozen vendors, new equipment releases, local prospecting clubs and top-notch seminars from industry leaders. 10am, $5. McClellan Conference Center, 5411 Luce Ave.

SACRAMENTO ST. PATRICK’S DAY FESTIVAL: Expect a live deejay, giveaways, a raffle and a costume contest. 11am, $25-45. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

SHAMROCK SHIMMY PRESENTED BY DISCOVERY PLAY: Children with special needs, their families and their friends are invited for an evening of dancing, light refreshments and, of course, museum play. 6pm, no cover. Sacramento Children’s Museum,

2701 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 120, Rancho Cordova.

SHAMROCK’N ROLL FESTIVAL & BEER GARDEN: Join Chasten Gold Nonprofit for their inaugural St. Patrick’s Day family-friendly day filled with music and entertainment, raffles and giveaways, delicious food trucks, themed arts and crafts and carnival games. 8am, $5-$40. Roosevelt Park, 1615 9th St.

ST. PADDY’S DAY PUB CRAWL 2020: Sacramento’s largest and longest running St. Paddy’s Day crawl returns to the streets of Sacramento. 3pm, $5-$25. Midtown, 20th & K streets.

off with the music of the material girl herself. 11am, $39. Punch Line, 2100 Arden Way, Suite 225.

SUNDAY, 3/15 SAKURA MATSURI FOOD & SHOPPING FAIRE: Featuring a variety of unique handcrafted merchandise, including insulated food bags, tote bags, handbags, towels, clothing, jewelry, greeting cards, accessories, organic popcorn and much more. 10am, no cover. Buddhist Church of Sacramento, 2401 Riverside Blvd.


ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE: Hundreds of colorful marchers dressed in green, along with Irish and Highland dancers, pipe and drum bands, historic re-enactors and a variety of cultural organizations will be at the 24th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. 11am, no cover. Old Sacramento Waterfront, 1124 2nd St.

SUNDAY, 3/15 INTERNATIONAL WEDDING FESTIVAL: You said “yes,” and now it’s time to start planning. Come to the Elk Grove International Wedding Festival to meet with Central Valley’s finest wedding providers to find your photographer, DJ, florist, hair and makeup artists, wedding cake, caterer, venue, officiant and more. 11am, $15. Eden Gardens Event Center, 8434 Bradshaw Road.

TUESDAY, 3/17 ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2020: Serving green beer and Guinness, plus a full bar all weekend, and corned beef and hash, corned beef nachos and clam chowder. Music starts with Adam Donald, Pipers Folly, Plaid City and Total Recall. 6am, $10. Boxing Donkey, 300 Lincoln St., Roseville.

FOOD & DRINK SATURDAY, 3/14 DRAG DIVA BRUNCH MADONNA: The drag queen brunch is back at the Punch Line starting

THURSDAY, 3/12 CYRANO DE BERGERAC: James McAvoy returns to the stage in an inventive new adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac, broadcast live to cinemas from the London’s West End. Fierce with a pen and notorious in combat, Cyrano almost has it all—if only he could win the heart of his true love Roxane. 7pm, $20. The Tower Theatre, 2508 Land Park Drive.

FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR (1986): In 1978, a boy travels eight years into the future and has an adventure with an intelligent, wisecracking alien ship. Flight of the Navigator is a science fiction adventure film directed by Randal Kleiser and written by Mark H. Baker, Michael Burton and Matt MacManus. 7:30pm, $10-$22. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

SUNDAY, 3/15 E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (1982): A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home world. 4pm, $10. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

TUESDAY, 3/17 IN SEARCH OF CHOPIN: In a new film from the director of the award-winning trilogy with In Search Of Mozart, In Search Of Beethoven and In Search Of Haydn, Phil Grabsky brings us the music and life story of one of the world’s favorite composers, Frederic Chopin. Grabsky traveled


James McAvoy takes on a rapping Cyrano streamed to Tower Theatre from London Tower TheaTre, 7pm, $20

James McAvoy is returning to London’s West End for a new adaptation of Cyrano De Bergerac. The 1897 stage play has been adapted many times, including one previous adaptation starring Peter Dinklage. The large-nosed cadet will be played by McAvoy and rather than speaking the traditional verse FILM 12-syllable rhyming couplets, McAvoy will be rapping them. See the play streamed live from London’s Playhouse Theatre as part of a National Theatre Live event to AMC theatres around the world, including the Tower Theatre in Sacramento. 2508 Land Park Drive, readingcinemasus.com.



The fourth year of Sacramento’s Drag Diva Brunch begins with Madonna PunCh Line SaCramento, 10:30am, $39

Madonna, drag queens, brunch, need I write more? Oh, I do? Well, Drag Diva Brunch has been a leader in drag entertainment and has brought its show to more than 10 cities across the country, including Sacramento. In its fourth year, the Sacramento FOOD & DRINK Drag Brunch is kicking the year off with a Madonna themed show. Though the material girl won’t be there herself, you better believe she’ll be there in spirit. Maybe you’ll say, “11 a.m. seems pretty early for a drag show doesn’t it?” And to that I’ll say, “It’s never too early for drag.” 2100 Arden Way, Suite 225, dragdiva.com.

the globe over four years recording performances by world-class musicians and interviewing respected historians and musicologists. 7pm, $18. The Tower Theatre, 2508 Land Park Drive.

COMEDY LAUGHS UNLIMITED COMEDY CLUB: Thai Rivera featuring John Hilder. Thai has appeared on Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham & All Def Digital’s Roast of America. This openly gay comic offers nothing but the most brutally honest and often politically incorrect thoughts, everything from the homeless to AIDS. Various times. 3/13-15. 1207 Front St.

PUNCH LINE: Rivest Dunlap. A biracial child growing up in East Los Angeles, Rivest Dunlap ran into more than his fair share of obstacles before finally reaching the stage. Pulling from life experiences and creatively poking fun at his own complex cultural identity, his brand of comedy is one of a kind. Thursday 3/12, 8pm. $17. Emo Philips. Emo has had award-winning comedy albums, several cable specials and many appearances on network television, in both America and the UK. He has appeared in films and has lent his distinctive voice to animated TV shows, but his first love remains standup. Various times. 3/13-14. $25. LoLGBT+ Presents Queens & Comedy. Queens & Comedy returns to the Punch Line, laugh along with this drag comedy show for one night only. Sunday 3/15, 7:30pm. $18. 2100 Arden Way, Suite 225.

STAB! COMEDY THEATER: Late Week Leftovers Open Mic. Late Week Leftovers wraps up your weekend nice and tidy with an open mic bow. Come see an assortment of some of the best stand-ups, and some of the rest, in town before you have to face the reality of the work week again. Sunday 3/15, 8pm. $5. 1710 Broadway.

SACRAMENTO COMEDY SPOT: Harold Night. Part of our up-and-coming talent night series, you will see new comedians, some seasoned veterans and everything in between. See four teams every Wednesday night perform a Harold, a popular long-form improv structure developed by Del Close at iO Comedy Theater in Chicago. Wednesday 3/18, 8pm. $6. 1050 20th St., Suite 130.

THE SOFIA: Chris Franjola With Daniel Humbarger. Chris Franjola is a writercomedian who can be heard hosting his highly successful podcast, Cover To Cover With Chris Franjola. A frequent contributor on Heather McDonald’s wildly successful podcast Juicy Scoop, he’ll be performing live with Daniel Humbarger. 7pm. Through 3/12. $15-$30. 2700 Capitol Ave.

ON STAGE CALIFORNIA STAGE: Como el Aire Flamenco en Vivo Sacramento. Carlos de Jacoba, Flamenco guitarist, was born in the Granada town of Motril into a Roma family. His father Antonio was an aficionado of Flamenco singing, and passed his passion for Flamenco onto his family. At age 11, Carlos was given his first guitar. He studied with master guitarist Manuel Caraval Ramos, who helped young Carlos develop into the exceptional artist he is today. 8pm. Through 3/17. $8.50$36.50. 2509 R St.

ERRANT PHOENIX/THISTLE DEW THEATER: Maple & Vine by Jordan Harrison. Katha and Ryu have become allergic to their 21st century lives. After they meet a charismatic man from a community of 1950s reenactors, they forsake cell phones and sushi for cigarettes and Tupperware parties. In this compulsively authentic world, Katha and Ryu are surprised by what their new neighbors and they are willing to sacrifice for happiness. 8pm2pm. Through 3/29. $16-$20. 1901 P St.

HARLOW’S: The Darling Clementines A Gothic Western at Harlow’s. The Darling Clementines put on an 18-plus burlesque show themed around Gothic Westerns. 7pm. Through 3/12. 2708 J St.

HARRIS CENTER: New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players The Mikado. In the hands of the New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players, this new production of The Mikado, “preserves the integrity of Gilbert & Sullivan’s composition while stripping away the irrelevant junk that has crept into productions over the years,” according to the New Yorker. 7:30pm. Through 3/12. 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.

JEAN HENDERSON PERFORMING ARTS: Lerner & Loewe’s Camelot. The legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table comes to life in this production. Based on T.H. White’s novel, The Once and Future King, Camelot tells the story of Arthur, a young squire who becomes king after extracting the sword Excalibur from its legendary rock. Opening in the midst of the battle that destroyed King Arthur’s kingdom, the play goes back to tell the story of how the battle came to be. Various times. Through 3/28. $20. 607 Pena Drive, Davis.

MCLAUGHLIN STUDIO THEATRE: MTC Presents Starkid’s Firebringer. At the dawn of humanity, one tribe of cave-people survives the many trials of prehistoric life under the wise leadership of Jemilla, The Peacemaker. Jemilla taught her people to express themselves, rather than bashing each others’ heads with rocks. But one member of the tribe doesn’t seem to fit in—Zazzalil, who is always trying to invent things to make life easier. While hatching her latest scheme, Zazzalil stumbles upon the most important

examines the architectural spaces inhabited by participants in the Bay Area punk scene, as documented by Murray Bowles, who photographed gatherings from the early 1980s until his death in 2019. The curators selected 16 photographs from his vast archive that capture the specificity of site and both the ecstasy and ambivalence of the diverse inhabitants. Various times. Through 3/29. No cover. 625 S St.

CROCKER ART MUSEUM: Art Rx. People living


discovery in history. Various times. Through 3/15. $0-$18. 3470 Swetzer Road, Loomis.

PERFORMING ART CENTER: Mr. Burns: The Post Electric Play. What happens to pop culture after the fall of human civilization? What about seven years after the fall? Or even 75 years? Mr. Burns: The Post-Electric Play endeavors to find out. When nuclear power plants across the country begin to melt down, a small group of survivors gather in the woods and begin to recount an episode of The Simpsons. Over the course of the play’s three acts and 75-year time span, casual storytelling evolves into theater, theater evolves into ritual and one Simpsons episode evolves into a myth and legend for a post-apocalyptic world. Various times. Through 3/15. $18. 383 Freeport Blvd.

THE WILKERSON THEATRE INSIDE THE CALIFORNIA STAGE COMPLEX: The Sleeper. A suburban “security mom,” shell-shocked by the new post 9/11 reality, finds herself irresistibly drawn to her son’s tutor, a handsome young man with political leanings far different from her own. Her awakening leads to a bizarre series of events that blow the lid off her previously sheltered existence and change the lives of all around her. Various times. Through 4/4. $18-$20. 1721 25th St.

ART AXIS GALLERY: Murray Bowles 16 Frames. This exhibition of 16 photo-text artworks

with chronic pain and their relatives, friends and caregivers are invited to explore the wonders of art and the creative mind. Participants enjoy the simple pleasure of art viewing as a trained docent facilitates group conversations about select works. Saturday 3/14, 11am. No cover. 216 O St.

ELK GROVE FINE ARTS CENTER: 8th Annual Open Fine Arts Competition. Five media categories including oil/acrylics, water media/mixed media, drawing/pastels, photography and three-dimensional art. Awards are given for first and second place in each category, Best of Show and People’s Choice Award. Various times. Through 3/27. 9080 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove.

JAYJAY: Critical Matters 2.0, New work by Robin Hill. Robin Hill’s work focuses on the intersection between drawing, photography and sculpture. Her underlying conceptual thread is her interest in collection, extraction and representation and in transforming seemingly inconsequential matter into meaningful statements. Various times. Through 3/28. No cover. 5524 B Elvas Ave.

4/3. Laurelin Gilmore & Liz Webb The Stories We Tell Ourselves. The Stories We Tell Ourselves includes narrative work by figurative artists Liz Webb and Laurelin Gilmore. Webb’s sculptures typically center on a clay female figure, arranged into poetic scenes, sometimes including well-worn wood, or objects of great sentiment. Various times. Through 3/29. Water + Color National Juried Exhibit. Come see a watercolor show that exhibits artwork by more than 30 artists, juried by Sandy Delehanty. This show includes a variety of styles, subjects, colors and compositions. Various times. Through 3/31. No cover. 212 D St., Davis.

SECOND BITE: Second Bite Techno Feminist Art Installation. This exhibit uses dozens of Apple computers combined with powerful imagery and mesmerizing music to create an immersive space to relax into the experience. As a unifying theme, the installation is a celebration of women, with representations from various cultures and throughout all stages of life from infancy to elderly. 7pm. Through 4/30. No cover. 1930 5th St., Suite C, Davis.

UC DAVIS: Appreciation and Adaptation Homage to Global Textiles. The exhibition features traditional textiles from Africa, Asia and South America, which have inspired contemporary design works by UC Davis students that are also showcased, highlighting the continuing relevance of traditional cultures. Various times. Through 4/18. No cover. 1 Shields Ave., Davis.


KENNEDY GALLERY: Modern Abstracts Exhibit. Kennedy Gallery celebrates modern abstracts in this exhibition featuring works from more than 20 resident artists inside three floors of open studios in the heart of Midtown’s entertainment district. Various times. Through 4/5. No cover. 1931 L St.

CALIFORNIA MUSEUM: Small as a Giant. A

PENCE GALLERY: Call to Artists-Emerging Artist Award 2020. The Pence Gallery announces that its Emerging Artist Award 2020 is now open for application via www. callforentry.org. This award supports the creation of new work by emerging artists in California and the opportunity to share that work through an exhibit and artist talk. Artists must use the award to further their work in a significant direction. Artists may work in any medium, except for video or sound art. Various times. Through

photography exhibit that tells both the individual and societal stories of teens sentenced to life in prison. The artist has spent the last two years visiting inmates in prison and formerly incarcerated people on location throughout the state. Various times. Through 3/15. $0-$9. Toyo Miyatake Behind the Glass Eye. This temporary exhibition chronicles the life and work of Los Angeles-based photographer Toyo Miyatake. Miyatake was incarcerated at Manzanar, where he documented iconic images of life



Shamrock your St. Patrick’s Day weekend with SAMMIES nominated tribute band Remix Corner PoCket SPortS Bar, 9Pm, $8

Get lucky this weekend with 2020 SAMMIES Tribute band nominee Remix, who will be playing a pre-St. Patrick’s Day bash at the Corner Pocket Sports Bar, taking 1980s hits and turning them into modern rock classics. The quintet has been rocking the SAMMIES Sacramento stages for years, but now they’ll be giving shamrocking a try. Will they play a modern rock cover of Danny Boy? Feel free to order as many Guinness as you want at this 21-plus show. 7777 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 1400, cornerpocketsportsbar.com.







See more eventS anD Submit your own at newSreview.com/Sacramento/calendar

CaLenDar LiStinGS ContinueD From PaGe 33

for Japanese Americans during World War II. various times. through 4/19. $0-$9. 1020 O St.

CaLiFornia State raiLroaD muSeum: White Out! Exhibit at Railroad Museum. For a limited time, visitors to the California State Railroad Museum have a special opportunity to see a 251,000-pound rotary snowplow from the museum’s impressive collection, along with a compelling new exhibit titled White Out! A Collision Course with Nature. various times. through 4/1. $6-$12. 111 I St.

SaCramento HiStory muSeum: Underground Tours. Come see and learn how Sacramento lifted itself up out of the flood waters during the 1860s and 1870s. Tour guides explain how the streets and buildings were jacked up to avoid further flooding as visitors explore two spaces that were created by the city’s successful raising process. This historical tour includes hollow sidewalks, sloped alleyways, and the Underground spaces themselves. 1pm. through 3/31. $12-$18. 101 I St.

taKe action tHurSday, 3/12 ameriCan river biKe PatroL PubLiC meetinG: On Feb. 25, Sacramento County supervisors voted unanimously to authorize the establishment of a new American River Bike Patrol. Come to this open information session to learn more about the initiative. 6:30pm, no cover. Shriner’s Hospital, 2425 Stockton Blvd.

Saturday, 3/14 ameriCan river biKe PatroL PubLiC meetinG:

claSSeS tHurSday, 3/12 Home GarDener CourSe: Designed for beginning gardeners, this course will cover the essential topics to help the new gardener create and maintain a thriving, abundant and edible organic garden. 5:30pm, $175-$195. Soil Born Farms, 2140 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova.

Friday, 3/13 Creative art CLaSS: Join SCM staff to create a themed art project. All materials are provided and the class is included with admission to the museum. 3:30pm, $0-$8.50. Sacramento Children’s Museum, 2701 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 120, Rancho Cordova.

tueSday, 3/17 Strum For Fun @ mL KinG Library: The Sacramento Guitar Society is offering a free community service to get you on your way to playing the guitar. 4pm, no cover. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, 7340 24th St. Bypass.

Strum For Fun @ nortH natomaS Library: Join weekly for a fun “Strum-inar,” where you decide what song you want to learn to play. 3:30pm, no cover. North Natomas Library, 4660 Via Ingoglia.

eventS Sunday, 3/15 DaviS SCHoLaStiC CHeSS tournament: Introduce your children to the world of competitive chess tournaments. 1pm, no cover. New Harmony Community Room, 3030 Cowell Blvd., Davis.

Come learn more about the new American River Bike Patrol. 11am, no cover. REI Coop, 1790 Expo Pkwy.

Saturday, 3/14

Drink to drive the snakes out of Sacramento Midtown SacraMento, 3pM, $15-$30

Let’s be honest, St. Patrick’s Day in America has always been about drinking. Xoso sports club realized this 15 years ago, and now it’s coming up on its 15th annual FeStivaLS St. Paddy’s Day Pub Crawl. The participating bars include PHoto courteSy oF wiKimedia commonS Blue Cue, Old Tavern, University of Beer, Kupros Craft House and many more. The route of the crawl is up to you; wanna get drunk at Zebra Club? Go for it. Found a bar along the route that you now realize is awesome? Plant yourself and pound some beers. Though the religious holiday is about celebrating a patron saint in the Irish tradition, we Americans have taken it as an excuse to get plastered. 1510 16th St., facebook.com/events/midtown-sacramento.









ArmAdillo music

Riggity Jig, 7pm, no cover

Guero, 8pm, no cover

Duval Speck, 8pm, no cover

At EAsE BrEwing co.

Trivia At Ease, 7pm, call for cover


PopRockz 90s Night, 10pm, no cover

207 F ST., DAvIS, (530) 758-8058 1825 I ST., (916) 431-7940

2003 k ST., (916) 448-8790



Industry Sunday’s, 9pm, call for cover

After Hours with Apple, 9pm, M, no cover; Trapicana, 11pm, W, no cover

Aim “Pi” with Ray Moulin, 6pm, no cover Fierce Friday’s, 7pm, call for cover

Spectacular Saturdays, 6pm, call for cover

BAr 101

Open-mic night, 8pm, W, call for cover

101 MAIN ST., ROSEvIllE, (916) 774-0505

thE BoArdwAlk

9426 GREENbAck lN., ORANGEvAlE, (916) 358-9116


Elvin Bishop with Tommy Castro 7:30pm Friday, $35-$55 Crest Theatre Blues

Flight of the Navigator, 7:30pm, $10-$22

1013 k ST., (916) 476-3356

The Princess Bride, 4pm & 7:30pm, $10

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, 4pm, $10-$22; The Maltese Falcon, 7:30pm, $10-$22

Shamrock’n Run, 10am, call for cover

Shamrock’n Run, 10am, call for cover; Sunday Funday, 12pm, call for cover

Food Truck Tuesday, 5pm, T, call for cover

Pool Party, no cover

Every Damn Monday, M, no cover; Noche Latina, 10pm, T, no cover


Karaoke Night, 9pm, call for cover

Absolut Fridays, 3pm, $6

Sequin Saturday, 9:30pm, call for cover

Fox & goosE

Justis & Mclane, 8pm, no cover

Carly Duhain, Natalie Cortez, 9pm, no cover

Gillian Underwood & The Lonesome Doves, Lovelorn, 9pm, no cover

CIF State Basketball Championships, various times, $45-$55

CIF State Basketball Championships, various times, $45-$55

When We Were Colored, 2pm & 8pm, $20-$30

2000 k ST., (916) 448-7798 1001 R ST., (916) 443-8825

guild thEAtrE

When We Were Colored, 7pm, $20-$30

When We Were Colored, 8pm, $20-$30

hAlFtimE BAr & grill

College Night, 10pm, call for cover

Aud-Man Out Duo, 6pm, no cover

The Darling Clementines: A Gothic Western, 7pm, $15-$20

Loose Ends feat. Jane Eugene, 5:30pm, $37-$52

2828 35TH ST., (916) 905-7024 5681 lONETREE blvD., ROcklIN, (916) 626-6366


2708 J ST., (916) 441-4693


Open-mic, 7:30pm, M, no cover; Pub Quiz, 7pm, T, no cover Nets vs Kings, 6pm, $20-$163

Mavericks vs Kings, 7pm, T, $18-$137

Bingo, 12:45pm, W, $10; Cornhole, 6pm, W, $10 Metalachi, Clownvis Presley, 8pm, $20-$25

GayC/DC, Sheastie Boys, 7pm, $15-$18

Dan Deacon, 7pm, M, $16-$18; Summer Salt, 6:30pm, T, $17-$20

Vibe w/ Basi, 10pm, $0-$5

1910 Q ST., (916) 706-2465

holY diVEr with Band of Coyotes 8pm Friday, $10 Old Ironsides Psychedelic

Elvin Bishop, Tommy Castro, 7:30pm, $35-$65

985 RIvERFRONT ST., WEST SAc, (510) 423-0971

500 DAvID J STERN WAlk, (888) 915-4647

The Bad Barnacles

That Damn Birthday Party, 6pm, no cover

drAkE’s: thE BArn

goldEn 1 cEntEr


Vale of Pnath, Wolf King, Nihil Futurum, Nail The Casket, 6:30pm, $12

City Morgue, 7pm, sold out

While She Sleeps, 7pm, $18

Knuckle Puck, 7pm, sold out

Local Showcase, 7pm, $5

Local Showcase, 7pm, T, $5; The Unlikely Candidates, 7pm, W, $18

JAckrABBit BrEwing co.

Cornhole Tournament, 6:30pm, call for cover

Parasite, 8pm, no cover

Beermosas and Brunch, 11am, call for cover

Beermosas and Brunch, 11am, call for cover

Business and Brews, 5:30pm, T, call for cover; Yoga and Trivia, 3pm, W, $5-$10


Singer/Songwriter Live, 7pm, call for cover

Ross Hammond, 5pm, call for cover

Trivia, 7:30pm, call for cover

Open-mic, 5pm, T, call for cover

old ironsidEs

Dalton James, Samantha Henson, Kelly Jean, 7pm, $5

The Bad Barnacles, Band of coyotes, Jessica Malone, 8pm, $10

1517 21ST ST.

1323 TERMINAl ST., WEST SAc, (916) 873-8659 1217 21ST ST., (916) 440-0401 1901 10TH ST., (916) 443-9751

Sacramento’S #1 UndergroUnd metal VenUe

upcoming shows $10 coVer | doorS at 7Pm | 21+

march 13th the IncUrSIon | abhorrency engendro maléVolo march 14th aFton ShowS PreSentS: mc Qball916 & gUeStS march 17th St PatrIck’S day dJ alex colbe & dJ harPSea march 21st reVolVer erIc PIgeon Visit for eVent updates & booking information daiLY drink speciaLs karaoke 4 dayS a week comedY open mic thu 8Pm - 10Pm

670 Fulton avenue, Sacramento, ca open daily 12Pm – 2am | (916) 487-3731

Heath Williamson, 5:30pm, M, no cover; Open-mic, 8pm, T, no cover

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SubMit your calendar liStingS for free at neWSrevieW.coM/SacraMento/calendar Friday 3/13

saturday 3/14

On the y

thursday 3/12

The Incursions, Abhorrency, Engendro Malevolo, 8pm, $10

MC QBall916, 8pm, $12-$15

Opera hOuse salOOn

The Damn Liars, JonEmery & The Unconventionals, 9:30pm, $7-$12

Long Time, Blackout Betty, 9:30pm, $10-$15

670 Fulton ave., (916) 487-3731 411 lincoln st., roseville, (916) 970-9777

palms playhOuse

John Reischman & The Jaybirds, 8pm, $22-$26

13 main st., Winters, (530) 795-1825

placerville public hOuse

414 main st., Placerville, (530) 303-3792

pOwerhOuse pub

614 sutter st., Folsom, (916) 355-8586

the press club Photo courtesy oF ed mason

While She Sleeps

2030 P st., (916) 444-7914

Dan The Man’s “Music is Passion,” 10pm, $10

the russ rOOm

That Comedy Night, 7:30pm, $10

shady lady salOOn

Big Sticky Mess, 9pm, call for cover

730 K st., (916) 857-8200

with He is Legend 7pm Friday, $18 Holy Diver Metalcore

Nash Brothers, 9pm, call for cover

Gene Barnett Duo, 8pm, call for cover

The Tritones, 8pm, call for cover

Cheeseballs, 10pm, call for cover

Midnight Players, 10pm, call for cover

Swoon, 9pm, call for cover

sOcial niGhtclub

Pete Alexander, 10pm, $0-$5

DJ Elements, 10pm, $0-$5

the sOfia

SPECIAL EFX, 7pm, $40

Songs in the Key of Life, 7pm, $14-$34

1000 K st., (916) 947-0434 2700 caPitol ave., (916) 443-5300

the starlet rOOm 2708 j st., (916) 441-4693

Dads Under Where, The Happys, Landline, 7pm, $10

The Stone Foxes, Strange Vine, 8pm, $12-$15

stOney’s rOckin rOdeO

West Coast Swing, 8pm, $5

DJ Dancing, 6pm, $5-$10

St. Paddy’s Day Bash, 5pm, $5

the tOrch club

Tropicali Flames, 9pm, $7

Gold Souls, High Pulp, 9pm, $10

Patrick Contreas, 9pm, $10

1320 del Paso blvd., (916) 927-6023 904 15th st., (916) 443-2797

monday-Wednesday 3/16-3/18 St. Patrick’s Day w/ DJ Alex Colbe & DJ Harpsea, 8pm, T, no cover

Swimming in Bengal, 3pm, $20-$24; (Almost) St. Patricks, 6:30pm, no cover

Mitch Woods, 3pm, call for cover; Blues jam, 6pm, call for cover

Karaoke, 8:30pm, T, call for cover; Local Licks, 9pm, W, call for cover

DJ Larry’s Sunday Night Dance Party, 9pm, no cover

Night School, 9pm, T, no cover; 80s Night, 9pm, W, call for cover

Disco Brunch, 11am, call for cover Ghost Town Rebellion, 9pm, call for cover

1409 r st., (916) 231-9121

sunday 3/15

Burning Daylight People, 9pm, T, call for cover

Songs in the Key of Life, 3pm, $14-$34

CJ Chenier, 8:30pm, W, $25

Comedy Burger feat. Ngaio Bealum, 6:30pm, $10

Blues & Bourbon: Elvis Cantu, 5:30pm, W, $10

St. Paddy’s Day Bash, 5pm, T, no cover You front the band, 8pm, call for cover

St. Patty’s Day w/ The Ratlin’ Boys, Mind X, 5:30pm, T, no cover

all ages, all the time ace Of spades Photo courtesy oF robert bejil

1417 r st., (916) 930-0220

cafe cOlOnial


3520 stocKton blvd., (916) 475-1600

with Clownvis Presley 8pm Saturday, $20-$25 Harlows Metal/ Mariachi



Giorgos Tsalikis, 8pm, $102

Cut Rate Druggist, Clevers, Freature, 8pm, call for cover

Mosh for Alayna, 7:30pm, call for cover

Jazz Bands of UC Davis, 7pm, $12-$24

Chamber Singers, 7pm, $12-$24; Dreamers Circus, 8pm, $10-$40

Dreamers Circus, 8pm, $10-$40

shine cafe

The Shine Jazz Jam, 8pm, no cover

Bro Brocean, Nick Eng, Placeholder, 8pm, $8

Miggy & Friends, 8pm, $8

523 mraK hall dr., davis, (530) 754-2787


Pup, 8pm, $20

mOndavi center

1400 e st., (916) 551-1400


Yacht Rock Revuew, 8pm, $17-$42


Mahalia, 8pm, $22.50 Rebel St. Paddy’s Day Party w/ No Pressure, 6:30pm, T, call for cover A Celebration of Music, 2pm, $10-$25

Sharon Shannon, Socks in the Frying Pan, 7pm, T, $12.50-$55.50

c a n n a b i s

Images from Istock

Compassionate cannabis use moves forward by Ken Magri

Somewhere along the way, the compassionate giving of cannabis disappeared. During the complex 2017 negotiations that transformed California’s Proposition 64 into law, politicians made it difficult for businesses to give cannabis away to medical patients in need. Facing stiff taxes on any donation, licensed operators backed away from donation programs, which forced some patients to return to the unregulated cannabis market for affordable medicine. But Senate Bill 34, a new law written by state Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco, brings compassionate giving back. Known as the Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary Compassionate Care Act, the law eliminates all taxes on cannabis donated to financially disadvantaged people with serious health conditions. SB 34 also honors two early medical cannabis advocates from San Francisco,

Dennis Peron and Mary Jane Rathbun, nicknamed Brownie Mary. Signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last October, SB 34 took effect March 1. “Compassion programs save lives by providing free medicine to people in need,” Weiner said in a 2019 press release. “We should not burden these programs with taxes meant for businesses, and we should not force people with serious health problems onto the unregulated cannabis market.” Under the implementation of Prop. 64, which legalized recreational marijuana, in 2019, all medical-era cannabis collectives were phased out. This forced patients to shop at adult-use dispensaries and pay the same taxes as recreational users. Medical patients could buy a California ID card, avoiding the state sales tax. But the card costs $100 annually and still doesn’t exempt buyers from the cultivator’s tax

at $9.65 per ounce, the 15% excise tax or local sales taxes. “The roots of our state’s thriving cannabis industry began in compassionate care,” said Josh Drayton, communication and outreach director at the California Cannabis Industry Association. “Since 1996, compassionate care programs have been able to donate medicinal cannabis to low-income Californians with a valid medical recommendation, including veterans with PTSD, cancer patients and individuals suffering from HIV and AIDS.” But with layers of added-on taxes, as much as 45% in some locations, these financial hurdles continued to push lowincome medical patients out of the adultuse market. With no other alternative to acquire inexpensive medicine, some patients compromised on their personal safety and sought relief with cheaper untested products from the illicit market. “Due to an oversight in how Prop. 64 was drafted, these not-for-profit donation programs … are now being forced to pay taxes meant for businesses,” Wiener said in a statement, while working to get SB 34 passed. Businesses cannot take a charitable tax deduction for making donations. Instead, SB 34 relieves them from paying additional taxes just to donate. “Prior to Prop. 64 we would give a quarterly gift bag carefully curtailed to a patient’s needs,” said Danny Kress, manager at Sacramento’s A Therapeutic Alternative dispensary. “But after 64, that was no longer possible.” So who were Dennis Peron and Mary Jane Rathbun? Peron was a San Francisco cannabis activist who sold pot out of his storefronts in the city’s Castro District. In 1991, he worked to pass Proposition P, a resolution asking the state to permit the use of medical cannabis. Four years later, Peron co-founded the Cannabis Buyers Club, considered America’s first medical cannabis dispensary. Famous for saying, “Every cannabis user is a medical patient, whether they know it or not,” he was arrested twice for his activism, but Peron continued to work tirelessly to legalize medical cannabis. He went on to co-author Proposition 215, which legalized medical cannabis in 1996, and ran for governor of California in 1998 as a Republican against an old adversary, state Attorney General Dan Lundgren. But Peron did not support the recreational use of cannabis. He believed that accepting the taxation of cannabis to get legalization would hurt the medical movement.

“We believe in plants,” he said in 2009, “and I don’t think we should have to tax ourselves to get it to be free.” Honored as “the father of modern medical cannabis” by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Peron died of respiratory failure in 2018. As a fellow medical cannabis activist, Rathbun was a hospital volunteer also from San Francisco and known for distributing cannabis-infused brownies to AIDS patients. She met Peron in 1974, when sharing a joint with him at Café Flore. Soon after, Peron was selling Rathbun’s homemade brownies in his grocery store. She was first arrested for possession of marijuana in 1981, at the age of 57, when the San Francisco press nicknamed her “Brownie Mary.” For her crime, she was sentenced to 500 hours of community service, which she served by volunteering at thrift stores, soup kitchens and the Shanti Project, a human services nonprofit working on the emerging AIDS crisis. After noticing that cannabis helped both AIDS and cancer patients, Rathbun used her monthly Social Security checks and cannabis donations to bake hundreds of brownies that she gave to those in need. Two additional arrests didn’t stop her advocacy. She co-authored Proposition P with Peron and continued to speak publicly about the positive impacts of medical cannabis. Rathbun spent her last days in a nursing home and later died of a heart attack in 1999 at the age of 76. At her memorial service in the Castro District, San Francisco supervisor Terence Hallinan called her “the Florence Nightingale of the medical marijuana movement.” Now that the law named after these pioneers in the medical cannabis movement is in full swing, dispensaries such as NUG on 16th Street in Sacramento plan to implement on-site education programs to teach members about responsible cannabis use for ailments such as PTSD. At A Therapeutic Alternative, Kress said the dispensary’s compassion program offers a 40% discount on all products to those who qualify and that it is also working to coordinate its compassionate giving relationships with providers by utilizing the state’s Track-and-Trace System, which will be able to provide products to members with the most need. “We are extremely excited to be an example of how we can best serve the communities we love,” Kress said. “It reminds us all, business owners, consumers and advocates alike why we are here and why we continue this fight.” Ω

03.12.20    |   SN&R   |   37


ask 420

c a n n a b is

Puff, puff … don’t pass By Ngaio Bealum

I’m freaking out over this coronavirus, man. What can I do?

Dude. Chill out. The odds of you getting infected by COVID-19 are very low. Just take some reasonable precautions. 1. Wash your hands. A lot. Carry lotion if your skin gets dry. 2. No passing doobies for a while. Every stoner should have their own joint or pipe or blunt or whatever. 3. Avoid touching your eyes or mouth if you haven’t just washed your hands. 4. Avoid traveling to northern Italy. That’s about it. Be smart. Stay safe.

a sk 420@ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Fortunately—or unfortunately, depending on your point of view—there are ways to test for impairment that don’t involve Breathalyzers or blood samples. The Predictive Safety Company (its name is very Minority Report, so I hope none of you are involved in any “pre-crime”) developed the “AlertMeter”—a 60- to 90-second test of cognitive function and alertness. The thing is, someone would need to take the test at least 10 times so the pre-cogs, er, computers, can establish a baseline score making this test useful for employers, but not as useful for the Highway Patrol. The thing is, there are studies that show cannabis users to be really good drivers. So your risk of being in an accident caused by a stoner is extremely low. I wouldn’t worry about any of this too much. Try not to be so judgy.

I have nothing against marijuana, but I don’t want to work with Anything exciting stoned people in the happening in your world? same way that I don’t Yes! I’m headed to Barcelona for want to work with the International Cannabis Business Conference. The ICBC is always great drunks. And I worry and fun and educational, and Barcelona about stoned drivers. Is is one of the most 420-friendly cities the world. There are cannabis social there a way to test for inclubs in every neighborhood, the food is great and there is almost always a cannabis impairment? I understand your concerns. I mean, it’s easy to figure out if someone is drunk. Breathalyzer tests are fairly accurate, and science has proven that a blood alcohol level of about 0.01% is enough for just about anyone to be impaired. When it comes to THC, however, there is no generally accepted threshold. Traces of THC can stay in the body way after the effects have worn off. Some people are super impaired after a puff or two, while others can smoke a blunt to the face and not seem any different. This is creating a challenge for law enforcement, especially since smokable, high-CBD, low-THC hemp varieties are becoming extremely popular. 38   |   sN&R   |   03.12.20

place to sit and relax if you get too high, although they smoke a lot of sativa, so sitting down isn’t always a priority for me when I’m there. Expect a full report in a week or so. Ω

Ngaio Bealum is a Sacramento comedian, activist and marijuana expert. Email him questions at ask420@newsreview.com.


Get reAdy For the ShowS! tAx exempt 420 Community RenewalS

new patient

35 45



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• mention Sn&R foR fRee photo id • mon-Sat 10am-3pm, Sun By appt. only • CultivatoRS welCome NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 ensures that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use cannabis for medical purposes where medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person’s health would benefit from the use of medical cannabis. Recommendations must come from an attending physician as defined in Section 11362.7 of the Health and Safety Code. Cannabis is a Schedule I drug according to the federal Controlled Substances Act. Activity related to cannabis use is subject to federal prosecution, regardless of the protections provided by state law.

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index A Therapeutic Alternative Alaro Craft Brewery Bar 101 Bombay Bar & Gril Caesars Enterprise Services Cann Crest Theatre/Movies Deja Vu Showgirls Del Paso Boulevard Partnership Econo Lube N’ Tune & Brakes EMRL Exotic Plants Fe Gallery Forensiclean Gold Club Centerfolds Inc. Grand Sierra Resort Harris Center for Performing Arts Harv’s Car Wash Hoppy Brewing Company IVM1 Entertainment Kasbah Kupros Craft House Little Relics Mediaspace Solutions/AARP On The Y

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27 13 18 44 3 40 22 13 39 7 19 29 13 9 35 43 27 23

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AR ARtISt: @






Free will astrology

ask joey

For the week oF March 12, 2020

Lies and rage

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Giacomo Puccini’s



My boyfriend began seeing a therapist My girlfriend always starts fights after after his divorce five years ago. sex. I’ll be feeling good and trying to on our first few dates, he seemed cuddle, and she will get upset about extraordinarily anxious about everything. something that happened at work that he explained that he had difficulty day or something I did that is totally meeting women, so I thought he was not a thing. She will tell me to leave her nervous and trying not to blow it with apartment and if I try to talk her down me. But I’ve noticed that he makes things she flips out and starts screaming. the up. when he’s talking to someone who next day she acts like nothing happened, doesn’t know him, he actually tells them but the whole thing stresses me out. I’m things about himself that aren’t true. starting to avoid having sex with her. I’ve asked him why he does this, and he what is her problem? either tells me I must have misheard the It’s complicated. She might have conversation or flat out tells me it conflicting feelings about sex. If so, didn’t happen. he’s such a nice guilt and shame are flooding her man and we have a lot in senses after sex. She might common but I feel uneasy. also be overwhelmed with Without any advice? hormones. That can spark Respect your instinct. honesty and irritability, which can It’s alerting you escalate into anger that trust with a that something is subsides after a good partner, you groom very wrong in your night’s sleep. Or maybe interactions with this yourself for she just prefers to sleep man. He lies to others solo and doesn’t have the betrayal. and he gaslights you. courage to tell you. Could he be lying to you, No matter how we look at too? It’s highly likely. this issue, the core of the problem Perhaps your desire for a is an avoidance of intimacy. Your girlrelationship is too strong. It could friend would benefit from sessions with be a distraction, one that inhibits a qualified sex therapist. She should also normal self-protection behaviors such see her primary care doctor to ensure that as taking a break or even breaking any prescribed medications, including birth up. You might need distance to see control, are not contributing to her rage. Ω how you minimize the impact of his actions. Instead of admitting to yourself that he lies to strangers, MedItatIon oF the week you say he makes things up. Instead of admitting that he gaslights you, “Healthy citizens are the you think you misheard him. In the greatest asset any country process, you normalize his unhealthy can have,” said Winston style of communication. Real love Churchill. How is your spiritual grows from the union of truth and health? trust. Without honesty and trust with a partner, you groom yourself for betrayal. Write, email or leave a message for Don’t become a victim. Ask yourJoey at the News & Review. Give self whether you are someone who your name, telephone number would lie to others just to get away (for verification purposes only) and question—all with it. Be honest about how it felt to correspondence will be kept strictly confidential. repeatedly be told you misheard his Write Joey, 1124 Del Paso Boulevard, Sacramento, CA lies. Don’t stay. This relationship will 95815; call (916) 498-1234, ext. 1360; or email askjoey@newsreview.com. erode your self-trust, and that’s much harder to gain than a boyfriend. Join the conversation about this and other Ask Joey columns on the Ask Joey Facebook page: facebook.com/ AskJoeyGarcia. Or connect with Joey on Twitter @AskJoeyGarcia.






by ROb bRezsny

famous opera Tosca premiered in 1900. It featured a heroine named Tosca. In 1914, Puccini’s favorite Tosca, a soprano singer named Maria Jeritza, was performing in a production at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. As she got ready to sing an aria entitled “I Live for Art,” she stumbled and fell. Rather than struggle awkwardly to rise, she pretended that this was all quite natural and called for in the script. She sang the entire piece while lying on the floor. Puccini loved it! Ever since then, most of the singers who have played the role of Tosca have sung “I Live for Art” while prone. I suggest you regard this as an inspirational teaching. What lucky accidents could you make into permanent additions or enhancements? TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus poet Gary Snyder said, “Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering.” Personally, I think that many of us, not just philosophers and writers, do the same thing. Are you one of us? Your first assignment during the next four weeks will be to explore whether you do indeed tend to convince yourself that you like the cage you were tricked into entering. Your second assignment: If you find that you are in a cage, do everything you can to stop liking it. Third assignment: Use all your ingenuity, call on all the favors you’re owed, and conjure up the necessary magic so that you can flee the cage. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Your body is not a temple,” declared author and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. “It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” I half-agree with him. I’m deeply devoted to regarding the body as an amusement park. It should be a source of endless fun and enjoyment. We have the right—indeed, I’d say a duty—to wield our bodies in ways that immerse us in the mysteries and miracles of pleasure. But here’s where I disagree with Bourdain: I believe the body is also a temple that deserves our reverence and respect and protective tenderness. Your assignment in the coming weeks is to raise your commitment to treating your body as both an amusement park and a holy temple. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Early in his career, Cancerian painter Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796–1875) sold only a few paintings. But eventually his luck improved. Once he was financially successful, he became very generous. He wielded his influence to get jobs for other artists, and mentored many artists as well. Sometimes he added a few dabs of paint to the finished works of younger, struggling painters, then signed the canvases with his own name so that the works could more easily be sold. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to adopt your own version of Corot’s approach toward those around you who could benefit from your help and support. (P.S. It’s in your selfish interest to do so, although the reasons why may not be clear for a while.) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Composer Brian Eno has testified that African music underlies and influences much of his work. He exults in the freedom and unpredictability it encourages. Why? Here’s one reason: In African songs, there are often multiple rhythms. And they’re not locked together; they float freely in relationship to each other. Eno says this is different from Western music, whose salient quality is that all the rhythmic elements are contained “in little boxes”—locked into a tyrannically mechanical clockwork pattern. According to my reading of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to experiment with Eno’s insight. How? Escape mechanical clockwork patterns and activate the “multiple, free-floating rhythm” metaphor in everything you do. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Are you interested in enhancing your mastery of togetherness? Are you open to my suggestion that you should

seek out practical education about the arts of intimacy? Would you be willing to meditate on how you might bring additional creativity and flair into your close alliances? If you answered yes to those questions, the next six weeks will provide you with ample opportunities to dive in to all that fun work. “Collaboration” and “cooperation” will be words of power for you. “Synergy and symbiosis” should be your tender battle cry. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): As you come to the climax of your Season of Good Gaffes and Lucky Bloopers, I’ll remind you of folk singer Pete Seeger’s definition of a “productive mistake.” He said it had these five qualities: “1. made in the service of mission and vision; 2. acknowledged as a mistake; 3. learned from; 4. considered valuable; 5. shared for the benefit of all.” Let’s hope that your recent twists and turns fit at least some of these descriptions! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Would you consider making one more push? Can I coax you to continue your half-confusing, half-rewarding quest? Are you willing to wander even further out into the frontier and take yet another smart risk and try one additional experiment? I hope so. You may not yet be fully convinced of the value of these forays outside of your comfort zone, but I suspect you will ultimately be glad that you have chosen what’s interesting over what’s convenient. P.S. In the coming weeks, you could permanently expand your reservoir of courage. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A traditional astrologer might say that you Sagittarians typically spend less time at home than any other sign of the zodiac. Some of you folks even rebel against the idea that having a stable home is a health-giving essential. You may feel that you can’t be totally free unless you always have your next jaunt or journey planned, or unless you always have a home-away-from-home to escape to. I understand and appreciate these quirks about your tribe, but am also committed to coaxing you to boost your homebody quotient. Now would be a perfect time to do that. You’re more open than usual to the joy and power of cultivating a nurturing home. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The more crooked the path, the faster you’ll get to where you’re going. Every apparent detour will in fact be at least a semi-valuable shortcut. Any obstacle that seems to block your way will inspire you to get smarter and more resourceful, thereby activating lucky breaks that bring unexpected grace. So don’t waste even a minute cursing outbreaks of inconvenience because those outbreaks will ultimately save you time and make life easier. (P.S.: During the coming weeks, conventional wisdom will be even more irrelevant than it usually is.) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When I was a young adult, I was unskilled and indigent. Many restaurants exploited my feeble prowess at washing pots and pans and dishes, but the meager wage they paid me barely kept me fed and housed. You will perhaps understand why, now that I’m grown up, I am averse to cleaning pots and pans and dishes, including my own. That’s why I pay a helper to do that job. Is there an equivalent theme in your own life? An onerous task or grueling responsibility that oppressed you or still oppresses you? Now is a good time to find a way to declare your independence from it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suspect your fantasy life will be especially potent in the coming weeks. Your imagination will have an enhanced power to generate visions that could eventually manifest as actual events and situations. On the one hand, that could be dicey, because you can’t afford to over-indulge in fearful speculations and worried agitation. On the other hand, that could be dramatically empowering, because your good new ideas and budding dreams may start generating practical possibilities rather quickly.






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