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Drawn out

museum hosts history of animation See Arts&Culture, page 14

The registry How a 2018 law meant to protect children missed the mark s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e

EMail lEttErs to rENolEttErs@NEwsrEviEw.CoM.

Third spaces Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. Over the weekend, I interviewed folks at the Reno Generator in Sparks for our news column. The lease on their warehouse space has been terminated, and they may have to move out as soon as the end of May. The thing that struck me was how many of them spoke about the Generator as a “home away from home” or a “third space.” The idea that people need a third space—one that’s not work or home—intrigues me. And I think it’s true. Some people seek a third space at the gym, others at makers’ spaces like the Generator, some of us at the bar. But I think what we’re really seeking is companionship, camaraderie, conversation. We just want people with whom we can commiserate who are not our families or colleagues—and sometimes about our families or colleagues. And I think that’s one of the things that scares me about coronavirus. I’m pretty certain I’d lose my mind if I were quarantined by myself for very long, alone—and I would be since I live alone. It’s part of the reason— yes, a selfish one—that, despite all of the jokes and the memes, I hope people are really taking this virus seriously and taking precautions like coughing and sneezing into a tissue or their elbows and washing their hands frequently. In this week’s paper, you’ll find several stories that relate to the coronavirus in our Upfront section on page 6, and also in our Homes column on page 9. For the Homes column, I took a look at advice for preparing our homes for the possibility of quarantine. Some people will, no doubt, think it’s silly. But if you’re not sure what prepping for that kind of thing would look like, I hope that you’ll give it a read. And, in the meantime, I also hope you’ll be able to keep enjoying your third spaces, whatever they may be. Life is short, sometimes shorter than we’re expecting, so surround yourself with people who love and care about you— and be sure to give them love and care, too.

—Jeri Davis je rid@ ne ws r ev i ew . com






Masking the issue Watching Trump address the nation late last Month was truly Alice in Wonderland. After the self-congratulating was finished, we learned they have been working on this a long, long time, and we have the best experts in the world, and—then—only 22 in the U.S. had the Corona, and it’s like a bad cold. OK. Then Pence came on, started talking about more masks coming for us all, and then, unbelievably, coughed on his hand. Or I was hallucinating? Lesser experts in other countries suggest that masks be used by those who already have disease to keep from infecting others. What the hell do they know, our “experts” are more experty than theirs. Nah nah. No one spoke of sanitizing our hands frequently, but honestly I had to turn it off, as I was getting feverish coughing, and having difficulty breathing. Craig Bergland Reno

Primary possibilities A political primary is a preliminary election in which the registered voters of a political party nominate candidates for office. The key word here is preliminary. The current system allows small states such as Iowa and New Hampshire (assisted by the media) to award front-runner status to the victorious candidate. From there, the candidates travel a path determined by which states want to “leap frog” the others by moving up their primary dates. Candidates are whisked across the country without any real ability to distinguish regional issues from national issues. Consequently, party platforms are determined by a make-itup-as-you-go approach. If the primary process were organized on a regional basis, candidates would be able to study the regional issues, campaign to confirm those issues and then receive votes based on the solutions they propose. A regional approach would also prevent a premature selection of a front runner because success in one region certainly would not

Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Jeri Davis Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Jane K. Callahan, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia

Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Art of Information Director Serene Lusano Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan Sales Manager Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong, Owen Bryant Distribution Director Greg Erwin


guarantee success in the next region. This would also further validate the process because each state would still have a say all the way down to the end. Finally, the number of delegates awarded in each state should be determined by the percentage of votes won by each candidate. Accordingly, the political primaries should occur between January and June of each presidential election year. Each of the six regions would be assigned a particular month. A lottery held in June of the previous year would determine which month each region holds its primaries. An example illustrates the format: January—Southern (8): AL, AR. KY, LA, MS, TN, VA, WV February—Southwestern (9): AZ, CA, CO, HI, NV, NM, OK, TX, UT March—Atlantic (8): DE, DC, FL, GA, MD, NJ, NC, SC April—New England (8): CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, PA, RI, VT, May—Northwestern (9): AK, ID, KS, MT, ND, OR, SD, WA, WY June—Middle West (9): IL, IA, IN, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, WI Joe Bialek Cleveland, Ohio

Trashing TP Long before the invention of toilet paper, mankind had other ways of cleaning our hind ends. In the old days of outhouses, folks were very particular to the Sears catalogs and, after crumpling up, they apparently did a possible job. Many people in the world use water to clean themselves. I would bet even small round pebbles will work in a pinch, as well as newspaper, and strips of cloth which can be sanitized and washed and reused. The world is not going to end (bad pun) because we ran out of toilet paper, but rather because we have not built a sustainable civilization and world. Craig Bergland Reno Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Marty Troye, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Ashley Martinez, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson, Andy Odegard , Terry Carlson President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sales & Production Coordinator Laura Anthony Developer John Bisignano System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins

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Moving target RN&R has a very annoying moving add that follows a viewer around from page to page. It’s called R&R Sweet Deals. It is very distracting and totally frustrating to attempt to read an article when one consistently sees a moving object in their peripheral view. So, my remedy is to delete all the advertising which is very easy to accomplish if one is using an Apple product. That kind of defeats the purpose of advertising in your paper doesn’t it? You might want to rethink the moving distraction. Thanks for your coverage to our community! Marigael Morris Reno


03 05 06 09 11 14 18 19 20 11 22 27 29 30 31

opiNioN/strEEtalk shEila lEsliE NEws iN rotatioN: hoMEs fEaturE arts&CulturE art of thE statE filM food MusiCBEat NightCluBs/CasiNos this wEEk adviCE goddEss frEE will astrology 15 MiNutEs/BruCE vaN dykE

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by matt bieker

Best part of your job? asked aT PigniC Pub & PaTio, 235 FlinT sT. Joe Re ynolds Restaurant manager

It’s the freedom to do what you want, as long as you’re doing your job. Also, being recognized for your skills. I’ve worked for big corporations like the Peppermill Casino. … When I came into family business, it really showed me what happiness is, you could say.

Chyanna Toll aday Production lead

I work at a warehouse manufacturing company in South Reno, Zazzle, and we pretty much just make personalized items. So, my favorite part of the job isn’t just the benefits and the pay. … We see wedding invites. We see birth announcements. It’s all so inspirational.

MaRTin MCdaviT T Retiree

Hazard a guess Buried among the past week’s increasingly frantic headlines about the spread of COVID-19 was a story about a perennial source of both local hope and, in this case, shame: Tesla. In the story by the Reno Gazette Journal’s Anjeanette Damon, the electric car company’s history of a lax safety record and copious Occupational Safety and Health Administration violations were revealed in greater detail, as were the political means the company used to flout penalty fines—including the observable stonewalling of OSHA officials carrying a warrant to inspect the premises, and a call to Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford in an attempt to help keep the inspectors off their backs. According to an earlier report by Damon, Tesla has paid $26,900 in fines since 2017, the ones it couldn’t get lowered or make disappear, despite averaging at least three 911 calls per month. In a particularly grisly detail, the story reports that three of the four fines that Tesla has paid are the result of workplace amputations. Tesla came to town in 2014 with a grand vision for spearheading Reno’s new tech-friendly economy—and Reno bought it big. After securing $1.3 billion in tax breaks, the company started work on the massive Gigafactory in Storey County, which now employs an estimated 7,000 workers—most of whom are Nevada residents, in agreement with legal conditions imposed by the state. Since then, Tesla has walked a fine line of delivering the improvements it promised, while presenting unforeseen problems for the city. The company pays

approximately $30 dollars an hour to its employees—an undoubtedly attractive offer that has been, by and large, one of the greatest strains on the city’s housing supply and transportation systems, as it attracts workers from surrounding cities and states. Even Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla himself, has been unpredictable in his behavior—and hasn’t always inspired confidence. We didn’t like to see him smoking weed with Joe Rogan in 2018 while local employees are subject to drug testing—especially in a state where marijuana is legal. That same year, his Twitter antics led to charges by the Security and Exchange Commission, where his claim that he was going to take Tesla private resulted in a $20 million fine and his stepping down as chairman of his own company. His misadventures with a submersible meant to help rescue the Thai boys soccer team trapped in a flooded cave, private space exploration company SpaceX, personal flamethrowers, Hyperloop transportation system and Boring Company (which was supposed to drill holes all over Los Angeles) make for an impressive resume, but for the inhabitants of a city whose financial future is so closely tied to Tesla’s success—he seems more than a little … distracted. We’re happy to see Tesla paying high wages and investing in the community. What we don’t like is their hush-hush attitude about workplace safety, and our elected officials ready and willing to bail them out. Ω

Travel. I’m retired Air Force. … I love to travel, and so I lived in Japan. I lived in the Phillipines. I went to China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

Maddie deRby Wildlife biologist

Probably the people. Right now I’m working with Sage Grouse, and I think if you work with the wrong people, you’re not going to enjoy your job. This is my second year with the project, and I came back because the people are awesome.

eMily Cox Marketing Coordinator

It’s the collaborative environment they’ve created for us. We have team building events twice a year, where we really get to immerse ourselves with our team in both our Reno office and our Denver office. … We’ll go to Aces games together, The Rib Cook-off … It’s fun. We’re always together.

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   3

Booth rental availaBle

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Primary concerns The revolution will have to wait. That’s the take-away from last week’s Super Tuesday primary, when Joe Biden outperformed even his expectations. After the South Carolina contest, it was sad but inevitable to see moderate rivals Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar drop out of the race, and even more painful to watch Elizabeth Warren—a progressive with a solid record of achievement—conclude she had no path forward. Would I have preferred someone else had emerged from the Democratic field? Of course. I was, and remain, a Warren supporter—and Biden was near the bottom of my list of preferred candidates. Like many progressives, I’m annoyed and frustrated that our party, which supposedly values racial and gender equality, now has two elderly white men duking it out for the nomination, and one of them doesn’t even identify as a Democrat. It’s hard to fathom, but that’s the reality we face in March of 2020, along with a disgraceful Republican president who

espouses nonsense about the coronavirus “hoax” and continually calls people childish names on Twitter—and lies to us about virtually everything. Joe Biden has a lot to answer for in his long career, such as the disastrous 1994 crime bill, his treatment of women from Anita Hill to everyday acquaintances and his support of banks and credit card companies, turning a blind eye as they pillaged the finances of the working class. Not to mention allowing his son to trade on the family name. But when you put those transgressions up against Trump’s innumerable failings, such as his latest “hunch” that serious cases of coronavirus are under one percent of the people who have it, really, it’s no contest. I do believe that many non-partisans and rational Republicans will support Biden because he’s a fundamentally decent, stable leader who will help us regroup as a country and start dealing with the fallout of the Trump years, rebuilding our reputation and influence

in the world and redirecting resources away from immoral actions like separating children from their parents at the border to helping people survive here and around the world. Biden is not yet the Democratic nominee, but I think Sanders has reached his ceiling. Many Warren supporters won’t convert to the Sanders team despite his more liberal policy positions. He doesn’t have a record of being able to implement big ideas, and he’s a lightening rod who will drive away the votes we need to defeat Trump. Then there’s the problem of a Sanders ticket in vulnerable House or Senate districts. This is not an election we can afford to lose. Even though I’m deeply disappointed by the primary results, I’m strangely more hopeful today about our chance to reclaim our democracy in November. There are lots of signs that new voters are energized to participate—and, certainly, most of us are more motivated than ever to vote Trump out.

Although the hours of waiting in line to vote in Nevada, California and Texas exceeded any reasonable expectation, you have to feel heartened by the tenacity and determination of so many people to cast their ballots. But in a country as wealthy and advanced as ours, surely, we can do better. Biden would do well to pick his vice-presidential candidate early, hopefully a woman of color. He could also start announcing leadership positions in his Cabinet and look first to his wellqualified, dynamic and younger rivals. Building a deep bench of Democrats with national administrative experience over the next four years would create a powerful legacy. The revolution of universal health care and narrowing income inequality needs to happen, but it can wait a bit if it means we rid ourselves of the monster in the White House. That moment can’t come too soon. Ω

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   5

by Jeri Davis

Federal coronavirus plans stalled

Artists were working at the Generator—1240 Icehouse Ave., Sparks—on the morning of March 7. PHOTO/JERI DAVIS

President Trump’s Tuesday meeting with Senate Republicans ended without any concrete plans for crafting an economic package to address the unrest caused by the coronavirus epidemic and resulted in worries that policy makers are at odds on how to deal with growing concerns that the U.S. may be headed for a recession. During the meeting, Trump discussed his proposal to extend a temporary payroll tax cut for a period of months. The cut could amount to a substantial $40 billion per month. But Republicans have argued that a payroll tax cut would do little to help deal with economic fears as the virus continues to spread. Lawmakers also discussed the idea of increasing infrastructure spending. Either idea would be used to flood the economy with more money—but, as of press time, no consensus on how to proceed was achieved. And House Democrats were busy crafting their own proposed package. Nonetheless, Trump told reporters after the meeting that it had been “great,” that lawmakers were “working on a lot of different things” and that there was “tremendous unity.” Also as of press time, there had been 26 American deaths from the virus, and it was believed that there were more than 700 people infected in the U.S.

dragon lights canceled News broke early this week that the Chinese Dragon Lights display’s summer return to Reno was canceled due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions. The six-week-long light show, which was scheduled to open on June 28 at the Wilbur D. May Arborteum and Botanical Garden, 1595 N. Sierra St., was set to bring more than 30 new, custom Chinese lantern installations. Representatives of Reno’s Artown festival were informed by organizers of the light display of the cancellation on Feb. 28.

school district cancels travel Spring Break for the Washoe County School District is scheduled for March 14-28, a time when a lot of high school athletic teams had trips planned to compete in California. But the school district announced earlier this week that it was canceling all out-of-state athletic trips and district-sponsored out-of-state and international trips for conferences and academic events due to fears surrounding the coronavirus. On its website, the WCSD placed a message saying, “We have made the difficult decision to cancel all out-of-state and all international district-sponsored student and staff travel including conferences, athletics, and academic related activities until further notice. Please know that the decision did not come lightly. Currently, in-state and indistrict events will continue as scheduled. We will be monitoring the situation closely and informing you on any developments.”

—Jeri Davis






Making a change The Reno Generator’s lease to expire last week, the reno generator arts and makers’ space announced to its members and the public that the lease on its large warehouse space in Sparks is being terminated. Over the last seven years, artists have used the 35,000-square-foot warehouse space to teach workshops, host events and turn out large-scale artworks, including some 75 Burning Man projects. Now, the community that gathers and works at the Generator is looking for solutions. A press release sent to the media on March 5 said, “This news throws the organization into an exploratory process as they are now looking for a temporary space for large art construction. The last day of residency for the Generator at 1240 Icehouse Avenue will be as early as May 31, 2020.” According to Jerry Snyder, president of the board of directors for the Reno Generator, the possibility of lease termination has been a known factor since the organization signed a new lease last year, with the caveat that the

building would remain up for sale—but that the Generator would not be removed from the space between June and September. “It was a bit of a surprise because we thought we would be at least safe for this year,” Snyder said. “And, you know, the agreement says what it says. We were taking a little bit of a gamble. But, you know, yeah, it was not expected.” Snyder said looking for another space—even a temporary one—is among the possible solutions the organization is exploring. But seeking a temporary solution through the company that owns the building, Tolles Development Company—which Snyder said has happily leased the space to the Generator at well below market rate—may also be the outcome. “We’re working with the existing owner to try to figure something out— and they have expressed a willingness to work with us,” he said. “They’re trying to figure what their limitations are and where they can work with us

and where they’re not able to work with us. I really do want to emphasize that they’ve been more than helpful in the process. They’ve always been willing to work with us. They’re sort of the antithesis of the big, bad developer, in my mind. They’re very community minded. And they’ve always been happy to support us.” Snyder said the organization has also signed a letter of interest on a possible warehouse space within the McCarran loop, but said he couldn’t provide further details on it. In the meantime, building time for this year’s Burning Man is right around the corner, but Snyder said the group had yet to approve projects to build in its space. “We haven’t told anyone that they can build here yet, because we want to wait for honoraria [art grants given by the Burning Man organization] to issue—because, just as a general rule, we don’t want to tell projects they have space reserved and then find out that they don’t have funding, and we have to fill it or we turned away someone,” he said. But Burning Man art isn’t the only thing produced at the Generator. It’s also home to several artists who make their livings running businesses out of the space—people like Andy Tibbetts. “Andy is great because he runs a pretty successful fabrication business out of there,” Snyder said. “He is a very nice man. He’s very generous with this time. … And the idea that someone would do something in any way that wasn’t perfect is just sort of foreign to him.”

generating ideas Tibbetts was among a handful of people working at the Generator early last Saturday morning. He’s been running his business out of the space since 2016 and has been a professional, full-time artist since 2012. He and his spouse moved to Reno from Portland specifically for the Generator. And he worries what will happen to the community there if a solution is not found. “Some people are going to end up working out of their garages again,” he said. “Some people are going to be doing it wherever. … I could find another, you know, smaller warehouse space to move into—but so many of the resources available here go away.

And I don’t want to sound presumptuous, but I feel like a lot of the other people here use resources that I bring, and they’ll lose that. The things I’ll lose are probably smaller compared to that. … Four of five people a day will ask me how to do a thing with metal, or can I help with this or explain that. Part of my background is structural engineering.” But the loss of the community, he said, would hit him hard—a sentiment that others there echoed as well. “I think we already have this community and this family, and we have to find a home for it,” said Jessi “Sprocket” Janusee, director of communications at the Generator. “That’s really important. I hope we can find something that will fit our price range, so we don’t have to split up. It’s just a home base that we all really rely on, I think, for not just our art making, but for our mental health and support and all of that stuff. … And this is such an awesome, constructive, uplifting space. I wouldn’t have ever believed I could make the things I’ve made if it wasn’t for having this community and these resources and support.” One of the artists there on Saturday who’s been planning a new project for this year’s Burning Man was a women who goes by Tamz. Since news of the lease termination broke, she’s been wondering if she’ll be able to complete it. “This would be my third project to build here,” she said. “I was going to build a

project called ‘The Watcher.’ And it’s actually a morphing of a project from 2018 and a new project. So, it’s kind of keeping that ethos of not wasting things. … And without the Generator, I don’t see how art can really sustain in Reno. There’s one other spot, but it’s not set up like this. I mean, they’re set up to have things but not be a teaching and a building, makers’ area.” The Generator, she said, is “not just a place where Burners can come build. It’s a place where anyone in the community can come and build.” It’s also a space from which many different types of classes, from screen printing to sewing to fabrication, are taught. According to Janusee, the organization will continue teaching such classes in the coming months. “At the end of March, the Girl Scouts will be here making their Pine Derby cars and earning their woodworking badges,” she said. “Since we’ll definitely be here until May, we’re trying to still do as many workshops and events and keep it all going.” In its March 5 press release, the organization announced that it “is asking the community to volunteer short-term suggestions should they have any. Leads can be emailed to info@renogenerator.com.” Ω

Learn more about the reno Generator by visiting www.therenogenerator.com.

Smells like team spirit

Earlier this year, Governor Steve Sisolak officially declared Jan. 22 to be Las Vegas Raiders Day, marking the official relocation of the professional football team from Oakland to Nevada’s most populous city. In what looks like a show of state solidarity, this mural, visible from West Fourth Street, now sports the team’s helmet. Photo/Matt Bieker

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   7

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by Jeri DAviS

Finding your Dream Home Starts Here!

Samuel Olson

CRS S.0177508 The Olson Group, Team Lead RE/MAX Realty Affiliates Sam@OlsonRealEstateGroup.com Customers trickled into the Save Mart on Plumb Avenue on a quiet Tuesday morning.

Viral information Home prepping You’ve no doubt seen all of the jokes and the memes and the rants on social media about the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes. There’s the one that says if you’ve used a punk rock venue’s bathroom, you’re immune. There’s the other about people seeking some lime to go with their coronavirus. Others joke about people making their own boozebased hand sanitizers after finding stores sold out—or panicking when the grocery store is out of toilet paper thanks to panic buyers. They’re cheeky and snarky and offensive to some people. Others think they’re feeding an unnecessary amount of fear in the public. But they also do sort of beg a good question: How would you and your household fare if a quarantine situation became necessary. And before you laugh it off, consider that as of March 10 Italy had expanded its quarantine to the entire country as coronavirus cases and deaths surged. Though, as of press time, there were only two presumptive positive cases in Washoe County. Here are some tips on what you should have on hand at home in the event of a quarantine. Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an online guide to preparing one’s home for quarantine. It includes frequently asked questions for individuals and families, a shopping list, cleaning and disinfecting advice, what to do if someone in your home is ill and other advice. According to the CDC, “From the data that are available for COVID-19 patients, and from data for related coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV and MERSCoV, it is possible that older adults and persons who have underlying chronic medical conditions may be at


risk for more serious complications. Early data suggest older people are more likely to have serious COVID19 illness. If you or your household members are at increased risk for COVID-19 complications.” If you live in a household with someone who could be at higher risk, the CDC recommends consulting with your health care provider for more information about monitoring your health for symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. The CDC also recommends that if your neighborhood has a website or social media page, you consider joining it to maintain access to neighbors, information and resources. When it comes to in-the-home precautions, making sure you have adequate supplies and knowing how to clean and disinfect is important. For cleaning, it means taking the time to regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces like tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets and sinks with household cleaners and disinfectants that are appropriate for the surface, following label instructions. As far as supplies go, it means filling prescription medicines and buying an adequate supply of non-perishable foods to last your household for at least a few weeks. But are households stocking up on the necessary items? Have any stores seen the rush the memes and social media posts are referencing? At least at Save Mart stores in Washoe County, the answer is yes—on some products. “We are seeing a higher demand for cleaning and personal hygiene products from our customers,” said Victoria Castro, public affairs manager. “We are working diligently with our vendors and suppliers to ensure the ongoing availability of products on our stores’ shelves.” So long as people don’t panic buy enough to hoard supplies, though, Save Marts and other stores running out of stock shouldn’t be an issue in the county. Ω

Visit bit.ly/2IOa501 to read the CDC’s advice on prepping your home for coronavirus.

Eric Medgyesi aBR

S.0180505 The Olson Group RE/MAX Realty Affiliates Eric@OlsonRealEstateGroup.com

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03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   9

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The registry Warning: this story contains descriptions of sexual violence.

• by Jane Callahan

On a summer day in 1981, a woman took her six-year-old son, Adam, with her to Sears—she wanted to buy a lamp on sale. Adam asked if he could play video games in the nearby electronic section with some older boys, and she said yes. That would be the last time she’d ever see him. Adam was abducted outside the Sears by a man named Ottis Toole, a drifter who was passing through town. In a confession years later, Toole said he sexually assaulted Adam on the side of the road for hours before decapitating him. Toole was never officially charged with Adam’s murder, thanks to botched police work and other unfortunate factors. The high-profile case eventually led to the creation of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, which imposed harsher punishments for sex offenders and stricter policies about how they would have to register on state databases available to the public. It came to the Nevada Legislature in 2007 as Assembly Bill 579 and passed unanimously. The new sex offender registry requirements were set to go into effect on July 1, 2008. However, just days before implementation, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in federal district court challenging AB 579’s constitutionality. Litigation also cropped up in state court. It took a decade—and the Nevada Supreme Court weighing in with a denial of further delays—before the bill and its provisions took effect in October 2018, adding Nevada to a list of 16 other compliant states. Its passage came with a carrot: Nevada could receive some additional federal funding, as well as hold on to some existing earmarked dollars. A year-and-a-half later, it may have missed the mark on both.

The story behind AB 579 The registry divides sex offenders into three tiers: Tier 3 encompasses the highest-risk offenders (typically involving sexual contact with children under 13, or sexual violence). Tier 3 offenders must report to law enforcement every 90 days for the rest of their lives. On the other end of the classification system are Tier 1 offenders—the least likely to re-offend; they only need to report once a year for 15 years after release. When AB 579 came back into action in 2018, the idea was that it would be safer for the public to have thousands of convicted Tier 1 offenders, whose cases often involve acts like indecent public exposure or statutory rape, reclassified into Tier

3. In addition to publishing a profile on the state’s public database (www.nvsexoffenders.gov), more people had to register in-person with authorities (prior to 2018, some could simply register online). There were criticisms, most notably led by then-State Senator Tick Segerblom and State Senator Peter Goicoechea, who argued that the recalibration of tiers—which would be retroactive—created an unconstitutional double jeopardy scenario (although a federal court struck down this argument in 2012). Some argued that, considering the complexity of some situations, tiering should happen on a case-by-case basis, rather than painted with a broad brush. Segerblom said that the expanded roll would be “just too many people for the cops to focus [on].” Other critics argued the cost of implementing the bill would surpass the amount of funding it would receive for signing it into state law. Jay Rivera, a spokesperson for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, told the Nevada Independent the law was “obviously going to be a bigger load for our records section.” A year before Rivera expressed concerns about the new digital workload, the State Department of Public Safety received $136,000 for its sex offender case file digitization project; the agency had needed funding just to maintain standards before AB 579. As of today, “The Nevada DPS, Records, Communications and Compliance Division (RCCD), did not receive any funding to implement AB 579,” Kim Y. Smith, public information officer for the Nevada Department of Public Safety, wrote in a recent email. “Implementation efforts were paid for out of the RCCD Division’s reserve budget.” “The workload has increased due to the increase in Tier level 3 offenders with the implementation of AB 579,” Smith confirmed. “The Sex Offender Registry was approved to hire additional full-time staff … in 2019 … to be able to effectively manage the increased workload.”

How a 2018 law meant to protect children missed the mark

AB 579 today

As of last year, roughly 45 percent of registered sex offenders in Nevada fall into Tier 3, and are considered the most likely to re-offend. There are 1,300 registered sex offenders living in Washoe County. Just over half of them are convicted of sex crimes involving children under 13—770, according to Travis Warren, Public Information Officer for the Reno Police Department. FamilyWatchdog.gov, a searchable database that lists all publicly viewable offender records across the country, ranks Nevada ninth out of 50 for sex offenders per 1 million residents. It’s not uncommon to see a related headline in the local news. Weeks ago, a 31-year-old Reno man was arrested after authorities found thousands of images and videos of child pornography on his computer, collected over 16 years; he received three years in prison. Last month, detectives arrested four adults in Nye County for sexually abusing multiple children, including production and distribution of child pornography. In the RenoTahoe area, a 48-year-old woman was found guilty in January of having repeated sexual relations with her 16-year-old foster son, and in the same month, a 41-year-old former male substitute teacher was found guilty for having sexual relations with a student. Both were sentenced to three months in prison for these crimes. Last September, another Reno resident was jailed for downloading thousands of images of child pornography. (He was discovered only because someone had witnessed him viewing the images on his laptop, and called the police.) Already in 2020, two non-compliant, convicted sex offenders who had found their way to Reno have been arrested (one from California one from Washington). The Department of Public Safety said the registry adds approximately 300 new offenders per year, which was the same rate they saw prior to AB 579.

Fifteen months later, the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 has not seemed to translate into results. In fact, some argue it has done what Segerblom and Goicoechea had warned: more harm than good.

▲ Three detectives with RPD are responsible for monitoring all sex offenders within the Reno, Sparks and Washoe County regions.

“The regisTry” continued on page 12

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Warren said RPD has not seen a reduction in noncompliant sex offenders—those continued from page 11 who aren’t registering with the authorities per the new mandate—since 2018. RPD has a sex offender notification unit that consists of three detectives, one for each of the area’s three largest jurisdictions (Reno, Sparks and Washoe County). These three detectives are in charge of tracking down non-compliant offenders, as well as making sure hundreds of other individuals remain in compliance. “With only three detectives going around and knocking on doors even once a month, it would be pretty time-consuming,” Officer Warren said. “That time would be better spent finding individuals in non-compliance.” Additionally, Amber Howell, director of human services for Washoe County, said removals of children from homes due to sexual abuse has remained relatively flat over the past five years. She also said county services is moving women, children and families out of its Record Street shelter because of the number of sex offenders living in the immediate area—as well as recurring sex trafficking incidents on the block. Multiple parties said community awareness of the public registry, which was the whole point of creating it, is low. Rebecca LeBeau, the executive director of Child Assault Prevention (CAP), said, “Most parents don’t know the registry exists. And they don’t have knowledge on how to access it.” (Officer Warren also expressed this.) Even if AB 579 were better at protecting children, it would be hard to get a clear picture of how, in part due to a lack of data. When asked for the rate of re-offense for those convicted of sex crimes against children from 2017 to 2019 (as well as the percentage of those who were first-time offenders), Smith said, “The Nevada Sex Offender Registry does not track the specific information requested.” This also held true for The Nevada Department of Public Safety, Records, Communications and Compliance Divisions—all which manage the registry. When asked if the Department of Public Safety felt that AB 579 had proven effective in deterring sex crimes against children, Smith said they “did not have an opinion on this matter.” Despite the unavailability of data specific to the prevention of child sex crimes, Officer Warren says the registry helps RPD “know where [the offenders] are. That has a major impact on the safety of the community. If we know where individuals are it makes a difference,” though no specific real-life cases were cited. A lack of information begs the question: If AB 579 isn’t working, what could? To answer that, stakeholders say we should look at the view from all sides—from victim to offender, and from private and public efforts—to see what’s holding back more effective prevention.

“The regisTry”

Something missing CAP provides a sex abuse awareness curriculum to schools in Washoe, Storey and Lyon Counties. Running since 1984, it’s a primary prevention program, which means its goal is to stop abuse before it happens. Operating as a private non-profit, CAP is meant to “address the growing concern of child abuse in Washoe County.” “We give kids education about what to look out for,” LeBeau said. One day, her phone rang. On the other end was a pedophile. He was looking for help. “It was a real ‘Aha!’ moment in my life,” she recalls. “He was beside himself. He said, ‘I know I’m going to offend again. It’s in my blood. There’s no help for me. I can’t get therapy, and I can’t get help unless I’m incarcerated—I’d have to offend.” Ms. Lebeau told him to call back the next day and went to work on his behalf, searching for resources that would help him. “I called every therapist, I called the university,” she said. “Here’s a person who can’t gain employment because he’s a sex offender on the registry. … People won’t hire him, so he has no 12   |   RN&R   |   03.12.20

money. Even if he had the money, it’s hard getting a therapist to treat him. They are so reluctant because of the recidivism rate.” The next day, the man called back. All she could do was direct him to an organization she found online, StopItNow.org, which she said has a hotline for potential offenders. (Upon a visit to the site, there was no hotline available for potential or re-offenders; the organization is focused on helping families and children prevent abuse.) LeBeau, who does make efforts to capture results data, said her program’s success rate is “huge.” She returns to classrooms 90 days after a workshop to gauge students’ retention of the lessons and checks in with teachers. She says overall, about 12 percent of the children she taught talked to their counselor about a related issue. Lebeau’s program pushes up against the 2015 passage of Erin’s Law, which mandated that every school bring such a preventative curriculum to students. Schools received no funding to do this. The committee assembled to research recommendations for the best way to implement the law also was not funded. While money continues to go toward adding Tier 1 offenders to Tier 3—and toward placing children in foster care, according to Howell—funding has been a huge issue for preventative programs.

Having practiced for nearly five decades, Dr. Robert Hemenway leads therapy and support groups for sex offenders at a location in midtown. A former minister and now grandfather to nine children, he works with all ages of sex offenders— as well as the victims of sexual abuse. Initially, he didn’t accept Tier 3 offenders—until the passage of AB 579. “Now, almost all men are Tier 3s,” Hemenway said. He says the very fact that those who struggle with sexual attraction toward children have nowhere to go is the first part of the problem (the second being the catch-22 they find themselves in post-release). With AB 579, “What we are doing is repressing the chances for change because we are focusing so much attention on the bad guy, the guy we caught,” Hemenway said. “That’s not going to change much.” Hemenway claims that 95 percent of child sex offenses are committed by people who are not on the registry. “The public gets promised safety, and it’s not real,” he said. Officer Warren echoed the concern regarding those not on the registry. For example, any offender staying in town for longer than 48 hours has to register—and that falls under the jurisdiction of those three aforementioned detectives.

◄ Red signifies the residence of someone who has been convicted of sexual crimes related to children; Yellow pedestrian signs signify schools or other areas heavily visited by children.

On the plus side, because CAP is publicly and grant-funded, the pressure to provide data is real. One funding source “wanted to see how many people were not abused as a result of this program.” “How do you measure something that didn’t happen?” LeBeau said. “I thought, well, if a child has used our safety messages to say no to an abusive situation, then that’s abuse that didn’t happen because of our program.” To get this information, she relies on the children to answer whether they said “no” to a situation because of the program. (Notably, Howell said that reports of child sex abuse received by Washoe Human Services have decreased by nearly a third, but there are too many influencing factors to single out why.) “The registry is just one piece of a situation that needs to be addressed in many ways,” LeBeau said. “We can do the education part, but unless we come full circle with a treatment program for [pedophiles], we have a problem. Maybe they need to be talked off the ledge and brought to terms with what their feelings are. Where do these people go?”

Getting to the source The answer to LeBeau’s question, in short, is often “nowhere.” A Google search would not offer much, but whispered recommendations and deeper digging uncovered two therapybased programs in Reno.

Adam J. Graves, a criminal defense attorney based in Las Vegas who has represented convicted sex offenders, called into question the registry’s intended role. “No one has ever said,‘This guy was about to molest my daughter, but I saw him [on the registry], and I went over there and stopped it.’” Graves said. “It’s not a guy driving a van. It’s usually someone you know and you never saw it coming. A registry won’t prevent a guy from re-offending, it will only confirm his badness.” Graves said the registry is less about prevention and more about punishment, and wonders why we put our tax dollars into after-the-fact efforts. “Maybe [the money] should be diverted toward the prison system and lifetime parole programs. It’s motivated by wanting to put a label on a person that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, a form of punishment beyond the jail sentence. It’s feel-good legislation. We should spend that money on local police and forensics labs that are understaffed … on testing rape kits that are two decades old.”

The catch-22 Insufficient funding for education-based preventative programs, like CAP, has a counterpart in crime: the near-total absence of counseling and preventative programs geared toward

pedophiles—a result of cultural and logistical disconnects when it comes to the sensitive subject, according to Hemenway. Hemenway said mandatory reporting laws deter even nonoffenders from revealing their problem. (Doctors and those in other roles are legally required to report if they feel a child could be in danger.) And, patients fear insurance knowing their diagnosis, so they tend to pay out of pocket. Hemenway also thinks society’s use of terms like “predator” repel medical professionals and others from working with those types of patients. “Often these people are afraid of their own shadow. They have a label on them and they are scared to death,” Hemenway said, echoing the sentiments of Elizabeth Letourneau, Director of the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at Johns

Hopkins University, who is working on a preventative program for pedophiles. Even in prison, resources for pedophiles are few and far between. Inmate-led support groups, which vary across prisons, are risky to attend, as they put a target on attendees’ backs. This has effects after release. Ridge House, a facility that operates several locations in Reno and provides a variety of treatment services (and will take Tier 1 offenders on a case-by-case basis), does not accept Tier 3 sex offenders because learned isolation and peer rejection would not be conducive to their group support system. “Sex offenders don’t fare well in prison yards and often live their lives in isolation,” said Dani Tillman, Ridge House’s executive director. “That tends to follow through when they get out. … If I put someone out of that tier into one of our units, it would be high-risk [for re-offense].” In the struggle for funding, few centers want to risk dragging down their recovery success rate, but changing policy can be a chicken-or-the-egg scenario. “As a profession, we don’t know how to prevent it because we are not learning about it purposely,” Hemenway said. “There’s no political hay to

◄ Offenders listed on the online registry have their mugshots, convictions and places of residence published as part of the public record.

be made. What causes pedophilia? There’s a wide range of answers to that. We haven’t done that research, and you don’t get resources if you don’t have a plan.” Two months after the passage of AB 579, State Assemblyman Steve Yaeger, who was vice chair of the corrections, parole and probation committee in 2017, when AB 579 was on the docket, wrote an op-ed in the Reno Gazette Journal about Nevada’s unsustainable prison population in which he said: “Equally as startling as the overall growth rate is the absence of alternatives to incarceration for people whose crimes stem from unmet behavioral health needs. Over the past 10 years, the number of offenders entering prison with mental health needs has increased by 35 percent. Our jails and prisons have become de facto treatment facilities, struggling to meet increasing demands for services they were never designed to provide.” When asked via email if he would consider a program specifically geared toward helping pedophiles from re-offending (or in the first place), he said, “We all share the goal of preventing the sexual abuse of children. In the 2019 legislative session, we focused primarily on non-violent and non-sexual offenders, but we would certainly be interested in learning more about effective programming for the entire offender population. If there are proven programs out there, they should be implemented in Nevada if possible. This very well may be an area of consideration in future legislative sessions.” There was just one other therapist in the Reno area I was told about, Steven Ing, who works with sex offenders (among other patients), who seems to share this idea. He writes, “I came to see that if I cared about victims, I should spend far more time helping perpetrators … many … have multiple victims, after all, and helping one bad guy helps prevent … victims from ever becoming victims.” Ω

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   13

The Wilbur D. May MuseuM’s neWesT exhibi Tion covers The hisTory of aniMaTion

Visitors can try their hands at sketching their favorite cartoon characters.

sTory anD phoTos by KirK geller


he Animation Academy: From Pencils to Pixels opened on Feb. 15 and will be running through May 10 at the Wilbur D. May Museum, 1595 N. Sierra St. The exhibit includes different interactive stations where visitors of all ages can take part in activities like stop motion editing, 3D printing and photo booths, among many others. The exhibition covers the history of animation dating back to the 1910s and all the way through the present day. It’s a traveling exhibit, meaning it will visit many museums around the country, but it has found its home in Reno for the spring. The first few weeks since the opening have seen plenty of interest from different visitors, including school tours and tons of Reno residents. Kids can practice sketching famous cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Mickey Mouse. The museum also offers sketch classes to help perfect the drawings for each participant. The stop motion editing station allows each visitor to create their own stop motion film, while the art in motion hand drawing station lets imagination run wild as a simple lift of the hand makes any drawing come to life. Visitors can create their own image by using their hands to draw without actually touching the screen. Mirroring helps the station see the person drawing and tracks their movements in order to make the picture. “I know my son really loved getting to make his own characters, and it’s nice getting to see all the photos later to remember the day,” said Leanna Cross. The exhibition’s historical features include a booth with a video playing the history of cartoons. From old Saturday morning cartoons to more recent ones like SpongeBob SquarePants. “The picture stations are really the best, especially since 14   |   RN&R   |   03.12.20

g n i W a r D you can just email them to yourself and print them out later,” said visitor Terri Sjostrom. “It’s so funny watching the kids and my friends just hovering their hands in front of the screen.” On a recent day when school children came on a fieldtrip, many of the kids agreed that the photo stations were the best, along with the sketch stations. There are also stations dedicated to the origins of Gumby and The Simpsons characters. The shows demonstrate the true distance animation has come over the years. An episode of The Gumby Show, “Hidden Valley,” is played in a small booth where people can see how Gumby was created and the transformations he went through

in his popular years. The Simpsons, being the animation marvel it’s become over the years, have a station dedicated to them as well, presenting the ways it’s changed animated television. Samantha Szesciorka, assistant curator at the museum, said all ages can enjoy the exhibition because of its educational and nostalgic experiences. “Older ages will feel the nostalgia of seeing the old Saturday morning cartoons, the ones kids won’t even recognize,” Szesciorka said. “And for the kids we still have characters they love like Scooby Doo and SpongeBob.” The museum blends the informational parts of the exhibition with different

examples of creativity, creating an interactive tour of entertainment. Other features of the exhibit include light boards that demonstrate the ink and paint color theory that helped the invention of many different famous cartoons we’ve all grown up with over the years. Also, right near the entrance of the exhibition is a voice acting station where people can guess the famous voices of characters throughout animation history. Each station, while encouraging plenty of use, helps kids learn about what has gone into the creation of some of their favorite characters. The lessons they learn help them gain an appreciation for the shows they watch every day.

“The exhibit is fun, informational,” Szesciorka said. “It’s been received really well since its opening from everyone who’s had a chance to visit, so we really encourage anyone who’s interested to come and give it a look as well.” Students from Round Mountain Elementary School came to visit the museum recently, taking time to record their trip and each experience at every station. The teachers helped students create their own pieces of animated art and even got in on the fun as well, with plenty of adults playing the characters of Scooby Doo in the photo booth. The kids also got to take the sketch class and try their hands at the many different seven-step character drawings and other lessons. The creative wonder of animation stretches back over a century, leaving enjoyment for generations that still exist today. And, so far, the reviews have been positive for the exhibition that allows visitors to experience the wonder hands-on while also learning about the stories behind the characters that helped shape their childhoods. “We want them to be able to see what helped make the animations they love and

“Older ages will feel the nOstalgia Of seeing the Old saturday mOrning cartOOns, the Ones kids wOn’t even recOgnize.” samantha szesciOrka assistant curatOr remember most,” Szesciorka said. “It’s educational nostalgia that a lot of people have loved so far.” The likes of Walt Disney and Chuck Jones and many others are celebrated all throughout the museum for their work in animation and the wealth of characters they created. The video station teaches people all about how these imaginative minds worked on and perfected the creation of so many famous characters like Mickey Mouse and Kermit the Frog. The Animation Academy: From Pencils to Pixels helps shine a light on the tremendous amount of work that goes into animation, now and when it first began—from hand drawing to 3D printing. Ω

Characters from The Simpsons and The Gumby Show play a large role in the exhibition.

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   15

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18   |   RN&R   |   03.12.20

On March 14, the historical Lake Mansion will be the site for the first of three family art festivals.

Kids’ crafts Youth Art Month Festival While there are some opportunities for children to practice the arts during school time, it can be more rare to find events with an artistic focus for the whole family. This is where Arts for All Nevada is filling a gap with its annual Youth Art Month Festival, which takes place this Saturday at the Lake Mansion Arts and Cultural Center. The festival includes 20 to 25 artists from the area running eight creative arts stations for children to make art that they can take home. “They each have projects that take about five to 10 minutes to do,” said Jackie Clay, executive director for Arts for All Nevada. “That way, a family can do all eight projects if they want. And, there’s no duplication. Every station has a different medium. For instance, one is painting, one is pastels, another one uses air-dry clay, all kinds of different things.” There’s also an early start at the Youth Art Month Festival for children with special needs: 9:30 a.m. “During that time, it will be quieter and less crowded, and there will be less stimulus for the kids,” Clay said. The festival—which officially runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.—takes over the entire area of the Lake Mansion at Court Street and Arlington Avenue with other events, including face painting, story time from the Washoe County Library System and a noontime tour of the Lake Mansion area. There’s also a display from the Arts for All Nevada Artist in Residency Program, which includes children’s artwork from 50 special education classes throughout Washoe County. The event also features a free book for every child who attends, “to help them start their own library,” Clay said. “We also have the Girl Scouts of Sierra Nevada doing a


special project with the kids based on one of their badges,” These inter-workings with other community groups are a big part of Arts for All Nevada’s overall mission. Clay said that the group was founded to give arts opportunities to children and adults who are at-risk, have a disability or are underserved by the arts. This includes a full schedule of classes for different age groups, including adults, as well as three festivals a year for families, with the other two slated for around Artown and during the holiday season. The group also places art teachers in special education classrooms around the area, paid for through grants. The teachers are professional artists, and all of them have experience working in a classroom setting for all ages. Clay said they focus on elementary students but also include middle and high school classrooms that would miss out on this opportunity without the group’s volunteer teachers. “Especially for children in special education, it can be a life-changing moment,” Clay said. “It gives them a different way to communicate and a better sense of self-esteem, and it can set them up for academic success. It also helps with social interaction with their peers.” The artists who volunteer love to do so in a classroom setting, Clay said. “We all know that artists have a hard time making a living, so we’re are helping to give more work to these artists that are out there and practicing their craft and doing good work,” she said. “And they clearly love working with the kids. They also get a sense of satisfaction in helping them and seeing them practice art, which is really the heart and soul of what they do.” Ω

The Youth Art Month Festival takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 14 at the Lake Mansion Arts and Cultural Center, 250 Court St. Admission is free. Get more details on the festival and its sponsors at artsforallnevada.org.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Who are you callin’ ‘Smurfs’?”

Geek out Pixar releases one of its weirder ones with Onward, a goofy ode to fatherhood, brotherhood and the geek glory of Dungeons and Dragons-type role playing fantasy games. While it’s not an offering that can be counted among Pixar’s best (Up, Toy Story 3, The Incredibles, Wall-E), it is still a good time for kids and adults alike, and it packs a nice little sentimental punch in its final minutes. Ian Lightfoot (Tom Holland) and older brother Barley (Chris Pratt) are living with their mom (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) in a suburban fantasy world inhabited by trolls, dragons and their own species—elves. Their world is very much like ours (strip malls, smart watches and crappy vans) but was once a place of magic full of wizardry and adventure. On his 16th birthday, Ian gets a note from his father, who is long dead and, in fact, never met his son. Ian’s dad has bequeathed to him and brother Barley a wizard’s staff, along with a spell incantation that can bring him back for 24 hours, giving Ian a chance to finally meet his pops. The brothers discover that it is Ian who possesses magical powers after they both try the staff. Ian manages to bring dad back—but only his bottom half—before their magical staff stone explodes. Thus, the clock starts ticking on 24 hours until dad’s bottom half disappears before they can summon the top. The boys must go on a quest to find another magical stone, summon the part of their dad that can actually speak and see things, and spend some quality “whole” dad time before he’s off into the great beyond again. On their quest, the boys encounter a band of angry biker pixies, a dragon made of concrete rubble and a dragon lady with a scorpion’s tail named the Manticore (Octavia Spencer). The Manticore, at one time a majestic, magical beast, now manages a once sacred castle re-themed as a restaurant/arcade.

Onward is the second Pixar directorial effort from Dan Scanion, who also contributed to the screenplay. Even though the film clocks in at 102 minutes, it feels a little rushed. The city Ian and Barley live in is just a backdrop and never sufficiently explored. It also feels like it’s missing a character or two. While Ian and Barley are fun characters, the movie could’ve benefited from another character for the ride. The focus seems a little narrow. Pratt, who did a fine job voicing his character for the Lego movies, jumps into Pixar land in fine form, sufficiently voicing a character much younger than his actual age. Holland, whose Ian actually looks a little like him, masks his English accent to good effect, as he did in the Spidey movies. They combine to form a winning—if not necessarily overly memorable—pair. While Spencer has some fun moments, supporting turns from Dreyfus, Mel Rodriguez and Kyle Bornheimer barely register. Of course, John Ratzenberger cameos late in the movie. This is the first of two Pixar movies coming out this year. The second, Soul, releases in June and seems likely to be the more significant of the two. That isn’t a big dig on Onward. Onward is a decent enough family film, but it’s not the near perfect entertainment Pixar films usually are. It does have the distinction of being plenty of fun despite its lack of greatness. You have to like a kid movie that has two brothers running around with the bottom half of their dad, who can only communicate by rubbing feet and dancing. There’s a weird edge to Onward that helps it rise above mediocrity and keep Pixar’s goodness streak rolling. Ω



Bad Boys for Life

Twenty-five years have passed since detectives Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) and Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) first suited up for Captain Michael Bay in Bad Boys, and 17 years have passed since they joined him again for Bad Boys II. For this third helping, the directing team of Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah does a sufficient job of continuing the mayhem, easily topping Bay’s lame original and providing a chapter that is as good, and sometimes better, than chapter two. Burnett is eying retirement, while Lowrey is dealing with the psychological and physical ramifications of aging. (He’s dyeing his goatee, so it’s all good.) A crazy witch lady gangster Isabel (Kate del Castillo) has escaped from prison and has put out a hit list for her son Armando (Jacob Scipio) to work his way through. Isabel has some vengeance in mind. The targets are former associates, and they have connections to Lowrey. Lowrey himself is on that list, and he takes a couple of bullets early in the film. I’m not giving too much away here in telling you that Lowrey doesn’t die. There’s no movie if Lowrey dies. So, a brief healing time later, Lowrey and a very reluctant Burnett are back in action, wisecracking and shooting people in slow motion. Some familiar faces return, including Theresa Randle as Burnett’s long suffering wife. She’s good in a subplot that has Burnett becoming a grandad while getting more house time in attempted retirement. House retirement doesn’t go well. Bad things happen with ceiling fan repair. Joe Pantoliano makes a welcomed return as Pepto-Bismol-swigging Captain Howard, a still capable riff on all of those screaming captains from Beverly Hills Cop movies.


Birds of Prey

After being the only thing worth your time in Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn gets her own show in Birds of Prey, a marked improvement over the film that housed Margot Robbie’s first go at the role. Sadly, in this case, improved doesn’t necessarily mean good. There’s something very askew plot-wise in this movie, in that it doesn’t really have one, and the shards of a plot it does have are presented in especially sloppy fashion. The movie hops around time like a tweaker on a pogo stick. Also, while I love Robbie, her Harley Quinn shtick can get a little grating at times. Harley Quinn is joined by the Birds of Prey this time out, and the likes of Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), the Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez) all get high marks for what they bring to the party. The basic plot involves bad guy Roman Sionis, a.k.a. Black Mask (Ewan McGregor), trying to get a big diamond from a young pickpocket (Ella Jay Basco). That’s about it for story. Much of the film is spent talking about the Joker, which is a bit strange because this movie is supposed to be proof that the Birds of Prey don’t need the stupid Joker in their movie. OK, Harley broke up with the Joker so, mercifully, we don’t have to endure Jared Leto’s take on the character again. Get that plot element out of the way, and then move on. Instead, the film contains near constant references to the fact that Joker is not in this movie. Director Cathy Yan and screenwriter Christina Hodson seem afraid to let go of the Clown Prince of Crime as a plot presence. Newsflash … nobody cares about the Suicide Squad incarnation of Joker.


The Call of the Wild

A grumpy, growly Harrison Ford stars alongside a CGI dog in this latest cinematic take on Jack London’s classic—far too nasty to be faithfully adapted for kids—The Call of the Wild. Shooting for a safe PG, much of the story’s violence, against humans and dogs alike, has been removed in favor of a more family-friendly

take on the fable of a man and his dog. The dumbing down of the original text might’ve been forgivable if some of the CGI animal antics weren’t so jarringly unrealistic. Buck, the cartoon dog, would’ve been far more suitable for a completely animated CGI affair. In a way, it’s the humans who sometimes throw things out of whack. The humans and the CGI beasts don’t look like they belong together. I can give the movie a mild recommendation if you’re looking to take the kids out for the night. This movie slips into that category of clumsy family fare that will please the kids and allow the parents to watch a movie comfortably knowing that nobody gets fully naked or rips somebody’s tongue out. But as straight-up adult viewing, with no kids, The Call of the Wild probably won’t do the trick.




Sonic the Hedgehog

The usually reliable pairing of director Michael Winterbottom and actor Steve Coogan hits a speed bump with Greed, perhaps the weakest movie the duo have ever produced. The WinterbottomCoogan combo has been responsible for, now, seven films, with such winners as the many Trip movies, Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story and, my personal favorite, 24 Hour Party People. When word hit me that the two were working on a new satire about the fashion world and the upper class, with Coogan headlining as a shifty millionaire, I said, “Sign me up!” The resultant movie, written and directed by Winterbottom, is a muddled mess with only a few laughs and no true sense of purpose or direction. It starts as sort of fictional biopic, the making of fashion mogul Sir Richard McCreadie (Coogan), who will rise to power by buying up struggling clothes businesses and spinning them for dollars through bankruptcies and other manipulations. He basically steps on a lot of faces on his way to the top. Problem number one is that there’s nothing at all surprising or engaging about McCreadie or his rise to power. Coogan portrays the character through varying ages (a couple of other actors portray him at his youngest), and he seems to be going for a mixture of Donald Trump and Coogan’s own Alan Partridge character. He sports big white teeth and a sweet tan—not unlike a certain cranky president.

When Sonic the Hedgehog comes out of the gate, it has the makings of what could wind up being an early frontrunner for year’s worst. It’s irritating, it’s unoriginal, and it features multiple jokes about cops eating donuts, as if we haven’t heard those before. Then Jim Carrey shows up as the villain, and almost saves the whole damn thing. Almost. Sonic is voiced by Ben Schwartz. While this incarnation definitely looks better than that first mess Paramount Pictures tried to get past the masses, he’s still a grating presence. Sorry, Mr. Schwartz, but your voice is nails on a chalkboard. A brief prelude shows Sonic being sent to Earth by a heroic owl, left alone in his cave with a bag of gold rings that provide gateways to other worlds. After an encounter with Tom Wachowski, the small-town policeman (James Marsden), Sonic’s gold rings are accidentally transported to San Francisco. He must join with Tom, who he calls the Doughnut Lord because, as I stated before, this movie’s script is screamingly unoriginal, and they go on a road trip. In pursuit of the pair is Dr. Robotnik, played by a totally game Jim Carrey, who hasn’t been this manically fun in years. He gets legitimate laughs that are surprisingly offbeat considering his kiddie movie surroundings. Alas, Carrey’s role is a supporting one, and he doesn’t get nearly enough screen time to save this from being a relatively rote affair.






by ToDD SouTH

Nik-n-Willie’s the Lowe Down is a take on Hawaiian pizza with mandarin oranges.

Top it off Nik-n-Willie’s Pizza and Deli is the epitome of a neighborhood, family-operated establishment. The interior is no frills. The staff is friendly and efficient, and they’ve been serving up pizza, calzones, chicken wings, hot and cold sandwiches, salads and a daily rotation of soups since 1992. Pizzas and slabs of garlic bread are offered either cooked in-house or as take-and-bake, with zero sales tax and a discounted price. A couple of picnic tables on the patio are bordered with a banner stating “Dining Room.” A placard on each napkin dispenser reads, “Friends don’t let friends eat franchise pizza. A pizza a week is all we ask.” We took advantage of the Sunday “large pizza for the price of a medium” special, beginning with a Big Nik-N-Wild Willie’s combo (regularly $22.50, $18.25 special). The red sauce was solid, with discernible herbs and garlic. The pie included Italian sausage, ham, salami, pepperoni, mushroom, black olive, bell pepper, onion, tomato and mozzarella, with the noted option of anchovies. Yes, please. The heady power of anchovy made its presence known amid the cavalcade of toppings. The flavors were great, but the thin crust wasn’t baked long enough to hold up under its burden. Chewy rather than crispy, it required careful, two-handed maneuvering to lessen topping loss. I mused it could have used a bit more oven time, a notion borne out when I reheated leftovers the next day. The Lowe Down (regularly $19.50, $15.70 special) was red sauce and mozzarella with smoked deli ham, pineapple and Mandarin oranges. Though not a fan of sweet stuff on pizza, a bite including both fruits was surprisingly satisfying. Something about bringing citrus to the pineapple party elevated the experience. 20   |   RN&R   |   03.12.20


Topping distribution could have been better, with the center of the pie getting most of the action. Garlic Chicken Dijon sounded good, but we opted for Garlic Chicken Extreme (regularly $22.50, $18.25 special). It’s the same pie, with a cream cheese white sauce (almost Alfredo) in place of mustard. It featured diced, not-too-dry chicken breast, red onion, garlic, basil, tomato and Parmesan, though it suffered from the same toppings placement as the Lowe Down. The garlic was very present in one of the better white pizza sauces I’ve tasted. A Mediterranean (regularly $22.50, $18.25 special) came with fresh spinach laid atop red sauce, covered by three cheeses, garlic, green olive, pepperoncini, feta cheese, tomato and oregano. The ingredients were great together, and the pie tied for “best of meal” with the anchovy combo. A dozen oven-baked chicken wings ($12.50) were said to be available in “medium, or mild” with a choice of ranch or bleu cheese dressings. There were no celery or carrot sticks—but, for baked wings, these were about as good as you’re going to get. Not terribly crispy, but not outright rubbery. Their “medium” was seriously mild to me, but I like my wings hot. One of our dining crew has a meatball sub fixation ($6.99), and this one was pretty good. It came with zesty, plentiful spheres of ground meat, chunky sauce and browned mozzarella on a soft French roll. I was tempted to order a Philly cheese steak calzone, but that’ll have to wait. On a future visit, I’d definitely go with take-and-bake to render that chewy crust properly crispy. Ω

Nik-n-Willie’s Pizza and Deli 1485 Geiger Grade Road, 851-4400

Nik-n-Willie’s is open Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m to 9 p.m. Learn more at pizzanik.com.


Four of Roska Collective’s members are, from left, Adam Radef, Stephanie Kulla, Travis Rose and Creedence Brooks.

Home bass Roska Collective The stereotypes of electronic/dance gigs unfortunately often come true: Throw some dudes up on a stage with a table and some equipment so they can hit buttons and flash a bunch of lights and charge in the double digits for the door, and there you go. There are several DJ/artists and promoters, though, trying to go beyond that party atmosphere and put the focus squarely back on the creators. One of the newest examples of this is Roska Collective, a group of locals who are turning their shows into special events with themes, varied music and a generally warm vibe they work hard to foster. Collective member Adam Radef—who is mostly in charge of coordinating and writing up the plans/content for Roska events—said his group’s shows are meant to bring in an under-represented audience different than you may see at a larger electronic music show. “Our shows have always featured a very low entry fee, or they’ve been completely free because we want to get that group of Northern Nevada music appreciators who have an interest in local talent,” Radef said. “I would just say that we are developing a safe culture at our shows,” added collective member Stephanie Kulla. “We want people to come out and experience the music, so we try to keep things comfortable, to make people feel welcome. That’s not to say other events don’t do that, but it’s something that we focus on.” It’s also a full-on experience at a Roska Collective show, with members Lacie Corey in charge of securing artists to make live works during the show and Vera Alexander in charge of decor to fit the theme. The Siren Society often performs aerial or dance shows to give it even more visual interest.

PHoto/Mark EarnEst

“Our shows are more about environment creation,” said Roska founder Travis Rose. “We want people to get away from the basic 9-to-5 experience.” He said they try not to repeat themes, noting, “We don’t recycle any of our shows. We usually remix it in some fashion, if not completely create it from scratch.” Roska started in 2015 in Las Vegas with Rose’s work in event promotion and DJing on the side. When he moved to Carson City a year later, the focus changed to art events. He started working with Kulla, and they planned Connexion in 2018, a three-day event at Pyramid Lake where they met Radef and Creedence Brooks, a house/ techno DJ who now serves as Roska’s music curator. Soon after Connexion, Rose and Kulla moved to Reno permanently and, since then, have been hosting events in the city. Most of them have been at The Bluebird, including their popular last Tuesday series, Techno Tacos Tequila. At that event and others, Brooks works to also give Roska a distinctive sound in the scene with a mix-and-match of regular DJs and guest artists. “The one big thing I do is make sure the kind of music featured is a journey, instead of just chopped-up, different genres,” he said. “I like it to have a nice flow.” With more events planned all the time—including a still-in-the-works block party this summer—Roska plans to keep bringing diverse members of the entire arts community into its fold. “We have a great group of regulars that come to every show and a fantastic group of people that promote for us to expand the events to new people,” Radef said. “That’s what I think is really special and unique about it.” Ω

roska Collective hosts its next show, the Deep Down, at 9 p.m. on March 28 at the Bluebird, 555 E. Fourth st. they are also co-promoting neon with Durty nV at 10 p.m. March 14, also at the Bluebird. Find out more at facebook.com/roskacollective.

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   21




214 W Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689

Odd Mob, FREAkQUENCY, Groove Cartel, Roger That!, 10pm, $20-$25


Golden Cadillacs, 9pm, no cover

931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300


10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

Odd Mob


ALTURAS BAR March 14, 10 p.m. 1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050 1up 214 W. Commercial Row BAR OF AMERICA 813-6689 10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626

Community Appreciation Party, 6pm, no cover

Balkun Brothers, 9pm, no cover

Bob Home & The Night Train, 9pm, no cover

Open Mic Comedy Night, 8:30pm, no cover

Ikki Crane, Cold Blood, The Flesh Hammers, 8:30pm, $7

Tribute to Neil Peart: Cyanate, Hypnotic Death, Cell, 8pm, $10

Dippin’ Sauce, 9:30pm, no cover

Dippin’ Sauce, 9:30pm, no cover



RISK!, 8pm, $22-$25 Full Spectrum: Bass Militia, 11pm, $8-$10

2020 Reno Burner Neon Party: Butane, Mira, Erik Lobe, Half G, 10pm, $15

Carson Comedy Club, Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 8821626: Alex Elkin, Fri, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Tim Gaither, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Kathleen Dunbar, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Kris Tinkle, Thu, 8pm, $10; Kevin Farley, 7pm, Fri, $20 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Open Mic Comedy, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Kevin Farley, Thu, 7:30pm, $10-$15; Fri, 9pm, $16-$22; Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $16-$22


255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400

Roses Are Rad Winter Film Festival, 6pm, $10

The Growlers, 8pm, $35


Keith Shannon, 9pm, no cover

The Trainwrecks, 9pm, no cover

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558



MON-WED 3/16-3/18

St. Patrick’s Day party with Mr. D and Kandy X, 3pm, Tu, no cover Bluegrass Jam, 6pm, no cover

Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover Lost Whiskey Engine, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation. St. Patrick’s Day party with The Blarney Band, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Into the Fire Hip-Hop Show, 9pm, $10

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917


Wax & Whiskey Wednesdays with QuedUp DJs, 10pm, W, no cover

432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431


235 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

KCL Men Friday the 13th Special, 11pm, $TBA

XanderRoxX, 9pm, W, no cover


Jamie Rollins, 8:30pm, no cover

First Take with Rick Metz, 7pm, Tu, DJ Trivia, 7pm, W, no cover

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223

Thanks to a generous grant from Douglas County, the Carson Valley Community Theaatre, in collaboration with the Douglas High School Theatre Department, presents

supp rt


Music & Lyrics by

William Finn

Book By

Rachel sheinkin

Conceived by

Rebecca Feldman Additional Material by

Originally Directed on Broadway by

Jay Reiss

James lapine

news Donate to ’s InDepenDent JournalIsm FunD:


Originally produced on Broadway by

Friday & Saturday Evenings 7:30 pm

March 20, 21 & 27, 28

Sunday Matinees 2:00 pm

March 22 & 29

CVIC Hall 1602 Esmeralda Avenue • Minden • 775.782.6622 Tickets available at: www.carsonvalleycommunitytheatre.org 22






david stone, James l. nedeRlandeR, baRbaRa Whitman, patRick catullo baRRington stage company, second stage theatRe





The holland ProjecT

Hot Leather, Villager, 8:30pm, M, $5 SVP Open Mic, 6:30pm, W, $3-$5

140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500

jUB jUB’S ThIrST Parlor 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room

2) SPINDRIFT, A Wormhole Could Kill Us All, 9pm, $5

The loVInG cUP

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480

MIdTown wIne Bar

1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

Unplugged: Open Mic Thursdays, 7pm, no cover


1) Shordie Shordie, 7:30pm, $20

2) Matinee Show with Secret Emchy Society, 3pm, $donation

2020 OBMF Rev-Up with The Bash Dogs, 9pm, $7

Werewolf Club, DJ Diskoteka, 10pm, $5

The Heidi Incident, 8:30pm, no cover

Dom & Friends, 8pm, no cover

Neon Dreams

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

Pignic Unplugged: Jelly Bread, 7pm, no cover

DJ Ernie “Fresh’ Upton, 10pm, no cover

Motive, Taking Root, 9pm, no cover

The Polo loUnGe

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

Night Fever Party with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Pre-St. Patrick’s Day party with Vamp, DJ Bobby G, 9pm, no cover

rUe BoUrBon

Adam Springob, 6pm, no cover

Kat Heart, 8pm, no cover

Barnsmoke, 8pm, no cover

Santos de la Salsa, 8pm, no cover before 9;30pm

Neon Dreams, This Modern, Levi Rowan, Saturday Country Dance Party, Blue Envy, Chad Flores, 8pm, $10-$12 7pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526

The SaInT

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

Shea’S TaVern

Anti-Social, Cut-Rate Druggist, The Shames, 9:30pm, $6-$7

ST. jaMeS InFIrMarY

Tres Leches, Post-Humous, 8pm, no cover

215 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484

VIrGInIa STreeT BrewhoUSe 211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

1) Summer Salt, Okey Dokey, Breakup Shoes, 8pm, M, $16

March 13, 8 p.m. The Saint 761 S. Virginia St. 221-7451

Maximo Grado, Los Originales de San Juan, 10pm, $40

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626


MON-WED 3/16-3/18

Silent Disco, 10pm, $TBA


The Boys of Summer—The Music of the Eagles, 8pm, $20

Silent Disco/Black Light Party, 10pm, $TBA

Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover

Tinsley Ellis, 7pm, $15

The Unlikely Candidates, 7pm, M, $TBA Live Rock Star Rockaraoke, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

Shea’s Patrick’s Day with The Deadly Gallows, 8pm, Tu, no cover

The Growlers March 14, 8 p.m. Cargo Concert Hall 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400

St. Patrick’s Day Silent Disco, 10pm, Tu, $TBA, Open Mic Night, 8pm, W, no cover

An event Reno has never seen before!


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LIVE PIANO: Thu, 3/12, Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14,


BRIDGET MARIE BAND: Thu, 3/12, 8pm, Fri, 3/13,


Sat, 3/14, 4pm, no cover

THE BAND APOTHIC: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 10pm,

14 HIgHwAy 28, CrySTAL BAy, (775) 833-6333

Sun, 3/15, 8pm, no cover

ALL IN: Mon, 3/16, Tue, 3/17, 10pm, Wed, 3/18, 8pm, no cover




2100 gArSON rOAd, VErdI, (775) 345-6000

Throngs of leprechauns will invade the streets of downtown Reno during the eighth annual pre-St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl this weekend. Dress up in your best kelly green or Irish-themed attire and purchase a $10 commemorative cup allowing you to receive specials on beer, drinks and food, access to costume contests and free admission to 19 participating bars, nightclubs and casinos, including the Club Cal-Neva, 38 E. Second St.; Sands Regency, 345 N. Arlington Ave.; and Harrah’s Reno, 219 N. Center St. The crawl starts at 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 14, at Siri’s Casino, 241 N. Virginia St.; and Hookava, 100 N. Arlington Ave. Visit crawlreno.com.

gUITAr BAr ROCKIT TOWN: Thu, 3/12, 6pm, no cover THE STARLITERS: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 5pm, no cover

VELVET DUO: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 9pm, no cover HOALOHA: Sun, 3/15, 6pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 3/16, 6pm, no cover JASON KING: Tue, 3/17, 6pm, no cover STEPHEN LORD: Wed, 3/18, 6pm, no cover

CARSON NUGGET 507 N. CArSON ST., CArSON CITy, (775) 882-1626 THE LOFT ADRENALINE: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 9pm, no cover



1627 HIgHwAy 395, MINdEN, (775) 782-9711

500 N. SIErrA ST., (775) 329-0711


HEROES OF ROCK & ROLL: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14,

NEW WAVE CRAVE: Thu, 3/12, 7pm, Fri, 3/13,




CABArET 9pm, no cover

Sun, 3/15, Mon, 3/16, Tue, 3/17, Wed, 3/18, 4:30pm, no cover

DJ OSCAR PEREZ: Fri, 3/13, 10pm, no cover DJ MO FUNK: Sat, 3/14, 10pm, no cover

GRAND SIERRA RESORT 2500 E. SECONd ST., (775) 789-2000






Fri, 3/13, 8pm, $39.50-$77.50

FLOGGING MOLLY: Sun, 3/15, 7:30pm, $29.50-$75 BONNIE RAITT: Wed, 3/18, 8pm, $54-$74


345 N. VIrgINIA ST., (775) 786-5700





DJ BIRD & VJ RIZZO: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 10pm, no cover

DJ RONI V: Sun, 3/15, 10pm, no cover LIVE BAND KARAOKE WITH ROCK U ENT.:

Sat, 3/14, 8pm, no cover



SKYY HIGH FRIDAY WITH DJ MO FUNK: Fri, 3/13, 10pm, no cover




Mon, 3/16, Wed, 3/18, 10pm, no cover


NOVI DJ SCENICK & DJ RONI V: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 9pm, no cover

Thu, 3/12, 10pm, no cover

Sat, 3/14, 10pm, $10

wILLIAM HILL rACE ANd SPOrTS BAr COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHTS & DANCE LESSONS: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 10:30pm, no cover

HARD ROCK LAKE TAHOE 50 HIgHwAy 50, STATELINE, (844) 588-7625 CENTEr BAr DJ SET: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 9pm, no cover

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.


HARRAH’S RENO 219 N. CeNteR St., (775) 786-3232 SaMMY’S SHOW ROOM IGNITE CABARESQUE: Sat, 3/14, 9pm, $30.04-$39.22

Flogging Molly March 15, 7:30 p.m. Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. Second St. 789-2000

HARVEYS LAKE TAHOE 18 HIgHWaY 50, StateLINe, (775) 588-6611 HaRVeY’S CaBaRet THE NEVADA SHOW: Fri, 3/13, 10pm, $26.83-$36.83



HARRAH’S LAKE TAHOE 15 HIgHWaY 50, StateLINe, (800) 427-7247 SOUtH SHORe ROOM

MONTBLEU RESORT CASINO & SPA 55 HIgHWaY 50, StateLINe, (775) 588-3515 MONtBLeU SHOWROOM PUDDLE OF MUDD: Sat, 3/14, 8pm, $27-$30 YOUNG DUBLINERS: Tue, 3/17, 8pm, $20




345 N. aRLINgtON aVe., (775) 348-2200

2707 S. VIRgINIa St., (775) 826-2121


3Rd StReet LOUNge



DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 3/12, Sun, 3/15, 9pm, no cover ATOMIKA: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 9pm, no cover

SPIN THURSDAYS: Thu, 3/12, 10pm, $20 LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 3/13, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover


before 8pm

LADIES NIGHT: Fri, 3/13, 10pm, $20, no cover charge for women

DJ SPRYTE: Sat, 3/14, 10pm, $20

teRRaCe LOUNge BON BON VIVANT: Thu, 3/12, 7pm, Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 8pm, no cover

MAX MINARDI: Sun, 3/15, Mon, 3/16, Tue, 3/17, Wed, 3/18, 6pm, no cover

DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 9pm, no cover

Wed, 3/18, 6:30pm, no cover


407 N. VIRgINIa St., (775) 325-7401

5 HIgHWaY 28, CRYStaL BaY, (775) 831-0660



KATHLEEN MADIGAN: Sat, 3/14, 8pm,

CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 3/13, Sat, 3/14, 8pm, no cover


Young Dubliners March 17, 8 p.m. MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa 55 Highway 50 Stateline (775) 588-3515

karaoke The Elbow Room Bar, 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-6700: Wednesday Night Karaoke, Wed, 8pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-3001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover

38 SPECIAL: Fri, 3/13, 7:30pm, $50






26   |   RN&R   |   03.12.20

FOR THE WEEK OF MaRcH 12, 2020 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. GARDENING IN NEVADA—THE BARTLEY RANCH SERIES: University of Nevada, Reno Extension and their certified master gardeners offer this gardening series. These classes take place every Tuesday through March 31. Tue, 3/17, 6pm. Free. Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, (775) 784-4848.

GOOD NATURE WALKING TOUR—THE NAKED TRUTH ABOUT TREES: Join Rod “The Tree Hunter” Haulenbeek for a tree tour around the Wilbur D. May Arboretum. The tour will start at the concrete shamrock in the St. Patrick’s Grove, next to the parking lot nearest Sierra Street, at 10am. Call to reserve a spot. Sat, 3/14, 10am. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-4153.




The University of Nevada, Reno’s Performing Arts Series concludes its 2019-2020 season with a concert by Steel Betty. The eclectic bluegrass band from Austin, Texas, honors the original musical pioneers of bluegrass, folk, country and conjunto music in its live performances. Just like bands from an earlier era, members Maddy Froncek, David McD and Micah Motenko lean in to share vocals on a prominent Edwina stand microphone while playing upright bass, guitar, mandolin and banjo. Their cover of Natalia Lafourcade’s “Soledad Y Mar” and shared harmonies in the Appalachian folk tune “Red Rocking Chair” highlight their distinctly American sound. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 12, at Nightingale Concert Hall in the Church Fine Arts Building, 1335 N. Virginia St., at UNR. Tickets are $5-$37. Call 784-4278 or visit www.unr.edu/ pas. Before the concert, the trio will present an interactive show for young audiences at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 12, at the Sparks Library, 1125 12th St., Sparks. Call 352-3200.

EVENTS THE ANIMATION ACADEMY EXHIBIT: This interactive exhibition explores the history of animation, from traditional hand-drawn cels to CGI. Read the stories of real-life animators, see tools of the trade, watch classic cartoons and try your own hand at animating. The show runs through May 10. Thu, 3/12-Sun, 3/15, Wed, 3/18. $9-$10. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

ALSOS—THE HUNT FOR HITLER’S A-BOMB: Jerry Wagner of the Historic Reno Preservation Society discusses the ALSOS, a clandestine group of scientists and military personnel tasked with finding and capturing German nuclear scientists and their labs before Hitler could change the outcome of World War II. Wagner’s interest in the ALSOS operation stemmed from reading a book about the Hotel Ritz in Paris, and it became a minor obsession after discovering a Reno connection to the story. Wed, 3/18, 5:30pm. Free. Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100.

BLACK BEAR ADAPTATIONS, BEHAVIORS AND CONFLICT PREVENTION: Wildlife educators Jessica Heitt and Jessica Wolff from the Nevada Department of Wildlife will talk about how black bears survive in Western Nevada. Learn all about black bear adaptations and how to live, work and play in bear country. Sat, 3/14, 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mt. Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

DISCOVER SCIENCE—DR. HARRY JOL: Harry Jol is a geoarchaeologist and researcher specializing in the use of groundpenetrating radar (GPR). Jol will discuss his research, particularly his use of GPR in Holocaust studies at suspected locations of mass graves, destroyed synagogues, ritual bathhouses and other structures in Lithuania that have been lost to time. Because the sites cannot be excavated, the GPR’s noninvasive imagery has been critical to the research. Thu, 3/12, 7pm. Free. Davidson Math and Science Center, Room 110, 1055 Evans Ave., events.unr.edu.

presents its free monthly event offering hands-on art activities, storytelling, a docent-guided tour, live performances and community collaborations. Sat. 3/14, 10am-6pm. Free. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

LEPRECHAUN RACE 5K RUN/WALK: The eighth annual race is an easy 5K run/walk that the whole family can enjoy. The relatively flat course starts and ends in front of the Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum. Race178’s official leprechaun will also join the race, and, if you beat her across the finish line, you will get a special prize. A portion of the race proceeds benefit the The Discovery. Sun, 3/15, 8:30am. $15-$40. Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery), 490 S. Center St., nvdm.org/ event/8th-annual-leprechaun-race.

LITTLE SPROUTS: This nature program is open to families with children ages 2-5. There will be a lesson, story time, crafts and garden exploration. Registration is required, and space is limited. Call the arboretum or email Nichole Tracey at ntracey@washoecounty.us to sign up. Thu, 3/12, 10am. $5. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-4153.

MYSTERY BOOK CLUB: This month’s book selection is Play Dead by David Rosenfelt. Sun, 3/15, 1pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.

RENO 1868 FC: Reno’s professional soccer team plays OKC Energy FC. Sat, 3/14, 6:15pm. $15-$75. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., www.reno1868fc.com.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTER FRY: Virginia City presents its 29th annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry and St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Enjoy music, a parade, saloon crawl, a lively St. Patrick’s Day atmosphere and Rocky Mountain oysters served up in a variety of tasty ways by cooks competing for top prizes. Admission is free to the festival and parade. Tasting packages and crawl cups can be purchased online or on site. Sat, 3/14, 10am. $0-$95. C Street in downtown Virginia City, (775) 847-7500, visitvirginiacitynv.com.


IRISH BALLADS: Guitarist and singer

Mt. Rose skiers and snowboarders show off their editing skills on the big screen at the third annual amateur film festival. Winners are selected by the crowd in the categories of Grom, Adult, Best Big Mountain Line and Most Creative. Proceeds from the ticket sales benefit Sierra Avalanche Center. Fri, 3/13, 6-9:30pm. $10. Cargo Concert Hall, Whitney Peak Hotel, 255 N. Virginia St., skirose.com.

SHAUN GRIFFIN POETRY READING: Poet Shaun Griffin reads from his newest collection, The Monastery of Stars. Thu, 3/12, 6:30pm. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188.

TRUCKEE LIONS CLUB ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY & DINNER FUNDRAISER: The club’s ninth annual St. Patrick’s Day Fundraiser Dinner features cocktails, dinner and dessert, door prizes, a raffle, a silent auction and live music. Sat, 3/14, 5:30pm. $40 per person. Community Arts Center, 10046 Church St., Truckee, truckeelionsclub.com.

WETLAND BIRDS OF NORTHERN NEVADA: Nevada has lakes, ponds and waterways that are regularly used by over 60 species of birds. Alan Gubanich of the Lahontan Audubon Society will use taxidermy mounts and PowerPoint photos to show you how to identify these many “waterbirds” of Northern Nevada. Sun, 3/15, 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mt. Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

Elizabeth Busch Letourneau will perform haunting ballads of Ireland. Sat, 3/14, 2-3pm. Free. Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100.

JAZZ LAB BAND I IN CONCERT: The University of Nevada, Reno’s premiere large jazz ensemble is comprised of more advanced students of the jazz studies program. Thu, 3/12, 7:30pm. $7, free for students with ID. Harlan & Barbara Hall Recital Hall, University Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

LYNYRD SKYNYRD FAREWELL TOUR: The Southern rockers brings their “Last of the Street Survivors” farewell tour to Reno. The band will be joined by special guest Travis Tritt. Sat, 3/14, 8pm. $49.50-$88. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8815.

MOLODI: The performance ensemble blends collegiate stepping, tap, gumboots, beatbox, poetry and hip-hop dance with guerilla theater and robust personalities that bring to life a high-energy, rhythmic experience. The goal is to bring a fresh perspective to storytelling using a unique blend of traditional and contemporary percussive dance styles—smothered in a big dollop of funk. Fri, 3/13, 5pm. Sparks Library, 1125 12th St., Sparks, (775) 352-3200; Sat, 3/14, 11am. Free. Downtown Reno Library, 301 S. Center St., (775) 327-8300; Sat, 3/14, 1:30pm. North Valleys Library, 1075 N. Hills Blvd., (775) 972-0281.

NOISES OFF!: Michael Frayn’s play takes a fond look at the follies of theater folk, whose susceptibility to out-of-control egos, memory loss and passionate affairs turn every performance into a high-risk adventure. This play-withina-play captures a touring theater troupe’s production of Nothing On in three stages: dress rehearsal, the opening performance and a performance towards the end of a debilitating run. Frayn gives us a window into the inner workings of theater behind the scenes, progressing from flubbed lines and missed cues in the dress rehearsal to mounting friction between cast members in the final performance. Thu, 3/12-Sat, 3/14, 7:30pm. $15-$30. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 322-3716.

ONSTaGE BARBEQUE APOCALYPSE: Three couples gather on the back deck of a very modest suburban home for a midsummer barbecue where the hosts, Mike and Deb, struggle with feelings of inadequacy about their home decor, their clothes, their careers, their culinary skills and pretty much everything else—then the fun really begins. Fri, 3/13-Sun, 3/15,7:30pm. $20$50. Lake Tahoe Golf Course, 2500 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe, barbequeapocalypsetahoe. brownpapertickets.com.

HIDEAWAY: P’Opera opens its 2020 season with a program of music with a vintage nightclub theme, including selections by Cole Porter, George Gershwin and Jerome Kern, among others. Sun, 3/15, 5pm & 7:30pm. $35. Napa-Sonoma South, 7671 S. Virginia St., (775) 233-5105, poperanv.org.


THE IMAGINARY INVALID: Reno Little Theater presents this three-act comedy by Molière. A hypochondriac complains of a million imaginary ills and astronomical medical bills. He concocts a plan to wed his daughter to a doctor in hopes of receiving free medical care, but she has her eye on another. Fri, 3/13-Sat, 3/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 3/15, 2pm. $15-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 8138900, renolittletheater.org.

Kuo will conduct the orchestra in this program featuring Lau’s Artemis and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 2. Cellist Bion Tsang joins the RCO to perform Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No. 1. Sat, 3/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 3/15, 2pm. $15-$55. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 348-9413, renochamberorchestra.org.

THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES: The North Lake Tahoe High School Jazz Band presents its yearly fundraiser. Enjoy live 1940s jazz music, dancing, appetizers and a raffle. Wine and beer available for purchase. 1940s attire encouraged, but not required. Fri, 3/13, 6pm. $30. North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach, (530) 386-6771.






28   |   RN&R   |   03.12.20


Not OK, Cupid A gay male friend set me up on a date. The man was horrible. He spent the entire date talking about himself. Everything was a brag. He didn’t ask one question about me. Now I’m wondering whether my “friend” knows me at all. Why would he set me up with someone so wrong for me? It’s understandable you feel bad, considering your friend’s idea of the guy you’d like was a mismatch on par with inviting the vegan neighbors over for a baby seal roast. However, there are probably a number of misperceptions at root here—yours as well as his. We’ll start with yours: We tend to believe our minds—our emotions, desires and intentions—are more transparent and readable by others than they actually are. We also tend to believe others are better at reading our minds than they actually are. To get a little perspective on this, consider the parallels this fix-up fail has with failures in gift-giving. I used to sneer at gift registries for weddings as cheat sheets for the lazy to buy presents for the greedy. Boy, was I ever off base. Research by business school professors Francesca Gino and Francis Flynn found that married people who’d received gifts they’d listed on their registry appreciated them more than the off-list gifts their guests slaved away finding or making. In fact, spouses they surveyed saw these registry gifts as more thoughtful and—get this—even more personal! This is the exact opposite of what we gift-givers think will be the deal. “Gift givers expect unsolicited gifts will be considered more thoughtful and considerate by their intended recipients than is actually the case,” explain Gino and Flynn. Our refusing to buy from the registry—feeling confident that off-list gifts we toil to buy or make will be more appreciated than the stuff our friends ask for—reflects a failure in “perspective-taking.” Psychologist Nicholas Epley explains perspective-taking as imagining another person’s psychological point of view. It’s basically the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes, to see the world from their perspective, to sense what they want and need. In contrast, when we give our friends getting married some weird gargoyle-faced decanter instead of

the solar-powered garlic press they asked for, we’re answering the question, “What would I want?” rather than, “What would they want?” Epley’s research suggests our tendency to fail at perspective-taking comes out of mental shortcuts we are driven to take. The brain is energetically “expensive” to run, and just like those energy-saving refrigerators, it’s engineered to avoid sucking up power unnecessarily— like by keeping us from doing a lot of thinking when we can get away with just a little. Accordingly, Epley finds that in perspective-taking, we’re prone to come up with a quick and dirty guess about what another person wants and just run with it. But even in making this guess, our mental laziness tends to be pretty epic. We typically don’t even start by considering what they might want. We start with what we’d want, make a few minor adjustments and tell ourselves it’s what they’d want. Helpfully, all of this goes on subconsciously—we don’t step back from the tepid whirrings of our mind and realize that we’re short-shrifting our friends. We might catch our errors before we sent a friend off into the jaws of a helldate if we did the responsible thing and checked our mental work and then made any necessary adjustments. However, we aren’t about to put our precious cognitive resources into adjusting judgments we’ve already settled on. So, Epley explains, “insufficient adjustment”— a failure to look closely at our judgments of others’ perspectives and make corrections—is “the rule rather than the exception.” In other words, the sort of man your friend fixed you up with probably has less to do with how he appraises you than how mentally lazy we all evolved to be. It’s generally wise to expect others to be pretty bad at figuring out what you want. Accordingly, you should prepare for fix-ups to be horror fests. However, you might just get lucky— get matched with somebody great. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

03.12.20    |   RN&R   |   29

Free will astrology Call for a quote. (775) 324-4440 ext. 2

For the week oF March 12, 2020

Phone hours: M-F 9am-5pm. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Giacomo Puccini’s famous

opera Tosca premiered in 1900. It featured a heroine named Tosca. In 1914, Puccini’s favorite Tosca, a soprano singer named Maria Jeritza, was performing in a production at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. As she got ready to sing an aria entitled “I Live for Art,” she stumbled and fell. Rather than struggle awkwardly to rise, she pretended that this was all quite natural and called for in the script. She sang the entire piece while lying on the floor. Puccini loved it! Ever since then, most of the singers who have played the role of Tosca have sung “I Live for Art” while prone. I suggest you regard this as an inspirational teaching. What lucky accidents could you make into permanent additions or enhancements?

All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. *Nominal fee for some upgrades. Adult XXX DVD&Magazine BLOWOUT SALE 4hr Video Starting @ $4 Video King @1002 South Wells Ave (775) 324-4211 We Will Beat Any Price, Guaranteed! Feel The Sensation & Relaxation Of Massage Swedish, Deep Tissue Call David 762-7796 Office $55 Outcall $85 Lic #NVMT1086 JAPANESE MASSAGE Japanese masseuse LIC #NVMT.3339 Combination massage. Unique in Town In Spa $60-60min out call $100-60min Call 970-456-8111. www.spashiatsu.com

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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus poet Gary Snyder

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said, “Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering.” Personally, I think that many of us, not just philosophers and writers, do the same thing. Are you one of us? Your first assignment during the next four weeks will be to explore whether you do indeed tend to convince yourself that you like the cage you were tricked into entering. Your second assignment: If you find that you are in a cage, do everything you can to stop liking it. Third assignment: Use all your ingenuity, call on all the favors you’re owed, and conjure up the necessary magic so that you can flee the cage.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Your body is not a

temple,” declared author and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. “It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” I half-agree with him. I’m deeply devoted to regarding the body as an amusement park. It should be a source of endless fun and enjoyment. We have the right—indeed, I’d say a duty—to wield our bodies in ways that immerse us in the mysteries and miracles of pleasure. But here’s where I disagree with Bourdain: I believe the body is also a temple that deserves our reverence and respect and protective tenderness. Your assignment in the coming weeks is to raise your commitment to treating your body as both an amusement park and a holy temple.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Early in his career,

Cancerian painter Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796–1875) sold only a few paintings. But eventually his luck improved. Once he was financially successful, he became very generous. He wielded his influence to get jobs for other artists, and mentored many artists as well. Sometimes he added a few dabs of paint to the finished works of younger, struggling painters, then signed the canvases with his own name so that the works could more easily be sold. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to adopt your own version of Corot’s approach toward those around you who could benefit from your help and support. (P.S. It’s in your selfish interest to do so, although the reasons why may not be clear for a while.)

For Sale: A one of a kind commercial graphic design copyright with immense revenue potential in the cannabis market. Sell t-shirts, posters, product labels, mouse pads, hats, and more. Call Fatmah in Reno 702-680-8848 or email: L-V-21@hotmail.com

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Composer Brian Eno has tes-

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tified that African music underlies and influences much of his work. He exults in the freedom and unpredictability it encourages. Why? Here’s one reason: In African songs, there are often multiple rhythms. And they’re not locked together; they float freely in relationship to each other. Eno says this is different from Western music, whose salient quality is that all the rhythmic elements are contained “in little boxes”—locked into a tyrannically mechanical clockwork pattern. According to my reading of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to experiment with Eno’s insight. How? Escape mechanical clockwork patterns and activate the “multiple, free-floating rhythm” metaphor in everything you do.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Are you interested in

enhancing your mastery of togetherness? Are you open to my suggestion that you should seek out practical education about the arts of intimacy? Would you be willing to meditate on how you might bring additional creativity and flair into your close alliances? If you answered yes to those questions, the next six weeks will provide you with

ample opportunities to dive in to all that fun work. “Collaboration” and “cooperation” will be words of power for you. “Synergy and symbiosis” should be your tender battle cry.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): As you come to the climax of your Season of Good Gaffes and Lucky Bloopers, I’ll remind you of folk singer Pete Seeger’s definition of a “productive mistake.” He said it had these five qualities: “1. made in the service of mission and vision; 2. acknowledged as a mistake; 3. learned from; 4. considered valuable; 5. shared for the benefit of all.” Let’s hope that your recent twists and turns fit at least some of these descriptions!

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Would you consider mak-

ing one more push? Can I coax you to continue your half-confusing, half-rewarding quest? Are you willing to wander even further out into the frontier and take yet another smart risk and try one additional experiment? I hope so. You may not yet be fully convinced of the value of these forays outside of your comfort zone, but I suspect you will ultimately be glad that you have chosen what’s interesting over what’s convenient. P.S. In the coming weeks, you could permanently expand your reservoir of courage.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A traditional

astrologer might say that you Sagittarians typically spend less time at home than any other sign of the zodiac. Some of you folks even rebel against the idea that having a stable home is a health-giving essential. You may feel that you can’t be totally free unless you always have your next jaunt or journey planned, or unless you always have a home-away-from-home to escape to. I understand and appreciate these quirks about your tribe, but am also committed to coaxing you to boost your homebody quotient. Now would be a perfect time to do that. You’re more open than usual to the joy and power of cultivating a nurturing home.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The more crooked the path, the faster you’ll get to where you’re going. Every apparent detour will in fact be at least a semi-valuable shortcut. Any obstacle that seems to block your way will inspire you to get smarter and more resourceful, thereby activating lucky breaks that bring unexpected grace. So don’t waste even a minute cursing outbreaks of inconvenience because those outbreaks will ultimately save you time and make life easier. (P.S.: During the coming weeks, conventional wisdom will be even more irrelevant than it usually is.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When I was a young

adult, I was unskilled and indigent. Many restaurants exploited my feeble prowess at washing pots and pans and dishes, but the meager wage they paid me barely kept me fed and housed. You will perhaps understand why, now that I’m grown up, I am averse to cleaning pots and pans and dishes, including my own. That’s why I pay a helper to do that job. Is there an equivalent theme in your own life? An onerous task or grueling responsibility that oppressed you or still oppresses you? Now is a good time to find a way to declare your independence from it.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suspect your fantasy

life will be especially potent in the coming weeks. Your imagination will have an enhanced power to generate visions that could eventually manifest as actual events and situations. On the one hand, that could be dicey, because you can’t afford to over-indulge in fearful speculations and worried agitation. On the other hand, that could be dramatically empowering, because your good new ideas and budding dreams may start generating practical possibilities rather quickly.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.

by JERi DAVis

PR pro

gift cards. So, if they pledge, they get entered into a raffle. It’s a little bit of a push.

Melanie Sanchez is a senior studying public relations at the University of Nevada, Reno’s, Reynolds School of Journalism. She and a group of classmates are participating in the Public Relations Student Society of America’s annual Bateman Case Study Competition, where teams of students work to implement a full public relations campaign.

What do you think are Gen Z’s biggest misconceptions about the census?


What is the Bateman Competition? So, the Bateman Competition is a case study where we get assigned a client, and this year’s client is the U.S. Census. So we are to research this client, research everything we need to know about the audience we’re trying to reach and, basically, come up with a campaign, write a communications campaign and implement that campaign. And that’s currently the phase we’re in. We’ve been implementing for about four or five weeks, I think. And we have two more weeks to go. And then after that we evaluate how we did in this campaign. Did we actually hit the goals we wanted to hit? Did we meet all of our, basically, objectives and tactics that we wanted to complete?

What’s the 10 for 10 part I was reading about? The 10 for 10 part is part of our campaign that we designed. We wanted to name our campaign that way because it takes 10 minutes to take the census, and it shapes the next 10 years of your life.

How big is your team? There’s five of us. There’s myself. … I oversee everything. Molly [Appleby] is in charge of publicity. I have a social media person. And then I have a creative person who’s done all of our videos, all of our little cards and stuff. And then I have a project manager who assists me in all things.

And the audience is Gen Z. How is your campaign going to motivate them to take the census? We are really trying to hit home with, “This is an online thing you take for the first time ever.” This is the first time that the census has ever been online. … And we’re really trying to push that. And we’re trying to make it easier for them by getting them to pledge. So, if they pledge, they get a reminder from us with a link to take the census. And there are incentives as well. We’ve partnered with a bunch of businesses to get them

I think that people are a little wary about their data and doing it online. I think that, more than ever, people have a little bit of mistrust with the government—so trying to get people to trust us to tell them this information, trying to get people to understand what the census is in the first place. A lot of people confuse it with the caucus. And that’s been a bit of a struggle, trying to educate people. … It’s trying to educate people on how important it is and how it affects our schools and education.

There’s a lot of funding attached to it. Do you know that figure? It’s 675 billion dollars.

Did you have to learn a bit about the census yourselves? Yes. … So, we surveyed about—I want to say 189 college students here on campus. And about 50 percent didn’t know what the census even was. I think we had about 30 percent who didn’t want to take it because they thought, “How is this going to help me at all?” It’s not like voting where you … fill out the thing and you know exactly how this is going to impact your community, whereas the census is like, “Why do they want to know my name? Why do the want to know where I live?” … And part of our campaign is educating people on why they’re asking these questions. Ω


Music man So we were chatting about The Golden Age of The Rolling Stones, which is commonly agreed to be that incredible four-album stretch that began with Beggars Banquet in 1968, followed by Let It Bleed in ’70, Sticky Fingers in ’71 and Exile on Main Street in ’72. Totally tectonic achievements in rock music. This topic naturally led to a discussion about other Golden Ages in rock history. There are plenty. Did The Beatles have one? You could make the argument that their entire recorded output, in a way, is one big G.A. You know, those early Beatlemania records are still pretty doggone great. But if we really wanna go for it, we can say that the stretch from ’65 to ’70, from Rubber Soul into Revolver into Sgt. Pepper into Magical Mystery Tour into The White Album into Abbey Road into Let It Be was

one truly fabulous G.A. I mean, dayam. They were just a nifty and talented combo. How about Bob Dylan? One of the very few artists to make a great record in the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, ’90s and ’00s, there is one flaming G.A. on Bob’s scorecard, and that’s the amazing trio of records he unleashed in the mid-60s, beginning with Bringing It All Back Home in ’65, Highway 61 Revisited in ’66 and the mighty Blonde on Blonde double album in ’67. These were the “thin wild mercury” years, as Bob called them, which came to a literally crashing halt in the summer of ’67 when he dumped his motorcycle in the Woodstock area, bashed himself up and told everybody, “Do the Summer of Love without me while I’m on the mend.” Pink Floyd’s G.A. began very obviously in ’73, when Dark Side of

the Moon conquered planet Earth. That masterpiece was followed by the equally stunning Wish You Were Here, then Animals and then The Wall, giving Floyd the claim to All Time Laserium Band Forever. How about Led Zep? Ya know, nothing less than that band’s first six albums could legitimately be called a Golden Age. From Led Zep 1 through Physical Graffitti, there is some wondrous stuff on each of those tremendously bodacious records. I don’t have room here to delve into U2, Bowie and Prince, but these artists each had their own G.A.’s, for sure. Have a blast re-visiting them as you stay home and hide from the new plague. And don’t forget … your favorite cafes and restaurants need you now! Most have take out service! Support them in this way! Please! Do it tonight! Ω






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