20191212 101439

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reno New s & revie w

Winter Guide '19 s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e


Story time Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. I hope y’all are finding some warmth and comfort. Winter might not officially begin for a week or so, but judging by the cold, the frost, and the 4:30 p.m. sunsets, it’s here. Find some warmth. Preferably by a fire, but take what you can get. It’s a great time to get caught up on your reading, and, if you’re feeling ambitious, your writing. (I’ve got about 40 writing projects I hope to work on this winter. We’ll see how that goes.) A great warmup exercise for any writer, whether aspiring, inspired or dispirited, is to write something with a specific set of limitations, like a haiku, or, even better, write a 95-word short story. And then, once you’ve written your perfect story, send it to us at contest@newsreview.com with the subject line “Fiction 2020” before Jan. 15. All the incomparable glory of seeing your name in print in a local newspaper could be yours. We’ve been hosting this microfiction contest for years, and it’s our second-most popular annual tradition. (Best of Northern Nevada, of course, is number-one.) Here’s the most important rule: the story must be exactly 95 words long. For other rules and guidelines, check out the promo on page 12 of this issue. We like stories that have a beginning, a middle and an end. We also like stories with proper spelling and grammar. And, personally, I like stories with a little humor. Here’s a sample story I wrote after an uncomfortable nap over the weekend: Lisa Lautner loved bananas. As a child, she loved bananas so much that her father called her “little monkey” and made silly monkey sounds. As an adult, Lisa once dropped a peel on a hiking trail. “Lisa, don’t litter!” her friend said. “Besides, isn’t tha t a safety hazard?” “Ridiculous. Nobody slips on bananas. That only happens in cartoons.” Lisa said this in front of her toddler, and later, when she inevitably slipped on a peel at the top of the stairs, as she tumbled, she could hear her father’s gentle mocking: “ooh, ooh, ah, ah!”

—Brad Bynum bradb@ n ew s r ev i ew . com






deCembeR 12, 2019 | Vol. 25, ISSue 44

What counts?

Ad it up

The Census 2020 will be vital for communities to get the funds needed for infrastructure and other public resources. Yet the questions being asked, along with outreach for people to participate, could hinder this funding from getting into communities that need it most. Since President Trump spoke out about including a question of citizenship on the census, members of the LatinX community have been concerned and have considered not participating in the census count. This is out of fear due to the many talking points from the GOP. While the question of citizenship will not be on the census count brochure, the misinformation is already out, and there will be a question included about race. There is no doubt that this census will shape our community for the decade to come. Shelby McSwiggin Reno

I saw the anti-Shen Yun advertorial in the last issue. The ad is pretty harmless, I’m sure—it’s written in poorly-translated English and obviously bullshit. But it’s part of a long-running Chinese government campaign against Falun Gong that has included imprisonment and torture. I appreciate that the RN&R is free, and I know ads keep the lights on, but could you go back to the escort service well instead? James Fleming Reno

Good point If John Bolton refuses to testify because his job involved creating national security strategies involving classified information, then he should appear before the House Intelligence Committee and plead the 5th amendment, and Chelsea Manning should be released from prison because she at least answered her subpoena and showed up to face her subpoena by publicly stating she would refuse to testify against Wikileaks. Yet, unlike John Bolton and several of the subpoenaed witnesses for the impeachment trial, Chelsea Manning is not protected by executive privilege, and Chelsea Manning’s 5th Amendment seems to have been violated because, unlike the impeachment witnesses who refuse to testify, they have not invoked their 5th amendment rights, yet Chelsea Manning is sitting in a jail cell for refusing to testify against herself, while being illegally incarcerated for showing up to face a subpoena while stating “I refuse to testify against myself.” Earl Ammerman IV Reno

Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey

Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Art of Information Director Serene Lusano Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan Sales Manager Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong, Owen Bryant

Another Pete fan Pete Buttigieg has connected with so many people on a level we long for, and that connection is making headlines. Pete’s rules of the road are Respect, Belonging, Truth, Teamwork, Boldness, Responsibility, Substance, Discipline, Excellence, and Joy. I’m a white, relatively conservative, Christian, male, soldier, social worker and husband. I was trained to embed Army Values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Growing up, I’m taught the values within my Christian faith, described here, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8. I appreciate that Pete fosters these same values. I support Pete because he brings fresh ideas, operates to bring people together instead of feeding their fears. Look at your values—is your candidate congruent with those? Jeremiah Trapp Carson City

Crimes counter During the impeachment testimony of Maria Yovanovitch, president Trump tweeted what amounted to criminal witness intimidation. Adam Schiff actually read this tweet to her

Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Ashley Martinez, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson, Andy Odegard President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sweetdeals Coordinator Laura Anthony Developer John Bisignano

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while she was testifying. This is a subtle crime. It is not like armed robbery with a pistol whipping. Other subtle crimes are money laundering, campaign finance fraud, tax evasion, obstruction of justice and violations of the Emoluments clause. The Mueller investigation found Witness Number 1 had performed all these subtle crimes. I am wondering if conservatives are smart enough to understand the criminal nature of these subtle crimes and that these crimes are not healthy for a country that is governed by truth and the rule of law. The United States is in danger from within by the Republican Party. Imagine if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton had done the very same crimes. Conservative heads would explode. Don McKechnie Sparks


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by matt bieker

What’s better, skiing or snowboarding? asked aT bobo’s ski & PaTio, 475 e. Moana Lane TJ Mines Coast guard

I’ve only snowboarded—so snowboarding. My parents put me on a snowboard before anything else, so I just kind of stuck with that, I guess. I’ve been snowboarding since about 2005, but it’s been on and off.

R andy McGhie Ski shop owner

Well, I can tell you that: skiing. You can skate, you can climb, and you can skid in flat spots with deep powder without having to take your board off and walk out and sink up to your thighs. So there are some advantages. I’ve been skiing since 1969. saManTha Lucia Teacher

Spotify sucks As the year draws toward its end, and so does the Valuable things should be paid for. It’s my opinion that decade—well, supposedly, since apparently we start music should not be free.” counting decades with the number zero—we’ve seen an The company eventually persuaded Swift to return her influx on social media of people posting graphics about music to the streaming service. But if Spotify doesn’t fairly their most played songs of the year or their most played compensate the household-name superstars, just imagine artists of the decade. Even some local bands and performhow poorly it treats the small, local and lesser known ers have taken to posting graphics about the number artists just trying to work their grind. of streams their recordings have had, boasting If you only listen to music on Spotify, then about how their songs have been played in 40 you do not support music. different countries or whatever. A better online destination for music If you This seems innocuous enough, and fans looking to discover new tunes is only listen to we certainly like to see music celebrated. Bandcamp, which allows artists to decide music on Spotify, But here’s the problem: those graphics for themselves how much or how little and those numbers come from Spotify, of their discography to stream on the then you do not a company that has attracted widespread website, and only takes a small cut—10 to support music. criticism for its measly compensation of 15 percent—of sales. artists. For every one of those streams, the Even better, consider buying your music musical artists involved received only a minisin physical formats: vinyl records, compact cule fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent discs and cassette tapes have all made various of a dollar. Posting those graphics just normalizes the idea forms of a comeback in the last few years. It’s the holiday that music should be free, and that musicians, songwriters, season, and music can make a great gift. It’s nice to have singers and producers don’t deserve any compensation for a physical object that reflects the intentions of the artists their work. involved. Album art can be beautiful. And tapes, CDs and Spotify is a massive, internationally successful vinyl records all sound better than streaming services piped company, but the vast majority of its profits go to sharethrough a telephone. holders, not to the musicians themselves. Even better, get out to a concert, hear the music live, In a 2014 essay published in the Wall Street Journal, and buy a record, a tape, a CD, a T-shirt and whatever Taylor Swift, one of the most commercially successful other weird merchandise the bands have for sell. Support artists of this decade, wrote: “Music is art, and art is live music and support musicians. Don’t waste any time or important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. money on Spotify. Ω

I do both, but I’m better at snowboarding, so I guess that one. I just enjoy being up on the mountain either way. I’m a neutral party. I’ve been skiing for two years, and I’ve been snowboarding for 12. I like not having to strap in at the top of the lift—your skis just stay on, but, otherwise, I like them both.

henRy JohnsTone Diesel mechanic

I’ve never skied before, so I’m going to say snowboarding. I have bad knees, so I feel like I’d injure myself on skis, and I think snowboarding’s cooler.

aubRe y Lee Customer service representative

To each there own, but I grew up skiing, so I feel like I can progress quicker. I tried snowboarding and almost knocked myself out. It wasn’t the best conditions, but I’m not against snowboarding. I’d be willing to give it another shot in better conditions.

12.12.19    |   RN&R   |   3



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Get Yours at Skirose.com 4   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19

Winters creek lodge and the Slide Bowl are now open


Think big Everywhere progressives turn these days, it seems there’s someone warning that we are asking for too much, that people supporting Warren or Sanders are shoving the party too far left and we run the risk of voters abandoning the eventual Democratic nominee and shifting their allegiance to reelecting Trump. These are the reasons given for the ridiculous late entries into the presidential race by Deval Patrick and Michael Bloomberg, two men trying to position themselves as moderate alternatives, more dynamic and palatable to the Democratic base than Joe Biden and more acceptable to Wall Street than Warren or Sanders. Even President Obama, who once ran as the “hope and change” candidate, is warning Democratic candidates not to go too far with their policy proposals, telling a group of high-end donors “the average American doesn’t think you have to completely tear down the system and remake it.”

Obama places himself in the “incremental change” wing of the Democratic party, telling those same big donors, “So I don’t take it as a criticism when people say, ‘That is great. Obama did what he did, and now we want to do more.’ I hope so. That is the whole point. I built off the progress other people made and tried to take the baton and run the race a little further, and then I expect people to take the baton from me, and then I want them to run it a little further from that.” I used to be there with him, believing it is easier and often more effective to make smaller changes and accept less progress as the price of slowly and steadily moving things forward. But as I get older and more concerned about the world I’ll be leaving behind for my grandchildren, I don’t think we have time to wait for incremental change. The science is clear that we aren’t addressing climate change fast enough, and rising income inequality undermines

the most basic tenants of America’s promise as a land of opportunity for anyone willing to work hard. I now find myself squarely in the “big structural change” camp, ready to support a president who will redesign a system that allows FedEx and Amazon to pay zero in federal taxes on billions of dollars in profits. I’m looking for legislative candidates who will stop giving huge tax breaks to corporations in return for false economic blessings and stop continually raising Nevada’s regressive sales tax to keep up with basic infrastructure needs. As for “electability,” I think any Democrat in the race can beat Trump as long as Democrats, independents and the few Republicans left who can distinguish fact from fantasy get out and vote against him. And I believe there’s more chance of that happening if an aspirational vision of a better America is articulated rather than a picture of the status quo minus Trump.

I agree with economist Robert Reich, who says, “the real contest is between the people and the powerful—the vast majority of Americans versus an oligarchy that’s amassed most of the nation’s wealth and power.” He decries those who long for the pre-Trump days when there “was an economy rigged for the benefit of the few, stagnant wages, socialism for the rich and harsh capitalism for everyone else, a health care system whose co-payments and deductibles were out of control and still didn’t cover 30 million Americans, and big money controlling our politics.” Going back to that is not progress. It’s time for a seismic shift in America. The planet is in mortal peril. Social, economic and racial justice concerns can’t wait. And while I’ll vote for anyone over Trump, I know incremental change isn’t going to be enough. Ω

12.12.19    |   RN&R   |   5

by Jeri Davis

Homing in

UNR Director of Admissions Steve Maples discussed the Nevada Guarantee alongside recipients and recent graduates Perla Gonzalez Roman and Martha Aguilar.

On Monday Dec. 9, Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve gathered together media and local developers to discuss her 1,000 Homes in 120 Days initiative, now just past its halfway point. “I am so incredibly thrilled,” Schieve said. “This program—we never thought that we would get to this point. We have put almost 1,600 units into the market. Sixteen-hundred, and our goal was 1,000. … Now, I think we’ve got to up it. You know how competitive I am. I want 2,000—2,000, did you hear me?” After asking for a round of applause for the developers, the mayor asked several of them to speak about their projects. Blake Smith S3 Development was the first of the developers to speak about a 302-unit project his company is working on.

Mayor Hillary schieve gathered with developers on Dec. 9 for an update on her 1,000 Homes in 120 Days initiative.

“We have an exciting project that’s located on Keystone and Fifth,” he said. “We are actually in PHOTO/JERI DAVIS the design stage of it at this point, design schematics. We are actually struggling quite a bit, and this program, I have to to give kudos to it. … It is helping us move the project forward at this point. … The pricing and the cost in this marketplace is really stymieing so many projects at this point. And this program that you’ve introduced is really allowing us to get over these hurdles.” Projects approved under the program will receive deferred impact fees for costs they normally pay upfront, including sewer connection and traffic impact fees. Other approved projects include a 208unit senior housing complex and a housing complex attached to the Freight House District at the Reno Aces ballpark. According to Assistant City Manager Bill Thomas, about 120 units of the 1,600 that have been proposed and approved under the project, 120 qualify as affordable housing. “This is absolutely incredible. As many of you know, my initiative was really to create infill in opportunity zones—to build up and not out,” Schieve said. “We know, we’re facing such a huge challenge when it comes to housing. We have to create housing of all types. That’s why I’m very proud of it, because a lot of people come to me and say, ‘Mayor Schieve, why not just affordable housing?’ But we know that that doesn’t work. You have to create all kinds of housing when it comes to economics.” The Reno City Council will vote next week on whether or not to continue accepting proposed projects despite the fact that the program has exceeded its original goal of 1,000 housing units.

—Jeri Davis







Paid in full University unveils rebranding of tuition-free program According to the website debt.org, student loan debt “soared from $260 billion in 2004 to $1.4 trillion in 2017.” And average debt rose from $18,650 to $38,000 over that same period. Additionally, the number of people over $60,000 in loan debt “has quadrupled in the last decade from 700,000 to 2.8 million” people. But at the University of Nevada, Reno, officials are working to change the narrative about student loan debt—at least on a local level. On Thursday Dec. 5, UNR officials held a press conference to unveil the rebranding of a free tuition program they’re now calling the Nevada Guarantee—a program that completely covers tuition, books and fees for those who qualify for it. “The most important thing to start off with is to talk about the Nevada Guarantee and how you qualify,” said Director of Admissions Steve Maples during the press conference. “It’s pretty

straightforward, as far as the qualifications. If you have a family income of $50,000 or less, and if you’re a Nevada resident, and as long as you apply to the university by February 1 … you’ll qualify for the Nevada Guarantee. It’s the only program in the state of Nevada that allows you to start at the university and complete your degree at the university and have your books, your fees and your tuition covered—all in four years or less.” The program has actually been around for about a decade now and was formally called Pack Advantage. In that time, more than 10,000 UNR students have participated in it. “So why are we telling you about this now?” said Melisa Choroszy, associate vice president of university enrollment services. “We’re a landgrant university, and our mission is to support student access—and we want to make sure that Nevada residents have access to a quality, tier-one

education. … We want students to know that they are welcome here, and we’re here to support them.” The other goal of the press conference was to provide the university an opportunity to make the argument that it’s not such a big part of the student loan debt crisis people so often hear about in media reports these days. “You will see in the reports, as we have, about students graduating with record amounts of debt from college,” Choroszy said. “We want to share some information with you about our students. Over 50 percent of our students graduate without debt, debt free. Eighty-one percent of our students receive some kind of scholarship and financial aid. We give out over $87 million dollars [annually] in financial aid to our students.” Two of those students who’ve graduated debt-free from the university were on hand to share their experiences during the press conference—Perla Gonzalez Roman and Martha Aguilar. “Before I knew about the Nevada Guarantee, I was attending TMCC and paying out-of-pocket for the two classes [per semester] that I could afford while I was working for the Washoe County School District as a lunch lady,” said Gonzalez Roman. “After three years at TMCC, I transferred to the university where I continued to pay for the two classes a semester, as that was what I could afford.” She also started working at North Valleys High School as a career center facilitator, where she met a UNR admissions counselor who told her about the Nevada Guarantee, but, at first, thought she was ineligible because of her citizenship status. Gonzalez Roman is a DACA recipient. She was pleased to learn that UNR offered the program to students like her, too, by having an alternative to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), for which non-citizens do not qualify. “Once I got the Nevada Guarantee, I immediately enrolled in a full course load of classes—and I was so thrilled that I could do so and that I would be able to graduate in two years,” she said. “I made sure that my two younger siblings knew about the program and enrolled when their time came. This program is truly life-changing.”

Gonzalez Roman graduated during started at the University of Nevada, Reno, as 2019 winter commencement with a degree first-time students and graduated debt-free in in human development and family studies 2019, this varies by both major and student and is starting a graduate program at the demographics. University of Denver. The other student at According to the report, liberal arts the press conference, Aguilar, graduated with students were the most likely to graduate two bachelor’s degrees—one in elementary debt-free, at 61 percent. Interdisciplinary education and the other in human developstudents were the least likely to leave the ment and family studies. She also recently university without debt, at just 35 percent. interviewed to get into the pool of Other degrees fields where at least certified teachers in the Washoe 50 percent of students graduated County School District. without debt include engineer“This “Now, I look forward to ing, agriculture, business, program teaching and inspiring other science and social work. students like me,” she said. As for demographics, is truly lifewhite students were the most changing.” like to graduate debt free, at By the Perla Gonzalez Roman 56 percent—versus forty-one numBers Nevada Guarantee percent of Hispanic students, recipient 47 percent of Pacific Islanders, The Nevada Guarantee 33 percent of Native American program is funded through and Alaskan students, and just 24 federal, state, institutional and private percent of black students. The university is gift foundation dollars. In addition to meethoping that the rebranding and promotion ing the income requirements, students who of the program can boost these numbers. enroll in the program must remain in good “Getting out the word is always a chalacademic standing with the university by lenge, and we’re hoping that this will help maintaining at least a 2.0 grade point averraise awareness,” said Choroszy. Ω age. The university estimates that around 30 percent of applying freshmen at the university qualify the Nevada Guarantee. But who are the 50 percent of students the university says graduate debt free? Learn more about the Nevada Guarantee program by visiting According to report from the university unr.edu/nevada-guarantee. analyzing undergraduate students who

santa cause

The Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs hosted its annual fundraiser to collect toys for kids on Dec. 4—delivering them via motorcycle, with Santa Claus riding at the front of the pack. Photo/Jeri Davis

12.12.19    |   RN&R   |   7

Truths about the “Shen Yun Gala” of “Falun Gong”

“Neo-Chinese TV” and “Shen Yun Art Troupe” have lured many innocent audiences to watch the so-called “Shen Yun Gala” performed in the name of “carrying forward Chinese traditional culture” in different parts of world since 2004. The cult “Falun Gong” also tried to get congratulatory letters and praises through various means. You’d better learn some facts about “Falun Gong” and the “Gala” before you decide whether to watch the performance or not.

“Falun Gong” is a heresy that endangers society.

“Falun Gong”, also known as “Falun Dafa”, was founded by Li Hongzhi in China in the early 1990s. It invented and preached anti-human and anti-scientific heretical ideas, claiming that it could build body, improve moral standards, and achieve immortality. The cult attracted a large number of innocent people and exerted extreme spiritual control over believers in order to gain benefits and satisfy personal political ambitions. It is a heresy that seriously endangers society and infringes on human rights. It is an evil of modern civilized society. According to incomplete statistics, more than 2,000 “Falun Gong” believers died after refusing to receive medical treatment, hundreds of believers committed suicide or self-mutilation, and 30-odd innocent people were killed by “Falun Gong” believers, all because of the lies invented by Li Hongzhi. Even in the United States, some “Falun Gong” lunatics lost their lives because they refused to seek medical treatment, such as Feng Lili and Li Dayong. Although it advocates “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance”, “Falun Gong” never tolerates any dissent. It happened frequently that its believers were organized to attack the public, media and government agencies that questioned it heretic ideas, including news agencies like the Associated Press and Rogers. In December 2014, Rick Ross, a famous specialist in cult research and intervention in the United States, published a book titled “Cults Inside Out”, which included two detailed chapters dedicated to “Falun Gong”. “Falun Gong” is considered as a destructive cult of world influence in the book.

and “Falun Gong” in the name of “divine culture” and attract innocent, kind audiences to accept and even join “Falun Gong” so that they would be spiritually controlled by the cult. Several ancient Chinese or national shows are, of course, included in the repertoire of the “Shen Yun” performance, such as “Mulan Joins the Army”, “Yue Fei’s Tattoo”, “Drummers in the Tang Dynasty”, “Fan in the Sleeve”, and “Monkey King Conquers the Demon”. What the “Shen Yun” performance truly tries to show to audiences, however, is the heretical shows under careful disguise. Disguise is actually a propaganda technique adopted by the “Shen Yun Performance” of “Falun Gong”. It is a “fig leaf ” added to the otherwise naked propaganda, like a little seasoning to a tasteless dish or an appetizer dessert to entice impatient audiences to stay. Western audiences may find it unacceptable and just leave halfway if they are directly exposed to political propaganda and “truths”. That would be a shame on the organizer of the performance and may make the show a one-time deal. Trumpeter Li Hongzhi is clever enough to know that.

“shen Yun Gala” of “Falun Gong” is debunked by more audiences.

“Falun Gong” consoled itself by self-reporting the “Shen Yun Gala” as “winning unanimous praises”, “showing amazing stage effects”, “being received with thumbs up by the audiences”, and “winning acclaims”. In fact, online commentators, especially those abroad, poured a stream of bad reviews. For example, an online commentator named Siyu said, “Shen Yun has performed in different cities in the United States for many years, and not until today did I learn that it has a connection with ‘Falun Gong’.” Lengyan Cimei said, “I’ve watched this kind of performance before. They are barely human or divine. So boring.” Woxin Qiaoqiao commented, “I have watched the “Shen Yun” ad several times in Italy but always on Neo-Chinese TV. I feel sick!” Werner Vogels, CTO and vice president of Amazon, who has 81,800 followers on “Falun Gong” and “shen Yun Gala” is deceptive. Twitter, said, “Unfortunately, ‘Shen Yun’ performance was hardcore religious The so-called “Neo-Chinese TV” and “Shen Yun Art Troupe” are under the Falun Gong propaganda [that claimed] “revolution is evil”. Not recommendcontrol of “Falun Gong”. In recent years, the cult has taken advantage of these ed.” Johnson Mihawk, a psychologist in Massachusetts, commented, “I was two instruments to put on “galas” in the name of “carrying forward the Chiso angry because I was deceived by ‘Shen Yun’. I didn’t expect to see a pitch nese culture” and “showcasing the charm of oriental charm” around the world. presented by a high school student.” “‘Shen Yun’ is for the fool. It’s nothing but Those “galas” are not only vulgar and inartistic, but also full of information fancy propaganda.” Online commentator CuiriOs said, “I was fooled by ‘Shen that preaches the doctrine of the cult, flatters the cult leader Li Hongzhi, and Yun’. It was a religious propaganda. ‘Falun Gong’ doesn’t like homosexuality, attacks the Chinese government. Li Hongzhi himself publicly announced that does it mean that we should get our money back?” “Shen Yun is masked as a “Shen Yun Galas” were organized by “Falun Gong” gangs in different places cultural and artistic performance, hiding its true nature for religious propaunder his command. The “galas” “are not for public fun”, but “for a showcase ganda. Don’t waste your money on it, or you’ll spend $100 on listening to a of the Dafa disciples... for salvation of sentient beings and clarification of dull show full of boring preaching,” said Dominique Hogan, an artist, pianist, truths”, he claimed. The fact is the so-called “Shen Yun Gala” is not literally a singer and vocal music teacher in Vancouver, Canada. gala at all; instead, it is a political tool for the cult to spread heresies and antiChina sentiment, to expand influence and to get rich. It stains and distorts the What’s above are the setbacks imposed on the “Shen Yun” performance of “Falun Gong”. Now we can understand why Li Hongzhi once claimed that his “Shen Yun” Chinese culture, and deceives, fools, and poisons audiences. performance was “not for public fun”. The audiences are not to blame for their The “Shen Yun Gala” manipulated by “Falun Gong” is filled with shows that criticisms since “Shen Yun” is born for cult propaganda and “for Dafa”. preach the doctrine of the cult and attack the Chinese government. It does not The Chinese culture has a long history and great diversity which make it put on the mask of “traditional culture” just for luring audiences. While realways welcomed and loved by the Americans. Here is a reminder: If you are vealing the so-called “persecution” of “Falun Gong”, it has another mission of interested in or support any Chinese culture celebrations and performances, becoming an important platform to preach heretic ideas of the cult. The real please stay away from the so-called “Shen Yun Gala” of “Falun Gong” and intention behind the claimed “divine culture promotion” is to preach heresies don’t be fooled or taken advantage of. of “Falun Gong”. It maliciously tries to spread the devious lies of Li Hongzhi A PAid Advertisement

8   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19


by Mark EarnEst

Wildlife such as this great blue heron might be featured in children’s nature journals as part of a club at El Dorado County Library.

By nature Kids’ Nature Journal Club If you’re going to have a nature journal club for children, one great place to start is around Lake Tahoe. With bird species, other types of wildlife and plants and flowers galore during all seasons, it can be a place rich to discover more about the world in which we live. That’s part of the motivation behind the Kids’ Nature Journal Club at South Lake Tahoe. “It’s great if we can help the community to be healthy and teach kids to love and respect nature and the land around them,” said Gavin Furman, a library assistant with El Dorado County Library in South Lake Tahoe and club organizer. “One of the good things about nature journaling is that it teaches you to look closer and really contemplate what you are looking at.” The club, for ages 10-18, meets twice a month, on second and fourth Saturday mornings for about 90 minutes. Furman spends about half that time on a lesson with slides. “Sometimes, I’ll talk about how to identify feathers that you might find, or say where they came from on a bird or if the shaft of the feathers are clipped, then maybe they were caught by a hawk,” Furman said. “I try to talk about a different subject each time, and then we just do some free journaling and try to go outside if the weather cooperates.” Furman began the Kids’ Nature Journal Club five years ago. It stemmed from a book called Keeping a Nature Journal that he received as a child. In the book, you’re encouraged to draw pictures of what you see in nature and then research and learn more about the animals, flowers, plants and other elements of nature you find. He remembered it once he started working for


the library and also used some ideas from famous naturist and artist Jon Muir Laws. “I just had an idea to start my own little thing here, even though I’m not a great artist,” Furman said. “I thought the library would be a good venue for this kind of thing.” Lucky for the club, the El Dorado County Library is in a prime spot in Tahoe to see nature in action. “We’re right across from the lake, so it’s a pretty good place to collect things for the journal,” Furman said. Furman said that there have been a few kids in the club who have taken that extra step beyond Saturdays to study nature on their own. He told the stories of two sisters who were regulars at the club who encouraged their cousin from Montana to do some journaling with them during a visit. There’s also another club member who visited Bali and went to a bird sanctuary and did some journaling there. “She took photos, so we put together a Powerpoint, and she came up with a cool game to go with it, with prizes and everything,” Furman said. “It’s cool to see kids open up to the idea like that.” Furman describes himself as “a huge bird nerd,” and while that’s a big part of the club, there’s also some content around wildflowers, landscapes and how they can be created, and the variety of butterflies and other insects that are also a part of nature. “I think one of the things I’ve seen is an increase in confidence in what they are looking at,” he said. “Most of them are shy about showing their drawings, but I try to encourage them and stick to the message of it not being how beautiful you can draw, but trying to capture those details.” Ω

The Kids’ nature Journal Club meets at 10 a.m. on second and fourth Saturdays at El Dorado County Library, 1000 Rufus allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, California. The next meetings are Dec. 14 and 28. Get more details at eldoradolibrary.org.

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holiday gift guide 10   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19

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g i b The t r o sh

95-word fiction contest

ual n n a r u o r o f It’s time n o i t i t e p m o c tory s t r o h s a r t x e


’s 95-word fiction contest

Write a miniature story that’s exactly 95 words long.

Here’s an example:

We want exactly 95 words, as counted by LibreOffice, Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

e loved As a child, sh s. a n a n a b ed lov “little Lisa Lautner er called her th fa er h t a uch th bananas so m unds. y monkey so ll si e d a m d l on a monkey” an dropped a pee ce on a is L , lt As an adu ides, isn’t hiking trail. nd said. “Bes ie fr er h !” er tt “Lisa, don’t li hazard?” at only that a safety bananas. Th on s ip sl y Nobod “Ridiculous. rtoons.” and later, happens in ca her toddler, of t on fr in Lisa said this eel at the top ipped on a p sl ly b a it ev when she in ld hear her bled, she cou m tu e sh s a !” of the stairs, , ooh, ah, ah ocking: “ooh m e tl n ge ’s father

Email submissions to contest@newsreview.com with the subject line “Fiction 2020.” Put each story in the body of an email because we won’t open attachments. We require the author’s name, email address and phone number listed above each story. (That stuff won’t affect toward word count, and will be removed before judging.) Titles are acceptable, without affecting word count, but not required.

Stories must be received before 9 a.m. on Jan. 15, 2020. We’ll publish the best stories.

Stuck for inspiration? Check out last year’s winners here: www.newsreview.com/reno/literary-shorts/content?oid=27624441 12   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19


freeZe for all


elcome to the Reno News & Review’s 2019 Winter Guide. It’s cold out there, readers. What started as a pretty mild fall has manifested into full-blown Jack Frost territory over the past few weeks—but I have to say, I love it. If you live in Reno, the arrival of the cold and snow should be seen as a privilege. Especially in our rapidly warming environment, the snow is our biggest reservoir for water—and that’s why this guide is all about getting out and not just tolerating the snow, but celebrating it. Long-time contributor Kris Vagner is known as something of a camping guru around here, and she and her family are experts at finding peaceful retreats in remote corners of our gigantic state. On page 14, she breaks down tips, supplies and destinations to extend camping season into the cold months. There’s probably no simpler way to enjoy the snow than just getting out and walking around it. In that spirit, on page 18, Shaun Hunter took a look at the ins and outs of snowshoeing—and based on the cover photo he also shot for this issue, it looks a lot more scenic than just a walk around the block. On page 17, Andrea Heerdt decided to go Christmas Tree hunting

away from the usual pop-up lot, and into public lands, where trees meeting certain requirements can be harvested by families looking to add some adventure to their traditions. She also breaks down how to responsibly recycle your trees after the holidays. Finally, for the 15 Minutes column on page 39 of the regular issue, I spoke with one of the original arbiters of winter sports in the valley, Steve Sheehan—owner of Bobo’s Ski & Patio. Bobo’s is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, so we sat down to talk about snow business— both on and off the mountain. Winter’s official arrival is marked by the solstice on Dec. 21, and it’s long been one of my favorite days of the calendar for one reason: the days start to get longer. Shaded as we are by the mighty Sierra Nevada, daylight is in short supply during the winter, and I’ve always hated the long, dreary nights more than the actual cold itself. It won’t be too long before the summer days have relegated the white stuff to the rivers and streams of the Truckee Meadows, so go get it before it’s hot. Best regards, Matt Bieker Special Projects Editor

continued on page 14

Reno News & Review

Winter Guide '19

Tahoe City, (800) 543-3221, granlibakken.com/event/christmas-torchlightparade/.

13TH ALPENGLOW LAKE TAHOE  BACKCOUNTRY DEMO DAY: The event is  a showcase of all things backcountry— including demos, avalanche education,  guided tours and a raffle. The event  is free, but participants must possess a valid lift ticket or season pass  purchased from Squaw Valley Alpine  Meadows along with a driver’s license  and credit card for deposit. Sat, 1/4-Sun,  1/5, 9am. Free. Alpine Meadows, 2600  Alpine Meadows Road, Olympic Valley,  (530) 583-6917, www.alpenglowsports. com/backcountry-demo-day. 2020 RENO LATIN DANCE FEST & ZOUK AND  URBAN KIZ EXPERIENCE: The 12th annual  dance festival features internationally  recognized dance instructors, world  class dance showcases plus social dancing and dance parties until 6am every  night. Thu, 1/9-Sun, 1/12. $20-$350. Silver  Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N Virginia St.,  Circus Circus Reno, 500 N. Sierra St.,  www.renolatindancefest.com. 2ND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS ARTS & CRAFTS  FAIR: More than 60 Native American  and non-Native vendors offer jewelry,  beadwork, baskets, paintings, arts  and crafts, holiday items, blankets,  pillows, baked goods and more for  sale. Fri, 12/20-Sat, 12/21, 10am. Free.  Reno/Sparks Indian Colony Gym, 34  Reservation Road, (775) 842-1385.

DISCO SNOW TUBING AT SQUAW VALLEY:  Spin down the tubing lanes colorful LED  lights, lasers and live DJs. Snow tubing  is for adults and kids at least 40” tall.  All tubers must be able to independently  get in and out of their own tube.  Sat, 1/4,  1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29,  5pm, 6pm & 7pm.  $55.  SnoVentures at  Squaw Valley, Truckee, squawalpine. com/events-things-do/disco-tubing. GLOWSTICK PARADE AND CARNIVAL: A kids’  version of a torchlight parade with glowsticks for children ages 10 or younger  who can ski or ride unassisted in the  dark on the Snowbird run. Participants  should plan to come early to secure a  spot in the parade. Music and snacks  will be provided in the bar area prior to  the parade. Sign-ups and the carnival  start at 4:30pm with the parade starting at 6:30pm.   Sat, 2/22, 4:30pm.  Free.  Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort, 11509  Northwoods Blvd., Truckee, (530) 5879444, www.tahoedonner.com. NORTH LAKE TAHOE SNOWFEST: The 10-day  winter carnival features numerous  events and activities celebrating the  Lake Tahoe winter scene. Fri, 2/28-Sun,  3/8. Locations vary across North Lake  Tahoe, Highway 28, Tahoe City, (530) 3863016, www.tahoesnowfest.org. PBR PENDLETON WHISKY VELOCITY TOUR:  The event features some of the best  athletes of the sport going head to head  with the fiercest bulls in the country.    Fri, 1/10, 8pm; Sat, 1/11, 7pm.  $15-$150.  Reno Events Center, 400 N Center St,  (775) 335-8815.

39 NORTH—PARTY IN THE PLAZA: 39 North  Downtown, City of Sparks, Sparks  Heritage Museum and Sierra Arts  Foundation presents this monthly  event highlighting art, specialty food,  farmers, crafts, music and cultural  heritage. There will be vendors, food  trucks, local artists, live entertainment and chef demos in indoor and  outdoor venues. Thu, 12/19, 1/16, 2/20,  4pm. Free. Victorian Square Plaza,  1250 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775)  690-2581, www.39northdowntown. com/3rdthursday. ALPENGLOW SPORTS MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL:  Alpenglow Mountain Festival is a nineday celebration of human-powered  mountain sports, events, clinics,  equipment demonstrations, critically  acclaimed films and more. Sat, 2/15-Sun,  2/23.  Various locations across TruckeeLake Tahoe, Highway 267, Truckee, (530)  583-6917, www.alpenglowsports.com/ mountainfestival. ALPENGLOW’S WINTER SPEAKER SERIES:  Premier outdoor athletes present an  inspirational tale of adventure, creating  a forum for motivation and inspiration.  Every show is free. Raffle and bar proceeds benefit Tahoe Fund. Thu, 1/2, 1/23,  2/20, 7pm. Free. Olympic Village Lodge,  1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley,  www.alpenglowsports.com. BREW HAHA: The annual benefit for the  Sierra Arts Foundations features a large  selection of micro and macro beer tasting plus live entertainment from The  Garage Boys. There will be more than 100  beers featured. Admissions packages  includes entry with appetizers, gourmet  beer from local brewers and food pairing as well as a chance to bid in silent  auction prizes. Sat, 1/25, 8pm. $50-$70.  Nugget Casino Resort, 1100 Nugget Ave.,  Sparks, (775) 356-3300,   www.nuggetcasinoresort.com. CHRISTMAS EVE TORCHLIGHT PARADE:  Carry a torch as you ski down  Granlibakken’s Ski Hill. The parade will  be followed by servings of hot chocolate, mulled cider, s’mores and gifts  and photos with Santa. Tue, 12/24, 4pm.    Granlibakken, 725 Granlibakken Road,

RENO ONESIE CRAWL: Wear your favorite  one-piece pajama outfit, purchase a  commemorative cup and map and get  free entry to over 20 different participating bars and nightclubs in downtown  Reno.  Sat 2/8, 8pm.  $10. Various location in downtown Reno, (775) 624-8320,  crawlreno.com. SNOWBALL FESTIVAL: The event offers arts  and crafts, face painting, custom balloons, photo ops, holiday snow tubing,  snow parkour, a bounce house and the  World’s Biggest Cup of Hot Cocoa. Sat,  12/21-Sun, 12/22, Sat, 12/28-Sun, 12/29,  10am. Soda Springs Ski Resort, 10244  Soda Springs Road, Soda Springs, (530)  426–3663, www.skisodasprings.com/ culture/snowball/fun. SOCIAL SCIENCE: The Discovery’s popular adults-only, brain-building event  series features science demonstrations,  hands-on labs, expert presentations, a  live DJ, libations, and sweet and savory  bites. Each event offers an opportunity  to explore a unique theme and the entire  museum. Sat, 2/8, 7pm. $20-$30. The  Discovery, 490 S. Center St., (775) 7861000, nvdm.org. ULLR FEST FUNDRAISER: The 11th annual  fundraiser for the Diamond Peak Ski  Education Program includes appetizers,  beer, silent and live auctions. Sat, 1/25,  5pm.  $75-$85. Alibi Ale Works Public  House, 931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village.,  www.dpsef.org. WINTER FIREWORKS: Celebrate the ski season with winter fireworks celebration  on Saturdays in January and February  (weather conditions permitting). Sat,  1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25, Sat 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22,  7pm. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960  Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, (800)  403-0206, squawalpine.com.



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ArT NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART: America’s Art,  Nevada’s Choice: Community Selections  from the Smithsonian American Art  Museum, through April 19; Andrea Zittel:  Wallsprawl, ongoing; David Maisel: Proving  Ground, through Jan. 12, Decorative  Arms: Treasures from the Robert M.  Lee Collection, through Feb. 16; The E. L.  Wiegand Collection: Representing the  Work Ethic in American Art, through April  19; Edi Rama: WORK, through April 12;  Galen Brown: Sine Cere, through Jan. 5;  King of Beasts: A Study of the African Lion  by John Banovich, through Feb. 16; Maya  Lin: Pin River—Tahoe Watershed, ongoing;  Without You I Am Nothing, through Dec.  15; Prototype for New Understanding,  Dec. 21-May 24; 2020 Scholastic Art  Awards, Feb. 22-March 20. The gallery is  open Wednesday-Sunday and is closed on  Monday, Tuesday and holidays.  Thu, 12/19Sat, 2/29.  $1-$10. Nevada Museum of Art,  160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org. STREMMEL GALLERY: Nevada Artists  opens in January. The gallery is open  9am-5pm Monday-Friday and 10am-3pm  on Saturday. The gallery is closed on  Sundays and holidays/holiday weekends.  Thu, 1/2-Sat, 1/26.  Free. Stremmel  Gallery, 1400 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-0558,   stremmelgallery.com.

fILm SPRING FILM SERIES—SUBURBAN ENNUI:  Churchill Arts Council presents its film  series featuring the films American  Beauty (1997) on Feb. 7, Crash (2004)  on Feb. 14 and Revolutionary Road  (2008) on Feb. 21.  Fri, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21,  7pm.  $7-$27. Barkley Theatre, Oats Park  Art Center, 151 E. Park St., Fallon, (775)  423-1440, www.churchillarts.org/2019-20/ SpringFilmSeries.php. STARDUST MEMORIES: Artemisia  MovieHouse presents a screening of the  1980 comedy/drama directed by Woody  Allen. Sun, 12/22, 6pm.  $5-$9. Good Luck  Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor  St., (775) 636-3386,   www.artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

mUSIC APEX CONCERTS—PIANO AND WINDS:  The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln  Center performs as part of the concert series.  Thu, 2/20, 7:30pm.  $5-$35.  Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts  Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335  N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, unrmusic. org/apex/tickets.html. BRRROQUE MASTERS: The TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra continues the 15th  WinterFest season with this series of concerts featuring guest artists and soloists  in a program of music from the Baroque  period.  Sat, 1/4, 3pm.  $0-$40. First United  Methodist Church, 209 W First St., (775)  298-6989, toccatatahoe.org. BRRROQUE MASTERS: The TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra continues the 15th  WinterFest season with this series of concerts featuring guest artists and soloists  in a program of music from the Baroque  period.  Sun, 1/5, 3pm.  $0-$40. Lake Tahoe  Community Presbyterian Church, 2733  Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (775)  298-6989, toccatatahoe.org.

BRRROQUE MASTERS: The TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra continues the 15th  WinterFest season with this series of concerts featuring guest artists and soloists  in a program of music from the Baroque  period.  Wed, 1/8, 7pm.  $0-$40. Trinity  Lutheran Church, 1480 Douglas Ave.,  Gardnerville, (775) 298-6989,   toccatatahoe.org. BRRROQUE MASTERS: The TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra continues the 15th  WinterFest season with this series of concerts featuring guest artists and soloists  in a program of music from the Baroque  period.  Sat, 1/11, 3pm.  $0-$40. Lutheran  Church of the Good Shepherd, 357 Clay St.,  (775) 298-6989, toccatatahoe.org. BRRROQUE MASTERS: The TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra continues the 15th  WinterFest season with this series of  concerts featuring guest artists and  soloists in a program of music from the  Baroque period.  Sun, 1/12, 3pm.  $0-$40.  St.Patrick’s Episcopal Church, 341 Village  Blvd, Incline Village, (775) 298-6989,   toccatatahoe.org. CHRISTMAS ON THE COMSTOCK: Country  singer Lacy J Dalton and Dale Poune  perform at the annual Red Dog Saloon  Christmas Show.  Sun, 12/22, 8pm.   $30.  Red Dog Saloon, 76 N. C St., Virginia City,  (775) 847-7474, www.reddogvc.rocks. LANDSCAPES & LEGENDS OF MEXICO: The  Reno Phil continues its 2019-2020 Classix  season with the sounds of Copland,  Márquez, Revueltas and Strauss and  imagery by Westwater Arts videography.   Sat, 2/22, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/23, 7:30pm.  $29$89. Pioneer Center for the Performing  Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-6393,  www.renophil.com. FORTUNATE STRANGERS: The BAC’s Celtic  Music Series continues with a performance by this three-piece band playing  music from Scotland and Ireland.  Sat,  1/18, 7pm.  $15-$25. Brewery Arts Center,  449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976,  www.facebook.com/Breweryartscenter. HANDEL’S MESSIAH: TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra and Chorus celebrates the Christmas season with a  production of Handel’s Messiah along  with seasonal carols and audience singalongs.  Sat, 12/21, 3pm.  $0-$40. The  Chateau at Incline Village, 955 Fairway  Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 298-6989, toccatatahoe.org. HANDEL’S MESSIAH: TOCCATA–Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra and Chorus celebrates the Christmas season with a  production of Handel’s Messiah along  with seasonal carols and audience singalongs.  Sun, 12/22, 4pm.  $0-$40. St John’s  Presbyterian Church, 1070 Plumb Lane,  (775) 298-6989. JOYFUL NOISE 2019 HOLIDAY SHOW: The  18th annual show features Cherie & John  Shipley singing and playing the keys  with special guests Tom Miller on saxophone, flute and guitar, Lanny Hansen on  drums and the feight-piece Joyful Noise  Chorus.  Thu, 12/19, 7pm.  $8-$15, free for  kids under age 6. Brewery Arts Center,  449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976,  www.facebook.com/Breweryartscenter. KORN & BREAKING BENJAMIN: The alt-metal  bands bring their Winter 2020 Tour to  Reno. Special guests BONES UK will also  join the tour on all dates.  Sat, 2/29,  7pm.  $32.28-$78.15. Reno Events Center,  400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8815.

L ISTINGS 14   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19


Out in the cold by Kris Vagner

Camping season doesn’t have to end when the snow falls


’ve always been more of a camping parent than a Disneyland-and-Cabo parent. I first took my son camping during a mild Northern Nevada spring when he was four months old, almost 16 years ago. It went off without a hitch. Since then, I’ve set up a tent at every canyon, creek, beach, lake, redwood forest, aspen forest, sand dune, and far-flung desert vista I could find. When my son was 5, another family invited us to Yosemite National Park for our first winter camping excursion. The forecast predicted overnight lows in the 20s. I wasn’t ready to invest in winter-rated sleeping bags and an all-wheeldrive vehicle. But I really wanted to give winter camping a whirl. It was clear that waterproof coats, boots and gloves were essential. I read up and learned that a thick layer of sleeping pads and our big, down blankets from home would keep us warm enough. A light snow fell as we set up camp. The overnight low was 28. Half Dome and El Capitan looked dreamy in winter coats, and the icy lakes

and waterfalls were otherworldly. We were hooked. After all these years, I’m still pretty much an entry-level winter camper. I still don’t have a 0-degree bag, and instead of bracing for blizzards, I check forecasts obsessively and only camp when the roads are OK and the temps are above 25. But camping safely in lower temperatures is doable. One local expert is Dave Stroffe, a Boy Scout leader. “As an outdoorsman, I think teaching our children how to survive under the barest of circumstances is important,” Strophe said. “We live in one of the most beautiful places in America. There’s never a time you have to stay indoors.” Inspired by the Klondike Challenge, an event from the 1940s, Stroffe started a local version, the Yukon Challenge. “We have snowshoe races,” he said. “We do injured person extractions. We’ve done crashthrough frozen lake rescues. … I try to bring an element of extreme, extreme conditions to the challenge. One day we were up on Peavine. It was 20 to 25 below zero. With the right gear, right support, even 20 below can be fun.”

Packing like a Pro Karinn Kelley-Bateman works for REI and is the mother of a teen and a preteen. She knows camping gear inside out, and she listed a few rookie mistakes people tend to make as they graduate from summer camping to winter camping. An all-season tent—designed to protect campers from snow buildup, ice, hail and high winds— is “an absolute must,” she said. So is an insulated sleeping pad, which will keep you a lot warmer than an air mattress. And here’s her list of small things to remember: • Layered clothing: “Bring more than you think you might need.” • Waterproof gloves • Nikwax, a waterproofing agent that can waterproof, or even re-waterproof, gloves and clothing. • A packable snow shovel— both for emergency conditions and snow fort making. • Sunscreen and lip balm • Wool socks, not cotton. And for all of the above, Kelley-Bateman cautioned, test out your gear before you hit the wilderness.

REI offers several cold-weather outdoor skills classes this season, including intro snowshoeing and winter navigation. Visit rei.com.

Put it in Park Our two nearest national parks are motherlodes of fun winter activities. In winter, Yosemite National Park is an oasis of sparkling forest, snowy cliffs and rivers that can look like they’re flowing from a Slushee machine. If you’ve ever waited a half hour in summer for a parking spot in busy Yosemite Valley, you’ll be pleased to learn that, while park visitorship peaks in August


For kids who want to learn winter camping and survival skills, joining the Boy Scouts of AmericaNevada Area Council is a good way to do it. Yes, girls are eligible, too. Visit nevadabsa.org.

at 600,000, from December to January, it’s closer to 100,000. Four of the park’s 13 main campgrounds are open year-round. Winter activities include skiing and snow-tubing at Badger Pass Ski Area, ice skating in a rink at Curry Village, and all the cross-country skiing and icy waterfall gawking you can imagine. Weather conditions range from mild to brutal. You could gear up to the hilt, master winter survival strategies, and travel in a storm-worthy vehicle. Or you could do what I do: keep a close eye on the forecast and plan to camp when the weather and the road conditions are a good match for your gear. Tioga Road, the park’s main thoroughfare, is usually closed due to snow from fall through late spring. This means if you’re traveling from Reno, you’ll need to use the park’s western entrance, which is farther from home. In January 2016, Lassen National Park’s Southwest Walk-In Campground was open, but we couldn’t see the tent sites or fire rings. They were buried under nine feet of snow. Tent campers camped right on top of the snow. Car campers camped in the adjacent parking lot, and a small army of Boy Scouts dug snow caverns and made igloos. Their leader, a Silicon Valley urbanite, said he’d learned the craft of igloo building on YouTube. The scouts welcomed us to explore their ambitious dwellings—some complete with two snow beds—by flashlight in the evening, and the experience made my list of Top 10 Most Surprising and Wonderful Camping Moments Ever. Lassen offers short snowshoe tours on winter weekends, accessible to beginners, in which rangers talk about the park’s ecology and how animals cope with heavy winters. (Plot spoiler: The deer herd migrates downhill to Susanville.) In winter, the main road through Lassen is likely to be closed to vehicle traffic, which cuts off access to summer highlights, like the bubbling, volcanically active mud pits of Bumpass Hell, but opens up a whole new world of glorious snowshoe trails. Families can find slopes to sled on, with runs of just about every length and steepness. Backcountry skiers can explore to their hearts’ content. Yosemite National Park

Yosemite Valley Visitor Center 9035 Village Drive, Yosemite Valley, California www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/winter.htm (209) 372-0200

Lassen National Park Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center 21820 Lassen Peak Hwy., Mineral, California www.nps.gov/lavo/index.htm (530) 595-4480

MTV’S SNOWGLOBE MUSIC FESTIVAL: The  annual end-of-year music festival  features performances by headliners  Skrillex, Fisher, Gigantic NGHTMRE, Griz,  Louis The Child, Tchami x Mala, Zhu, Vince  Staples, E-40, SUPERDUPERKYLE, Whethan  and Clozee, among others.   Sun, 12/29Tue, 12/31, 2pm.  $99-$399. South Lake  Tahoe Community Playfields & Bijou Park,  1 College Way, South Lake Tahoe,   snowglobemusicfestival.com.

low-stakes locales For beginners who want to stay close to home in case something goes wrong, or for anyone who wants an easy-to-reach campsite for testing out new gear, two Nevada state parks are a stone’s throw from town. Davis Creek Regional Park’s sun-dappled forest is so quiet and beautiful when it’s covered in snow that it’s easy to forget you’re within commuting distance from home. It’s a great basecamp for snowshoeing and backcountry skiing. At Washoe Lake State Park, the sites are no-nonsense flats—not the type of site you’ll want to while away the day in. The draws here are low-key but worth exploring—a sand dune on the lake’s eastern shore and hikes in the adjacent Virginia Range with good views of the lake and Washoe Valley. (For an even easier outdoor adventure, on Dec. 21, the park hosts a guided winter solstice hike from 4-6 p.m.) Davis Creek Regional Park

25 Davis Creek Road, Washoe Valley www.washoecounty.us/parks/specialty_facilities/ davis_creek_campground.php 849-0684

Washoe Lake State Park 4855 East Lake Blvd., New Washoe City www.parks.nv.gov/parks/washoe-lake 687-4319

snow and a soak For cold-weather camping and a warm-water soak, Grover Hot Springs State Park in Markleeville, 70 miles south of Reno, diverts naturally occurring mineral water into a hot swimming pool that’s open year-round and popular with families. Check the website for weekly pool closures and other important details. Grover Hot Springs State Park Markleeville, California www.parks.ca.gov (530) 694-2248

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Winter Guide '19



NEVADA CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: The  Reno Chamber Orchestra presents its  15th annual festival featuring unique concerts showcasing world-class musicians  and the best in classical music, culminating with a New Year’s Day celebration.  Concerts take place at Trinity Episcopal  Church, Nightingale Concert Hall on  the University of Nevada, Reno campus  and the South Reno United Methodist  Church.  Thu, 12/26 -Wed, 1/1.  $10-$275.  Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts  Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335  N. Virginia St., and other locations, (775)  348-9413, renochamberorchestra.org. PERFORMING ARTS SERIES—MARTHA  REDBONE: “Bone Hill: The Concert” exposes a never before told important piece of  American history in this dramatic musical  by Redbone and long-time collaborator  Aaron Whitby. Inspired by Redbone’s  ancestors, the saga tells of a woman’s  epic return to her homeland, where  her family has dwelled and struggled  for centuries in the hills of coal-mining  Appalachia. The contemporary Cherokee/ Shawnee and African-American family  is permanently bonded to their culture,  identity and the mountain despite its  violent past and the ever-changing laws  of the land that attempt to extinguish  them. Redbone and the cast of jazz and  blues singers inspire as new revelations  are unveiled.  Thu, 2/27, 7:30pm.  $5-$37.  Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts  Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335  N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278,   www.unr.edu/pas. RENO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA: RCO conductor candidate Nicholas Carthy leads the  orchestra with a program featuring  works by Schumann, Frank and Kodaly.  Soprano Hope Briggs joins the RCO for  Beethoven’s Ah Perfido.  Sat, 1/25, 7:30pm;  Sun, 1/26, 2pm.  $15-$55. Nightingale  Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building,  1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 348-9413,   renochamberorchestra.org. RENO POPS ORCHESTRA—FESTIVE HOLIDAYS:  The family-friendly concert features the  Reno Pops and special guest performers.  The program includes selections from  Amahl and the Night Visitors and other  holiday favorites.  Fri, 12/20, 7pm.  Free.  Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts  Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335  N. Virginia St., (775) 673-1234,   www.renopops.org. SARAH BORGES & THE BROKEN SINGLES:   The alt-country singer and her band  performs. There will be a free conversation with the artists at 3pm, followed by  the show at 8pm.  Sat, 1/25, 8pm.  $10-$20.  Barkley Theatre, Oats Park Art Center, 151  East Park St., Fallon, (775) 423-1440,   www.churchillarts.org. TCHAIKOVSKY’S VIOLIN CONCERTO: Reno  Phil continues its 2019-2020 Classix  season with Sarah Kirkland Snider’s  Something for the Dark and Carl Nielsen’s  Symphony No. 4 “The Inextinguishable.”  Violinist Esther Yoo joins the Reno Phil for  Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto.  Sat, 1/18,  7:30pm; Sun, 1/19, 4pm.  $29-$89. Pioneer



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Winter Guide '19




Are you ready to shred on some powder or take a cross-country trip through the woods? Check out this guide to the area’s ski resorts. CROSS-COUNTRY RESORTS










Alpine Meadows   www.skialpine.com   (800) 403-0206





Boreal Mountain Playground   www.rideboreal.com   (530) 426-3666




Diamond Peak   www.diamondpeak.com   (775) 832-1177



Donner Ski Ranch   www.donnerskiranch.com   (530) 426-3635


Granlibakken   www.granlibakken.com   (877) 552-6301


































Heavenly Lake Tahoe   www.skiheavenly.com   (800) 432-8365









Homewood Mountain   www.skihomewood.com   (530) 525-2992









Kirkwood   www.kirkwood.com   (209) 258-6000









Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe   www.skirose.com   (775) 849-0704









Kirkwood   www.kirkwood.com  (209) 258-6000


Lessons, rentals,   all resort amenities

Northstar California Resort   www.skinorthstar.com   (800) 466-6784









Northstar California Resort   www.skinorthstar.com  (800) 466-6784


Lessons, rentals,   groomed trails

Sierra-at-Tahoe   www.sierraattahoe.com   (530) 659-7453









Royal Gorge Cross Country  www.royalgorge.com  (530) 426-3871


Groomed trails, lessons,  rentals, retail shop, cafes,  lodges

Soda Springs   www.skisodasprings.com   (530) 426-3901









Squaw Creek Nordic   www.squawcreek.com  (530) 583-6300


Lessons, rentals,   snowshoeing allowed

Squaw Valley USA   www.squaw.com   (800) 403-0206









Tahoe Cross Country Ski  www.tahoexc.org  (530) 583-5475


Lessons, rentals, dog trails,  groomed trails

Sugar Bowl   www.sugarbowl.com   (530) 426-9000









Tahoe Donner  www.tahoedonner.com  (530) 587-9400


Lessons, rentals

Tahoe Donner   www.tahoedonner.com   (530) 587-9400











Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S.  Virginia St., (775) 323-6393,   www.renophil.com. TINTABULATIONS HANDBELL ENSEMBLE: The  ensemble presents its festive seasonal  concert titled “fa-la-la-la-la!”  Sat, 12/21,  7pm.  free. Shepherd of the Mountains  Lutheran Church, 955 W. Peckham Lane, 775  677-8119, tintabulations.com. TINTABULATIONS HANDBELL ENSEMBLE: The  ensemble presents its festive seasonal  concert titled “fa-la-la-la-la!”  Sun, 12/22,  1pm.  free. Carson Valley United Methodist

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Church, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville,  (775) 677-8119, tintabulations.com. TINTABULATIONS HANDBELL ENSEMBLE: The  ensemble presents its festive seasonal  concert titled “fa-la-la-la-la!”  Sun, 12/22,  7pm.  free. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W.  King St., Carson City, (775) 677-8119,   tintabulations.com. TOBYMAC HITS DEEP 2020: The Christian  hip-hop recording artist brings his “Hits  Deep Tour” to Reno.  Sun, 2/16, 7pm.  $19.75$89.75. Reno Events Center, 400 N Center  St., (775) 335-8800. UNSILENT NIGHT: “Unsilent Night” is an  original composition by Phil Kline, written

specifically to be heard outdoors in the  month of December. It takes the form of a  street promenade in which the audience  becomes the performer. Each participant  gets one of four tracks of music in the  form of a cassette, CD or MP3. Together  all four tracks comprise Unsilent Night.  Participants carry boomboxes or anything  that amplifies music, and simultaneously  start playing the music. They then walk a  carefully chosen route through their city’s  streets, creating a unique mobile sound  sculpture which is different from every  listener’s perspective.  Sun, 12/22, 5:30pm.    Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St.,  Carson City, (75) 883-1976, www.facebook. com/Breweryartscenter.

ONSTAGE A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS LIVE ON STAGE:  A live production celebrates the timeless  television classic as the whole family can  join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus  and the rest of the Peanuts characters in  their journey to uncover the true meaning  of Christmas. After the final bow, the show  crescendos into a celebration of song as  the audience is invited to join the Peanuts  gang in singing traditional Christmas songs  and carols.  Mon, 12/30, 8pm.  $25-$40.  MontBleu Resort, 55 Highway 50, Stateline,  www.montbleuresort.com/event/shows/ charlie-brown-christmas-live-stage.

BYU YOUNG AMBASSADORS: Brigham Young  University’s renowned Young Ambassadors  celebrates the 50th anniversary of  their first performance in 1970. Young  Ambassadors continue their energetic  tradition of song and dance as they recall  their past travels in their new show,  Souvenirs.  Tue, 2/11, 7pm.  $15-$37. Pioneer  Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S.  Virginia St., (775) 686-6600,   pioneercenter.com. THE CHILDREN: Two retired scientists in an  isolated cottage by the sea as the world  around them crumbles, then an old friend  arrives with a frightening request. A cautionary tale for apocalyptic times.  fri,  2/7-Sat, 2/8, 7:30pm; Wed, 2/12, 7:30pm-Sat,  2/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/16, 2pm; Thu, 2/20-Sat,


to the chase by AndreA Heerdt

How to find a christmas tree on public land—and recycle it after the holidays


utting down your own Christmas tree can be the start of a new family tradition, time spent bonding with loved ones or simply a fun, exciting way to celebrate the holidays. Whether you enjoy spending an afternoon searching for the perfect tree or love the fresh pine scent that comes along with a live tree, there are many advantages to cutting down your own Christmas tree. In order to ensure the safety of our public lands and those traveling on them, there are

many rules to follow when it comes to cutting down your own tree, including obtaining a permit and common safety practices. Permits can be obtained from the United States Forest Service at various locations throughout Reno, Sparks and Carson City for $10. These permits are valid to cut down White Fir, Jeffrey Pine and Incense Cedar in designated areas only. Permits are valid through Dec. 25, but they are known to sell out quickly. However, the Bureau of Land Management has an unlimited number of permits that are valid from the date of purchase through Dec. 24. For $5, permit holders can cut down either a pinyon pine or juniper tree on BLM-administered lands, including the Pine Nut Mountains between Carson City and Yerington and the Clan Alpine and Desatoya Mountains east of Fallon. According to Christopher Rose, a public affairs specialist with the BLM, supplies needed to cut down a tree include safety gear like safety glasses or goggles, gloves and cutting tools that are sharp and in good condition, whether it be a chainsaw or an ax. He noted that people should also travel with warm clothing, a first aid kit, extra food and water, heavy rope or chain, a shovel and tire chains in the event of bad road conditions or inclement weather. The Forest Service also recommends highclearance, 4-wheel drive vehicles and traction devices when driving on mountain roads this time of year. In the past, vehicles with inadequate tires and/or no chains have caused extensive problems, including blocking roads and preventing other drivers from being able to enter or leave the cutting areas. Once your tree has been cut, be sure to follow all stipulations included with your permit, including attaching an adhesive tag to your tree and leaving your tree stump no higher than six inches off the ground. Reno resident Liz Wilson cut down her own Christmas tree for the first time last year with a permit from the Forest Service. According to Wilson, cutting down your own tree is a great excuse for a hike and helps remove overcrowded trees that don’t have resources to thrive.

Wilson said when searching for the right tree, pay attention to areas where trees are packed fairly tightly, like drainages and creek beds, since you can only cut trees within a certain distance of another tree. She also recommends using good lifting techniques by lifting with your legs and watching your footing. “When you hike out to find your tree, make sure it’s a route you’d be comfortable following back with the tree,” said Wilson. “For example, rock scrambles are fun, but you definitely don’t want to do them with your arms full of Christmas tree.”

Tree-cycling Starting December 26, Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful will begin its annual Christmas tree recycling drive. Since 2003, more than 159,000 trees have been recycled and turned into mulch for park and weed abatement. According to Community Programs Director Sophie Butler, illegal dumping of Christmas trees is a huge problem in the high desert, which is a major reason Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful created the tree recycling initiative. “The main issue when trees are dumped is it does become a fire hazard, especially by the time summer comes around,” said Butler. “All of this brush is going to be dried out, and it makes for really good kindling if there were to be strong winds.” Rather than illegally dumping trees or throwing them in the trash where they can’t decompose properly in a landfill, people can drop off their trees at one of the six Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful locations, including three located in the Reno area. For location addresses visit https://ktmb. org/treerecycling. For those who aren’t able to drop off their trees themselves, Boy Scouts of America will be picking up trees on behalf of Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful on Dec. 28 and Jan. 4 for a $15 donation. To learn more visit scouts4trees.com Ω

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2/22, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/23, 2pm; Wed, 2/26-Sat,  2/29,7:30pm.  $10-$25. Brüka Theatre, 99 N.  Virginia St., (775) 323-3221, www.bruka.org. THE CHRISTMAS EXPRESS: Truckee Community  Theater presents this nostalgic holiday  play full of eccentric small town characters  wise-cracking their way to finding the true  wonder of Christmas. And on the way, they  make us all wish we could take a ride on  The Christmas Express.  Thu, 12/19; Sat,  12/21, 7:30pm.  $10-$20 Truckee Community  Theater, 10046 Church St. Truckee, www. truckeecommunitytheater.com. CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE YEARS: Carson  Valley Community Theater holiday production features local performers while  we reflect on the meaning of Christmas

through song. Our music will revive your  memories of the joys of the holidays, as we  sing some forgotten favorites and many  tunes that we have grown to love. You  won’t want to miss this holiday performance.  Fri, 12/27, 7:30pm; Sat, 12/28, 2pm  & 7:30pm; Sun, 12/29, 2pm.  $15. The Annex  in the Copeland Cultural Arts Center, 1572  Highway 395, Minden, (775) 292.0939,   www.carsonvalleycommunitytheatre.org. COMEDY SLICE: The monthly event features  nationally touring and Sacramento/Bay  Area comedians.  Thu, 12/19, 1/16, 2/20,  7pm.  $5. Blind Onion, 834 Victorian Ave .  Ste. 5077, Sparks, (775) 351-2000, www.facebook.com/pg/deadpandacomedy/events/.

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION: Join the Alchemists  as they explore ideas about human evolution and more through music, meditations and performances. The show begins  at 7:30pm, doors at 7pm.  Sat, 12/28,  7:30pm.  $15. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre  Company, 124 W. Taylor St.,   www.alchemistmovement.org. DEAD PANDA COMEDY NIGHT: Dead Panda  Comedy Night is a monthly stand-up  comedy show at Reno Improv hosted  by Luke Westberg featuring nationally  touring comedians as well as local and  regional comedian.  Fri, 12/27, 1/24, 2/28,  7:30pm.  $7.50-$11. Reno Improv, 695 Willow  St., 775-233-6035, www.facebook.com/pg/ deadpandacomedy/events.

ELF JR. THE MUSICAL: Based on the beloved  holiday film, this fish-out-of-water comedy  follows Buddy the Elf in his quest to find  his true identity.  Fri, 12/20, 7pm; Sat, 12/21,   2pm & 7pm; Sun, 12/22, 10am & 2pm.  $10$15. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St.,  (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org. JIMMY BUFFETT’S ESCAPE TO  MARGARITAVILLE: Broadway Comes to Reno  continues its 2019-2020 season with the  musical comedy featuring original songs  and beloved Jimmy Buffett classics, including “Fins,” “Volcano,” “Cheeseburger in  Paradise.”  Fri, 2/14, 8pm; Sat, 2/15, 2pm &  8pm; Sun, 2/16, 1pm & 7pm.   $TBA. Pioneer  Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S.  Virginia St, (775) 686-6600,   pioneercenter.com.

MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS: Reno Little  Theater presents Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery.  Fri, 1/24 -Sat, 1/25,  7:30pm; Sun, 1/26, 2pm; Thu, 1/30-Sat, 2/1,  7:30pm; Sun, 2/2, 2pm; Thu, 2/6-Sat, 2/8,  7:30pm; Sun, 2/9, 2pm.  $15-$25. Reno Little  Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900,  renolittletheater.org. MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000—THE GREAT  CHEESY MOVIE CIRCUS TOUR: Join show  creator and original host Joel Hodgson and  the world’s greatest—and only—movieriffing robots, Tom Servo, Crow, and Gypsy,  as they take you on an exhilarating roller  coaster ride through some of the cheesiest



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continued from page 17 Priscilla Acosta snowshoes in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Reno News & Review

Winter Guide '19



Out story and photos by ShAuN huNter

A first-timer’s guide to snowshoeing



films ever made. Mon, 2/10, 7:30pm. $28$78. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S Virginia St, (775) 686-6600, pioneercenter.com. PJ MASKS LIVE!—SAVE THE DAY: The live musical show based on Disney Jr’s television series features Catboy, Owlette and Gekko, along with their new friend PJ Robot, as they try to save the day from the sneaky villains Romeo, Night Ninja and Luna Girl. Fri, 12/20, 6pm. $29.50-$59.50, free for children age 2 and younger who can sit on a parent’s lap. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: Broadway Comes to Reno continues its 2019-2020 season with this classic murder mystery that is chock-full of mishaps and madcap mania. Fri, 1/24, 8pm; Sat, 1/25, 2pm & 8pm; Sun, 1/26, 1pm & 7pm. $48-$88. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St, (775) 686-6600, pioneercenter.com. SHEN YUN: Ancient stories spring to life through classical Chinese dance, enchanting music, brilliant costumes and breathtaking backdrops. Sat, 2/29, 2pm & 8pm. $80$150. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600, pioneercenter.com.

his winter, those looking for a way to experience the snow that doesn’t involve barreling down the side of a mountain may be interested in strapping on a pair of snowshoes and heading into the scenic backcountry around the Truckee Meadows. Deland Voth is the manager at Galena Sports, a Winter sports store that lies along Mt. Rose Highway just as the highway enters the forested Galena Creek Recreation Area. Open since 1978, Galena Sports has outfitted all kinds of travelers looking to experience the mountain, but Voth said that snowshoeing is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get into the winter landscape. “Snowshoeing is basically like walking,” Voth explained. “It gives you the chance to be out in nature, to be able to be with your friends and to have a sport that’s not so extreme that you could possibly be injured like downhill skiing or snowboarding.” Snowshoes are essentially a wider platform that strap onto your shoes to spread the amount of surface area of each step to let the wearer walk across the top of the snow rather than sinking into it. While the weight and feel of walking with these shoes may take a little bit of getting used to, Voth said the adjustments are pretty minimal. “You can pick it up in five minutes, it’s just a matter of your first 10 or 15 steps,” he said. “I tell people you have to keep your feet a little further apart. When you walk, imagine yourself walking a little bow-legged, or walking with a basketball between your knees.” Today, there are snowshoes that vary in shape and construction geared toward a variety of uses: jogging in snow, summiting steep peaks or carrying the weight of backcountry camping gear. But the most common snowshoe is that whose main purpose is

SLOWGIRL: Restless Artists Theatre presents Greg Pierce’s story of a teenager who flees to her reclusive uncle’s retreat in the Costa Rican jungle to escape the aftermath of a horrific accident. The week they spend together forces them both to confront who they are as well as what it is they are running from. Fri, 2/2-Sat 2/22, 7:30pm; Sun 2/23, 2pm; Thu, 2/27-Sat, 2/29, 7:30pm, Sun, 3/1, 2pm; Thu, 3/5-Sat, 3/7, 7:30pm; Sun, 3/8, 2pm. $8-$15. Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org. TAHOE NUTCRACKER 2019: Lake Tahoe Dance Collective presents the holiday classic. This new production, which will be set in

just to allow the wearer to walk out into the snow and experience hiking around. “We had a 3 year old in here [to rent snowshoes] to go out with her family, and she was just having a blast,” Voth said. “I had a couple in their 80s that would come in and rent snowshoes last season, and they liked it so much they decided to come in this year and buy a pair.” Voth also explained the price breakdown of visiting the Tahoe area ski resorts for a day compared to renting a pair of snowshoes for a day and heading into the mountains on your own. “Most ski areas, it can be $50-$80 to rent your skis, boots and poles, and then another $150 for your lift ticket just to be able to ride the chairlift for the day,” he said. “Here, it’s $12 for the day to rent snowshoes and poles, and maybe another $15 to $20 if you need any rental shoes or clothes. So snowshoeing is really a more budget-friendly type of recreation.” For first-time snowshoers, Voth mentions that the type of shoe someone wears may affect their experience. “A lot of people will wear a soft boot or a pair of UGGs,” he said. “Some of the binding systems have a rubberized strap that stretches tight across your instep, and if you’re wearing a softer boot it will be very uncomfortable.” Galena Sports, and other rental shops, offer boots for rent that are more ideal to wear for snowshoeing. As for his favorite local spots, Voth recommends the Mt. Rose Meadows area just west of the summit of Mt. Rose Highway. “You’ve got the flat meadows on the south side of the road, and on the north side you have the slope where everyone goes sledding,” he said. “If you can get out there on a weekday, sometimes there’s no one there and you’ll have the entire place to yourself. And it’s definitely one of the easiest place to get to from Deland Vohn is the Reno.” Voth also mentioned manager at Galena the Thomas F Regan Memorial Sports, a winter sports City Beach and Camp store opened in 1978. Richardson areas near South Lake Tahoe for those looking for the chance to snowshoe flat terrain close to the water. Ω

the year 1919 at the Tahoe Tavern in Tahoe City, features members of the community, local dancers and professional guest artists. Fri, 12/20-Sat, 12/21, 6pm; Sun, 12/22, 1pm. North Tahoe High School, 2945 Polaris Drive, Tahoe City, www.laketahoedancecollective.org. TAKE FIVE II—MAKING ART IN RENO: Brüka Theatre invites more than 30 regional artists to show in just five minutes how they make their magic during this two-day event. Each night features a different group of artists. Proceeds from the event benefit Brüka Theatre’s programming and running costs. Fri, 1/17-Sat, 1/18, 7pm. $30-$55.

Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., (775) 3233221, www.bruka.org. WHAT RHYMES WITH AMERICA: Restless Artsts Theatre presents Melissa James Gibson›s poignant, funny play about estrangement and the partially examined life. Fri, 1/10Sat, 1/11, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/12, 2pm; Thu, 1/16Sat, 1/18, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/19, 2pm; Thu, 1/23Sat, 1/25, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/26, 2pm. $8-$15. Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.






Season of We’re extremely fortunate to live in a community which supports charitable and nonprofit causes and organizations in a big way. This time of year people give more of their time, money and resources than during any other season. However, for most nonprofits the need extends well beyond the holidays. Please take a few minutes to learn about some of our region’s nonprofit organizations on the following pages as we celebrate this “Season of Giving,” and then be sure to keep them or your own favorite charity in mind throughout the year. The RN&R extends a heartfelt THANK YOU to those of you who already donate your time, money, food, clothing or expertise. Included (in order of appearance) in this year’s Season of Giving section are:

The Generator, Inc. • Veterans Guest House • Silver State Fair Housing Council •

Ronald McDonald House • Pets of the Homeless • Community Foundation of Western Nevada •


he GeneraTor is an inclusive art space, maker space and community space in greater Reno/Sparks for anyone who wants to make things and be part of a creative community. We’re inspired by the magic and inspiration we see in all its enormity at Burning Man each summer and we want to keep it alive all year. We have light industiral equipment and tools, artist mentorship resources, 3 phase power, and 35,000 square feet of workspace. We share our collective know-how and we hope to learn from yours. We’re here to encourage professional artists and beginners alike to make art and to learn from each other as a creative community.

If you would like to work on a project, simply contact us or stop by! We can help you find the lead of the project and make the connections. Big ideas need lots of hands to make them happen and even a small amount of help can make a world of difference. Once you’re a member you can attend our awesome workshops to learn more cool things.

Work less. Build more. Play more. 1240 Icehouse Ave • Sparks, NV 89431 • 775-453-6537 Open 10am-6pm • Tuesday-Saturday For general information and inquiries please email: info@therenogenerator.com Please direct all media inquiries to Jessi Sprocket: jessi@therenogenerator.com Donations: https://donorbox.org/generatordonation

www.therenogenerator.com 20





Happy Holidays from the Veterans Guest House! Veterans Guest House is celebrating 25 years of providing temporary lodging to u.S. military veterans and their families who travel to the Reno-Sparks area for medical treatment. Our safe, warm, healing home away from home has 33-beds, and this community’s generous support will allow us to provide 6,000 nights of lodging in 2019.

Merry Christmas

WE SERVE THOSE WHO SERVE The Guest House is completely privately funded and relies on the generosity of our community. . Typically, they live at least 30 miles away from Reno. Our guests fall into three main categories: 1. Veterans receiving outpatient care e.g., a doctor’s appointment, weeks of cancer treatmeant, or monthly PTSD group sessions.


from our house to yours!

2. The families of veterans who are hospitalized or in long term care facilities. 3. A veteran’s immediate family member who is receiving medical treatment as an inpatient or outpatient. Anyone who has served knows that the family serves too.

V E T E R A n S G u ES T H O u S E 8 8 0 L O c u S T S T R E E T, R E n O 89502 (7 75)32 4- 695 8 • W W W.V E T E R A n S G u ES T H O u S E.O R G

The Guest House relies completely on donations from the private sector. For more information on how you can help or to donate, visit www.veteransguesthouse.org, call 775-324-6958, follow us on facebook, or drop by 880 Locust Street.

The Veterans Guest House Inc. is a nevada 501 (c)3 non-profit Tax Exempt #94-3160109. Your donation may be tax deductible, please consult a tax professional.

The Fair Housing Act protects families with children under the age of 18 from illegal housing discrimination.


“No kids”

“Steering” families with children to ground floor units.

Higher deposits because of the presence of children.

“You won’t be happy here. There’s no playground.”

Rules targeting children.

Be aware that there is an exemption for qualifying senior/agerestricted housing communities

If you would like additional information or, believe you have been a victim of housing discrimination, contact:

Silver State Fair Housing Council

775.324.0990 ■ 888.585.8634 toll-free ■ Relay Nevada 711 FairHousing@ssfhc.org ■ www.ssfhc.org SSFHC advocates for equal access to to housing housing opportunities opportunities in in Nevada. Nevada. Federal and State fair housing discrimination in in housing housing because because of of race, race, color, color, religion, religion, national nationalorigin, origin,sex, sex,family familystatus, status, laws prohibit discrimination disability, ancestry, sexual orientation orientation and and gender genderidentity/expression. identity/expression. 12.12.19    |   RN&R   |   21

Pets of the Homeless Our Mission Statement: Feeding Pets of the Homeless believes in the healing power of companion pets and of the human/animal bond which is very important in the lives of many homeless. They find solace, protection and companionship through their pets. They care for their pets on limited resources so they themselves have less. Our task, nationwide, is to feed and provide basic emergency veterinary care to their pets and thus relieve the anguish and anxiety of the homeless who cannot provide for their pets.

To accomplish this task we have four unique programs that provides free pet food, free emergency veterinary care, we sponsor wellness clinics and ship sleeping crates to homeless shelters. It is with the help of hundreds of hospitals and volunteers that we have successfully treated thousands of pets that belong to the homeless. Whatever you donate, you are at the heart of Pets of the Homeless. Your compassion and support is awe-inspiring. On behalf of the pets, we would like to shout a huge “thank you” by allowing us to continue our work.

How you can help: Your donation can make the lives of these pets a little easier, healthier and have a full belly. Each day is a struggle for the homeless, and their pets have little recourse. We are their voice, and you can be their hero.

Our pet food donation site volunteers support our objective of collecting pet food and pet supplies. They are working with pet food providers who have agreed to distribute pet food in those communities.

400 West King Street, Suite 200, Carson City, NV 89703-4221 • (775) 841-7463 info@petsofthehomeless.org • www.petsofthehomeless.org • @OfficialPetsoftheHomeless 22   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19






Wyatt Hansen’s “Practical Media” YouTube Channel specializes in action, horror and comedy shorts.

All-Terrain Family www.youtube.com/allterrainfamily

Press play by Oliver Guinan

Let’s meet some of Reno’s YouTubers YouTube entertains more than 2 billion monthly users, and some 300 hours of content are uploaded each minute. One Renoite, Brian Schiedel, quit his job at Channel 2 News to pursue YouTube full time in 2016. Others I spoke with, like Mike Henderson from All-Terrain Family, produce videos as a hobby but are confident they will be able to make their channels their main source of income. Many YouTubers see their channels not only as a place to grow an audience, but also as a professional stepping stone that can provide experience in business and marketing.

24   |   RN&R   |   12.12.19 12.05.19

Practical Media www.youtube.com/practicalmedia Wyatt Hansen didn’t find inspiration watching the classics. He grew up on YouTube and is part of a new generation of videographers finding creative guidance online from YouTubers like Freddie Wong: someone you’re not likely to see at Cannes anytime soon but who has a larger audience than some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Hansen’s channel, Practical Media, consists of action and horror shorts, with some comedy sketches. Most, like the “Walmart Brawl” or “John Wick Home Invasion” videos are action-packed, full of guns and gore. Their most prominent features are their intense and graphic fight scenes, similar to those in movies like Kick-Ass or Kill Bill, where an archetypal combatant can wipe out an entire room of badguys without breaking a sweat. These scenes also give Hansen room to show off his knack for special effects: exploding cars, superheroes and gunshots make his shorts look more like the work of a team of Marvel editors than one 19-year-old. “If [my friends] are at this level having taken the full program, I feel like it’s better to just take a year off and try to get an editing job,” he said. After meeting film students at the University of Nevada, Reno, Hansen decided he could learn more by watching tutorials online than he could in class with a professor. “If I can, I may as well just get my foot in the door and start my editing career.”

Northern Nevada is a great place for just about anything outside. You can rock climb, mountain bike, ski and camp all within the same 45-minute radius, just to name a few. Mike Henderson is the All-Terrain Family’s patriarch. “It’s really great living in Reno,” Henderson said during a recent interview. “It’s easy to be in the middle of nowhere. We can get to ghost towns nobody knows about in two hours. We can get to petroglyphs; there’s a place an hour from here where there are 20,000 petroglyphs that are 10,000 years old. It’s spectacular. And that’s just on a random Tuesday.” The “All-Terrain Family” is Henderson, his wife, Danielle, and their two kids, whose online nick-names are Rocket and Lightning Dragon. Together, they document a wide array of outdoor spaces in Northern Nevada and beyond through a family-focused lens. The channel is series oriented, and their videos are a little longer form, ranging between 10 and 25 minutes. They also regularly post tutorials teaching viewers how to build custom “overlanding gear,” like trailers and racks that are a mix between off-roading and camping equipment.

The Hendersons are the “all-Terrain Family,” whose channel is all about teaching families how to explore the outdoors.



Brian Zane Schiedel’s hot takes on pro wrestling reach a monthly audience of hundreds of thousands of viewers.

Wrestling With Wregret www.youtube.com/ wrestlingwithwregret “I call YouTube low-risk Hollywood,” said Brian Zane Schiedel, the host of “Wrestling With Wregret.” “You can get famous without having to move to L.A. and wait tables.” Schiedel’s channel, “Wrestling With Wregret,” has more than 270,000 subscribers and nearly 120,000,000 lifetime views. The content driving his metrics is niche though. Schiedel is devoted to the sappy and sensational world of professional wrestling, specifically World Wrestling Entertainment. Schiedel moved to Reno in 2010 for a production job with a local news outlet. But before long his YouTube channel started generating more revenue than his full-time job, and in 2016 he quit to produce “Wrestling With Wregret” full time. “In June 2015, the channel exploded,” he said recently. “I went from 2,000 subscribers to 100,000 subscribers in the span of a few months.” Online, Schiedel has a contentious and brazen personality, like one you’d expect to see on a pro wrestling stage. He wears bright suits, cusses, and delivers no shortage of controversial “hot takes” for ardent fans. Even though Schiedel is quieter and dresses less snappily in person, his channel is a platform for self-expression. “When I was a kid I always wanted to be an actor,” he said. “Over time, that dream died, but I still liked acting. I think YouTube is a great way to get that expression if you’re someone that likes to perform. You’re your own boss and your own director.”

“I call YouTube low-risk Hollywood. You can get famous without having to move to L.A. and wait tables.”

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Brian Zane Schiedel

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Reno Film Collective www.youtube.com/renofilmcollective The Reno Film Collective held its first shortfilm premiere night in 2018, and has since grown its volunteer base to 175 Renoites. Their ranks include screenplay writers, directors, cinematographers, sound engineers, actors and other like-minded individuals who share a common interest in film. “I want our community to feel proud,” said Joe Montelongo, the Collective’s outreach coordinator. “I want them to feel proud of the people in their community who are putting in the work to make Reno somewhere people want to visit. I want them to see our tenacity.” The Reno Collective focuses on short films, and most of their content runs between five and 10 minutes. To join, the Collective asks prospects to take part in one of its “Film Something” meet-andgreets, which take place every couple of months and require participants to write and shoot—not edit—a short film in only four hours, demonstrating comfort on set. Of the channels mentioned here, the Collective’s videos are the only ones that would occupy a traditional “film” category. That is, their videos are driven by compelling narratives and serve not just to entertain and drive engagement. Ω


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Open Everyday 9am to 10pm

Driving down to Reno from Oregon last year, I came upon a band of wild horses on the lonely road near Pyramid Lake—just before they raced away in a cloud of dust. I remember thinking: to catch these creatures would be like plucking a seashell off the beach, or detaching a sunflower from its garden. It simply wouldn’t be as beautiful afterward. This is one feeling I imagine viewers might have when they get into The Mustang, a Carson City-set indie film released earlier this year to little fanfare. But now that people can catch it on Netflix and Southwest Airlines (which screened the movie for free on flights to Reno), it may finally get the attention it deserves. In French actress Laure de ClermontTonnerre’s directorial debut (produced by Robert Redford), the story follows inmates participating in Northern Nevada Correctional Facility’s wild horse rehabilitation program, set against the backdrop of the Silver State’s landscapes— unmistakably Nevadan mountain ranges that look like stone-colored tsunamis frozen in the sky, a symbol of both freedom and separation from the rest of the world. The story begins in a poorly-lit room, where a prison counselor peppers worn-down protagonist Roman Coleman (Matthias Schoenaerts) with questions about his plans for work upon release. When he does choose to speak, it’s to declare that he doesn’t want to work with people. With the main character’s sparing use of dialogue, we are left to rely on expressions and angst-filled silences to gather clues about who Roman is and why he’s there. We watch Roman’s young, pregnant and angry daughter visit him for the sole purpose of demanding he turn over the only belonging he has left—without knowing

The Mustang tells the story of a convict’s connection with a wild horse.

whether her rage is justified or misplaced. We see Roman go through the motions of prison life, head-down, an outsider to secretive inmate dealings. It’s almost as if the director wants us to feel like a silent partner walking alongside him, the only ones who can see the silent maelstrom inside of him. And then we watch Roman unravel. Prone to fits of violent rage, hot-headed impatience and easily sparked frustration, the viewer is reminded that while he may be close to his release date, the system has failed to reconcile the learned behavior that landed him there in the first place. Until he gets the opportunity to participate in the prison’s wild horse training program. What follows is an emotionally tumultuous relationship between Roman, his handlers, his daughter and the assigned mustang he’s “breaking” and training for auction to police, ranchers or hobbyists. Now given a sense of purpose, Roman begins to evolve in some ways while still battling his own dangerous impulses. It makes sense that the director has us first see Roman as a suffering human being before we see him as a violent offender. (In the reverse, Roman initially views his horse as an untamed beast and later as a unique, sentient being, and this is when we see both of them change.) We are able to relate to Roman simply because of the order in which the story presents his parts; the director knows it is easier to embrace the complexities of a person when we are not immediately forced to choose between dichotomous “good” and “bad” sides. The story’s major turning point occurs in a moment of brutal honesty, when the prison program’s overseer (played by veteran actor Bruce Dern) confesses to Roman that “some [mustangs] can be tamed, and some just can’t”—and the ones that can’t go to the glue factory, so to speak. The connection between Roman and his horse in that moment is clear; both are imprisoned, and both must be broken if they want to survive, though we don’t know if they ever will. □


b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Wait, he’s the newest Avenger?”

Real drama The real-life horrors of the Parkersburg, West Virginia, water crisis get a strong cinematic treatment from director Todd Haynes with Dark Waters, an earnest legal drama that spares us lengthy courtroom sequences in favor of in-depth looks at those affected on all sides of the case. Mark Ruffalo headlines the movie as Rob Bilott, a corporate attorney visited at his posh office one day by Wilbur (Bill Camp), a friend of his grandma’s. Wilbur, a lifelong farmer, shows up grumbling like a crazy person with a lackey by his side and a box full of beat-up videotapes, screaming about dead cows and chemicals. Rob dismisses this agricultural Quint from Jaws, gets back to his meeting, and goes about his mostly comfortable day. The encounter with Wilbur eats at Rob, who investigates further and eventually winds up on Wilbur’s farm, where close to 200 cows have perished due to symptoms like enlarged organs and tumors. Wilbur thinks it’s from the water in the stream—and he’s right. DuPont has been dumping toxic chemicals near Wilbur’s farm for years, ever since they brought Teflon to the American public decades earlier, and Bilott is very familiar with the company, even being friends with Phil Donnelly (Victor Garber), a company lawyer. They have cordial discussions about Wilbur and his cows at first, but those discussions escalate into a lawsuit followed by larger class-action suits as the people of Parkersburg become aware of the chemical plague that has been infecting their drinking water. What makes this film work so well is its ability to avoid courtroom drama stereotypes. Ruffalo’s Bilott is a well-meaning, but flawed guy, who is a little slow on the uptake at first, and prone to medical emergencies because he can’t take the pressure. Tom, his boss (played by a strong Tim Robbins) is alternately supportive and demanding, not the typical top banana lawyer monster that often resides in these movies.

Ruffalo, who has been making the big money as Bruce Banner/Hulk in the Marvel movies, was a solid actor before he went green, and he remains one. He has a WTF face in this film that just says it all as he encounters one atrocity after another. Even though much of what happened in Parkersburg is public record, Haynes manages to make his movie somewhat of a mystery, with slow reveals as Bilott digs deeper and gets closer to the truth. There are moments in this movie that seem innocuous and standard, but are revealed later on to be pivotal moments in bringing the case together. I’ve known a few cow farmers in my time, and Camp gets all the elements right, plus the unfortunate element of raging disgust with a corporate America that is slowly killing him and his family. Wilbur’s encounter with a family cow losing its mind is a heartbreaking one. Anne Hathaway adds extra dramatic heft as Rob’s wife, Sarah, trying to keep the family normal as her husband goes off on a crusade that seems never-ending. She has some of the film’s more intense moments as she plays equal parts supportive and “get your shit together” enforcer. The movie makes you think about a lot of things we take for granted, like non-stick surfaces in our cooking ware, or swimming holes where we go for dips without really factoring in their location or content. This case was another blight on the unstoppable DuPont, a big company with a lot of problems, another one of them captured memorably in 2014’s Foxcatcher (which also starred Ruffalo). Some of the more shocking details by film’s end include the fact that most humans have traces of chemicals like the those that polluted Parkersburg waters in their blood. Dark Waters is a stark reminder that there are moneymaking entities out there who could give a rat’s ass about your well-being. That’s scarier than any horror movie. □

Dark Waters


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Based on a real life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a beautiful film. Who plays Fred “Mister Rogers” Rogers in this movie? Why, Tom Hanks, of course. You don’t get more perfect casting than the world’s most likeable actor playing one of history’s most likeable guys. The recent revelation that Hanks is an actual sixth cousin of Rogers is no surprise. Hanks plays Rogers in an honorable way. He doesn’t impersonate the man so much as adapt some of his mannerisms, his winning smile and that slow, concerned cadence in his voice. But Fred Rogers is a supporting player—albeit an important one—in director Marielle Heller’s (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) heartfelt movie. The main protagonist is Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys of The Americans), a troubled journalist who grumbles upon getting an Esquire Magazine assignment to do a profile on the PBS icon—the guy with a “hokey” TV show. Heller brilliantly frames her film as an episode of the TV show, starting with Hanks delivering the infamous welcoming song, and then introducing Lloyd Vogel as a friend who needs help, and s the characters travel between different cities, the cities are depicted like the train sets on the TV show.


Ford v Ferrari


The Irishman

It’s the 1960s, and Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts) has had it up to here with Enzo Ferrari (Remo Girone) and his fast, flashy car ways. He and cronies such as Lee Iacocca (Jon Bernthal) and Leo Beebe (Josh Lucas) are chapped, and they want to send a message to the world that Ford isn’t just about family cars. Enter Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon), a former race car driver turned designer and salesman after a heart condition benches him. Ford hires Shelby to design and race a car that can beat Ferrari in races, mainly the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It’s a tall order, and it calls for a crazy guy behind the wheel and calling the shots in Ken Miles (Christian Bale), an English-born rule-breaker who can drive a car and instantly know what can be fixed on it to make the damn thing go faster. His lack of convention causes Ford to bristle, Shelby gets in the middle, and we have ourselves a gripping tale about racing technology, volatile friendships and corporate clashes. If you go to this film looking for glorious depictions of high stakes auto racing, you will not be disappointed. Director James Mangold (Walk the Line) films Ford v Ferrari in a way where you feel every gear shift, every hairpin turn, and every moment when a car can skid off the tracks and cause grave injury. In this sense, the movie is simply at the top of the auto movie genre. Damon and Bale are otherworldly good as two pals who have no problem punching each other in the face on occasion, but always strain to have each other’s backs.

Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman has arrived on Netflix, and it’s a typically very good offering from the auteur. It has a few problems, but the opportunity to see the likes of De Niro, Pacino and Joe Pesci in a movie together under the Great One’s tutelage more than overrides the shortfalls. The film is based on the book about Frank “The Irishman” Sheeran (De Niro) called I Heard You Paint Houses (which is actually the title listed in the opening credits). Sheeran was a labor union official and occasional hitman who had ties to Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino). The film, like the book, claims that he was the actual triggerman in the assassination of Hoffa. We see Sheeran from his 30s up until shortly before his death in his 80s. All ages are played by De Niro, and the much ballyhooed digital de-aging of De Niro (along with Pacino and Pesci) is mostly a bust. There are moments where De Niro looks perhaps a tad younger than his 76 years (he might pass for 58), but it always looks like bad makeup, dye jobs and funky lighting rather than high-tech effects masterfully at work. Plus, these are old voices coming out of digitally enhanced, oddly smooth faces. Distracting effects aside, De Niro, Pacino and Pesci are priceless in their parts, no matter what age they depict. Scorsese has made

a nice companion piece to his gangster epic Goodfellas—an ugly depiction of the loneliness and alienation that results from things like shooting your friends in the head. (Streaming on Netflix.)


Knives Out


Marriage Story


Pain and Glory

Director Rian Johnson, maker of the divisive Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but also maker of the brilliant Looper, takes a crack at the whodunnit genre and comes up mostly aces. Daniel Craig stars as private investigator Benoit Blanc, mysteriously hired by somebody in a rich family after the strange, supposed suicide death of their patriarch, mystery author Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer still going strong). There’s something fishy about his death, and his personal nurse Marta (the awesome Ana de Armas) knows something the rest of the family doesn’t know. What transpires is a solid mystery with a fun set of characters featuring a stellar cast, including Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, LaKeith Stanfield and Chris Evans. Craig is especially good in a role that allows him to show his comic side, with Shannon and Johnson also impressive as a couple of paranoiacs. Above all, it gives the talented Armas a chance to really shine.

Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson are incredible in writer/director Noah Baumbach’s best movie yet, an alternately searing, touching and hilarious look at a marriage’s end times. Nicole and Charlie Barber work in a theater company together, she the performer and he the director. The movie starts with them in counseling, going through a divorce where they promise each other things will remain amicable and lawyers won’t get involved. Nicole will go to Los Angeles and pursue film acting while Charlie stays in New York to facilitate his latest play making it to Broadway. They are determined to share custody of their young son. This will be a pleasant divorce. Then … the lawyers get involved, of course. Early in the film, it’s a wonder why these two are getting divorced. They’re both quiet about it, and, heck, you might even think there’s a chance they can pull out of the nosedive and make a happy landing. Nope. Just, nope. This director will not be trafficking in easy endings. Baumbach comes from a place that knows two people can really love each other, yet put themselves through a progressive, scorching hell to achieve separation. Nicole tries to remain civil, but Charlie has done stuff that’s going to result in things that will make the proceedings a little rougher than first thought. Nicole gets herself a lawyer in Nora (Laura Dern just being the best Laura Dern ever) and Charlie eventually caves and gets one too in Bert Spitz (a funny Alan Alda) and his eventual replacement Jay (an even funnier Ray Liotta). Driver and Johansson do things in this film you will not soon forget. (Streaming on Netflix.)

Antonio Banderas delivers what may be his greatest performance as a director dealing with physical and emotional pains in the semi-autobiographical film from Spanish director Pedro Almodovar. Salvador (Banderas) is in retirement, struggling with migraines and back pain after major surgery, and unsure on whether or not he will continue in the art of filmmaking. He’s having bouts of nostalgia, leading him to be momentarily enthusiastic about an anniversary screening of one of his more beloved films. This brings him to the doorstep of Alberto (Asier Exteandia), an actor he’s been long feuding with. They happily discuss presenting the film together while, in a very impromptu sort of way, get Salvador started on a heroin habit. Flashbacks to Salvador’s childhood feature a fantastic Penelope Cruz as his mother, raising the precocious Salvador on little money in a cave-like dwelling. Banderas takes a reserved approach to the role that is unlike his usual role attack, and it’s refreshing. It’s also profound. Almodovar returns to form with this one, and it ends on an optimistic note that it could be the start of a new branch of his creativity.






by Todd souTh

join our team rn&r is Hiring a Distribution Driver For more inFormation and to apply, go to www.newsreview.com/reno/jobs Chico Community Publishing, dba the Reno News & Review, is an Equal Opportunity Employer.






On the ball Located at the downtown Renaissance Hotel, Bundox Bocce is essentially a giant playroom that happens to include a large bar and menu of munchies. There are seven indoor and two outdoor bocce courts (an Italian bowling game with Roman roots) available on a first come, first serve basis. Fifty minutes for two players is $20, $32 for four, and $40 for six and up to 20 players. Beyond that, you’ll need to book in advance. My band was playing hooky on practice night, but all the bocce courts were full. Foosball, ping pong, cornhole, shuffleboard, pool, darts, pinball, video games and skee ball were available, some of them free. We availed ourselves of free cornhole and $1 per game skee ball, whilst enjoying a round of locally brewed Lead Dog Citra Solo IPA ($9, 20 ounces). Tossing bean bags and hard wooden balls can work up an appetite, so from the menu of appetizers, salads, sandwiches, calzones and pizza we started with roasted Italian meatballs ($13) and garlic herb knots ($7). Three meaty morsels—just shy of tennis ball size—were served in a cast iron crock, topped with melty browned mozzarella, Parmesan, parsley and a chunky, savory tomato sauce. Points of grilled and herbed flatbread were a nice complement to the completely enjoyable, hearty snack. The dough knots were pillowy with a crispy exterior, covered in plenty of garlic herb butter and grated Parmesan, although no trace of the menu’s mention of mozzarella. No worry, since they didn’t need it. The provided house marinara was polar opposite from the meatball sauce, trending on the sweet side and served ice cold. Myself and fellow bandmates agreed on the sauce, while our fearless leader and award-winning lead singer thought the sauce was fantastic. A chicken parm sandwich on a crusty roll ($15) was said to be chicken breast breaded in a Parmesan

Bundox Bocce’s menu includes offerings like the Italian meatballs served in a cast iron crock, topped with mozzarella, Parmesan, parsley and a chunky, savory tomato sauce. PHOTO/TODD SOUTH

and breadcrumb mixture, with herb aioli, melted mozzarella, house marinara and arugula—with a side of crispy fries. The greens, aioli and cheese were overpowered by the sweet sauce, but the real quandary was the chicken. The texture didn’t ring as an intact piece of chicken, but rather some form of chicken salad somehow breaded and fried into a loose amalgamation. The flavor wasn’t bad, but it didn’t have any “bite”—oddest chicken sandwich ever. An Italian meat and cheese calzone ($12) of folded pizza dough stuffed with coppa, salami, pepperoni, ricotta, mozzarella and herbs was quite tasty, with or without a dunk in the marinara. Though a bit on the small side for what I think of as “calzone,” I enjoyed it despite it being a bit wet and squishy on the bottom side. I’m thinking all the oil-bearing ingredients worked to defeat the dough a bit during the bake. I’m on record as generally not a fan of fruit on pizza. Though there were several menu items that piqued my interest (clams, eggplant, pine nuts ghost pepper), I acquiesced to our singer’s choice of the Pig & Pear ($18). It was a 12-inch pie with a decently crispy, chewy, scratch-made crust (gluten free available for $3 extra), topped with prosciutto, sliced pear, gorgonzola, toasted almond and frisée. There was no discernible sauce, though I suppose it might have included a schmear of olive oil. Despite myself, I loved it. The salty country ham perfectly countered the fruit, with the rest playing an enjoyable supporting role. I’m surprised to say it, but I’d order that combination again without hesitation. Ω

Bundox Bocce One S. Lake St., 321-5866

Bundox Bocce is open Wednesday and Thrusday from 4 to 10 p.m., Friday from 4 p.m. to midnight, Saturday from noon to midnight and Sunday from noon to 10 p.m. Learn more at bundoxbocce.com.


The sibling duo that helps power Made For Shelter is, from left, Matt Badd and Sarah Joyner. Not pictured is bassist Alex Breckenridge.

Mood swings Made for Shelter Lyric ideas can come from all sorts of sources, a technique that Matt Badd practices all the time. Take “Portland Park,” a standout song from his band Made For Shelter’s repertoire. “One time I was in this park in Portland, [Oregon,]—I was traveling with another band, and I saw this homeless individual sit down on a bench in front of us,” said Badd, a.k.a. Matthew Badinger. “So, I wrote a poem to him and that ended up being this song many years later. One of the lines goes, ‘Hey, king of this park, come and rest your head.’” Observational lyrics fill Badd’s notebooks. He said he tries to “write about what people experience on a regular basis, and if not that, then I write about friends, people I enjoy. It’s all very metaphorical, though, not really very linear.” Made for Shelter’s songwriting skills are one key to what makes their moody indie rock sound distinctive in the Reno scene. Badd’s words are welded to the music of guitarist and backing vocalist Sarah Joyner, who is Badd’s younger sister. The group officially began in October of last year with Badd on drums and vocals and Joyner on bass. They had been playing music together since they both were young kids. “Sarah and I decided to try out some guitar players, and after we tried out a few, she started to play guitar instead, and it worked really well,” Badd said. “It was a duo for a while and then after trying out a few bass players, we found Alex.” That’s Alex Breckenridge, a longtime Reno bassist who is known in the jazz community and is getting ready to graduate this spring from University of Nevada,

Photo courtesy/Made for shelter.

Reno, with a music degree. He also runs Breckenridge Studios, which is where Made for Shelter records. “I was actually producing the band at the time, when they had another bass player, and then they called me, and I was like, ‘Yeah, I love your music. Absolutely,’” Breckenridge said. From that point in May of this year, Made for Shelter has been playing sporadic shows, including a KWNK fundraiser at West Street Market and a set at the Alive in the Desert festival in June in Churchill County. The band’s also been working on their seven-song debut EP, out sometime this spring. Musically, Made for Shelter likes its dynamics, ranging from intricate, slower material to louder straight-ahead rock. “To me, it has a very ’90s alternative feel,” Breckenridge said, adding that much of it reminds him of metal band Deftones’ moody masterwork White Pony. “There are a lot of really interesting harmonic things happening in the chords versus flashy lines or melodic lines.” “I agree with that statement totally,” Badd said. “But I’d add that if you took that and then dipped it in a bowl of country chocolate, that’s what you get.” Badd said it can be tricky to cross so many genre lines, he’s happy with the Made for Shelter sound. “I’ve never found the time to put myself in a genre, you know?” Badd said. “It’s OK for someone to just come see us and then come up with their own idea of what we sound like.” “We don’t have to write in a particular style or type of riff,” Breckenridge added. “It’s more like, ‘How can we adapt this and bring something to the table?’” Ω

Made for shelter plays with Philadelphia band empath at 7:30 p.m. on dec. 15 at the holland Project, 140 Vesta st. find out more about the band at instagram.com/ madeforshelter.







132 West St., (775) 499-5655


FRIDAY 12/13


Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Trivia and drag show, 9pm, Tu, karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Alibi’s Fifth Anniversary Party with Horsemouth, 8:30pm, no cover

The Peanuts Gang Trio, 8:30pm, no cover

Trivia Night, 7pm, Tu, no cover Ike & Martin, 7pm, W, no cover


931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300


10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

Del The Funky Homosapien


1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050

Dec. 12, 7:30 p.m. Jub’s Jub’s 71 S. Wells Ave. 384-1652

Carson Comedy Club, Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 8821626: Adam Richmond, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Butch Bradley, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Lance Woods, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Sunday Night Comedy Open Mic, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Taylor Tomlinson, Thu, 7:30pm, $7-$12; Fri, 9pm, $12-$17; Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $12-$17




Burn It Down: Cloud, Obi-Wan Solo, Diology, Keynote, Noizon, 9pm, $15


Stoney’s Live with John D. Hale Band, 7pm, $10-$15


255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400


538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


10142 Rue Hilltop Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-5711

Santa’s Underground Workshop: Okimoto, Boogie Mann, 9pm, $15-$20 Home for the Holidays with Reno Jazz Orchestra, 7:30pm, $20-$30

Home for the Holidays with Reno Jazz Orchestra, 2pm, $20-$30

Art Alexakis, Chris Fox, Spike McGuire, 8pm, $20

Roger Scimé, 8:30pm, no cover

Só Sol, 9pm, no cover

FAT CAT BAR & GRILL (MIDTOWN) 432 E. Fourth St., (775) 453-2223


Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover Swing dance, 7:30pm, Tu, no cover

Techno. Tacos. Tequila. with Rosko Collective, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, W, no cover

Reverse the Cycle, 9pm, no cover

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

235 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

Caribbean Soul, 9pm, no cover

MON-WED 12/16-12/18

Peter DeMattei, 6:30pm, no cover


Bluegrass jam, 6pm, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Caribbean Soul, 9pm, no cover

10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Alibi’s Fifth Anniversary Party with Mojo Green, 9pm, $5

Reno Rydaz T-Shirt Rendezvous: Raw B. Wiked, Blizzard MC Dab, 7pm, $5




The Brewery Comedy Tour, 7pm, $14

SUNDAY 12/15

Queens of Karaoke with Aspen Meadows, Fantasy Friday, 11:30pm, $TBA DJ Gina G, 9pm, no cover Kayla Meltzer, 8pm, no cover

First Take featuring Rick Metz, 7pm, Tu, no cover

The holland ProjecT 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500

jUB jUB’S ThIrST Parlor 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room


FRIDAY 12/13

Plain Oatmeal, Shit Metaphor, Dale, Speech Thieves, 7pm, $5

Jordi Blanco, Diucca, 7:15pm, no cover

1) Del The Funky Homosapien, 7:30pm, $20

1) Nonpoint, Kanawha, 8pm, $15 2) Marianarchy Winter Ball Day One, 5pm, $10 donation

The loVInG cUP

SUNDAY 12/15

MON-WED 12/16-12/18

Empath, Blackstallion, Made for Shelter, 7:30pm, $5

A Powerpuff Vogue Night, 7pm, M, $5 SPV Open Mic & Slam, 6:30pm, W, $3-$5

1) Rittz, Dizzy Wright, 8pm, $20 2) Marianarchy Winter Ball Day Two, 4:20pm, $10 donation

2) Impurities, STBTTLCO, nocapitalsnospaces, 7pm, M, $5

Freakquency: Groove Cartel, Roger That!, Shane Harjes, 9pm, no cover

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480

MIdTown wIne Bar


Toys for Washoe Holiday Dance Party with Musicole, 8pm, toy/game donation

Biggest Little Band, 8pm, no cover

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626

Ladies Night with DJs Mario B, Miggz, 10pm, no cover charge for women

La Bandonona Rancho Viejo, Los Cadetes de Linares, 10pm, $20


DJ EthiK, 9pm, no cover

Phat Mark, The R. Cade Daddies, 9pm, no cover

Club House: MISTVKE, Nandez, Cue:Lad, Creedence, 6pm, W, no cover

Ladies Night Out with DJ Bobby G, 8:30pm, no cover

Chili Sauce, DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover

1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

Unplugged: Open Mic Thursdays, 7pm, no cover

Motown on Mondays, 9pm, M, no cover


235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

The Polo loUnGe

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

rUe BoUrBon

Adam Springob, 6pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526

The SaInT

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

Thursday Night Salsa—Santos de la Salsa, 7pm, no cover before 9:30pm

Shea’S TaVern

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

Wednesday Night Country, 6pm, W, no cover Authority Zero, Vampirates, Cutiepie, 7pm, $12-$15

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

VIrGInIa STreeT BrewhoUSe

Bingo Ugly X-Mas Sweater Contest, 6:30pm, Tu, Jason King, 8pm, W, no cover

Silent Disco, 10pm, no cover

sCHIZoPOLITANs, 8pm, $5

Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

Authority Zero Dec. 13, 7 p.m. Shea’s Tavern 715 S. Virginia St. 786-4774

sCHIZoPOLITANs Dec. 13, 8 p.m. Virginia Street Brewhouse 211 N. Virginia St. 433-1090

Find Beautiful hand made gifts for everyone on your gift list






aTlanTIs CasIno resorT sPa

Carson Valley Inn

elDoraDo resorT CasIno

3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700

1627 HigHway 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711

345 n. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700



Cabaret KICK: Thu, 12/12, Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 4pm, no cover

SEND IT: Thu, 12/12, 7pm, Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14,

PLATINUM: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 10pm,

8pm, no cover

Sun, 12/15, 8pm, no cover

JUSTIN LEE: Tue, 12/17, Wed, 12/18, 8pm,

PALMORE REMIX: Mon, 12/16, Tue, 12/17,

no cover

Wed, 12/18, 8pm, no cover

CIrCUs CIrCUs reno

BooMToWn CasIno HoTel

500 n. Sierra St., (775) 329-0711

2100 garSOn rOad, Verdi, (775) 345-6000 gUitar bar

Carson nUGGeT 507 n. CarSOn St., CarSOn City, (775) 882-1626 tHe LOFt ESCALADE: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 9pm, no cover







Show off your holiday spirit in a Santa Claus or Mrs. Claus costume (or other symbols of the season) as you join thousands of like-minded holiday revelers in downtown Reno for the annual pub crawl. Purchase a map and crawl cup for $5 and enjoy free admission and discounted drinks at various participating bars, restaurants and casinos, including Circus Circus Reno, 5000 Sierra St., Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., and Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St. Proceeds from the event will be donated to local schools through Donorschoose.org. The festivities begin at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 14, in downtown Reno. Visit renosantacrawl.com.

brew brOtHerS STUDENT BODY THURSDAYS WITH VJ RIZZO: Thu, 12/12, 10pm, no cover



no cover


Sat, 12/14, 10pm, no cover

THE ACT: Fri, 12/13, 5pm, no cover NEW WAVE CRAVE: Fri, 12/13, 9pm, no cover JASON KING BAND: Sat, 12/14, 5pm, no cover VELVET DUO: Sat, 12/14, 9pm, no cover STEPHEN LORD: Sun, 12/15, 6pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 12/15, 6pm, no cover THE ROBEYS: Tue, 12/17, 6pm, no cover

DJ BIRD & RIZZO: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 10pm,

eL JeFe’S Cantina 10pm, no cover

no cover

7pm, Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, Sun, 12/15, 4pm & 7pm, Tue, 12/17, Wed, 12/18, 7pm, $30.95-$67.95

DJ BIRD & RIZZO: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 10pm,


GARY DOUGLAS: Thu, 12/12, Wed, 12/18, 6pm,


14 HigHway 28, CryStaL bay, (775) 833-6333 CrOwn rOOM SOCKS—A ROCK ’N’ ROLL CHRISTMAS MUSIC TOUR WITH JD MCPHERSON & JOEL PATTERSON: Sat, 12/14, 9pm, $20-$23


red rOOM DJ HEIDALICIOUS & DJ ANG: Fri, 12/13, 11pm, no cover

no cover

Mon, 12/16, Wed, 12/18, 10pm, no cover

BREW CLUB TUESDAYS WITH DJ MARK TWYMAN & DJ JB: Tue, 12/17, 10pm, no cover

nOVi RED CUP FRIDAYS WITH DJ DUSTIN V & DJ RONI V: Fri, 12/13, 9pm, no cover

LINE DANCING: Sat, 12/14, 9pm, no cover

rOXy’S LiVe PianO bar LIVE PIANO: Thu, 12/12, Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, Sun, 12/15, Mon, 12/16, Tue, 12/17, Wed, 12/18, 4:30pm, no cover

DJ OSCAR PEREZ: Fri, 12/13, 10pm, no cover DJ MO FUNK: Sat, 12/14, 10pm, no cover

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.



2500 E. SEcond St., (775) 789-2000

15 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (800) 427-7247

GRAnd tHEAtRE DANIEL TOSH: Fri, 12/13, 8pm, $65-$92.50 JAMEY JOHNSON: Sat, 12/14, 8pm, $29.50-$59.50


LEX FRIDAYS: Fri, 12/13, 10pm, $10 LEX SATURDAYS WITH DJ PRECISE: Sat, 12/14, 10pm, $20


2707 S. VIRGInIA St., (775) 826-2121



HARVEYS LAKE TAHOE 18 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (775) 588-6611

5 HIGHWAy 28, cRyStAL BAy, (775) 831-0660

before 8pm

219 n. cEntER St., (775) 786-3232


no cover

LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 12/13, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover DYNAMIX: Sat, 12/14, 10pm, $20


DJ MOFUNK: Thu, 12/12, Sun, 12/15, 9pm,





cASIno FLooR CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 8pm, no cover

JENNY O HOLIDAY SHOW: Thu, 12/12, 7pm, Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 8pm, no cover

MAX MINARDI: Sun, 12/15, Mon, 12/16, Tue, 12/17,

Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover

SANDS REGENCY 345 n. ARLInGton AVE., (775) 348-2200

Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover



THE NEVADA SHOW: Fri, 12/13, 10pm,





55 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (800) 235-8259


cEntER BAR DJ SET: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 9pm, no cover




Wed, 12/18, 6pm, no cover

50 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (844) 588-7625 RIFFS COMEDY CLUB: Sat, 12/14, 8pm, $15

Dec. 13, 8 p.m. Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. Second St. 789-2000


IGNITE CABARESQUE: Sat, 12/14, 8pm, $30-$39

Thu, 12/12, Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 10pm, no cover

Daniel Tosh



Wed, 12/18, 6pm, no cover

407 n. VIRGInIA St., (775) 325-7401 DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 9pm, no cover

The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover







FOR THE WEEK OF dEcEmbER 12, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. CANDY CANE EXPRESS: Enjoy the holiday season aboard vintage, heated coaches. The rides include hot chocolate, cider, candy canes and cookies. Departure times are at noon and 2pm. Reservations are recommended. Sat, 12/14, noon. $12$23. Virginia City, 166 F St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0380, virginiatruckee.com.

FESTIVE FRIDAYS: Celebrate the season and get in your holiday gift shopping during the first three Fridays in December. Businesses stay open until 7pm and provide refreshments for a shop-andsip walk through Historic Downtown Truckee. Fri, 12/13, 4-7pm. Free. Historic Downtown Truckee, Donner Pass Road, Truckee, www.historictruckee.com.




A.V.A. Ballet Theatre presents its annual production of the holiday classic. Principal dancers who have performed with professional ballet companies such as Ballet West, Houston Ballet and the Diablo Ballet will perform the leading roles along side a large cast of local talent. The Reno Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Laura Jackson, will perform Tchaikovsky’s memorable score. Performances start at 8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13; 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 14; and 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15, at the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St. There will be a special Sugar Plum Party after the Saturday and Sunday afternoon performances where children can meet the Nutcracker characters. Tickets are $30-$63. Call 686-6600 or visit pioneercenter.com.

display of gingerbread houses and other creations and vote for your favorite for the People’s Choice award. Children can visit Santa Claus and share their holiday wishes or for a $5 fee create their own gingerbread house to take home. There will also be local choral groups performing seasonal music and holiday gifts and holiday fairy garden accessories for sale. Sat, 12/14, noon. Free. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., www.mayarboretumsociety.org.

GRINCH MADE ME DO IT SALOON CRAWL: Enjoy specialty holiday drinks at participating Virginia City saloons. Purchase your cup in advance. The crawl starts at 11am, with check in starting at 10:30am. Prize winners are announced during the Parade of Lights along C Street in downtown Virginia City. The parade starts at 5pm. Sat 12/14, 11am. $8-$12 for crawl cup, free admission to parade. C Street, Virginia City, (775) 847-7500, visitvirginiacitynv.com.



ART AFTERNOON—WORKSHOP AND SOCIAL FOR SENIORS: Seniors are invited to spend the afternoon at the Nevada Museum of Art. Enjoy a guided tour and a studio art class along with light refreshments. Advance registration is recommended. Fri, 12/13, 1pm. $6-$10. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

2019 SANTA TRAIN: Take a ride on the Santa Train featuring historic equipment from the Virginia & Truckee Railroad. Visit with Santa Claus and receive a candy cane aboard the train. Rides are offered on weekends through Dec. 22. Trains run every 30 minutes. Walk up tickets are available for every ride on event days. Sat, 12/14-Sun, 12/15, 10am. $5, free for children age 2 and younger sitting on lap. Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City, 2180 S. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 687-6953, nvculture.org/ nevadastaterailroadmuseumcarsoncity.

ART ANGELS SILENT AUCTION & RAFFLE: Sierra Watercolor Society’s Art Angels program provides free watercolor instruction and supplies to Washoe County elementary classes that do not have art, as well as four free watercolor workshops/year for children 6-12 in the community. This silent auction of original watercolor paintings by local artists and raffle of original and giclee watercolor paintings by guest artists is the primary fundraiser for Art Angels. Thu, 12/12-Sat, 12/14, 10am. Free. Wilbur D. May Museum, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 343-8100, www.sierrawatercolorsociety.com.

39 NORTH POLE VILLAGE: Stroll through the holiday lights and enjoy photos with Santa, kids’ activities and decorating contests. The heated vendor village tent provides guests with a cozy shopping experience as they browse local vendors and crafters. Returning this year is “The Griswold Challenge, “where local families and businesses compete in a light display contest inspired by Clark Griswold from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. The public will determine the winning team. Thu, 12/12-Sat, 12/14, 2pm. Free. Victorian Square Plaza, 1250 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 690-2581, 39northdowntown.com.





BRUNCH WITH SANTA: This family event


includes a brunch with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the elves, a magic show, arts and crafts, raffle prizes and a photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Sat 12/14, 8am. $5-$20. Chateau at Incline Village, 955 Fairway Blvd., (775) 413-5145.

monthlong holiday festival features tree lightings, fireworks, live music, rail jams, train rides, special performances, ice sculptures, breakfast with Santa, ice skating performances starring Disney characters, a Ferris Wheel, virtual reality and more. Thu, 12/12Wed, 12/18. Heavenly Mountain, 4080 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, theshopsatheavenly.com.

HOLIDAY FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: Wear your coziest pajamas and enjoy a screening of The Grinch, along with hot cocoa, popcorn and family photos. Thu, 12/12, 5pm. $2-$25. Duke Theatre, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, www.ltcc.edu.

HOMESTEAD HOLIDAYS: Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space present the inaugural old-fashioned holiday celebration featuring handcrafted decorations, displays of holiday lights and family activities for all ages. There will be horse-drawn wagon rides, chili, live music, appearances by Santa Claus and more. Admission to the event is free with minimal fees or donations for some of the activities. Parking at Silver Saddle Ranch requires driving on a dirt road for a short distance. Fri, 12/13-Sun, 12/15, 5-8pm. Free. Silver Saddle Ranch, 4901 Carson River Road, Carson City, (775) 283-7430, vwww.carson.org/parksandrec.

MICHAEL HEIZER—THE ONCE AND FUTURE MONUMENTS: As one of the last living figures who launched the Land Art movement, Michael Heizer’s legacy of works has had an incalculable influence on the world of sculpture and environmental art. William L. Fox discusses Heizer’s work with Alan Rapp, the editorial director at Monacelli Press in New York, publisher of Michael Heizer: The Once and Future Monuments. A book signing will follow the presentation. Thu, 12/12, 6pm. $8-$12. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

NOEL NIGHTS: The Village at Northstar transforms into a winter wonderland featuring horse-drawn sleigh rides, outdoor ice skating, pictures with Santa and s’mores and hot cocoa by the fire pits every Friday through Dec. 20. During Noel Nights, bring two cans of food to receive $5 off ice skate rentals and help support the Truckee Community Christmas. Fri, 12/13, 5-8pm. Northstar California Resort, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, www.northstarcalifornia.com.

NORTHERN LIGHTS: The monthlong holiday celebration features more than 30 events, including a tree-lighting ceremony, festivals and parties, concerts, theatrical productions and a bar crawl. Thu, 12/12-Wed, 12/18. Various locations in Crystal Bay and Incline Village, www.northernlightstahoe.com.

THE POLAR EXPRESS TRAIN RIDE: During this hour-long train ride, characters, entertainment and Santa Claus bring The Polar Express story to life. Riders will receive hot chocolate and a cookie and a souvenir silver sleigh bell. Rides depart at 5pm, 6:30pm and 8pm. The last train departs at 6:30pm on Dec. 24. Thu, 12/12Sun, 12/15, 5pm. $17-$46. V&T Eastgate Depot, 4650 Eastgate Siding Road, Carson City, (877) 724-5007, vtrailway. com/train-rides/the-polar-express.

RENO WINTER LIGHT FESTIVAL: The festival concludes with the Fire & Ice Show featuring an ice-carving competition, fire sculptures and art and fire dancing. Temporary public art pieces will also be on display at the ReTRAC Plaza and Wingfiled Park. Sat, 12/14, 5pm. Free. City Plaza, 10 N. Virginia St., (775) 334-4636, www.reno.gov.

RINK AT THE ROW: The outdoor ice skating rink is open through Feb. 16. Skating hours are 3-10pm on Monday-Thursday, noon-11:30pm on Friday-Saturday, and noon-9:30pm on Sunday, depending on weather and ice conditions. Admission includes skate rental. Get $2 off admission if you bring your own ice skates. Thu, 12/12-Wed, 12/18. $12$18. Rink at the Row, Sixth and Sierra streets, across from Circus Circus, www.circusreno.com.

SECOND THURSDAY TALK—ERWIN “CANNONBALL” BAKER: Speaker George Canavan will give a presentation on motorcycle racing pioneer Erwin “Cannonball” Baker. Thu, 12/12, 1:30pm. $5, free for NAM members. National Automobile Museum, 10 S. Lake St., (775) 333-9300.

SNOWBALL FESTIVAL: Celebrate the holidays with arts and crafts, face painting, custom balloons, photo ops, holiday snow tubing, snow parkour, a bounce house and “The World’s Biggest Cup of Hot Cocoa.” Sat, 12/14-Sun, 12/15, 10am. Free. Soda Springs Ski Resort, 10244 Soda Springs Road, Soda Springs, www.skisodasprings.com.

THOUGHT ON TAP: The University of Nevada, Reno Core Humanities program in collaboration with The Laughing Planet and the UNR’s College of Liberal Arts presents its public engagement series that brings together diverse faculty, staff, students and community members for important conversations around timely topics. This month’s topic is “Work and Money.” Thu, 12/12, 5:30pm. Free. Laughing Planet Cafe, 941 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4447.

WEATHER FORECAST PREDICTABILITY—WHAT CAN WE KNOW AND WHEN CAN WE KNOW IT?: Local meteorologist Zach Tolby explores the predictability of weather forecasts. Get a behind-the-scenes look into how meteorologists are using ensemble and probabilistic weather models to predict weather with improved accuracy. Sat, 12/14, 2pm. Free, $5 suggested donation. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

WINTER BIRDS OF THE GALENA FOREST: Alan Gubanich, a long-time member of the Lahontan Audubon Society, will show slides and taxidermy mounts of over 20 species of birds that you can see in the Galena Forest when you hike the trails this winter. Sun, 12/15, 10am. Free, $5 suggested donation. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

WINTERFEST: The festive holiday attraction features the Holiday Express Christmas train ride, a narrated journey through thousands of Christmas lights inside Greater Nevada Field, and photo opportunities with Santa Claus in Santa’s Village. The Christmas train and Santa appearances take place from 5-9pm on Friday-Saturday, and 4-7pm on Sunday. The festival will also be open from 4-7pm on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 23-24. The train ride are $10 per person (children age 2 and younger ride free). Pictures with Santa are available for purchase with packages starting at $15. Fri, 12/13, Sat, 12/14, 5pm; Sun, 12/15, 4pm. $10-$15. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., www.facebook.com/ WinterFestReno.

ART ARTIST CO-OP GALLERY OF RENO: Where Santa Shops. The holiday show offers one-of-a-kind gifts and decorating items created by local artists, including paintings, drawings, photography and a large assortment of handmade ornaments, jewelry, pottery, gourds, hats, scarves, original holiday cards and more. The show and sale runs through Dec. 27. Thu, 12/12-Wed, 12/18, 11am4pm. Free. Artist Co-op Gallery of Reno, 627 Mill St., (775) 322-8896

WILBUR D. MAY CENTER: Something Old, Something New.  The Sierra Watercolor Society present its latest  exhibition featuring dozens of new watercolor  paintings of landscapes, portraits, animals and  other subjects. All paintings in the exhibition will be  available for purchase. Visitors are also invited to  vote for their favorite painting to win the “People’s  Choice Award.”  Thu, 12/12-Sat, 12/14, 10am. Wilbur  D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park,  1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

ONSTAGE A COMSTOCK CHRISTMAS CAROL: This play is the classic  story by Charles Dickens, but with historical  characters and set in 1860s Virginia City.  Fri, 12/13-Sat, 12/14, 7pm; Sun, 12/15, 1pm. $0-$20. Piper’s  Opera House, 12 N. B St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0433,  pipersoperahouse.com.

A YEAR WITH FROG & TOAD: Sierra School of Performing  Arts presents this youth theater production based  on Arnold Lobel’s well-loved books. This whimsical  show follows two great friends—the cheerful,  popular Frog and the rather grumpy Toad— through four fun-filled seasons and tells the story  of a friendship that endures throughout.  Sat, 3pm & 7pm; Sun, 12/15, noon & 3pm. $10-$12. Damonte Ranch  High School, 10500 Rio Wrangler Parkway, (775) 8527740, www.sierraschoolofperformingarts.org.

THE ADDAMS FAMILY: Great Futures Productions

present its production of the musical comedy.  Fri,

12/13, 7pm; Sat, 12/14, 2pm & 7pm; Sun, 12/15, 2pm. $10-$15. Boys & Girls Club of North Lake

Tahoe, 8125 Steelhead Ave., Building B, Kings Beach,  (530) 546-4324, www.facebook.com/BGCNLT.

BUTTCRACKER 9 —SON OF A BUTTCRACKER: What began  as a Brüka Theatre parody of The Nutcracker  has evolved into a regional cult classic, offering  a different underbelly to the original ballet each  year it is performed. This year’s theme explores  “re-creation” with a wink to Mary Shelley and an  observance of neologisms that dynamically flavor  a new holiday conversation for the millennium.  Thu,

12/12-Sat, 12/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 12/15, 2pm; Wed, 12/18, 7:30pm. $26-$28. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St.,

(775) 323-3221, www.bruka.org.

DISNEY’S FROZEN, JR.: Wild Horse Children’s Theater  presenting the musical play based on the 2018  Broadway musical that brings Elsa, Anna and the  magical land of Arendelle to life onstage. There will  be a special sensory-friendly performance at 10am  on Saturday, Dec. 14. The Frozen VIP Experience  includes early admittance, VIP seating, meet and  greet, sing-along and photos with Elsa and Anna,  plus a special Frozen treat. The VIP Experience  performance starts at 2pm on Dec. 15.  Fri, 12/13, 7pm; Sat, 12/14, 2pm & 7pm; Sun, 12/15, 2pm. $10-$15,  free for children age 3 and younger. Brewery Arts  Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St., Carson  City, www.wildhorsetheater.com.

FA LA LA LA LA: Tintabulations Handbell Ensemble

performs its festive seasonal concert.  Fri, 12/13, 6pm. Free, donations welcome. Victorian Square,  764-794 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (77)5 677-8119,  tintabulations.com.

HANDEL’S MESSIAH: Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and  Chorus celebrates the Christmas season with  a production of Handel’s Messiah,  Sat, 12/14, 3pm. $15-$40, free for youth ages 17 and younger  in general admission seating. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe,  15 Highway 50, Stateline;  Sun, 12/15, 3pm.  $25-$100.  Genoa Lakes Golf Club, 1 Genoa Lakes Drive, Genoa,  (775) 298-6989, toccatatahoe.org.

HEARTS LIKE FISTS: Restless Artists Theatre Company  presents Adam Szymkowicz’s superhero noir  comedy about the dangers of love.  Thu, 12/12-Sat, 12/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 12/15, 2pm. $8-$15. Restless  Artists Theatre Company, 295 20th Street, Sparks,  (775) 525-3074, www.rattheatre.org.

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS: The 17-piece Reno Jazz  Orchestra performs its holiday concert featuring  world-renowned trombone soloist Bob McChesney  and vocalist Calabria Foti. The Reno Youth Jazz  Orchestra will open the show.  Fri, 12/13, 7:30pm; Sat, 12/14, 2pm. $10-$30. Cargo at Whitney Peak Hotel,  255 N. Virginia St., renojazzorchestra.org.

MATILDA! THE MUSICAL: The daughter of abusive  parents, Matilda finds refuge in library books,  which she reads quickly and in creating her own  stories. Things are no better at school, where  Matilda also must face a tyrannical and cruel  headmistress, Miss Trunchbull. Brave little Matilda  knows she has to stand up against the adults in  her world, and in doing so, discovers her own  remarkable powers.  Fri, 12/13, 7pm; Sat, 12/14, 2pm & 7pm. $10-$20. Crossbow Stage, 2515 Crossbow  Court, (775) 315-8680, www.sageridge.org

MRS. BOB CRATCHIT’S WILD CHRISTMAS BINGE: Good  Luck Macbeth Company presents Chris Durang’s  parody of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.  Thu,

12/12-Sat, 12/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 12/15, 2pm; Wed, 12/18. $18-$20. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre  Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 322-3716.

THE NEVADA GAY MEN’S CHORUS: The chorus will  perform favorite selections from the last 10 years,  including holiday classics and fun and festive  numbers.  Fri, 12/13, 7:30pm. $15-$20. Trinity  Episcopal Cathedral, 200 Island Ave., (775) 722-8686,  www.nevadagmc.org.

TMCC JAZZ ENSEMBLE CHRISTMAS CONCERT: The  ensemble performs jazz and Christmas tunes  with special guest Cindy Sabatini.  Thu, 12/12, 7:30pm. Free. Sparks Methodist Church, 1231  Pyramid Way, Sparks, (775) 393-9525.

THE TWISTED NUTCRACKER & THE TALE OF THE RAT KING: Truckee Dance Factory presents a twist

on the timeless tradition of The Nutcracker.  Sat, 12/14-Sun, 12/15, 7pm. $0-$51. Squaw Valley Alpine  Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley,  (800) 403-0206.

UNSILENT NIGHT—RENO: Phil Kline’s public sound  sculpture “Unsilent Night” is created when many  individuals simultaneously play one of four tracks  on cassette, MP3 or mobile devices and blast  each through a roving swarm of boomboxes and  speakers carried through city streets. Visit website  for more info.  Sun, 12/15, 5:30pm. Free. Wingfield  Park Amphitheater, 2 N. Arlington Ave., (775) 6243720, unsilentnight.com/participate.html.

WHITEHATS CHRISTMAS: Bassist Kyle Rothchild and  percussionist Frank “Fletch” Fletcher present  an evening of “acoustic music and spellbinding  harmony.”  Wed, 12/18, 6:30pm. $15. Brewery Arts  Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976,  www.facebook.com/Breweryartscenter.

WINTER DREAMS: Magic Theatre Circus presents  this extravaganza of visual delights presented  in the European tradition of cirque. Under a  heated big top tent, acrobats, aerialists, jugglers,  magicians, trained dogs and mischievous clowns  are “woven into a story that is touching, hilarious  and breathtaking.”  Thu, 12/12-Fri, 12/13, 4pm & 7pm,

Sat, 12/14-Sun, 12/15, 1pm, 4pm & 7pm, Tue, 12/17-Wed, 12/18, 4pm & 7pm.  $19-$69, free for children age 5  and younger. Sierra Market Place, 3600 S. Virginia  St., magictheatercircus.com.

12.12.19    |   RN&R   |   35

Holiday Heat Nightcap


ant a little more merry? Impress your holiday honey and complete your sexy date night with this aphrodisiac cocktail brought to you by the Museum of Sex in New York City!To make the Persephone alcoholic, add two ounces of vodka to each drink. Yield: Makes 2 drinks IngredIents For the lavender crystals: 1/3 cup dried culinary lavender* 2/3 cup superfine sugar 2. For the mango elixir: 8 ounces pure mango juice 8 ounces distilled or tap water

Oh What Fun! Couples Holiday Gift Ideas Pole Polish Kissable Massage Cream in Not-So-Vanilla - $12.99

Give a trophy worthy hand job with Pole Polish. The silky smooth glide of this kissable massage cream makes hand play more adventurous and delightfully delicious.

For the Persephone: Juice of 1 lime 1/4 cup lavender crystals 2 ounces mango elixir 2 ounces pomegranate juice 2 ounces simple syrup 9 ounces soda water Ice PreParatIon Make the lavender sugar crystals: 1. In a food processor, process the lavender and sugar until fully combined, about 1 minute—the mixture will look like a fine powder. DO AHEAD: Lavender crystals can be prepared in advance and stored, in an airtight container at room temperature, up to 2 weeks. Make the mango elixir: 1. In a small saucepan, bring the mango juice and distilled or tap water to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to moderate and simmer, uncovered, until reduced by half, 12 to 15 minutes. DO AHEAD: Mango elixir can be prepared in advance and refrigerated up to 2 weeks. Make the Persephone: 1. Pour the lime juice onto a small plate and spread the lavender crystals on a second small plate. Dip the rim of a 12-ounce glass into the lime juice, then dip it into the lavender crystals to lightly coat. Repeat with a second 12-ounce glass.

This sexy blindfold has soft, inviting fabric of fine lace while the double straps provide security and comfort.

2. Pour 1 ounce each of the mango elixir, pomegranate juice, and simple syrup into each prepared glass. Add ice and enough soda water to fill each glass.

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Everyone loves good head, but many people find it difficult to accommodate their partner’s full manhood. Doc Johnson’s GoodHead Deep Throat Spray, a delicious throat desensitizer, will help to alleviate your gag reflex, turning good head into great head. Delicious and functional, what more could your partner want in an oral sex aide?

High on Love Kissable Chocolate Body Paint - $35

The art of play and making love takes on a new meaning! Designed as an aphrodisiac in itself, this luscious and rich dark chocolate is made with premium grade hemp seed oil giving couples a satisfying taste for more. The effects take intimacy to a whole other level by releasing euphoric sensations and pure delight.

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Sexy Cinnamon Oral Enhancing Throat Spray - $13.99

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Crouching tiger, hidden camera I have a new roommate, and she’s uncomfortable with the cameras in the common areas (living room and kitchen). This became an issue for her after I saw video of her being careless with my furniture and texted her and asked her to stop. My last roommate had no problem with the cameras, which I got after my home was broken into. My current roommate knew the deal when she moved in, but now she’s very uncomfortable and complains about this constantly, saying it’s affecting her mental health. She wants the cameras either removed or turned off when she’s home. Consider why your roommate might take issue with living in a two-person police state. Privacy, as explained by legal scholar Alan Westin, involves people’s right to choose what information about themselves gets released to others. Our longing for privacy comes out of our evolved concern for protecting our reputation—others’ perception of the sort of person we are. This became vital when ancestral humans started living cooperatively, improving their chances for survival by sharing food, work and defense against the elements and murderous strangers. Having a rotten reputation could get a person booted from their band and made to go it alone. Our reputation has a guard dog, and it’s an emotion that gets a bad rap: shame. Contrary to popular belief, shame is not “unhealthy” or “toxic.” Cross-cultural research by evolutionary psychologist Daniel Sznycer suggests that shame is actually a social status management tool that helps us avoid being downgraded by others. Sznycer and his colleagues explain that the desire to avoid the feelbad of shame motivates us to “conceal damaging information” about ourselves and often deters us from behaving in icky, dishonest or unfair ways so we preserve our social standing. The need to guard our reputation makes us behave differently when we have an audience. Knowing we are on camera removes a measure of freedom from us—freedom to relax and be ourselves. Yes, your roommate knew about the cameras before she moved in. But a good deal of social

science research finds that we’re pretty bad at predicting how we’ll actually react to things. Also, we can’t just choose to power down the reputation-driven anxiety we feel when we know we’re being watched. Ultimately, it seems fairest to turn the cameras off when she’s home or only have them in the entryways and outside windows. The cameras should be for safety purposes—not so you have indisputable proof that your roommate has been chipping away at your leftover Chinese takeout.

Between a lock and a hard place My upstairs neighbors, a lesbian couple, are my best friends. We have keys to each other’s apartments and just walk in and out. I love this, but I don’t want them walking in when I’m with a guy. If I call them to tell them I have plans and it’s just a hookup, I’ll get disapproving looks and lectures. How can I keep them from walking in and also keep them from knowing what I’m up to? You can hang some item on your doorknob to signal to your neighbors, “Um, now is not a good time!” To solve the other part of your problem—unsolicited opinions about your sex life—consider using “strategic ambiguity.” Organizational communications researcher Eric Eisenberg points out that clear communication is not always in our best interest. Sometimes, being purposely vague, leaving room for “multiple interpretations,” is ideal, reducing conflict and preserving relationships. Basically, you need to pair a clear message about when it’s a bad time to come in with an unclear message about why. This transforms a sign that would’ve meant one particular thing—I’ve ordered in from Tinder Eats—into a sign that could mean any number of things: I’m napping. I’m on a phone call. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

12.12.19    |   RN&R   |   37

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what they’re doing,” says Aries comedian Conan O’Brien. “And there are two ways to go with that information,” he continues. “One is to be afraid, and the other is to be liberated, and I choose to be liberated by it.” I hope you’ll be inspired by O’Brien’s example in the coming weeks. I suspect that if you shed your worries about the uncertainty you feel, you’ll trigger an influx of genius. Declaring your relaxed independence from the temptation to be a know-it-all will bless you with expansive new perspectives and freedom to move.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Creativity expert Roger

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von Oech tells us, “Everyone has a ‘risk muscle.’ You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don’t, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day.” Here’s what I’ll add to his advice. If your risk muscle is flabby right now, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to whip it into better shape. Start with small, modest risks, and gradually work your way up to bigger and braver ones. And what should you do if your risk muscle is already well-toned? Dream and scheme about embarking on a major, long-term venture that is the robust embodiment of a smart gamble.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Many people engage in laughably feeble attempts to appear witty by being cynical—as if by exuding sardonic irony and sneering pessimism they could prove their mettle as brilliant observers of modern culture. An example is this lame wisecrack from humorist David Sedaris: “If you’re looking for sympathy you’ll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.” I bring this to your attention in the hope of coaxing you to avoid indulging in gratuitous pessimism during the coming weeks. For the sake of your good health, it’s important for you to be as open-minded and generous-spirited as possible. And besides that, pessimism will be unwarranted.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “You can shop online and find whatever you’re looking for,” writes pundit Paul Krugman, “but bookstores are where you find what you weren’t looking for.” That’s a good principle to apply in every area of your life. It’s always smart to know exactly what you need and want, but sometimes—like now—it’s important that you put yourself in position to encounter what you need and want but don’t realize that you need and want.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Bachianas Brasileiras” is a nine-part piece of music that blends Brazilian folk music with the compositional style of Johann Sebastian Bach. The poet Anne Sexton relied on it, letting it re-play ceaselessly during her long writing sessions. My painter friend Robin sometimes follows a similar method with Leonard Cohen’s album Ten New Songs, allowing it to cycle for hours as she works on her latest masterpiece. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to select a new theme song or collection of theme songs to inspire your intense efforts on behalf of your labors of love in the coming weeks. It’s a favorable time to explore the generative power of joyous, lyrical obsession.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “I’ve spent my life butting

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my head against other people’s lack of imagination,” mourned Virgo musician Nick Cave, who’s renowned for his original approach to his craft. I’m bringing this to your attention because I suspect you will be endowed with an extra fertile imagination in the coming weeks. And I would hate for you to waste time and energy trying to make full use of it in the presence of influences that would resist and discourage you. Therefore, I’ll cheer you on as you seek out people and situations that enhance your freedom to express your imagination in its expansive glory.

We’ve got issues.




my fear to live and breathe and stretch out its legs comfortably. It seems to me the less I fight my fear, the less it fights back.” That’s the method I recommend for you, Libra—especially in the coming weeks.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Isaac Newton (1642-1726) was one of history’s most influential scientists and a key contributor to physics, astronomy, mathematics and optics. His mastery of the nuances of human relationships was less developed, however. He had one close friendship with a Swiss mathematician, though he broke it off abruptly after four years. And his biographers agree that he never had sex with another person. What I find most curious, however, is the fact that he refused to even meet the brilliant French philosopher Voltaire, who reached out to him and asked to get together. I trust you won’t do anything like that in the coming weeks. In fact, I urge you to be extra receptive to making new acquaintances, accepting invitations and expanding your circle of influence.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): How did humans figure out that a luxurious fabric could be made from the cocoons of insect larvae? Ancient Chinese sage Confucius told the following story. One day in 2460 B.C., 14-year-old Chinese princess Xi Ling Shi was sitting under a mulberry tree sipping tea. A silk worm’s cocoon fell off a branch and landed in her drink. She was curious, not bothered. She unrolled the delicate structure and got the idea of using the threads to weave a fabric. The rest is history. I foresee a silk-worm’s-cocoon-falling-in-your-cup-oftea type of event in your future. Be alert for it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “It is the soul’s duty to be loyal to its own desires,” wrote Capricorn author Rebecca West. “It must abandon itself to its master passion.” That’s a high standard to live up to! But then you have substantial potential to do just that: Become the champions of devoting practical commitment to righteous causes. With that in mind, I’ll ask you: How are you doing in your work to embody the ideal that West articulated? Is your soul loyal to its deepest desires? Has it abandoned itself to its master passion? Take inventory—and make any corrections, if necessary.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I would never try to talk you into downplaying or denying your suffering. I would never try to convince you that the pain you have experienced is mild or tolerable or eminently manageable. Who among us has the wisdom to judge the severity or intractability of anyone else’s afflictions? Not I. But in the coming months, I will ask you to consider the possibility that you have the power—perhaps more than you realize—to diminish your primal aches and angst. I will encourage you to dream of healing yourself in ways that you have previously imagined to be impossible.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “You owe it to us all to get on with what you’re good at,” wrote Piscean poet W. H. Auden. In other words, you have a responsibility to develop your potential and figure out how to offer your best gifts. It’s not just a selfish act for you to fulfill your promise; it’s a generous act of service to your fellow humans. So how are you doing with that assignment, Pisces? According to my analysis, you should be right in the middle of raising your efforts to a higher octave; you should be discovering the key to activating the next phase of your success—which also happens to be the next phase of your ability to bestow blessings on others.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A scholar counted up how

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Nobody knows really

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by ROb bRezsny


often the Bible delivers the command “Fear not!” and “Don’t be afraid!” and similar advice. The number was 145. I don’t think that approach to regulating behavior works very well. To be constantly thinking about what you’re not supposed to do and say and think about tends to strengthen and reinforce what you’re not supposed to do and say and think about. I prefer author Elizabeth Gilbert’s strategy. She writes, “I don’t try to kill off my fear. I make all that space for it. Heaps of space. I allow

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.


Ski shop owner

of factors. Mount Rose is my favorite go-to ski area because the elevation offers usually better-quality snow and it’s a convenient place. … I get my 10 or 15 runs in and I’m pretty much done for the day. And you know, I enjoy skiing the whole mountain, the front side, the backside, the trees—the Chutes are obviously real popular with me when they’re open.

So how did the store come to be? My dad was the head coach at Middlebury College in Vermont—head ski coach, baseball coach, football coach, golf coach, tennis coach. … He was one of the most respected ski ambassadors in the industry back in the ’60s and ’50s. And, so, in 1956, he was asked to be the men’s alpine head coach of the Olympic team in Cortina, Italy. … In 1960, he was on the Olympic committee in Squaw Valley, USA. He had the good fortune to be able to come out West and see what it was like out here. And he fell in love with it because he saw 190 inches of snow and blue sky for seven days in a row. And he said, “You can’t get any better than this.” So, his plan was to eventually come out West, and in 1966, he left his job in Middlebury and moved our whole family out to Alpine Meadows. He became the managing vice president of Alpine Meadows Ski Corp. … In 1969, we moved down to Reno, and he opened up a


Steve Sheehan is the co-owner of Bobo’s Ski & Patio, which celebrated its 50th anniversary of outfitting the valley’s skiers and snowboarders this past November. The son of original owner and founder Robert “Bobo” Sheehan, he spoke to the RN&R about the shop’s different incarnations, how often he manages to hit the slopes and the iconic Bobo’s radio ads. little store called Reno Ski Shop on Wells Avenue on the west side of the road. … In 1971, we moved to a new location up on 1200 South Wells … and we remained there for 27 years, and that’s when we took over the store from my parents in 1984, and basically built it from there.

After all these years, do you guys have any real competition in town as far as ski supply goes? Well, this is one of America’s last holdouts of specialty retail ski shops. There aren’t a lot of specialty retail ski shops left in the country—maybe 150. There’s a lot of really small shops that maybe do rental and so on and so forth, a lot of those around the country.

So, where’s your favorite ski spot and how often do you make it up during the season? I personally will get anywhere from 20 to 50 days a year depending on a lot

Everyone who knows Bobo’s knows the radio ad— You want to know about the “whoop-de-doo?”

I do. Where’d it come from? In 1990, I purchased Mogul Mouse from a corporation out of Eugene, Oregon, that had 10 stores. They were going out of business. The only last two stores were this store and one in Bend, Oregon, that I knew of that were part of the original Mogul Mouse chain—10 or 11 stores. I bought this store in 1990 when they were going to go out of business, and I just called the owner in Oregon and I said, “What’s it going to take for me to take over that business?” And he said, “Not much.” … We had a deal in two days. And then I went up to Oregon. I drove a van back and someone else drove a truck with a trailer, and it was full of stuff. It had Mogul Mouse on the side of the trailer, and we drove it here and it was full of whatever was leftover in inventory, which was primarily plastic bags and a few jock straps. And then where the “whoopde-doo” came from, it was originally part of the Mogul Mouse chain. □


Love of learning One of the great cultural positives of our digital modern world is YouTube, which continues to grow into this Vast Amazing Brainboggling Thing. Lately, I’ve been using YT to listen to various lectures from learned men who had something to say decades ago, philosophical cosmologists like Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley and Terence McKenna. Guys who weren’t much on breaking down blitz packages or filling out brackets, but whose lofty thoughts still provide illuminating balance in a scene now being constantly goofed by bizarro gaslighters. In one of his remarkable lectures, McKenna (who ran one jiffy psychedelicatessen in the ’90s) quotes various guru types who regularly remind us that “everything is on track, everything is as it should be.” And, of course, that’s right. That’s spot on. How could it be anything else? And when you say

something like that, which drips with Calming Big Picture Perspective, you imply that, eventually, things will be OK. Right? To assert that Everything is rolling along as it should is to also acknowledge there’s a trajectory toward some kind of reward, a trajectory toward some kind of success. That some day, things will—eventually—be better, in terms of an overall more tolerable human condition. The key word here is “eventually.” How long will it be until we get to That Place, until we grab that Carrot on the Carousel called Eventually? 10 years? 50? 100? 157? 1,000? 10,000? Tomorrow? Never? (Tomorrow, I’m sorry to report, rates as a huge underdog.) • Somewhere between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, my good ole iPhone 6 took a dump, developing an instant case of Coallumpitis.

Just like that, it went to the Dark Place. And there it still resides. Once I got over the initial shock of not having a functioning phone (which took a little longer than I'd like to admit), I settled into a surprisingly comfy “OK, this is fine” mode. As in, “It's cool. I'll be just fine without the damn phone.” (I told myself about 14 times a minute.) After a while, I was able to revisit my head circa 1993, that much simpler time when I had no clue that haranguing people via text would become a large part of my future existence. To be untextable due to a legitimate technical breakdown of phone was sorta … refreshing! That throwback attitude lasted all of a day. Maybe. The next morning, I wasted no time in hustling down to the store and getting a slick new 8 for Xmas. Strung out on my communicator! I know you can relate! Technomonkeys unite! Ω






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