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Trash talk

Name of the game

Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. Last year, the nonprofit Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful cleaned 30,000 pounds of trash out of the Truckee River. So far this year, they’ve removed another 24,000 pounds. And it’s more than just an aesthetic problem. Trash in the river can trap animals, and plastic trash can accumulate in the stomachs of fish, causing them to starve over time. Back in April, high waters washed away the “trash island” that had been accumulating in the Truckee east of Rock Park in Sparks. It happened just about a week before a crew of volunteers led by Sparks resident Chastity Townsend and assisted by Battle Born Pool & Spa was planning to clean the mess up—a citizens’ response to the slow response of the City of Sparks government. This isn’t a new problem either. Some may remember when low water levels in 2014 revealed layers of trash on the bottom of the river. Organizations like Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful, and the roughly 4,000 people who volunteer with them annually, do a great service to our community with the river clean ups they organize and the other beautification projects they undertake. But wouldn’t it be nice if this community service were less needed? It could be, if we all do our part. You may not be the kind who drops your trash wherever. Neither am I—but there are still ways we can contribute to a cleaner environment, things like chasing down those fast food napkins that flutter out of ours cars on windy days or not trying to cram trash in overflowing public trash cans. Maybe next year at this time, KTMB will report having cleaned up fewer thousands of pounds of trash.

Re “Its names are legion” (editorial, Dec. 6): Maybe the governor-elect is trying to smooth things over with the opposition by proposing the name change for the airport in Reno. Truth to tell, Adam might well take it as a stick in the eye. My suggestion: if the airport is to be renamed for a Laxalt, make it Dominique Laxalt, founder of the clan. Or if not Dominique, then Robert Laxalt, bard of the Nevada Basque tradition. Anthony Shafton Reno

—Jeri Chadwell je ric @ ne wsrev i ew . com

Fictional version of Queen II Re “Fictional version of Queen” (letters, Dec. 6): In her letter about the fake biopic of Freddie Mercury and Queen, Vanessa Charles argues that viewers have an obligation to see in movies what the producers want us to see: “I feel as though you may have misunderstood the point of the film [Bohemian Rhapsody]. You are focusing primarily on the accuracy of timing throughout the film, which was not what was meant to be focused on.” Nonsense. A film is sent out to its fate in the marketplace. It is up to viewers, not filmmakers, to decide what should be focused upon. I felt the power of the movie came from its tie to reality, and was disturbed when critic Grimm told his readers about the liberties taken with the lives of the members of Queen. I saw then what the producers had done. Like the makers of The Glenn Miller Story and The Buddy Holly Story, they wanted to invent sanitized accounts of music history that viewers would embrace with their dollars rather than factual accounts of that history that might not succeed as well financially. I thank Bob Grimm for informing me that the movie’s impact was counterfeit. I prefer to get my history unpolluted with fiction, even in movies

Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Bruce Van Dyke, Ashley Warren, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Chadwell News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Kris Vagner, Bob Grimm, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Josie Glassberg, Eric Marks,

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decembeR 13, 2018 | Vol. 24, ISSue 44

Film has power, and consequences flow from the use or misuse of that power. Consider the injury done to moviegoers when they invest emotionally in fact-based movies only to learn they have been falsified, as with those who admired the Fonda/Redgrave movie Julia and then felt betrayed when they learned Lillian Hellman had falsified and taken onto herself the tale of a woman she had never met, let alone had the wonderful friendship portrayed. Or consider the historical impact of the distortions of Max Baer’s career in Ron Howard’s Cinderella Man, which falsely accused Baer of killing two men in the ring. Ask an African American about the damage done to blacks by Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind with their historical lies. Ask a gay about the revulsion implanted in straights by films like Suddenly Last Summer and Advise and Consent with their portrayals of gay life as invalid and seamy. And what message did the makers of Bohemian Rhapsody send to the young just learning about Queen, who upon learning it was falsified must now wonder what there was about Freddie Mercury’s real story that made it unfit to portray. Or, alternatively and more positively, consider the way a movie like Thirteen Days corrected a generation’s belief that John Kennedy succeeded in the missile crisis by confrontation when in fact he reached an agreement through negotiation by revealing to moviegoers the fact that the Russian missiles in Cuba were traded for the U.S. missiles in Turkey. That put accurate information in the public’s bloodstream instead of continuing the myth created by the secrecy and bad reporting of 1962. And how useful it was for director Rob Reiner to stay close to the actual events of Medgar Evers’ murder in Ghosts of Mississippi, so that our people can learn from a faithful portrayal of history instead of being manipulated. We do not owe filmmakers any obligation to view their products with an eye that

Advertising Consultant Myranda Thom Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, O.C. Gillham, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, O.C. Gillham, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Accounts Receivable Specialist Analie Foland

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sees only what they wanted us to see. Rather, they have an obligation to us to portray real events with accuracy, so that we learn from history instead of being misled by packs of lies. “The basis of art is truth, both in matter and in mode,” Flannery O’Connor and innumerable other artists have told us, but now we are told by Ms. Charles that we should look only to the craft of documentaries for truth while leaving the art of drama alone to use history as clay. George Stanley Sparks


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Whole Story about the Organ Harvesting Rumor from Falun Gong In recent years, the cult “Falun Gong” has been clinging to the unflagging hype for “organ harvesting”, accusing the Chinese government of taking the organs of “Falun Gong” practitioners for profit. So, what is this topic about? Origin of rumor — the so-called “Sujiatun concentration camp” In March 2006, the cult “Falun Gong” spread a rumor via its media that there was a concentration camp in the Thrombus Disease Integrated Medical Center of Liaoning Province in Sujiatun District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China (referred to as “Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital”), where more than 6,000 “Falun Gong” practitioners were imprisoned. They claimed that two-thirds of these people were put into a crematorium after their organs were harvested and sold illegally to all parts of the country and even abroad. Chinese authorities have repeatedly refuted the rumor and condemned the despicable behavior of the cult “Falun Gong”. This rumor was debunked in the international community. On April 14, 2006, US State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack issued a statement saying that a field visit arranged by the U.S. government found no evidence to support the report that there was a concentration camp somewhere in northeastern China where “Falun Gong” practitioners were imprisoned and suffered organ harvesting. CNN, Associated Press, Washington Post, Reuters, Asahi Shinbum, Ottawa Citizen, and other media conducted field interviews at the Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital and confirmed that the so-called “Sujiatun concentration camp” was totally non-existent. Escalated rumor — “investigation report” from the two Davids When the “Sujiatun concentration camp” had been thoroughly debunked, the cult “Falun Gong” colluded with two Canadians David Kilgour and David Matas to publish an investigation report named “Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China”. In this report, they falsely accused the Chinese government of taking organs from a large number of “Falun Gong” practitioners illegally. The so-called evidence and information given in this report were completely fabricated without any proof. The cult “Falun Gong” also made the rumor into films, such as Human Harvest and The Bleeding Edge directed by Canadian Leon Lee, in an attempt to deceive the world for sympathy. In particular, the two key “witnesses”, “Pete” and “Annie”, mentioned by “Falun Gong” and the report from the two Davids were fabricated. “Pete” was the first anonymous witness after the “organ harvesting” rumor was created by “Falun Gong”. He claimed to be “an internal intelligence agent of the Chinese Community Party”, but later called himself “a senior media professional” who had interviews in the mainland. The truth is that “Pete” is an American Chinese, formerly known as John Carter, at the age of 44 in 2006. He once worked in a church in San Francisco and was fired for theft. When unemployed, he was bought over by the cult “Falun Gong” to give false testimony for the rumor of “Sujiatun concentration camp”. The other important witness, “Annie”, claimed to have lived in “Sujiatun” for five years and her husband was an ophthalmologist at the Sujiatun Hospital and had participated in the so-called “organ harvesting”. In fact, “Annie” was a Canadian formerly named Anna Louise. Aged 50 in 2006, she lived near the New Asia Square in Ottawa, Canada, and had nothing to do with Sujiatun. Regarding the rumor created by the cult “Falun Gong”, international organizations, mainstream media, and governments, parliaments and judicial institutions of many countries conducted investigations and all found that it was totally groundless.

According to a report of Deutsche Welle on November 9, 2012, Johannes Pflug, chairman of the German-Chinese Committee of the Der Deutsche Bundestag, said in an interview with a reporter from the South-West German Radio, that the rumor about political prisoners’ being killed to harvest their organs in China was unfounded accusation. Pflug said, “Our intelligence agency have conducted investigations and told me that there is no evidence to prove such accusations although they surface repeatedly. Such rumors, specifically speaking, are manipulated by the cult “Falun Gong”, but they are groundless.” On March 18, 2014, orgaNOs, an Austrian organization against “organic organ donation”, published an open letter from the International Amnesty on its website. In this letter, the Amnesty International said, “We are committed to helping people whose human rights are violated, be they members of “Falun Gong” or not. We haven’t confirmed that members of “Falun Gong” suffered involuntary organ harvesting.” On November 21, 2013, the New Zealand Parliament received a report from the Foreign Affairs, National Defense, and Trade Commission which included a conclusion for investigations, upon the request of the “Falun Gong” Association in New Zealand, about the organ harvesting of “Falun Gong” practitioners by the Chinese government. “Members of this Commission and the New Zealand government do not have any independent evidence that supports the organ harvesting claim of the “Falun Gong”. This conclusion is given on the basis of investigations conducted in New Zealand and abroad.” (Excerpt from the report of the Foreign Affairs, National Defense, and Trade Commission of New Zealand in response to the petition submitted by Yu Jingfang on behalf of the “Falun Gong” Association (2011/84), the website of New Zealand Parliament, November 21, 2013) Melting pot of rumors — “The Holocaust” More ridiculously, the cult “Falun Gong” bragged even more. On June 22, 2016, based on the “report” of the two Davids, the Falun Gong media published another report named “The Holocaust — Bloody Harvesting”. They claimed that there are 60,000 to 100,000 cases of organ transplantation per year in China and that these organs are from “conscientious criminals” such as the “Falun Gong” practitioners. This unfounded accusation immediately stirred outrage of the authorities and people in the medical and health circles around the world. In fact, the organ transplant reform and achievements in China have been widely recognized by the international community. An open, transparent and fair human donation and transplantation system is gradually established. At the 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society held in Hong Kong, Huang Jiefu, director of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee of China, delivered the keynote speech as the only invited guest. He introduced the practices and concepts of the Chinese government. The participants highly praised that the Chinese organ donation and transplantation system has been integrated into the international community and is in line with the world standard. This also strongly refutes the absurd accusation of “Falun Gong”. China is a country ruled by law and the Chinese government respects and protects human rights. The sale of human organs is banned in China, and violators will be sanctioned by law. The rumors are just willful slander of the Falun Gong against China. China benefits from the development of the international community and is willing to make more contributions to it.


4   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18

By matt bieker

Worst gift you’ve received? asked at noBle Pie Parlor, 777 s. center st.

Brooke Westman Barber

A vacuum cleaner. I’ve gotten one of those. I mean it’s like, I’m a female, thanks. That’s what I should be doing? Is that what you’re saying? Or socks. Nobody likes socks. I have plenty, thank you.

stefan maelstrom General manager

When I was a kid, I once got a literal lump of coal in my stocking. A few months prior to that, I got my kid sister, for her birthday in October, and it was an empty box that was wrapped up. There was nothing in it. My gift to her was “hopelessness,” and that year my parents gave me a lump of coal.

Bernice cristoBal Nurse

The ever-grasping hand of D.C. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt signed an executive order withdrawing from public use land in Nevada to be used for erosion control demonstrations. They must have been some kind of demonstrations. It took 28 years for that executive order to be revoked and the land returned to public use. This month, when the Pentagon announced its plans to take another 600,000 acres of public land in five counties, we could almost hear Nevadans sighing with exasperation. This time, it’s part of something called the Fallon Range Training Complex Modernization and would triple the size of the Fallon Naval Air Station. We would argue with the term modernization. With computer modeling and the miniaturization of technology, these plots of land taken for federal use should be shrinking, not growing. (We think the same thing about Reno’s airport, by the way.) We have no objection to the land withdrawals that have been made to reserve acreage for Nevada tribes.We certainly do not identify with the movement that claims public lands belong to the states. And we do not object to most federal management of public lands. But thinking of Nevada as an available wasteland that the feds can dip into from time to time went too far long ago, and the results have not been good. We know that presidents Grant, Hayes, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower all “withdrew” land from public use, and there were probably others, too. Roosevelt alone withdrew land six times. And foreseeable drawbacks to some of these have been concealed

from the public. The federal government knew perfectly well that when it established the Nevada Proving Ground for atomic testing its work would be lifethreatening, and it did not inform state officials, much less the public that learned of it the hard way. In 1970 the Atomic Energy Commission said that its weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site had contaminated 250 square miles for 24,000 years. Nevada Gov. Paul Laxalt, taken by surprise, immediately declared his confidence in the public’s safety, though he had yet to be briefed on the statement by the AEC. Some military installations now in Nevada are used for war-making in the innumerable places the executive branch makes war without permission from Congress. Drone assassinations on the other side of the world are conducted at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. The Air Force, under pressure from Congress, once prepared an encyclopedia-like report on the myriad impacts of the federal use of public lands in Nevada, the Special Report - Nevada, with chapters titled things like “Armaments dropped on Nevada.” We need our state’s elected officials to start scrutinizing federal use of public lands with greater intensity and start asking questions that should have been asked decades ago. We need less Laxalt-style cooperation. The success of their efforts should be gauged by how much land used by the feds is put back into public use by the ends of their terms of office and how much land they block from additional federal use while they serve. And they should start with the Fallon plan. Ω

One time for secret Santa at school, we wrote down on the little cards … kind of what we’d all want, and I think the person forgot about it until the day of, and they got me five dollars, Just a crumpled bill out of their pocket.

Ben se x ton Server

It’s not even that bad of a present, but I’m a huge Packers fan, and my family’s all from Detroit, so they got me Detroit Lions socks, and I hated them. I never wore them.

Genesia schadler Assistant cage manager

It was three years ago, and I got a pot scrubber from my kids—a kitchen utensil. I was just like, “You guys can use this to clean.” They got much better the following years, but that one was just like, “Really?”

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This publication was supported by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health through Grant Number 1NU62PS924579-01-00 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health nor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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How to, and not to, legislate When the Nevada Legislature opens on Feb. 4, the pomp and circumstance will inspire many a new legislator, and rightly so. They’ll be taking part in a storied democratic tradition and assuming a huge responsibility to represent their constituents well and improve the quality of their lives. For Democrats, the expectations will be especially high, given the veto-proof majority in the Assembly, a strong majority in the Senate and the first Democratic governor in 20 years. The pent-up demand for Democratic priorities such as increased access to health care, collective bargaining for state workers and the perennial quest for significant new funding for education will be challenging, though, given the limited resources represented by the state budget. Innovative initiatives are unlikely, and the dreams of new legislators may be reduced in the end to watered down bills that amount to nearly nothing. Prior to term limits, new legislators weren’t under such pressure to produce

and perform in their first session. But in this era of musical chairs, when people win an election one month only to resign for another position a month later, there are few legislators who are in it for the long-term. Combine the constant churning of legislators with a complex legislative process, and it’s no wonder there are fewer significant reforms that emerge from our legislative sessions and more incremental changes that often don’t get the job done. As a former legislator and close observer of the legislative process, I offer a few suggestions for the newest crop of legislators who want to make the most of their 120 days of power. Follow your policy passion and work hard to become a well-informed internal expert. Be the person your colleagues turn to when they’re confused or uncertain about the best way to proceed on a bill in your area. Find allies in unlikely places and collaborate.

Don’t let fear of the media paralyze you. Reporters do get it wrong sometimes, but they are in the business of truth-telling no matter how loudly the president lectures us on “fake news.” The media is a direct line to your constituents, so be courteous and available whenever possible. Don’t spend all your time on Twitter, especially when you’re in committee. Listen carefully to people who are testifying, and show them the respect they deserve by making eye contact and asking thoughtful questions. Pay attention during floor sessions, even if it seems boring. Legislators who fully understand the process and are engaged in it instead of reading their email or instant messaging their friends get more done. Don’t believe all the wonderful things your new friends, the lobbying corps, will tell you about their favorite subject, you. Lobbyists have a wealth of information and context, and they can also help round up votes. But don’t forget that they are

there to do a job for their paying clients. If feeding your ego helps them get your support, they’re more than willing to do it. You’re far better off with a reputation as someone who listens and makes up her/his own mind, than with a new “friend” who will disappear when you’re no longer useful. Treat people with respect, especially the citizen who approaches you in the elevator, your colleagues in the other party and staff. Everyone makes mistakes, and the process gets overly emotional at times. Apologize when you’re wrong, and thank those that help you. Be prepared to lose. Don’t let it destroy your confidence or make you bitter about the legislative process. You’ll be thwarted by leadership, a colleague who kills your bill, or a lobbyist scheming behind your back. Work harder, find another way, or make a promise to yourself to bring it back in 2021. The Legislature will still be there. Ω

12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   7

by Dennis Myers

Show operatorS upSet Small exhibitors are angry over the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority decision to tear down the Livestock Events Center. The RSCVA voted on Dec. 6 to tear down the Center and Armory because of the high cost of repairing them. The only bid to do the repairs on the structures came in at $650,000. Dean Clements, owner of Tanners Marketplace Shows, said moving his events to the Reno-Sparks Convention Center—also operated by the RSCVA—will mean substantial increases in the cost of his events. “It is so much less,” he said. “Typically a show over the weekend from set-up on Friday through Sunday cost me about $2,500.” He said he has been quoted a price of $4,000 for the convention center, a 60 percent increase. But he said he does not believe the RSCVA is demolishing the Livestock Events Center to drive exhibitors to the convention center. “No, I don’t,” he said. “I just think they didn’t take us into their consideration.” Clements has owned his business for five years, and he bought it from someone who had it for about a decade, so these are stable, consistent users of the facility. “We use it,” he said. “The gemstone shows are in there. Non profits use it. It is busy almost every weekend.”

preSS feted (not that preSS) The Nevada State Museum, located in the building that once held the Carson City branch of the United States Mint, is marking the 150th anniversary of the coin press used by the workforce of the branch to make coins bearing the CC mint mark. It was one of three coin presses used at the branch at the height of operations. The press was manufactured in by 1868 from Philadelphia manufacturers Morgan and Orr. It arrived in Carson City in December of that year, but the mint did not begin operating for a year, until Jan. 6, 1870. The press was used there until 1893, then moved to the Philadelphia branch from 1899-1945, followed by San Francisco from 1945-55. It was returned to the Nevada State Museum on Feb. 24, 1958 after being rescued from being sold for scrap by the San Francisco branch. During a mid-1960s coin shortage, it was loaned back to the mint at the request of U.S. Mint Director Eva Adams of Nevada, but, in 1966, Denver Mint superintendent Fern Miller said that it was used mostly to stamp pennies and had broken down. The press, now called Coin Press No. 1, is used regularly to stamp commemorative coins. The museum will hold a Coin Press Arrival Party on Saturday, Dec. 15, at 10 a.m. at the museum. Museum volunteers that day will be dressed in 1868 fashions. Other commemorations will be held leading up to the January 2020 anniversary of its being put into operation.

—Dennis Myers






Washoe County voting patterns suggest Republican voters resist extreme figures and policies. This early voting station was in a Sparks grocery store. PHOTO/DENNIS MYERS

Moderates Washoe County Republicans swing elections on Jan. 21, 2017, a republican woman marching in the Reno Women’s March said, “One thing, Dean Heller is still keeping the faith and will be able to help control Trump.” Last month, during early voting, another Republican woman leaving a Washoe polling place explained her vote in the U.S. Senate race by saying, “I didn’t so much vote for Jacky Rosen as vote against Dean Heller.” Since the Nov. 6 election, there has been considerable speculation on why Washoe County voted so heavily Democratic, and much of it has suggested this is something new. “What happened to Republicans in 2018 in Northern Nevada?” asked a headline on a commentary in the Reno Gazette Journal last weekend. In 2018? Washoe County has long been a center of moderate Republicanism. It’s the county that produced Sue Wagner, William Raggio, Jason Geddes, Bob Cashell, Joan Lambert, Randolph Townsend, Dawn Gibbons and Heidi Gansert. Ultra-rightist Sharron Angle was an exception, and her home county voted

against her in her race against Harry Reid in 2010. Against Harry Reid. In 2012, Washoe County voted for Dean Heller for U.S. senator. In 2018, after he made his peace with Donald Trump, Washoe changed its mind and dropped Heller. In 2014, state legislator Barbara Cegavske, known for voter identification measures and a proposal permitting discrimination against gays, plus as state chair of the rightist American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), lost Washoe County in her bid for secretary of state. When she ran for reelection as an incumbent, she scraped through in Washoe County by just 50.4 percent of the vote. Washoe voted for Barack Obama over both John McCain and Mitt Romney, and for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. It voted against Adam Laxalt both when he ran for attorney general and when he ran for governor. These are not anomalies. They suggest Republican Washoe County does not like extreme Republicanism. It’s not the county that is a swing county. It’s Washoe County Republicans who are a swing constituency, and rightists alienate them at their own risk.

“Republicans in the rural counties are not moderate Republicans,” political analyst Fred Lokken said this week. “Republicans in Clark County are certainly not moderates. Republicans in Washoe County are.” And that puts them up for grabs. That has been clear “election after election,” Lokken said, yet the right has not picked up the message from voting patterns. Former lieutenant governor and Reno mayor Bob Cashell became a Republican in 1983. He has a photo of himself, U.S. Sen. Paul Laxalt and President Reagan in the oval office. Cashell argues that extremists are Republicans in name only (RINOs), and that they use the GOP as a vehicle for agendas and proposals that do not belong in the party and render it unelectable. Lokken agrees. “The Reagan party has been hijacked,” Lokken said, arguing that the right misrepresents Ronald Reagan’s record—he raised taxes repeatedly, for instance—and then uses that imaginary Reagan to sell its own agenda. Reagan often violated conservative tenets, Lokken said. “There is this mean-spirited, petty brand of single-agenda extremists whose views do not sit well with the vast majority of voters,” Lokken argues. “They use the primary to hijack the candidates, and then the party can’t win.” In addition, many of the extreme candidates are little known because they have not made much of a contribution in the community. Lokken said every election, voters face their general election ballot and say, “Where in the hell did these people come from?” Like a lot of analysts, he does not care for the term “swing county” for Washoe but does say it “still remains not locked in, moving toward the Democratic Party.”

heller aS caSe hiStory Cashell, former state GOP chair, declined to discuss Trump but said there was a way to determine the success of extreme Republicanism: “You look at the results.” He said the party is forcing Republicans to look elsewhere for sensible, mainstream policies. “They ought to be trying to mend fences and be a little more open minded, instead of the extremes that some of these people have been going,” he said.

If the county ends up Democratic, Lokken commercials to try to save Heller. Sandoval’s said, it will not be the fault of moderates. And effort emphasized issues like the Violence the fate of Heller demonstrates that. When Against Women Act, trying to undo the notion asked if Heller made a mistake making his that Heller had become extreme in a Trump peace with Donald Trump, Lokken said, “I sure sense. It was not enough. do think he did.” And he explained why: Worse, Lokken said that when Trump got “First, it was a reversal of what he said he Heller’s primary opponent Danny Tarkanian to would do.” withdraw from the race, it gave voters a sense “Today, I’m opposed to [Trump’s] that “He [Heller] wasn’t in control of his own campaign,” Heller said in June 2016. “He race anymore,” something that became did a lot of damage. ... I’ll give him a even more pronounced when promichance, but at this point, I have no nent out-of-staters made arguments “You intentions of voting for him.” for Heller that Heller would not look at the “Second, it was a stab in the have made for himself, as when results.” back of the sitting governor,” Mike Pence said Heller was “100 Lokken went on. percent pro-life,” which was not Bob Cashell Gov. Brian Sandoval had true—thus making Heller seem Former Nevada GOP implemented President Obama’s further right than his actual voting chair health care program in Nevada record in Congress. though a state exchange and had “This was not the Dean Heller taken the political heat for it. When people knew,” Lokken said. Donald Trump supported congressional The migration of the GOP to more extreme measures to undercut or repeal the Obama proposals, programs and policy has resulted program, Heller opposed Trump in very not only in some Washoe Republicans voting strong language. Then he reversed course and Democratic, but in their switching to either made his peace with Trump, leaving Sandoval nonpartisan or Democratic voter registration. on his own. And it’s not just the rank and file. Some promi“Third, Heller’s actions were at odds with nent figures, like Sue Wagner, have reluctantly the history of locals in Nevada expecting left the party. their politicians to stand up to Washington,” Moreover, Washoe businesspeople and Lokken said. industrialists have been drifting away from After Heller effectively made himself the party. They made up a substantial part of out to be a Trump acolyte, it was difficult to the list of Republicans who could not accept unring that bell. But Gov. Sandoval tried at the Sharron Angle as a Republican leader and end, endorsing Heller and cutting broadcast supported Harry Reid for reelection. Ω

Sweet gifts

An Austin,Texas couple, Cary-Anne Olsen Landis and her husband Stephen Landis, in town to visit friends and family, stopped in at Sweets Handmade Candies and Ice Cream Parlor (the ice cream part is shut down during winter) to purchase some holiday gifts. PHOTO/DENNIS MYERS

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by JerI ChadweLL

j e ri c @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

Martin Gollery has been taking photos around Lake Tahoe since moving to Incline Village 21 years ago.

Camera man Martin Gollery Instagram users will generally tell you they use the app to follow at least a few photographers—the kind of professionals who post photos they’ve taken with Nikons, Canons and the like. Professionals make up only a small portion of the apps’ users—but following the hashtag for any city or region (think #renonevada or #laketahoe) can be a good way to seek them out. In the case of Lake Tahoe, Incline Village photographer Martin Gollery attracts a large following with photos covering a wide breadth of subject matter. Gollery has a certificate in commercial photography from U.C. Berkeley and produces some work in that vein, but he also captures Tahoe landscapes and wildlife as a nature photographer and takes striking outdoor portraits, using light and shadow and even water to cleverly disguise and reveal his subjects in a way that speaks to boudoir photography. “I have done actual boudoir photos with actual lingerie type stuff,” he said. “And I’ve also shot for a local bathing suit company. It’s Battle Born Beekinis.” Tahoe weather is often not ideal for this type of photography, but Gollery said he finds his subjects are often willing to suffer some discomfort to achieve the end result. “The main thing is that it’s harder to do them, but it’s usually more rewarding,” he said. “You can do a shoot at Sand Harbor with nobody else in the pictures.” He also likes the striking juxtaposition seasonal change can create in photos, with subjects at lake level framed by distant, snow-capped mountains. These were the


conditions for his Battle Born Beekini shoot, which happened in early spring. “This is an example—you know, not bikini weather, right? I mean, look at this,” he said, pointing to snow on the mountains in one photo’s background. “But the lighting is just unbelievable. There was this natural light coming from the side. I had it filled with a flash here, and I might have a little something over here, too.” As winter sets in, Gollery will do fewer outdoor portrait sessions. Though he remains open to them, he has other things to fill the bulk of his time. “I just published a number of pictures in Tahoe Quarterly about the caves in the Gold Country—so Mono Caverns, Black Chasm Caverns, and then up by Mount Lassen, there’s one called Subway Cave,” he said. Gollery is also a chemist and bioinformaticist and does photography and marketing for biotechnology firms. He and his family also sing with the Toccata Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus—and he’ll shoot photos for the group as well as at other concerts and benefit events and holiday parties. Outdoor portrait sessions are something he’ll book as often as people are game for them. “I have a really thick Icelandic sheepskin that you can put around you, and it looks like Game of Thrones,” he said. “If you have a really long jacket … you can have a bikini underneath it. Particularly on a day like this, you could take snowy pictures in a bikini—and it’s really awesome, really fun.” It’s also harder to do in some ways. “A lot of the gates for trail heads are closed now,” he said. “So you have to know where to go and where to park and how to park and stuff like that—but that’s why you hire me.” Ω

To see Martin Gollery’s work, search @laketahoephoto and @laketahoeportraits on Instagram.

12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   11


! t r sho

Time for our annual micro




’s 95-word fiction contest Write a miniature story that’s exactly 95 words long.

We want exactly 95 words, as counted by LibreOffice, Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Email submissions to contest@newsreview.com with the subject line “Fiction 2018.” Put each story in the body of an email because we won’t open attachments. We require the author’s name, email address and phone number listed above each story. (That stuff won’t affect word count and will be removed before judging.) Titles are acceptable, without affecting word count, but not required.

Stories must be received before Jan. 16, 2019.

Here’s an example: Lieutenant Nishiyama’s unit searched for Viet Cong soldiers in a village near the Laotian border. As expected, they found nothing. No hidden enemies. A solitary, elderly woman was cooking rice. The smell made Nishiyama homesick. Nishiyama called to the translator: “Tell her I’ll trade two packs of American cigarettes for a bowl of that rice.” It was delicious. “Ask her for more.” “She’s not poor enough? You’ve got to eat all her food?” “What? There’s enough food here for a dozen men.” Nishiyama looked at the woman. “Hey Captain, we better search this property again.” *This year’s story example is based loosely on a story told by Vincent Okamoto in Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s 2017 documentary series The Vietnam War.

Looking for inspiration? Check out last year’s winners here: www.newsreview.com/reno/short-cuts/content?oid=25735902

12   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18


WelcoMe to the rn&r’S

2018 Winter guide

EVENTS 10th ANNUAL JAZZ EDUCATION NETWORK CONFERENCE: The festival features four days of performances, workshops, panel discussions, research presentations and live clinics. Wed, 1/9-Sat, 1/12. $75-$250. Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., jazzednet.org/conference.

ALPENGLOW MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL: Geared toward beginner and intermediate winter recreation enthusiasts, the festival showcases some of the best activities Lake Tahoe has to offer—backcountry skiing and splitboarding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, natural history, yoga, live music, educational workshops, social gatherings and more. Sat, 2/16Sun, 2/24. Free for most events. Various locations across Lake Tahoe and Truckee, www.alpenglowsports.com.

BREW HA HA: Sierra Arts’ 24th annual fundraiser features more than 100 types of beer available for unlimited tastings and live music by Left of Centre. Sat, 1/26, 7pm. $50$70. Nugget Casino Resort Ballroom, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, sierra-arts.org.

CABIN FEVER WINTER SERIES: Children ages 4-6 will learn about nature in the winter. Each session includes a short lesson, a story, an indoor activity and outdoor exploration. Parent attendance required. Mon, 1/7, Mon,

1/14, Mon, 1/21, Mon, 1/28, Mon, 2/4, Mon, 2/11, 10am. $5 suggested donation. Wilbur D. May

Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-4153.

CHRISTMAS EVE TORCHLIGHT PARADE: Granlibakken was the host to the 1932 Olympic Ski Jumping Trials. Follow a similar route as the athletes of yesteryear when you ski down Granlibakken’s Ski Hill. The parade will be followed by hot chocolate, mulled cider, s’mores and gifts and photos with Santa Claus. Mon, 12/24, 5pm. Free. Granlibakken Tahoe, 725 Granlibakken Road, Tahoe City, granlibakken.com.

DEVIL MADE ME DO IT SALOON CRAWL: Bring your sweetheart, or find love along the way, as you tour the historical saloons of Virginia City while sipping on signature drinks themed for the occasion. The color of your cup signifies your relationship status— single, taken or open for suggestions. Sat, 2/09, 11am. $8-$20. Participating saloons along C Street, Virginia City, (775) 847-7500.

EAGLES & AGRICULTURE: Carson Valley’s 17th annual event offers a variety of tours highlighting the seasonal arrival of bald eagles, golden eagles and other raptors in the Carson valley and the role that the ranching community plays in providing habitat for wildlife. Thu, 1/24-Sun, 1/27. Prices vary. Various locations, (775) 782-8144, www.carsonvalleynv.org.

FARM TO TABLE DINNER WITH OLYMPIANS: Gather beside local legends for an intimate evening of stories, camaraderie and history in the making over a family-style dinner. Thu, 12/27, 5:30pm. $29-$56, free for kids ages 4 and younger. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

HEAVENLY HOLIDAYS: The month-long holiday celebration includes appearances by Santa and his elves on the slopes, ice sculptures, ice skating performances starring Disney characters, a Ferris Wheel, magic shows, live music and a Heavenly Rail Jam. Adult highlights include holiday-themed après ski parties with a DJ inside Santa’s 16-foot interactive snow globe. Thu, 12/20-Mon, 12/31. Prices vary. Heavenly Village, 1001 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, www.skiheavenly.com.

hen I look out the window at a fresh pile of snow, with memories of 100 degree days not six months ago, I consider us fairly lucky to experience the stark contrasts of our four-season town. It beats the monotony of, say, Southern California’s perpetual summer, in my opinion, and I always find the cold oddly refreshing. But I’ve seen enough Sierra winters at this point to know that the magic of the holiday season can sometimes come with more than a few hardships. You’ll find our usual directory of local ski resorts on page 16, our proximity to which I consider the high point of Northern Nevada winters. But the solemn winter nights can seem especially long when you’re cooped up indoors, so I’ve included a brief synopsis of the area’s night-skiing opportunities on page 17. If your taste for winter recreation is a little more laid-back, our contributor Andrea Heerdt spells out the directions to some of the area’s local hot springs on page 15. The combination of a secluded, peaceful setting and a warm soak can be especially rejuvenating when the cold begins to take its toll. Finally, sometimes the stresses of the season can manifest in more ways than just the physical. I sat down with Dr. Stephanie Dillon, a licensed psychologist, to talk about how to spot the signs of seasonal affective disorder and ways to address a drop in mood as the thermometer dips. That story is on page 14. Winter should be a time for reflection on both the good and the bad of the previous year. And I think we do probably appreciate the sun a little more after spending a few months in the cold. Writing this guide gave me plenty to think about heading into the new year, and I hope it does the same for you. Thanks for reading,

Matt Bieker Special projectS editor

winter guide Continued on page 14


PBR VELOCITY TOUR: The Professional Bull

Alpine Meadows third annual holiday celebration features carolers, concerts and other holiday entertainment, Santa Claus on the slopes, ice skating, ice carving demonstrations, an ice garden, train rides, horse drawn sleigh rides, disco tubing, Christmas Eve Dinner at High Camp, New Year’s Eve parties and more. Thu, 12/20-Mon, 12/31. Prices vary. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

NEVADA CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: The Reno Chamber Orchestra’s 15th annual festival features concerts showcasing worldclass musicians and the best in classical music, culminating with a New Year’s Day celebration. Concerts take place in the afternoon and evening at various locations, including Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Trinity Episcopal Church, Nightingale Concert Hall on the UNR campus and the South Reno United Methodist Church. Wed, 12/26-Tue, 1/1. $25-$250. Locations vary, (775) 348-9413.

Riders’ national tour showcases elite and up-and-coming bull riders. Fri, 1/11, 8pm; Sat, 1/12, 7pm. $10-$100. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

RENO LATIN DANCE FEST: The annual Latin dance festival includes workshops taught by professional instructors, night parties with hours of social dancing and an evening dance showcase, where dance couples and teams from all over the nation entertain the audience with their energy and creative performances. Thu, 1/3-Sun 1/6. $40-$350. Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St.; Circus Circus Reno, 500 N. Sierra St., www.renolatindancefest.com.

SHEEP DIP: The 55th and final “parody for charity” dips local newsmakers in a satirical vat of comedy, skits, singing and dancing to cleanse them of their past deeds. Fri-Sat, 1/11-1/12. $TBA. Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., sheepdipshow.org.

LISTINGS 12.13.18






story and photo by Matt bieker / m a t t b @ne w s re v i e w . c o m


easonal affective disorder (SAD) is sometimes called winter depression and can appear as the ambient light changes during the winter months. While medically different from generalized depression or major depression, SAD is a mood disorder that can still cause major disruptions in the lives of people whom it affects. Dr. Stephanie Dillon is a licensed psychologist who has been practicing for over 30 years. She sat down with us to explain what SAD can look like and how to seek help if you suspect you may be suffering from it. What is seasonal affective disorder as you understand it? How’s it different from other kinds of depression? Seasonal affective disorder is caused by events that happen in the external world. Now, that can be said also of certain kinds of depression, where something is kicked off by an unfortunate event that goes on, like somebody has a car accident or they lose a loved one, something like that. But with seasonal affective disorder, it has to do with the actual change in the quality and quantity of the light in the external environment. Most people who are affected by SAD have those effects beginning in fall and winter, and then as the light source, meaning the sun, gets smaller in the sense that there are fewer hours of it, and so people don’t get exposed to the same amount overall of sunlight. And for some people, this triggers something called seasonal affective disorder, which is, can be, really unpleasant, like all depression.

Can they coexist? Major depression and seasonal affective disorder? So SAD can co-occur with major depression. Certainly one would hope not. Anyone who has major depression would hope not, and anyone who is subject to SAD would hope not, either, because a you love to co-occurrence would smell, like a undoubtedly mean more vanilla candle intensity. So the population for example, statistics in this country on or your favorite Dr. Stephanie Dillon in her SAD are not necessarily aftershave or office in central Reno agreed upon, like the range perfume, that is anywhere from, gosh, wouldn’t smell very good anymore. 500,000 or all the way to 3 million. Your appetite might drop off a So in other words, it’s one of those little. You might have trouble either things that’s not measured very going to sleep or staying asleep, or correctly, and there’s a lot of diveryou might be oversleeping. So they gence about what is the occurrence are the common symptoms that you in the general population of this. would actually see with depression, but they’re related to the changes in What are the kind of signs the seasons. or symptoms that somebody would look out for? I’ve read that the biochemiPretty much the same kinds of signs cal causes of depression are and symptoms that you would have still somewhat of a mystery. Is with another kind of depression. SAD the same? You would have a low mood. I think there is a lot of supposition You would feel kind of helpless, about the factors that cause SAD. hopeless. And, again, there’s a For example, people will say, “Well, giant range … of intensity of the maybe about 15 percent of it can be symptoms. ascribed to people who have relatives who have a major depression.” But How can people distinguish the reality is it’s really difficult to between, kind of, being a little target what the causal factors are. down versus potentially having Some people say it’s a subset of a diagnosable condition? You would feel a noticeable drop in major depression, but that doesn’t really give very much information. your mood. It’s not something that It’s not clear that the people who get would just blow by you at all. You this have a genetic loading for it. would notice that food didn’t have that same good taste. Things that

Seasonal Affective Disorder can impact your mood in the colder months

rn&r’s 2018 LI S T I N G S


SNOWGLOBE MUSIC FESTIVAL 2018: The  three-day electronic dance music festival  returns with headliners Above & Beyond,  Diplo, Eric Prydz, Rezz, RL Grime, Big  Gigantic and Gorgon City, among many  other acts.  Sat 12/29-Mon 12/31, 2pm. $109$499. South Lake Tahoe Community  Playfields & Bijou Park, 1 College Way, South  Lake Tahoe., snowglobemusicfestival.com.

STARGAZING SNOWSHOE TOURS: Enjoy an  easy to moderate snowshoe walk with an  unobstructed view of the cosmos. Meet  at Northstar California Resort’s Cross  Country, Telemark & Snowshoe Center.  Snowshoe rentals are available for an  additional fee.  Sat, 12/29, Sat, 1/5, Sat, 1/26, Sat, 2/9, Sat, 2/23, 5pm. $52-$72. Northstar  California Resort, 5001 Northstar Drive,  Truckee, www.northstarcalifornia.com.

WEEKEND NATURE WALKS: The May  Arboretum’s Weekend Nature Walks are  designed for families with children 10 years  and younger who want to learn more about  different aspects of the environment.  The walks are led by Alexis Tarantino, an  environmental studies student at the  University of Nevada, Reno.  Sat, 1/12, Sat, 1/26, Sat, 2/9, Sat 2/23, 10am. Free. Wilbur  D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional  Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-4153.

WINTER FIREWORKS: Every Saturday from Jan.  3-March 30, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows  will light up the night sky with a special  fireworks show.  Sat, 1/3-Sat, 3/30. Free.  KT Base Bar, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows,  1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley,  squawalpine.com.

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What kind of treatments are available? I think probably a visit with a psychologist would be really helpful because I think then the person who’s struggling with this could get some number of ideas about what’s going on in their life, and if the depression that they’re experiencing is absolutely related to ... SAD or is it something to do with other things in their life? The recommendations about treatment are—the most frequent one—is for people to use a light box, and the light box is literally a box that you sit in front of that has the equivalent of sunlight in it. So it has the range of light rays that you see if you were looking toward the sun. You spend about half an hour in front of it in the morning because that sets up your day to be a better day. And then you would literally feel better. It’s helpful that there’s such a concrete medical apparatus to treat SAD, but what can people expect from a visit with a psychologist? A psychologist is going to be, I think, very interested in trying to get a pretty complete picture of you in the first visit, and it’s not easy to do, and it’s pretty essential because,

you know, for one thing, I want to find out if somebody is suicidal. … I want to find out about their relationships, their employment, if they’re isolated, what they see as the major problems that they’re facing. Are they feeling pretty alone? Do they have a good social support system and social network? Who can they tell the truth to? Is there anything someone who suspects they might be suffering from SAD or other mood disorders can do personally to have some control over it? I think that there are a lot of things that you can do yourself, and sometimes you might have to push yourself a bit to do these things. But for example, exercise is something that really does make a difference because it changes your physiology. When you change your physiology, then you’re having an impact on your mood, on your optimism. So that’s one thing. Another thing is, and there’s research about this, doing a gratitude list every morning, trying that for a month. And in the gratitude list you have to name three specific things, and they can’t be, “I’m glad I’m alive.” That’s a little too tired. But, you know, something unique, something smaller, whatever that might be. The theory … is that it sets you up to feel good about things, three specific things, and it changes the tone of the conversation you’re having with yourself. It’s really effective. Ω

ContinueD from pAge 13 WINTER SPEAKER SERIES: The series  features Emily Harrington, an American  professional rock climber and adventurer.  Raffle and bar proceeds benefit  Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe.  Thu 1/3, 7pm. Free. Olympic Village Lodge,  1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley,  alpenglowsports.com.

WORLD’S LARGEST TORCHLIGHT PARADE: Squaw  Valley Alpine Meadows will introduce a  new feat this season: an attempt at the  world’s largest torchlight parade. Skiers  and riders of all ages are invited to join  together for the final lap of 2018 on New  Year’s Eve, lighting up the night sky with  colorful LED torches as they thread down  the 3.2-mile Mountain Run in an attempt  to best 3,000 participants and break the  record.  Mon, 12/31, 5:30pm. Free. Squaw  Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley  Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

WRITERS IN THE WOODS: SNC Tahoe’s Writers in  the Woods series brings well-known poets  and writers from all over the country to  the campus for intimate readings and  workshops, where audience members can  meet and exchange ideas with the guest  writers. Free readings take place on Friday  evenings starting at 7pm. Workshops will  be held on Saturday mornings, 10am-noon.  Workshops are $50 and free for students.  Fri 2/8-Sat 2/9; Fri, 2/22-Sat 2/23. $0-$50.  Tahoe Center for Environmental Studies  Room 139-141,Sierra Nevada College, 999  Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-1314,  www.sierranevada.edu.

ART BIBO COFFEE COMPANY: Midtown Mural Tour.  A docent-led tour of more than 40 of the  80 murals in the Midtown District. Local,  national and international artists are  represented. Tickets are available at the  door.  Sat, 1/12, Sat 2/9, 11am. $10. Bibo  Coffee Company, 717 S. Center St., (415)  596-4987, artspotreno.com.

CARSON CITY COURTHOUSE GALLERY: Gig Depio:  Americana with Cadmium Orange. The  Capital City Arts Initiative presents its  exhibition by artist Gig Depio. The show  runs Monday-Friday through Jan. 31.  Thu, 12/20-Thu, 1/31, 9am-5pm. Free. Carson  City Courthouse Gallery, 885 E. Musser St.,  Carson City, www.arts-initiative.org.


ith frosty temperatures and snow storms quickly rolling in, winter in Northern Nevada is on the way. However, if you’re a Nevada local, you’re in luck. According to the Nevada Division of Tourism, our state is home to most of the natural hot springs found in the United States. When traveling to naturally forming springs out in remote areas, be sure to travel prepared with a detailed map and know whether or not your adventure requires a high-clearance vehicle. With natural springs, always be sure to test the temperature of the water before jumping in—a food thermometer will do the trick. As a word of precaution, it’s a good idea to keep your head above water in natural springs as the warm water could contain organisms that are harmful to humans. And with any spring, be sure to clean up any trash or debris you bring in so the next person can enjoy the water.

+ TREGO HOT SPRINGS Trego Hot Springs is located on Bureau of Land Management land and is available for all to enjoy for free. This spring is found two and a half hours north of Reno and lies just outside of Black Rock Desert. From the nearby town of Gerlach, continue onto NV-447 South for 2.8 miles before turning left on State Route 48. Take the well-maintained dirt road for 14.4 miles before turning left on Trego Road. For those who don’t have a high-clearance, fourwheel-drive vehicle I’d caution you to walk the remaining 0.2 miles left to the spring rather than drive as the road is extremely muddy this time of year. When you arrive at Trego, you’ll find impressive views of the playa and what looks more like a large, blue creek than a pond. Trego is large enough to accommodate multiple groups of people, giving you extra peace and quiet while soaking in the warm water. Temperatures fluctuate throughout the Y-shaped stream with the hottest point at the top of the Y formation. Be aware that this area is too hot to soak in, so stay away from the very top of the spring. Other parts of the spring fluctuate around a relaxing 105 degrees. Overnight camping at Trego is also permitted at no additional cost.

+ DAVID WALLEY’S HOT SPRINGS RESORT If you’re not interested in trekking through mud or don’t have access to a high-clearance vehicle,

story and photo by andrea heerdt

David Walley’s Resort is the ideal getaway for locals interested in enjoying the benefits of mineral water without having to get too grimy to experience it. Nestled below the Sierra Nevada Mountains outside Genoa, David Walley’s Hot Springs Resort is 50 minutes south of Reno and contains five natural mineral spas for visitors to enjoy. All of the springs are filled with water naturally warmed by the Earth’s mantle, and spas range in temperature from 98-105 degrees. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, locals can purchase a day pass for $35 with a valid I.D.

+ SPENCER HOT SPRINGS Spencer is another free-to-visit hot spring located on BLM land. From Reno, the drive takes a little over three hours as you traverse across the state towards its center. As you travel on U.S. Highway 50, make your way east towards Austin, Nevada, and continue on the highway for another 12 miles before turning south onto SR 376. After a quick 0.3 miles on SR 376, take a left on the dirt road marked by a sign for Toquima Cave, and drive for about six miles. You’ll see Spencer Hot Springs on your left. The baths are made from large tanks filled with hot spring water. They are perfect for soaking during winter as the metal containers

Trego Hot Springs is about two and a half hours north of Reno and is free for visitors to enjoy.

Nevada’s hot springs are good for fighting winter’s chill keep the water temperature warmer for a longer period of time. Catch views of the snowy Toiyabe Mountains from Nevada’s Big Smokey Valley while you soak, and if you’re lucky, you’ll spot a herd of wild burros that call the area home. A high-clearance vehicle is also recommended as the roads can quickly become muddy this time of year due to rain and snowmelt.

+ SOLDIER MEADOWS HOT SPRINGS If you’re up by the Black Rock Desert and have already have explored Trego, Soldier Meadows Hot Springs is a series of pools in the Black Rock High Rock Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area. When you’ve reached Gerlach, travel north on Country Road 34 for about 13 miles before turning

right on Soldier Meadows Road, where you’ll then continue for 47 more miles. Be sure to bring a spare tire on your vehicle for emergencies, as this journey requires several hours of dirt road driving. Once you’ve spotted a cabin on your left, follow a series of dirt roads until you’ve reached the springs that lie directly behind the cabin. Soldier Meadows is for those who want to be completely off the grid. The vastness and remoteness of this desert area allows you to completely escape from city life under a blanket of stars at night. Visitors can camp at the BLM cabin for free, but only if it’s unoccupied. If not, tent camping on BLM land is also free. Besides the two largest springs that belong to Soldier Meadows Ranch & Lodge, the rest of the warm pools in the area are free for travelers to soak in. Ω

wiNter guide CoNtiNued oN page 16 DAVIDSON’S DISTILLERY: Bikeriders. Dave  Muskin’s black and white photographs of  Harley-Davidson enthusiasts. The show  runs through Jan. 7.  Thu, 12/20-Mon, 1/7, 11am. Free. Davidson’s Distillery, 275 E.  Fourth St., (775) 324-1917.

E. L. WIEGAND GALLERY, OATS PARK ART CENTER:  Miya Hannon: Underfoot. Installations and  mixed-media works through March 23.  Artist’s talk and reception for the artist on  Jan. 19, 5-7pm.  Thu, 12/20-Sat, 3/23. Free.  Oats Park Art Center, 151 E. Park St., Fallon,  (775) 423-1440.

KIRK ROBERTSON GALLERY, OATS PARK ART CENTER: Lahontan Valley Fine Arts  Invitational. Recent works by Churchill

County artists through March 23.  Thu, 12/20-Sat, 3/23. Free. Oats Park Art Center,  151 E. Park St., Fallon, (775) 423-1440.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER:  California Landscapes. McKinley Gallery  East presents David Yapp’s selection of  paintings that document the landscapes of  the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  Thu, 12/20Fri, 12/28, 9am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts &  Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775)  334-6264.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER GALLERY WEST: Luminance. McKinley Gallery West  presents Edward Alfano’s collection of  photographs that attempt to portray  the past in the exact moment that they  are captured. Light and shadow are  emphasized through the use of infrared  film, allowing the viewer to look deeper  into the photograph.  Thu, 12/20-Fri, 12/28, 9am. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center,  925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.

RENO CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Connection  Through Form. The Reno City Hall Metro  Gallery presents abstract works by Leah  Gerrard.  Thu, 12/20-Fri, 12/28, 8am. Free.  Reno City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St.,  (775) 334-6264.

STREMMEL GALLERY: Linda Christensen and  Linda Fleming. Stremmel Gallery presents  an exhibition of new works by Linda  Christensen and Linda Fleming on view  through Dec. 29. The gallery is open 9am5pm Monday-Friday and 10am-3pm on  Saturday. The gallery is closed on Sundays  and holidays/holiday weekends.  Thu, 12/20-Sat, 12/29. Free. Stremmel Gallery,  1400 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-0558,  stremmelgallery.com.


HAROLD AND LILLIAN: Artemisia MovieHouse

FACES PLACES: Eighty-nine-year old Agnes  Varda, one of the leading figures of the  French New Wave, and acclaimed 33-yearold French photographer and muralist JR  teamed up to co-direct this documentary/ road movie. Together they travel around  the villages of France in JR’s photo truck  meeting locals, learning their stories and  producing epic-size portraits of them.  Faces Places documents these heartwarming encounters as well as the unlikely,  tender friendship they formed along the  way. In French with English subtitles.  Sun, 2/3, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth  Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St.,  artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

presents a screening of this 2011  documentary film directed by Daniel  Raim. Harold and Lillian Michelson eloped  to Hollywood in 1947, where they became  the film industry’s secret weapons.  Sun, 1/6, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth  Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St.,  artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

MOUNTAINFILM ON TOUR NORTH LAKE TAHOE: The  film festival showcases nonfiction stories  about environmental, cultural, climbing,  political and social justice issues that  matter.  Sat, 2/16, 7pm. $10-$13. Alpenglow  Sports, 415 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City,  alpenglowsports.com.



12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   15

Continued from pAge 15

Rn&R’S 2018

Ski Resort Directory







Alpine Meadows   www.skialpine.com   (800) 403-0206









Boreal Mountain Playground   www.rideboreal.com   (530) 426-3666









Diamond Peak   www.diamondpeak.com   (775) 832-1177









Donner Ski Ranch   www.donnerskiranch.com   (530) 426-3635









Granlibakken   www.granlibakken.com   (877) 552-6301










Lessons, rentals,   all resort amenities

Heavenly Lake Tahoe   www.skiheavenly.com   (800) 432-8365










Lessons, rentals,   groomed trails

Homewood Mountain   www.skihomewood.com   (530) 525-2992










Groomed trails, lessons,  rentals, retail shop, cafes,  lodges

Kirkwood   www.kirkwood.com   (209) 258-6000


















Kirkwood   www.kirkwood.com  (209) 258-6000 Northstar California Resort   www.skinorthstar.com  (800) 466-6784 Royal Gorge Cross Country  www.royalgorge.com  (530) 426-3871



Are you ready to shred on some powder or take a cross-country trip through the woods? Check out this guide to the area’s ski resorts. CROSS-COUNTRY RESORTS





Lessons, rentals,   snowshoeing allowed

Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe   www.skirose.com   (775) 849-0704

Tahoe Cross Country Ski  www.tahoexc.org  (530) 583-5475


Lessons, rentals, dog trails,  groomed trails

Northstar California Resort   www.skinorthstar.com   (800) 466-6784









Tahoe Donner  www.tahoedonner.com  (530) 587-9400


Lessons, rentals

Sierra-at-Tahoe   www.sierraattahoe.com   (530) 659-7453









Soda Springs   www.skisodasprings.com   (530) 426-3901









Squaw Valley USA   www.squaw.com   (800) 403-0206









Sugar Bowl   www.sugarbowl.com   (530) 426-9000









Tahoe Donner   www.tahoedonner.com   (530) 587-9400









Squaw Creek Nordic   www.squawcreek.com  (530) 583-6300



PANIQUE: Artemisia MovieHouse presents  a screening the 1946 drama directed by  Julien Duvivier and adapted from Les  Fiançailles de Monsieur Hire, a novel by  Georges Simenon. In French with English  subtitles.  Sun, 1/13, 6pm. $5-$9. Good  Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W.  Taylor St., artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

MUSIC BAROQUE MASTERS SERIES: TOCCATA—Tahoe  Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will  begin the 2019 Season with Baroque  chamber music masterpieces.  Sun, 1/6, 3pm. First Methodist Church, 209 W.  First St., Reno;  Wed, 1/9, 7pm.  Trinity  Lutheran Church, 1480 Douglas Ave.,  Gardnerville,  Sat, 1/12, 3pm.  St. John’s  Presbyterian Church, 1070 Plumb  Lane, Reno;  Sun, 1/13, 3pm.  $0-$40. St.  Patrick’s Church, 341 Village Blvd., Incline  Village, (775) 298-6989, toccatatahoe.org.

CLASSIX SERIES—TIMELESS MASTERS: The  Reno Phil’s program features works by  Beethoven and Tchaikovsky.  Sat, 2/9, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/10, 4pm. $9-$89. Pioneer  Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S.  Virginia St., (775) 323-6393.

16   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18

CLASSIX SERIES—UNEXPECTED EVOLUTION:  The string trio Time for Three joins  the Reno Phil. The group will perform a  piece written specifically for them by  composer Chris Brubeck (son of jazz  artist Dave Brubeck). The Reno Phil  Orchestra’s will perform Rachmaninoff’s  final work, Symphonic Dances.  Sat, 1/12, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/13, 4pm. $9-$89. Pioneer  Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S.  Virginia St., (775) 323-6393, renophil.com.

RENO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA WITH MATTHEW LINAMAN: Michael Morgan, music director  of the Oakland Symphony, will guest  conduct a program that includes works  by Schumann and Richard Strauss.  Sat, 2/16, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/17, 2pm. $5-$55.  Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine  Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno,  1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 348-9413.

ONSTAGE ARTIFICIAL JUNGLE: Restless Artists Theatre  presents Charles Ludlam’s suspense  thriller.  Fri, 1/11-Sat, 1/12, 7:30pm; Sun,

1/13, 2pm; Thu, 1/17-Sat, 1/19, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/20, 2pm; Thu, 1/24-Sat, 1/26, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/27, 2pm. $8-$15. Restless Artists  Theatre Company, 295 20th St., Sparks,  (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.

BAREFOOT IN THE PARK: Reno Little Theater  presents Neil Simon’s romantic  comedy.  Fri, 1/18-Sat, 1/19, 7:30pm; Sun,

1/20, 2pm; Thu, 1/24-Sat, 1/26, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/27, 2pm; Thu, 1/31-Sat, 2/2, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/3, 2:30pm. $12-$25. Reno Little  Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900,  renolittletheater.org.

THE DRESSER: Brüka Theatre presents  Ronald Harwood’s drama.  Fri, 1/18-

Sat, 1/19, 7:30pm; Thu, 1/24-Sat, 1/26, 7:30pm; Sun, 1/27, 2pm; Thu, 1/31-Sat, 2/2, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/3, 2pm; Wed, 2/6-Sat, 2/9, 7:30pm. $18-$25. Brüka Theatre, 99 N.  Virginia St., www.bruka.org.

GALILEO—STARS IN HIS EYES: Brüka Theatre  present this play written with children  in mind about the famous scientist  Galileo, his incredible discoveries and  challenges as experienced through his  young daughter Virginia.  Thu, 2/21-Sat, 2/23, 11am. $5-$10. Brüka Theatre, 99 N.  Virginia St., (775) 323-3221.

THE KING AND I: Broadway Comes to Reno  continues its 2018-2019 season with  this musical based on the 2015 Tony  Award-winning Lincoln Center Theater  production.  Fri, 1/18, 8pm; Sat, 1/19, 2pm & 8pm; Sun, 1/20, 1pm & 7pm. $55-$95.  Pioneer Center for the Performing  Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600,  pioneercenter.com.

SIRENS: Restless Artists Theatre presents  Deborah Zoe Laufer’s dramatic  comedy.  Fri, 2/8-Sat, 2/9, 7:30pm; Sun,

2/10, 2pm; Thu, 2/14-Sat, 2/16, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/17, 2pm; Thu, 2/21-Sat, 2/23, 7:30pm; Sun, 2/24, 2pm. $8-$15. Restless Artists  Theatre Company, 295 20th St., Sparks,  (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.

SOMETHING ROTTEN!: Set in 1595, the musical  tells the story of Nick and Nigel Bottom,  two brothers who are desperate to  write a hit play.  Fri, 2/15, 8pm, Sat, 2/16, 2pm & 8pm; Sun, 2/17, 1pm & 8pm. $TBA.   Pioneer Center for the Performing  Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600,  pioneercenter.com.

Boreal mountain and Squaw Valley offer two different night skiing experiences by Matt bieker Mattb@newsreview.coM


Boreal offers night skiing every day of the week, while Squaw Valley will hold its torchlight parade on Dec. 31.

Lighting is important at Squaw Valley’s yearly torchlit parade.

Photo//courteSy of Squaw Valley alPine MeaDowS reSort

orthern Nevada skiers and snowboarders are already spoiled in their proximity to world-class terrain, but only two local resorts offer the chance to see the slopes in a new light—or, rather, in the absence of it—through their night skiing programs and events. “Skiing in powder is one of the most amazing things, where it feels like you’re in hyperspace, you know, the white dots flying by you in the middle of the night,” said Tucker Norred, marketing director for Boreal Mountain in Northern California. Boreal Mountain is the only resort with designated night runs and stadium lighting, so skiers and boarders can keep shredding after sundown. “So all of our Boreal unlimited passes are good

from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m, including our all-access pass which grants you access into our facility as well,” Norred said. “And then we do have a separate night pass, which is valid from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m.” Norred said night skiing is an opportunity for beginners who want to get the most out of their day on the slopes. They can take classes throughout the day and continue to practice after other mountains in the area would close. The same is true for out-of-towners looking to get their money’s worth, as one $69 pass entitles the holder to a full 12 hours of riding. A lack of crowds also make night skiing a perfect opportunity for dedicated skiers and riders with limited day-time options. “People would come up after their 9-to-5 down either in Sacramento or the Reno

area, and they still want to be able to ski once they get off work,” Norred said. Many of the runs besides the main downhill slope and terrain park close after 4 p.m., and packing extra layers is important for the temperature difference once the sun goes down. “I recommend getting the right lenses for your goggles as well,” Norred said. “I recommend using a clear lens ... always make sure that you can see when you’re trying to ski and snowboard out on the hill.” Boreal also has a full roster of upcoming events, like Feel Good Friday on Dec. 14, which will feature discounted ticket prices, or the nighttime rail jam on Dec. 21. But Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows Resort is expanding its annual night-time event by trying to break the world record for

most participants in a torch-lit ski parade. “Everybody goes to the top at night and skis down with this torch, and it makes this really cool, luminescent visual, and it’s just, it’s cool for spectators as much as it is for the participants,” said JT Holmes, a Redbull sponsored athlete and Squaw Valley affiliated skier. “It’s kind of an amazing thing to look at. And this year we decided to step it up and break the record.” On New Year’s Eve, starting at 5:45 p.m., approximately 3,000 skiers and riders will attempt to break the record by taking their torches down the three-mile run from the top to the bottom of Squaw Valley. And while Squaw Valley will not offer a dedicated night skiing program this year, the torchlit parade is an event for skiers looking for spectacle over skill. Ω

12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   17

by Kris VAgner

Trevor Paglen’s new sculpture will orbit the Earth for 60 days.

Astronomers hate it.

Photo/courtesy of the Nevada MuseuM of art

Curators love it.


n Dec. 3, artist Trevor Paglen’s giant sculpture, Orbital Reflector, launched into space from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc, California. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carried it into orbit in a brick-sized package. The artwork—an elongated diamond shape made of a lightweight material similar to Mylar—exited the rocket and inflated to its full size, 100 feet long. The sculpture now orbits the Earth every hour and a half. On a clear night, it should be visible from Reno and look about as bright as a bright star—but the nights here have been overcast since the launch. The project is among a handful of ambitious outdoor works that the Nevada Museum of Art has helped to bring to fruition. The goal is to build a reputation for studying and producing land-art pieces— and now a space-art piece. To date, the largest project in this vein has been the $3.5 million “Seven Magic Mountains,” a set of three-story, Day-Glo-painted limestone cairns stacked outside of Las Vegas. The Orbital Reflector, though it’s been criticized for being opulent, is a comparative bargain at $1.3 million, all contributed by private donors.

“space junk?” Orbital Reflector was in the development stages for two years, which gave it plenty of time to rack up a list of complaints. Some in space-related fields have described it as “space junk,” “graffiti” or “a disingenuous gimmick.”

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Here’s why the nMA-sponsored sculpture— now in orbit—exists in the first place. Chris Lintott, Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University, told the popular science blog IFLScience, “Really, I fear it’s the tip of the iceberg. Today it’s a well-meaning artist, but tomorrow it might be Coca-Cola deciding to ‘inspire humanity’ with an orbiting advert for the latest soft drink.” Others have expressed concerns that the art piece might obscure the view of natural celestial objects—though Dr. Thomas Herring from the Jack C. Davis Observatory at Western Nevada College told KUNR, “I don’t think it’s going to interfere with anything. And, of course, in low earth orbit, it’ll go across the sky in a few minutes at most.”

spying on spying Paglen has an MFA in art and a Ph.D in geography. He won a MacArthur Genius Grant in 2017 and the prestigious Nam June Paik Art Center Prize, with a $45,000 award, in 2018. He has shown at The Met, The Tate and a long list of international museums. His mid-career survey is on exhibition at the Smithsonian through January. He often summarizes his approach to making art with the phrase: “I’m interested in art that helps us see the cultural moment that we live in.” To get telling glimpses of the cultural moment, Paglen strives to find

vantage points outside of our usual spheres of experience. Bill Fox, director the NMA’s Center for Art + Environment, put it another way in a phone interview last week: “Flannery O’Connor, the writer, was once asked, ‘Why do you write about such eccentric characters?’ And she said, ‘You can’t see the center unless you’re looking in from the outside.’ … So in a sense, that’s what we’re doing [with Orbital Reflector]. We’re taking something outside the planet, off the planet, and that’s making us think about what’s on the planet. Trevor talks about that a lot.” Paglen is interested in things that affect us but that we cannot see—especially things that are part of large-scale systems of control. Which satellites are up in space? Which ones does the government keep secret? How often are we under surveillance—and by whom? Do the selfies we love to take actually just serve as data for large corporations? Do our personal posts and pictures benefit Facebook and Google more than they benefit us? And what really makes up “the internet” anyway? For past projects, Paglen has spent months or even years probing some of these questions. A piece called “The Other Night Sky,” began when he noticed that, although satellites are tracked by the government and their purposes are mostly made public, amateur astronomers had identified 189 that weren’t known to the

To track Orbital Reflector’s position in the sky, download the app Star Walk 2. The Orbital Reflector Launch Party is scheduled for 7-10 p.m Dec. 15 at the Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St. Admission is $25 or $10 for museum members. Event activities will include a performance by members of the Reno Philharmonic, telescope viewings courtesy of Fleischmann Planetarium, and an appearance by artist Trevor Paglen. For more information, visit www.nevadaart.org/ event/orbital-reflector-launch-party.

public. Paglen spent two years working with computer scientists and engineers to develop what his website calls “a software model to describe the orbital motion of classified spacecraft.” He calculated their positions and photographed them. For another piece, he examined and mapped the physical infrastructure that makes up the internet. Turns out it’s not actually a magic “cloud.” It’s a network of over a half a million miles of undersea cables. Paglen took up scuba diving and descended into the ocean to photograph them. He’s also mapped, in one way or another, things like CIA flights and the covert kidnappings of suspected terrorists. He’s spied on facilities that spy on us. He’s used lenses meant for astronomical observations to zoom in on secret bases. He’s rented a helicopter to document the photo-shy National Security Agency from overhead. Paglen is always looking for new angles from which to examine privacy, surveillance and information, always asking who controls it all? Who makes the rules about that?

“It’s naïve to tHInk tHat space was ever about mucH more tHan creatIng planetary weapons systems.” Trevor Paglen

With Orbital Reflector, the questions are along the lines of: Who does outer space belong to? Does outer space count as public space? If humans colonize a planet, what will the rules be? There are actually some formal ground rules in place for some of this. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 specifies that no country may claim a planet or moon as its own territory. It also prohibits weapons of mass destruction in space. (Conventional weapons are fair game, though.) Wait, what? Exploring outer space could have been all about enormous weapons, not about Neil Armstrong’s “giant leap for mankind” or Canadian astronaut/ guitarist Chris Hadfield’s endearing, informative YouTube videos? “It’s naïve to think that space was ever about much more than creating planetary weapons systems,” Paglen

wrote in an August blog post. “The first spacefaring vehicles—Nazi V-2 rockets—were designed for mass murder. After the war, the US and Soviet Union famously imported German rocket scientists to develop their own generation of rockets. The launch vehicles that put the first satellites in orbit weren’t designed to explore the universe; they were designed to deliver nuclear weapons. In a very real sense, spaceflight is a byproduct of global war.”

History repeated The NMA’s Bill Fox pointed out that it’s plausible, as we prepare to send humans farther into space, that we’ll stir up a lot of the same issues that arose as we explored and colonized the Earth. “We walk into a place and call it our own,” Fox said. “We tell stories about it. We establish habitat in it. So, if we’re contemplating sending humans back to the moon, and to Mars, and to the moons of Mars, if we’re talking about those kinds of missions, what we’re doing is we’re changing space into place. … You’re dealing with the environments of that place and the interactions of humans with it.” Orbital Reflector is only scheduled to last in orbit for 60 days. If all goes according to plan, it will burn up and leave no trace. But Fox predicts that its legacy will last indefinitely. “I suspect that people are going to write about it, study it,” he said. “I think the art historians are going to have a ball with it.” Ω

Trevor Paglen has shown his work all over the country.

Photo/courtesy of the Nevada MuseuM of art

12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   19


je r ic @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m



T H A N K Y O U T O O UR H ER OES ! Thank you to the firefighters, EMS personnel, first responders of all varieties, nurses, neighbors in Chico and Paradise, and all of the many people, businesses and organizations helping evacuees and the Butte County community during the Camp Fire.

$ DO N A TE TO H E L P TH E VI C TI MS There are many worthy organizations raising money. Please donate to the organization of your choice. If you’d like to “give to a fund that’s going to be in this for the duration, then the foundation is your answer.” -Alexa Benson-Valavanis, CEO of North Valley Community Foundation, as quoted in the CN&R. To donate to the NVCF, go to www.nvcf.org.

OPEN YOUR HOME If you have a home that you’re willing to list for evacuees (any time through December 14), visit www.airbnb.com/welcome/evacuees/buttecounty.

DO N ATE TO Y S TO C H I LDR EN Ashlee’s Toy Closet in Sparks, NV is collecting new toys for children affected by the Camp Fire. You can donate new toys, books or clothes at The Laughton Company offices, 140 Washington St. Ste. 100 Reno, NV 89503 or make financial donations here https://www.facebook.com/donate/351226489019537.

20   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18

Christina Solis at Junkee Clothing Exchange holds up some examples of what she calls “Minnesota mom” Christmas sweaters.

No sweat Ugly sweaters Felt appliques and pom-poms? It must be ugly Christmas sweater season. It’s one of those cyclical things, as is fashion generally. Trends come and go over the course of a generation or two—but ugly Christmas sweaters are something different. They harken back to the era of TV and movie dads like Cliff Huxtable and Clark Griswold—but for every person who prizes them for their tacky nostalgia, there’s another whose appreciation is genuine. The ugly Christmas sweater may be the only garment around which get-togethers are specifically arranged, excepting maybe lingerie parties. In the Truckee Meadows, ugly sweater parties are public affairs—and there are a bevy of them. Here’s a peek at a few. On Dec. 15, from 2 to 5 p.m., there’s an ugly sweater wine walk on the Riverwalk in Reno. Ticket sales support the merchants’ association for the district, as well as Safe Embrace, a local women’s shelter. The fourth annual “12 Bars of Christmas Ugly Sweater Crawl” is scheduled for Saturday Dec. 22, starting at 7 p.m. in downtown Sparks on Victorian Avenue. The United Cerebral Palsy Thrift Store, 2150 Oddie Blvd., is selling ugly holiday sweaters and including a free crawl ticket for customers 21 and older. Thrift stores have long been the juggernauts of the ugly Christmas sweater industry, but, according to longtime Junkee Clothing Exchange employee Christina Solis, the growing popularity of ugly sweater parties has recently begun to affect this. “Now, everybody has [ugly sweaters],” she said. “You can go to Walgreens. You can go to Target. You can go anywhere.


Back in the day, we literally were the only one in town that had ugly Christmas sweaters. We would order them specially from L.A.—have a picker go through all of the thrift stores in California. She would send them to us, and we would sell out.” This year, the sweaters on Junkee’s racks are leftovers from the previous year. People are increasingly more interested in novelty sweaters—the mass-produced kind that actually feature Huxtable or Griswold, or any number of kitschy themes from llamas to sunglasses-clad Santas. “Since it’s catching on, people are like, ‘I really want the Santa that’s pooping on a Porta Potty,’” Solis said. “That’s not the whole point of an ugly Christmas sweater, for me anyway. … There’s a company called Tipsy Elves, and that’s all they do, is make ugly Christmas sweaters. But they’re, like, the novelty ones, and they sell them for, like, a hundred bucks.” Sweaters in Junkee’s selection are generally conservative, and they rarely run more than $15. “Ours are like Minnesota mom sweaters—like somebody actually wore that to a bake sale and thought, ‘Damn, I look good,’” she said. For people who can embrace neither mass-produced nor vintage “Minnesota mom” sweaters, there’s always the option of creating something custom. “I would encourage people, if you like a sweater and it fits well, you can always get your hot glue gun out and put some more cheesy stuff, like puff balls and ornaments, on it if you want—just to make it a little bit more special and, obviously, uglier.” Here’s another idea. Take your favorite band sweatshirt (or T-shirt with a sweatshirt under it) and pin felt or construction paper Santa hats and/or reindeer antlers to the artists’ heads. Merry KISS-mas, anyone? Ω Learn more about the Ugly Sweater Crawl by visiting: https://bit.ly/2Ge4X6E. Learn more about the Ugly Sweater Wine Walk here: https://bit.ly/2SEi8iH.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Honey, i don’t know if our conjoined children will fit in this car.”

Maid to measure Four years after his Oscar winning Gravity, director Alfonso Cuarón returns with a decidedly different film in Roma. Working on a much smaller, but no less effective-scale, Roma is a moving tribute to the female servant he grew up with during the early ’70s in the Mexico City suburb of the movie’s title. Cuaron, who claims 90 percent of the movie is based on his childhood memories, tells the story from the female servant’s point of view. Renamed Cleo for the movie, and played by Yalitza Aparicio in an astonishing, heartbreaking performance, Cleo is the glue holding the family she tends together as their philandering patriarch, Antonio (Fernando Grediaga) abandons them. The remaining family consists of four children, their mother Sofia (Marina de Tavira) and their grandmother (Veronica Garcia). They rely heavily upon Cleo, who responds with a dedicated, steadfast grace no matter how tense the situation gets. That situation worsens when Cleo experiences her own version of male abandonment after becoming pregnant by Fermin (Jorge Antonio Guerrero), a martial arts-obsessed, criminally selfish man who should have the first letter of his name replaced with a “V.” Fermin, as it will turn out, is so despicable he makes Antonio look like an absolute sweetheart. So Cleo and Sofia are left alone, with Sofia’s situation always sort of happening in the background. We only get brief snippets of conversations and occurrences that allow Cleo and the family to know the father is not coming back. The abandonment of Cleo by Fermin, however, is handled in a far blunter and repeatedly awful display of total human cruelty. And, as mentioned before, Cleo goes through it all without becoming a burden on anyone. She carries her baby to term, still tending to the family’s children and supporting Sofia. Sofia has a few moments when she almost unravels, lashing out at her children and Cleo. She has a kind heart, but the pressure is almost

too much to take, and it shows on her surface—not so with Cleo, who rarely shares her personal feelings. I say rarely, but she does speak out in a few choice moments. Those moments are devastating. The movie covers about a year in the life of the family, and it’s a slow build. Filmed in black and white, its every shot is a beautiful thing to admire, all the more amazing in that Cuarón acted as his own cinematographer for the first time on a feature film. Much of the movie happens in slow pans. It isn’t very wordy, and it adheres to a certain level of reality that can be taken as mundane at times. It’s daringly simple and somehow simultaneously majestic. There are some grand scale moments. A sequence depicting a violent student uprising is visceral and taut. A neartragic event on a beach is frighteningly real and totally fills the screen. Yet, most of the movie is made up of the little moments that string a life together—a dog hopping up on your dress, a kid asking for Twinkies, a car rubbing into the car port’s walls because it’s too damned wide. Halfway into the movie, you really feel as if you’ve been living with this family and know them quite well. There have been a lot of great performances by actresses this year, and Aparicio’s is a truly remarkable one. She’s in nearly every scene. She gives us one of the year’s most memorable characters, and this is the only movie she has ever been in. She will break your heart when she tries to sit down for a second to watch a TV show, when she faces a troublesome birth on her own, or when she’s yelled at for missing a few of her daily tasks. I repeat, Aparicio will break your heart. Roma continues what it is turning out to be a breakthrough year for Netflix, which has given the movie a limited big screen release along with making it available for streaming. This, along with The Ballad of Buster Scruggs by the Coen brothers, is proof that the streaming service has become a giant purveyor of original cinema goodness. Ω



The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

Netflix is becoming a regular haven for our very best directors. Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma will debut on the streaming service this December after a very brief theatrical run (and a showing at this year’s Loft Film Festival). Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, Paul Greengrass, Guillermo del Toro and Steven Soderbergh all have had, or will have, projects with Netflix. The true stunner is that Joel and Ethan Coen, the Coen brothers, have also gone the way of Netflix with their latest, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. The film is a six-part Western anthology that fits snugly in their repertoire, which includes No Country for Old Men, Fargo, Barton Fink and Raising Arizona. The movie’s arrival on Netflix, after a one-week theatrical run, establishes Netflix as a true original film force. The film opens with a story about the title character (Tim Blake Nelson), a singing cowboy who is frighteningly adept with his gun, casually killing many in the segment’s few minutes. The musical ending tells us we are in true Coen territory, where weird, beautiful things can happen. The other shorts involve an unlucky bank robber (James Franco), a sad and greedy show runner (Liam Neeson), a wily prospector (Tom Waits), an unfortunate cross country traveler (Zoe Kazan) and a creepy stagecoach. All of the segments are good enough to be standalone films, and all of them successfully convey the overall theme, that the Old West was a tricky, dark place. For any Coen fan concerned that their film might be anything less than their usual brilliance, since it’s a streaming affair, fret not. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs will go down as one of the year’s best movies, as their films often do. It’s also a nice companion piece to their other fine Western, their remake of True Grit. (Streaming on Netflix.)


Bohemian Rhapsody

Rami Malek gives it his all as Freddie Mercury, the late lead singer of Queen, in the new biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. That, and a competent recreation of Queen’s Live Aid domination, are just about the only good things you can say about this mostly embarrassing effort to memorialize an incredible person and his sadly short life. The movie basically takes Mercury’s legacy, completely screws with his life’s timeline and makes up a bunch of unnecessary events to pad its 135-minute running time. Malek, acting through a big set of fake teeth made to capture the look of Mercury’s four extra incisors, is decent in the role. He actually sang on set, his voice blended with a Mercury soundalike to keep the movie from being a completely lip-synched affair. The musical sequences, including the Live Aid gig, are fun to watch. But, hey, if I want good Queen music, I can just watch the videos of Queen. There’s a movie happening between those musical sequences, and that movie is terrible, a messed-up bit of fakery that prompts a lot of unintentional laughter. There’s a great, truthful movie to be made about the life of Freddie Mercury. Bohemian Rhapsody doesn’t even come close to being that movie.


Boy Erased

Lucas Hedges continues his rise as one of his generation’s best actors as a young gay man forced into conversion therapy by his Baptist parents (Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman) in this adaptation of Garrard Conley’s memoir. Hedges plays Jared (a character based on Conley), a college student who, after a horrible event on campus, reveals to his parents that he “thinks about men.” This sends his parents into a religious panic, and they send him to a facility where a shifty preacher/counselor (Joel Edgerton) tries to convince him that homosexuality is a sin and the wrong choice. Jared is forced to withstand all of

the strains of psychological torture and gradually realizes that, despite his upbringing and the wishes of his parents, he’s gay and no amount of bullshit preaching is going to change that. Edgerton, who also directs, does a respectable job of keeping all characters in the film based in reality; the crazed preachers and misguided parents have depth to them and aren’t reduced to caricature. Kidman and Crowe are both very good, but the film’s main triumph belongs to Hedges, who continues to amaze.


Creed II


Green Book

Thirty-three years removed from the moronic Rocky IV, the Rocky franchise says hello again to Ivan Drago (a weathered Dolph Lundgren) and his boxing son Viktor (Florian Munteanu) with Creed II, the follow up to Ryan Coogler’s excellent Creed. Coogler has not returned, replaced by Steven Caple, Jr., in the director’s chair. Michael B. Jordan and Stallone are back, doing pretty much what they did in chapter one, which is not a bad thing. Creed II doesn’t break any new ground and represents a step backward from the astonishingly good Creed, but it’s still a lot of fun. This surprises me, because it dares to take the ridiculous story of Ivan Drago and expand upon it. Creed II tries to make Drago a real person, a defeated man living in shame for decades after losing to Rocky. His loss to Rocky came after killing Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) in the ring, so when Drago comes looking for a fight using his young, up-and-comer son Viktor, Adonis Creed (Jordan) can’t help but take notice. He’s got a score to settle, and he wants Rocky in his corner. Sound stupid? It is a little bit, but Caple, Jr., manages to continue the authentic vibe of Creed, even with the Dragos back in the ring. Lundgren actually gives one of the film’s best performances, his sense of humiliation oozing from his pores as he tries to regain former glory and the love of his estranged wife (Brigitte Nielson). Caple, Jr., and his screenwriters, which include Stallone, manage to make Drago a real character rather than a stereotype. They lose the whole U.S. versus Russia shtick and focus on the characters, resulting in a decent boxing movie.

Director Peter Farrelly gives us Green Book, essentially a remake of Driving Miss Daisy with the roles reversed and starring Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) and the Academy Award winning actor from Moonlight (Mahershala Ali). It’s a feel good movie about race relations that goes light on the grit and heavy on the sentiment. Based on a true story, Mortensen plays Tony Lip, an Italian bouncer at the Copacabana who finds himself temporarily without a job while the club is being renovated. His next gig installs him as a driver and bodyguard for Dr. Don Shirley (Ali), an African-American classical pianist who is touring a jazz trio in the early 1960s Deep South. So this is a road movie, with Tony driving and Shirley sitting in the back. As they venture south, they talk about fried chicken, Chubby Checker and letter writing. There is nothing in their dialogue that is anything remotely original or surprising, but Farrelly is lucky to have these two guys in the car. Without them, this film would be a total slog. The duo is, at times, fun to watch, even when the movie around them isn’t. Mortensen, who has had his share of dramatic and action roles, gets a chance to show off some comedic timing. He also put on over 40 pounds for the role. Mahershala is good as Shirley, so good you wish the script matched the majesty of his work. Seamless special effects make it look like he can play a mean piano. The movie is average at best, delivering a relatively good time while feeling quite dated. I expect a little more heft from a movie with this subject matter.






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22   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18

Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offer

by Todd SouTh

The Gold ’N Silver Inn has a little bit of everything for everyone.

Gold standard It was a Friday evening with friends and family, and we were craving Italian food. Upon arrival at my first restaurant choice, we discovered the joint closed, so I moved on to Plan B and was quoted a 90-minute wait. I called Plan C and was quoted a similar wait. I told the crew to meet me at Plan D, only to find it also packed. As we stood on the sidewalk in the cold December air, my son noted our unintentional quasireenactment of the Christmas story, i.e., he and his pregnant wife seeking shelter and sustenance without success. My buddy piped up, “There’s always GNS.” So, off we went to the Gold ’N Silver Inn, open 24 hours a day since 1956. The place was busy, but at this inn there is always room for more. Service was efficient, and we were made to feel quite welcome. Pizza isn’t the first thing I associate with a greasy spoon diner, but the restaurant’s 10-inch pies are actually quite decent. My pal’s cheese pie ($10.25) included red sauce with just enough oregano and garlic on a reasonably crispy crust, topped with a ton of mozzarella, provolone and cheddar. My grandson loves tomatoes and pineapple, so we ordered a margherita ($11.75) with olive oil, white cheese blend, split grape tomatoes, fresh basil, salt and pepper, and pineapple added with no extra charge. He seemed pretty pleased with it. Where there’s pizza, there are often chicken wings—and our shared order of large and meaty wings ($12.55) was even better than the pizza. We chose to have the 1.5-pound order doused in spicy mahogany sauce, and it came with garlic bread and veggies. Mahogany sauce that’s often served with tri-tip and barbecue items is a


mix of ketchup, onion, bacon, liquid smoke and grape jelly. My son loves the stuff, but I’ve never been a fan. This spicy version was an improvement, though I still punched it up with some additional hot sauce. My daughter’s basic order of two over medium eggs with a huge serving of golden, crispy hash browns ($6.90) was about as perfect an example as could be asked for. Her sister-in-law’s bacon and egg croissant ($11.60) was a similar success—a large croissant split and stuffed with crispy bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs and melted American cheese. The garlic fries she ordered as her side were crispy, with plenty of garlic punch. You can’t get more diner classic than a Reuben sandwich with fries ($11.95), and my son’s pile of corned beef, sauerkraut and Swiss cheese on grilled swirl rye was a great example. The sandwich doesn’t come with spread, which my boy and I both appreciate. We’re bigger fans of mustard than dressing. My surprisingly good 14-ounce ribeye steak dinner ($20.95) was cooked medium rare. The meat was tender and required nothing extra in the way or sauce or seasoning. Asparagus spears were perfect, and my side of mac and cheese hit the guilty pleasure spot. As it was Friday, I, of course, went with clam chowder over salad; it was neither the best nor worst I’ve had. Though pies and other desserts beckoned, we just didn’t have room. Our server brought us a giant vanilla shake ($5.95) with six juice glasses to split and extra whipped cream for the toddler. It was just right. While I love seeking out new flavors in our biggest little food scene, it’s comforting to know some things never change. Ω


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12/6/18  9:35 AM 12.13.18    |   RN&R |   23

Costly Joint-Pain Injections Replaced By New $2 Pill

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New pill boosts the same lubricating joint ϐluid as expensive and painful injections - without using a needle. Users report dramatic relief from swelling, pain and stiffness without side effects and expense. Health News Syndicate HNS— A popular needle injection for people with joint pain is now available in an inexpensive nonprescription pill. The breakthrough came when researchers discovered a way to deliver the injected “relief molecule” through the digestive system. Top US clinics have used these needle injections for years because they deliver powerful relief. Unfortunately, the shots are painful and expensive. They also only work on the joint being treated. The new pill, called Synovia, delivers the same “relief molecule” as the injections. However, it has some impressive advantages. First, it’s inexpensive and nonprescription. Also, relief is delivered to every joint in the body because it enters the bloodstream through the digestive system. This gives it the ability to reduce a much wider variety of pain. Users report greater �lexibility and less stiffness in their knees. Hands and shoulders move painfree for the �irst time in years. Even neck and lower back pain improve dramatically. All this without spending over $600 on needle injections and taking trips to the doctor every week. The medical community is very excited about this new breakthrough. Dr. Jacob Moss says, “Synovia is a great option for those suffering from joint pain.

ǣ UNHEALTHY: No lubricating Ǧ Ǧ �luid or cartilage leads to painful Ǥ rubbing. bone-on-bone

Injections are usually a last resort One example is a landmark because of the pain and expense. study out of Europe. In the study However, Synovia should be taken the active ingredient in Synovia was compared to a popular NSAID at the �irst sign of discomfort.” pain reliever. The goal was to see if New Discovery it could reduce pain and swelling The needle injection procedure around the knee. The results were has been given to hundreds of incredible! thousands of patients over the After just 30 days, more than last several years. 8 out of 10 people who took Doctors use the shots to boost a Synovia’s active ingredient had critical element of the joint called NO swelling. However, only 2 out synovial �luid. This lubricating of 10 people who took the NSAID �luid is found between the experienced reduced swelling. cartilage and bones of every joint. The study also looked at cases According to the �irm’s head of of severe swelling. Amazingly, R&D, Mike McNeill, “Researchers zero cases of severe swelling were have been working for years detected in the group taking the to �ind a way to boost this �luid active ingredient found in Synovia. noninvasively. The problem This means it was 100% effective was the molecule used in the for the cases of severe swelling! injections was too large to absorb In contrast, 9 out of 10 people into the bloodstream.” taking the NSAID still had severe Top scientists conquered this swelling. McNeill points out, “The obstacle by �inding a smaller form impressive thing about this study of the same molecule. This new is the active ingredient wasn’t glucose form is easily absorbed by tested against a fake pill. It was up your stomach and intestines! against one of the most popular Now those who suffer from NSAIDs people use every day. It’s joint pain can get relief without easy to see why people in pain painful injections. At less than are excited to get relief without an $2 per day, early users like Steve injection.” Young are impressed. He says, The New Way It Delivers “I’ve tried more pills than I can Relief count, without any luck. Synovia Getting relief without injections is different. My knees and hands has big advantages. The most haven’t felt this good in years!” obvious is avoiding being stuck Impressive Clinical by a large needle every week for Results 5 weeks. Leading clinics use injection Another downside of injections therapy because it works. Recent is the doctor can “miss”. The clinical trials show the pill form needle needs to be inserted into also delivers major relief. a precise spot in the joint to work. Otherwise, you risk the treatment being ineffective. However, boosting your lubricating joint �luid by taking a pill delivers relief to all your joints, not just one. There’s an additional reason the active ingredient in Synovia works so well – it nourishes the cartilage. McNeill says, “This is vital ǣ ǯ HEALTHY: Synovia’s active because cartilage does not have ingredients lubricate joints and blood vessels. The �luid in the Ǧ Ǩ nourish cartilage joint serves two very important

NO MORE NEEDLES: A popular needle injection pain-killer for joint pain is being replaced. The key molecule in these injections can now be delivered by taking a new low-cost pill called Synovia.

pain-relief roles: lubrication and want to remove any risk for those giving the cartilage the nutrients who might think Synovia sounds it needs.” too good to be true.” Simply take the pill exactly Approved By Leading as directed. You must enjoy fast Doctors The new delivery system for acting relief. Otherwise, return this molecule has caught the the product as directed and you’ll attention of leading medical receive 100% of your money back plus an extra 10%. doctors. How To Get Synovia “Needle injections for joint Today marks the of�icial release pain have been around for years because they work. Being able of Synovia in Nevada. As such, to get the same relief molecule the company is offering a special through a pill is amazing. discounted supply to everyone who calls within the next 48 Injections may be a last resort, but I’d recommend Synovia at the hours. A Regional Order Hotline has �irst sign of pain,” said Dr. Marie been set up for local readers to Laguna. call. This is the only way to try Dr. Moss adds, “The research Synovia with their “110% money behind the active ingredient in back” guarantee. Synovia is very exciting. This Starting at 6:00 am today the product is a great choice for those order hotline will be open for 48 who haven’t had success with hours. All you have to do is call other joint pain treatments.” TOLL FREE 1-888-354-2234 110% Money Back and provide the operator with the special discount approval code: Guarantee Amazing feedback from users SYN18. The company will do the of Synovia has generated a wave rest. of con�idence at the company. Current supplies of Synovia So much so that they now offer are limited, and callers that don’t Synovia with a 110% money back get through to the order hotline guarantee. within the next 48 hours may The company’s president, have to pay more and wait until Michael Kenneth says, “We’ve more inventory is produced. This seen how well it works. Now we could take as long as 6 weeks.


311083_10_x_11.indd 24   |   RN&R 1  |   12.13.18

12/6/18 1:11 PM

by BraD Bynum

b ra d b @ne w s re v i e w . c o m


“Saved by the 90’s”

Live at the Virginia Street Brewhouse! Stirr Lightly will perform its brand of introverted dream pop at the Holland Project on Dec. 20.

Dream team Stirr Lightly For guitarist Victoria Almanzan, being in an all-woman band was a “childhood dream.” She grew up in Las Vegas and attended the Las Vegas Academy of Arts high school, where she was a guitar major. After attending the University of Nevada, Reno, she found herself spending time with musicians and decided to start a band. “And I knew that I wanted it to be all women, because I hadn’t really seen any all-women bands in Reno,” she said. “I’m sure they’re out there, but I hadn’t really seen any. … I’ve always looked up to women who play music and women who are really strong onstage. I’ve seen countless DIY bands with just a bunch of boys.” In January of 2016, she reached out to Courtney Mayer and Bijou Bell, fellow Academy of Arts grads at UNR. They had been acquaintances in high school but had graduated different years. Still, Almanzan had a hunch that three of them would connect well musically. “I thought we would all vibe together really well,” she said. “At first, it was just to jam together. I didn’t have any solid plans for an upcoming show. I just wanted to see what the sound was like.” “It was the easiest, most laidback jam I’ve experienced,” said Mayer. She also studied guitar in high school, but primarily plays bass in Stirr Lightly—although Almanzan and Mayer sometimes switch instruments. “Sometimes when you jam with new people in different environments, it can be a little stressful or—at least for me—anxiety provoking. It was just easy and comfortable.” “I was just like this girl drummer with all these super burly, weird guys, and they would all just hit on me,” said drummer Bell. “It was really uncomfortable all the time.” Playing in an all-female group, she


said, she “felt more safe, and more able to express myself, which is what you do in a band—express yourself.” “And not to be totally exclusive—there are some guys who are totally awesome and open and fun to play with,” Mayer said. Almanzan was in the Reno post-punk band Pry, and she and Bell both also perform currently in the group Mutual alongside songwriter Cameron Beck and Holland Project musical director Brigdon Markward. Alto Mayer is the group’s lead vocalist and main lyricist, although all three members sing, and Bell contributes lyrics. The music sounds like three musicians who play well together—not just one shut-in with a looper pedal. It’s dynamic and startling, even when it sounds delicate or ethereal. “We’re all super quiet, and I think that translates into the music as well,” Almanzan said. “I think even our loud song, ‘Eat my Skirt,’ is still introverted and quiet in a way. And I don’t know how that’s even possible because it has a punk beat to it, but it just is.” The group has found a home in Reno. “I’ve really learned to appreciate a lot of things about Vegas—the music scene, however, is garbage,” Almanzan said. “There’s been some great sounds to come out of there, but there’s no support. … I loved the house shows in Vegas, but it’s only emo bands.” “And everything is at least 30 minutes away,” Bell said. “Reno is really community-based compared to Vegas,” Mayer said. For example, the group recently recorded a new song—and a new video— that local community radio station KWNK will premiere on its website early next year. The band considers the community-oriented all-ages arts venue the Holland Project its “homebase.” Ω

December 29 @ 10:00pm Virginia St. Brewhouse 211 N Virginia St Reno, NV 89501 United States http://renobrewhouse.com/event/ live-at-the-vsb-saved-by-the-90s/


$24 value

(Tickets are $12 each)

Each week we will be giving away

4 pairs of tickets! To Enter: -Email contest@newsreview.com -Put “Saved By the 90s” in the subject line -Include your full name, daytime phone, and birth date (this event is 21+) -Deadline to enter for each week is Sunday at 11:59pm -Tickets can also be purchased half-price on our Sweetdeals website!

Stirr Lightly performs with Hello I’m Sorry and Night Rooms at the Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., on Dec. 20 at 7 p.m.

12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   25

26   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18


FRIDAY 12/14


Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5

alIBI alE WorKS

VTA, Tahoe Tribe, 8:30pm, no cover

Mighty Mike Shermer, 9pm, no cover

Bar oF aMErICa

Deck Heads, 9pm, no cover

Deck Heads, 9pm, no cover

5 Star Saloon

132 West St., (775) 329-2878 10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029 10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626



Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St, Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Joby Saad, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Gary Delena, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Jacques Simard, Fri, 6:30pm, $15-$20 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 683-3308: Open Mic Comedy with host Jim Flemming, Sun, 9:30pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: How Jacques Stole Christmas with Jacques Simard, Thu, 7:30pm, $10-$15, Fri, 8:30pm, $15-$20, Sat, 3pm, $10-$15 (all-ages show); Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $15-$20

Reno Jazz Orchestra: A World of Joy, 7:30pm, $35 A Ceol Caroling Christmas, 9pm, no cover

CottonWooD rEStaUrant

Santa Crawl: Reverse The Cycle, 7pm, no cover

DEaD rIngEr analog Bar

25 & Up Rockabilly Santa Crawl: Dusty Miles and the Cryin’ Shame, 8pm, $TBA

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917 432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431


All-Star Fridays with Nikki, Vel Veeta, TCandy, 8pm, no cover

239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

Pints for Paradise, 11am, no cover

HEllFIrE Saloon

Bad Penny, 8pm, no cover

846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 355-7711 3372 S. McCarran Blvd., (775) 825-1988 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858

Bluegrass Open Jam Session, 6pm, M, no cover

Reno Jazz Orchestra: A World of Joy, 2pm, $35 Traditional Irish Session, 7pm, Tu, Wed.Night Showcase, 7pm, W, no cover

Housing Out Loud, 6pm, $5

La Cruda Brunch, Show & Social, 11am, $7-$40,

Karaoke Contest Qualifying Rounds, 8pm, Tu, no cover

DJ Chapin with We Ain’t Saints, 10pm, no cover

Classy Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

grEat BaSIn BrEWIng CoMPany

tHE HollanD ProjECt

MSP Camp Fire Fundraiser, 6pm, $15

Matt Bushman, 9pm, no cover


599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-3355

Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Dan Copeland, 6:30pm, no cover

10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee, (530) 587-5711

Fat Cat Bar & grIll

MON-WED 12/17-12/19

Oolacile, Local Heroes, 9:30pm, $10-$20

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Dec. 16, 7:30 p.m. Cargo at WHItnEy PEaK HotEl Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor 255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400 71 S. Wells Ave. CEol IrISH PUB 538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558 384-1652


SUNDAY 12/16

Tintabulations Handbell Ensemble, 7pm, M, no cover

Closet Goth, Skipper the Eyechild, Plain Oatmeal, 7pm, $5

Spoken Views Open Mic and Poetry Slam, 6pm, W, $3-$5


Open Mic with Monsterbug Productions, 9pm, W, no cover

180 W. Peckham Lane, Ste. 1070, (775) 686-6737







FRIDAY 12/14


Jub Jub’s ThirsT Parlor 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652

The Jungle

Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484

SUNDAY 12/16

MON-WED 12/17-12/19

Felly, 7:30pm, $20

Oni Inc, AUXXK, Citr3s, 10pm, Tu, $5 Open mic, 7pm, M, no cover Comedy Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Live music, 9pm, no cover

laughing PlaneT Cafe

Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633

The lofT

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, $21-$46 Magic After Dark, 9pm, $31-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

MidTown wine bar

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

Under the Radar, 8pm, no cover

Alias Smith, 8pm, no cover

1021 Heavenly Village Way, S. L. Tahoe, (530) 523-8024 1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

MillenniuM nighTClub

Moody’s bisTro, bar & beaTs

The Peanuts Gang, 8pm, no cover

10007 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 587-8688

Paddy & irene’s irish Pub

906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 359-1594

Acoustic Wonderland Sessions, 8pm, no cover

PigniC Pub & PaTio

DJ Ethik, 10pm, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

The Polo lounge

Bingo with T-N-Keys, 7pm, no cover DJ Bobby G, 9pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

Ponderosa saloon

106 S. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7210

Magic Fusion, 7pm, M, Tu, W, $21-$46 T-N-Keys, 4:30pm, Tu, no cover Kristen and Charles, 7pm, W, no cover

Gran Posada Navideña: La internacional Sonora Dinamita, 10pm, $TBA

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 378-1643

Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7pm, $21-$46

DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

T-N-Keys, DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Steel Rockin’ Karaoke, 8pm, no cover

Bootleggers, 8pm, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsrev iew. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Upper Vibe Night with Glynn Osburn, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Open Mic with Greg Lynn, 7pm, W, no cover

76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474

The sainT

Santos de la Salsa, 8:30pm, $5

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

shea’s Tavern

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

sT. JaMes infirMary

445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484

whiskey diCks

2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (530) 544-3425

Charlie Hunter Trio, 7pm, $20-$25

Saints and Sinners Wednesday Night Blues Syndicate, 8pm, W, no cover

Eddie & The Subtitles Record Release Party with Okay Urge, 8pm, $5

Lara Hope & The Ark-Tones, BASHA, Grimedog, 8:30pm, W, $8-$12

Live Funk Fridays featuring Phat Mark, 9pm, no cover

Saturday Dance Party: DJ Payne, DJ Montague, 9pm, no cover

MADDskillz Jingle Jam, 9pm, $5

Los Pistoleros, 9pm, no cover

San Francisco String Trio A History of rock bands in Reno, Nevada from the Early ‘60’s to the Early 80’s

AVAILABLE at these local outlets:

& on Amazon.com This book will make a great gift for anyone on your list who loves Rock’n’Roll or who lived in Reno during that time period and remembers those bands or both!

Get your copy today RN&R



Dec. 19, 8:30 p.m. Shea’s Tavern 715 S. Virginia St. (775) 786-4774


GREEK KITCHEN Serving traditional greek foods for lunch & dinner


By Mike Mantor & Gerry Foster McCarroll

• Nevada Historical Society (no sales tax) • Nevada Wolf Shop • Bizarre Guitar • Sundance Bookstore • Recycled Records • Copper Cat Studio

Lara Hope & The Ark-Tones

Open mic, 9pm, M, no cover

May I Introduce to You


Dec. 15, 7 p.m. The Saint 761 S. Virginia St. 221-7451

Karaoke, 7pm, M, Richie Ballerini, Lee Edwards, 7pm, W, no cover

red dog saloon


Charlie Hunter Trio


A 50th Anniversary Beattles Tribute to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Friday December 28, 2018 7:00 PM Nevada Museum of Art 160 West Liberty Street Reno, NV

’18 17






16 17















13 12










12 16


17 13

17 13

1617 13 12





16 12

13 12









14 15



16 12

16 12

15 11



15 11

15 11

14 1115 10




14 10

15 11







16 12



14 10
















16 17









17 13

$25 General/ $20 Museum Members $20 FTLOJ Members/ $20 Students








ATLANTIS CASINO reSOrT SPA 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Ballroom 2) Cabaret


2100 Garson Road, Verdi, (775) 345-6000 1) Events Center 2) Guitar Bar


Blackalicious Dec. 15, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay 833-6333

1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret

Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481:Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover. The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste.103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover

FRIDAY 12/14


SUNDAY 12/16

MON-WED 12/17-12/19

2) Cook Book, 8pm, no cover

2) Cook Book, 4pm, no cover Michael Furlong, 10pm, no cover

2) Cook Book, 4pm, no cover Michael Furlong, 10pm, no cover

2) Michael Furlong, 8pm, no cover

2) Two Way Street, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Jamie Rollins, 6pm, No cover

2) The Look, 5pm, no cover Ebony not Quite Ivory, 9pm, no cover

2) John Palmore, 5pm, no cover The Look, 9pm, no cover

2) The Robeys, 6pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover Mark Miller, 6pm, Tu, no cover Jason King, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Tyler Stafford, 7pm, no cover

2) John Dawson Band, 8pm, no cover

2) John Dawson Band, 8pm, no cover

2) Tatanka, 10pm, no cover

1) Blackalicious, ELZO, 9pm, $20-$25


14 Highway 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room

eLdOrAdO reSOrT CASINO 345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi

GrANd SIerrA reSOrT



2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theatre 2) LEX 3) Crystal Lounge

HArd rOCk HOTeL ANd CASINO 50 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625 1) Vinyl 2) Center Bar

1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 7pm, $19.95-$49.95

1) The Unbelievables Christmas 1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 5:30pm, 8pm, $19.95- $59.95 Spectacular, 3pm, 7pm, $19.95-$59.95

2) Throwback Thursdays: Trivia Night, 7pm, no cover

2) DJ Swerve-1, 10pm, $20 3) Jackie Landrum, 6pm, no cover

1) Jamey Johnson, 8pm, $25-$95 2) DJ Chizzle, 10pm, $20 3) Jackie Landrum, 6pm, no cover

1) Stampede Country Music & Dancing, 8pm, no cover

2) DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

2) DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

1) Golden Dragon Acrobats, 7:30pm, $38.48

1) Golden Dragon Acrobats, 7:30pm, $38.48

1) Golden Dragon Acrobats, 7:30pm, $38.48

Reno Dance Co.: The Nutcracker, 2pm, 7pm, $19.95-$36.95

Reno Dance Co.: The Nutcracker, 2pm, 7pm, $19.95-$36.95


15 Highway 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 1) South Shore Room 2) Casino Center Stage


1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300 1) Celebrity Showroom 2) Nugget Grand Ballroom

PePPermILL reSOrT SPA CASINO 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Terrace Lounge 2) Edge


407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) GEH 2) Rum Bullions 3) Aura 4) Silver Baron

2) Adam Bergoch, 8pm, Tu, W, no cover

1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 2pm, 5:30pm, $19.95-$49.95

1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 7pm, Tu, W, $19.95- $49.95

1) Journey, 8pm, $135-$235

1) Golden Dragon Acrobats, 7:30pm, W, $38.48 2) Buddy Emmer and guest, 8pm, Tu, no cover

1) Jenny O Holiday Show, 7pm, no cover 2) Spin Thursdays, 10pm, no cover

1) Jenny O Holiday Show, 8pm, no cover 2) Latin Dance Social, 7pm, $10-$20

1) Jenny O Holiday Show, 8pm, no cover 2) Dynamix, 10pm, $20

1) Milton Merlos, 6pm, no cover

2) DJ R3volver, 9pm, no cover 4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

2) Thunder Cover, 9pm, no cover 4) The Vegas Roadshow, 9pm, no cover

2) Thunder Cover, 9pm, no cover 3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5 4) The Vegas Roadshow, 9pm, no cover

2) Karaoke with Rock U Entertainment, 9pm, no cover 4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

1) Milton Merlos, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

New Year’s Eve Party Pre-sale tickets at faces.net

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FOR THE WEEK OF dEcEmbER 13, 2018 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. JAZZ AND JINGLE MINGLE: Enjoy an evening of music with West Shore Jazz, a hearty soup dinner, ornament craft table and holiday treats. Sat, 12/15, 4pm. $30-$40. Tahoe Maritime Museum, 401 W. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-9283, ext. 103.

NEVADA’S CHRISTMAS SALE & INDIAN ART MARKET: The market features more than 50 local and visiting Native American artists and exhibitors. Fri, 12/14-Sat, 12/15, 10am. Free. Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Gym, 34 Reservation Road, (775) 432-9740.



Claus, elf or other holiday-themed costumes or festive attire and buy a cup and map to participating venues to receive free admission, drink specials, photo ops and entry to contests. There will be pre-crawl activities on Friday night and Santa skiing on Saturday. All proceeds go to local schools through Donorschoose.org. Sat, 12/15, 7:30pm. $5.50 for cup and map. Various locations, www.renosantacrawl.com.


The Reno Pops Orchestra will perform selections from the Leslie Bricusse musical Scrooge, an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol, featuring soloists Jennifer Hildebrand and Aldo Perelli and the South Reno Baptist Choir. The concert will include Christmas carols and audience sing-alongs to get everybody in the holiday spirit. The show begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 14, and 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15, at South Reno Baptist Church, 6780 S. McCarran Blvd. Admission is free, but donations are welcome. Visit www.renopops.org.

EVENTS BEWARE OF THE CAR: Artemisia MovieHouse presents this 1966 Soviet Union-era Russian comedy/drama directed by Eldar Ryazanov. In Russian with English subtitles. Sun, 12/16, 6pm. Free. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 636-3386, artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

CHRISTMAS VILLAGE AND TOY DRIVE: Get into the Christmas spirit with live music, carolers, crafts, games, hot chocolate, vendors and photos with Santa Claus. Admission is free but please bring a toy donation. Sat, 12/15, noon. Free. The Lear Theater, 528 W. First St., (775) 848-9892.

CIRCLE OF LIGHTS: The event features hot chocolate, Christmas carols and a live nativity. Sat, 12/15, 6-8pm. Free. LifeChurch Reno South Campus, 10300 Rio Wrangler Parkway, (775) 852-3833.

COMMUNITY TREE LIGHTING: The event features sleigh rides, holiday crafts for kids, caroling and food and beverages available for purchase. Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and Diamond Peak’s Penguin Pete will arrive at 5:30pm and will be available to take photos. Sat, 12/15, 4-6pm. Free. The Chateau at Incline Village, 955 Fairway Blvd., Incline Village, (877) 4684397, www.yourtahoeplace.com.

DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL: University of Nevada, Reno journalism students spent the semester going behind the scenes and between the lines to bring you stories you won’t find anywhere else. Explore Reno’s Chinatown, the local rock band Grimedog, a weekly potluck for the homeless, a local drag queen and a bakery owner with a backstory you’ll never forget. Fri, 12/14, 6pm. Free. Wells Fargo Auditorium, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4783.

HOLIDAY IN HISTORY: Lake Tahoe Historical Society History Museum hosts an open house with free tours of the museum and log cabin, sleigh rides, ukuleles serenades, family activities, gift making, holiday food and cocoa and more. Sat, 12/15, 11am-7pm. Free. Lake Tahoe Historical Society History Museum, 3058 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, www.laketahoemuseum.org.

HOLIDAY BOOK SIGNING: Brian Crane, creator of the Pickles comic strip, Guy Clifton, author of You Know You’re a Nevadan If… and Dempsey in Nevada, among other titles, and Ann Louhela, one of the contributors to Nevada Grown: A Year in Local Food, will sign copies of their books. Sat, 12/15, 11am. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188, www.sundancebookstore.com.

SANTA’S WORKSHOP MAKER MARKET: A festive and interactive community and family event featuring local makers and gift market. Santa will be in his workshop and textiles elves will have a “Make an Elf Hat” activity for kids. Sat, 12/15, noon-8pm. Free. Truckee Roundhouse Makerspace at the Truckee Tahoe Airport, 12116 Chandelle Way, Suite E3, Truckee, www.truckeeroundhouse.org.

TOYS FOR WASHOE HOLIDAY DANCE PARTY: Enjoy gourmet small plates, crafted cocktails and live music by Wanderlust. Bring a toy or gift, which will be picked up the next morning by the Reno Sparks Gospel Mission and Kids Kottage. Sat, 12/15, 6:30pm. Free. The Hidden Valley Country Club, 3575 E. Hidden Valley Drive, www.mrdfoundationinc.org.

UGLY SWEATER WINE WALK: Wear your most awful of holiday sweaters and apparel and help support a local charitable organization. Go to the participating merchant of your choice, and for a $20 wine-tasting fee and valid photo ID, you’ll receive a wine glass and an ID bracelet that allows you to sample wine at any participating merchant. Proceeds from the event will benefit Safe Embrace. Sat, 12/15, 2-5pm. $20. Reno Riverwalk District, along the Riverwalk and neighboring streets in downtown Reno, (775) 682-3800, renoriver.org.

WINTERFEST RENO: Go for a ride on the Holiday Express Train, a narrated journey around the inside of the stadium, taking you on a mission from Reno to the North Pole to deliver Santa’s Naughty and Nice list. Pose for pictures with Santa Claus or strap on some skates and head out on the outdoor ice skating rink. Train rides are 5-9pm on Fridays and Saturdays and 4-7pm on Sundays and Christmas Eve, Dec. 7-9, 14-16, 21-24. Tickets are $10 for train rides and free for kids age 2 and younger. Santa photo packages start at $15. Ice skating admission is $10-$12. Thu, 12/13-Wed, 12/19. $0-$12. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., (775) 334-7000, winterfestreno.com.


EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD (AND THEN SOME!): What starts as a traditional production of A Christmas Carol quickly transforms into a slightly irreverent, madcap, yet heartwarming romp through the holiday season. Recommended for ages 10 and up. Thu,

Christmas. Handmade gifts, ornaments, art, glass, pottery, photography and more! Local art from local artists and craftsmen. Thu, 12/13-Wed, 12/19, 11am4pm. Free. Artist Co-Op Gallery of Reno, 627 Mill St., (775) 322-8896.

2pm. $12-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900.

STUDIO 2035: Abstracts in Kelp. Reno artist


Becky Miller wraps up a seven-year oil painting project focused on the abstract designs formed by kelp she found washed ashore along the Oregon Coast. Meet the artist in her studio. Sat, 12/15, 10am. Free. Studio 2035, 2035 Dickerson Road, (503) 504-7289.

THE HOLLAND PROJECT: Encompass Academy Art Show. Pop-up exhibition featuring art work by Encompass Academy students. Thu, 12/13, 5:30pm. Free. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 7421858, www.hollandreno.org.

TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Whose Art is it Anyway?. The Truckee Meadows Community College Main Gallery presents this group art exhibition by four artists including Rose Barry, Tenessa Melvin, Mona Al Saglab and Luke Ramsdell. The exhibit will be on display through Jan. 16. Thu, 12/13-Wed, 12/19. Free. Truckee Meadows Community College, 7000 Dandini Blvd., (775) 673-7111.

WILBUR D. MAY MUSEUM: Arte de Triomphe. The Sierra Watercolor Society returns with their annual winter exhibition of new watercolor paintings. Thu, 12/13-Sun, 12/16. Wilbur D. May Museum, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

ONSTAGE A CHRISTMAS CHAOS: Proscenium Players, Inc. presents this comedy by Michael Wehrli. The play pokes fun at everything that can go wrong with a theatrical production. Fri, 12/14-Sat, 12/15, 7pm; Sun, 12/16, 2pm. $15-$25. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, breweryarts.org.

THE 39 STEPS: This award-winning play by Patrick Barlow and John Buchan is packed with nonstop laughs, over 150 zany characters, an onstage plane crash, handcuffs, missing fingers and some good old-fashioned romance. Thu,

12/13-Sat, 12/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 12/16, 2pm. $8-$20. Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074.

BENEFIT FOR GRACE FLYNN: Sierra Crossing, Jaidyn MacDonald, Robin Street Band, DROPQ, Mandala Circus, Streetwise Religion and Fate Awaits will perform at this benefit concert for to help Grace Flynn in her fight against autoimmune encephalitis. Fri, 12/14, 5pm. $10 donation. The Potentialist Workshop, 836 E. Second St., (775) 686-8201.

12/13-Sat, 12/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 12/16,

parody production of the 1980s-1990s sitcom The Golden Girls, audiences will see drag queens reenact all of the holiday episodes from the series. Sat,

12/15, 7:30pm; Sun, 12/16, 2pm; Wed, 12/19, 7:30pm. $18-$20. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.goodluckmacbeth.org.

HANDEL’S MESSIAH: TOCCATA—Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will conclude its 14th season with a production of Handel’s Messiah, along with seasonal carols. Sat, 12/15, 3pm. St. Gall Catholic Church, 1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville; Sun, 12/16, 3pm. $0$30. St. Rose of Lima Church, 100 Bishop Manogue Drive, (775) 298-6989.

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE & CHRISTMAS CHAOS: Truckee Community Theater presents two one-act plays. A Christmas Chaos opens the stage in Act One. Act Two follows the classic holiday movie It’s A Wonderful Life with a clever twist thrown in—the story is staged as a live radio broadcast. A pre-show reception starts at 6pm. The show starts at 7pm. Tue, 12/18, 6pm. $15-$40, free for children age 4 and younger. Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, (800) 403-0206, squawalpine.com.

THE MOUSEHOLE FAMILY CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA: In Brüka Theatre’s original holiday romp, the Mousehole Family is visited by the “Twelve Days Of Christmas Angel,” who brings them a whole new angle on Christmas traditions and holiday joy. Thu, 12/13-Sat, 12/15, 8pm; Sun, 12/16, 2pm; Wed, 12/19, 8pm. $18-$25. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., www.bruka.org.

THE PRICE IS RIGHT LIVE WITH HOST JERRY SPRINGER: The hit interactive stage show gives eligible participants the chance to “Come On Down” and play classic games from one of television’s longest running and most popular game shows. Contestants can win cash, appliances, vacations and possibly even a new car by playing favorites like Plinko, Cliffhangers, The Big Wheel and the Showcase. Sat, 12/15, 4pm & 8pm. $55.50-$65.50. Reno Ballroom, 401 N. Center St., (775) 3257401, www.silverlegacyreno.com.

THE TWISTED NUTCRACKER AND THE TALE OF THE RAT KING: Truckee Dance Factory celebrates the season with a twist on the timeless tradition of The Nutcracker. A pre-show reception starts at 6pm. The show starts at 7pm. Fri, 12/14-Sun, 12/16, 6pm. $15-$40, free for children age 4 and younger. Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, (800) 403-0206, squawalpine.com.







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The hand that rocks the ladle I’m a 57-year-old twice-divorced man. Though I never wanted to get to a point where romance wouldn’t be in my big picture, I’m feeling done with it. I’ve replaced dating and getting married again with gourmet cooking for one. I’m really enjoying it, but it worries me. Is it OK to be done? There’s this notion that your life is pretty much a black chasm of nothingness if you’re without a “significant other.” Psychologist Bella DePaulo blames this thinking on what she calls “the cult of the couple.” DePaulo, who researches the elements of being satisfyingly single, marvels at “the strange implication” (in a paper by noted marriage researchers) “that people without a stable sexual relationship are wandering adrift with open wounds and shivering in their sleep.” Though we humans evolved to be interdependent—people who need people—we don’t have to be sleeping with those people on the reg for them to count. In fact, having good friends and close acquaintances you can rely on is associated with a whole bunch of physical and mental health benefits, including better cardiovascular health, increased happiness and decreased stress and depression. Interestingly, research increasingly suggests that providing social support may be even better for you than getting it—psychologically and physically. A study co-authored by psychiatrist Randolph Nesse on elderly people who regularly did generous acts for others in their lives is one of a number that find an association between being a “giver” and increased life expectancy. Conversely, Nesse theorizes that the rising tide of depression in our society has roots in how disconnected many of us are, leading to a deficit in the level of kindness we evolved to give and receive. Well, you’re set up perfectly to extend yourself for others—like by handing them a plate of your gourmet chow. Consider using your newfound love of cooking to bring a social circle together around your dining room table. Invite friends over every Friday or so to dine or even help you make dinner.

From adhere to eternity I’m a 42-year-old woman, and I’ve been dating the guy in the town house next door for two years. I love him, and I’d like to get married, but he has always taken me for granted. My friends say I’m too available. Why is this a bad thing? Unfortunately, being ready, willing, available and conveniently located is not exactly the launchpad to romantic longing. Consider that the restaurant everybody wants to go to is the one where getting a table requires Hollywood connections plus selling two-thirds of your soul to bribe the maitre d’. The food there might not be substantially better than that of the bistro up the street. But exclusivity—how tough it is to book a table—elevates the apparent value of a place. There’s a related concept in relationships, “the principle of least interest.” The term was coined in the 1930s by sociologist Willard Waller, and it describes how the person who has the least interest in continuing a relationship has the most power over it. Sadly, your boyfriend most likely has a set opinion of your value, so your chances of getting more appreciation from him are probably blown. Still, it’s important to note that in a relationship, you don’t have to keep up the “least interest” gambit forever—you should just hold off on being fullon loyal and caring till you have somebody who’s inspired to do that for you, too. Ultimately, it’s important to work on yourself so you’ll be “hard to get.” It’s sure to be seriously difficult at first. But you could probably get into a balanced, loving relationship if you’d just adhere to “the principle of least interest”: We pine for what’s slightly out of reach, not what’s all over us like an oil spill. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

12.13.18    |   RN&R   |   33

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mystery writers formed a club to provide each other with artistic support and conviviality. They swore an oath to write their stories so that solving crimes happened solely through the wits of their fictional detectives, and not through “Divine Revelation, Feminine Intuition, Mumbo Jumbo, Jiggery-Pokery, or Act of God.” I understand that principle but don’t endorse it for your use in the coming weeks. On the contrary. I hope you’ll be on the alert and receptive to Divine Revelations, Feminine Intuition, Mumbo Jumbo, Jiggery-Pokery and Acts of God.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): When you’re pre-

scribed antibiotic pills to fight off infection, you should finish the entire round. If you stop taking the meds partway through because you’re feeling better, you might enable a stronger version of the original infection to get a foothold in your system. This lesson provides an apt metaphor for a process you’re now undergoing. As you seek to purge a certain unhelpful presence in your life, you must follow through to the end. Don’t get lax halfway through. Keep on cleansing yourself and shedding the unwanted influence beyond the time you’re sure you’re free of it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Danish scientist and

poet Piet Hein wrote this melancholy meditation: “Losing one glove is painful, but nothing compared to the pain of losing one, throwing away the other, and finding the first one again.” Let his words serve as a helpful warning to you, Gemini. If you lose one of your gloves, don’t immediately get rid of the second. Rather, be patient and await the eventual reappearance of the first. The same principle applies to other things that might temporarily go missing.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cancerian author ElizaUE: IAL ISS mer SPEC ction pri ele 2018

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): In 1930, some British


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beth Gilbert is a soulful observer whose prose entertains and illuminates me. She’s well aware of her own limitations, however. For example, she writes, “Every few years, I think, ‘Maybe now I’m finally smart enough or sophisticated enough to understand Ulysses. So I pick it up and try it again. And by page 10, as always, I’m like, ‘What the hell?’” Gilbert is referring to the renowned 20th century novel, James Joyce’s masterwork. She just can’t appreciate it. I propose that you make her your inspirational role model in the coming weeks. Now is a favorable time to acknowledge and accept that there are certain good influences and interesting things that you will simply never be able to benefit from. And that’s OK!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): More than three centuries

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34   |   RN&R   |   12.13.18



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ago, Dutch immigrants in New York ate a dessert known as olykoek, or oily cake—sugarsweetened dough deep-fried in pig fat. It was the forerunner of the modern doughnut. One problem with the otherwise delectable snack was that the center wasn’t always fully cooked. In 1847, a man named Hanson Gregory finally found a solution. Using a pepper shaker, he punched a hole in the middle of the dough, thus launching the shape that has endured until today. I bring this to your attention because I suspect you’re at a comparable turning point. If all goes according to cosmic plan, you will discover a key innovation that makes a pretty good thing even better.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I can’t believe I’m going

to quote pop star Selena Gomez. But according to my analysis of the current astrological omens, her simple, homespun advice could be especially helpful to you in the coming weeks. “Never look back,” she says. “If Cinderella had looked back and picked up the shoe, she would have never found her prince.” Just to be clear, Virgo, I’m not saying you’ll experience an adventure that has a plot akin to the Cinderella fairy tale. But I do expect you will benefit from a “loss” as long as you’re focused on what’s ahead of you rather than what’s behind you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Among the pieces of

jewelry worn by superstar Elvis Presley were a Christian cross and a Star of David. “I don’t want to miss out on heaven due to a technicality,” he testified. In that spirit, and in accordance with astrological omens, I urge you, too, to cover all your bases in the coming weeks. Honor your important influences. Be extra nice to everyone who might have something to

offer you in the future. Show your appreciation for those who have helped make you who you are. And be as open-minded and welcoming and multicultural as you can genuinely be. Your motto is “Embrace the rainbow.”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Are you a gambling

addict seeking power over your addiction? If you live in Michigan or Illinois, you can formally blacklist yourself from all casinos. Anytime your resolve wanes and you wander into a casino, you can be arrested and fined for trespassing. I invite you to consider a comparable approach as you work to free yourself from a bad habit or debilitating obsession. Enlist some help in enforcing your desire to refrain. Create an obstruction that will interfere with your ability to act on negative impulses.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “What is the

point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” Author John Green asked that question. I confess that I’m not entirely comfortable with it. It’s a bit pushy. I find I’m more likely to do remarkable things if I’m not trying too hard to do remarkable things. Nevertheless, I offer it as one of your key themes for 2019. I suspect you will be so naturally inclined to do remarkable things that you won’t feel pressure to do so. Here’s my only advice: Up the ante on your desire to be fully yourself; dream up new ways to give your most important gifts; explore all the possibilities of how you can express your soul’s code with vigor and rigor.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the fairy tale

“Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” the heroine rejects both the options that are too puny and too excessive. She wisely decides that just enough is exactly right. I think she’s a good role model for you. After your time of feeling somewhat deprived, it would be understandable if you were tempted to crave too much and ask for too much and grab too much. It would be understandable, yes, but mistaken. For now, just enough is exactly right.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In 1140, two dynasties were at war in Weinsberg, in what’s now southern Germany. Conrad III, leader of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, laid siege to the castle at Weinsberg, headquarters of the rival Welfs dynasty. Things went badly for the Welfs, and just before Conrad launched a final attack, they surrendered. With a last-minute touch of mercy, Conrad agreed to allow the women of the castle to flee in safety along with whatever possessions they could carry. The women had an ingenious response. They lifted their husbands onto their backs and hauled them away to freedom. Conrad tolerated the trick, saying he would stand by his promise. I foresee a metaphorically comparable opportunity arising for you, Aquarius. It won’t be a life-ordeath situation like that of the Welfs, but it will resemble it in that your original thinking can lead you and yours to greater freedom.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The National Center

for Biotechnology Information reported on a 15-year-old boy who had the notion that he could make himself into a superhero. First he arranged to get bitten by many spiders in the hope of acquiring the powers of Spiderman. That didn’t work. Next, he injected mercury into his skin, theorizing it might give him talents comparable to the Marvel Comics mutant character named Mercury. As you strategize to build your power and clout in 2019, Pisces, I trust you won’t resort to questionable methods like those. You won’t need to! Your intuition should steadily guide you, providing precise information on how to proceed. And it all starts now.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at www.realastrology.com.

by JERi ChADwEll

Ring leader

now, they’re loaning them to us. Their group is smaller than five octaves.

How big is your ensemble?

Barb Walsh started a bell ensemble  at Alice Maxwell Elementary School  in Sparks while teaching there in  1996. Today, that ensemble is called  the Tintabulations. Walsh is its artistic director. The group performs  locally during summer and winter  holiday events. The ensemble  is playing on Dec. 16 at 1 p.m. at  Redemption Church—1600 Snyder  Ave., Carson City—and 7 p.m. at  Carson City Community Center—851 E. William St., Carson City.  Another performance is scheduled  for Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. at Great Basin  Brewing Company’s Reno location,  5525 S. Virginia St.

I taught at Alice Maxwell Elementary School. And Ben [Brown] is, I think, the only remaining member from that. The school had bells—three octaves of bells—and we had after school groups. And when they moved on to middle school, they kept coming back. I thought they would quit, but they came back. So then we had to create another ensemble. And when they went to high school—they came back. It was in high school when they were like, “We really want to be our own, completely separate group with our

So 15 now, but they’re not all former students? Who makes up the ensemble now?


Twenty-two years—how has the ensemble evolved in that time?

There are 15 of us.

own name.” And that’s when the name “Tintabulations” came in.

And now there are five octaves of bells? Yeah, we have five octaves of bells and five octaves of chimes. We don’t own the fifth octave. We’re borrowing that from a church in Bishop, California.

The bells or chimes? The bells—the fifth octave of bells. One of these days we’ll raise enough money so we can actually buy that. For

Anybody you could possibly imagine. We have a [University of Nevada, Reno] music student. We have a lot teachers. Some of them are music teachers. Some of them are, you know, from other walks of life. We have retirees. We have people who drive in from Chester, California, every week and Bishop, California, every week.

That’s how often you rehearse? Yeah. We rehearse Monday nights from 6 until 9.

Tell me about your program, “Oh Wait, It’s Christmas!” We like to do themed programs. Between songs, it takes a little bit of set-up time. Pretty much all other bell groups, the conductor will be the one who speaks. As I’m sure you can tell, I’m not a very good public speaker— and a lot of them are hams, so we all take a turn, and we will be telling stories about how we forgot things for Christmas. And every concert set, we do different narrations. Our audience seems to really enjoy getting to know the individuals who are involved. Ω


Tricky Dick and the Donald It’s interesting just how many  pundits there are who talk  glibly about Trump running for  president in 2020, as though it’s  a given. Uh, call me radical antifa  kamikaze if you must, but it sure  looks to me as though there are  some fairly gnarly speed bumps  dead ahead for our POUTY POTUS  in 2019. I mean, talking about  Twitler as a viable candidate in  2020 feels, right now, like an act of  tremendous naiveté. These sentencing statements from Mueller  and the SDNY we got on Pearl  Harbor Day were some ornery  little Valentines, and more than  one legal eagle has observed that  the only reason Dum Dum isn’t  indicted right this very second is,  bizarrely enough, because he’s  the frickin’ president (a notion  that sets as comfortably in the  national mindscape these days  as that of the accursed Electoral  College).

It looks like my call of a year  ago ain’t gonna happen. Boo! Last  December, I waxed VanDykadamus and clairvoyantly speculated  that the Trumps would spend but  one Christmas in the White House.  Looks like that was a bit wishful.  But that said, I’ll now say this—I  don’t like Spanky’s chances for a  third Xmas in D.C. He seems to be  a juicy jumbo bucket of chicken  right now, and there are five to  seven wolverines (Mueller, SDNY,  AGNY, Avenatti, CREW, etc.) that  have picked up the scent. And  they're hungry! • We hear a lot about the parallels  between Watergate and Trumpgate,  and there are many, for sure. But  there are some differences, too.  The main one is that compared to  Trumpgate, Watergate is stone cold  Chump Change. Yes, there was a lot  of brazen bullshit being perpetrated by Nixon and his bunch, but

the financial rewards of Watergate  were basically zero. So what did  Nixon want? He wanted to see what  info the Dems had on him and what  their game plan was for the ’72  campaign. Paranoid as hell, Tricky  Dick wanted intel. And this desire  was, in the end, both insane and  fairly stupid, because he ended up  winning 49 states in that Election.  He didn’t need the intel. It was a  massacre. But Trumpgate? It’s all about  the bennies, baby. Mountains and  mountains of ’em. This became  crystal clear when Mueller wrote  that Trump Tower Moscow would  have been worth hundreds of millions to Prez Capone. Oodles and  oodles of Big Dough. Bingo. Jackpot.  Oligarch money. One more time— this scandal makes that scandal  look like little eensty teentsy tiny  potatoes. In six or so months, is the U.S.  being led by President—Pelosi?   Ω

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