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s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e

EMAil lEttErS to rENolEttErS@NEwSrEviEw.coM.

Long view Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. One thing I love about this week’s cover story (“150 years of Reno,” page 10) is that it exemplifies something special that we do here at the RN&R: taking the long view. We put the newspaper first. Sure, all of our stories also go up online, and of course we have social media accounts here in 2018, but we always put the newspaper itself first. There are a few reasons. We like the look, the smell, and the tactile sensation of newsprint. For my eyes—lousy enough for glasses since the first grade— I’d much rather read printed text than scroll along on a palmsized digital screen. Secondly, print advertisements are less intrusive and obnoxious than online ads or, even worse, radio, TV, or—horror of horrors—billboard ads. Rather than the endless sprawl of the world wide web, we like the self-contained experience of reading a full publication. The classic sensation of reading a newspaper while having a cup of coffee. Or a beer. Or a bowl of ice cream. Or a fat spliff. Drawing mustaches on all the pictures. We’re not usually the first ones to break news—we leave that to the digital outlets trapped in the Promethean hell of the 24-hour news cycle. We provide historical context and perspective. This is especially important in a place like Reno, where most of the population just moved here, like, last week. I bet a lot of folks didn’t know Reno is celebrating its 150th birthday this year. Yep, Reno didn’t just spring fully formed from Elon Musk’s head two years ago. Of course, the long view that we take has nothing on the thousand-year photographs of Lake Tahoe concocted by artist Jonathon Keats. But we’re here to help tell his story (see “Window to the future,” A&C, page 14).

—Brad Bynum bradb@newsreview.com






Works for us It seemed during the recent election all the Republicans were running against socialism and Nancy Pelosi. Pretty funny since Nancy is a nice lady from San Francisco, and we are surrounded by socialism. Let me comment on socialism. Police, fire and the military appear to me to be socialists. When a cop busts into an active-shooter situation, risking his life, he has no capital investment in his employer, nor is he expecting profits or a favorable tax rate for his efforts. This police officer, fireman or soldier risks his or her life for the common good, which means you and me—you know, “we the people.” They do not charge in expecting wealth. They do this for their community, friends, and family. These workers risk their lives for us all. That’s socialism. Don McKechnie Sparks

Taught Oscar Hammerstein: “You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear/ You’ve got to be taught from year to year/ It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear/ You’ve got to be carefully taught.” It is not an honor to fight, not in the wars going on today. It is a death sentence. We call our men and women heroes. They are not heroes. They are stupid. Start picketing recruitment offices. Tell your friends not to sign up. You don’t sign up, either. You will not go unscathed. Very rare is a soldier free after fighting in a war. … Our children are fighting and killing. You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear. Everyone is affected. Talk is cheap. Helen Howe Lemmon Valley

Sport Re “Good grief” (Arts of the State, Nov. 8): A very fair review, and very much appreciated. I know there’s a natural rivalry

Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Bruce Van Dyke, Ashley Warren, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Chadwell News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Kris Vagner, Bob Grimm, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Josie Glassberg, Eric Marks,

Creative Services Manager Christopher Terrazas Editorial Designers Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Web Design & Strategist Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Ad Designers Naisi Thomas Sales Manager Emily Litt Office Manager Lisa Ryan RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard

noVembeR 21, 2018 | VoL. 24, ISSue 41

between theatricals and reviewers, but I also know you walk a fine line between fair and snarky. Your comments were well presented and I couldn’t argue with any of them. I think the word “awkward” is in the stage directions about 20 times. If I was a little heavy handed on the awkwardness, it’s my fault. Thanks for coming to see Be a Good Little Widow, and keeping people interested in live theatre. David Zybert Reno Editor’s note: Mr. Zybert directed the play.

Hammers and nails Re “Missing peace” (Family guide, Oct. 18): In the “Forever wars” portion, you quote the line, “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Instantly came to mind the robotic, lunatic, power-mad ignoramus currently sitting—looking like a character out of the original Mad Magazine—in the White House, who is not trying to pound into total disintegration every kind, decent thing that has ever existed in America, as well as every rational human being, any person that he cannot con, or buy, or intimidate into submission. But that, of course, is secondary to what might happen when he realizes that the only certain way to hold on to Supreme Power is to do what all dictators or would-be dictators who know how to use “nationalism” have, for thousands of years, always done—plunge the nation into another major war, and then accuse everyone who fials to support him of treason, so that they can be imprisoned or shot, just as they are in that nation run by Trump’s closest friend (next to Vlad Putin), the proven mass murderer Kim Jong Un. … As you doubtless know, Trump recently said on television that he “loved” Kim, and especially loved his love letters. Boy, would we love to read the letter exchanges between those two illiterate louts. We daresay nothing on Saturday Night Live could match it. As you pointed out, even some congresspersons have acknowledged that they were

Advertising Consultant Myranda Thom Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, O.C. Gillham, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, O.C. Gillham, Rosie Martinez President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Accounts Receivable Specialist Analie Foland

Sweetdeals Coordinator Skyler Morris Developer John Bisignano System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Michelle Carl N&R Publications Associate Editor Laura Hillen N&R Publications Editorial Team Anne Stokes, Caroline Harvey Marketing & Publications Consultants Steve Caruso, Joseph Engle, Elizabeth Morabito, Traci Hukill, Celeste Worden Cover Design Maria Ratinova

totally unaware of the fact that our troops were fighting in certain relatively obscure foreign locales, and of how many different wars the U.S. military is currently involved in at the cost of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. … What I’d really like to know about is how many politicians in the Senate and in the House do know about everything you mentioned, but are so heavily invested in the arms industry and all the many industries closely associated with that industry that, in order to keep putting millions in their bank accounts, they will do anything Trump tells them to do, even if it does turn America from a democracy into a fascist dictatorship. Paul Allen Smith Reno


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by matt bieker

Why do you live in Reno? aSKed at reNo city hall, 1 e. FirSt St.

NathaN Schar adiN Battery inspector

I like the art a lot. I grew up here. I’m from Nevada all my life. It’s just a nice place to come to. I went to Vegas for a little bit and, I don’t know, it wasn’t really for me. I came back here for family. It’s nice here.

Samuel Net tleS Cook

I just came here to try to better myself. You know, get another opportunity on starting my career, because I do cooking and stuff. So I try to cook and learn stuff I didn’t know about before. I’m from California, so I was trying to move out of my area just to get somewhere in a new area.

Kimberly WilSoN by Steve Funk

New foundation begun “Keep your head below the sagebrush if you don’t want to get it shot off,” was the advice her predecessor gave Bella Cummins when she bought the Hacienda Ranch brothel in 1981, and she took it to heart. In the decades since, her nature and work ethic drove her to success in Nevada’s legal sex industry, or as she prefers to address it, the “sensual services” industry. “After all,” she says, “it’s never always about the act, is it?” Now, with a lifetime of experience, she sees things a bit differently and is dedicated to making a difference. “I can’t give back, because the past is the past,” she says, “but I can give forward, for the future of these ladies and this necessary industry.” This is the realization that led her to form the Onesta Foundation, a non-profit advocating for best practices, better understanding and worker empowerment. She continues: “I’ve realized that, as human beings, we have failed to embrace the only reason to be in a body, with the opportunity to safely express sexuality. I am in a position to speak to this. ... I’ve experienced every cycle in this unique industry. Now, it’s time for me to stand up ... to help the public understand that outdated stereotypes reinforce stigma and marginalize choices made, and the good work done, by strong, proud, independent, resourceful and intelligent women.” Nevada, laudably and uniquely among the 50 states, has been willing to tackle big cultural lifts and address very human, but difficult to discuss, activities such as gambling, divorce, marijuana and sex, and in 1971, began regulating brothels. Almost 50 years later Bella Cummins sees this

as the time to revisit and revise those regulations, at both state and local levels, and “bring light to the shadows” that continue to darken public perception. The original Onesta, in Venice in the 1500s, regulated sex work to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for sensual activity while elevating workers and the avocation of courtesanship with education and culture. This example inspired Bella Cummins and the Onesta Foundation. The foundation sees this moment as crucial. Onesta means honesty, integrity, virtue and transparency. Research shows that sensual services and purveyors bring net gain to our culture. It’s time to modify perception and regulatory structure that cast legal workers and enterprises in a separate, less protected class from others. The Onesta Foundation mission is to provide awareness, education and advocacy for a safe, healthy and transparent sensual services industry in Nevada. More information is available at www.onestafoundation. org Nevadans are encouraged to follow Facebook and Instagram to stay abreast of activities. “I have this vision of women really being empowered, being a part of something and doing work in the sex industry they can be proud of. All of this should never be done by women alone. Much is to be done by men,” Ms. Cummins insists, “We should move forward with a collective consciousness in the Onesta tradition of fairness, honesty and virtue for a better Nevada.” Ω


Because my family is here. My grandkids and my husband and [my dog] Cookie. I moved here in 1998. My ex-husband at the time—we relocated here for a job. I moved to New York for, like, 10 years, and then I came back for family.

miKe deme Auto technician

I’m from Grass Valley, so fairly close. I didn’t have much opportunity there. It’s a small town. My buddy lived out here. I came out here, got a job within a couple days, got a house within a month. Just availability and opportunity, really.

boNNie Weir Job seeker

Can’t think of anywhere else to live.

Steve Funk is a Reno radio and music personality, journalist, blogger and community activist.

11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   3

The Ugly “Shen Yun Performing Arts” Is Fully Exposed In spite that the cult “Falun Gong” tries to cover up the evil nature of its “Shen Yun performing arts”, its nature can never be changed or reversed. The demon can not escape showing his true colors in the magic mirror. Let’s see how people of insight reveal the ugly face of the “Shen Yun performing arts”. Religious figures stripped off the mask of the “Shen Yun performing arts” On December 18, 2017, Mr. Shi Da Dao, a British Buddhist scholar, wrote an article on his Internet blog “thesanghakommune.org”, stating that the “Shen Yun performing arts” of “Falun Gong” was a replica of Western art in the name of the spreading Chinese traditional culture and tried to brainwash the audience against China. First of all, Shi Da Dao slammed the cult “Falun Gong” as it kept vilify the image of the Chinese to the Western world in the Shen Yun performing arts. In the show, it seemed that “the Chinese” were all like “Fu Manchu”, an evil character in a novel by the British novelist Sax Rohmer. Then, Shi Da Dao pointed out that what’s in the Shen Yun show was nothing but a far-fetched Western imitation of Chinese culture”. Shi Da Dao argued that the so-called dance of the “Falun Gong” art troupe was an imitation of Western dance. He once again condemned that the Shen Yun show actually preached the cult of “Falun Gong” and tried to brainwash the audience in the name of traditional Chinese culture. The show was barely artistic. The performers brought help from the so-called “god” to complement the poor show. Some performers held a sinister book by Li Hongzhi, while the others worshiped on bent knees ceremonially. The whole scene looked ridiculous. The Chinese hit the mark of the “Shen Yun performing arts” In 2015, the “Shen Yun Evening Party” was staged at the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center and was criticized by local people. Some people put up eye-catching banners in the square in front of the venue that read “Stop marketing the Shen Yun culture of Falun Gong”, “Don’t deceive Taiwanese, Falun Gong”, “Get out of Taiwan, Shen Yun”. The “Shen Yun Evening Party” always claimed that it was Chinese traditional culture, but it actually tried to implant the cult “Falun Gong”. Earlier, the first performance of the “Shen Yun Evening Party” was staged at the Kaohsiung Cultural Center. Before it was opened, some people attacked it by showing banners that read, for example, “The Shen Yun performance is cult”, in front of the huge show poster in the square of the Kaohsiung Cultural Center.

In early 2017, the cult “Falun Gong” host the so-called “Shen Yun Performing Arts” in New York, and it was resisted by the local Chinese. The Chinese in New York made banners outside the performance theater and wrote on it “Resist Shen Yun, say no to cult politics, and stay away from the cult Falun Gong!”, “Shen Yun, the Epoch Times, and the New Tang Dynasty TV are all propaganda tools of the cult Falun Gong”, “Shen Yun wears the veil of entertainment to propaganda the cult Falun Gong”, “Shen Yun is not about traditional culture but the cult Falun Gong”, “The cult Falun Gong tells lie, makes trouble, and smears China.” These slogans were completely consistent with the view of the British Buddhist scholar, Mr. Shi Da Dao. Westerners discerned the camouflage of “Shen Yun performing arts” Not only did the American Chinese recognized the evil nature of the “Shen Yun performing arts”, but many people of insight in the West expressed their opinions and saw through the deception. On March 26, 2017, Michael Duell, a reader from Phoenix, Arizona, wrote to azcentral.com, complaining that the Shen Yun performing arts of Falun Gong was a deceptive show and disclosing that the pushing hand, or the so-called art director, of the show was Li Hongzhi, the leader of the Falun Gong cult, under the pseudonym of D.F. Michael watched the “Shen Yun performing arts” with his wife and said, “Everything is obvious. Shen Yun is completely a show of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong).” Li Hongzhi not only was aliased D.F. as the art director of Shen Yun, but also wrote the lyrics that touted himself and Falun Dafa. On February 26, 2017, American media activist Jason Unruhe published an article on his personal website (maoistrebelnews.com), analyzing the relationship between the New York Shen Yun Performing Arts Troupe and the Falun Gong cult. He also pointed out the deceptiveness and perniciousness of Falun Gong and Shen Yun. On March 22, 2017, the US media sevendaysvt.com published a commentary article titled “The Story Behind the Vanity of Shen Yun”, which pointed out that Falun Gong was the sponsor of the exaggerated performances and overwhelming advertisements of the Shen Yun Art Troupe and the show was a boastful propaganda of the cult. Fresnobee (Fresnobee.com) reported on December 23, 2016 about how the Shen Yun performing arts conveyed cult message by claiming itself a representative of the Chinese culture of five thousand years, emphasizing that the Shen Yun performing arts were seriously criticized by scholars and the media.


4   |   RN&R   |   11.21.18


Passages 2018 Even amid a chaotic election that seemed like it would never end and watching the horrifying and tragic flames in California, there is still plenty to celebrate this Thanksgiving. We’re another year closer to throwing Trump and his embarrassing acolytes out of office and restoring the promise of America to a world weary of hatred and lies. We now know that Nevada’s urban voters are capable of showing up at the polls and moving the state forward. And while we grieve the good and decent people who left our little corner of the world this year, we can be thankful for having shared even a small part of their lives. In 2018, Nevada lost former state senator Dean Rhoads, a rural Republican who had the courage to override Governor Gibbons’ veto in 2009 and permit LGBTQ Nevadans to form domestic partnerships. When extremist Sharron Angle became the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate in 2010, Rhoads endorsed Harry Reid, stoically enduring the outrage of many party

members, providing an example to today’s elected Republicans of someone unafraid to say no to intolerance and zealotry. Democrats lost a talented, ethical and honest caucus director in Lindsey Jydstrup who mentored dozens of Assembly members with a respectful guiding hand, lifting up the ideals of public education every day of her life. Mel Shields, a much beloved English teacher at Reno and McQueen High Schools encouraged legions of young Nevadans to believe in their unique talents and become comfortable in their own adolescent skins while somehow also motivating them to delve deeply into literature and film. His wit and charm were legendary, but his true legacy lies in those he mentored and inspired. Susan Orr will be long-remembered for her insistence that Nevada’s rural lands not become a playground for the military, leading the resistance to the poorly conceived MX missiles and joining the fight against the nuclear waste dump.

Steve Charter was a substance abuse counselor who worked in drug court and supervised addiction programs at the local Salvation Army, providing a second or third chance to those struggling with their personal demons. Many overcame those demons with his help. Too many of Reno’s revered elders died in 2018, people we can’t imagine living without—Helen Collier, Mary Walker, Max Jones, Delores Feemster. Without a lot of fanfare, they led scout troops, mentored youth, advised students, and listened to all our troubles without judgment. I already miss my neighbor, David Saltenberger, who died unexpectedly earlier this year. He was an expert machinist, dedicated husband and father, and a faithful reader of this column. I enjoyed our political discussions, often in the middle of the street when we would both arrive home from work, wrestling groceries and dogs after a long day. On Nov. 3, Reno’s health care warrior, Emily Reese, succumbed to colon cancer,

eight years after learning of her diagnosis. In her social media posts, she was heartbreakingly honest about the physical and metaphysical challenges of the disease and its effects on her family, particularly her three children, especially after learning her cancer was terminal. Her motto was “Live Life, Love Life, Impact Others,” and she put those words into action every day, comforting those who attempted to comfort her and fiercely advocating for increased access to health care for all, including traveling to Washington D.C. to lobby for Medicaid funding. Emily died just a few days before the election but had the satisfaction of voting early, expressing her preference for Democrats, whom she believed would protect pre-existing conditions and do more to make health care available to all Americans. She didn’t live to see the blue wave sweep over the Nevada mid-terms on Nov. 6 but her electrifying smile surely lit up the evening stars in celebration. Ω

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11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   5

by Jeri Chadwell

Calendar uses Kap portrait

On Nov. 17, members of the public dropped their green waste at a Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District station in Washoe Valley.

The Nation magazine’s annual calender this year features, as the February image, the painting by Eric Drooker of University of Nevada, Reno alum Colin Kaepernick that appeared on the magazine’s Oct. 16, 2017, cover. Drooker is the artist who previously created a portrait of the Oscar statuette as a black woman. It ran on the Feb. 27, 2017 cover of the New Yorker. He also painted Korean leader Kim Jon Um as a warhead for the New Yorker. Drooker painted the Nation cover after the September 2017 National Football League protests in which players and coaches joined. It was held after Donald Trump attacked coaches and owners for failing to fire protesting players. Drooker told the Washington Post: “What happened this past Sunday was so historic—so powerful—that most Americans have yet to grasp its magnitude. Needless to say, we live in a willfully unconscious culture, and we’re world famous for our historic amnesia. We artists, too, are asleep at the wheel most of the time.”

Band draws CeleBratory visitor Massachusetts Gov. Charles Baker celebrated his reelection last week by traveling to Nevada to see Blink-182 at Las Vegas’s Palms Casino Resort with his family. Massachusetts politicians are noted for their music preferences. After Prince’s death, then-governor William Weld arranged for the Zikim Bridge to be lit in purple. Weld also wrote a Boston BaKer Globe obituary for Jerry Garcia. When Weld lost a U.S. Senate race to John Kerry, Kerry said in his victory statement, “What a long, strange trip this has been,” as a nod to Weld’s devotion to the Dead. Incidentally, Blink-182 has just issued a new T-shirt with the proceeds from sales going to victims of the California fires. The band has been doing weekend dates at the Palms since May.

—Dennis Myers







Safe space Amid dry autumn, officials suggest safety measures as of press time for this issue, both the Reno Fire Department and the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District had personnel and firefighting equipment working on California’s huge Woolsey and Camp fires. people across the Truckee Meadows were gathering emergencies supplies, toiletries, clothes and food to send to those who, by the tens of thousands, have lost their homes—among them, two employees of the RN&R’s sister paper, the Chico News & Review. Firefighters from the RFD and TMFPD are sent in two- to three-week rotations to assist out-of-state crews. Depending on how the fire fight proceeds, those currently in California may not return home until after Thanksgiving. As the community here settles into autumn, officials from both agencies are stressing the need to be aware of fire hazards associated with the holidays and cool weather. “Thanksgiving is the number-one day for cooking fires,” said Reno Fire Marshal Tray Palmer. Fires result when people walk away from the food they’re cooking or— worse—attempt to deep-fry unthawed turkeys, which can lead to explosions. And when holiday decorations come out, they come with extensions cords and strings of tangled lights. TMFPD Deputy Chief of Prevention Lisa Beaver advises against accidentally turning your home into a décor-laden obstacle course for visitors. “Remember they’re unfamiliar with that environment,” Beaver said.

“You want to make sure you let them know what to do in case there’s an emergency in your home. … There’s a lot of communication that should be happening with people coming to visit you.” It’s more than just Christmas lights that should be plugged in with care, Beaver said. “People will plug an electrical space heater into a power strip that you would normally plug your computer into, or something like that,” she said. “The problem is that an electric space heater works on about 1200 watts, and those strips are not designed for that much wattage. … They will overload that circuit, and they will begin to arc and spark.” Beaver said she responds to an average of 14 or 15 fires each year caused by space heaters plugged into power strips. “Plug them directly into the wall,” she said. Other heating sources can also be fire hazards. Within the Reno City Limits, Palmer said, gas burning heaters are a big concern. “Any gas burning appliance, especially a portable gas burning appliance, you are not supposed to use inside,” he said. “You have an open flame that could ignite something easily that’s next to it. The other big concern is carbon monoxide. It will kill you, and you can’t smell it, and you can’t taste it. It’ll just make you sleepy until you’re dead.” It can be an especially big problem in the city’s poorer areas, he said. “I’ve seen people who not only use kerosene, but also little camping stoves,

little butane stoves, those kind of things to keep warm,” Palmer said. “Just to highlight, we did have an incident just about a week ago, in a downtown hotel on Fourth Street, where a butane stove was being used and the tank exploded, and it blew out the entire room.” Palmer said the room’s occupant “miraculously” only sustained minor injuries, but the explosion “pushed out all of the walls, broke the ceilings and the window glass and the cars that were right next to it.” “Even a little, tiny butane tank—most people don’t think of it as being very volatile—but that little butane tank exploded and blew out the entire room,” he said. Fire officials from both agencies advise people with fireplaces in their homes to make sure they’re properly inspected for masonry cracks and materials that often build up in fireplace flues, like creosote and pitch. TMFPD is preparing a campaign to give out free “ash cans” to those with fireplaces, to encourage people to avoid putting ash in combustible containers like paper bags. Palmer said furnaces should also receive an annual inspection.

on the defense Those who’ve followed news coverage of the California fires and interviews with the professionals fighting them have been exposed to some firefighting lingo with which they may not be familiar. One phrase that comes up often is “wildland urban interface.” According to Palmer, it refers, basically, to areas where human development meets unoccupied, undeveloped land—and, for the City of Reno, most of it lies near the official jurisdiction borders. For TMFPD, which serves unincorporated Washoe County, the majority of its 1,000-mile jurisdiction lies within the wildland urban interface. Beaver explained that wildland urban interface areas can fall within several classifications, from moderate to extreme. People can see where their homes fall on this scale by using maps available on the Washoe County website (washoecounty.us/gis). Where a property falls on the scale can be used to determine how much “defensible space”—space without brush and combustible materials—needs to be maintained between a building and the surrounding wildland. But according

to fire officials from both agencies, the first “If anyone out there would like to have several feet surrounding a home or building us come out and walk their property and give are always the most crucial to keep clear of them feedback and do a defensible space combustibles. inspection for them, we are available to do According to RFD Battalion Chief Mark that,” she said. “It’s no regulatory thing. … It’s Winkelman, when a swath of the Caughlin just to help people.” Ranch neighborhood burned in November For those looking to create defensible space 2011, it was largely due to a lack of defenaround homes and buildings by removing sible space around homes—and one type of brush, it’s important to note that it can’t be plant in particular that the department piled up and burned onsite—at least not wants homeowners to get rid of. this year. Most years, TMFPD permits “I’ll tell you from experiopen burning of green waste— “It’ll ence, Winkleman said. “After brush, trees and plants—for a just make you investigating the houses short period during the fall and after the Caughlin Fire—the spring. According to TMFPD sleepy until you’re majority of the houses that Chief Charles Moore, this fall is dead.” burned, even the stucco just too dry to allow it. Tray Palmer houses, had junipers right up Earlier this month, TMFPD Reno Fire Marshal against the exterior walls.” held green waste collection at two It’s part of the reason the of its respective stations, one in the RFD has a campaign it calls “Junk North Valleys and another in Washoe the Junipers.” Valley. Residents dropped off thousands of “We’re trying to get people to pull out truckloads of green waste, which the agency super fire-reactive juniper plants and replace is working in conjunction with Full Circle them with less reactive things,” Winkleman Soils & Compost in Carson City to turn into said. “But we know, culturally, the reason you compost. live in these places and the reason you build up According to Adam Mayberry, TMFPD these kinds of vegetation is that you like how public information officer, the agency will it looks. … It’s hard to convince people to do a hold more green waste collection days, though lot of this, and so they take a lot of this risk on perhaps not until spring. In the meantime, resithemselves when they don’t.” dents who need to clear defensible space are At the TMFPD, Beaver said a defensible encouraged to do so and get rid of their green space educational pilot program was recently waste through Waste Management, either at the saved from the chopping block and made curb or the landfill. Ω permanent.


Paradise resident Mare Reasons left her home ahead of the Camp Fire with her dog, Gridley. She also has two cats. One, Jojo, is temporarily staying at an emergency shelter in a warehouse. The other, B.C. a.k.a. Big Cat, is missing. Reasons hopes they’ll be reunited. PHOTO/ASHIAH SCHARAGA

11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   7


Heat waves Tahoe climate change Scientists and land managers at Lake Tahoe are partnering in an effort to consider one of the most important questions faced there—how Tahoe might cope with a steadily warming climate in the years and decades to come. The ultimate goal is to enhance the Lake Tahoe Basin’s ability to adapt to climate change and, in doing so, protect it from changing climactic conditions. “It’s obvious that it’s happening. The evidence is right in front of us, and it’s something that we can all observe,” said Whitney Brennan, the project lead for the California Tahoe Conservancy, which is heading up the effort. Indeed, scientists have for years documented a steady increase in both air and water temperatures of the Lake Tahoe Basin. Water temperature measurements taken in 1970 showed the lake’s year-round temperature averaged about 50 degrees. This reached more than 53 degrees by 2015, say scientists at the UC Davis’ Lake Tahoe Environmental Research Center. The change, most of which occurred during the previous decade or so, was believed to be associated with rising air temperatures. Evidence of warming was particularly startling in 2017, when Lake Tahoe’s average surface water temperature hit 68.4 degrees, 6.1 degrees warmer than July 2016 and the warmest ever measured at the lake. At one point in August of last year, shallow water temperatures at Sand Harbor were recorded at 74.5 degrees, only about 4 degrees less than what was recorded in shallow ocean water near San Diego. New climate models prepared at Davis predict Tahoe air temperatures could rise by seven to nine degrees between now and 8   |   RN&R   |   11.21.18

by Jeff DeLong

In 2017, Lake Tahoe’s average surface water temperature was measured at 68.4 degrees, 6.1 degrees warmer than July 2016 and the warmest ever measured at the lake. PHOTO/JEFF DELONG

the end of the century, a trend that would translate to corresponding increases in water temperature. Changes could come with many worrisome impacts to Lake Tahoe, among them less “mixing” of the lake’s warm surface water and colder waters near the bottom. That could change the lake’s chemistry and promote blooms of algae growth, robbing the lake’s famed clarity. “At some point, the lake may stop mixing all the way to the bottom,” said Geoffrey Schladow, director of the Environmental Research Center. “The warming of the lake, especially the warming of the surface, I suspect, is going to profoundly change Tahoe.” Warming could mean the loss of native species such as minnows and the spread of non-native, invasive species. Already ailing forests could become increasingly susceptible to drought, insect attack and wildfire. More rain could fall instead of snow, leading to flooding and increased erosion. Skiing and boating could be affected, undercutting Tahoe’s tourism-dependent economy. Participants are now in early stages of assessing Tahoe’s vulnerabilities to climate change. Future steps will focus on improving the basin’s ability to adapt to changes. Potential actions could be identified to build preparedness and reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change. “To me we’re developing this because we want to make sure that we are, as a whole, addressing all climate change impacts and resources that are at risk,” Brennan said. “We really want to make sure we’re really looking at the basin comprehensively, and there are no gaps.” There’s really little time to lose, Brennan said. “It’s already happening, and it’s going to increase,” she said. “I think it’s a real threat.” Ω

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11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   9

rs e y by Dennis M

of A 1913 postcard scene looks south on Center Street from Second Street toward the river, before the construction of the bridge.

A year by year look at the city’s history


ast Saturday, our colleagues across town at the Reno Gazette Journal honored Reno by making the theme of their annual charity Fantasies in Chocolate gala “A Salute to 150 Years in the Biggest Little City.” Our first article on Reno’s sesquicentennial dealt with events city officialdom would rather forget. We expect to run a third piece on city government policies and their role in city history. This week, we take a lighter approach, reporting some of the little-known events in city history, and the Gazette Journal plays occasional roles. Readers will not find many benchmarks here, like breaking news or big disasters, though there are tragedies. Instead, we tried to give a sense of what life was like in the Truckee Meadows—good and bad—for its people. This is an unlikely possibility, given the terrific population turnover in Nevada that leaves us with less than 20 percent native born, but we hope that people will find links to their past.


The Union Pacific Railroad, after establishing a station, divided the area into streets and auctioned off 400 lots, creating a city.


A California newspaper reported, “RENO - This place has, by its position on the Railroad, drawn almost the entire trade of Honey Lake Valley from Oroville and other points in the Sacramento Valley.”


Western Nevada was hit with an earthquake, and although felt in Reno, the Reno Crescent reported that “the shock was far heavier at and about Glen Dale.”


The First Congregational Church was organized in Reno.

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The Washoe County grand jury praised District Attorney W. M. Boardman for ignoring an order by the county commission to drop a tax lawsuit against the scofflaw Central Pacific Railroad corporation.

on some Western communities, the Journal commented, “Had they pursued a liberal policy toward the people of Nevada they would be blessed to-day, instead of cursed, as they are.”



1874 1875


A patent application filed by Reno tailor Jacob Davis—the application fee paid by Levi Strauss—on Davis’s copperriveted dungarees was approved, the patent granted. Reno’s Nevada State Journal went daily after three years as a weekly. Commenting on the discriminatory rates imposed by the unregulated Central Pacific Railroad

A theatrical manager brought his touring company to Reno, ran up bills, then vanished with the receipts, and the company players said they would go ahead with a performance in hope of satisfying all the claims. The Reno Gazette argued that the strawberry festival for the benefit of the library, which was organized by local “ladies,” had gone so well it proved that women were competent.


A few days after a Native American was murdered in Reno, a procession of tribal family and friends passed through Reno to the Hillside Cemetery where the body of the victim was exhumed, removed from its coffin, and then reburied as part of tribal rites.


Gazette: “The only remaining child of Mr. And Mrs. Van Meter died this morning after an illness of thirty-seven days. This makes the third child Mr. and Mrs. Van Meter have lost by the dreaded scourge, scarlet fever. The funeral sermon will be preached at the family residence on the Truckee Meadows to-morrow morning at 11 o’clock, after which the little one will be brought to town and laid away with its brother and sister.”

the Nevada Mental Health Institute, built along the Truckee east of Reno at a cost of $80,000 ($2,062,769.75 in 2017 dollars), was completed.


Gazette: “The class of immigrants now coming west are not as thrifty and intelligent as men and women should be to settle up and make prosperous a new country. From 100 to 200 men, women and children pass Reno every night … too many of them are from the lower classes of foreign depression: They come here believing that any change is better than no change.”


Nevada’s only university was moved from Elko to Reno, although the first building was not finished until 1885.





McClelland and Simpson of Reno shipped some Truckee trout to the famed Fulton Fish Market in New York. Scientific American reported on the annual Fulton Fish Market trout exhibition in New York, saying that certain specimens were “specially worthy of notice … Truckee river trout, a large black spotted fish which grows from six to ten pounds in weight. Lake Tahoe trout, also a black spotted fish, but much larger than the Truckee river trout.”


The first state mental hospital in Nevada, now

The Nevada and Oregon Railroad, headquartered in Reno, was sold in foreclosure to the Moran Brothers, an investment group. Journal: “PRINTERS B B CLUB —Last evening the Reno Prints formed a Base Ball Club

and will challenge the ‘Dudes’ for a friendly game next Sunday.”

Tremont Hotel in Reno where they had been living.

a balloon race between Berkeley and Reno.

held in Reno. (It was held in Toledo.)







U.S. infantry soldiers stopped in Reno on their way from service in the Pine Ridge/Wounded Knee campaign to return to their duty stations in San Francisco. U.S. Postmaster General Don Dickinson wired a Nevada official that traffic at the Reno post office had increased to such an extent that it was being boosted from a third class to a second class post office.

1889 1890

Reno was digging out after 36 hours of snow and rain.

After the Reno newspapers reported that a thousand head of cattle in Elko County had frozen to death, Winnemucca’s Silver State reported that no such thing had happened.


Gazette: “The Congregational church held a picnic to-day at Merrill’s Grove, across the river from Verdi. Two car loads of picnickers left this morning, attached to the swing train.”


At McKissick’s Opera House in Reno, a dozen Washo tribe members performed “the celebrated snake dance.”

Nevada State University began an athletics program, its players usually known as Sagebrushers. Nevada State University President J.E. Stubbs reported to the Regents that there were more women students at the beginning of the year—45—than the women’s cottage could contain, and so he had rented “two rooms in a private house for the use of some of our girls.”


The New York Times carried an item about Reno artist J.B. Schweitzer, whose uncle John Bryan Griffith died in India and left him $500,000 ($14,944,288.80 in 2017 dollars).


The Washoe County Commission, which also served as the Reno Town Board, voted to connect the University of Nevada to the city sewer system.


Civil War veteran Henry Shanks, of company I of the 35th Wisconsin Infantry, died in Reno and was buried in the Grand Army of the Republic plot of Hillside Cemetery.





Millie Sophia Chalmers, age one year, four months, died in Reno and was buried at Hillside Cemetery. Reno residents voted on whether to purchase Block K on Second Street in Powning’s Addition for a schoolhouse, the land purchase to cost $5,000, and voted no.


National Suffrage Association officers Anna Howard Shaw and Susan B. Anthony spoke at McKissick’s Opera House in Reno.


Reno’s Tribune reported that Nevada State University students wanted the school’s “colors changed from blue and silver to something else.”


Nevada sheepman William O’Brien, seriously injured by a gunshot wound in the head, said his mistress Orena Loek accidentally shot him in the room in the

The Nevada Assembly approved an amended version of Assemblymember H.R. Cooke’s Reno incorporation bill, already passed by the senate. It was announced that the “co-eds” at the state university would get to edit one issue of the Student Record (forerunner of Sagebrush).

1905 1906

Carson City newspapers were agitating for removal of the university from Reno to Carson. Catholic officials purchased the Sol Levy home at Second and Chestnut, now Arlington, streets in Reno for $10,000 ($276,869.14 in 2017 dollars) to be the site of a church, possibly a cathedral.


Reno train engineer H.C. Hampton, making his last run after promising his family that he would leave the railroad, was killed in a train wreck at Lovelock in which freight and passenger trains collided.


Reno’s city government considered installing clocks on the city hall tower.


The San Francisco Aero Club planned

A funeral was held in Reno for James Howard Leason of Schurz: “The death of the young lad, who would have been 13 years of age had he lived until April 10, has been … a hard blow to his mother, who worshipped him. … He was the idol of Schurz folk, few of Schurz’s population being white. The Indians loved the child, who was wise beyond his years. And, when the parents left with his body for Reno, every Indian of the town flocked to the train to say some broken word.”


Jack Cunningham, Harry Gosse, Jr., and other Reno boys built a glider which they pushed off the Court Street bluff with Jack as pilot, resulting in a glide for a short distance, then a safe landing.


The Reno chapter of the International Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo—we’re not making this up—initiated 20 new members. The national group, dedicated to the “welfare and promotion of the forest products industry,” still exists.

1913 1914

The hillside “N” letter overlooking Reno was created on the slopes of Peavine Mountain. Washoe County officials removed a leper from the county hospital, drove him over the state line into California and abandoned him in the middle of the road. He next surfaced in Fresno.

Residents of Burke’s addition and other parts of Reno, represented by Patrick McCarran, won an order from the Nevada Supreme Court to the Public Service Commission and Reno Traction Company halting abandonment and removal of city trolley lines pending a hearing.


Members of a group traveling to Los Angeles from Chicago said in Reno that Nevada and Idaho had the worst roads they’d encountered.


Federal broadcasting license 310 was issued to Nevada Machinery and Electric in Reno for station KDZK.


It was reported in Reno that the 18-month-old child of former Washington Senators pitcher Walter Johnson and his wife Hazel was recovering from an illness in San Francisco and would soon arrive in Reno to spend the summer with the child’s grandparents, Edwin Roberts—about to be elected Reno mayor—and his wife.


Nevada Gov. James Scrugham and former governor Emmet Boyle were partners in a mine in Round Mountain, with Boyle adding supervision of the mine to his duties of managing the Nevada State Journal and the Reno Chamber of Commerce.




1926 1927

Reno’s arch and railroad depot were built.

1928 1929

The installation of dial telephones began in Reno.

The French and English governments signed an agreement in Reno with Nevada rancher Neil West for the delivery within three months of 2,500 horses for $250,000 ($6,151,619.79 in 2017 dollars), the horses to be used by Allied troops. Reno’s Twentieth Century Club heard author Jean Morris Ellis (Character Analysis) speak on eugenics.


Newly released figures showed a record 78 new homes built in Reno in 1916, but a slight decline in business construction.


Gov. Emmet Boyle announced that wool from the First Sheep, a flock kept on the White House grounds, arrived in Reno, where it would be auctioned off, the money becoming Nevada’s wartime contribution to the American Red Cross.


Sportswriter Al Spink predicted for the second time that a prizefight between Jess Willard and Jack Dempsey would he

The clubhouse of the Twentieth Century Club, a women’s service organization, was built on First Street, where it still stands.

A single company mailed 100,000 letters at the Reno post office, the first of an expected two million, the largest load in the post office’s Reno history.

Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., whose book Reno was being serialized, said he was forming a Reno Club of elite divorce alumni in New York City, and Nevada District Judge George Bartlett wired congratulations to the club. (Vanderbilt said of his book that some of the club members “are going to recognize themselves in its pages,” and when the book came out, Reno leaders denounced it.)


The Literary Digest conducted polls of nine cities around the U.S. regarding alcohol prohibition, and the tally showed 727 Renoites favoring repeal, another 328 supporting modification of prohibition, and 218 supporting full enforcement of prohibition.


The American Legion post in Reno hosted a discussion of the legal gambling legislation pending before the Nevada Legislature, with attorney H.R. Cooke supporting gambling and University of Nevada professor R.C. Thompson opposing it.


A former congressmember selected to lease properties in the Boulder City reservation said he would make the town the antithesis of Reno—only U.S. citizens permitted, applicants judged on character, fitness and personality, and gambling or other prohibited activities grounds for revocation of leases.


Officials of the Three Flags Highway Association from three states met in Reno for its second annual meeting to discuss what needed to be done to close the two remaining gaps in a highway running from Banff, Canada, to La Paz, Mexico.


Following the disappearance of Roy Frisch, chief witness in the federal fraud trial of Reno mobsters William Graham and James MacKay, guards were put on bank assistant cashier Joseph Fuetsch, the next-most-important witness.


In Reno, the Hoboes Union voted unanimously to oppose legislation pending before the Nevada Legislature that would limit the number of cars on a train, and sent a letter to Assemblymember L.R. Arnold, a Clark County Democrat: “We have difficulty in finding traveling accommodations with 125 or 150 cars, and the passage of the bill in question will greatly discommode us.”

150 years of reno”

continued on page 12

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150 years of reno”

continued from page 11


The Civilian Conservation Corps boys at Camp Reno held a dance for themselves and the people of the town before they ended their work and returned to their homes in the East.


In San Francisco, two Reno floats—one featuring a replica of the Reno arch—took part in a parade marking the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge.


A “bowl of rice party” benefit dance was held at Reno’s El Patio to raise money for food, medicine and shelter in China during the Sino-Japanese war, and the consul general from the Chinese consulate in San Francisco attended.


After a case of short-weighted butter was confiscated from a Reno grocery store, it was given to the county hospital and the Crittenden children’s home to be “destroyed by consumption.”

1940 1941

Reno police got new sevenpointed (heptagonal) badges.

On CBS Radio’s Sunday evening series Silver Theatre, Kay Kyser, Ginny Simms and Joe Kearns starred in “Niagara to Reno.”

1942 1943

Paul Elcano of Reno was appointed a foreign service officer and assigned to Paraguay. Some Reno stores began staying open late at the request of war production officials who believed that absenteeism in critical war work was the result of shopping that could not be done after working hours.


Lt. Woodrow Ellertson of Reno was killed in action during a bombing mission over Drehm. He received the Air Medal posthumously for five missions over Europe.


A “Dance for Democracy” was held in Reno at the El Patio Ballroom, with all enlisted men and women from the Reno Army Air Base and “registered hostesses,” whatever they were, invited.


The Sparks city council had a discussion of whether the city should—if the Reno army air base was decommissioned—obtain the base gymnasium and move it to Sparks.


The Motor-In Theatre, a drive-in theater, opened “one mile out South Virginia Road.”


Residents of an East Liberty Street neighborhood gave a petition to the Reno City Council asking for construction of a crossing guard where the Virginia and Truckee railroad crossed Liberty.




Richard Trachok was hired by the Reno School District No. 10 to be head football and track coach at Reno High School at a salary of $2,820 a year.


Young piano students of Mrs. Ethel Zimmer gave a piano workshop in Reno, and Dawn Wells performed “On the Magic Lake,” “The Butterfly,” “Mantilla,” “To a Wild Rose,” and she performed “Indians” in a duet with Marlene Ferrari.


New Jersey truck driver Paul Mandry moved to Reno after two atomic bomb detonations made him leave the south.


There was criticism of a Reno Chamber of Commerce plan to change the name of Slide Mountain to Mount Reno, with snow surveyor James Church and members of the Nevada Historical Society opposing the change.


The Reno Sparks Indian Colony formed a planning board to prepare for release of the colony’s residents from wardship and resultant securing of deeds to their properties.


Reno city officials said they found little interest in attracting bids to operate a cigarette/news/ car rental/information stand in the newly acquired municipal airport.


A governor’s conference on mental health, a response to national news coverage of Nevada’s poor mental health services (particularly the Collier’s magazine article “The Sorry State of Nevada”), began in Reno.


An exhibition began at the University of Nevada of the work of Reno Sparks Indian Colony art students of Chippewa art teacher Sun Bear.


A gas explosion in downtown Reno damaged buildings in all directions, killed two people and injured 40.


A bomb with three sticks of dynamite was removed from the 1952 Ford owned by Reno labor leader Lawrence Sigglekow. Sheriff Bud Young said it had been in the car for about a month and its failure to detonate resulted in two later attacks on Sigglekow’s life.

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At a public meeting on Reno’s freeway problems, attorney Morgan Anglim said, “Las Vegas is moving ahead, and Reno is standing still” on freeway construction. Reno citizens went to court to stop construction of a hospitality center in Powning Park, land which had been donated to the city on condition that it always be used for a park. (Eventually, a convention center was moved to Powning Park, which was destroyed except for a sliver where the hospitality center was built.)


At Gray Reid’s department store in Reno, Bell Telephone Company of Nevada began three days of demonstrations of direct dialing on long distance calls.


Native American leaders representing tribes in Utah, California and Reno met with Kennedy administration officials at Reno’s state building on proposals for reform of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.


Three days after Reno’s Golden Hotel burned down, killing six, the former owners ran a newspaper ad addressed to the hotel’s workers: “Our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your loyalty during your years of faithful employment. No one realizes more than we that it was your integrity, friendliness and untiring efforts that made the Golden what it was.”


A 20-year-old woman was hospitalized at Washoe Medical Center after an abortion she said was performed in a motel room by an unknown man for $350.


U.S. Mint director Eva Adams predicted in Reno that Congress would halt the minting of silver dollars.


A cross was burned in the garden of a Reno family’s home after a boy in the house said he received recruiting calls from callers identifying themselves as Klan members.


After a federal official informed Nevada officials that the recently closed Stead Air Force Base north of Reno was being “cannibalized” to supply the Vietnam War and would be turned over to the state as “only an empty shell,” the Nevada Department of Education took its requested appropriation of $70,000 for a vocational education center at the base off the agenda of the 1966 special session of the Nevada Legislature.


Reno city councilmembers denounced a proposal by assistant city attorney Sam Bull to remove parking meters from the city.


Paul Gallo and Michael Graham reported the agriculture college had—without authorization—altered the channel of the Truckee River, impeding the upstream spawn of trout and cui-ui, prompting a complaint and a $2,000,000 ($8,755,153.64 in 2017 dollars) claim from the downstream Pyramid Lake tribe, forcing UNR to restore the river channel.



The Reno underground newspaper Love began publication. Because of constant harassment by the Reno Police Department, the newspaper was driven out of business within five months. In Vietnam, Robert Leroy Morgan, Jr., of Reno died in Tay Ninh Province, and James Woodford Clark of Reno died in Phuoc Long.


A committee appointed by Reno Mayor Roy Bankofier reported back with a recommendation that the city’s red line district, limiting casinos to a downtown area, be abolished.


Nevada gambling regulators denied permission for use of electronic casino equipment—a “lucky seven” device manufactured by Baja Electonics that would have been used at Bill and Effie’s Boomtown in Verdi and a wheel of fortune device manufactured by Bally that would have been used at Reno’s Club Cal Neva.


In the wake of Colorado voters’ rejection of the 1976 Winter Olympics, backers of a number of new sites, including 1960 site Squaw Valley, for which Reno had served as host city, geared up to win the event, although the 1960 games had been used as a bad example by Colorado opponents because they cost 13 times original estimates.


The Reno City Council was battling two old Reno families over streets—the Kuenzli family was trying to enforce a 1951 agreement that Kuenzli Street keep its name in exchange for improvements made on the street, and the Casazzas were trying to block plans to change one way streets in a fashion that would hurt business at the family’s Shoppers Square strip mall.


The Grateful Dead played UNR. (Dead fan “Ziphler”: “I remember buying an old station wagon for $50 to drive to a Dead show in Reno.”)


UNR student John Davies was hazed to a death by alcohol poisoning by the Sundowners Club.


The UNR student newspaper Sagebrush’s Bob Anderson,

Six casino/hotels with a cumulative 2,074 rooms were under construction in Reno, which when opened the next year triggered a summer of hell in the valley—people poured in looking for jobs; housing was exhausted; people lived in their cars; the sewage treatment plant capacity was exhausted, and traffic problems became rampant.


Auto manufacturers critic Ralph Nader arrived in Reno for a speech, was picked up at the airport in a four-door sedan, and when they arrived at the destination, he pulled up on the door lock button, and the entire apparatus fell apart.


With the western division of the new United Basketball Association coming apart (teams in Great Falls, Montana and Fresno had shut down), Reno Bighorns principal owner Bill Myers said he had decided to end his team’s operations.


A mentally disturbed woman, Priscilla Ford, drove a car down a sidewalk in Reno, killing seven people and injuring 23.


Nevada’s lieutenant governor, Myron Leavitt, said he opposed Reno’s Gay Rodeo: “They call them queers because they’ve got a screw loose. I’m strongly opposed to queers using public property. ... It’s illegal, unnatural and abnormal behavior.”


A school of law, Old College, started up in Reno.


KNPB began broadcasting, and the Reno Evening Gazette published its last edition. Its sister newspaper, the morning Nevada State Journal, changed its name to the Reno Gazette-Journal.


Bill Cosby allegedly arranged to fly actress Heidi Thomas to Reno to give her career advice, and she testified he gave her wine as part of a scene in which she was to play a drunk character, after which she woke up next to him in bed.

1985 1986

The Children’s Cabinet opened.

After more than a century of lodging structures on the site, Reno’s Riverside Hotel shut down.


The Nevada Board of Regents declined to take over the financially sinking Old College School of Law in Reno.


Reno police officers Guy McKillip and Milton Perry were arrested for allegedly taking a blind, intoxicated man 30 miles out of town and abandoning him alongside Interstate 80.


Mario Puzo and Frances Ford Coppola stayed at the Reno Peppermill while working on the Godfather III script and gambling.


A trial in state court in Reno of a lawsuit by parents of two suicidal boys against the rock group Judas Priest over alleged subliminal messages on one of their albums dominated celebrity coverage for weeks.


UNR president Joe Crowley reported to the Nevada Board of Regents that the Reno City Council’s requirement that the campus provide adequate parking for new student housing was “devastating” to UNR’s student retention and recruitment.


The New York Times reported that Harvey’s Tahoe officials confirmed they were in negotiations to buy Bally’s Reno, formerly the MGM Grand, but that Bally’s declined to confirm it.


At UNR, the Reynolds School of Journalism

was dedicated, named for media mogul Donald Reynolds, who was stripped of his broadcasting license by the Federal Communications Commission for corrupt business dealings.


Candidates Jan Jones and Robert Miller, running for governor against each other in the Democratic primary, spoke against an antigay initiative petition at a rally at a Reno gay bar, Bad Dolly’s.


A long battle between the bucolic neighborhood of Rewana Farms and Reno’s airport got underway as the airport tried to push its boundaries outward.


Artown was formed, eventually becoming a dominant player in city arts affairs and drawing criticism because of it.

1997 1998

Veteran Reno newspaper editor Ty Cobb died at age 81. The furnishings of Reno’s recently closed Nevada Club were sold at auction.


Reno restaurant owner Marshall Fey, grandson of slot machine inventor Charles Fey, spoke at the Nevada State Museum on slot machine history.

2000 2001

A Mormon temple was dedicated in Reno.

Just 48 minutes into the new year, the new century, and the new millennium, three arsonists torched Temple Emanu-El in Reno.


Bob Cashell moved to Reno to run for mayor and was narrowly elected, heading an administration that succeeded in getting city councilmembers to work together.


Several hundred people filled Reno’s Manzanita Bowl hillside to protest George Bush’s impending invasion of Iraq.


The Reno GazetteJournal published a multi-part exposé by Frank Mullen, with arresting photographs, on allegations of animal abuse at the University of Nevada, Reno.


Deux Gros Nez cafe in Reno marked its 20th anniversary.


Twelve low-income people died in a fire that destroyed the Mizpah Hotel.


Nurses at Renown, formerly Washoe Medical Center, voted 491-213 to unionize.


An earthquake swarm, known as the MogulSomersett earthquake sequence, hit west Reno, rupturing the Highland Ditch wood flume.


Scientists completed the first phase of seismic surveying through downtown Reno in a $1 million US Geological Survey study to draw an earthquake hazard map.

2010 2011

Over a November weekend, 21 temblors shook south Reno. Casino Women, a study by UNR scholars Susan Chandler and Jill B. Jones, was published by Cornell.

2012 2013

St. Mary’s hospital was sold to Dignity Health.

The annual meeting of the National Congress of American Indians, held in Reno, was largely ignored by the nation’s news entities.


Mayoral candidate Eddie Lorton went to court to get two city candidates disqualified, and that, plus normal change, gave Reno nearly all new faces at City Hall—some of whom had difficulty working with each other.


UNR student Ivy Ziedrich confronted Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on the Reno campus, telling him, “Your brother created ISIS.”


Amid highly publicized police killings of citizens around the nation, the NAACP held a community meeting in Reno with local police to discuss the issues and implications.


UNR tried to shut down—or transfer to off-campus firms—its Child and Family Research Center, formerly the Child Development Lab, that had operated since the early 1900s. Ω

For more on Reno’s history, see Reno’s Big Gamble by Alicia Barber, available in local libraries and most local bookstores.

11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   13

Window to the

future by KelSey FiTzgerald

Artist launches 1,000-year photography project in the Tahoe Basin

Photo/Kelsey Fitzgerald

Philosopher and artist Jonathon Keats stands near two of his millennium cameras at the opening of the “Tahoe Timescape” exhibit at Sierra Nevada College in October. This month, Keats will install these cameras at outdoor vantage points around the Tahoe Basin.

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ne thousand years from now, in the year 3018, Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village has committed to holding an art exhibition opening reception. It’s true; there’s a formal contract in place. Weather permitting, the event is set to occur on or about Oct. 18, 3018, from 6 to 8 p.m., and if your descendants have no other plans for that evening, you might leave word that they should check it out. The exhibit, which will feature the work of San Francisco-based philosopher and artist Jonathon Keats, will explore a millennium of environmental change in the Tahoe Basin by way of an experiment in deep time photography. His experiment begins now. This November, as part of the “Tahoe Timescape” project, Keats will install four millennium cameras—simple pinhole cameras designed for extreme durability—at viewpoints around the Lake Tahoe Basin, each set to take a 1,000-year long photographic exposure. “When you take a photograph where the exposure time is extremely long, you’re not just taking an image of an object or a landscape or a person,” Keats explained. “You’re really taking a photograph showing a process of change.” The idea behind the project, said Keats, is partly to create a long-term record of environmental change in the Tahoe Basin, but also to

inspire thought about how our actions shape the future. The cameras themselves are small copper canisters with a tiny pinhole aperture made of 24-karat gold. As sunlight enters the camera through the pinhole each day, it will very gradually fade an image onto a rose-colored pigment that Keats has painted onto a copper disc inside of the device. In his photographs, anything that remains the same over the period of the exposure, such as the silhouette of a mountain (assuming no largescale geologic alterations), will appear crisp and dark. Anything that changes gradually, such as a building that is constructed or removed after, say, 400 years, will appear ghostly. Things that pass more quickly, such as a human walking in front of the camera, will not be of enough significance to register. “What you get, in effect, is an image that can be unpacked—that will show what has remained the same, what has changed,” Keats said. “As a result, it becomes for those in the future a way in which to hold us accountable for the actions that we make.” Keats, age 48, is known for wild thought experiments ranging in scope from an attempt to genetically engineer God in a laboratory to the creation of porn theaters for houseplants (think pollination videos). He began incorporating photography into his work some time ago. “I’ve been interested in photography for a long time and looking at ways in which photography might be activated to not only document the world in which we live, but also

to allow us to interact with our world in alternative ways, specifically to do with our relationship with our environment over time,” Keats said. In 2010, Keats designed a simple pinhole camera capable of taking a 100-year exposure, which could be constructed directly from the paper of a magazine. The designs were printed in a magazine called Good, which agreed to print any photos that are returned after 100 years. “With the 100-year cameras, [I wanted] to make them as available as possible to as many people as possible, to be able to implement this in cities or wherever they live, as a way in which to instill a bit of the paranoia, I guess, that comes along with any act of surveillance,” Keats said. “That these cameras are being hidden, and people are being watched by those who are not yet born.” Continuing in this vein, Keats launched a century camera project in Berlin in 2014, enlisting citizens to hide 100 pinhole cameras of a more durable design around the city. Participants were asked to instruct a child of the next generation to return the cameras and resulting images to a specific gallery in Berlin in 2114. In 2015, Keats took the century camera idea a step further, fine-tuning his design to what he hopes will be able to capture a 1,000-year long photographic exposure. He installed one such millennium camera on an art museum at Arizona State University, looking out at the city of Tempe, and another looking out at the Holyoke Range in Massachusetts from a steeple at Amherst College.

Lake view For the “Tahoe Timescape” project, Keats’s most ambitious millennium camera project to date, he has worked closely with Tahoe Public Art and other local organizations, including Sierra Nevada College and the Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) on everything from logistical matters—the permitting process for a 1,000year art installation is complex, he says—to developing avenues for public participation. Mountain Forge, a blacksmith shop in Truckee, will affix each camera firmly to its location at four vantage points around Lake

Tahoe: Heavenly Mountain Resort in South Lake Tahoe; Eagle Rock in Homewood, California; Lake Tahoe Dam in Tahoe City, California; and Sand Harbor, Nevada. The Washoe Tribe has provided traditional Washoe names for each location, which will be listed on plaques near the cameras along with the English name and GPS coordinates. As soon as the cameras are in place, Keats hopes to get members of the public out to see them. A map, which will be made available at Lake Tahoe visitor centers, will provide instructions on how to find the camera locations. In some cases, such as the camera by the Tahoe Dam, that will be easy—and in other cases, the trip will require a hike. “There’s a quest involved, if you want to fully experience the project,” Keats said. “And that quest becomes a story that you tell. It’s a way in which you engage with time and with these cameras and with the environment. That you are physically experiencing the environment in the process of visiting these cameras is a really important part of it.“ Every three years for the next millennium, Sierra Nevada College has committed to bringing art students out to the camera sites, where they will create images depicting what they think the landscape will look like in 3018, providing an ongoing catalog of change over time. Collaboration with TERC’s citizen science program is in the works as well. Elsewhere in the region, Keats is working with the Nevada Museum of Art to develop a 5,000-year calendar based on the growth rate of eastern Nevada’s bristlecone pines (See “Long view,” Art of the State, Oct. 12, 2017)—another project aimed at inspiring thought about our relationship with the Earth over time. With any of these extremely long-term endeavors, Keats acknowledges that there’s much that could go wrong. The millennium cameras could be stolen. The bristlecone pine trees could die. The light level coming through the atmosphere could change as climate changes, altering the exposure of the photographs, or changing the speed that the trees grow. All will inform what we see—or don’t see—in the end picture, and Keats believes that failure will be informative rather than catastrophic. “We’re in beta here,” Keats said. “It has never been done before. There are many reasons why this might fail. Maybe we’ll get it better the next 1,000-year cycle.” Ω

For more information on the “Tahoe Timescape” project, visit spark.adobe.com/page/B5ffc5z72tpJp

11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   15


je r ic @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Sam Knipmeyer wears his Lincoln-style hat amid the displays in the new Trailblazing Nevada exhibit.

Take a way Trailblazing Nevada A long-time museum space inside Nevada’s capitol building was recently overhauled to create a historical exhibit called Trailblazing Nevada. Using $700,000 from the NV150 Foundation—which raised funds to support sesquicentennial-related projects through the sale of specialty license plates—the staff of the Nevada State Museum worked with a Seattle-based company that specializes in museum projects to create the five-part historical exhibit that spans from prehistory to the current era. On Saturdays, docents from the state museum give guided tours of the revamped space. “It’s sort of like a mini museum,” said Sam Knipmeyer, the docent who led tours on Nov. 17. The 71-year-old has lived in Nevada since his senior year of high school and graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno. He’s been giving tours at the state museum for seven years. When he works the Trailblazing Nevada exhibit in the former Senate Chambers—now called “Battle Born Hall”—he wears an Abraham Lincoln-style high top hat as a sort of historical conversation starter. “Of course, the name Battle Born Hall refers to the fact that we became a state during the Civil War—but not because of the war, necessarily,” Knipmeyer said. “It was because of Abraham Lincoln was thinking ahead.” He’s referring to a common misconception people hold that Nevada gained statehood because the riches from its mines were needed to fund the North during the Civil War. Knipmeyer often uses his tours as an opportunity to explain that, in fact, Nevada’s entry to the Union was a matter of politics, not economics, driven by Lincoln’s desire to gain an electoral college advantage 16   |   RN&R   |   11.21.18


from a new state sympathetic to his moderate, reconstructionist goals. Inside the exhibit space, Knipmeyer has no need for further props of his own. The space now includes interactive elements built into each of its five parts, the first of which focuses on Native people who’ve lived in the region for millennia. This first part of the exhibit is a favorite of Knipmeyer’s. “The indigenous people who lived here were incredibly genius—to live and thrive in this type of climate,” he said. The display includes prehistoric tools, including an atlatl (a type of primitive weapon) and a duck decoy made from reeds called tule as well as a replica relief of prehistoric petroglyphs that unlike the real deal at the archaeological site can be touched to experience the texture of the carved and pecked rock art. Deeper in the exhibit, a set of boxing gloves accompanies an exhibit about Jack Johnson. A telegraph key alongside an exhibit about the state’s constitution—sent to Washington D.C. via telegraph as well as over land—allows visitors to practice tapping out Morse code. So far, Knipmeyer said, the interactivity of the exhibit seems to be paying off. He’s only given a handful of tours so far but said he’s been pleased to see the space be a hit with young visitors. “I consider a museum part of the educational experience,” he said. “We’ve got to train the next generation. That’s something I really admire about the Native Americans. ... They were able to train the next generation to survive—and you had to be a good learner. You couldn’t look it up in a book or Google it and find out how to make a net or a basket or an atlatl. … It’s the most important thing we do as a society, to teach the next generation.” Ω The public can tour the capitol from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Nothing funny about wildfires.”

Catch fire A quartet of fine performances help to make Paul Dano’s directorial debut a total win with Wildlife. The movie, about a family falling apart in the early ’60, is a sometimes uncomfortable experience. Considering the subject matter, it’s supposed to be. Young Joe (Ed Oxenbould) is living a typical early ’60s life in Montana. Mom Jeanette (Carey Mulligan) stays at home while dad Jerry (Jake Gyllenhaal) works a low-paying job at the local country club. Jerry urges Joe to try out for football, while Jeanette helps him with his studies. It’s not an ideal life—money clearly could become an issue if life takes a wrong turn. When Jerry loses his job, a family meltdown rapidly ensues. Jerry becomes despondent, while Jeanette takes a job teaching swimming. Joe gets a part-time gig at a photography shop taking pictures, as dad spirals further into depression. When Jerry announces that he will join a firefighting team, with virtually no firefighting experience, Jeanette doesn’t take the news well. Jerry takes off into the mountains of Montana for low pay and high risk, while Jeanette and Joe fend for themselves back home. Jeanette accuses Jerry of escaping their problems and basically abandoning his wife and son. Jerry sees it as a more reputable and manly way to make money than shining a golfer’s shoes at a country club. So the stage is set for what amounts to the best performance of Mulligan’s career as Jeanette shows signs of major insecurities and mental health issues. Jerry shows the very same signs, and Gyllenhaal is also amazing here. Their synchronized unraveling is almost proof that they were meant to be together. As Jeanette’s behavior becomes erratic and Jerry digs fire trenches in the mountains, Joe seems to be the only one in his family acting like an adult. Dano, who co-wrote the script with his extremely talented partner, Zoe Kazan, does a beautiful and sometimes scary job of framing this picture through the eyes of Joe. We see the love for their son clearly emanating from both Jerry

and Jeanette, even as their behavior ranges from pathetic to despicable. It’s the little things, like Jerry throwing a football to his boy, and mom solving a math problem for her son, that establish the undeniable family love. The couple is very likeable, even as they go off the rails. Bill Camp, the final member of the performance quartet, is extremely effective as local businessman Warren Miller—no relation to the ski film guy—who Jeanette turns to while Jerry is away. He seems to be a decent enough guy, talking poetry with Jeanette in her living room and talking up Joe, even suggesting he’ll give Jerry a job when he comes back from the mountains. But it isn’t too long before Joe spies Warren’s naked ass through the crack of a door, signifying that Joe’s parents’ marriage is officially in dire trouble. One of the best scenes in the film involves Jeanette driving Joe to the area where Jerry is fighting fires, before things really begin to fall apart. Jeanette tells Joe to step out of the car to take a look. We just see Joe’s face as he stares uncomfortably at the fire, as if he’s observing his family’s oncoming horrors. The shot is followed by an actual view of the mountainside as it is rapidly consumed by flames. It’s a beautifully filmed moment. All of these performers have great faces. Gyllenhaal says so much with a glare. There’s so much fear and uncertainty behind Mulligan’s smile. Camp’s gentle expressions somehow denote a certain villainy. Oxenbould’s eyes just scream, “Adolescence is kicking my ass.” Mulligan is most definitely in the hunt for Best Actress, while Gyllenhaal is having a fine year in supporting roles such as this and The Sisters Brothers. Oxenbould is definitely somebody to keep watching, as is Dano in directorial mode. Wildlife is loaded with talent put to good use. Ω



Bohemian Rhapsody

Rami Malek gives it his all as Freddie Mercury, the late lead singer of Queen, in the new biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. That, and a competent recreation of Queen’s Live Aid domination, are just about the only good things you can say about this mostly embarrassing effort to memorialize an incredible person and his sadly short life. The movie basically takes Mercury’s legacy, completely screws with his life’s timeline and makes up a bunch of unnecessary events to pad its 135-minute running time. So much of this film isn’t true, and the fact that they took this hard-living rock star’s life and homogenized it for a PG-13 film doesn’t help make it feel anything close to authentic. Mercury died from pneumonia while battling AIDS in 1991. He wasn’t diagnosed with the illness until 1987. This film, partially directed by Bryan Singer and then finished by Dexter Fletcher, has Mercury learning of his diagnosis before his incredible 1985 Live Aid performance, even telling the band of his illness shortly before they went on stage. This is complete bullshit and a total injustice to Mercury and his band’s legacy. Malek, acting through a big set of fake teeth made to capture the look of Mercury’s four extra incisors, is decent in the role. He actually sang on set, his voice blended with a Mercury soundalike to keep the movie from being a completely lip-synched affair. The musical sequences, including the Live Aid gig, are fun to watch. But, hey, if I want good Queen music, I can just watch the videos of Queen. There’s a movie happening between those musical sequences, and that movie is terrible, a messed-up bit of fakery that prompts a lot of unintentional laughter. There’s a great, truthful movie to be made about the life of Freddie Mercury. Bohemian Rhapsody doesn’t even come close to being that movie.



Jonah Hill makes his feature directing debut from his own script with Mid90s, the best movie ever made about skater culture and a powerful movie about familial dysfunction and the need for friendships. Sunny Suljic (The House with a Clock in Its Walls) gives a breakout performance as Stevie, a kid living in a single parent household with a headcase older brother, Ian (Lucas Hedges). Stevie suffers massive beatings at the hands of Ian and goes to a messed-up place where he causes himself further pain with self-inflicted strangulation, skin burns and simply pressing on the bruises Ian created. In short, the kid has some major issues. In search of some kind of identity, Stevie grabs himself a skateboard and starts hanging around some older kids at the skate shop. As Stevie’s social life takes off, his home life further withers, including increasing violence from Ian and some communication problems with his mother, Dabney (Katherine Waterston of Alien: Covenant). The director doesn’t shy away from the bad influence some of them provide—influences present in just about every high schooler’s life. Suljic, a solid young actor, proves to be the perfect pick for Stevie.




A Star is Born



American soldiers get personal with some mutant Nazi soldiers in Overlord, one of the weirder films to make it to the big screen in 2018. U.S. World War II paratroopers, led by Kurt Russell’s look-and-sound-alike son Wyatt as demolition expert Ford, land in a Nazi-occupied French town. It’s the eve of D-Day, and the beginning of director Julius Avery’s flick is an effective war movie as those paratroopers, including Jovan Adepo as Boyce and John Magaro as Tibbet, must escape a crashing plane and then evade Nazis on the ground. Soon after linking up with local resident Chloe (Mathilde Ollivier), the soldiers find themselves in a safehouse. It’s a typical small French town house, excepting for the fact that Chloe’s aunt down the hall is ill, and we aren’t talking whooping cough. Nazi doctors are seriously screwing with dead people’s biochemistry. This results in some messed-up experiments like Chloe’s aunt, but also brings about superhuman Nazi soldier zombies with direct orders to tear people apart. Yikes! The whole Nazi zombie thing has been done before, but never with such authentic style and gory aplomb. At a time when studios are starting to release their Oscar favorites, it’s interesting to see something like Overlord post-Halloween. The movie doesn’t score major points for originality, but it’s a good time nonetheless for those of us who enjoy seeing bad things done to Nazi types.

It’s movie magic at its most beautiful when Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga share the screen in A Star is Born. It’s a rousing remake of the old warhorse rise-to-fame story, and it’s easily the best movie with that title ever made. Cooper makes his feature directorial debut and stars as Jackson Maine, a Southern rocker barely getting through his gigs thanks to too much alcohol, too many pills and a nasty case of tinnitus. The film opens with Cooper live on stage belting out “Black Eyes,” a song that clearly states this movie means business on the musical front. He brings a lot of legitimate musical soul to the role. And he damned well better, because his counterpart in this story is played by none other than Lady Gaga in her fierce feature lead debut. (She had bit parts in Sin City and Muppet movies.) As Ally, a waitress who sings occasionally at the local drag bar, Gaga delivers so well beyond expectations it seems impossible. She’s so good it hurts, especially in the film’s dramatic moments, of which there are many.

This is a sometimes entertaining mess, but it’s still a mess. Let’s get the obvious out of the way: you shouldn’t have a Venom movie without Spider-Man playing into the comic villain’s backstory, somehow. This film has no Spidey. Tom Hardy labors hard at playing Eddie Brock, an investigative reporter who’s infected by the symbiote and starts biting off people’s heads in PG-13 fashion. Brock winds up with Venom’s voice in his head and an ability to make Venom sort of a good/bad guy. It’s all kind of stupid, playing things mostly for laughs and squandering a chance for a real horror show. Hardy gives it his all, but the film feels like a botch job pretty much from the start. Michelle Williams gets what might be the worst role of her career as Brock’s girlfriend, and Riz Ahmed plays the stereotypical villain. There are hints of something cool, but they are buried under a pile of muck.






HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE friday, nOvember 23

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Virginia Street Antique Mall & Vintage Clothing 1251 S. Virginia St • Reno • 775-324-4141

www.facebook.com/vsamreno 18   |   RN&R   |   11.21.18

by ToDD SouTh

Come visit the 10th annual

Holiday Marketplace Saturday, December 1st, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Vendors list:

Scott Dozois and Nina Esquire serve up dishes from biscuits and grits to pastries and pies.

Swing state Pine State Biscuits began with some Pacific Northwest transplants from North Carolina longing for the flavors of home. I’d heard some hype prior to its Reno outpost’s grand opening. And, based on weekend lines out the door, it seems it’s made a splash. “Please order food before sitting; consider folks waiting; kindly bus your table,” read the sign at the counter. Another promotes “the best clucking Bloody Mary around.” Challenge accepted. For $9, you get a pint glass with a spiced rim filled with a well-iced cocktail, garnished with celery, lemon wedge, a cocktail onion and pickled okra. Other than the glass, the beverage was utterly lacking in heat and definitely not “the best.” The menu offers vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. My egg-and-dairyaverse friend selected the Hash Up ($7), a plate full of hash browns, topped with sauteed onion and mushroom, skipping cheddar cheese and adding shaved North Carolina country ham for an additional $1.50, and a side of collard greens ($3). So often I find hash browns a mushy disappointment, but I swear this may have been the thinnest, crispiest, most enjoyable potato hash ever. The sauté was good, but the dry-cured pork was extremely salty, to the point of distraction. The collard greens offered are vegan. Real southern greens are a medley of hearty leafs and pork, stewed for hours in chicken stock and seasonings to infuse flavor, while breaking down the tough, fibrous leaves. These were indistinguishable from sauteed kale—not bad if you’re into that, but not what I’d expect from Southern folks. Onto the raison d’etre, biscuit sandwiches. You can watch biscuits being scratch-made in the open kitchen, and


admittedly they’re pretty good. One of my friend’s boys ordered a Reggie ($9) with fried chicken, bacon, cheddar cheese and sausage gravy. He then upgraded to the Reggie Deluxe with fried egg ($10.50), asking for gravy on the side. The chicken was pounded breast meat in a decent coating, the bacon crispy. But having forgotten the egg, the wait staff brought it out as a side. The gravy’s flavor was fine but oddly grainy in texture. Next was the Club biscuit ($10) with brisket, bacon, iceberg lettuce and a thick tomato slice. It comes drenched in blue cheese dressing. With knife and fork I enjoyed what was essentially a stacked wedge salad with biscuit topper. The beef was very tender but noticeably lacked smoke or seasoning. Our server admitted the “house smoked” brisket and pulled pork are sourced from an outside vendor. The friend’s other boy’s plate of shrimp ’n’ grits ($12) with six medium prawns sauteed with garlic, green onion, mushroom and bacon and served over creamy grits swimming in butter. It was delicious. The bacon added a lot of smoke to the sauté, the shrimp were great, and the grits were fantastic. I enjoyed the dish more than the kid who ordered it did, so while I helped out, he moved on to something sweet. The seasonal pop tart ($4) was a s’mores confection so good, it’s a crime to compare it to those mass-produced toaster pastries. Filled with a dark chocolate and graham cracker ganache, the pastry was light, crispy and flaky—reminiscent of strudel. Topped with toasted housemade marshmallow, it was a visual stunning and delectable cap to our visit. Ω

Pine State Biscuits

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Art Cards Tahoe Toffee Nakara Soaps Klg Spices Jonesey’s BBQ Lattin Farms Campie’s Lavendar Patch Italian Hearts Killer Salsa Nevada Brining Company Pigeon Head Brewery Nevada Sunset Winery

• Mary Jean Kelso, Children’s Books • Amato’s Family Kitchen • Battle Born Nevada Trivia • Nevada Shape Gift Baskets • Jerky Junction • Kimmie Candy • Tillie’s Stuffed Olives • Battle Born Gourmet • Great Basin Brewery • Pasquale Handmade Neckties

Make it a “Made in Nevada” holiday season. Discover authentic and unique art, gifts, food items and other goods all produced and crafed by Nevadans right here in Nevada! Hundreds of products will be on display. The Made in Nevada Holiday Marketplace will feature food, wine & gourmet items to please your taste and hundreds of products on display for a surprising and fun shopping experience.

Admission is

FREE!! For more information, call (775) 355-0506

The Flag Store, Sign & Banner 155 Glendale Ave., Sparks eventflags.com

200 S. Center St., 432-2464

Pine State Biscuits is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more at pinestatebiscuits.com.

11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   19

by AndreA Heerdt

Holiday guests arriving? invite us first.

Four Stroke Baron—Keegan Ferrari, Matt Vallarino and Kirk Witt—just released a new album, Planet Silver Screen.

Engine’s on Four Stroke Baron


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20   |   RN&R   |   11.21.18

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When vocalist and guitar player Kirk Witt and drummer Matt Vallarino started making music, they had no intention of pedaling their music to try to score gigs or promote themselves through social media to gain a following. They just wanted to create music for fun. They purposely didn’t play live, and all they had to go by was their self-titled EP that came out in January of 2014 on their Bandcamp. Witt said that Four Stroke Baron accumulated a small following online that started to expand when they released their first full length album, King Radio, in December 2015. Then their old bass player quit, and Keegan Ferrari joined. Soon after, Witt received an email from Prosthetic Records that he initially thought was a joke. “I thought it was some weird scam thing, so I emailed it to [Ferrari and Vallarino] and was like, ‘What the hell is this?’” said Witt. The email was from Steve Joh, highly regarded in the metal scene and head of artists and repertoire at Prosthetic Records. Joh found the band through its Bandcamp and reached out, stating that he wanted to work with them. According to Vallarino, Four Stroke Baron worked on the latest album for almost the entirety of 2017. They recorded it at Witt’s studio and did all of the recording and mixing themselves. As far as the album itself, Planet Silver Screen is stylistically similar to the first album and EP: progressive metal instrumentation with ’80s-style, almost Tears For Fears-sounding vocals. “We feel like there are elements that everyone can enjoy, so people who really like heavier music can get into the heavier guitars and drum parts, but people who really like poppy music or

Photo/AndrEA hEErdt

are into it can hum the melody,” said Vallarino. Originally, the band decided to create really heavy music simply because Witt said he had tuned down his guitar and thought it would be fun to make music that way. This eclectic decision making process might explain how other musical styles and genres work their way into Four Stroke Baron’s work—including the work of Norwegian saxophonist Jørgen Munkeby on the latest album. The album flows from one track to another in one long, continuous piece of music. Witt said he’s always carrying his phone around to record noises—like a chair reclining—so he can use the sound later as a special effect or a transition from one song to the next. Although Witt views concept albums as cheesy, he likes the way they sound. “I feel like our album kind of sounds like a concept album, but we don’t sit there and go ‘OK, this entire album is going to be about one man and his journey,’ but then we’ll come up with stories for each song because that’s how we come up with lyrics,” he said. Vallarino said that the band members don’t lead interesting lives, so rather than writing about personal experiences they write songs based on weird ideas or crazy dreams like a fat kid being struck by lighting, cyborgs taking over the world, or being a bear fighter. “There’s more thought put into the sound and the vibe of [songs] rather than, ‘Let’s get this story across,’” said Witt. According to Ferrari, Four Stroke Baron started out as the opposite of most bands, landing a record deal first and now focusing on playing more live shows and finally creating social media pages for fans, but the plan is to take the new album on tour next year. Ω

Planet Silver Screen is available for purchase digitally and on vinyl at fourstrokebaron.bandcamp.com.


FRIDAY 11/23



Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5

ALibi ALe wORkS

World Beatnix, 8pm, no cover

Coburn Station, 9pm, no cover


Public Eye, 9pm, no cover

Public Eye, 9pm, no cover

The bLuebiRd NighTCLub

Shlump, Eazybaked, 9pm, $20-$25

219 Boys, Grensta, Tombz, Kendoll, Wood Holly, 10pm, $15-$20

132 West St., (775) 329-2878 10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

Nov. 22, 7 p.m. Nov. 23-24, 8 p.m. Peppermill 2707 S. Virginia St. 826-2121

Comedy Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St, Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Jason Love, FriSat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Walter Hong, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Kate Quigley, Tu-W, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Mark G, Fri, 6:30pm, $15-$20 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 683-3308: Open Mic Comedy with host Jim Flemming, Sun, 9:30pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Mark G, Fri-Sat, 8:30pm, $15-$20; Justin Rivera Magic Matinee (all ages), Sat, 3pm, $12-$15

SUNDAY 11/25

MON-WED 11/26-11/28

Mark Farina, 10pm, $15-$25

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689

The Contraptionists


10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626 555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

CARgO AT whiTNey peAk hOTeL

SoMo, Johnny Stimson, 8pm, $25-$30

255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400

CeOL iRiSh pub

2 Coney Dogs, 9pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsrev iew. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, no cover

HIVEMIND, 9pm, W, no cover

Traditional Irish Session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, W, no cover

Plastic Paddy, 9pm, no cover

Soul Night with DJs Andrew, Stax of Wax, 50 Spence, 8pm, no cover

1099 S. Virginia St., (775) 324-2244


Streets of Truckee with Richard Blair, 6:30pm, $45

10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee, (530) 587-5711


RFM, 9pm, no cover

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

RFM, 9pm, no cover


239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590


Twerksgiving with DJ Cams, 10pm, no cover

219 W. Second St., (775) 800-1020

Karaoke with Matthew Ray, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Sunday Services with Thee Reverend Rory Dowd, 7pm, $5 donation

DJ Heidalicious and guests, 9pm, W, no cover

Black Magnet, Octophonix, Youthpriest, 7pm, $5

Dharma Drums, Greg Lewis Ensemble, 7pm, W, $5

An Evening with Google Mountain Resort, 10pm, no cover

599 N. Tahoe Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-3355


The Wind Down, 10pm, no cover


Black Friday Hardcore Decompression with NOFU, Grimedog, 7:30pm, $3

140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858

Boss’ Daughter, Hate Recorder, Gemini Cusp, Boys, 7pm, $10

gOLd hiLL hOTeL

Jack Di Carlo, 5:30pm, no cover

1540 S. Main St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0111

Fall Silent, Vampirates, Drag Me Under, The Scattering, 7pm, $10

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THE VASSAR HOUSE Antiques & Vintage

Holiday Hours

Friday 10-6 Saturday & Sunday 10-4

221 Vassar St. 11.21.18 | RN&R 21 11.21.18    |   RN&R   |  | 21

Jub Jub’s ThirsT Parlor 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652


FRIDAY 11/23


Friendsgiving, 5pm, no cover

The Cosmic Brain Cells, George Walker, 7pm, $5

Waterparks, I Don’t Know How But They Found Me, Nick Gray, 7pm, $17

The Jungle

SUNDAY 11/25

Open mic, 7pm, M, no cover Comedy Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Live music, 9pm, no cover

246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484

MON-WED 11/26-11/28

laughing PlaneT CaFe

Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

living The good liFe nighTClub

Canyon Jam/Open Mic, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633 1480 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 841-4663

The loFT

Magic Fusion, 7pm, $21-$46 Magic After Dark, 9pm, $31-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

Margret’s Funk Band, 8:30pm, no cover

Dominator and Friends, 8pm, no cover


Los Nuevos Ilegale, Martin Castillo, Gerardo Coronel,, 10pm, $20

Chiquis Rivera, Banda Salvaje, 10pm, $TBA

PaddY & irene’s irish Pub

Karaoke with R&B Productions, 9pm, no cover

PigniC Pub & PaTio

Tigerbunny’s Strange & Unusual Black Friday ’80s Dance Party, 10pm, no cover

1021 Heavenly Village Way, S.L. Tahoe, (530) 523-8024

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

MidTown wine bar

1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960 2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 378-1643 906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-548 235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

The Polo lounge

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

Dirty Birdy Bingo with T-N-Keys, 7pm, no cover

Ponderosa saloon

106 S. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7210

Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7pm, $21-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, M, Tu, W, $21-$46 T-N-Keys, 4:30pm, Tu, Dave Mensing’s Acoustic Burn, 7:30pm, W, no cover

Jake’s Garage 5.0, DJ Bobby G, 9pm, no cover

Saturday Night Live with DJ Bobby G, 9pm, no cover

Steel Rockin’ Karaoke, 8pm, no cover

Mo’z Motley Blues, 8pm, no cover

Karaoke, 7pm, M, no cover

Open Mic with Canyon White, 7pm, W, no cover

The sainT

Saints and Sinners Wednesday Night Blues Syndicate, 8pm, W, no cover

washoe CaMP saloon

Open Mic with James Ames, 6pm, Tu, no cover

76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474 761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451 3155 Eastlake Blvd., New Washoe City, (775) 470-8128 2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., S. L. Tahoe, (530) 544-3425

22 22 | RN&R  |   RN&R | 11.21.18   |   11.21.18

Nov. 23, 9 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549

Wednesday Night Jam, 8pm, W, no cover

red dog saloon

whisKeY diCK’s saloon


Judas Thieves, Mother Mercy, 9pm, no cover

Open mic, 9pm, M, no cover

Mark Farina Nov. 24, 10 p.m. 1up 214 W. Commercial Row 813-6689

ATLANTIS CASINO reSOrT SPA 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Ballroom 2) Cabaret


2100 Garson Road, Verdi, (775) 345-6000 1) Events Center 2) Guitar Bar

Dana Carvey Nov. 24, 8 p.m. Atlantis 3800 S. Virginia St. 825-4700

CArSON NuggeT CASINO & HOTeL 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 882-1626

Jimmy B’s Bar & Grill, 180 W. Peckham Lane, Ste. 1070, (775) 686-6737: Karaoke, Fri, 9pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover. The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste.103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover

FRIDAY 11/23


SUNDAY 11/25

MON-WED 11/26-11/28

2) The Vegas Road Show, 8pm, no cover

2) The Vegas Road Show, 4pm, no cover All In, 10pm, no cover

1) Dana Carvey, 8pm, $55-$75 2) The Vegas Road Show, 4pm, no cover All In, 10pm, no cover

2) All In, 8pm, no cover

2) Kick, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Brother Dan, 5pm, no cover Gary Douglas, 9pm, no cover

1) The Guess Who, 6pm, 8pm, $50-$90 2) Mike Furlong, 5pm, no cover The Look, 9pm, no cover

2) The Look, 5pm, no cover Rebekah Chase Band, 9pm, no cover

2) Stephen Lord, 6pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover Mark Miller, 6pm, Tu, no cover Jamie Rollins, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Lakeside, 7pm, no cover

2) Lakeside, 8pm, no cover

2) Lakeside, 8pm, no cover

2) Jerad Hioki, Nasty Nate, 10pm, no cover

2) New Wave Crave, 10pm, no cover


14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room

eLdOrAdO reSOrT CASINO 345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi

grANd SIerrA reSOrT



2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theatre 2) LEX 3) Summit Pavilion

HArd rOCk HOTeL ANd CASINO 50 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625 1) Vinyl 2) Center Bar

1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 7pm, $19.95-$49.95

1) The Unbelievables Christmas 1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 5:30pm, 8pm, $19.95-$59.95 Spectacular, 3pm, 7pm, $19.95-$59.95 3) DJ Roni V, 10pm, no cover 3) DJ Roni V, 10pm, no cover

2) Throwback Thursdays: Trivia Night, 7pm, DJ Mo Ayala, 9pm, no cover

2) E20, 10pm, $20 3) Carolyn Dolan, 6pm, no cover

1) Cam On Tinh Yeu, 8pm, $29-$87 2) DJ Earwaxxx, 10pm, $20 3) Carolyn Dolan, 6pm, no cover

1) Stampede Country Music & Dancing, 8pm, no cover

2) DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

2) DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

1) Abbacadabra, 7:30pm, $26.60

1) Abbacadabra, 7:30pm, $26.60


15 Highway 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 1) South Shore Room 2) Casino Center Stage



407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) GEH 2) Rum Bullions 3) Aura 4) Silver Baron

2) Buddy Emmer and guest, 8pm, Tu, no cover

1) Jay Leno, 8pm, $57-$97

1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Terrace Lounge 2) Edge

1) The Unbelievables Christmas 1) The Unbelievables Christmas Spectacular, 7pm, Tu, W, $19.95-$49.95 Spectacular, 2pm, 5:30pm, $19.95-$49.95 2) Treedom, 9:30pm, no cover

1) True Willie—A Salute to Willie Nelson, 8pm, $20-$25

55 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (800) 648-3353 1) Showroom 2) Opal Ultra-Lounge 3) BLU


2) Jeff Campbell, 6pm, Tu, W, no cover

1) The Contraptionists, 7pm, no cover 2) Spin Thursdays, 10pm, no cover

1) The Contraptionists, 8pm, no cover 2) Latin Dance Social, 7pm, $10-$20

1) The Contraptionists, 8pm, no cover 2) Enfo & Twyman, 10pm, $20

2) Milton Merlos, 6pm, no cover

4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

1) Ta Tinh, 8pm, $35-$100 2) Thunder Cover, 9pm, no cover 4) Atomika, 9pm, no cover

2) Thunder Cover, 9pm, no cover 3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5 4) Atomika, 9pm, no cover

2) Karaoke with Rock On Entertainment, 9pm, no cover

2) Milton Merlos, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

11.21.18 | RN&R 23 11.21.18    |   RN&R   |  | 23

FOR THE WEEK OF nOvEmbER 21, 2018 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. FACE OF WINTER: The 69th installment from Warren Miller Entertainment will bring new and veteran athletes together to pay tribute to the man who started it all. Visit some of Warren’s favorite locations from Switzerland to Chamonix, British Columbia to Alaska, Chile, Iceland, New Zealand and more. Fri, 11/23-Sat, 11/24, 7:30pm. $16. Squaw Valley Conference Center, Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

FRIENDSGIVING: Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor hosts its annual Friendsgiving potluck event. Bring your favorite side dish. Thu, 11/22, 5pm. Free. Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652.

HARVEST OF HOPE: Merry War Theatre



If you’re looking to do something with the family this Thanksgiving weekend, hop in the car and head out of town to hang out with the residents of the Animal Ark. While the wildlife sanctuary and education center is closed during the colder seasons, it opens for holiday weekends in November, January and February. Visitors are encouraged to bring raw turkey necks or gizzards that weren’t used for their Thanksgiving meal to share with Animal Ark’s predators, which include bears, lynx, mountain lions, raptors and tigers. Keeping warm in their winter coats, some animals are actually more active during the colder months, according to Animal Ark. The center, 1265 Deerlodge Road (located about 25 miles north of Reno), is open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 23-24. Tickets are $12 for adults, $11 for seniors and $10 for children ages 3-12. Visitors should dress for cooler weather and are encouraged to call ahead to verify if the center is open on event days since severe weather or unsafe facility conditions could cancel the event. Call (775) 970-3111 or visit www.animalark.org.

Group will host its fourth annual Thanksgiving for the homeless drive. Volunteers will spend the first half of the day on Thanksgiving cooking, putting plates together, organizing donation items and driving around town delivering food, kindness kits and clothing to the homeless. If you are interested in volunteering and delivering food from 8am-noon, email Chase McKenna at merrywar@gmail.com. Thu, 11/22, 8am. Free. Merry War Theatre Group, 4020 W. Seventh St., (775) 848-9892.

LITTLE SPROUTS FALL SEASON: This nature series designed for children ages 2-5 includes a short lesson on the week’s theme, songs and stories, a craft session and free exploration in the garden. Meet at the arboretum ranch house at 10am. The program will last about one hour. Registration is free and limited to 20 children. Tue, 11/27, 10am. Free. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-4153, www.facebook.com/WilburMayCenter.



BRIAN CRANE BOOK SIGNING: Local cartoonist Brian Crane signs his latest Pickles adventure, the children’s picture book, Grampa, Will You Tell Me a Story?, written by award-winning Canadian children’s author Dianne Young. Fri, 11/23, noon. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188.

AFTER THANKSGIVING CRAFT FAIR: More than 40 vendors will sell bead work, paintings, baskets, baked goods and more. The event includes a canned food drive and dance performances at noon. Fri, 11/23-Sat, 11/24, 10am. Free. Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Gym, 34 Reservation Road, (775) 785-1321.

CARSON VALLEY TURKEY TROT: Carson Valley Community Food Closet, Douglas Animal Welfare Group and Main Street Minden host the 5K fun run/walk. Medals will be awarded to the fastest finishers in each age category. Come in costume or dress as a team. Feel free to bring your leashed dog to accompany you as long as your furry friend is dogand child-friendly. Proceeds from the event benefit the Food Closet and DAWG. Thu, 11/22, 7am. $40-$275. Minden Park, 1610 Esmeralda Ave., Minden, carsonvalleycommunityfoodcloset.org.

A NATIVITY TABLEAU: Covenant Presbyterian Church presents its biennial performance. The Christmas Story will come alive as silent actors take to the stage accompanied by inspirational music and scripture. Sun, 11/25, 5pm & 7:30pm. Free. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 6695 Mae Anne Ave., (775) 2240179, covenant-reno.org.

ALTHYRIA WORLD PREMIERE SCREENING: The independent film, directed by William Kersten and shot entirely in the Reno area with a cast of local actors, uses ambitious special effects, atmospheric locations in the city and the desert and a full orchestral music score to tell the subtly surreal story of a lonely woman’s desperate pursuit of her lost sister. Mon, 11/26, 6:30pm. $7-$12. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org.







than 100 craft and gift booths at this gift marketplace featuring local and regional vendors. Enjoy food and drink demonstrations, musical performances by local groups and visits with Santa Claus. Fri, 11/23-Sun, 11/25, 10am. Free. Nugget Casino Resort, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300.

Coats can be new or gently used. The donated coats will be handed out to local vets, seniors, at-risk children and families. Fri, 11/23-Wed, 11/28, 8am. Free. MRD Global Foundation Inc. Office, 4790 Caughlin Parkway, Ste. 160, (775) 384-4324.

THE POLAR EXPRESS TRAIN RIDE: Characters, entertainers and Santa Claus bring the story to life with a souvenir silver sleigh bell to remember the journey. The rides depart at 5pm, 6:30pm and 8pm, Thursday-Sunday through Dec. 16, and Tuesday-Sunday, Dec. 18-23. There will be 5pm and 6:30pm rides on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24. Fri, 11/23-Sun, 11/25, 5pm. $27$69, free for children age 2 and younger. Eastgate Depot, 4650 Eastgate Siding Road, Carson City, vtrailway.com.

SCHEELS TURKEY TROT: The annual Thanksgiving Day event offers a timed 10K run or a 2-mile, untimed walk or run around the Sparks Marina. Both the 10K and the two-mile events will start and finish in the parking lot of Scheels. Thu, 11/22, 8:30am. $40-$60. Scheels, 1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (775) 353-7898.

SCRAPBOOKING SUNDAY: Bring your photos and basic supplies to this open scrap. Learn tips and tricks from fellow scrappers. Sun, 11/25, 10am-5pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100-A Pyramid Highway, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.

TAHOE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION DINNER: The eighth annual celebration is a family-friendly and vegetarian-friendly event. It also serves as a kick-off party for Toys for Tots. Please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to donate. Thu, 11/22, 2pm. Free. North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach, (775) 230-1066.

WILBUR D. MAY MUSEUM, RANCHO SAN RAFAEL REGIONAL PARK: Arte de Triomphe. The Sierra Watercolor Society present its annual winter exhibition of new watercolor paintings. Museum hours are 10am-4pm, Wednesday-Saturday, and noon to 4pm, Sunday. Fri, 11/23-Sun, 11/25, Wed, 11/28. $4-$6, Wilbur D. May Museum, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

VERNE R. ALBRIGHT BOOK SIGNING: Meet the author of Playing Chess with God and The Wrath of God. Sat, 11/24, 11am. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188.

WOBBLE BEFORE YOU GOBBLE: The Thanksgiving Day event is a 10K and 5K run/walk/wobble before heading home to your Thanksgiving feast. The race benefits the Children’s Cabinet. Register online. Thu, 11/22, 9am. $25-$55. City Plaza, 10 N. Virginia St., (775) 342-8895, www.desertskyadventures.com.

OnSTAGE THE BRIDGE: Join The Alchemists as they explore questions of what links life and death, light and dark, good and evil and more through prayer, meditation, music, sermon and visual art. Wed, 11/28, 7:30pm. $15-$25. Center for Spiritual Living, Reno, 4685 Lakeside Drive, alchemistmovement.org.


ART ARTISTS CO-OP GALLERY OF RENO: Art-Full Christmas. Handmade gifts, ornaments, art, glass, pottery, photography and more by local artists and craftsmen. Fri, 11/24-Wed 11/28, 11am-4pm. Free. Artists Co-Op Gallery, 627 Mill St., (775) 322-8896.

THE HOLLAND PROJECT: Living Room. This exhibition features work by Adam Benedict, Maya Claiborne, Em Jiang and Marjorie Williams. Fri, 11/23, Tue, 11/27-Wed, 11/28, 3-6pm. Free. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858.

MCKINLEY GALLERY EAST: California Landscapes. McKinley Gallery East hosts painter David Yapp. Fri, 11/23, Mon, 11/26Wed, 11/28, 9am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.

MCKINLEY GALLERY WEST: Luminance. McKinley Gallery West hosts photographer Edward Alfano. Fri, 11/23, Mon, 11/26-Wed, 11/28, 9am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center Gallery West, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.

NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART: After Audubon: Art, Observations and Natural Science; Anne Brigman: A Visionary in Modern Photography; Art of the Greater West; Bethany Laranda Wood: The West at Hand; BLOOM: Ken Goldberg, Sanjay Krishnan, Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg; History of Transportation: A Mural Study by Helen Lundeberg; James Turrell: Roden Crater; Laid Bare in the Landscape; The Lasting World: Simon Dinnerstein and The Fulbright Triptych; Maya Lin: Pin River—Tahoe Watershed; Paul Valadez: Selections from the Great Mexican-American Songbook. Fri, 11/23Sun, 11/25, Wed, 11/28, 10am. $1-$10. NMA, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333.

RENO CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Connection Through Form. The Reno City Hall Metro Gallery presents works by Leah Gerrard. Fri, 11/23, Mon, 11/26-Wed, 11/28, 8am-5pm. Free. Reno City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St., (775) 334-6264.

traditional production of A Christmas Carol quickly transforms into a slightly irreverent, madcap, yet heartwarming romp through the holiday season. The play contains mild adult language and “The Santa Talk,” which concludes with the agreement that Santa does exist. Recommended for ages 10 and older. Fri,

11/23, 7:30pm; Sat, 11/24, 2pm & 7:30pm, Sun, 11/25, 2pm. $12-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900.

FINDING NEVERLAND: Based on the Academy Award-winning film, Finding Neverland tells the story behind one of the world’s most beloved characters, Peter Pan. Fri,

11/23, 8pm; Sat, 11/24, 2pm & 8pm; Sun, 11/25, 1pm & 7pm. $50-$85. Pioneer

Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 686-6600.

JOE BONAMASSA: The two-time Grammynominated blues-rock guitarist performs. Sat, 11/24, 8pm. $62.50$152.50. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

LINDSEY STIRLING—THE WANDERLAND TOUR: The critically acclaimed electronic violinist kicks off her latest tour featuring a fully revamped stage production with elaborate holiday themes, as well her signature brand of dance routines and on-stage visuals. Fri, 11/23, 8pm. $44.50-$84.50. Reno Ballroom, 401 N. Virginia St., (775) 329-4777.

THE NUTCRACKER BALLET: Pinkerton Ballet Theatre celebrates its 30th year of Nutcracker Ballet performances. Fri,

11/23, 7pm; Sat, 11/24, 7pm; Sun, 11/25, 2pm. $18-$22. Bob Boldrick Theatre,

Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St., Carson City, (775) 297-5007, www.pinkertonballet.com.

YOUTH ORCHESTRA FALL SHOWCASE: The evening will feature the flagship youth orchestra, the Youth Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jason Altieri, as well as other Reno Phil youth ensembles. Tue, 11/27, 7pm. $5-$10. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-6393, renophil.com.


Woe is meow I lost over 100 pounds. I’m really proud of myself and my new body, so I post pix on Instagram. Disturbingly, I’ve got a few haters—all women!—who come at me saying I’m narcissistic, slutty, a showoff, etc. I thought women are supposed to support one another. How should I respond? Should I post fewer selfies? There actually seem to be sex differences in the content of social media meanness, according to research by psychology doctoral student Joy Wyckoff and her colleagues. In keeping with previous studies, they found that women online get comments knocking their physical appearance more often than men, whereas men more often get comments “derogating their status” and skills. Additionally, in their study, it was women alone who got “derogated” for “promiscuity”—a trigger for men’s evolved fear of providing for a kid with some other dude’s genes. These differences in who gets bashed for what—appearance in women versus status and skills in men—are right in line with the differences I often cite in male and female mating priorities. These evolved out of the differing potential costs from having sex. Because women can get pregnant and stuck with kids to feed, mate-seeking women are drawn to high-status men—“men with the ability ... to provide resources,” as the researchers put it. They note that men, on the other hand, are “unconstrained” by any sort of “minimum obligatory parental investment” (that is, beyond the initial teaspoonful of sperm). This allows men to prioritize hotitude in prospective female partners—which is to say, men’s eyes make a beeline for boobs and butts, and never mind whether they’re attached to the barista or the senior VP. As for the ugliness you’ve been experiencing on social media, it’s best understood as female-on-female psychological warfare. Chances are, these “haters” are looking to chill your enthusiasm to post hot bod selfies—leading you to self-relocate lower on the mate competition totem pole. Block the Cruellas. Nobody has a right to your attention or a seat on your social media platform. On a positive note, now that you’ve been

schooled in the covert ways some compete, you should be quicker to identify and fend off female underhandedness—on Instagram and beyond.

Bong water under the bridge? I’m a 28-year-old guy in grad school. I love my girlfriend, but I don’t want to have sex with her anymore. I’m hitting the books and writing papers day and night. She still wants to party—go out and smoke pot and drink a lot—which I used to enjoy but now find empty and stupid. I keep feeling seriously annoyed with her choices, and I’m increasingly attracted to other women. Is this the end, or should we try to make it work? Your eye-rolling at your girlfriend’s choices—to the point where you could sprain a pupil—is not exactly the stuff a peppy libido and a happy future together are made of. In fact, the mounting lack of respect you have for her is the starter emotion for contempt—an ugly emotion that plays out as sneering disgust. Relationships researcher John Gottman finds that contempt leaching into a marriage is the single best predictor that a couple will split up. Conversely, for a relationship— marital or just committed sans paperwork—to have staying power, you need to have the hots for your partner, not just as a sextivities provider but as a human being. This involves having deep admiration for what she thinks and values, which shapes who she is and how she goes about life. Did you start out in a place like that with your girlfriend? If so, you two should have a chat about where you are now and whether you can get back there. The answer may not be immediately apparent, so you might set a defined period of time to give this a look—with a deadline to make a decision. Ultimately, there has to be enough that connects you to overcome the stuff that divides you, or the only thing that will ever be throbbing in your relationship is that big vein in your neck. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

11.21.18    |   RN&R   |   25


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Free will astrology

by ROb bRezsny

For the week oF November 15, 2018 ARIES (March 21-April 19): In his autobiography

On the Move, neurologist Oliver Sacks praised

his friend Jerry’s curiosity and knowledge. “Jerry has one of the most spacious, thoughtful minds I have ever encountered, with a vast base of knowledge of every sort,” wrote Sacks, “but it is a base under continual questioning and scrutiny.” So willing was Jerry to question and re-evaluate his own assumptions that Sacks said he had “seen his friend suddenly stop in mid-sentence and say, ‘I no longer believe what I was about to say.’” That’s the gold standard to which I hope you will aspire in the coming weeks, Aries. As bright and articulate as you’ll be, you will have an even higher calling to expand your mind through continual questioning.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In recent years, a few

pioneers have gotten microchips implanted under their skin. These technological marvels enable them to open doors and turn on lights with merely a wave of their hands, or receive up-to-the-minute readings on what’s transpiring inside their bodies. Now an additional frontier has arisen: people using do-it-yourself kits to experiment on their own DNA. For example, some have tweaked their genes so their bodies create more muscle than is natural. I would love for you to change yourself around in the coming weeks, Taurus, but not in these particular ways. I’d rather see you do subtle psychological and spiritual work. The astrological omens suggest it’s a favorable time for focused self-transformation.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Are you smart enough

to take advantage of the fact that your best relationships would benefit from bursts of innovative energy in the coming weeks? Are you brave enough to banish the ghost that still haunts your romantic life? Do you have the moxie to explore frontiers with collaborators who play fair and know how to have fun? Will you summon the curiosity and initiative to learn new strategies about how to enhance your approach to intimacy? I’ll answer those questions in your behalf: yes, yes, yes and yes.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Would you agree

with me that there are both boring, tiresome problems and fun, interesting problems? If so, read on. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you’re at a fork in your path where you could either get further involved with a boring, tiresome problem or else a fun, interesting one. (I think you’ll have to engage with one or the other.) Of course, I’m rooting for you to proactively wrangle with the fun, interesting one. Here’s timely inspiration from Cancerian author John W. Gardner: “We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.”

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The Jharia Coalfield in

eastern India is a 110-square-mile reserve of underground coal. In some places, it’s on fire, and has been burning for over a hundred years. This isn’t a good thing. It’s wasteful and causes pollution. But now I’ll ask you to put aside that scenario, and imagine a more benevolent kind of steadily burning fire: a splendor in your soul that never stops radiating warmth and light; that draws from an inexhaustible source of fuel; that is a constant source of strength and courage and power. I’m happy to tell you that the coming months will be a favorable time to establish and nurture this eternal flame.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Marilyn Monroe, Georgia O’Keeffe and President Franklin Roosevelt were direct descendants of the pilgrims who sailed from England to the New World on the famous Mayflower ship in 1620. I, on the other hand, am a direct descendant of a nineteenthcentury Slovakian coal miner who toiled in the underground darkness. What about you, Virgo? Now would be a rich and provocative time to reconnect with your roots; to remember where your people originated; to explore the heritage that served as the matrix from which you sprouted.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to researchers who study animal behavior at two Italian universities, chickens can do arithmetic. The birds don’t even need to be trained; the

skill seems to be innate. (Read details here: tinyurl.com/ChickensDoMath.) I’m wondering whether chickens born under the sign of Libra might even be able to do algebra in the coming weeks. According to my assessment of the astrological omens, the mental acuity of many Libran creatures will be at a peak. How will you use your enhanced intelligence?

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In March 2005, far

more people than usual won big money in a regional Powerball lottery in the U.S. The average for each draw is four winners, but on this special occasion, 110 players were awarded at least $100,000 and as much as $500,000. The reason for the anomaly seemed to have been an oracle that appeared in a number of widely distributed fortune cookies. It provided five of the six winning numbers. Inspired by this crazy stroke of good fortune, and in accordance with the favorable financial omens now coming to bear on you, I hereby offer you six numbers to use as your lucky charms. Will they help you win a game of chance? I can’t be sure. At the very least, they will titillate and massage the part of your psyche that is magnetic to wealth. Here they are: 37. 16. 58. 62. 82. 91.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “You have two

ways to live your life,” writes spiritual teacher Joseph Vitale, “from memory or inspiration.” In other words, you can take your cues about how to live your life from what happened in the past, or else you can make your decisions based on what you’re excited to do and become in the future. According to my analysis, the next ten months will be an excellent time for you to fully embrace the latter approach. And it all starts now.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’ve always

got more help available than you imagine, and that’s especially true these days. Both people you know and people you don’t know may come to your assistance and offer extra support—especially if you meet two conditions: 1. You sincerely believe you deserve their assistance and support; 2. You clearly ask for their assistance and support. Now here’s more good news about the help that’s available. Whether or not you believe in spiritual beings, they, too, are primed to offer blessings and resources. If you don’t believe in their existence, I invite you to pretend you do and see what happens. If you do believe in them, formulate clear requests for what you’d like them to offer you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In one of his poems,

Arthur Rimbaud extolled the exquisite evenings when the mist soaked his face as he strolled, and he sipped that heavenly dew till he was drunk. Was he speaking literally or metaphorically? Probably both, if I know Rimbaud. Anyway, Aquarius, I’d love for you to engage in similar exploits. What are some natural adventures that might intoxicate you? What simple pleasures may alter your consciousness, nudging you free of its habits? Meditate with sweet abandon on how to free yourself through the power of play and the imagination.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): It’s illegal to hunt

animals in Kenya. But members of the Dorobo tribe circumvent the law to provide food for their families. As three or more Dorobo men wander out on the savanna, they wait for hungry lions to kill a wildebeest or other creature. Then they stride toward the feasting beasts in a calm show of force until the predators run away in confusion. The brave scavengers swoop in and swiftly remove a portion of the wildebeest, then coolly walk away, leaving plenty for the lions when they return to their meal. I bring this scene to your attention, Pisces, because I suspect that in the coming weeks you will have similar levels of courage and poise as you go after what you want.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at www.realastrology.com.



town, Colour by Bloom is having a sale on art supplies and things. ... [Pitch Black co-owner] Megan [O’Reilly] just reached out to a bunch of them all at once, one big email blast. And a bunch of people responded and brought in other vendors. … Kind of a word-of-mouth thing.

Maurice Harold is the co-owner of Pitch Black Printing Company, 1108 California Ave., 476-2003, and an organizer of a “Small Business Saturday” event, set for Nov. 24, during which a coalition of small, locally owned businesses will offer special deals and raffle tickets for a chance to win gift certificates and other prizes. For more information, visit pitchblackprintingco.com.

We came up with the idea because we wanted to find a way to get not just people involved, but other shops involved. Because we’re kind of off the beaten path a little bit, and we have other people that we know—like The Nest is tucked into a weird little area and everyone out on Dickerson [Road]. I feel like a lot of people think about midtown when they think about Reno, but there’s a lot more going on. So, we just wanted to think of a way to get people to at least notice all the other little businesses around town ... that are going to be participating. The original idea was to do, like, a bingo card where you’d have to go to all the businesses, but the more we thought about it, the more we realized that a lot of the businesses that we’re asking to participate are really spread out, and that would be kind of a chore. ... People


Tell me about Small Business Saturday.

What do all these businesses have in common?

would just give up half way through. So, we came up with the idea of doing a drawing. So, if you go to each one of the vendors that are involved, they’ll give you an entry into a drawing for a basket, and we figured that way everybody would have a chance to win something.

Who's participating? Juice Box Yoga … free classes all day. BGT Gallery is having snacks. … The Nest is doing it. Northern Nevada Healing Arts is doing in-chair massages. The Wyld Market down in the Basement—they’re participating. They’re going to have a bunch of artists and vendors selling stuff down there in the Basement. We also have NØRDIK, a store in the Basement, and they’ll be doing Norwegian snacks and sales on items. Bad Apple Vntg.— that’s the thing—it’s so spread out. We even have a place on the south end of

They’re all locally owned-and-run businesses. They’re not all retail stores. … They’re all locally-owned, and all great businesses.

They’re also on the small side, because something like Eldorado is also a locally owned business. That’s true. Most of them just have one location—except Dorinda’s Chocolates and Juice Box Yoga, and they just have two [locations]. Most of them just have the one tiny spot.

And is this a reaction against Black Friday and Cyber Monday? I don’t know. We’re not really trying to—I mean, I can’t stand Black Friday. I’ve worked too much retail to ever want to be involved in Black Friday. Other than the fact that they’re making people work, like, 24 hours a day. Fortunately, I got out of clothing retail before the-opening-at midnight-and-staying-open-til-the-nextmidnight really took effect. I was out of there. It’s just insane. Plus, the deals just aren't that good. They're not worth trampling somebody at Walmart. Ω


Scattered thoughts About a week after The Blue Wave, there was an interesting natural phenomenon in Monterey, as thousands and thousands of Pelagic Red Crabs washed up dead on the beach. So pardon my metaphor, but how spot on is that? Blue Wave murders Red Crabs. That sums it up pretty well. • It’s a fine time to acknowledge two players in the current cultural landscape who have shown themselves to be essential to the preservation of sanity here in Trumpistan. First, kozmik kudos to the amazing Tom Tomorrow and This Modern World, the comic strip which we’ve carried here in the RN&R forever. He’s simply The Best, and TMW is to 2018 what Garry Trudeau’s Doonesbury was to 1973. Tom makes smart-ass brilliance look easy, week after week, and it’s anything but. And how about Rachel Mad-

dow? Yes, there are many excellent hosts on MSNBC these days, but let’s face it, Rachel is the undisputed Queen of 30 Rock. She’s nothing less than a national treasure, and her nightly reports, especially those in the last two years, have been superb exercises in investigative journalism. She, too, makes it look easy, and again, it ain’t— especially to do it five nights a week. An extraordinary talent in an extraordinary time. Right on, Rache. • Matt Whitaker is truly an embarrassment. Every day this oaf poses as the AG of the USA is another day Trump farts in the face of America. And lemme get this straight. We want to give to Turkey a Turkish citizen it wants to kill, so that Turkey will shut up about the Saudi citizen that our good Saudi buddy Prince MBS chopped up in Turkey?

OK, that’s pure evil. That’s U.S. being evil. • On Saturday night, Nov. 10, there was a disastrous three-car wreck on the Mt. Rose Highway, at the intersection of Thomas Creek and 431. One of the three people killed was a friend of mine and many, Craig Park. Old Craig is gonna be missed big time by a whole bunch of us who came to know him as the affable cool cat who owned the Truckee River Bar and Grill on Lakeside. He was an excellent golf bro as well. His sudden and shocking death just reminds us once again—you can be gone in a second, literally. One lousy, bleeping second and you’re outta here, whether you’re at a Pittsburgh synagogue or a Vegas country concert or driving home on just another Saturday night. We live in a mischievous universe. The ice can get very thin very quickly. Ω







Holiday Weekend

Bring the whole family to celebrate the holidays in creative style, while filling stockings for every art lover on your list. THURSDAY – SUNDAY, DEC. 6 – 9

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Chilled Crab Legs, Chilled Peel n’ Eat Shrimp, Maple Glazed Ham, Brown Sugar & Bourbon Turkey Breast, Prime Rib of Beef, Garlic & Rosemary Crusted Leg of Lamb, Delicious Soups & Salads, Homemade Breads, Decadent Pastries, Desserts & more!

From 11am • $16.99 Children 10 & Under • $36.99 Adults ONE Club • Chairman & President Members $31.99 Silver Members $32.99 • Gold Members $33.99

FRIDAY, DEC. 7 / 4 – 6 PM

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Donald W. Reynolds Center for the Visual Arts | E. L. Wiegand Gallery 160 West Liberty Street in downtown Reno | 775.329.3333 | nevadaart.org

Visit NevadaArt.org for the full schedule of events.

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