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2018 serving northern nevada, tahoe and truckee

EMAil lEttERs to RENolEttERs@NEwsREviEw.coM.

Final stretch

Modern times

Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. As we were finishing up this paper, I let out an exasperated sigh. “Man, I’m ready for the election to be over,” I said. Everyone in the newsroom muttered, “Yeah, me too.” Even News Editor Dennis Myers agreed. “I usually find campaigns exciting—so many good stories—but this year, I just want it to be over.” “There are so many other stories we could be covering,” said Associate Editor Jeri Chadwell. “It’s especially hard to focus on the election right now in light of all the horrible things that happened around the country last week.” She referred to the terrible, hateful massacre in Pittsburgh and the attempted mail bombs sent to “liberal” media outlets and Democratic Party figures. So, we get it. You probably took a look at this week’s cover and said to yourself, “Don’t tell me what to do, you hippies! And besides, I already early voted last week, like every civilized person does in 2018, so you hippies are a little late.” (Not sure why you felt the need to call us hippies twice, but whatever.) We compiled some quotes about voting in this week’s editorial (see page 3). One from Marshall McLuhan: “American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver’s license age than at voting age.” At this office, we’re exceptions that prove that aphorism. I didn’t get my license until I was in my 20s, but I was writing columns for my high school newspaper before turning 18. I wrote a presidential endorsement in 1996 that convinced my dad to cast his vote on my behalf. (I’m not going to tell you who it endorsed.) But the point is this: If we nerds are sick of the election, I’m sure the rest of y’all are too. But don’t worry. We’re in the final stretch. There’s only one thing left to do. And that’s vote. (OK, fine, it was Ralph Nader.)

—Brad Bynum bradb@newsreview.com






Lady Liberty in chains: I’m going to have a conversation with my college-aged daughter about personal freedom and the insipid crawl towards population control. Things that are presented as innocuous and sometimes even helpful and convenient must be deeply scrutinized before allowed to become norms—and sometimes even legal requirements—in our society. Some of the top contenders are questionable constitutional practices such as National Security Agency eavesdropping, arrest-and-hold without any court involvement, attempts to limit peoples’ ability for self defense (stringent gun laws), radio frequency identification (RFID) chipping, cashless society, free DNA cataloguing (nothing is free). What are the possible costs to our personal freedoms and those of our descendents? Remember, if you can think of a way to abuse any of these—or other personal right infringements—then others can and eventually will instigate that abuse. Even though you may trust the institution implementing said intrusions, institutions can change from good to evil. The quote “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” has never seemed more pertinent. An example comes to mind. I remember a public relations piece stating that with the new-found liberties of our intelligence organs (part of the PATRIOT Act), more consumer fraud has been caught and convicted than ever before. I’m not saying the fraudulent shouldn’t be punished, I’m saying the PATRIOT Act—which was, by law, narrowly targeted at terrorism—was obviously being abused and no one seemed to notice. It raises the question, in what other ways unbeknownst to us has this illicitly gathered information been used, (possibly to the profit of some and the detriment of many? Before making any decisions based on a knee-jerk emotional response, always Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Bruce Van Dyke, Ashley Warren, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Chadwell News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Kris Vagner, Bob Grimm, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Josie Glassberg, Eric Marks,

Creative Services Manager Christopher Terrazas Editorial Designers Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Web Design & Strategist Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Ad Designers Naisi Thomas Sales Manager Emily Litt Office Manager Lisa Ryan RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard

novembeR 1, 2018 | vol. 24, Issue 38

remain vigilant about abridgments of our freedoms, however small and trivial they may seem. Keep in mind there are professional propagandists who are quite adept at swaying the public’s image of things. I would love to see an amendment in the U.S. Constitution safeguarding our right to privacy, stating that “It shall not be infringed upon” rather than having the constitution only allude to it. Plain English might make the Supreme Court think twice before allowing many of these injustices to prevail. John Bogle Fernley

examining what Nevada means to you, and vote from your heart—Battle Born. Ronn M. Anacabe Reno

Corrections Re “Growth” (news, Oct. 25): In a photo caption, we identified Neena Laxalt as Monique Laxalt. Re: “Red light, green light” (Arts&Culture, Oct. 25) We identified University of Nevada, Reno professor and researcher Zong Tian as Wong Tian. We apologize for both errors.

Family friend As a longtime friend of the Laxalt family and multi-generational native Nevadan, I know them to be honorable, Basque Nevadans to their cores. The Laxalt families recently issued a statement in the Reno Gazette Journal, distancing themselves from gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt. Let’s be clear about this, the article comes from their love of Nevada and Nevadans. Do your homework on Adam Laxalt’s origins. He appropriated his mother’s maiden name, Laxalt, while growing up in Virginia. He hopes this will help garner votes and power in his newly found Nevada home from those who remember the accomplishments of his historical grandfather, Paul Laxalt, a Nevada senator, governor, and presidential advisor to Ronald Regan. If that were not enough, there is also his great uncle Robert Laxalt, An award winning novelist, author of Sweet Promised Land and A Basque Hotel. These were two of Nevada’s brightest and accomplished men, raised humbly in northern Nevada. In honor of their lives’ work, do not have the proverbial wool pulled over your eyes by a Koch brothers-funded sycophant. Honor the brothers Laxalt by

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By matt bieker

Your favorite local candidate? asked at Reno town Mall, 4001 south ViRginia st.

John Maglinao Produce clerk

Couldn’t tell you. I just moved here. I am planning on voting as soon as I do more research. That’s kind of why I’m here. I’m trying to find the library to do so.

R ay BR at t Retiree

If I lived down here I know who I’d vote for. Republicans. Straight Republicans, top to bottom.

theResa gR ant Home business owner

Raising our hands Franklin Roosevelt: “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” Jello Biafra: “I’m totally down with insurrection in the street. I’ve had a great time with that over the years. Insurrection in the voting booth is the other part of the equation.” Robert Kennedy: “The most significant civil rights problem is voting. Each citizen’s right to vote is fundamental to all the other rights of citizenship.” David Foster Wallace: “If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don’t bother to vote, you are in effect voting for the entrenched Establishments of the two major parties, who please rest assured are not dumb, and who are keenly aware that it is in their interests to keep you disgusted and bored and cynical and to give you every possible reason to stay at home doing one-hitters and watching MTV on primary day. By all means stay home if you want, but don’t bullshit yourself that you’re not voting. In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard’s vote.” Andrew Young: “Having personally watched the Voting Rights Act being signed into law that August day, I can’t begin to imagine how we could have all been so wrong in believing that more Americans would vote once they were all truly free to do so.” Jeff Greenfield: “Men and women in my lifetime have died fighting for the right to vote: People like James

Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, who were murdered while registering black voters in Mississippi in 1964, and Viola Liuzzo, who was murdered by the Ku Klux Klan in 1965 during the Selma march for voting rights.” Attributed to anarchist Emma Goldman: “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Abraham Lincoln, quoted by Robert Kennedy 61 days before he was shot: “Among free men there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet.” Coretta Scott King: “If American women would increase their voting turnout by 10 percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.” John Quincy Adams: “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” Winston Churchill: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Birch Bayh: “I had the good fortune to be able to right an injustice that I thought was being heaped on young people by lowering the voting age, where you had young people that were old enough to die in Vietnam but not old enough to vote for their members of Congress that sent them there.” Marshall McLuhan: “American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver’s license age than at voting age.” Harry Truman: “When a fellow tells me he’s bipartisan, I know he’s going to vote against me.” Ω

Probably [Lidia] Stiglich. I’ve met her and actually talked with her, and I know she does a lot for her community. I think she cares about our state. She’s done a lot of volunteering with young adults with intellectual disabilities.

MaRilynne tallMan Retiree

Hillary Schieve. I think she’s done a good job for the city. She’s really into the homeless and the people that need help. I think she’s a nice gal. When she first started, I was like, “This girl sells blue jeans. Are we kidding?” But she’s really changed my mind. ValeRie lundy Optician

I don’t know anybody running. We’re actually from Reno, and we came back for a quick visit. We’re leaving tomorrow. I’m not registered to vote here. ... We’ve lived [in Hawaii] for a couple years now. Basically, though, I would vote for anybody Democratic. Democratic across the board.

11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   3

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4   |   RN&R   |   11.01.18


Across the finish line We’re all exhausted. The campaign rhetoric during the last few weeks before an election seems to get worse every election cycle, and this year it’s been particularly ugly. We can certainly assign blame to our president who traveled to Elko in October to say, “The Democrat Party has become an angry, ruthless, unhinged mob determined to get power by any means necessary.” Based on the video of Republicans—including a county chair—chasing Nancy Pelosi in Florida screaming at her for being “a fucking communist,” it sounds like he’s projecting GOP mob mentality onto others, but that’s hardly new behavior. Many of Trump’s comments are not only foolish, they also inspire violence. At a recent rally, Trump praised the actions of U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte of Montana for body-slamming a reporter. The mail bombs sent to Clinton, Obama, Biden and other Trump critics last week are another outgrowth of the president’s disparaging “enemy of the people” language. It’s disturbing and it’s dangerous.

The normalizing of Trump’s behavior, and the dismissal of his outrageous remarks as theater is a disservice to our nation, as is the complicity of elected Republicans in Nevada who remain silent as he continues to call women demeaning names—seriously, horseface?—and constantly spouts lies like Californians “rioting to get out of their sanctuary cities.” Trump has unleashed the racist and hateful among us, openly encouraging them to follow his lead and engage in intolerant and dehumanizing speech and cruel behavior. To be fair, Nevada’s nickname as the Mississippi of the West is well earned. We were slow to integrate, and many have struggled with accepting diversity as a strength. As a 40-year resident, I’ve seen the state’s population triple and watched as the influx of millions of people, many with more progressive ideas, have clashed with Nevada’s innate ethos of libertarian self-reliance. But since Trump’s election, Nevada’s racist, misogynist and xenophobic

underpinnings have become more daring and more alarming. Anti-Semitic flyers promoting neo-Nazis were posted all over Temple Emanu-El in Reno a few weeks ago. Rabbi Mark Fasman called it a “statement of ignorance and a statement of hatred.” It’s not the first time the temple has been a target. And what about that shadowy group with a vanilla name that has suddenly emerged to promote transphobia through nasty social media ads? Nevada Parents for Safe Schools sounds like an organization focused on eliminating gun violence or bullying, but it’s actually a newly-registered PAC with a misleading and hate-mongering ad against Democratic candidate for governor Steve Sisolak. The ad is designed to shock parents into voting against him, proclaiming: “Sisolak thinks high school boys should be allowed to shower with your daughters.” It’s accompanied by a dour picture of the candidate plastered below a picture of a blond teenage girl

in an open shower with a smirking teen boy in the background. The hate can get very personal. Verita Prothro Black, an African-American woman running for Washoe public administrator, was rudely challenged by an entitled and intimidating older white man in a big truck while canvassing with her son in her own neighborhood. He demanded to know what she was doing there. She has also had a large campaign sign defaced in a vile manner, using blackface to make her picture a racist caricature. She showed incredible grace in her response, posting: “Nevada is my home. I have flourished here, and I love it. That’s why I put my hat in the ring to serve this community. As a native, I know there are hateful people everywhere, but I refuse to believe that they outnumber the good and decent people who live here.” Let’s prove her right. Vote like you’re one of Verita’s good and decent people. Vote against the lies and hate. Ω

11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   5

story anD photos by Dennis Myers

Steyer targeted

Sen. Bernie Sanders campaigns at UNR for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jacky Rosen, center, and lieutenant governor candidate Kate Marshall.

Billionaire Tom Steyer, who paid to place this year’s ballot Question Six on the Nevada ballot, was apparently a target of one of the spate of bombs that began showing up on Oct. 22. The FBI said the device addressed to Steyer was intercepted at a Burlingame post office. Question Six would amend the Nevada Constitution to require Nevada electricity providers to “generate or acquire” at least 50 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2030. Steyer, a former hedge fund manager, also is promoting an Impeach Trump effort. He spent about $65 million to aid Democrats and environmental groups in the 2016 election year. After the bomb was found, Donald Trump tweeted that Steyer is a “crazed and stumbling lunatic,” prompting Steyer to reply, “Do your job, man.”

KingmaKerS All year long, we have heard about benchmarks for women, such as the possibility that Nevada will have a majority-female legislature this year. Most of them involve women seeking—money, office, support. But one mailer from a candidate suggests women are also moving into a role of men seeking their endorsements. The flyer was sent out by Reno city council candidate Paul McKenzie, and it features endorsements by three leading Nevada public figures. What makes this one different is that all three endorsements come from women. We’re not sure we have ever seen this happen before in a single piece of campaign literature. The endorsements are from former Nevada regent, secretary of state and attorney general Frankie Sue Del Papa, Nevada Assembly majority leader Teresa Benitez Thompson, and U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.

timing iSSueS The New York Times ran a notice titled “If You See Disinformation Ahead of the Midterms, We Want to Hear From You.” It read in part, “As November’s midterm elections approach, the New York Times is looking for examples of online ads, posts and texts that contain political disinformation or false claims and are being deliberately spread on internet platforms to try to influence local, statewide, and federal elections.” It gave information on what did and did not fit this description and instructed readers how to report such things. The problem was, instead of running in, say, January, it ran on Sept. 17, when nearly all the primary elections were over and only seven weeks of the general election campaign remained. In Nevada, most of the general election campaign was past. Meanwhile, on the other coast, with 12 days remaining before election, the Los Angeles Times sent out an email offer—“Essential election coverage: 3 months for $1.” That was in the evening, half a day after the newspaper’s corporate cousin, the Chicago Tribune, had made the same offer.

—Dennis Myers

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In the stretch Big names fire the bases Bernie Sanders returned to the University of Nevada, Reno last week. The Vermont Democratic senator spoke to a rally on the same site in front of the campus library of his first appearance at UNR, in August 2015, when his come-from-behind presidential campaign that tied Hillary Clinton in Iowa and won in New Hampshire was still ahead of him. He returned to the campus the next year, in October 2016, to campaign for Clinton. This time, UNR was a stop on a nine-state campaign swing for Democratic candidates across the nation, particularly U.S. Senate candidates. Introducing him in Reno was U.S. Senate nominee Jacky Rosen, who used some of the same economic populist themes Sanders made popular in his presidential campaign. Citizens should not have to choose “between paying their rent and taking their child to the doctor,” she said. She also had a rejoinder to one of her opponent’s “independent” committees, the Senate Leadership Fund, which is running

ads that say Rosen “votes with Nancy Pelosi 90 percent of the time.” Her Republican opponent, incumbent Dean Heller, votes with Donald Trump “96 percent of the time,” she said. Nevadans, it will be recalled, voted for Hillary Clinton over Trump, and Trump’s unfavorable numbers in the state outpace his favorable numbers. Sanders tried to reduce expectations of Democratic chances in the election, in which journalism has portrayed takeovers of the House and Senate as tests of whether the Democrats are competitive with the Donald Trump version of the Republican Party. “I happen not to believe that there’s going to be this great blue wave,” Sanders said, suggesting he thinks Democratic gains, not takeovers, are the test. “A few years ago when I was on this campus, and I talked about the need to guarantee health care to all people, and I talked about Medicare for all, it was seen as a radical idea, an extreme idea,” Sanders said. “A poll came out just the other day. Seventy percent of

the American people now support Medicare for all.” That played into Rosen’s strategy of holding Heller responsible for the erosion of the Affordable Care Act during the Republican Congress. “It’s time to repeal and replace Dean Heller,” Rosen said in her introductory remarks. Time and again, Sanders beat on Heller for supporting the one percent over everyday citizens, taking a tack that more cautious Democratic leaders have tried to avoid. He also spoke out on the one percent’s influence in elections and the impact of Citizens United, one of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions that opened the faucet of unlimited spending by the rich, an issue that has particular resonance in Nevada this year. “Do you really want to give $1 trillion in tax breaks to the one percent?” he asked a small group of Trump supporters in the audience. Billionaires Sheldon Adelson, Warren Buffett, Tom Steyer, and Henry Nicholas III all have ballot measures they are supporting in the state, and at least three of them are also handing out money to candidates, mostly Republicans. Adelson has parceled out $87 million nationally, and he and his family’s contributions to Nevada GOP nominee for governor Adam Laxalt are in six figures. “The Republicans win elections when working people don’t vote and when billionaires buy elections,” he said. But Sanders also spent a good deal of time on values and moral leadership. United States presidents have always premised their presidencies on certain broad themes, he said, but not Trump: “One of the most important things to do is to bring people together, not to divide them up.” Sanders enjoys unusual good will in an era of meanspirited politics and polarization. Gallup reported on Oct. 5, “In the more than three years Gallup has tracked Sanders’ favorability, his favorable ratings have consistently outweighed his unfavorable ones—only twice were they tied. … In Gallup’s most recent poll, conducted Sept. 4-12, Sanders has a much more favorable image than either of the other major contenders in the 2016 presidential election—Hillary Clinton (36 percent) and President Donald Trump (41 percent).” Sanders’ supporters in Nevada have stayed involved in public affairs since he lost the presidential nomination.

by Dennis Myers

Red Rock retiree Greta Anderson held up a Sanders sign and gave the peace sign.

They protested both Columbus Day in Reno and the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) at President Obama’s visit to Lake Tahoe during the last weeks of his presidency. Some ran for office. Others worked with Black Lives Matter. They joined with conservatives to try to stop corporate welfare for the Oakland Raiders at the Nevada Legislature.

Pence comes calling Three days after Sanders’ appearance, Vice President Mike Pence campaigned in Carson City for Rosen’s opponent, Dean Heller. Like Sanders, Pence hit hot button issues to try to rouse the party base to vote. “It’s a choice between tax cuts and tax hikes, between strong borders or open borders, between protecting Medicare as we know it or starting this Medicare-for-all business that will just bankrupt the system,” Pence said at the Carson airport. He called Heller “a Nevada original.” Pence also called Heller “100 percent prolife,” which is not the case. While Heller has cast votes against ancillary abortion issues like federal funding and stem cell lines, he supports a woman’s right to abortion. Pence’s visit went smoothly on a day that was a difficult one to navigate politically. Pence was in the Nevada capital on Nevada Day, a festive occasion, and also on the day of the Pittsburgh Shabbat service shooting. Pence said the shooting was “not just criminal, it was evil.”

Pence managed his airport visit without making any major mistakes, in contrast with his 1960s predecessor, Spiro Agnew, who was on a visit to the Carson airport when he said of a reporter, “What’s the matter with the fat Jap?”—igniting a major controversy in the 1968 campaign. Celebrity visits do not have the impact they once had in political races. Their effect tends to fade relatively quickly. In his first, unsuccessful U.S. Senate race in 1964, Nevada’s Paul Laxalt was hurt badly by visits to Nevada by President Johnson. It was still an era when a popular speaker could shift votes, and Laxalt lost the race by fewer than a hundred votes. By 1986, however, when Laxalt was retiring as a senator and wanted to be sure to be replaced by a Republican, he fought White House aides to bring President Reagan to Nevada for campaign stops. Laxalt succeeded in getting the stops, but they had little lasting impact, and Laxalt was succeeded by Democrat Harry Reid. But early voting has made it possible to exploit what impact those visits do have before it fades. That was demonstrated during the Sanders visit last week. As it happened, there was an early voting station one building away, in the student union, and numerous speakers pointed that out to the audience members. When the rally was over, rally participants headed to the voting station and stood in line for the chance to vote. Ω

Washoe residents lined up to vote in the student union after the Sanders rally.

Elect or appoint? sparks residents are voting on “Oh, the counsel was, I think, totally whether to continue electing their city in with staff,” said former board member attorney or not. The ballot measure is just Tina Manoukian. “I think there was a real a straw poll. The change would still have conflict with staff, and I feel that counsel to be made by the Nevada Legislature, told us what staff wanted us to know. … which has already made every city attorI think things were a lot better when we ney in the state except Reno and Sparks had Maureen.” appointive. This debate is taking place at a time Public counsel—lawyers who serve when the role of public counsel has the public—are mostly appointive, from been evolving for many years away the U.S. attorney general to local levels. from its traditional role. Many public But state attorneys general and local counsel argue that cases arise when prosecutors are usually elected. they must represent the public against When the Nevada Legislature government instead of representing considered a 2017 bill to make the Reno government. Former Alabama attorney and Sparks city attorneys appointive, general William Baxley has written, the Sparks City Council opposed it, but “Government, both federal and state, has only because it had not come from the increased in size and, while becoming council’s own initiative. involved in more aspects of our private During a hearing on that bill, Clark lives, has become more removed from County Sen. Richard Segerblom—who our immediate control. As a consequence, originated the bill—argued that having the state’s attorney has had to assume an city attorneys responsive to the public ambivalent posture in some instances. is not a good idea, that the city attorney Quite simply, the actions of governmental should be responsive to the city council: entities are now often at odds with the “It is a question of whether the current public interest … because a government structure of electing the city attorney is entity derives its legitimacy from the appropriate in this day and age where public, or the people, when the public’s people would want, in my opinion, interest is in conflict with that of their elected officials to have the governmental entity, the Will confidence in the legal advice, state’s attorney is obligated to appointed city attorney-client privilege, and represent the public.” that the city attorney does This evolution has attorneys tell the not report to any constitubecome acute enough that a council what it ency. … [E]lected city former federal judge, Bruce wants to hear? attorneys do answer to their Einhorn, has proposed that constituencies. It is a policy the U.S. attorney general issue.” become an elective position, Washoe Sen. Julia Ratti, a particularly because of dubious former Sparks city councilmember, made machinations in the Department of a similar argument: “We do not get the Justice during the Bush II and Trump benefit of neutral, nonpartisan legal administrations. counsel that is so critical to the governing “Enough is enough,” Einhorn wrote. operations of a city through popularity “The attorney general is head of the U.S. contests. It is different and distinct from Department of Justice. … He should a mayor or a city councilmember who be the nation’s shield against those in are truly representing the people. In the power who use their positions for corrupt case of city attorneys, they should be purposes, who try to skirt the rule of law representing the city itself.” and who attempt to exceed the constituSome governing bodies prefer tional limitations of their offices.” appointive public counsel because they This raises another question—whether think they will get advice that is more appointed lawyer who depend for their congenial to the policy sentiments of jobs on those who appoint them will the members of that body. The Washoe provide advice based on law or on what Airport Authority originally was advised the employer wants to hear. It is easier by a deputy of the elected district attorfor independent, elected counsel to tell a ney, Maureen Griswold. Then, it switched public body what it does not want to hear. to choosing its own lawyer from local law Former federal financial regulator firms. The consequence was not favorBill Black once said sardonically, able. Some members of the board felt that “People who will give you the wrong the new counsel aligned himself with one answer—but the answer you want—are faction on the board and the staff. invaluable.” Ω

11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   7

Shen Yun: Pseudo-Tradition, Cheap Trick The “Shen Yun Performance” fooled overseas friends who are interested in the Chinese culture under the banner of promoting the Chinese traditional culture.

Perpetrate a fraud and fool the audience The ancient China had various music and dance genres, including the ritual and music culture of the Zhou Dynasty, the wrestling and vaudeville of the Han Dynasty, the Qingshang music of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the Sitting and Standing Parts of Female Dance of the Tang Dynasty. As the wheel of history rolled on, a Chinese opera art that integrated literature, music, dance, and performance was developed in the Song and Ming Dynasties. It gradually became the mainstream on the stage, and the simple dance art retreated as a folk art. What is called “Chinese classical dance” is passed down from the operas dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially the Kunqu Opera and the Peking Opera. Revived in the contemporary world, it is a Chinese traditional dance that extracts the elements of ancient dances and blends the contemporary Chinese folk dance with Western ballet training methods. It was claimed at the “Shen Yun Performance” that the “Chinese classical dance” is a huge training system passed down in history and that many other forms of art, such as martial arts and acrobatics, are derived from it. This was conceptually confusing and foolish. When dealing with some mythological subjects such as Journey to the West, the performance presented extremely simple classic characters and moved the plot along by simply changing the scenes without establishing any internal logical connection. What did it have anything to do with sublimation of art? Throughout that seemingly lively performance, the group dances of actresses always included movements like battement and creeping, while the male version was characterized by big jumps and somersaults. Although the actors changed costumes, there was nothing special except random combination of skills, arbitrary insertion of non-sense plots, and repeated “thematic movements” such as “shooting wild goose”, “string flips”, and “leg controlling”. The dance performance was all about identical skills and casual combination enclosed in a fictional cultural shell.

Spread a cult in disguise The performance started with the teachings of the traditional Chinese Buddhism and Taoism and presented a peaceful world of bliss, but it ends with a portrait of Li Hongzhi, the leader of “Falun Gong”, rather than the Buddha, who “helped countless beings”. The misleading “Shen Yun Performance” actually exposed the sinister purpose of the cult. A close reading of its posters would lead one to notice the ubiquitous words of “Falun Doctrine”. Different celebrity videos were used as advertisements, including the famous American fashion designer Donna Karan and the French figure skater Candeloro. The “Shen Yun Performance” explicitly promoted the cult “Falun Gong”. Just like

the lyrics of “Holy King of Falun”, “The Holy King of Falun came to the world to save all beings compassionately. The Holy King of Falun came and walked on goodwill truth, turning the wheel of destiny to recreate the heaven so that God coexists with man.” The performance not only touted the “main Buddha” Li Hongzhi without reservation, but also preached the teachings of “Falun Gong” through this man. Those dance dramas and songs all promoted Li Hongzhi and “Falun Gong” and infinitely exaggerated the power of that man as they called him “Savior”. This inclination could be found in the titles of those performing arts, such as “Majesty and Compassion” and “Understanding the Truth is the Hope of Salvation”. The finale of the whole performance arguably harbored an evil intent. It described how good people were persecuted by a “Red Devil” and were eventually rescued into heaven. The plot was superficial and extremely didactic, with evident indoctrination. The performance repeatedly demonized and defamed the Communist Party of China. Most obviously, there were songs that cursed the CPC as “Red Devil”.

Arouse antipathy and joint resistance The “Shen Yun Performance” not only demonstrated clumsy understanding and presentation of classical dance, but also distorted and falsely accounted for folk dance. The absurd logic and fragmented plots completely subverted the profoundness of the Chinese culture. This brainwashing by means of performing arts was despicable, misleading, contrary to the right law, and repulsive. After publishing an article titled “Shen Yun: A Performance for the Fool” in the website of Buffalo News on May 28, 2010, reporter Colin Dabkowski wrote again in the website on May 30, 2010 that “Shen Yun Performance” was an ad of “Falun Gong” and was far from pure Chinese dance, music and stories. On January 2, 2015, Canadian artist Ingrid Mayerhofer described on the website of Hamilton Observer her experience of watching the “Shen Yun Performance”, claiming that the ticket sales in the Shen Yun website was a fraud because the Shen Yun ad had claimed to spread the long-standing culture and art of China while the actual performance focused on promoting “Falun Gong” and falsely accused the Chinese government of persecuting its followers in extremely bad “art” shows. “What’s not told in the ad was that it was virtually a publicity campaign in favour of Falun Gong,” said Looney, a Californian netizen. The netizens on the most well-known review sites, Yelpt and Tirpadvisor, in Europe and America respectively, commented, “The whole show was about cult ‘Falun Gong’” and “I found it was a base for the crazy cult to propagate their message. Shame on the theater and music hall.” The very awkward show was combined with ulterior motives. Shamelessly claiming to spread the Chinese traditional culture, it simply played tricks, stained the true tradition, and propagated an evil cult.

A PAid AdverTiSemenT 8   |   RN&R   |   11.01.18


by Jeff DeLong

Watercraft can carry bad news into Lake Tahoe. Inspectors try to block it.

look back Watercraft Inspection For a decade, every boat launched into Lake Tahoe has been inspected for the presence of unwelcome hitchhikers experts say threaten to ruin a national treasure. As officials celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tahoe’s watercraft inspection program, they cite an important success story and the importance of a continuing effort to ward off aquatic invaders. “This program is huge for Lake Tahoe,” said Tom Lotshaw, spokesman for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, which initiated the inspection program in 2008 along with other Tahoe agencies. “We’ve seen the impacts invasive species can have in other water bodies around the country,” Lotshaw said. The program was initiated the year after quagga mussels were first discovered in Southern Nevada’s Lake Mead. Since then, the invading mollusks have spread across the lake, now numbering in the trillions. Quagga mussels attach to docks and jetties, damage boat engines and clog water intakes, pipes and filtration systems. They can destroy fish habitat, impact water quality and litter beaches with stinking shells. One federal study says a quagga infestation could hurt Lake Tahoe tourism to the tune of $70 million annually. In 2008, inspections were voluntary but became mandatory in 2009. Trained inspectors examine boats at strategic locations around the Tahoe Basin like Spooner Summit, Alpine Meadows and Meyers. Over the past decade, about 75,000 motor boats, sailboats, jet skis and other vessels have been inspected, with 40 to 50 per year typically intercepted carrying some form of aquatic invasive species. Such boats must be decontaminated before entering the lake.

courtesy/tom lotshaw

Without the program, funded by Nevada and California at a cost of $1.5 million per year, “there’s a good chance there would now be quagga or zebra mussels in the lake,” Lotshaw said. The danger was demonstrated this past summer, when Alpine Meadows inspectors intercepted a pontoon boat about to the enter the lake. The boat, which came from the eastern United States, had an inconspicuous crack in a pontoon which allowed water and vegetation to enter. There were also numerous invaders, including adult quagga and zebra mussels, New Zealand mudsnails and other species. “This incident is the perfect example of how boats are the number one transport mechanism for aquatic invasive species,” said Tahoe Resource Conservation District manager Christopher Kilian. TRCD runs the program. Last summer, when nearly 8,000 vessels were inspected, 11 were found carrying invasive mussels and 40 harbored other unwelcome species. “They may hide on the hull, in your bilge, on your anchor, in your ballast system, or, in this case, inside a pontoon,” Kilian said. “We’d like everyone to keep this in mind as they travel to other water bodies or prepare for inspections.” While the introduction of mussels to Lake Tahoe has thus far been avoided, other invaders are already present. Asian clams were first noticed in southeast Tahoe in 2002 and have since spread around the lake, including to iconic Emerald Bay and Sand Harbor. Efforts are underway to control the spread of clams—which have been linked to noxious blooms of algae—but it’s not expected they can ever be eradicated. It’s critical that efforts continue to build on the success of the last decade, Lotshaw said. “With 10 years of no new species in the lake, we can see the program is proving its value and working,” he said. Ω

11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   9

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11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   11

by RN&R editoRs



2018 our endorsements T

his year, we’ve focused on issues and broad concepts, with articles on net neutrality, the Truckee Meadows housing shortage, prison policies, energy, ballot questions, even 401Ks. We hoped to generate more discussion of issues by candidates. Now comes the time for us to make our endorsements. With ballot measures and some of the major races, we’ll explain our reasoning. In some races, we’ll simply name our choices. We’re not endorsing in every race, which may mean we consider both candidates acceptable, both unacceptable, or that we have not learned enough. And readers will note that in some races, we are recommending against candidates, not for their opponents. Politics nowadays are meanspirited and polarized. As a result, we think it’s important to defeat those who pit us against each other.

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There is a saying in journalism and politics that we have seen quoted by both Ken Bode and Jack Germond, and Germond attributes it to Gannett’s Bill Ringle of the Saratogian in New York. It goes like this: “Writing editorials is like wetting your pants in a blue serge suit. It gives you a nice warm feeling and nobody notices.” We acknowledge that possibility, but we’ve received enough emails and phone calls asking for our endorsements that we have some sense that our recommendations are welcomed this year. A bit of trivia: In 2014, the last midterm election, 29 percent of eligible Nevada voters turned out to vote.

Ballot measures Nevada QuestioN 1 “Should the Nevada Constitution be amended to remove existing provisions that require the legislature to provide certain statutory rights for all victims and adopt in their place certain expressly stated constitutional rights that crime victims may assert throughout the criminal or juvenile justice process?” Ballot Question 1 would remove Nevada’s existing language guaranteeing victims’ rights and substitute language taken from the California Constitution. What bothers us in particular about this measure is the use of the term “Marsy’s Law” in official documents, including this ballot measure. Laws should undergo and withstand scrutiny on their merits, without appeals to emotion undercutting that process. Besides, this isn’t Marsy’s law. It’s Nicholas’s law. Question 1 is not on the ballot because of any groundswell of public demand. Its impetus comes almost entirely from billionaire Henry Nicholas III, co-founder of semiconductor firm Broadcom and brother of murder victim Marsalee Nicholas (Marsy). Six states have already enacted Nicholas’s proposed law, which provides Nevadans with a basis for judgment. From the Marshall Project, which covers criminal justice in depth: “Given the vast number of low-level crimes that happen every day, Marsy’s Law is expensive and almost impossible to follow to the letter. … Defense attorneys argue it upends the presumption of innocence, giving alleged victims a say before it has been established that there was a crime in the first place. Using Marsy’s Law, prosecutors have blocked defense attorneys from getting basic information, such as where a crime took place.” South Dakota House Speaker Mark Mickelson told the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, “We’re going to strengthen South Dakota victims’ rights. Part of that is removing the unintended consequences of Marsy’s Law from the constitution.” Note that he mentioned the constitution. The Nevada initiative also changes the state constitution. In Montana, the state Supreme Court overturned that state’s Nicholas law because the ballot initiative was badly written. The American Civil Liberties Union has said it “could extend enforceable rights to corporations.” Correcting a flawed ballot measure in Nevada is not easy. Statutes are fairly easy to change. Constitutions are less so. If the courts fail to act, the Nevada Legislature would have to approve repeal or changes twice and then send it to the voters, a process that takes five years. Sparks Tribune columnist Andrew Barbano has written, “It’s not a victims’ rights measure. It will enrich lawyers and the bail bond and for-profit prison industries.” Nevada’s victims’ rights laws should stay in place. We urge a no vote.

Nevada QuestioN 2 “Shall the Sales and Use Tax Act of 1955 be amended to provide an exemption from the taxes imposed by this Act on the gross receipts from the sale and the storage, use or other consumption of feminine hygiene products?” In the mid-1970s, women legislators in Nevada began a project that lasted for a couple of decades of removing all gender-specific statutes from Nevada law and replacing them with gender-neutral statutes. This ballot measure would return

gender-specific language to the statutes, and there’s no reason for it. The exact same thing could have been accomplished by making the verbiage in the ballot measure “hygiene products” instead of “feminine hygiene products.” Further, journalists are using shorthand terms “pink tax” and “tax on tampons.” That misrepresents the situation and is pretty poor journalism in this time when the public has to sort out “alternative news,” “fake news” and news. There is no “tampon tax” as an RGJ headline put it—there’s a sales tax that applies to a whole array of durable goods that happen to include tampons and other items, like condoms. The claim by supporters of Question 2 that the law as it stands is sexist and discriminatory is wrong because it suggests intent. The law does not target female products. It taxes all durable goods. Dropping the term “feminine” still removes the tax from all feminine hygiene products. As we note elsewhere in this survey, ballot measures can be flawed because they are badly written. This is a perfect example of language that should never have been approved. We urge a no vote.

Nevada QuestioNs 3 aNd 6 • Shall Article 1 of the Nevada Constitution be amended to require the Legislature to provide by law for the establishment of an open, competitive retail electric energy market that prohibits the granting of monopolies and exclusive franchises for the generation of electricity? • Shall Article 4 of the Nevada Constitution be amended to require … by calendar year 2030 not less than 50 percent of the total amount of electricity sold by each provider to its retail customers in Nevada comes from renewable energy resources? There are a variety of reasons why voters should reject both of these measures. An in-depth discussion of Question 3 can be found in our Sept. 27 cover story, “Question Mark” (https:// tinyurl.com/y8qxugml). But there is a threshold reason for voting against both initiatives before we even get to the merits. Here it is: These are constitutional amendments. As such, they are a misuse of the initiative process and should be rejected regardless of their policy intent. They do not belong in a constitution. They are statutory measures. If their language is flawed, the legislature could not even get at the language to make repairs for five years. Both these initiatives deal with highly complex utility law in thousands of words. Inserting them into the constitution would create dreadful problems if flaws were found in the language, which is—let’s face it—not at all outside the realm of possibility. Former U.S. senator Harry Reid, who endorsed Question 3, said, “Voting ‘yes’ on energy choice will represent a seismic shift for America and the world—a momentous example of how the people can take down an outdated, special interest monopoly and choose the future they want for their state and their country.” In a Reno Gazette Journal essay on Sept. 20, Reno resident Ron Cherry had the best response: “While monopolies can be bad, unregulated greed is far worse.” Monopoly is not a great idea, but eliminating it before first making preparations for such a monumental shift would turn energy producers loose on the public. Question 6 would provide a solution without a problem. Nevada is not a state where there has been resistance to alternative energy. Indeed, there are some components of our economy that are ahead of this ballot measure, which provides the floor for alternative energy supplies in a utility’s offerings. And the Nevada Legislature has established minimum utility use of alternatives that are satisfactory, so the ballot measure is

not needed. The governor did veto a bill providing for higher percentages, but not because of opposition to renewables. He wanted his administration to follow its own timetable, which could be faster or slower than the ballot measure. If such a law is needed, it should be done by statute, not constitutional amendment. Tom Steyer, the billionaire who paid to have this measure placed on the ballot, would have known all of this if he lived here. He is at least the fourth mega-money guy who is using Nevada’s initiative law as a toy this year. We urge no votes.

Nevada QuestioN 4 Shall Article 10 of the Nevada Constitution be amended to require the Legislature to provide by law for the exemption of durable medical equipment … from any tax upon the sale, storage, use, or consumption of tangible personal property? The public should and almost certainly will support this measure. It’s another example of the problems sales taxes cause. We just wish the legislature would fix the sales tax once and for all rather than doing it piecemeal, like this. After all, the tax was lifted from prosthetic limbs in 1970 and prescription drugs in 1979. This one should have been a part of those changes. The sales tax should either be repealed outright, or it should be made more progressive by extending it to services and lowering the rate. As it stands, it is one of the highest sales tax rates in the nation—and, in Reno, it is the highest in the nation. We urge a yes vote.

Nevada QuestioN 5 Shall Chapter 293 of the Nevada Revised Statutes be amended to establish a system that will automatically register an eligible person to vote, or update that person’s existing Nevada voter registration information, at the time the person applies to the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles for … any type of driver’s license or identification card, or makes a request to change the address on such a license or identification card, unless the person affirmatively declines in writing? We have a lot of reservations about the language of Question 5, and we are not sure what problem it’s designed to remedy. It once again advances the notion that increased registration is the key to increasing Nevada’s dismal voter turnout. But experience has shown otherwise. Motor Voter, the program introduced in 1987 that increased Nevada registrations by making it possible to register at the DMV, failed to increase turnout. Easier absentee voting, mail-in registrations, removal of racial bars in the South, and Motor Voter did not solve poor turnout. Registration itself was originally introduced in the United States to keep some groups from voting, and it seems to be working admirably that way. Meanwhile, other democracies have done away with it or never adopted it. Finland registers its citizens at birth for their lifetimes. How simple. At any rate, we’re not sure why this particular twist in Motor Voter—automatic registration with an opt-out—needs to be passed by initiative. Legislatures are there for a reason, to scrutinize measures, craft the language and decide whether they are wise. This policy proposal belongs before the lawmakers, particularly given its fiscal implications. We urge a no vote.

“VOTE” CoNTiNUeD oN pAge 14

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“VOTE” ConTinued FRoM pAGe 13

WC-1 RiveR flooding funds “Shall Washoe County be authorized to levy an additional property tax rate for … a flood protection project by the Truckee River Flood Management Authority … ?” In November, 1998, a lame duck county commission took the unpopular step of approving a sales tax increase for flood control and lowering the railroad tracks in the downtown after an election in which anti-sales tax candidates had been elected. In the 20 years since, low income Nevadans have paid the bulk of those taxes. According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the poorest 20 percent of Nevada families pay 6.1 percent of their income in sales tax. The wealthiest one percent of Nevada families pays six-tenths of one percent. That fund has generated from nine to six million dollars annually. WC-1 seeks to leverage more federal funding with this property tax hike. We would argue that with 20 years of sales tax payments for flood control, the working poor have done their part, and no new money should be approved until the 1998 sales tax hike is repealed. We urge a no vote.

spaRks Question 1 “Should the City Attorney remain an elected non-partisan office within Sparks Government?” Public bodies often want to hire their own lawyers instead of using elected lawyers. This usually means they want legal advice that will let them do what they want. But being accountable to the public instead of the public body gives the lawyer some independence and makes it more likely she or he will tell other elected officials not what they want to hear but what the law says. Until 1989, for instance, the Washoe County Airport Authority used a deputy district attorney as its lawyer. She was an employee of the elected district attorney’s office, not of the Airport Authority, which gave her independence. She was paid $57,262 annually. Then the Airport Authority switched to private lawyers. It was soon enmeshed in some badly handled public controversies. Some members of the Authority board felt that the private attorney formed an alliance with the airport director and staff and with one faction on the board, and it affected the character of the advice given to the board. To tie it all together neatly, the Authority was paying nine law firms more than 10 times the amount it had previously paid for legal costs each year. Elected city attorneys should not only be continued in Sparks, they should be returned to other jurisdictions around the state. We urge a yes vote.

u.s. senate In 2008, there were people who were shocked when we endorsed Dean Heller when he ran for the U.S. House. And a few were outraged. To us, the choice was pretty simple. Heller in the Nevada Legislature had been a moderate who worked well with Democrats. As secretary of state, he had treated all parties fairly. He was good on transparency and campaign finance. And electing him would send reinforcement to the dwindling group of moderate Republicans who did not feel the need to hate. 14   |   RN&R   |   11.01.18

Besides, Heller’s Democratic opponent was an Iraq war supporter who had been indifferent to civil liberties as a state regent. What happened when Heller was elected, of course, fit an increasingly familiar pattern. Once he learned the facts of life in federal office—the money that must be raised and the need to toe the line of the right wing groups like the Club of Growth that provide the big money—he dashed to the right. (He also became something of a recluse, seldom appearing in public.) Since then, his voting record has not been as bad as Democrats say. He initially voted against the Wall Street bailout, tried to reduce oil company subsidies and chastised Mitt Romney for his attack on “the 47 percent.” He supported removing marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. But if his record was not terrible, it was bad enough. Though he sits on a banking subcommittee of Senate Finance, he has never done anything to make the U.S. tax system more fair for the working poor. He voted against the least intrusive of gun measures. He sought tax breaks for second homes. He likes flashy, pointless gestures like ending pay for members of Congress if they don’t get this or that done, or a measure to bring Congress under national health care, which get him headlines but contribute nothing substantive. Then there is his cheap shot at recipients of the jobless pay they earned as “hobos.” His reasons for voting as he does seem detached from what he really feels. He casts votes that are appalling. And as often as not, he dithers while migrating to those stances. Indecisive, meandering, ambivalent. How exactly are voters supposed to know what Heller will do with another term, when he provides such uncertain guidance, and when one bit of that guidance is to go from opposing Donald Trump in 2016 to supporting him in 2017? Flexibility is fine, but so is principle. We urge a vote for a different candidate. Jacky Rosen? Sure.

u.s. House of RepResentatives, nevada distRiCt 2 Clint Koble

nevada goveRnoR Adam Laxalt arrived in Nevada with an attitude of entitlement. He didn’t put in much time making a contribution to his new state before running for office—working in the Douglas County PTA, say, or Carson Valley Community Food Closet, or any of a number of other such groups. The only thing we can find that he has used his home county for is his annual political fundraiser. If he had gotten more involved, he might have a better feel for Nevadans. By contrast, his opponent has volunteered with the Red Cross Clark County chapter, Seniors United, Boys and Girls Club, and several other groups. Laxalt ran for office at the earliest opportunity, not unlike Nevada’s most famous carpetbagger, Thomas Mechling, who came to Nevada and won a U.S. Senate nomination in 1952 walking door to door in the days when it was possible to hit most of the state’s homes that way. Fortunately, Mechling was defeated in the general election. Even Nevadans have little tolerance for those who don’t put down roots before reaping the benefits of living here.

And when Laxalt ran for office, he didn’t start with city attorney or hospital trustee—no, trading on his grandfather’s name, he ran for one of Nevada’s six statewide offices in state government. It was something he was not ready for, as his tenure has plainly shown. He has repeatedly bungled the job and cut corners on ethics. His whole office-seeking adventures seem disrespectful to Nevadans who contribute without expectations. He never contributed and expected to be rewarded. By contrast, his opponent started out as one of Clark County’s members of the Board of Regents, then ran for county commission, and only now seeks the governorship. If it seems like we favor Steve Sisolak, we invite readers to check our previous editorials about him. We have made plain our dislike of Sisolak’s style of campaigning. But he does have a better sense of the fitness of things, something Laxalt entirely lacks. Once in office, Laxalt spent much of his time raising money ($1.2 million in 2016, a year when he was not running for office), seeking favorable treatment from a gambling regulator for a campaign contributor, attacking good people who had gathered signatures to place measures on the ballot dealing with gun background checks and marijuana. It was quite a run-up for governor and made him a polarizing figure. By contrast, his grandfather used his run-up to the 1966 governor’s race by reaching out to those with whom he disagreed. In preparing his run for governor, Paul Laxalt recruited Nevada’s first black state legislative candidate and cultivated moderates by reading the John Birch Society hate group out of the Nevada Republican Party. The Almanac of American Politics described the elder Laxalt this way: “Laxalt’s assets are similar to Ronald Reagan’s: he is a fervent believer in a mostly popular political philosophy, yet remains affable and civil with opponents as well as allies.” His grandson, however, works well only with those with whom he agrees. In running for an office where he will have to prepare the state budget, he is entirely without fiscal experience, with the result that he has never explained how he will keep his promise to (1) eliminate the commerce tax and (2) keep education spending at the same level. Laxalt is callow, presumptuous and arrogant. He is not close to being ready to be governor.

nevada lt. goveRnoR Kate Marshall

nevada attoRney geneRal Aaron Ford has been the Democratic Leader of the Nevada State Senate since 2014. He’s an attorney, a former educator and has been a member of the state legislature since 2012. In 2017, he called out former fellow senator Mark Manendo for the sexual harassment allegations made against him by lobbyists and junior legislative staff over the course of years. Manendo resigned shortly afterward. And as a 2018 candidate for state attorney general, Ford was himself called out for having been arrested multiple times as a young man in Texas in 1990s. But considering frequent studies that show that black people are incarcerated at five times the rate of white people—and a new study out of the University of South Carolina

that revealed that nearly 50 percent of black men are arrested by the age of 23—is it all that surprising that Ford, a black man, has had this sort of experience with the justice system? Many young people encounter the justice system as defendants, and many thereafter go on to lead lives as productive members of society. Elected officials who’ve struggled, who have felt like the odds were stacked against them, are able to relate to others who’ve not always been fortunate. We need more of them. Aaron Ford is a proponent of police body cameras, gun safety and regulation for predatory “payday” lenders. He’s a good choice for Nevada Attorney General.

Nevada State SeNate, diStrict 14 Wendy Boszak

Nevada Supreme court, Seat c The Honorable Elissa Cadish has been a district judge in Department 6 of the Eighth Judicial District Court in Las Vegas since 2007. In 2013, after having her name put forth by President Obama, she withdrew her nomination for a federal bench position as a judge for Nevada on the United States District Court when questions raised about her views on gun rights led to a lengthy hang-up in her confirmation. She knew the delay was holding up justice delivered by a court that had only four of its seven seats filled at the time—saying it had “severely impacted the ability of Nevadans to get speedy justice, particularly in civil cases.” In an era in which some people desperately cling to their nominations to positions for which evidence has revealed they

are wholly unfit, Elissa Cadish stands out as a beacon reflecting the values of a principled, impartial justice system. Her opponent—Jerry Tao—on the other hand, seems less than forthcoming. He’s a judge on the state appeals court. Before filing to run for Nevada’s Supreme Court—he inexplicably changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Nonpartisan. He then embraced the support of gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt, said he was in favor of school choice—why would a justice in his position voice an opinion on this?—and released campaign material asking, “Is the Court going to drift even further to the left, or can we change the direction? Do we want a Court that gets even more liberal, or can we make it one that follows the Constitution and believes in individual liberty?” Elissa Cadish is the better choice.

WaShoe couNty Sheriff Heidi Howe

WaShoe couNty commiSSioN, diStrict 2 Stephen Wolgast

WaShoe couNty commiSSioN, diStrict 3 Kitty Jung

WaShoe couNty commiSSioN, diStrict 5 Lindsy Judd

WaShoe couNty public admiNiStrator Verita Black Prothro

couNty aSSeSSor Hugh “Chip” Evans

WaShoe couNty School board, diStrict c Debra Feemster

reNo mayor Hillary Schieve

reNo city couNcil, Ward 4 Paul McKenzie


11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   15


je r ic @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Terry Nielsen will discuss Model A Fords during his lecture on Nov. 8 at the National Automobile Museum.

Road show Second Thursday lectures The National Automobile Museum, where about 220 cars from former Harrah’s Casino owner Bill Harrah’s once massive collection are stored, is staffed largely by volunteers. In general, they come in two varieties—automobile historians and engine-minded gearheads. “Or you’re here reliving your youth,” said volunteer Terry Nielsen. The volunteers are a largely silverhaired crowd—and many of them, Nielsen said, are drawn to the museum by a combination of factors. “There’s just so much history,” he said. “It’s whatever piques our interest.” Nielsen is a docent and leads tours of the museum. Other volunteers work in the museum store. Some help maintain and restore the cars in the collection. And many do archival research on the cars and the museum’s other artifacts, like license plates and gas pumps. “Mr. Harrah, as he started collecting automobiles, wanted to make sure he knew exactly how cars should be restored—and so he started his own research library,” said volunteer and docent John Sell. “And that research library is not open to the public, but it’s still here in the museum—and it contains all sorts of good stuff.” The library is where Sell went to research a 1922 Dodge Victoria in the collection, about which he gave a recent lecture. Documents concerning the Dodge include a registration card found in the car during restoration that revealed it had once belonged to the wife of American general Douglas MacArthur. A lot of the cars in the museum were owned by famous people. Docents say that’s part of their appeal. On Oct. 11, Sell gave a lecture touching upon the Dodge 16   |   RN&R   |   11.01.18


Victoria’s famous previous owners, including MacArthur contemporaries like heiress and socialite Doris Duke and singer James Melton. Sell’s talk was for the museum’s Second Thursday Lecture series. For almost a year now it’s given volunteers the opportunity to share their research on passion projects with one another and museum visitors. Nielsen is up next and is currently putting his lecture together. On Nov. 8, he’ll be talking about the museum’s multiple Model A Fords. “We have six of them in the museum … and I realized that we have more Model A Fords than anything, but they made a lot,” Nielsen said. “So that’s why I chose the subject.” According to Nielsen, 5 million Model A Fords were made between 1928 and 1931—so many that there’s somewhere near a half a million of them registered in the United States today, he said. Nielsen will discuss the celebrity connections to some of the cars, but he also repects the fact that Ford’s were geared toward the average person. “Ford wanted to make a car that the common man could fix himself and that would be durable, just like the other cars,” he said. Over the years, Nielsen has owned eight Model A Fords—in part because they were always affordable. “I paid 60 dollars for my first car. It was a lot different, a lot easier back then than it is now for the kids today.” Nielsen said he meets a lot of young people, like his own nephew, who don’t even want a car—but hopes the museum and its lecture series might pique their interest enough to inspire a new generation of preservationists to keep old cars like the ones in the Harrah’s collection intact. Ω Second Thursday lectures take place at 1:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in the National Automobile Museum. Learn more here: https://bit. ly/2JpRrLg.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Dude, your hands are soft. What kind of moisturizer do you use?”

On board Jonah Hill makes his feature directing debut from his own script with Mid90s, the best movie ever made about skater culture and a powerful movie about familial dysfunction and the need for friendships. Sunny Suljic (The House with a Clock in Its Walls) gives a breakout performance as Stevie, a kid living in a single parent household with a headcase older brother, Ian (Lucas Hedges). Stevie suffers massive beatings at the hands of Ian and goes to a messed-up place where he causes himself further pain with self-inflicted strangulation, skin burns and simply pressing on the bruises Ian created. In short, the kid has some major issues. In search of some kind of identity, Stevie grabs himself a skateboard and starts hanging around some older kids at the skate shop. They include skaters nicknamed Fuckshit (Olan Prenatt), Fourth Grade (Ryder McLaughlin), and a younger kid simply named Ruben (Gio Galicia) because he hasn’t earned his nickname yet. Stevie practices nights trying to do flips. He isn’t a natural, but he’s persistent. After a strange anecdote in a conversation circle, he earns the nickname Sunburn, and it sticks. He eventually becomes part of the group and finds a less crazy big brother figure in Ray (Na-kel Smith), the group’s best skater, and an employee at the skate shop they hang at. Their kinship becomes the heart of the movie, especially when Ray becomes his sole, mostly clean, stable influence as others in the group introduce Stevie to drinking, drugs and sex. As Stevie’s social life takes off, his home life further withers, including increasing violence from Ian and some communication problems with his mother, Dabney (Katherine Waterston of Alien: Covenant). Hill shows some beatdowns at the hands of Ian that are particularly brutal—you get a sense that Ian is one strike away from killing his little brother. After suspecting her kid is taking drugs and drinking, Dabney marches Stevie into the skate shop and scolds the group, something the skaters take surprisingly well.

Hill does an expert job showing how important skating and these new friends are to Stevie in his development. The director doesn’t shy away from the bad influence some of them provide—influences present in just about every high schooler’s life. Suljic proves to be the perfect pick for Stevie, a solid young actor (he was also the best thing about Clock in Its Walls). He’s a short guy, but when he bests Ruben in a street fight, you believe he can take the bigger kid. He brings a lot of passion to the role. Hedges, so damned good in Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri and Manchester By the Sea (for which he was Oscar-nominated) delivers the film’s best performance as the nightmare older brother. He’s a psycho, but he has a vulnerable side that’s fighting to break out behind his pained eyes. He makes a major mark in his few, strong scenes. It’s abundantly clear a short time into the movie that Hill possesses solid directorial chops. A scene where Stevie goes into his brother’s room despite death threats from Ian is both foreboding and aweinspiring. (Ian keeps a mighty clean, ultra-organized room.) This is where Hill starts effectively using an excellent, moody score from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. As solid as his directorial choices are, this movie wouldn’t be what it is without its score. It’s basically a character in the film. Mid90s employs a gritty, documentary look, and while it shows some skating stunts, the actual skateboarding scenes don’t overwhelm the movie. They act more as vital flavoring. The crux of the story here is the bond between Stevie and his posse and the strained relationships at home. Hill, like his buddy Bradley Cooper with A Star is Born, has given himself a solid start in the directorial world. I’m eagerly anticipating what he chooses to do next behind the camera. Ω



Bad Times at the El Royale

Writer-Director Drew Goddard, in hiding as far as feature directing goes since his 2012 The Cabin in the Woods, assembles an all-star cast for one nutty, and sometimes a little too cute for its own good, movie. The star of this movie is the El Royale, a fictional hotel based on the actual Cal Neva Lodge, once owned by Frank Sinatra, in Lake Tahoe. It’s a solid piece of art direction, for sure, from its aged lobby straddling two states, to its creepy tunnels behind the rooms set up for criminal voyeurs. Jeff Bridges plays a mysterious priest who checks into the resort along with a singer (Cynthia Erivo), a vacuum salesman (Jon Hamm) and a hippie (Dakota Johnson). After the messed-up manager (Lewis Pullman) checks them in, each visitor has their own story in their own rooms. Goddard has flourishes of brilliance here, mixing thrills, mystery, humor and lots of blood into the intertwined plots, giving the film a Tarantino-like feel. (I know that’s a cliché these days, but it’s true.) The film is set in 1969, paying homage to the time through its soundtrack, set design and subplot involving a Manson-like cult leader (Chris Hemsworth). At nearly two-and-a-half hours, it’s a little bit much; a half hour could easily be excised from the film. Still, the stuff that works makes it a worthwhile movie.


First Man

Space exploration movies and TV events based upon real missions, not surprisingly, have often made “the mission” the thrust of the plot. First Man goes a different route. It dares to focus on Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling in top form), the man at the center of the Apollo 11 mission, and what made him tick. It shows the familial struggles the man dealt with leading up to the mission and, most strikingly, his viewpoint, through his visor, as a bunch of workers clad in white packed him into a sardine can and blasted him off into space. It’s an amazingly intimate movie, considering the subject matter. Director Damien Chazelle (La La Land) doesn’t ignore the details of NASA’s build up to eventually planting Armstrong’s feet on the lunar surface. In fact, the film is one of the most scientifically intriguing I’ve seen when it comes to what astronauts go through and the mechanics of a space launch. What it also manages to be is a moving, often haunting, study of the sacrifices and enormous pain Armstrong went through to beat the Russians to the moon landing punch. I confess to not knowing that Armstrong lost his young daughter to cancer in 1962, seven years before his legendary flight. Appropriately, that event is as central an occurrence as the moon landing in this movie. This film is about Armstrong’s sacrifices, hardships and the enormous psychological and physiological tortures he went through in that decade leading up to Apollo 11. In turn, it’s a testament to every man and woman who risked their lives and left families and histories behind on the big blue marble in the name of the space race.



Forty years after she first “dropped the knife,” Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) tangles, yet again, with the unstoppable killer Michael Myers, and this time she’s got an arsenal and a panic room. The original Halloween was an art film. John Carpenter put together a perfect little horror movie with an auteur’s eye, full of beautifully mapped shots, expert use of lighting, that unforgettable score, and that extremely photogenic, painted-up William Shatner mask. It set the high watermark for slasher films, a mark that has never been surpassed. The new Halloween comes to us courtesy of writer-director David Gordon Green, and writers Danny McBride and Jeff Fradley. Green is no slouch, responsible for a few highly regarded indies (George Washington, All the Real Girls) and classic comedies (Pineapple Express and banner episodes of TV’s Eastbound & Down). When it was first announced that he and McBride were working on a new Halloween, the initial “What? Huh?” was quickly followed by “Say … this could work!” Thankfully, it works quite well. Myers’

mask looks good, appropriately aged and scary as heck in certain lighting. The movie has nice touches of real humor to go with its scares and gore, of which it has plenty. I would be happy if this was the last Halloween movie, but something tells me there will be more.


A Star is Born


The Sisters Brothers



It’s movie magic at its most beautiful when Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga share the screen in A Star is Born. It’s a rousing remake of the old warhorse rise-to-fame story, and it’s easily the best movie with that title ever made. Cooper makes his feature directorial debut and stars as Jackson Maine, a Southern rocker barely getting through his gigs thanks to too much alcohol, too many pills and a nasty case of tinnitus. The film opens with Cooper live on stage belting out “Black Eyes,” a song that clearly states this movie means business on the musical front. He brings a lot of legitimate musical soul to the role. And he damned well better, because his counterpart in this story is played by none other than Lady Gaga in her fierce feature lead debut. (She had bit parts in Sin City and Muppet movies.) As Ally, a waitress who sings occasionally at the local drag bar, Gaga delivers so well beyond expectations it seems impossible. She’s so good it hurts, especially in the film’s dramatic moments, of which there are many. So, see this one knowing that the goosebumps will rise, the smiles will stretch your face muscles and the tears will flow. A Star is Born is one of the year’s best movies; Cooper and Gaga are one of the all-time great screen pairings. You’ll do yourself a disservice if you miss this one.

John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix join forces as the title characters, guns for hire, contracted to find a prospector (Riz Ahmed) with a scientific trick for finding gold in rivers. Reilly plays Eli, the nicer of the two brothers, who is starting to consider life after riding and killing. Phoenix plays Charlie, perfectly content to be a bounty hunter of sorts, as long as the mission includes hookers and lots of booze. When another man (Jake Gyllenhaal) intercepts the prospector with intent of turning him over to the brothers, he has a change of heart, and the hunt takes on a new dimension. Reilly and Phoenix are great together, creating a palpable fraternal bond. This is a dark period Western speckled with some funny moments, but don’t be tricked by the commercials for the film. It’s a mostly dark affair, acted well by all involved. Jacques Audiard (A Prophet) has made a moving, absorbing, appropriately nasty Western that gives the impression everybody on screen smells really bad. Phoenix, having a banner year, turns out to be perfectly cast as a gunslinger, something I wouldn’t have believed going in. He and Reilly give this film a ton of soul, and it doesn’t hurt having the likes of Gyllenhaal and Ahmed in their supporting roles. They are all equally good.

This is a sometimes entertaining mess, but it’s still a mess. Let’s get the obvious out of the way: you shouldn’t have a Venom movie without Spider-Man playing into the comic villain’s backstory, somehow. This film has no Spidey. Now it’s a space alien that passes through an evil scientist’s lab, a space alien that still manages to look a little like Spider-Man, having never met the guy. Tom Hardy labors hard at playing Eddie Brock, an investigative reporter who’s infected by the symbiote and starts biting off people’s heads in PG-13 fashion. Brock winds up with Venom’s voice in his head and an ability to make Venom sort of a good/bad guy. It’s all kind of stupid, playing things mostly for laughs and squandering a chance for a real horror show. Hardy gives it his all, but the film feels like a botch job pretty much from the start. Michelle Williams gets what might be the worst role of her career as Brock’s girlfriend, and Riz Ahmed plays the stereotypical villain. There are hints of something cool, but they are buried under a pile of muck.






by Todd SouTh

Paula’s Smothered Pork Chop comes with a side of crispy Brussels sprouts.

Cooked up Recently opened Baba’s Eats & Ales is a family friendly pub, with burgers, wings, salads and even a couple of vegetarian hot dishes. Non-sandwich entrees are available after 4 p.m., perfect for an early dinner visit with friends. We began with orders of beer cheese soup ($3.49 cup), Brussels sprouts ($6.99) and calamari ($9.99). The beer cheese had great flavor, but the cup served was the same dipping cheese provided with waffle fries, etc. It was thick enough to hold a spoon upright. Would be great with a soft pretzel, but it’s definitely not soup. The sprouts were roasted whole then deep fried, served with a sambal oelek aioli. Though a bit bland on their own, they were nicely crispy and pretty great with the mildly spicy sauce. The buttermilk-soaked squid strips were lightly fried in a dusting of seasoned flour. Dunked in spicy house marinara sauce, they were a tender delight. Everything on the “kids under 12” menu is $6.99 with a choice of sides. Our two young dining companions chose mac and cheese and spaghetti with marinara, both with housemade kettle chips. The mac and its sauce were bland and quite soupy; a bemusing turn after the beer cheese pudding. The spaghetti was basic, with that same spicy marinara. The chips, though, were perhaps the best housemade example I’ve had—light, thin, crispy, well-seasoned and perfect. I’ve had my share of fair-tomiddlin’ examples, but these easily hit the “you can’t eat just one” mark. I’m glad the boys were willing to share. It wouldn’t be a pub without fish and chips ($13.99), and three giant planks of IPA-battered cod were served with a large basket of hand-cut fries and house coleslaw. The fries were good, and the slaw was tangy with a hint of heat. However, 18   |   RN&R   |   11.01.18


the star trio was a complement of not-soimpressive, very dry samples of whitefish ensconced in a whole lot of over-fried batter. Based on the dark color and oil soak, I’d guess the fryer temp was a bit low, and the fish stayed in too long. Growing up, liver and onions ($15.99) seemed like something old folks ate at greasy spoon diners, a “punishment meal” that adults pretend to love. But with applewood-smoked bacon, sauteed onion, garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal veggies, it sounded like something I could embrace in my November years. The spuds were perfect lumpy comfort, the brown gravy adequate and the sauteed veg was a very tasty, plentiful mix. The seasoning and overall flavor of the dish was astoundingly good. Unfortunately, this thin slice of offal had been rendered incredibly well done, very tough to saw and chew through. A lot less time on the grill and this flavor combo could make me a convert. Continuing the overcooking theme was a stuffed and smothered, bone-in pork chop ($14.99), served with the same spuds and veg. The mushroom gravy included whole button ’shrooms and plenty of flavor. The caramelized herb and onion stuffing was fantastic, but the meat was extremely dry and a little tough to cut with a steak knife. As with the liver, close but no cigar. The boys shared a pair of sundaes with us ($3.99 each)—lone with salted caramel shortbread and the other with chocolate brownie. It was a sweet end to a meal that held promise but could have used some work. Ω

Baba’s Eats & Ales 6148 Mae Anne Ave., 470-8201

Baba’s Eats & Ales is open Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. Learn more at babaseatsandales.com.

by Matt Bieker

m a t t b @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

Noise Palette features (from left) Dave Strawn, Chris Sexton and Miguel Jimenez-Cruz.

Off to market Noise Palette For the past three months, diners at the West Street Market have heard a rotating lineup of professional musicians every Sunday evening. Owners of the Pizza Collective and The DeLuxe sponsor the live entertainment in their communal dining room as part of their plan to support each other’s businesses and the local music scene. “A big inspiration of what we’re doing here is a place in Berkeley called the Cheese Board Pizza Collective,” said Zach Condron, one of the owners of the Pizza Collective. “They have a collective model that kind of inspires what we’re doing, and they also have live music for their lunch and dinner service all days of the week.” Since it opened six months ago, the cooperatively owned Pizza Collective has fostered a sense of community within the West Street Market businesses. Condron, along with Rich Selden of The DeLuxe, decided that, since the market shares a common area, the draw of live music could benefit everyone. “Rich and I, all of us are really dear friends, even the people who are in the kitchen, not just the business owners,” Condron said. “It’s really rad seeing and having comfort around, if everybody’s doing OK, then we’re going to eventually be doing OK as well.” As a long-time fan of jazz music, Condron reached out to some local musicians he had met through the University of Nevada, Reno’s jazz program about serenading the dining room. Chris Sexton, Miguel Jimenez-Cruz and Dave Strawn answered the call and have since created a band they call Noise Palette.

PhOtO//Matt Bieker

“It kind of turned into a group from doing this thing every Sunday,” said Chris Sexton, keyboardist and singer. “Because it was Miguel and Dave and I, and we were like, ‘Hey we’re sounding pretty good. This is fun, and we have good chemistry, so let’s continue to play.’” The members of Noise Palette play different genres and musical styles to keep each session fresh. They’ll switch between standards, instrumental and some originals as they think the room requires. “We kind of change up the genres of music, so it’s not just jazz,” Sexton said. “We’ll try to play, like, some Latin music or Brazilian, or we’ll play funk, just try to change it up a little bit.” They also invite other musicians to take part from week to week. Members of the audience with some musical experience are also welcome to add to the sound. “If someone’s in the audience, and they play saxophone, and they’re like, ‘Hey I know this song, can I come up and jam with you guys?’ like, yeah, we’ll jam out with you,” Sexton said. To Condron, the cooperative aspect of his business filters down to the entertainment as well. Noise Palette currently only plays on Sundays because of the pay rates that Condron and the band personally negotiated. “We had conversations with all of the musicians that come in here about what is a reasonable wage for them to make this sustainable,” Condron said. “A, so we can have good quality musicians coming back, and, B, because that’s part of our principles behind what we’re doing. We’re not trying to penny pinch musicians so we can get money out of them, it’s—the more that we can create sustainable systems and models in what we’re doing, the more it’s going to naturally perpetuate itself.” Ω


775-359-1503 mollymaid.com


Noise Palette plays West Street Market every Sunday from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 310346_4.9_x_5.4.indd 1

10/25/18  8:41 AM 11.01.18    |   RN&R |   19

THURSDAY 11/1 1up

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689


132 West St., (775) 329-2878

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover



The Barbershop: N808 & IceCreams, 10pm, $TBA

Sullivan King, 10pm, $10-$20

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5


Spur Crazy, 9pm, no cover

10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029

Mac Sabbath Nov. 2, 9 p.m.  Crystal Bay Casino  14 Highway 28  Crystal Bay  833-6333

Comedy Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St, Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Rick D’Elia, FriSat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Bill Dawes, Thu, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sun, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Rick D’Elia, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Jamie Lissow, Tu-W, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Kabir Singh, Fri, 6:30pm, $15-$20 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 683-3308: Open Mic Comedy with host Jim Flemming, Sun, 9:30pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Amazing Grace Fundraiser with Jacques Simard, Thu, 7pm,


Deck Heads, 9pm, no cover

10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626

Deck Heads, 9pm, no cover

SUNDAY 11/4 Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsrev iew.com/ren o. Deadline is th e Friday before public ation.


Tab Benoit, Eric Johanson, Jeff McCarty, 7pm, W, $25-$30

255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400


Roger Scimé, 5pm, no cover The Grups, 9pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558



VooDoo Dogz, 9pm, no cover

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

RuPaul’s Drag Race rerun viewing party, drag show, 8:30pm, no cover


Karaoke Night, 9pm, no cover

599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-3355

Drunken Logic, 9pm, no cover

Jimmy Van Deuson, 7pm, no cover DJ Berazz, 10pm, no cover

Michael Dewayne, 8pm, no cover


Rachel Barton Pine, 7pm, $5

Fate Awaits, All Hype No Heart, Erin Drive, 7pm, $5

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652

OverTime, Austin Martin, Who TF Is Justin Time, 8pm, $10

Mike Sherm, 7:30pm, $20


Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

Live music, 9pm, no cover

140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858

juB juB’S THIRST pARLOR 246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484


941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633

20   |   RN&R   |  11.01.18

Trivia Night, 9pm Tu, no cover

Sunday Services with Thee Reverend Rory Dowd, 7pm, $5 donation

Uchi Gang, 8pm, M, no cover Krystal McMullen, 8pm, W, no cover

Sunday Bloody Sunday: Pink Awful, Fine Motor, Our Small Talk, 7pm, $5

Machine Girl, 7pm, M, $7, Alta Luna, 7pm, Tu, $7, Dreamdecay, 8pm, W, $5

241 Duo, 8pm, no cover

3372 N. McCarran Blvd., (775) 825-1988


Karaoke with Matthew Ray, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Fireside, 7pm, no cover

6300 Mae Anne Ave., (775) 787-6300 219 W. Second St., (775) 800-1020

Kindred Souls, 9pm, no cover La Cruda Brunch, Show & Social, 11am, $7-$40



Traditional Irish Session, 7pm, Tu, no cover Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, W, no cover

Lex White, 9pm, no cover Dia de los Muertos celebration with DJ SugarSkull, 9pm, no cover

1099 S. Virginia St., (775) 324-2244


MON-WED 11/5-11/7

Yung Pinch, 7:30pm, $18

All Hype, No Heart, Dearheart, Pink Awful, 8pm, W, $5 Open mic, 7pm, M, no cover Comedy Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover



Living the good Life nightcLub


the Loft

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, $21-$46 Magic After Dark, 9pm, $31-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

Midtown wine bar

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

Arizona Jones, 8:30pm, no cover

Dave Mensing’s Acoustic Burn, 8pm, no cover

Banda Pequeños Musical, Los Canarios, Banda Executora, 11pm, $20

Va Por Nayarit: Banda Salvaje, Banda Executora, 10pm, $TBA

1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960


2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 378-1643

PaddY & irene’S iriSh Pub

Acoustic Wonderland Sessions, 8pm, no cover

Pignic Pub & Patio 235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

Buffalo Moses, S. Kilpatrick, Dave & Cliff, Rachbot, 8pm, $TBA

the PoLo Lounge

Bingo with T-N-Keys, 7pm, no cover

906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-5484

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

PonderoSa SaLoon

106 S. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7210

The Totally Awesome 80s Party with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Margaret Funk Band, DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Steel Rockin’ Karaoke, 8pm, no cover

One Way Street, 8pm, no cover

SParkS Lounge

Drunkin’ Logic, Nick Eng, The Metalbilly Truckers, 9pm, no cover

Ostracized, Oh! The Horror, Divine Era, 9pm, $5-$6

Dead Boys, 8pm, M, $17-$20 Viva Revenge, 8pm, W, $5-$6

Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, Hump Day Groove R&B and Funk Night, 9pm, W, no cover

211 N. Virginia St., renobrewhouse.com

3155 Eastlake Blvd., New Washoe City, (775) 470-8128

Karaoke, 7pm, M, no cover DG Kicks Band, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Nov. 4, 8:30 p.m.  MontBleu Resort  55 Highway 50  Stateline  (800) 648-3353

Tab Benoit

virginia Street brewhouSe waShoe caMP SaLoon

The Devil Makes Three

Saints and Sinners Wednesday Night Blues Syndicate, 8pm, W, no cover

Santos de la Salsa, 8:30pm, $5 Infecto Skeletons RIP Party with Lost Idea, Grimedog, Myke Read, 8pm, $5-$6

1237 Baring Blvd., Sparks, (775) 409-3340

T-N-Keys, 4:30pm, Tu, no cover Nigel St. Hubbins, 7:30pm, W, no cover

Open mic with host Whiskey Preachers, 7pm, W, no cover

Shea’S tavern

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

Magic Fusion, 7pm, M, Tu, W, $21-$46

Jonny Rolling, Elissa Pavelea, 8pm, no cover

76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474 761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7pm, $21-$46

Wednesday Night Jam, 8pm, W, no cover

red dog SaLoon the Saint

MON-WED 11/5-11/7 Canyon Jam/Open Mic, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover

One Way Street, 8:30pm, no cover

1480 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 841-4663 1021 Heavenly Village Way, S.L. Tahoe, (530) 523-8024


Open mic with James Ames, 6pm, Tu, no cover

Brother Dan Palmer, 7pm, no cover

whiSkeY dick’S SaLoon

The Happys, 9pm, no cover

2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., S. L. Tahoe, (530) 544-3425

Nov. 7, 7 p.m.  Cargo Concert Hall  255 N. Virginia St.  398-5400

Open mic, 9pm, M, no cover

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11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   21

AtlAntis CAsino ResoRt spA 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Grand Ballroom 2) Cabaret

Boomtown CAsino

2100 Garson Road, Verdi, (775) 345-6000 1) Events Center 2) Guitar Bar

CARson VAlley inn

Diana Krall Nov. 2, 9 p.m.  Grand Sierra Resort  2500 E. Second St.  789-2000

1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret Lounge

Jimmy B’s Bar & Grill, 180 W. Peckham Lane, Ste. 1070, (775) 686-6737: Karaoke, Fri, 9pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481:Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover. The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste.103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover




MON-WED 11/5-11/7

2) American Made Band, 8pm, no cover

2) American Made Band, 8pm, no cover New Wave Crave, 10pm, no cover

2) American Made Band, 8pm, no cover New Wave Crave, 10pm, no cover

2) New Wave Crave, 10pm, no cover

2) Platinum, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Those Two Girls, 6pm, no cover

2) Paul Covarelli, 5pm, no cover Velvet Duo, 9pm, no cover

2) Paul Covarelli, 5pm, no cover Velvet Duo, 9pm, no cover

2) Jamie Rollins, 6pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover Randy Ide, 6pm, Tu, no cover Jonathan Barton, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Decoy, 7pm, no cover

2) Decoy, 8pm, no cover

2) Decoy, 8pm, no cover

1) DJ Mo Funk, 10pm, no cover

1) DJ Chris English, 10pm, no cover

1) Mac Sabbath, Franks and Deans, 9pm, $15-$20

2) Kuinka, Rainbow Girls, 10pm, no cover

1) Cirque Paris, 7pm, $19.95-$49.95

1) Cirque Paris, 8:30pm, $19.95-$59.95 3) DJ Roni V, 10pm, no cover

1) Cirque Paris, 5pm, 8:30pm, $19.95-$59.95 3) DJ Roni V, 10pm, no cover

2) Throwback Thursdays: Trivia Night, 7pm, no cover

1) Diana Krall, 9pm, $51-$136 2) Blvck List, 10pm, $20

1) Maxwell, 8pm, $45-$125 2) Ja Rule, Ashanti, 10pm, $30

1) Stampede Country Music & Dancing, 8pm, no cover

2) DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

2) DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover


500 N. Virginia St., (775) 329-0711 1) El Jeffe 2) Cabaret

CRystAl BAy CAsino

14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room

eldoRAdo ResoRt CAsino



345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi

GRAnd sieRRA ResoRt

2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theatre 2) LEX 3) Crystal Lounge

HARd RoCk Hotel And CAsino 50 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625 1) Vinyl 2) Center Bar

HARRAH’s lAke tAHoe

montBleU ResoRt CAsino & spA nUGGet CAsino ResoRt

407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) GEH 2) Rum Bullions 3) Aura 4) Silver Baron

22   |   RN&R   |   11.01.18

2) Spin Thursdays, 10pm, no cover

2) Latin Dance Social, 7pm, $10-$20

2) DJ Konflict, 10pm, $20

4) Live music, 9pm, no cover

3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5 4) Live music, 9pm, no cover

1) Cirque Paris, 7pm, Tu, W, $19.95-$49.95

2) Buddy Emmer and guest, 8pm, Tu, no cover

1) George Lopez, 8pm, $80-$120

1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300 1) Nugget Ballroom 2) Celebrity Showroom

silVeR leGACy ResoRt CAsino

1) Cirque Paris, 5pm, $19.95-$49.95

1) The Devil Makes Three, 8:30pm, $32-$35

55 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (800) 648-3353 1) Showroom 2) Opal Ultra-Lounge 3) BLU

2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Terrace Lounge 2) Edge

1) Greensky Bluegrass, Lil Smokies, 8pm, W, $27-$30

1) Andy Grammer, 7:30pm, $33.48-$40

15 Highway 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 1) South Shore Room 2) Casino Center Stage

peppeRmill ResoRt spA CAsino

2) Patrick Major, Tu, W, no cover

2) Karaoke with Rock On Entertainment, 9pm, no cover

FOR THE WEEK OF nOvEmbER 1, 2018 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com.

EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS (DAY OF THE DEAD) COMMUNITY EVENT: There will be crafts for the whole family, traditional folkloric dancers, ofrenda (altar) displays and face painting. Free admission all day. There will be an ofrenda presentation, 6-8pm. The event is co-produced with Western Nevada College Latino Cohort and sponsored by Carson City Cultural Commission. Sat 11/3, 10am-8pm. Free. Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 687-4810.

FIRST THURSDAY: Explore the galleries, enjoy drinks and bites, and listen to music by The Coney Dogs at Nevada Museum of Art’s monthly members’ party. Thu, 11/1, 5pm. $10 general admission, free for NMA members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

FRIDAY BIRD WALKS: Enjoy the vibrant hues of autumn trees and other natural views while searching for songbirds. Meet at the Wilbur D. May Arboretum office at 4pm. There are a limited supply of binoculars to share, so please bring your own if you have them. Fri, 11/2, 4pm. Free. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

GOOD NATURE! WALKING TOURS FOR OLDER ADULTS: Enjoy a stroll in a beautiful,



The University of Nevada, Reno’s Performing Arts Series continues its 2018-2019 season with a performance by this female a cappella quintet from Zimbabwe. The group has drawn international acclaim for its inventive performances that range from traditional Zimbabwean songs to Afro jazz to gospel. The singers’ rich, pure voices and rhythms are accompanied by percussion, traditional instruments such as the Mbira (thumb piano) and dance movements. The result is a joyous celebration of the word “nobuntu,” an African concept that values humbleness, love, unity and family from a woman’s perspective. The group performs at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at Nightingale Concert Hall in the Church Fine Arts Building, 1335 N. Virginia St., at the University of Nevada, Reno. Tickets are $5-$35. Call 784-4278 or visit www.unr.edu/pas.

EvEnTS 3RD ANNUAL FAMILY GALA—A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS: TheatreWorks of Northern Nevada holds its third annual Family Gala featuring a performance of A Charlie Brown Christmas. The event includes photos with Santa, face painting and Christmas crafts, as well as a silent auction, dinner and dessert. There will be pre-show entertainment by Jakki Ford. Sun, 11/4, 4pm. $30-$55. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 284-0789, www.twnn.org.

BARRELS & BITES: The event features more than 100 themed alcohol and spirit booths, food provided by eight local eateries, a silent disco and silent and live auctions with all proceeds benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows. Fri, 11/2, 4-8pm. $75. Tuscany Ballroom, Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., barrelsandbites.com.

BREWS & BITES: Taste Occidental Brewing Company’s German-style beers, enjoy a selection of food from a variety of local restaurants, bid in live and silent auctions and listen to music by Grace Hayes and Drinking with Clowns. Funds raised from this event support grants and scholarships for High Desert Montessori School students and teachers. Sat, 11/3, 5:30pm. $20-$25. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 624-2800.

DISCOVER YOUR WAY: Families with children on the autism spectrum and with sensory processing disorders are given special admission before the public. This monthly program provides an opportunity to enjoy sensory-friendly time at the museum and allows parents to network. Sun, 11/4, 10am. $10-$12. Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery), 490 S. Center St., (775) 786-1000, nvdm.org.

natural environment while learning interesting facts from tour guides. Fri, 11/2, 1pm. Free. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.

MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS: The Carson City Classic Cinema Club holds a screening of the 1944 romantic musical comedy starring Judy Garland. Trivia and discussions start at 6:30pm and the film begins at 7pm. Tue, 11/6, 6pm. $5 general admission, $3 students, seniors, free for members. Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 315-8495, ccclassiccinema.org.

NEVADA STATEHOOD BALL: The Comstock Civil War Reenactors present the annual masquerade ball featuring a no host bar, light supper and music by the Fort Point Garrison Brass Band. Formal or period attire requested, but not required. Sat, 11/3, 7-11pm. $35. Pipers Opera House, 12 N. B St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0433, pipersoperahouse.com.

RECYCLING IN NORTHERN NEVADA: Learn about the impact our waste stream creates on our environment and discover ways that you can help reduce the contamination rate. Sun 11/4, 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

THE RENO BIG SHOW: See more than 1,000 displays of antique and modern firearms, cowboy and western memorabilia, collectibles and more. Fri, 11/2-Sun 11/4, 9am. $12-$20. Reno-Sparks Convention Center, 4590 S. Virginia St., (775) 828-2350, bigrenoshow.com.


Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.

Family Farm hosts the Washoe County School District’s STEM Showcase Punkin’ Chunkin’ event powered by the Reed High School Enterprise Project. Punkin’ Chunkin’ is the sport of launching pumpkins using catapults and trebuchets. Students of all ages will participate in the competition. There will be craft and food vendors on site. The Andelin Family Farm corn maze will be open for visitors. See the catapults and trebuchets and talk with the students who built them during the launching machine showcase, 9-11am. The main event competition of launching pumpkins starts with participating elementary schools and ends with participating high schools, 11am-3pm. The awards ceremony begins at 3pm. Sat, 11/3, 9am. Andelin Family Farm, 8100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, www.andelinfamilyfarm.com.

CAPTIVATING CHARACTERS: The Reno Phil Orchestra, conducted by Laura Jackson, welcomes back violinist Rachel Barton Pine for a performances of Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, op. 26. The program includes Belioz’s Roman Carnival and Brahms’ Symphony No. 1 in C minor, op. 68. Sat, 11/3, 7:30pm; Sun, 11/4, 4pm. $9-$89. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., renophil.com.

KUGLEPLEX: Called the “rockin-est” purveyors of the klezmer genre, this six-piece ensemble plays traditional instrumentals and old-world party music of the East European Jews. Free conversation with the artists at 3pm. The concert follows at 8pm. Sat, 11/3, 8pm. $17-$20. Oats Park Art Center, 151 E. Park St., Fallon, www.churchillarts.org.

WNC EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS CELEBRATION: Latino Outreach and the Associated Students of Western Nevada will present the third annual El Dia De Los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) celebration in the Art Gallery in the Bristlecone Building on Western Nevada College’s Carson City campus. In this traditional Mexican celebration, people honor deceased loved ones and/or heroes by creating an altar that includes their pictures and favorite foods. There will be sugar skull face painting, free pan de muertos and Mexican hot chocolate, games such as la loteria (bingo), el gallito (stomp the balloon) and musical chairs, and a contest as part of the altar display. Thu, 11/1, 11am. Free. Western Nevada College Main Gallery, 2201 W. College Parkway, Carson City, (775) 445-3215, www.wnc.edu.

PAULA ABDUL: The Grammy Award-winning pop singer brings her Straight Up Paula tour, her first solo outing in over 25 years, to Reno. Sun, 11/4, 8pm. $79.50$89.50. Reno Ballroom, 401 N. Center St., (775) 325-7401.

ROD STEWART: The rock/pop singer and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee brings his

Blood Red Roses tour to Reno. Sat, 11/3, 8pm. $103-$303. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

SCOTT HELMER: The rock/country singer

performs. Fri, 11/2, 7pm. $10-$20, free for active military, veterans with ID. Piper’s Opera House, 12 N. B St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0433, pipersoperahouse.com.

YOUNG ADULT WRITERS’ MEETUP: Meet with fellow writers for discussion and writing. Laptops available. Snacks provided. Sat, 11/3, 3pm. Free. South Lake Tahoe Library, 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (530) 573-3185.

NEW KID ON THE BLOCK: Ageless Repertory Theater presents this play by Arthur Sumner Long. Tue, 11/6, 1pm. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org/art-at-rlt.


OnSTAGE ANNE IN HER OWN WORDS: Not only a photographer, Anne Brigman was also a writer, critic, poet and actor who was an advocate for women’s freedom during the suffrage movement and an influential voice in her East Bay Area community. This theatrical presentation, starring Brüka Theater’s Mary Bennett, tells the story of Brigman’s life in her own words. Sat, 11/3, 2pm & 5pm. $18-$20. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

BE A GOOD LITTLE WIDOW: Restless Artists Theater presents Bekah Brunstetter’s sad comedy about loss and longing. Young wife Melody has never been to a funeral—until her husband dies in a plane crash. Expected to instantly assume proper widowhood, Melody is left to wonder, what’s the right way to grieve? Fortunately, her mother-in-law is a professional. Widow, that is. Under her guidance, Melody must try her best to be a good little widow. Fri, 11/2-Sat, 11/3, 7:30pm; Sun, 11/4, 2pm. $8-$20.

Dance Live Tour is a live interpretation of the TV show World of Dance, NBC’s hit dance competition series. The tour consists of 90-minute dance showcases, which include the hottest stars from the television show as well as dance icons from YouTube, along with ticket packages that include special talent meet and greets and an autograph session. Sat, 11/3, 8pm. $29.95-$125. Reno Ballroom, 401 N. Center St., (775) 325-7401.

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN: Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company presents Mel Brooks’ musical comedy adapted from his classic film. Grandson of the infamous Victor Frankenstein, Frederick Frankenstein inherits his family’s estate in Transylvania. With the help of a hunchbacked sidekick and a leggy lab assistant, Frederick finds himself in the mad scientist shoes of his ancestor. He brings to life a creature to rival his grandfather’s. Eventually, of course, the monster escapes and hilarity abounds. Performances are through Nov. 3. Thu, 11/1-Sat, 11/3, 7:30pm. $18-$20. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 322-3716, goodluckmacbeth.org.






Karen James is a noted journalist who specializes in relationships, romance, and sex.


The Amazing Sex Secret of a 78 Year-Old ‘Italian Stallion’

Ask the Expert

“My husband shocked me with more sexual passion than he’s had in years. He took me in the bedroom like we were newlyweds and gave me a night I’ll never forget” The Inside Story on Great Sex! This week I got a letter from a reader about a “little secret” that has made her sex life with her husband absolutely explosive! (Those Texas women are spicy!)

couldn’t believe it. The man looked much too old to be having so much sex.

My husband couldn’t help himself, so he asked the man his secret. The nutritionist smiled, introduced himself as Vito, and told my husband he was 78 years old, his wife 65, and that after 32 years of marriage, their sex life was better than ever. Then he took a small pack from his satchTina writes: el, gave it to my husband, and said ‘’Unlike the weak, Dear Karen, watered down products you have in America, ‘’These tabFor years my husband and I had a great love life. He lets come from a small village near the sea, where they’re was sexy and passionate and so confident. But when he cultivated organically from the most potent sexual extracts reached his 50s, he started to struggle with getting and on earth. Believe me, they will give you a strong desire for keeping an erection. The few times we did have sex, his sex, powerful erections, and a climax like you’ve never erection was definitely softer, leaving us both unsatisfied. felt before! Then he laughed and said ‘’You’ll become an He tried every American product out there; prescriptions, Italian Stallion’’ like me! creams, testosterone, enhancement pills… but nothing Italian Stallion is right! These past several weeks have worked. I know this is terrible, but I found myself think- been a dream. My husband’s desire for me is through the ing ‘’My strong, passionate husband has become a sexual roof. He takes me whenever he wants, and he even wakes weakling.’’ I had no idea it would all turn around in just up most days with a ‘morning salute!’ like he did years 3 weeks! ago. I love it! He’s a sexual powerhouse, beaming with Last month, he came home from a business trip in Eu- confidence, and our marriage is stronger than ever. rope and shocked me with more sexual energy and passion than he’s had in years. Hard as a rock, he tossed me around the bedroom like we were newlyweds’ and gave me a night I’ll never forget! It was incredible – and so exciting! He flat wore me out that night and it’s been like that ever since. His erections are harder than ever, and the best part is his climax is so long and powerful, they spark the most intense, toe-curling ‘moments’ I’ve ever had! So here we are, enjoying the best sex of our lives… in our late 50’s!

Karen, here’s why I’m writing you. The pack of tablets is about to run out and we both desperately want more. I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find them. Do you know anything about these “super-sex tablets” from Europe and how to get some here in the States? Sincerely, Tina C., Fort Worth, TX

Milled on the fertile plains of northern Europe, Provarin’s extracts are harvested along the Baltic Sea where pure seeds, nutrient-rich soil, and perfect weather conditions combine to deliver maximum sexual potency. Famous for fueling extremely hard erections and long, intense orgasms, Provarin has a legendary reputation throughout the European sexual underground. As Giovanni from Milan put it, “It’s like sexual rocket fuel - especially for us older guys!” The best part from a woman’s perspective, as you well know, is the extreme hardness and ongoing power is enough to send us over the blissful edge! I found out about Provarin a few years ago when I was dating a cowboy from Wyoming. He took Provarin every morning - and oh my, that good ol’ boy sure rocked my nights! All-natural and safe to take, Provarin is still a well-kept secret for those in the know, and they like to keep it that way. It’s an old-school, family business and they don’t do any advertising. They don’t need to. Long-time customers and word of mouth ensures their limited stock is sold out every year. They do have a distributer here in the U.S. and a spokesman told me they were proud to produce the highest quality product for men and couples. He went on to offer that if any of my readers call today and mention this article, they’ll get a one-time 55% discount, PLUS an additional pack of 30 tablets completely free, AND it will be shipped today!

So there you go, Tina - and the rest of you readers! Use the VIP hotline he gave me so you can be on and off in 3 minutes or less. This offer is only good while supplies last Tina, you and the rest of my readers are in luck because so just give them a call today and mention this article. The When I asked my husband what caused such a dramat- I do know about these secret European sex tablets. Ever number is 1-800-585-1867. ic change, he said on his trip he stayed in a hotel room wonder why older men from Italy and all over Europe are Aren’t you glad you asked? next to an Italian nutritionist and his wife. Through the known worldwide for staying energized, sexually passionate well into their 80’s? Well, for years, these men have walls, he heard them passionately making love every single night, and sometimes again in the morning. One relied on a unique blossom seed extract called Provarin to afternoon, he saw the husband leave their room and he enhance their sexual power and performance. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Dramatic portrayal. Results atypical. Your results may vary. In order to assure confidentiality, identifying details, scenarios have been changed, modified or fictionalized. Always consult your health care provider before taking any supplement. 311654_10_x_10.5.indd 24   |   RN&R 1  |   11.01.18

10/19/18 11:33 AM


Business meating A man asked me for my number at an event, saying he wanted to take me to dinner. I told him I’d just ended a relationship and wasn’t ready to date. Of course, he then said it’d be a business dinner, and I consented and wrote my number down. I feel that I had bad boundaries and wish a) he hadn’t been so forward and b) I hadn’t given my number. How could I handle this better in the future? I’m a pretty assertive woman, so my collapsing under pressure was disturbing. To understand why you—“a pretty assertive woman”—basically defaulted to smileyface emoji mode when the poo emoji better fit the bill, it helps to know a few things about the psychology of personality. There are five major domains of personality that drive how a person acts—and they tend to be fairly stable across time and situations. These include conscientiousness—which reflects a person’s level of self-control and sense of responsibility to others. Another is extroversion—reflecting where a person falls on a spectrum from outgoingness to seeing social events as a form of torture that should have been banned by the Geneva Conventions. Researchers find that women across cultures—whether rating their own personality or being rated by others—consistently come out higher than men in one of these personality domains: “agreeableness.” This is a “nice girl/nice guy” personality trait that plays out in kindness, generosity, warmth and a strong motivation to have positive interactions with others. It makes sense that women—on average, smaller and weaker than men—would be higher in agreeableness. Psychologist Joyce Benenson, who researches sex differences from infancy on, believes that women’s tendency to default to polite acquiescence in the face of conflict is an evolved tactic to reduce their chances of being physically harmed. As a woman, it’s likely you’re a high scorer in the agreeableness department. However, as anthropologist Jerome Barkow points out, “biology is destiny only if we ignore it.” Recognizing your propensity to be “nice” allows you to preplan to act in your best interest—have prepared answers for creative

pursuers like this guy. For example: 1. You’re not ready to date. 2. You’re happy to take a phone call to see whether there might be a business opportunity. This should help you separate potentially lucrative business propositions from tarted-up versions of “There’s a very important meeting you simply must attend—in my pants.”

Droop-dead gorgeous I lost a bunch of weight after a horrible breakup. I’m eating healthful food now. But I’m very aware that I’m one of those flabby skinny people. I used to go to the gym regularly, but I stopped, and now it’s been two years. How can I motivate myself? Consider that unless there’s a national disaster or a wizard turns you into a decorative porch owl, you are physically capable of getting to the gym. Make a pledge to yourself that no matter how unmotivated you are to go there, you will just go. This “just do it” method, giving yourself no choice in the matter, is important, because according to studies by psychologist Phillippa Lally and others, repetition leads to habit acquisition. To unpack what this means, behaviors you repeat become automatic—meaning you eventually just do them mindlessly; deciding whether to do them is no longer part of the process. To kick off the campaign for the new gym-going you, do this robo-gymgoing thing every day for two weeks, and then you can pull back to whatever your normal gym schedule would be. Give yourself a sense of accomplishment by monitoring your behavior. Check off days you go work out on a goal attainment app, or just color them in on a calendar. Giving yourself visual evidence of your progress should help you stay motivated during that time period before the physical results start to show. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

11.01.18    |   RN&R   |   25

Free will astrology

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For the week oF November 1, 2018

Phone hours: M-F 9am-5pm. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message.

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): You have officially

arrived at the heart of the most therapeutic phase of your cycle. Congratulations! It’s an excellent time to fix what’s wrong, hurt or distorted. You will attract more help than you can imagine if you summon an aggressive approach toward finding antidotes and cures. A good way to set the tone for your aggressive determination to feel better is to heed this advice from poet Maya Angelou: “Take a day to heal from the lies you’ve told yourself and the ones that have been told to you.”

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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): U2’s singer, Bono,

born under the sign of Taurus, says that all of us suffer from the sense that something’s missing from our lives. We imagine that we lack an essential quality or experience, and its absence makes us feel sad and insufficient. French philosopher Blaise Pascal referred to this emptiness as “a God-shaped hole.” Bono adds that “you can never completely fill that hole,” but you may find partial fixes through love and sex, creative expression, family, meaningful work, parenting, activism and spiritual devotion. I bring this to your attention, Taurus, because I have a strong suspicion that in the coming weeks you will have more power to fill your God-shaped hole than you’ve had in a long time.

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are clichés, right? Ready-to-wear, one-sizefits-all. I doubt if it’s even possible to have an original desire anymore.” So says a character in Gemini author Tobias Wolff’s short story, Sanity. Your assignment in the coming weeks, Gemini, is to refute and rebel against this notion. The cosmic rhythms will work in your favor to the degree that you cultivate innovative yearnings and unique urges. I hope you’ll make it your goal to have the experiences necessary to stir up an outbreak of original desires.

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CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you’re a typical mem-

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26   |   rN&r   |   11.01.18

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Most of our desires

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ber of the Cancerian tribe, you’re skilled at responding constructively when things go wrong. Your intelligence rises up hot and strong when you get sick or rejected or burned. But if you’re a classic Crab, you have less savvy in dealing with triumphs. You may sputter when faced with splashy joy, smart praise or lucky breaks. But everything I just said is meant to be a challenge, not a curse. One of the best reasons to study astrology is to be aware of the potential shortcomings of your sign so you can outwit and overcome them. That’s why I think that eventually you’ll evolve to the point where you won’t be a bit flustered when blessings arrive. And the immediate future will bring you excellent opportunities to upgrade your response to good fortune.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Each of us needs some-

thing of an island in her life,” said poet John Keats. “If not an actual island, at least some place, or space in time, in which to be herself, free to cultivate her differences from others.” According to my reading of the astrological omens, Leo, you’ll be wise to spend extra time on your own island in the next two weeks. Solitude is unlikely to breed unpleasant loneliness but will instead inspire creative power and evoke inner strength. If you don’t have an island yet, go in search! (P.S. I translated Keats’ pronouns into the feminine gender.)

to create inspiring forms of togetherness. My soul would celebrate if you got access to new wealth that enabled you to go in quest of spiritual fun and educational adventures. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be thrilled about you spending extra cash on trivial desires or fancy junk you don’t really need. Here’s why I feel this way: To the extent that you seek more money to pursue your most righteous cravings, you’re likely to get more money.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Penetralia” is a

word that means the innermost or most private parts, the most secret and mysterious places. It’s derived from the same Latin term that evolved into the word “penetrate.” You Scorpios are of course the zodiac’s masters of penetralia. More than any other sign, you’re likely to know where the penetralia are, as well as how to get to them and what to do when you get to them. I suspect that this tricky skill will come in extra handy during the coming weeks. I bet your intimate adeptness with penetralia will bring you power, fun and knowledge.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian poet

Rainer Maria Rilke suggested that we cultivate an alertness for the ever-present possibility of germination and gestation. On a regular basis, he advised, we should send probes down into the darkness, into our unconscious minds, to explore for early signs of awakening. And when we discover the forces of renewal stirring there in the depths, we should be humble and reverent toward them, understanding that they are as-yet beyond the reach of our ability to understand. We shouldn’t seek to explain and define them at first, but simply devote ourselves to nurturing them. Everything I just said is your top assignment in the coming weeks.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’re in a phase

of your cycle when your influence is at a peak. People are more receptive than usual to your ideas and more likely to want the same things you do. Given these conditions, I think the best information I can offer you is the following meditation by Capricorn activist Martin Luther King Jr. “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian environ-

mentalist Edward Abbey spent much of his life rambling around in the great outdoors. He was an emancipated spirit who regarded the natural world as the only church he needed. In an eruption of ecstatic appreciation, he once testified, “Life is a joyous dance through daffodils beneath cerulean blue skies and then, then what? I forget what happens next.” And yet the truth is, Abbey was more than a wild-hearted Dionysian explorer in the wilderness. He found the discipline and diligence to write 23 books! I mention this, Aquarius, because now is a perfect time for you to be like the disciplined and diligent and productive version of Abbey.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): For renowned

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I’m rooting for you

Piscean visual artist Anne Truitt (1921-2004), creating her work was high adventure. She testified that artists like her had to “catapult themselves wholly, without holding back one bit, into a course of action without having any idea where they will end up. They are like riders who gallop into the night, eagerly leaning on their horse’s neck, peering into a blinding rain.” Whether or not you’re an artist, Pisces, I suspect your life in the coming weeks may feel like the process she described. And that’s a good thing! A fun thing! Enjoy your ride.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Of course I want you to

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at www.realastrology.com.

to engage in experimental intimacy, Virgo. I hope you’ll have an affinity for sweet blends and incandescent mixtures and arousing juxtapositions. To get in the right mood for this playful work, you could read love poetry and listen to uplifting songs that potentize your urge to merge. Here are a few lyrical passages to get you warmed up. 1. “Your flesh quivers against mine like moonlight on the sea.” —Julio Cortázar. 2. “When she smiles like that she is as beautiful as all my secrets.” —Anne Carson. 3. “My soul is alight with your infinitude of stars … The flowers of your garden blossom in my body.” —Rabindranath Tagore. 4. “I can only find you by looking deeper, that’s how love leads us into the world.” —Anne Michaels.

have more money. I’d love for you to buy experiences that expand your mind, deepen your emotional intelligence and foster your ability



magazine—including billing, distribution, editing, writing, all the freelance procurement of talent, and the development of that talent as far as interns go.

Oliver X

It seems nice and cush to me, coming from the weekly business.

So, Reno Tahoe Tonight’s final issue? Final issue was in October. That was it. We’re going to still do a little bit of online stuff—a little bit. … I have a Paula Abdul article that I did, an interview with her the other day, and she was the sweetest person in the world, oh, my god. So I need to post that in advance of her November 4 event at the Silver Legacy, and then just a couple of little pieces, and then I’m just going to shift over to StreetSeen as my journalistic platform.

What’s StreetSeen? StreetSeen is my new company. Basically, it’s a glorified poster and distribution company. It sort of evolved out of the business-to-business distribution that I did for years myself with the magazine. Building retail relationships with small businesses to take the magazine developed the opportunity for me to do collateral distribution of printed


The media landscape in Reno just got a little less interesting. Monthly magazine Reno Tahoe Tonight’s October issue is its last. RTT publisher, editor, writer, salesman, and kitchen sink repairman Oliver X is still the chairman of the board of Artown For more information, visit www. streetseenllc.com.

materials at the point of sale and in windows and stuff. And that multiplied and just blossomed from just a side thing to the dominant thing that took over the magazine, basically. I can do with StreetSeen what I could not do with the magazine, because I do not have to print the material. I’m just taking collateral given to me—sometimes we’ll make posters if people don’t know how. I never got any of the big casino accounts in print because we were just too racy. ... I remember the Peppermill told me, “People just don’t get it. They don’t get the magazine. They want to know, “Oh, is this what we do tonight here in Reno?” No, it’s really a hyper locals thing that’s uncensored and goes beyond just entertainment, and it never fit into a really neat box. … Ultimately, why I stopped it was because I’m not a hobbyist. I like to immerse myself in a thing … With 14 things, literally, that I did in the

Ha! I feel the same way when people tell me they put out a quarterly. … You’re never off, and what happens being never off—I saw elements of my personality changing. I saw my stress level change. I saw my health degrade a little bit. And I wanted to catch it now because I saw my father work himself to death. He worked at McDonnell Douglas. He was a trade unionist there as a spot welder—a career guy, 27 years. And it just chewed him, and he died young. I just wanted to work smarter and have vacations, things like that. And the print industry is just such a grind. I do love it, and what I’ll probably do with our legacy ... is put out an anthology of the year in pictures every year.

The photography and the design always looked so great. Thanks, man. That’s a huge compliment to my team and to the talent here. Because in a tiny community we have world class photography. People from other places come here and see the photography and say, “Wow!” for the ADDYs and the Nevada Press Association awards, et cetera.

Did you make it 10 years? Almost. Feb. 6 would have been our tenth year. … So we did about 105 issues, officially. It was a good run, and the support of the community was huge. Ω


One man’s family The book is by Craig Unger, and it’s House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump. It’s jaw-dropping in its scope and revelations. But the simple and main takeaway is this—the entire Republican Party is in the Russian mob’s pocket. Meaning that we can go back a few years to a steaming shithead like Mississippi crackerchoker Trent Lott (remember that asshole?) and find him after his Senate days taking millions working as a lobbyist for Gazprombank, Russia’s largest peddler of natural gas. Meaning that vile greedhead oligarchs have pumped millions into the campaigns of villainous GOP asshats like Rubio, Graham, and, of course, McConnell, all treasonous hypocrites of exceptional quality. It’s not just Dum Dum, who’s raked in billions with a B over the years selling his garish condos to Russian mobsters so they can launder their thievings. The entire

Republican Party is absolutely filthy with Russian money. These fucking assholes are playing us all for schmucks, clowning us every day with lie after lie out of their ridiculous mouths. So you know why we vote for Democrats? Because they aren’t in on the take. Big Daddy Putin hated both Hillary and Barack, and, goddammit, that tells you all you need to know. (Unger to Russian source: “Does Putin indeed have sexual kompromat on Trump, like the Steele Dossier claims?” Source, after spitting his drink out through his nostrils: “Are you kidding? They’ve got a Nice Fat File on Donny Boy. And there’s a lot better stuff in there than that tired old pee pee tape.”) To hang on to the houses of Congress, Trump and his lackeys are now bombarding America with an utterly unprecedented Blizzard of Bullshit that smacks

of completely desperate flailing. I remember a great cover of National Lampoon magazine in ’71, where there was a dog on the cover, and the dog had a gun to its head. The caption was simply, “Buy this magazine or we kill the dog.” That pretty much sums up the ReTrumplican approach in the last days of this campaign—Vote for us or we kill the dog. Because what else do they have? They got nothing. Nothing but lies, fear and bullshit (an excellent and spot-on summation of the current GOP platform). We may not be financial big shots or billionaire fat cats. But we ain’t schmucks. We’re good, decent people, and we ache every week watching Agent Orange and his pathetic Maelstrom of Mendacities. So let’s vote in such a way that King Deplorable will roar with pissy rage throughout Election Night. Good times! Ω






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