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New kids oN the block

elemeNtary school mural completed see arts&Culture, page 16

see arts&Culture, page 16



E U S IS 2018

RN&R’s annual showcase of student artwork RENo’s














2   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

EMail lEttERS to RENolEttERS@NEwSREviEw.coM.

Sunday drive

Another vote for Noah

Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. Margot and I took the kids up to Virginia City over the weekend. It was just a fun little endof-spring-break day trip—a short Sunday drive, followed by a stroll along C Street’s boardwalk and then dinner at the excellent Cafe Del Rio. Virginia City is nearly exactly the same as I remember it from visits when I was a kid, starting more than three decades ago. Of course, the folks up there would like you to believe the city hasn’t changed much at all since, like, 1880, so I guess the short distance back to, say, 1990 isn’t that surprising. There are more Trump bumper stickers there now, and many of the pedestrians were walking around staring at sci-fi phones, but other than that, the place looked much the same as it did back in Ye Olde 1990s. On the way up Geiger Grade, we stopped at the lookout point that overlooks the valley below. That view looks a lot different than it did when I was a kid. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned in these pages before, I spent my teen years in Virginia Foothills. Back then, it was a relatively isolated neighborhood—a few dozen homes nestled up against the Virginia Range along the eastern side of the valley floor. We were half way between Reno and Virginia City, which always felt like some kind of metaphor. There was basically no development between our neighborhood and Rattlesnake Mountain. There was no Double Diamond neighborhood, no Damonte Ranch High School, no Home Depot, no Walmart. Now, from that perch along Geiger Grade—or even just by looking at, say, Google Maps— it’s possible to see how the city has stretched south, filling in all the gaps.

Noah Christiansen, 17-year-old student at McQueen High, used the “F” word in a call to U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei. Amodei’s office retaliated by calling the McQueen school, reporting the incident. Such hypocrisy from Amodei, who has never criticized the foul language of Mr. Trump (remember “s-hole”?). Would every student and citizen in Washoe County call Amodei’s office and leave a message urging Amodei to actually do something in terms of reasonable gun legislation? Mr. Amodei, you are lucky Mr. Christiansen is too young to run against you. Quit bullying students and get to work. Richard Bissett Sparks

—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne wsrev i ew . com

Well invested Re “Are the kids alright?” (Let Freedom Ring, April 5): This article begins with the observation that “Public policy should not be, but too often is, based on raw emotion.” In the case of gun laws, public policy is not based on raw emotion, rather it is based upon the NRA buying the “best government money can buy.” The Washington Post’s Feb. 15, 2018, article entitled “Have your representatives in Congress received donations from the NRA?” reports that since 1998, the NRA has donated $4.1 million to current members of Congress. Due to NRA lobbying, since 1987 Florida cities and counties have been preempted by the state from enacting tighter gun control measures. Local officials enacting local gun ordinances stricter than the state’s laws can be fined $5,000, be held personally responsible for any lawsuits, and face removal from office. So much for local government’s power to reflect the will of its citizens. As for Mr. Trainor’s statistical analysis of relative risks, I suspect that a corresponding

Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Jeri Chadwell Arts Editor Kris Vagner Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Matt Bieker, Bob Grimm, Andrea Heerdt, Shaun Hunter, Holly

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statistical analysis could be developed for the likelihood of a black being lynched in the South from the end of the Civil War to the present. Does Mr. Trainor oppose the vaccination of children against common diseases, e.g. DPT vaccinations, because a child faces little risk of contracting such a disease? The April 19, 2018, issue of “High Country News” published a list of five types of gun laws favored by the nation’s Founding Fathers, who enacted the Second Amendment. I urge the RN&R to republish that information. Donald Schreiber Incline Village Editor’s note: Readers might want to know that the type of law described by Mr. Schreiber as existing in Florida has also been in Nevada law books since 1989, though its provisions are somewhat different. It is Nevada Revised Statute 244.364.

Endangered Earth When listening to NPR, I heard a story about the decline of the Wright whale. It seems they are being decimated by ship strikes and drowning while being caught in abandoned fishing nets. Biologists also reported that during the recent calving season they did not see any whale babies. In Sudan, the last male northern white rhino died in mid-March because of loss of habitat and the near religious belief that ground rhino horn was good for your sex life. It’s not! These are magnificent animals that are going the way of the dodo bird. As an environmentalist, I am concerned. I want all our children to enjoy and be aware of these animals. There are also endangered animals, such as bees, that are instrumental to our survival. Does anyone care? Earth is where our children live. We should not destroy it. Don McKechnie Sparks

Advertising Consultants Myranda Keeley, Kambrya Blake Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Brandi Palmer, Brittany Alas, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, Lucas Proctor, Marty Troye, Patrick L’Angelle, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Brandi Palmer, Olga Barska, Rosie Martinez President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Project Coordinator Natasha VonKaenel Director of People & Culture David Stogner Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Accounts Receivable Specialist Analie Foland

Sweetdeals Coordinator Hannah Williams Developer John Bisignano System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Michelle Carl N&R Publications Associate Editor Laura Hillen N&R Publications Writer Anne Stokes, Rodney Orosco Marketing & Publications Consultants Steve Caruso, Joseph Engle, Elizabeth Morabito, Traci Hukill Cover design: Maria Ratinova Featured art: Sierra Espinoza







Correction Re “Secret plans” (cover story, April 5): In our article on Reno motels and housing, we reported that information we quoted on a Chicago affordable housing ordinance came from the news site This is Reno. It should have been attributed to a story written by Mike Higdon in the Reno Gazette Journal. We apologize for the error.


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4   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18


Political interest as a teen? aSked at the MatheWSon igt knoWledge center, 1664 n. Virginia St.

Sahar Sedigh Neuroscience student

I didn’t really care about any political issues, except maybe leaving the country—because I’m from Iran. So, maybe political issues between countries and traveling.

a aron do Mechanical engineering student

If I think back to, like, middle school, probably LGBT issues. I had a few friends who were kind of in the closet, and they felt uncomfortable exposing who they were. That touched home to me, because I had friends who struggled with the situation. This was probably 2010. Mat t Woodard Mechanical engineering student

A century of crime On March 28, 1923, distressed by the behavior of men in the capitol, young women in Washington, D.C., formed an Anti-Flirting Club. It was a time when, sensibilities being what they were, stronger language did not exist for what bothered them—not that it mattered, since D.C. is on a verrrrrry slowwwwww learning curve. How slow? This slow: Ninety-five years later to the day, on March 23, 2018, every woman U.S. senator gathered to demand action on the same problem. Fortunately, in the intervening years, a vocabulary that does not tiptoe around the issue has developed: “Survivors who have bravely come forward to share their stories have brought to light just how widespread harassment and discrimination continue to be throughout Capitol Hill,” the senators wrote in a joint statement. “No longer can we allow the perpetrators of these crimes to hide behind a 23-year-old law.” They were talking about 1995’s Congressional Accountability Act, prescribing how harassment claims are dealt with on Capitol Hill. It’s part of the problem that Congress thinks it needs a law of its own to govern its behavior instead of just putting itself under the same state and local laws under which all our other citizens must live. The truth is that Congress still takes crimes against women too casually, that members do not really think of things like harassment as crimes. This was demonstrated clearly with the disclosure that Connecticut’s Rep. Elizabeth Esty, a Democrat, took three months to get rid of her chief of staff after he threatened to kill a female staffer.

Esty is stepping down at the end of her term, but that is not a systemic remedy. The 22 women senators want the Accountability Act reformed, and the House has been more inclined to do this job than the Senate. The Act “continues to require survivors to endure an antiquated dispute resolution process, including a month of counseling sessions, forced mediation and a 30-day ‘cooling off’ period before a victim can make a decision whether to pursue justice in a courtroom or continue with administrative procedures,” the senators wrote. House and Senate staffers are treated differently in the legal aid that is available to them. The House changed the law in February. Inaction in the Senate prompted the 22 senators to speak out. It also sparked the creation of Congress Too, a congressional staffers group that is agitating for change. The organization wants voluntary counseling and mediation support for accusers plus disclosure of legislator settlements. “Many current and former staff have spoken publicly about their own experiences, often describing a climate of fear, a burdensome and confusing reporting process, and a system designed to protect congressional offices at the expense of victims” the group said. Does anyone believe that if Mitch McConnell took the issue seriously, or if it were a measure dealing with school prayer or Benghazi, the Senate would have acted with the same dispatch as the House? Granted that the Republican majorities have their hands fully trying to live with a president with grabby little hands of his own, the House still managed to act. Why not the Senate, Mr. Heller? Ω

Environmental issues. That’s what I gave a shit about, when it came to political issues. I don’t care too much about politics. I would say environmental issues, because I care about the environment. Global warming—that was something that we were learning a lot when we were younger.

eddie Ferrigno Business student

The issue I cared about as a kid was drug regulation. Back then, I was kind of tired of just watching my family do drugs and go through drug abuse—not my immediate family but, like, my cousins and such.

Jacob ParriSh Mining engineering grad student

I guess what I cared about when I was a teen probably was college tuition costs—basically the cost of education was my main concern.

04.12.18    |   RN&R   |   5


Love of country “Democrats hate our President more than they love our country” tweeted GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel recently, managing to capture the insanely ironic delusions of President Trump and his supporters in just 10 words. It’s worth noting that McDaniel used to be known as Ronna Romney McDaniel before she complied with President Trump’s request that she remove her maiden name to avoid reminding him of her uncle who famously called Trump a phony and a fraud. Now that Gov. Romney has moved to Utah to run for a U.S. Senate seat, he’s trying to position himself to the right of Trump on immigration, denying the Dreamers a future in the only home most of them have ever known, stating, “I draw the line and say, those who’ve come illegally should not be given a special path to citizenship.” But Dreamers love their adopted country despite the GOP’s rejection. The McDaniel tweet is rich with irony, considering how Republicans made no secret of opposing the policies of our

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nation’s last president simply because he was a Democrat. Who can forget then-Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s bold proclamation that “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” This goal hardly puts country before party. McDaniel’s tweet is designed to divide us. It begs the question of whether it is patriotic to continue to blindly support a president even when his behavior is contrary to a group’s righteously proclaimed values just because he’s not a Democrat. Ask white evangelicals who ignore Trump’s numerous and seedy extramarital affairs with porn actresses and starlets. Ask budget hawks who have looked the other way as our deficit has grown and grown so the rich can have more money. Ask conservatives who see nothing wrong with unqualified Cabinet secretaries—think Betsy DeVos at Education or Ben Carson at HUD. What about all those Cabinet secretaries’

reckless, greedy use of taxpayer money for luxury travel and high-end office furniture, or the practice of allowing their family members to infiltrate government offices? And we haven’t even touched the ethical transgressions of people appointed by the president—for instance, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and his sweet Capital Hill housing supplied by an energy lobbyist at such an obscenely low price it basically qualifies as something akin to a bribe, not to mention the $2,460 in taxpayer dollars used to repair the condo door when Pruitt’s security detail had to break in when his office thought he must be unconscious because he wasn’t responding during business hours. Turns out he was taking a nap. Now the President has nominated his personal physician—who has never managed anything bigger than the president’s ego—to lead one of our most important and complex government agencies, the Veterans Administration. Dr. Ronny Jackson will take over from Obama appointee Dr.

David Shulkin, who had his own ethical lapses last summer while traveling with his wife on government business in England. Secretary Shulkin wrote a blistering editorial in the New York Times after his firing-bytweet, the President’s favorite way of getting rid of his senior staff, warning the nation that Trump shoved him to the side to make room for someone who will follow the Koch brothers’ plans to privatize the V.A. After all, there is still more money to be made during the Trump years. Who are these people? Who are we that we allow this behavior? Why don’t Republicans revolt and demand that their party leaders stop the blaming and shaming and denigration of those who disagree with the President’s actions? Instead of emulating Trump’s bullying behavior, McDaniel should consider that Democrats and many Americans of other political persuasions oppose the President precisely because we do love our country. Ω

by Brendan Trainor

A message in pop culture? Election season is underway, with the Washoe County conventions for both major parties in April starting the road to the June primaries. The outcome will largely depend on who can judge the mood of the public well enough to win. Perhaps the reboots of two successful television situation comedies can give us a clue. Will & Grace is credited with bringing gay people into U.S. homes in a upper middle class setting that helped the nation welcome gay marriage. While popular, the reboot likely will cover a lot of ground that has already been well plowed. But the first two episodes of the new Roseanne show triggered untold numbers of snowflakes while racking up such impressive ratings it was immediately extended for another season. What does this tell us? Is it because Roseanne likes Trump, or does it tell us more about ourselves than her? Roseanne, the “domestic goddess,” need not explain herself. White working class men and women who struggle

daily to make sense of a world they can survive in, but harbor no expectations of real advancement anytime soon, worship her divinity. Her daughter is trying to get ahead by becoming a 43-year old surrogate mother. What’s next, selling organs? If that’s what it takes to keep the Connor family together, one expects they would do it. Roseanne Barr grew up both Jewish and Mormon. She tried to win the 2012 presidential nomination of the Green Party. She ran for president as the Peace and Freedom Party nominee instead, and her vice presidential candidate, Cindy Sheehan, became so upset over Barr’s views that she stopped campaigning. Is Roseanne confused, or exploiting her Roseanne persona for her Twitter followers? Maybe the latter. The more likely explanation is that people see in her their own divergent views of the world. Why isn’t there a party that is pro-choice but against taxes and regulations, like Roseanne is?

Members of the U.S. public have a low opinion of government and both political parties, the lowest in years. They distrust the media even more than politicians. They may be regrouping, forming new alliances of interest and ideology. People are complex, and, like the Red Queen, can often believe six contradictory ideas before breakfast. The political system is dominated by two old parties that disagree about the small things, like culture wars, but too often agree on the major issues, like passing omnibus spending bills that threaten our future. It’s rare to see lower working-class whites featured on television. That’s surprising because such shows are often big hits. But The Honeymooners and All in the Family were not organized around a matriarch. Roseanne brings her oversized female ego to the fight, and no man can stand up to her. Deep down, Roseanne is, after all, a Hollywood sitcom, and is sweet and

accepting as all such programs are. Roseanne’s nine-year-old grandson who likes to dress in girls clothes because the colors pop is accepted and protected by her. Roseanne reportedly fought to have a black girl in the cast. All that should not surprise anyone. Working-class whites who voted for Trump often have diverse families. They just don’t like diversity rubbed in their faces. What if the boy wants a sex change in a couple of years? Will the show challenge network standards and practices to touch the political minefield of early teen transexualism? No matter, her fans will still love her. Democrats can only wish they appealed to working-class whites like Roseanne does. Republicans know they cannot take her fans for granted and have to keep delivering, or they will stay home in November. Ω



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04.12.18    |   RN&R   |   7

by Dennis Myers

RecoRds Request upheld The Nevada Supreme Court has unanimously reversed a decision by a district court judge who ruled that public records on private devices need not be turned over to the public. The case involved ongoing disputes between Comstock Lode residents and Comstock Mining Inc., plus members of the Lyon County Board of Commissioners. After a 2013 vote on zoning for development, the Comstock Residents Association filed a public records request for records in public custody and also private phone records and emails by county commissioners. Lyon County supplied the records it held and some public records created on private devices. The CRA filed suit to obtain the rest of the records. Retired Washoe County Judge Steven Kosach, who sat on the case, ruled that the public records held privately need not be turned over. Lyon County had argued that because state law requires that public records must be “open at all times during office hours,” this requirement identifies what records are public. Kosach agreed. But the Supreme Court said, in effect, that when officials create government records on private devices, the public’s interest follows those records onto the devices, so officials may not avoid disclosure simply by switching from public to private equipment. The justices pointed to two previous cases, one involving Clark County Detention Center call records and another dealing with Gov. Jim Gibbons’ emails, to point out that they have previously “compelled the production of public records where they have been in the possession of private parties.” Lyon County also contended that it does not have custody of the privately created public records, and Kosach supported that argument. But the justices noted that Nevada Revised Statute 239.005 reads in part that the statutory term “governmental entity” includes “An elected or appointed officer of this State or of a political subdivision of this State.” Therefore, the justices found, the commissioners who created the public records on their private devices “are government entities … and their custody of the requested records would satisfy the requirement of legal custody” under the law. Finally, the county argued that the public records on private devices were not official records and were not paid for with public funds. (The devices were not supplied to the commissioners by the county.) The court did not directly address these issues but said its analysis on the issue of whether the records on private devices also applied to the issues of whether the records are official and whether private property rights interfere with delivery of the records to the public. The court conceded that public records may be mixed in with private records, but said they can be sorted out at the district court level. The court vote was 7-0. The ruling can be read at nvcourts.gov/supreme.

—Dennis Myers






One row of booths at the cannabis trade show, crowded with merchants. PHOTO/DENNIS MYERS

FIne tunIng

Normal A new industry gets practical In the meeting rooms at a downtown hotel last weekend, a trade show was held. As readers can see in the photo above, it looked like any other trade show. But this one was not for beauty supplies or textile machinery. It was for marijuana. For those who still get a sense of unreality from marijuana billboards or dispensaries, the trade show would have been even more unexpected. Called the Reno Cannabis Convention, it was all about commerce—vendors were marketing packaging, security, insurance, humidity control, solar gear, farm implements, well digging, bookkeeping, fertilizers, watering systems, beverage carbonation, confectioners’ supplies, aeration equipment, and heat and lighting technology. There was not the tone of whimsy one might have expected. Most participants were serious about their businesses, though some humor was unavoidable in the trappings of the event, such as product names (Smoking Screws), and it was hard to avoid the conclusion that some of these products could usefully have showed up a couple of decades earlier (smell-proof bags). Professionals were on hand to offer their marijuana-tailored services, though banking seemed to be one such field that

was missing. And here, as in every field, there were “consultants.” Politics was not pronounced, but there was awareness that while state governments have created a frontier, a federal sword of Damocles still hangs over it. Thus, a Las Vegas chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has been revived and had a booth. An organizing meeting for a Reno chapter was held at a downtown restaurant after the trade show. “We’ve been wanting to start a Reno chapter for quite a while,” said Nevada NORML spokesperson Chris Thompson. Here and there were individuals or entities trying to ride the new field of commerce to success. A Colorado firm that publishes a magazine—Sensi—in that pioneering state has just issued number one of a Las Vegas edition. “We’ve been around for two years,” said Sensi associate publisher Daniel Asarch. The magazine’s slogan is “The New Normal,” and the term is coming on fast in the legal marijuana field. Marijuana marketers are trying hard to replace the feeling of unreality about legal marijuana with a feeling of business as usual.

There are still people alive who remember the last time marijuana was legal and normal. Though it surprises some, the illegality of marijuana is a relatively recent development—1937 and the enactment by Congress of the Marihuana Tax Act over the objections of the American Medical Association but with the support of alcohol and timber industries. (As with so much that drug warriors do, the feds had their own way of spelling marijuana.) The Tax Act didn’t actually outlaw the plant. Rather, it taxed it so heavily that it was impractical to buy—$100 an ounce, the equivalent of $1,717.18 in February 2018 dollars. Illegality came later. For a couple of generations, the feds used falsehoods, racism and pseudoscience to indoctrinate the public about marijuana—and achieved a fair amount of success. But there was always a subculture that knew from usage that most claims about marijuana were untrue, and after wider use became common in the 1960s, the falsity of the case against marijuana slowly went mainstream. The first state ballot measures appeared by citizen petition in 1996, with Arizona and California defying drug warriors and approving medical use of the plant. The Arizona Legislature promptly overturned that voter-enacted measure, but two years later, Arizona—now joined by Alaska, Nevada, Oregon and Washington— approved it again. In D.C. and Colorado, where opponents succeeded in having measures removed from the ballot, opinion surveys indicated it would have passed there, too. With the anti-drug bureaucracy and most politicians resisting every step of the way, the more people learned about the plant—and, more to the point, the more they learned that they had been misled—the more the tide turned. The earlier deceptions were essential to the success of the movement for change, and all of the movement was in one direction. Legality followed medical use, and there are currently efforts to increase places the plant can be consumed. In Nevada, resistance persists, with some in law enforcement reluctant to cooperate with the voter-enacted public policy. Most politicians remain frightened of the issue. Limits on the number of licenses, and decisions by small counties to restrict the use of the plant, force some Nevadans to grow their own.


Two of the few politicians who led the march to legality were on hand at the trade show. Washoe County Commissioner Kitty Jung and Clark County Sen. Richard “Tick” Segerblom spoke to a session of the merchants and others who attended, responding to continuing concerns. “The truth is, the police hate the home grows,” Segerblom said, sympathizing with one small county resident who said he has found that local law enforcers play games with the limits on number of plants—treating any six plants as the limit, whether male or female (females are productive, males mostly not). Jung said residents need to approach their state legislators about refinements in the law that will address such matters. She is pushing the Washoe County Commission to allow public lounges, and she asked the merchants to contact their commissioners.

“What I’m hearing is that I don’t have any support [on the commission],” she said. “So I need your help.” Segerblom said there is little likelihood any officials will now try to reverse the public votes. “The local governments are living off this money,” he said. “But they can’t say, ‘Oh, but we don’t want to deal with the problems that come with it.’” If there was an antithesis to the Cannabis Convention that day, it may have been two blocks away at the Reno Ballroom where the 2018 Washoe County Republican Convention was meeting. “No, I did not know the marijuana convention was in town,” said former state treasurer Patty Cafferata, laughing. “Two blocks away?” She said the Republican convention was going well. “I think fine. We’re actually getting along well, which is usually not our style,” she said. “But we did have a few fights over the rules committee, but those all got ironed out, and we’re moving right along.” Just like the other convention. Ω

An interview with Sen. Segerblom can be read in 15 Minutes, on page 31.



April 21, 2018

April 28, 2018



May 12, 2018

May 19, 2018



May 26, 2018

June 21, 2018



MORE FUN. MORE VALUE. MORE VARIETY. The former site of Park Lane Mall is covered these days with about a dozen multicolored hills of building material, including soil and boulders. Construction is underway on a “master planned” complex of living units and commercial space.


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PHOTO/DENNIS MYERS 25849 MBR E1 RN & R - 4.6 AD 4.9x10.5 V1 FINAL.indd 1

04.12.18    |   RN&R   |   9 4/9/18 5:13 PM

10   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

“The Mystic Man,” ceramic, Shyann WIlSon, senior, North Valleys High School

wElcoME to RN&R’s ANNuAl showcAsE oF studENt ARtwoRk

“Escape,” mixed media, ESMEralda PErEz, junior, Wooster High School

Esmeralda Perez:

“Made with a wooden frame, string, a vinyl record, tissue

paper and some paint, my piece is made to capture the viewers’ eyes with the bright yellow and red rose that lies on top of the galaxy-painted record. Both the rose and record are trapped within the chaos of

the string. I was inspired by the touch of music. I’ve always found it amazing how music can be therapeutic. The rose represents people, the string is chaos, and the galaxy-painted record is the ‘Escape.’”


very year, we dedicate an issue of the paper to showcasing the artwork of local teens. It’s a chance for to get a glimpse of works by up-and-coming local talent. This year, the submissions include a range of media—from photography to colored pencil drawings. The artwork on the cover is by Sierra Espinoza, a sophomore at North Valleys High School. We’ve been publishing our annual Teen Issue for well over a decade now. Over the years, RN&R’s staff has also watched and reported on the growth of the local youth art scene. Last year, we reported on the 10th anniversary of the Holland Project, Reno’s youth-oriented non-profit arts organization (“For all ages,” feature story, Feb. 2, 2017). This year, marks the 10th anniversary of the organization’s annual Teen Art Night—an event featuring live music, food and hands-on stations for creating art. We sat down with Holland Project’s art and gallery director, Alisha Funkhouser, and its music director, Brigdon Markward, to talk about the history of Teen Art Night and what’s on deck for this year’s event:

“tEEN issuE ”

continued on page 12






“teen issue ” continued from page 11

“Native,” ceramic, ShyaNN WILSoN, senior, North Valleys High School

“Cow,” marker, LuIS GaLvez, freshman, Reno High School

Jeri Chadwell (JC): What a really


Alisha Funkhouser (AF):




exciting time, I think, to have the opportunity to work with young people. The youth movement across the country and here locally has been impressive. It’s been exciting to see that echoed in some of the art we’ve received for this year’s Teen Issue. You must be experiencing that, too, right?

Absolutely. I’d say we’ve seen a lot of that, too—like in the last Young Blood show we did and even in the Scholastic show recently. We see them voicing their opinions in that way and that coming through in their art. So you guys have seen politics and activism emerging in art too?

Steve Hopkins:

“This photo of the river in Reno was taken after I decided to take a relaxing walk with my dog. I often let stress build up in me, and that was a day where I needed to forget it or blow up. Luckily, I just got my ND [neutral density] filters in the mail, so it gave me a good reason to get outside and enjoy the weather. I don’t get out a lot, so I have to make every photo of Reno that I take look different. I chose long exposure for this shot because, for me, the water was too calm, so I wanted something odd about the photo to make it more unique to me.” 12   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

Photograph, STeve hoPkINS, junior, McQueen High School

Especially in the last year, I’d say—Young Blood and the Scholastic Awards. I don’t know about the music side of things as much. Brigdon could speak to that.

Brigdon Markward (BM): Oh, yeah, I’d say so—especially with a lot of younger punk bands and a lot of younger indie bands. It’s a lot of expression of political frustration and whatnot, in kind of weirder ways. It’s been really interesting to see.

Right on. So, I know that Holland put on an event with the Nevada Museum of Art back in 2008 called Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang that seemed to be geared toward getting young people in the museum. Michael Sarich’s work was on exhibit. And they brought in the Juvinals. Is Teen Art Night an evolution of this earlier event? Yeah, I think that was kind of the very first iteration of Teen Art Night. It was a little bit more all-ages based at that point. And the first couple of them were kind of around Valentine’s Day as well. So it kind of had a bit of that theme going on. But, yeah, it kind of evolved over the years into being more teen driven and teen specific.

I remember Sarich’s work that was on display in 2008. It was graphic—dark. It was kind of hard for me to digest as a 23-yearold college senior. I think it might have been beneficial to be exposed to art that made me uncomfortable like that at a younger age, and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang was geared toward more of a youth audience.


And we try to, like, work with the museum and some of the exhibits they have up during the time we have Teen Art Night going on. The teens have access to

all of the exhibits for that night. So if we can find ways to wrap those into some of our themes for booths or some of what’s happening, we try to do that.


I see. But Teen Art Night and the Holland Project are definitely about exposing young people to all kinds of art and ideas. It’s not like you’re tailoring the content to a younger audience.


Oh, yeah. It’s always open to all-ages, so we always definitely keep that in mind. But we don’t want to “kid” anything down.


I’m sure I was a late bloomer to have gone in and been shocked by Sarich’s artwork. Anyway, that’s kind of an aside, I suppose. So, it started out as a sort of Valentine’s Day event, and now it falls after spring break and the Scholastic Art Awards. Tell me a bit about this year. The event incorporates everything from performance art to culinary art. You’ve got catering by Hug High School students?


That’s a partnership we’ve been doing for a while— having the Hug High culinary arts class come out and cater the event. It’s an exciting one for them, because they get some experience outside of school. They also cater our Stranger show we do every year—which is a Hug High-based event—and also do the catering for the Scholastic Awards here as well. I think it’s always a fun experience for them. It’s a little bit different than just doing the school events. It gets them out and gets them that experience as well.


That’s a good point. Getting to cater inside an events space like the Nevada Museum Art would be cool. It’s really a sought after events space.

playing here for maybe three years now. They’ve been involved since they were pretty young. And then another band called Life After Mars, and they’re all still in high school, but they’ve been in different bands since they were in early, early high school. So they’ve been playing here for maybe two years already. And then there’s this young hip-hop artist called Young J who just started performing. He played this all-local hip-hop show a couple of months ago. And he’s doing some really cool stuff. He’s pretty young as well. And I think that should be a really cool addition, especially given the theme this year.


OK. And who’s the college band? Night Rooms.

So you’ve got those three artists. No DJ set this year


She does a lot of, like, throwback hip-hop.

Rad. Talk to me about the hands-on stations. Those have often been tied into the themes of what’s on display in the galleries in years past, yeah?


This year our kind of jumping off theme was Gucci Garden meets Lisa Frank. It’s kind of a bit of a mashup of that—Baroque inspired with a modern twist. So we have a bunch of different hands-on booths.



Tell me about the bands.

For Teen Art Night, we typically try to keep the bands on the younger side, like newer bands, and try to keep it pretty diverse as well. This year we have a college-age band that’s been

“i use my art to help me deal with extreme anxiety. i also want to use my art to help people to see things differently. My Marilyn Monroe drawing is from a poster in my room. everyone sees her beauty, but i see her innocence. i get my inspiration from life. i love realism, so i am inspired by photographs, but i also am inspired by imagination and dreams. Through my art, my desire is for people to have a deeper understanding and to see things differently. i’m currently working on a portrait of Katie Weingartner. Katie went to my high school. on the last day of school she was killed in a tragic accident. i am drawing her portrait for her mom. i’m inspired by Katie’s love of life, and love of her family and friends and a desire to spread kindness.”

There is a DJ. Every year, we do a DJ as well. The last couple of years, we’ve had DJ Peach Sprite. … Her name’s Kate, and she does a lot of dance parties here. She usually does at least three or four a year, along with being sort of our go-to DJ.


too, because they’re catering what’s essentially a giant party for their peers, as well, which is a lot of fun. And then we also have a bunch of bands coming up. Brigdon could speak about that a little more.

Savanna Guidas:



I think it’s fun for them,

Colored pencil, Savanna GuidaS, sophomore, Reno High School

Sort of playing off

Colored pencil, Savanna GuidaS, sophomore, Reno High School

that theme, we’re doing a little make-your-own-perfume booth. We’re doing a collar station, I believe. We’re going to outfit everyone with some powdered wig-looking things to fit in with the theme. What are some more of the hands-on stations? We have a DIY notebook and journal station, so people can start off with doing some paper marbling to make covers or doing some funky collages. And then they’re move over to a binding

Marker, virGil roSe, sophomore, Reno High School

“teen issue” continued on page 14 04.12.18    |   RN&R   |   13

“teen issue ”

continued from page 13

“Fragile,” ceramic, annie Morton, senior, North Valleys High School

Ceramic, alex lake, senior, North Valleys High School “Wicked Within,” ceramic, Chaslyn stone, sophomore, North Valleys High School

“Fist,” ceramic, Danny espino Cortes, sophomore, North Valleys High School


I read that the 2016 Teen Art Night brought in something like 700 people.

“it always ends up being like a big dance party by the end of the evening.” Alisha Funkhouser, the Holland Project

station to make a little journal or notebook. We also have a bedazzling station, where people can make DIY brooches, jewelry, bedazzled sunglasses. … And then we always do a button making station, so people can come and press their own one-inch pins. That’s always a popular one.


We’re having an artist work on a backdrop—like a selfie station, photo booth backdrop. That’s always a good one, too. We always have a some kind of themed photo booth or backdrop so people can take photos of each other.


You do a live photo feed, too, huh?

14   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

Yeah, we always have somebody roaming around doing a live feed on Instagram and our social media. … We usually take over the whole bottom floor atrium with bands and workshop stations. And then the museum school classroom on the second floor, too, usually has something going on. And then people can do some hands-on things, walk around and check out the exhibits, listen to bands, get some food.

It’s usually a ton of people who come out, which is a ton of fun. And it always ends up being like a big dance party by the end of the evening.


How much does it cost?

This year it’s 10 dollars—and that includes all of the hands-on booths and stations, food, drinks and all of the bands and everything and access to the entire museum.


I saw something on Facebook about a way that teachers can apply for a waiver or a fee reduction. Is that correct?

Yeah, I think they usually just contact Claire at the museum. [claire.munoz@neadaart.org]

We usually try to have that as an option for kids who might not be able to afford it but still want to come out, so that it’s accessible to everybody. Ω

Learn more about Teen Art Night, happening April 28, by visiting the Holland Project’s Facebook page: https://bit.ly/2q7HUQF

Ceramic, Ariel TuiA, sophomore, Damonte Ranch High School

Ceramic, emmA bozek, junior, Damonte Ranch High School

Ceramic, Andie SCArborough, junior, Damonte Ranch High School

“everything is love,” byron bArAjAS ArmenTA, senior, North Valleys High School

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by Luka StarMEr

E R U T C PI h T L A E OF h

It’s always painting weather to Matt McDowell and Erik Burke, whose recent mural features images of Glenn Duncan Elementary students and their favorite fruits and vegetables.

A new mural is part of a Reno neighborhood’s effort to promote long-term wellness


16   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

Photo/Luka Starmer

new mural is up in the city of Reno. Over 100 silhouettes of children span the length of a one-block retaining wall on East 10th Street, just beyond the grounds of Glenn Duncan Elementary School. Painted inside many of the silhouettes are images of healthful food items. Some have juicy-looking strawberries or the ripe green cross section of an avocado. Some of the other silhouettes depict the Reno skyscape ranging from wispy clouds against blue to the cotton candy pink and purple gradient of the Nevada sunset. The mural finishes with an image of a public housing unit. “It’s a combination of ‘you are what you eat,’ and ‘you’re a reflection of your environment,’” said Erik Burke, the lead artist on the mural. He and his team spent a day during winter at Glenn Duncan asking students to pose as if they were doing their favorite activity. Burke’s team used lights to project the silhouettes of the kids, tracing them onto rolls of paper while they asked them about their favorite foods. The artists then transferred the silhouettes to the mural wall.

According to Burke, the most popular Jessica Koltz, the school counselor food choices were strawberries and at Glenn Duncan, said that the school is watermelon. a Title 1 eligible school. This means that “Some of the kids really caught us off it receives federal assistance for services guard because they were like, ‘Oh, I want like free breakfast, lunch and dinner for pomegranate,’ and we’re like, ‘Whoa, that’s students. She said that the school also has awesome, you’re in second grade, and a food bag program, which on Thursdays your food of choice is pomegranate,’” said provides students with extra groceries Burke. “The kids responded well. ... A lot they can bring home for the weekend. of greens, too, which was interesting, like Additionally, Glenn Duncan is home to broccoli.” a greenhouse and garden beds that are The mural came about as a collabmaintained by the students. orative initiative between the Washoe According to Koltz, the school adminCounty Health District and the Reno istration is very supportive. She plans Housing Authority. A request for to bring the students across the street proposals was announced last October to visit the mural and give them an to design a mural that would highopportunity to explore and acknowllight smoke-free housing, healthy edge the artwork and its impact on eating and physical activity. their community. “Whoa, that’s “In past years, the Washoe “The goal and hope is that County Health District has awesome, you’re a mural like this inspires kids always allotted some funds look at fruits and vegetables in second grade, to to chronic disease preventionin a new way, and kind of be related advertisements,” said reminded of them,” said Burke. and your food Lona Bogale, health educator at “Sometimes when you paint of choice is the Health District and the lead on something in such a large, bold this project. “We had an idea to try pomegranate.” way, you get to really look at to do something more grassroots this it. Looking at it generates this year and something a little bit differinterest in kids in foods that are ent that involves the community.” healthy and good for you and will This project received financial having a lasting effect on you.” support from the Fund for a Healthy Brent Boynton, Community Nevada and the Nevada Division of Outreach Coordinator at the Reno Welfare and Supportive Services. Housing Authority, likes the way According to Bogale, the Washoe the mural has added some color to the County Health District reached out to block. “We’re just pretty excited to take one of the Reno Housing Authority to inquire about a the drab, dreary parts of the neighborhood and wall that would be suitable for this mural. The make it kind of a showpiece,” he said. housing authority offered the 1,500-foot retainBurke and his team started working on the ing wall on East 10th Street that backs up to the mural in February. They said that the process Mineral Manor neighborhood, which includes has been labor intensive, including prepping and 144 public housing units and the RHA’s adminpriming the wall, adding the silhouettes, paintistrative building. ing the negative space and filling in the food choices. All the while, they’ve been fighting the wind and rain and snow of springtime in Reno. However, Burke said this mural isn’t the Neighborhood iNitiatives coldest outdoor artwork he’s done, alluding The mural is one of many efforts that different to a piece he finished in the dead of winter in groups are making to promote long-term health Eureka. in the neighborhood. According to Burke, students at Glenn Since 2015, the RHA has implemented a 100 Duncan have been going by and pointing, percent smoke-free policy for its 1,615 public saying, “Hey, that’s me,” or “That’s my sister.” housing units in Washoe County. A 2015 media Some students from Traner Middle School even release from Washoe County Health District helped in the painting process. states that the voluntary policy reduces inci“One of the reasons that we chose [Burke] dences of heart disease, cancer and other heart was because he had the overall experience and lung-related health risks in their tenants. and vision on how to best incorporate the “From the housing authority perspective, youth and residents that lived in the area,” the policy has also extended the life of our said Bogale. “That was something that was units,” said Amy Jones, executive director really important to us, because we wanted it of the Reno Housing Authority. “The turns to be a mural for the neighborhood and the on the units are less costly because we don’t community.” Ω have the smoke damage to the unit. We’re not having to replace carpets, blinds, paint the units as much as we would have to if there was a smoker in that unit.”

Erik Burke, artist

04.12.18    |   RN&R   |   17

by Kris Vagner

k r isv @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Former Renoite Alex Falcone is now a full-time comedian in Portland.

Know joke Alex Falcone “My job is to talk to people at a bar so they’ll drink longer,” comedian Alex Falcone once said to an audience. “Look, I love the job, but I could be replaced by pretzels.” Falcone, originally a Renoite, attended Galena High School and graduated from TMCC High School in 2003, then worked with some friends on a comedy ’zine called Legal Underage Pornography and a sketch comedy group called TV You Can Heckle. (You can read Bush II-era stories from the RN&R on both of these projects. See “See and be ’zine,” Aug. 18. 2005, and “Funny to the bone,” July 5, 2007.) Now Falcone lives in Portland, and his career is going better than the pretzel joke would imply. He does stand-up, teaches comedy workshops, co-produces a pop-culture podcast called Read it and Weep, and occasionally plays bit parts in Portlandia. He also has a novel to his credit, Unwrap my Heart, about a teenage mummy. A sticker on the book’s cover boasts that Publishers Weekly deemed it “Unfortunate.” Falcone specializes in self-effacing jokes about life’s nagging, minor indignities, like his efforts to do pushups—so he can build up the strength to be on top in the bedroom. He’s so clueless at the gym he bumbles trying to remember the word “triceps” and can only think of “triceratops.” “I always prefer jokes where I’m not the hero of the joke,” Falcone said in a phone interview. “If you come up to somebody, and you’re like, ‘Do you want to hear a cool story?’, they’re going to roll their eyes. But if you’re like, ‘Do you want to hear an embarrassing story?’, everybody’s interested. Early on, I took that and went with it.” 18   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

“It’s taken me years to craft it so I can almost always make it go where I want it to, where I’m saying something that I believe in, something that I actually want to be saying,” he said. “My wife and I are thinking about having kids,” he said by way of example. “So I’ve written a lot of jokes about how to raise kids. … And I’ve been really worried about, if you have a son, how do you make a son not terrible, so I’ve been writing a lot about that, how, if I had a son, how I would raise a cool, feminist son.” The joke he tells about it onstage builds for about two minutes, getting a steady stream of chuckles. In the foreground, he casts his possible future son as the hero, while, in the background, he subtly turns a mirror on toxic masculinity, the impossibly high expectations of modern parenthood, judgmental non-parents, and the whole idea of setting the bar for sexual encounters at mere consent—why not raise it all the way to wild enthusiasm? He does all of this with streamlined efficiency, delivering less an anti-society rant than a sincere—even sweet—acknowledgment of just how awkward relationships can be. While Falcone is comfortable embarrassing himself for a laugh, he doesn’t necessarily want to make his audience squirm. He said he often decides in midshow where that show will go, based in part on the crowd’s comfort level. And for a week-long string of homecoming engagements this month at the Silver Legacy, he’s thinking about this in advance. “My mom and her friends are going to be at a bunch of them,” he said. “Her whole book club is going to come to one show. I probably won’t talk about sex so much in that show.” Ω

alex Falcone opens for Don Friesen april 17-22 at the Laugh Factory in the silver Legacy, 407 n. Virginia st. For tickets, visit www.silverlegacyreno.com. He’ll also teach a comedy workshop from 1-4 p.m. april 21. For info, visit renoimprov.com/intro-to-standup.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“What’s that sound? it sounds like somebody is sitting right behind me and eating popcorn with their mouth open.”

Silent but deadly Noise-intolerant neighbors are taken to all new levels in A Quiet Place, a new horror film from director John Krasinski. Krasinski also stars as Lee, a father trying to protect his family in a post-apocalyptic world besieged by horrific aliens who will tear you apart if you make so much as a peep. The opening sequence shows Lee, his wife Evelyn (Krasinski’s real life wife, Emily Blunt, a.k.a. the next Mary Poppins), and three children taking a very quiet walk home from a drug store. One of them makes a sudden noise, and the results are pretty scary for a PG-13 movie. The aliens are blind, so they hunt by sound. Not, say, the sound of a river running or a bird chirping, but sounds that are more “interruptive,” like fireworks, a person screaming after stepping on a nail, or really loud farts. The gimmick lends itself to some faulty logic at times, but it does provide an overall interesting premise: Speak audibly in relatively quiet surroundings, and you will get your head bitten off. It’s like everyday life is a hellish library where the penalty for gabbing or dropping something is death. Krasinski’s film gives you no real back story about the aliens. A few glimpses of newspaper front pages let you know that the world has been wiped out by the species. One look at them—they are a cross between Ridley Scott’s Alien and the Cloverfield monster—and you know that just a few days with these things running around would decimate the world population. Blunt gives the film’s standout performance as somebody forced to keep quiet after not only a painful injury but, on top of that, having to give birth in a bathtub while an alien clicks and claws nearby. It’s scenes like this, and one involving a crying baby in a flooded basement, that give Blunt a chance to call upon a myriad of facial expressions that will chill your blood. She pulls you into every moment with an earnestness that is real and ever relatable.

The film declares Krasinski as a director of true ingenuity. He’s done well with family drama before (2016’s The Hollars), but this one takes his directorial value into the stratosphere. The monsters themselves are stellar CGI creations, a nice achievement considering the movie was made on a relatively low budget. Charlotte Bruus Christensen provides excellent camerawork, while Marco Beltrami’s score actually gives you something to listen to. The performers communicate mostly through sign language and whispering, which makes for a pretty quiet movie. (Unless you are watching the movie next door to an IMAX theater screening Ready Player One so loudly you can make out the dialogue. Bad planning from the theater manager side, I say.) Krasinski complements his directing chops with a fine performance as a guy doing everything to keep his sanity and protect his family, including a young deaf daughter (the superb Millicent Simmonds, who is actually deaf) and son (Noah Jupe, the little guy who broke your heart in Wonder). The kids are also terrific here, so Krasinski gets another kudos for casting. Did I mention he co-wrote the screenplay, too? Krasinski isn’t messing around with this one. Apparently, there was some talk of making this a Cloverfield movie, but that got scrapped early in production. That’s a good thing, because this one stands on its own. Given it made a big pile of dough on its opening weekend, it’s a safe bet a sequel will get greenlit. Lee observes signal fires from other survivors during the early part of the movie, so perhaps a story with another family could happen. I hope not. They should leave well enough alone. While there are some “Yeah, right!” moments when the screenplay’s own rules about the aliens are broken, there are far more sequences that are extremely well done. Krasinski and Blunt combine for a movie that you won’t soon forget, and one that will have you being a little quiet around the house after seeing it. Ω

A Quiet Place


Black Panther

Scoring director Ryan Coogler to helm Marvel’s latest proves to be a major triumph. His entry into the Marvel universe is a majestic, full-bodied, exhilarating treatment of the African king title character with the crazy cool suit (Chadwick Boseman). This is Coogler’s third collaboration with actor Michael B. Jordan, who brings a fully fleshed, complicated villain to the screen in Erik Killmonger. Man, you just have to be bad with that last name. The pre-opening credit scene involves Black Panther’s predecessor father having a confrontation in 1992 Oakland, California. A major event takes place as some kids playing basketball look on. It turns out to be one of the more brilliant and heart-wrenching setups for a Marvel movie character yet. The action cuts to present day, where Black Panther/T’Challa is dealing with the passing of his father due to an event that took place in Captain America: Civil War (massive credit to the producers and screenwriters who interlink these films together so well). He’s to become king but must pass through a ritual with some risk involved. He overcomes the obstacles, gets his throne and prepares for his rule. His kingdom doesn’t get a moment to breathe before trouble ensues. In London, Killmonger comes across an ancient weapon forged in Wakanda, Black Panther’s homeland. It’s made from Vibranium, a precious resource that fuels much of Wakanda’s advanced technology, including the Black Panther suits. With the help of Wakanda enemy Klaue (Andy Serkis acting with his real face as opposed to a motion-capture suit), Killmonger obtains the weapon, threatening world stability.



A trio of deranged parents (Leslie Mann, John Cena and Ike Barinholtz) discovers a pact by their three daughters to lose their virginity on prom night, so they stalk them on their special evening. This sounds like the basis for a crap movie but, as things turn out, it results in what will surely stand as one of the year’s funniest movies. Directed by Kay Cannon, the movie pushes the boundaries, for sure, pouring it on thick with the profanity— very funny profanity—and frank talk about high school seniors treading into sexual activity (not to mention drug experimentation and drinking). It handles its subjects in a surprisingly mature and even sweet way in the end, with the teenaged daughters (Kathryn Newton, Geraldine Viswanathan and Gideon Adlon) having their acts together far more than their bumbling parents. The always reliable Mann gets a chance to really shine here; she is one of the best comic actresses in the game. Barinholtz gets a lot of laughs as the movie’s most messed-up character, while Cena continues to prove that he has the comic chops to hold his own with some of the best. This is one of those rare comedies that gets consistent laughter from the opening scene until its ending.


A Fantastic Woman

Transgender actress Daniela Vega delivers a great performance in an OK film from Chilean director Sebastian Leloir. She plays Marina, a club singer at night and waitress by day who has a boyfriend twice her age in Orlando (Francisco Reyes). After celebrating her birthday, Orlando falls ill and dies, leaving Marina to deal with his family and authorities. Marina is persecuted by Orlando’s family, questioned by detectives about the circumstances of Orlando’s death and restricted from attending his wake and funeral. The story never really takes hold. Plotting for the film is routine and unimaginative, but some fantasy sequences and a couple of musical numbers give Vega a nice opportunity to shine. She keeps the movie moving forward when the story lags. Lelio has a few stylistic flourishes in the film, and it’s worth seeing. (It just won Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars.) See it for Vega, who takes the film to higher levels.


Pacific Rim: Uprising

While the original Pacific Rim had some definite problems, its sequel is a big, stupid, worthless, son-of-a-bitching waste of time. Uprising takes an original idea—big Kaiju monsters fighting man-made robots—from director/creator Guillermo del Toro. That Del Toro idea resulted in an OK first movie in Pacific Rim, with great elements but troublesome issues (robots/monsters, good … people, bad). Uprising takes that original idea and turns it into something akin to, or perhaps even worse than, the average Transformers movie. It’s a watered-down, cheap joke of a film that obliterates anything good del Toro started. Without del Toro directing—he dumped out a few years back to assume a producer’s role—the film loses all sense of style and artistic direction. Steven S. DeKnight, who has directed such TV shows as Smallville and Daredevil, makes his feature-film-directing debut with something that screams “Maybe I should’ve stuck with the TV gigs!” Replacing Charlie Hunnam as the original franchise star, John Boyega jumps headlong into this mess as Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, played by Idris Elba in the first movie. Jake is a former Jaeger (Giant Robot) pilot who, after the death of his dad and a bad Jaeger experience, has taken to partying and trading black market hot sauce in a post-Kaiju world. While Elba’s character supposedly closed off the monsters from our world, they find a way back (of course). This results in subpar CGI battles and lousy performances all around.


Ready Player One

Steven Spielberg goes for broke but leaves you bleary-eyed in a bad way with Ready Player One, based on the very popular Ernest Cline novel. The film is so full of pop culture references that it doesn’t so much deliver them as visually vomit them into your face. Rather than relishing the opportunity for ’80s nostalgia, Spielberg opts for whiplash pacing and miscasting, squandering the chance to allow any of the fun elements to really sink in. The futuristic storyline involves something called the OASIS, a virtual reality world that is not only a pastime, but a total escape from real-world poverty and pollution. Wade (Tye Sheridan) lives in a place called the Stacks, basically manufactured homes piled on top of each other, and he whiles away many hours in the OASIS as his alter ego/avatar Parzival. There’s a plethora of pop culture cameos inside the OASIS, including King Kong, Freddy Krueger and the Iron Giant, but there’s very little substance. The story fails to engage and the whole thing amounts to a lot of imagery, occasionally interesting but mostly dull, flying by with little impact.


A Wrinkle in Time

A beloved novel gets absolutely slaughtered with A Wrinkle in Time. Madeleine L’Engle’s 1962 novel was adapted by Disney once before with an also lousy TV movie back in 2003. The book has been bouncing around Hollywood for decades, with many attempts to bring it to the big screen being aborted. It’s a sad, sad thing that Disney finally took the plunge, dropped over $100 million and came up with this mess. Compounding the sadness is that it’s directed by Ava DuVernay, who made the excellent Martin Luther King, Jr., biopic Selma. While that film had a cohesive vision, excellent technical credits and powerhouse acting all around, her new film has none of these things. It’s total chaos on screen. Crackpot-yet-dreamy scientist Mr. Murry (Chris Pine) is obsessed with interstellar travel, and believes that wrinkles in time could be used to travel light years through space. It’s never really established what he wants to achieve through such travel, but his obsession eventually leads to his disappearance for four years. He apparently travels through the universe with no real way to get home, and no real sense of purpose. His kids, led by Storm Reid, try to find him with a trio of strange folks played by Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling who look totally clueless.

04.05.18 19 04.12.18    ||   RN&R   ||   19

by Todd SouTh





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Trump’s Tariffs


The Department of Commerce has assessed preliminary newsprint tariffs, which range as high as 32%.


Blue state My first impression of Bluefin Poke is that you’d miss the little place if you didn’t know it was there, sandwiched in between a well-regarded Italian restaurant and a gourmet pizza shop. Its downtown location means parking is at a premium, and you may need to feed a meter if doing a weekday lunch visit. Counter service was friendly and fast, and they didn’t mind the woman who brought in a slice of pizza for her small kid to enjoy during his mom’s raw fish feast. Poke bowls come in two sizes, a regular bowl with four scoops of protein ($11) or the large bowl with six scoops ($14). An extra scoop of protein can be added for $2. Having chosen a size, patrons next select a base of sushi rice, brown rice, mixed greens, wonton chips or a halfand-half mix. I wanted greens and chips in my large bowl, but they were all out of the crispy bits. I stuck with the greens, while my adult children went with mixes of rice and greens. Proteins include ahi tuna, spicy tuna, salmon, yellowtail, shrimp and scallop. My choice of a scoop each seemed pretty obvious, seeing as I’d get to try everything offered. I chose sauces for my fish salad next—spicy ponzu, wasabi aioli and fried garlic soy sauce. I could have also added sesame sauce, unagi sauce, sriracha hot sauce or spicy aioli. All that I tasted were good, but the wasabi and fried garlic soy sauce were standouts. Perhaps the best thing about building your own poke bowl is choosing what to top it with, and you can ask for as much as the bowl will hold. Bluefin’s list offers a fair amount of variety, with tomato, edamame, tobiko,

Poke bowls at Bluefin Poke come with a choice of proteins that include ahi tuna, spicy tuna, salmon, yellowtail, shrimp and scallop. PHOTO/ALLISON YOUNG

jalapeño, cucumber, pickled ginger, furikake, nori, panko, crab meat, seaweed salad and green, white or fried onion. Avocado is 50 cents extra for about a quarter of a large Haas, cubed fresh for your bowl. I didn’t want to go overboard, so in addition to some nicely ripe avocado, I chose green and fried onion, tobiko, cucumber, furikake, nori and a big scoop of crab. The fried onion was particularly good, adding a nice bit of crunch. I got a taste of each rice and was pleasantly surprised by both the flavors and textures. The brown rice was about as non-chewy as possible, and the sushi rice had a nice hint of vinegar. Both were served just slightly warm at the bottom of the bowl. My fresh greens tasted great, though I did miss the wonton for contrast. The ahi, salmon and yellowtail were cubed a bit larger than other poke I’ve tried, but still sufficiently bite-sized and quite fresh. The shrimp was done sushi style—butterflied with edible tail on—and the spicy tuna was chopped and mixed with seasonings. The scallop chunks were exceptionally good, lacking the squishy, snotty texture so often encountered with those in AYCE sushi. My group of poke fans enjoyed a healthy, delicious meal that filled ’em up without breaking the bank. My toddler grandson really enjoyed it, stating the best part to be the flying fish roe “bubbles.” I’m ordering bubbles from now on. Ω

Bluefin Poke

170 S. Virginia St., 683-3288

Bluefin Poke is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

by Jeri ChAdweLL

j e ri c @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

Cheryl Leith paints wine glasses for the April 21 wine walk.

Raise a glass On a rainy Friday afternoon in early April, Cheryl Leith chatted with customers at the Reno eNVy store on Sierra Street. When the store emptied out, she returned to the counter where a cardboard case containing 36 wine glasses sat near the register. The glasses were upturned, resting on their rims, the underside of their feet coated in paint. From the case, Leith selected a glass with a green foot and, from a nearby bucket, a selection of paint pens to use in creating a design on the glass’s bowl. Reno eNVy is a participant in the River Walk Merchants Association’s monthly wine walk, and painting the glasses the store sells has been a ritual for Leith since she took a job there four years ago. “We do 10 cases, which is 360 glasses, every month,” she said. It’s a lot of glasses to paint, but, Leith said, the store generally sells out. And she and the other staff have a system to get the job done. It starts with painting the feet of all of the glasses in a case. “And we try to do half-cases or quartercases, so if one person is painting a case, they don’t get bored and have to paint the same color all the time,” she said. On this day, half of the wine glasses in her case had green feet and the other half, a silvery white. “We do the bottoms first, and then we paint pictures or sayings,” Leith said. For this she uses oil-based Sharpies that are made for glass and can stand up to hand washing. They come in myriad colors, from which she selects a few to complement the shade on the glasses’ feet. Among the sayings she’d painted on this day was “Wine goes in, wisdom comes out.” She and the other staff also paint sportsthemed glasses. For the April 21 wine walk, they painted glasses with yellow and blue,


the colors of Reno 1868 FC, the city’s professional soccer team. Little soccer ball stickers completed the motif. “There’s a little competition between the merchants that paint glasses,” Leith said. “So everybody tries to paint the best they can—of the ones that do paint.” Some merchants just use stickers, often bearing their logos, Leith explained. But, she said, places like the Jungle—where owner Matt Polley’s wife, Renee Polley, has long painted the glasses—provide stiff artistic competition. Leith said she enjoys painting glasses, except when she’s rushed—or without help and has to paint all 360. Sometimes Leith’s boss, Reno eNVy owner Scott Dunseath, hosts “paint parties” at his home. “And it’s usually about 15, 16 people who show up,” she said. “And we all bring something to eat, and everybody paints.” Leith and her husband Duncan Leith enjoy the paint parties but, she said, the actual wine walks are an even better time. “And it’s fun especially because Duncan takes IDs, and I’m the one who pours,” she said. “So it’s fun to see how many of my glasses get chosen and come through the line, as opposed to everybody else’s.” Reno eNVy is known for serving boxed wine. Leith said she thinks its the only merchant that does. And when people come through the line, Leith is known for asking, “Blush, red or suicide?” Suicide, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a mix of the blush and red wine offerings. It’s something Leith said many people enjoy—though some of them are discreet when asking for it. Ω

river walk Merchants Association wine walk The River Walk Merchants Association’s wine walk happens the third Saturday of every month. The next is on April 21.

04.12.18    |   RN&R   |   21

These tariffs are already being collected. Local newspapers, printers, and book publishers cannot absorb these costs. This will lead to fewer jobs and less access to local news in our community.

threaten local news.

Go to: stopnewsprinttariffs.orG

tell congress that news matters. ask them to end the newsprint tariff.

Trump’s Tariffs

The Department of Commerce has assessed preliminary newsprint tariffs, which range as high as 32%.

by KATe GonzAleS

22   |   RN&R   |   04.12.18

Walk off together 7Seconds Working on his documentary about early punk in California’s East Bay, filmmaker Corbett Redford asked the founding bands and volunteers at Berkeley’s iconic 924 Gilman venue to name their influences. One band was named across the board: 7Seconds. 7Seconds—melodic and heartfelt, fast as hell and one of the first to call themselves hardcore. Part Reno, part Sacramento, 7Seconds had an early impact on major punk bands. “I owe an incredible amount to bands like 7Seconds for giving me the opportunity and paving a way for my band to make music,” said Lars Frederiksen, guitarist/ vocalist with Rancid. “They’re such humble dudes, they probably don’t even realize the mark they’ve made.” In late March, after nearly 40 years of writing, recording, touring and hustling, Kevin Seconds announced on Instagram they’re calling it quits. Health issues are the main reason for the split—his brother and bassist, Steve Youth, is in treatment for addiction issues, and with wrist injuries, drummer Troy Mowat can’t continue playing with the same intensity. Seconds’ first saw punk rock on television, with sensational punk poster boys like Sid Vicious scaring parents and intriguing bored kids. He wanted to be a punker and would take his kid brother along for the ride. On March 2, 1980, in a little redneck bar in Reno, 7Seconds played its first show. “They built a whole community there around the hardcore scene,” said Redford, who featured Seconds in his documentary Turn it Around: The Story of East Bay Punk.

k a te g@ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

The members of 7Seconds—Bobby Adams, Troy Mowat, Kevin Seconds and Steve Youth—are going their separate ways after a long career.

Seconds sent postcards to Dead Kennedys in San Francisco, Black Flag in Los Angeles and D.O.A. in Vancouver, asking them to play Reno before he’d even arranged a venue. Kinko’s became Seconds’ office, where he’d work on fliers, cassette tape covers and zines. “It was the only way to survive being a young person in Reno at the time,” he said. As the scene—lovingly called Skeeno—grew, the Seconds home became the landing pad for touring bands. Seconds’ mom, Barbara, would get up early to make breakfast for her house full of punks, earning the nickname “Ma Seconds.” Barbara was a single mother who spoke out against homophobia and racism, which helped shape Kevin’s worldview. 7Seconds became known for promoting unity, maintaining a positive mental attitude (PMA!) and taking care of one another. She passed away in 2016. “Their overall message is one of coming together and building together,” Redford added. “And that is as relevant of a message today as it’s ever been.” In 1988, Seconds returned to Sacramento where he met his now-wife, Allyson Seconds. For years, he’s performed as a folk singer-songwriter, solo and with Allyson, and together they ran a coffee shop/venue. During an acoustic performance of the 7Seconds song “Leave A Light On” the weekend after the announcement, Seconds couldn’t hold back the tears. “It’s a shame they have to pack it in, but I totally get it,” said Frederiksen, adding that punk rock takes a toll on the body. “Nothing will ever take away what they accomplished.” Seconds is considering writing a book about his experiences so the memories don’t fade. And there are new, unrecorded songs written that the bandmates may never get to play together. “Look, if tomorrow Troy and Steve said, ‘We’re feeling great and we’re healthy, let’s do this,’ I’d do it in a heartbeat,” he said. Ω




132 West St., (775) 329-2878

40 miLe SALOON

1495 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-1877

Conrank April 13, 10 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

10042 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626 555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Stanton Warriors, The Mener, Zach Rawlinson, M-IV, 10pm, $10-$15

The Improv at Harveys Lake Tahoe, 18 Highway 50, Stateline, (775) 588-6611: Matt Iseman, Joe Dosch, W, 9pm, $25 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401: Brian Scolaro, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sun, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Don Friesen, Tu-W, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX Lounge, Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Comedy Night, 8pm, $15 Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: The Legends of Comedy: A Robin Williams Tribute starring Roger Kabler, 8pm, $15-$20; 9:30pm, $15-$20, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $15-$20; Conquering Cancer with Comedy with Kelly Hilbert, 6:30pm, $12-$17

Loose with the Truth, 9:30pm, no cover

Matt Rainey and The Dippin’ Sauce, 9:30pm, no cover

Debauch-A-Reno Afterparty, 11pm, $TBA

The Road to Serenity Reno: Conrank, Milano, Cambot, Redublic, 10pm, $10 Y&T, 8pm, $16.51-$18.35


Krystal Paul, 9pm, no cover

255 N. Virginia St, (775) 398-5400

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


Dance party, 10pm, $5



10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee, (530) 587-5711

Paul Covarelli, 7pm, no cover


275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

fAceS NV

239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

RuPaul’s Divas Drag Show viewing party and drag show, karaoke, 8pm no cover


Karaoke Night, 9pm, no cover

fiNe ViNeS

Classical Music Night, 7pm, no cover

599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-3355 6300 Mae Anne Ave., (775) 787-6300


219 W. Second St., (775) 800-1020

The Grups, 9pm, no cover

Smith & Tegio, 7pm, no cover Hell Pig, 9pm, no cover

VooDoo Dogz, 9pm, no cover

RuPaul’s Divas Drag Show: India Ferrah, Jessica Wild, Kenneth Blake, 11:30pm, $5

ABC Party, 10pm, $5

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsrev iew.com/ren o. Deadline is th e Friday before public ation.

Patchwork Mind, 7pm, no cover

Nigel St. Hubbins, 7pm, no cover

Drink-182: Friday the 13th Edition, 8pm, no cover

Be:razz, 10pm, no cover

Line dancing with DJ Trey, 7pm, no cover

Apothic, 8pm, no cover


With Water We Thrive, 6pm, no cover

Environmental Justice Benefit Show w/Bargain Socks, Bat County, 7pm, $5

The Free Radicals, Greg Lewis, Nico’s Mystery, 6pm, $5


King Lil G, 7:30pm, $22

Debauch-A-Reno III: The Sticker Guy! 25th Anniversary Bash, 8pm, $TBA

Debauch-A-Reno III: The Sticker Guy! 25th Anniversary Bash, noon, 8pm, $TBA

THe jUNgLe

Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

D.W. The Wild Beet, 9pm, no cover

140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652

246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484

Traditional Irish Session, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Karaoke, 8:30pm, Tu, 8pm, W, no cover

Melting Elk, Jeremy Hunt, 10pm, no cover


3372 S. McCarran Blvd., (775) 825-1988

MON-WED 4/16-4/18 Ja’net Banks: One Final Number, 8pm, W, donations at door

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Sonic Mass with DJ Tigerbunny, 9pm, no cover



SNBRN, 10pm, $5-$15

215 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689



Open mic, 7pm, Tu, no cover Karaoke Night, W, no cover

DJ Trivia, 7:30pm, Tu, no cover Whores., Helms Alee, Elephant Rifle, 7pm, $8-$10

Suss Law, ADHDOD, 7pm, M, $7 Our Last of Days, 6:30pm, Tu, $5 Spoken Views, W, $3-$5

Open mic, 7pm, M, no cover Comedy Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover











MON-WED 4/16-4/18 Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633


1480 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 841-4663


1021 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 523-8024


1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

Cedric Williams & Sunni Frost, 6pm, no cover

Canyon Jam/Open Mic, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, $21-$46 Magic After Dark, 9pm, $31-$46

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $21-$46

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

Jake’s Garage, 8:30pm, no cover

Tom Rhodes, The Clémon Charles Band, 8pm, no cover


2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 378-1643

Ulices Chadiz, Sus Plebes, T3R Elemento, 9pm, $45


The Sextones, 8pm, no cover

10007 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 587-8688


Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7pm, $21-$46

T-N-Keys, 4:30pm, Tu, 7:30pm, W, no cover


The Sextones, 8pm, no cover Wednesday Night Jam, 8pm, W, no cover

Goodnight, Texas, 8pm, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948


DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

Whores. April 15, 7 p.m. The Holland Project 140 Vesta St. 742-1858

Acoustic Wonderland Sessions, 8pm, no cover

906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-5484

Magic Fusion, 7pm, M, Tu, W, $21-$46

Spooky Mansion, This Great State, 8pm, no cover

Friday Night Party with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Chris Costa, 7pm, no cover


Karaoke Tuesdays, 7pm, Tu, no cover Corky Bennett, 7pm, W, no cover Open mic, 7pm, W, no cover

76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474


Tom Rhodes, Josiah Knight, 7:30pm, no cover


715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

Punk Rock Formal: Knocked Down, Pug Skullz, Prince Robot, 8pm, $6-$9

U.S Bombs, 3 Pelegros, 8pm, $15-$17

Amigo The Devil, 7:30pm, M, $13-$16 Clownvis Presley, 8pm, Tu, $7-$10


Guest DJs, 9pm, no cover

Saturday Dance Party, 9pm, no cover

Tuesday Trivia, 8pm, Tu, no cover

1500 Old Hot Springs Rd., Carson City, (775) 884-4471

445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484


Haitham, SubRhythm, Erik Lobe, 10pm, no cover

231 W. Second St., (775) 337-6868


2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., S.L. Tahoe, (530) 544-3425

Burlesque & Hip-Hop w/Galactik Vibes, Connected, 9pm, $10

Clownvis Presley April 17, 8 p.m. Shea’s Tavern 715 S. Virginia St. 786-4774

Jake Nielsen’s Triple Threat, 9pm, no cover

virginia street Antique mall & vintage Clothing


40% OFF April 21st - 22nd






A vAriety of outdoor/gArden items plus Vintage Clothing, Jewelry, Books, Furniture & lighting From neVada’s oldest antique mall 1251 S. Virginia St • Reno • 775-324-4141 www.facebook.com/vsamreno 304334_4.9_x_5.4.indd 1

3/29/18 9:07 AM

AtlAntis CAsino ResoRt spA 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Grand Ballroom 2) Cabaret

Boomtown CAsino

2100 Garson Rd., Verdi, (775) 345-6000 1) Convention Center 2) Guitar Bar

CARson VAlley inn

1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711 1) Ballroom 2) Cabaret

Vance Joy April 18, 7:30 p.m. Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. Second St. 789-2000

CiRCUs CiRCUs Reno

500 N. Sierra St., (775) 329-0711 1) Cabaret 2) El Jefe’s Cantina

Fourth Street BAR, 1114 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-7827: Karaoke with Chapin, W, 8pm, no cover Jimmy B’s Bar & Grill, 180 W. Peckham Lane, Ste. 1070, (775) 686-6737: Karaoke, 9:30pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste.103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover




MON-WED 4/16-4/18

2) Cook Book, 8pm, no cover

2) Cook Book, 8pm, no cover Fast Times, 10pm, no cover

2) Cook Book, 8pm, no cover Fast Times, 10pm, no cover

1) Reno Wind Symphony Live, 3pm, $12 2) Fast Times, 8pm, no cover

2) Melissa Dru, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Patchwork Mind, 6pm, no cover

2) Paul Covarelli, 5pm, no cover Rebekah Chase, 9pm, no cover

2) Paul Covarelli, 5pm, no cover Rebekah Chase, 9pm, no cover

2) Jamie Rollins, 6pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover Stephen Lord, 6pm, Tu, no cover Jason King, 6pm, W, no cover

2) RYE Brothers, 7pm, no cover

2) RYE Brothers, 8pm, no cover

2) RYE Brothers, 8pm, no cover

2) Steven Lord, 6pm, no cover

2) Steven Lord, 6pm, M, no cover Roem Baur, 6pm, Tu, W, no cover

1) Platinum, 9pm, no cover

1) Platinum, 9pm, no cover 2) DJ Mo Funk, 10pm, no cover

1) Platinum, 9pm, no cover 2) Revel Saturdays w/DJ Chris English, 10pm, no cover

2) Ideateam, 10pm, no cover

1) Golden Gate Wingmen, 9pm, $25-$30

CRystAl BAy CAsino

14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room

eldoRAdo ResoRt CAsino



345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi

1) Cirque Paris, 7pm, $19.95-$49.95

1) Cirque Paris, 8:30pm, $19.95-$59.95 2) Ashley Red, 9pm, no cover

1) Cirque Paris, 5pm, 8:30pm, $19.95-$59.95 2) Ashley Red, 9pm, no cover

GRAnd sieRRA ResoRt

2) LEX Unplugged, 10pm, $15 3) Grand County Nights with DJ Jeremy, 10pm, no cover

3) Grand County Nights with DJ Jeremy, 10pm, no cover

2) Neil Jackson, 10pm, $20 3) Grand County Nights with DJ Jeremy, 10pm, no cover

2 DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

1) Battle of the Girl Bands, 8:30pm, $15 2 DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover

1) Simply the Best—A Tribute to the Music of Tina Turner, 7:30pm, $27-$37 Tease, 9:30pm, $30

1) Simply the Best—A Tribute to the Music of Tina Turner, 7:30pm, $27-$37 Tease, 9:30pm, $30

2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theatre 2) LEX 3) Race & Sports Bar

HARd RoCk Hotel And CAsino 50 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625 1) Vinyl 2) Center Bar


219 N. Center St, (775) 786-3232 1) Showroom 2) Sapphire Lounge

1) Simply the Best—A Tribute to the Music of Tina Turner, 7:30pm, $27- $37

HARRAH’s lAke tAHoe

2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Terrace Lounge 2) EDGE Nightclub

silVeR leGACy ResoRt CAsino

407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) Grand Exposition Hall 2) Rum Bullions Island Bar 3) Aura Ultra Lounge 4) Silver Baron Lounge

1) Vance Joy, 7:30pm, W, $32.50-$42.50

1) The Marshall Tucker Band, 7:30pm, $45.41

15 Hwy. 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 1) South Shore Room 2) Casino Center Stage

peppeRmill CAsino

2) Rock ’N’ Roll Experience, 1) Cirque Paris, 2pm, 5pm, $19.95-$49.95 10pm, M, no cover 2) Ashley Red, 9pm, no cover Dainesly, 9pm, W, no cover

2) Buddy Emmer and guest, 8pm, Tu, no cover

2) The Inciters, 7pm, no cover 3) Edge Thursday Ladies Night with DJs Enfo & Twyman, 10pm, $0-$20

2) The Inciters, 8pm, no cover

2) The Inciters, 7pm, no cover 3) DJ Spryte, 10pm, $20

2) Nat Osborn, 6pm, no cover

2) DJ R3volver, 9pm, no cover 4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

1) Aaron Lewis, 8pm, $55-$65 2) Rock ’N’ Roll Experience, 9pm, no cover

1) Chris Janson, 8pm, $45.50-$59.50 3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5 4) Reno Jazz Syndicate, 9pm, no cover

4) DJ Mo Funk, 9pm, no cover

2) Nat Osborn, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover


A: offers gift certificates and tickets to the best businesses, restaurants, theaters and venues in town up to 50% OFF!






FOR THE WEEK OF apRil 12, 2018 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. CONTRA DANCE: The Sierra Contra Dance Society holds its monthly event featuring live music and a caller. Arrive at 7:15pm for a beginner’s walk-through. No partner necessary. Sat, 4/14, 7:30pm. $10. Southside Cultural Center, 190 E. Liberty St., www.sierracontra.org.

DOCENTS IN THE GALLERY—HANS MEYERKASSEL: Nevada Museum of Art docents will discuss the works of Hans MeyerKassel. Fri, 4/13, noon. $10 general admission, free for NMA members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE BENEFIT SHOW & PRESENTATION: Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada will give a presentation on environmental justice at this fundraising event, which includes performances by Bargain Socks, The Bannetons and Bat Country. Fri, 4/13, 7pm. $5. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858, www.hollandreno.org.

GHOST TOUR: Gold Hill Hotel offers historical



Broadway Comes to Reno continues its 2017-2018 season with Sam Mendes and Rob Marshall’s Tony Award-winning production of Cabaret. Roundabout Theatre Company’s revival of the 1966 Broadway musical by John Kander, Fred Ebb and Joe Masteroff is set in 1930s Berlin as the Nazis are rising to power. The show centers on the nightlife at the seedy Kit Kat Klub, where the Emcee, Sally Bowles and a raucous ensemble take the stage nightly to tantalize the crowd—and to leave their troubles outside. But as life in pre-WWII Germany grows more and more uncertain, will the decadent allure of Berlin nightlife be enough to get them through their dangerous times? Performances are at 8 p.m. on Friday, April 13, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 14, and 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 15, at the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St. Tickets are $50-$85. Visit pioneercenter.com.


ARTIST TALK—ENRIQUE CHAGOYA: The artist will talk about his exhibition Enrique Chagoya: Reimagining the New World, which illustrates an imagined world in which the European conquest of the New World has failed and the normative culture of the Americas is based in Indigenous ideology. Thu, 4/12, 6:30pm. $5-$12. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333.

2018 NORTHERN NEVADA DIVERSITY SUMMIT: The Cultural Diversity Committee hosts the summit titled “Challenges, Changes, and Solutions: The Reality of Equity and Diversity within Higher Education and the Community.” Attendees can discover new programs and opportunities, learn about new ideas and emerging research and network with campus and community leaders. Thu, 4/12, 8am. Free. Joe Crowley Student Union, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4805, www.unr.edu/diversity/groups/culturaldiversity-committee.


ANNUAL POETRY MONTH READING SERIES: Hear poetry from Garrett Sanford, Suzanne Roberts, Lindsay Wilson, and Katherine Case. Thu, 4/12, 6:30pm. Free. Sundance Books and Music, 121 California Ave., (775) 786-1188.






Impact program encourages parents to ensure their children’s car seats are properly installed. When visiting the checkpoint, parents should bring their children and car seats and schedule about 30-45 minutes, or longer, for more than one seat. Staff and volunteers will check for obvious defects and determine whether the car seat appears on a national recall list. They will check the installation, correct any problems and provide education on the proper use and installation of the car seat. Sat, 4/14, 10am. Free. Champion Chevrolet, 800 Kietzke Lane, (775) 858-5437, remsahealth.com.

ghost walks hosted by the Northern Nevada Ghost Hunters. The event features dinner in the Crown Point restaurant, followed by tales of the history and alleged hauntings of the hotel and the surrounding area, known as Slippery Gulch. Using ghost hunting tools and techniques, you can try to make contact with the spirits still in residence at the hotel. Meet up for drinks after the ghost hunt in the Gold Hill Hotel’s bar. The ghost walk benefits the Comstock Foundation for History and Culture. Thu, 4/12, 6pm. $20-$40. Gold Hill Hotel, 1540 Main Street, Gold Hill, (775) 847-0111, goldhillhotel.net.

GLOBAL GALA: Northern Nevada International Center presents its 20th annual event featuring keynote speaker Tin Hinane El Kadi. Thu, 4/12, 6pm. $125. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 784-7515 x 222.

ISRAEL@70 CELEBRATION: The event celebrates the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel. The festivities include live music, dancing, buffet, no-host bar and children’s activities. Blue and white attire is encouraged but not required. The party takes place in the Atlantis Ballroom. Sat, 4/14, 6:30pm. $10-$2, free for kids ages 6 and younger. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700.

RENO RODEO 100 YEARS 100 STORIES: The multimedia project honors Northern Nevada’s rich history through the collection and sharing of stories depicting the last 100 years of the Reno Rodeo. The fourth installment of the series will explore the theme “Stories of our Ancestors” through short documentary films, audio stories with slides and live storytellers. Doors open at 5pm for social hour and chez louie cash bar. Stories begin at 6pm. Sat, 4/14, 6pm. $12 general admission, $8 NMA members. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3877.

SPINOFF! SPACE RACE INNOVATION, COMPUTERS AND CARS: Paul McFarlane of the Nevada Space Center is the featured speaker at this month’s Second Thursday Talks. Enjoy a 30-minute talk, Q&A, refreshments and a unique piece of history. Thu, 4/12, 1:30pm. $5, free for NAM members. National Automobile Museum, 10 S. Lake St., (775) 746-0717.

UNDERSTANDING GREAT BASIN HISTORY: Anthropologist Pat Barker will talk about how ancient people lived more than 10,000 years ago in the Great Basin. Sat, 4/14, 2pm. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948, www.galenacreekvisitorcenter.org.

aRT ARTISTS CO-OP OF RENO GALLERY: Ukrainian Palette. This month’s show features paintings by Ukrainian-trained artists and new co-op members Tetyana Anderson and Galina Milton, as well as artwork by guest artists Deborah Stevenson and Diana Sewell. The show runs through April 30. Thu, 4/12-Wed, 4/18, 11am-4pm. Free. Artists Co-op of Reno Gallery, 627 Mill St., (775) 322-8896.

ARTS FOR ALL NEVADA: Youth Art Month Exhibit. Arts for All Nevada celebrates the creativity of local youth as part of the national celebration of Youth Art Month. The artwork on display was created during workshops conducted by Arts for All Nevada in over 50 local elementary through high school special education classrooms in 30 different schools. The show runs through April 27. Thu, 4/12-Fri, 4/13, Mon, 4/16-Wed, 4/18, 10am. Arts for All Nevada, 250 Court St., (775) 826-6100.

BLUE WHALE COFFEE COMPANY: Midtown Mural Tour. This is a docent-led tour of more than 40 of the 70 murals in midtown Reno. Learn about the artists and how this form of public art improves the life and culture of a neighborhood. Local, national and international artists are represented. Tickets are available at the door. Sat, 4/14, 11am. $10. Blue Whale Coffee Company, 32 Cheney St., (415) 5964987, artspotreno.com.

CCAI COURTHOUSE GALLERY: Writing from Mars: An Exhibition. The Capital City Arts Initiative presents this art exhibition by Rick Parsons. Parsons’ current work explores automatic writing, jazz thinking and three-dimensional forms, while also addressing the environment. The exhibit runs through May 23. Thu, 4/12-Fri, 4/13, Mon, 4/16-Wed, 4/18, 8am-5pm. Free. CCAI Courthouse Gallery, 885 E. Musser St., Carson City, www.arts-initiative.org.

THE HOLLAND PROJECT: With Water We Thrive. This is a youth-lead initiative organized to help build awareness of water-related issues in the Great Basin and surrounding areas. The interactive pop-up art show will feature presentations by media artist E’sha Hoferer, photographer Bucky Harjo and spoken word artists Richie Ledreagle and Hale Fillmore. Thu, 4/12, 6pm. Free. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858, www.hollandreno.org.

NORTH VALLEYS LIBRARY: Celebrating Reno’s 150th Birthday. Sierra Watercolor Society celebrates Reno’s 150th birthday with new, original watercolor paintings by local artists. Thu, 4/12-Fri, 4/13, 10am. Free. North Valleys Library, 1075 North Hills Boulevard, (775) 750-4636, www.sierrawatercolorsociety.com.

NORTHWEST RENO LIBRARY: Bold Impressionism. The Northwest Reno Library presents a collection of contemporary landscape oil paintings by Truckee artist Jane Lufkin. The artwork is on display through April 28. Thu, 4/12-Sat, 4/14, Mon, 4/16-Wed, 4/18; Springing into a Summer of Art. Arts for All Nevada’s exhibit features artwork created in several of AFAN’s classes for children and adults throughout the community. Lake Mansion historical objects and photographs will also be on display. Hours are 10am-6pm on Monday-Tuesday, 10am-7pm on Wednesday, 10am-6pm on ThursdayFriday and 10am-5pm on Saturday. Thu,

4/12-Sat, 4/14, Mon, 4/16-Wed, 4/18,

10am. Free. Northwest Reno Library, 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100.

SHEPPARD CONTEMPORARY, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO: Faig Ahmed. Ahmed is well known for his conceptual works that use the traditional decorative craft and the visual language of carpets to create contemporary sculptural works of art. Ahmed has lent his work to be exhibited alongside historical examples for traditional central and West Asian weaving from the University Galleries collection; Mwangi Hutter: Time Zone and Equinox. Working with video, sound, photography, installation, sculpture painting and performance, Mwangi Hutter reflects on changing societal realities, creating an aesthetic of selfknowledge and interrelationship; Only Light Can Do That: Remembering MLK, Jr. Including work from a half dozen contemporary artists and also new additions to the collection by artists Elizabeth Catlett and Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Only Light Can Do That explores the visual cultures of Black America inspired by the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. The exhibitions run through May 10. Gallery hours are noon to 4pm on Tuesday-Wednesday, noon to 8pm on Thursday-Friday, 10am to 8pm on Saturday. Thu, 4/12-Sat, 4/14, Tue, 4/17-Wed, 4/18. Free. Sheppard Contemporary, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

SIERRA NEVADA COLLEGE: Pioneers of Clean Energy. This exhibition is part of a larger ongoing portrait project by photographer Rick Chapman. The goal of the Pioneers of Clean Energy Portrait Project is to create a collection of photographic portraits and video interviews of the top scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs leading the clean energy revolution in the United States. The show runs through April 20. Thu, 4/12-Fri, 4/13, Mon, 4/16-Wed, 4/18. Free. Sierra Nevada College, 999 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 881-7525, www.sierranevada.edu.

ST. MARY’S ART CENTER: Mountain Picassos— Basque Arborglyphs of the Great Basin. This traveling exhibition features canvases of Basque tree carvings, or arborglyphs, from the collection of Jean and Phillip Earl; Decades & Detours. Paula Saponaro’s painting and drawing style captures often overlooked elements of our world. Fri, 4/13-Sun, 4/15, 11am. $3.50$5. St. Mary’s Art Center, 55 North R St., Virginia City, www.stmarysartcenter.org.


TURNING POINTS —A NIGHT IN THE MUSICAL THEATRE: Truly great musicals all have one thing in common—characters who are forced to change. University of Nevada, Reno’s Department of Theatre and Dance presents an evening of song focusing on characters from contemporary musicals who come to terms with their realities. Some material might not be appropriate for all ages. Thu, 4/12-Fri, 4/13, 7:30pm; Sat, 4/14, 1pm & 7:30pm. $5-$15. Redfield Studio Theatre, Church Fine Arts, UNR, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

UP THE YANGTZE: Artemisia Moviehouse presents a screening of the 2007 documentary directed by Yung Chang, which explores the impact of the giant Three Gorges Dam project on the Yangtze, China’s longest river. In English and Mandarin. Sun, 4/15, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 337-9111.

STUDENT GALLERIES SOUTH: BFA Thesis Exhibitions. A thesis exhibition by current bachelor of fine arts students Henry MacDiarmid and Nicholas Minor through April 12; MFA Thesis Exhibition. A thesis exhibition by current master of fine arts candidate DePaul Vera, April 16-19, 23-26. Gallery hours are noon-4 pm Monday through Thursday. Thu, 4/12, Mon, 4/16-Wed, 4/18, noon. Free. Student Galleries South, Jot Travis Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

MUSEUMS NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART: Andrea Zittel: Wallsprawl. On view through Dec. 31; Art of the Greater West. On view through Jan. 6; The Body of a House: Paintings by Robert Beckmann. On view through April 1; Enrique Chagoya: Reimagining the New World. On view through July 8; Hans Meyer-Kassel: Artist of Nevada. On view through Sept. 2; History of Transportation: A Mural Study by Helen Lundeberg. On view through Jan. 6; Marking the Infinite. On view through May 13; The Nuclear Landscape. On view through Jan. 6; Randolph Sims: On the Spur of the Moment. On view through July 8; Trevor Paglen: Orbital Reflector. On view through Sept. 30. Thu, 4/12-Sun, 4/15, Wed, 4/18, 10am. $1-$10. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

THE TERRY LEE WELLS NEVADA DISCOVERY MUSEUM (THE DISCOVERY): A T. rex Named Sue. At 42 feet long and 12 feet high at the hips, Sue is the largest, most complete, and best-preserved T. rex ever discovered. A dramatic, life-sized skeleton cast of Sue is the centerpiece of this blockbuster exhibition that also features digital and hands-on interactive exhibits that help you uncover Sue’s past and explore the field of paleontology. A T. rex Named Sue will be on exhibit at The Discovery through May 13. Museum hours are 10am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, 10am to 8pm on Wednesday, 10am to 2pm on Thursday and noon to 5pm on Sunday. Thu, 4/12-Wed, 4/18. $10-$12. The Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery), 490 S. Center St., (775) 786-1000, nvdm.org.

WILBUR D. MAY CENTER: Hall of Heroes. Learn about the history of superheroes with props and memorabilia from comics, movies and television. See a recreation of the iconic 1960s Batmobile and Batcave, a life-size replica of the TARDIS from Dr. Who, life-size statues of the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Batman, Superman and more. Discover your own super abilities at interactive challenge stations that test agility, memory, reflexes, endurance, strength, speed and mental power. The show runs through April 15. Hours are 10am-4pm on Thursday-Saturday, noon-4pm on Sunday. Thu, 4/12-Sun, 4/15. $8-$9. Wilbur D. May Center, Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N. Sierra St., (775) 785-5961.


MUSIC Symphony performs music from the Cirque du Soleil show The Beatles: Love, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Blues Brothers Revue, Bond ... James Bond, A Gershwin Tribute to Love and a tribute to Frank Sinatra. Sun, 4/15, 3pm. $12. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700, www.renowindsymphony.com.

SUNDAY JAZZ AT RLT: Reno Little Theater, For the Love of Jazz and 89.5 KNCJ present this monthly event featuring some of the most prominent jazz musicians in the Reno music scene. The Reno Jazz Syndicate will perform at this month’s event. Sun, 4/15, 7pm. Paywhat-you-can admission. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org.

CELTIC MUSIC SLOW SESSION: Experience Celtic music making slow and easy with Irish fiddle, Irish whistles, banjos, guitars and bodhrans. Bring what instruments you’ve got, even just to listen. Loaner instruments are available. All ages welcome. Thu, 4/12, 6pm. $5. Mountain Music Parlor, 735 S. Center St., (775) 8435500, mountainmusicparlor.com.

L-CUBED LOOK, LUNCH, LISTEN CONCERT SERIES: L-Cubed is a free, weekly BYO lunch jazz and classical music series featuring music performances by students and faculty in a laid-back lunchtime setting. Wed, 4/18, noon. Free. Frank & Joan Randall Rotunda, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

GUIDED HIKE: Enjoy a guided hike through



Explore a variety of tools and techniques used by makers to foster creativity and encourage hands-on, collaborative innovation and build community. Visitors can explore the art and science of neon sign creation, learn how to turn juniper berries into gin or make a mini robot out of a toothbrush, among other fun activities, at this event. Social Science is The Discovery’s adults-only, brain-building event series featuring science demonstrations, hands-on labs, expert presentations and a live DJ. The ticket price includes two drinks and complimentary hors d’oeuvres. Attendees must be age 21 or older with valid ID to attend. The fun begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 14, at the Terry Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery), 490 S. Center St. Tickets are $15-$25. Visit nvdm.org.

SOUTHERN DRAWL BAND: Southern Drawl Band performs its blend of country, Southern rock, tropical rock and bluegrass. Fri, 4/13, 7pm. $15-$25. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976.

UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA JAZZ ENSEMBLES I & II SPRING CONCERT: University of Nevada, Reno jazz ensembles will perform a wide range of music from jazz classics to new works by university students. Thu, 4/12, 7:30pm. $5, free for UNR students with valid ID. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

ONSTAGE BREW, BRATS AND BALLET 2018: Enjoy original dance and a first-hand and up-close peek into the creative process of dance making. The annual celebration is modeled after Sacramento Ballet’s Beer and Ballet. The event features new, short choreographic works by local and out-of-state dance artists in a casual atmosphere. Sun, 4/15, 4pm. $15-$25. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976.

CHAVEZ RESISTANCE!: Reno Little Theater and Latino ARTE present a bilingual play written by Mario Delarosa about the life of Cesar Chavez, the MexicanAmerican labor leader and civil rights activist, as part of their El Teatro del Pueblo series. Thu, 4/12-Sat, 4/14, 7pm; Sun, 4/15, 2pm. $15-$20. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org.

NEW CANULA: Restless Artists’ Theatre presents “an unromantic feel good dramedy” by local playwright Gary Cremeans II. The production will feature former resident Scott Rankin as Bull and Gary Cremeans in his final Reno/Sparks performance as J. Dubbs. Now with bonus deleted scenes in the second act featuring music from Gary Kephart. Thu, 4/12-Sat, 4/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 4/15, 2pm. $12$20. Restless Artists Theatre Company, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074, www.rattheatre.org.

Galena Creek Park with a local specialist. Please bring appropriate clothing and plenty of water. If there’s enough snow, this will be a snowshoe hike. There will be a few pairs of snowshoes at the visitor center available for rent. The hike intensity varies, depending on the audience. Sat, 4/14. 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

RENO ACES: The minor league baseball team

plays the El Paso Chihuahuas. Tue, 4/17Wed, 4/18, 6:35pm. $9-$33. Greater Nevada

Field, 250 Evans Ave., (775) 334-4700.

This event will start under the historic Reno Arch before traversing through midtown and heading south to the parks and communities of Reno. There are half-marathon, 10k and 5k races. The event benefits the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. Sat, 4/14, 8am. $45$80. Downtown Reno Arch, North Virginia Street & Commercial Row, (775) 470-5826, www.desertskyadventures.com/biggestlittle-half-marathon.

LIFESTYLE CROCHET CONNECTION: Crochet enthusiasts of all levels are invited join this group, which meets every Thursday. Bring your own project or start a new one. Thu, 4/12, 3pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.

HIGH SIERRA WRITERS: Bring your written work to share and critique with published

and unpublished writers. Wed, 4/18, 7pm. Free. Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 5555 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-8882, www.highsierrawriters.org.

MONDAY ART MAKERS: Arts for All Nevada offers 90-minute workshops for people with intellectual disabilities every Monday evening. Art supplies are provided. Aides/caregivers are welcome to attend the workshops. This is a dropin class. Mon, 4/16, 3:30pm. Free. Arts for All Nevada, 250 Court St., (775) 826-6100.

techniques while having fun in a small social setting for all levels. Paint your own 16” x 20” canvas acrylic painting to take home for all to admire. The featured painting will be “Evening; Red Tree” by Piet Mondrian. You may bring your own beverages and snacks. Wine glasses, cups, napkins and water provided. Tue, 4/17, 6pm. $30. Arts for All Nevada, 250 Court St., (775) 826-6100.

PORTRAIT BASICS-A TRADITIONAL APPROACH WITH A LIMITED PALETTE: Join portrait painter and instructor Christopher Newhard for this all-day workshop offering one, six-hour portrait pose with a female model. The workshop includes lunch. Students will receive critiques and demonstrations as well as one-onone instruction and feedback. All skill levels are welcome. The workshop is limited to 14 students with a maximum of seven students per model. Materials list and workshop schedule will be made available upon registration and receipt of payment. Email Christopher at christophernewhard@gmail.com. Sat, 4/14, 9:30am. $75. Nevada Fine Arts, 1301 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-1128.

TEEN PAINT & SIP: Teens ages 12-16 years

LIFESCAPES: Lifescapes meets the second and fourth Thursdays. In this program, seniors are given an opportunity to write and share their memoirs. New members are always welcome. Lifescapes is a project sponsored by the Washoe County Library System, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and the Department of English at the University of Nevada, Reno. Thu, 4/12, 1pm. Free. South Valleys Library, 15650 Wedge Parkway, (775) 851-5190.

dancing every week at the American Legion Hall. No partner or experience necessary. Wed, 4/18, 7pm. $7-$10 for lessons, $5 for dance only. American Legion Hall, 877 Ralston St., (707) 8430895, www.renoswings.com.

Generator and with a dozen instructors available, the co-op welcomes all shapes, sizes and skill levels in joining them to learn the art of aerials. Mon, 4/16, 6:30pm; Wed, 4/18, 7pm. The Generator, 1240 Icehouse Ave, Sparks, facebook.com/ renoaerialcoop.

PAINT & SIP: Learn basic painting


RENO SWINGS!: Learn 1940s-style swing

CLASSES BEGINNER’S AERIALS WITH RENO AERIAL CO-OP: As the resident aerialists for the



class begins at 5:30pm, followed by an intermediate class at 6:30pm taught by Tim Renner, $8 each. Free social dance from 7:30-10pm. No partner necessary. Mon, 4/16, 5:30pm. $8 per lesson. 11th Frame Lounge, Carson Lanes Family Fun Center, 4600 Snyder Ave., Carson City, (775) 443-8870, hssdc.org.

old will receive creative guidance from an Arts for All Nevada’s artist to paint their own 16” x 20” canvas masterpiece in a fun, social setting. This class is open to all artistic levels. The featured painting is Van Gogh’s “Irises.” Feel free to bring a snack and beverage. All supplies are included in this two-hour class. Fri, 4/13, 5pm. $15. Larry D. Johnson Community Center, 1200 12th St., Sparks, (775) 826-6100.

THRIVE YOGA: Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run sponsors this series of free yoga classes for breast or gynecological cancer fighters and survivors. Wed, 4/18, 6pm. Free. Midtown Community Yoga, 600-A S. Virginia St., (775) 772-3892, www.midtowncommunity.yoga.






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For what it’s worth I’m a man in my 60s. Looking back on my romantic life, I was always the guy women spent time with when their husband or boyfriend wasn’t paying attention to them or while they waited for the right guy (status, power, money) to show up. I’m good-looking, but I realize from reading you that I never had enough “mate value,” never mastering the essence of Cialdini’s “scarcity principle.” I’m a retired teacher. For 20-some years, I taught kids who had severe behavioral problems. While parents, grandparents and school personnel appreciated what I did, it didn’t hold much long-term interest for women. My wife left me for someone with much higher “mate value.” I keep thinking that all of this could have been avoided if I had only chosen a profession with high-end “mate value.” Your having a middlin’-bucks job instead of a megabucks one probably wasn’t the root of your mate retention issues. It turns out that there’s more to mate value than money and a “high-end” job. In fact, evolutionary psychologist David Buss did a massive cross-cultural survey looking at what men and women want in a partner, and kindness topped the list for each. Intelligence was another list-topper. What wasn’t on the lists at all? A partner who’s a pushover—always available, never any pesky boundaries. Accordingly, you mention psychologist Robert Cialdini, whose “scarcity principle” I’ve referenced. Basically, we value what is out of reach and seems hard to get, not what seems hard to get rid of. That “hard” truth might seem like a reason for you to keep looking back with despair. However, within it is actually a message of hope—an action plan. The reality is, you’re in a better position than ever to land and keep a woman. As I often explain, there are sex differences in what men and women prioritize in a partner, with men valuing looks far more than women do. Youth and beauty are evolution’s version of a billboard advertising health and fertility. This means that women’s mate value is higher when they’re, say, in their early 20s. And that’s why 22-yearold guys find 22-year-old women seriously hot—as do the grandpas of those 22-year-old dudes.

Meanwhile, a 22-year-old guy is essentially gum under the tire of a 32-year-old guy’s Mercedes. Because women prioritize status and resources in a male partner, men’s mate value tends to increase as they get older and more accomplished. Cruelly, women’s mate value declines with age. On a more positive note, what also tends to go is the notion some younger women have that massive character flaws can be outweighed by a massive mansion. Women with a thing for bad boys may likewise come to see the excitement in a man who pays the bills the boring way—through online banking instead of online identity theft. In short, there are plenty of women who’d want a guy like you—providing you mend your ways. Going back to that “scarcity principle,” what needs to become scarce is your willingness to be a convenient option instead of a priority. Though this has been your default state—for decades—it doesn’t have to remain that way. In fact, by repeatedly acting assertively, you’ll actually rewire your brain. This isn’t to say the old rollover kitty behaviors go away. Unfortunately, there’s no giant neural eraser that comes around once a week like the trash guys the city sends to your neighborhood. What happens is that you transform your default behavior—how you behave when you react automatically—to acting like a man instead of like the male friend who braids women’s hair while they’re waiting for the guy they are having sex with. As for the practical steps to becoming the new bold you: Figure out what seems fair and right, and then say “no” to everything outside that box. Assert yourself even when you’re scared to do it. Sure, you’ll feel uncomfortable, especially the first few times. However, you should slowly begin to do better with the ladies—and maybe even find love, despite it being clear that the only fur you’d ever get a woman would come with the rest of the hamster or the cat. Ω


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by ROb bRezsny

For the week oF April 12, 2018 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries statesman

Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He wrote one of history’s most famous documents, the Declaration of Independence. He was an architect, violinist, inventor, and linguist who spoke numerous languages, as well as a philosopher who was knowledgeable about mathematics, surveying, and horticulture. But his most laudable success came in 1789, when he procured the French recipe for macaroni and cheese while living in France, and thereafter introduced the dish into American cuisine. JUST KIDDING! I’m making this little joke in the hope that it will encourage you to keep people focused on your most important qualities, and not get distracted by less essential parts of you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the early 1990s, Aus-

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tralian electrical engineer John O’Sullivan toiled on a research project with a team of radio astronomers. Their goal was to find exploding mini-black holes in the distant voids of outer space. The quest failed. But in the process of doing their experiments, they developed technology that became a key component now used in Wi-Fi. Your digital devices work so well in part because his frustrating misadventure led to a happy accident. According to my reading of your astrological omens, Taurus, we may soon be able to make a comparable conclusion about events in your life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the fictional world

created by DC Comics, the superhero Superman has a secret identity as a modest journalist named Clark Kent. Or is it the other way around? Does the modest journalist Clark Kent have a secret identity as the superhero Superman? Only a few people realize the two of them are the same. I suspect there is an equally small number of allies who know who you really are beneath your “disguises,” Gemini. But upcoming astrological omens suggest that could change. Are you ready to reveal more about your true selves? Would you consider expanding the circle that is allowed to see and appreciate your full range and depth?

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Playwright Tennessee

Williams once spent an evening trying to coax a depressed friend out of his depression. It inspired him to write a poem that began like this: “I want to infect you with the tremendous excitement of living, because I believe that you have the strength to bear it.” Now I address you with the same message, Cancerian. Judging from the astrological omens, I’m convinced you currently have more strength than ever before to bear the tremendous excitement of living. I hope this news will encourage you to potentize your ability to welcome and embrace the interesting puzzles that will come your way in the weeks ahead.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Are you finished dealing

with spacious places and vast vistas and expansive longings? I hope not. I hope you will continue to explore big bold blooming schemes and wild free booming dreams until at least April 25. In my astrological opinion, you have a sacred duty to keep outstripping your previous efforts. You have a mandate to go further, deeper, and braver as you break out of shrunken expectations and push beyond comfortable limitations. The unknown is still more inviting and fertile than you can imagine.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Between December

5 and 9, 1952, London was beset with heavy fog blended with thick smog. Visibility was low. Traffic slowed and events were postponed. In a few places, people couldn’t see their own feet. According to some reports, blind people, who had a facility for moving around without the aid of sight, assisted pedestrians in making their way through the streets. I suspect that a metaphorically comparable phenomenon may soon arise in your sphere, Virgo. Qualities that might customarily be regarded as liabilities could at least temporarily become assets.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your allies are always

important, but in the coming weeks they will be even more so. I suspect they will be your salvation, your deliverance, and your treasure. So why not treat them like angels or celebrities or celebrity angels? Buy them ice cream and concert tickets and fun surprises. Tell them

secrets about their beauty that no one has ever expressed before. Listen to them in ways that will awaken their dormant potentials. I bet that what you receive in return will inspire you to be a better ally to yourself.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In the coming weeks,

I suspect you will be able to find what you need in places that are seemingly devoid of what you need. You can locate the possible in the midst of what’s apparently impossible. I further surmise that you will summon a rebellious resourcefulness akin to that of Scorpio writer Albert Camus, who said, “In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. No matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger—something better, pushing right back.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1936, Herbert

C. Brown graduated from the University of Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in science. His girlfriend Sarah Baylen rewarded him with the gift of a two-dollar book about the elements boron and silicon. Both he and she were quite poor; she couldn’t afford a more expensive gift. Brown didn’t read the book for a while, but once he did, he decided to make its subject the core of his own research project. Many years later, he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discoveries about the role of boron in organic chemistry. And it all began with that two-dollar book. I bring this story to your attention, Sagittarius, because I foresee you, too, stumbling upon a modest beginning that eventually yields breakthrough results.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 20 B.C., Rome’s

most famous poet was Quintus Horatius Flaccus, known to us today as Horace. He prided himself on his meticulous craftsmanship, and advised other writers to be equally scrupulous. Once you compose a poem, he declared, you should put it aside for nine years before deciding whether to publish it. That’s the best way to get proper perspective on its worth. Personally, I think that’s too demanding, although I appreciate the power that can come from marshaling so much conscientiousness. And that brings me to a meditation on your current state, Capricorn. From what I can tell, you may be at risk of being too risk-averse; you could be on the verge of waiting too long and being too cautious. Please consider naming a not-too-distant release date.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Luckily, you have an

inventive mind and an aptitude for experimentation. These will be key assets as you dream up creative ways to do the hard work ahead of you. Your labors may not come naturally, but I bet you’ll be surprised at how engaging they’ll become and how useful the rewards will be. Here’s a tip on how to ensure you will cultivate the best possible attitude: Assume that you now have the power to change stale patterns that have previously been resistant to change.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): May I suggest that you get a lesson in holy gluttony from a Taurus? Or perhaps pick up some pointers in enlightened self-interest from a Scorpio? New potential resources are available, but you haven’t reeled them in with sufficient alacrity. Why? Why oh why oh why?! Maybe you should ask yourself whether you’re asking enough. Maybe you should give yourself permission to beam with majestic self-confidence. Picture this: Your posture is regal, your voice is authoritative, your sovereignty is radiant. You have identified precisely what it is you need and want, and you have formulated a pragmatic plan to get it.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at www.realastrology.com.



Clark County Sen. Richard “Tick” Segerblom was elected to the Nevada Assembly in 2006 and moved on to the Senate in 2012. He is a member of a family with a long Nevada history—his mother was a state legislator before him. He has been a leader in ending marijuana prohibition. We interviewed him at the Reno Cannabis Convention last weekend.

I knew that it was an issue that was ripe for attention, and I thought I could stick my name to it because I thought I had a little prominence. And I knew from personal experience that it’s not dangerous, so it’s kind of a natural fit, but I had no idea of what I was jumping on. I thought I was jumping on, like, a little trike, and it turned out it was like a locomotive. This thing is taking off, and politicians will be left at the station. I think most politicians actually are coming around, though.

There’s still a federal sword of Damocles hanging over this whole thing. Everything. Just probably talking today is a felony because you’re encouraging people to use a felonious substance. It’s pretty amazing how we’ve developed this whole industry


All along, a lot of elected officials were scared of this issue—still are. You jumped right in the middle of it. Why?

in which people are felons by being involved in this.

The Trump administration is nothing if not unpredictable. Is there any chance, do you think, that it would pull a clampdown? I honestly don’t. I think the horse is out of the barn. They can’t put the genie back in the bottle. There would be riots in the streets. The problem for Trump is ... a lot of the constituencies are his people, and his elected officials who are supporting him would just really be in [elective] danger.

During the Obama administration, U.S. attorneys in California clamped down on dispensaries. Is

there any reason to believe they might not do it again in whatever jurisdiction? Well, if you look at the ones they clamped down on, they were kind of test cases as far as being close to churches or whatever. But then the Cole Memo came out and said, “As long as you do these things, we’re going to [keep] hands off.” And so billions of dollars invested—over 300 million just in Nevada—and then to come in and say, “Oh, by the way, all that money? We’re going to change the rules, and we’re going to shut you down.” I don’t think it will happen. … People would freak out. It would send a message, for sure. Ω


Bits and pieces You know, I just can’t help but notice that every time Dum Dum talks about the Mueller investigation, he screeches about No Collusion. Always with the “No Collusion.” Never do we get “No Obstruction” or “No Money Laundering,” only “No Collusion.” Fine. I’ll give President Spanky a pass right now on all collusion charges. In exchange, I’ll gladly settle for three Obstructions of Justice, 14 Money Launderings, 11 Escorts, and various Orange Violations. Dum Dum also just loves to vent about this “witch hunt,” or, as he likes to tweet, “WITCH HUNT!!!!!” Question—are witch hunts bad? I mean, if you find the witches, that’s a good thing for all us villagers, right? And Mr. Mueller appears to be very good at this witch hunting. In 11 months, he’s located 19, and got five of them to plead guilty to various witch-

crafts. So this hunt appears to actually be going rather well. • Twitler called the FBI’s move on his lawyer Mike the Fixer “an attack on our country.” Heh. That’s rich. A comedian, this guy. But you know, I bet he’s positively pissed right now he won the election. Just steamed. I can see him in his DFT pajamas, getting into his own bed (Melania’s choice) in the palatial White House master suite and saying, “Jesus, Mel, what the hell. Everything was going well. It used to be so very swell.” And Melania replies, in her low Slovenian growl, “You had to be big shit.” Don says, “No, honey, that’s shot. With an ‘O.’ A big SHOT.” And she gives him a glowering look that says, “I had it right the first time.” • Speaking of guys who are laying way, way, way down low, how about

these Retrumplicans? I mean, have you heard even a peep out of any of the major vipers in the GOP, like Turtle Man or Eddie Munster? Dean “What the” Heller? You just hang out in your bomb shelters, shitheads. Hope you stocked up on plenty of chili. We’ll give you a buzz for the primaries. • What? Larry had a massive stroke? Oh shit. Larry, of course, being The Grand Poobah of Burning Man, Larry Harvey, a man who has done some unbelievable engineering and nurturing to bring about a fabulous and fascinating visionary movement that continues to grow on a planetary level. And the fact that this movement massively recharges itself every Labor Day in the freaking Black Rock Desert? What a gas! Best wishes, Larry, and hope to see ya for some fiya on da playa this year. Ω






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