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l a t n e m i r e p x E n o i t u l so Should counties turn to forced treatment for their mentally ill homeless populations? PAGE











January 9, 2020



Vol. 43, Issue 20 • January 9, 2020 OPINION


Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 This Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7




Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9



Weekly Dose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13





15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15






Music feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29






Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J. Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Staff Writers Andre Byik, Ashiah Scharaga Calendar Editor Neesa Sonoquie Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Josh Cozine, Nate Daly, Charles Finlay, Bob Grimm, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Ken Smith, Robert Speer, Wendy Stewart, Evan Tuchinsky, Carey Wilson Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard-Arthur Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Publications Designers Katelynn Mitrano, Nikki Exerjian Director of Sales and Advertising Jamie DeGarmo Advertising Services Coordinator Ruth Alderson Senior Advertising Consultant Brian Corbit Advertising Consultants Adam Lew, Jordon Vernau Office Assistant Jennifer Osa Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Matt Daugherty Distribution Staff Michael Gardner, Andrew Garske, Ken Gates, Bob Meads, Randall Morrison, Larry Smith, Courtney Tilton, Placido Torres, Bill Unger, Richard Utter, Jim Williams, David Wyles

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JANUARY 9, 2020




Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to 353 E. Second St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.


Prohibition not the answer Last month, the Chico City Council directed the

municipal attorney to draft an ordinance that bans the sale of flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes and vaping cartridges for e-cigarettes. On Tuesday (Jan. 7), the Oroville City Council moved forward with its own ban. At issue is the increase in vaping among American youths. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 27.5 percent of high school students and 10.5 percent of middle-schoolers are now vaping. Prohibition advocates argue that flavored tobacco products attract children. Makes sense to pretty much anyone who has walked down the cereal aisle of a typical grocery store—where cartoon mascots lure kids to magically delicious, sugar-drenched breakfast fare. Cue the warnings about diabetes. Much work has been done to educate young people about the dangers of nicotine, which is proven to harm brain development, and we certainly don’t want to see another generation become addicted to that harmful drug. Thing is, per state law, tobacco products are already off limits to kids. In fact, back in June 2018, California became the second state in the nation to raise the minimum purchasing age to 21. As with our long-held views on cannabis consumption, the CN&R doesn’t believe the government should

tell adults what they can and can’t put in their bodies. Plus, as history has informed, prohibition simply doesn’t work. People who want flavored tobacco products will find a way to get them—whether they turn to online sales, to neighboring towns or to a black market that develops with sketchy products as a result of the crackdown. They may also simply start smoking traditional cigarettes, products that contain not only nicotine but also other harmful chemicals. Moreover, local bans may soon be moot. The federal government last week moved to prohibit certain flavors of so-called vaping “pods” until such time that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration deems them safe. What’s exempted are the sort used in tank-based, refillable vapes. In the meantime, California lawmakers via Senate Bill 793 are working to prohibit all flavored tobacco products, including menthols and those used in the aforementioned tank systems. At the local level, from our perspective, a better course of action to address youth vaping would be for the cities to enact harsh penalties for local retail outlets that sell tobacco to minors. That would weed out responsible shops from bad actors, help keep products away from kids, and allow adults to have a local option for purchases they’re going to make irrespective of any ban. Ω


Poor get poorer in Trump’s economy Dindicators gest economy in the history of our nation.” Economic show strength, but only for a select few. To onald Trump claims that the U.S. has “the stron-

wit, 2018 was the first time in our history billionaires paid a lower income tax rate than the working class. Indeed, income inequality—the separation of wealth between the rich and the poor—is at a 50-year high. While employment in the service sector has shown steady growth, a downturn in the manufacturing sector is dipping deeper into recessionary levels. Trump’s by trade war has caused catastrophic Roger S. Beadle losses in agriculture; the majority The author, a Chico of Trump’s $28 billion agriculture resident, is a Chico bailout went to corporate agriState alum and former business; and very little was realsmall-business owner. ized by the family farms that are suffering from devastating market losses. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Labor ’s November job growth numbers were inflated by GM’s 48,000 striking workers returning to work and the 13 million people who are working two (or more) jobs.



JANUARY 9, 2020

Keep in mind that the $7.25 federal minimum wage hasn’t risen in a decade; government reports show that 11.1 percent of American households are food insecure; 38 million Americans live below the official poverty level; inflation-adjusted wages haven’t risen in 40 years; and homelessness in America increased 2.7 percent in 2018-19, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. So it’s especially cruel that Trump has ordered the Department of Agriculture, which runs the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, to begin implementing new rules that redefine eligibility requirements for program participation. A just-released study by the Urban Institute examined the USDA’s new rules in combination and found that 3.7 million fewer people will receive SNAP in an average month; 2.2 million households will see their monthly benefits drop by $127; another 3 million will see a $37 per month drop; and 982,000 schoolchildren will lose access to free or reduced lunches. In 1976, Ronald Reagan referred to those who needed public assistance for basic necessities as “welfare queens.” Is that what hungry people are to the Trump administration? Ω

SECOND & FLUME by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

White-knuckling On Tuesday (Jan. 7), as the prospect of World War III seemed conceivable, I began fretting over that scenario and thinking about how long it had been since I was able to tune out the news of the day. The answer: nearly two decades. Choosing journalism as a profession has meant living in a fairly constant state of anxiety about current affairs. As a community newspaper editor, I’m most often focused on what’s happening here in our backyard. But I also research and write about global affairs, and the thought of the mercurial leader of the free world taking us a step further into conflict in the Middle East raises the hair on my neck. What has happened over the past week—Trump ordering a drone strike near Baghdad that killed a top Iranian general, and the rejoinder of missile strikes that fortunately didn’t harm American troops—arguably began without justification. Iran has ostensibly been provoking the U.S. for the better part of a year, including by shooting down a drone that entered the country’s airspace back in June. One of the lingering questions: Why take the bait now? Even our closest allies were caught unawares. Given our embattled president’s political troubles, and the fact that the late Iranian general for years moved freely through the Middle East, a “wag the dog” scenario isn’t far-fetched. The timing is extremely suspect. Indeed, it provides an all-too-convenient distraction from impeachment during a period when re-election is top of mind. And considering the raft of potential prison-worthy crimes this president faces when he’s out of office, you can bet he will do whatever it takes to get a second term. To hell with the American lives he’d risk—that he’s already put at risk—as well as the millions of Iranians who’d have no say in any sort of altercation with the West. Speaking of those innocent citizens, lost in the talk of the neverending war on terror is how sanctions in the region have crippled the economy and the fact that recent escalations likely stem from a desire to open negotiations with the White House. However, as has been pointed out even by the president’s allies, there’s no strategy with Iran. This week, though it’s been almost 17 years, the start of the Iraq War feels eerily recent. At the time, I was in my last semester at Chico State, where I worked on the student newspaper, The Orion. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long since I covered an anti-war protest that shut down traffic on Main Street. I’ll never forget the images of riot-gear-clad police officers—photos I captured on a camera with actual film. What I didn’t know that day was that nearly 5,000 U.S. service members and hundreds of thousands of others, including civilians, would lose their lives as a result of the invasion, the collapse of that country’s infrastructure, and the subsequent rise of the Islamic State. I certainly hope these recent events speak to some fence-sitters about the dangers this president’s impulsiveness presents. I don’t want our nation to spend another four years on the white-knuckle flight that is the Trump administration.

Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R


Send email to cnrletters@newsreview.com

To watch, indeed Re “Whom to watch” (Cover story, by CN&R staff, Jan. 2): Kasey Reynolds is not forging connections between cause and effect. If she had, maybe she’d be self-aware about how her use of fear-mongering and race-baiting in her campaign literature, which I’ve used several times as a prop in the City Council chambers, illustrates her culpability in crafting that narrative. “Ice cream fascist” is a term describing those people who harbor a morality that denies the existence of injustice, hides its inhumane agenda behind innocent appeals to tradition, and asserts subjective experience as objective fact. Albeit more individualistic than Italian fascism, it brands itself as protector of civic order. It seeks to remove barriers to capitalist exploitation of land and labor and impose strict law and order. This paper’s write-up on

Reynolds exposed some of these themes in her own words. When supporting police means refusing to discuss even minor reforms like de-escalation and implicit-bias training, Reynolds reifies this monopoly on violence. When arguing that CEQA is the barrier to affordable housing, she elevates the falsehood that enriching speculators and developers through market-rate housing will solve our housing catastrophe. If she can’t connect the dots on these no-brainer issues, can we trust her proposal for a substance abuse treatment center? Steve Breedlove Chico

Reasons to hesitate Re “Looming deadline” (Newslines, by Andre Byik, Jan. 2): Why are right-of-entry (ROE) contracts for removing “hazard” trees on private properties

unpopular? Perhaps it is the defining of trees to be removed as hazards. There is a fear that living green trees that survived will be included for removals. Why else are we told there will be no debate? Other concerns arise within the ROE contract. First, we are mandated to comply or face liens against our properties, and by signing agree to: 1. Allow all government (fed, state, county and town) and associated subcontractors to enter our properties. 2. Accept removal of all trees deemed a hazard to public thoroughfares by officials from above entities, using criteria we do not have a right to question. 3. Accept the costs of cleanup of all tree waste, as well as damages to land, driveways, etc., caused by heavy equipment. 4. Allow up to three years for the work to occur. 5. Accept that damages, even due to negligence, to any improved property (i.e., houses, fencing) may or may not be addressed at the sole discretion LETTERS c o n t i n u e d

o n pa g e 6

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January 9, 2020



2020 Keep Chico Weird

Art Show

Gasoline-thrower POTUS

Chico needs you. The Chico News & Review is once again planning to celebrate your strange, freaky, bizarre, unique approach to making art! Submissions are now being accepted for the seventh annual Keep Chico Weird Art Show, happening March 19-22 at the 1078 Galley.

Deadline for submissions is Feb. 28 2020.

To be considered for the Keep Chico Weird Art Show, submit an image of your art. Include a short bio, as well as any pertinent internet links, plus contact info. If you’d like to perform as part of the reception entertainment, send us a video of your act. Send submissions to keepchicoweird@ gmail.com. Selected entrants will be notified within a week or so from the deadline.

For more info and updates visit:

keepchicoweird.com or facebook.com/keepchicoweird 6


January 9, 2020

of the state Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. 6. Release and agree to hold harmless all entities involved in the program from all liability for any damage or loss whatsoever. Perhaps this shines a little light on property owners’ hesitance. Vicki Redridge-Kunst Paradise

Hey, weirdos! • Art in all mediums is eligible (including performance art for the reception on March 19) • Must be 18-over to submit

LETTERS c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 5

I am writing in fear, frustration and anger. The White House occupant, in an effort to distract from his pending impeachment, is throwing gasoline at the raging fire already burning in the Middle East. After an unlawful assassination in Baghdad, he continues to taunt and threaten Iran into an unspeakable war that will destroy us all, and affect the whole world. Instead of counseling directly with Congress, as is legally necessary, he tweets his intentions of going to war with Iran to Congress while he continues to tweet his threats out to the world. He’s totally unhinged and mentally ill, and has to be stopped! Now! There has to be a way to remove an unfit commander who lawlessly is committed to destroying us. Call/write to your representatives and demand they step up to their responsibilities to lead and protect America. Please. Mary Chaffee Corning

‘Protect our water’ This election is all about protecting our water. Both Tod Kimmelshue and Doug Teeter have aligned themselves with special interests that want to control our water. I have conservative and progressive friends who advocate for protecting our Butte County water and none of them will vote for either Tod or Doug. Do you really want the richest 25 farmers in Butte County and Cal Water Co. controlling our water? In Tulare County, the wealthy farmers have dropped the groundwater so low that over 5,000 residential homeowners on residential wells have gone dry. They have to shower with a 2-liter bottle of water and reuse that water to flush their toilets. Our residential homeowners living on wells can’t afford to put in new wells going down hundreds of feet. Do you really think Tod will protect your water?

Doug failed Paradise and supports plans that will result in Paradise losing their precious water rights. I’m voting for Sue Hilderbrand and Henry Schleiger, because they will protect our water. John Scott  Butte Valley

The alternative is ... Low-barrier shelters would be an improvement when sadly considering the no-barrier shelter that the city of Chico has become. John Henry Lyons Chico

Deep thoughts, 2020 Just a few thoughts to begin the new decade. The commander in chief does not want to be president, but the White House is the primary deterrent to prison. Robert Mueller is light-years ahead by knowing if Donald Trump was ostensibly excused from obstruction his arrogance would trap him into more prosecutable transgressions. Employment figures are impressive because so many millions are working multiple jobs for bare subsistence. The distractive timing of the recent assassination in Iraq and the impeachment proceedings should be obvious. Anyone who openly declares a loving relationship with North Korea’s leader might have provided an invitation for an incoming nuclear warhead. The result of the 2016 election was due as much to memories of the infamous “blue dress” as Russian interference. If Jeb Bush would have backhanded Trump when he refused to apologize to his wife, he might have won the election. Homelessness is on the rise in Oregon and California tantamount to the level of poor excuses provided. In any sport where the score is 70-0 or more all coaches should be immediately terminated. Finally, if everyone would mellow out to Jackson Browne/ David Lindley’s “For a Dancer,” our brief lives on Earth might make a little more sense. Until next year ... Kenneth B. Keith Tehama

Evangelicalism’s ugly root For eight lovely years, America was at relative peace, except for the racist rage and hate of others underlying the Republican and evangelical movements. As Dartmouth professor and author Randall Balmer noted in a Politico piece, it’s a myth that conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists became a coalition to stop Roe v. Wade. In fact, it wasn’t until six years after that landmark case, in 1979, that Jerry Falwell and other false prophets turned the Christian movement all on its head. They focused on abortion because that “crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools.” The church unfortunately fell in line and has now sold its soul to the Devil Trump, in ungodly worship and submission. The Devil Trump offered evangelicals what they coveted deeply, a bite at Trump’s poisonous apple of deception and control over others. A continued focus on abortion is interesting considering Trump’s Cult of Christians don’t care about living children being separated from their parents, living in deplorable conditions on the border, complete with unchecked abuses and death. When women choose life and rely on welfare, this cult degrades them. Pat Johnston Red Bluff

Thanks, congressman I just wanted to thank our congressional representative here in California District 1, Doug “He’s One of Us” LaMalfa, for all of the town halls he held while taking a break from the rigors of voting no in 2019. He did vote yes on the farm bill. What’s that? He had how many town halls? Oh, who’s he representing? Ed Pitman Chico

More letters online:

We’ve got too many letters for this space. please go to www.newsreview.com/chico for additional readers’ comments on past cn&r articles.


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The just-released seasons of the ’60s series The Avengers. One season is in beautiful black-and-white cinematography, which is just so cool.

Adam Kellenberger Chico-Con showrunner

The Mandalorian is the hot thing now, and I watch it every single Friday. I’m not even a Star Wars fan, and I love it. It’s a classic tale with a lone wolf and cub, plus influences of Samurai 7 and The Magnificent Seven.

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Vern Beezer armor maker

The Mandalorian. Also, The Man in the High Castle, about an alternate universe where the Nazis won World War II. They are both progressive, intelligent and very popular.

Todd Michael Stofa small-business owner

That new Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba anime, though I cannot pronounce the second part of the name. It hits the emotions in all the right places. The characters are pretty good, and it has really good animation.

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January 9, 2020




A wedding celebration in Oroville was interrupted on Saturday (Jan. 4) by gunfire, sending a man to the hospital. Around 5 p.m., Oroville police officers arrived at a home near Pomona and Sixth avenues and found a 34-year-old lying face down with a gunshot wound. The man, whose name has not been released, was taken to a local hospital and was reported in stable condition Tuesday (Jan. 7). Witnesses told officers a dark-colored sedan with four men inside had driven by the home, and approximately four shots were fired into the front yard, where a large group was celebrating. The sedan then reportedly sped off. No arrests have been announced.

Network interference Cyber expert weighs in on Enloe ransomware attack


The Honey Run Covered Bridge rebuild effort received a major boost in the form of a $225,000 donation, the Honey Run Covered Bridge Association (HRCBA) announced Thursday (Jan. 2). According to a press release, the donation by SPSG Partners, a consortium of contractors that removed debris after the Camp Fire, was aided by Chris Souder, chair of Chico State’s construction management department and volunteer project manager for the bridge’s rebuild. The cost to rebuild the bridge is estimated at $2.7 million, according to the HRCBA. The nonprofit group has so far raised $650,000 in cash, pledges and materials, and construction could begin in June if the $925,000 mark is reached.


On Dec. 21, Butte County Sheriff’s deputies were called to Craig Access Road in a remote area of east Oroville, where they found 27-year-old Jacob McArthur (pictured), of Chico, dead from a gunshot wound. During the investigation that followed, detectives determined that McArthur’s death likely was linked to illegal cannabis sales. According to a press release, they discovered a “large drug trafficking organization.” They served search warrants on 13 residences throughout Butte County and arrested six individuals on charges ranging from illegal cultivation and sales to child endangerment and possession of child pornography to illegal possession of firearms. Law enforcement alleges that Shaina Burnett, 39, of Chico, is the head of the organization. They also arrested Dylan Rice, Morgan Karno and Monique Bird, of Chico; Christopher Mack, of Concow; and Gabriel Bacon, of Oroville. 8


JANUARY 9, 2020

W security systems. He can break through a firewall, get into a company’s server

illiam Caput knows his way around online

through an email phishing scheme and pinpoint exactly where the weaknesses lie. As an ethical hacker, however, he does so with protection in mind, to ensure the “bad guys” don’t get in. But sometimes they by do, as was evidenced Meredith J. last Thursday. “On Cooper the evening of Jan. 2, m e re d i t h c @ Enloe Medical Center’s n ew srev i ew. c o m network infrastructure was attacked with what Learn more: is referred to as ranFor more from the FBI somware,” a hospital on cyber attacks, go to press release reads. ic3.gov. For more from “Essentially, data on the Caput and local hacker events, go to norcon.io. network was encrypted in a way that it was not immediately accessible by the hospital.” Ransomware is actually a pretty common tool used by cybercriminals to extract money from companies, according to the FBI, which Enloe said it contacted in regard to its attack (an FBI spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific incidents). “Ransomware targets both human and technical weaknesses in organizations and individual networks to deny the availability of critical data or systems,” an FBI cybercrime site reads. “Ransomware is a simple and proven model that continues to yield profits for cyber criminals.” Caput is intimately familiar with ransomware. In fact, he’s run test attacks—called “red teams”—on companies’ systems, including where he currently works, as assistant vice president of cybersecurity–red team for General Motors. He got his start in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he learned

encryption and eventually hacking. He calls himself an ethical hacker because he uses his skills to boost systems’ security against potential threats. Chicoans may be familiar with Caput from his local hacker conventions, held each spring. “With a ransomware attack, they’ll typically get into the network through phishing emails to employees, then they’re going to spread the ransomware through the network and pull every password for every user, every firewall, they’ll pull everything,” Caput explained. “The ransomware will disable the system unless you get a decryption key. And it may cost $5,000 the first day, then $10,000 the second—it’ll get exponentially more expensive.” In a perfect world, the target of such an attack will have protocols in place to disable the ransomware and get everything back up and running. As of Wednesday morning (Jan. 8), Enloe had no updates regarding its system or the attack, according to spokesman Joseph Page. He declined to answer any questions on the subject.

“The privacy and security of information in our possession is one of the hospital’s highest priorities, and we have strict security protocols in place to protect information in our care,” Kevin Woodward, Enloe’s chief financial officer, said in the hospital’s press release. “Upon learning of this incident, we immediately took steps to restore critical operating systems and ensure the security of our network. At this point in time, we have no indication or evidence that suggests patient medical data has been compromised.” Caput said this is typical of a ransomware attack—unlike incidents that aim to collect credit card numbers, for instance, it’s not about getting personal data or identity theft. “What they’re not typically going to do is look for patient records, or HIPAA information, and steal it,” he said. “The goal is money and another way back in if it gets shut down.” Caput speculated that the attack on Enloe may have been performed by a country like Iran, Russia or Ukraine. It’s becom-

William Caput organizes local hacking conventions, runs “red team” drills to test networks’ integrity. PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM CAPUT

ing more common, he said, for foreign adversaries to use cyberattacks. “Warfare has moved from being conventional to being cyber,” Caput said. “Iran isn’t going to send an invasion force in; they’re going to steal our money, fight in the shadows.” When it comes to protecting against

threats to cybersecurity, the FBI suggests regular backups. “It is important to note that even if a ransom is paid, there is no guarantee the business or individual will obtain their files from the cyber criminal,” its site reads. “To guard against the ransomware threat, we encourage businesses to schedule regular data backups to drives not connected to their network. These drives can be used to restore a system to the backup version without paying the ransom to the perpetrator.” Companies and organizations the size of Enloe are particularly vulnerable, Caput said, because they lack the resources bigger corporations have to prevent them. For instance, updates to certain security features are released regularly, but they can be burdensome to install with a small tech team and a large network of computers. Cybercriminals look for holes to get in through. “There was a major hospital in Atlanta, Ga., whose system was down for two weeks,” Caput said. “A police station in Florida was down for a week and a half. They had no contingency plan. “With a hospital, patient care will suffer, employees will have to work double shifts.” A study released in November by Vanderbilt University and University of Central Florida researchers found that hospitals that had experienced ransomware or data breach incidents had delayed responses resulting in more heart attack deaths. Like any other potential incident, a cyberattack must be predicted and responses practiced, Caput said. He pointed to companies like GM or, locally, Build.com—where Caput used to work—that have sophisticated “disaster recovery” plans specifically in case of a network failure. “The thing with the hospital is, we’re on the fourth day now and they still don’t have their system back up,” Caput told the CN&R Tuesday (Jan. 7). “That means their disaster recovery plan wasn’t up to par. Part of what corporations are supposed to do is plan for these types of incidents and not have any unknowns.” Ω

Districting drama Issue becomes partisan during map evaluation process

While Michael Wagaman has been a demographer

for more than 20 years, Tuesday night’s (Jan. 7) Chico City Council meeting that focused on districting was the first time his integrity was publicly questioned while doing such work, Wagaman told the CN&R. The issue at hand: his background. Wagaman has worked for the California Democratic Party and for Assembly Democrats. It was an incendiary topic brought up by members of the public and conservative council members Kasey Reynolds and Sean Morgan. They questioned whether he could approach the job impartially. The controversy played out after Wagaman presented six draft maps he’d created for the city’s switch to district-based elections. The council ultimately voted to see variations of four of them, but no final decisions were made. Much of the public’s feedback directed criticism toward the council for asking Wagaman to include incumbency as a secondary factor in drawing the districts. Citizens from both sides of the political aisle asked the council to forgo considering incumbency at all. Saulo Londono, chairman of the Butte County Republican Party, went so far as to allege that the city hired a “seasoned Democrat political operative” who kept Mayor Randall Stone in a district with “heavy partisan Democratic advantage” in order for him to “skate to victory” during the November 2020 election.

SIFT ER Greenland is melting Greenland has lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice since 1992, raising global sea levels by 10.6 millimeters and tracking with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) highend warming scenario. That’s according to a new assessment by the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Comparison Exercise team that was published last month in the journal Nature and summarized by a Science Daily report. The team used data from 11 satellite missions

Morgan voiced similar concerns, noting how several of Stone and Councilwoman Ann Schwab’s proposed districts were drawn with what appears to be a “very strong Democratic majority.” His comments were followed by City Attorney Andrew Jared noting that Wagaman was hired by the City Attorney’s Office with consultation from the council. During further discussion at the dais, Councilman Scott Huber said he wasn’t aware of Wagaman’s background and didn’t see the conspiracy. He added that he believed most of the maps did a decent job of keeping some very obvious neighborhoods together. Stone asked Wagaman to respond to the gerrymandering allegation, to which the consultant replied that he did not look at the par-

to analyze changes in Greenland’s ice sheet between 1992-2018. Results showed the rate of ice loss rose from 33 billion tonnes per year in the ’90s to 254 billion tonnes per year in the last decade. The IPCC in 2013 predicted global sea levels would rise 60 centimeters by 2100, but Greenland’s ice losses have been tracking with the panel’s high-end warming scenario, which would mean an additional 7 centimeters, according to the report. The scenarios place more than 360 million people at risk of annual coastal flooding.

Demographer Michael Wagaman was put on the hot seat Tuesday for his past work with the Democratic Party. PHOTO BY ASHIAH SCHARAGA

tisan makeup of Chico’s voter districts when drawing the maps. Stone said he suspected the claims were “flatly false” and requested Wagaman bring that data forward after the council chooses a map. Reynolds made a motion to suspend the process and find a different demographer that appears to be “in the middle of the road.” But that failed, falling along party lines. During his presentation, Wagaman said he drew the maps using criteria such as the South Campus, Avenues, Barber Yard and Chapman/Mulberry neighborhoods (the latter of which will be incorporated before the election), as well as Highway 99, to create the lines, then factored in incumbency secondarily. Several speakers voiced their preference of one of Wagaman’s maps (plan Yellow) that was nearly identical to one drawn and submitted by Bryce Goldstein, a local planner who serves on the Chico Planning Commission. (The plans are named after colors, to avoid an appearance of preference.) Goldstein said she was disappointed in Wagaman’s maps overall because they seem to favor incumbency over the distinct, unique neighborhoods of Chico. “I really think it’s important to have these low-income, pollution-burdened areas that are also ethnically diverse, like in Chapmantown, have better representation, and I think that favoring incumbents kind of goes against the goal,” she said. Ultimately, the council provided direction. Councilman Karl Ory requested amendments to two maps (plans Purple and Orange) to change boundary lines to reflect districts similar to those for the Butte County Board of Supervisors, and Morgan requested alterations on two other maps (plans Green and Blue) NEWSLINES C O N T I N U E D JANUARY 9, 2020

O N PA G E 1 0



21st AnnuAl

Snow Goose Festival WednesdAy – sundAy JAnuAry 22 – 26 ChiCo, California • www.snowgoosefestival.org

Wednesday, January 22 Field Trips 7:30am - 12noon 7:30am - 12noon 8:45am - 4:15pm 9am - 2pm 9am - 4pm 12noon - 4:30pm 12:30pm - 7pm

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Wednesday, January 23 Workshop 6:00pm - 8:00pm

“early Bird Catches the worm” Painting Class (NEW)



Thursday, January 23 Field Trips

7am - 5:30pm 7:30am - 12noon 8am - 4pm 8:15am - 2:30pm 8:30am - 11am 12:30pm - 7pm 2pm - 6:30pm

Colusa nwr & sutter Buttes (NEW) Upper Bidwell Park’s Yahi trail Divide ranch (includes lunch) feathers, figs, & olives Bidwell Park Bird walk Delevan nwr & sacramento refuge fly-off historic llano seco rancho

Thursday, January 23 Workshop “red-tailed hawk” Painting Class (NEW)

6pm - 8pm

Friday, January 24 Field Trips

6:30am - 11:30am 7:15am - 12:15pm 7:30am - 3pm 8am - 12noon 8:30am - 11am 8:30am - 2pm 8:45am – 3:45pm 9am - 4:30pm 9:30am - 2:30pm 12noon - 4:30pm 12:30pm - 7pm 7pm - 8:30pm

Cole & Book family farms Paddle the north forebay (NEW) red Bluff recreation area llano seco rancho – farms, water, & wildlife Bidwell Park Bird walk Colusa national wildlife refuge Dye Creek Preserve Bird the shores of Black Butte lake Demystifying Ducks: getting to Know Your waterfowl (NEW) oxidation Ponds & indian fishery sacramento refuge fly-off family owl Prowl

saTurday, January 25 Field Trips 7am - 5pm 7:15am - 12:15pm 7:30am - 1:30pm 7:30am - 3pm 7:45am - 4pm 7:45am - 4pm 8am - 3pm 8am - 4pm 8:15am - 12:15pm 8:15am - 3:45pm 8:30am - 12:30pm 8:45am - 12:45pm 9am - 3pm 10am - 12:30pm 12:30pm - 4:30pm

refuge to refuge – snow geese galore Paddle the north forebay (NEW) wilbur road & the afterbay tehama Bird trek sutter Buttes hike - state Park’s Peace valley sutter Buttes - state Park’s Pv & “house hill” lassen volcanic nP snowshoe hike sutter Buttes hike – Dean ranch Birds & trees of Cedar grove (NEW) Bird the shores of Black Butte lake llano seco viewing Platform with Karen amstutz foothill Bird trek explore the wild side of Butte Creek family hike at Bidwell Park’s five Mile recreation area tundra swan viewing – District 10

saTurday, January 25 presenTaTions & Workshops 9am - 10:30am 9am - 10:30am 11am - 12:30pm 11am - 12:30pm 1pm - 2.30pm 2:30pm - 4pm 3pm - 4:30pm

less lawn, More wildlife – gardens as habitat soundscapes of California what’s wild? Yesterday and today (NEW) the galapagos islands: a virtual tour (NEW) Photographing Birds & nature - where to go in California (NEW) reflecting Back as we rebuild the future after fires (NEW) the history & Mystery of the sutter Buttes

saTurday, January 26 BanqueT 5:30pm - 10pm

“gathering of wings” Banquet & silent auction

sunday, January 26 Field Trips

7:30am - 3pm 7:45am - 11am 8am - 4pm 8am - 4pm 8:15am - 12:15pm 8:15am - 4:30pm 8:30am - 12:30pm 8:30am - 1pm 9am - 1pm 9am - 1:30pm 9:30am - 2:30pm 10am - 12noon

Coast range foothills via newville road Beginning Birding by ear sutter Buttes – Mid-Mountain sutter Buttes – summit ascent Birds & trees of Butte Creek ecological Preserve gray lodge & Cordi winery llano seco viewing Platform Upper Bidwell Park’s Yahi trail rancho esquon oxidation Ponds & indian fishery raptor run family hike at verbena fields

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January 9, 2020

equal OppORTuNiTy emplOyeR

NEWSLINES c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 9

to change where districts crossed Highway 99 and to not include incumbency as a factor. The next hearing will be on Jan. 21. The plan is for the council to choose a map then in order to comply with California Voting Rights Act requirements. Go to tinyurl.com/ChicoDistricts for more info. Also on Tuesday, the council discussed

broadening the state’s Tenant Protection Act, which created “just cause” eviction requirements starting Jan. 1. The Internal Affairs Committee (IAC) recommended extending the act to all properties in Chico. But after a lengthy conversation, the issue stalled, getting punted back to the IAC. More specifically, the committee will further weigh whether to extend the law’s just cause stipulations to owner-occupied units, accessory dwelling units and units 15 years old or newer, which are current exceptions under the law. This appeared to be prompted by concerns from those in the housing industry. The council did vote, however, to broaden the law by not requiring one-year’s residency for just cause protections to apply. The city also will look into creating a rental registry with information such as prices and eviction history in order to better enforce rental violations. That night, local celebrity Mike Griffith, or Mike G, also received some good news for his business, G-Ride Pedicab. The City Council voted 5-0 (with Schwab and Reynolds recused) to change the city’s noise ordinance to be complaint-driven rather than proactively enforced downtown. This makes a difference for Griffith because he’s received about 10 tickets in the past year for playing music while operating his pedicab downtown. Griffith said he loves what the city came up with. He told the council he is cognizant of what he plays and where—he turns his music down near certain places, like the Blue Room Theatre, for example, and never plays offensive songs. “You gotta experience what I experience when I ride. … The whole community dances,” he said. “I never would have thought when I was homeless and using drugs … I would have a job that I love and the whole community would support me from everywhere.” —AshiAh schArAgA ash ia h s@ newsr ev iew.c o m

Sacramento State students vote on campus, Nov. 6, 2018. Studentrun voter engagement efforts are aiming for an even bigger turnout in 2020. PHOTO BY EUCARIO CALDERON/THE STATE HORNET

Mobilizing the youth vote Campaigns target young people to participate in elections

When Savannah Mendoza was a child, her father

would take her along to the polling place when he went to vote. Years later, Mendoza is a political science major at Sacramento State. She wants to run for office someday. But for now, she’s focused on a more immediate challenge: getting her classmates to turn out for the 2020 elections. “As a young Latina, that’s something that in our communities we don’t see that often,” said Mendoza. “We don’t recognize how powerful our voice and our vote is.” Mendoza and other campus organizers across California are gearing up for the state’s early About this story: primary in March, It’s part of the California Dream series, a statewide hoping for a repeat media collaboration of of the 2018 elections, CalMatters, KPBS, KPCC, when student voter KQED and Capital Public turnout nationwide Radio with support from the Corporation for Public more than doubled. Broadcasting and the James They’re trying creIrvine Foundation. ative tactics to get their peers registered and to the polls, helped along by two new California laws aimed at encouraging campus civic engagement. Younger adults have long voted at lower rates than older ones, but a combination of shock over the 2016 elections and strong feelings about issues such as the environment and immigration drove a surge in student voting in 2018 that outpaced the uptick seen among the general population, experts say. Those same factors could come into play again this year, said Nancy Thomas, director of Tufts University’s Institute for Democracy and Higher Education, which reports on college student voting rates in

each federal election. “I don’t think there’s any question that 2020 is going to be another bumper crop year for college and university student voting,” she said. From “Vote Goat” petting zoos to toting popcorn machines to dorms for “pop-up” voter registration drives, many of the campaigns seek to inject some fun into voting. To be successful, they will have to overcome the barriers that can inhibit students from participating in elections. Many have moved to attend school and will need to re-register if they want to vote at their new address. At Fresno State, fourth-year student D’Aungillique Jackson said that at first, talking to students about registering to vote was “almost like pulling teeth.” Then Jackson, the vice president of her school’s NAACP chapter, attended a civic engagement training sponsored by the organization. She learned to start conversations about criminal justice issues that disproportionately affect young people of color, she said, such as gang conspiracy and stand your ground laws. “Talking to people about things that affect them that way, I was able to increase interest about the election process among black people on campus and in my greater community,” she said. After hosting dozens of civic engagement events last year, including a voting-themed variety show, Jackson decided the job was too big for students to handle alone. She and other Fresno State students lobbied legislators to pass a new law that requires public college and university campuses to designate a “civic and voter empowerment coordinator” who will run voter education events and social media campaigns.

Your plumbing

Fixed Right, Right Now!

Authored by Assemblywoman Cottie PetrieNorris, it took effect Jan. 1. The law is just one of several ways California is pushing to make student voting easier at a time when reports of campus voter suppression are surfacing nationwide. “You have to make [voting] convenient, especially for the working student,” said Noel Mora, an outreach worker with the California Secretary of State’s Office. One way to do that is with vote centers—onestop shops that open between four and 10 days before an election for voters to register and drop off mail-in ballots. Fifteen counties are experimenting with the centers this year, including on college campuses. As a student, Mora helped bring the first oncampus vote center to Sacramento State in 2018. That fall, students held a Black & Brown Voter Summit with speeches on issues like health care and criminal justice reform, and a performance by local rapper Consci8us. Organizers gave students rides to the polls in golf carts. Thousands turned out, some waiting in line until late in the night. Now Mora is helping students around the state bring vote centers to their campuses. A second state law passed last year encourages county registrars to locate them at colleges. California law already requires public colleges to

provide a voter registration link in their online campus portal. Last spring, the state commission overseeing financial aid started asking each of the 100,000 students who contact its call center each year whether they want to register to vote and if they need help with the process. Some might see efforts to legislate higher student turnout as partisan politics—Democrats control California’s government, after all, and younger voters tend to vote Democratic. A significant increase in younger voters could help progressive Democrats in the primary, said Mark Baldassare, president of the Public Policy Institute of California. It could also make a difference in close contests over congressional seats or ballot measures, he said. And because of California’s changing demographics, a younger electorate would also mean a more ethnically diverse electorate. While most students in the state may lean left, some of the most successful campus voter drives have been bipartisan—like one at UCLA in 2018, where a coalition including the campus Democratic and Republican clubs more than tripled the voting rate. “I don’t feel like keeping young people from the polls is going to benefit the Republican Party,” said Michelle Ohanian, policy director for the Bruin Republicans. “We need to increase voter turnout from this group because we need politicians to also hear our voice.”

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JANUARY 9, 2020



HEALTHLINES A 2017 rally for health care coverage in Washington, D.C. PHOTO BY TED EYTAN VIA FLICKR

Some background At issue in the ACA case is whether the language in the 2017 GOP tax bill reducing to zero the tax penalty imposed for failing to have health insurance should render the rest of the law invalid. A group of Republican state attorneys general and governors say it should. They argued that the Supreme Court’s justification for upholding the law in 2012 no longer exists and so the law is now unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor agreed with them last December. Supporters of the law―including not just Democratic attorneys general, but also the Democratic-led U.S. House―and bipartisan groups of legal and health policy scholars say that’s nonsense, and that the law not only can function without the individual mandate penalty but also is functioning now. What would go away―meaning which provisions consumers have become accustomed to―if the law is eventually struck down? Let’s take a look.

Insurance protections

‘Into chaos’


Julie Rovner

AAppeals in New Orleans could rule the entire Affordable Care Act unconstituny day now, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of

A primer on what would happen if the federal health care law went away



JANUARY 9, 2020

tional. At least it seemed that two of the three appeals court judges were leaning that way during oral arguments in the case, State of Texas v. USA, in July. Trump administration health officials have said they will continue to enforce the health law pending a final ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court. But that is not a guarantee that President Trump won’t change his mind. That’s what he did in 2017 in canceling some payments to health insurers. There’s no doubt that invalidating the

ACA (aka Obamacare) in whole or in large part would have a dramatic effect on the nation’s health system―and not just for those 20 million or so Americans whose coverage directly flows from the law. “Billions of dollars of private and public investment―impacting every corner of the American health system―have been made based on the existence of the ACA,” said a brief filed by a bipartisan group of health policy experts. Declaring the law null and void “would upend all of those settled expectations and throw healthcare markets, and one-fifth of the economy, into chaos,” they wrote. And with health care continuing to be a top issue in the presidential campaign, both Democrats and Republicans could find themselves scrambling for a fast stopgap solution if the law were to suddenly go away.

Most people think the health law directly affects only those Americans who purchase their own insurance through the exchanges the law created (and who get subsidies if their incomes are between 100 percent and 400 percent of the poverty level). That’s about 10 million to 12 million households. But many of the insurance protections in the law also protect those who have insurance through their jobs. These provisions include allowing adult children to stay on their parents’ health plans and requiring coverage at no additional charge for people with pre-existing health conditions. The law also requires that ACA-compliant policies provide preventive care with no out-of-pocket cost, and bans annual and lifetime insurance coverage limits. It also limits insurers’ amounts of profit and administrative expenses. That makes for a lot of chaos right there should the entire law disappear. But there is more.

Medicare and Medicaid Most people with a passing familiarity with the health law know it expanded the Medicaid program for those with incomes up to 138 percent of the poverty level (at least in states that opted into the program).

About this story:

An important, though frequently overlooked, portion of the health law created the first legal framework and regulatory pathway for copies of expensive, already FDA-approved biologic drugs, called biosimilars, to reach the market. Biologic drugs are among the most expensive medications and treat life-threatening ailments such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and macular degeneration. It is unclear what would happen to the stream of biosimilars already approved if the law is struck down―will their approvals be revoked? What about medications currently in the approval pipeline?


’s Independent Journalism Fund

Generic biologics

Among other little-known features of the ACA is a provision that permanently authorized the U.S. Indian Health Service, which provides health coverage for more than 2.5 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives. An overturn of the law could leave in doubt the legality of some of the program’s operations. Here’s one more you may not have thought about. On the theory that if more people have health insurance more people will seek medical care, the ACA has an entire section devoted to increasing the supply of not just physicians, but also nurses, therapists, dentists and community health centers. Many of these training programs could flounder if the ACA is overturned. And those now-ubiquitous calorie counts on restaurant menus? Those are there because of the ACA. Some people may not be sad to see those go away. But if the ACA is invalidated, the health system likely will change in ways that no one can predict. Ω

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The law also made big changes to the Medicare program, including closing the notorious “doughnut hole” that left some seniors with big drug bills despite having insurance. The ACA also extended coverage of more preventive benefits for people with Medicare coverage.

Funding for Natives, training programs

Donate to

This story was produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation.



Are you drinking enough water? We all know it is important to stay hydrated, but what exactly does “hydrated” mean? Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is a good start, but the Institute of Medicine now recommends that men get a total of 13 cups, and for women they suggest nine. Pregnant women need a little more, and kids a little less. If you’re sweating from heat or exercise, or if you are suffering from an illness that makes you throw up or run a fever, then you should up your intake. Dehydration can result in headaches, mood swings, reduced concentration and fatigue. All fluids count toward your daily dose, and there are plenty of foods that contain water, including watermelon, cucumbers and lettuce. The key is to listen to your body and not wait until you are thirsty to drink up. And pay attention to your pee—it should be the color of lemonade.

CN&R’s annual Health and Wellness Issue will be on stands January 16. For more information about advertising in this issue, call your News & Review advertising representative today at (530) 894-2300.

JANUARY 9, 2020



GREENWAYS prisoners were resisting in order to achieve some semblance of health and justice.

Environmental prisons

The connections among criminalization, cli-

How U.S. institutions are criminalizing populations by deeming them undeserving of clean air, water and healthy housing


David Pellow

Ttheestlargest prison system of any nation on Earth, number of prisoners of any coun-

he United States of America has the larg-

try, and one of the highest percentages of imprisoned persons of any nation. As of this writing there are more than 2 million people incarcerated in federal and state prisons, jails, immigration prisons and other “correctional” facilities in the United States; if all of those prisoners were housed in one location, it would constitute the fourthlargest city in the nation. While scholars have established that prisons and imprisonment show few signs of abatement in the U.S. and are sites of racialized and gendered violence, an emergent area of research that I work on reveals that the prison system is also a space where incarcerated persons and their allies struggle for environmental justice—a vision of change that views ecological sustainability as inseparable from social equity and democracy. These battles are taking place because prisons and jails in the U.S. are institutions where people of color are overrepresented and are frequently built adjacent to or even on top of toxic waste sites, are inunJanuary 9d with air and/or water contamination, and are sources of hazardous waste generation. One question this research has raised: How might these challenges be recast if we consider the phenomenon of environmental injustice as a form of criminalization? In other words, since environmental injustice is frequently a process and product of state-sanctioned institutional violence against communities of color (in the form of polluted air, land, water and human bodies), then what



JANUARY 9, 2020

are the implications of reframing it as a practice of treating those populations as inherently criminal and deserving of punishment? Moreover, how are the targets and survivors of environmental injustice/racism enlisted in ways that resist criminalization and support a positive vision of change? Environmental injustice harms incarcerated

persons as well as their families and ecosystems within, around and beyond the prison’s walls. This occurs through both exposures to environmental threats and through the broader ways that harsh inequalities are produced across many social institutions in this nation (e.g., housing, education, health care, etc.) that intersect with the prison system and structure domination, constrain behaviors and freedoms, and that intensely criminalize certain populations. This means that, expanding upon earlier environmental justice study approaches that tend to frame harmful environmental exposure in one-dimensional terms, prisons represent a way of understanding how particular bodies and communities can suffer the brutality of environmental racism as criminalization from birth through death: from living in toxic homes and residential communities that are also occupied by police forces, to attending schools that are inunJanuary 9d with toxins and occupied by police, to employment in toxic industries where workers are also routinely surveilled and disciplined, to incarceration in toxic prisons where criminalization and surveillance come with the territory. This perspective reflects geographer About this story:

David Pellow is a professor of environmental studies at UC Santa Barbara. This is an abridged version of the original story he wrote for Environmental Health News (ehn.org).

Katherine McKittrick’s concept of “prison life,” which points to “the everyday workings of incarceration as they are necessarily lived and experienced, as a form of human life and struggle, inside and outside prisons.” The links between environmental racism and criminalization are palpable when we consider current U.S. immigration policy, which routinely brings the full force of institutional violence against migrants and refugees. My research team found that there are numerous immigrant prisons located in sites that are plagued with extremely hazardous chemicals in the ambient air, land and in water tables; chemicals that are known to be associated with developmental disorders, neurological damage, respiratory illnesses and cancer. These findings are of great concern to immigrant justice advocates because many children who have been separated from their families and parents by the government are imprisoned at many of these facilities. As is the case at many immigration prisons around the nation, detainees routinely resist these harsh conditions through hunger strikes, sit-ins, and other means of protest and defiance against this brutal system. In 2015, mothers imprisoned at the Karnes County Civil Detention facility in Texas went on a hunger strike, and one of their grievances was that the tap water was foul tasting because it had been heavily chlorinated, most likely in an effort to disinfect any pathogens or toxins related to the nearby heavy industrial fracking operations. The mothers had been purchasing clean water at the prison commissary to maintain their health, but the authorities shut the store down, thus forcing them to drink the water they suspected was contaminated. This action was one of many institutional decisions the

mate injustice and environmental injustice collide violently at State Correctional Institution (SCI) Fayette in La Belle, Penn. (a majority black and brown town), where prisoners (who are overwhelmingly workingclass and people of color) are forced to endure life next to a coal ash dump containing an estimated 40 million tons of coal waste and two coal slurry ponds. The Abolitionist Law Center and the Human Rights Coalition undertook a yearlong investigation of the health consequences of this exposure and revealed that an unusually high percentage of prisoners report declining health and symptoms and illness consistent with exposure to toxic coal waste, including cancer, respiratory, throat and sinus conditions, thyroid disorders, blurred vision, fatigue, hair loss, dizziness, headaches, gastrointestinal problems and much more. Moreover, residents of the nearby town of La Belle suffer from the exact same health conditions. Richard Mosley is an African-American man who did time at SCI Fayette and when he began experiencing symptoms and received no satisfactory response from prison officials, he took action by filing a lawsuit against the prison. Mosley was eventually released from SCI Fayette, having served his sentence. Soon after his departure from prison, he joined an organization whose goal is to shine a light on the injustices at SCI Fayette and to seek real change. In a grassroots newsletter published in 2018, Mosley articulates his group’s aims: “We, the Fayette Justice Health Committee of Put People First! PA are determined and steadfast in seeking justice for those who have been affected and are currently being affected by health and environmental hazards at SCI Fayette and in and near La Belle, PA.” These cases reveal how states and other powerful institutions expand the practice of criminalizing populations by locking people up and by deeming them unfit to breathe clean air, unworthy of drinking clean water, and undeserving of living in structures that sit atop clean soil. These institutional phenomena signal that criminalization is frequently amplified and given greater force and impact through environmentally unjust practices. No less disturbing is that the targeted poisoning and polluting of people behind bars reflects what has long been a practice of doing the same to “free” residential communities—suggesting that environmental racism and criminalization intersect and reinforce one another on both sides of the prison’s walls. Ω



Demon sandwiches Cody Standley had always dreamed of owning a restaurant. He enjoyed cooking for friends and watching Gordon Ramsay and other celebrity chefs, but he never expected he would get the opportunity until later in life, if at all. In 2014, Standley came to Chico from Sacramento looking to change things up following a bad breakup. Since then, he worked doing deliveries and as a shift manager at places like Woodstock’s Pizza, Round Table Pizza and Rite Aid. Then his neighbor, Jeff Zani, asked him one night what he would want to do if he could do anything, and Standley mentioned his dream of owning a restaurant. Zani, who had just come into an inheritance, was looking for an investment opportunity, and the two quickly partnered up. They came up with the idea of Son of a Wich, a sandwich shop specializing in pressed and toasted sandwiches—something they saw lacking in Chico—with a demonic twist in the name of the shop, its logo and sandwich names, like its flagship, the Witchy Wich, as well as the Beastly Cuban and the Pitchfork—while using as many local ingredients as possible. Standley recently sat down with the CN&R to chat about the sandwich shop, which is located at 1008 W. Sacramento Ave., Ste. H. The grand opening is planned for Jan. 13.


Expanding in the new year


Meredith J. Cooper meredithc@newsreview.com

The holidays are behind us—phew! I can’t express enough how much I enjoy the post-celebration sigh of relief. I’m not one for resolutions, but there certainly is something about getting back to life as usual, especially with the days getting longer, that gives me new energy and new perspective. Obviously, I’m not alone. Turning over that calendar does wonders for getting people motivated, whether it be to start new projects or abandon old ones. So, there’s no shortage of business news right now. Here goes.

GOING BIG After selling at farmers’ markets and on local store shelves for the

What inspired the sandwich shop idea? Marijuana. We were outside smoking and we were just talking about life and what I want to do, and he was gonna be coming into some money and wanted to do something with it, and I was the best idea he ran into. I know I’m incredibly lucky. … Coming up with the name, I wish I was joking, was done in like 15 minutes. I feel like people are scared and nobody does anything demonic, even though it can be done fun, and with a light heart.

Tell me about your restaurant experience before Son of a Wich. I’ve worked in some kind of restaurant for like 15 years. Before this job, I was working at Woodstock’s as a driver and then I worked at Round Table before that as a shift supervisor. I went to calgold.ca.gov, and it tells you

everything in any county, any city, all of the pieces of paperwork you need to start a new business of any kind. I used that as a reference guide and started calling people.

How’s business so far? We had our soft opening Dec. 1, and we’re already paying our bills with the money that we’ve made.

What’s the plan for the future? I have a p.m. menu that’s gonna be launching, which is like loaded fries, fried chicken, deep-fried jalapeños ... just, like, drunk food, but affordable and fresh-made. And so we’ll be open on Friday and Saturdays until 3 a.m. If you’re partying out, and you want something where you’re not gonna wake up in the morning and feel like death ... that’s something I wanna offer. —JOSH COZINE

Let’s ceLebrate! Invite party organizers to your door with the Chico News & Review’s party guide, which covers a full range of parties and what our readers need to make them happen.

past six years, Beber Fresh Almondmilk took a leap last month and opened up its Grab and Go Cafe at 144 Meyers St., Ste. 140, in Chico. It’s open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-noon. In other expansion news, TrailBlazer Pet Supply is opening its second location, in the Safeway shopping center off of East Avenue. Its flagship store, by Safeway on Mangrove Avenue, has been a regular Best of Chico award winner—it’s great to see good local businesses flourishing. After over a year of being closed on the Ridge, Hudson’s Appliance Center is gearing up to reopen its Paradise shop on Pearson Road. The timing seems perfect, with the rebuild effort just starting in earnest. The store is now hiring for a bunch of positions, so stop by the Chico location off of Dominic Drive for information on job openings. And those who frequent downtown Chico bars may have noticed one of the go-to spots for sports, Bella’s Sports Pub, has closed its doors. But not for long. The staff is preparing the bar’s new, much bigger digs—on Main Street by the Garden Walk Mall—so expect grand-opening announcements in the coming weeks.

SAYONARA After the Camp Fire, three pharmacies quickly reopened in Paradise—CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens. Well, apparently the Ridge population isn’t large enough to sustain them all. CVS shuttered its doors last Thursday (Jan. 2), citing poor performance. Considering the building that housed CVS is intact and in operating condition, I’d say it’s a safe bet another business will swoop into that space pretty quickly. The Kmart spot is another piece of prime real estate, and I’m curious why it hasn’t been snatched up (at least to my knowledge). It’d be great to get a general merchandise store like Target up on the Ridge, even if it’s a smaller version of its Chico counterpart. Another idea would be a building supply shop—one that wouldn’t compete with the well-loved and surviving Ace Hardware but that could complement it with materials and large equipment rentals. Also closing up shop is Curvy Gurlz, a Chico boutique geared toward plus-size women. Apparently the owner had tried to sell the business, but didn’t find any takers. So, get on over to 1376 Longfellow Ave. before Jan. 24, when it’ll shut for good.

look for leT’s celebraTe!

on sTands february 13. Contact your account executive to be part of the guide

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This year we will be focusing on all Things weddings! JANUARY 9, 2020



Deteriorating on the stre

Is forced treatment for mentally ill homeless people a solution or another false promise?


About this story:

It was produced by CalMatters.org, an independent public journalism venture covering California state politics and government.



JANUARY 9, 2020


he sightings of James Mark Rippee are all over his sisters’ Facebook. Someone spotted him sleeping by a furniture store in Vallejo. Someone walked him to a gas station for coffee. Someone prayed for him at Nations Giant Hamburgers. Rippee, 56, developed schizophrenia after a horrific motorcycle accident more than three decades ago caused a traumatic brain injury and the loss of his eyesight. His delusions range from being an alien, to getting chased by the KKK, to being prevented from collecting his lottery winnings, his sisters say. In September, he stepped into traffic and was hit by a car, then developed a brain abscess. After weeks in the hospital and a board-and-care facility, he walked out and his 62-year-old twin sisters—Catherine Hanson and Linda Privatte—weren’t alerted. Now they couldn’t find him.

Complicating things further: Hanson is bedridden with blood cancer and Privatte is legally blind and cannot drive. They’ve come to depend on a Facebook community, “Mark of Vacaville,” to be their “eyes and ears” on their brother’s situation. The existence of the 2,000-plus-member group is at once a moving testament to a community’s compassion and an indictment of a system that often leaves the most vulnerable to fend for themselves. Why do people as sick as James Mark Rippee sleep on our streets? Some blame laws that prioritize civil rights over forced treatment; others point to an under-resourced and uneven mental health system that has failed to provide people like Rippee with long-promised care. Everyone struggles with the same underlying question: What should be done? “When we allow people to deteriorate on the streets, or interface with law enforcement that leads to incarceration, what are we doing?” asks Dr. Jonathan Sherin, director of the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health. “We’ve lost our compass.” State lawmakers are watching a controversial new pilot program to expand forced treatment in San Francisco. In the meantime, families watch in desperation as loved ones cycle between homelessness, emergency rooms and jail cells. Short courses of medication may lead to the quieting of voices, which, in turn, leads to a release to the streets. Often, as in Rippee’s case, the family is simultaneously shut out of the conversation and blamed for abandonment. Some of these families are aware of the downsides of involuntary treatment, the miserable side effects of psychiatric medications, the critical shortage of inpatient facilities. They recognize that conservatorship—in which a court-

appointed conservator manages another person’s living situation, medical decisions and mental health treatment—is no panacea, and should be a last resort. Rippee himself puts it this way: “I don’t need to be in a locked-up facility. It was like I was a hostage.” In recent years, Rippee’s sisters—Hanson, the red-headed warrior; Privatte, the blonde diplomat—have redoubled their decades-long effort to get him help. They worry their own health problems might someday leave no one to fight for him. “He is the worst-case scenario of anybody being so vulnerable on the streets,” Hanson said. “Every winter we wonder: Is this going to be the year that he dies?”

Reagan-era funding derailment In 1967, a law passed that transformed the treatment of people with mental illness in California. Until then, it had been fairly easy for a family member to call police to force someone into mental health treatment. Conditions in the state hospitals were frequently abhorrent: Patients sometimes bathed just once a week, and were subjected to lobotomies and electric shock treatments. Too often, people were locked away for life. Republican Assemblyman Frank Lanterman and Democratic Sens. Nicholas Petris and Alan Short proposed a radical overhaul, which Gov. Ronald Reagan signed into law. When the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act took effect a few years later, it established strict criteria for involuntary treatment. It imposed specific time frames for involuntary confinement and limited involuntary holds to those deemed a danger to themselves or others, or gravely disabled. This

eets included the 72-hour hold that police term a 5150. But within a few decades, Petris noticed growing numbers of people with serious mental illnesses appearing on the streets and in jails. In a 1989 oral history, Petris lamented that while the law had promised funding to treat people with mental illness in the community, Reagan diverted tens of millions allocated back to the state general fund. “That took the guts right out of this state money for local treatment,” Petris said. “It emptied out the hospitals, but there was no follow-up treatment …. In this overemphasis to get away from this tyrannical and oppressive system … of incarcerating people so easily, we went overboard the other way.” Even when funding was available, “not in my backyard” resistance also made it challenging to locate residential and community treatment facilities. In the half-century since, much of the debate about helping people like Rippee has centered on the Lanterman-Petris-Short law. The state auditor is currently examining it; a report is anticipated this spring. In recent years, several bills in the Legislature have sought to modify the law, focusing on redefining the term “gravely disabled.” Rippee’s sisters petitioned and testified last year on behalf of a bill that sought to define “gravely disabled” to include not just those who can’t provide for their own food, clothing and shelter, but also those who don’t seek needed medical treatment. It failed, in part because opponents considered it ineffective and dangerously expansive. As of 2016-17, more than 5,000 people in the state were on permanent conservatorships and close to 2,000 were on temporary conservatorships, according to data collected by the Department of Health Care Services. However, the data is incomplete. Scarlett Hughes, executive director of the California State Association of Public Administrators, Public Guardians and Public Conservators, calls it “extremely inaccurate.”

Civil rights concerns In 2018, lawmakers agreed to create a narrow five-year pilot program that makes it easier for three counties (Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco) to conserve homeless individuals with serious mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders. The program allows courts to conserve individuals who have been placed under a 72-hour psychiatric hold at least eight times in a year. A second law, passed in 2019, expanded the rules to allow 50 to 100 more people in San Francisco to be placed under conservatorship. Civil rights advocates have raised serious concerns: In 2018, Susan Mizner, the disability rights program director for the American Civil Liberties Union, described conservatorship as “the biggest deprivation of civil rights aside

James Mark Rippee’s sisters Catherine “CJ” Hanson, left, and Linda Privatte. PHOTO BY ANNE WERNIKOFF FOR CALMATTERS

from the death penalty” and said the law would incentivize police to repeatedly detain homeless individuals. So far, only San Francisco has adopted it. That reflects another reality: Different counties have different rules. Even without the pilot program, depending on where you live, public defenders, judges, public guardians and others have different interpretations of the law. “It varies from county to county, it varies within counties,” said Randall Hagar, government relations director for the California Psychiatric Association. “What is ‘gravely disabled’ here may not be considered ‘gravely disabled’ there.” Because counties must use local funds to pay high placement costs—and because not all counties have the same types of services available—variations are a significant concern. Disability rights advocates insist that maintaining the standards outlined by Lanterman-Petris-Short is essential to protect people’s civil rights. Most people with serious mental illnesses aren’t refusing help, they say—appropriate help just isn’t available. Lynn Rivas, associate director of Oakland-based Peers Envisioning & Engaging in Recovery Services, understands that families feel desperate. She knew a woman with paranoid schizophrenia who lived on the streets of Richmond. Mental health workers tried repeatedly, but couldn’t get her to come inside. Even though “it breaks my heart,” Rivas said, she’s willing to live with that consequence. “I think involuntary imprisonment is worse,” she said. Heather, a program coordinator at the organization, has herself experienced involuntary treatment. In the hospital, she said, everything was taken from her and her entire schedule revolved around medication. “I think it’s just really cold the way they treat you,” she

said. “It’s like you have a disease … they treat you like you’re not a human being.” Once she stabilized, she said, the hospital discharged her back to the streets, without addressing her underlying issues. The experience not only didn’t help her, she said, it also made her afraid to seek help. Some worry that public dismay about the current homelessness crisis will encourage lawmakers to strip people of their rights. “It’s still political failures that are trying to be masked with solutions that may decrease the visibility of individuals on the street,” said Curtis Child, director of legislation at Disability Rights California. He compares the situation of people with mental illness to that of people with developmental disabilities. For the latter group, deinstitutionalization was accompanied by the creation of regional centers, he said, “in which everyone gets a plan, everyone gets a worker.” “With mental illness, we did nothing.”

Housing and better services For Child, and many other advocates, the solution is not more conservatorship—it’s creating affordable housing and more robust mental health services. “The volume of individuals who are entering homelessness on a given day is overwhelming all of our systems,” said Michelle Cabrera, executive director of the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California. “We’ve got a serious problem on our hands.” Dr. Amy Barnhorst, vice chair of community and hospital services for the UC Davis Department of Psychiatry, agrees that the focus should be on building out the mental health system, not changing the law. “It’s like cutting more doors into an empty building,” she said. “There’s not the services there. We don’t have the TREATMENT C O N T I N U E D JANUARY 9, 2020

O N PA G E 1 8




F R O M PA G E 1 7

under conservatorships, the San Francisco Chronicle found a backlog. In a locked ward at San Francisco General Hospital, individuals who were conserved were waiting four months for placement in Napa State Hospital, and even longer for a residential facility. A woman who answered the phone at the public guardian’s office in Solano County, where Rippee lives, said she didn’t have time or permission to talk, repeating several times “we’re extremely short-staffed.” Gerald Huber, the county’s director of Health and Social Services, noted that even if Rippee were to be conserved, there are very few facilities in the state that accept people with traumatic brain injuries—and they always are full with wait-lists. Rippee’s sisters are aware. “If they tell him, ‘Mark, you’re conserved’—” Privatte began. “—where are they going to put him?” Hanson concluded. “There’s no place.”

workforce. We don’t have the treatments. We don’t have the infrastructure.” Even if a change in law permitted more people to be conserved, a shortage of placements and “a gross lack of funding” for county programs means there would be nowhere to send many of them, said Hughes, of the California State Association of Public Administrators, Public Guardians and Public Conservators. Earlier this year, a state budget proposal to increase the amount of funding for public guardians by 35 percent—or $68 million—failed. County conservators receive no direct state funding, and in the past five years have received a huge influx in clients diverted from the criminal justice system, Hughes said. Some counties went from five referrals a month to 30 or 40, she said. “They are drowning,” she said. Simultaneously, the number of facilities that can take them is shrinking, said Chris Koper, a legislative analyst for the organization. That leaves many conservatees in a “placement pending” status, stuck in jails or hospitals. In some cases, conservaThe events of June 21, 1987, are seared in the minds of tors have resorted to having staff members care for people Rippee’s twin sisters. with mental illness in hotel rooms rather than leave an indiTheir brother had purchased a Harley-Davidson just vidual on the streets, she said. 10 days earlier, but he was already talking about selling it. Most state hospital beds are now With his slight frame, the big bike reserved for people in the criminal felt unwieldy. justice system. Inmates with mental The family had gathered “For people with develillness can wait in limbo for months for a Father’s Day barbecue in opmental disabilities or even years in county jails before Vacaville. Rippee, 24, was optia bed opens up. Five years ago, an mistic about a budding career in ... deinstitutionalization average of 343 inmates with mental construction. He was popular with was accompanied by illness were awaiting placement. girls and never went anywhere Last year, the average was 819. without his guitar. the creation of regional “The easiest legislative fix is to That evening, he took off down centers ‘in which everyexpand conservatorship,” Koper a country road toward Hanson’s said. “It then will appear that the house. A car swerved into his one gets a plan, everyLegislature is trying to do somelane. Trying to avoid it, Rippee one gets a worker. With thing. But as is often the case with steered off the road into a dark social problems, the wound is so field. mental illness, we did much deeper than that. And the A neighbor heard the crash. nothing.’ ” wound will require a lot of money.” Officers searched for an hour, As San Francisco has assumed following the moans, before —Curtis Child, legislative director, new authority to place people discovering a gruesome scene. Disability Rights California

A family’s struggle



JANUARY 9, 2020

Above left: A family photo of James Mark Rippee with his sisters Linda Privatte, far left, and Catherine, far right, before his traumatic brain injury. James Mark Rippee sleeps along a wall at a strip mall in Vallejo. As nights become colder, he prefers to sleep during the day. PHOTO BY ANNE WERNIKOFF FOR CALMATTERS

Rippee had smashed into an antique grain harvester. The impact had ripped his eyes from their sockets, knocked out his teeth, split his head open and strewn brain matter on the ground. Paramedics told the family they were so sure he was dead, they initially didn’t turn on the siren. His sisters, Privatte and Hanson, rushed to the hospital, where a team of surgeons was attempting to piece their brother’s brain and body back together. Their father was overwhelmed, Hanson said, and asked her to take over medical decision-making. After Rippee stabilized, a neurosurgeon warned the family it would take a few years for him to recover from the brain injury. Then, at some point, his mental health would decline. The doctor recommended Rippee be transported to a state rehabilitation facility where he might need to spend his entire life, his sisters said. Instead, Hanson said, their father grabbed the papers giving her legal decision-making over her brother’s care and shredded them. His only son, he insisted, was coming home. “This is how we lost complete control,” she said. Under his mother’s care, Rippee did heal somewhat, his sisters said. He was completely blind, had severe damage to his frontal lobe and was suicidal. But, for a time, he was able to take computer classes. Then the delusions crept in, his sisters say. He heard voices in the air conditioner. He tried to jump out of a car on a freeway overpass, nearly pulling Privatte with him. Still, for years Rippee lived with his family. For a while, Privatte housed her brother in a 60-foot trailer adjacent to her house. Neighbor Chris Plowman, at the time a volunteer firefighter, remembers seeing smoke coming from the trailer one morning and hearing Privatte scream, “Save my brother! Save my brother!” Plowman kicked in the door and ran through the trailer, looking for Rippee. He wasn’t inside. The trailer burned to the ground. Then Rippee threatened to kill his mother with an ax, according to his sisters, who say the family felt it was no longer safe to have him live with them.

But, gradually, he ran out of other options. Local motels refused to rent to him, his sisters say. Karen Newton, an office assistant with Solano County, first met Rippee in front of the county building where she worked—he was sleeping on a strip of cardboard. She bought him taquitos and chocolate milk and clean clothes. Newton, whose own son has schizophrenia and is currently in Napa State Hospital, was disturbed by the frequent assaults she saw against Rippee, including a bad beating that left him swollen. “The things I’ve seen in the last year have been horrifying,” she said. In the past 15 years, Vacaville police say they have arrested Rippee 25 times, charging him with unlawful camping and public intoxication. Sgt. Aaron Dahl, who supervises the community response unit for the Vacaville Police Department, says he wants people like Rippee to stay inside, take medications and get help, but “that’s not the reality of how things work.” “I wish I had a magic wand that could go help everybody,” he said. “And it’s very hard, because there’s not an easy answer for everybody. There’s just not.” In early 2018, Privatte said her daughter saw members of a Solano County community Facebook site criticizing their family for abandoning Rippee. The twins intensified their efforts to help their brother. “The law has stopped Mark from getting treatment,” Privatte said. “The law. Not us.”

State law revisited On April 24, 2018, Privatte told the Solano County Board of Supervisors that her brother had attempted suicide more than 20 times, and that other people beat and robbed him regularly. “It’s not because I want to lock my brother up and be done with him,” she said, crying. “It’s because I want him to be safe.” “What can we do to help?” asked Supervisor Skip Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg was among dozens of leaders who met last fall to discuss involuntary mental health treatment. PHOTO BY KELLY HUSTON VIA FLICKR

Thomson. “Because what we’re doing is unacceptable.” Privatte showed up repeatedly to beg the board for help. This spring, she received an email from Thomson’s office on behalf of the county, explaining that her brother could not be conserved in part because each time he was placed on an involuntary hold, he stabilized to the point that he legally had to be released: “This is not a situation that we have ignored nor that we condone,” the letter said. “Simply the law requires stringent standards to impose conservatorships—standards that so far we cannot meet.” Huber, the director of Health and Social Services, said that “many, many, many different agencies” have interacted with Rippee over the years, and the county has made—and continues to make—efforts to provide treatment. “I’ve struggled with this for the five years I’ve been here,” he said. “The street is not an appropriate place for him to live.” The county this year implemented Laura’s Law, a 2002 state law that allows for court-ordered outpatient treatment. A few weeks ago, Rippee’s mother applied for it on her son’s behalf. But the program doesn’t serve someone with a traumatic brain injury, Huber said. On Sept. 27, someone posted a picture of Rippee on the Facebook group. His head looked swollen; his sisters recognized symptoms of a brain abscess. Privatte convinced her brother to go with her to the hospital, where he had surgery the next morning. After two weeks, the hospital transferred him to a Suisun City board-and-care. In late October, he returned to the streets. That same week, dozens of mental health leaders from around the state gathered in Sacramento to talk about the future of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act. They discussed how counties lack the resources to build out a continuum of care. Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg asked his colleagues if the debate around involuntary treatment might be reframed to insist that people have both a right—and an obligation—to come indoors. That would mean that, before the state could compel people to come indoors, they would have to have safe, appropriate placements to offer them. “Our North Star needs to be to end this horrific situation,” he said. A few weeks later, I found Rippee at a Vallejo strip mall, asleep on a patch of concrete littered with dirty socks and desiccated orange peels. His head rested on a blue IKEA bag, which held a pale green fleece blanket studded with burrs. After Rippee woke up, he requested a coffee the way he likes it—a lot of sugar, a little coffee. He was friendly and talkative, his facts smoothly interwoven with delusions. He talked about the beauty of classical music. He recalled delivering pies for his parents’ business. Then he toggled to concerns about the KKK chasing him: “I’m trying to stay ahead of those guys,” he said. Ultimately, Rippee said, he wants a home with a shower and someone to care for him. He doesn’t want to be in a locked facility, but he does wish he could live inside. “At night it gets cold,” he said. “I just sit there and shake. “To leave a blind man outside, you know, I just figured the county could do better than that,” he continued. “They’re not supposed to leave me outside. The United States of America is nice enough. They’re not supposed to let this happen.” Ω

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Arts &Culture Experimental groove

Screenshot from from the video for Melting Elk’s new single, “UFO.”

The unique flow of Tahoe hip-hop trio Melting Elk



Special Events PARKSIDE COMEDY SHOWCASE: Jesse Clark Comedy presents


ahoe experimental hip-hop

trio Melting Elk has always tried to incorporate guitar and drums into its sound whenever possible. But in the past year the band has gone full time, as live instrumentation has become its modus operandi, including on its forthcoming album, Redbowl. “I think hip-hop is such a broad genre, but I also feel like a by Mark Earnest lot of people focus on avoiding instruments,” Preview: said Collin Wright, aka Melting Elk performs Father Baker, MC for Friday, Jan. 10, 9 p.m. Lo & Behold Melting Elk. “We were and Similar Alien & able to get our ducks in the Lizard Brains a row and have instruopen. ments all the time. It fits Cost: $7 in well with the experiThe Maltese menting we want to do 1600 Park Ave. in the hip-hop genre, to 343-4915 work in more sounds that aren’t traditional.” Wright has been performing his own raps since he was 14 growing up in Buffalo, N.Y. After moving to Tahoe a decade ago, it took him a while take his act to the stage. “I moved to Tahoe in 2009 to ski and whatnot, and ended up getting into the music scene a lot later,” he said. 20


JANUARY 9, 2020

Father Baker eventually became a fixture at an open mic night at The Grid in Kings Beach on Tahoe’s north shore. The show was run by Rob Kominsky (Bobby K), who in 2016 joined Wright and fellow Buffalo transplant, guitarist and producer TJ Becker (aka Tokyo) in ditching the open mic in favor of forming Melting Elk, which played its first show at The Grid. “It’s still our favorite place to play,” Wright said. “It’s got that dive kind of vibe to it.” Wright acknowledged that Tahoe is “a very weird place” for the group. “It’s a pretty open music community, but we also feel like we are on an island,” he said. To that end, Melting Elk tends to play more diverse bills with rock, punk and even jazz bands at times. And it’s in the live setting where the band thrives. The trio has played close to 50 shows since 2016—from Reno to all parts of California, including Chico, where the group returns this Friday (Jan. 10) for a show at The Maltese with locals Lo & Behold and Similar Alien & the Lizard Brains. In 2019, though, the band made time to record and make music videos. A new song/video called “UFO” was released in

early December, and Redbowl, the band’s second album, will come out this April. “We decided [in early 2019] that we wanted to step back and take another step forward with the new stuff we were writing,” Wright said. “We’ve been playing definitely more infrequently than we have been.” The new album will showcase the band’s live approach. “It’s completely analog,” Wright said. “We played everything from scratch, so it will be easier to do that when we do live shows. That’s been the focus for us, reinventing what we do. It’s been working well.” “UFO” is a moodier take on hip-hop, somewhere between throwback trip-hop and more modern experimental styles. Wright said it’s just one flavor in an eclectic collection of new songs. “We have two or three tracks that are more of a grimy, East Coast hip-hop style. There’s another one that’s not really like metal, but like alternative music, more high-energy rock but still with rap in it,” he said of the scope of Redbowl. “The album’s very versatile. It’s been interesting to take every corner of what you can do in hip-hop and try to push it.” Ω

Sac comic Shahera Hyatt, plus locals Mark Leathers, Rich Morrare, Cassidy O’Brien and more. Thu, 1/9, 7pm. Parkside Tap House, 115 W. Third St.

Theater MEASURE FOR MEASURE: Joe Hilsee directs Shakespeare’s serious-minded, sexually frank comedy about lust, hypocrisy and corruption. (Some things never change.) Thu, 1/9, 7:30pm. $15-$18. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St. blueroomtheatre.com


Opens Saturday, Jan. 11 CUSD Center for the Arts SEE SATURDAY & SUNDAY, THEATER


JOHN MCCUTCHEON: It’s January. That means the great Americana singer/songwriter/ storyteller John McCutcheon is here for his annual Sierra Nevada show. This year’s is a matinee performance, with roots duo Red Tail Wing opening. Sun, 1/12, 1pm. $22-$25. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

MEASURE FOR MEASURE Opens tonight, Jan. 9 Blue Room Theatre


SIMON LYNGE: Norton Buffalo West brings the Greenland singer/songwriter back to Chico. Locals John-Michael Sun, Susan Dobra and David Leon Zink open. Sun, 1/12, 4pm. $20. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. eventbrite.com

SUNDAY SUPERJAM: Jam with The Loco-Motive

landscapes, pollinators, species boundaries and more. Visit site for details, registration and a full schedule. Mon, 1/13, 7:30am. Bell Memorial Union Auditorium, Chico State. norcalbotanists.org



Special Events NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BOTANISTS SYMPOSIUM: See Monday. Tue, 1/14. Bell Memorial Union Auditorium, Chico State. norcalbotanists.org

Band. Rock, blues, country, funk--anything goes. Sign up early, music starts at 2. Sun, 1/12, 2pm. Free. LaSalles, 229 Broadway St.

Music MAX MINARDI: Singer/songwriter performs during brunch. Sat, 1/11, 11am. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

YURI LIBERZON: Classical Guitar Project brings Israel-based/Russian-born guitarist Yuri Liberzon to the museum. Sat, 1/11, 7:30pm. $5-$15. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. monca.org





Special Events

Special Events

VOLUNTEER FRIDAYS: Join in picking up litter and


pulling weeds. For more info call Shane at 896-7831. Fri, 1/10, 9am. Bidwell Park.

Music KATIE BARRETT: Chill local tunes for happy hour. Fri, 1/10, 4pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

Theater MEASURE FOR MEASURE: See Thursday. Fri, 1/10, 7:30pm. $15-$18. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St. blueroomtheatre.com

hosts a night of laughs and tunes with headliner Robert Omoto, plus Benton Harshaw and Sam Murphy and a handful of locals. Music by Sounds Good. Sat 1/11, 7:30pm. $5-$8. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

KING OF THE CAGE: King of the Cage is back at the casino with a main-event fight featuring Hinkle vs. McWilliams. Sat 1/11, 7pm. $45$80. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountrycasino.com

CHICO BRIDAL SHOW Sunday, Jan. 12 Silver Dollar Fairgrounds


Theater CLUE ON STAGE: Inspire School of Arts & Sciences presents a stage version of the popular board game. Sat, 1/11, 7pm. $8-$20. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. inspirechico.org

Theater CLUE ON STAGE: See Saturday. Sun, 1/12, 2pm. $8-$20. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475



East Ave. inspirechico.org






based activist and singer/songwriter comes to town with his band. Colorado acoustic singer/ songwriter Daniel Rodriguez opens. Wed, 1/15, 8pm. $21-$25. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

days of presentations by working botanists, including sessions on fire-managed


MEASURE FOR MEASURE: See Thursday. Sat, 1/11, 7:30pm. $15-$18. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St. blueroomtheatre.com




Special Events CHICO BRIDAL SHOW: Huge showcase of area wedding vendors, including cake bakers, florists, photographers, dress-makers, etc. Sun, 1/12, 11am. $10. Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair St. chicobridalshow. com

FREE MOVIE: Call for movie title—891-2762. Sun, 1/12, 2pm. Chico Branch Library, 1108 Sherman Ave. buttecounty.net

SLACKER SUNDAY BIRDING: Sleep in and then join in watching the winter birds. Contact: Matt Forste at findforster@yahoo.com. Sun, 1/12, 10am. Free. Genetic Resource Center, 2741 Cramer Lane.

Music CHEN HAN: Classical and contemporary Chinese music played on the guzheng (zither) during brunch. Sun, 1/12, 11am. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.



For Boston-based musician/activist Chadwick Stokes, the music and the messages are inseparable. He and his wife, Sybil, founded Calling All Crows, a nonprofit that works to engage the public on a variety of social issues, including the worldwide refugee crisis, violence against women and sexual violence/discrimination within the music industry. And his new solo album— Chadwick Stokes and The Pintos—is filled with songs that address modern crises, including gun violence in America and the rights of indigenous people. Stokes and bandmates will share their message at the Sierra Nevada Big Room Wednesday (Jan. 15), with Denver singer/songwriter Daniel Rodriguez opening.

Post your event for free online at www. newsreview.com/calendar, or email the CN&R calendar editor at cnrcalendar@newsreview.com. Deadline for print listings is Wednesday, 5 p.m., one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.

JANUARY 9, 2020





The late Maria Phillips with one of her paintings.


Shows January 9–26 1078 Gallery SEE ART

New MONCA exhibit pays tribute to influential arts maven

M room she was in. She was tirelessly enthusiastic about everything aria Phillips brightened any

Art 1078 GALLERY: Alluvial Treasure(s) + Iterations, video installation with two Pasadena artists, Melanie Nakaue and Terry Chatkupt. Reception Jan. 9, 6-8pm. Through 1/26. 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

HEALING ART GALLERY AT ENLOE CANCER CENTER: Art by Christine MacShane, paintings by local artist. The Enloe Cancer Center, Healing Art Gallery shows work by artists whose lives have been touched by cancer (survivors, caretakers and healthcare givers). Through 1/24. Free. 265 Cohasset Road, 530-332-3856.

MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Remembering Maria & the Avenue 9 Art Guild, exhibition is in memory of Maria Phillips, local artist, arts advocate and historian. Closing reception, Jan. 17, 6-8pm. Also, Something Old & Something New, pieces from the museum’s Reed Applegate Collection, featuring work by artists James Kuiper, Waif Mullens, Sal Casa, Dennis Leon, Molly Amick and many more. Through 1/19. $5. 900 Esplanade. 530487-7272. monca.org

PARADISE ART CENTER: Coming Home, Wheeler Gallery presents first show of the season featuring artwork that speaks to the idea and concept of coming home and what it means to each artist. Through 1/25. 5564 Almond St., Paradise.

PROVISIONS GALLERY: After Glow, original compositions by local photographer Gunnar Loveland. Through 1/13. 122 W 3rd St.

22 22


J AJNAUNAURAYR Y9 , 92, 022002 0

Museums CHICO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM: Tons of cool stuff for kids to explore including a miniature city, complete with a junior vet clinic, dentist, cafe and farmer’s market, a giant fish tank, multisensory room, imagination playground and much more. Check the website for hours and admission information Through 3/25. $7-$9. 325 Main St. chicochildrensmuseum.org

VALENE L. SMITH MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Unbroken Traditions Basketweavers of the Meadows-Baker Families in Northern California, exhibition represents the culmination of one year of research and collaboration between Mountain Maidu weavers, other tribal experts, museums studies students, faculty and curators. Through 5/15. Chico State.


she did, which is why people gravitated toward her, and today, by four years after Robert Speer her death from cancer, the Chico community continues to celebrate Review: her many contriTwo exhibits: Remembering Maria & butions. She is perhaps the Avenue 9 Art Guild and Something Old & best remembered Something New as the co-founder Showing through and execuJan. 19. Closing reception: tive director of Jan. 17, 6-8 p.m. the Avenue 9 Gallery, which Museum of for 11 years was Northern California Art a vital part of 900 Esplanade Chico’s visual487-7272 arts life. But her monca.org legacy extends well beyond that. A new exhibit at the Museum of Northern California Art, titled Remembering Maria & the Avenue 9 Art Guild, showcases works by numerous locals who were a part of the collective of artists at Avenue 9, which Phillips, along with Dolores Mitchell and Giovanna Jackson, founded in 2004. The exhibit is testimony to the diversity and talent among local artists and Phillips’ ability to recognize quality work. Phillips was was one of Chico’s most cosmopolitan residents. Born

in Rome, she lived for eight years as a child in Venezuela before her family moved to the United States. She spoke fluent Spanish and Italian in addition to English, earned a doctorate in art history and taught at Georgia State University before moving to Chico. In addition to the Avenue 9 Gallery, she co-founded ChiVAA, the Chico Visual Arts Alliance, which sponsored monthly ARTabouts (walking gallery tours) and the annual springtime Art Fiesta at the Matador Motel. And in 2007, when a group emerged to oppose creation of a huge gravel pit west of town, near the Sacramento River, she became its media-relations spokeswoman and public face. As such, she led the charge that compelled the Butte County Board of Supervisors to turn thumbs down on the huge project. Four years later, when budget cutbacks threatened to close Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park, Phillips served as press secretary for the Bidwell Mansion Community Project formed to raise money to keep the mansion open three days a week. Her death in October 2014 left a hole that was partially filled when MONCA opened in April 2017. That, combined with the re-emergence of the 1078 Gallery the following year, along with the continuing presence of the Chico Art Center, greatly enriched Chico’s art scene.

Phillips was a prolific collector, one who filled every wall in her home with artwork. It was a way of maintaining daily contact with her many artist friends, she once said. Remembering Maria is reminiscent of her passion. Located, appropriately, in MONCA’s Maria A. Phillips Gallery, it’s a busy exhibit with lots of pieces in numerous mediums. Included are photos of her own artwork as well as works by Mitchell, Lenn Goldmann, Waif Mullins, Valerie Payne, Cynthia Sexton, Jim Woronow, Chris Yates and others. Many of the pieces are for sale. A second exhibit, now up in the

museum’s Ginochio and Headley galleries, is Something Old & Something New, a selection of works taken from the museum’s collection. More than half of them were donated by local collector Reed Applegate, whose large contribution of artworks is the foundation of the permanent collection. Some of the pieces are by artists who have been featured at MONCA before (Paul DiPasqua, James Kuiper, Dennis Leon, Ann Pierce), and several are truly “something new” works received as donations. Among these last is a stunning large study in yellow by the late (and great) Sal Casa, who died on Dec. 4 at the age of 92. The exhibit is worth its $5 cost just to see that amazing painting. Ω



Reviewers: Meredith J. Cooper, Bob Grimm, Juan-Carlos Selznick and Neesa Sonoquie.


Director Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road to Perdition) crafted this film that follows a couple of British soldiers on a dangerous mission during World War I in what looks like one long continuous take. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.

to get her ideas past a crusty editor, Mr. Dashwood (Tracy Letts). In a departure from past adaptations, Gerwig focuses more on the girls as adults, with flashbacks to their younger days. Timothée Chalamet plays boy-next-door Theodore “Laurie” Laurence, and there couldn’t have been a better choice for the role. His first dance with Jo, where they go a little crazy outside on a porch alone during a party, is as timeless as movie dancing gets. Little Women exemplifies how a period piece should be done. It’s a fresh take that makes you feel like you are experiencing a familiar story for the first time. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG —B.G.

A Hidden Life

Spies in Disguise

Opening this week

Terrence Malick (The Tree of Life, The Thin Red Line) directs this historical drama on the life of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian conscientious objector who refused to fight for the Nazis during World War II. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13.

Just Mercy

A biopic based on famed civil rights lawyer and social justice warrior Bryan Stevenson (played by Michael B. Jordan) and his work trying to overturn the conviction of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx), a black man in Alabama who was wrongfully accused of the 1986 murder of an 18-year-old white woman. Cinemark 14. Rated R.

Let the Fire Burn

Don’t go in the house Latest Grudge is depressing and disappointing

TThehorror series born out of the Japanese film Ju-on: Curse, which was released back in 2000. This

he Grudge is the fourth installment of an American

one is sort of a “sidequel” that takes place during and after the first three. Produced by Sam Raimi, directed by Nicolas Pesce (responsible for the impressive The Eyes of by My Mother in 2016) and touting Neesa Sonoquie a terrific cast of actors you will recognize, the movie disappoints big time. The basic concept is that a curse arises when someone dies in the grip of a terrible rage and anyone who encounters this curse The Grudge by, say, entering a house where a murder happened, will then catch Starring andrea riseborough and the curse like a virus and wreak Demián Bichir. the same atrocities onto their own Directed by nicolas loved ones and so on and so on. Pesce. Cinemark 14, Those affected will be haunted Feather river Cinemas. by visions of a little girl with wet rated r. hair, sewage-grade water bubbling up from dirty bathtubs, their covers being pulled off in the night—basically whatever generic scrap of nightmare can be conjured up. But aren’t people murdered in a fit of rage every day? Which one gets the curse? You’d think the world would be filled with people being followed around by this weird little girl. Cut to the characters: Actress Andrea Riseborough plays rookie detective Muldoon, and she carries the film as a recently widowed mother raising her son alone. Her new partner (played by the great Demián


Bichir) is familiar with the consequences of this curse and wants nothing to do with it. But after finding a body in a burned-up car, Muldoon must enter the house haunted by the curse and then spend the rest of the movie trying to figure out what the heck is going on. The film jumps through time and space, following a younger couple (John Cho and Betty Gilpin) expecting a baby who likely will be born with a terminal disease; an older couple considering assisted suicide because the wife has dementia or something; and a lady who leaves a creepy house in Tokyo only to bring the curse back to the States and start this whole thing. Everyone is miserable in this movie and on the brink of mental breakdown, the setting is perpetually dark, the murky sky dumps rain in sheets, and everything from a public bathroom to a grocery store to the local psychiatric hospital is the worst version of itself—soiled, unkempt and understaffed. These dramatic moves aren’t scary; they are depressing. The time leaps and multiple storylines are confusing, and the horror relies upon jump scares we have all seen before. These poor actors give their Herculean best, but even they can’t inject life into this long and boring movie. In the end, the scariest takeaway is that our lives will indeed be filled with bad news, loneliness and loss, and that good mental health isn’t guaranteed. Ω

1 2 3 4 5 Poor



Very Good

A documentary that tells the story of how officials of the city of Philadelphia, during a 1985 stand-off with black liberation group MOVE—ordered two bombs dropped on the house the group was occupying, killing six adults and five children and burning down 61 homes in the process. One night only: Sunday, Jan 12, 7:15 p.m. (And, the following weekend, Mike Africa Jr.—son of two members of the so-called “MOVE 9” who were convicted in the 1978 killing of a Philadelphia police officer and released on parole in 2018—will appear at Museum of Northern California Art for a performance/presentation on social justice.) Pageant Theatre. Not rated.

Like a Boss

A comedy about two friends (Tiffany Haddish and Rose Byrne) trying to rescue their beauty company after a wealthy investor (Selma Hayek) steals their ideas. Cinemark 14. Rated R.


Kristen Stewart and Vincent Cassel star in this sci-fi/horror flick set in an underwater research facility destroyed by an earthquake that awakens deadly ocean creatures. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.

Now playing Frozen 2

Queen Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel) and her sister Princess Anna (Kristen Bell) and the rest of the gang are back on a journey beyond Arendelle in this sequel to the massively popular animated musical animated flick. Cinemark 14. Rated PG.

2 4

The Grudge

See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated R —N.S.

Little Women

Director Greta Gerwig’s admirable update of Louisa May Alcott’s classic 1868 novel is beautiful to look at thanks to some of 2019’s best art direction and camerawork, and it’s chock-full of tremendous performances. Saoirse Ronan headlines as Jo March, eldest sister of the March clan that includes Meg (Emma Watson), Amy (Florence Pugh) and Beth (Eliza Scanlen). Ronan, not surprisingly, makes the intrepid character of Jo her own, a budding writer who is trying

In this computer-animated adventure, Will Smith stars as the voice of Lance Sterling (“the world’s most awesome spy”) who, after being transformed into a pigeon, has to figure out new ways to fight crime. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy have failed at giving the main story of the Star Wars franchise the send-off it deserved. But money has to get made, so here it is, the last chapter of the nine-film/ three-trilogy Skywalker Saga, just in time for holiday movie going. What makes it so bad? The first hour is fast and furious, but with no editing flow and no sense of purpose. Fans going in looking for answers or meaningful storytelling will not only be bewildered, but probably pissed off as well. By doing everything it can to win back the fans that may have gotten disenchanted by The Last Jedi—continuity be damned—this film renders its predecessor as a complete joke. Even if some fans were displeased with Jedi, it doesn’t mean they wanted a Star Wars Happy Times Mix Tape in response. My advice is to pretend Rise of Skywalker didn’t happen. Allow hologram Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) facing down Kylo Ren in Jedi to be the end of the Skywalker Saga and skip this one. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13 —B.G.


Uncut Gems

Adam Sandler joins forces with writers/directors Benny and Josh Safdie and delivers the kind of fully committed dramatic performance that he’s hinted at in the past (see Punch-Drunk Love). Sandler plays Howard Ratner, a New York City jewelry store owner and gambling addict. It’s 2012, and he’s built up substantial debts with a bunch of criminals, and Howard will suffer greatly if he doesn’t pay. His solution is to obtain a million-dollar black opal straight from Ethiopia. Of course, selling the stone at auction and solving all of his problems doesn’t prove so easy for Howard, portrayed by Sandler as an out-of-his-mind kook who screws up every chance he gets. With a character whose life is so messed up that it’s sometimes funny, Sandler’s comedic chops come into play for some moments of dark humor as well. But, for the most part, Sandler isn’t in this for laughs. His Howard is a complete character study of a sad, complex man addicted to chaos who doesn’t know when to quit. He completely owns the role. Cinemark 14. Rated R —B.G.

Still here

4 4

Ford v Ferrari

Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13 —B.G.

Jumanji: The Next Level

Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13 —M.J.C.

Knives Out

Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

Excellent January 9, 2020




THURSDAY 1/9—WEDNESDAY 1/15 with two Portland crews plus local fun-makers Pervert. Thu, 1/9, 7pm. $5. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

SIMON LYNGE Sunday, Jan. 12 Museum of Northern California Art

WAYFAIRY: Oakland folk-punk six-piece joins local Mechanical Goldfish. Thu,


1/9, 7pm. $5-$7. Blackbird, 1431 Park Ave.


FORTUNATE SON: John Fogerty/

Creedence cover band. Fri, 1/10, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com


country with a modern twist. Fri, 1/10, 9pm. $5. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.



BIRD & WAG / LAURIE DANA: Peter & Tricia Berkow and Lori Dana bring two keyboards and original songs to make your evening bright. Thu, 1/9, 6:30pm. Free. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade, 530-343-2056.

GLITTER WIZARD: SF prog/glam/garage wizard-rockers hit Maltese with locals Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy and Bad Mana. Thu, 1/9, 8:30pm. $7. The

A couple of Slumberland Records bands join local dream-rockers Solar Estates for a Friday night of indie-rock fun. Fri, 1/10, 9pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St. Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

PARKSIDE COMEDY SHOWCASE: Jesse Clark Comedy presents Sac comic Shahera Hyatt, plus locals Mark Leathers, Rich Morrare, Cassidy O’Brien and more. Thu, 1/9, 7pm. Parkside Tap House, 115 W. Third St.

THE SOCIAL STOMACH & BODY SHAME: Three-band experimental mashup

JOHN SEID, LARRY PETERSON, STEVE COOK: Live dinner music. Fri, 1/10,

6:30pm. Diamond Steakhouse, 220 W. Fourth St..

MELTING ELK: Tahoe underground hip-hop trio is joined by local funmakers Lo & Behold and Similar Alien & the Lizard Brains. Fri, 1/10, 8:30pm. $7. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

OPEN MIC: Open mic hosted by Jeff

Pershing. Fri, 1/10, 7pm. $1. Down Lo, 319 Main St. 530-966-8342.


ALEX VINCENT: Live music. Sat,

1/11, 8pm. The Exchange, 1975 Montgomery St., Oroville. theex changeoroville.com

BOB’S COMEDY & MUSIC SHOW: Bob Backstrom hosts a night of laughs and tunes with headliner Robert Omoto, plus Benton Harshaw, Sam Murphy and a handful of locals. Music by Sounds Good (after comedy). Sat, 1/11, 7:30pm. $5-$8. The Maltese, 1600 Park Ave.

CINDER VALLEY: Live music for late-

night happy hour. Sat, 1/11, 10pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

DEBAJITO: Pavlo Kee and Dani Cornejo, MCs/musical directors for the Denver Latin hip-hop collective Debajo del Agua, bring their side project to Chico for two shows in one night. Sat, 1/11, 7:30pm & 9pm. $7-$12. Tender Loving Coffee, 365 E. Sixth St.

HIGH VOLTAGE BAND: A variety of classic rock, country and popular hits. Sat, 1/11, 9pm. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade.

INSIGHT: Rock hits. Sat, 1/11, 8:30pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfalls casino.com

THIS SHOW KILLS FASCISTS The “mournful folk and riotous punk” ensemble Wayfairy (pictured) started as a solo project of Quiver Watts, who used to play her banjo along the turnpikes as she hitched rides from town to town along the Keystone Pipeline performing protest music. The Oakland-based crew is now a six-piece that carries on in the same spirit of resistance with a range of queer/feminist, anti-state, anti-fascist tunes. Catch the group live at Blackbird tonight (Jan. 9), along with Chico’s own Mechanical Goldfish singing “sadkid songs about nihilism and surviving in a space meant to kill you.”

JOHN SEID, LARRY PETERSON, STEVE COOK: Live dinner music. Sat, 1/11,

6:30pm. Diamond Steakhouse, 220 W. Fourth St.

KING OF THE CAGE: King of the Cage is back at the casino with a main event fight featuring Hinkle vs. McWilliams. Sat, 1/11, 7pm. $45-$80. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020

Olive Highway, Oroville. goldcountry casino.com

MOTLEY INC.: Motley cover crue. Sat,

1/11, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

THE PAPER HATS: Local swing, blues, country and rock trio. Sat, 1/11,

M-F 9am-5pm Sat 10am-5pm Sun 10am-4pm




JANUARY 9, 2020




BALD ROCK BOYS: Live music. Wed,



1/15, 6pm. Free. The Allies Pub, 426

Sunday, Jan. 12 Sierra Nevada Big Room

Broadway Suite 130., 530-809-1650.



That means the great Americana singer/songwriter/storyteller John McCutcheon is here for his annual Sierra Nevada show. This year’s is a matinee performance with roots duo Red Tail Wing opening. Sun, 1/12, 1pm. $22-$25. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada. com


dinner music. Sun, 1/12, 6pm. 5th Street Steakhouse, 345 W. Fifth St.

SIMON LYNGE: Norton Buffalo West

6:30pm. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade.

YURI LIBERZON: Classical Guitar Project

RETROTONES: Local crew plays the

hits. Sat, 1/11, 9pm. $5. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave..


brings Israel-based/Russian-born guitarist Yuri Liberzon to the museum. Sat, 1/11, 7:30pm. $5-$15. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. monca.org

brings the Greenland singer/ songwriter back to Chico. Locals John-Michael Sun, Susan Dobra and David Leon Zink open. Sun, 1/12, 4pm. $20. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. eventbrite.com

for late-night happy hour. Sat, 1/11, 10pm. La Salles, 229 Broadway St.

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The ‘s annual Business Issue will be on stands February 20.

DANCE NIGHT: Four lady DJs with large vinyl collections select a fresh slice of wax every Wednesday for your boogie pleasure. Wed, 1/15, 10pm. $1. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St.

FOLIAN & SHIFTING HARBOR: A couple of Portland crews join local noisemakers Desperate Hell and Organ Donor for an all-ages shindig. Wed, 1/15, 8pm. 1078 Gallery, 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

MICHAEL RUSSELL: Solo roots-rock,

blues and Americana. Wed, 1/15, 7pm. The Commons Social Empourium, 2412 Park Ave.

OPEN MIC: Presenters share everything from poetry and memoir to folk songs and instrumental guitar pieces. Call Katy at 434-3794 with questions. Wed, 1/15, 7pm. Free. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave.




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Debajo del Agua is a Denver-based collective that features a multinational roster of members—from Chile, Peru, El Salvador, Mexico, and the U.S.—that fuses hip-hop with a wide range of Afro/Latin/Caribbean styles. Two of its members—MCs Pavlo Kee and Dani Cornejo—have a side project called Debajito (pictured) that similarly blends world musics with hip-hop, and this Saturday (Jan. 11) the duo will play two intimate shows—at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.—at Tender Loving Coffee.


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The Boston-based activist and singer/songwriter comes to town with his band. Colorado acoustic singer/songwriter Daniel Rodriguez opens. Wed, 1/15, 8pm. $21-$25. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

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Buy online anytime with a credit card or in person with cash, check or credit card M-F 9am – 5pm at 353 E. Second Street, Downtown Chico.



JANUARY 9, 2020

generally favored the most widely available alternative: the 22-ounce bottle known as the “bomber.” To me, it seemed buying two or three bombers was a better way to sample several beers than buying as many six-packs. Bombers have been a signature packaging style for craft beer for by decades, often used for higherAlastair Bland alcohol specialty beers or annual special releases, but also for everyday, all-year brands. While six-packs were an economical way to buy beer in bulk, the bomber was often a mark of class. But bombers are being pushed off shelves. They’ve lost popularity in the past half-decade, almost to the point of being obsolete. Breweries still use them, and people still buy them, but 22-ounce bottles are widely seen as old-school, old-hat, traditional and a bit too representative of breweries that came of age in the 1990s and 2000s. Few new breweries use bombers anymore, and long-established craft breweries— Lagunitas Brewing Co., Firestone Walker Brewing Co. and many more—are downsizing their big-bottle beers to 16-ounce cans and 12-ounce bottles, sometimes sold as singles. “People like buying a little bit less these days, and a 22-ounce bottle is a big commitment,” said Mike Altman, owner of Iron Springs Pub & Brewery in San Rafael. “We invested heavily in 22-ounce bottles and labels.” Now they’re changing tactics to meet demands of the new and evolving market. Altman and his team have all but retired their bottling program, and for retail sales are now almost entirely invested in cans (they also sell kegs).

Brewery owner Brendan Moylan has also pulled back on bombers, shifting from the familiar 22-ounce format for so many of the beers for his Marin and Moylan’s brewing companies to 16-ounce cans, sold in four-packs. So, what’s the matter with bombers? The main issue seems to be that they’re an awkward size—too small to provide two shared pints and, if the beer is strong, too large to drink easily by oneself if you plan to have a second one. Many times, I’ve opened a bomber, then recapped the bottle or plugged it with a cork to save for the next day—not the best way to handle/store beer. Also, bombers usually are not a great deal; per ounce of the same beer sold also in sixpacks, bomber beer is often relatively costly. With bombers on the outs, almost all newcomers to the beer scene are canning their beer. At Pond Farm Brewing Co. in San Rafael, for example, all retail production (other than kegs) goes into four-packs of 16-ounce cans. Pond Farm co-owner and head brewer Trevor Martens says the size of a 22-ounce bottle is off the mark. One of the biggest reasons he sees is that glass bottles, of any kind, are fragile. “It sucks to break bottles when packaging and consumers don’t have to worry about cans breaking when they take them out to places like the beach or a pool,” Martens said. There is yet another problem with 22-ounce bottles: They take up lots of shelf space. They can’t be stacked, and they require a tall space to fit into, and for retailers, stacking shelves with six-packs makes much more logistical sense. Moylan says he has “never had a problem drinking a 22-ounce beer,” but he recognizes that consumers are increasingly opting for lower-alcohol options and smaller portions. “The world has gotten a little soft,” he quipped. Ω

ARTS DEVO by Jason Cassidy • jasonc@newsreview.com

Sing for your theater arts dEVo has never done karaoke. That seems impossible. There’s no good reason. I don’t have stage fright. In fact, I love having a microphone in my hand and forcing people to listen to me. And I love singing, and watching other people singing, and being in bars, and Turn around … Every now and then I get a little bit lonely, and you’re never coming ‘round/Turn around, bright eyes ... Oh man, it sounds like the best time. I’ve actually been whining loudly in recent months about the lack of karaoke in my life, yet I still haven’t gotten off my ass and gone to one of the regular events at The Maltese (Thursdays, 9 p.m.), Tackle Box (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 or 9 p.m.), The Bear (Mondays, 9 p.m.), The oasis Bar & Grill (Wednesdays, 7 p.m.), Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co. (Fridays at 9 p.m.), or the occasional ones at La salles (next: Jan. 24, 10 p.m.), studio inn Lounge or The Banshee. But things might be about to change. Next Wednesday (Jan. 15), at 8 p.m., the Blue Room Theatre is hosting a karaoke fundraiser at The Maltese, and I think that would be the perfect setting to pop my karaoke cherry—while also helping a worthy cause. The longtime community arts treasure is in a bad financial spot. The post-Camp Fire year has hit the Blue Room and many other local nonprofits hard, and the theater is faced with the prospect of having to close if can’t raise $6,500. A GoFundMe campaign (gofundme.com/f/ blue-christmas-giving) has brought in a little more than half of it, and the folks at the Blue Room are banking on a strong showing from local hams, hacks and show-offs to help make up the rest. Entry is free (donations accepted). Where the money will be made is with the event’s special features: song takeovers (pay to swipe another performer’s song), song auction (“meticulously picked” favorites will be sold to the highest bidder), last song auction (pay to sing the finale), etc. Hosts for the night are the Blue Room’s managing director, amber Miller, and longtime local theater superstar samantha shaner. So, what should I sing? “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler? “i Believe in a Thing Called Love” by The darkness? Maybe a something by Queen? Yeah … no. Not unless I arrive six beers deep after carpooling with James Corden. Call for art and writerS and freakS The Blue Room is also still accepting writing samples for its annual Fresh ink event (Feb. 13-16). Four writers will be selected for the one-act mini-fest and each will be matched to a director before taking just one week to write a script using five mandatory elements. But you have to hurry. Writing samples—up to five pages of an original story of any kind—are due by midnight Monday, Jan. 13. Email to: martinfez@live.com or anniefischer17@gmail.com. Also, Chico art Center is seeking sculpture submissions from California artists for consideration for two group exhibitions (in May and October). Visit chicoartcenter.com/ca_contempo_sculpture for prospectus and application. And finally, the Chico news & Review’s Keep Chico Weird art show is returning for the seventh year! The show goes down March 19-22 at the 1078 Gallery, and we need your strange, freaky, bizarre, unique, weird art! Art in all mediums is eligible (including performance art for the reception on March 19). Visit Keep Chico Weird on Facebook for more info, and send submissions to keepchicoweird@gmail.com by Feb. 28. January 9, 2020




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1110 California St





14040 Kelsey Dr





149 E Spruce St





1208 Windecker Dr





1150 Hazel St





1001 Arbutus Ave





14060 Wycliff Way





14147 Hereford Dr





14735 Vassar Ct





3092 Gallatin Gtwy





2621 Oro Garden Ranch Rd Oroville




129 Benson Ter





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8 Dean Way





5326 Crest Ridge Dr





2304 Floral Ave





4686 Foothill Blvd





1160 Ceres Manor Ct





1370 5th Ave





1420 Sherman Ave #23





128 Mono Ave





1414 Lewis Oak Rd





4950 Lago Vista Way





560 Fairview Dr





90 Valley View Dr






January 9, 2020

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as PURE HYDRATION at 325 Bridge Street Colusa, CA 95932. THE VIGILANT ONE, INC. 325 Bridge Street Colusa, CA 95932. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: TRACY RIDDLE, CRNA Dated: November 13, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001285 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

Learn more at Dahlmeier.com Oroville Chico 530.533.3424


License #0680951

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as STEWART PROPERTY MANAGEMENT at this Legal Notice continues

1924 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95928. BREIN L. JONES TRUSTEE OF THE STEWART 2019 FAMILY TRUST 1924 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95928. RICHARD L STEWART TRUSTEE OF THE RICHARD STEWART LIVING TRUST 1924 Mangrove Avenue Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Association. Signed: BREIN JONES Dated: December 2, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001346 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO TATTOO COMPANY at 252 East Ave Suite C Chico, CA 95973. TYSON BODE 2765 Montgomery Street Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: TYSON BODE Dated: December 6, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001362 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SHANASHEEL at 1301 Sheridan Ave #109 Chico, CA 95926. JASIM WASI 1301 Sheridan Ave #109 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JASIM WASI Dated: November 26, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001339 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as THE ORIGINAL BARBER JOHNS at 532 Nord Ave Chico, CA 95926. RICHARD ROY FUNKHOUSER II 2388 Serviss Street Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: RICHARD R FUNKHOUSER II Dated: December 11, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001382 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ALEX FIX IT at 280 Camino Norte St Chico, CA 95973. ALEXANDER T ARAUJO 280 Camino Norte St Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ARAUJO, ALEXANDER Dated: December 11, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001383 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO GROCERY OUTLET at 2157 Pillsbury Rd Chico, CA 95926. C AND T’S BARGAIN MARKET, INC 4297 Calernbar Rd Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: CHRIS HOSTETTLER, OWNER Dated: November 18, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001307 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ALPHA STRONG at 977 East Ave #10 Chico, CA 95926. NEW STRONG INC 977 East Ave #10 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: KATHY HANKINS, CEO Dated: December 10, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001375 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ALPHA STRONG FITNESS 2 at 977 East Ave #10 Chico, CA 95926. KATHY M HANKINS 977 East Ave #10 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KATHY M HANKINS Dated: December 10, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001376 Published: December 19,26, 2019 January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO BROW at 4070 Nord Hwy 141 Chico, CA 95973. ASHLEY NICOLE ROOT BAZER 4070 Nord Hwy 141 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ASHLEY ROOT-BAZER Dated: November 18, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001310 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PRO WIRELESS at 2554 Olive Highway Oroville, CA 95966. NENG XIONG 2707 Fay Way Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by

this Legal Notice continues

an Individual. Signed: NENG XIONG Dated: December 13, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001396 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name REVOLUTION DANCE at 5923 Clark Rd Suite I Paradise, CA 95969. VALERIE LEIDIG 7040 Montna Dr Paradise, CA 95969. This business was conducted by an Individual. Signed: VALERIE LEIDIG Dated: December 10, 2019 FBN Number: 2017-0001568 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9,16, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as REVOLUTION DANCE COMPANY at 830 Broadway Street Chico, CA 95928. KAREN WINCHESTER 3965 Front Street Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KAREN WINCHESTER Dated: December 10, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001377 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9,16, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHINA MASSAGE at 236 W East Ave Suite F Chico, CA 95926. XIU LAN LI 400 Mission Ranch Blvd #43 Chico, CA 95928. ROBERT W MAURER 400 Mission Ranch Blvd #43 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: ROBERT W. MAURER Dated: December 17, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001409 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9,16, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as TORRES COMMUNITY SHELTER at 101 Silver Dollar Way Chico, CA 95928. TRUE NORTH HOUSING ALLIANCE INC 101 Silver Dollar Way Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: JOY AMARO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dated: December 16, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001402 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9,16, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ACTION REALTY at 1664 Montgomery Street Oroville, CA 95965. TROY DAVIS REAL ESTATE, INC. 1664 Montgomery Street Oroville, CA 95965. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: TROY DAVIS, BOARD CHAIR PERSON, PRESIDENT,

this Legal Notice continues

SECRETARY, TREASURER Dated: December 17, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001410 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9,16, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as JM TRANSPORT at 50 Lobelia Ct Chico, CA 95973. JAIVIRPAL S RANDHAWA 50 Lobelia Ct Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JAIVIRPAL S. RANDHAWA Dated: December 16, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001400 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9,16, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MI JALISCO at 1002 W 5th Street Chico, CA 95928. KARLA CAZARES DELGADO 3156 Esplanade Spc 272 Chico, CA 95973. GILBERTO VALLADORES ORTIZ 3156 Esplanade Spc 272 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: GILBERTO VALLADARES ORTIZ Dated: December 19, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001419 Published: January 2,19,16,23, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CONNIE’S CONSULTING at 223 Estates Dr Chico, CA 95928. CONNIE MICHELE SANSEVERINO 223 Estates Dr Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CONNIE MICHELE SANSEVERINO Dated: December 4, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001358 Published: January 9,16,23,30, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ZEPEDAS TRUCKING at 1684 Vista Verde Ave Chico, CA 95928. ULISES JESUS ZEPEDA 1684 Vista Verde Ave Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ULISES ZEPEDA Dated: December 10, 2019 FBN Number: 2019-0001374 Published: January 9,16,23,30, 2020

NOTICES NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain clothes, furniture, boxes, etc. 303SS WAYNE COLE 5x10 (Personal items, Boxes, Furniture, Misc.) this Legal Notice continues



J A N U A Ry 9 , 2 0 2 0



161CC CHERYL GONZALEZ 6x7 (Boxes, Metal cabinets, Compressor) 399SS BIANES NATIVIDAD 12x15 (Boxes, Totes, Cabinets) 314AS NANCY/JAMES TOPPING 5x15 (Boxes, Totes, Furniture) 224SS JOSE ARISPE 5x5 (Bedding, Totes, Bags) 215SS DAVID AVRITT 5x11 (Boxes, Cooler, Camping gear) 332CC ANTOINETTE GRIFFITH 6x12 (Boxes, Bikes, Totes,) 403CC PATRICK BOOTH 7x12 (Boxes, Cases, Totes) 395CC1 PATRICK BOOTH 6x12 (Boxes, Totes, Bags) 461CC CATHY DAVIDOW (Boxes, Bags) Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on: Saturday January 25, 2020 Beginning at 1:00PM Sale to be held at: Bidwell Self Storage, 65 Heritage Lane, Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2109 Published: January 9,16, 2020

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner BRADLEY CHRISTOPHER SCHULTZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: BRADLEY CHRISTOPHER SCHULTZ Proposed name: BRADLEY CHRISTOPHER MORRIS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: January 29, 2020 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: MICHAEL P. CANDELA Dated: December 12, 2019 Case Number: 19CV03653 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner LA NETTE CAROL THOMPSON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: LA NETTE CAROL THOMPSON Proposed name: LANETTE CAROL SIX THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, this Legal Notice continues



the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: February 5, 2020 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: BARBARA L. ROBERTS Dated: December 19, 2019 Case Number: 19CV03765 Published: January 2,9,16,23, 2020

SUMMONS SUMMONS NOTICE TO RESPONDENT KEVIN K. WISE You have been sued by petitioner: STACY R. KNAUSS You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court appearance will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyer at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp) at the California Legal Services website (www.lawhelpca.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for you or the other party. The name and address of the court are: Superior Court Of California County of Butte Chico - North Butte County Courthouse 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: STACY R. KNAUSS 7986 Railroad Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 Signed: KIMBERLY FLENER Dated: October 30, 2019 Case Number: 19PA01874 Published: December 19,26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE MICHAEL LA VERNE PARKINSON To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: MICHAEL LA VERNE PARKINSON A Petition for Probate has been filed by: DOUGLAS B. PARKINSON in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. this Legal Notice continues

January 9, 2020

The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: January 14, 2020 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Room: Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: SONYA K. FINN, LAW OFFICES OF LEVERENZ & FINN 515 Wall Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-1621 Dated: December 19, 2019 Case Number: 19PR00563 Published: December 26, 2019, January 2,9, 2020

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE ADELAIDE M. HARDT, also known as ADELAIDE MONA HARDT, ADELAIDE HARDT To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: ADELAIDE M. HARDT, ADELAIDE MONA HARDT, ADELAIDE HARDT A Petition for Probate has been filed by: DANNY HARDT in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: DANNY HARDT be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the this Legal Notice continues

decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: January 28, 2020 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Probate Room: Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: NICOLE R. PLOTTEL 466 Vallombrosa Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 893-2882 Dated: December 30, 2019 Case Number: 19PR00570 Published: January 9,16,23, 2020

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE ALICE L. SANDOVAL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: CHRISTOPHER SANDOVAL AND MARY “LUCY” SANDOVAL A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Estate of ALICE L. SANDOVAL in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: CHRISTOPHER SANDOVAL, MARY “LUCY” SANDOVAL this Legal Notice continues

be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: Feb. 4, 2020 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: TBA Room: Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: CHRISTOPHER SANDOVAL, MARY “LUCY” SANDOVAL P.O. Box 584 Gridley, CA 95948 Dated: January 6, 2020 Case Number: 19PR00574 Published: January 9,16,23, 2020


FREE WILL ASTROLOGY For the week oF January 9, 2020 ARIES (March 21-April 19): When

comedian John Cleese was 61, his mother died. She was 101. Cleese testifies, “Just towards the end, as she began to run out of energy, she did actually stop trying to tell me what to do most of the time.” I bet you’ll experience a similar phenomenon in 2020—only bigger and better. Fewer people will try to tell you what to do than at any previous time of your life. As a result, you’ll be freer to be yourself exactly as you want to be. You’ll have unprecedented power to express your uniqueness.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Renowned

Taurus philosopher Bertrand Russell was sent to jail in 1918 because of his pacifism and anti-war activism. He liked being there. “I found prison in many ways quite agreeable,” he said. “I had no engagements, no difficult decisions to make, no fear of callers, no interruptions to my work. I read enormously; I wrote a book.” The book he produced, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, is today regarded as a classic. In 2020, I would love to see you carve out an equally luxurious sabbatical without having to go through the inconvenience of being incarcerated. I’m confident you can do this.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): It’s common

to feel attracted to people because of the way they look and dress and carry themselves. But here’s the problem: If you pursue an actual connection with someone whose appearance you like, there’s no guarantee it will turn out to be interesting and meaningful. That’s because the most important factor in becoming close to someone is not their cute face or body or style, but rather their ability to converse with you in ways you find interesting. And that’s a relatively rare phenomenon. As philosopher Mortimer Adler observed, “Love without conversation is impossible.” I bring these thoughts to your attention because I believe that in 2020 you could have some of the best conversations you’ve ever had—and as a result experience the richest intimacy.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Mystic

poet Rumi told us the kind of person he was attracted to. “I want a troublemaker for a lover,” he wrote. “Blood spiller, blood drinker, a heart of flame, who quarrels with the sky and fights with fate, who burns like fire on the rushing sea.” In response to that testimony, I say, “Boo! Ugh! Yuck!” I say, “To hell with being in an intimate relationship with a troublemaker who fights with fate and quarrels with the sky.” I can’t imagine any bond that would be more unpleasant and serve me worse. What about you? Do you find Rumi’s definition glamorous and romantic? I hope not. If you do, I advise you to consider changing your mind. 2020 will be an excellent time to be precise in articulating the kinds of alliances that are healthy for you. They shouldn’t resemble Rumi’s description. (Rumi translation by Zara Houshmand.)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The 18th-century

comic novel Tristram Shandy is still being translated, adapted and published today. Its popularity persists. Likewise, the 18th century novel Moll Flanders, which features a rowdy, eccentric heroine who was unusual for her era, has had modern incarnations in TV, film and radio. Then there’s the 19th century satirical novel Vanity Fair. It’s considered a classic even now, and appears on lists of best-loved books. The authors of these three books had one thing in common: They had to pay to have their books published. No authority in the book business had any faith in them. You may have similar challenges in 2020— and rise to the occasion with equally good results. Believe in yourself!

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I’ll present

two possible scenarios that could unfold for you in 2020. Which scenario actually occurs will depend on how willing you are to transform yourself. Scenario #1. Love is awake, and you’re asleep. Love is ready for you but you’re not ready for love. Love is

by rob brezsny hard to recognize because you think it still looks like it did in the past. Love changed its name, and you didn’t notice. Scenario #2. Love is awake and you’re waking up. Love is ready for you and you’re making yourself ready for love. Love is older and wiser now, and you recognize its new guise. Love changed its name, and you found out. (Thanks to Sarah and Phil Kaye for the inspiration for this horoscope.)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Renowned

Greek sculptor Praxiteles created some famous and beloved statues in the fourth century B.C. One of his pieces, showing the gods Hermes and Dionysus, was displayed inside the Temple of Hera in Olympia. But a few centuries later an earthquake demolished the Temple and buried the statue. There it remained until 1877, when archaeologists dug it out of the rubble. I foresee a metaphorically equivalent recovery in your life, especially if you’re willing to excavate an old mess or investigate a debris field or explore a faded ruin.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Over a

period of 74 years, the Scorpio philosopher and author Voltaire (1694-1778) wrote so many letters to so many people that they were eventually published in a series of 98 books, plus nine additional volumes of appendices and indexes. I would love to see you communicate that abundantly and meticulously in 2020. The cosmic rhythms will tend to bring you good fortune if you do.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Picasso was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He was also the richest. At the end of his life, experts estimate his worth was as much as $250 million, equivalent to $1.3 billion today. But in his earlier adulthood, while Picasso was turning himself into a genius and creating his early masterpieces, he lived and worked in a small, seedy, unheated room with no running water and a toilet he shared with 20 people. If there will be ever in your life be a semblance of Picasso’s financial transformation, I’m guessing it would begin this year.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Let’s

get 2020 started with a proper send-off. According to my reading of the astrological omens, the coming months will bring you opportunities to achieve a host of liberations. Among the things from which you could be at least partially emancipated: stale old suffering; shrunken expectations; people who don’t appreciate you for who you really are; and beliefs and theories that don’t serve you any more. (There may be others!) Here’s an inspirational maxim, courtesy of poet Mary Oliver: “Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going.”

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In

a poem titled “The Mess-iah,” spiritual teacher Jeff Foster counsels us, “Fall in love with the mess of your life … the wild, uncontrollable, unplanned, unexpected moments of existence. Dignify the mess with your loving attention, your gratitude. Because if you love the mess enough, you will become a Mess-iah.” I bring this to your attention because I suspect you’ll have a better chance to ascend to the role of Mess-iah in the coming weeks and months than you have had in many years.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Comedian

John Cleese believes that “sometimes we hang onto people or relationships long after they’ve ceased to be of any use to either of you.” That’s why he has chosen to live in such a way that his web of alliances is constantly evolving. “I’m always meeting new people,” he says, “and my list of friends seems to change quite a bit.” According to my analysis of the astrological omens, 2020 will be a propitious year for you to experiment with Cleese’s approach. You’ll have the chance to meet a greater number of interesting new people in the coming months than you have in a long time. (And don’t be afraid to phase out connections that have become a drain.)

www.RealAstrology.com for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888. January 9, 2020



January 9, 2020



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