New Profit 20th Anniversary Annual Report

Page 10

The Leaders We Back

20-Year Retrospective

“The business world

of the 1990s was increasingly dynamic. Entrepreneurs could


turn an idea on paper into a major

grantee-partners supported since 1998

The investing strategies that made

company in just a few short years.



signature investments (four+ years)

accelerator or one-year investments

this possible were hardly a secret: Venture capital firms provided start-ups with large chunks of unrestricted cash, along with other kinds of support like management

$250M in capacity building support provided for grantee-partners

assistance and access to their networks. They placed huge trust in entrepreneurs chasing a dream— while also insisting on metrics and

10M+ lives touched by the organizations New Profit has supported

accountability. The idea behind New Profit was simple: To use these same strategies to help social entrepreneurs actualize bold schemes to improve the world.” — David Callahan FOUNDER AND EDITOR, INSIDE PHILANTHROPY

(from Build Capital. Inside the World of Venture Philanthropy, Inside Philanthropy, 9.11.18)


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