Two Poems

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Anti Ars Poetrica

Since you’re asking when I began to believe this about myself I’d say it began the way all blue things begin as in it was no small fiction and since you’re asking here is what I know to be true I began like all others I assume in the wooden assumption of progress I assume often and it makes me an ass of me and only me my grandfather would probably say were

he still alive but he was an asshole and another thing about me is that I do not romanticize the dead I believe being dead does not somehow make you better but back to what you were asking I love reality television and have no problems admitting it but I do not romanticize romance for instance The Bachelor is nothing but a minor puppet play of heart a circus its final act ending also in a ring I’m not ashamed that I sometimes dangle too from corporate strings but what I mean to say is that I prefer the women donned in blue think they make the best first impression but anyway what was it you asked TWO POEMS


Eating the Lark

The traditional way to eat a lark is to eat it whole—bones and all.

And of the lark, we write: its song delivered in flight. Its distanced announcement: we are beginning our descent—we will be coming around to collect—please put your seat back into its upright— we are tired of your shit. We are never coming down.

And, lark, where do you suggest we fall?

There are too many ways in which we devour the world, leave little so others might desire what?

There are times I ache for empty, a slate blank as sky and times, crave the rich crunch of bones and all.

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