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NewGlobe : Supporting Visionary Governments

Supporting Visionary Governments

Transforming Public Education 1


NewGlobe : Supporting Visionary Governments

Supporting Visionary Governments Visionary governments invest in the transformation of public education. They know that doing so unlocks enormous potential, empowering populations to create economic growth, deliver security and drive development. NewGlobe supports national and state governments by creating powerful technology-enabled education systems. An education expert and leader in learning, NewGlobe has unequalled experience in dramatically transforming educational outcomes at speed and at scale. Education is a science. NewGlobe has an unprecedented ability to gather and apply data-driven learning improvements across every aspect of the education system, providing a strong foundation for today’s youth and tomorrow’s future.

© 2022 Newglobe Schools Inc All rights reserved. This document or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Nairobi, Lagos, London, Cambridge, Hyderabad, Imphal, Kampala, Kigali and Monrovia. 3


NewGlobe : Supporting Visionary Governments

Transformative Impact 2x

70% vs 25%



Doubled rate of learning in numeracy in eight weeks

More than doubled percentage of teachers present in the classroom in one year

Accelerated reading fluency to 70% vs 25% for other Low Income Countries

increase in public school enrollment in two years

A Powerful Technology Enabled System NewGlobe delivers an integrated end-to-end solution designed to enhance learning and transform education systems

Digital Learning Platform Training and Coaching Adaptive Instructional Content 360 Degree Support



NewGlobe : Supporting Visionary Governments

Digital Learning Platform

Training and Coaching Teachers deserve, and benefit from, consistent and expert training and support. NewGlobe’s tech-enabled, data-driven coaching and professional development equips teachers, schools leaders and support staff for comprehensive success.

NewGlobe’s cloud-based technology platform provides a central operating system to support improved education systems. Optimized for low infrastructure environments with intermittent power and low network connectivity, NewGlobe’s technology platform was developed from the ground-up to power system transformation at scale.

NewGlobe’s training model has been informed by a decade-long research of identifying the top decile of teachers – based on ability to generate outsized student learning outcomes – rigorously studying those practices, and incorporating them into a practical training and coaching model designed to ensure every educator in the system succeeds. Every teacher and school principal receives scientifically-based in-person multi-day intensive training at the start of the program.

All school leaders and teachers are equipped with a specially-designed tablet running a proprietary suite of learning management applications connected to NewGlobe services in the cloud.

Learning and Development coaches conduct live lesson observations and use specialized smartphone apps, and provide them with actionable insights for live coaching sessions. This responsive, individualized coaching and feedback loop equips teachers to continually develop and improve their teaching practice grounded in a data-driven understanding of performance.

The technology enables continuous real-time data analysis at a micro and macro level within all education systems, enabling an iterative approach to learning and improvement. The platform processes more than one billion data points every year, enabling a digital feedback loop that drives continuous improvement and learning outcomes. Every aspect of the design is intended to leverage the science of learning. 8


Brochure 2022


NewGlobe : Supporting Visionary Governments

Adaptive Instructional Content NewGlobe’s experience and application of the science of learning provides teachers with scientifically-based pedagogy, adapted to the needs of their students. Instruction based upon the latest research on effective teaching practice and informed by learning outcomes analysis conducted over a decade produces highly effective content bespoke for national curricula. Teaching guides are designed using highly-researched scope and sequence, ensuring concepts are taught with the right rigor, repetition and sequencing. Lesson plans offer clear measurable goals for teachers and expected outcomes for students. All instruction is targeted to maximize learning, practice and feedback grounded in extensive research on the most effective use of class time. NewGlobe’s revolutionary and continuous approach to short-cycle randomized control trials enable teacher guides to be continually iterated upon, using one billion data points a year. The same scientifically rooted approach underpins the design and production of millions of pages of print materials that are integrated with the teacher guide content to ensure a truly homogenous learning experience bridging analog and digital approaches.



NewGlobe : Supporting Visionary Governments

© 2022 Newglobe Schools Inc

360 Degree Support The structure of NewGlobe’s 360-degree support teams is designed to deliver rapid and tangible learning transformation across education systems. Improving education systems is urgent and NewGlobe is designed to effect change urgently. Large scale local tech-enabled expert teams are swiftly put in place across back office and field-based support functions to ensure government programs are deployed and effective immediately at scale. All programs are positioned to be operationally effective quickly precisely because of this innovative and flexible structure. From the first day of program implementation, NewGlobe executes a focused and carefully scaffolded program of capacity-building for existing civil service support staff, creating a data-driven education support function that drives the improvements in student learning. Empowered with data on student performance and instructional delivery, governments are enabled to make data-driven and evidence-informed policy decisions.

Get in touch to learn more : 8


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