Yankee PROse December 2018

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Yankee PROse Official Quarterly Publication of the

Winter 2018

U n i t e d S t a t e s P r o f e s s i o n a l Te n n i s A s s o c i a t i o n N e w E n g l a n d D i v i s i o n

• Best Wishes from USPTA New England • Meet our State Presidents • Exciting New Articles • Welcome New Members! • USPTA Tennis Quiz


Visiting our web site usptanewengland.com has never been easier. Just grab your smart phone and scan this QR-code and you are there!

Message from Board of Directors

”Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for 2019” Dear USPTA New England Membership,

President Michael L. Mercier 978-273-6500 mercier@fas.harvard.edu Regional Vice President Chris Stevens 603-969-2648 stevens10spro@gmail.com

First and foremost, on behalf of all us at USPTA New England we are wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday season. It’s that time of the year that we love spending time with family and dear ones, but also a time to reflect.

Treasurer Patricio Misitrano 305-766-9369 patricio.misitrano@gmail.com

It gives us great pleasure to announce that we have re-instated seven passionate and professional USPTA State Presidents. They will become very active and involved in 2019. Look for their communication soon. Basically time flew by, but the good news is we have another brand new year ahead of us!

Secretary Nancy Lally 203-834-9475 tnsprolally@gmail.com

In 2019 we look forward to hosting our annual Spring Conference at Foreside Fitness & Tennis in Falmouth, Maine. With great speakers, fascinating topics and plenty networking opportunities, please mark May 3, 4 and 5 in your calendar. Stay tuned, details will follow soon. As you may have learned from USPTA National, we now have an agreement with the IPTPA (International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association), allowing for all of us to become certified in the fastest growing sport in the US! We’ll keep you informed regarding potential certification workshops in March 2019 and in May 2019.

Vice President Chantalle Arsenault 207-xxx-xxxx

cjlavert@gmail.com Vice President Mike Kolendo 413-374-9738

m_kolendo@charter.net Vice President Jennifer Callen Beveridge 617-834-9475

Another reason why 2019 is an important year is that it will be last year that one can become certified “old style”. To meet the requirements of being the only “USTA accredited tennis teaching association”, starting January 2020, the certification hours will go up significantly. A good reason to continue your membership, but also to convince those who have discontinued or potential PTR professionals to join the USPTA no later than December 2019.

Immediate Past President Phil Parrish 508-358-7355 lftennisdirector@hotmail.com

Last, but not least, we hope to see you in person in 2019 at one, or more, of our events. Your enthusiastic participation motivates us to do what we are doing. Any thoughts, ideas and suggestions are always welcome and if you like to get involved please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Head Tester Wayne Turner 401-862-6801 wayne.turner54@icloud.com

Happy Holidays from

Michael Chris Nancy Patricio Mike Jenn Phil Wayne Doug Steve Hans Stu Wilbur Lisa Greg Milan Nestor Wayne Chantalle Doug Yankee PROse September 2018


Executive Director Hans Römer 207-310-8656 newengland-ed@uspta.org

Visualization for Tennis “Seeing is believing” By Brian Lomax, M.Ed., USPTA

Three Ways to Use Visualization to Be a Better Player When I was a teenager in high school, I would shadow my forehand swing with my right hand while walking down the hallway to my next class. I didn't even realize I was doing this until someone pointed it out to me. It was a completely subconscious action. I was combining an image in my head with the physical execution of the skill, and so I was basically practicing my forehand while I was in school. I was tapping into the power of visualization without even knowing it. Visualization (also referred to as imagery) has proven to be an effective training technique for athletes because when we vividly imagine an experience, we are somewhat using the same neural pathways that are engaged when physically performing the skills. By going through the same pathways in the brain through visualization, we are strengthening and reinforcing those skills. For an effective visualization experience, you want to try to engage more than what you see. Include the kinesthetic movements (shadow strokes), feel (ball on the strings), emotions (confidence, intensity), sounds (ball off the racquet), and smell. Your visualization will be much more effective when it involves as many of these senses as possible. Here are some ways to use visualization in training. Visualize playing your best two times a week Try to remember one of your best performance in recent months and see if you can recall the details of it. It may be helpful to write some of the details in a notebook. Once you have the details in your mind, close your eyes and bring yourself back to that moment. Relive that experience including all of the senses mentioned above.

You may want to play some uplifting music in the background while you imagine this experience. Visualizing your best performances is a way of reinforcing all of the good things you did on those days so that you can do them more and more in the future. It can also be motivating and inspiring to see your own personal highlights video in your head. Try this twice a week (at a minimum) for 5 to 10 minutes to get the benefit of this training.

Watch your favorite player and then visualize Watching our favorite players perform can be a very inspirational experience. As part of my pre-match routine, I include watching highlights of Rafael Nadal because I love how relentless he is on every point. That gets me ready to compete. I also like watching Roger Federer, especially his one-handed backhand. That's a stroke I try to emulate on the court and if I watch video of his backhand prior to playing, I can replay that video in my head while I'm on the court. It gives me a mental model for how I should execute that shot. In essence, I'm trying to compete as if I were Rafael Nadal and I'm trying to hit my backhand as if I were Roger Federer. The concept of playing "as if" you were someone else can be highly effective. You can also view that as playing a role. For example, "I'm going to be Rafael Nadal today." Watch video first and then imagine yourself playing like your favorite player. Commit to competing and training as if you were your favorite player. Try this a couple of times a week.

Yankee PROse December 2018

Visualize performing a new skill When we are learning a new skill, such as the kick-serve, the neural pathways for it are not yet established to the point of proficiency. Therefore, we are often over-thinking that new skill in an effort to strengthen it. Visualization can help. Close your eyes and imagine yourself executing that kick-serve perfectly. Involve all of the senses mentioned previously, and especially include feelings of confidence and ease as you go through the visualization. This imagery will allow you to practice and strengthen this new technique even though you aren't doing it physically.

A few years ago, I worked with an equestrian athlete who used this technique effectively while she was in college. She was only able to ride once a week, but she used visualization as a means to practice her skills in between lessons. Each week her trainer would be amazed at the amount of improvement shown and she didn't understand how a rider could actually improve when only training one time per week. Visualization was her secret. Let’s make it yours.

Brian Lomax is an expert mental skills trainer, competitive tennis player, and USPTA Professional. He is also the author of The Mentally Tough Competitor: Mindsets and Perspectives to Achieve Excellence. His students include locally and nationally ranked junior players as well as a number of Division 1 college sports teams. To learn more about Brian and his services, visit http://www.performancextra.com. You can also follow him on Twitter at @PerformanceXtra.

Yankee PROse December 2018

NEW LOOK. SAME DNA. The Official Ball of the USPTA sports a new look with Wilson’s premium tennis ball packaging. This durable ball remains a top option for club players, as high-visibility felt allows for easier ball tracking and penetrating ink provides excellent logo wear. SKU






As the official equipment supplier of the USPTA, Wilson provides USPTA-certified tennis professionals with the best and most innovative equipment in theindustry to enrich teaching and playing experiences across the country. Through this long-standing partnership, Wilson and the USPTA share a renewed focus on bringing excitement back to grassroots tennis.

Test your Tennis Knowledge 1 What were the three main factors that, by 1968, pave the way for the major tennis tournaments around the world to begin accepting professional players? a Emergence of young stars, like Arthur Ashe, world-wide pro tour, growth of golf relative to tennis b Introduction of aluminum racquets, declining crowds, success of the “Handsome Eight” c Dawn of TV tennis, matches held in stadiums, introduction of tiebreaker d Establishment of WTA and ATP, congressional investigation, declining amateur fields 2 What 1968 event was critical to tennis being considered a “sport” as well as a “game? a International Lawn Tennis Federation opened Wimbledon and other tournaments to amateurs and professionals b First tennis enthusiast was elected to white House (Richard Nixon) c Establishment of equal prize money for men and women d First issue of TENNIS magazine hit the newsstands 8 True or False? The first national tennis tournament in America was held in 1921 at the Newport Casino in Rhode Island.

3 This player became the first to capture the Grand Slam a Don Budge b Fred Perry c William Laver d Rod Laver

9 This person, now a USPTA member, was the first president of the ATP a Butch Buchholz b Cliff Drysdale c Jack Kramer d Jim Hahn

4 This successful doubles tandem was nicknamed “The Wiz Kids.” a Martina Navratilova and Pam Shriver b Lew Hoad and Ken Rosewall c Stan Smith and Bob Lutz d Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton

10 What is “Sphairistike?” a Governing body of tennis in Holland b Name first given to tennis by its inventor, Major Winfield c Major European racquet manufacturer d Popular ice cream sold at Wimbledon

5 This man is referred to as the “father of American tennis.” a Harry Hopman b Bud Collins c Bill Tilden d James Dwight

Look for Stu Lehr, he has all the answers!

6 In what country did the earliest forms of tennis begin? a Luxembourg b England c France d Mexico 7 This event on September 3, 1972 changed the face of professional tennis a Billy Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs in the “Battle of the Sexes.” b ATP was formed c Ilie Nastase’s outbursts at US Open that prompted the point penalty system d Chris Evert became engaged to Jimmy Connors

Yankee PROse December 2018

“Coaches Staying At The Top Of Their Game“ By David Zeutas-Broer USPTA Master Professional It was my privilege to organize and facilitate a Team USA Section Coaches Workshop hosted at the Manchester Athletic Club in Massachusetts. Thirty-five New England High Performance coaches came together on a September Friday morning to learn, interact and network in a four hour program of classroom and on court programming led by the highly respected USTA Player Development Head of Men’s Tennis Kent Kinnear and USTA Training Center East National Coach Jay Devashetty. Coach Kinnear kicked things off by having each coach introduce themselves and say how many years they had been coaching. There was a total of over 500 years of collective coaching experience in the room! Teaching & Coaching Philosophy

Character Qualities

The introductions set the stage for in depth round

Coach Devashetty shared the USTA PD “Compete

table discussions on teaching and coaching

Like a Champion” character qualities “Confident,

philosophy. When each table reported out there

Determined, Engaged, Professional, Resilient,

were a number of common themes and an overall

Respectful and Tough”. He noted that Respectful

congruence with USTA Player Development’s

was the character quality for the Team USA Section

“person first approach to teaching and coaching,"

Camp that weekend that he would lead with eight

which includes “Positive coaching, Coaching

of the coaches attending the workshop. Please visit

character, Empathy, Accountability for behavior,

this link for more info on Team USA Camps:

Great communication skills and Long term show overview of USTA PD’s Five Principles:

http://www.playerdevelopment.usta.com/ PlayerDevelopmentCamps/

“Patience, Playing & Teaching Progressions,

Athletic Development and Teaching Progressions

approach.” The program then moved on to a slide

Technique Parameters, Planning & Goals and Problem Solving.” In this discussion Coach Jose

After a short lunch break where coaches had the

Higueras was cited numerous times including how

opportunity to connect with old friends and make

he regularly encourages coaches to run very physical

new acquaintances it was time to move on court.

practice sessions. Here is the link to the USTA

Coach Devashetty said, “The goal is to teach our

Teaching & Coaching Philosophy slide show:

players as complete a game as possible,


strengths and weakness and they will also play their


understanding that every player will have their own own unique way.”

Yankee PROse December 2018

Using two junior players for demonstrations the coaches were presented with multiple practical applications including athletic development warmup drills and a series of teaching progression drills with parameters based learning outcomes. Coaches were also provided with handouts that included a glossary of frequently used USTA philosophy terms and helpful hand and racquet feeding tips. Value and Benefit Ricardo Munar, MAC Tennis Academy Head Coach, summed up the sentiments and success of the workshop saying, “ My experience at the Team USA Coaches workshop was awesome; not only it helped me to grow as a coach with great information on and off the court, but it also unites us as coaches to work better as a team for the

USPTA Master Professional David Zeutas-Broer has since 2002 provided leadership, passion and dedication as Player Development Manager for USTA New England. He plays a pivotal role in increasing opportunities for junior tournament participation and organizes and facilitates High Performance teams, camps and initiatives for players, parents and coaches. He is a certified Competitive Player Development Specialist with over 35 years of experience in the tennis industry, including founder/ director of Serious Fun® holistic training and head coach for men and women at Clark University.

growth of American tennis.”

I invite my fellow USPTA New England professionals to contact me to participate in future USTA New England coaches workshops at zeutas-broer@newengland.usta.com

Yankee PROse December 2018

SOUND ON. VOLUME UP. PLAY YOUR HEART OUT. If you want the tennis world to listen up, then make noise when it’s time to play by putting your whole heart into it. It’s how you go from good…to great…to rock-star status. And it doesn’t hurt to be armed with the most classic of instruments: Roger’s legendary new Pro Staff RF97.


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Pros often customize the rackets they use, including string patterns. Consumer racket specifications may vary from models customized by Pros for match-play. © 2018 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Trademarks advertised other than those of Wilson Sporting Goods Co. are properties of their respective owners. 17-2599

Nov/Dec 2018 — USPTA ADDvantage Magazine - 39


Vue Tennis: The Evolution of Tennis Court Lighting We know how challenging it is to light a tennis ball spinning fast above a court. That’s why Har-Tru has teamed up with NLS Lighting to introduce a cutting-edge LED system designed specifically for tennis.

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Designed by a nationally ranked tennis player and lighting engineer, Vue Tennis features a patented reflector that achieves strong, uniform light levels even at ten feet or more above the court surface — where the ball is traveling much of the time. Vue’s LED fixtures are recessed deeply into their housing, reducing glare on the court while delivering more light more evenly to more places on the court.

Saves time, money, and maintenance Installing Vue Tennis is easy. Just take down your existing fixture and put a new one in its place. There’s almost never a need to change arms or poles or your entire system; instead, you simply replace the light fixture head. LEDs are extremely energy efficient. They come on instantly and are dimmable, so you determine how much light and energy is being used on a court at any time. Once installed, Vue Tennis can run for decades with virtually no light loss and no maintenance needed. Vue Tennis is a low-profile and beautifully designed fixture that blends with any club or residential setting. This breakthrough system is designed to maximize light, minimize glare, reduce shadows, and create better performance — all with much lower energy and maintenance costs.

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New Members USPTA New England 2018

Alden Zeff Andy Severance Glenn S. Meltzer Josh Burger Mark Parsons Robert Rios Stephen Baccari Ted H. Mastin, IV Amber Robins Burke Paxton Christopher Stewart Gale Dylan Stuart Fletcher Gabriel Paulk Gregg Richardson Jason Fransen Kristepher Elien Matthew J. Bejian Nick Raho Ryan J. Sawyer

Alexandra T. Walsh Bethany Mattison Gibson Henry Bray Kamila Korzeniowska Mary L. Cecio Sean J. McAndrews Steven Caristinos Todd E. Ruben Audrey Leitz Caryn Purcell Courtney Smith Elon N. Mileikowsky George Charles Moore, III Ionut Hurduc Jen Nash Marcus L. Hooks Mauro Tete Nancy Elizabeth Anderson Sven Lalic

Amanda Holcombe Fred E. Kolehmainen Jean-Pierre Barbeau Quli Khan Michaelle M. Stewart Simona Horsikyan Tamarin Espinoza Aaron L. Smiles Brian M. Ingraham Christo W. Schultz Denis Arthur Keith Enrique Serra Massidda George Laffey James Santino Bisazza Kent Friedman Matthew A. Ruben Meredith Kathleen Barcia Rosemary Ann Rouskova Tess E. Bernard-Feigenbaum


Yankee PROse December 2018

Crosscourt Consulting …a unique concept right here in New England Interview with Jeff Bearup and Tim Donovan Yankee PROse recently sat down with tennis experts Jeff Bearup and Tim Donovan who both started a unique tennis consulting company known as Crosscourt Consulting in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Let’s find out more… You both have very successful and distinguished careers, how did Crosscourt Consulting come about? Tim: When I worked as the director of player development for the USTA New England section, it was clear that there was a need for “developmental planning”. Coaches were doing really good work on the court with their students. However, they didn’t always have the time or in some cases the expertise to sit down and map out a detailed plan for all of the juniors they coached. When I started Donovan Tennis Strategies in 1997, developmental planning was the primary focus, and college recruiting consulting was secondary. Because of the demand for DTS college placement services, I decided to go focus our efforts there first. However, the need for the services Crosscourt Consulting provides, in our opinion, is more relevant than ever. Jeff and I felt the time was right to launch Crosscourt Consulting to assist families, coaches and programs with the most current, accurate and comprehensive information to help everyone plan and navigate the junior tennis system.

Jeff Bearup

What services do you provide exactly? Jeff: Crosscourt Consulting addresses the entire process associated with player development and planning. Typically we meet with the family, player and coaches involved in facilitating the athletes development. From that point, we begin by establishing goals and writing a comprehensive developmental plan. We work with the team to establish a periodization schedule, tournament schedule and to maintain a consistent line of communication over all the areas we were hired to develop and monitor. All components associated with the plan are coordinated with the parents and coaches. So in addition to setting the athlete up for success, do you also address the parental piece of the equation? Tim: While we encourage players to take ownership of their tennis development, we fully understand that our youngest clients, who are in the 10 and under youth progression, won’t have the skills to do that yet. Therefore we work very closely with parents. David Benzel, our partner and member of the Crosscourt Consulting Performance Team, is the leading expert on how to cultivate a healthy relationship between sports parents and their children.

Jeff: Both Tim and I have spent many years researching and listening to experts in the field of youth sports, more specifically, how to create the proper environment for an athlete to thrive. We both feel that with a combined 75 years as players and coaches, we have an excellent skill set to advise families on how to establish that environment for their Tim Donovan child.

Yankee PROse December 2018

Do you work with the players’ private coach? Jeff: Absolutely. Once we are contracted by a family, we reach out to the player’s private coach to let them know what services Crosscourt Consulting will be providing to the athlete and family and how the coach can assist us with insight to establish the most comprehensive and detailed plan possible. Tim: After just addressing the role of parents, the role of players’ personal coaches is also a critical one. At Crosscourt Consulting we aim to supplement the work that coaches do with players, and by no means replace it. You had mentioned a Performance Team, please elaborate. Jeff: One of the key components to Crosscourt Consulting is our Performance Team of experts. The goal with our Performance Team is to provide expert advice, resources and or training in the key areas of development of a complete player. Walk me through the process once a family subscribes to your services Jeff- Once we are contacted by a prospective client, we then arrange for a complimentary phone call. We ask a series of questions to further ascertain how Crosscourt Consulting can address their needs. We present our packages and what we feel will best meet their needs based on their feedback. Once a package of services is selected, the process is set in motion. How do you coordinate and communicate with the players’ coach once you are contracted by the family? Tim: The amount of interaction we have with a player’s private coach depends on the package. We feel it’s important to know as much as possible about the players and part of that process is getting feedback from their coach.

What is the age of a typical subscriber to Crosscourt Consulting? Jeff: We work with athletes who are in the 10’s Youth Progression system, all the way up to college bound players. Crosscourt Consulting, being a division of Donovan Tennis Strategies, allows families and athletes the opportunity to have a long term relationship with us. From the time a player enters the competitive system, until they are off to college, their planning has been consistent and every possible opportunity has been explored and maximized. So how does a coach or family get in touch with you? Jeff: The simplest way for a family, player or coach to reach us is through our website at crosscourtconsulting.com. There is a form on our website that a prospective client submits to schedule a consultation. Thanks Jeff and Tim for sharing this with our USPTA New England members!

Yankee PROse December 2018

Meet our new State Representatives Wilbur Shardlow is currently a certified USPTA Elite Professional, PTR Professional and a USRSA Master Racquet Technician. He is also the owner/ operator of ShardlowTennis™ and has provided tennis camps, clinics and tennis related services for over 30 years. Wilbur is presently the Vice President of Kennebec Valley Tennis Association, operating A-Copi Tennis and Sports Club in Augusta, Maine.

He is a past recipient of USTA

High School Coach of the Year, USPTA New England High School Coach of the Year, USPTA New England 65 & Over Pro of the Year and a two-time Maine Tennis Association Player of the Year. Wilbur lives in West Gardiner, ME with his


wife and is actively involved with his seven grandchildren as well as tennis and guitar.

Lisa Wilcott is USPTA Elite Professional, USPTA Southern Maine President, PTR Professional, and represented New England in the USTA 40+ 4.5 Nationals in 2017. Volunteer and coordinator of numerous charity events and tournaments, and 1993 founded the New England Pro-Am Tennis Tournament to benefit the Arthur Ashe Endowment for the Defeat of AIDS. In 2010, was honored by the Endowment at the US Open for raising over $300,000 to the Foundation. This summer, organized the tennis event in Portland Maine, to hundreds of people at the Portland Pride Parade. Most recently was part of the Diversity and Inclusion Panel at the USTA New England Tennis Weekend.


Yankee PROse December 2018

Steve O’Connell is Past USPTA/NE President and member of the USPTA National Executive Committee. He is a certified USPTA Elite Tennis and Platform Tennis Professional as well as a Wheelchair Tennis Instructor and TIA Cardio Tennis Professional. Steve has successfully coached regional and state championship high school teams for over a decade, sending many scholar-athletes to top athletic and academic universities. He is a former Director the Connecticut Special Olympics Tennis venue (1993-98). Steve has authored many articles and promotions for local newspapers and divisional newsletters as well as implementing and presenting at many seminars and meetings for the USPTA, APTA, and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association. He is a former USTA Schools Clinician. Steve has a degree in Marketing and a Master’s degree in Education. He is currently a Platform Tennis Professional for the Town of Darien, CT and coaches at other racquets facilities throughout Fairfield County, CT. Steve has raised four enthusiastic tennis playing children and lives with his wife in Fairfield, CT.



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Milan Kubala is Director of Tennis at Topnotch Resort since 2004, Milan is responsible for all Tennis operations at the resort and also serves on Topnotch Resort leadership Team. His years of experience in managing, marketing, public relations and coaching in the tennis industry coupled with his leadership skillset, continues to earn Topnotch Resort International recognition as a Top Tennis destination. Milan comes to Topnotch Resort from the Midland Community Tennis Center in Michigan, where he was the director of tennis operations. While In Midwest, Milan has served as Michigan State president, district vice president, and executive member of the US Professional Tennis Association Midwest Division. After several years of absence from the USPTA Leadership team, Milan is excited to make a comeback and join the USPTA, NE Division

Vermont milan@topnotchresort.com Stu Lehr is a USPTA certified pro who has been involved in instructing tennis for over twenty years. Stu played collegiately at Southern Connecticut State University. After college, Stu obtained his USPTA certification and became a full time teaching professional in Connecticut. Stu also had the opportunity to teach tennis at the Grand Wailea Resort on Maui, Hawaii. He is currently the Director of Tennis at the Manchester Bath and Tennis Club in Manchester by the Sea, Massachusetts. In addition in the winter months, he is an Assistant Tennis Professional at Bass River Tennis Club in Beverly, Massachusetts. He is an avid Pickleball player and ambassador, and has been on the Wilson Advisory Staff for many years. Stu resides in Gloucester, Massachusetts with his wife Nichole, their daughter Sienna and their son Garrett.

Massachusetts Answers to Tennis History Quiz 1. c / 2. a / 3. a / 4. b / 5. d / 6. c / 7. b 8. False. It was held in 1881 / 9. b / 10. b


Yankee PROse December 2018






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Nestor Bernabe is currently the Director of Tennis at the Providence Tennis Academy in Rhode Island since 2008. Since then he has helped attain nine Rhode Island High School State Singles titles and ten Rhode Island High School Players of the Year. During that time, Nestor also spent three years as college Assistant Coach for the Brown Men’s Tennis Fairfield University programs. Nestor has organized the Providence Spartans Junior Teams to ten RI State Champions and in 2013 USTA National Runnerups. Nestor was named to the Sonoma State University Athletic Hall of Fame in 2008 after earning NCAA AllAmerican and ATP singles and doubles rankings. At the 2004 U.S. Open, Nestor was practice partner for Justine Henin. Currently a USTA High Performance Coach, USPTA ELITE, iTPA Tennis Performance Trainer. He serves on several USTA and USPTA boards and committees and is looking forward to serve as USPTA State President.


Rhode Island

Greg Coache, USPTA Elite Professional was named head women's tennis coach at Southern New Hampshire University in August, 2007. In March 2010, Coache took the reins of the men's program. He has transformed both programs into top programs both in the Northeast-10 and the East Region while garnering eight Northeast-10 “Coach of the Year” honors and four ITA East Region Coach of the Year awards. Coache has let his teams to 11 NCAA appearances and seven NE10 Conference titles. Coache also has extensive experience as a player, as in 1992 he earned the No. 1 ranking in New England in doubles. He played his college tennis at Springfield College from 1976-80, where he was a Health Recreation and Physical Education major. He would like to see tennis reach new heights and make an impact with our youth, colleges, adults throughout New Hampshire.

New Hampshire G.Coache@snhu.edu Yankee PROse December 2018

MAINE NEWS This fall Lisa Wilcott USPTA was recognized and honored by the members of the York Golf & Tennis Club in York, Maine, for 25 years of outstanding service Congratulations, Lisa! Lisa attended high school in Concord, MA., and was a top athlete in the state in basketball and tennis. She played DI basketball at Indiana University and the University of Florida before focusing on her tennis career. Lisa has worked at tennis clubs in all aspects of club management in CT & NY before becoming the Tennis Director at the York Golf & Tennis Club in York, Maine.

Last year, on her 25th year as Director, the club renamed the tennis courts the "Lisa Wilcott Championship Courts". She is a USPTA Elite Professional, PTR Professional, USPTA Maine President, and represented New England in the USTA 40+ 4.5 Nationals l a s t y e a r. L i s a h a s v o l u n t e e r e d a n d coordinated numerous charity events, tournaments, and was the founder of the New England Pro-Am Tennis Tournament for the Arthur Ashe Endowment for the Defeat of AIDS. In 2010, she was honored by the Endowment for raising over $300,000 to the Foundation that Arthur Ashe started. This summer Lisa had a great time with her staff running the tennis event in Portland, ME for hundreds of people at the Portland Pride Parade.

Veteran USPTA Professional O’Connell accepts position USPTA/NE Past President and National Tester is now the Platform Tennis Professional for the Town of Darien, Connecticut. Steve O’Connell accepted the position this past summer with the town where the Boys Varsity High School Tennis Team, the Blue Wave, won 4 State Championships under his coaching prowess. The Town of Darien’s Platform programs and leagues are very active and in need of highly qualified teaching professional and coaches. Steve is a USPTA Elite Certified Platform Tennis Professional and an American Platform Tennis Association (APTA) Tournament Umpire. Steve is also on the Wilson Platform Tennis Professional Advisory Staff. He is currently USPTA/NE State President-CT, and serves on several divisional committees. When not on the paddle court, Steve instructs tennis at other racquets facilities throughout Fairfield County, CT, and is the Masuk High School Boys Varsity Tennis Coach in Monroe, CT.

Chargers win GNAC 2018 The Colby-Sawyer women's tennis team defeated Johnson & Wales, 5-0, to win the 2018 Great Northeast Athletic Conference (GNAC) Championship held at the Winchester Indoor Tennis Center.

USPTA Elite Pro and Hall of Famer Lynn Miller (far left) served as assistant coach to Head Coach Barry Schoonmaker (far right)

Colby-Sawyer, which is in its first season as a GNAC member, improves to 10-2 and earns the conference's automatic bid to the 2019 NCAA Tournament in the spring. Johnson & Wales goes to 12-5. The Chargers swept doubles play to take an important 3-0 advantage in the race to five points.

Yankee PROse December 2018

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Advertise with us! Publication will reach all current USPTA New England members. Yankee PROse is published quarterly by the USPTA New England Division of the United States Professional Tennis Association. The opinions expressed in Yankee PROse are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Yankee PROse, the USPTA or the New England Division. We welcome your articles, pictures and other newsworthy items. Please email your materials to newengland-ed@uspta.org and get published!


Yankee PROse June 2018


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