New England Pet and Home Fall 2020

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welcome Welcome to New England Pet + Home Magazine: a new lifestyle and pet lovers’ resource! We chose to create New England Pet + Home for many reasons and three of those rose to the top of the list: a passion for creating a sense of home and beauty, an adoration for the New England Region, and having been moved by powerful and rewarding work in the animal welfare industry. Brainstorming for more than a year, our team is excited to join these passions together. Like each distinct region in our country, the New England region has a unique beauty that is all its own. From gorgeous mountains, breathtaking coastlines, and Fall colors that are the envy of the world; the New England Region is a combination of all the best things our country has to offer. Whether living here, visiting, or looking from afar, everyone knows there is nothing quite like the effortless beauty of New England. The diversity of Northeastern US landscapes is met with equally eclectic and inspiring architecture. Historic or cotemporary, classic or modern; lovers of homes can find a bevy of any style. Whether wandering Boston brownstones, coastal Maine cottages, or touring New Hampshire or Vermont to find the perfect farmhouse or Federalist manor; everyone can find a home they love in New England. And no one hopes for or values the concept of “home” more than the unconditionally loving pets who want nothing more than love in return. Animal welfare organizations adopt out 1.4 million dogs and 1.3 million cats each year! Recent polls of US households show that 47% of homes have a dog and 37% have a cat. For me, there is nothing more palpable and joyful than having my girls with me. They are our favorite travel companions and the most vibrant part of my life and home. Every aspect of my work, home, travel, and daily life considers them and their happiness. No doubt, the same is true for you. Our contributors will explore interior design, historic and modern homes, gardening and landscaping, pet care and training, travel, regional history, and other topics – all with pets in mind. We will also write about other local, regional, and national topics and trends. All that culminates to create this publication. We hope you enjoy New England Pet + Home Magazine. For the love of animals.

Charles Stanton Creative Director, New England Pet + Home Magazine Executive Director, New Hampshire Humane Society




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THE JOY OF GETTING CARRIED AWAY: CREATING A SENSE OF HOME+FAMILY Carried Away Antiques and Originals is expertly led by the compassionate and passionate visionary, Carrie Sturdevant. Carrie could go by plenty of professional titles: decorator, designer, reupholsterer, antiques dealer, or a bevy of other options. Certainly a visionary and incredibly successful in her creation of beautiful environments, what stood out to New Hampshire Pet & Home is Carrie’s tremendous capacity to love. Carrie and her husband, Greg, met the summer before she started high school and they have been together ever since. Carry used to run a medical practice in Brookline, Massachusetts after their first daughter was born but she and Greg decided they would be ok with being “relatively poor” as she puts it. She left the high-paying job to be home and raise her family. She and her husband believe that family and home are the most important things in life and she wanted to provide a beautiful home for her family “with pretty much zero available budget” so she decided to figure out a way to make everything herself. And so it began.

“Everything I have learned about business has been with at least one baby on my hip and a dog at my feet.” From the looks of things, it was likely more than one dog! Carry shared with New England Pet & Home, “we’ve chatted quite a bit about how I feel about our dogs. Though I could go on and on, really it is just that they are members of our family. We built our lives around a commitment to each other in this family and that includes the four-legged members.

Kainan, our Great Dane, was diagnosed several years ago with a neurological disorder. We took turns for a month sleeping on the floor with him. We would hold onto his paw to sooth him because everything else was painful for him. Carrie and Greg recently lost Kainan and another of their beloved pups, Emrys. The hurt is obvious for the family and is especially so since they passed away in close proximity to one another.

“I can’t really go into the details right now because it is too painful. But one thing we feel strongly about is the responsibility to our dogs to let them go when the time comes. It’s a brutal responsibility- but our dogs will endure anything to stay with usthey can feel our hearts breaking, and they try to stay for our sake- but we owe them the gift of saying it’s ok to go.” The most recent (and completely unplanned additions to the family are two Shepherds. These two rescues came to what Carrie describes as, “an already maxed out house.” But not saving them wasn’t an option for the family. “This is the perfect example of what rescue is about. They were about to be tossed out. One was underweight and mange-infested and covered in sores. My son took him from the previous owners and sent me pics saying “He is ours now. What can we do?” The situation with the shepherds was something Carrie describes as some sort of divine intervention. They are normally quite a deliberate family that researches and has criteria for what they want. Inari (the black shepherd) was completely unexpected as well. They had just finished coming to a family decision to not add any more dogs for a while - but Inari was about to get dumped at a high volume (meaning lots of animals) Mississippi shelter where she was likely to be euthanized,


so the family took her home with them instead. Diesel, the brindle pup was born of the same mother not quite 6 months later. “Dogs are the embodiment of the purity of unconditional love and acceptance. I’m not particularly religious, but I see the work of God in the love dogs have for us. They make life better. Plain and simple.”

With numerous rescue pups living a life of luxury as part of her close-knit family, Carrie’s home is much like what she creates for others: a gorgeous showroom of eclectic beauty that effortlessly and elegantly displays a life well-lived. That is paired with creature comforts to welcome even the most gangly of oversized pups right onto the perfectly-appointed sofa. From our point of view, you can’t get any better than that combination and it looks like Carrie’s and Greg’s fuzzy kids agree.


T A I L S T H R O Uexploring G Hnew england’s TIM E pet history Every region has its own way of celebrating love for pets and sharing time with our fourlegged friends. New Englanders tend to adapt love of and time with pets based on our four unique seasons and how we engage with one another. Whether a Fall foliage hike with pups through the White Mountains, cat cuddles in Vermont during Spring showers, or Summer dog walks through Boston’s quintessentially “New England” brownstones in Back Bay or Beacon Hill; our love of nature and animals provides a strong sense of place for those of us fortunate enough to call New England “home”. To celebrate our meaningful connection to pets throughout documented history, New England Pet & Home reached out to historical societies in the New England region requesting images and information related to pet history. The responses have been extraordinary. Each issue of NEPH will feature images submitted to us by one of our new partners as a way to share a love of pets and explore the rich history of our region. The opposite page displays the start of these collaborations to explore New England’s history as an intensely pet-loving region. Pictured is Martin G. Larrabee (1910–2003) on the summit of Mount Crag with his dog, looking southwest at the Androscoggin River and the northern part of the Presidential Range, September 26, 1924. This photograph was taken by Martin’s father, Dr. Ralph C. Larrabee (1870–1935). A physician in Boston, Ralph Larabee was an avid photographer and, between 1906 and 1935, he recorded his life and world in thousands of photographs. He was also a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club for 43 years, serving as its president and longtime chair of the guidebook committee. Image is courtesy of the New Hampshire Historical Society. This month’s photograph is part of a collection of more than 250,000 photographic images preserved in the collection of the New Hampshire Historical Society. Founded in 1823, the Society is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving, preserving, and sharing New Hampshire history. Nowhere will you find a more extensive collection of objects, archives, and photographs related to the state's history. The Society shares these vast collections through its library, museum, website, publications, exhibitions, and youth and adult educational programs. In 2019, the Society launched a new online educational resource for students and educators called “Moose on the Loose: Social Studies for Granite State Kids.” Located in downtown Concord, the Society’s 1911 building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The New Hampshire Historical Society is not a state-funded agency; all of its work is made possible by membership dues and contributions. For more information about the New Hampshire Historical Society’s collections, programs, and services, visit Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell. ~ Emily Dickinson

#CV19: A Pet Parent’s Diagnosis With Covid 19 Jordan Updike, ecommerce digital manager and pet parent to Beau and Pinnie

"This is how every pandemic-themed movie starts, with some blissfully unaware dudes sipping beers on a beach while the outbreak starts halfway across the world."

It was just a joke I made to my buddy Stephen while the Puerto Rican bar TV rolled footage of the new novel virus on CNN. I didn’t think twice about it. I certainly didn’t think I was being prescient. I also didn’t realize that I had already potentially infected thousands of people with SARS-CoV-2 in 5 states and Puerto Rico. I later learned I was one of the early, undetectable cases in the US. We don’t know when or where I caught it. It could’ve been any of several trips from Indianapolis to Chicago. It could’ve been when my wife Carly went to a conference in Washington, DC. Or from a friend who traveled from Southeast Asia via Dubai before hanging out with us in Indy. What we do know is that by the second week of February, Carly was just getting over the worst sickness of her life...and I was just beginning. 2020 promised to be an exciting year for us: we had plans for copious travel and a move to Chicago. Our biggest concern was the amount of time we might be away from our two pups Pinnie and Beau (Penelope and Beauregard, if they happen to be making trouble). They don’t usually mind, though, since weeks at a time with Grandma and Grandpa might as well be weeks at a time in heaven. You have to know that we’re generally pretty healthy folks. We don’t get sick often, take many medications, or have underlying conditions. So it was no small deal that we went to a doctor for relief. Or that we went again the next day when I worsened. Both doctors were so convinced we were experiencing the flu that they didn’t bother to test for it. The second visit came with some hefty meds and a choice: should I go on the week-long work trip to Chicago the next day? My decision to go is one I’ll probably regret for life. Because it turned out, I was one of thousands of Americans unwittingly spreading the virus through the states via airports and train stations. I didn’t just have coronavirus. I WAS the coronavirus.

Have you ever played the board game pandemic? As you build a disease, you get to choose its characteristics: is it deadlier than normal? Does it survive better in certain climates? If 2020 were the game, this novel coronavirus (or CV19, as I like to call it) would’ve been granted the unique ability to spread for up to two weeks before revealing itself. That’s a particularly insidious attribute when it infects an individual traveling to multiple cities, states, or countries. So when two doctors armed me with some drugs and told me I wasn’t contagious, I didn’t think twice about hopping on a train to Chicago. We didn’t know yet that enclosed spaces with little ventilation - like, say, a train - were ideal transmission environments for the virus, though that’s the case for many airborne illnesses. What I did know was that for every mile closer to Chicago, I was feeling worse and worse. My eye started swelling up, my coughing worsened, and I soon found myself googling urgent care providers downtown. I’d just been reading on the train about CV19, but not for one second did I think that’s what I had. In fact, the first official case wouldn’t be announced until weeks later. I may not have known WHAT I was experiencing, but since the news had been rolling footage of southeast Asia, it was top of mind that people halfway across the globe usually masked up - even for mild flus - so they didn't spread whatever they had to strangers. Since I’m not a heartless person willing to expose others to the absolutely awful symptoms I was experiencing, I stopped by a drug store to grab some masks and stock up on cold and flu meds. I rushed to my hotel, crashing on the bed until my urgent care appointment.

I remember the stares and the sideways glances as I walked into the doctor’s office with what was - at the time - an out-of-place bright blue mask. I described my symptoms to the doctor, told her about my previous doctor visits and prescribed medicines, and she decided to test me for a couple influenza strains. I remember at one point a nurse came into the room and handed her a sheet of paper.

The doctor looked at the paper for a minute and said “Huh. You’re negative for flu A and B. But you DEFINITELY have the flu. That’s weird.” She prescribed me some even heftier meds and sent me on my way. It was a weird week spent in Chicago. I lost my voice. Fever. Dizziness. Eye infection. Feeling out of breath. Sore throat. I couldn’t stop coughing. Total exhaustion. I muscled through it. While it definitely felt like the worst sickness I had ever experienced. I still didn’t think once that I should be hospitalized. I trained back to Indy, flew to Puerto Rico, and flew to Colorado. Outbreaks in each of those areas followed shortly after I left. Maybe it was me. Maybe it wasn’t. I try not to give myself too much grief. I didn’t know. Three doctors told me I was fine to travel. So I did. After a couple weeks, most of the symptoms had subsided. What DID stick around, though, was the coughing. By the time the NBA was starting the wave of corporate shutdowns, I was approaching the month mark with continuous coughing. Though I’m no epidemiologist, grad school taught me how to comb through emerging studies, so I started in-depth reading of the early primary research out of China and Italy. The exponential math told me I absolutely had to stay home. Thankfully, I did. I probably wasn’t contagious anymore...but we still don’t know for sure. Since neither me nor my doctor(s) suspected I’d had CV19 yet, I started to get concerned that my continuing cough might leave me more vulnerable to CV19. I popped out for essentials a few times, but despite taking CDC precautions seriously in terms of disinfecting and spacing, it's pretty damn hard to stay six feet away from someone in a four-foot-wide Target aisle. One lady at a takeout window put her face a foot from mine and asked "How's your social isolation going?" [facepalm]

Author’s Caption: Beauregard was NOT a fan of his constantly coughing and suddenly roid-raging roommate.

I called off a 2 week trip to Chicago at the last minute because of the tag team efforts and discussions with friends and family. BOY am I glad I did THAT. My Chicago office building announced a confirmed case that same day. Many of the close family, coworkers, and random people I would have crossed paths with (on the train, in my offices, at the places I stay) are in vulnerable populations. That is probably truer than I could know, because it's pretty hard to SEE an autoimmune disease. If I’d been contagious, I would have been spreading it to them and they would have spread it on, too. When a few people I’d crossed paths with started getting symptoms - and not yet knowing I’d already had CV19 - I suspected that I might have been exposed, so I tried to get tested in Indiana immediately. At the time, the rules for getting tested were quite strict and based on known exposures. My suspected exposures weren't confirmed (despite clear indications the cases were coronavirus) and THEIR suspected exposures weren't confirmed. Therefore, nobody could get tested. Thankfully I work from a laptop, so it was no problem to hunker down from my home office. Many people don't have that option for financial reasons, had employers threatening their jobs if they didn’t travel to work, and/or a number of other equally disturbing scenarios I kept hearing about firsthand. As I started to be concerned about my exposure, my coughing continued to worsen. My doctor decided a round of heavy steroids to kick the cough once and for all was in order, so I spent a few weeks ingesting medicine that made me feel like I’d downed 20 cups Author Caption: My officemate, Penelope, keeps falling asleep during the workday.

of coffee in a single sitting. The creatures in my household didn’t know what to do with a newly on-edge roommate who couldn’t make it through the night without waking up hacking. Beau, a normally cuddly rat-terrier/sheltie mix, started sleeping downstairs just so he could get a full night’s sleep. Our energetic red minpin, Pinnie, started experiencing fits of anxiousness - jumping between me, the floor, the couch, the bed unsure of what she could do but sure that something was not right. When the steroids only worsened the cough, my doctor FINALLY started being concerned it might be CV19 and had me x-rayed for the kind of lung damage they were starting to see in recovering patients. It was a pretty eerie experience to walk into a medical office and be the only human in the waiting room and then have a fully gearedup doctor never come within 10 feet of me the whole time. When I “passed” the x-ray test, my doctor declared me a chronic asthma patient and switched my meds to an inhalant steroid usually prescribed to emphysema and COPD patients. Eventually, I got an antibody test and confirmed what I’d finally come to surmise: I was one of the early CV19 cases, unintentionally spreading it across the US.

Since that day in mid-April, my coughing fits have slowly eased up. I find myself nebulizing and utilizing my inhaler less. I HAVE, however, become very adept at predicting the weather. You want to know what the pollen/dust levels might be? Or the humidity? I’m the guy to ask. It’s no small mental task to experience a year when you start out fully healthy and capable of athletic endeavors and just a few short months later you find yourself gasping like a goldfish tossed onto the floor. I’ve only felt good enough to jog a few times. It’s a rude awakening to realize that you could’ve run a mile faster BACKWARDS just 6 months ago. For 5 months the aftereffects of CV19 have screwed with my physical health, taken my ability to breathe, delayed a move, stalled several projects, and tested my cognition and mental health. Compared to the weeks-long drowning others have suffered, mine was a brief and moderate case but the results have been a life twist I wouldn't wish on anyone. Even simple tasks I could have previously pumped out in short order - like writing this piece have become battles with mental fog, fits of sadness over lost abilities, and even weird new cognitive dysfunctions such as this previous spelling bee champion suddenly being unable to spell even simple words. I’m what they’re calling a ‘long hauler’ and let me tell you... it’s frustrating as hell. “You know what part has been the least challenging? Wearing a damn mask.”

You may never get it or experience any symptoms, but as we've learned more about CV19, we know this one mildly inconvenient act has incredible potency against this quick-spreading respiratory virus. It's not about you. It's about your fellow citizens. If there’s one thing I hope we learn from this experience, it’s that I hope this pandemic experience is going to normalize staying home when we’re sick. I hope it reminds us that living in a society means caring for our fellow citizens as a whole. It certainly has reminded me the value of cuddling up with family and just being together. I’ll be forever grateful for the assembly of old friends and new who helped me navigate this mess. Nurses like Robin, Amber, and Melissa. Biostatisticians like Jai and Lauren. Business partners like Jay and Laken. Family like Sherry, Carly, Beau, and Pinnie. These and many more people checked in on me regularly, kept my spirits up, and reminded me that setbacks are just brief, temporary changes in our expectations. I’m one of the lucky ones. Nearly 200,000 others haven’t been.

If I had to leave you with one thing, it’s this: please choose the mild inconvenience of wearing a mask and make that decision for your fellow citizens. You can't see who is immunocompromised and we can't see this virus. We've learned a TON about how to stop it, and how to reduce individual and societal risks. So let's do that.

It's the only human(e) thing to do.

There is the old saying that money makes the world go around. New England Pet + Home likes to think that love causes that rotation. Every October, Subaru of New England and the many Subaru dealers in the region partner with animal shelters for the Subaru Loves Pets campaign. This is a way to support the work of animal welfare organizations. We love all things New England and all things pets, so we are sharing the details with you to celebrate the amazing people at Subaru! Subaru Loves Pets: It's no secret that Subaru of New England loves pets. Each year, approximately 7.6 million animals enter shelters. Many are abandoned by their owners. That is why every October, Subaru teams up with local shelters to celebrate our furry friends with in-store animal rescue supply drives and various adoption and fundraising events. It’s a way to ensure shelters have the supplies they need to keep animals happy and healthy and to increase their chances of being adopted. Ways to Help: You can help make a difference in the lives of many animals. Any donation of pet food, collars, leashes, towels, blankets, grooming supplies, food & water bowls, toys, treats, and cleaning supplies can help better the lives of animals. Participating Subaru retailers will have collection boxes set up throughout October and will ask you to donate and join us in helping to keep all animals healthy. #SNELovesPets: In addition, Subaru of New England itself, has donated more than $120,000 to New England animal shelters through our annual SNE Loves Pets campaign. Every October, they call on fellow pet owners and advocates, asking them to upload a picture of their furry friends to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #SNELovesPets. To show our appreciation for animals, we donate up to $10,000 per shelter in each of the six New England states for every unique picture uploaded! These shelters typically use this money towards medical treatments and supplies for all animals in need.


Each year, Subaru could just hand a check to these animal shelters directly, but for Subaru this campaign is about much more than the money. Their primary goal is to spread awareness about the animals that are so near and dear to all our hearts. With the money and awareness combined, Subaru hopes that more and more pets will receive the care, attention, and treatment they deserve. Make a point to join the Subaru of New England campaign by donating and by uploading your pet photos to social media using #SNELovesPets. Also be sure to thank your local dealership! They could donate corporate support anywhere and we are all grateful that Subaru of New England has chosen such an amazing and worthwhile cause.



“Black.” she said. I asked her how she felt and that was her response. She paused before continuing, “Staring in the mirror the other day, I realized it was the only thing I could see. I am a woman, a daughter, a mother, a sister, a friend, a veterinarian, and there are plenty of other ways to describe me. But today and for quite a bit of time recently, I only see and feel my blackness and I don’t know how to feel about that.” Tasha couldn’t say specifically when the feeling began but knew she had developed this pinpoint-like focus on her skin color as the world erupted “over her melanin” as she put it. “How on earth did my pigment become the topic of national and international discussion?” she said. Always very articulate and very self-aware, Tasha had an uncanny ability to capture meaning in the most exacting and precise ways. “How was my incredibly sheltered life so shielded from the hate which apparently lurked just outside my own periphery? I grew up like anyone else I know. I lived in a split level in a suburb about 45 minutes from Massachusetts. I made friends at my predominately white school and my first job was as a part-time employee for an animal shelter making an ungodly low wage while I attended college. It was mostly women there and I enjoyed the opportunity to experience sisterhood among veritable strangers who were united for the purpose of providing care for animals. It was all so inspiring that I decided to pursue veterinary care as a career. I saw such compassion in the industry and it struck me that there were so few people of color that perhaps I could serve as a voice of advocacy for animals while also representing the black community as an advocate for this cause.

My life has been changed and I have been changed by what I have seen, accomplished, and experienced as a lifelong devotee to the humane treatment of animals. And, still, I have never thought about my blackness this often. I feel like the world screams at the audacity of my being black in rural America. It is as if the world shakes me daily and shouts, “how dare you exist.” On a particular morning several weeks ago, Tasha had woken up once again overwhelmed and inundated by national news. “All you read now is regarding riots, protests, marching, violence from ‘the new police’ in unmarked cars who enforce ‘order’ with a forcefulness that seems disproportionate to the circumstances that I see myself and through the eyes of family and friends in Portland and Seattle.” She shared that all of this information stirred around in her mind that morning while searching for the courage to call her family to let them know she might have cancer again. “Cancer. Again.” she said with intentional pauses. “I must have treatment again. I will be sick again and this time it is during a pandemic so I am petrified. The third time is the charm, right?” Tasha shared that she is grateful that her daughters are young adults so they aren’t as heavily impacted but she still can’t help playing the “what if” game regarding all the things she might miss if the treatment doesn’t work this time. Her mind rolls back and forth among all those worries not just while sharing a zoom meeting with me but also during the morning she is remembering. “I just kept staring in the mirror. Despite all the worry about stepping away from my job and the worry that shelter animals may not receive the care they need, I was and am also worried about my own family and pets and how I would share this with these loved ones who are managing challenges of their own. Where will the pets go? Who will be there for my daughters? Who will remind them I loved them?” She stopped to dry tears from her face and we talked off topic for a while about our last time together and how citrusy my wine was despite the bottle indicating otherwise. I made a crass joke to make her laugh and I commented on her magnificent smile. It always has been one of those picture perfect and deeply genuine smiles that is contagious. “Thank you for that.” she continued. “There is a special kind of emptiness you experience when you have been diagnosed with something potentially fatal. Not just fear... you also simultaneously feel shame and guilt. Am I living poorly? Do I not eat well enough? Should I exercise more? What have I been doing wrong that keeps me in this limbo between cancer survivor, cancer patient, and feeling like a person again?” Other friends and acquaintances have described a survivor’s guilt to me. So many people can’t be treated with success and that adds that to the burden to be carried. “I totally

feel it. That coupled with the overwhelming guilt for creating worry for people who love me. Plus, there is an absurd remorse about being less effective while I am in treatment.” “So I stare in the mirror knowing that my hair barely came back the second time so I might be bald by the end of this. If I survive. Those words ring in my head on a regular basis. ‘If. I. Survive.’ Because it is easier to focus on small things, I think about how much ‘blacker’ I look without hair. Black women often have to work far too hard to achieve ‘good hair’ and without it, I still occasionally worry that I look too ethnic.” she said. “But here I am preparing for the likelihood of baldness again.” In a brutal twist of fate, two of Tasha’s veterinary surgeries that day were to remove cancerous tumors from client pets. “Physician, heal thyself” she almost sang through the computer screen. “If only it was that easy.” “So… I have dusted off my cancer-survivor playlist including the obligatory ‘I Will Survive’ by the inimitable Gloria Gaynor and a variety of other powerhouse songs to get me through... again. On that morning, I looked one last time in the mirror before turning to take the first step to start my day knowing I would procrastinate delivering my message.” We talked for a while longer. We both laughed and cried several times. We talked some business about ideas I have and shared enough to sufficiently catch up for the time being. “Before you go” I said, “since you agreed to have me tell some of your story as an animal caregiver, why do you think this industry struggles to diversify?” “NOW!?” she responded while laughing. “You are asking me this question after two hours and three glasses of wine?!” “Of course!” I said. “I wanted your candid response.” “Fine.” she responded with a smirk. In an epic Tasha-style response, she said “Like so many other aspects of American society, animal welfare was built both BY and primarily FOR white people since the industry established a century or more ago.” We continued discussing the fact that whether it is race, religion, socioeconomic status, gender identity, or any other identifier; there are inherent challenges to any homogenous environment.

She continued, “There are plenty of white people who experience a lack of access to resources, but communities of color often experience that lack as a result of their color. Like any other business, if a person of color walks into a veterinary office or animal shelter and we are the only grains of pepper in the large canister of salt, we know the system was created for people other than “us”. It is why I wanted to be a veterinarian. I wanted to be a voice for the humane treatment of animals as well as a visible representation to dispel myths. Did you know that lots of people think all Black people are afraid of dogs? Or that we all hate them? And don’t get me started about animal abuse assumptions

related to race or socioeconomic status. Equally important is the fact that a typicallyunderpaid and often very young white woman serves as the adoption counselor who is assessing whether or not someone’s home, family, or income is ‘appropriate’ to adopt a pet. I am not implying overt racism or bias. I just think it’s important to acknowledge the significant apparent lack or void of diverse representation. At an absolute minimum, it is a perceived barrier and perception is reality. You likely won’t find someone who looks like me at that desk.” “Wow.” I said. “So what do we do?” “Ask.” she said, “And then listen to and care about the response. Basically, do what you just did. And you know, I continue to notice that people aren’t listening. The Black community has been hurting for a long time. We have tried repeatedly to be heard but you can only be heard if the listener wants to listen, believe, and be responsive.” “I don’t need legislators to kneel and I don’t need a kneejerk reaction mural to be created to tell me I matter in a community that has done little to nothing other than paint that mural. But I definitely am relieved to finally see change like the discontinuation of slave depictions for national brands like Uncle Ben’s and Aunt Jemima. What took so long? I don’t know. But it was brought to the attention of people who had power. They listened and they realized the best apology is changed behavior. That’s all the Black community wants or needs - to be heard and, as a result, see a systemic change.” I told Tasha I think she is incredible and she complimented me similarly. By the time we were having our discussion, she had already shared her difficult news with her family. They were, of course, loving and supportive in their responses. With all the various things we shared in our discussion, I realized after the call that we had not specifically acknowledged something that revealed itself organically during our discussion. The ongoing monumental and powerful Black Lives Matter movement continues to shed light on a need for justice and a correction of various disparities. Tasha is one of very few people of color in the animal welfare industry and she is a powerful voice for this mission. She is also an important representative of all-too-often underrepresented communities of color. Tasha’s voice matters. Her presence in this industry matters. Tasha’s life matters and it matters for a bevy of reasons. Her “blackness” (as she says) is one of the many.

Mission Connection: The New Hampshire Humane Society has embarked on a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative to further diversify board, staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders and partners. To initiate systemic change, NHHS is specifically seeking representation from diverse communities and will succeed in breaking down real and perceived barriers throughout the organization and industry.


a philosophy driven by social justice

The Humane Society of the United States established the Pets for Life program as a way to address inequity and lack of access to pet resources that people in underserved communities experience. Pets for Life is transforming the lives of dogs and cats by honoring the love people have for their pets, closing the service gap that exists for people and pets in underserved areas and bringing awareness in a new way to larger systemic inequities and injustices. Poverty and structural inequality create obstacles to affordable veterinary and pet wellness services similar to the challenges and barriers to accessing healthy food, education, jobs, health care and housing. With tens of millions of pets living with families in poverty—at least triple the number of dogs and cats entering shelters—the extreme lack of access to pet resources is a national crisis overlooked by most.

serving people and pets in poverty Pets for Life recognizes that a deep connection with pets transcends socio-economic, racial and geographic boundaries and that no one should be denied the opportunity to experience the benefits and joy that come from the human-animal bond—bonds like the one between Lady Bird Worthy and her dog, Toby. (pictured below)

serving communities - and their animals Everyone’s lives can be enhanced by a pet and those who choose to should have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love and meaningful relationship a pet brings. At its core, Pets for Life challenges the institutions that create and perpetuate divisiveness, unjust policies and a stark imbalance in resource accessibility.



175,000 PETS

pets live in poverty with US families.

in underserved areas aren’t spayed/neutered

Served through the Pets for Life program.

LUCKY IN LOVE defining family, making a home, + discovering unconditional love

The New England region has long been recognized as a trailblazer as it relates to countless issues – animal welfare and marriage equality are just two of many examples. Regardless of one’s stance on those and other social topics, New England is certainly known as a compassionate region for animals and a part of the country that makes great efforts to treat everyone as equal citizens in the eyes of the law. In 2004, Massachusetts became the first U.S. state and the sixth jurisdiction in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. In 2012, Maine was among the first states to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote. There were a bevy of other strides for marriage equality that were uniquely and deeply tied to New England. That information sets the stage for the story of a very fortunate pup and his infinitely loving family. It was the Fall of 2010, when Ken and David Kjellander formally met one another. Both attending Grace Episcopal Church in Manchester, New Hampshire, Ken had decided it was time to join the choir. Already a choir member, David introduced himself after a Sunday service. They chatted about their mutual love of singing and Ken shared his interest in joining the ensemble, so David introduced Ken to the director. Ken left that day excited about possibilities - being more involved in making music as well as getting to know David. David was charming and there seemed to be a mutual connection. So began a new chapter in their mutual love of music and, soon, their love for each other. Coincidentally, it was around the same time that Ken received a call about a dog in a Massachusetts shelter who had been rescued from very difficult circumstances. Ken drove down to meet this fuzzy stranger and was met by an incredibly adorable and lovable dog. The pup had a very friendly personality so the two bonded right away. Ken immediately applied to adopt him. Considering what was known about the dog’s history as well as Ken’s propensity to spoil pets, it was easy to settle on the perfect name: Lucky. The connection between David and Ken progressed as both had hoped. The two made the decision to have Lucky meet David’s Boston terrier, Spencer. David had raised him since he was a puppy. Spencer was very well behaved and did well with other animals. Conversely, Lucky was independent and a bit rough around the edges from his past. There were some initial rough patches but, eventually, the pups became great pals. Opposite page: Spencer & Lucky warmed up quickly to each other. They became best buddies, both terribly spoiled!

It had become clear to both David and Ken that their relationship was more than just dating. Both men are the children of committed, stable families and they both wanted to marry but that hadn’t been an option for gay couples for all their lives up to that point. Marriage equality and correlating legalization had occurred in a few states including in New Hampshire but both men also acknowledged that the topic of marriage equality was a heated one – including in some of their own circles.

The couple decided to meet with their Priest, Marjorie, to ask for her guidance. She was excited to share that the denomination had just written and approved a new wedding liturgy that could be used for both same-sex and heterosexual couples alike. She told Ken and David that she believed it was extraordinarily well written. She also shared that

she had wrestled with the topic of officiating same-sex unions. Through prayer and some soul-searching, it was clear to her that this was “of God”. She was also thrilled with the thought of David and Ken being her first same-sex marriage to officiate. Not long after came an unforgettable Friday evening. It was the 21st of December 2012, which happens to be the day the Mayans had predicted the end of the world as we knew it. David and Ken went on a double date Christmas sleigh ride with close friends followed by a drive around the city to see Christmas lights. During the tour, David announced that he needed to make a quick unplanned stop to “grab some choir music” at the church. When they arrived, Marjorie “just happened to be working late”. They all entered the candlelit sanctuary which boasted a Christmas tree-flanked rose window and David dropped to his knee to propose. It was a picture-perfect moment that had been planned beautifully. After composing himself, Ken not only said yes but proposed in return! The group celebrated with a champagne mead toast. That next day, the couple went to share the news with David’s parents. David discussed with his mother that throughout history the church’s stance has evolved on many topics including slavery as well as the roles of women in church, home, and society. They discussed that previously illegal interracial marriages have been legalized, embraced, and celebrated as have inter-faith marriages which would have previously split families apart. David shared his belief that society and the church have grown to better understand and accept the many kinds of love that exist. “We love each other wholly and desire to unite our paths to love, honor, and support each other.” That Sunday at church Marjorie shared the news with the congregation. David & Ken received enthusiastic affirmation. Later that day, Ken called his father to share the news. Ken’s Pentecostal minister father exclaimed “Oh God! You’re going to bust hell wide open.” Ken continued to explain all the reasons why the two were planning to marry. Ken only received silence for the rest of the call. The wedding was just a few months later on June 1st, 2013. The church was filled with family, friends, and numerous members of the congregation who not only wanted to show support for Ken and David but also for marriage equality and the historic stride being accomplished. Being from New England, most of David’s family attended. Though Ken’s father wasn’t there, one of Ken’s five siblings joined and most of his nieces and nephews were there. The next generation was well-represented. Reflecting on the day, Ken shared that the support from his nieces and nephews was profound and certainly a highlight of the day. This page: David (left) & Ken during the ceremony with Marjorie. Opposite: Spencer & Emily were two peas in a pod, David’s mom with her buddy, Lucky.

The opening of the ceremony included the choir singing Duruflé’s famous “Ubi Caritas”. All the hymns were specifically selected to speak of God’s love which was echoed in a deeply personal and beautiful sermon by Marjorie. The moment Ken and David were pronounced a married couple, the sanctuary erupted in applause. The newlyweds turned to see a standing ovation with cheers and a flood of love from the full room. This moment was an overwhelmingly emotional affirmation for David about love and his own faith. During the years following the wedding, the family had a roller coaster of experiences. David and Ken purchased a historic home they have painstakingly renovated. They also invited David‘s parents to move in with them along with their dog, Emily. Fortunately, Spencer, Lucky, and Emily lived harmoniously for two years until the growing family lost Emily to cancer. Then Spencer passed away the next year. The year following Ken and David supported each other through the loss of each of their fathers. Ken shared,

“Like any family, we have experienced great joy and significant loss. What our disparate group of dogs has shown us through their unconditional love has been priceless.” They are now a family of four: David, Ken, David’s mom, and Lucky. Now the sole dog in the house, Lucky has happily assumed the role of best friend and loyal companion to David’s mom. The epitome of a “good boy”, Lucky divides his time to ensure every member of the family gets ample love and attention. Lucky has mellowed from his rough past. Thanks to lots of love from a loyal family, he remains an amazingly sweet pup. Lucky has won all their hearts many times over. The concept of family is a complex one for many people. Evolution continues regarding how the world defines the term. Regardless of the definition, love happens in many forms and for many reasons. Especially when you’re Lucky.

LETTERS TO LUNA Dr. Emily Orr is an animal advocate and pet lover who earned a Doctorate in Music but stepped away from her professional music-making to embrace her love of animals. Having since pursued a career in animal welfare, Emily has been part of providing care to countless animals. She lost her beloved dog, Luna, after just shy of two decades of remarkably meaningful companionship. Letters to Luna is a series of stories chronicling Luna's life and is a journey of healing and remembrance after the loss of a beloved canine family member.

Dear Luna, When I met you, you had been displaced by Hurricane Katrina and were in foster care with a very nice man. Your family had lost everything in the storm and had been devastated about having to surrender you. The first night I brought you home, you paced and panted all night long. I started to worry that I could not provide you with the quality of care you deserved. Over the next few days, you were sick to your stomach, shredding rolls of toilet paper, and rummaging through the garbage. I found a packet of Taco Bell fire sauce opened and squeezed out onto the floor, and a little puddle of vomit surrounding it. When I had to leave you alone, I started putting you in a crate, which you hated with everything you had. I thought it would get better with time and that it might prevent you from eating delicacies from the trash. Most days, I would come home and you would be out of the crate, sometimes with the door still latched. I'm still trying to figure that one out. I wanted so much for you to be happy and I continued to worry that I could not provide that for you. Your majestic beauty brought you all kinds of attention. When we walked, cars would stop and the drivers would smile. People would call out "What kind of dog is that?" All of the neighbors loved you. One day when out with friends, a very handsome man asked if I was his neighbor. Assuming he was just giving me a line, I coldly told him that he was mistaken. Then he said, "No really. I've seen you out walking. Don't you have that big white dog?" My friends nudged me and urged me to apologize and talk to him some more. Some weeks later, after much messaging back and forth, we were going to hang out and he was going to meet you for the first time. You loved him immediately. I saw the anxiety leave your body and the two of you were inseparable every day following. I asked him to contribute to this letter to you and he decided to write about your first meeting: I was worried that she might not like me. Or possibly, even worse, just not have any interest in me. Those fears were quickly dissolved once we got to spend time with one

another. She was one of the most snuggly animals I’ve ever known. Always curled up on the couch or in the bed with me, just lazing the hours away. She always knew when someone was upset and would be at your side to comfort you no matter what the issue was. I am writing this letter to you on National Dog Day and wondering if I can look through a folder of your pictures without crying. We've been without each other for six months. I want to post a picture of you online, but it's still too hard. But what does that even mean? My grief and how I process it should not be governed by how much it may or may not make me cry, yet I allow it to do so. The reality is that as soon as I think of you, I completely break down. Then I feel guilty. I don't want to avoid thinking about you just so I can get through the day. Then I feel guilty about feeling guilty. I also don’t want to focus on the loss. Instead, I want to focus on how much you have given me and us. It didn't take long for the three of us to decide to become a family. And I will be forever grateful.

Twin Barns Brewing Company makes incredible brews and delicious food‌ and they also have hearts as big as their barn! The generous owners partnered with the Humane Society to raise funds and support finding loving homes for pets in need. Twin Barns Brewing Company brewed a specialty limited batch of New England IPA and raffled off the opportunity to NAME THE BEER after the winner’s best canine or feline friend! 100% of the $10 raffle ticket sales and $1 dollar from each pint sold benefits the Humane Society.

If you missed the opportunity to take part in the raffle, you can still taste the newest IPA once it is released! Stay tuned to the Twin Barns social media pages to get more info and to see what else they have planned! Thanks to the Twin Barns Brewing Company team for helping support, advocate, educate, and facilitate the care of homeless pets in need of care! We raise a glass to you!

New friends at Tamworth Distilling & Mercantile welcomed the Humane Society family to their stunning campus for a dog-friendly, social-distanced tasting event: Dog Days of Summer at Tamworth. Food & beverages provided by Tamworth with dog treats and toys provided by the Humane Society. Look out for more fun events at Tamworth Distilling with the Humane Society benefitting animals in need.


Every pet parent who wants an attractive home has to work to balance beauty and function as it relates to their fourlegged friends. Each issue, New England Pet & Home will connect with some of the region’s most sought-after home décor experts to get some suggestions for pet chic ideas!

FROM GOLDEN AMPERSAND ART, ANTIQUES, & INTERIORS or @GoldenAmpersandHome OUTSIDE IN: Brands like Perennials Fabrics have outdoor linen and velvet looks that are soft to the touch. They are durable, easy to clean, and work indoors! Perennials also has outdoor rug options that perform well indoors for pet lovers! PENDLETON BLANKETS: Pendleton has a line of outdoor fabrics with the look of their iconic blankets in a high-performing fabric. It’s a stylish solution to protect furniture and keep furry kids with the family. It’s a luxurious look with livability. CREATE A SPACE: Designers say that a home speaks to you. Your pet does as well. Pay attention to what they like and create a space for that. A spot in the sun, a place to look out, a place to curl up. Give your pet an intentional space that is theirs.

FROM CARRIED AWAY ANTIQUES & ORIGINALS Instagram: @carriedawayantiques THE RIGHT MINDSET: My attitude on home and décor is that living well is worth the effort. With some work, you can always have beautiful things that make you happy – including your pets! LOVING LEATHER: Consider investing in good leather furniture. The quality certainly makes a difference and leather can provide a low-maintenance, beautiful look for almost any room or style. BASKET CASE: Always keep a basket of throws and blankets to toss over your couch or ottomans. They are comfy for your pets and give added protection to your furniture. I keep mine layered all the time to help with the wear and tear from frequent puppy naps. My go-to right now for beautiful pet friendly covers is sheepskin rugs or Flokati.

Image styled by Carried Away Antiques & Originals

2021 PLANS





















Despite many challenges, New Hampshire Humane Society remains determined & dedicated.



100,000+ PETS SAVED


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