New Canaan Library 2024 Annual Report

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Thank you for supporting New Canaan Library!

Libraries are ennobling to the mind and to the community. Ours was built on the strength of the deep commitment made by our fellow New Canaanites to the idea of a modern Library as an invaluable and enriching place for everyone. By any measure, New Canaan Library has become an essential gathering place that invites families, seniors, professionals, and students to learn, meet, engage with new ideas, and find unlimited opportunities for discovery.

I am pleased to report that this year we served more members of the community than ever before in the Library’s history, welcoming between 1,500 to 1,800 people daily. That’s up over 100% from pre-Covid levels. Clearly, we are playing an important role in the daily lives of many New Canaanites.

As the Library’s new CEO, it is my privilege to work alongside Library Director, Cheryl Capitani, to steer us through the next phase in our 147-year history. Looking back on ten years at the helm of our Capital Campaign, Development, and Special Programs efforts and with the perspective of a 23-year New Canaan

resident, I am committed to ensuring that New Canaan Library stays on course to fulfill the promises we made to be best in class. The great results you see here demonstrate the strength of the visionary thinking and fiscal discipline required to achieve success. I hope you will join me in thanking our talented professional librarians and staff.

As an independent, non-profit organization, we are grateful for the effective partnership we have with the Town whose annual grant represents 70-75% of our total operating budget. The remaining need is met by the ongoing generosity of our donors who enable the Library to serve our town with distinction by funding the books, programs, and services that reflect the unique needs and interests of this community. Last year, that philanthropic support totaled over $1 million.

It is not difficult to understand that the high usage of our materials and spaces requires a significant investment of resources to manage: we are indeed victims of our own success. We appreciate the financial support which makes it possible for us to grow, learn, and innovate in ways that serve our patrons well.

P.S. I am pleased to share my favorite books of the year!

As you’ll see in the following pages, it has been a highlight-filled year. From all of us here at the Library, thank you for providing both the support and the inspiration.

I look forward to creating the next chapter with you.



Your generosity directly supports these initiatives, just to name a few!

Programming to establish early childhood literacy, enrichment for school-aged children, and teen services that build academic and social connections

Leading author presentations and speakers including David Grann, Lidia Bastianich, Carl Bernstein, Jeannette Walls, Melissa Ben-Ishay, and Vanessa Chan

Continuing education for adults through hundreds of workshops and classes on a variety of subjects including world languages and ESL, poetry and writing, health and wellness, art history, finance, genealogy, visual arts, nutrition, and culinary instruction in our Kend Family Kitchen

“The library programs never cease to amaze me – they are so well planned, and the staff is always cheerful, helpful, and professional. They always go that extra mile which is so appreciated. I love the variety of courses offered, there is something for everyone."

“I am very impressed with the caliber of classes and the instructors you hire. They are enthusiastic, very knowledgeable and the library staff is very helpful to them. From entering the library to leaving the building, your staff greets or says goodbye to all with a smile on their face.”


The Library team is privileged to be an integral part of the fabric of New Canaan and is gratified that the community has responded to and embraced the Library in so many ways. On any given day, at the Library you will find:

• Neighbors borrowing books and seeking recommendations to feed their curiosity

• Children, teens, and adults attending our many and varied programs and classes in droves, eager to learn and connect through shared experience

• People frequenting our work, study, and meeting spaces for personal, committee, and nonprofit board meetings

• Inquisitive children following their imaginations to the stacks, in pursuit of answers and more questions for their librarians

• Teens both social and studious making the place their own

• Adults receiving assistance using technologies that are increasingly essential

• People of all ages working, playing, and relaxing in our Library Green that opened this Spring

• Individuals reading, studying, working, concentrating, and contemplating

• Groups collaborating, commiserating, and creating

In short, here at New Canaan Library you will find inspiration and community. Thank you for sharing your everyday moments with us as we strive to embody our mission that the library is an essential place for lifelong learning and a vibrant hub for knowledge, culture, and connection for everyone.

STATS FY 23-24




















"Annual Fund Gifts by giving level received July 1st, 2023 - June 30th, 2024."


President’s Circle ($10,000+)

Anonymous Gifts (3)

Susan Anderson

Rachel and Christopher Baker

Jonathan and Kimberly Barry

Robert and Joan Butman

Sarah and Alec Casey

Robert and Meghan Cioffi

Ann Cohen

Deborah and Andrew Gordon

Crawford and Samantha Hamilton

Anda and John Hutchins

Katherine and Peter Kend

Paul and Patricia Kuehner

William R. Malone

Martin P. McLaughlin, Sr.

Christopher and Mary Elizabeth O'Connor

Douglas and Hilary Ormond

Christopher and Elizabeth Pohle

Allison and Michael Rees

Patricia Schubert

Alan R. Schwedel

Barbara and Sebastian Scripps

Christine and Alexander Seaver

Eric and Susan Sheinberg

Adam and Megan Sherer

Paul and Marjorie Stein

Sharon and Thomas Teles

Eileen and James Thomas

Alicia and Robert Wyckoff

Jaime and Christine Yordan

Director’s Circle ($5,000+)

Anonymous Gifts (2)

Richard and Gail Ahern

Jonathan and Anne Burleigh

Douglas and Diane Dooley

Gary Engle and Dao Nguyen-Engle

Richard and Christina Fagerstal

Alex and Claire Foster

Nathaniel and Marjorie Furman

Austin and Leslie Furst

John and Valaer Goodrich

Catherine L. Gredoni

Peter and Susan Gummeson

Timothy Jensen and Susan Jensen

Thomas and Jennifer Joyce

Chris and Lara Kelly

Jennifer Klein Seaman and John Seaman

Brian and Nicole Ladewig

Rich and Kamie Lightburn

Robert and Kaitlyn Lowe

Donald and Amanda Martocchio

Joseph and Tracy Merrill

Christopher and Carter Norton

William and Wendy Pratt

Michael and Kristin Reed

Bill and Kate Reed

Michelle and Richard Riley

Scott and Abigail Skidmore

Brian and Janice Skinner

Sharon G. Tate

Richard and Catherine Townsend

James and Lindsay Tucker

James and Anne Wagner

Wilson and Emily Warren

Peter and Joanne Ziesing


Benefactor ($2,500+)

Betsy L. Anderson

A. James Bach

William and Elichia Brown

J. Michael and Elizabeth Chu

John and Carrie Corcoran

Mark and Jennie DiFiore

Michael and Michelle Diliberto

James and Jennifer Forese

Steven D. Grushkin

Peter and Patricia Hovey

Christian and Vicki Le Bris

Chris and Kay Linneman

Marc and Maria Magliacano

Judith Moist

Thomas Newton

Fatou and Nabi Niang

Daniel and Sarah O'Keefe

Willard and Colleen Overlock

James and Holly Parmelee

Stephen and Katharine Roach

Jeffrey and Jennifer Sanders

Kevin and Kendra Seth

Allen Smith and Katherine


Douglas and Julia Stewart

Gail Stewart

Lennox and Elizabeth Stuart

Richard and Patricia Worden

Sponsor ($1,000+)

Anonymous Gifts (4)

Joseph and Courtney Aleardi

Seth and Sara Alvord

James and Joyce Andersen

Charles and Linda Aysseh

Sharon S. Bassock

Jacqueline Bennett

Peter and Susan Bergen

Peter and Samara Bilden

Jack and Patricia Billhardt

Benjamin and Elizabeth Bilus

Matthew and Catherine Bishop

Matthew and AnnaLisa Blevins

Ann Halan Brickley

William and Susan Brock

Timothy and Constance Brown

Christopher and Emily Burns

John and Robin Busch

Mark and Jamie Buschmann

Michael and Frank Canoro

Karen Charlton

Heather and Thomas Cimino

John and Susan Clarke

Kevin and Cristen Cottrell

Gregory and Leslie Crowley

Eric and Alice Dalrymple

Andrew and Julie Deery

Mark and Heidi DeWaele

Matthew Dowd

Timothy and Elizabeth Dwyer

Edward and Jeanne Epstein

John and Tanis Erdmann

W. Kristofer and Lauren Erickson

Robert and Patricia Felder

Schuyler Field

Sarah Finnie

Eric and Karen Frank

Richard and Ronnie Grosbard

John and Althea Halan

William and Suzanne Hale

John and Suzanne Harrison

Benjamin and Cristine Heineman

John and Elizabeth Hellmann

David and Frances Holman


Lydee and John Hummel

Havva Idriss

Douglas and Kolleen Johnsen

David and Rosalind Jones

Robert and Erica Juneja

Stephen and Tracey Karl

William and Holly Kennedy

Halvor and Sherri Kielland

John and Anne-Marie Knight

Kevin and Anne Marie Knightly

Charles and Elizabeth Kontulis

Patrick and Susan Landers

Barbara Lane

Brian and Robin Leach

Patrick and Mimi Leahy

Peter and Janet Lebovitz

Brian and Sharon Libman

Pavel and Elena Lobashova

Guy Longobardo

Thomas and Janice Luddy

Kevin and Mary Lydon

Cameron and Susana Mackey

Raymond and Faye Maier

Christopher and Sarah Mattern

Susan J. McClellan

Sean and Tracy McManus

Victoria and Paul Merwin

Glen and Suzanne Messina

Stephen and Stacy Mettler

Katharine O'Brien

Dennis and Mary Ellen O'Connor

Edward and Frances O'Neill

Robert and Kerry Orlich

Homer and Katrina Parkhill

Harriet Plavoukos

David and Janet Prill

James and Margaret Riley

Graciela Rodriguez

Philip Ruvinsky and Leigh Kennedy

David and Virginia Schwartz

Robert and Sarah Seelert

Anthony Segalas

Martin and Betsy Sue Shannon

Mark and MyLinh Shattan

Michael and Danielle Sieckhaus

Mark and Pamela Silverman

Joseph and Carrie Sindelar

Elliott and Marguerite Sisson

Peter Skaperdas and Kathleen Auda

Brian R. Smith

Elizabeth Smith

Nathan and Geraldine Snyder

James and Katie Stewart

Jeffrey and Catharine Sturgess

John and Catherine Teitler

David and Lisa Tuttle

Richard and Anne Ward

Thomas and Catherine Watson

Thilo and Sarah Wrede

Jonathan and Marnie Zaffino

Doug and Ellen Zumbach

Family ($500+)

Anonymous Gifts (2)

Garrett and Melissa Baker

Todd and Beth Baker

Michael and Mary Bar

Steve and Hayley Bloom

Heather Boulanger

Charles and Chuleeporn Broll

Victor and Barbara Calaba

Paul and Amy Cardillo

Thomas and Moira Cassidy


Charles and Regina Cheever

J. Christopher and Mary Cody

Harrison and Barbara Conrad

Douglas and Lauren Corbett

Philip and Carole Coviello

Rob and Caroline Creighton

Peter and Emily Crisp

Aaron and Adrianne Davenport

Dean and Laura Davis

Elizabeth and J.T. Davis

James and Anne Davis

Scott and Kate DePetris

Robert L. DiPanni

John and Joanne Donohue

Carolyn Downey

Elizabeth Feld

Daniel and Jennifer Fishman

Noah and Julie Fleischmann

William and Mary Fox

Matthew and Adrienne Fulk

Robert Gennaro, MD and Diane


Jeanne Gnuse

Arthur and Elisabeth Golden

Andrew and Lauren Greig

David and Wendy Guda

Robert and Tracey Hamill

Jeffrey and Emily Hanlon

Scott and Raquel Harrison

Kristen Hartofilis

C. Robert and Mary Henrikson

Ian and Diane Hobbs

Michael Hobbs

Margaret Hooker

James and Jessica Huetter

Jonathan and Kimberly Jodka

Jeffrey and Eila Johnson

Kristin Johnson

David and Nancy Kalal

Andrew and Mary Kallman

Joanna Keohane

Mark and Brett Kristoff

James and Mary Lee Lesko

David and Christine Long

George Long

Stephen and Elizabeth MacKenzie

Mark and Karen Mactas

Daniel and Jill Malkoun

Philip and Lavillon Martyr

Kathy Megdanis

Joseph and Kathleen Mitchell

Doris Molinari

Alfred and Melissa Morris

Jack and Jennifer Murphy

Peter and Kathleen Murphy

Christopher and Keely Norton

John and Laura Owen

Jonathan and Katherine Owsley

Joseph and Laura Prior

Michelle Robertson

Steven and Susan Root

Nadine Rote

David and Barbara Rucci

Jeremy and Margaret Saunders

Ipek Kaya-Savasoglu and Serkan


Karl and Anne Schimmeck

Stephen and Elena Schlegel

Spencer and Sara Schubert

Jeffrey and Jean Shaw


Joseph and Donna Simone

Douglas and Deborah Simpson

Roger and Taryn Sonesson

Herbert and Angela Sullivan

Christopher and Mary Swift

Patricia L. Thatcher

Joseph and Margaret Toce

Sallie Van Dam

William and Laura Walbert

Douglas Walker and Susan Edmands

Colin and Susan Welch

Karen Willett

Paul and Maureen Williamson

Mark and Lisa Wolff

William and Elana Wood

Dixon and Pamela Yee

Supporter ($250+)

Anonymous Gifts (6)

Jonathan and Barbara Achenbaum

Teresa Alasio

James and Meghan Allen

Kathryn Amundsen

Matthew and Kristin Barnard

Bradstreet and Kimberly Barton

Robert and Carol Bayne

Henry and Gabriela Beecher

Garrison and Hope Belles

Gerald and Linda Bisbee

Gary and Barbara Bloom

Jessica Bottini

Sherman and Peggy Bull

William and Emily Candee

David and Dionna Carlson

Stephen and Laura Catherwood

Alexander and Audrey


Francis and Denise Coco

Charles and Margaret Cooper

Edward and Theresa Cosden

Niall and Donna Coughlin

Christopher and Maura Craig

Dana L. Creanga

Ellen and Christopher Crovatto

James and Stephanie Cullinane

Sam and Lindsey Daly

Brian and Sarah Darian

Daniel and Kelly DeFrancesco

Irene Dillon

Amy Diteodoro

Eric and Laura Dobbin

Thomas and Kristin Dolan

Elizabeth Doyle

Ryan and Sara Driscoll

Gunnar Edelstein

Stephen and Danielle Edwards

Thomas M. Emson

J. Michael and Kip Farrell

Matthew Ferguson

Michael and Jenny Field

Donald and Linda Foscato

James and Jane Fox

Michael and Mary Anne Franco

Jeffrey and Emily Fuhrman

Christopher and Abbott Glover

Meghan M. Gould

Mark and Kristen Grzymski

Patrick and Julie Healy

John and Lindsey Heron

William and Sally Hines

Scott and Lisa Hobbs


Christopher and Anne Hussey

Jed and Susan Isaacs

Jeffrey Jackson

Margaret Jay

Jeremiah and Sarah Keefe

Daniel and Leah Kittredge

Robert and Penelope Klatell

William Knobloch

Richard and Dawn Kurth

Carrie Kurtz

John and Janet Lanaway

Keith and Martha Lane-Zucker

Jack Lapolla

George and Heidi Laub

Matthew and Catherine Leach

Dennis Leibowitz

Robert and Robin Lord

Van and Linda Lovisa

George and Julie Madison

Richard and Cornelia Marder

Peter and Laura Marschalk

Michael and Aileen Mastey

Edmond and Whitney McCarthy

Scott and Kathleen McLallen

Kevin and Ellen McMahon

Randall and Sharon Meadows

Neil and Jenny Mehta

Terria Meyer

Margaret Molwitz

Charles and Karen Murphy

Betsy Nelson

Lisa and Matthew Oldham

Joyce Olesen

Colin and Shayla O'Neil

Lynda D. Pescatello

Robert and Meg Petersen

Andrew and Meredith Petitjean

Patricia J. Pflug

Catherine C. Pike

William Post

Arthur and Alexandra Potts

Harold and Jacqueline Powell

Maya A. Rao

Francis and Teri Reed

Michael and Rachel Rodgers

Barbara Rosen

Richard and Jennifer Russey

Alan and Melissa Rwambuya

Randy and Claire Salvatore

Richard and Lois Sandberg

Heidi Sandreuter

Joni Schaefer

Robert Schmidt

Andrew and Erica Schwedel

Sue Sherwood

Hunter and Marcia Smith

Roger and Nell Smith

Sara Smith

Ann Spilker

Michael and Jill Stayman

Michael Stein and Rita Bettino

Ali Stevenson

Alexis Stewart

Kimberly Stiner

Radford and Wendy Stone

Bill G. Stoops

David and Lisa Strupp

Zuhair and Jean Suidan

Finn and Susan Swarting

Kate Sylvester

Gail Teymourian

Brian and Marley Thackray


Mark and Margot Thorsheim

Charles and Patricia Timberlake

Anne and Steven Tseng

Frederick and Julianna Tufts

Milan and Margot Turk

Ryan and Bridget Urgo

Theera Vachranukunkiet

Andrew Veitch

David and Veronica Verklin

Gary and Michelle Vogel

Cindy Wagner

Jonathan and Anita Waxberg

Ross and Jane Weiner

Michael and Delma Wessner

Eric and Merrill Wiechmann

Michael and Lynette Wieczorek

David and Carolyn Williams

Nicholas and Elizabeth Williams

Frances Wilson

Gregory Wojdowski and Niamh


Stephen and Lori Wyckoff

Gregory and Bettina Young

Allison and Eric Zinczenko

Marsha Zipser

Donor ($1-$250)

Anonymous Gifts (14)

Michael and Carol Abel

Stephanie Acerra

Parag and Mary Lou Adalja

Steve Albin

David and Emily Alexander

Sloan Alexander and Sara Bakker

Tyler and Lindsay Alexander

John and Melissa Almeida

Maria and Hugo Alves

Harold and Mary Anderson

Gregor and Melinda Andrade

Louise J. Andronaco

Sarah Andrus

Maury B. Anfindsen

Adam and Mary Ansaldi

Charles and Sarah Arestia

Jonathan and Lise Arnold

Maureen Atinsky

Andrew and Laura Ault

Steven and Jodie Azzopardi

Paul and Cynthia Bamatter

David and Deborah Baran

Anthony and Barbara Barkauskas

James and Allison Barker

Karim and Yong-Son Basta

Carl Mason and Robin Bates-Mason

Nicole Battisti

Morgan Beckerman

Leisa M. Bell

John and Nancy Bemis

Adam and Allison Benenson

Andrew and Katherine Benett

Claudia Tillis Berk

Jane C. Bickle

Steven Bierman

Reginald and Barbara Binford

George and Alison Birnbaum

Katherine E. Bisbee

Glen and Megan Bischoff

Susan E. Blabey

Alton Blakeslee

Catherine Blansfield

Elizabeth Boccaccio

Eric and Alexandra Bonach

Lisa Bonazzo


Krissy Borchetta

Richard Bourgeois and Pauline Dora

Phillip and Arlety Bowman

Neil and Eileen Boyd

Amy Bradach

Neal and Vickie Brauweiler

Jessica Brenner

Ryan and Alessandra Brenon

Joan T. Brode

Adrian and Pauline Brody

Carrie Brown

Cheryl Bundy

William and Alice Burnham

Jeff Burns

Anthony and Patricia Calanca

Fabio Calia

Anne F. Campbell

Stephen and Karen Campe

Clara C. Campo

Alice Campofranco

Najib and Lynn Canaan

Thomas A. Carriero

Mary Halpin Carter

Wendy Cassuto

Peter and Carol Catalano

Ross and Susan Catlin

Vincent and Julie Cavaliere

Da-Tung Chang

Charles Chimera and Monica Capela

Nicholas and Christine Chivily

Robert and Nancy Clark

Thomas and Laura Clauss

Judith Cody

Krista and Matthew Cody

Laura Cody

Denis and Eva Colacicco

Patricia Colangelo

Thomas and Roseann Conheeney

Benjamin and Leah Conlee

Arthur and Amy Conley

Laura and Joseph Connerton

Timothy and Valerie Connolly

Giovanna Conte

Jessie Cooper

Michael and Vanessa Costantini

Diane Costello

Thomas and Dorothy Coughlin

Charles and Alexandra Craigle

Jane Crawford

John Crowley

Susan Cruickshank

John and Pamela Crum

Michael and Candace Curran

Arun and Sharon Daga

Lindsey Daly

Alexander W. D'Amico

Matthew and Lucy Dathan

Jennifer Davatzes

Samantha Davids

Lara Davis

Phoebe Davis

Deborah De Clercq

Farrokh and Gulestan Deboo

Sperry A. DeCew

Diane S. Demain

Richard deMoll and MaryAnn O'Hara

Christopher and Elizabeth DeMuth

Eric and Molly Denlinger

Warner Depuy

Elizabeth Derivan

Alexis DiMarco

Michael and Beth Dorfsman

Caleb and Pamela Dorsey

Karen Downing

Michael and Cameron Drinkwater

Annabelle Duncan

Dirk and Alyson Dunlap

Neil and AnneMarie Dunleavy

Nicky Dunlop

Ann Dunn

Nancy Dunn

Lori Anne Dunne

Gordon L. Elicker

Daniel and Christina Eng

Joseph and Lois Espeso

Richard and Jennifer Essigs

Calvin and Christen Farley

Peter Farnum and Jennifer Cudlip

Seymour and Mary Fein

Claudia Fellini

Richard and Diana Ferguson

Jason and Stephanie Ferrante

Lisa Ferrante

John and Natalie Fiedler

Marissa Fink

Michael and Nadine Finnerty

Daneille Fitzgibbon

David and Mary Fitzpatrick

Edel Flynn

Janet Fonss

Diane Fossi

Gillian R. Foster

Graham and Jennifer Foster

Walter and Elizabeth Foster

Christie S. Fountain

Adriana Franceschini

Karen Frank


Lauren Frank

Jack and Georgene Frantz

Jonathan and Jennifer Frattaroli

Wesley and Jeanne Fredericks

Jacqueline Friedman

George and Connie Friesen

Sydney S. Fulford

Robert and Jennifer Gallois

Mary Pat Garate

William and Margaret Ann Garbus

Katelyn Garrison

Nancy W. Geary

Douglas and Serena Gillespie

Robert and Kara Gilliam

Kiley Giordano

Teresa Glosnicka

James and Anne Goebel

Deborah Golden

Laurel Goodgion

Jake and Polly Goodyear

Kara Graham

Leander Grayson

David and Glenda Green

Henry and Diane Green

Michael and Betsy Greene

Sean and Jacqueline Griffiths

Jamie Grozovsky

Jennifer W. Gulden

Anjali Gupta

Louis and Joan Guzzetti

Alan and Loni Haas

John Hair

Christian Halabi and Carolyn Langelier

Perrin and Chauncey Hamilton

Kathy Hammell

Michael and Sarah Handler

Sarah Handy

Elizabeth Hanno

Joseph and Gloria Hanson

Paul and Susan Harinstein

Peter and Amy Harned

Tory Harold

Martha Harper

Matthew and Jessica Havens

William Hayes

Janet Hayman

Kevin Helldt

David L. Hendrickson

Kathleen Hennessy

Mark and Kristen Hibbert

Mary Higgins

James and Wendy Hilboldt

Eileen Hill

James and Lisa Hill

Sara Hoffart

Charles and Julia Hoffman

Geoffrey Hoffmann

Erin Hogan

Hugo and Ingrid Hollinger

Mary Holmer

William and Judith Hopkins

Jay Horine and Keturah Bracey

Nancy Howard

Deqiang Hu

David and Sara Hunt

Peter and Cynthia Hurvitz

Peter and Margaret Imbrognu

Andrea Ingalls

Gary and Sue Jacobsen

Patrick and Felicia Jamin

Barbara Jeffries


Eugene and Charlotte Jerbic

Anthony and Kimberly Jetnil

Kent and Mary Jewett

Barbara B. Johansen

Carolyn Johnson

Claire Johnson

James Johnston

Claire Jones

Peter and Melissa Jones

Peter and Natalie Jones

James and Marilyn Kaiser

Miranda Kalinowski

Edward and Carol Kane

Viviane Kaneff

Carol Kaplan

Janet W. Karl

Jordan and Jessica Katz

Marianne Kay

Kevin and Dena Kedra

Mary Kelley

Wendy Kelly

Ann Kicska

Jeffrey and Andrea Kiczek

Jennifer Kim

Philip and Julie Kim

Benjamin and Adrienne


Valerie Klats

Timothy and Jessica Knowles

Glenn and Deborah Koennecke

Christopher Koppenheffer

James Krinsley and Maureen


Stephen and Diane Kurtessis

Patricia Lami-Hedlund

Danika Landers

William and Meredith Landis

Patrice LaSusa

Rhoda Lauro

Darren and Vanessa LaVerne

Matthew and Mariko LeBaron

David and Kristi Lebovitz

Katya Lebrija

Colette LeBrun

Morgan and Elizabeth LeConey

Virginia Lee and Kenneth Young

Bruce and Holly Lemoine

Janet Lenhart

Tammy Lettera

Samantha Levine

Jeremiah and Ruth Lewis

Anthony and Katherine Licata

Jennifer Lindner

Teal Lindsay

Sam Lobban and Rosalind Leach

Whitney Longworth

Margaret Loughlin

Daria Luddy

Kenneth P. Luksin

Frank and Marjorie Lyon

Robin Madan

Isabella Madrid

Laura Maggio

Francis and Allyson Mahoney

Donald and Dolores Malin

Robert and Elizabeth Mallozzi

Andrew and Maryann Mank

Kevin and Epo Manning

Daniel and Marin Mara

William Marbach and Deborah


Daniel Marcel


Sam and Julie Marcus

Penelope A. Mardoian

Erin Marich

Thomas and Audrey Markey

Jenkins and Linda Marshall

William and Virginia Martens

Michael and Ann Martin

Tracey Masella

Elizabeth T. Massey

Emily Maynard

Michelle Mazzola

Bryan and Libby McAleer

Christopher and Elizabeth McClave

Alan and Sharon McClymonds

Marcia McCrum

Sydney McCurdy

Michael and Jeanne McDonagh

Debbie McGrath

Paige McInerney

Nancy McKeever

Peter and Carol McKeever

Conor and Elizabeth McKenna

Cordelia McKenna

Sean and Natalie McPartland

Suzanne Megrue

Zahra Mehta

Scot and Lisa Melland

Merrily Mellick

Benjamin and Melissa Merrill

Edward and Jessica Merrill

Cecile Meunier

Bradley and Alicia Meyer

Andrew and Sandra Millar

Albert and Pamela Miller

Christopher and Mandy Miller

Diana Minert

Mairead Mitchel

Shahrzad Mohammadi

Edward and Valerie Monaghan

Cynthia Montesi

Peter and Jenn Moore

Matthew Morawa and Patricia Mee

Patricia Morgan

Amy Morris

Dana Morris

Victoria Munoz

Cecilia Murray

Perry Nagin

Angelo Natoli and Caroline


Edward Nebb and June Filingeri

Edward and Gertrude Neiss

Lisa Nelms

Ellen Newhouse

Charles and Anne Newton

Kut Tak and Bik Yin Ng

Deborah Nightingale

Robert and Barbara Noble

Ken Novak

Matthew and Lauren Nussbaum

Marie O’Neill

Susan O'Brien

Lloyd and Kristen O'Connor

Brendan and Lorraine O'Halloran

Richard and Claire O'Hare

Joan and David O'Hayre

Jonathan and Constance Old

Allison Oliveira

Wendy Oppel

Moira O'Riordan

Alexandra Ornstein

Ryan and Mari O'Rourk

Jackie Owens


Michele Pallai

Nicole Papammichael

David Parker

Douglas and Jennifer Parker

Missy Parker

Andrew Pearson and Shiva Sarram

S. Joel and Carol Pelzner

George and Jane Perkins

Frank and Suzanne Pertusiello

Rita Petta

Susan Pfeil

Richard and Jeannine Phelan

Stephen and Karen Philipson

Joseph Pincus

Stephanie Pineo

Lawrence and Mary Pitt

Michael and Denise Pittaro

Dennis and Gina Podlesak

Thomas and Dawn Pologruto

Sarah Popko

Enrico and Anna Porco

Micaela Porta and Victor Alvarez

Richard and Irene Porter

Ellen Pottharst

Sabrina Pourmand

Suzi Power-Morris

Guy and Tania Prochilo

Stephen and Colleen Prostor

Edith Quake

Patrick and Diana Quill

Thomas and Lynn Quinn

Daniel and Stephanie Radman

Anand Rai and Dalarine Crasto

Daniel and Jennifer Rashin

Stefano and Kristin Redaelli

Brian and Lindsay Regan

Michael and Kate Regan

Beth Marie Reifers

Steve and Kate Reilly

Nicholas and Patricia Riley

Amanda B. Robbins

Michael Rolland

William and Oana Root

Richard and Sharon Rosano

Evelyn Rosen

Michael and Nikou Roth

James and Katie Rothschild

Richard and Sarah Routhier

Joseph and Deborah Rucci

Marysue Rucci

James and Meghan Rump

Charles and Alice Runnette

Anne Mary Russell

Gary and Rhonda Russo

John and Jane Ryan

Peter Ryan

Chrstina Saburro

Alexander and Cynthia Saffi

Laurie Saggese

Evelyn Sainz

Matthew and Jennifer Saldarelli

Sloan and Katherine Saunders

Julie Savinelli

Max and Jennifer Scherr

Amanda Blaze Schimmel

Christopher and Dudley Schipper

Jason Schlesinger

Courtney Schluender

David and Cynthia Schmier

Janet Schmitz

Craig and Nathalie Schubert

Jennifer Schwartz


Nicholas and Michelle Seaver

Richard and Kristin Selvala

John and Sheila Serena

Catherine J. Seton

Donna Shabinaw

Shashi and Sumitra Shah

Allison Shaw

Mary Silberman

John and Judith Silvestri

Steven and Gloria Simon

Gary and Susan Singer

Justin Singer

Adrian Sisser and Joanna Galvin

Jennifer Skyrm

Gregory Smith and Kerry Connell

Josh and Beth Snyder

Kristy Snyder

Diane Sorcher

Matthew and Lisa Sparacino

Laura Spiegel

Thomas and Janet Stadler

Celine Stahl

Michael and Cynthia Stamm

Karen Stamoulis

Mary Staples

Elizabeth Stevenson

Hamilton Stewart and Tiffany Kuehner

Richard Stewart

Walter A. Stewart

William and Beth Stimpson

Betsy and Michael Stone

Rita Marie Stone

Jill Stute

Nikolas and Janel Sulkowski

Robert Swegle and Carol Hibbert

Diana Takach

Eliot and Sharon Tarlin

Jacey Taub

Matthew and Katherine Thomas

Spencer and Shannon Thune

Ann Thurber

William and Elizabeth Tobey

Lorianne Toler

Amanda Tolles

Jake and Elizabeth Torrenzano

Matthew and Megan Tracey

Nicholas and Efthimia Trahanas

Brian Treacher

Tylor and Letitia Tregellas

Robert Trudel and Amy Zinser

Jan Truebner

Donald and Christina Turner

W. Arthur and Margaret Ulrich

Barbara Upson

Jeffrey Urstadt

James and Elaine Vail

Ruth Van den Nieuwenhuizen

Patricia Varian

Ralph Vartolo

Lizandra Vega

Karen Verdi

Matthew and Mary Vertin

Amy Vezzetti

Sally Voss

Tish Vredenburg

Jason and Carolyn Walcott

Hope Waldlen

Heather Walsh

Meg Hely Walsh

Patricia H. Walsh

Gregory Walters and Torrance York

John and Natasha Walton

Katherine Ward

Amy Weber Reid

Mark and Lori Weiss

Brooks and Irena Wells

Diane Wells


Amy Weltman

Barbara Wentzel

Marijke Werhane

James Westlake

Leila Wetmore

Eric and Tiffany Wheeler

Thomas and Pamela White

Karl and Jamie Whitmarsh

Eva Wingate

Molly Winn

Jason and Meredith Woerz

Ann Wolff

Liza Wong

Stephanie Woodmansee

Lee Woodruff

Peter and Kristina Woods

Judith Wren

C. Craig and Barbara Wright

Charles and Deborah Wright

Louise York

Lorna Yvon

Allen and Erica Zimmerman

Jonathan and Jennifer Zonis


Corporations, Foundations, Matching Gift Companies

Anonymous Gifts (3)

173 Davis Avenue, LLC

Ameriprise Financial

Andersen Family Charitable Fund

Ansonia Foundation

The Avanti Group, Inc.

Ayco Charitable Foundation

The A. James Bach & Vona Hopkins Foundation

Bank of America

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

Bankwell Financial Group, Inc.

Bespoke Designs LLC

Betsy L. Anderson Gift Fund

Bill Garbus and Margaret Ann Martin Foundation

The Briar Foundation

Bright Funds Foundation

Brown Thayer Shedd Insurance



Christopher & Dudley Schipper Family Fund

Dan and Penny Rashin Charitable Giving Fund

David and Lisa Tuttle Charitable Fund

Deborah & Andrew Gordon

Charitable Giving Fund

EMWIGA Foundation

Eric P. Sheinberg Foundation

Fidelity Charitable

Fox Financial Corporation

Goldman Sachs Gives

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

Harlan E. and Lois J. Anderson Family Foundation

Hamilton Family Charitable Trust

Henrikson Family Foundation

Hilltop Foundation

Hobbs Family Charitable Trust

Horizon Foundation, Inc.

Indian River Community Foundation

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank

Jed and Susan Isaacs Family Charitable Fund

Jewett Donation Fund

The J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

The Karl Chevrolet Company

Karp Associates, Inc.

Kensington Capital Management

Kim Family Fund


The Klein Family Foundation

The Kontulis Fund

Koonce Foundation, Inc.

Kristin and Michael Reed Family Foundation, Inc.

Lampert, Toohey & Rucci LLC

Lebovitz Fund for Philanthropy

Lesko Family Fund

Lifetime Arts

Lovisa Linda Giving Fund

The Luddy Family Charitable Fund

M & T Bank

Manfredi Jewels

Margie O. Stein Revocable Trust

Marie G. Dennett Foundation, Inc.

Mathis-Pfohl Foundation

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc

The Mettler Family Charitable Fund

Michael and Michelle Diliberto Charitable Trust

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley Gift Fund

New Canaan Board of Realtors

New Canaan Cares

New Canaan Community Foundation

The New Canaan Men's Club

Northern Lights Foundation

Northern Trust Charitable Program

O'Connor Family Foundation

O'Herron Family Foundation

Peter R. & Joanne K. Ziesing Family Fund

Planet New Canaan INC

Playland Camp & Nursery School

Pohle Family Fund

Potts Family Fund

Prospect Hill Foundation

Revel with DinnerThyme Catering

The Queenan Foundation, Inc.


RMS Companies

Robert Brewster Hamill & Tracey

McGan Hamill Foundation

Robert E. Butman Fund

Rocky Nook Foundation

Sanford E. Bernstein & Co. LLC

Saxe + Bryan Properties

Schwab Charitable

The Schwartz Family Charitable Fund

Schwedel Foundation

The Seaver Family Foundation

Seelert Foundation, Inc.

Silverman Foundation

Stamford Hospital

Stephen and Katharine Roach Family Fund

Stewart Family Fund

Stone Pier Community Fund

Theodore A. Rapp Foundation

Toce Charitable Giving Fund

Tucker Family Giving Fund

Tunmore-Conrad Fund

Vanguard Charitable

Walter Stewart’s

Wyckoff Family Fund

The Christine and Jaime Yordan Foundation



Estate of Thomas C. Basso

Estate of Albert L. Perry III

Estate of Suzanne Maxcy Wall


Special thanks to the 29 donors who gave to the inaugural Oldham Nature and Environment Lecture Series in honor of Lisa Oldham, Library Executive Director 2013-2023

Anonymous in honor of Lisa Oldham

Robert and Megan Cioffi in honor of Lisa Oldham

Irene Dillon in honor of Allison K. Zinczenko

Mark and Kristen Grymski in honor of Michelle Riley and Anne Wagner

Michael D. Hobbs in honor of Hazel Hobbs

Barbara B. Johansen in honor of Lisa Oldham

Amanda Tolles in honor of Robert and Barbara Tolles

Sharon G. Tate in honor of the Tate family members


Anonymous in memory of Mary Tiani

Gerlad and Linda Bisbee in memory of Robert (Bailey) Stewart

Carol A. Kaplan in memory of Gus Bloom

Frank and Marjorie Lyon in memory of Bailey Stewart

Ernest and Katherine Megdanis in memory of Kaleigh Griffiths


Robert F. Lowe (Chairman), Deborah S. Gordon (Vice Chairman),

Christine Seaver (Vice Chairman), Eileen S. Thomas (Vice Chairman),

Douglas Ormond (Treasurer), Victoria Merwin (Secretary)

Rachel Diehl Baker

Sarah O’H. Casey

Christopher H. Craig

Lizzie H. Davis

Mark DeWaele

Gary D. Engle

Crawford C. Hamilton

Ian Hobbs

Fatou Niang

David Priebe

Allison Rees

Michelle Riley

David J. Rucci

Patricia Schubert

Douglas Stewart

Sharon G. Teles

Anne W. Tseng

Alicia L. Wyckoff

Peter R. Ziesing

Dionna Carlson

Ex officio

Cheryl Capitani

Library Director

Ellen Sullivan Crovatto

Chief Executive Officer

Special thanks to the following Trustees who served during our fiscal year 23-24: Robert Butman, President, Jonathan Barry, Thomas Joyce, Christopher O’Connor, Thomas Teles, and Library Executive Director, Lisa Oldham.

Special thanks to Jeff Goldberg/Esto and Centerbrook Architects & Planners for the photography included in this report.

151 Main Street

New Canaan, CT 06840


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