Intermediate @ Newbury

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Intermediate @ Newbury School Prepared for life. 906 Rangitikei Line; RD 5; Palmerston North. Ph: 06 354 9359

Kia Kaha – A(tude is Everything! Tēnā koutou katoa, At Newbury School our Year 7 and 8 programme is designed to effecAvely prepare your child for high school and beyond. Our programme places the students at the centre, building on their individual needs and goals to develop an inclusive, responsive and respecFul environment for learning. We provide exciAng and innovaAve programmes that build on what students already know and develop it further. We understand that the aItude teachers and students bring to learning and and the relaAonships between them is what makes the difference, hence our moJo; Kia Kaha -­‐ A(tude is Everything! We encourage you to join our learning community and set your child up with the best preparaAon for them to become acAve and lifelong learners. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any quesAons you may have. Ngā mihi nui, Nick Rate, Principal

Personalised Learning Newbury School’s intermediate program uses a personalised learning approach that creates students who drive their own learning, are moAvated, engaged and ready for high school. This approach encourages students to take ownership over their learning and to uAlise their own passions, interests, talents and aspiraAons to achieve success. Teachers and students work in partnership to design learning experiences that are appropriately paced and with the right level of challenge. A range of different approaches are used that include; self-­‐ directed learning and choice, co-­‐operaAve learning, workshops, tradiAonal group/teacher Ame and one on one learning. These support our students to become life long and passionate learners who are moAvated, engaged and want to learn and challenge themselves. One of approaches we use in a personalised approach is the integraAon of technology to support and enhance learning. Technology provides the tools that allow students to have more choice and control over how they learn and demonstrate their new knowledge and skills.

High ExpectaAons To ensure that our teachers and students are always striving to be the best they can be, both academically and socially, teachers set and expect high expectaAons of their learners.

Come and see for yourself! Please take the Ame to contact us or call in. We would enjoy the opportunity to share with you our dynamic and exciAng intermediate programme. Caroline Transom, Teacher Nick Rate, Principal

These expectaAons are owned by the students who strive to be their best and to expect the same of their peers.

Student Voice Including student voice into all aspects of learning, classroom culture and the wider school is an important part of our Newbury School philosophy. Co-­‐planning, making decisions and taking responsibility for outcomes, both for themselves and the groups they are involved in, supports our students to be acAve members and leaders of our school and with their own learning.

Hands On & AcAve Learning in Room 7 goes well beyond the classroom with many experiences designed to provide acAve, hands on learning. This learning connects our students to the wider world and opens their eyes to the many possible career pathways open to them. Hands on learning also allows students to apply their knowledge in a real context and deepens those connecAons. Maths takes on a whole new meaning when your calculaAons determine if your fitness staAon stands or falls over due to the sums you and your team made! We make a real effort to understand the adolescent brain and their needs so fitness, sport and hands on acAviAes form an important part of our program and learning.

PreparaAon for High School There are a number of key skills and competencies that need to be established to prepare our learners for High School. We enable this through: •

Development of self and Ame management skills including self managed Ametables.

Exposure to and familiarity in siIng standardised assessments and tests both on paper and online.

Individual goal seIng for learners to track and monitor their own learning progress.

Developing strong ownership levels of their learning.

Learning embedded in real world contexts.

Careers based learning for idenAfying career pathways.

IdenAfying and fostering individual student passions and interests.

Coaching and tutoring to and from other students.

Strong links with local high schools.

What’s everyone saying? “To any parent considering moving their child on to an intermediate I would 
 urge them to seriously consider the benefits a full primary has to offer their child – the chance for leadership and building up their confidence before the next big move to high school.” Parent

secondary school level.” Parent

“Students are highly engaged, confident and ar5culate. They have a strong sense of ownership of their work and have a voice in school decision making and review.” ERO

“Every student is encouraged to take risks in their learning, to push themselves, to do the very best that they can and to be the very best that they can be.” Parent

“High expectaAon of students to step up and take ownership and responsibility for their learning, preparing them for the next step up to

“We like the "big" projects the kids have been working on this year. 
 There was a variety of projects enabling the kids to choose something they 
 are interested in. Learning

“A deliberate approach informs curriculum, teaching and learning focuses for Year 7 and 8 students. Students take on a wide range of leadership ac5vi5es across the school.” ERO

to plan, budget, organise, delegate, test, work 
 in a team, stay on task, etc. are all qualiAes they are going to need when 
 they leave school. FantasAc that they can start learning this at such a young age.” Parent “Quieter, more reserved students are encouraged and brought out of their shell while s5ll feeling safe to do so.” Parent “Extremely approachable teacher which ensures open feedback and communicaAon between parents and teacher to ensure parents are acAvely involved in knowing what’s going on with their child’s learning.” Parent

Feedback from a local high school… “Newbury students can be confident about meeAng the new challenges that high school presents as they have been well prepared during their Ame at Newbury School and the intermediate class.” “Students from Newbury have no problems integra<ng themselves into the new structures that they meet when coming to high school as they illustrate the high standards expected of them in the Newbury Intermediate class.” “The Year 8 students from Newbury take the transiAon to high school in their stride having no troubles developing posiAve relaAonships with peers and teachers alike as their Ame at Newbury has developed these skills within the students.” Freyberg High School

School Badge This year we launched a new iniAaAve that both recognises student achievement and contribuAons to school, and provides a context for goal seIng and self-­‐management. Points are awarded for academic, sporAng and cultural achievements, demonstraAng the school values, as well as services to the school. When students earn 20 points they will be awarded the Bronze Badge, 40 points for the Silver Badge and 60 points for the Gold.

Leadership Academy

BYOD & 1 to 1 Devices

Each year the school appoints a head and deputy boy and girl as well as house captains for our four houses. These students are closely mentored and take on a number of responsibiliAes including planning and organising assemblies, the school’s prize giving and our annual formal dance; all real and authenAc leadership opportuniAes.

Technology provides a variety of ways to support tradiAonal approaches to learning as well as opening up new and different ways for our students to learn, create and share their knowledge and understanding.

2017 All of our Year 8s also aJend the NaAonal Young Leaders Day -­‐ an inspiraAonal and moAvaAng day for everyone. This day aims to develop student leadership and lifelong goal seIng to support our learners in reaching their full potenAal. AddiAonally, every senior student is expected to take on leadership and responsibility roles throughout the school. These include; Road Patrol, Charity Team, Enviro Team, Peer Mediators, Librarians and a Physical AcAvity Team.

Lions Youth in Service

We believe both leadership and service are important skills to develop in our intermediate students. We are part of the Lions Young Leaders in Service Awards where students are involved in community service at school, out of school and at home. Students earn either Silver (50 hours) or Gold (100 hours) awards based on the amount of service hours that they have completed. This is a great example of how we aim to build strong values and integrity in all our students making them responsible and successful ciAzens of our school and community.

We want to ensure that all our intermediate students have access to technology as they need it, removing any barriers for them to learn. As such, we are commiJed to conAnuing our one device per learner programme where students are provided with their own laptop or can choose to bring their own devices from home to support their learning.

Special Projects

Our intermediate students are regularly engaged in a range of authenAc real life student driven projects to support and improve our school and community. Our student-­‐managed projects in 2015 include construcAng a fitness track, upgrading the community carpark with designing and building an LED speed safety sign, creaAve dance and instrucAng others in formal dances.

In 2016 students are involved in 4 groups comprising of RoboAcs, Mechanics, ConstrucAon and Food Technology. The roboAcs group has invesAgated and then purchased roboAcs kits, the construcAon group is building planter boxes, the mechanics groups are currently taking apart and reassembling engines, and the food technology group are creaAng real food products to sell at school events.

Intermediate @ Newbury School Kia Kaha - Attitude is Everything! 906 Rangitikei Line; RD 5; Palmerston North. Ph: 06 354 9359

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