Winter Commencement
December 10, 2022
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Prince of Denmark’s March “Trumpet Voluntary” by Jeremiah Clarke. Arr. Thomas Campbell Trumpet Tune by Jeremiah Clarke. Arr. Thomas Campbell
• Sierra Brass Quintet
• Eric Marchand, Faculty Senate Chair
• Jeffrey Thompson, Executive Vice President and Provost
• Wolf Pack Quartet Brittney May, Director
• Ted Howard, Numu Newe Elder, Duck Valley Paiute Shoshone Tribe
• Brian Sandoval, ’86, President
• Cathy McAdoo, Chair (Saturday A.M.)
• Jason Geddes, ’90, ’95 (Saturday P.M.)
• Dionne Stanfill, ’23, President of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada
• Matthew Hawn, ’15, ’19, President of the Graduate Student Association
• Brian Sandoval, ’86, President
• Jeffrey Thompson, Executive Vice President and Provost
• Shenea Strader, ’05, ’07, Nevada Alumni Council President
• Jack H. Morse
• Sierra Brass Quintet
• Wolf Pack Quartet
• Brittney May, Director
Nevada Fight Song “Hail to Our Sturdy Men”
Arr. A.G. “Mack” McGranahan “Hornpipe” from Water Music by George Frideric Handel. Arr. Brian Campbell
• Sierra Brass Quintet
Where the Truckee’s snowfed waters, Drop from mountain’s crest, And the meadows meet the sagebrush, By the sun caressed. Cradled by the silver mountains, ‘Neath the western blue, Stands our noble Alma Mater, Our Nevada U.
As the miner on the desert, Prospects ev’ry place, So Nevada seeks the future With an upturned face. Ev’rywhere she gathers knowledge, All that’s good and true, Gives she to her sons and daughters, Of Nevada U.
We will ever live to serve her, Live to give our best, Live to make our Alma Mater Pride of all the West. Let her praises wake the echoes, While we pledge anew, Hearts and minds and hands and voices To Nevada U.
Several songs have served as the Nevada alma mater over the years, including “Beside the Waters of the Truckee,” “U of N So Gay” and “Nevada, My Nevada.” The current alma mater, “Mackay Song,” with words by Jack H. Morse, came into use circa 1955, although its official adoption date is unknown. The earliest version of “Mackay Song” in print was included in the 1924 University Songbook.
Academic costumes date to the 11th and 12th centuries with the first organized institutions of learning in Europe. In 1895, the academic institutions in the United States adopted a code of academic dress that gave this country a beautiful and impressive method of signifying scholastic honors. With the exception of revisions in 1932 and 1959, the code has been virtually unchanged since its inception.
MACE. Once a terrible instrument of medieval close combat, the mace has evolved into an ornamental, ceremonial staff borne at the head of processions marking the beginning of a convocation or commencement.
The black mortarboard is most commonly used in the United States. The tassel, normally worn in the left front quadrant of the cap, is black, although it may be of the color appropriate to the subject of the degree. The tassel on the doctor’s cap is usually made of gold thread.
GOWNS. The bachelor’s gown has a long, pointed sleeve. The master’s gown has an oblong sleeve open at the wrist (or some older gowns may be open near the upper part of the arm). The doctor’s gown is fuller than the others with velvet panels full length on the front and three velvet crossbars on each sleeve in black or in a color distinctive of the subject pertaining to the individual’s degree. The gowns are black except for the doctor’s,
which may be a color representing the institution that awarded the degree. A number of colorful cords and sashes recognizing student achievement and activities are worn by many of the graduates.
HOODS. Academic hoods signify the wearer has received a master’s, doctoral or other advanced degree. The hood, draped over the shoulders and down the back, indicates both the institution granting the degree and the academic area of specialization. The silk lining of the hood represents the color or colors of the institution from which the degree was received. The higher the degree, the more the lining is revealed.
The level of the degree is designated by the length of the hood and the width of the velvet edging. The master’s hood is three-and-one-half feet long, and the doctor’s is four feet long. (The shorter bachelor’s hood is not given at Nevada.)
The velvet edging is three and five inches in width for the master’s and doctor’s degrees, respectively. The color of the velvet signifies the field of learning, such as orange for engineering, green for medicine and gold for science. For Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy degrees, the dark blue color represents mastery of the discipline of learning and scholarship in any field, and is not intended to necessarily represent the field of philosophy.
The University is home to one of the top study abroad organizations in the nation – the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) – and has set the strategic goal of having 15% of all undergraduate students study abroad. Graduates wear a flag sash that indicates the country in which they studied.
Kemmelmeier, DeanAugust 2022
Michael Mounir Abdelmalak
Electrical Engineering Resilience Enhancement Strategies for Modern Power Systems
Pramod Adhikari
Atmospheric Science
Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction based on remote sensing and cloud-resolving modeling over the Central Himalayas
Abdullah Al-Mamun
Computer Science and Engineering
Resource-efficient Blockchains for Reliable Data Management in Large-scale Distributed Systems
Fahim Mashroor Bhuiyan
Civil and Environmental Engineering Development of a New Load Analysis Tool and a Unified p-y Method for Lateral Analysis of Large-Diameter Drilled Shafts Validated Using Load Tests
Lauren Brown Psychology
A Behavior Analytic Account of Stereotype Threat
Christopher James Butcher Physics
Experimental Study of X-ray Production and Implosion Dynamics of Low-, Mid-, and HighAtomic-Number Materials on University-Scale Z-pinch Machines of Various Architecture
Luiz Alberto Carneiro Jr. Mechanical
An Experimental Study of Deformation and Failure of Magnesium Alloys under Multiaxial Stress State
Kefan Chen
Materials Science and Engineering Atomistic Simulation and First Principles Calculation of Interfacial Energetics of Galvanized Advanced High Strength Steels
The Effects of Diagnostic Labeling and Behavioral Attribution on Dementia-Related Stigmatization
Nikhil Dhabarde Chemical Engineering
Photo(electro)catalytic Processes for Producing Value-added Chemicals and Virus Inactivation
Emerson Epstein Psychology
Moderators of Guided and Unguided Self-Help for Depression: The Role of Self-Regulation
Steven John
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
The genes must flow: using movement ecology to understand connectivity of Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations in altered landscapes
Public Health
‘Do No Harm’ Meets Harm Reduction: A Theory-Driven Investigation of ProviderBased Stigma Among Medical Students
Yunchuan Liu
Computer Science and Engineering
Towards Automated Machine Learning on Imperfect Data for Situational Awareness in Power System
Tengfei Ma Mechanical Engineering Understand Lattice Thermal Transport in Hierarchical Structures
Chiral and Achiral Nanographenes: Tuning the Properties via Molecular Design
Genetic Improvement, Genomic Resources Enrichment, and Phenotypic Diversity Assessment of Teff [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter]: A Forage, Fodder, and Highly Nutritious and Glutenfree Grain Crop for Dryland Agriculture
Quantum Mechanical Study of SpinForbidden Reactions in Organometallic Catalysis and Astrochemistry
The Context of Loneliness in Young Adulthood: An Exploratory Examination of the Construct of Thwarted Belongingness
Understanding the Structure and Speciation of Lanthanides Dissolved in LiCl-KCl Eutectic Molten Salt Using Absorption Spectroscopy
Megan Radenhausen
Trauma Skills Program in a Youth Detention Facility
Swasti Saxena
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Toward Development of Site-Specific Vertical Ground Motions for Resiliency of Nuclear Facilities
Cassie E. Skipper
Skeletal phenotypic variation and modern human evolution in Asian populations
Kathryn A. Uckele
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
The Roles of Divergence and Hybridization in Shaping Patterns of Genetic and Phenotypic Variation Across the Evolutionary Continuum in Juniperus and Piper
Saeed Vahed Qaramaleki Chemical Engineering
Nutrient Recovery from Biomass and Agricultural Wastes by Hydrothermal Carbonization Process
Junli Wang
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thermal Decomposition Mechanisms of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Application to Analysis of Total Organofluorine
Kimberly A. Wasik Chemistry
Catalytic Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions
Chelsea Wilhite Psychology
Systematic Examination of the Additive Effects of Humorous Verbal Stimuli on Cooperative Responding During an Analogue Data Entry Work Task
Caleb J. Worker
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology
The Role of the Neuronal (Pro)Renin Receptor in the Regulation of Blood Glucose
Mass and heat transfer processes in magmatic orogens driven by magmatism, tectonic deformation, and surface erosion
Jun Yi
Computer Science and Engineering Towards the Next Generation Highly Scalable Distributed Machine Learning
Zachary Michael Young Geophysics
GPS Studies of Subtle Deformation Signals in the Western United States
Amir H. Zahiri
Mechanical Engineering
Twinning in nanocrystalline materials: an atomistic scale modelling December 2022 Olajumoke D. Adeyiga Chemistry
Activating methane and other small molecules: Computational Study of Zeolites and Actinides
Bashira Akter Anima
Computer Science and Engineering
Valentina Alaasam
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Artificial light at night on avian behavior and physiology
Jose G. Ardila Sanchez Psychology
Behavior cultural studies: A conceptual and historical analysis
Masoud Asgharian Rostami
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
A quantitative approach to estimating community change parameters in diverse systems: from meiofauna to insects
Hazik Asif
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology
Intimations on the Development of Effective Treatment for the Prevention of Preterm Birth: β3 Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in the Human Myometrium
Evangelos Balis Chemical Engineering
An Innovative Membrane DistillationCrystallization Process for Brine Treatment
Demitri D. Call Physics
Suzette Carlisle Flowers
Judicial Studies
Judges Speak Out - Did the Need to Use Distance Technology to Mediate During COVID-19 Outweigh the Potential for Ethical Benefits to Occur During it’s Use?
Elaine Yih-Ning Chu
Anthropology Explorations into postcranial ontogeny using a cross-sectional, contemporary US population
Laura E. Cirillo
Mixed Multivariable Models to Improve Dental Age Estimation in a Worldwide Sample
Stephanie J. Cole
Developing Subadult Sex Estimation Standards Using Adult Morphological Sex Traits and an Ontogenetic Approach
Joshua A. Culpepper
The Response of Mountain Lakes to Environmental Change
Kari Anne Emm
American Indian/Alaska Native Transfer Students Experiences into a Four-Year University.
Economics of Entrepreneurship: Art, Credit, and Training
William A. Fleming Psychology
Andrea N. Forsyth Education
Functional Digital Literacy: Improving Email Skills with Adolescents with Disabilities
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
Mukesh Gautam
Electrical Engineering
Francine Giotto
Animal and Rangeland Sciences
MicroRNAs as biomarkers for meat quality and evidence of absorption of beef-derived microRNAs in the mammalian digestive system.
Callan Jaymes Glover Chemical Engineering
Assessing Environmental Impacts of Resource Recovery from Wastewater Treatment and Dairy Manure Management Using Life Cycle Assessment
A Socio-Hydrologic Assessment of Vulnerability to Changing Mountain Water Supplies
Jeffrey A. Griffin
Political Science
From Epidemic to Endemic: Leadership Decision-Making and Policy Adaptation in Response to Chronic Health Epidemics
Cayla Harvey Materials Science and Engineering Micro-mechanical Investigations of Irradiation Tolerance in Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys Processed into Thin-walled Tubing
Making Caseloads Manageable: A Mixed Methods Study of Special Education Resource Teachers
Environmental Sciences and Health
Maria Sandra Jimenez
“Echandole Ganas”: Latinas in college persevering in STEM
Materials Science and Engineering Exposure and Characterization of Candidate Materials for Use in Supercritical Water Reactors
Stephanie Erin King Speech Pathology
Relationship of Parent-Child Temperament and Parent Responsivity on Language Outcomes in Autistic Children
Srinidhi Lokesh
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Courtney Elizabeth Lyons Social Psychology Risk, Need, and Racial Inequality: A Machine Learning Analysis of Rearrest in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts and Traditional Juvenile Courts
Hammad Malik
Materials Science and Engineering
Staheli L. Meyer Psychology
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
Measuring the Regional Impacts of Pinyon and Juniper Removal on Northern Great Basin Faunal Communities
Elucidating the Role of Quorum Sensing (QS) and Developing QS Modulators for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Its Close Commensal Relative, Streptococcus mitis
Aghata Elins Moreira Da Silva Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Social Psychology
A Social Psychological Investigation of Community Sentiment Toward COVID-19 Mitigation Policies in the Justice System
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
Diet related adaptions across a woodrat hybrid zone
Environmental Sciences and Health Semiarid Land Sustainable Agricultural Practices: The Evaluation of Annual Cover Cropping Systems Influence on Forage Productivity and Short-Term Soil Health Impact.
Ariany Oliveira Santos Nicolich
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology
Muscular dystrophy: from mouse models to small molecule therapies
Using open-source data sharing initiatives to investigate altered white matter connectivity in autism spectrum disorder
Small Molecule Activation by Actinide Species and Transition Metal Species
Camilo A. Pena Bello Sr. Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Characterization of phthalate presence in cattle environment and its effects on epigenetic markers expression and steroidogenesis in bovine granulosa cells
Computer Science and Engineering Scalable and Efficient Machine Learning as a Service
Jonathan B. Reddick-Lau
Effectiveness of Mandatory Online Supplemental Instruction in an Introductory Cell and Molecular Biology Course
Danielle M. Salcido
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
Multi-trophic Interactions and Long-term Volunteer Collected Data: Networks of plantcaterpillar-parasitoid interactions across time, the Americas, and a changing climate
Adarsh Sehgal
Computer Science and Engineering
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Tasks: Manipulation and Sensor Odometry
Chemical Engineering
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of lanthanide coordination structures in water and in faujasite
Nicholas A. Silva Chemical Engineering
Roberta Jeanne Siracuse Counseling and Educational Psychology
Beau J. Smith Mathematics
On the Solvability of Inverse Problems Arising From the Two-Layer Lorenz ‘96 System
Patrick M. Smith Psychology
Rebecca S. Smith-Engh Education
High Leverage Practices and Early Career Teachers
Katie May Snider Social Psychology
Mingrui Song
Civil and Environmental Engineering Improving Potable Reuse Water Quality by Understanding Bulk Organic Matter Present during Advanced Oxidation and N-nitrosodimethylamine Precursors
Kodi L. Summers
Materials Science and Engineering Development of a Novel, Cost-Effective, Open-Source Flow-type Electrochemical Microcell for Localized Corrosion Analysis using Additive Manufacturing Technology
Duc Tran Computer Science and Engineering
Edgar Santiago Villamarin-Cortez
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
Nature’s Stories Preserved in Museums: The value and utility of Natural History Collections and their implications in Ecology, Biogeography and Biodiversity.
Phoebe D. Wagner English
Gathering Futures: Speculative Fiction as a Map for Transforming the Climate Crisis
Margarete A. Walden
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Body Condition, Hatchling Sex Identification, and Somatic Growth of the Mojave Desert Tortoise, Gopherus agassizii
Spencer K. Whitman Hydrogeology
Yang Yang Materials Science and Engineering
Amirhessam Yazdi Computer Science and Engineering
Mohammad Yazdi
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Reducing the Uncertainties in Ground Motion Prediction Equations by Incorporating the Frequency and Amplitude of the Fundamental Peak of the Earthquake Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios
Syed A. Zawad Computer Science and Engineering
Hannah N. Zogg
Cellular and Molecular Biology miR-10b Rescues Diabetes and GI Dysmotility Associated with a Leaky Gut
August 2022
Joyce M. Coleman
Maureen Annemarie Craig
Amanda Linn Gant
Laurielyn Loa
Michelle Thomasina Morrison
Rosetta Romero Williams
Lovdeep Singh Sandhar
Ashley H. Vazeen
December 2022
Trina Beth Belair
Patricia Joye Britt
Stephen Michael Buccambuso
Brian J. Dankowski
Brenda A. Delgado
Jerifaye Basiga Flores
Sarah Marie Peterson
Duncan Langguth
Kendra Lynn Look
Nichole Nex Schultz
Jennifer E. Story-Salacup
Rachel Surryhne
Renee Colleen Todd
Jordan Lowell Traller
Mona Pradip Tramont
Erin K. Tuttle
Robyn Lynn Underhill
Animal and Rangeland Sciences
December 2022
Nathan Jero
Erin Louise Smith
Biochemistry December 2022
Gabriel Angres
August 2022
Victoria Carlynne Defilippi
December 2022
Roopa Kala Attuluri
Lawrence Mitchell Ray Jacklyn Nicole Stuart
Natural Resource and Environmental Science
August 2022
Jason Gundlach
Megan Jean Osterhout
December 2022
Jerrod Merrell
Keenan Seto
August 2022
Irene Louise Richardson
Rocksana Shirin
December 2022
Most Murshida Begum Afsana Mim Khandaker
August 2022
Andrew Brooks Blach
Jason Tyler Gortari
Steven Michael Harrigan
Sahra Hersi
Michelle J. LaBonney
Jacob Andrew Mitchell December 2022
Cole O. Algeyer Alysa Dominguez
Vanessa Esperano Guillen
Samuel Vasquez Gaeta
Olufunke Olanrewaju Hairston
Patrick Richard Hinojosa
Geoffrey Scott Hogueison
Jenaya Meyer
Samantha Santos Portugue Jeffrey Boston Sawyer
December 2022
Lilian Xie
August 2022
Romeo Atoh Achu
Hamid Akbari
Yussef Z. Alshalaldeh
Paula Catherine Boardman
Allen D. Camacho
David E. Carlson
Eugene Choi Daniel Ciminise Henry Curtis
Kendreia Dickens-Carr
Ahmed Mokhtar Mahmoud Elbayer Corina Valentina Elbayer Gaurav Gautam
Andrew G. Gil Natiel Oswald Hagen Ryan Andrew Hoerth
Vineeth George Joseph Matthew Luis Kerns Dan Hilario Kustin
David Miguel Lostra Rutansh H. Nayak
Alexa W. Parker
London Elizabeth Patton
Evan B. Pearson
Rebecca Margarita Reyes
Kelly O’sullivan Robins
Lauren Rushing Akeia Sanders
Austin L. Senecal Isa Sirbegovic Martin Stephens Ricard A. Tache Khurram Dildar Warach Timothy White Brittan Leigh Wilford Mikell Jordanna Zanotto Reese Zunino
August 2022
Cassandra E. Dore
Megan Mary Guslani Justin Kuykendall
Jennifer Dora Means Narges Mohammad Nancy Mues Bahram Vahedi Haley Lynn Webbert Grace Cristine Woodruff
December 2022
Vickey Michelle Alvarez Arkadiusz Bolanowski
Travis D. Bow
Devan C. Boyce
Shannon Roberta Bryant Blake Boyd Cahill
Alexandria C. Cannito
Christie Anne Chaump
Kenia B. Clark
William G. Clayton
Etzal Tonatiuh Corona Amanda Cortes Laurie Diaz Kelly Gonzales Sarah R. Jarrett David Kosta Kassisieh Lan M. Le
Alisha Fawn Little
Brooke L. Locey Matthew McCarthy Mahtab Mosavibarab
Austin Joseph Nilemo Mitchell Andrew Ochrach
Steven Robert O’Connell
Ashna Rupesh Parikh
Scott Peix Jamie Perez-Galvan Md Maksudur Rahman Rohith Ramnath Selena Rodriguez Wen Le Ruan Cynthia Doris Steele
Johann McMillen Thomsen Kalyan Chakravarthy Yesoda
Business Analytics
August 2022
Jessica Carin Johnson
Richard Contreras
Courtney J. Cunneen
Margaret A. Duvall
Jacqueline Eckman
Haniya Shardea Hunt
Amy Elizabeth Larsen
Brittany Nazar Moradian Michelle Sanchez
Evan Michael Schulze
Asa Robert Scranton
Clara Victoria Tamayo
December 2022
Justin Anibi
Caitlin Paige Dalessio
Amadou Diallo
Ryker Ford
Sean Patrick Haney
Shannon Allegre Harney
Daniel Jordan Hayes
James Laurence Larson
Michael Arthur Louton
Katherine Suzanne Mitchell
Rory William Parks Economics
August 2022
Brandon Lee Harnish December 2022
Syeda Barkha
Finance December 2022
Jody Lynn Jensen
Andrew Itua Okosun
Melvin Tang
December 2022
Jared Stuber
Higher Education Administration
December 2022
Rawdha A. Al Salihi Christy Song
Educational Leadership
August 2022
Colin Jarret Curi
Nicanor Rivera Labrague Jr. December 2022
Amanda Michelle Alverson
Maria Soledad Avalos
Adrienne Michelle Avelar
William Keith Baxter
Alyssa Bellows
Breanna Marie Brynjulson
Matthew M. Cope
Amanda Lucette Ferris
Mary Christine Fletcher
Athena Alani Garrison
McKenna Rae Gilliland
Shannon R. Gough
Anthony Grattini
Alexandra A. Harrison
Matthew Lawrence Harrison
Julie Lyn Henderson
Yvette Herrera
Lindsey Bernice Kepner
Andrew Lubrano
Manuel L. Magana
Jennifer Malaterre
Nicholas Ryan Murphy
Bradley William Naughton
Jennifer Okamura
Jessica Marie Oliva
Amanda Peterson
Kevin Michael Purdy
Rachel V. Reuben
Mark Allen Ruesch
Kimberly A. Sisto
Veronica Sudduth Madeline R. Taylor Jessica Webb Whitley
Brianna Musette Wiltse Jennifer Dawn Ybarra
Elementary Education
December 2022
Limmce Martinez-Marquez
English Language Acquisition and Development
August 2022
Jennifer C. Smith December 2022
Samantha M. Bermudez Rhyannon Naomi Marie Jovan
Reading Curriculum and Instruction
December 2022
Rebecca L. Rader Kendyl E. Warren
Secondary Education
August 2022
Abigail Grace Claypool December 2022 April Ann Barber
Harrison Hirst Van Duyne Chadwick Zahra Mahdi Denelle Lynn Padgett
Frances Madeleine Vinlove
Special Education
August 2022
Morgan A. Belli
Lesley Guadalupe Gomez
Aryana Vanessa Martinez Marisa J. Nabong
Marie Amphone Wagner December 2022
Julia G. Curtis
Jennifer Levy
Kristin Ann Prostinak
Michelle A. Vrijenhoek-Dalpe Laurel Winchester
Equity and Diversity in Education
August 2022
Kelly Greathouse
Lauren Young December 2022
Kayla Arena-Giron
Kelsey Duffield
Gina Colleen Gentry
Whitney Alexus Hughes
Kathryn Eileen Jackson
Tia Nicole Jackson
Anna Lee Keith Melissa Rae Kuszmaul
MASTER OF SCIENCE Biomedical Engineering
December 2022
Sung-Hae Yun Chemical Engineering
August 2022
Alexander James Bolt
Linh Dieu Do December 2022
Ravi Devin Obrien
Carlos Philipe Silva Rocha
Civil and Environmental Engineering
August 2022
Fahim Mashroor Bhuiyan
Mohammed Shaker Ibrahim December 2022
Sagar Acharya
Gregory John Aufderheide
Munni Rani Banik
Jeffrey A. Bickett
Matthew Ryan Boog
Mathew Henry Mckinley Butcher
Mohamed Yasser Mohamed Elhadi Eltahlawi
Mohamed Ayman Hosny Shabnam Karambakhsh
Clayton Wesley Nelems
Anh Ky Ngo
Lisa Perryman MacIsaac
Luis Alberto Rocher Neri Sr. Aditya Singh
Kevin Erik Stewart
Mohammad Yazdi
Computer Science and Engineering
August 2022
Ignacio M. Astaburuaga
Christopher J. Lewis
Andrew Logan Washburn
December 2022
Nicholas Alvarez
Daniel Angres
Mukul Badhan
Xu Dong
Khondker Fariha Hossain
Hunter Petersen
Anantha Sai Kumar Popuru
Madison Vialpando Tamanna Yasmin
August 2022
Travis Dail
Dave Espinoza
Quoc Phan
December 2022
Ryan Beckendorf
Meldson Clark Noche Nguedjo
Electrical Engineering
December 2022
Ian Lau Materials Science and Engineering August 2022
Yidi Shen December 2022
Alexander S. Goldman Ty R. Townsend
Donald Alden Williams
Mechanical Engineering August 2022
David Paul Bombara Jr.
Harrison Beckwith Griffin
Austin Perry Lopez
Laura Lum December 2022
Sean Matthew Casement
Brian Dsouza
Jack Allen Gall Frank Pulciano Naima E. Valentin
December 2022
David E. Calvert
Veronica Diann Cooper-Tucker
Alina Gail Croft
Christopher John Darche
Grace Raffaela Gribble
Shelby Lynn Herbert Alejandra D. Rubio
Beatriz Aya Sato
Kingkini Sengupta
Yena Shelly Suh
Tézya T’Keyah Thomas Nadina Fay Wood
December 2022
Danielle Marie Delelio Anna Magdalena Leib Doyle Nicole D. George Dominic Vincenzo Tullo
Criminal Justice December 2022 Enrique Armando Diaz
August 2022
Sterling Mcclellan Hansen December 2022
Shannon Nei-Toka Strickland
Political Science August 2022 Colleen Therese Wilcox Long December 2022 Christopher A. Ciege Jacox Knight
Sociology December 2022
Jacob Cutler Besser Christopher J. Castagnetti Marcia M. Lopez
World Languages and Literatures December 2022
Stephanie Cuevas Evelyn Elva Holland
August 2022
Jamie N. Homm
English: Creative Writing
December 2022
Victoria Beckman
Cory John Bennet
John Bonanni
May Alexandria Freitas Katie Nicole McDowell Mary Denise Mullen
Heather Routh
Visual Art
August 2022
Kyle Lane Karrasch
Megan Aubrey Winegardner December 2022
Erin Cross Lori Illner Greene Jessica Jay Larsen
August 2022
Timothy Patrick Hannon Brian Wesley Jeffcoat Michael Patrick Joyce Daylene Ann Marsh Kevin Mark Smith December 2022 Stephen J. Bishop Kelly Mark Easton John William Valente
August 2022
Daniel Alexander Cuevas December 2022
Ollie Vonzell Hernandez
Kane Michael Martinez Bentlee Lamont Sanders
Music - Performance
December 2022
Nicholas A. Bentz
Darian Christian Larsen
David James Isaac Woodley White
Public Administration and Policy
December 2022
Drew M. Franklin
Jodi Lynn Fraser
Joshua J. Lewis
Amber Lyn Rieger
Tyler James Shaw
Grace Ann Whited
August 2022
Jake Thomas Bendicion
Michael P. Booker
Corey Benjamin Carr
Marcos E. Cota
Roxana Damian
Jenna Marie Dramise
Kailee R. Finkbeiner
Justine Ibanez Ipac
Ashley Carol-Lin Jacks
Monica Ledezma
Ali Marie Lostra
Ariana Amaris Martinez-Davila
Roseleen Meade
Rachael Aline Papez
Margaret Denny Patterson
Andi Ze’ev Piper
Benjamin A. Portillo Dominguez
Preston Edward Reugebrink
Ryan Alan Swanson
Jared Talancon
Tessa Thull
Jessica Frances Tidd
Corrine Corlea VanDeMaele Mason Shane Yates
MASTER OF SCIENCE Speech Pathology and Audiology
August 2022
Mercedes Desiree Baggett
Heidi Kelly
August 2022
Evan William Fox
December 2022
Maria Durazo
Candace L. Stevenson
August 2022
Kyrstyn Sara Adams
Christina Grace Aubert
Patricia Lynn Brouhard
Amanda Nicole Brown
Danielle Cynthia Charles Tami May Conn
Chayna Darian Corpuz
Amanda Cumberbatch
Jennifer T. Gomez
Isabella Marie Gonzalez Arianna Gregg Shaniah Haskins
Gordon Waileong Ho
McKayla Marie Leggett
Nicole Mwalili
Shaun Christopher O’Malley
Phyllis Amanda Salamy
Arianna Mari Salas
Cecilia Marie Smith
Emily Kate Solomon
Valerie Swanson Zoltan Teglassy
Mariah Alyse Theis
December 2022
Truphosa Aswani
Avery J. Baldwin
Eliana Bernal
Destini Alaisha Cooper
Nina Cuadra Casillas
Elizabeth Cupolo
Breanna Denise Di Pinto
Daniel Ross DiChiara
Saundra J. Embry
Rahel Falla
Jennifer Joanna Hall
Sarah Chan Karlen Devaki Menon Kimberly W. Sarver Brooke Silva
Taylor Damon Stokes Tenyamen Thomas Sarah Michelle White
December 2022
Terralyn L. Tiffer
December 2022
Stephanie Anne Bartz
August 2022
Ryan Patrick Meehan
Geological Engineering
December 2022
Madeline Fontaine
August 2022
Ethan Ross Leuchter
Atticus Munro Proctor
December 2022
Nicholas Hillemeyer
Gary Allen McGaughey
Grant Cameron McKnight
Mathematics December 2022
Robert Jakob Fisch
Metallurgical Engineering December 2022
Jessica K. Link Physics December 2022
Nuvraj Kaur Bilkhu
Christopher J. Mallon
Levi R. Ratto
December 2022
Taissa K. Lytchenko
Alexander F. Nieto
Alex Richardson
Kathleen L. Wiley
Mackenzie Victoria Wise
Statistics and Data Science
December 2022
Will Garrett Bliss
Jacob C. Ellis
Tokiko Kikuch
August 2022
Vianey Elizabeth Abad Macedo
Margaret Louise Campbell Yesenia Ivet Cardona
Kimisha Causey
Monica Clifton
Megan Christine Diaz Kaitlyn Divine Elissa Cae Evans Mayra Gonzalez
Emily Guthrie
Alondra Kristal Gutierrez De Alba
Erica Ryan Hansen
Arleta Harris
Lauren Nichole Hash Pritpal Kaur Heera
Vanessa Iniestra
Amanda Nicole Jorgenson
Christopher A. Keil
Michelle Anne Kirkland
Shancy Leeanne Kirmeyer
Dominique Chnee Lee Bowie
Sydney A. Lockard
Brittany Ann Loyd
Jazzmin Marquez
Carolle L. Martindale
Sara Elena Martinez Bueno
ShaRee B. Mathews
Jennifer Nichole Mercier
Callie Ann Mooney
Danielle Anne Neef-Dawes
Danielle Nicole O’Brien
Victoria Pineda
Jessica Nicole Portis
Danielle Karina Maria Rawlinson
Yvette Nelia Ruiz
Amanda Koren Spletter
Rachel Lynn Squires
Tara L. Swartz
Brian Vasquez
December 2022
Kashawn Humza Amjad Annette Anderson
Enrico Antonio Picazo Arevalo Jr. Lydia Justine Morse
Richard Neil Boersig Tanya Lynne Brownrigg
Krystal Dawn Cuen Carissa Callie Dawson-Webb
Jaime Esparza
Rebecca Denisse Espinoza Tanisia Diana Floyd Argenis Gallegos
Melissa Gerwe
Alessandra Elaine Granucci Barbara Jean A. Hernandez Mary E. Hernandez Dakota Howard Sydney Jane Hill Daneya M. Kelley Briana Emely Lazo Rodriguez
Luciana Dantas Lemos Ashley Marie Massey Rachel Mauden Miranda Jade McWilliams James Lucas O’Hara Monicarose Chua Orozco Sarynn Rosemarie Pentland Beth Perkins
Zàire E. Persley Hurt Brittney D. Plaisted Miguel Angel Porcayo Hannah Catherine Richardson Lauren Rios
Tiffany Legier Carla Michel Salazar Carmen Marie Shaw Chloe Jae Smit Kyndra Leigh Thomas Veronica Lupe Toaetolu Yvette Torres Albert Tran Vera Geanne Trout April Vadnais
Shannon Michelle Walker
Jillian Mariah Young
Social Psychology
December 2022 Sampada Karandikar
Cellular and Molecular Biology
December 2022
Adrian J. Lopez Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
August 2022 Wade Plafcan December 2022 Jeremy Steven Adkins Rosemary Frederick Laura Cecilia Shriver Environmental Sciences and Health December 2022
Mona Farnisa Akwasi Opoku Miguel Torres Hydrogeology
August 2022 Porraket Dechdacho Dylan Klaus Morlang Hydrology
August 2022 Cara Piske December 2022 Kevin Duggan Neuroscience December 2022 Mevini Aponsu
William Payne, Dean
Agricultural Science
August 2022
Kyler Victor Stassi
December 2022
Rheanna Jackson
Trishtin Lieu
Gracelyn Joy Meddles
Kristin Elise Morrison
Jose Velazquez
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
December 2022
Shayan Andrew Bazaz Jazayeri
Robert Lex Beloat III
Deborah Elizabeth Brady
Margaret Rose Dial
Delana Xin Fei Fiscus
Austin James Gibson
Summer Marala Hales
Jakob Robert McNamara
Anastasiya Radchenko
Everett Rojas
Ozzie L. Tavares
Carlo Anthony Zamboni
December 2022
Georgina M. Ramos Gavarrete
Joshua Soriano
Environmental Science
August 2022
Hunter Christopher Bartone
Alexandra Lee-Sang
Julia Elizabeth Mason
December 2022
Devin Edward Lewis Alston
Clayton Orion Apalategui
Cade Cole Billingsley
Todd W. Brandt
Elsie Lyon Childress
Ryan Jackson Foster
Patricia Galtieri
Austin Robert Jastrab
Eden Elizabeth Loos
Matthew Joseph Medina
Jocelyn Michelle Najera
Kyra Nicholas
Abby Lynne Olsen
Mila Bethany Opalenik
Michael Turner Ost
Justin D. Phetteplace
Emilie Grace Prudhomme
Joshua Ryan Sapper
Forest Ecology and Management
August 2022
Kevin Salvador Charpentier December 2022
Airica A. Gallaspy
Tanner James Gantenbein
Rian Michelle Land
Samantha Sanchez-Sotelo
Morgan Taylor Trocke
August 2022
Meghan Danielle Jackson
William Christopher Sparks
December 2022
Samantha Nichol Defalco
Shelby Foster
Emma Lucille Graff
David Lee
Rachella Grace A. Pagador
Valeria Rebecca Spinelli
Qinyun Xu
Haydn Nicholas Young
Geoffrey Zuckerman
Rangeland Ecology and Management
December 2022
Elsie Lyon Childress B Austin Lemons
Samantha Brooke Martinez
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
August 2022
Shane Brian Andrews
December 2022
Everett Woodson Cook
Gannan Jame Daugherty
Molly Francis Farro
Rachel Alexandra Hartman
Neil Maxl Janes
Dalton Shane Kinamon
Logan Klonicke
Emily Graham Low
Mason Marin
Zoe Evelyn Mason
Patrick Norman Morrow
Anastasia Pasela
Ridge Lloyd Ricketts
Emma Irene Sahaida
Bryceton Cody Schilling
Victoria Anne Wrubel
August 2022
Karen Beckett
Alexandra Marie Dash
December 2022
Mickaela M. Aguiniga
Lilly Sylvia Cleymaet
Stephanie Crowley
Margarita Gallegos
Morgan Elyse Gayden
Jennifer Gentry
Ashlyn J. Lil Chi Chem Hedrick
Sydney Shannon Kent
Alexis Rene Kruljac
Morgan Landi
Sonia Ojeda
Olivia Alexis Ross Dee
Parker Coley Strong-O’Brien
Natalie Verduzco
Taylor Nicole Zirkle
Gregory Mosier, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS
December 2022
Natasha Franzen
Courtney Fei Miller
Valentina Ossio-Marin
August 2022
Allen Victor Petrovich
H Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude B Commissioned as an Army second lieutenant• Environmental Science
• Rangeland Ecology and Management
Gold Medal is sponsored by the Thelma B. and Thomas P. Hart Foundation and the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation.
The University of Nevada Alumni Association honors, from each college, one graduating student who meets the Association’s standards for scholastic achievement. Each Senior Scholar selects a faculty member who played the most significant role in their educational development.
College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources
Scholar: Elsie Lyon Childress
Mentor: Tamzen Stringham
College of Business Scholar: Sarah Anne Danen
Mentor: Krishna Pagilla College of Education and Human Development
Scholar: Cameron John Emerson Mentor: Jessica Gallo
College of Engineering Scholar: Nicholas Tyler Ang Mentor: Keith Lancaster
Honors College Scholar: Kaitlynn Ashley Petrovich
Mentor: Amy Millsaps
Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism Scholar: Katelyn Elli Rose Welsh Mentor: David Calvert
College of Liberal Arts Scholar: Nicole Gianna Molino Pajarillo Mentor: Dmitri Atapine
Orvis School of Nursing Scholar: Kaitlynn Ashley Petrovich
Mentor: Amy Millsaps
School of Public Health Scholar: Gabrielle Serafim Mentor: Grace Leal
College of Science Scholar: Megan Eileen Perry Mentor: Jennifer Hollander
Alex Joseph Williams
December 2022
Luis Fernando Acosta
Kameron Elliott Bell
Audrey Alexandra Bertrand
Sarah Anne Danen
Joshua Fung
Alec Christman Hammonds
Alexa Nicole Heiden
Fearghus Aidan Keitz
Makayla Sue McCormack
Randi Jo McGuire
Martin Mena
Abel Gabrial Perez
Connor Waitt Pickert
Amanda Maria Welter
Andrew Michael West
Jesse G. Cardenas
Elissa Ilo Cumelis
Patrick C. Falkensammer
William James Hayes, III
Ryan James Smith
August 2022
Jack Christopher Bolduc
Andrea Renee Bzinak
Benjamin Cedric Campi
Daniel Dudockin
Marco Antonio Garcia Murillo
Trey William Hamilton
Cameron Daniel Johnson
Hunter Jason Kitzmiller
Dylan Mitchell Martinez
Cade Archer McCusker
Alex Pack
Nicholas Joseph Padilla
Adam Michael Saich
Alexander Jeremy Speer
Christopher Tugbah Tieh
Noah R. Walker
December 2022
Accounting / Information Systems
August 2022
Robert G. McKay December 2022
Megan Rose Kelley
Connor Monte Lenzora
Alexis Maria Pabon
August 2022
Jack Christopher Bolduc
Daniel Dudockin
Trey William Hamilton
Cristian Blas Molto Herrera
James Franklin McEnulty
Stephen Michael Murphy
Autumn Zemski
December 2022
Paul Daniel Abawi
Jacob M. Bowers
Abdulrhman Saleh A. Alabdulkareem
Garrett C. Altus
Armando Ayala Bibriezca
Sophia Dianne Billharz
Josiah Carl Bradley
Alan Alejandro Camacho
Vladimir Chepurnykh
Kevin Kashing Chu
B Jackson Whelan Esparza
Patrick C. Falkensammer
Brendan Masao Firth
Ryan Michael Flannigan
Joseph Anthony Francis Jr.
Jeff Edward Gates
Bradley Gillenwater
Alec Christman Hammonds
Jack William Harris
Peyton Marie Hendricks Aleksandr Scott Humston
Jacob Charles Van Cise Accounting Awarded Posthumously The Herz Elsie Lyon Childress CABNR & Honors CollegeFearghus Aidan Keitz
Thomas J. Klippenstein
Daniel Kata Langi
Curtis Erickson Lee
Jonathan Patrick Lenci
Cole Michael Liske
Adam Jeffrey Moore
Jimena Murillo
Cole Thay Ngu
Jackson Paul Norried
Thomas Patrick Oskam-Mouton
Khanh Ngoc Pham
Rei Charles Robinett
Matthew Jeffrey Roth
David Morgan Ruiz
Brantley Steven Saunders
Hannah Michael Serbin
Ethan Thomas Siems
Gregory Austin Sperry
Nicholas George Sundstrom
Alex Zhang
General Business
August 2022
Mitchell Scott Abbott
Adonis Lamar Hatwood, III
Thomas James Hayward, VI
Shauna Marie Jones
Haley Shea Luke
Aleea Mei McGill-Howe
Ryan Joesph Middlekauff
Christina Miller
Eric Michael Mosbacher
Andrew Donald Salas
Tessa Rae Singer
December 2022
Perry Benjamin Adler
Annie Brejc
Olivia Mae Bui
Aaron Douglas Burns
Romilyn Malaya Carreon
Amanda Sue Cash
Jose G. Conchas Vargas
Joseph Clyde Conner
Daniel William Doyle
Colton Forman
Manuel J. Gomez
Hillary Trequitta Hill
Quinn Alec Hoelzer
Douglas Benson Jones
Nicholas Paul Miller
Summer Rae Noorani
Adanary Cristalin Ortega
Alexis Radilla
Jacob Bryan Van Wagoner
Jeremy Lundt Watland
Jeremy Wiest
Kayci Yates Information Systems
August 2022
Bailey Charles Alexander Gavin Sanchez
December 2022
Adrian Fernandez Alejo
Benjamin David Andersen
Robert James Anderson
Christopher Robin Blanchard
Samuel Gregory Buchholz
Tien Nhut Che
Joseph Tyler DiRaffaele
Duan Erasmus
Kristian De Leon Fernandez
Manuel J. Gomez
Ryan James Gray
Nathan Edward Hawkins
Nolan Paul Hermanns
Mitchell Palmer Hyde
Daniel Ledezma
Ryan Dam Lee
Randi Jo McGuire
Jackson Paul Miers
Arielle Lyn Molloy
Rachel Park
Elise Jean Passow
Sal Rahimi
Colin Dean Rogers
Kenneth Kyle Saronghilo
Preet Shah
Joshua Jeffrey Shaheen
Kevin Ruihan Shi
Ming Yin Sin
Austin Anthony Smith
Habum Song
Richard Kyle Stafford
Brandon Gibb Thorpe Samerawit Tilahun Tibebu
Donavan Tyler Whitfield
Thomas Calvin Yee
International Business
August 2022
Charles Noah Huffman-Luna
Shelby Renee Shaffer
December 2022
Colby Sean Baum
Alex Daniel Becerra
Maia Huynh Ngan Che
Elissa Ilo Cumelis Cindy Daniela Hernandez Tyler Wolcott Howlett Gisselle Martinez Cole Thay Ngu Rhoades Michael Stewart
August 2022
Anonti Ali
Steven Forrest Anderson
Jessica Louise Baker
Sydney Amanda Beard
Alexander William Cook
Tristan Allen Coursey
Carlos Espinoza Lopez
Subah Neha Islam
Karla Vianey Jara Guerrero
Ava Kathryn Loos
Ethan Lee Ludwig
Conor Aloysius McCarthy
Gerard Michael Pender
Stefano Nikko Shishido
Lauren Ashleigh Skipper
Jackson Richard Stoever
Frida Monzerratd Villa Chavez
December 2022
Spencer Thomas Alvarado
Hunter Cole Banovich
Lizette Becerra
Donovan Carter
Kyle Spencer Chapman
William Anthony Chavez-Cortez
Matthew Joseph Checchi
Dylan Andrew Collins
Josie Corona
Sydney Alyse Denham
Danny Alfonso Diaz
Matthew R. Freem
Aaron James Frost
Chanel Garibay
Joseph Declan Geddes
Ruth Gomez-Martinez
Chaz Edward Gray
Nicolas Dylan Haag
Trevor Paul Huffman
Darrell Brian Hurlburt
Jacob Anthony Kath
Evan Michael Koontz
Collin Jeffery Lane
Savana M. Lehane
Ricardo Lucio Galvan
Dawson Joseph Martin
Lindsey Randall Martin
Katherine Mayne
Garrett Thomas McClure
Madeline Rae McLauchlin
B Brennan James McNamara
Cody Brennan Moore
Sebastian Mora
Savannah C. Norman
Alex Daniel Nunez
Aubrey Eileen Painter
Nolan Rohit Raj
Kenneth Ezekial Rodriguez
Gabriel Allen Bautista Roman
Emily Ann Rowe
Tanner Payne Ruschell
Oliver Jani Saah
Terrence James Simpson
B Parker William Spencer
Carter James Thoms
Joel William Hunter Tomlinson
Ethan Shigeso Tsuneta
Sabrina A. Velazquez Hernandez
Brian Kent Walters Jr.
Natalie Brooke Wirth
Nolan Michael Zaslove
August 2022
Cole F. Andre
Carlos Espinoza Lopez
Ryan Christopher Hammers
Kaitlynn Ashley Hibdon
Michael-Anne Marie Hougland
Spencer R. Jackson
Anthony Michael Martinez
Robert McBeath
Jacob Edward Miley
Daniel Adam Mujica
Rachel Anne Murphy
James William O’Hanlon
Henry Bruce Pendleton
Alyssa Teresa Poudrier
Nico Michael Salvemini
Jackson Richard Stoever
Jesse R. Stone
Travis Allen Taylor
Christopher Michael Wiese
Quincy Mae Youngs
December 2022
David Anthony Abbatangelo
Samuel Thomas Anastassatos
Justin David Baker
Noah Rene Blom
Delaney Ann-Michele Bruce
Kyle Spencer Chapman
Danny Alfonso Diaz
Devin Adam Downs
Ashlenn Eileen Gilmore
Chaz Edward Gray
Gabriella Christina Guerrera
Matthew A. Harkness
Matthew Peter Hodgson
Devyn Lloree Howard
Christian J. Dominguez Huerta
Gabrielle Elizabeth Kahl
Serena Eve Kase
Parneet Kaur
Sayaka Koike
Cameron Joseph Kygar
Mitchell Frank Ledda
Matea Leonila Mandeville
Cole Patrick Mannina
Andrew Bryant Miley
Sevak Petrossians
Grant Andrew Plummer
Eduardo Quinonez
Alexandra Renee Ross
Morgan Jacob Slama
Colt Mackenzie Smiley
Lindsay Sogn Stover Madison Kailey Stretch
Madison G. Taylor
Haley Malyn Rich Thomas
Matthew Thomas Thompson
Carter James Thoms Jaylene McCall Tobin Sabrina A. Velazquez Hernandez
Donald Easton-Brooks, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Education
December 2022
Betsy Alger
Emma Alexis Crowell
Nicola C. Evans
Esmeralda Garcia
Crystal Preciado-Ramirez
Secondary Education
August 2022
Sugar Chelsea Joy Holman December 2022
Alexander Rafael Arango
Sarah Christace Bennett
Alyssa Campbell
Kenneth Tyler Choi
Lydia Anita Christian
Bryce Michael Delong
Cameron John Emerson
Melissa Ann Estep
Samantha Aubrey Flint Luz Yvonne Juarez Megan Sue Kelly
Kasey Alexander Reisinger Kaylee Ann Waddell
Human Development and Family Science
August 2022
Aundre Anthony Carter Jr. Jacqueline Rose Goddard
Liliana Munoz
Alejandro Murillo
Clarissa Pintor Gonzalez
Ezekiel Maxwell Robbins
December 2022
Michelle Alejandra Azenon
Katherine Jon Baltzer
Ashlyn Brynn Beerman
Desiree Marie Cabacar
Janea Campbell
Candy Cannon
Gabrielle Claire Clark
Mikayla Jane Dance
Sierra Star Analla Deaton
Sarah Jessica Tuliao Fink
Kylie Rebekah Gibson
Bailey M. Gonzales
Ruthann Gonzales
Claire Marie Hale
Hana Hatsuko Law
Avery Marie McFarlin
Kiara Lee Moffett
Anthony Moreno
Diana Vanessa Nunez Cruz
Kosei Otsu
Monica Pang
Breanna Taylor Pendley
Jennifer Ester Perez
Kelsie Paige Porter
Emma Neely Robinson
Veronica Shaffer
Rosa Maria Tamayo Rodriguez
Isabel Tapp Thornton
Dayna Torrecillas
Savanna L. Tzortzis
Samantha Marie Ulrich
Human Development and Family Studies
August 2022
Michaela Nancy Brewer
Isabella Zoe Stathis
December 2022
Lizbeth Maria Becerra
Rebecca Fan Mei Chen
Kailey Edwards Sydney Kalakau
Jordyn Rae Olvera Melisa Lynn Shepherd Sarah Ashley Sproul Luis Torres
Integrated Elementary Teaching
December 2022
Allex Bradley Walema Abbie
Payton Mary Barozzi
Andrew Seth Bergevin
Chyanne Marie Bowden
Kaitlyn Jordan Chacon
Taylor Caitlyn Crowley
Alexandra Janae Demaranville
Mikayla Rose Emlay
Kaleigh Gene Evanchak
RaeLynn Rose Ford
Veronica Erin Gardella
Milagros Francesca Gegen
Alayna Janae Grosz
Andrea Linn Holden
Kiley Marie Kautz
Marisol Luna Estrada
Margaret Rose Malone
Alexandra Manzo
Breana McFarlane
Nestor Gonzalez Miramontes
Kalyn Payton Charles
Emma Jayne Pray
Taylor Justine Pugh
Madison Reed Rawson
Holly Christine Rigsby
Emily Catherine Schnell
Shalyce Emili-Jean Schultz
McKenzie Morgan Shady
Erica Nicole Short
Violet Flor Simental
Madison Michaela Simon
Carissa Weber
Amanda Williams
Emily E. Wright
Annika Alexa Zinio
Secondary Education
December 2022
Kyle A. Carsen Burge
Natalie Elizabeth Harmor
Sydney Hughes
Ariel Ytayetzi Perez
Emilie Grace Prudhomme
Rebekah Louise Rowe
Hailey Nicole Smith
Abigail Guadalupe Uribe
Erick Jones, Dean
August 2022
Ryland Donald Rumer
December 2022
Connor Joseph Witherspoon
December 2022
Mateo M. Davis
August 2022
Aspen Fordin
December 2022
Tanjina Alam
Danyal Ali
Carson Raymond Buxton
Erik William Fine
Joseph Paul Gallien
Logan Knight Johnson
Tony T. Loi
Kaitlynn Denae Mattern
Ryan Allan Mitlyng
Khoa Ho Anh Nguyen
Anthony Jess Nicholson
Marco A. Ortega-Andrade
Manuel Alejandro Pizana-Rivas
Anthony Mario Rhodes
Antoinette Rose
Noah Adam Edward Shek
Amanda Nicole Singleton
Olivia Tahti
Vanessa F. Vazquez
Katherine Patricia Weber
Ryne Keith Zapotoczny
August 2022
John Joseph Baumb
Connor Samuel Johnson
Daniela Alejandro Martinez
Dalton Hunter Tracy
December 2022
Nicholas Tyler Ang
Crystal Abegaile Atoz
Brandon Matthew Banuelos
Andrew Okkyu Beck
Tyler John Becker
Kaleb Matthew Cansdale
Austen Quoc Chu
Jakob Rylei Delossantos
Michael Alexander Dorado
Daniil Fedunov
Albert Gaban Galang
Sarah Ann Goolsby
Fred Edward Green, III
Emerson Taggart Havener
Raymond G. Heinzelman
Philip Leigh Hensley
Nasrin Sultana Juana
Rommel Desiderio Macatlang Jr.
Ethan Michael Mahoney
Antonio Jospeh Massa
Hugo Mazariego
Kristen Amelia Miller
Mark Michael Minkoff
Charles Conor Pezeshki
Christian Scott Pilley
Bryson Anthony Reese
Ulysses Rivera
Austin Edward Schrage
Alexander Emanuel Tello
Prim Wandeevong
Nicholas Hugo Ward Mackenzie Zappe
August 2022
Joseph Alan Dailey
Ryland Donald Rumer
Evan Edward Wiseman
December 2022
Hamzah Almajed
Andrew Nathan Cunningham
Aaron Calara Duigan
Frankie Hoan Lai
Raul Lopez-Camarena
Victor Guillermo Reynosa
Jerry S. Sanchez
Connor Joseph Witherspoon
December 2022
Trevor Nicholas Thom
December 2022
Justin Robert Clark
Eduard Andre Fonseca-Garcia
Coby Owen Gualano
Kayla Janae Hui
Brandon Ken Koyama
Zachary Robert Materne
Alisa Katherine Prary Olivia Tahti
August 2022
Joshua Dylan Long
Jay Cole Rieckers
Benjamin Richard Roller
December 2022
Kimberley Arlene Aguilar
Kevin Joseph Cote
Adrian Francis Grimaud
Logan Robert Jorgensen
Jake Thomas Kinsella
Ethan Lee Labson
Jordan Latham-Kapitz
Max Thomas Lippold
Justin Everett MacQuiddy
Michael Cole Mattoon
Leonardo M. Perez
Morgan Graham Priest
Sean William Rolandelli
Daniela Guadalupe Saldate
Ashley Tiffany Schoech
Jena Marie Schramm
Dylan Sweikert
Tyler Joseph Tressler
Corey James Wilkins
Luc Josef Zwyssig
Alan Stavitsky, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS
August 2022
Lauren Lee Benson
Samantha Claire Degnan
David Santos Delfin
Tyler Christopher Hammers
Natalie Lynn Newman
Hannah Grace Reizenstein
Jesse R. Stone
December 2022
Jordan Ashlee Bader
Kealani Espinda
Joseph Manuel Fagundes
Tara Marie Fejfar
Sydney Jordan Fischer
Amelia F. Sachiko Fuentes
Matt Philip Hanifan
Makayla Hardy
Angeli Sydiongco Laguardia
Luis Martinez
Leslie Mailin Medina
Kilee Kisha Mendiola
Maira Clarisa Miranda Tejeda
Sydney Paige Oliver
Robert Michael Quaintance
Russell Allan Reinap
Charles Aubrey Riggs
Jalen Robinson
Stone Kellan Suess
Jacob Weckesser
Katelyn Elli Rose Welsh
Casilde Isabelli, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS
August 2022
Alicia del Carmen Arana
Gaia Elena Paola Osborne
December 2022
Nathan Xavier Acuna
Cole Richard Bever
Madison Cora Brown
Kalayah Ranae Dupree
Jessica Brianna Jimenez
Julia Ann Regan
Donovan Jordan Williams
August 2022
Sahmeen A. Akhtar
Julia Rae Flippo
Annemarie Rose Vogedes
December 2022
Grace Michelle Aramanda
Celeste Hanford
Noel Evangeline Johnson
Sara Jessica Kirwan
Joshua Richard Martin
Clark Jason Norris
Makenna Claire Poushay
Joseph Alexander Quintos
Ricardo Rubalcaba-Paredes
Madeline Ann Sims
Kamille Louise Soderstrom
Isabela Maria-Elena Vining
December 2022
Gabrielle Kortemeier
Sofia Marie Lombardo Hailey Elizabeth Tomanicek
Communication Studies
August 2022
Maxwell Scott McChesney Hamish Robert McClure
Cierra Lynette Messmore Warren M. Washington Cole J. Watts
December 2022
Vanessa Kathleen Brownlee Michael Jerry Denis
Julia Elizabeth Eck
Garrett Steven Jones Nicole Marie Lanigan Joshua D. Little
Cole Michael McNeil Charles Aubrey Riggs Jalen Robinson
Ryan Raul Rodriguez Michal Stolarski
Jylyan Quezon Velasco Cade Alexander Wickwire Liam T. Ziminske
August 2022
Jessie Fleming
Curtis Garcia
Quinlan Alexander Jimosse
Brooke Caitlyn Micone
Gaia Elena Paola Osborne
Reece Willem Ryan
December 2022
Alexander Rafael Arango
Sarah Christace Bennett Alyssa Campbell
Kenneth Tyler Choi
Bryce Michael Delong
Cameron John Emerson
Samantha Aubrey Flint
Robert William Foxworth
Angel Eduardo Garcia Renteria
Kayleen G. Garrick
Amanda Alice Harrison Nicholas T. Huffman
Bailey Hvegholm
Stormy Nicole Lewis
Allison Cate Lorenzetti
Ariana Elena Micale
Grace Lillian Nichols
Alexandra Mabel Pappa
Kimberly Potts
Sophia Rose Robinson
Consuelo Sabrina Santana
Randy M. Schacherl
Tucker Trey Scozzafava
Seanna May Simpson
Kaylee Ann Waddell
August 2022
Izabella Mina Smith
December 2022
Stephanie Crowley Sean Thomas Goldstone
Kamille Louise Soderstrom Kyle Lloyd Wyman
Zifan Brady Yang
Gender, Race, and Identity
August 2022
Sage Anthony Durham December 2022
Catherine Elizabeth Polley Aaron Jamal Searight
August 2022
Kyle William Hill
Jake Ryan Morrison
Henri Maindret Vatinel Cooper James Woodliff
December 2022
Jordan Abshire
Samantha Erin Clements
Connor Dandridge
Melissa Ann Estep
Natalie Grossman
Brooke Noelle Hansen
John Paul Hill
Jessica Brianna Jimenez
Luz Yvonne Juarez
Megan Sue Kelly
Dwayne Thomas McDavid Jr.
Tessa Claire Rosenthal
Carie Mae Sison
Colton Bryce Sterkel
Donovan Jordan Williams
Hailey Breeann Williams
Spencer David Wines
International Affairs
August 2022
Evan Drew Campos
Makenzie Leeann Clark
Quinn Aaron Hanchett
Tyler Chase Nied
Izabella Mina Smith
Tatum Beryl Wertz
December 2022
Emily Dayle Aikin
Emma Leighanne Brady
Garrecht Jacob Kitchens
Valentina Ossio-Marin
Claudia P. Paur
Steve Robles Ramirez
Kyle Lloyd Wyman
August 2022
Joyce Oliveira de Barros
Musical Theatre
December 2022
Jasmine Lee Johnson
August 2022
Adam Michael Ainsley
Lyndsie Jae Beebe
Bryce Alan Bell
Jacob William Zabel
December 2022
Cora Beckwith
Lexxie Hall
Mykel Lord Parris
Political Science
August 2022
Adam Michael Ainsley
Joseph Ryan Anderer
Christian Andre Arino
Evan Drew Campos
Justin Gregory Gatrell
Esha Gill
Maxwell Scott McChesney
Alexis Rose Randolph
Jorge Salas Cardenas
Patricia Renee Tomczak
Cole J. Watts
December 2022
Olivia Christie
Samantha Erin Clements
Connor Dandridge
Daniel Eduardo Escovar
Sydney Jordan Fischer
Natasha Franzen
Lexxie Hall
Garrett Steven Jones
Karanjot Kaur
Carlos Osvaldo Lara
Sofia Marie Lombardo
Brianna Nicole Moses
Valerie Anne Nyerick
Steve Robles Ramirez
Aidan John Zelko
August 2022
Mark Alexander Chester
Makenzie Leeann Clark
December 2022
Hilal Adem
Jacob Steven Costa
Catherine Elizabeth Polley
August 2022
Taylor Kathryn Ewing
Kate Jannelle Rye
December 2022
Emily Dayle Aikin
Diana Yadira Alvarado
Deborah Elizabeth Brady
Callie Brianne Brokaw
Ariannah Anahi Enriquez
RaeLynn Rose Ford
Wes Hunter Fullmer
Hannah Gray
Sage Marie Hart
Garrett Steven Jones
Carlos Antonio Lara Hernandez
Jakob Robert McNamara
Leslie Mailin Medina
Maira Clarisa Miranda Tejeda
December 2022
Amanda Frances Bober
Katherine Marie Darragh
Makayla Hardy
Jayton James Newbury Ilyana Larae Nightingale
August 2022
Ryan Randolph Brandt
Nicholas Wyatt Councilman
Joseph Cox
Noah Ryan Fry
Cameron Jay Harper
Eva Kaur Judge
Baria Kalsoom
Cody Phillip Morrison
Ariana Lucia Rodriguez
Oscar De Jesus Romo Jr.
Shelby Autumn Smith
Emily Elaine Vaughn
Ashlee Jayde Wallace
Rhogin VanWilliam Youngblood
December 2022
Jorge A. Astaburuaga Gonzalez
Kristine M. Cambunga
Hope Leah Cronan
Theresa A. Cuenca
Emily Evon Dack
Trevor Dawley
Bailey Lynn Donohoe
Sydney Marie Drost
Ariannah Anahi Enriquez
Haley Nicole Gilmer
Sarah Kathleen Irene Glaser
Jose Felix Gonzalez
Elise Ruth Gustavson
Dakota James Harman
Sage Marie Hart
Jeffrey Donald Holland
Taylor Christine Ingram
Jacob Daniel Jackson
Mariah Jenea Jackson
Chelsey Helene Kooreman
Rheann Kay Laubach
Sean Hyun Lee
Natalie Marie Lemmon
Stormy Nicole Lewis
Kiernyn Monique Loring
Michael Raymond Mainini
William Richard Marchese, II
Maria De Jesus Martinez Aguilera
Summer Nichole Mather
Tyler Lamond Mills
Brianna Nicole Moses
Erin Michele Murray
Alexandra V. Norris Rocaberte
Jamie Elizabeth Penate Lopez
Madison Joanne Polizziani
Jana Danielle Pope
Leonard Ransler
Jeffrey Christopher Reynolds
Taylor Nicole Richardson
Brynn P. Robella
Madelaine Abigail Shek
Hannah Christine Small
Kendal S. Kalaimaikalani Stovall
Tevita Pilimilose Tu’ihalangingie
Sheila Valles Hernandez
Justin Carl Weiss
Hailey Breeann Williams
August 2022
David Santos Delfin
Hasler R. Gomez
Graphic Design
August 2022
Rachel Kate Dailey
December 2022
Mina Lenore Barnato
Naomi Kera Cook
Applied Music
December 2022
Benjamin George Moss Ghusn
Alexander Royce Hawvichorst
John Humphreys
Music Education
December 2022
Nicole Gianna Molino Pajarillo
Nathan Warren Tilley
Paul J. Hauptman, Dean
Speech Pathology
August 2022
Maria Ballesteros
Britani Faagata
Sadi Raphaelle Floyd
December 2022
Abigail Lynn Longsdorf
Jonni Rebecca Nu’u
Naomi April Lizada Patague
Julisa Andrea Saenz
August 2022
Jungbeen Estepa
Marisa Gang
Boya Liu
Matthew Mattoon
December 2022
Kenisha Simone Adams
Nicholas Joseph Angelillo
Erica Lynn Bauer
Karen G. Becerra Evangelista
Dakota Lynn Bolin
Krista Nicole Bosch
Chyann Cailin Campbell
Olivia Canfield
Celine Canlas
Claire Elise Carlson
Judith Elizabeth Catron
Chrissy Cheuk
Robin Clarke
Michael Ryan Cleaver
Athena Collier
Paola Corral
Maya Leanor Costopoulos
Barbara Csicsely
Gil H. Cuevasmunguia
Morgan Davis
Tiahna Merae Diamond
Rebecca Rose Endres
Annie O’Leary Farrell
Whitney Danielle Fick
Tiffany Jean Fishel
Maya Leanor Fleck
Mackenzie Marie Fornesi
Samuel Forrester
Kendra Nicole Foster
Wes Hunter Fullmer
William Andrew Garner
Ashley Nicole Graham
Anna Elizabeth Green
Brittany Faith Gruber
Inez Rosalea Guerrant
Jasmine Mariehelene Haas
Cassandra Kaitlyn Hall
Hannah Kristine Harville
Emily Heinrich
Heidi Heather Henry
Dominique Isabella Hernandez
Caitlyn Dene Huber
B Ashley Jansen
Cassidy Rae Jensen
Shaina J. Joy
Rachel Louise Juell
Destinee Karlson
Olivia Joan Lavin
Megan Holiday Leuty
Brooke Victoria Lewis
Kennedy Kate Lydon
Katrina Lyter Morgan Mansfield
Austin Joseph Matarazzo
Delaney Isabella Rose Mazelin
Samantha Richelle Medeiros
Megan Colleen Melton
Jeannette Rene Menbari
Molly Joe Murphy
Georgia Q. Murray Bernadette Noelle Nelson Gymneth Neri
Mirinda Nichols
Kyleigh Novacek
Therese Marie Kechi Okafor
Morgan Lashea Olivera
Rebecca Anne Paulson
Nayeli Perez-Roque
Kaitlynn Ashley Petrovich
Lauryn Faith Pierson
Nicolas Cain Poynter
Hannah Li Proctor
Kyle Raymond Reed Mason
Alexa Marisol Rivera
Amelia Rizzo
Ross Andrew Robinson
Brian Alejandro Rodriguez
Stephanie Romero
Hailey Renee Rose
Alyssa Jean Rowe
Garrett Tyler Haskett Runnion
Emily Cleora Scutt
Madison Elaine Seal
Kami Sherpa
Lee Avery Shook
Sean David Shrock
Simran Singh
Alicia Denise Smith
Teresa M. Soto
Lindsey Spitler
Christopher Thompson
Juan Carlos Torres Jr.
Jasmine Gabrielle Towns
Wendy Uyen Tran
Sydney Yvonne Treppiccione
Kaitlyn Rose Tudorache
Audrey Isabella Turk
Joanne Liz Paragas Ubando
Brandon Urbina
Kylee Rae Webster
Courtney Rose Weil
John Joseph Welch
Garrett Parker Woodford Zhenni Yao
Paetyn Savannah Young
Muge Akpinar-Elci, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
Community Health Sciences
August 2022
Jhoeren Andrion
Monique K. Boparai
Macy A. Brown
Emily Elizabeth Bryan
Bryanna Thuy Chau
Mya Jasmine Haney
Bruce Wilmer Hicks
Brynna McBeth Hill
Logan Howard
Grace Ielmorini
Tyler Paul Johnson
Sonoi Malia May Kawakami
Sarah Rae Kerney
Travis Scott Love
Kelsey Mayo
Jenna Nicole Meredith
Natalie Grace Meredith
Adriana Dominguez Ortega
KiaraJheng Reyes
Austin Sambrano
Angela Silva Montenegro
Alexandria Christine Sorensen
Dalton Clark Taylor
Haley Emma Toutolmin
Brandon Michael Weber
Kinzee Taylor Yarbrough
Margaret York
Crystal Rose Zeidler
December 2022
Kenisha Simone Adams
Hania Arlette Amezcua
Trinidad S. Hernandez Anguiano
Adam Jesse Barbieri
Madison Kathleen Beck
Allison Elaine Bennett
Sara Nicole Bidinost
Macy Ann Cailao
Bethany Renee Carstens
Mia Casazza
Mattanaporn Chantiyanon
Matthew Jason Clayton
Payge Collier
Lillianna Butterfly Conrad
Sabrina Coleen Cooley
Thomas Cooper
Blake Diane Craft
Nestor Justin Curi
Magaly Lorena Dominguez
Gabriel Paul Eck
Karla Liliana Estrella
Katie Lynn Fucciolo
Patricia Breann Gilliard
Juan Carlos Gomez
Stacy Gomez
Andrea Gonzalez
Inez Rosalea Guerrant
Raquel Brenda Guevara
Blake A. Haegele
Taylor Ann Hagans
Madeline Karen Hale-Mounier
Samuel Joseph Hall
Courtney Renee Harper
Alexander Robert Heaney
Evelyn Herrera-Barraza
Madison Rae Heth
Tessa Nicole Hoffmeister
Angelica Haley Houston
Sarah Ann Marie Imlach
Owen G. Jaeck
Alexander James Jantz
Jean-Luc Labadie
Tayelor Ashley Leppek
Annika Nicole Littlehale
Valeria G. Lopez-Guerrero
Ashley M. Maki
Coriana Domonique Matthews
Hannah Christina Miller
Matthew Steven Morasca
Chloe Renee Nichols
Abel Nunez
Betzania Isabel Ocampo
Elena Elizabeth Orozco
Ralphaela Jyrmaine Pascual
Gabriella Ryan Perkins
Breanna Jenee Pettit
Danielle Nadine Pietrangelo
Gabriella Gianna Prier
Seema Pyakurel
Nathan Kyle Criseno Quintana
Alisha Jean Rader
Megan Kelly Rankin
Benjamin Joseph Reynolds
Christina Grace Ricci
Parastoo Safaei
Jossue D. Salas
Tiffany Aylin Salas
Colleen Ruth See
Gabrielle Serafim
Frederick G. Serrano-Cendana
Maggie Mei Shepard Hunter William Evan Simpson
Ryanne Alexis Soileau
Clarissa Sue Stout
Kira Angelina Swafford
Chae Mackenzie Thompson
Angelica Geronimo Tongco
Cristina Beatrice Torres
Jasmine Gabrielle Towns
Oscar Alejandro Valencia Sharline Villeda Aguilar
Arsh Singh Walia
Alexis Jayde Williams Shelby Faith Zucco
December 2022
Ashlee Dawn Pittard
Public Health
December 2022
Savannah Rose Betito Cassandra Lynn Eckroth
Katherine McCall, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS
December 2022 Eileen Lavelle
August 2022
Sugar Chelsea Joy Holman
December 2022
Hilal Adem
Kasey Alexander Reisinger
August 2022 Anonti Ali Aishwarya Anand
Michelle Juanita Campopiano
Joseph Cano
Kelsey Joyce Carlson
Makenzie Leeann Clark
Emma Bhictoria Droll
Janet Fernando Salas
Hasler R. Gomez
Karsen Michele Jessen
Sierra Michelle Picone
Kili Rain Robins
Kristopher Rudolph
Kate Jannelle Rye
Nicole Justine Smith
Shelby Autumn Smith
Haley K. Souza
Megan Irene Stevens
Heavenly Iris Lopez Valdez
Kayla Villegas
Haleyrae Clark Wadkins
December 2022
Cassidy Rose Allen
Diana Yadira Alvarado
Jacqueline Arellano-Uvence
Cora Beckwith
Yajaira Benitez
Amyah A. Boyd
Annie Brejc
Alyssa Gabrielle Capdevila Gizhe Cardoza
Stanley Chi Chau
Karen Marie Clarke-Fuhs
Kenna Shea Collins
Katherine Marie Darragh Tiana Doan
Catherine Evangeline Dong
Bailey Lynn Donohoe
Kylie Rebekah Gibson
Haley Nicole Gilmer
Christopher John Gonzales
Sydney Elizabeth Guimond
Emma Glynn Graves
Lauren R. Harris
Kristin Victoria Hill Bailey Hvegholm
Roland Paul Jones
Maycee D’Lahn Labo
Geoffrey LeMay
Curtis Raymond Malacrea
Quin Mellott
Selene Montes
Brent Joseph Moura
Abbey Marie Paulson
Victoria Elizabeth Payne
Jennifer Ester Perez
Jaime Braean Rangel
April Ruiz
Nicole Milagros Schwartz
Aaron Jamal Searight
Gabrielle Serafim
Siena Marie Stanford
Trevor Swetkovich
Isaac Jesus Valenzuela
Katherine Yahel Vallejos
Riley Van Trease
Samuel Richard Verduin
Tyler Campbell Wegner
Rylee Samantha West
Evan Christopher White
Tierney Anne Wolfgram
Zifan Brady Yang
Atmospheric Science
December 2022
Sonoma Elan Danse
August 2022
Olivia Simone Carter
Kathryn Grace Conlon
Jacob Gene Countryman
Kenneth Barcelo Dizon
Taylor Kathryn Ewing
Chardenae A. Soria Gonzales
Cody Wade Hopping
Colin Patrick Kean
Hannah Le
Ashley Summer Meetze
Fariha Amrin Raisa
December 2022
Taylor Danielle Anderson
Ted Elliott Baker
Karisa Liane Bellows
Kenna Christine Bozeman
Corynn Frances Bricker
Callie Brianne Brokaw
Chrystal Brown
Jan Sebastian Castillo Carin
Kyle A. Carsen Burge
Jared J. Daniels
Nicole Diaz Marquez
Ashley Karina Escobar
Janell May Ferrenburg Pike
Tina KY Fung
Bianca Gallegos
Vraveryk Francyne Montifar Gina
Carter James Gonzales
Alexis Ann Hansen Ashlyn J. Lil Chi Chem Hedrick
Riley Mckenna Herbert
Jacqueline Anais Jacinto
Ian Joseph Kanter
Megan Michelle Kelly
Natalie Marie Krieg Breanna Kwong
Carlos Antonio Lara Hernandez
Danielle Marie Lew Erin Kathleen Lovell
Makenna Marie Macias
Jade Angelina-Nguyen Magana
Krista Lynnell McFarling-Kelly Raasisree Modalavalasa
Piercen Khanh Nguyen Raul Nunez
Ilani Daniela Oliveira
Ariel Ytayetzi Perez
Hayden Poinier
Brynn P. Robella
Stephanie Romero
Rebekah Louise Rowe
Bryanna Ruiz
Makayla Leigh Scheer
Erik Shy
Carie Mae Sison
Hailey Nicole Smith
Christian M. Mostoles Soriano
Sadikshya Tamrakar
Natasha Dawn Trudeau
Abigail Guadalupe Uribe
Zoerren Tanny Hernandez Valdes
Murphy Walters
Katelyn Elli Rose Welsh
Aira C. Wright
December 2022
Kyson Glenn Coombs
Leonardo Gomez
Alexia Rose Hunter
Destiny Kymm Poulson
August 2022
Mikael Karim Bradford
James Benjamin Bradley Shaine Z. Hirsh
Jerome Evangelista Siores
December 2022
Natasha Lauren Adams
Giovanna C. Barre
Andrew Jacob Chavez
Nicholas Mitchell Comstock
Natalie Elizabeth Harmor
Raul Lopez-Camarena
Alexander Wayne McCairel
Del Christopher Myer
James Ronald Thomas
Aidan Connor Ward
Spencer Robert Williamson
August 2022
Abby Rae Bennett
December 2022
Yesenia Ariana Aguirre
Callee Marie Amari
Abigail Jean Foster
Aerin Jana Palpallatoc Gabriel A. Weighous
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
August 2022
Brayan Chagolla
December 2022
Harrison R Coggeshall
Alyana Maria Vea Sacro Militante
Sanjini Divya Shandil
Carlo Anthony Zamboni
August 2022
Taryn Blake Benson Hernandez
Anastasiya Chevychalova
Logan William Cox
Aimee Delgado
Neha M. Singh
December 2022
Chidera Jessica Abiakam
Saryvel Aguirre Zuniga
Dominique Valery Alexander
William John Ames
Diya Amin
Daniel Alejandro Corona
Leila Kealohi Dean
Regina Dispa Hernandez
Psalms Kennedy Doucettperry
Damien Riley Fertitta
Valeria G. Lopez-Guerrero
Sabrina Louise McCallum
Kallie E. McDonald
Sophia Olson
Philipp James Penalber
Megan Eileen Perry
Payten Bradshaw Prescott
Marlon Rios-Moran
Jesse Kato Rosenberg
Darren Kah Sha
Analilia Soto Ortega
Benjamin Matthew Sreenan
Sarah Christine Wenzel
Jerryn Ayanna Witte
Katrin Lee Woomer Physics
August 2022
Andrew J. Stiltz
December 2022
Aaron Tri Tam Nguyen
Sebastian C. White
August 2022
Arianna F. Cottom
Valeria Ramirez
December 2022
Abigail Rose Colledge
Crystal Ivy Cyrus
Jada Marie Deleon
Ivan Joseph Giron Burnham
Stephen Micheal Hipp Jr. Blake Douglas Phillips
Samantha Lee Proctor
Schylar Alyssa Marie Sell
Piyada One Sriphong-Ngarm Caitlin Marie Vaca
August 2022
Rafiuddin Galib
Jasmin Janelly Gomez December 2022
Angeliza Faith Austria
Isaac M. Bowers
Christopher Bailey King
Lauren Michelle Kono
Caitlin Joy Patacsil Lazaro Carolina Rocha Becerra
December 2022
Hunter Shane Beadell
Aaron Bennett
Justin Louis Elliott
Zachary Alexander Green Andrew Mayse
August 2022
Emily Rose Howlett
Hunter Joseph La Barber
Arka Ojanian Saki
December 2022
Anders Raymond Krakar
Cutter Carmody Morebeck
Brennin Julia Switzer Cameron P. Walker
August 2022
Charles William Springgate December 2022
Erika Leilani Robtoy
December 2022
Michael Daniel Aguilar Juan Manuel Cervantes Simmon Chung
August 2022
Jeremy Golsonnewland Blackman
Lillian Wichinsky, Dean BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK
August 2022
Todd Alan Miller
Kylie Anne Rath
December 2022
Diana Bodine Jasmine Jeanee Wagar
Interdisciplinary Studies
August 2022
Anthony Paul Flores
Samantha Anne Heath
Dominic Turpeau Peterson
Vince Steven Plantone
Ashley Necholle Willis December 2022
Keturah Jean Baker
Aisheh A. Barghouti
Ashlyn Anne Costello
Edith Marie Cushing
Audrey Elfiqhi
Christopher Hadsell
Rin Hashimoto
Russell Hicks
Kaitlin Makenzie Hughes
Zachary Steven McCreight
Devin Mary McKeown
Mahlet A. Mengist
Nathan Alexander Moose
Melanie Blanche Murphy
Nicholas Keiji Nishikawa
Gerald Roscom
Audrey C. Schuler
Toa Taua
The Honors College provides undergraduate students from across the University with enriching curricular and cocurricular experiences that allow them to develop their skills in the College’s four mission pillar areas – resilience, ingenuity, stewardship, and equity.
The Honors College awards three designations to its graduates, corresponding to the three honors curricular pathways. They are Honors Baccalaureate (14 honors experiences), Provost Scholar (12 honors experiences), and 1874 Scholar (10 honors experiences).
Matt Means, Dean
August 2022
Joseph Alan Dailey December 2022
Dominique Valery Alexander
Deborah Elizabeth Brady
Elsie Lyon Childress
Margaret Rose Dial
Tina KY Fung
Summer Marala Hales
Erin Kathleen Lovell
Megan Colleen Melton
Valentina Ossio-Marin
Megan Eileen Perry
Kaitlynn Ashley Petrovich
Carlo Anthony Zamboni
August 2022
Aishwarya Anand
Alyssa Teresa Poudrier
December 2022
Joseph Anthony Francis Jr.
Emma Lucille Graff
Tyler Joseph Tressler
December 2022
Audrey Elfiqhi
Natasha Franzen
Benjamin George Moss Ghusn
Douglas Benson Jones
Sofia Marie Lombardo
Rebecca Anne Paulson
Anastasiya Radchenko
Mackenzie Zappe
Motto: Omnia Pro Patria (“All for Our Country”)
Students: 20,945 (in fall 2022)
Colleges and schools: College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources; College of Business; College of Education & Human Development; College of Engineering; Graduate School; Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism; College of Liberal Arts; University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine; Orvis School of Nursing; School of Public Health; College of Science; School of Social Work.
– founded in 1874 as Nevada’s first institution of higher education – was established as Nevada’s land-grant institution under the Morrill Act of 1862, which was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln. The act provided access and opportunity for working people who were previously excluded from higher education and helped bring the benefits of emerging research and knowledge to the entire Silver State. The University is notable for its enrollment growth (more than 20,945 students in fall 2022), its investment of more than $850 million in advanced labs, residence halls and facilities since 2009, and its status as a leading research institution, with research and development expenditures of more than $180 million in 2022. The University has a statewide economic impact of more than $1.34 billion annually. Widely known for its programs in earthquake science and engineering, the humanities, neuroscience, environmental science, bioscience, biotechnology and advanced autonomous systems, the University enjoys a Carnegie Classification ™ of R1 as a comprehensive, doctoral university with very high research activity. The University has also been awarded the “Carnegie Engaged” classification in honor of its impactful engagement and collaboration to improve the quality of lives of Nevadans throughout the region and the state. The campus has a traditional yet modern feel, from 148-year-old buildings on the National Register of Historic Places surrounding a Jeffersonian Quad to some of the most technologically advanced libraries, facilities and labs in the U.S. The University is home to the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine; the University of Nevada, Reno Extension; and NCAA Division I Wolf Pack Athletics. Today, the University delivers on its land-grant mission of access to education and knowledge by investing in the academics, facilities, support, engagement and vibrant campus life that promote our diverse students’ cognitive growth and academic achievement – all while remaining one of the best values in American higher education.
Sierra Nevada College opened its doors in the fall of 1969 with 23 students. Among the goals of the founders was incorporation of the unique environmental qualities and characteristics of the Lake Tahoe region into the academic programs at SNC.
Sierra Nevada College changed with the times and became Sierra Nevada University (SNU) in 2019, a name to reflect the four-year college degrees and graduate programs.
Like many private colleges and universities, SNU had traditionally relied on tuition to support most of its operations. Because maintaining the necessary enrollment levels is a vulnerable longterm business model, the SNU Board of Trustees determined that SNU’s financial future was no longer sustainable based on this model. The board needed to make major strategic changes, both to serve the needs of current and future students and to preserve the Incline Village campus for higher education.
The SNU Board of Trustees approached the University in June 2021 regarding the
transfer of academic assets and operations to the University, and the University began operations at the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe Wayne L. Prim Campus on July 1, 2022. The key priority in the initial years after the acquisition is to ensure that former SNU students have the opportunity to complete their degrees under a teach-out agreement approved by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
The University is in the beginning stages of a three- to five-year plan for the new location that will ensure the orderly transition of operations, a clear path to degree completion for former SNU students, and fleshing out long-term academic plans, namely to include growth in research and creative activities.
As Nevada’s original land-grant institu tion, it is the University’s mission to share the wonders of this incredible place with the communities it serves, bringing worldclass speakers, arts and programming to Lake Tahoe. This gift of higher education is one that will be treasured now and by generations to come.
Brian Sandoval, President
Jeffrey Thompson, Executive Vice President and Provost
Muge Akpinar-Elci, Dean of the School of Public Health
Catherine Cardwell, Dean of University Libraries and Chief Information Officer
Mary Dugan, Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Cameron Duncan, Dean of the Orvis School of Nursing
Donald Easton-Brooks, Dean of the College of Education & Human Development
Shannon Ellis, Vice President of Student Services
Michael Flores, Vice President of Government Relations and Community Engagement
Kerri Garcia Hendricks, Executive Director of Marketing & Communications
Mridul Gautam, Vice President of Research and Innovation
Paul Hauptman, Dean of University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
Jill Heaton, Senior Vice Provost
Daphne Emm Hooper, Director of Indigenous Relations
Casilde Isabelli, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
Bill Johnson, Vice President of Advancement
Erick Jones, Dean of the College of Engineering
Kal Joshi, Vice Provost of Online Education
Markus Kemmelmeier, Vice Provost of Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School
Darrell Lockhart, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs
Eric Marchand, Chair of the Faculty Senate
Katherine McCall, Dean of the College of Science
Matt Means, Dean of the Honors College
Gregory Mosier, Dean of the College of Business
Shawn Norman, Associate Vice President of Planning, Budget and Analysis
William Payne, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources
Vic Redding, Vice President of Administration and Finance
Patricia Richard, Chief of Staff for the Office of the President
David Shintani, Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education
Alan G. Stavitsky, Dean of the Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism
Lillian Wichinsky, Dean of the School of Social Work
Joseph C. Arrascada
Patrick J. Boylan
Byron Brooks
Patrick R. Carter, Ph.D. Amy J. Carvalho, Vice Chair Carol Del Carlo
Mark W. Doubrava, M.D. Jason Geddes, Ph.D. Cathy McAdoo, Chair Donald Sylvantee McMichael Sr. John T. Moran
Laura E. Perkins
Lois Tarkanian, Ph.D.
Dale A.R. Erquiaga, Acting Chancellor
Jeffrey R. Rodefer, Chair
Shenea Strader, President
Matthew Hawn, President
Dionne Stanfill, President
Tammy Moyle, Chair