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What defines Live/Work?

Live/work spaces are appearing at an

Examining design approaches also

alarming rate throughout the country. Type these

furthers the difference between live/work projects

words into any internet search engine, and a

from solely residential or commercial programs.

plethora of interesting and innovating projects will

How the work space is utilized, the location of the

appear. But while many live/work projects have

work space in relationship to the living space, and

appeared throughout history, what defines these

what the boundary is between those two spaces is

spaces as live/work today?

different for each project according to their scale.

Our study is divided into three basic

Because of this, we analyze each unit

parts: definitions, an analysis of the sub-types, and

through a series of diagrams focusing on certain

the future of live/work.

design aspects of each space. The methods we

In the first section, we survey the various

chose for analysis are:

definitions of live/work, both in the market place

User access patterns

and in the state and city building and zoning codes.


Aspects like the required ratio of live/work, the type

Balance of live/work

of work permitted, and what goods are sold in the

Furthermore, we study any additional

unit, indicate the differences of live/work projects

features that are unique for each design as well as

from those that are purely residential or purely

precedents to show the distinction of each unit.


In our third section, we look to the future

In the second section, we categorize all

of live/work. We analyze projects that reflect this

the examples we have identified into sub-types. In

new direction such as IDEO and the Flex House.

our research, we discovered that live/work is not a

This pattern book is not a how-to, but a

single building or unit type. Instead, it is a loosely

survey that illustrates everything that is called live/

connected series of strategies combining live and

work, cataloging all of the significant strategies that

work needs.

have been used. This book is aimed to further

Because there is no defined type, we separate each live/work project into four scales:

define live/work. It is intended for designers or anyone else interested in wanting to understand


the code and market definitions along with different

Home office

design issues associated with a live/work project.

Ground floor workspace Community

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