Nov 7th, 2003: Looking To Jesus

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THE ENEMY IS ATTACKING EVERYWHERE (Continued) THE OFFENSIVE PRAYER IS DEALT WITH In Missouri, when fourth-grader Raymond Raines bowed his head in prayer before his lunch in the cafeteria of Waring Elementary School in St. Louis, his teacher allegedly ordered him out of his seat, in full view of other students present, and sent him to the principal's office. After his third such prayer "offense" little Raymond was segregated from his classmates, ridiculed for his religious beliefs, and given one week's detention.

CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY KINDERGARTNER In New York, kindergartner Kayla Broadus recited the familiar and beloved prayer, — "God is great, God is good. Thank you, God for my food" - while holding hands with two students seated next to her at her snack table at her Saratoga Springs school early last year. But she was silenced and scolded by her teacher, who reported the infraction to the school's lawyer, Gregg T. Johnson, who concluded that Kayla's behavior was indeed a violation of the "separation of church and state." (Unquote)

The WorldNetDaily's November 12, 2003 report revealed the following:

(Quote) NYC District Denies Birth of Jesus2 In a dispute over display of holiday symbols, New York City schools are allowing Jewish menorahs and Islamic crescents but barring Christian nativity scenes, alleging the depiction of the birth of Christ does not represent a historical event. In pleadings with a federal court in defense of the ban, New York City lawyers asserted the

"suggestion that a creche is a historically accurate representation of'an event with secular significance is wholly disingenuous!" (not candid or frank, truthful) The Jewish and Islamic symbols are allowed, the district says, because they have a secular dimension but the Christian symbols are "purely religious. "...." (Unquote)

The WorldNetDaily's November 1 1, 2003 report gave the following,, (Quote) Alabama Moves to Oust Judge Moore "...Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor requested Chief Justice Roy Moore be removed from office for defying a federal judge's order to move a granite Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the Alabama Judicial Building....ln his brief, Pryor said the judge should be removed because he

"intentionally and publically engaged in misconduct, and because he remains unrepentant for his behavior. " (Unquote)

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