Plan de estudios

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TEACHER'S PROFILE The teacher of the JosĂŠ Eustasio rivera de Cubarral educational institution is a person characterized by a solid and updated academic training and by a deep sense of personal and social ethics. Fully committed to the institutional philosophy, its profession and the development of the community and the country, driven by respect, honesty and tolerance, acts responsibly in accordance with these principles to serve as an example and contribute to the formation of excellent people. Their creativity, motivation and leadership skills allow them to interact in solidarity with the students to instill in them their passion for knowledge of the foreign language and constantly guide them towards excellence. He is an assiduous researcher who keeps in touch with his institutional and interinstitutional peers and who, as such, is up-to-date in the advances of knowledge, culture, pedagogy and technology. It is an ideal professional who has updated knowledge in his specialty, as well as in other disciplines. Respectful, responsible, tolerant and committed to excellence, maintains a positive attitude and permanent collaboration, constantly worries about the process of selftraining and incorporates teaching methods and resources according to the latest pedagogical and technological advances. He has a flexible mentality and is open to change, which allows him to work as a team and participate in the execution of innovative projects.

STUDENT PROFILE It transcends the instances of the own investigation the academic task, assuming analytical positions that take to him to explore, to investigate and to transform different own situations of the means in which it unfolds, always looking for the innovation that is translated in projects that benefit the community. He is able to express his ideas, knowledge and affections in more than one language (Spanish, English), appropriating traditional media and Information and Communication Technologies. Through her actions she demonstrates ecological awareness, sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others, allowing herself to live personal and social values, reflecting on her actions, assuming her responsibilities and adopting reparative changes in her behaviors. Must be able to accept and use the means available for the

achievement of their life project, adapting to new situations, assuming the changes that generate benefits and adopting with security and commitment their positions and beliefs, without forgetting that he is a constant builder of his autonomy, based on universal values of respect and protection of the human being and the environment. Assumes leadership in all situations that imply a serious commitment, solidarity and community for the benefit of society.

The Basic Rights of Learning (DBA) BA.pdf. Guide No. 22 Basic Standards of Competence in Foreign Languages: English Curricular guidelines The purpose of the English area plan is to define methodological strategies, time, resources, objectives, knowledge and performances that help guide the teacher in the process of teaching foreign languages to improve the development of the different activities that contribute to the teaching process. - Learning of teachers and students. In order to comply with the National Bilingualism Program adopted by the National Ministry of Education and taking into account the common European framework as a frame of reference, the English foreign language area is considered a fundamental component in the development of communication skills for the scope and better understanding of the areas of knowledge, and strengthening of communicative language skills such as listening, speaking, writing, reading so that students are competent and have the same job opportunities when developing a second language. In order to comply with government requirements, a broad legal or legal concept will be displayed that supports the prevailing need to provide this fundamental right to each of the people who are part of this country, together with the pedagogical references of authors who studied strategies didactic to the institutional horizon, allowing a correct contextualization with the needs of the municipality of Cubarral (Meta), forming a llanera cultural identity that projects the region to the country and the world. From the educational experience it is necessary to structure a system that strengthens the orientations of the area within the terms of curricular design, didactic or methodologies that improve the learning environments and guarantee the fulfillment of the fundamental rights of education in relation to the SIE (System of

Institutional Evaluation) established in agreement with the members of the educational community and the corrective actions determined to attend the cases of students with difficulties in the development of the educational processes. At the end the projection foundations will be broadly displayed with the articulation and mainstreaming of the area in relation to the community, academic, bibliographic and guidelines components established by the Ministry of National Education, to comply with the requirements established by the educational system in Colombia .

JUSTIFICATION OR AREA APPROACH It is of great importance to facilitate the learning of English as a second language by means of the integration of the different subjects, (transversality) since with two or three hours per week for seven or eight years it is not enough to produce speakers of an advanced level. You have to invest time and effort in an integrated curriculum where there are many opportunities to use the new language, where you read and write in a foreign language, not only in the area of English but in other disciplines such as: science, computer science, mathematics and in educational environments that allow its use in everyday life. In addition, it will be possible to improve the academic level of the students, in this subject, filling the expectations of the evaluation in the international, national and institutional spheres. Nobody would dare to doubt the importance of the development of a second language that allows the formation and integration of the individual with other cultures. But is it really clear why it is so important to be linguistically competent to function in life? Here we seek to answer this question, pointing out the role of learning a second language in the lives of people, as individuals and as members of a social group, which in turn will briefly expose what is the conceptual perspective which bases the Basic Standards of English Competencies The didactics of the English area plays a fundamental role in this century, and the challenges of participating in an increasingly complex

society make evident the need to reflect on the historical role and the sense that corresponds to education and school as a group where it solidifies. In the case of English teaching, it is necessary to review and reflect the challenge of developing communicative skills that allow students to express themselves accurately and critically in this new era.

OBJECTIVES AND LEARNING GOALS • Train students through daily practice to be competent in the linguistic and technological markets of the 21st century. • Develop communication skills throughout the education system. • Support new methodologies for teaching English as a second language. • Develop listening and speaking skills using audiovisual resources (recorder, video beam, computers) • Enhance reading and writing skills through practical exercises. • Facilitate the learning process through dialogues and songs. • Provide cultural and social knowledge to understand the contexts where they develop and use the English language, contributing to the development of their communication skills in the area. • Provide students with the theoretical and practical elements related to the learning process of a foreign language, both in its linguistic and cultural aspects

LEGAL FRAMEWORK Law 115 of 1994 which demands "the acquisition of elements of conversation, reading, understanding and ability to express oneself in at least one foreign language". The quality and pertinence policies of the Ministry of National Education, consolidated in the National Bilingualism program and the use and appropriation of ICT information and communication technologies; the goals of the Bilingualism program (2004-2019), which promote the training of English teachers and students of basic and secondary education capable of responding to the demands of a bilingual medium. The Common European Framework of Reference Standards of competences in foreign

languages: English. The national guidelines of basic areas and the basic rights of learning. DECREE 1860 OF 1994 In accordance with the provisions of articles 34 defining areas such as those enshrined in the general education law, the 35 that guides the development of the subjects of the areas, establishing that the contents, intensity of time and duration is determined according to the project institutional education Finally the 36 which directs that the pedagogical projects are activities articulated, planned and structured in direct relation with the social environment and must be immersed in the curriculum. The Spanish Language and Foreign Language as components of the fundamental area of knowledge, since they are the fundamental basis for the integral development of the human being. national constitution of colombia 1991 Title II chapter 2, article 67 that asks to highlight the need to promote the acquisition of at least one foreign language from the primary cycle onwards; in the same way, access the satisfactory use of another language with the aim of knowing other cultures in their way of thinking and feeling. the ministry of national education issues quality references addressing the language area where the processes, competences and skills that the area includes are based on the curricular guidelines, Basic Standards of competence, pedagogical guidelines, learning meshes, basic learning rights and matrix of reference that are inputs for the teacher to execute adequately in their educational practices attending to each level and level of learning.

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In times of globalization, Colombia needs to develop the capacity of its citizens to manage at least one foreign language. In this context, the Ministry of Education formulates the National Bilingualism Program 2004-2019, which includes the new communicative competence standards in English. The European Common Framework was the benchmark to set the levels of mastery that must be achieved. A program that strengthens competitiveness and incorporates the use of new technologies for learning a second language. Being bilingual is essential in a globalized world. The management of a second language means being able to communicate better, open borders, understand other contexts, appropriate knowledge and make them circulate, understand and make us understand, enrich and play a decisive role in the development of the country. To be bilingual is to have more knowledge and opportunities to be more competent and competitive, and to improve the quality of life of all citizens. Law 115 of 1994, in its objectives for Basic and Middle Education, demands "the acquisition of elements of conversation, reading, comprehension and ability to express oneself in at least one foreign language". As of its promulgation, a majority of school institutions adopted the teaching of English as a foreign language. According to the study, Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe, advanced in 2005 by the European Education Information Network (Eurydice) 1, in the 25 countries of the European Union, in the education system, the dedication to the study of a Foreign language is, on average, eight years, with an intensity between five and nine hours per week, from the student's eight years of age. In Colombia, the average dedication is six years, from sixth to eleventh grade, starting at age eleven, with three hours per week. A total of 720 hours for the study of English, during basic and secondary education, is sufficient for students to achieve the required competence in English.

CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK The Educational Institution José Eustasio Rivera, is located in the municipality of Cubarral, in the department of Meta, at a distance of 60 km from Villavicencio, its capital, in the region of the Piedmont Piedmont called Alto del Ariari, in the department of Meta, in the region of the Colombian Orinoquia. Its geographical limits are: North: Guamal West: Department of Cundinamarca (Bogotá, D.C.). East: Saint Martin South: El Dorado, El Castillo, Lejanías and La Uribe. The socio-economic stratum of the students that belong to the Educational Institution José Eustasio Rivera is medium low, and low; the houses are of stratum one, two and three. The student population comes from families of limited economic resources, supported in the great majority by various trades, domestic trades, sporadic trade, jobs in trade, which results in an unfavorable economic level for the family and impact on students , in the formation of insecurity, exploitation of minors, malnutrition, little academic accompaniment, decreasing the educational level and therefore the quality of life; reflected in the formation of family values that must be reinforced in the institution and that is evidenced in an inverse manner. The interpersonal relationships that occur between the students are cordial, respect even if some isolated cases of inconvenience are presented among the students, which are solved by applying the respective regular channels. Students are characterized by a strong sense of belonging and active participation in institutional and community events. Most students have an interest in learning English as a second language, which is evident in their individual and team work, although sometimes it is difficult to follow instructions.

The main difficulty faced by the students of the Educational Institution is the management of communication skills, especially listening and speaking, due to the low orientation of ludic-pedagogical activities with technological tools that help their development. The students present the following needs: bilingual laboratory equipped with the necessary material of the area for a good development of the classes, and ease of learning. The students show interest in technological media, a factor that is used to encourage them to learn English.

CURRICULAR GUIDELINES Curricular guidelines Foreign Languages. They make reference to: Contextualization, Elements and Approaches of the Curriculum of Foreign Languages, Continuing Education of the Foreign Language Teacher. And the use of the New Technologies in the Curriculum of Foreign Languages.

PEDAGOGICAL ORIENTATIONS Bilingualism refers to the different degrees of mastery with which an individual manages to communicate in more than one language and one culture. These different degrees depend on the context in which each person develops. Thus, according to the use made of languages other than the mother tongue, these acquire the character of a second language or a foreign language. The second language is that which is essential for official, commercial, social and educational activities or that which is required for communication between the citizens of a country. It is usually acquired by necessity in the street, in daily life, for work reasons or due to the permanence in a foreign country. Sometimes it is acquired during childhood; It can also be learned in the formal school context, under particularly favorable pedagogical conditions, particularly in the case of intensive bilingual education programs. The foreign language, on the other hand, is one that is not spoken in the immediate and local environment, since daily social conditions do not require its permanent use for communication. A foreign language can be learned mainly in the classroom and, in general, the student is exposed to the language during controlled periods. Despite not being used in circumstances other than academic,

students of a foreign language can achieve high levels of performance to be efficient communicators when they require it.

BASIC STANDARDS OF COMPETENCES The National Bilingualism Program aims to "achieve citizens capable of communicating in English, in such a way that they can insert the country in the processes of universal communication, in the global economy and in cultural openness, with internationally comparable standards". This purpose implies a structured plan of development of communicative competences throughout the educational system. In order to give coherence to this plan, it was necessary to adopt a common language that established the performance level goals in the language through the different stages of the educational process. For this reason, the Ministry of Education chose the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Evaluation", a document developed by the Council of Europe, which describes the scale of gradual performance levels achieved by the student of a language. Table No. 1 shows how the Ministry of Education has adopted these levels as specific goals for the different populations of the education system. Although the scale of levels was adopted with the terminology used by the Common European Framework, we consider it important to relate them to the names traditionally used by teachers to describe the various levels of performance. We invite you to adopt this nomenclature, to ensure a common language that facilitates teamwork towards the achievement of the same goals. The standards presented are articulated with those goals, establishing what the students should know and be able to do to demonstrate a B1 level of proficiency, at the end of the Eleventh Grade. BASIC LEARNING RIGHTS The Basic Rights of Learning (DBA) and the Suggested English Curriculum were built with the aim of strengthening the teaching and learning processes of this language in each of the country's official schools. The DBA and the suggested curriculum propose a way to help students, grades 6 to 11 of the country's official institutions, to reach a Pre-intermediate level B1 during their high school studies.

In this virtual space you can download, consult and use these tools that are an integral part of the strategies implemented by the Colombia BilingĂźe program of the Ministry of National Education in the development of materials, training and support for English teachers. CURRILAR DESIGN The curricular design is annexed as an alternative document, it is done through the elaboration of a matrix of standards under the guidelines given by the directives of the Educational Institution JosĂŠ Eustasio Rivera 2016 and it is annexed finalizing this document.

METHODOLOGY The methodology for teaching the foreign language (English), to work with the children of our institution is based on the following proposals: Active and interactive methodology, which is to allow learning, when participating in activities in which The main objective is not to show or exemplify the functioning of grammatical structures, but to carry out actions in the foreign language, actively communicating with the environment that requires it. The practical methodology allows the student to establish a connection between his usual activities in the home and with what happens in the classroom., Also flexible methodology. This allows the student to use the learning strategy without the rigidity of some traditional methodologies. The teacher can also exercise a positive and beneficial eclecticism to his credit that is rather a synthesis that integrates the best of each proposed method. The "collaborative" methodological approach which guides the institution allows to implement the work by communicative skills, where through the use of different playful-pedagogical tools such as play, singing, conversations, substitutions, expressions, vocabulary and making Using the technological tools you achieve greater motivation and a practical and easy way to acquire the language by speaking, writing, listening and reading. In addition, interesting and significant alternatives are proposed, that is, they relate to the specific experiences of the students and thus channel and enhance the development of their communication skills. The methodological strategies allow to identify principles, criteria and procedures that configure the way of acting of the teacher in relation to

the programming, implementation and evaluation of the teachinglearning process. These strategies constitute the sequence of activities planned and systematically organized, allowing the construction of a school knowledge. It refers to the pedagogical interventions carried out with the intention of promoting and improving the spontaneous processes of learning and teaching, as a means to contribute to a better development of intelligence, affectivity, conscience and the competences to act socially. RESOURCES AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS The educational institution JosĂŠ Eustasio Rivera, offers didactic materials and technological tools that facilitate the teaching and learning of the English area, among which we find: internet, recorder, video beam, tablets, computers, interactive TV, among others. These didactic resources supply the needs of students to stimulate and improve learning and through them, important elements are oriented for the development of a second language such as: movies, videos, Duolingo Support (virtual English program), virtual English version, book of support Richmond of the University of Oxford, karaoke, games who wants to be a millionaire, crossword puzzles, soup of letters, elaboration in primary of frizos, billboards, folding, lotteries, parks., spelling bee, say it with mime, (oral expression and corporal), tablets in primary with didactic games. The classroom is a particular, specific, everyday world that is characterized as a unique space within which the teaching and learning situation of English is carried out in a given time.







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EVALUATION DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION: At the beginning of the school year a diagnostic evaluation is carried out, which makes it possible to demonstrate the knowledge and / or bases that the students have. TRAINING EVALUATION It is a continuous activity, which aims to provide the necessary information about the educational process, to readjust its objectives, critically review the plans, programs, methods and resources, guide the students and give feedback to the process itself. It aims to review and make adjustments to promote the development of knowledge within the area taking into account the results of internal and external tests within the English area through tests such as knowledge, written, oral, individual, group, workshops. The coexistence of the students will also be valued, who with the integral route of coexistence will determine the guidelines according to type one, two or three. SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: It is done through a global process and I continue in the English area. Through observation and self-evaluation, students' progress is observed and evaluated. During the development of this process, the evaluative phenomena of self-evaluation, coevaluation and hetero-evaluation are evidenced that lead to a final and procedural process during the evolution of the area.

LEVELS OF EVALUATION IN THE AREA AUTOEVALUATION Students complying with the standards established in the SIE, a selfassessment note is given that corresponds to 10% of the final grade and the criteria that are to be taken into account for their assessment within the area are determined beforehand. COEVALUATION The teacher orients on the strengths and weaknesses found in the learner so that he determines with the help of the teacher the criterion

of continuous improvement that must be met, generating a support plan that allows him to reach the desired level on a weekly basis. HETEROEVALUACIĂ“N: At the end of the process, the students in the area have an expression space where the colleagues with the best levels of performance support the assessment process through the collaborative plan that is carried out at the end of the period during a week. This shows the orientation, support and evaluation of students' learning rhythms.

SUPPORT ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS IN THEIR LEARNING PROCESS COLLABORATIVE PLAN It is a work that directly involves students in work teams in which communication skills promote interaction, respect, tolerance, mobilization of knowledge and sense of responsibility, and this plan is an integral part of the group's activity, where the Learning is built from the diverse contributions and experiences of the students themselves. IMPROVEMENT PLAN Establishes the necessary strategies for students to overcome the affective, cognitive, expressive and attitudinal difficulties presented in the classroom by performing activities to practice and reinforce communication skills through the construction of sentences that support grammar and vocabulary construction ; This varies according to the thematic and directionality of the teacher which are generally supported. TRAINING VALUATION INSTRUMENTS At the level of observation techniques, the teachers of the area present a direct observation in relation to the advances and difficulties of the group to which they are directing, from this moment they study diagnostic evaluations at the beginning of the year to support the learning processes. Within the assessment instruments is the revised review of work in class as well, reference is made to the guidelines of the area or criteria that will be taken into account when evaluating their performance.

In second place are the rubrics of the different degrees which are assigned by the teacher in photocopy this is recorded or pasted at the beginning of the period determining the guide of protocols at the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal level, which guide work agreements in the period. At the end of the class processes, students' products are searched with the application of different activities that show the progress of each student in relation to communication skills. TEST ANALYSIS A pedagogical use of the results is handled where the students are able to address the group and hold basic conversations about elementary subjects in English. The results of the tests are analyzed, based on this, the competences in which the students have shortcomings are studied (Reading Comprehension and incomplete texts) for this reason in the construction of the curriculum this area is based on the competences proposed by the ICFES. It is clear that the SIE of the institution is regulated by Decree 1290 of 2009, however, when articulating with the institutional, strategies were made viable that allowed the areas to make a continuous evaluation as a support plan (teacher), collaborative (student companion) ), improvement (parents), assessing them according to the national scale of low, basic, high or higher, taking into account compliance with the guidelines of the area, from the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal. On the other hand, the promotion and evaluation commissions are already regulated for each period, where parents and teachers determine actions to follow to link parents, students and teachers in the scope of learning goals.

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