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Catching Up With

“Catching up with…” is a feature where we take a few minutes to hear from recent graduates of NDCL to get their perspective on how NDCL prepared them for college, graduate or post-graduate studies.

Alex Bumpus `18


Where are you now? University of Cincinnati Studying what? I am working on my biomedical engineering degree and MBA at the same time. Looking back, how did NDCL prepare you for college? I took engineering principles and biomedical studies at NDCL and I looked forward to these classes each day! In considering a major, I wanted to blend the best of both these classes, so I chose biomedical engineering. My introduction to CAD (computer-aided de sign) at NDCL made it so much easier adapting to it in college. What impact has your family made for your success? My family is always supportive of my decisions and encourage me to try different things. What life lessons did NDCL teach you? You don’t have to fit into a box. Explore your interests. In high school I participated in so many clubs and activities, and that was easy to step into in college. Being busy also teaches you time management. The network of people you’ll meet, both personal and professional, comes easily with all the activities you engage in. Your advice to NDES and NDCL students today? Take advantage of the time you have in school right now to explore different interests—classes, clubs, even sports. If you spend the right amount of time on something, continuing to get better each time, you’ll achieve your goals.

Tom Fogarty `17

Where are you now? Duke University School of Law Studying what? Starting my second year of law school Looking back, how did NDCL prepare you for college? NDCL piqued my intellectual curiosity and also taught me discipline. Nobody is standing over your shoulder making sure you are getting your work done, so learning that self-discipline and time management was important. What impact has your family made for your success? My mother’s unwavering support and a strong work ethic were instilled in me from a young age. My father taught me to be curious. He’s a lawyer and I could always see myself in those shoes. What life lessons did NDCL teach you? Find your goal as early as you can and start working towards it. I knew that I wanted to be an attorney at an early age, so through Mock Trial and my classes it taught me to work towards something. Your advice to NDES and NDCL students today? Try new things and be yourself. For example, I participated in NDCL’s theater program as it was a chance to perform in front of my peers and overcome any stagefright.

Morgan Uveges `17

Where are you now? George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School. I just completed two summer courses in Italy taught by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and Professor Jaffer. An unbelievable experience! Studying what? Second year law student with a focus on antitrust law. I graduate in 2024. Looking back, how did NDCL prepare you for college? Having awesome teachers that you can connect with was important for me. In college, fostering strong relationships with your professors can open up so many opportunities. You get good advice from people that have been through similar experiences. The academic rigor that NDCL instilled in me prepared me for the college courses at Miami and now in Law School. What impact has your family made for your success? I tell my mom and dad all the time that I’d be nowhere without their support. I have a great family to come home to. They challenge me to go for the top. After graduation: I am applying for a federal clerkship. Whether it is a District Court or the Circuit Court. We’ll see what happens! What life lessons did NDCL teach you? You can never work too hard. Everything I have achieved I worked for. Going that extra mile will pay off. Your advice to NDES and NDCL students today? Learn to manage your time. Go that extra step and the rewards will come.