February UF 2014

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Mission Statement: North Dakota Farmers Union, guided by the principles of cooperation, legislation and education, is an organization committed to the prosperity of family farms, ranches and rural communities.

UNION FARMER www.ndfu.org

In this issue


A look at precision ag


Pipeline problems


Bike to Believe


President’s message

February – Volume 61 Number 2

North Dakota Union Farmer

The UNION FARMER is published monthly by North Dakota Farmers Union at 1415 12th Ave SE, Jamestown N.D. 58401. Annual subscription is $30 annually with NDFU membership. Periodicals postage paid at Fargo, ND.


EDITOR: Anne Denholm 800-366-8331 • www.ndfu.org adenholm@ndfu.org POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: NDFU PO Box 2136 Jamestown N.D. 58402-2136 Copies mailed this issue: 36,693 • USPS 016-211

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President: Mark Watne Vice President: Bob Kuylen Secretary: Ellen Linderman Treasurer: Terry Borstad James Kerzman; Wes Niederman Jr.; Dennis Stromme; Jim Teigen; Ronda Throener

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Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org


Ag Summit teaches technology

The conference center at the North Dakota Farmers Union state office was filled to capacity with participants for the 2014 Precision Ag Summit held Jan. 20-21.


Nearly 350 people attended the third annual Precision Agriculture Action Summit on Jan. 20-21 at the North Dakota Farmers Union Conference Center in Jamestown, N.D. The event was an opportunity to learn about trends and practices shaping the industry. This year, the conference featured two educational tracks focusing on crop and livestock management technologies. During the crop management track, participants learned about soil variation, crop prescription maps, pesticide application technology and precision animal technologies. The livestock management track focused on precision animal technologies, animal tracking and health sensors, genomics and reproduction technologies and robotics and imaging technologies. North Dakota Farmers Union President Mark Watne said, “This was an excellent conference and we were pleased that so many producers took part in learning more about precision agriculture. NDFU is committed to bringing this type of education to the state and we will continue to offer workshops like this on issues that affect family farmers and ranchers.” Participants received hands-on experience and valuable education to incorporate precision agriculture into their own farming efforts, which 4

helps improve production from plan is not needed. existing resources. Industry Vice president of Development experts and practitioners gave for Basecamp Networks Bruce presentations about applications, Rasca and AdFarm Director of equipment and information. Digital Strategy Josh Lysne have Vendors provided demonstrations been testing Google Glass during and showcased their wares. the last year. The device has not The main stage speaking been released to the general public agenda included panel discussions but has been used as a prototype that addressed topics like around the country to selected unmanned aircraft systems in participants in order to perfect the agriculture, the economics of technology and usage. Both Rasca precision agriculture and how new digital technologies like Google Glass are impacting the farming world. Google Glass is a wearable computer in an eye glass frame. It performs like AdFarm Director of Digital Strategy Josh Lysne and Vice President of Development for Basecamp Bruce Rasca an interactive demonstrated Google Glass at the summit. smart phone with voice and touch command but has the ability and Lysne applied to be part of the to take photos and video, search test group and were awarded the the internet, save data and send opportunity to purchase the devices information. The monitor projects from Google. an image in front of the user’s right Rasca explained, “I care about eye and looks like a TV screen farmers and I’m in the business of above the natural line of vision. It is technology. I entered the contest by powered by both Android and Apple writing a few sentences about how I devices so that a separate data would envision using Google Glass. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

In my application, I wrote about owning a farm and how, if I had glass, I would allow citizens to look inside a tractor - show people how food is grown – so people could understand agriculture. That was my theme and I was selected.” Google Glass has potential to be used in every industry around the world. Lysne gave a few examples of how Glass could be utilized in agriculture. “Imagine recording a video of a field or a photo of a wet spot in the field. Glass could give you a GPS reading to tag the location or read the soil type, yield history and input records. You could find a weed and quickly identify it. Livestock producers could monitor a sick cow or share records with the veterinarian.” Rasca said, “This is another tool that farmers can have in their tool box to make better decisions. I see it used more for a dedicated crop scout rather than a general purpose farmer but it can be integrated into your daily workstyle as a natural evolution. The power of the device is mind boggling.” Lysne agreed and added, “The more I use the glasses, the more ideas I get on how to use them. There is so much potential. To simplify it, I like to view Google Glass as an extension of your smart phone. As more applications are built for it, the more it will be used and it will continue to improve.” “As part of the beta program, Google Glass is still evolving and as participants in the testing

The Dakota Precision Ag Center at Lake Region College uses a drone as part of their curriculum.

program, we get a free software update every month,” said Rasca. “It is a work in progress and part of a journey. People need to have the right expectation but in my 25 years involved with agriculture, it’s the most interesting technology demo I have seen.” Several conference speakers addressed the economics of precision agriculture along with other new technologies used in cattle and crop management. On day two of the conference, much of the program revolved around unmanned aircraft systems. According to the experts, unmanned aircraft systems have unlimited potential. According to Dr. Kevin Price, a professor of agronomy at Kansas State University, more research is needed on the use of satellite and unmanned aircraft systems for studying agro-ecosystems including

crops, rangelands and forestlands. Price works with the development of drones in the integration of color infrared systems and applications in agriculture. Drones can be used for many applications including advanced disease detection, pest mitigation and crop mapping. Director of the Dakota Precision Ag Center, Dr. Paul Gunderson, concluded, “We believe this technology has a place in agriculture and will continue to evolve. There is a great opportunity here.” Senator Heidi Heitkamp stopped by to address the crowd, praising the efforts of state farmers and ranchers for embracing technology. The Red River Valley Research Corridor and North Dakota Farmers Union have co-hosted the conference for the last three years. s

Vendors were able to showcase their products and services to nearly 350 participants during the two-day conference. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org


Pipeline oversight: a maze in N.D.


A pipeline company lays natural gas and oil gathering lines at a wellhead in Mountrail County this past October.


The sweet smell of Bakken crude oil was in the air days before Steve Jensen discovered a Tesoroowned pipeline had ruptured in his wheat field near Tioga in late September. “I knew something was wrong,” he said of the line he now believes had been leaking for possibly months. “Oil was shooting six inches out of the ground.” His first thought? “We have a problem.” He immediately called his wife Patty and she made emergency calls while he stayed on the combine harvesting their crop. The response from Tesoro was swift and within an hour the pipeline was shut down. A REGULATORY MAZE Some 18,000 miles of pipeline are buried in North Dakota soil. The labyrinth of pipe transports everything from oil and natural gas to saltwater and fresh water. It is vital infrastructure to industry and communities (a 50,000-barrel per day pipeline can take as many as 250 trucks off the road), and generally invisible until a leak occurs or the unimaginable happens, such as the 20,000-plus barrel spill on the Jensen farm that one federal employee called “unconscionable.” 6

While investigators have yet to officially release their findings on what caused the spill (a lightning strike has been suggested), the magnitude of the spill – more than 28 rail tank cars full – sheds greater light on issues that exist with current oversight of pipelines. “There is such a quagmire of jurisdictional responsibility for pipelines,” explains Brian Kalk, N.D. Public Service Commissioner. “It’s a challenge when an incident occurs and who is responsible to do the investigation to see what happened.” The N.D. Public Service Commission (PSC), for example, oversees the siting of transmission lines for natural gas and oil in the state, but only oversees the safety of natural gas transmission lines. The Office of Pipeline Safety within the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has overall regulatory responsibility for inspecting and enforcing pipeline safety regulations for interstate and intrastate pipelines that carry hazardous liquid in North Dakota with the exception of natural gas. And the N.D. Industrial Commission’s Department of Mineral Resources’ Oil and Gas

Division has broad safety and siting jurisdiction of gathering pipelines, as part of its well permitting process. Add in construction and maintenance oversight and the lines of jurisdiction get “blurry in a hurry,” said Kalk, noting that a lot of oversight has moved to federal jurisdiction due to differing pipeline regulations from state to state. “Texas and Louisiana have asked for some of that jurisdictional authority to go back to their state,” he said. “Should we be looking at

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oversight of intrastate crude lines? I do think there should be a local touch point on these pipelines.” North Dakota is not alone in the regulatory maze of oversight that also exists in other states, according to Gerry Baker, associate executive director of the Interstate Oil & Gas Impact Commission, headquartered in Oklahoma City. “We’re looking to continuously improve regulation effectiveness,” he said of the commission, which is comprised of 30 oil and gas producing states, including North Dakota. “A leak is taboo,” Baker said. “Companies are not interested in having lines fail because it causes a loss of production and environmental danger.” A lot of science is currently being dedicated to protection against freeze and corrosion, he said, making sure pipelines are engineered and maintained properly in addition to monitoring product in and out of lines. “Every loss of product is money out of someone’s pocket,” said Baker. “Newer production states, like North Dakota and Alaska, that live and die by economics of oil and gas tend to do an excellent job of regulation.” NEW REGULATIONS Due to legislative action this past session, North Dakota now will have regulations in place by April that will require pipeline operators to report specific information on new gathering pipelines that transport fluids to and from a wellhead. (Gathering lines connect to transmission lines, which eventually connect to distribution lines.) By law, companies will have 180 days to submit an affidavit to the Oil and Gas Division with the following information: 1. A statement that the new pipeline was constructed and installed to meet standards and: a. The new pipeline is not leaking and is constructed with materials that resist external corrosion and transported fluids; b. Installation must minimize interference with agriculture, road and utility construction, secondary stresses, the possibility of damage to the pipe, and with a tracer wire; Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org







Interstate Transmission



Intrastate Transmission




Distribution Pipelines




Gathering Pipelines








Interstate Transmission



IC —

Intrastate Transmission




Gathering Pipelines

Distribution Pipelines

c. The backfill must provide firm support under the pipe. 2. The outside diameter, minimum wall thickness, composition, internal yield pressure, and maximum temperature rating of the pipeline, or any other specifications deemed necessary by the director. 3. The anticipated operating pressure of the pipeline. 4. The type of fluid that will be transported in the pipeline and direction of flow. 5. Pressure to which the pipeline was tested prior to placing into service. 6. The minimum pipeline depth of burial. 7. In-service date. 8. Leak detection and monitoring methods that will be utilized after in-service date. 9. Pipeline name. 10. Accuracy of the geographical information system layer. Pipeline companies will selfcertify what they have done. “If there is an issue,” said Alison Ritter, public information officer with the Department of Mineral Resources, “we can go back and determine






what was the minimum wall thickness, for example. If it’s not, we have a way to hold companies accountable” and can issue fines. For pipelines that were in service from Aug. 1, 2011, to June 30, 2013, pipeline operators have until Jan. 15, 2015, to file the required information. Any pipeline in operation prior to Aug. 1, 2011, will not be required to comply. Ritter said the Aug. 1 date was chosen as that is when companies were required to have mapping in place to comply with 811 “Call Before You Dig” regulations. The rules do not require regular monitoring requirements or maintenance. “If we see a gathering line near an environmentally sensitive area, we do have the ability to put monitoring device requirements on that pipeline. We’ve always had that ability,” said Ritter. Generally, the monitors are meters that gauge fluid going in and out of the pipeline, she said. If the pipeline is near a body of water, monitoring devices are always required. Ritter said North Dakota is one of the first states in the country to have rules on gathering lines. 7

But from a landowner perspective, the rules are broad in terms of oversight even though specific reporting requirements are outlined. “If it isn’t a pipeline regulated by FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), there are not a lot of in-state guidelines,” said Troy Coons of the Northwest Landowners Association. AFTER A SPILL If a spill from a pipeline occurs in North Dakota, the state Health Department is involved in the remediation or the cleanup process. This occurs on all spills, according to David Glatt, the Health Department’s Environmental Health Section chief, except for spills on the actual oil drilling pad or land associated with it, which falls into the Oil and Gas Division’s jurisdiction. The department also has the option to levy a fine if a violation has affected water, air or land. That determination is based on how cooperative a company is and whether the environmental impact was due to negligence. Coons believes some gathering pipelines have had 600-800 barrel spills and that a lot of the 50100 barrel spills go unreported. “Enforcement is so poor. Ninetyseven percent of all fines levied are returned to the offender,” he said. “So why report it? A $3,000 fine [to an oil company] is nothing to them.” If anything good can come from

the oil spill at Tioga, perhaps it is the release of spill information by the Health Department at www. ndhealth.gov/ehs/spills. Under state law, any spill that affects waters of the state has to be reported. That information has been compiled in a database, dating back to 1975, according to Glatt. Prior to the spill, he said the Health Department had been thinking about ways to make the data available to the public, as they had received a lot of Freedom of Information Act requests. “The Tioga spill accelerated that process and the timeline for making the information available to the public,” he said. NDFU POLICY Prior to the adoption of gathering line rules, NDFU submitted comments to the Oil and Gas Division urging oversight of the depth at which pipelines are buried and the construction methods used in both building and installing pipe. NDFU requested adoption of burial depths that would accommodate the weight of farm machinery – a huge safety concern for farmers, especially in wet conditions when it is not uncommon for a tractor or combine to sink to depths greater than three feet. Additionally, NDFU requested that monitoring methods be required to assure that a pipeline is devoid of leaks throughout its life or else immediately identified.

It was also urged that construction materials be resistant to not only the effects of transported fuels, but also to environmental impacts. NDFU members adopted significant language on pipelines during the state convention, namely: • We encourage the state to develop a safe, efficient and organized pipeline gathering system. • We support a damage compensation law that compensates farm operators and landowners when any drilling plans, pipeline, land disturbance or other resource development affects water, property and other interests. RECOVERY It is ironic that the sea of oil on the Jensen farm that now encompasses 33 acres occurred near an area called Black Slough. The cleanup process is “just scratching the surface,” Steve says. “They said the land would be turned back to us at the end of the year, but I can’t see it happening for four years.” A chain-link fence with barbed wire atop it cordons off the reclamation area. Trenches were initially ditched around the spill. Then a continuous wall of concrete (2,400 yards) was poured into trenches 14-15 feet down in “clean ground” to keep the oil from spreading horizontally. Drain tile and risers every 20 ft. are in place in the ditches to collect the


A trackhoe levels dirt over drain tile on the Jensen farm. 8

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oil, which is vacuumed up by VAC trucks every two days. The Jensens, North Dakota Farmers Union members, say the expense of cleanup is phenomenal and the state Health Department has “had our back.” When excavation began on the trench for the concrete wall, a well site was cut into that Patty said was not properly reclaimed in 1987 by the Hess Corporation. The Health Department is enforcing cleanup of that site. “The smell was terrible and when they started driving over it (before they dug it up) it was oozing out of the ground,” Patty explained. The Jensens have also asked Hess to reclaim land where a saltwater spill occurred earlier. An engineering firm has been hired by Tesoro to devise a strategy for cleanup, and Steve has started a dialogue between Tesoro and NDSU to collect data at each stage of the process to enhance industry and agriculture learning should a spill of this magnitude occur again. “Tesoro accepted responsibility for


Steve Jensen looks at the top of a 15 ft. concrete wall trenched into his field to contain a 20,000-plus barrel spill from an oil pipeline.

their spill and are doing everything they can to fix it,” notes Patty. While the damage will require some soil to be hauled away, the goal is to recondition the land to productivity. “It’s not just us or the next generation, but the generation after that I worry about,” Steve confesses. “Technology that is advanced today will deteriorate in 15 years. We’ve got to catch

up and get a hold of our lack of pipeline control and monitoring.” “The last three months have changed our lives,” he said. “We haven’t discussed compensation. It’s too soon” and too difficult emotionally to discuss. “It took 30 years to clean up an oil spill in Mandan,” adds Patty. “We really don’t know what’s going to happen.” s

PSC to hold public hearings on pipeline project The Public Service Commission (PSC) will be holding public hearings in February on Enbridge Pipelines’ Sandpiper Project. The project will expand the export capacity of the company’s existing North Dakota pipeline system, running along the Hwy. 2 corridor from Williams County near Tioga to Grand

Forks. The line will eventually end in Superior, Wis. According to Enbridge, the 612-mile project will expand the export capacity of its existing North Dakota pipeline system with new 24-inch and 30-inch diameter pipe, linking shippers to premium refinery markets in the Midwest, Upper Great Lakes, and East Coast. PSC hearings will be held:

• February 19 • 8:30 a.m. CST UND School of Law, Baker Courtroom; 215 Centennial Dr., Grand Forks • February 20 • 8:30 a.m. CST Lake Region State College Robert Fawcett Auditorium 1801 College Dr. N, Devils Lake • February 27 • 8:30 a.m. CST Minot City Council Chambers 515 2nd Ave. SW, Minot

Enbridge Pipelines’ Sandpiper Project

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AROUND STATE The North Dakota Farmers Union Board of Governors met in Jamestown on Jan. 21-22.

Congratulations to NDFU member Terri Lang for winning this journalism award from Emmons County.

NDFU Cooperative Specialist Dale Enerson presents door prize winner Brian Krueger with an iPad after the Precision Ag Summit.

Farmers Union Insurance agent David Bergeman of Forman and Oakes donated $500 to the Sargent County Food Pantry. Accepting the donation (above left) was Cheryl Wyckoff, the new Sargent County Food Pantry coordinator. A donation was also made by Bergeman to the Oakes Food Pantry. Dorothea Rath (above right) accepts the donation on their behalf.

The Kenmare Dollars for Scholars treasurer, Ken Barnhart (left), received a $1,000 donation from Farmers Union Insurance agent Jerry Essler (right) which will be used for the community Drawdown Fundraiser.

Chris Arnston, Farmers Union Insurance Shane Hellman presents a donation agent in Maddock, presents a check to the Dollars for Scholars program in for $1,000 on behalf of Farmers Union Glen Ullin. Mutual Insurance to Rachel Markestad, Maddock Opera House Association board member, for the restaurant fund.

NDFU President Mark Watne presented an appreciation award to past board member, Ben Vig, in recognition of his years of service during the Board of Governors meeting in January. 10

At left, Karen Doll, president of Grant County’s Dollars for Scholars, receives a check from Michelle Seibel, the Farmers Union Insurance agent in Elgin. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

Understanding property taxes The following article was submitted by the North Dakota Tax Department upon a request to explain property taxes on agricultural land and property tax relief that was passed in the last legislative session.


Just prior to the end of the year, the North Dakota tax department certified the agricultural land values for 2014 and distributed them to 53 counties. The information shows that, on average, agricultural land values for 2014 will increase 12 percent over 2013 values across the state. North Dakota Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger explained that agricultural land value for property tax purposes is not based on market value. “The value for agricultural land is based on the production of the land over a 10year cycle,” he said. According to Rauschenberger, agricultural land value is based on the productivity of the land, cost of production (input costs), capitalization rate (average of mortgage interest rates), and acres of county cropland and noncropland. This calculation, which is performed prior to Dec.1 each year by the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics at North Dakota State University (NDSU), results in an average agricultural value per acre of cropland, noncropland and inundated agricultural land for each county. These average values per acre, calculated by NDSU, are provided to the tax department

set of modifiers to adjust the value of acres that have a limitation on productive capability. A limitation may be excessive salinity, ponding, or obstructions such as trees or rocks. The modifiers are sent to the State Supervisor of Assessments for approval before the county may distribute them to the local assessors for use.

and the department certifies and distributes these values to the 53 counties at the end of each year to use when setting their agricultural land values. Rauschenberger said, “While the cost of production and the capitalization rate can produce dramatic changes in the agricultural value, production has been the major contributor to increases in value for 2013, and again for 2014.” The 2014 values are determined by using production information from 2003 to 2012. For many counties, cropland production for the last six years has been substantially more, sometimes double, the production reported for the years 2002 to 2005. “The cost of production and capitalization rate for the 2014 assessment has had minimal impact on the values for 2014,” said Rauschenberger. The average values certified by the Office of State Tax Commissioner are used by the State Board of Equalization to manage values between counties. The values serve as a starting point for counties to determine the value per acre for each soil or class of soil, and are provided to the local assessor to develop the total true and full value for each parcel in the township. Each county also develops a


In December, property owners across North Dakota received a reduction in their property tax bills as a result of an increase in the amount of property taxes that are paid by the state. For example, property taxes in Fargo went down approximately 25 percent from 2012 to 2013. This reduction varied across the state depending on what school district, county and city a taxpayer resides in. Property taxes were reduced in two ways: 1) through a new school funding formula that increased the state share of K-12 education and lowered the share funded through local property taxes, and correspondingly reduced local mill levy authority; and 2) through a new 12 percent state-paid property tax credit. December also marked the first month the Governor’s Task Force on Property Tax Relief met. Rauschenberger said the group discussed the possibility of consolidating or eliminating a number of county mill levies. In future meetings, he said the group will discuss other mill levies of other political subdivisions such as cities and park boards. s

NDFU policy positions on property taxes

In NDFU’S Program of Policy and Action, members have adopted comprehensive policy positions on property taxes, including: “Taxes on agricultural land should be based on profitability, productivity, use and soil types rather than market value.” Further, “NDFU supports a balanced tax structure and local control. As a result, we support restructuring the state tax system with property tax relief being a priority. However, we oppose elimination of property taxes and we oppose elimination of income taxes. To meet these goals, NDFU proposes increasing the percentage of sales, gross receipts, use, and motor vehicle excise tax collections to be deposited in the state aid distribution fund for allocation to political subdivisions. We also support a property tax system that imposes property taxes on the value of minerals.”s

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called me a hard worker, I know she is the true warrior. She is now Three people from North cheering again while I participate Dakota are about to embark on an in the University of North Dakota adventure of a lifetime. They are football games. Her dedication and young men with big dreams and an ‘never give up’ attitude led me to enormous vision. where I am today.” Joe Berger, Devin Coyle and Coyle is a UND sophomore Brock Schauer will bicycle over student currently majoring in 2,500 miles this summer on a business. He said, “I am motivated “Bike2Believe” tour to raise money and dedicated to begin the for cancer awareness. Bike2Believe tour. For Farmers Union me, this tour is not Insurance has donated only for my grandma. $2,500 to support the I want people to trip. believe that hope Berger explained, is out there. There “We will be biking is a reason to keep from Bismarck to pushing and keep St. Petersburg, F.L.. moving forward. You Our goal is to raise can make it through enough money to cancer and stay donate $400,000 to strong.” the Bismarck Cancer The summer tour Center Foundation and will begin May 31 and an additional $100,000 Bike2Believe participants Joe Berger, Devin Coyle, Farmers Union will take about 60 to the American Cancer Insurance State Sales and Marketing Manager Kevin Ressler and days. Berger’s mother, Society. Along the tour, Brock Schauer. Farmers Union Insurance donated $2,500 to the tour. Arlene, is driving a we will be stopping at from cancer so it’s bigger than Chevy pickup and a camper to offer hospitals to interact with those my mom having cancer. I want to support and shelter during the trip. battling cancer.” help everyone. If we touch a few Schauer concluded, “Through Berger is originally from people’s lives, my goal is complete. Bike2Believe, I can portray my Mandan and is a sophomore at I’m really looking forward to our passion of helping out people who the University of Mary where he hospital stops. It will be great to really need it. We hope to inspire competes in track and field. Berger support others and let them know others to give to cancer research shared how the idea started, “My that there are people out there that and cancer awareness.” s aunt (Brock’s mom) has stage IV care.” non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer. Another team member, Coyle, Donate by mailing to: Last summer, Brock called me up graduated from Mandan High Bike2Believe and asked me if I wanted to bike School in 2012 with Berger. His life c/o Bismarck Cancer Center, across the country to raise money has been affected by cancer and he 500 N. 8th Street for cancer research. We both decided to join the tour, too. Bismarck, N.D. 58501 agreed we could do it.” “When I was in high school, Schauer attended Mandan High my grandma, Lillian Coyle, was School and graduated in 2004. diagnosed with neuroendocrine He commented, “Everybody cancer of the stomach and small knows someone who has suffered intestine. Although she always



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Zunich agency relocates


The Zunich Farmers Union Insurance Agency in Williston recently moved into their newly built office. The old office, directly north of their current location, was home to the agency for over 34 years. “I left teaching school in 1979 to became an agent, and that was the building that the current agents were in,” said Jerry Zunich. One of the most important things to the Zunichs is family, and this can be seen in their agency, which is a family business. In 1996, one of Jerry’s three sons, Sjon, joined the agency. Jerry’s wife, Carol, also works at the agency as a customer service representative. The Zunich agency is located in the hustle and bustle of oil country. With many people moving in and out for job opportunities, Jerry says that their main key to success is

building relationships. “We take pride in being a multi-line agency. We feel that if we can offer a wide variety of lines to meet many needs of our customers, it will help build our relationship with them for the long term.” The Zunichs have also worked

to build relationships with local realtors and banks to receive referrals of new homeowners. Now located at 113 Washington Ave., the agency can still be reached at the same phone number, 701-577-5721. s

From left to right: Agent Jerry Zunich, Customer Service Representatives Carol Zunich and Ashelyana Paulson and Agent Sjon Zunich.

Things to know about Affordable Care Act All across North Dakota, local Farmers Union agents have helped many North Dakotans understand their health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act. However, there are still a lot of folks that need help. As trusted advisors, Farmers Union Insurance agents will continue to provide support. Here are a few things to know: Open enrollment for 2014 coverage ends March 31, 2014. If you haven’t enrolled in coverage by then, you generally can’t enroll in 2014 coverage until the next open enrollment period, which begins Nov. 15, 2014. If your current plan ends Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

by May 1 and you have received a letter from your company that they have picked a new plan for you, please stop in at your local

Farmers Union agent’s office and make sure you are getting the best plan to fit you and your family’s needs. s 13

Prairie Fire Pottery is located in downtown Beach, N.D.

Fired up Unique pottery business in Beach BY ANNE DENHOLM, NDFU

Tama Smith proudly displays her pottery in a showroom filled with unique pieces including mugs, plates, bowls and more.


Tama Smith is a master of fire. Her business depends on it. As owner of Prairie Fire Pottery, Smith creates handmade stoneware pottery. Her pieces are fired in her work studio and sold in a showroom in downtown Beach, N.D. She said, “I have to regulate the firing process in the natural gas kiln. Too much oxygen will cause pottery pieces to lose color and too little oxygen won’t get the temperature hot enough for the glazes to become molten. It’s a process that requires close attention.” The firing process can take 16 to 18 hours. Temperatures inside the kiln reach 2,400 degrees F, producing a penetrating yellow-white heat. At that temperature, the glazes start to flow and intermingle across the surface of the pots. The inside of the kiln contains three cone packs that melt at various temperatures. When a cone melts or drops, it reveals the interior temperature of the kiln. There are different ways to fire pottery but Smith likes to utilize reduction firing. “I like the depth you get from this process. It looks like the glaze blooms from the piece rather Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

than just on its surface,” Smith observed. Her philosophy on the glazing process also sets the finished work apart from the competition. “To be unique, I make my own glazes. It’s more tedious to do but my work doesn’t look like everyone else’s. I approach my work as much from the perspective of a painter as that of a potter. To me, clay is like canvas. I use my glazes like paint,” she said. Prairie Fire Pottery uses colors found in North Dakota scenery. The browns represent the sand buttes; yellow as wheat; blue for the sky; and black as the color of night. Smith also uses three dots on each piece of pottery as a signature “hello” to the buyer. Smith added, “My pieces will be around forever. It’s like finding an arrowhead. You find a connection that way back when, someone carved it. I feel an intense connection to the land in North Dakota and I want to pass it along.” The potter was born in Minot, N.D., and grew up in Bismarck. She attended the University of North Dakota where she honed her skill as an artisan and worked briefly in advertising. Husband, Jerry DeMartin, has supported her endeavors throughout the years and works as the business manager. “Jerry was very instrumental for me to follow my dream and has always encouraged me to be creative. We lived in Michigan for a number of years and worked at art shows on weekends before coming back to North Dakota to start our own business,” she said. A family friend recommended Beach as the hometown for the shop. “We knew we wanted to live west of the Missouri River and in a small town. This was perfect. We found the 1909 storefront and the location off the interstate was great. We’ve been here since 1995,” Smith shared. Prairie Fire Pottery produces thousands of pieces each year and about 80 percent of the business walks in the door. The remaining 20 percent of sales are through the internet. “Our biggest seller is mugs. A lot of people have their favorite coffee mug to use each day,” said Smith, “But my favorite pieces to make are bowls. If you are going to own just one pottery piece, I recommend a beautiful bowl.” When Smith first started the business, she had to do everything herself from potting, glazing, firing and selling. Now, she employs other people to help her although she is still hands on during the firing and glazing process. “I feel very fortuante to be in this position. Only 3 percent of people make a living in pottery. I have worked hard and am fortunate to have good people support me and the business.” s

Each piece is fired in the electric kiln to harden the surface before the glaze is applied. This kiln heats to 1,800 degrees F. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

Smith creates her own glazes using different types of rock including feldspar from the Black Hills, Montana talc, cobalt, copper, red iron, silica and more.

Glazed pottery pieces are placed on special shelves created for the kiln which fires to 2,400 degrees F.

Tama Smith regulates the flame and oxygen levels in the kiln from behind the unit.


NFU Women’s Conference provides skills and guidance to participants National Farmers Union’s (NFU) 2014 Women’s Conference was held Jan. 11-14 in Clearwater Beach, Fla. The conference was based on the well-respected Annie’s Project education program and provided participants with tools and information to confidently manage risks in their farm or ranch operations and develop leadership skills. “Family farm operations are more successful when each person in the management team better understands strategic planning, business analysis, family dynamics, and transferring operations from one generation to the next,” said NFU President Roger Johnson. “This conference builds on our experience in providing adult education classes specifically designed for women in agriculture.” U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden was a keynote speaker at the event. Griggs County resident Elizabeth Huso was part of the

TAG weekend for young producers Young ag producers are invited to a special weekend Feb. 7-8 in Fargo. Participants will visit North Dakota State University’s state of the art Commodity Trading Room (CTR) located in the Quentin Burdick Center. Members will have an opportunity to participate in actual trading while monitoring the market. The group will also tour the NDSU Greenhouse Complex. During a BBQ Boot Camp, the group will learn new cooking tips. Nationally known speaker Debra Conroy will address the young producers on Saturday. She has presented at National Farmers Union events. Registration is $25 per person. To register for the event, contact Jessica Haak at 701-952-1110 or 701-320-5044, jhaak@ndfu.org. s


North Dakota conference delegation. She said, “The women who attended were comprised of a wide range of farming operations and ag connections.This North Dakota Farmers Union sent a delegation to the allowed for great women’s conference including, from left to right: Jessica conversation and Haak, NDFU; Holly Sobieck, Ward County; Kathy Hoff, Grant County; Brittany McInnes, Traill County; Faith Nord and a lot of learning Katrina Nord, Walsh County; NDFU District Director Ellen about other types Linderman and Elizabeth Huso, Griggs County. of work and ideas. My favorite business planning, leadership topics presented by Madeline assessment and skills, generational Schultz included goal setting and issues and action planning. communication/relationships on Attendees learned about skills family farms. The keynote speaker for women leading in agriculture gave an excellent talk that sparked with peer-to-peer networking a lot of interesting conversation on opportunities. the farm bill.” Annie’s Project helps women A variety of trained instructors find new ways to balance the taught family farm finances, demands of family, community budgeting and cash flow, and professionalism within the cooperatives, marketing, farm agricultural community. s transfer and estate planning,

State unveils anniversary logo Governor Jack Dalrymple kicked off the year-long celebration of North Dakota’s 125th anniversary of statehood in January during a special event at the capitol. The official logo was unveiled which features a bison head. Two statewide signature events will be held Aug. 16 and Nov. 2. The August event will be held on the Capitol grounds on the state’s official 125th birthday. Two of the acts confirmed to perform at the event – Tigirlily and Chuck Suchy – were at the Capitol to

provide an entertainment preview. The commemoration of the state’s official birthday on Nov. 2 will coincide with the grand opening of the new North Dakota Heritage Center. s

First Lady Betsy Dalrymple, Lt. Governor Drew Wrigley, Krista Slaubaugh of Tigirlily, Governor Jack Dalrymple, Kendra Slaubaugh of Tigirlily and singer Chuck Suchy. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

April Just, Whittney Huber and Susan Meidinger helped coordinate the Wishek Friendly Faces project along with Katie Pinke, pictured below.

Wishek’s Santa’s elves project BY ANNE DENHOLM, NDFU

Some Wishek, N.D., residents had an extra special Christmas this year, thanks to the work of volunteers with Wishek Friendly Faces. Volunteer Katie Pinke explained, “Seven families were nominated to receive Christmas presents this year through a new program coordinated by Wishek Friendly Faces. Community donations were solicited and we were able to wrap and deliver gifts, food and other extra things that made a big difference in those family celebrations.” Pinke said that for some families, the holidays are extremely hard. “Some recipients just didn’t have enough money to buy presents for their children or provide a nice meal. We tried to find out what each family really needed. Our small town banded together to make those wishes come true.” One family needed paint for the outside of their home and so a donation was solicited for that request. Another family needed Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

more Christmas spirit after a challenging year so the group put together a “fun” pack of games and candy. Pinke, April Just and Whittney Huber all helped spearhead the community project. Just added, “We got the idea from the town of Williston. We all attended a WILD women’s conference at North Dakota Farmers Union this fall. We rode together to the conference and afterwards, we started talking about what we could do in Wishek.” “We had so much energy from the conference,” said Huber. “We all wanted to make a difference and do something in our town. This is just the start of what Wishek Friendly Faces will do. We just got the ball rolling.” Susan Meidinger got involved after hearing about the project. She donated extra inventory and proceeds from her business and helped wrap gifts for the recipients. “We were so thankful for Susan’s support,” Pinke said. “Her gift of $500 and her time spent wrapping presents really helped us

get going.” Other community members got into the spirit as well. Some people donated cash and others donated merchandise and food. “Our vision for Wishek Friendly Faces is more than just Christmas. We want to make a positive difference in Wishek. We want more people to step up and get involved. This is just a great example of how one idea can spiral into something great,” concluded Pinke. s Contact Wishek Friendly Faces by e-mail at: wishekfriendlyfaces@bektel.com

Katie Pinke


International Year of Family Farming

In celebration of the United Nations declaring 2014 the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), NFU has been doing some outreach to promote the year. In January, we focused on family farming and the consumer. The following is an excerpt from our blog. Read more at www.NFU.org/ blog. “When National Farmers Union was founded in 1902, most of the population of the United States had a direct connection to a farmer, if they were not involved in farming personally. While those of us presently involved in farming, ranching and other agricultural pursuits hold tight to the connection, the reality is that the average American is several generations removed from the source of their food supply. This fact creates a critical need for all of us to continue to spread the message of the importance of family farming to everyone in America and around the world.”

Convention in Santa Fe

The National Farmers Union 112th Anniversary Convention is approaching quickly. We have a great agenda planned, including keynote speaker U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack; a 2014 farm bill panel with representatives from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives agriculture committees; and a panel on local agriculture, featuring the agriculture commissioners from the three Rocky Mountain states (Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming). Details about the convention can be found at www.NFU.org/ convention.

Farm Bill Update

Farm bill conferees continue to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions of 18

the bill in order to produce a final compromise version that can pass both chambers and be signed into law by the President. It is expected that leadership will continue behindthe-scenes negotiations. At press time, the possibility of a public conference meeting remains. If held, it will likely include discussions about COOL, House bill language blocking implementation of the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rule, and the Rep. King amendment limiting states’ ability to regulate food and agriculture standards.

Omnibus Bill Passes

The fiscal year 2014 appropriations bill, also called the omnibus budget bill, passed on bipartisan votes in both the House and Senate. The $1.1 trillion legislation will fund the government for the next nine months, pushing any threats of a government shutdown to October.

Overall Ag Spending

Agriculture spending was left largely unchanged from previous funding levels. Rural development appropriations received an increase in the bill, but funding for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program was reduced. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which saw its responsibilities greatly increased in recent years, saw a boost in its funding, but not to the level the agency requested.


The omnibus, as in recent appropriations bills, includes a policy rider that prevents the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) from finalizing several livestock market fairness rules that were proposed by GIPSA in 2010. However, the rider in the omnibus does not rescind any poultry regulations

currently on the books, unlike previous riders. Thus, the omnibus rider remains problematic, but not as bad as previous bills.


The most objectionable part of the omnibus isn’t even in the legislative language, but is included in the report that accompanies the bill. Two paragraphs on Country-ofOrigin labeling (COOL) are part of the commentary, citing the alleged high costs of COOL implementation and demanding the USDA rescind COOL until further study and review can be conducted. This language is not binding, but is a backhanded way to have Congress on record in opposition to COOL. USDA is not obligated to honor the request in the report language - an approach that NFU supports.
 There have been plenty of instances in which packers, processors and foreign competitors have shown their desperation to derail COOL. Including anti-COOL report language is just the latest scare tactic.

NFU College Conference

Students from the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada will gather in Minneapolis Feb. 13-16 to learn how cooperative businesses operate for the benefit of their customers. Students are participating in the NFU College Conference on Cooperatives, sponsored by the CHS Foundation, CoBank, Farmers Union Industries Foundation, National Farmers Union (NFU) Foundation and others. The event will focus on how and why cooperatives succeed in America’s competitive business environment. For more information on how to attend, please visit www. NFU.org/education or contact Maria Miller, NFU director of education, at mmiller@nfudc.org. s

Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

Jamba la ya :

A perfect dish for your table BY FOUNDING FARMERS RESTAURANT

Founding Farmers Jambalaya

As New Orleans gears up for their annual Mardi Gras celebrations, a hearty, flavorful jambalaya is a perfect dish for you and your family to feast on after a long winter’s day. It’s a great way to bring the spirit of Mardi Gras to your table without ever leaving home. A favorite of Farmers Fishers Bakers’ culinary team and guests, jambalaya is a versatile, one-pot wonder of savory, seasoned, slow-cooked rice combined with fresh meats such as chicken, ham, and smoked sausage, and/or seafood such as shrimp, crab, clams, and mussels … a combination of flavors all are sure to love (and ask for again and again). Enjoy this jambalaya recipe version that we serve in the restaurant, which features Andouille sausage, but you can substitute or add preferred meats and/or seafood, also in 6 oz portions, based on what you’ve got in your fridge or what might be available at your local butcher or seafood counter.

Cooking Instructions: Heat large braised pot with fitted lid. Add oil and render Andouille sausage 2 to 3 minutes. Add yellow onions, Pablano peppers, green pepper, celery, and garlic; sauté until soft. Add white rice, coriander, cinnamon, chili powder, and cumin; sauté 2 minutes. Add tomatoes, chicken stock, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, and salt/pepper; stir to loosen rice in water. Bring to a simmer. Cover, place in oven, and cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow Jambalaya to cool in pot (covered) for 15 minutes. Fold in green onions and fresh thyme. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. s

Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

Yields approx 4-6 servings 1 fl oz canola oil 6 oz Andouille sausage (diced) 1 cup yellow onion (diced) 1 Pablano pepper (diced) 1 green bell pepper (diced) 1 cup celery (diced) 2 tablespoons garlic (minced) 2 cups Uncle Ben’s white rice 1½ teaspoons coriander (ground) 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon (ground) 1½ teaspoon chili powder (dark) 1½ teaspoon cumin (ground) 12 oz can whole peeled tomatoes (drained & finely chopped) 24 fl oz chicken stock 1 teaspoon Tabasco 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon thyme (minced) 1 cup green onions (sliced thin) ½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper (or to taste) 2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified ad space is free and available to NDFU members. Ads will run one time only. Ads must be mailed, e-mailed or faxed. NO ADS WILL BE TAKEN OVER THE PHONE. Include your name, address, phone number and mail to: NDFU Classifieds PO Box 2136 • Jamestown ND 58402-2136 e-mail: bthoms@ndfu.org Fax: 701-252-6584 • 701-952-0102 Deadline is the 15th of every month. Contact us to repeat your ad.

FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Parker 200 bushel gravity box with hyd. auger and John Deere running gear. 9743644, Loren Myran, Taylor. FOR SALE 1948 8N Ford tractor, new rear tires and rims, 12V system, runs nice. 302-0969, Fred Allmaras, New Rockford. FOR SALE 966 IH tractor, heated IH cab, dual pto., 2150 Quicktach IH loader, new tires, duals, $12,500. 838-5941, Alan Egeberg, Minot. FOR SALE Versatile 400 swather, 20’, low acreage, always shedded; factory transport for swather; Valmar 2420 granular spreader, 60’; semi take-out grain auger, 8”x12’, 14” tires; 2 - 550 gal. fuel tanks on skids; 8 row Dakon cultivator with shields. 2563220, Danny Livinggood, Langdon. FOR SALE John Deere 4640, 6,680 hrs; front mount snow blower with two augers. 377-2931, Leo Christiansen, Bowbells. FOR SALE 20’ steel box, 3 pc. tailgate, plastic floor, 58” sides, 600 bu. $2,400. 789-0326, Doug Lund, Aneta. FOR SALE Summers 80’ pull-type supersprayer, Hypro hydraulic pump, Raven controller, 500 gal. tank, windscreens, dual tip 5 and 10 gal., fence row end nozzles, foam markers, hydraulic tip lift, clean water tank, good clean low acre sprayer, shedded. 884-2446, Terry Strobel, Denhoff. FOR SALE IHC 50T baler; Schulte RS hyd. rock picker; F10 Farmhand w/weigh all Snoco bale loader; h.d. Russell Reliance 10’ grader; 10’ h.d. V packer; 5 bottom packer w/hitch; 8 steel grain bins w/ steel floor, 1,000-12,400 bu.; Peterson dual rims, 18.4-34 to 232.1-30; Letz 163 burr mill; 11’ wide push-all hay basket for DuAl loader; push-off hay basket or DuAl loader; Versatile 8”x50’ pto. auger. 5842025, Elmer Lemke, Bentley. FOR SALE 451 Massey Ferguson tractor, 50 hp., 3 pt. hitch, 540 pto., has 2 remotes and 80 actual hrs., $18,000. 833-7287, Stanley Solberg, Minot. FOR SALE 1990 3155 MFWA, 265 JD loader, 8’ bucket and grapple, 8,700 hrs., hyds. overhauled, very nice condition, $30,000 obo. 878-4967, Roy M Schneider, Hebron. 20

FOR SALE MDS attachments for tractor loaders, payloaders, skid-steers, telehandlers; Rockbadgers for skid-steer or payloaders. 7’, 8’, 8.5’, 9’, 10’ scoops with skid-steer mounts, Euro-mounts, JD mounts, Case IH mounts, Farmhand mounts, Dual mounts, etc. with grapples to fit or retro-fit; heavyduty 8’ skid-steer manure fork w/ grapple; heavy-duty 10’ skid-steer snow-pusher; heavy-duty MDS 7’ or 8’ rock/brush/scrap bucket with grapple (skid-steer mounts); MDS 5,200 lb. pallet fork for JD 740 classic-tach; MDS Shur-lock quick-tach scoop mounting system for JD loaders (ie. 146, 148, 158, 168, 280, etc.); MDS EuroGlobal attachment changer with skid-steer hookup; many other MDS attachments on hand or available; new Koyker 7’ quicktach scoop; new Koyker 545 FWA loader with 8’ scoop & grapple, mounts available; JD 146 and 148 loaders with mounts; large volume 10’ snow scoop to fit 148 & 158 loader; used skid-steer scoops, F-11 & F-10 loaders & loader parts. 709-0103, Allen Wald, Edgeley. FOR SALE 1 – 5,000 gal. fuel tank with site gauge, service door and 2 - 2” ports; 1 – 4,000 gal. fuel tank wit top service door and 1 - 2” port; both could be used for fuel or water; Case 1737 skid-steer loader with 5’ material bucket and pallet fork; 4 cyl. water cooled, gas engine and roll cage. 435-2239, Les Koll, Wimbledon. FOR SALE 456 NH 9’ trailing mower with hyd. cylinder and extra sickles; Westank 9,500 gal. aluminum semi tanker, used for spraying with Honda pump and mixing cone; two Tiran 12.5L-15 SL tubeless 10 ply, 6 hole rim off Bourgault no-till drill. 693-2371, Rick Frueh, Martin. FOR SALE Case IH 2588 combine, 07, nice, 1,500 hrs., loaded, 600 Prax monitor, 12 row ready, 4 wheel drive; 2588 01 combine, 2,400 hrs., loaded, hyd., reverser, straight headers and flex headers. 366-4588 or cell: 228-6571. Greg Sletto, Willow City.

WANTED Dozer for and older D4 Cat, would prefer a Dakota dozer. 644-2713 after 6 p.m., Bruce M. Johnson, Edmore. WANTED IHC M and H tractors, running or for parts. 974-3644, Loren Myran, Taylor. WANTED Single axle grain truck in good condition in Minot area. 833-4600 or 725-4925, Craig McCormack, Des Lacs. WANTED Air seeder hopper for Flexicoil 2320; Wilson 40’ or 42’ hopper bottom grain trailer with ag hoppers. 465-3719, Loren Isaak, Drake. WANTED Loader snow bucket for 250 DuAL loader or one to make over. 838-5941, Alan Egeberg, Minot. WANTED IH pto grain binder transport, axles and wheels for storage purpose or moving on the road length way. 327-4240, Verle Marsaa, Tappen.

WANTED Small grain drill, 4’ - 8’, pony drill will work; small corn planter, 2 - 4 row or what have you. 653-5230, Wes Miller, Carrington. WANTED Complete pulley assembly for IHC W6 tractor. 270-0184, Harold Severson, Lakota.

VEHICLES FOR SALE 2006 Pontiac G6, 2.4 engine, 51,000 mi., approx. 5,000 mi. on tires, back seats fold down for transporting, excellent condition, always garaged, complete maintenance - oil change, etc. in late Dec. 2013, $7,900 obo. 252-2720, Donna Endres, Jamestown. FOR SALE 2000 Ford Ranger XLT, ext. cab, fiberglass topper, V6, auto., new tires, white, 126,000 mi., $5,750, nice. 218-7912296 or 218-791-3333, Dave Dennison, Grand Forks. FOR SALE 2008 Chev. Impala LT, 51,000 mi., 3500 V6 engine, red in color, black interior, makes 29 mpg., excellent condition, reason for selling-too hard for an older man to get in and out. 597-3854, Roger Monson, Flasher. FOR SALE 110’ boom truck, 2 buckets, 1974 Ford gas tandem axle, approx. 85,000 mi.6535230, Wes Miller, Carrington. FOR SALE 1979 Chevy one ton service truck with 6,000 lb. auto crane, 300 gal. diesel and 100 gal. gas tank, air compressor and tank. 693-2371, Rick Frueh, Martin. FOR SALE 1981 Buick Century, auto on floor, bucket seats, air, factory installed V8, 4.3 liter motor, mint cond.; 1951 straight eight Buick. 597-3730 or larryn@westriv.com, Larry Nagel, Shields. WANTED 1971 Dodge W-200, 383 and long box, must be in good condition. 947-5349, Gary Weigum, New Rockford. WANTED Chevrolet cars and trucks from 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s. 974-3644, Loren Myran, Taylor.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR LEASE Commercial Property - Alamo, ND school building and all of block 9, Williams Co., ND, located in the Bakken, 36 mi. NE of Williston, gymnasium has been renovated into a 66’x120’ shop with 18’ overhead door, has 400 amp., 3 phase service, lots of potential, use it for your oil field business or renovate the school into housing/ motel, school is 3 floors, floors are approx. 80x80, all brick construction, potential for commercial water development as there is a high producing well on the property, willing to lease shop. 570-4660 or 528-4766, Rockey Hewson, Alamo. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 214 John Deere garden tractor with 48” mower deck, 36” snow blower, has a hard cab but the driver’s door is missing, $1,600. 288-3070, LeRoy Fleming, Ashley. FOR SALE Certified Organic Angus beef by the quarter, half or whole, prepackaged ready for your freezer or custom processed, $1.95 live weight plus processing and minimal transportation fees, average price per pound of beef (includes steaks, roasts, ground beef, etc.) under $7.25/lb. 701-228-3338 or prairieroseorganicfarm@ gmail.com, Beth Rose, Willow City.tttt FOR SALE 2009 Keystone Raptor toyhauler, 3712 ts., triple axle, sleeps 12, Onan generator; Polaris modified mountain sled, less than 200 mi. of riding since built. 659-0705, Jessica Clemens, Wimbledon. FOR SALE 12’ hard wood stock rack, red, factory made, like new; Worksaver 3 pt. fence post digger, 3 augers; 2 cream separators, electric #518 and #S16 with crank, both with complete attachments. 597-3730, larryn@westriv.com, Larry Nagel, Shields. FOR SALE Purebred Norwegian Elkhound puppies, born December 14, 2013, 5 males and 3 females, ready for new homes by February 15th, this breed is of medium size with a thick smooth coat and a short curled tail, Elkhounds are valued as a pet of unusual intelligence, loyalty and friendliness. 674-3226 or 649-0265 or 649-0277, Jim and Sharon Ludwig, New Rockford. FOR SALE 6500 watt generator, 16 horse Vanguard, Briggs & Stratton twin OHV engine, Chicago electric gas engine, key start & pulley, receptacles – 4 - 15 amp, 120V, 1 - 25 amp, 240V, 1 - 25 amp, 120/240V, 8 hrs. run time, always kept inside, very good condition, original manual and paperwork; 1992 31’ Avion 5th wheel w/14’ slide, AC, new double door fridge, main awning, washer/dryer connections, cassette radio, 2 TVs (1 new flat screen), VCR, microwave, 4 burner range and oven, all original paperwork on trailer and appliances, $11,200. 701-628-6949, 314640-1884, 314-799-6949, Rose LaRocco Ryan, Stanley. FOR SALE New tires – 8 Titan 20.8x38x8ply bias@$900 ea.; 12 Titan 18.4x38x8 ply bias@$750 ea.; 4 Goodyear Dura Torque 18.4x38x8 ply bias@$690 ea.; 2 Titan 30.5x32,12 or 16 ply, buy 1 or 2; 8 GY Dyna Torque 480/80R42 radials@$1280 ea.; 2 GY Ultra Torque 520/85R42 radials @$1,400.ea.; 2 Michelin AgriBib 520/85R42 radials@$1260 ea.; 2 Firestone 520/85R42 radials; 2 BKT 16.9x24x8ply bias@$490 ea.; 4 Titan HD 12x16.5x10ply skid steer w/rim guard@$175 ea. 709-0103, Allen Wald, Edgeley. Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

FOR SALE Keurig coffee maker, new in box. 3242782, Tom Alveshere, Harvey.

FOR SALE Polaris snowmobile, $500; firewood, face (1/3) cord, $75 ea. 663-8358, Ron Frank, Mandan. FOR SALE New starter for Briggs & Stratton 24 hp. engine, never used, part #499521, $100 obo. 720-0827, Gary Schell, Velva. FOR SALE Horse collars & related items; 45 used utility poles, 35’-50’ long; used tires - 6 Bridgestone tires 245-75-R16; 4 - 225-60R16 M&S; 4 used Firestone P265-70-R16 M&S; 3 Michelin P225-60-R16 M&S; 4 Hercules Ultra 215-70-R15; 2 Co-op Ready Grip G78-15 MS studded, less than 2,000 mi. on Ford wheels; 2 Firestone L78-15 studded; 2 P25-75 R15 Cooper Weathermaster studded, less than 2,000 mi.; 2 P125-75 R15 Goodyear studded on Ford wheels; 2 P215-75 R15 Sears Snow Handlers. 584-2025, Elmer Lemke, Bentley. FOR SALE Lennox Lo-Boy oil fired warm air furnace, Model DMR, w/manual, $250 obo; Sports Trainer - a remote training system for dogs, 100 yd. range, new. 845-2300, Bjarne Breske, Valley City. FOR SALE Used tires – 6-28Lx26x 10 or 12 ply@60 to 90%; 4-520/85R42 GY Ultra-Torque @75%; 2-Michelin 650/65R38@75%; 1-Michelin 420/85R34@90%; 2-Firestone 710/70R42@30% (very good casings); 2- Michelin 480/80R38@60%; 1-Titan 23.1R30x12ply@75%; 4-GY 380/85R34 FWA@70%; 2-GY 13.6R28@75%; 8- Firestone 12.5R18x10ply@90% (for compact payloader w/wo. rims); 2-GY 11.2x24\ @90%; 2-Titan 23.1x26@30%. 6-Taurus 20.8R38@40%; 3-Firestone 18.4R38@35%; many 20.8R42, 18.4R46, 16.9x38, 18.4x38, 20.8x38, 16.9x34, etc @30-50%; 2-Case IH 14.9x34-12 bolt front dual rims & spacers (for 22” rows); other rims, bands, hardware. 709-0103, Allen Wald, Edgeley. FOR SALE 07 Case IH 2588 combine, nice, 1,500 hrs., loaded, 600 Prax monitor, 12 row ready, 4 whl. drive; 2388 01 combine, 2,400 hrs., loaded, hyd., really straight headers and flexheaders. 366-4588, Greg Sletto, Willow City. FOR SALE 1979 Case 2590 tractor. 7,500 hrs., dual rear wheels, 3 pt. hitch, 3 hyd. remotes; Leon 16’, 3 pt. hitch chisel plow; John Deere 21 1/2’, 3 pt. hitch field cultivator with harrows; Parker Chariot wagon with factory goose neck trailer, tandem dual wheels, side dumps and hyd. orbit auger end dump; 2 Heider gravity wagons – 1 with one tip top extension, 1 with two tip top extensions; John Deere 800 18’ swather; Gorman-Rupp 6” trash irrigation pump, powered by a Ford 172 diesel 4 cyl. engine; Kwik Kleen 5 tube grain cleaner with extra cleaning tubes, hyd. orbit motor driven; Ford 8N tractors and many misc. parts; Ford 8N stationary power units; Felling skid-steer transport trailer, 14.6’ long, 6/6’ wide, GVW 10,500#. 226-4055, Lloyd Giese, Steele.

FOR SALE AKC Male Sheltie puppies, first shots and ready to go. 701-529-4421 Bob Finken. WANTED Prairie dog hunters to come and hunt on my land, make reservations now. 5973730 or larryn@westriv.com, Larry Nagel, Shields. WANTED Nordic Jr. 1986 Model coal/wood burning stove. 483-8201, Calvin & Jean Hofer, Gladstone. WANTED Electric neon lighted advertisement clock. 693-2371, Rick Frueh, Martin. WANTED Snowmobiles, 1980 and older, especially John Deere, need not be running, for parts also; vintage snowmobile clothing or helmets, any brand or type. 252-4916 or 269-1166, Tyler Thoms, Spiritwood. WANTED Crocks, jugs with store advertising; old metal advertising signs, gas pumps, old metal oil cans, old advertising clocks or thermometers; old road signs, traps, knives, shell boxes, guns, old pop or old medicine bottles; old highway road signs; old 1 lb. coffee tin cans; ND pottery, carnival glass; ND books - 50 yrs. in the saddle. 258-0420 or 220-5746, Val Ganje, Bismarck. WANTED Old ND motorcycle license plates, the ones with the year stamped in them; Harley Davidson 45 motorcycle, any condition or parts from one. 797-7610, Tim Soma, Cooperstown.

FEED AND SEED FOR SALE Barlow hard red spring wheat seed, Registered or Certified class, delivery and totes available. 739-0191, Brian Ludwig, New Rockford. FOR SALE Round grass hay bales, baled in 2013; feed oats, call for quantity. 226-4055, Lloyd Giese, Steele. FOR SALE Large round bales, alfalfa, ditch, CRP and oats straw with lots of chaff, made by NH688 baler with plastic twine, can load. 529-4421 or finkenfarms@gmail.com, Bob Finken, Douglas. FOR SALE NuTech corn, soybean and alfalfa seeds, early varieties with quick drydown, early discounts still available, also Elgin and Barlow, HRSW; Innovation barley; Radiant, Decade and Broadview HRW. 529-4421 or finkenseeds@gmail.com, Bob Finken, Douglas.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Holstein bull calves, one day to week old, all shots and clostrum given. 489-3256 or 269-1124, Randy Rosemore, Jamestown. 21

County Calendar BURLEIGH


2014 Excursion Tours!

The Sweethearts of Branson

Monday, April 28, 2014 Denny and Shelia Yeary will perform country music and gospel songs, with comedy provided by Cowboy Comedian“Tucker” 2:00 pm at the Belle Mehus Theater, Bismarck, N.D. $29 Concert Tickets Only

??? Mystery Tours ???

#1 April 28-May 1 #2 May 12-15 #3 May 19-22 (Full but accepting names for standby) Go to www.ndfu.org for details or call 800-366-8331 ext 108, Susan, or ext 111, Jeff


February 9 • Joint Annual Meeting Potluck supper with chicken provided 5 p.m. registration Tri-Energy Cooperative Office Building (formerly Cenex) 219 N 20th St., Bismarck Speaker: Nancy Jo Bateman, ND Beef Commission “Beef ... Feeling Good About What’s for Dinner!”


February 15 • “Casino Night” 6 p.m. CST at the Seven Seas Hotel & Waterpark 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan Meal, casino games, games for kids, door prizes and lots of fun! RSVP to your County Presidents: Evelyn Alt, Jim Hopfauf or Larry Nagel


February 22 • “Family Fun Night” Ashley Legion Hall 5:30 p.m. Roast beef supper • 6:45 p.m. Bingo Cowboy Poet/Comedian Rodney Nelson RSVP by Feb. 15 to Delbert Eszlinger 288-3895 or Kristi Ebel 423-5424


March 9 • Fairmount Local membership meeting 4 p.m. • Fairmount Fire District Hall


February 3 • board meeting 6:30 p.m. • Minot Pizza Ranch

Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

Message from


Be proud to be part of agriculture Agriculture in general has experienced some very successful years due to higher commodity prices, a successful crop insurance program and the quality Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (farm bill). Farmers and ranchers should celebrate this success and share with our city cousins that we are finally seeing true success in our businesses and receiving a deserved return on investment. This return on investment is more aligned with what other businesses would only expect to receive on their investments. Farmers and ranchers generally are quite reserved and slightly timid in sharing their challenges and successes with their chosen career. In fact, when asked what we do for a living, our reply is sometimes “I am just a farmer” or “I am just a rancher.” Instead, we should be more proud and share the value we bring to this nation. Thomas Jefferson said, “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” This was true in Jefferson’s time and may be even truer today. In the United States, farmers and ranchers make an important contribution to the economy by ensuring safe and reliable food supply, improving energy security and supporting job growth and economic development. Total cash farm receipts in 2012 for the U.S. reached $391.3

billion. These cash receipts support 2,660,840 American jobs. U.S. farmers and ranchers play a major role in making the United States the world’s leading exporter of agricultural products. Since 1960, the U.S. has posted a trade surplus in agriculture every year with $38.5 billion in 2012. At North Dakota Farmers Union, we are aggressively communicating that farmers and ranchers are a tremendous value to society. We are increasing our proactive efforts to enhance awareness, educate consumers and bring value-added support to the agriculture industry. We are expanding the NDFU and Agraria member restaurants. We continue to work with CHS on the potential nitrogen plant near Jamestown. Through Dakota Pride Cooperative, we are searching for specialty markets in the U.S.,

Schmidt appointed to CBB U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the appointment of James Schmidt of Menoken to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board (CBB). He will serve a three-year term on the 103-member board that oversees beef checkoff funds. Schmidt has ranched for more than 35 years and was nominated by NDFU for the appointment.

Union Farmer • www.ndfu.org

Europe and Asia. We continue legislative efforts to ensure a business climate that is conducive for success. We support efforts to develop renewable fuels and other products that will increase demand for our commodities enabling farmers and ranchers to receive better prices from the market place. This January, we held our third annual technology conference to help farmers and ranchers keep pace with the technology advancement opportunities for their operations. We hope you will join in our efforts to communicate the value of agriculture to society. So next time you are asked what you do for a living, be proud. Explain the value we bring to our country. Tell everyone about the importance of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 and a good crop insurance program. Remind them of the value of renewable energy. Let them know the value of using farm production for other uses than food and how we can help solve a portion of our energy challenges. Assure them that we have the talent and ability to continue to feed the world and meet energy needs. Our profession, in my opinion, is the most valued for the world. s 23

Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America, ND Division


1415 12th Ave SE PO Box 2136 Jamestown, ND 58402


To order, call Eunice at the NDFU state office at 701-952-9127


You Can Control the Unknown CONFIDENCE.

It’s that feeling you get when you know you have a detailed plan to get the most from this year’s crop. This should include Multi-Peril Crop Insurance. Knowing you’re protected against all Mother Nature has to offer is the only way to be totally confident. Contact your Farmers Union insurance agent for more information. www.fumic.com or E-mail: info@fumic.com

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