98 unmannedvalley bidbook singlepage wf

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June 2016 - version 1.0

Contents A unique opportunity for the region 4 // Introduction Unmanned Valley 6 // Sector under development 7 // The Netherlands 8 // Valkenburg 10 // News Why Valkenburg? 13 // Unique Selling Points UVV 15 // Structure & organisation 16 // Our partners 17 // The proposition Building blocks for planning 19 // Test sites and UVV business cluster 20 // Test sites 22 // Phasing 23 // Desired programme 24 // Unmanned automated vehicles in a safe living environment

Spatial incorporation 26 // Outdoor test zones and business cluster 27 // Outdoor test zones - 4 variants 31 // Phasing 32 // Phase 1 - variants 33 // Phase 1 - ‘Do it yourself UVV campus’ Next steps 35 // For further development Afterword 37 // Colophon 38 //

A unique opportunity for the region // Introduction We are at the dawn of the Second Machine Age, in which intelligent robots or unmanned systems will be playing an important role in our economy and will have a major impact on our society. Dutch companies and research institutes are playing an important role in this revolution. To give some examples, there will be smart robots from RoboValley, self-driving car communication from NXP, composites from Airborne, artificial intelligence from Leiden, fully autonomous milking robots from Lely, the ambulance drone from Delft and the commercial drones of Aerialtronics in The Hague. This industry is much bigger than the manufacturers that build the robots alone. The physical robot is generally no more than a resource to carry out a task or to gather information. If we consider the chain as a whole, we see that it runs from the composites developer and the chip manufacturer via software developers and companies that add artificial intelligence or provide a service on the platform to the end-users.


The ability to test current and future technology is important to each and every party in the UAV chain. This applies especially to the Zuid-Holland region, where the most important manufacturers, suppliers, developers and research institutes are found. Valkenburg airport is the only location in the Randstad that still offers what industry needs: sufficient space for testing, the ability to test over longer distances above the

North Sea, the infrastructure needed for companies to establish themselves, a location close to attractive towns and cities where employees can live and, perhaps most importantly of all: in the neighbourhood of the companies and research institutes that define this industry. Also, Valkenburg is located just 30 minutes away from Schiphol, which in view of the international nature of this industry is ideal for companies wishing to settle here or customers wanting to see the technology in action. Valkenburg gives the Netherlands the opportunity to benefit from this newly emerging mega industry. Goldman Sachs predicts that the drone market will grow to $ 37 billion a year within 5 years. We should seize this opportunity before we lose the know-how and the companies to other countries. Valkenburg could be the European location where the industry chooses to base itself. Both industry and the universities of Delft and Leiden are ready for this. Are you? Unmanned Valley Valkenburg (UVV) has firmed up its proposition in order to jointly seize this opportunity. This has culminated in the bidbook you are now reading. The bidbook is intended to initiate a dialogue and partnership between all of the stakeholders involved in UVV and the Valkenburg location.


unmanned valley

// Sector under development Europe

The Netherlands


2016: 10,000 FTE (turnover 1 billion) 2035: 105,000 FTE (turnover 11 billion)

2016: 250 FTE (turnover 20 million) 2035: 2,100 FTE (turnover 200 million)

2016: 145 FTE (turnover 13 million) 2035: 1,350 FTE (turnover 121.5 million)

€ 2.0 billion design assembly product

€ 3.0 billion operation

€ 1.5 billion maintenance ensurance

60% ZH**

2% NL* € 4.5 billion value adding services





Zuid-Holland has a 60% share in the Netherlands, which can be attributed to the pulling power of the strong ecosystem of aerospace/UAV knowledge institutes and research institutes, as well as start-ups, SMEs and larger companies in the aeronautics, space and UAV sectors. This relates to the scope of the commercial sector (not including defence, public bodies and the consumer market).

*comparable market share NL Aerospace **owing to the magnet effect of universities & knowledge institutes + Valkenburg/ location

// Netherlands Concentration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) & Airborne Wind Energy (AWE)-related companies, mainly in the West of the Netherlands. Bureau Louter, 4 May 2016 The Aerospace cluster in Zuid-Holland Unmanned (UAV’s & AWEs) score

17.4 or more 7.3 to 17.4 3.8 to 7.3 1.0 to 3.8 0.5 to 1.0 to 0.5



// Valkenburg

DOWNSTREAM Telepointer


SAM Electronics Nederland

Potential users of the UVV facilities. This concerns both downstream and upstream companies. Upstream: the exploration, development and production of UAV hardware and sensors. Everything needed to get and keep the UAV & AWE up and running. Downstream: the processing and treatment of data and other output for various applications that yield the operation of the UAV & AWE.

Thales Navigation O3b Networks GeoRas NLR Imagem Black Shore Creative Grontmij

Head Communications FIRST FOLLOWERS

Skydowser Ambulancedrone Robin Rader AeroVinci

E-Heli Drone Solutions Airfilms Productions

Micro Aerial Vehicle Lab TU Delft Q-Concepts SES World Skies TNO DoBots RFX Solutions Mobzili CORE GROUP 06 GPS Geometius RCI Ampyx power Rcom Blik van SBIC SGS boven Aerialtronics Arial . HCSS Noordwijk Innovate Univ - Leiden Carthago Consultancy B.V. TNO StratAero Vortech Warburg Antea Group High Eye Facilitair Metasensing CGI Arcadis RoboValley bv TU-Delft Zamqua Holding B.V. Skeye HSD iOpener Media BV Vizada ATMOS Delft CropZoomer Avy MAVLab Van der Sat Dynamics RCI AGT Enevate DSH Electronics Aurea Imaging International TU Delft RoboValley Royal Haskoning DHV E-Kite AVIONICS ESA /ESTEC Sky Vision Birds.ai Esri Nederland Dutch Drone Company Sky Born Pitney Bowes Software Gevasol First Element ESA Fugro Geospatial - BIC Delft Aerial Robotics ARS Traffic&Transport Technology Skycap Euro-drones Intellinq BAM Pro Electronics


Svasek Hydraulics Inmarsat Solutions J. Schaart Electronica LNR Globalcom WaterWatch Cooperative SkyGeo





Icopp InvideU

VEurosense B.V. High Eye B.V.

Kelvin Hughes (Nederland) B.V.

Development based on prognosis


2017-2022 PHASE 1

2022-2027 PHASE 2

2027-2035 PHASE 3

duration 5 years

duration 5 years

duration 8 years

10-20 companies

20-40 companies

+/- 50 companies

220 FTE (direct)

740 FTE (direct)

900 FTE (direct)

105 FTE (indirect)

360 FTE (indirect)

450 FTE (indirect)

Total 325 FTE

Total 1100 FTE

Total 1350 FTE


Added (economic) value estimated at € 90,000/FTE €29.3 billion

€99.0 billion

€121.5 billion


// News




Why Valkenburg? // Unique Selling Points


In the Zuid-Holland region, which is home to the largest concentration of knowledge institutes and companies in the field of drone technology, Valkenburg is the ideal location to offer the combination of the USPs set out below. The test site is of vital importance to the development of the regional cluster for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and AWE developments (Airborne Wind Energy). •

• • •

• •

It is the only location that is centrally located in relation to the knowledge institutes Delft University of Technology, ESTEC (ESA) and the University of Leiden, and is strategically positioned in the Randstad. Easy access for international contacts. The location offers the possibility of outdoor test facilities combined with indoor test facilities and workshops (in the existing hangar area). The location is close to the sea, which makes it possible to realise a runway to the sea. Air Traffic Control Netherlands (LVNL) has indicated that there is a large area above the sea that could be designated as test airspace. The ownership structure is clear: the number of owners is limited, so that decisions on realisation can be taken quickly. The development of Unmanned Valley fits within the history of Valkenburg, sets a modern direction and connects up seamlessly with the region's economic identity.




Leiden Bio Science Park




The Hague




Downstream applications UVV offers many opportunities for the downstream developments. The Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS) plays an important role here. Numerous innovative applications are possible with the aid of drones in combination with suitable hyperspectral cameras and LiDAR (and their development). This concerns aspects such as data processing and analysis: collection, cleaning, interpretation, analysis, visualisation and narrative sciences and the emergence of new paradigms. Also the use of drone technology for data collection and processing in relation to objects (archaeology) and nature (environmental sciences) Examples of current applications: •

Mapping environmental conditions in nature reserves (for the various European directives)

Mapping the biodiversity and quality of forests, nature reserves

The development/validation of new satellite products

Near-real time land use changes, linked to policy and management


UVV // Structure & organisation UVV stands for Unmanned Valley Valkenburg. UVV is an independent entity. the UVV foundation has the objectives: • Protecting the interests of its members. • Acting as an intermediary, creating and stimulating an 'Entrepreneurial Ecosystem' for Dutch UAV and AWE developments at the Valkenburg location. UVV B.V. has the objectives: • Facilitating and commercially exploiting property, airspace and overhead support at the Valkenburg location. • The acquisition of land that can be used by UVV with the aid of investors in due course. UVV takes part in the national Fieldlab Drones forum and works closely with other test locations in the Netherlands.


// Our partners Stichting UVV (the UVV foundation) gives parties the opportunity to develop, test and certify UAVs and AWEs as platforms and their applications. Our current project partners include:


// The proposition Unmanned Valley Valkenburg offers a creative and inspiring 'entrepreneurial ecosystem' with international prestige and pulling power. For companies and knowledge institutes in the UAV sector we offer, as well as suitable offices, industrial areas, facilities and test sites: • • • •

Safety Management System for the safe use of airspace. Safety Manager, accredited by the government (Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, IL&T). Support with overhead for organisational issues (from Robovalley). Property/facility management.

UVV is currently holding talks with investors for the development of PHASE 1. These investors are both private parties and knowledge institutes. The project offices of the Municipality of The Hague and the Province of Zuid-Holland have indicated that budgets are available from the ERDF. The ERDF subsidy process has already been set in motion.

This makes it possible for UVV users to focus exclusively on product development and the possible spillover of knowledge, R&D and networks between the allied parties. The following parties have indicated that they wish to establish themselves at and/or make use of the test facilities at UVV in the short term: • Aerial Tronics BV • Delft Aerial Robotics BV • Omniworkx BV • Atmos UAV BV • Delft Dynamics BV • University of Leiden • Avion BV, • Drone-innovation • Robin Radar BV • Ampyx Power BV • Dronespecialist BV • Skeye BV • Avionics BV • Head Communications BV • TU Delft

Based on the scenarios and phasing set out above, UVV has carried out a feasibility study for PHASE 1. The UVV foundation has committed itself to the development of PHASE 1 in terms of knowledge, hours and funding.



Building blocks for planning // Test sites and UVV business cluster We have defined a number of building blocks in order to correctly reserve the necessary space. These building blocks indicate the wishes and requirements for the test sites and the property needed for the development of the UVV business cluster. We have determined the space needed for the test sites for each UAV and AWE type. The individual building blocks can be combined for the ultimate use of space. This results in efficient and effective spatial planning. We have based the calculation of the space needed for the UVV business cluster on previous prognoses and the phasing that follows from them. To calculate the related use of space we have taken the anticipated number of FTEs per phase and multiplied this by the number of m2 per job position.


// Test sites

Rotor drones (phases 1,2 and 3) • 500 m x 500 m box, paved platform, other part can be grass. Other measurements are possible.


Rotor drones (phases 1,2 and 3) • Indoor test facilities: existing hangars

Fixed wing drones (phases 2 and 3) • Track/flying around. • 200 m strip, preferably paved. Airspace measuring 700 m x 500 m.

Airborne wind power (phases 2 and 3) • For ground tests (aircraft on a line and kites). Can make use of test space for fixed wing drones (700 m x 500 m box)

Fixed wing drones (phases 2 and 3) • 1,000 m strip, preferably paved. Purpose: testing over the sea. Airspace measuring 1,500 m x 320 m. Preferably Z-W/N-O orientation.

Corridor to sea (phases 2 and 3) • Connecting to 1,000 m strip. Corridor at height between 1,000 ft (304 m) and max. 1,500 ft (456 m). Length 4m, width 1 km.


// Phasing





5 years

5 years

8 years




10-20 companies

20-40 companies

+/- 50 companies

220 FTE (direct)

740 FTE (direct)

900 FTE (direct)

6,790 m2 gfa

24,980 m2 gfa

29,300 m2 gfa

Based on : • BIRCH report October 2015 • Prognosis most growth in period between 2020 and 2025 • In PHASE 1 main focus on R&D activities (80%) • In PHASE 2/3 R&D 50%, manufacturing 50%


2035 = basis for space requirement

// Desired programme PHASE 1



(direct: 220 FTE)

(direct: 740 FTE)

(direct: 900 FTE)

1. Indoor test facilities

2,500 m2

5,000 m2

5,000 m2

• Use existing hangars

Hangar 1

Hangars 1 and 2

Hangars 1 and 2

2. Offices and R&D workshops

2,750 m2

9,250 m2

11,250 m2

440 m2

1,480 m2

1,800 m2

1,100 m2

9,250 m2

11,250 m2

(2,750 m2 x 20% x 2)

(9,250 m2 x 50% x 2)

(11.250 m2 x 50% x 2)

Hangar 1

Hangars 1 and 2

Hangars 1 and 2




6,790 m2 gfa

24,980 m2 gfa

29,300 m2 gfa


• Workshops per company and jointly 12.5 m2 gfa/fte (BIRCH: 10-15m2/FTE) 3. Amenities • Restaurant, cafe, hotel/short stay, AH toGo 2 m2 gfa/fte (acceptance in consultation with IQ) 4. Production and maintenance • Ratio to office space: 2 to 1 5. Events • Drone races, summits/conference/company presentation/demonstration 6. Education • Practical experiment area, workshop area

TOTAL (not including education)



// Unmanned Automated Vehicles in a safe living environment An area is being redeveloped with plenty of quality and diversity. How will the arrival of UVV affect this development? This is a combination of residence, leisure, greenery and water. A designated test site for UAVs and AWEs in the densely populated Randstad will ensure controlled development in this important sector. It is precisely the combination of bundling professional knowledge and experience, strict regulation, required certification and close control that guarantees a safe testing and living environment. 1. Current regulations: • No flying above adjoining built-up area. • No flying above an 80 km/h road. • Keep to a 150 m Safety Zone.

Test zone (1 system for each test flight)

2. Unmanned Vehicles have a Safety Management System with its own air traffic control, accredited by the government (IL&T). The air traffic controllers are trained to a level similar to those at Schiphol, for example, supported by 'smart' computer systems (kill-switch). 3. All UAVs and AWEs are tested within the controlled test zone. Also, a 150 m safety zone is maintained. There will therefore be no flying above the planned residential area. This makes a combination of UVV and other functions and scenic quality perfectly possible. Since the air space will form the most important part of the test zone, ecological quality could form part of the test zone.

Safety zone (ecological quality)

150 m


Spatial incorporation // Outdoor test zones and UVV business cluster Broadening the concept to leisure and culture

The spatial incorporation variants show that the development of UVV could be given a place with minimal impact in the plan to develop the area. Smart combinations of building blocks will result in the efficient and effective use of space, both on land and in the air. The claim on space made by each variant makes allowance for growth and the possibility of testing various types of UAV and AWE. The presence of the business cluster and the indoor test areas close to the outdoor test zone is a crucial factor. The 4 variants need to be more closely attuned to the current and future plans and developments in the area. With these variants we are showing that effective combinations with the planned developments are possible. We have outlined the various growth scenarios and accompanying spatial phasing for the UVV business clustering. Phase 1 is in the same position in all scenarios because UVV can make a fast and realistic start here: the current property is suitable for an indoor test area combined with a workshop and office space. These facilities are in the direct vicinity of the outdoor test site for rotor drones. The space requirement is indicative and does not make allowance for additional leisure and culture initiatives.

The plans presented for Unmanned Valley leave open the possibility of leisure and cultural activities. The location offers outstanding ways of keeping the cultural-historical value of Valkenburg Airport accessible to a broad public, based on a collection of historical aircraft and an indoor museum exhibition. The combination of high-tech activities with leisure and culture will strengthen the experience value and attractiveness of the area as a whole. Within the Unmanned Valley concept the test site can also be used for leisure activities, and amenities and infrastructure will be shared where possible. That way, the costs can be carried more broadly and the concept will become more financially viable. The initiator of the plans to broaden the concept is LibĂŠma. With 24 locations, this is one of the Netherlands' biggest leisure companies. The broadening of the leisure concept has not yet been fully incorporated in the space available for UVV. During the weeks to come the plans to broaden the Unmanned Valley concept will be developed in more detail. The business case for the leisure concept at the Valkenburg location will be presented in the foreseeable future.


Outdoor test zones - variant 1

test site rotor drones

country estates - zone 1


41 -




• Test zones have limited overlap with Masterplan-development. • No overlap between test zones and roads 80 km/h or higher. • Flight path 1 km runway over country estate zone 1.

test site fixed wings & airborne wind power

test area

safety zone

overlap masterplan-development


Outdoor test zones - variant 2

N4 41 -

80 k



test site rotor drones


test site fixed wings & airborne wind power


test area

safety zone

• Test zones have limited overlap with Masterplan-development. • No overlap between test zones and roads 80 km/h or higher. • Flight path 1 km strip over park section Masterplan. overlap masterplan-development


41 -

50 km


Outdoor test zones - variant 3

test site fixed wings & airborne wind power

• No overlap between test zones and Masterplan-development.

N4 41 -

80 k



• No overlap between test zones and roads 80 km/h or higher.

test site rotor drones

• The hangars and companies (UV) create a buffer between the 1 km strip and the homes in the Masterplan. test area

safety zone

overlap masterplan-development


Outdoor test zones - variant 4

• Test zones have limited overlap with Masterplan-development. • No overlap between test zones and roads 80 km/h or higher. • Flight path 1 km strip over park section Masterplan.


N4 41 -

80 k



test site rotor drones

test site fixed wings & airborne wind power


test area

safety zone

overlap masterplan-development

UVV business cluster - Phasing - 2 options

after phase 3....? after phase 3....?







• These are possible phases, depending on growth and availability. • The concept will be worked out in more detail to yield the desirable and most realistic phasing. • PHASE 1 location is preferred owing to the availability of Hangar 1 and the vicinity of a test field for rotor drones. • We have worked out PHASE 1 in more detail: spatial/functional and financial. • Maintain the theatre hangar in all phases.


UVV business cluster Phase 1 - variants

variant ‘reduced hangar’

variant ‘portable icon’

variant ‘DIY-UV campus’


UVV business cluster Phase 1 - ‘Do It Yourself UVV campus’ hangar 6 hangar 2

hangar 1

rotor drone test site

• • • •

Hangar 1 > indoor test area. Offices/workshops Small scale amenity/restaurant. Rotor drone site > outdoor test area.



Next steps // For further development We propose the following steps with a view to the further development of the spatial plan for Unmanned Valley at the Valkenburg location: 1. Detailing of the substantive parameters - all of UVV's stakeholders together in the UVV design studio. 2. Translation of the results of the UVV design studio into spatial planning. UVV would prefer to invest in the further development and planning in consultation with stakeholders Municipality of Katwijk, Province of Zuid-Holland and the RVB. 3. Further development of the test site and property exploitation. 4. Firming up the investment capacity and holding talks with potential investors (current and future UVV shareholders).



Afterword Unmanned Valley Valkenburg is based on the initiative of Prins Pieter Christiaan van Oranje to offer High-Tech companies test facilities in the Randstad. Jeroen Engelkes, former Orion pilot at Valkenburg and the current programme director, joined him in this. Together with Lucas van Oostrum, drone technology pioneer, he formulated a plan to place the Netherlands on the international map with this initiative in Valkenburg. Innovation Quarter, RoboValley, The Hague Security Delta, Leiden Centre of Data Science and many other partners from the Triple Helix of Zuid-Holland have joined in with the efforts to make UVV a success.


Colophon This bidbook was commissioned by Innovation Quarter, RoboValley and Unmanned Valley Valkenburg. The following documents have been made available for planning purposes: • Aerospace cluster in Zuid-Holland; Bureau Louter, 2016 • BIRCH report Unmanned Valley, October 2015 • Spatial interpretation and Analysis Scenarios Unmanned Valley, Grontmij, March 2016 • SESAR, 2016 04 05 - SESAR Drones, Reference Group 2, April 2016 • SESAR Drones, Reference Group 3, May 2016 • Goldman Sachs, 20160314_Profiles in Innovation Drones_GS, March 2016 • Presentation Ecorys Effects on Employment of Vliegveld Valkenburg, 10 July 2015 • Masterplan Location Valkenburg, September 2013 Disclaimer This study has been conducted with the greatest possible care, but within a very short time frame. All of the information issued to you is subject to copyright. No part of this information may be reproduced or publicised in any way, electronically, mechanically, by means of photocopying, recordings or other methods without prior written consent. The reference images shown are indicative and serve as a reference and may not be published. The financial viability aspect has been professionally estimated and is based on an initial assessment. The design shown is indicative and requires further development. No rights can be derived from this project brochure.


WTC The Hague Pr. Margrietplantsoen 32 2595 BR Den Haag Bert Klarus

Mijnbouwstraat 120 2628 RX Delft Arie van den Ende

Mijnbouwstraat 120 2628 RX Delft Jeroen Engelkes

Burgemeester van Karnebeeklaan 6 2585 BB The Hague Niels de Vries Humel


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