December 2021 News Bulletin

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NCAE North Carolina Association of Educators

News Bulletin

December 2021

Vol. 52, No. 5

The Best of Holiday Wishes!

NCAE News Bulletin


Feed Into Your Heart, Spirit Things That Spark Joy Where did the time go? Here we are at the end of 2021, a year that had few leftover shenanigans from 2020. There were some pluses – the election of a new president and the first woman vice Tamika Walker Kell president, a school President year filled with more consistency, the ability to gather in person -- and there were some minuses; some of which we expected and some of which caught us totally by surprise. As for me, I am glad to see this year come to an end and look forward to what 2022 will bring. In the new year, I look forward to us uniting together more as an organization. We have learned so many lessons from this pandemic of how to engage with each other, with parents, and with community members about our schools and how necessary they are. I hope we can begin to extend those conversations, with NCAE leading the charge. In 2022, I also look forward to each of you





Described as energetic, passionate and someone who cares deeply about the profession, Frazier works as an instructional assistant at W.H. Knuckles Elementary School in Robeson County. She assists in all subject areas within the classroom, making sure things run smoothly and ensuring it is rst-grade ready Frazier believes in celebrating the great things students are doing, instead of their negatives. That is why she created the “W.H. Knuckles Wall of Fame.” Teachers submit the name of a student each month and Frazier takes a picture of the student and places it on the wall for all to see. “Students’ self-esteem has been boosted because they see themselves in a positive light,” said Frazier. “This inspires them to do better and also encourages other students to work harder to have their pictures on the Wall of Fame. Her work speaks for itself. In addition to her classroom duties, she serves as the school’s Positive Behavior and Intervention Support coach, assists with fundraising activities for the school, and publicizes the importance of a good public education in the community. She is the association rep at W.H. Knuckles, an NCAE Lovable Local Leader, and faithfully attends school board meetings

stepping into your roles even more and leaning into your voices of advocating. Elevating your voices is key, for not only yourselves but also for the students you educate every day. We’re at a critical juncture with how our schools operate. So many things are bubbling to the surface that need our attention and we must continue to address. One of the most crucial elements taking place next year will be the mid-term elections. Maps have been drawn by lawmakers that may have a profound effect on our districts. The work leading to Election Day has begun and it’s an opportunity for us to support, endorse and elect those candidates who value public education just as much as we do. So, as you prepare for the holiday break, take a moment to focus on why we do this work and why it’s important so you can return in January with a renewed sense of purpose. But also, take the time to rejuvenate and spend time with the people you love and care about. There are so many external factors that can cause negative energy to enter your spirit and atmosphere. My wish for each of you, and for us all, is to rest and restore yourselves in an authentic way; not just following a few self-care tips but doing things that really feed into your hearts and spirits and sparks joy. Enjoy your time of respite during this very special season. I look forward to seeing you in 2022! Happy Holidays!

NCAE News Bulletin


Our Kids Can’t Wait. And Neither Can We! All across the state, educators are voting with their feet. Our people are beyond exhausted from more than 10 years of budget cuts, disrespect, and a chaos designed to choke the life out of our schools. The weight of it all is causing a collapse, as huge numbers of educators leaving the profession create endless vacancies that can’t be filled, leaving endless work for people who already worked harder than anybody on the planet, and leaving our coworkers and kids suffering. Others are responding to that suffering by walking off of their jobs, and the spontaneous actions from bus drivers and other ESPs in Wake, Forsyth, and Stanly counties paint a picture of just how bad things have gotten. People who have borne so much and continued to show up are beginning to refuse. Unfortunately, they aren’t the only ones refusing. Once again, the anti-public-school leadership of the General Assembly has refused to pass a budget that funds or respects educators, students and our communities. Our inability to impact that budget, even after years of increased organizing in our buildings, has left many of us looking for new strategies. We’re not winning the fight we’ve been fighting, and our kids and co-workers can’t wait any longer, so it’s time we tried a different approach. The good news is, our folks have already figured out the approach, and the influx of BILLIONS of federal dollars into our school districts has changed the conditions significantly. Across the state, county by county, we’re waking up every day to new and hopeful news. Bus driver raises in Charlotte. Retention bonuses of more than $1,000 per person in dozens of counties (as high as $5,000 in Randolph County). Days off. Extra duty pay. School boards and superintendents, sometimes without any push from their staffs, are using these federal dollars (ESSER -the federal Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief money) to make moves that they’ve never made before. Where we’re better organized, we’ve taken the lead and followed a pretty simple formula:



•Engage co-workers in conversations about what they want/need to stay in the game •Move surveys, petitions, and other building-level conversation tools to engage big numbers of coworkers (more than 50 percent of the district in Asheville City) and demonstrate broad support for our demands •Follow up with the people that we engage with and ask them to join our team and take further action

Bryan Prof t Vice President

•Turn out educators, parents, students, and supporters at the school board with some catchy/creative public points and visuals for the media and push decisionmakers to fund our proposals •Win That formula won our folks in Rockingham County, $4,000 retention bonuses. It can be done. Next spring, we’re going to get ourselves organized to go get more for our kids. The “Our Kids Can’t Wait Campaign,” well underway but launching formally in January, is just what it says: an effort to fight and win, RIGHT NOW, the things that will keep our co-workers in the building and showing up for our kids. We’re working with locals that want to try something new, making plans together for the spring, and working hard to grow our strength from the building level on up. We have more influence in our home counties than any other place right now, and there are so many resources where they’ve never been before. Being angry about the state budget won’t help us change state politics; organizing our co-workers and parents to win at the local level, building our confidence and skills and leadership in our buildings, and repeating it everywhere we can will. We have a remarkable opportunity in front of us. Our kids, and our co-workers, can’t wait. Let’s go get everything they need and deserve.

NCAE News Bulletin


State Budget Passes But Flaws Remain After almost six months of waiting, North Carolina finally

has a state budget. Governor Roy Cooper signed the budget into law in an effort to move North Carolina forward. The governor stated that he believes it is a budget of some missed opportunities and misguided policy. NCAE agrees. In a video statement to members a day before the budget was signed into law, NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly lamented: “After working for the past two years during a pandemic, with no raises and no state budget, educators have every reason to be disappointed. The state has the funds to provide bigger raises and to fully fund our constitutional mandate to provide a high-quality education for every single child in this state. And yet, our lawmakers chose to do the bare minimum. They chose to give $2 million in new tax cuts over our children’s education. This was a missed opportunity. While there are some wins in this budget, which include an increased minimum wage for our support staff, our ESPs and a hold-

harmless clause that will help provide stability for local school district budgets during this turbulent period. But considering what could have been done, the bare minimum is not enough! So yes, we are disappointed in this outcome. But I do want to thank all of our NCAE members and our fellow educators across the state for your work; for your phone calls, e-mails, letters, and meetings with legislators. There has been some progress made for public schools but we must keep our eyes forward on the needs that remain. We will continue to do our advocacy work together for North Carolina students and educators because every child in this state, regardless of their race, background, or zip code deserves a high-quality public education that gives them the chance to pursue their dreams. As educators, that is our mission!” To review all aspects of the budget that pertain to students, educators and public schools, click here.


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

NCAE News Bulletin


Emilly Osterling


mily Osterling teaches at Lufkin Road Middle School in Wake County. “I was a longtime educator in Ohio and I am a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community. I’ve spent years advocating for LGBTQ+ students and educators and serve as the chair of the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus. The caucus works to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ educators, advocate for the rights of LGBTQ+ students, and advance the understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people in all areas of society. “I was approached by a school board member about a parent within my district who had a transgender son. The school board member wanted me to hear from the parent about their family’s journey and their concerns about how the district was choosing to accommodate their son’s transition. “There was a clear need for explicit policies to protect transgender students. The nondiscrimination language used by the district failed to outline necessary protections and safeguards. We organized our community and brought a new policy forward. “Unfortunately, the school board voted against implementing the policy. Students felt unprotected and staff members lacked the support necessary to fully accommodate transgender students. “I spoke out at several school board meetings asking for resources to ensure transgender students felt safe and respected— but my message was ignored. For my advocacy, I was asked to resign or face termination. “I filed a federal lawsuit against my school district based on wrongful termination and violation of first amendment rights. The school district settled the lawsuit. I’m no longer in that school district and the most vulnerable students there are still without the protections that they desperately need. “This is why we need the Equality Act because it will provide nationwide non-discrimination language inclusive of all individuals and require those protections.” Reprinted from NEA Today NOTE: The Equality Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives on February 25, 2021. It has yet to pass in the U.S. Senate.

Worthy said, “I genuinely love working with young people and watching them flourish. There were community figures who supported my growth and development as an adolescent and I feel blessed to be able to serve in the same role for other young people. Not to mention, I’m afforded the opportunity to do it at my alma mater and in the same community from which I came.”

Each month a Lovable Local Leader will be featured in the News Bulletin.

Rashard Lee-Worthy says the best thing about his job as a teacher is the students – they bring energy and life to the work. “As healthy relationships form with students, I get to see them develop into young adults as well as

watch them reach milestones throughout their high school careers.” A teacher at Hillside High School in Durham, Lee-Worthy has taught for nine years and has been a member for eight. He chose teaching as a profession because he developed a passion for working with young people. While in high school, he participated in a program called Project Reach to Teach and made it his goal to pursue the field of education. When asked what he feels makes him a Lovable Local Leader, Lee-

NCAE News Bulletin


“Our Kid’s Can’t Wait!” Members across the state have been organizing, holding rallies and attending school board meetings to let local officials know that things need to change for public school employees. Teachers have no time to prepare lesson plans, prepare for class, or grade students’ work. There are not enough bus drivers, food service workers, custodians and other vital staff to make schools run smoothly. Educators are demanding districts use the billions of COVID federal dollars they received to change conditions and their voices are being heard! We’re Exhausted! The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Association of Educators wanted to inform parents and the community firsthand of the issues plaguing schools. “If this is not addressed, we will face higher COVID-19 numbers in schools, more staffing shortages, and lack of support for our students and their families,” said Amanda Thompson-Rice, president of CMAE. “We know that our community values education. We want them to hear from educators and allies on the front lines so they know what we need and how to support us.” Since the beginning of school, approximately 500 teachers have resigned. Nearly an additional 100 are set to resign this month. These shortages are not only affecting the educators who show up to school every day, they also affect students as well. One parent stated two of her three children don’t have a full-time licensed teacher to instruct them, and none of them have reliable bus transportation to and from school. “Staff tasked to cover vacancies and absences find themselves in situations where they are unable to do the basic necessities of the day, like eating or using the restroom,” said Rae LaGrone, vice president of CMAE. “Staff are getting sick from exhaustion, and that creates more absences. It’s a vicious cycle!”

It’s Not Just a Job! Hundreds of Wake County bus drivers and educators, joined by parents and students, gathered outside of the Wake County Board of Education to share their frustrations of coworkers leaving the profession they love because of the stress, extra duties and poor wages. They not only came to lift their voices in opposition of the current state of public schools, but with three proposals for the School Board: a $2,000 bonus for all educators, compensation for extra duties and raises for all staff. Vinh Ngo, a member and instructional assistant who works

at Green Hope High School, said “This work means so much to me; it’s not just a job. But the pay makes me feel super disrespected. I work with special needs student and often have to take them to the bathroom. No one should be wiping fecal matter from a student’s body and yet get paid so little.” In early November, the Board approved a $1,250 bonus for all full-time employees and a similar bonus for part-time employees. Board members also approved a pay increase of $13 per hour for roughly 1,600 employees and a 1 percent local supplement salary increase for teachers. A few weeks later, it approved an additional $3,750 bonus that will come from COVID relief funds. The funds could have been used for salary increases but instead they were used for bonuses. Kristin Beller, president of Wake NCAE, said the Board needs to exhaust all of its options in case it doesn’t get approval from DPI to use the federal COVID funds for bonuses. “Raises will be more useful than bonuses in recruiting and retaining employees.” Understaffing Crisis The Asheville City Schools Board recently approved the use of funds from the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) to give one-time bonuses to full-time teachers ($3,500) and classified employees ($3,000). The bonus will be paid in two installments over a year. Like many across the state, schools in Asheville are understaffed and underpaid. “There is already a crisis due to understaffing,” said Susanna Cerrato, vice president of the Asheville City Association of Educators. “We cannot afford to lose anymore Asheville City Schools employees.” Help to Retain Educators During its November meeting, the Rockingham County School Board unanimously approved a $4,000 bonus for all school employees. This decision was the result of organizing work, pretty much accomplished in the span of one week, by the Rockingham County Association of Educators. “The bonus means so much to educators across Rockingham County,” said Molithia Spencer, president of the Rockingham County Association of Educators. “For many families, it means a debt-free Christmas. For many staff it means paying off bills. For many staff members it means things are not so tight and not so hard. For me it means the Board truly listened and heard our united voices; that we matter!” The bonus will be divided between this year and next year. Click here to see other locals/districts that have successfully organized for change.

NCAE News Bulletin


Thank you for your continued support this year. Despite the pandemic and many other issues we have faced, you came through for the students of North Carolina with your donations, and for that, we are grateful. During this holiday season, many families will have to make difficult choices on whether to put food on the table, pay a bill, or purchase medicine, eyeglasses, or other necessities a child may need to succeed in school. The Foundation works diligently to provide these and other services. On a daily basis, we receive requests from teachers, school nurses, guidance counselors, and others for children who need our help – and we respond quickly. We know times are challenging, the prices of goods are increasing, and our dollars don’t go as far as they used to. But, we hope you will consider making a contribution to the Foundation during this season of giving. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. The Foundation is the education lifeline and safety net that offers hope, dignity, and opportunity so ALL students have a fair chance to learn and enjoy school. We could not do it without you! Together, let’s continue to change lives. Wishing you and your family a happy and safe holiday season!

Marca Hamm, executive director

NCAE News Bulletin


Holiday Skip, Plus Seven Other Ways to Save This Holiday Season As you celebrate the holidays with family and friends, take a few minutes to give yourself a little something extra: Peace of mind with these eight money-saving ideas tailor-made for the season. Here are simple ways you can SAVE before, during and after the holidays: (1) Create a Budget – Gift giving adds up quickly, so give yourself a spending limit for the season and stick to it. You can break it down into categories, such as charitable giving, family presents or last-minute hostess gifts. Be realistic, and include a small slush fund for the unexpected. (2) Keep Track of Your Spending – Write down your spending as it happens. Transactions add up quickly during the holiday season (especially online) and you won’t be able to remember it all. Diligent record keeping of who, what and how much will allow you to stay on course with your purchasing decisions. (3) Choose a Holiday Skip Payment Option for Your Auto Insurance – Adjust your payment schedule to EZ Pay and choose to skip your December/January payments. Auto and Home Insurance provided by California Casualty gives you protection, value and service with a convenient holiday skip payment option that gives you a little financial breathing room during this stressful season. (4) Don’t Buy for Everyone – Invite family and friends to secretly pull names of individuals so you can buy just one special gift for your designated recipient. You can also offer gifts to only the children in your family or choose to sponsor a needy family in lieu of buying gifts for your own.

celebrated holiday and make them with loved ones. Time together and memories made from those moments can give you better ROI than buying extravagant gifts. (6) Seek Out Sales – Holiday sales are opportunities to save, if you know the real deals. Just remember: if something is on sale, that doesn’t mean you should buy it. To truly save, it’s best to have a few gift ideas in mind and then comparison shop for the best price(s). (7) Quit While You’re Ahead – Stop shopping once you have crossed off everyone on your list. Sticking to your gift-giving plan will lead to less debt following the holiday season. However, if you’re one who enjoys the hustle and bustle of last-minute shopping, then save your “stocking stuffers” until the end. Quote with California Casualty if You’re with Another Carrier – The member-only rates and educatorspecific benefits offered through the NEA Auto and Home Insurance Program could offer significant long-term savings. Call us today and see if we can help you save. California Casualty has been serving the needs of educators since 1951 and is the only auto and home insurance company to earn the trust and endorsement of the Na onal Educa on Associa on (NEA). As a result, NEA members qualify for excep onal rates, deduc bles waived for vandalism or collisions to your vehicle parked at school, holiday or summer skip payment plans and free Iden ty Defense protec on – exclusive bene ts not available to the general public. Learn how to save by ge ng a quote at autohome, or by calling 1.800.800.9410.










(5) Create New Traditions (That Cost Less) – Watch a holiday movie as a family. Find recipes that reflect your

NCAE News Bulletin



Steps to Holiday Self-Care for Teachers lunch instead of a microwaveable Chef Boyardee or a bag of chips? Pure bliss. (Looking for other recipes? Maybe not necessarily “clean” eating? Go to All Recipes and you can even do a search by ingredient! You can tell what ingredients you have, what you want to exclude, and it can even match a recipe with your paltry pantry contents the week before payday.)

Have you asked yourself, “Is it winter break yet?” No? Just me? Allow me to remind you to take care of you! Have you heard flight attendants tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before your child? The same holds true when you practice self-care. If you are tired, stressed and strung out on holiday cookies and candies (just me again?), stop and think about some alternatives. Here are a few relaxation tricks that work:



Gym membership? Sure, if you can afford it. How about walking the school hallways during your prep period instead? Immediately after school, before your IEP meeting? Do you have a colleague you can walk with? A little chat, a little stroll, a little recentering goes a long way towards both mental and physical health this time of year. Did you play volleyball or basketball when you were in school? Join an adult league at the Y or somewhere local! Students make you frustrated? Take a boxing, kickboxing, or martial arts class! Take out your frustrations and get ripped while doing it. Are you not big on organized sports? Try a workout video. You can get them on Netflix, you know. Then you can work out in your very own home without anyone watching. (Except the cat. And he’s judging you. Ok, ok, I know this is just me. My cat is a brat.) It is so important for teachers to take care of themselves. No matter your students’ ages, no matter your class size, no matter how cold it is outside, you MUST take care of you to best teach them. You are valued, you are important, and you can make it until the holiday break! Reprinted from NEAToday

Sometimes you need to leave work at work and go to bed. Can you go to bed at 5:30 p.m.? If your body is exhausted and you need to go to bed, then go! If you turn off your phone, curl under the covers, grab the cat and sleep, your body will thank you for it. And when that means you can make it through 4th period without snapping, your students will thank you for it, too!


You can’t just eat cookies and candies and expect your brain to function. You need actual lunch. Actual dinner. Perhaps even at a table! (Yes, a coffee table totally counts.) No time? No energy? No recipes? Here you go. Will it take some prep-work on the front end? Yes, a little bit. Will it take some planning and freezer space? Yes, it will, but it will be worth it in the end! Can you imagine going to the teachers’ lounge and having actual FOOD to heat up for your

Top-Ranked Elementary and Middle Schools in N


U.S. News & World Report released rankings for K-8 public schools in North Carolina last month, showing the best public elementary and middle schools, including charter and magnet schools, in the state. The rankings are part of a nationwide effort that ranked more than 61,000 schools across the country, using performance on state tests. The result is a set of comprehensive rankings for K-8 public schools that include information on school size, student-to-teacher ratios and other important data. Click here to read more.

NCAE News Bulletin


Deadline for NCAE Nomination Forms is January 7

Member Receives Grant for Bright Idea Emily Golightly, a teacher at Newport Elementary School in Carteret County, is the recipient of a Bright Ideas Grant from the Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative. The grant helps support innovative classroom projects. Golightly was one of 38 teachers who were awarded grants. The grant she received will go to fund her project “Engineering Literacy: Building and Designing Our Future Through STEAM-Based Literacy Activities.” To learn more about the Bright Ideas Education grant program, visit

In the story titled, “It Was the Worst of Times But SNCAE Chapters Persevered,” published in the November News Bulletin on page 7, it was brought to the attention of the editor that the SNCAE chapter at Catawba College did not coordinate the Halloween event as was stated. The event was coordinated by the associate provost. We apologize for the error.


“One thing that education can do is it can provide us with an opportunity to understand one another better, and so while I’ve spent a lot of my time in the world of politics, I’ve always felt that it is really not politics that will solve this for us.” —Condoleezza Rice

If you are interested in running for an NCAE office in 2022, now is the time to begin thinking about the process and getting your information in order. The following state and regional positions are open: Regional Directors, NEA delegate positions – Categories 1 and 2, positions within the Division of Principals/ Administrators, positions within the Education Support Professionals Council, and positions within the Student Services Division. Forms for all positions are available by clicking here. Forms for candidates running for Regional Director and division/council positions MUST be accompanied by an official NCAE biographical form, personal statement, and a professional-quality photograph. This form is available by clicking here. All materials should be sent to Should you have questions, please send an e-mail to or contact Derevana Leach at 919-755-5565 or 1-800-662-7924, ext. 203. Information submitted after the January 7 deadline, or without all the proper documentation, will not be published in the NCAE News Bulletin. NOTE: March 26, 2022, beginning at 7 p.m. through April 8, 2022, ending at 11:59 p.m. are the days the NCAE Board of Directors has allocated for voting on the 2022 election of officers. Local elections must be held at the same time as the NCAE/NEA elections. The deadline for submitting local nominations for election is February 16, 2022.

YOU DESERVE MORE Like a future worth celebrating


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Thinking about retirement? NEA Member Bene ts can assist with your planning. Get started at retirement-planning.

NCAE News Bulletin


New NCAE Staff NCAE welcomes Kyle Compton to the position of staff attorney in the Advocacy Center. Prior to joining the NCAE family, Compton was a student at UNC-Chapel Hill completing his law and social work degrees. Before returning to graduate school, he worked at an after-school program in northern Virginia for third, fourth and fifth graders, taught English in Indonesia for a few years, and was part of a college access program in New Haven, CT for students in grades five through 12. Compton said he had the privilege of attending some great public schools at different points in his life, where he received wonderful mentoring, training and guidance on how to be the best student and person he could be. “I can say confidentially that the best overall experience for me as a student and as a person occurred during my education at public schools. I know that not all public schools are created equal in our country and I hope to support NCAE’s mission in changing that reality. It’s a reason I wanted to work for the Association … because I am drawn to the mission of providing an equitable, quality education for every child.” A native of Chicago, IL, Compton has twin brothers. One works in finance and is an amazing baker and the other works in the field of cell and molecular biology and is an outstanding artist. When not working, Compton enjoys playing sports. At the top of his list are soccer, disc golf and golf. He also loves watching sports of any variety.

We’re feeling

Teacher Appreciation SUNS vs HORNETS – Sunday, January 2nd The Charlotte Hornets would like to honor all Educators, as well as families and friends with a game dedicated just for you. All teachers will receive a special discount on tickets as well as VIP access to watch pre-game shootaround. Get your tickets today, as the first 500 buyers will receive an opportunity to shoot a post-game free throw on the Hornets court immediately following the game. Tickets must be purchased through the link in order to have access to the special fan experience.

Game Day Details

Exclusive discounted tickets for all Educators and VIP access to pre-game shoot around!

VIP Access to Pregame Shootaround 4:30PM Doors open for public 6:00PM Tipoff 7:00PM

To purchase tickets, please visit the link below:

For more information please contact: Fabian Truss at 704.688.9018 or Fax: 704.688.8735


And we’re grateful for our clients, colleagues, family and friends this holiday season. From all of us at Horace Mann and NCAE, we wish you peace, connection and joy in the year to come. Horace Mann is here to help and always just a click away.

Contact your Horace Mann representative today.

AM-C04607 (Oct. 21)

NCAE News Bulletin



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for NEA Members NEA Discount Marketplace The NEA Discount Marketplace, powered by Rakuten, enables members to earn Cash Back when they shop and save on brand-name merchandise from over 2,500 top retailers and online stores.* Check out the following member-exclusive deals in December at •1800Flowers -- Surprise family and friends, near and far, with a seasonal bouquet or gourmet gift. Choose from Harry & David, The Popcorn Factory, Fruit, Cheryl’s Cookies, and Simply Chocolate -- just to name a few! • -- Take a break from holiday cooking and save on visiting a local restaurant! Purchase your discount deal, present your certificate, and enjoy a great meal! •Shiseido -- Glamorize your look for the holidays with skincare products and makeup for women (and men)! Gift sets -- perfect for holiday giving -- are available, too! •Bose -- Wow the audiophiles in your life with the latest Bose sound technology: home and auto speakers, sport earbuds, sleepbuds, noise-canceling headphones, gaming headsets -- even audio sunglasses! Free shipping on orders of $50 or more. •Lowe’s -- Ready your home for the holidays with indoor and outdoor décor, home improvement DIY tools, and new kitchen or laundry appliances. Lowe’s Season of Savings is going on now! Celebrate the Holidays with NEA Easy Pay It's time to stop putting off replacing those old washers, dryers, and fridges. With the NEA Easy Pay program, you can be on your way to lower energy bills and more efficient appliances in no time! Enroll now at


Dates to Remember December 3rd 5th 7th 10th 20th 21st 24th 31st

National Play Outside Day: Link International Volunteer Day for Economic & Social Development National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Human Rights Day: Link International Animal Rights Day: Link International Human Solidarity Day Winter Solstice NCAE offices closed until January 3 New Year’s Eve World Healing Day: Link

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month Safe Toys and Gifts Month Universal Human Rights Month Link

January 1st 8th 11th 17th 23rd 24th 28th

New Year’s Day World Day of Peace: Link War on Poverty Day National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Link Martin Luther King Jr. Day (NCAE offices closed) National Day of Service Celebration of Life Day National Compliment Day Fun at Work Day

Celebration of Life Month Financial Wellness Month International Creativity Month National Mentoring Month Link National Poverty in America Awareness Month National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month Link

Follow NCAE events and activities on:



Positions stated in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official position of NCAE unless so identified. The NCAE News Bulletin, a journal of the Association, is published by the North Carolina Association of Educators, 700 S.Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601, 1-800-662-7924.

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Linda Powell, Editor/Designer

NCAE News Bulletin



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