April 2021 NCAE News Bulletin

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NCAE North Carolina Association of Educators

News Bulletin April


Vol. 51, No. 8


51st Annual Convention Mirrors the Association’s Strength, Unity, and Power

Check out Convention Highlights HERE

NCAE News Bulletin


Our Strength, Our Unity, Our Power, Our NCAE! local connections and have conversations with legislators not only here in Raleigh, but back home in our districts. In by thanking each addition to talking with legislators who represent us as delegate who voting constituents, we must also reach across the aisle and attended the talk with those who may not be of the same party. At the 2021 NCAE end of the day, it is the job of every legislator to do what is Convention and best for the state of North Carolina and it’s our jobs as Representative educators — voting educators — to remind them of that, Assembly for a regardless of party affiliation. successful There are several ways to make this happen. Set up meeting. This meetings in your districts with your representatives, was the first coordinate a virtual town hall, make phone calls, or send Tamika Walker Kell time in the messages via e-mail. Engage on the local level as well with Association’s President your school boards and county commissioners. Each level history that we of political action makes a difference when it comes to the have not met decisions being made on behalf of our schools, our physically to students, and the complete the business of the communities in which they organization, but we did it! We “In addition to talking with legislators who live. emerged victorious in our work represent us as voting constituents, we must also As much as we need to be and now turn our focus to the involved in the work of reach across the aisle and talk with those who may legislative budget season that is public education, I know not be of the same party. At the end of the day, it is currently in process. that it is Spring Break time. the job of every legislator to do what is best for the This is a really important time I encourage you to take for us to take action as an state of North Carolina and it’s our jobs as advantage of this hiatus and organization. We need to ensure a educators — voting educators — to remind them of take time away from work budget is passed. The state has that, regardless of party af liation.” and other responsibilities to been operating without one for the spend with family and past two years, and we really need enjoy some of the activities to push for things that will make you love. Even if you can’t travel, unplug from your public education stronger, such as additional support for electronic devices and take an opportunity to go outside. students, in particular those systems geared toward Take walks, visit a nearby park, or do something else academic success and social/emotional health – two relaxing. Just take care of yourselves so that you can return priorities that are part of our 2021 Legislative Agenda. refreshed and rejuvenated to wrap up the last few months of Also, we need to address the Leandro court order and the school year. the realization of equity in funding and policy. Enjoy the month of April and continue to stay safe and During the remainder of this “Long Session,” we have well. Remember… it’s all about Our Strength, Our Unity, an opportunity to continue building relationships with Our Power, Our NCAE! lawmakers, so activism is key! We must make those

Let me begin

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up via the NEA edCommunities portal or contact christi.broadway@ncae.org. The Education Insight is published each Friday that the General Assembly is in session. It provides legislative updates on issues that affect and are important to educators. NEA edCommunities is a professional learning network created for educators. Members can use this virtual space to exchange ideas and share resources with thousands of education professionals across the state and country. You can also update your personal information – mailing address, phone number, e-mail, etc. To get started, visit https://www.mynea360.org. To access the user’s guide, click here.

NCAE News Bulletin


Governor Cooper’s Proposed Budget Bodes Favorable for Public School Students, Educators Governor Cooper has released his proposed budget, which contains favorable support for public schools and public education. Many of the priorities are aligned with NCAE’s, including supporting student well-being, providing a $15 minimum wage for certified school employees, and investing in recruiting, retaining, and supporting North Carolina’s educator workforce. “We appreciate the governor’s ongoing support for public education in North Carolina and thoughtful approach to his budget for this biennium,” said NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly in a statement. “We share many of the governor’s funding priorities, specifically his support of

raising ESP pay to $15 an hour statewide, the restoration of master’s degree pay in order to retain the best and brightest educators, and increased funding to support the social and emotional needs of our students by ensuring counselors and nurses are present in every school. “Governor Cooper recognized that the educators of North Carolina have worked harder and longer to assure students had access to a continuing education during this pandemic, and his proposals for salary increases are affordable, strategic, and well-deserved. We hope the General Assembly will show the same appreciation. We look forward to working with the House and Senate in their budget negotiations to ensure public education receives the necessary investments to serve our students and our communities.” Click here to see the governor’s proposed budget in its entirety. To see a flow chart of the Governor’s Budget Process, click here. To view a flow chart of the State Budget Process, click here.

Schools Return to Daily In-Person Instruction, CDC Eases Social Distancing Guidelines

“We are concerned that the CDC has changed one of the basic rules for how to ensure school safety without demonstrating certainty that the change is justi ed by the science and can be implemented in a manner that does not detract from the larger long-term needs of students.” — NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly

distancing or limit in-person instruction to a few days a week. Several school systems, including Wake and Johnston, are reopening all of their schools under Plan A this month. Schools still have to comply with safety guidelines such as the mask mandate and hand washing or use of hand sanitizer. The CDC changed its social distance guideline for schools shortly after SB 220 passed. It still recommends keeping space of at least 6 feet if there is a high level of COVID spread in the community. Click to see the statements that President Tamika Walker Kelly made regarding the reopening of schools and the changes to the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.


Many schools in North Carolina are now open and offering in-person learning for students in some capacity due to a school reopening bill, SB 220, signed into law by Governor Cooper last month. The law was implemented in part because of the decrease in COVID-19 infection rates in the state and the improving number of people receiving the vaccine. Also, data has shown that infection transmission among young children is low. K-5 schools are providing full-time instruction, five days a week, for students with 3 feet of social distancing. School boards have given middle and high schools two options – move to daily instruction while adhering to 3 feet of social

NCAE News Bulletin


State Government 101: What You Need to Know to Be an Effective Advocate

Legislative Power •Article II of our state constitution vests legislative power in the North Carolina General Assembly. From 1998-2010, Democrats largely controlled the Legislature. Republicans have held power since. •Each session of the General Assembly convenes for two years – often referred to as a biennium. The “long session” began on January 27. This is when bills are being introduced and a two-year budget is adopted. Each biennium the state House and Senate alternate which chamber takes the lead on budget legislation. The Senate will take the lead this session. The “short session” will convene in spring 2022. Bills that have passed one house, recommendations from a study commission, or issues related to the budget are in play during the short session. Click to see a flow chart of the State Budget Process and the Governor’s Budget Process. •There are 120 members in the House of Representatives and 50

members in the Senate. All of the legislators in both houses serve two-year terms. There are no term limits in North Carolina. During session, lawmakers typically meet on Monday evenings, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. •Both chambers – the House and Senate – are housed in the Legislative Building, 16 West Jones St. Rooms in this building have four digits (example: 1226). The Legislative Office Building is located across the street from the Legislative Building, 300 N. Salisbury St. Rooms there have three digits (example: 544).

State and The Cabinet. The Council of State includes the lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, the auditor, the treasurer, the superintendent of public instruction, the attorney general, and the commissioners of agriculture, labor, and insurance. There are six Republicans and three Democrats in addition to the governor on the Council of State, and all members of the Council are elected. The Cabinet includes appointed positions, including the secretaries of administration, commerce, environmental quality, health and human services, information technology, military and Veteran’s Affairs, natural and cultural resources, public safety, revenue, and transportation. The governor also serves as chair of the education cabinet, which includes the superintendent of public instruction, the chair of the State Board of Education, the president of the UNC System, the president of the N.C. Community College System, and the president of the N.C. Independent Colleges and Universities. North Carolina has three independent executive agencies: the Office of Administrative Hearings, the Office of the State Controller, and the State Board of Elections.

The House of Representatives The speaker of the house is Tim Moore. He has served as speaker since 2015, and this is his 10th term. In the House of Representatives, there are 69 Republicans and 51 Democrats. There are 21 new members in the House: 29 women, 23 African Americans, one Latino, and one Native American. The Senate Mark Robinson is the lieutenant governor and president of the Senate. Though not a legislator, the lieutenant governor serves as the presiding officer of the Senate and has the power to vote when the members of the Senate are equally divided. The president pro tempore of the Senate is Phil Berger. He has served as president pro tempore since 2010, and this is his 11th term. In the Senate, there are 28 Republicans and 22 Democrats. There are six new members.

This information was provided with permission of EducationNC. It has been modified from its original content. To read the article in its entirety, click here.

Executive Power Article III of our state constitution vests executive power in the governor. Here is the website for Governor Roy Cooper. The governor has the power to propose a budget. And if he does propose a budget, it is done prior to either chamber preparing their budget. He works closely with the Council of

To take a virtual tour of the Legislative Building, click here.

North Carolina lawmakers have been in Raleigh now for a few months taking care of the state’s business in this “long session.” Politics play a crucial role in public education because everything that affects educators and students begins with the North Carolina General Assembly. As members, we want you to be comfortable and confident participating in state government, from walking into the Legislature to interacting with policymakers. Here are some tips that will help you become a more effective advocate: Let’s start with how to talk like a Tar Heel. Bookmark this audio guide of cities, towns, and other places around North Carolina. You’ve got to sound like you know the places you are talking about. And, it’s a good idea to keep a copy of “The North Carolina State Constitution: A Reference Guide” close by.

NCAE News Bulletin


N.C. Teacher Cadet Program Focuses on “Growing Our Own”

Christian Martin

Joel Leath

Stephanie Wallace

Tre Woods eighth-grade science for four years at East Forsyth Middle School. “I think it is truly important to open the eyes of a prospective educator, because for 12 years, people only have one perspective, and it is that of student. This program helped me realize that teachers don’t stand in front of the classroom and just deliver awesome lessons without preparation. They collaborate, engage with parents and the community, deal with classroom management, as well as many other duties.” Leath said becoming a teacher was something that he always wanted to do from a young age. “Growing up, I had many opportunities to work with children, which helped solidify my desire to help impart knowledge and support student success. Programs like Teacher Cadet are important, and it is imperative that it be a part of the high school curriculum and funded by the state.” Tre Woods, who served as the Teacher Cadet state president while in high school, is now a student at UNC Wilmington. He said his experiences in the program were some of the most formative of his entire high school career. “Having the opportunity to step into a classroom in the capacity as a teacher while still in high school is what really sealed the deal for me,” said Woods, who wants to teach English. “I am often gawked at for my choice to become a teacher, but I also receive a lot of praise. Without the Teacher Cadet Program, I think there is relatively zero chance I would still be pursuing education today.” The most important lesson Woods said he learned as a cadet was the love of the job. “I would tell high school students interested in teaching about the many extraordinary experiences that the Teacher Cadet Program can offer. Whether traveling to state conferences or the time my firstgrade class made hand-made goodbye cards when my field experience ended, I couldn’t recommend the program highly enough!”

It is no secret that the teaching workforce lacks diversity. Throughout his time in K-12 public schools, Christian Martin only had four educators of color. Now a sophomore at Appalachian State University, Martin is studying to be a teacher, thanks to the guidance he received as a Teacher Cadet, which has a focus of recruiting more male minority teachers in North Carolina. “The experience I had is an alarming but sad reality for a lot of students,” said Martin. “When I tell people that I am in school to become a teacher, they often look surprised and ask me why. My answer is always, ‘Students of color need to see educators who look like them in the classroom!’” Martin is studying Middle Grades Education with a concentration in Social Studies and Language Arts. He wants to teach seventh or eighth graders. The Teacher Cadet Program, administered by the North Carolina Foundation for Public School Children (NCFPSC), is an in-state teacher recruitment and leadership program geared toward high school students. It gives them an opportunity to experience the field of education before they enter college. Stephanie Wallace, a teacher at East Forsyth High School in Winston-Salem, has been a member of the Teacher Cadet Cadre for 20 years. More than 300 students from Forsyth County have participated in the program, including Martin and former classmate Tre Woods. Approximately 200 are still educators. “Forsyth County employs around 150 former cadets and there are six who are my colleagues here at East Forsyth,” Wallace said. One of those former cadets who now teaches is Joel Leath. He attended East Forsyth High School as a student from 2011-2013, where he learned about and participated in the program. “I think there is nothing like having homegrown educators who already have roots and are hugely invested in the community’s success,” said Leath, who has taught

NCAE News Bulletin



Giving educators the SUPPORT THEY DESERVE At NEA Member Benefits, we know educators live busy lives — at school and at home. That’s why we’re here to give you travel discounts, budget tips, retirement advice and help researching and choosing the right financial and insurance products. More than what you need, it’s what you deserve as a member.



Get expert tips to make your money go further now — and years from now. Take the Are You Financially Fit? quiz, get insights about credit and debt consolidation and find creative ways to Survive the Summer Paycheck Gap. neamb.com/personal-finance Consolidate Debt Today: Take advantage of no processing fees and low, competitive rates with the NEA Personal Loan.® neamb.com/personal-loan Our Lowest-Rate Card: Save on interest charges with the NEA RateSmart® Card.1 neamb.com/ratesmart Earn Rewards With Every Purchase: Choose a card that earns cash back with the NEA® Cash Rewards Card.1 neamb.com/cashrewards See Your Savings Grow: The NEA Savings Program offers an NEA® Online Savings Account, an NEA® Money Market Account and more. Products offered by Discover Bank, Member FDIC. neamb.com/savings


Plan Your Perfect Getaway: Use the NEA Travel Program to book airfare, car rentals, cruises, guided tours, hotels and resorts at amazing low prices. neamb.com/travel


Save on Flowers and Gifts: Save 20% on flowers, plants, gift baskets and more. neamb.com/flowers

Member-Only Savings on Appliances: Shop this secure online store for quality GE home appliances at amazing discounts. neamb.com/appliances Exclusive Online Savings: Take advantage of Limited Time Offers from top retailers available only to NEA members. neamb.com/ltos

YOUR HOME School may be your second home, but NEA is here to help you take care of your first one, too. If you’re just starting out, know the Five Things Not to Do before applying for a home loan. Already a homeowner? Be sure you have the Right Homeowner’s Insurance to protect your property. neamb.com/your-home Save an Average of $423 per Year: Members save big with NEA Auto & Home Insurance provided by California Casualty.3 neamb.com/autohome

T R AV E L & VA C AT I O N S Your dream vacation may be within reach — check out these 8 Little-Known Vacation Deals for Teachers. And, since museum tickets and admission to parks and attractions can really add up, make your vacation dollars go even further with 100 Free Attractions in Top U.S. Cities. neamb.com/travel-and-vacations

Being smart with money isn’t an option for educators — it’s a way of life. That’s why we offer a variety of ways to stretch your dollar. Try Your Month-by-Month Smart Shopping Guide and get helpful money-saving tips each month. neamb.com/shopping-discounts

YOUR CAR When it’s time to buy a new or used vehicle, we’re here to help make the process a lot less intimidating. Review our 14-Point Checklist to Buy a Car With Confidence. If you do your homework, you may be able to earn extra credit … in the form of savings. neamb.com/your-car


Average Member Discount of $3,026: With the NEA® Auto Buying Program, members regularly see big savings off the MSRP. neamb.com/autobuying

Call 1-800-637-4636 (se habla español)

LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION The thought of life insurance may seem daunting, but at NEA Member Benefits, we have the tools and advice to make getting the right life insurance easy. Our Insurance Calculators can help you determine the amount of coverage you need. Plus, put your knowledge to the test by reading the 6 Myths About Life Insurance. neamb.com/life-insurance-protection Help Protect Those You Love: Choose from a range of quality life insurance plans, all at member-only group rates.2 neamb.com/insurance

Visit neamb.com (live chat available)

NCAE News Bulletin


ST U D E N T LOA N D E B T If you’re weighed down by massive school loans, ask yourself: Are You Eligible for Student Loan Forgiveness? Find out and see if relief might be in your future. For more help, learn the 4 Things Educators Need to Know About Student Loans. neamb.com/student-loan-debt Take Control of Your Student Debt: The NEA Student Loan Forgiveness Navigator can help you determine your eligibility for student loan forgiveness, potential savings and more. neamb.com/loanforgiveness



Being in education comes with unique considerations regarding retirement. See how Retirement Planning for Educators Is Different. And, since educators retire earlier, on average, than other professionals, planning earlier is better — learn Why You Should Start Saving Early. neamb.com/retirement-planning

There’s more to keeping your family healthy than eating well and exercising. You need a well-rounded approach that involves everything from implementing the 7 Habits of Healthy Educators to considering 5 Smart Reasons to Buy Pet Insurance. neamb.com/family-and-wellness

Manage Retirement Savings & Income: Plan with the NEA Retirement Program. There are a variety of options that can help you protect retirement savings or create a reliable income stream. neamb.com/retirement-program Choose Your Own Doctor: The NEA® Retiree Health Program (to supplement Medicare) has options at member-only group rates and no provider lists.4,5 neamb.com/rhp

Enjoy Hassle-Free Health Benefits: Get affordable access to comprehensive care with NEA Dental & Vision Insurance Plans. neamb.com/dentalvision Affordable Care for Your Pets: NEA Pet Insurance6 plans start at $1 per day7 for emergency visits, prescriptions, exams, X-rays and more. neamb.com/pet

Stay in the know We’ve gathered the five simplest ways to keep on top of your benefits — because the more you know, the more valuable your benefits will be. neamb.com is the place to start. 1 Register for benefits at neamb.com/sign-me-up 2 Register a beneficiary for your no-cost to you NEA Complimentary Life Insurance2 coverage to let us know where you want your benefits to go: neamb.com/complife 3 Sign up for NEA® Vacations to browse deals on hotels, resorts, cruises and more. Receive $500 in Travel Dollars the first time you use it: neamb.com/neavacations 4 Subscribe to free newsletters filled with helpful tips and solutions at neamb.com/newsletters 5 Follow us on social (@NEAMemberBenefits on Facebook | @NEABenefits on Twitter)

No dues dollars are used to market NEA Member Benefits programs. No dues dollars are used to market NEA Member Benefits programs. Some programs are not available in all states. NEA, NEA Member Benefits and the NEA Member Benefits logo are registered service marks of NEA Member Benefits. 1 For information about the rates, fees, other costs and benefits associated with the use of these credit cards, please visit us online at www.neamb.com/finance/credit-cards. These credit card programs are issued and administered by Bank of America, N.A. 2 NEA Life Insurance coverages are issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ. 1035849-00001-00 3The NEA Auto and Home Insurance Program is provided exclusively by California Casualty. Insurance products listed are subject to availability and eligibility. 4 Provided by the NEA Members Insurance Trust. 5Your rate depends on your particular circumstances; not all members will save. 6 Pet insurance coverage is offered and administered by Pets Best Insurance Services, LLC and is underwritten by American Pet Insurance Company, a New York insurance company. Please visit www.americanpetinsurance.com to review all available pet health insurance products. 7Rates are subject to change upon regulatory approval and will vary based on location, breed, age, and selected coverage options, deductible and reimbursement level. Actual rates may be higher or lower.

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NCAE News Bulletin


COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts Draw Members to Sites Across the State


#NCAERVTour .. #WeHeartNCPublicSchool Click here to read stories from the stops

Tour Continues to Make Stops in Every County

Greene County Lenoir County

Edgecombe County


Onslow County

Pamlico County

NCAE News Bulletin


American Rescue Plan provides cri cal relief to students, educators On March 10, Congress passed a historic economic relief package, the American Rescue Plan, which will provide critical funding to help alleviate suffering felt by millions of Americans. “With the passage of the American Rescue Plan, we finally have the vital and comprehensive response to provide students, educators, families and hard-working Americans with the desperately needed relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis,” said NEA President Becky Pringle. “This historic legislation not only provides the resources to help every school building put in place the effective measures needed to keep students and educators safe; it also makes extraordinary investments that will lift countless children and families out of poverty and works to address the immense inequities that have systematically affected the most vulnerable students and communities of color. After months of tireless advocacy, educators gratefully applaud this bill. Now, state and local leaders must work together to ensure all students receive the support, tools, and resources they need so that school buildings and college campuses can reopen — and stay open — safely and equitably. “We applaud the leadership of President Biden and Vice President Harris, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Schumer and the representatives and senators for getting the job done. This federal legislation will undoubtedly alleviate some of our nation’s immense suffering, but there is still much work ahead to fully recover from the worst crisis to hit this country

in more than a century — and to build back something better. NEA has outlined proven ways to help students overcome COVID-19 opportunity gaps and meet students’ academic, social, and emotional needs in a comprehensive plan. We have an unprecedented opportunity to create the public schools all students — Black and white, Native and newcomer, Hispanic and Asian alike — need and deserve. Our work is not over.”

Did you know we’re more than an insurance company?

Earth Day

We are dedicated to helping educators make informed financial decisions so they can stay in the job they love. Our representatives offer no-cost financial wellness education on a variety of topics important to educators.

Contact your local representative to learn more.



Horace Mann and its affiliates enter into agreements with educational associations pursuant to which Horace Mann or its affiliate pays the educational association to provide various services that are aimed at familiarizing the association’s members with the Horace Mann brand, products or services. For more information or to ask questions about your educational association’s services agreement, please email your inquiry to association.relations@horacemann.com. AM-C04554 (Feb. 21)


NCAE News Bulletin


Calling ALL SNCAE Members and Higher Education Professors! NCAE is proud to partner with Design Studio for Social Change to offer three unique "adventures" for SNCAE members and higher education professors to collaborate. The three adventures are geared to help participants engage in discussion and create activities to address equity, self-care, and perspective of how COVID has impacted them over the past year. The sessions will be engaging, impactful, and leave you feeling empowered to continue the work! To register, visit http://bit.ly/adventureboard.

Coverage you can depend on for the ones you love.

As an eligible NEA member,* you’ve got the protection of NEA Complimentary Life Insurance, issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America — but you should name a beneficiary to make sure your loved ones are covered. Go to neamb.com/free-tote and register your beneficiary to get this FREE tote. Or call 1-855-NEA-LIFE (632-5433) and mention offer code: TOTE BAG

Make sure your loved ones are covered! As an NEA member, you have the protection of complimentary life insurance. Visit www.neamb.com/ protect for your insurance needs.

Visit neamb.com/protect to learn about all the solutions available to help meet your insurance needs.


* Visit us online or call for eligibility requirements. NEA Members Insurance Trust is a registered trademark of the NEA Members Insurance Trust. NEA Complimentary Life Insurance is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ.



NC Leads the Nation in National Board Certified Teachers Even in the Midst of a Pandemic North Carolina has gained 467 new National Board Certified Teachers for the 2020-2021 school year, despite all that has occurred with the pandemic. According to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the state leads the country with 23,090 teachers. And, for the 15th consecutive year, Wake County leads with the most NBCTs of any school district in the nation with 3,034. And that’s not the only good news! Over the past year, 643 NC teachers renewed their certifications, the most of any state. National Board Certification is considered the “gold standard” of teaching, and North Carolina has historically led the nation because it comes with a 12 percent pay boost. The cost for certification is $1,900 and the state provides lowinterest loans to teachers to help them through the process. North Carolina accounts for 18 percent of the 128,550 NBCTs and 23 percent of the state’s teachers are nationally certified, the most of any state. Charlotte-Mecklenburg has the fourth highest number of NBCTs of any district in the nation, with 2,304 educators. Chapel Hill-Carrboro, Orange County, and Wake County are among a group of school districts that made the NBPTS list of nationally accomplished districts for having at least 20 percent of their teachers nationally certified. NCAE offers a host of National Board Certification support for initial candidates and those who are interested in renewing. Click here for more information. Craven and Cabarrus County Schools Recognized for Outstanding Communication Craven County Schools and Cabarrus County Schools have been recognized by the North Carolina School Public Relations Association (NCSPRA) for excellence in communications. Craven County Schools earned a total of six Blue Ribbon Awards for outstanding and effective communication, resulting in three Gold, one Silver, and two Bronze level awards for outstanding work in the following categories: electronic media, marketing, photography, special events and programs, digital media engagement, and publications. Cabarrus County Schools received 10 Gold level awards, five Silver level awards, and five Bronze level awards in the categories of digital media engagement, publications, electronic media, photography, and image and graphic design. NCSPRA is a statewide professional organization serving more than 150 members. Its mission is to build support for public education through well-planned and responsible public relations.

NCAE News Bulletin


Extra Credit Grant Program

In celebration of “World Voice Day,” take advantage of this FREE webinar on the importance of taking care of your vocal health as an educator. Presented by the Duke Voice Care Center.

Did You Miss Out on the $335 for NC Families with Children?

Your Voice is Essential

Duke Voice Care Center presents Virtual World Voice Day 2021

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.



Your voice has always been essential, but now it’s more precious than ever.

The Extra Credit Grant program was established by law in 2020 to use funds from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to help families with qualifying children in North Carolina by providing economic support to assist with virtual schooling and child-care costs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under legislation signed into law February 10, 2021, individuals who missed the original Extra Credit grant deadline may be eligible to receive the $335 grant payment. The new law extending the Extra Credit Grant program through May 31, 2021, only applies to eligible individuals who have NOT received the $335 grant. If you have already received the $335 grant, you are not eligible under the new law.

You’ve been socially distanced, but not vocally distanced. Constant virtual meetings, talking through face masks, staying home with kids, and feeling overwhelmed can all affect your voice. Join Duke Voice Care Center for a live webinar to learn how to keep your voice working – for YOU.

Topics covered: § Why your voice is essential § How the voice works § Healthy voice use during the COVID-19 pandemic

Register online for webinar: DukeHealth.org/ WorldVoiceDay

§ Tips to maximize your voice during video meetings § Exercises to strengthen and maintain your voice § Special tips for singers and other vocal performers For questions or more information, please email karen.stark@duke.edu

Voice Care

Who is Eligible? North Carolina families with qualifying children who were 16 or younger at the end of 2019 who did not already receive the $335 check from the NC Department of Revenue. 1. Qualifying individuals who were not required to file a 2019 state tax return and have NOT already received the $335 grant 2. Eligible individuals who filed a 2019 state tax return and did NOT receive the $335 grant

Payments Payments will be sent by check to eligible applicants as soon as possible. Extra Credit Grant checks re-validated because of updated mailing addresses may be cashed at any financial institution or businesses that allow check cashing. While checks list the State Treasurer on them, the Department of State Treasurer cannot cash or assist with the checks. Click here for application information.

NCAE News Bulletin



2 0 21

for NEA Members NEA Discount Marketplace The NEA Discount Marketplace, powered by Rakuten, enables members to earn cash back when they shop and save on brand-name merchandise from more than 2,500 top retailers and online stores.* Check out the following member-exclusive deals in April at neamb.com/ marketplace: •H&R Block -- Avoid headaches when filing your 2020 taxes! Get professional assistance and your maximum refund guaranteed with H&R Block’s® Free Online Edition. •Container Store -- There’s no need to sacrifice style when tidying up your home or office space. Find proven storage and organization solutions that complement any décor! •Advance Auto -- Save on everything that goes under the hood! Shop hard-to-find auto parts and more—plus get free curbside pickup! •Old Navy – Get the season’s newest looks in every size, style and color at affordable prices. Want it quick? Shop online and pick up your order in the store two hours later! •Walgreens -- Save on pharmacy, health & wellness, and photo products. Refill prescriptions easily online. Options to order items for delivery or in-store pickup. *If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the exclusive member deals above, simply search for your favorite retailer by entering the store name in the search box on the NEA Discount Marketplace page! Buy Now and Pay Over Time with NEA Easy Pay Shop thousands of products such as jewelry, cosmetics, home goods, electronics and much more with up to a $2,500 credit limit. Make low, automatic payments conveniently timed to your paydays. There are no credit checks, interest charges or annual membership fees for NEA members. Visit www.neamb.com/easypay.


Dates to Remember April 3rd National Love Our Children Day 2nd-5th NCAE Spring Break (offices closed) 6th National Library Workers Day Link National Student Athlete Day 7th National Bookmobile Day Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 11th Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse 12th National D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything And Read) 15th Income Tax Day 22nd Earth Day 30th Adopt A Shelter Pet Day Celebrate Diversity Month Fair Housing Month Global Child Nutrition Month Link Month of the Young Child National Child Abuse Prevention Month National Minority Health Month Link Physical Wellness Month

“When you don’t have equality of opportunity because you don’t have equal access to education, it just seems so outrageous. It weakens our economy and leads to more inequality.” — Joseph Stiglitz

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Positions stated in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official position of NCAE unless so identified. The NCAE News Bulletin, a journal of the Association, is published by the North Carolina Association of Educators, 700 S.Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601, 1-800-662-7924.



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