Halfway House and Transitional Housing in Charlotte NC - NBSNC

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New Beginning Sanctuary NC is a non-profit halfway house in Charlotte NC and we provide a sober living program for men and women. We are mostly self-funded, also we get some donations and we aim to provide our residents with a transformational experience where they can take personal ownership of their recovery in a place where it feels like home. Transitional housing describes a community or a program that provides temporary housing and support services for people who are homeless or for people who are going through a tough time. They can live at a halfway house till the time they find a solution to their problems. Our transitional house, situated in North California supports the recipients who are suffering from substance abuse, employment services, child care or in other areas that can help them go back to their normal life. There are many benefits of coming to our halfway house in Charlotte NC:

- Reduced Crime: It has been noticed that many people who use our transitional housing in North Carolina are victims of domestic violence, and getting them out of their situations can reduce crime rates, also it will take ex-convicts and their homeless people who may have experienced a similar situation to survive off the street and provide them with some sense of hope that things can get better.

- Prevention from disease: This can be one of the biggest problems for homeless people because living on the street does not provide the sanitary conditions that are necessary for optimum health. We can ensure to provide better living conditions to the people in our halfway house in NC. Residents here can have access to clean water for consumption and bathing as well as support on how to avoid STDs and drug-related diseases.

- Substance Abuse: Our transitional housing program offers support for substance abuse; it is one of the biggest problems for people who are homeless and coming to our transitional housing can provide them with effective support measures that will help them to get sober.

- Self Esteem: Our halfway house benefits the self-esteem of recipients who use it by giving them ways out of their situations and a sense of purpose about the future. Many people join North California Transitional housing who come from hopeless situations and are given a chance of making their life better. The skills and knowledge they get from being in our program give them a sense of hope as they move forward in life. 706

3236 Email: nbsnc@nbsnc.org

Contact us: If you or your loved ones are going through a lot in life, they are welcome to our halfway house in Charlotte NC and we will help you to live a better life. Contact: 704

- Employment Assistance: The goal of our transitional housing is for recipients to move into their own homes eventually but for that, it is very important to find suitable jobs for them, we support our recipients with resume writing, and interview training and we help in searching for jobs.

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