S2 Community Enrichment Booklet

Page 12

Agnes Sampson? Agnes Sampson was a famous witch from North Berwick. She was the oldest witch and the main witch. She was also known as ‘The Wise Wife of Keith’. She was accused of having healing powers and meeting up with the devil at night. She survived all the torture. She had four prongs forced in her mouth, she had a rope tied around her neck, and she was kept without sleep and survived the witches bridal. It was only after this torture did she confess to 53 indictments against her. After these confessions she was examined by James Vl at his palace of Hollyrood house in Edinburgh. She was taking to the scaffold on castle hill where she was garrotted and burnt at the steak. Only after this she died. What happened? People that were accused of which craft even if they were innocent were killed either way. If they were a witch they would survive the torture then be killed. If they were not a witch they would die from the torture.

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