More Than Ordinary

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Creator of the universe was sitting next to me and actually liked being with me. This idea arrested my thoughts although I doubt I could have explained it to anyone at the time. In the coming months, the level of pleasure in this companionship grew. As we walked to school together I talked to Jesus about my friends and my feelings about life. I had a sense He listened to every word with concern and an interest in mentoring me. When I took a test, I would ask Him to help me remember what I had studied or even to help me when I had not studied. Sometimes the answers came and sometimes, when I had been too lazy to prepare, I sensed Him letting me sweat it out. I knew He was on the field with me when I played sports. I experienced the privileged existence of facing every challenge—and there were plenty—with Him. Then, a few months after my first encounter with Jesus, I went to a friend’s house on a Saturday night and did not think of Jesus once during the evening. I did not talk to Him, listen to Him, or consider how to please Him. When I returned home I felt a sinking sensation in my stomach. It was as if I had left my Friend at home and gone to have fun without Him. I felt rude for not including Him and also empty. It just wasn’t the same without Him. I had become so accustomed to enjoying His company throughout the day that not to experience it felt like a real loss. That night I apologized and then lay awake marveling at His kindness and graciousness toward me. Unlike my dad, He didn’t seem grumpy or disgusted. Some people get to learn what God is like through the example of fathers who represent Him well. Others, like me, learn to appreciate what He is like by the contrast with their human father. Jesus always seemed to desire what was best for me. He was for me and loyal to me even when I let Him down.

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