2012 The Message Catalog

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We’ve made it easy for you to know where to place The Message on your shelves so your customers get exactly what they are looking for. For students!

Large Print

(cs) Compact Size (tx) Text (lp) Large Print (rx) //REMIX 2.0

These simple abbreviations and colors make it easy to present and find the right Message Bible for your customer.

Our leather-look Message Bibles now come in new slipcases, each branded with its own unique style to The Message.

The Message Packaging System

//REMiX 2.0


Compact Size

Large Print type size: 12.5

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Compact type size: 7

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“is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.”


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“is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.”

Text Samples from John 3:16-17


“is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed;

Regular type size: 9.5

“is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.” Reader’s Edition type size: 11


C u S TO M E R S E R V i C E : 1 - 800 - 366 - 7788

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“is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be


Personal type size: 8.7

“is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.”

//REMIX 2.0 type size: 8.75 “is is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.” Study Bible type size: 9

Features of The Message

How Your Customers will Benefit

• The Bible translated in American English

• Paired with a favorite study Bible, the passages in The Message are easier to understand and study

• Single-column format and an exclusive numbering system unique to The Message

• The Message reads like a novel, making it a true reading Bible

• Written thought for thought in words that people speak every day

• Allows readers to experience firsthand the same relevance and directness of the original Scriptures, in today’s American English

• Translated by Eugene H. Peterson from the original Greek and Hebrew text and evaluated and confirmed by a committee of twenty-one exegetical scholars of Old and New Testament languages and theology

• The Message is the authentic Word of God

• Guide from Eugene H. Peterson on how to use this reading Bible

• The Message will become more lively to the readers as they better understand how to use it

• introductions to each book and sections of the Bible

• Readers will learn more about key phrases and words used in The Message

• “The Story of the Bible in Five Acts”

• All the different parts of the Bible come together as one narrative


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Study Bible

The Message Study Bible combines this best-selling contemporary translation with personal insights from Eugene H. Peterson’s lifetime of studying the Word. With 640 study notes from his writings and sermons, contemplative readings and prayers, and a unique “Reading the Scriptures” essay, this study Bible gives readers a new appreciation for God’s Word.

The Message Study Bible Leather-Look 9781617478987 | $74.99

The Message Study Bible 9781617471797 | $49.99 Jacketed Hardcover

Features: • 640 notes from the writings and sermons of Eugene H. Peterson • A topical concordance on eighty different subject matters • Contemplative readings and prayers throughout the text • Peterson’s introductory essay “Reading the Scriptures” • A comprehensive bibliography of Peterson’s writings • Peterson’s biography and the complete list of translation consultants for The Message • Blank pages for personal notes and reflections • Verse-numbered, single-column format, making The Message a true reading Bible

6 x 9 | 2016 pages | Type size: 9 11 – 12

Notes from Eugene H. Peterson that provide personal insight to the text




deep wisdom — Paul is talking about here. All the evidence we have is illuminated from a central Source. The world is ordered and beautiful, and we see things in relationship shaped toward a goal. But as the light gets stronger, our eyes can’t bear to look at it. The closer we get to the light, the less we can see. We blink, we squint, and finally we must shut our eyes altogether. But we don’t think for a minute that our blindness is because someone is hiding something from us or preventing us from seeing. The mystery comes not from hiddenness but from human limitation. And the only proper human response is not further probing but simply stopping at the threshold of the mystery, kneeling, and offering praise. Which is precisely what Paul does. And precisely what we should do. P L AC E YO U R L I F E B E F O R E G O D 1-2

Contemplative Readings to take you further in your study of the Scripture


So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. C ON TE MPL ATION Contemplative Readings

Romans 12:10-21 — The example of the body of Christ caring for its individual members. 1 Peter 2:18-25 — The example of Christ responding to injustice. Paul summarizes Christian living in a sentence: “Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering” (Romans 12:1). God doesn’t throw out the past and tell us to forget about it. He uses all the material, but he rearranges it, and in his hands it becomes new. The vocabulary in Romans 12:1 uses the same words from the sacrificial system of the past: life and offering. But each of those words is given a radically new orientation. Life. Substitute sacrifices will no longer do. It’s your life God wants, and it’s mine. Cows, birds, goats, and sheep will no longer be acceptable. It must be your life. By using the word life, Paul leaves no room for escape. Life includes our whole self, the entire collection of feelings, actions, ideas. Brain, nerves, muscles, drives, instincts, perceptions. Life. It is me that’s offered up — all of me. Offering. The drama of the blood flowing out of a sacrificial animal was impressive in its symbolism, but the animal was worthless from that time on, except to be eaten. A short-lived usefulness. This new concept is no less a sacrifice, but the blood stays in the veins and continues to nourish the life of the individual. Thus, this new offering becomes an extended one. This offering of the whole of our lives is a worshipful act that’s pleasing to God. And here I would like to say a word or two about worship as it relates to our everyday lives. Worship is generally understood as the service that takes place in the Temple and at the altar. A priest leads it and directs the participation of the people. It focuses our attention on God and involves us in dynamic relationship with him. It’s central to all religion and provides the deepest relationship possible to humankind. But Paul does something extreme here. He cuts the word loose from its moorings %+*$


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in the Temple and the church. Worship is now total — the offering of one’s entire life as a living sacrifice. Here’s a basic tension: We keep trying to confine worship to the sanctuary — to preaching, prayers, and parish announcements, to religious experiences. But God is commanding us to extend it to home, work, neighborhood, and leisure. Worship is the style of life in which our bodies become living sacrifices offered up before God. People have different skills, different strengths, different sensibilities. God has given us one another so that we may have a shared life. None of us can live the abundant life as hermits. Nor can we live to the glory of God if we carefully pick whom we’re willing to associate with. All who live are God’s creation and parts of the body of Christ. We’re members of one another. We exist in a family, together, not alone. And here’s how God wants us to live in such a family: worshipfully. Life is full of financial inequities, and worship involves a generous response to the economic needs of others. This reverses the natural inclinations of all of us. We sometimes convince ourselves that everything we have has come from our own hard work and achievements. And with pride we then hold on to it all, and in moments of good, we’ll dole out a little to church or to charity. But worship is meant to be more complete than that: It’s the offering of our total economic selves to the glory and service of God. It means a liberal and generous assessment of other people’s needs in relation to our own. Income and earning capacity is God’s gift to us, too — and must be part of offering our lives. Another way we express our worship to God is by giving him our heart — our total heart, including the sinful impulses that reside there. When people wrong us, for example, we feel resentful, and we have the impulse to hurt them in return. We can do it directly, lashing them with our tongues or our fists. Or we can do it indirectly through gossip, coldness, indifference, or manipulation. One thing is certain: None of us have the impulse to bless the person who does us wrong. We all have the impulse to avenge ourselves. Worship means the reversal of those equations of hurt and revenge. It means returning a blessing for a curse, forgiveness for revenge, peace for strife. Worship isn’t a religious performance we sit back and enjoy; it’s an act in which we participate. And as we participate, we’re changed. Worship is the presentation of our bodies as a sacrifice to God so that he can act upon us. Either the world shapes us or God shapes us. Either we’re conformed to the world or we’re transformed by God. And worship is what he uses to bring about that transformation.


Contemplative Questions that provide a personal application

Contemplative Questions

God doesn’t want a tithe from you, minced out of the pocket change of your life. He wants all of you. All of your heart. All of your mind. All of your time, your energy, your resources. All of your hopes and dreams. Every bit of who you are and what you have, he wants you to put on the altar as an offering to him. How should that change the way you live your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life? Contemplative Prayer

Dear Lord, Help me to place my life — all of my life — before you as an offering. Let me be a living sacrifice, knowing that it’s the most worshipful way I can live my life. I realize, though, that the tendency of living sacrifices is to crawl off the altar. %+*%

Contemplative Prayer prompts conversations with God

Compact Size



AvAilAble FebruAry 2013

The Message Compact Pink Leather-Look 9781612913018 | $34.99 The Message Compact Pink/Pink Python 9781615215461 | $34.99

The Message Compact Teal/Brown Python 9781615215478 | $34.99

Great for Students!

4 1/8 x 6 3/8 | 1440 pages | Type size: 7

The Message//REMIX Compact Tan Leather-Look 9781600061790 | $29.99

4 1⁄8 x 5 13⁄16 | 1472 pages | Type size: 6.5

KEY SELLING POINTS • Durable leather-look covers • Convenient small size that makes it easy to bring anywhere for any ministry purpose • Fits inside a purse, briefcase, or backpack • Perfect for your women customers

• Great colors and textures • Exclusive numbering system unique to The Message • Single-column format for easy reading • Satin ribbon marker


S P E C i A L M A R K E T S : 1 - 80 0 - 5 04 - 2 9 24



Text Size


ComiNG iN SepTember 2012

The Message Lavender Embossed [Personal Size + Topical Concordance] 9781612911236 | $39.99 The Message Hardcover [Personal Size + Topical Concordance] 9781615211074 | $29.99 5 1/2 x 8 1/3 | 1808 pages | Type size 8.7


Now includes the Topical index!


• Satin ribbon marker available in the leather edition • Charts and maps included in the back (these charts and maps are standard for any Message Bible)

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• Charts include: order of events from the Old Testament, order of events from the New Testament, and a visual chronology of the “Drama of the Bible” • Maps include: route of the Exodus, the original twelve tribes of Judah, the divided kingdom of Judah and israel, Palestine in the time of Jesus, and Paul’s missionary journeys

Text Size


NeW Cover options being Added Fall 2013!

The Message Numbered Edition Regular Size Larger trim size of 6 x 9

⁄ This trim size does not include the topical index. 3 16

The Message Hardcover [Regular Size] 9781576839164 | $29.99

The Message Padded Hardcover Blue [Regular Size] 9781576836736 | $37.99

6 x 9 3/16 | 1736 pages | Type size: 9.5

Fresh —crisp, natural, and unprocessed— is the first word that i associate with The Message. — Cynthia Heald, author of the beComiNG A WomAN oF . . . Series


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Reader’s Edition

Supply is limited!

it’s been ten years since NavPress brought you the full edition of The Message Bible. To celebrate, we have introduced two special limited-time editions. in its original format with no verse numbers, this true reading Bible gets your customers back to enjoying God’s Word. When pairing it with a favorite study Bible, your customers will encounter many passages they have read hundreds of times before, yet it will be like reading and studying them for the first time. The Message 10th Anniversary Reader’s Edition 9781617471469 | $39.99 Jacketed Hardcover The Message 10th Anniversary Pewter/Black Bonded Leather 9781617471452 | $64.99 | Supply is Limited 6 x 9 | 2272 pages | Type size: 11

FEATURES • No verse numbers • Single-column format • Written in American English • Special limited-time editions • Available in leather-look or jacketed hardcover bindings

BENEFITS • No distractions while reading The Message • A true reading Bible • Makes difficult passages easier to understand • Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the full edition of The Message • Two premium options to choose from

vivid language, The Message has quickly become a go-to reference for many pastors. i keep my copy within arm’s reach and consult it often.

because of its


i cannot overstate its value to my study. —Max Lucado, author of My Story, His Story

C u S TO M E R S E R V i C E : 1 - 800 - 366 - 7788


Large Print

When NavPress released the full version of The Message in large print, more people than ever before were able to enjoy Scripture in American English and in a size that’s easy to read.

The Message Large Print Hardcover 9781576838457 | $39.99

The Message Large Print Burgundy Leather-Look 9781576838464 | $54.99 The Message Large Print Black Premium Leather 9781617471681 | $74.99

6 13⁄16 x 9 3⁄16 | 1984 pages | Type size: 12.5

KEY SELLING POINTS FOR LARGE-PRINT EDITIONS • Premium large-print options for Bible consumers • Exclusive numbering system unique to The Message • Single-column format for easy reading • Satin ribbon marker in leather editions • Charts, maps, and historical timeline


GiANT print Coming Fall 2013!

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//REMIX 2.0

Get StudentS excited tO reAd GOd’S WOrd! The Message//REMIX 2.0:

Containing the original text of The Message, //REMIX 2.0 also includes the added features of in-depth book introductions to help students fully understand what they are reading. With a variety of colors and different cover materials to choose from, there is an option for every student.

Our Student BiBle iS AvAilABle fOr the firSt time in PAPerBAck!

feAtureS Of //remix 2.0:

• Same Message text as the Numbered Edition • Translated into casual, conversational American English, a language students will understand • Single-column, verse-numbered paragraphs that make it a reading Bible • Expanded book introductions for deeper knowledge of God’s Word • Different colors and covers to attract all ages • Convenient size for carrying everywhere • Easy-to-read 8.75-point type size • Satin ribbon marker (except hardcover editions) • Reference material with maps, charts, and timelines • A topical index

The Message //REMIX 2.0 Paperback 9781617479496 | $19.99 | 1856 pages

WhAt Are the differenceS? //remix 2.0


text BiBleS

• Book introductions are more in-depth, expanding on the history of the time period, key words and phrases, date it was written, who wrote it, and to whom it was written

• Book introductions give the main theme of the book and time period the book was written

• 5 3⁄16 x 7 1⁄8 | 1856 pages

• 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄3 | 1736 pages

• Type size: 8.75

• Type size: 8.7

• Vibrant youth colors with different bindings, textures, and colors

• Bindings come in leather-look or hardcover with neutral colors

• Does not include “The Story of the Bible in Five Acts”

• includes “The Story of the Bible in Five Acts”

C u S TO M E R S E R V i C E : 1 - 800 - 366 - 7788

//REMIX 2.0


message has been a wonderful resource for “thehelping teenagers

engage with God’s Word. thanks to eugene h. Peterson who continues to help us understand God’s Word in real time. —Andy Braner, speaker and teacher to teenagers and author of Alone

cOOl neW cOverS cOminG in feBruAry 2013!

Zebra 9781612913803 $39.99

the message//remix 2.0 Bible is perfect for everyday reading, and its convenient small size allows students to take it wherever they go.

Textured/Pieced Leather-Look 9781612913797 $49.99

Vintage Brown/Navy Leather-Look 9781615216833 $39.99

Vintage Red/Beige Leather-Look 9781615216826 $39.99

Hypercolor Pink Purple Swirl 9781600060250 Leather-Look 9781615219247 $36.99 $36.99

Youth Hardcover Concrete 9781600060021 $29.99

Perfect fOr GrAduAtiOn Or AS StOckinG StufferS!

the message//remix: new testaments • Traditional introductions to each book and sections of the Bible (not detailed like 2.0) • 4 3⁄16 x 6 7⁄8 | 576 pages Type size: 9 Red Leather-Look 9781576838648 | $15.99

The Message //REMIX New Testament 9781617479502 | $9.99 | Paperback


S P E C i A L M A R K E T S : 1 - 8 00 - 50 4 - 2 92 4


New Testaments

These New Testaments are perfect for outreach or to use as an evangelistic tool. Easily taken anywhere, these affordable New Testaments also make great gifts!

The Message New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs Paperback Pocket 9781576839379 | $7.99

The Message New Testament [Mass-Repack] 9781576834305 | $7.99

The Message New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs Paperback 9781600061356 | $11.99

The Message New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs 9781576831205 | $19.99


Mass Market New Testament

Numbered Edition with Psalms & Proverbs

Paperback with Psalms & Proverbs

Paperback 9781576839379

Paperback 9781576834305

Paperback 9781600061356

Paperback 9781576831205

3 3/4 x 5 1/4

4 3/16 x 6 7/8

5 1/2 x 8 1/2










Verse Numbers





Single or Double Column













Specs Binding and ISBN Size Pages Type Size

Introduction by Eugene H. Peterson Price

* New Testaments do not include “The Story of the Bible in Five Acts” or maps and charts.


C u S TO M E R S E R V i C E : 1 - 800 - 366 - 7788


NeW! Available September 2012 A Year with Jesus


Eugene H. Peterson emphasizes the importance of spending time with Jesus through prayer.

• Released for the first time featuring

The Message translation • includes 365 daily Scripture readings • Contains a prayer and meditation for each day • Features prayer-centered stories and words of Jesus from the gospels of Matthew and John

Hardcover | 5 1/2 x 8 9781617478949 400 pages | $17.99

in paperback! FEATURES: • The Message in 312 daily readings • Dated and numbered daily readings • Six ten-minute readings per week • Adapted from Discipleship Journal’s popular “Book-ata-Time” reading plan

• Presented one book at a time, alternating between Old and New Testaments • Reflection questions and inspirational words to end each day • Tips on how to start a group Bible reading program • unnumbered edition

The Daily Message Paperback | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 9781600063572 1600 pages | $19.99


The Message //REMIX 2.0: Pause

Paperback | 6 x 8 | 1696 pages 9781576838433 | $19.99

Great for Students!


• 365 daily readings— includes The Message in its entirety • Numbered daily readings • Reading options of one, two, and four years • Each day includes a passage from the Old Testament and a

corresponding passage from the New Testament • Book introductions • unnumbered, doublecolumn format • introduction on how to use a daily reading Bible and the ancient approach of lectio divina to study the Bible

S P E C i A L M A R K E T S : 1 - 8 00 - 50 4 - 2 92 4



NeW with updated Covers! The Message: Job 9781617472718 | 112 pages | $2.49 The Message: The Book of Psalms 9781617472732 | 272 pages | $4.99 The Message: The Book of Proverbs 9781617472725 | 112 pages | $2.49 The Message: Gospel of John 9781617472701 | 96 pages | $1.99

These Message portions make great impulse buys and are perfect gifts for Easter, Christmas, graduation, or to handout to visitors at church services. This point-ofpurchase display helps you make them easily accessible for customers. EACH DISPLAY KIT INCLUDES: • One 2-tiered cardboard countertop display (assembly required) • Two self-adhesive stickers • 15 of each book: The Message: Job The Message: The Book of Proverbs The Message: The Book of Psalms The Message: Gospel of John

Message portions make Great Gifts!

Retail price: $179.40 9" w 16" h x 10" d | ISBN: 9781612910925

The Message of Hope 9781576832936 128 pages | $2.99 The Message Promise Book 9781615211081 144 pages | $4.99


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The Book of Proverbs KJV/Message [Parallel] Paperback with flaps 5 x 7 | 160 pages 9781617471896 | $9.99

My First Message

My First Message

My First Message is a children's illustrated devotional Bible that offers all of the accessibility and quality that customers have come to expect from The Message. My First Message is designed for parents to introduce children to God's Word through lively illustrations, short lessons, and a format that considers a small attention span. Young children will be encouraged to learn how to read and understand the Bible through a unique devotional approach called Read, Think, Pray, and Live. FEATURES INCLUDE: • Simple three-tier charts that show children how problems start, how to address problems, and where to turn in the Bible for insight • unique devotions for children ages 4-8 • An illustrated design for each story • Casebound presentation • Fun activities that help kids better understand difficult situations and how to grow from the lessons learned

My First Message Hardcover | 7 x 8 1/2 | 384 pages 9781576834480 | $19.99

My First Message Bible Search My First Message Bible Search is a Bible concordance and dictionary for kids ages six through ten. it presents honest, age-appropriate answers that offer guidance to forty common situations children face today: • When i Am Sick • When i Can’t Have What i Want • When i Cheat • When i Don’t Feel Very important • When i Doubt God My First Message Bible Search By John Nappa Hardcover | 7 x 8 1/2 | 160 pages 9781600062490 | $14.99


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The Navigators PO Box 6000 Colorado Springs, CO 80934

EUGENE H. PETERSON is a writer, poet, and retired pastor. He has authored more than thirty-four books (not including The Message). He is Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, BC. Eugene also founded Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland, where he ministered for twenty-nine years. He lives with his wife, Jan, in Montana.

NavPress Mission Statement: To advance the The Navigators’ calling by publishing materials that are culturally relevant, and highly practical.

biblically rooted,

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