Discover Wellness January - Issue 34

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Gut-Brain connection




WELLNESS Published monthly by Jennifer Reed, R.H.N. Discover Wellness is a monthly newsletter published in Quesnel, B.C., featuring various health and wellness articles from local (B.C.) professionals and enthusiasts, delicious recipes from holistic nutritionists and a professional directory showcasing our many local health and wellness leaders. Want to advertise your business in Discover Wellness? For more information about distribution, features and benefits, contact Jennifer at 250-255-2449 or email To subscribe online please visit: The opinions expressed within are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Spiral Health. Those with health concerns should seek professional advice from a healthcare provider as all content found in Discover Wellness is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Gut - Brain connection What mood are you in today? Did you wake up feeling slow, sluggish and negative or were you energized, motivated and inspired? Have you ever considered that your state of mind can be greatly influenced by the condition of your gut and what you put in it? What a fascinating thought that our body is home to two brains and not just one! That’s right, there’s more to the 9-meter long digestive tube than food in, waste out. In fact, we have a unique system in place known as the enteric nervous system, which is embedded in the lining of our intestinal wall. So far, research has shown that this system works independently from the brain to do the dirty work of digestion, absorption and excretion of waste, but that’s not all. A large percentage of communication between the gut and brain is one sided and not how you might think. The majority of communication is sent from the gut to the brain and not the other way around. This one-way line of communication impacts our moods, emotions and behaviours. How so? Let’s use serotonin, our happy neurotransmitter, as an example. Serotonin levels are found to be significantly low in those experiencing depression, anxiety, insomnia, aggression, compulsive behavior, mood swings and other mental health imbalances. Did you know that 90% of serotonin is produced in the enteric nervous system? The outcome of our serotonin levels is dependent on nutrients obtained from food but specifically tryptophan, an amino acid from protein. Tryptophan converts into 5-HTP and then into serotonin. From there, some of our serotonin is converted into melatonin responsible for setting our circadian rhythm also known as our sleep/wake cycle. Just from this example you can see how eating sufficient quality protein is crucial for mood stability and healthy sleep patterns, not to mention all the other nutrients that play a role in the conversions. Julia Ross, author of Mood Cure works with patients experiencing mild depression, anxiety, insomnia, and other mood imbalances. Her team has identified four false mood-types. She refers to the moods as “false” because they are a result of nutritional deficiencies or interference in one’s ability to make conversions. In most cases, each of the four mood types, from her experience, can be successfully corrected by introducing an appropriate diet and supplement therapy. Many patients experienced improvements in mood, emotions and thought patterns within minutes to hours of supplement use. When committed to their dietary and supplement plan, a shift occurs indicating restoration of balance, and supplements are no longer needed. This can take several months. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome, (GAPS) has successfully worked with patients on the autistic spectrum including ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and dyspraxia.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an 8­week evidence based group program designed to minimize difficulties associated with mild to moderate forms of depression, anxiety and the effects of stress. Mindfulness, when combined with cognitive therapy is effective in shifting how we relate to distressful thoughts and emotions by exploring with curiosity, gentleness and kindness. Each week is designed to support the learner in deepening self­awareness through guided meditation practices, educational content and experiential learning. The Centre for Healthy Mindspace is now accepting applications for the Winter 2017 program. Start Date Tuesday, Jan. 24th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Investment $180 8 weeks = 16 hrs of class time


Mindfulness: Cultivating Resilience Program Cultivating Resilience is an 8­week evidence based group program which aims to support in the development of mindfulness and self­ compassion, known links between heath and resilience. Learners explore how self­doubt, judgement and fear limits the fullness of relationships, work life and personal goals. During each session we explore mindfulness based teachings, guided compassion based practices and educational content that support a different way of relating in the present moment. If you're looking to transform or improve key relationships both personally and professionally, you may find the learning and information in this program to be of particular interest. The Centre for Healthy Mindspace is now accepting applications for the Winter 2017 program. Start Date Wednesday, Jan. 25th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Investment $250 8 weeks = 16 hrs of class time

Her research findings have shown that gut health in these individuals is extremely compromised. By making a few simple changes in their diets remarkable shifts in moods, emotions, behaviours and cognitive function are experienced within 24 hours. Patrick Holford, author of Optimum Nutrition For The Mind, recites several scientific studies where nutritional therapy has greatly improved the mental state of those diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, anxiety, learning difficulties, eating disorders and drug and alcohol addictions. Learning disabilities and mental imbalance diagnosis is rising in our youth. It’s important to be aware of the negative impact chemical food additives, sugar and hydrogenated fats have on mental health. For example tartrazine, better known as yellow dye #5, is in many processed and packaged foods such as Kraft Singles cheese slices and Kraft Dinner. Tartrazine causes hyperactivity (more noticeably in children) disrupting the child’s ability to focus and learn. Holford explains if exposure to these types of chemicals is not ruled out a misdiagnosis can occur and medications such as Ritalin can be prescribed to treat an imbalance that could be corrected simply by removing the toxins from the child’s diet. Ritalin is a habit-forming drug with properties similar to cocaine. It is a stimulant that increases dopamine levels in the brain and if taken long term has the potential to create drug dependency later in life.

Heavy metal toxicity is of great concern. Lead, mercury, aluminum, copper and cadmium are anti-nutrients, meaning they inhibit absorption or assimilation of nutrients or they deplete our body’s stores of nutrients. Their affect on mental health is alarming as is the everyday exposure you may be unaware of: Lead can cause hyperactivity and aggression. Common exposure from vehicle exhaust. Cadmium can cause aggression and confusion. Common exposure from cigarette smoke. Mercury can cause headaches and memory loss. Common exposure from silver amalgam fillings, vaccinations and pesticides. Aluminum is associated with senility. Common exposure from cookware and water. Copper can cause anxiety and phobia. Common exposure from water, copper pipes, copper cookware and birth control pills. Live blood analysis and hair analysis can identify if you are harbouring heavy metals. Detox protocols and supplement therapy can help chelate these heavy metals out of the body’s tissues. What can cause poor gut health?

Poor dietary choices comprised of refined foods, junk food, fast food, alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine and cigarettes. Poor dietary habits including overeating, inadequate chewing, starvation and yo-yo dieting. Toxic exposure from pollution, chlorinated and fluoridated water, household cleaners, antibiotic treated and medicated animal foods, sprayed crops, medications, drugs, birth control pills, heavy metal toxicity and the list goes on. Perception and beliefs. Our “true” moods and emotions are based on how we perceive life experiences and what our belief systems are. These thought processes can adversely affect our gut health, but how? Let’s use stress as an example. You’re late for work so you panic. You’re thinking “I’m going to get fired!” or “My boss is going to be so mad!”. This is your perception and belief, although it might be true, you’ve stimulated the same physiological reaction in the body as you would if you were actually in danger and in survival mode. All the blood rushes to your extremities, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your pupils dilate and you’re ready to run, climb or fight. Your body recovers from this with ease if it only occurs in acute situations. However, if you find yourself creating a mountain out of a mole hill in everyday situations this has a damaging affect on the body. Digestion is last priority when you’re in fight or flight mode leaving food to decay, good bacteria to perish and pathogenic microbes to flourish. The toxic byproducts from microbes cause inflammation of the gut lining, malnourishment, an impaired immune system and create a gateway to chronic illness. Under these conditions our second brain is unlikely able to produce sufficient amounts of serotonin, amoung other nutrients, thus leaving us depressed, anxious, sleepless and moody. A few considerations if you experience depression, anxiety, insomnia, aggression, compulsive behavior, mood swings and other related mental health imbalances. Assess your diet. Does it contain mood boosting or mood busting foods? How do you eat? On the go and unaware or relaxed with awareness and intention? Consider implementing mindfulness practices into your daily routine. What toxins are you exposed to? Are there ways you can minimize or eliminate exposure? Do your perceptions and beliefs serve you or suppress you? Perhaps our ability to digest the world is just as important as our ability to digest our food. Now that you have an idea of what could be causing your moods, emotions and behaviours, take action and speak with a health professional to help you make the necessary changes so you can show up to life with an improved disposition.

Time for a Cleanse? Renew Life specializes in cleansing and detoxification. We offer a line of total body cleanses, targeted organ cleanses, and microbial/parasite cleanses. They are designed to be effective without the use of harsh fibres or habit forming laxatives. Reducing the toxic load in your body decreases the risk of developing chronic health problems, improves overall health, and boosts energy levels. Renew Life is the leader in cleansing and detoxification in North America. It is our specialty and it shows.

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NEW WAYS TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS IN THE HOME You may have been using your essential oils in a diffuser for a while now, or added to a carrier oil for a soothing massage. These are two of our favourite ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils, but did you know that there are other fun and interesting ways you can use essential oils around the house? From a natural cleaning alternative to an air freshener, there really are endless ways to use essential oils, and replace all those chemically laden products lining your shelves. As An Air Freshener Most of us have an air freshener sitting in our washrooms, ready to scent the air whenever necessary, but even though they may smell good, they are filled with unnatural ingredients which you then breathe in once sprayed in the air. For a natural alternative, add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a spray bottle of water. Spray around the bathroom or any other areas you want to freshen up and cover up odours. To Freshen Your Laundry Ditch the dryer sheets, and spray your laundry instead with a fine misting of lavender scented diluted essential oil before packing away. Simply add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a spray bottle of water and spray whenever your clothes need a pick me up! To Clean Stubborn Grease Without Chemicals You don’t need harsh chemicals to create a beautifully clean home! Lemon is our oil of choice for this recipe, as it comes from the peel of the lemon, which is known to brighten and remove stains and marks.

Simply add about 10 drops of lemon essential oil to a large spray bottle along with about a 1â „3 cup of vinegar to create your very own household cleaner. To Clean and Deodorize Your Carpets Sick of staring at stains on your carpet? Do something about it! For an excellent carpet deodorizer, combine 250g of baking soda with 12 drops of essential oil of your choice. We especially love the uplifting citrusy scent of orange. Store in an airtight container for 2 days, before mixing and sprinkling over your carpets. Allow the mixture to infuse for a few hours before vacuuming to reveal beautifully clean and refreshed carpets! To Mask Odours In The Kitchen This is a fun one. Ever cooked up a delicious cabbage stew, but then had to deal with the strong lingering odour for hours afterwards? This will quickly clear that up for you! Add a few drops of seasonal scents such as cinnamon, cardamom and cloves to a large pot of boiling water and allow the delightful steam to fill your air and leave your kitchen smelling fabulous. We hope this helps you to use your essential oils in new and interesting ways.

Organic essential oils are available from Green Sisters at the following locations: Green Tree - Quesnel Ave Maria - Prince George Hobbit House - Williams Lake Higher Ground - 100 Mile House

Sweet & Sour Turkey Meatballs Recipe created by Hillary Shearing Certified Holistic Nutritionist My Awesome Foods

March 4th & 5th 2017 Quesnel Senior Centre

It’s the 3rd annual Discover Wellness Health Fair & Market! Meatballs: 2 lbs of ground turkey/chicken breast 1 bunch of green onion (minced) 2 tbs of grainy Dijon mustard ½ tsp of pink salt 1 tsp of pepper ½ tbs of Tamari or Braggs Soy Sauce 1 tbs of garlic (minced) ½ tbs of onion powder 1 tsp of coconut oil for the browning For The Sauce: 1 - 786 ml (non BPA lined) can of stewed tomato’s or 2.5 cups of your own stewed. 2 cans of (non BPA lined) cans of tomato paste 1 ¾ cup of quality orange juice (or freshly squeezed) 1.5 tbs of garlic minced 1 tbs of onion powder 1 tsp of pink salt 1 tsp of pepper 1 cup of vinegar (apple cider or white) 2 cups of fresh or frozen pineapple chunks (1/2” in size) 4 tbs of maple syrup 1. Mix your meat balls up and loosely form small balls. No need to try rolling them – poultry is sticky – as long as they resemble a ball form it’s fine. It helps to wet your hands every so often. Brown in a pan with 1 tsp of coconut oil. It’s important to turn them on all sides for browning as they are fragile and will fall apart otherwise. **REMEMBER YOU ARE ONLY BROWNING – NOT COOKING** 2. Pour all of your sauce mixture into your blender (except your pineapple) and blend until smooth. 3. Place sauce into your crockpot, along with pineapple pieces on low for 8 hrs or high for 5. Add your meatballs one at a time. 4. Serve over a sprouted brown rice or quinoa. **TIP** turn your lid sideways for the last 1.5-2 hrs if you want it thicker – this will allow steam to escape and reduce your sauce** **HINT** Everyone has different taste buds. Allow for an extra tbs of raw cane sugar, or up to ½ tsp more of pink salt for taste.

Over 30 local vendors and exhibitors, food presentations, fitness demonstrations, healthy nutritionist approved food, and guest speakers covering current health topics.

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Body - Mind - Spirit

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