The Good Life - March/April 2018

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THE Live well. Live organic.




c i i n d a e l M

Mushrooms 10








Pure Food Supplements from our certified organic farms to YOU.




7 Medicinal Mushrooms



to our Planet


Hippie Snacks

26 Troubled Waters

By: Michael Simpson



10 Four Ways to Detox Every Day

By: Joy McCarthy

18 The Currency of Happiness

By: Sonya Looney

21 Suitcase Supplements


By: Dr. Shelby Entner, nd



28 Put a New Spin on Your Workouts

By: Rachel Doell



12 Pulp Fiction

Recipe: Juicing Pulp Pesto



By: Tori Wesszer

Baked Mushroom Herb Polenta

16 All About the Vegan Diet


By: Lisa Kilgour, rhn



24 Vacation For Your Skin

By: Stesha Jordan Puckett

I N EVERY ISSUE 5 Get the Good Stuff 6 Expert Answers 31 NEW Good Stuff In-Store


the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  3




Dates subject to change. Check online for event details: SPECIAL IN-STORE EVENT

Wellness Day  Welnes


15% off storewide. Plus: Meet our wellness experts. March 3 all locations



Everything You Need to Know About Hormones

Heal Your Gut for Good

SPEAKER & PARTNER: Lorna Vanderhaeghe March 15



Irene Pauline

PARTNER: Vitality March 28



Talk with our nutritionist or naturopath today.


March 13 March 20


White Rock


SOUTH March 14

Dates subject to change. Check online for event details:

March 7




Heal Your Gut for Good

How Your Microbiome Drives Your Health

Irene Pauline

PARTNER: Vitality April 9



Dr. Sara Celik


Renew Life

April 16


April 17


April 18

Penticton North

April 19


April 17 April 26

NORTH April 25


March 1 March 15

April 11


April 3 April 19


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April 9 April 16 April 23

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4 | March/April 2018


SALE FLYER © 2018 Nature’s Fare Markets. The materials in this magazine are suggestions only. Nature’s Fare Markets does not guarantee results.


1 lb bag







Zue believes it’s their mission to create a world beyond beauty.


Quinoa is often known as a superfood, but did you know it also has super skincare properties? The native Quechua people even refer to quinoa as “the mother of all grains”—and we’d have to agree! Not only does it allow Zue to create wonderful natural products for you, quinoa is jam-packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids—all of which have the power to restore and revitalize your skin. Along with crafting quality vegan skincare products, Zue works with multiple social and environmental projects. With every purchase, Zue shares a portion of the proceeds with the partners that they currently support.

Bone broth is one of the most unique and powerful superfoods we have today. Bone broth is a rich source of digestible collagen, an array of amino acids, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and glucosamine, easy-to-absorb minerals, and much more. These curative components of bone broth play vital roles in gut health, immune system support, healthy bones and joints, smooth skin, and overall healing. Their bones are from organic, grass-fed, and grass-finished cattle and freerange chickens, making their certified organic bone broth 100% pasture-raised and free of antibiotics and hormones.



For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. Drawing on academic research and the life experience that comes from breaking the rules, Mark Manson is ready to explode that myth. The key to a good life, according to Manson, is the understanding that “sometimes stuff is f*cked up and we have to live with it.” Manson says that instead of trying to turn lemons into lemonade, we should learn to stomach lemons better, and stop distracting ourselves from life’s inevitable disappointments chasing “stuff” like money, success, and possessions. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a welcome antidote to the “let’s-all-feel-good” mindset that has infected modern society.

EMBRACE by Taryn Brumfitt Embrace is a social impact documentary that explores the issue of body image. It is told from the point of view of Taryn as she traverses the globe talking to experts, women in the street, and wellknown personalities about the alarming rates of body image issues that are seen in people of all body types. In her affable and effervescent style, Taryn bares all (literally) to explore the factors contributing to this problem, and seeks to find solutions. After 24 months of travelling, interviews, production, and post-production, Taryn and the Embrace team have created a film that is relevant, relatable, highly engaging—but above all, life changing. the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  5


s r e Answ

with Dr. Jen

Q Dear Dr. Jen,

My doctor recommended taking astaxanthin before I go away on a trip down south. Why would this be recommended? —H.S., Penticton


Astaxanthin (pronounced as-TA-zan-thin) is an important carotenoid in the same family as beta-carotene. It is a pink-red colour, which is most famously known to colour animals such as herring eggs, prawns, shrimp, and salmon, as well as the animals that eat them, such as flamingos, a pink hue. But it doesn’t just colour these animals, it serves a very important purpose! Astaxanthin is a strong antioxidant—in fact it offers 6,000 times more antioxidant protection than vitamin C and scavenges free radicals 800 times more effectively than CoQ10! Most famously, astaxanthin has the ability to quench free radical damage from ultraviolet radiation, acting like a natural sunscreen. In addition to protecting our skin from sun damage, astaxanthin is also very important in protecting our eyes, especially in sunny destinations.

Astaxanthin is what gives animals like shrimp and flamingos their pink hue. It is also a powerful antioxidant.

DR. JENNIFER DYCK is a naturopathic doctor, health educator for Natural Factors, and public speaker with a passion for empowering her patients to achieve optimal health. Dr. Jen has special expertise in treating digestive complaints, hormone imbalances, and brain-related health conditions. She has a busy active practice at Brix Wellness Clinic in Kelowna, BC.

6 | March/April 2018

The bacteria in SI BO thrive on carbohydrates and sugar. Treatment typically starts with changing the diet.

Q Dear Dr. Jen,

I have been suffering with digestive upset for some time, and recently read about small intestinal bowel overgrowth. What is it and what can I do to treat it? — T.W., West Kelowna


Small intestinal bowel overgrowth, or S I B O for short, is a condition that occurs when bacteria—even friendly bacteria—overgrow in the small intestine. Our small intestine is the part of our digestive tract where food is digested and nutrients are absorbed; it normally contains far fewer bacterial cells than the large intestine. If bacteria from the large intestine travel to the small intestine, overgrowth can occur and subsequently cause belching, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and malabsorption of nutrients—particularly vitamins A, D, E, and K, and iron and calcium. With an impaired ability to absorb these nutrients, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, brain fog, eczema, anxiety, and depression can also occur. There are tests available to diagnose S I B O, and treatment typically starts with a change in diet. This includes removing all refined sugars, grains, and dairy because the bacteria in S I B O thrive on carbohydrates and sugar, including lactose. Nutritional deficiencies must then be corrected, so a whole food-based, active multivitamin/mineral is recommended. To support enzyme production and the intestinal lining, digestive enzymes taken with meals and a protein-rich bone broth to provide ample L-glutamine and collagen are recommended. Finally, to reduce the bacterial overgrowth, I recommend enteric coated peppermint oil. In some patients I prescribe an antibiotic to ensure the overgrowth is stopped in its tracks. Once this has been followed for some time, the restoration of good bacteria can begin. I suggest fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut or a probiotic supplement taken with food.



c i i n d al e M


Since before recorded history, mushrooms have been used for food, medicine, and rituals. Western medicine took notice when Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928—and since then extensive research has increased our understanding of their many beneficial properties, particularly for general immune health support, blood sugar regulation, and heart health. To find out more, we talked to Jerry Angelini, Education Director for Host Defense, creators of certified organic mycomedicinal supplements. NF

Most people know mushrooms as either edible, poisonous, or psychedelic. Tell us about mushrooms as medicine.


Beneficial mushrooms give more than nutritional support. Every mushroom provides you with polyunsaturated fats, polysaccharides (beta-glucans, heteroglycans, or alpha-glucans), protein, high levels of zinc, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, D, and E. They also come with multiple compounds that help all the systems in our bodies—especially the immune system.


What are polysaccharides and glucans?

Polysaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that, when broken down, activate the immune cells in our intestinal tract. They are tricksters because they mimic a pathogen to make our bodies believe they are under attack when they aren’t. Glucans are complex polysaccharides that mimic bacteria. Like a key that fits into the lock of a receptor in the immune cell membrane, they fit in and turn on that immune system—like computer passcodes. With a similar structure to

a pathogen cell wall membrane, these are the codes to get to the pathogens.


Are all mushrooms beneficial?

It looks that way, if their compounds are properly extracted. It’s a matter of testing and validating the beneficial compounds in their fruitbodies and root structures. There are about 1,000,000 fungal species on the planet, and science is only familiar with about 10,000. Compounds in different types of mushrooms augment the immune system, provide building blocks at a cellular level, support digestion, neutralize free radicals, and help us deal with stress and environmental assaults. There’s interesting demographic research in a province of Japan which has a significantly lower

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Some of the organic mushrooms cultivated by Host Defense


Supports immunity, neurological and cognitive functioning, memory, and mood.


A strong modulator of immune response, and strengthens weaker immune responses. High in antioxidants. Supports cardiovascular and adrenal functioning, energy, neurological tissue, liver and kidney health. 8 | March/April 2018


Supports immune functioning, lung health (especially for environmental triggers), energy (great for athletes), libido and sexual functioning.


Supports epithelial tissue found in the intestinal tract, lungs, skin, and lining of arteries, and balances immune response in those areas.


Helps with blood sugar regulation and insulin sensitivity.

SHITAKE, ENOKITAKE & TURKEY TAIL Support healthy liver and immune function.

Sources: www.tallgrass  Oxford Dictionary

incidence of all types of cancer. The only difference in people’s habits, compared to other regions, was the daily intake of enokitake mushrooms.


Are medicinal mushrooms only beneficial when we are sick?


What’s the biggest myth about mushrooms? JA That they’ll cause candida or make it worse. In fact, we know for sure that cooked mushrooms can be a strong and effective prebiotic food for our probiotic microflora.


in the body, and provide important modulation of those cells. The immune system is very complex; we want the entire system to play in harmony.

Are mushrooms adaptogens?

It depends on the mushroom. Certain types are more strongly adaptogenic, and seem to build energy in the system. Crimini, white button, portobello, shitake, maitake, and lion’s mane don’t seem to energize the system, but reishi, chaga, and cordyceps are very nicely adaptogenic and helpful.

JA We live in an ecosystem that’s in, and on, our bodies; trillions of microbes cohabitate with us—some probiotics, some pathogens. Our immune system’s function is to maintain our health and wellness, given that our bodies continually create mutations in our cells. (There’s research that suggests that our bodies produce 100 to 500 tumour cells a day.) We go along in our world, not paying attention to our immune system, until it’s out of balance. We are seeing increases in immune-related issues, cancer rates, and antibiotic and bacterial resistance, worldwide. We have serious concerns about our soil and the quality of our nutrition. So we need to have strong, solid, balanced immune responses. Mushrooms are amazing for that, and I recommend them for anyone.

FORAGING “With the rising popularity of mushrooms,” says Jerry, “many people are heading out into the woods to harvest them, and causing great damage to delicate ecosystems. “It’s critical that people understand the damage they can do. Chaga mushrooms, in particular, are being overharvested by people who don’t understand the structure and sensitivity of fungi. “Fungi break down plant material, and that decomposition cycle gives life to other populations. We now only have 10% of the wood debris in forests that we did 100 years ago—and as we lose biodiversity (30,000 species a year), the networks beneath our feet are being dismantled. “Host Defense practices sustainable cultivation, to protect wild species and their environments, and a portion of our proceeds goes to research to save rare strains of mushrooms that dwell within old growth forests. “Our mushrooms are grown in the pristine Olympic Rainforest in Washington State (on organic brown rice and wood), and only harvested at their peak efficacy. Just a small sample is taken, to protect the habitat—we always leave the original mushroom intact and undisturbed.”



What kinds of mushrooms do you work with at Host Defense?

JA We work with 17 different mushrooms, which strongly support the immune system, increase five specific immune cells


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the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  9


Four Ways to Detox Every Day BY JOY McCARTHY


here have been some incredible innovations and scientific advances in the last 50 years, but this has also led to a lot of unnecessary and potentially harmful chemicals in our environment, in our homes, and ultimately, in our bodies’ tissues. In fact, there are over 84,000 chemicals registered with the Environmental Protection Agency for use in various North American industries. If you look at it from a global perspective, figures from the European Union’s REACH registry estimate this number is closer to 143,000!! That’s a lot of potential chemicals we could be exposed to, which gives us plenty of reason to make sure our body is detoxifying effectively. When it comes to detox, you might automatically think about deprivation and eating nothing but kale, rice, and beans for 21 days as an effective way to shuttle out toxicity. That sounds both incredibly unappetizing and unpleasant. There is nothing that appeals to me or my family about following a time-limited plan of eating only bland foods and avoiding everything I enjoy, like an occasional glass of wine. What about instead of depriving ourselves, we adopt habits that help our bodies’ detox systems do their job on a daily basis? Doesn’t that seem much more appealing? I think so! With that in mind, I wanted to share with you four ways I detox every day. Whether you’re a breastfeeding mama or expecting your first child, these are habits that are safe for everyone and most certainly will do the body good.

JOY McCARTHY is the Founder of Joyous Health, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, award-winning blogger and two-time best-selling author. A trusted nutrition expert, Joy has been featured in hundreds of publications both online and in print, and is a regular health expert on TV. 10 | March/April 2018





1 Check out resources like Environmental Working Group’s database for more comprehensive lists of what to watch out for in household and personal care products, so you can be an informed and empowered consumer!

Limit exposure to chemicals from household products. One of the best ways to reduce your toxic exposure is to eliminate sources of toxins. The place to start is to control what is coming into your home; green your home by using eco-friendly household cleaners. I don’t think I’ve flushed a chemical down my toilet in over 10 years because it’s not necessary. There are multiple options at Nature’s Fare Markets that are kind to the environment and actually work to get your bathroom sparkling clean.



It’s no secret that I recommend a plant-based diet. Does that mean I’m suggesting you turn vegan or vegetarian? Nope, but that’s cool if you are. Labels aside, I just want you to eat more plant foods. At home, I do the majority of the cooking for my family, and I make sure we eat plenty of beans, lentils, fruits, and veggies at every meal to ensure we all get a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and thousands of phytonutrients. These nutrients are critical for the function of our detoxification systems.

Similar to my first point, avoidance is the best way to help your body detox better every day. When you’re not exposed to a constant onslaught of chemicals, you limit the workload for your most important organ of detoxification: your liver. Personal care products can be a source of many troubling ingredients from formaldehyde to phthalates, to parabens and coal tar dyes. Luckily, there are many safe and effective brands for you and your family without those ingredients, like Badger, Green Beaver, and Dr. Bronner’s.

Some brands I love are Nature Clean, Seventh Generation, and Ecover.

Eat more plant foods.

Do a beauty detox.


Make breathing a priority. Seems like a simple thing to do, right? You’re already doing it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but how often do you breathe with awareness? This is especially important for your lungs, an organ of detoxification. Breathing with awareness brings you from fight or flight mode to rest and digest, which is important for detoxification to occur and allows you to fully detox your lungs.

We do eat some animal products, but treat them as a side rather than a main dish. the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  11



Pulp Fiction Feeling bad about throwing away your juice pulp? Don’t! Here are some easy, waste-free ways of using every bit of its high-fibre goodness.



Make soup stock. Cover pulp with water, add a couple of bay leaves, peppercorns, fresh or dried herbs, a chopped onion, and some garlic cloves. Simmer for an hour or two, then strain.

Fold into frittatas, pancakes, or scrambled eggs.

PETS Don’t forget your furry family members! Stir some into their food. (Just make sure the ingredients are safe for them.)

SKINCARE Make an antioxidant, mineral-rich skin scrub. Mix 2 tbsp of pulp, a drizzle of olive or almond oil, and a sprinkle of coconut sugar. Gently massage into skin and rinse well.

Juicing Pulp Pesto

12 | March/April 2018

DINNER Add to your favourite casserole, lentil, pasta, or veggie burger recipe.

SNACK Mix into your favourite muffin or cake recipe.

Not ready to use it yet? Put it in ice cube trays or muffin tins and freeze for easy-to-use portions.

2 cups

mixed juicing pulp

¾ cups grapeseed oil

1. Reserve 2 cups of pulp the next time you make juice. It can be a mixture of green vegetables—kale, romaine, parsley, cucumber, celery, etc. Try adding something mildly sweet too, like green apples, grapefruit, or other citrus.

½ cup


¼ cup

pine nuts, toasted

2 tbsp


1 tbsp

Parmesan cheese

2. Add all the ingredients to a food processor. Pulse until smooth.

1 tbsp


3. Season with salt and pepper.

½ tsp


½ tsp


Use the same way you would a traditional pesto. Toss with pasta, spread on pizza, use as a dip with vegetables, or on a wrap.



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Meal Kit

Baked Mushroom Herb Polenta BY TORI WESSZER

Tools Medium-sized baking dish Cutting board Large frying pan Sharp knife

Ingredients 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tube pre-made polenta 2 tbsp butter or vegan margarine ½ cup yellow onion, finely diced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 4 cups white and brown mushrooms, sliced ½ cup vegetable or chicken stock, or red wine 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves, chopped 3" fresh rosemary sprig (leave intact) ½ tsp sea salt ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper ½ cup Parmesan or vegan cheese, grated (optional) Extra thyme or rosemary sprigs for garnish

Get Ready Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease a medium-sized baking dish with olive oil.

PREPARE 1. Cut the polenta into 1" discs. 2. Heat the olive oil in your frying pan. Fry polenta 8–10 minutes each side, until golden brown. Arrange in the bottom of your baking dish. You may need to do this in batches, depending on the size of your frying pan. While the polenta is frying, chop the onion, garlic, and mushrooms. Wash the herbs, and pull the thyme off the stem. Grate the cheese.

TORI WESSZER is a Registered Dietitian and self-proclaimed foodie. Her nutrition philosophy embraces moderation and quality without deprivation. She started up Fraîche Nutrition on a whim in August 2014, inspired to help share her love of food and educate others on simple healthy eating at the same time. Tori believes that food and nutrition has become overly complicated, and hopes to help others live healthier lives one wholesome recipe at a time.

3. In the same frying pan, heat the butter on medium heat. Sauté the onion 3–4 minutes until transparent. Add the garlic, stirring for another 1–2 minutes. 4. Add the mushrooms and cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they start to soften. Add the stock, thyme, sprig of rosemary, salt, and pepper. Cook until the mushrooms are fully softened and the mixture is thick. 5. Spread the mixture evenly over the arranged polenta. Top with the Parmesan cheese and bake about 10 minutes until the cheese is just golden brown. 6. Garnish with the additional herbs, and serve! |


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All About the Vegan Diet BY LISA KILGOUR, rhn

This year I’ll be tackling many of the popular diets that are hanging out in the nutritional world in 2018. And first up is a very popular one—The Vegan Diet.


n a nutshell, the vegan diet is a slightly more restrictive form of the vegetarian diet. It’s meat-free, but it’s more than just that. It’s also free of any products that come from an animal. It’s free of all animal protein, dairy, eggs, honey, gelatin, Vitamin D3, white sugar, and for some, leather.

But it’s so much more than just a list of “can’t haves”. A healthy vegan diet is filled to the brim with fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans. It can be a very healthy diet. Or…you can eat an out of balance vegan diet. There are lots of vegan junk foods (potato chips, many cookies, and other junk food is vegan). A vegan diet doesn’t guarantee a healthy diet.

LISA KILGOUR, rhn is Nature’s Fare Markets’ Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She is Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition and provides free half hour one-on-one nutrition consultations in our stores. Check out the appointment schedule on page four and book your free appointment in-store today or online at Learn more:

16 | March/April 2018

The Most Important Thing to Remember With the vegan diet, protein combining is very important. There are very few vegan foods that are complete proteins. These are foods that contain all of the essential amino acids. All forms of animal protein (meat, dairy, eggs) are complete proteins, so only the vegan diet has this issue.


And it’s all about beans! Nuts, seeds, and whole grains contain a chunk of those essential amino acids, and beans/legumes contain the rest of them. You don’t need to have both kinds of food in each meal, but you do need to have them in each day.

Get inspiration from one of Lisa’s favourite plant-based cookbooks to make delicious, wholesome, (and mostly gluten-free) meals.

So, if you’d like to enjoy a more vegan diet, just make sure you’ve got lots of beans that you enjoy, like my favourite, hummus.

Benefits of Adding More Vegan Recipes to Your Diet Vegan recipes are delicious, healthy, and (most of them) are cheap to make. Adding more vegan meals to your diet will add more veggies and reduce your animal protein consumption. When we eat less meat it becomes more affordable to buy ethically-raised or organic meat. It’s a great win/win. A vegan diet can be a lovely and healthy diet for some, or these foods can be a great addition to increase your veggie intake and create more variety. If you’re looking for some great vegan recipes, check out the website or cookbook Oh She Glows Every Day. Some of my all-time favourite recipes are from her website (

HUMMUS FOR THE WIN Chickpeas make Lisa’s favourite snack a good source of essential amino acids.

Symptoms of Imbalance to Watch For

A few nutritional deficiencies are common on a 100% vegan diet. This doesn’t mean that everyone will get them, but some of us have trouble absorbing certain nutrients/protein, so we’re more likely to become deficient.




There are very few absorbable sources of Vit B12 in the vegan diet (and some argue that there are none). It can take years to become deficient, and a deficiency in this important nutrient can lead to permanent nerve damage and dementia. Happily, a blood test from your GP can tell you if you’re deficient and there are lots of ways to supplement.

There are many forms of non-heme iron in the vegan diet, but no forms of heme (animal-based) iron. This won’t be an issue for everyone, but some of us struggle to absorb non-heme iron. And, like with B12, you can find out your level with a blood test. Symptoms of low iron are exhaustion, sallow complexion, and running out of breath easily.

Vegan forms of protein can be harder to absorb than animal-based protein and this will be a struggle for some (it’s a big struggle for me). You can eat lots and lots of vegan protein but you still may be deficient. Signs of a protein deficiency are low energy, muscle loss, sluggish metabolism, blood sugar imbalances, and limp hair.

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“It’s not that everything happens for the best, but instead that we can make the best of everything that happens.” —Tal Ben-Shahar


The Currency of Happiness ARTICLE & PHOTO BY SONYA LOONEY

Our society is obsessed with cutting corners to save time, looking for shortcuts to happiness, and championing results over process; literature around happiness and positivity has exploded in the last decade.

he problem is that happiness can be evasive—even people appearing to be smiling and upbeat aren’t positive and happy all the time. What is the difference between the people who seem happy and those who always seem unsatisfied and focused on the negative? It’s that happiness is a chosen mindset—it’s not something you can suddenly achieve and have forever, it’s something you have to choose every day.

The good news is we can rewire the neural networks in our brain—a phenomenon called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity means we can reshape how we think, behave, and work. Think of your brain as a road network. You automatically follow the same route driving home from work without thinking about it. Now imagine that your thoughts are the car: just like you can consciously take a new route home, your thoughts can be trained to follow a different pathway. We can actually rewire

SONYA LOONEY is a World Champion Mountain Biker and a podcaster, speaker, and expert in the fields of plant-based nutrition, mindset, and adventure travel. Through taking on the world’s hardest mountain bike challenges, Sonya applies lessons learned from the trail to everyday life to inspire personal growth and a positive headspace.

18 | March/April 2018

our brains to routinely scan for the positive instead of the negative. It takes effort to retrain your brain, but once it becomes more automatic, the way you view challenges and setbacks will change. A metaanalysis of 275,000 people by Lyubomirsky et al. showed that happiness leads to a greater level of success in every domain. It will change the way you view yourself and how you communicate. I attribute my success as a World Champion Cyclist and entrepreneur to my positive mindset. looneysonya Podcast: The Sonya Looney Show


Maintain social investment.

The first thing to go when we get overly busy or stressed is social time. However, research from the Harvard Men Study (a 70-year study) shows the importance of social connection, akin to the importance of air or water. A strong sense of community is also tied to longevity. John Robbins’ book, Healthy at 100, shows that being around people you care about helps you stay healthy and live longer.


1. Change your explanatory style.

In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor reports research by Martin Seligman that people’s explanatory style is often a good predictor of success in everything from sports to sales to even recovery from surgery. Being aware of how you describe situations to yourself is massively important. For example, someone who has whiplash in a car accident could say, “Bad things always happen to me. My neck hurts, I’m uncomfortable and I wish that never happened.” Or they could say, “It’s unfortunate that I got into a car accident, but it could have been way worse! I got lucky.” See the difference? You don’t have to negate feelings of frustration, anger, or sadness, but it’s important how you tell yourself the story surrounding those feelings. Achor recommends, “Choose a counterfact (an alternative reaction to a scenario) that makes us feel positive rather than helpless.”


Try meditation.

Meditation teaches us to be more conscious of our thoughts before we get lost in them. Being aware of when you are thinking unproductive, negative thoughts will help you create space and hit the pause button. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, pause and start over to reframe a positive counterfact.


Stop focusing on perfection and focus on the process.

Things will not always go to plan. When we invest in the process instead of the outcome, we feel more satisfied. Focusing on the outcome ties our happiness to the future—we say “I’ll be happy when I achieve, get, become x.”


Take responsibility for yourself.


Focus on why you can, not why you can’t.

People handle stress in different ways, but stress feels the worst when we feel helpless and without any control over outcomes. Passive approaches to stress are from our “learned helplessness,” a theory coined by Seligman, which is when individuals don’t try to get out of a negative situation because the past has taught them to think they are helpless—it’s what happens when you give up. However, you can also obtain “learned optimism” through reframing your explanatory style. It’s hard to take responsibility for all our actions, but it gives us control and the power to change our situation.

This goes hand in hand with taking responsibility for yourself. The next time you say you can’t do something, stop and think about it. My dad used to tell me, “It’s not can’t, it’s won’t.” It’s empowering to realize you can do something, but you have to choose it. Mostly, if you say that you can’t do something, you are choosing not to try and might be entering a state of learned helplessness. Many techniques can help us trend toward happiness and optimism while still being real and keeping our feet on the ground. Our attitude and how we show up on a daily basis also have a ripple effect to everyone around us!

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  19

Six Ways Bone Broth Six Can WaysBoost Bone Immunity Broth Can Boost

2. RALLY THE IMMUNE SOLDIERS! ADVERTISEMENT Bone Broth contains a group of compounds called glycosaminoglycan (i.e. GAGs for short) that has many 2. RALLY THE IMMUNE SOLDIERS! benefits. One GAG in particular, heparin sulfate supports Bone Broth contains a group of compounds called your innate “first line of defense” arm of your immune glycosaminoglycan (i.e. GAGs for short) that has many system, as well as supporting your adaptive “seek and benefits. One GAG in particular, heparin sulfate supports destroy” arm of your immune system that covertly roams your innate “first line of defense” arm of your immune around your body knock outyour foreign invaders that have system, as well asto supporting adaptive “seek and already penetrated your defenses. destroy” arm of your immune system that covertly roams


BY DR. MARC BUBBS ND, CISSN, CSCS Do you struggle sickND, over the winter BYwith DR.constantly MARC getting BUBBS CISSN, CSCS months? Or perhaps is just a nagging sore throat and fatigue, Doable you to struggle constantly sick(even over the winter but you’re powerwith through yourgetting workdays though months? Or perhaps is just a nagging sore throat and fatigue, you don’t feel like yourself). Catching nasty a cold or flu, or but you’re able to power through your workdays (even though constantly fighting off infections from co-workers or family you don’t feel like yourself). Catching nasty a cold or flu, or members, derails your productivity at work (and in the gym) constantly fighting off infections from co-workers or family and zaps your energy at home. Many people struggle to get members, derails your productivity at work (and in the gym) through and the zaps fall and with sub-par health, holding yourwinter energyseason at home. Many people struggle to get their breath untilthe spring andwinter warmseason weather through fall and withreturns. sub-parThere health,isholding another their alternative. breath until spring and warm weather returns. There is another alternative.

1. THE BONE MARROW BOOST 1. THE is BONE MARROW BOOST Bone marrow a potent immune builder found in is a potent builder found chickenBone brothmarrow and soup. Bonesimmune are living tissues, notinjust chicken broth and body, soup. Bones are living tissues,bone not just inert scaffolding of your containing collagen, your body, containing collagen, bone marrow,inert andscaffolding a naturallyofrobust source of minerals. marrow, and a naturally robust source of minerals. Calcium, zinc, iron, selenium and many trace minerals all Calcium, zinc, iron, selenium and many trace minerals all work together to keep your immune system running on work together to keep your immune system running on all cylinders. all cylinders.

around your body to knock out foreign invaders that have

flu, as well as help to accelerate recovery if you’re sick and rundown. Warm drinks, like a cup of bone broth or chicken soup, also help to increase the movement of nasal mucous flu,which as wellhelps as help accelerate recovery if nose you’reand sicksinuses. and totoclear your stuffed-up rundown. Warm drinks, like a cup of bone broth or chicken soup, also help to increase the movement of nasal mucous 5. IMPROVES IMMUNE CELL FUNCTION which helps to clear your stuffed-up nose and sinuses.

Chicken broth contains many unique properties that

support your immune system. The University of Nebraska 5. IMPROVES IMMUNE CELL FUNCTION Medical Center found chicken is ablethat to help Chicken broth contains many uniquebroth properties significantly reduce annoying symptoms like congestion support your immune system. The University of Nebraska and mucous accumulation via its effect Medical Center found chicken broth is able to on helpwhite blood significantly reducewithin annoying cell migration cells.symptoms In short, like yourcongestion white blood cells andwork mucous accumulation via its consuming effect on white blood more efficiently when bone broth. cell migration within cells. In short, your white blood cells work more efficientlyAwhen consuming broth. 6. MAINTAINS STRONG GUTbone BARRIER

3. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SUPPORT already penetrated your defenses. Glycine is classified as a conditionally essential amino 3. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SUPPORT acid; it becomes essential when your body is under stress. Glycineoff is classified a conditionally amino Fighting colds andasflus is definitelyessential a stressor, along acid; it becomes body is under with lack of sleep essential and long,when busyyour work days. Bone stress. broth is Fighting off colds and flus is definitely a stressor, along Bone broth is a terrific natural source of glutamine, and rich in glycine, which modern research shows acts on 6. MAINTAINS A STRONG GUT BARRIER with lack of sleep and long, busy work days. Bone broth is gets significantly depleted (up to 50%) when your specific immune cells to dampen the inflammatory Bone broth is a terrific natural source of glutamine, and rich in glycine, which modern research shows acts on immune system is taxed, as is often the case if you’re response. This may translate to a speedier recovery for you. gets significantly depleted (up to 50%) when your specific immune cells to dampen the inflammatory chronically orissick. is also a primary immune systemrundown is taxed, as oftenGlutamine the case if you’re response. This may translate to a speedier recovery for you. fuel source for your enterocytes (i.e. helping to 4. THINS ANNOYING NASAL MUCOUS chronically rundown or sick. Glutamine is gut also cells), a primary strong gut barrier is essential fortonot only Cilia are a crucial physical defense against incoming bugs. fuelmaintain source fora your enterocytes (i.e.that gut cells), helping 4. THINS ANNOYING NASAL MUCOUS your gut healthgut but also your as 70-80% These projections line the mucous maintain a strong barrier that isimmune essentialsystem, for not only Ciliatiny, are ahair-like crucial physical defense against incoming bugs. your health but also your is immune system, as gut. 70-80% These tiny,in hair-like projections line the mucous ofgut your immune system located in your If you membranes your nose and upper airways, imposing a of your immune is located your gut.constipation If you membranes in your nosebacteria and upper imposing a struggle withsystem constant gas orinbloating, or physical barrier against andairways, viruses. When your struggle withbowel constant gas or bloating, physical barrierairways against dry bacteria and viruses. When months, your irritable syndrome this willconstipation tax you gutor and nose and upper out during the winter bowel your syndrome this will tax you gut and nose and upper airways out during theitwinter months, ultimately immune system defense. Add a regular from too much travel, or dry allergenic foods can leave you irritable ultimately your immune system defense. Add a regular from too much travel, or allergenic foods it can leave you cup of bone broth to your regime to ensure adequate more susceptible to infection. A recent study found cup of bone broth to your regime to ensure adequate more susceptible to infection. A recent study found glutamine in your diet. chicken broth improves the protective function of cilia, glutamine in your diet. chicken broth improves the protective function of cilia, keeping your defenses strong so you don’t catch a cold or keeping your defenses strong so you don’t catch a cold or

DR. MARC BUBBSBUBBS ND, CISSN, CSCS CSCS is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor, Leadfor forThe TheCanadian Canadian Men’s DR. MARC ND, CISSN, is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor,Sports SportsNutrition Nutrition Lead Men’s Basketball Team, and author of The Project. Basketball Team, and author of Paleo The Paleo Project.

Heavy-metal Heavy-metal tested tested

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Helps reinforce the intestinal tract

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Suitcase Supplements

probiotic. Travelling with a refrigerated probiotic is easy if you check your luggage to keep it cool during travel and then put in the mini fridge at your destination. A daily dose of 25–50 billion will keep your immune system strong and support digestion as you indulge in new foods!


any Canadians are dreaming of sandy beaches and warm sun as we head into the final stretch of winter. Some are planning a holiday for February or March, with the kids for spring break or as a getaway from the snow. When travelling, we plan for serious illnesses with travel insurance but often forget about other health issues that can arise anywhere, anytime. When I’ve had the pleasure of backpacking in Bali, lounging in London, or carousing in the Caribbean, I always bring my travel supplements. My first aid kit has an impressive passport but also serves me well when travelling locally or camping in the amazing Canadian wilderness. A small homeopathic kit I made in the late 1990s is one of my favourites, containing 30 different remedies used for any first aid emergency. Over Christmas I

The voyage itself is a common way we pick up illnesses. When flying, consume a vitamin C powder package or tablet every few hours, and keep hydrated. Wash your hands frequently in airports, hotels, and on ships. Some of the worst infections I’ve seen with patients are from cruises, where everyone is touching handrails, elevator buttons, and shared spaces like dining rooms. Traditional alcohol-based hand sanitizers have some negatives associated with use, so look for a natural version. Use liberally before eating/ drinking or after being any place where many people are handling the same thing (slots in Vegas anyone?).

used it for my husband’s abscessed tooth (no dentists are open on Dec. 25th!) but I love it for injuries, burns, bites, or even heatstroke. Consider purchasing a kit or a few key remedies such as Arnica 30c for bruises/injuries, Apis or Ledum 30c for stings/bites, and Belladonna 30c for heatstroke/burns. When I travel to more exotic locations I’m always careful of the water and food. We are often wary of roadside markets but get sick from the buffet lineups just as frequently. Consider bringing a simple solution like oil of oregano—a few drops daily will help strengthen the immune system. It is also a great option for infections and can be used for parasites as well as bacterial/viral issues. Small children may object to the strong taste but it is great for the braver kids and adults. A must for the gut is a high potency

DR. SHELBY ENTNER, nd is a sought-after naturopathic physician, speaker, and expert. After receiving her doctorate in 2002, Dr. Entner went on to practice in the United States for several years before returning to BC and eventually founding Vero Health in Vernon. She enjoys a busy practice with her award-winning team of practitioners and staff and loves living in the Okanagan with her young family.

Keep on track with some of these simple supplements and be prepared for minor but inconvenient health issues when you travel. Don’t let a bad case of traveller tummy or sunburn keep you from enjoying your next vacation!

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  21


to our Planet

Hippie Snacks Director of Marketing Johanna Israel-Duprey


Hippie Snacks At Nature’s Fare Markets we love working with companies as committed as we are to providing only the tastiest, healthiest food for our customers—like Hippie Snacks, a Burnaby-based company that takes as much pride in their culture and values as the quality of their delicious, good-for-you snack foods. To learn more, we spent some time with Director of Marketing Johanna Israel-Duprey. 22 | March/April 2018

NF Hi Johanna. Tell me how Hippie Snacks started. JID The idea came in 2005, when our parent company Left Coast Naturals (Canada’s largest bulk food distributor of organic and natural food) realized there was no delicious and healthy tortilla chip in the market. So, we created Hippie Chips, Canada’s first whole food tortilla chip. As its popularity took off, we realized that the idea of making snacks in whole food form had a lot of potential, and so Hippie Snacks was born. Over the years, more healthy, certified organic/non-GMO snacks were created: their hugely popular creamy yet crispy Coconut Chips, Grain-Free and Ancient Grain Granolas, and raw food Veggie Clusters—all minimally processed and nutrient dense. NF How do you decide what products to create? JID We have no shortage of great ideas on the go in our test kitchen! But the products that make it to the shelf go through a laserfocused, methodical scoring process, and must hit at least an 8 out of 10. Basic “go” or “no-go” considerations include: • Is it real food? • Is it organic and free of GMOs? • Can we source ingredients locally? • Does it hit our core beliefs as a brand? • Can we offer value to our customers? • Does it taste great? Is it beautiful? • Does it have staying power? We also need to be sure we can make it inhouse, to control what’s in it. NF Your company culture seems to be as important as the quality of your products. Tell us more… JID It comes from our founder Ian Walker, who takes great pride in providing a valuesbased company that supports over 50 families in the Lower Mainland. He knew that business could be a force for good, so we use those values as filters to make strategic and hiring decisions. We choose to do the right thing, over profits—and hope to inspire other businesses

to do the same. Our employee programs are robust, to support the people who work here: full benefits, a half a day off a month for free time, and paid volunteer time; incentives for cycling and using transit, for buying organic groceries and environmental home improvements; and healthy, organic breakfasts. And we donate at least 5% of our profits to community projects that have a positive impact on youth and the environment, and to the Food Bank.

“We truly believe in our tag line– Real Food Tastes Better!–and in the value and authenticity of the products we make.” “Doing the right thing” for this B Corp business means a deep commitment to sustainability, and to working with likeminded companies. As part of a goal to continually improve, a full environmental audit was conducted—not just of their company, but their entire supply chain. NF Tell us why you did an environmental assessment. JID We needed to assess where we made the biggest impact, and how we could be more efficient. We always thought that one of the biggest contributors to our footprint was packaging, but learned it was only about 3%. How we move food is the biggest contributor, so one of the things we changed is to ship in and out by rail, where possible, rather than using trucking companies. But making change isn’t always straightforward—like packaging. There’s very little available, here, that’s backyard-compostable. If we bring it in from Europe, can we cut our footprint in other ways? It gets tricky… NF So what’s next for Hippie Snacks? JID We’re excited about our new organic Sesame Snack bar, with 35% less (coconut) sugar; and we’re just shipping three flavours of our Clusters to Starbucks US. And lots of new things are coming­—sweet and savoury—but I can’t tell you yet!

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  23




Ever since I can remember, I have taken a spring break trip. Starting when I was a little tot, my parents hauled us off to Hawaii while waiting for spring to hit at home. I have learned a lot about skin care through my years of travels so I am sharing my must-haves for a tropical holiday! STESHA JORDAN PUCKETT is a lover of style, beauty, and all things photography. She started her blog, Classic & Bubbly, in June of 2011, where she uses her love and talents of photography and writing to explore topics like personal style, beauty tips and tricks, and her family life. 24 | March/April 2018


have pale, fair, sensitive skin so when travelling somewhere with a lot of sun, my skin doesn’t always do well. I have those little ‘sun kisses’ which we know is actually sun damage and something to avoid as much as possible. Hydration, protection, and cleanliness are what keep me happy during those relaxing sunny days. Hydration is key! Combining airplane air and climate change, our skin typically dries out, causing irritation and premature aging. I recently found the Andalou Naturals line and fell in love with their products. I always bring makeup wipes in my travel case but find they can irritate burnt skin or they sting my eyes. After trying the Andalou Naturals Micellar One Step Facial Cleansing Swipes, that all changed! The sensitive line with Rose Stem Cells Smoothing Resilience helps with red undertones that come out in the sun. The wipes not only smell amazing but are so gentle on my skin. I wouldn’t recommend them as your only makeup remover but they are perfect for those beach days to remove salt from your face, or any time you need a little freshening up! I also love taking at least one facial mask to use halfway through my trip—for a little mini spa session to recharge my skin. I suggest

the Andalou Naturals Pure Pore Hydro Serum Facial Mask in coconut water. It’s easy to use: simply apply the mask before naptime one afternoon, let the coconut hydration take place, and you will feel completely rejuvenated by dinner! Speaking of dinner, I am not a huge fan of getting fully dolled up when on holiday. If my skin is taken care of, I go for minimal makeup and I especially stay away from lipsticks. The salt and sun dry out lips instantly so I make sure to throw a couple of Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balms in my travel case. My favourite colour is Rose and I use it day and night! Let’s talk protection, the most important thing when travelling somewhere with lots of sun. Recently, in Tahiti where there was absolutely no escaping the harsh rays, I used a very popular sunscreen brand—and let’s just say I was devastated. It did not work at all; I was so burnt even after applying multiple times a day. So, I’ve made the change to natural sunscreen! I use Shady Days Natural Sunscreen by Back to Earth. I love the way it smells—if you are familiar with their products, they all have a similar smell and the texture is not too thick. This sunscreen is not waterproof so you will

need to reapply after swimming, however after my Tahitian experience I don’t believe in waterproof sunscreen much anyway. Since no matter how much sunscreen I apply I still tend to get some sort of burn, I always travel with aloe vera gel. I am very familiar with aloe vera, as I used to pick the actual plant on those childhood Hawaiian holidays to apply directly to my burns. I recommend the Sukin’s Aloe Vera Gel. It is a vegan product, clear in colour, and very hydrating. It does have an alcohol smell when applied, but that fades almost instantly. It has been my favourite aloe gel besides the plant itself. Lastly, keeping clean helps make travelling so much easier. I always recommend hand sanitizer when out of town, especially if you are a mom with kids who get into everything. Lavender is the smell of choice in our home so I love Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Organic Hand Sanitizer spray. It is easy to use and smells great, unlike some other hand sanitizers that smell like chemicals. A couple of spritzes to the hands and you are ready to go! Grab your passports, pack your natural skin care essentials, and be sure to take care of your skin while out on your travel adventures.

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  25


to our Planet


Will 2018 see a repeat of the flooding that left many British Columbians waist-deep in water last spring?

Rose Muto


n May 4, 2017, UBCO’s weather station near Kelowna recorded a maximum daytime temperature of 24°C. On the face of it, such balmy weather might seem like perfect conditions for an early trip to the beach. Yet, for residents living in what would become the areas worst hit by the province’s spring floods, the warm spring weather, which had begun in mid-April, would not leave them full of the joys of spring for long. Hidden from view, high in the mountains, the warm air was rapidly melting the snowpack and turning it into torrents of water flowing downstream toward BC’s lakes and rivers, and the communities built alongside them. Snowmelt is nothing unusual in BC, of course. Every year the white stuff that makes the province such a mecca for winter

26 | March/April 2018

sports enthusiasts succumbs to rising temperatures in spring and summer. What made 2017 unusual was the rapidity of the melt and the severe thunderstorms that accompanied it. Soil that would normally soak up excess water like a sponge became saturated by the combined deluge of rain and meltwater, and municipal drains were overloaded by stormwater and flood-displaced debris. The excess water had nowhere to go but into garages, living rooms, basements, and businesses. As we look forward to what we hope will be another beautiful BC spring, it is inevitable that memories of the 2017 floods will have residents wondering whether the same thing can happen again this year. Extreme weather events seem to be occurring more frequently across the world as

global warming causes changes in the planet’s climate. It’s too early to tell whether the kind of spring temperatures we saw in 2017 will become the norm in BC or whether severe thunderstorms will become a familiar feature of the province’s weather in April and May. It is certainly possible, though, given the evidence that global warming could increase the frequency of storms and lead to rising average temperatures in some parts of the world.

Regional District of Central Okanagan

We have just experienced a winter with periods of high snowfall that produced perfect conditions for ski resorts, but the promise of another deep snowpack destined to start melting in the spring. On that basis, it is probably best to take 2017’s floods as a warning of what we might be in for in years to come, and be ready to stock up with sandbags just in case.

GET PREPARED The Government of Canada has a website dedicated to safety before, during, and after flooding. Some advice it offers:

BEFORE Regional District of Central Okanagan


• Put weather protection sealant around basement windows and the base of groundlevel doors. • Turn off basement furnaces and the outside gas valve. • Move furniture, electrical appliances, and other belongings to floors above ground level.


A FLOOD (if you need to evacuate)

• Vacate your home when you are advised to do so by local emergency authorities. • If you are in a car, do not drive through flood waters or underpasses.



• Appliances that may have been flooded pose a risk of shock or fire when turned on. Do not use any appliances, heating, pressure, or sewage systems until electrical components have been thoroughly cleaned, dried, and inspected by a qualified electrician.

More information can be found at Rose Muto

the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  27



Put a New Spin on Your Workouts BY RACHEL DOELL  |   PHOTOS BY BROCK McKILLOP

As we continue through this season of rain, snow, and cooler temperatures, my enthusiasm to put on runners and get outside hits an all-time low. My body craves fresh air and nature, but I also struggle to hold in heat during colder months—cooler temperatures can cause our bodies to work overtime to produce heat, which can affect our energy levels. RACHEL DOELL is an instructor, personal trainer, mother, and wife who loves health and fitness. Her fitness company, Daily Routine Fitness, features simple ways to fit living a healthy life into your everyday routine. |  28 | March/April 2018


for each class: maybe this week you’ll sprint 10 seconds longer than you did last week, or maybe you’ll climb that hill all the way to the top. Give yourself grace while pushing it to the next level!

⑤ Find community.


have found that spin classes keep me motivated during colder seasons. Not only does spin class avoid the cold outside, it’s also a fantastic workout and a great way to cross train. Your average spin class will burn 400–600 calories, increase your energy, and spike your healthy endorphins.

few movements that will leave your upper body feeling challenged and complete the full body workout.

③ Define your body and build strength.

Spin studio teachers are trained to motivate you and create drills to keep things challenging, interesting—and fun! Each class flows to the beat of the music and I very quickly find myself forgetting how tired I was at first. For me, music is a vital part of workouts, allowing me to press in and work through whatever emotion is showing up that day.

With the variety of drills, from sprinting to climbing, to multiple resistance level changes, a knowledgeable spin instructor can keep your body guessing. You’ll end up with one of the best ways to lean your legs out and create beautiful muscle definition. If you’re looking to build size and strength for heavy resistance, increase the bike’s tension, and find the right teacher. Each will have their own style and goal for their classes. You may love feeling like you’re sprinting your way through class while your best friend feels the need to pound out some hills. Whatever your style or goal, there’s a class for you!

② It’s a full body workout.

④ Move at your own pace.

Still question getting on the bike? Here are some reasons to consider it!

① Let someone else motivate you!

While spin class is obviously an amazing leg workout, it also works the stability muscles in our upper body and core. Along with a variety of drills and tempo changes, adding weights to spin workouts is also becoming more popular. Whether you’re a committed gym member or a new rider, you will find weighted portions challenging and effective. Most studios focus on lighter weights with repeated movements to challenge muscle endurance, which helps activate minor muscles groups. Repeated punching drills, shoulder presses, and bicep curls are just a

This is one of my favourite aspects of spin class. Finding your tribe or gathering friends to help motivate one another are such important, positive things you can do for your fitness journey. Group fitness is not only fun but it encourages accountability and motivates you to push through tough days. If you’re new to a city or struggling to create a tribe, connect with your local studio to find out how to get involved. Programs like energy exchange, social rides, and karma classes are great for meeting new people with the same goal and passion to sweat it out! Whatever your fitness goals are, give it your all and commit to trying new things! And if you’re looking for a great spot to try out spin and build community, check out or other spin studios in your community.

While spin classes are meant to challenge and inspire, take into account your current fitness level when starting. I recently took 6 months off from cycling and then hit it hard over Christmas—even though I had kept up my overall fitness over this time, I still felt like puking during the first few classes. This is not meant to discourage you, but to encourage you to have grace for yourself. If spin is new for you, or you’re going back after some time off, your body will not be impressed by the sudden demand for it to move! Try making a goal the good life  The Magazine of Nature’s Fare Markets  |  29




JusTea Purple Tea We have Purple Tea! Did you know all tea comes from the jade green leaves of the tea tree except purple tea? This unique variety comes from beautiful vibrant purple leaves, grown organically. Leaves are purple because they contain anthocyanin—the same super antioxidant found in blueberries and pomegranates. Purple tea is very healthy with little caffeine and an exquisite taste.



Silver Hills Tortillas

Field Day Cookies

Our favourite Canadian sprouted bread company has come out with Organic Sprouted Tortillas. These superfood-powered tortillas made with sprouted whole grains are packed with nutrients. This family’s proprietary sprouting process gives these whole grains superpowers. Variety of flavours: Whole Grain, Turmeric, Spinach, and Herb & Garlic. Family owned and family focused. Non-GMO Project Verified.

Field Day Organic Cookies were born ready for your tallest glass of milk! Made by a second-generation family-owned bakery, these rich cream cookies are made with just the good stuff! With no high fructose corn syrup, artificial colours or flavours, they are a sweet snack you can feel good about. For the optimal experience follow our instructions: Step 1. Twist Apart Step 2. Ready-set-dunk!




Riviera Yogurt This yogurt is far more than a delicious creamy experience on your palette. The experience starts as soon as you break through the seal of quality and dip into their creamy yogurt, revealing the treasure that awaits you. Everything about the Petit Pot collection and tubs appeals to the senses and enriches the taste experience. They even supply extra lids if you need to save the rest for later.




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Cheddar Cheese Scone MADE WITHOUT GLUTEN

Asian Glazed Lentil “Meatballs” VEGAN

Turkey Kimchi Reuben

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& Counting

We wouldn’t be here without our loyal customers. Thank you. Nature’s Fare Markets STORE LOCATIONS Kamloops 1350 Summit Drive 250.314.9560

Kelowna 1876 Cooper Road 250.762.8636

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1770 Main Street 250.493.2855 2210 Main Street 250.492.7763

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