The Good Life May/June 2013

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THE The Newsletter of

Nature’s Fare Markets


Live well. Live organic.



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Nature’s Fare Markets



to The Good Life, your new Nature’s Fare Markets newsletter. At Nature’s Fare Markets we believe in looking to the future in every decision we make, while always being mindful of what principles and ethics have shaped our past. We believe in our customers – it is them who have forged for us the foundation that has made new stores and growth possible; we believe in our staff whose passion and commitment to this remarkable industry have inspired us to move forward; and we believe in our suppliers who have met the demands of a growing marketplace with exciting, new and innovative products. Together we have taken the health food industry to new heights, while collectively promoting a happier and healthier way to live. It is through these combined efforts that what was once nineteen years ago a single store has grown to six strong. We are who we are because of the hard work of so many, and for that Nature’s Fare is privileged and obligated to serve those that have helped make it all possible.

MAY “Spring Fling” Speakers: Sam Graci & Dr. Miranda Demierre


May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10

Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Langley Penticton West Kelowna Vernon Kamloops


All Stores

Flyer Sale (starts) May 10

Celiac Association National Conference May 25 & 26

Fri. & Sat.



All Stores

Look for our booth!

Flyer Sale (starts) May 31


Speaker: Lorna Vanderhaeghe June 4



Customer Appreciation Day June 9




All Stores


All Stores

Flyer Sale (starts)

We welcome you to join us in living The Good Life, where family, community, and health come first.

June 14 Flyer Sale (starts) June 28

Live Well. Live Organic. Live The Good Life.

*Dates subject to change. See store or online for event details.




Noteworthy Notions


The Seedy Side of Seeds Monsanto’s Attempted Control of Seeds


Are Xenoestrogens Fooling Your Body Into Gaining Weight? By: Brad King


Celiac Disease & Gluten Intolerance + Gluten Free Shopping Guide


Excel Fitness Tip: Rearing Up for Spring By: Rhonda Catt


Sustainable Seafood Guide + Recipe: Dairy-Free Fettuccine Alfredo with Wild Salmon & Roasted Asparagus


Get Cleaner & Greener this Spring


Garden Guru: Urban Composting


There’s WHAT in my makeup?


Staff Profile


Nature’s Fare Update

© 2012 Nature’s Fare Markets. The materials in this newsletter are suggestions only. Nature’s Fare Markets does not guarantee results.



May/June 2012 100%

Noteworthy Notions SUPPLEMENTS




TriStar Naturals Omega-3 is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids that to help maintain better cardiovascular and cognitive health. It is 100% tested for purity, potency and freshness. Enteric coated softgels are Norwegian sourced with no fishy repeat or odour. Features a great lemon flavour.

A natural, plant based hair colour free from harmful chemicals. Naturtint contains no ammonia, parabens, or resorcinol. This formulation includes botanical extracts that help to revitalize hair and comes in twenty four different shades.

FOOD KRISDA Taste the freedom! No longer do you have to choose between harmful diet sodas with controversial artificial ingredients or fattening high-calorie sugared sodas that promote tooth decay and diabetes. Drinking Krisda Natural Sodas allows you to enjoy a sweet, refreshing, and delicious carbonated beverage while promoting good health with essential vitamins.

BOOKS WHEAT BELLY —by William Davis MD A renowned cardiologist explains how eliminating wheat from our diets can prevent fat storage, shrink unsightly bulges, and reverse a myriad of health problems. After witnessing over 2,000 patients regain their health after giving up wheat, Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to the nationwide obesity epidemic – and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health. In Wheat Belly, Davis exposes the harmful effects of what is actually a product of genetic tinkering and agribusiness being sold to the American public as “wheat” – and provides readers with a user-friendly, step-by-step plan to navigate a new, wheat-free lifestyle.

MOVIES FORKS OVER KNIVES This movie examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. The filmmakers travel with two doctors on their separate but similar paths, from their childhood farms where they both produced “nature’s perfect food,” to China and Cleveland, where they explored ideas that challenged the established thinking and shook their own core beliefs.

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The Seedy Side of Seeds Monsanto’s Attempted Control of Agricultural Markets “If there were one word to explain what Monsanto is about, it would have to be farmers.” This is an excerpt from the “Who We Are” portion of Monsanto’s website, a page that assures readers that Monsanto is working with farmers to produce more food and to improve lives. Not mentioned on the website is the ninety plus lawsuits that have been filed against famers and the fifteen million dollars that Monsanto has been awarded from their legal settlements against small output farmers and community businesses. Monsanto is an American agricultural and pharmaceutical giant that produces herbicides, prescription pharmaceutical drugs and genetically engineered seeds. The corporation has offices, manufacturing plants and research facilities located in over one hundred countries across the globe. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of genetically modified seeds, accounting for ninety one percent of the total area of GMO crops planted worldwide. Monsanto was created in 1901 by Missouri pharmacist John Francis Queeny and since then has been involved in the production of PCBs, DDT, dioxins, and the chemical weapon “Agent Orange.” In the eighties and nineties Monsanto spent close to one billion dollars developing its biotech business, which is responsible for creating GMO soybeans and corn that would be able to resist the effects of the herbicide Roundup, a product that had previously been patented by Monsanto.



May/June 2012

Upwards of ninety percent of all corn, soybeans and cotton are grown from genetically modified seeds. Seventy percent of food produced in the United States contains at least one genetically modified ingredient. Monsanto owns ninety percent of genetically modified seeds, meaning that the corporation owns patents on the vast majority of the American food supply. Despite the fact that a study in the International Journal of Biological Sciences found that Monsanto’s herbicide absorbing product, NK 603, present in corn, as well as two other products found in GMO seeds, caused kidney and liver failure in lab rats, the company still cleared over two billion dollars in profits in 2008. The company realized increases in the price of corn and soy seeds of ten percent in 2010, while farm income decreased in the same year by thirty four percent. Monsanto claims its GMO seeds offer famers higher yields and higher revenues than traditional seeds. A tempting offer for those famers that are struggling to make a living, however Monsanto’s seeds are ruled with an iron fist. Monsanto has patented all of its strains of GMO seeds, meaning that if a farmer owns a farm next to a field that has been planted with Monsanto seeds, and some of those seeds are blown by the wind onto his land, Monsanto can sue for royalties. Not only that, but if a farmer used seeds taken from crops grown out of Monsanto seeds, he would have to pay the company royalties or face being sued. It is from these law suits

that Monsanto has taken more than fifteen million dollars from individual settlements with farmers. Farmers that are believed by Monsanto to be planting saved seeds are visited by private detectives hired by the GMO giant, sometimes accompanied by the local police. The PI’s show up without warning and take samples and photos of the farmer’s crops, without the farmer being present. The farmer is then sued by Monsanto for misuse of patent technology. In one instance, a Mississippi farmer was watched by a team of private investigators from a lot that they took up occupancy on across the street. These private investigators warned off customers, took constant surveillance and harassed the farmer’s family. The private investigators have been known to use blackmail and entrapment to gain information on potential suspects. Most farmers that face legal action with Monsanto claim bankruptcy as they are unable to pay the costs of a trial or the heavy fines that are imposed by courts. The highest fine recorded from a Monsanto law suit was only slightly under one and a half million dollars. It was handed down to a farmer in Tennessee who was found to be storing Monsanto seeds in his barn for a friend. In comparison, the charge for

possession of a narcotic in Tennessee is only two thousand five hundred dollars. Monsanto argues that GMO seeds create more food for more people at lower prices. That argument is shot down by the basic economic principle that choice and competition creates lower prices, not monopolies. Not only do Monsanto’s seeds create problems economically, their resistance to herbicides has produced mutant weeds that have adapted to the herbicide and spread to farms that do not use Monsanto seeds, killing plants and ruining crops. Monsanto seeds pose the threat of organ damage in humans, leading to a strain on our health care systems – resulting in externalized costs that out-weigh the benefits of cheaper food. Monsanto has, for the first time in history, unprecedented control of the sale and use of crop seeds. The company has created this control through complete control of the germplasm through ownership of seed companies, total command of genetic technology and GMO seeds through the use of patents, and forcing farmers to break tradition and buy new seeds each year, rather than saving and replanting seed. The feudal system of seed ownership that Monsanto is imposing puts diverse gene pools at risk by contaminating traditional seed stocks. The corporation has turned agriculture into an industry where costly

holds on seeds increases farmers’ costs of doing business and creates monopolies that include fewer buyers demanding the lowest possible price on farmer outputs, thus sending farmers and their families into an endless debt spiral. Previous to Monsanto, farmers paid royalties on their seeds to the US Plant Variety Protection Act or Canada Plant Breeders Rights Act licensees – both who allowed for seed saving. Since patents have been approved for issue on seeds the number of soybean seeds saved has reduced by thirty one percent, a number that translates into an additional three hundred and seventy four million dollars in seed industry profits. The Center for Food Safety has suggested amending the Patent Act to exclude sexually reproducing plants from patentable items and amending the Plant Variety Protection Act to exclude plants that are produced from GMO, as methods of protecting farmers from Monsanto. Avoiding GMO foods is difficult as the prevalence of these organisms has increased to the point where seventy percent of processed foods contain at least one GMO. Organic foods are always certified GMO free and as such provide a healthy and ethical option. In addition to buying organic, informed consumers can choose foods that are not processed and that contain ingredients fewer, whole food ingredients. In addition, consumers should try to avoid products that contain multitudes of ingredients with names that are difficult to pronounce, as these are likely to be GMO.

An anti-Monsanto crop circle made by farmers and volunteers in the Philippines. Photo: Melvyn Calderon/ Greenpeace HO/A.P. Images

This eye-opening book tells the shocking story of this agribusiness giant – the world’s leading producer of GMOs – and how its new “green” face is no less malign than its PCB and Agent Orange-soaked past.

the good life The Newsletter of Nature’s Fare Markets

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by Brad King

YOUR BODY INTO GAINING WEIGHT? BRAD KING is a nutritional researcher, performance nutritionist, best-selling author and creator of ‘Brad King’s Ultimate’ line of supplements. You may already know that estrogens are critical elements for maintaining health and balance in the body. But did you know that there are estrogen mimickers in our environment that can lead to hormonal imbalance, weight gain and disease? Estrogens are hormones, chemical messengers that turn on or off various functions, especially in women. For instance, they are largely responsible for preparing the lining of the uterus in the middle of a woman’s cycle in order for it to be able to receive and nourish a fertilized egg. Fluctuations in estrogen levels are what women experience as hot flashes before and during menopause.

havoc that can possibly lead to conditions such as prostate enlargement (BPA), prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, breast cancer, perimenopause, PMS and menopause, as well as weight gain – especially in the abdominal area. Xenoestrogens linked to weight gain The problem is that the majority of these xenoestrogens are fat soluble, which means they have a greater potential of becoming lodged within our fat cells, and once there they are very difficult to get rid of.

Estrogen produced by the ovaries helps prevent bone loss and works together with calcium, vitamin D and other hormones and minerals to build bones. The lack of estrogen brings on osteoporosis.

When it comes to your metabolism, xenoestrogens cause disruption in the way your body metabolizes important biochemicals that deal with stress, moods, cravings, and sleep. Research presented in the American Journal of Physiology indicates that xenoestrogens have the potential to create an enhanced environment for our bodies to store fat, while making it extremely difficult to lose it.

But what about estrogen mimickers? These are called xenoestrogens and come from a large group (tens of thousands) of foreign compounds derived from synthetic materials such as pesticides, plastics, body creams, detergents, food supplies and our environment. Xenoestrogens have the ability to disrupt our natural hormonal systems, creating hormonal

Japanese researchers built upon this observation when they published a study in the Journal of Lipid Research showing that a common synthetic estrogen, called bisphenol A or BPA. Widely found in polycarbonate bottles used to hold drinking water as well as the coating in metal cans and plastic food containers, BPA both triggers and stimulates two of the


His Energy by Brad King’s Ultimate helps to enhance libido, increase testosterone, and reduce harmful estrogens in men. Restoring testosterone to optimal levels has been proven to: increase muscle mass; boost brain function, including memory, visual acuity and concentration, strengthen the bones, lower insulin and protect the heart - reducing virtually every cardiovascular risk factor, including high cholesterol, high blood sugar, abnormal clotting and stress.

key mechanisms behind the accumulation of body fat: increasing the number of fat cells (hyperplasia), and enhancing their fat storage abilities (fat cell hypertrophy). BPA and other xenoestrogens found in plastics are known to leach when exposed to high temperatures and caustic cleaners. In fact, researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine accidentally discovered that the polycarbonate lab flasks they were using to sterilize the water used in their experiments contained enough BPA to cause hormone sensitive breast cancer cells to proliferate. And speaking of cancer, research presented in May 2004 in the Journal of Applied Toxicology indicates that xenoestrogens commonly found in many body care and cosmetic products in the form of p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters or parabens have been detected in human breast tumour tissue, indicating that they are definitely absorbed through the skin. TIPS TO REDUCE OVEREXPOSURE TO DISRUPTING CHEMICALS • If you do use bottled water, change the bottle frequently and never expose it to direct sunlight, heat or freezing temperatures. • Avoid heating food in plastic containers and avoid the use of plastic wraps. • Use paraben-free skin lotions, creams and cleansers. • Use natural cleaning products and soaps. • Use natural pest control instead of pesticides. • Eat organic meats and produce. • Exercise regularly to dislodge xenoestrogens from the body.

Her Energy by Brad King’s Ultimate helps to reduce abdominal fat, protect breast and uterine health, and reduce harmful estrogens in women. By restoring healthy hormone fidelity, you can once again look, feel and perform in a youthful manner. Her Ultimate Hormone Control is a one of a kind synergistic formulation of naturally proven and scientifically validated herbs, flavonoids, spices and vegetable extracts that work to help you get the balance back.

the good life The Newsletter of Nature’s Fare Markets

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Celiac Disease & Gluten Intolerance Celiac disease is a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing nutrients from foods that are essential for staying healthy. The damage to the small intestine is a result of the consumption of gluten – a component found in wheat, barley, and rye, as well as in a number of processed foods. The exact cause of Celiac disease is unknown. When people who have Celiac disease eat gluten their immune system attacks the villi in the small intestine. Villi are small hair like growths present in the small intestine that help to absorb nutrients. When villi are damaged, food is not digested properly, leading to poor nutrition and malnourishment. Celiac disease can affect people of all ages. Generally, those that have family members with Celiac disease are more likely to contract the disease themselves. Women tend to be affected more commonly than men. Those with Celiac disease are more likely to have autoimmune disorders, downs syndrome, lactose intolerance, thyroid disease, and type one diabetes. Symptoms of Celiac disease vary between individuals which can make it difficult to diagnose. Gastrointestinal symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, decreased appetite, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, and unexplained weight loss. Because the intestines are not absorbing key vitamins and minerals, additional symptoms like depression, fatigue, anxiety, muscle cramps, joint pain, hair loss and missed menstrual periods can arise over time. If the disease is suspected, doctors can order antibody screens to test for antitissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTGA), which if present, can be a signal for Celiac disease. Although Celiac disease cannot be treated, symptoms may go away and intestinal villi will heal if a gluten free diet is followed. Unprocessed fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, and oils are naturally gluten free. Beans, rice, and sweeteners like honey and sugar are also gluten free. When foods begin to have more than one ingredient there is a higher probability that they will contain gluten. A major challenge for maintaining a gluten free diet is finding grains and baking products that do not contain wheat. Arrowroot, baking soda, bean flour, buckwheat, cassava, chick pea flour, cornmeal, flax, green pea flour, potato flour, quinoa flour, rice flour and a variety of other options are all naturally gluten free. Oats, unless



May/June 2012

Foods That Contain Gluten Wheat (emmer, spelt, kamut, wheat starch, wheat bran, wheat germ, cracked wheat, hydrolyzed wheat protein)


Durum Flour


Enriched flour



Bromated flour

Graham flour

Foods That MAY Contain Gluten (Unless Otherwise Stated) Bouillon Cubes



Brown Rice Syrup

Cold Cuts

Soy Sauce

Potato Chips


Seasoned Corn Chips

Foods FREE From Gluten Amaranth

Legumes (lentils, beans, etc.)












Arrowroot Buckwheat


stated to be uncontaminated on the label, should be considered to contain gluten as they are often processed on the same machinery as grains that contain gluten and can become contaminated. Distilled vinegars like white, apple cider, and balsamic are all naturally gluten free, however malt vinegar is not. When purchasing items like cheese spreads or sauces, flavoured or frozen yogurt, rice or corn cereals, seasoned or flavoured rice mixes, flavoured rice cakes, baked beans, seasoned or roasted nuts, sausages, lunch meats, meat substitutes, dates, French fries, canned soups, salad dressings, seasoned potato chips or corn chips, flavoured coffee or tea, and baking powder, be sure to check the ingredients as gluten could be added to these products in the form of stabilizers, flavourings, seasonings or fillers. When looking for gluten in a product check in three places, the ingredient list, the “contains” statement (list of common allergens), and any allergy precautionary statement on the label. Look for products that state “Gluten Free” on the label, and try to avoid processed foods. Nature’s Fare has recently made changes to our product shelf labels to make gluten free shopping easier! All products made without gluten are denoted by a green shelf label. By making these products more obvious, we hope to make shopping quicker and easier for you!



1 3

2 5 11

8 6 9 7

1 Annie’s Gluten Free Rice Pasta & Cheddar This creamy and cheesy pasta is loved by kids and adults alike.

2 MI-DEL Gluten Free Cookies MI-DEL Gluten-Free products are routinely tested using the ELISA method to ensure gluten-free status as determined by the World Health Organization.

3 Amy’s Gluten Free Frozen Entrees Light tender rice crust topped with organic spinach and dairy-free, soybased mozzarella and ricotta cheeses, and authentic Italian pizza sauce made with organic sun-ripened tomatoes with a special blend of herbs.

4 Food For Life Sprouted Grain Gluten Free Breads Made from freshly sprouted organically grown grains, naturally flavourful and bursting with nutrients. Rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and natural fibre with no added fat.


5 Imagine Rice Dream Gluten Free Frozen Desserts These all natural treats contain no refined sugars, are USDA Organic, lactose free, cholesterol free, and gluten free, and are available in a wide variety of dreamy flavors.

6 Nature’s Path Enviro Kidz (some varieties) Leapin Lemurs is a delectable pairing of peanut butter balls with chocolate balls resulting in a fun and exciting flavour with huge kid appeal. Not only does it taste great, it is gluten free, low in fat, low in sodium, low in sugar, and is made with whole grains.

7 Nature’s Path Cereals (some varieties) Crunchy Maple Sunrise is a delicious warm real maple taste breakfast cereal with a variety of crunchy textures from flakes, puffs and crispies, making this a genuinely tasty gluten free breakfast.

8 Kinnickinick Baked Goods The pancake & waffle mix is their most popular mix. Makes some of the lightest, best pancakes you’ll ever try! Great for waffles too.

9 Glutino Frozen Entrees & Baked Goods Pretzel twists is a delicious gluten-free snack free of wheat, gluten, milk, and casein.

10 Curry Tree Spice Mixes Butter Chicken is the best known chicken dish from the land of Punjab. served in a rich creamy sauce delicately flavoured with nutmeg and saffron. Mild in taste, best served with ‘tandoori rotis’ or naan bread.

11 Namaste Meal Mixes Vanilla cake mix makes a velvety smooth and utterly delicous cake made with real vanilla bean.

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by Rhonda Catt

RHONDA CATT specializes in athletic conditioning at the professional level as well as for the weekend athlete. Rhonda encourages clients to be life-fit rather than gym-fit and believes that reducing dysfunction & improving quality of movement is the key to better performance. If you ask a female what their main goal is in regards to fitness most would likely say to lose weight. However, it’s great to hear a shift in views as many are realizing the importance of strength and power development. The mind-set of light weights and daily long cardio workouts for females to lose weight is changing. With strength and power development, we increase ease of movement and performance and reduce our

chances of injuries. It’s time those “skinny jeans” make a change toward “power jeans” and see the potential the female body has. If we put the effort into that potential instead of focusing on the look that is where the mind-set will change… for the better! Take, for example, the butt. A strong and powerful muscle but rarely trained to its potential. The ability for this muscle to

GLUTE EXERCISE #1: Cook Hip Lift 1

Lie face-up and pull one leg into the chest. This will help limit movement in the low back.


A tennis ball can be held between the knee and rib cage to ensure proper execution. The grounded leg is bent at 90 degrees.


Press through the heel as you lift.

NOTE: This movement is a great addition for glute, hamstring and torso. A cramp in the hamstring is a sign of weak glutes.





Reach butt backwards; knees should have slight bend. Movement should be through the hips – not the knees. Think of a “karate chop” at the hips.


Groove the 2 leg and 1 leg pattern. Keep the chin tucked in. Follow the movement with your eyes.


Stand tall and finish movement by engaging glutes at standing position.

Place a stick (dowel or broom stick) along spine. Be sure to keep the NOTE: Using a stick will teach and groove the patstick in contact with three points tern before you add any weight. (head, upper back and tailbone) throughout entire movement.

| May/June 2012

create power, to maintain pelvic stability, reduce injuries and produce force are just some examples of why we need to get serious about glute training and stop worrying about how they fit in our jeans! The following two exercises are great methods for glute recruitment, learning a hip dominant move and reducing dominance of the quad since most people perform lunge and squat patterns but neglect the posterior chain. There are progression levels plus additional aspects of a training program that should be looked into to be successful. Seek out a qualified professional to ensure you are using the proper technique. An assessment should always be the first achievement on your list! FOR MORE INFORMATION check out, or


Bio Liposuction by Absorb Science is a revolutionary super concentrated 5 in 1 formula that releases the power of 18 nutritional mechanisms with 2 capsules twice a day. Designed for ultimate results both in men and women. L-Carnitine by A.O.R. is a derivative of the amino acid lysine that is found naturally in the body. It is an antioxidant and research has shown that L-Carnitine helps to enhance recovery and reduce muscle tissue damage and oxidative stress resulting from exercise stress, when combined with a healthy post-exercise regimen.

Pre-Workout Energizer by Vega provides sustaining energy, enhanced mental focus and increased aerobic and anaerobic capacity. This beverage also replenishes electrolytes, and assists recovery.


it shows

Making Canadians healthyy for years


Happy 20th Anniversary greens+ ! In the early 1970s, Sam Graci worked with at risk teenagers. He taught them the benefits of healthy foods and it wasn’t long before he noticed the incredible results including improved overall health, temperament, vitality and mental focus. For 2 decades, Canadians have turned to greens+ for supplementing their diets to maintain great health. greens+, with its colourful plant-based ingredients and abundance of phytonutrients has been scientifically proven to promote health, vitality and energy. Highly alkalineforming and rich in antioxidants, greens+ nourishes and protects your body, increases energy, and even promotes healthier bones. An uncompromising commitment to quality ensures greens+ always delivers maximum potency and effectiveness - which means results.

But a lot has changed over 20 years… Food allergies and sensitivities are on the rise - Current estimates are that food allergies affect as many as 5-6% of young children and 3- 4% of adults in westernized countries*. Vegan diets are becoming much more popular and Vegan options, more commonplace.

Also, as awareness surrounding pesticide use and common agricultural practices grows, consumers are looking more and more to organic options. *Source-Health Canada

Introducing NEW greens+ O: Now EVERYONE can enjoy greens+ - the original and ONLY research-proven green food supplement. We have specially formulated NEW greens+ O based on the original award-winning, research-proven greens+ formula for consumers who have allergies and sensitivities to certain foods and dietary preferences. The O is for organic – 75%* & 80%* organic ingredients Vegan (no animal products) Wheat free Gluten free Soy free Dairy free = Totally Allergen Free * açaï & mango greens+ O – 75% organic ingredients, original – 80% organic ingredients

Available in great tasting original and delicious açaï & mango flavours, NEW greens+ O is for those who are both passionate and sensitive about the foods they eat. |



Sustainable Seafood Guide Choosing sustainable seafood options is an effective way to support responsible stewardship of natural marine wildlife and resources. Sustainable seafood is defined as seafood that is either fished or farmed by a method that can maintain or increase production over the long term, without jeopardizing the health or function of life in the world’s oceans. The Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey California has developed a Seafood Watch program, which helps

consumers and businesses make sustainable seafood and shellfish choices. Close to 85% of the world’s fisheries are fished to capacity, meaning that fish stocks are fished close to depletion. Consumers have the ability to make a change through education and choice.

Seafood Selection




The Seafood Watch program uses a GREEN, YELLOW or RED ranking system to designate those fish and shellfish which are best choices, choices that have some cause for concern, and choices that should be avoided completely. Albacore Tuna (depending on where it is caught)

Caribbean and California Lobster

Pacific Cod

Farmed Catfish

Arctic Char

Atlantic Salmon

Farmed Atlantic Cod

Farmed Freshwater Prawns

Chinook Salmon

Atlantic Pollock

Mahi Mahi

Barramundi Black Bass

Northern Coldwater Shrimp

Red Snapper Atlantic Cod Atlantic Halibut Farmed Basa

Pacific Halibut

Skipjack Tuna Spot Prawn

• have less vulnerability to fishing pressure and because of that have a low probability of being overfished. • have stock structure and abundance sufficient to maintain long term fishing • are captured using techniques that minimize the chances of unwanted catch and/or unmarketable species • are captured in ways that maintain natural relationships among ecosystem species and do not result in irreversible ecosystem state changes • have a management regime that implements and enforces all local, national, and international laws

Ahi Tuna

Farmed Scallops

Sustainable Aquaculture

Wild and Farmed Sturgeon Caviar

Dredge Caught Sea Scallops

Trawl Caught Pacific Cod

Farmed Tilapia

• does not pose a substantial threat or risk to wild fish stocks through the escape of farmed fish

Farmed Shrimp (from Thailand)

• does not pose a substantial risk to wild fish stocks through the amplification, transmission, or introduction of disease or parasites

Red and Black Grouper (also known as Sea Bass)

Atlantic Cod (caught in waters near Canada or the United States)

Albacore Tuna (caught in the North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, and South Atlantic)

Bluefin Tuna (caught worldwide or farmed)

| May/June 2012

Sustainable Capture Fisheries


Rock Cod (also known as Pacific Snapper – caught in Alaskan waters)

Yellowfin Tuna (caught in Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, Western and Central Pacific, and Indian Oceans)

FOR MORE INFORMATION on sustainable seafood and the Seafood Watch program, check out, or download the free iPhone app SeaChoice 12

Watch for these factors to determine if seafood is sustainable:

• uses methods to reduce the discharge of organic waste and other contaminants so as not to change the composition of the external ecosystem • implements and enforces all local, national, and international laws and utilizes a precautionary approach in daily operations.


4 cups


2 tbsp

olive oil


shallots, finely chopped

2 tbsp

garlic, minced

1 tsp

sea salt

2 tsp

white pepper

1 tsp


asmin D

raw cashews

Photo: J

2 cups


Dairy-Free Alfredo Sauce

Directions Dairy-Free Alfredo Sauce Place cashews and water in a sauce pan and simmer for 20 minutes. Transfer cashews and water to a blender and puree until smooth. In a separate saucepan sweat the shallots and garlic until translucent. Add the pureed cashews, sea salt, white pepper, and nutmeg.

Roasted Asparagus Roasted Asparagus 1 bunch

asparagus, trimmed

1 tbsp

grapeseed oil

1/2 tsp

sea salt

1 tsp

black pepper

Place asparagus in a bowl and toss with grapeseed oil, salt, and pepper. Spread them out on a parchment lined sheet pan and roast at 325°F for 10 minutes.

Wild Salmon

Wild Salmon

Cut your salmon filet into 6 pieces and toss them with the grapeseed oil, lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper. Lay face up on a sheet pan and bake at 325°F for 7 – 10 minutes. Sprinkle the chopped dill on top of salmon.


fillet wild salmon* (approx. 25 oz)

Black Rice Soba Noodles

1 tbsp

grapeseed oil

2 tbsp

lemon juice

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, add noodles, boil for approximately 5 minutes or until al dente. Drain noodles and toss with olive oil or some of the sauce to prevent the noodles from sticking together.

1 tsp

sea salt

1 tsp

black pepper

4 tbsp

dill, roughly chopped

Divide noodles among 6 plates, and top each with asparagus and a piece of salmon. Spoon the alfredo sauce over and garnish with parsley. Serve immediately. Serves: 6

Black Rice Soba Noodles 2 pkgs

black rice soba noodles

½ cup

parsley, roughly chopped

*Choose Altlantic or Chinook salmon for the most sustainable choice as per the previous article.

the good life The Newsletter of Nature’s Fare Markets

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Get Cleaner & Greener this Spring With spring in full force, its time to throw open the windows and let in the fresh air! Spring is also the time that many people get the urge to undertake a whole house cleaning to get rid of winter dust and dirt and make way for warmer weather. It’s no longer necessary to use a toxic soup of chlorine, bleach, and other harmful chemicals to ensure a clean household environment. There are plenty of “green” cleaners on the market that will leave your house sparkling clean and safe for your family. From floors, to walls, to windows, to doors, there are a variety of eco friendly cleaners that will do double duty on dirt and residue, but will be perfectly safe for children and pets.

The Ecover line of cleaning products features an all purpose cleaner, dishwasher and laundry detergents, a limescale remover, a non-chlorine bleach, a toilet cleaner, and a consumer favourite, a cream scrub. Not only are these cleaners plant and mineral based, they are produced in state of the art facilities that are clean running and consume extremely low energy. The Ecover plant was built to make the most of natural light, and the roof is covered in a plant called Sedum that is a great insulator. Ecover is committed to sustainability at every stage of the product lifecycle, including raw materials and the speed and extent to which each product biodegrades.

CHOOSE these types of green cleaners: • cleaners that use citrus rather than bleach as a sanitizer

• product packaging that is minimal (try IQ Cleaners – they offer refill cartridges so you only have to buy the spray bottle once) and recyclable • biodegradable ingredients, and ingredients that you recognize and can pronounce

Bio Vert cleaning products are produced by a family business in Laval, Quebec. The company is committed to fabricating high quality green cleaning products like laundry detergent, dishwashing soaps and tablets, all purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, and stain removers. Not only does the company produce green products, it maintains green business practices like complying with ISO standards for greenhouse gas emissions, providing environmental protection training and awareness sessions for all employees, and giving preference to suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to reducing their environmental footprint. Along with these wonderful companies, there are a variety of green cleaning options that can help make spring cleaning easier and safer for your family.

AVOID these types of cleaners:

• toxic hazard warnings on the packaging • products containing potentially harmful but commonly-used ingredients such as alkylphenolethoxylates (APEs), certain glycol ethers (such as 2-butoxyethanol), or heavy metals • products with a high level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as they contribute to outdoor air pollution • products with a significant amount of phosphate (over 0.5%) as these can cause problems in water bodies by contaminating ecosystems and stressing aquatic life

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GARDEN GURU: For those families that eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, organic scraps like apple cores, wilted lettuce leaves, or orange peels may end up taking up most of the room in the garbage can. Organic waste contributes to the amount of garbage ending up in landfills, meaning more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. To reduce the amount of garbage that your family sends to landfills, try composting! Even in an urban setting it is possible to separate organic scraps and recyclables from your garbage to cut down on your waste. While composting may seem complicated, it is really a simple process. You will need to dedicate some outdoor space to the process, preferably close to your back door, or easily accessible from the kitchen. Next, you will have to decide whether to use an open or closed container. Open

Urban Composting

bins can be constructed with wood, chicken wire, or recycled plastic. Enclosed containers can either be upright boxes, or rotating drums. While open bins tend to be convenient and easily collect rain water, they will also attract rodents and other scavenger animals. In addition, they can be difficult to stir and can become an eyesore for your neighbours. Closed containers will rarely attract pests and can be easier to turn and manage, however they will require that you add water periodically. You will also need a pitch fork and a shovel to help turn and stir the compost. The key ingredients for successful compost are water, air, and food. Air and water are self explanatory, however food is broken down into two categories – greens and browns. Green materials are high in nitrogen and include grass clippings, kitchen scraps, weeds, green leaves, and rotting garden fruits. Brown materials are high

in carbon and typically include dry leaves, dried grass, straw, and sawdust. If compost has too much green it will become a smelly pile of garbage. The browns help to maintain the correct level of moisture, and provide a more balanced environment for the fungi bacteria that create great compost. Be sure to mix your compost often, as it helps to incorporate the greens and browns and distribute moisture. When turning the compost, be sure to try to bring more raw ingredients from the outside towards the core of the pile where the micro organisms are doing their work. Compost can be used to help build good quality soil for plant and flower beds. It improves fertility, water retention, water drainage, and disease fighting characteristics naturally present in soil. It can also be used a fertilizer and as lawn feed.

NEVER put these in your compost pile: • meat, fish, or any type of animal fat as these will attract unwanted visitors to your pile • shredded newspaper or office paper because they contain chemicals that are not good for the compost • dog or cat feces (however, rabbit, horse or chicken manure is acceptable)

Be careful these items: Too much will overwhelm the compost. • sawdust • wood shavings, chips, and bark


| May/June 2012



There’s WHAT in my makeup? Beneath all the brilliant lip colours and the shimmering eye shadows that encompass most commercial makeup products is a wide variety of industrial chemicals including carcinogens, hormone disrupters, reproductive inhibitors, and pesticides. A study conducted by a US researcher reported that one in eight ingredients used in personal care products have been found to cause environmental damage and have harmful effects on the body. Many products contain plasticizers, which are chemicals used to soften concrete, and surfactants, which are found in paint and ink. When switching from conventional beauty products to natural body care, you can help your body rid itself of harsh toxins by introducing cleansing herbs and healthy bacteria. It is especially important to cleanse the liver as it is the organ that is responsible for processing all substances that come into contact with the skin. Try New Roots Liver Support to ensure that your liver has the help it needs when making your beauty care transition. Also, try adding in a greens product, like Trophic Greens Concentrate and an acidophilus product like New Roots Acidophilus Ultra to support your digestive tract and aid the body in excreting toxins. Skin is our largest organ and years of using conventional products can result in a toxic load in the body. It is as important to ensure what you are putting on your body is as clean as what you are putting in your body.



| May/June 2012

Avoid personal care products that contain these dangerous yet common ingredients


BAH & BHT Used in makeups and moisturizers as preservatives. • shown to cause endocrine disruption • are harmful to fish and wildlife


Coal Tar Dyes Used extensively in cosmetics and hair dyes, identified as “CI” plus a five digit number. • recognized as a carcinogen and is derived from petroleum • linked to tumours found in laboratory testing conducted by the US Cancer Institute • classified as toxic by the European Union and may cause long term harmful effects in aquatic ecosystems

3 4 5

DEA Related Ingredients Used in creamy and foaming products. • have been linked to cancer Dibutyl Phthalate Used as a plasticizer in nail care products. • is a suspected endocrine disrupter and reproductive inhibitor Formaldehyde releasing preservatives Used in a variety of personal care products. • is a suspected endocrine disrupter and can interfere with male reproductive functions • slowly release small amounts of formaldehyde which is shown to be a cancer causing substance


Parfum Also known as fragrance. • triggers asthma and allergies • linked to cancer and neurotoxicity


Greens Concentrate by Tropic provides you with a plethora of bioavailable nutrients in a format of unparalleled quality and reliability. These benefits give you the best protection against a multitude of ailments including cardiovascular disease, cancer and infection.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate Used in foaming cosmetics and personal care products. Can be contaminated with 1, 4 dioxane. • shown to cause cancer

Acidophilus Ultra by New Roots contains 11 different probiotic cultures. Each gives you a special benefit and each probiotic culture is delivered to a unique reception site along the intestines to make you healthier.

Liver by New Roots nutritionally supports the liver’s ability to maintain normal liver function. The nutrients in Liver have shown positive effects in treating nearly every known form of liver disease due to their ability to inhibit the factors responsible for liver damage.




Produce Manager, West Kelowna I love working in produce which allows me to be creative and organized. I also enjoy speaking with the customers and hearing about their journeys to better health!

Certification We are now a certified “Climate Smart” business.


Noreen Bremner


Awards We are excited to announce we have won the Vernon Chamber of Commerce’s “2012 Green Business Award”!

The Macatastic Smoothie Avoiding unnecessary chemicals and preservatives that can harm our bodies. Foods that are organic are the way the earth intended them for us, not the way commercialism, Monsanto, GMO, and other unethical means supply them. Snow camping with Outward Bound and my two daughters. Especially North Americans — get to know what they are doing to your conventional food! We need to get them to stop! My daughters, garden, yoga, and CHOCOLATE! WHAT DOES ORGANIC MEAN TO YOU?




We have also been nominated for an unprecedented fourth time for the Canadian Health Food Association’s “Retailer of the Year Award”!

Apple Bistro New! Dairy-Free Wild Seafood Chowder. Look for our spring salad menu now in rotation.

Contributions We are very proud of our contributions to the community. • We have donated over $18,000 to the SPCA, Children’s Wish Foundation, Salvation Army, Upper Room Mission, Kelowna Women’s Shelter, and more in the past year. • Our Save-a-Bag Campaign has raised $14,466.72 for the Food Bank and $4,705.16 for the Sierra Club as of the end of 2011.


Steps to Beautiful Skin


Youthful skin has abundant collagen making the skin smooth and wrinkle free. Your body can make collagen naturally with Collagen Plus. Start taking Collagen Plus today for beautiful skin, strong nails and thick hair.


Beautiful glowing skin comes from within. A very special fatty acid called GLA is required to maintain healthy skin. Skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, wrinkles, acne and dry skin occur when we do not have enough GLA. GLA makes your skin luminescent, dewy and glowing. The main reason our skin becomes dull and thick after menopause is due to the inability to make GLA. It is essential that we take a daily dose of GLA to ensure beautiful skin. GLA LV QRW IRXQG LQ ŵVK RU ŶD[ RLO GLA SKIN OIL is a highly concentrated organic GLA supplement. After 3 weeks of taking GLA SKIN OIL your friends will be asking if you have had “work” done.


Hyaluronic acid, squalene and celadrin will transform the appearance of your skin. A 60 day study showed Celadrin Super Rich cream applied twice a day reduced wrinkles dramatically.

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LOCATIONS Live well. Live organic.

Ethically assisting our customers on their journey to better health.


Lowest Price Guarantee We will beat any local competitor’s advertised price on vitamins & supplements by 10%! 5% Discount Days* Senior’s Days (60+): Wednesday & Thursday | Family & Student Day: Sunday *On regular priced merchandise. Days may vary depending on store.

Kelowna 120 – 1876 Cooper Road 250.762.8636 Langley 120 – 19880 Langley ByPass 778.278.1300 Penticton 104 – 2210 Main Street 250.492.7763 Vernon 104 – 3400 30th Avenue 250.260.1117 West Kelowna 104 – 3480 Carrington Road 250.707.3935


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