Communicate 2024 Programme

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New Connections for Nature

New Connections for Nature

26th - 28th November 2024 | Online Manchester London Bristol

Welcome to Communicate 2024

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to this year’s conference! Our annual conference for environmental communicators continues to grow each year and we’re delighted to feature 45 sessions this year taking place online, livestreamed and in person in Manchester, London and Bristol.

It’s also our 20th anniversary – celebrating progress and changes in the sector, and the longstanding collaboration of our Natural History Consortium partnership. When we created the first conference in Communicate 2004: Awareness to Action, we never could have predicted the changes in communication techniques (hello social media!) or the trends for people and nature’s recovery.

As we prepare to launch this year’s programme we also have a new UK Government, with a range of new and emerging policies and initiatives. Communicate is a place to gather, discuss, and share ideas about the year ahead. As a charity we’ve worked hard to keep tickets as accessible as possible, and we couldn’t do it without the support of our funders and partners – thank you. This is one not to miss – book now!

Made possible with support from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

The Natural History Consortium in partnership with ESRC is proud to present a special strand of sessions running across all three days of the conference showcasing cutting-edge social science research. About us

Communicate Conference has been running since 2004, and is produced by The Natural History Consortium, a charitable collaboration between Avon Wildlife Trust, Bath & Northeast Somerset Council, BBC, Bristol City Council, Bristol Zoological Society, Defra, Forestry England, National Trust, Natural England, University of Bath, University of Bristol, University of the West of England, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, and Woodland Trust.

Click here to book your tickets for the conference

What can I attend?

This year’s Communicate runs across 3 days on Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th November 2024.

The Online conference is taking place on all three days, with access to online sessions and content livestreamed from the in-person venues.

Tickets for the digital conference cost £25 +VAT. Click here to book a ticket.

The Manchester conference is taking place on Tuesday 26th November, with access to a full day of in-person talks, workshops, and networking opportunities at the Friends’ Meeting House.

Find accessibility information about the venue here. Tickets for the Manchester conference cost £75 +VAT. Click here to book a ticket.

The London conference is taking place on Wednesday 27th November, with access to a full day of in-person talks, workshops, and networking opportunities at Woburn House.

Find accessibility information about the venue here. Tickets for the London conference cost £75 +VAT. Click here to book a ticket.

The Bristol conference is taking place on Thursday 28th November, with access to a full day of in-person talks, workshops, and networking opportunities at We the Curious.

Find accessibility information about the venue here. Tickets for the Bristol conference cost £75 +VAT. Click here to book a ticket.

Digital content will be recorded and, where permission is given by the speaker to share, will be available to watch back via the Natural History Consortium YouTube channel and Communicate Archive following the conference. In-person workshops and masterclasses will not be recorded.

Conference strands

New for 2024 - Educators / Education Staff Strand

We’re delighted to announce a new strand of 5 sessions in this year’s programme designed for anyone working in environmental education / learning. The sessions have been designed and programmed with the Education teams at WWF-UK and Chester Zoo, to ensure we’re touching on the key issues for this important cohort of the sector. Join us live in Manchester for two discussion-based sessions, or online from anywhere in the UK.

Returning in 2024 - ESRC Strand

The Natural History Consortium in partnership with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is proud to present a special strand of sessions running across all three days of the conference showcasing cutting-edge social science research.

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Manchester ticket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience. Day 1 - Tuesday 26 November 2024

Manchester and Online

At a glance

10:00 - 10:45 | News of the day - In-person (Manchester) and livestream

New Connections for Nature

11:00 - 11:45

Membership: the power of participation

- Onl ne only 11:00 - 11:45 Communicating across the divide - In-person and l vestream 11:00 - 11:45 Educating in a campaigning environment - In-person workshops & masterc asses 11:00 - 11:45 Measuring holistic impact - In-person workshops & masterclasses 12:00 - 12:45

Lunch and networking

- If you’re booked for a l ve event, please join us for a vegetarian / vegan unch and a chance to connect with other delegates.

13:00 - 13:45

Activating our messages through mainstream channels (Panel 1) - Onl ne only 13:00 - 13:45 What are teachers really thinking and how do we know? - In-person and livestream 13:00 - 13:45

Activating community environmental action (Panel 1) - In-person workshops & masterc asses 14:00 - 14:45 Virtual and remote engagement with nature - In-person and l vestream 14:00 - 14:45

Engaging secondary schools: citizen science case studies - In-person workshops & masterclasses 14:00 - 14:45 Empowering young voices to cut through the social media noise - In-person workshops & masterclasses 15:00 - 15:45

Deep dive into nature connectedness and schools

- Onl ne only 15:00 - 15:45

Pedagogical choices: communicating our stories

- In-person and l vestream 15:00 - 15:45

What does anti-racism actually mean in the environment movement? - In-person workshops & masterclasses 15:00 - 15:45

Learning from the culture sector

- In-person workshops & masterclasses 16:00 - 16:30 | Keynote 1 - In-person (Manchester) and livestream

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a London t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience. Day 2 - Wednesday 27 November 2024

London and Online

At a glance

10:00 - 10:45 | News of the day - In-person (London) and livestream

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024 Online Manchester London Bristol

Workshop: Enabling green choices - In-person: workshops and masterclasses

12:00 - 12:45

Lunch and networking

- If you’re booked for a l ve event, please join us for a vegetarian / vegan unch and a chance to connect with other delegates.


Bristol and Online

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Bristol t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience.

New Connections for Nature

Day 3 - Thursday 28 November 2024 13:00 - 13:45

Skills session: Building a communications campaign from scratch - In-person workshops & masterclasses

- 14:45

AI for communications - In-person workshops & masterclasses 15:00 - 15:45

Business and brands: collaborators (and competitors?)

- In-person and l vestream 15:00 - 15:45 Ethics and communication - In-person workshops & masterc asses 15:00 - 15:45

Skills session: Why our approach to email is all wrongand how to get it right - In-person workshops & masterclasses 16:00 - 16:30 | Keynote 3 - In-person (Bristol) and livestream

Day 1 - Tuesday 26 November 2024 Manchester and Online

Day 1 - Tuesday 26 November 2024

Manchester and Online

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Manchester ticket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol

10:00 - 10:45

In-person and livestream

News of the day

Welcome to Communicate 2024 and our 20th Anniversary! Savita Wil mott, Ch ef Executive of The Natural History Consortium, will welcome our de egates joining us from every corner of the UK.

Jo n us in Manchester or online as we dive straight into the day’s news with our pane of commentators to ground our conference day in the most up-to-date context.

Speakers: Chris Dessent, Creative Concern | Sophie Yeo, Env ronmental Journal st

This is the only session running onl ne and in person at 10:00 - 10:45. The session w ll be livestreamed to our onl ne audience from Manchester.

ONLINE 11:00 - 11:45

Online only

Membership: The power of participation

This session challenges transactional membership mode s and explores the transformative impact of participation: doing good things w th your members, not just for them, driving meaningful partic pation around a shared mission, tapping nto your members’ ideas, skil s, passions and talents.

Oliver Holtaway, New Citizenship Project

Anna Maria Hosford, New Citizenship Pro ect

In-person and livestream

Communicating across the divide

How do we connect, isten to, earn from and share messages with aud ences outside our comfort zone, and beyond our current base? We’ l ook at some practical techniques, insp ring projects and current research to help us bridge the divide.

Rosie Gordon Lennox, Hubbub | Paul Hinds, Natural England | Mike Innerdale, Nat onal Trust

Chair: Anna Jameson, BBC Radio Manchester


In-person: workshops & masterclasses

Educating in a campaigning environment

What challenges arise when educat on staff or departments sit with n a wider organisational context?

We ll explore how and when we are educating, campaigning for change, and behav our change and the role of education programmes in environmental communication. (Educators Strand)

In-person: workshops & masterclasses

Measuring holistic impact

Are we captur ng the fu l value of our work? Join experts from the Centre for Thr v ng Places in th s workshop to explore a holistic approach to understanding impact Learn strategies to identify and demonstrate benefits for the wellbeing of peop e, places and the planet.

Charlotte Smith, Chester Zoo | Rosalind Mist, WWF-UK

Lisa Groves, Centre for Thriving P aces

12:00 - 12:45

Lunch and networking

If you’re booked for a live event, please jo n us for a vegetarian / vegan unch and a chance to connect with other de egates. Our conference delegate list w ll be shared in advance, and the Communicate team wi l be on hand to help with introductions.

Day 1 - Tuesday 26 November 2024

Manchester and Online

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Manchester ticket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

New Connections for Nature

Activating our messages through mainstream channels - Panel 1

From gaming to film, sport to fashion, we'l explore partnerships, the roles of celebr ties and fresh approaches. How can we harness the power of popular cu ture to inspire action?

Lewis Alcott, Can Games Teach, Univers ty of Br stol

Sophie Kinse la, Forster Communications Lira Valencia, @outsidewithlira

Chair: Helen Meech, Climate Coalition

What are teachers really thinking and how do we know?

We'll explore how teachers use environmental education resources, take part in environmental programmes and visit outdoor settings - what do they need and how can we work better together? (Educators Strand)

Emily Reid, St Bernard’s Primary School

Jessica Tipton – National Education Nature Park

Richard Dunne, The Harmony Project

Janet Lord, Manchester Metropolitan University

There is no online only session taking place at this time. Online ticket holders can tune into the livestream session.



remote engagement with nature

How can we connect with our audiences virtual y, when we or they can t be in nature? We ll look at a range of research, innovative practice and insp rational examp es.

(This session is part of the Economic and Social Research Council [ESRC] Strand)

Jil ian Donnachie, Woodland Trust

Caitlin Hafferty, Univers ty of Oxford

Jesse H ldebrand, Explor ng by the Seat of Your Pants

Chair: E lie Turner-Wa lace, Natural History Consortium

Activating community environmental action

Communities are essential for des gn ng locally appropriate responses to the nature crisis in the UK.

We' l explore exemplar practice and community-led pro ects to restore nature, and how pro ects can be designed to include the voices of the most marginal sed and unheard voices.

N ck Gardner, The National Lottery Community Fund

John Rose, The National Lottery Community Fund

Ellie Sherlock, Manchester Cl mate Change Agency

In-person: workshops & masterclasses


secondary schools: citizen science case studies

How can we connect with, engage and support secondary schoo s? Us ng citizen science as a case study we’ l explore the practical ties of making environmental projects accessible to and useful for students & teachers. (Educators Strand)

Fiona Day, Mammal Soc ety | Lyndon Howson, Hedgehog Friendly Campus | Alejandra Vergara-Peña & Rod Downie, WWF-UK | Cha r: Nicholas Brown

Empowering young voices to cut through the social media noise

Are young people ut lising social media to cut through the noise and prov de an authentic unbiased voice on nature? We'l hear from a range of people to bu ld our confidence in centring youth voices. Chair: Alan Wr ght, Lancashire Wildlife Trust

A panel with youth representatives from The Ernest Cook Trust, Lancashire Wildlife Trust and the Manchester Nature Consortium Youth Panel.

Day 1 - Tuesday 26 November 2024

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Manchester ticket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol Manchester and Online

In-person and livestream

Deep dive into nature connectedness and schools

Jo n us for a deep d ve into a new report exploring nature connectedness and schools, and have your say on how the sector and educators can co laborate to support young people. (Educators Strand)


Educatoninoursectorisoftenamxtureofheartsand minds:skils,knowledge,storytellingandemotonal connection.Togetherwe'llmovebeyondchalkandtak andknowledgedeficitmodelsofenvironmental education,andexploreotherframeworksusedby educatorstoinformprogrammedeveopment. (EducatorsStrand)




In-person: workshops & masterclasses In-person: workshops & masterclasses

What does anti-racism actually mean in the environment movement?

A panel discussion on how or even if anti-racism can be rea ised in the environmenta movement.

Curated and hosted by the Civic Power Fund.

Learning from the culture sector

What are some of the inspiring lessons and cautionary ta es the env ronmental sector can learn from the UK s culture sector about audience engagement, measuring mpact, resilience and creative fundrais ng approaches?

This roundtable session will be a lively and off-the-record opportunity for two sectors to connect.

Jess Mally, AWETHU School of Organising

Fatima Ibrah m, Green New Deal Rising Chair: Zamzam Ibrahim, IYADA

Feimatta Conteh, Arts Council England

Ruth Murray, Manchester Science and Industry Museum

Robin Lyons, Ergon Theatre

and livestream

Keynote 1: Miles Richardson - on the importance of connections for people and nature

Our Manchester keynote speaker wil be Miles Richardson, Professor of Human Factors and Nature Connectedness at the Un versity of Derby.

Miles is a Chartered Psycholog st, Chartered Ergonomist, and lead for the Nature Connectedness Research Group at the University of Derby. He has worked with a number of high profile nature conservation organisations including the National Trust and RSPB to develop engagement pathways and frameworks for nature connection. Miles is the author of Reconnection: Fixing our Broken Relationship with Nature (2023), exploring our hidden links with nature through the science of nature connectedness, setting out a way to revivify the re ationship across society.

For those attending the in-person day at Friends’ Meeting House in Manchester, we invite you to continue networking over drinks provided at a nearby venue.

Jon Turner, WWF-UK

Day 2 - Wednesday 27 November 2024 London and Online

Day 2 - Wednesday 27 November 2024

London and Online

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a London t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

10:00 - 10:45

In-person and livestream





New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol

11:00 - 11:45

Communicating complexity

Using chemical pollution and nutrient neutral ty as case stud es, we’ll look at the opportunities for clear, impactful communication around complex topics.

Adelle Rowe, Natural England

E len Bradley, UK Youth for Nature

Heather McFarlane, Fidra

Cha red by Lily Morr s

Lunch and networking

12:00 - 12:45

In-person and livestream

Journalist spotlight: In Conversation

In Conversation with a current environment journa ist.

We’re delighted to welcome Steph Spyro, Senior Polit cal Correspondent and Environment Editor, Daily Express. Hosted by Mark Funnell, Communications and Campaigns Director, National Trust.

Steph Spyro, Daily Express

Cha r: Mark Funnell, National Trust

In-person: workshops & masterclasses

Communicating the value of nature

What have we learned about communicat ng the economic value of nature? We’ll explore TNFD reporting, green finance and social value from a communications and engagement perspective, and how we can learn new language and connect w th new industries.

Aïsha Butera, AtkinsRéalis | Helen Avery, Green F nance

Inst tute | Richard Benwell, Wild ife and Countrys de L nk

Chair: Chloe Lawson, Natura England

In-person: workshops & masterclasses


Howcancommunicationshelpgovernmentpresenta visionofanaturefriendly,sustainablesociety?Howcan webuildpublicacceptabilityforchange?Join governmentofficiastoco-deveopideasonhowbestto usecommunicationstoempowerthepublictomake nature-friendlychoces.Maximum20attendeessign-updetailswillbecirculatedtheweekbefore. Ledbypolicyandcommunicationrepresentatvesof DefraandDESNZ.

If you’re booked for a live event, please join us for a vegetarian / vegan lunch and a chance to connect with other delegates. Our conference delegate list will be shared in advance, and the Communicate team will be on hand to help with introductions.

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a London t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

Defra policy and communications briefing

An update from policy and strategic communications colleagues at Defra on emerging priorities, current programmes, and opportunities for collaboration.


if Nature had an advertising agency?

Join Lisa Merrick Lawless, Co-founder of Purpose Disruptors, to explore an advertising agency in service of all life on Earth.

Discover ground-breaking campaigns from their first-of-its-kind Agency for Nature initiative, a pop-up agency promoting a natureconnected life. Prepare to be inspired by this “game changer in climate communications”. Chair: Emily Boxall, Royal College of Art

Lisa Merrick Lawless, Purpose Disruptors

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol


Face-to-facepresentingisakeyskillforenvironmental communicators:Whethert'sspeakingatconferences,sharing projectupdateswithstakeholders,orshowingoffanamazingvenue. Inthisinteractiveworkshop,professionalpresentationcoachBarney Speed-Grenfellwillgiveyousometoptipstohelpyouunleashyour passionforpresenting!



Skills session: Digital fundraising

Learn how to develop effective growth strategies, create impactful campaigns, and discover the five tried and tested techniques to drive income that digital campaign expert Reece Jackson used to raise millions through innovative digital fundraising techniques and drive successful fundraising initiatives for top brands, non-profits, and charities alike.

Reece Jackson, FWD People | Chair: Valerie Leisten, Media Trust

Soundscapes: The power of nature engagement through sound

How can the sounds of nature engage and inspire audiences in new, accessible and unexpected ways? We'll explore innovative research, inspiring projects and practical techniques. (ESRC Strand). Chaired by Birgitta Gatersleben, ACCESS.

Sarah Payne, University of Surrey | Jessica Wardlaw, Natural History Museum | Bridget Appleby, Secret Life of Sounds

Exploring media justice

Join us for this interactive session where we will present provocations and discuss solutions to issues in media justice, focusing on representation, and barriers like class and race for access to communication platforms.

Samia Dumbuya, Facilitator, Consultant and Researcher

Roger Harding, Round Our Way Chair: Kalpana Arias, Nowadays on Earth

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a London t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol London and Online

There is no online only session taking place at this time. Online ticket holders can tune into the livestream session.

15:00 - 15:45

only In-person and livestream In-person: workshops & masterclasses Day 2 - Wednesday 27 November 2024 16:00 - 16:30

In-person and livestream

Keynote 2: In Conversation with Hafsah Hafeji

Activatingnaturemessagesthroughmainstream channels

Whataretheopportunitiesforbringingourmessagesand programmesintomainstreamandpopularculture?Fromgamingto film,sporttofashion,we'llexplorepartnerships,theroleof celebritiesandfreshapproaches.

SiobhanBaileyTurner,WWF-UK|DaveLockwood,BBCSport RobSlade,OntheEdge|Chair:GenevieveMargrett,CountUsIn

BBC Earth: Learnings from our digital journey

Insights, pitfalls and examples from a decade of BBC Earth on social media. The team will share what they’ve learnt about public interest in the natural world and invite delegates to workshop some of the insights. This session is curated by the BBC Earth Digital Team.

Matt Butler, BBC Studios

Katherine Duff, BBC Studios

This is the only session running online and in person at 16:00 - 16:30. The session will be livestreamed to our online audience from London.

For those attending the in-person day at Woburn House in London, we invite you to continue networking over drinks provided at a nearby venue.

Day 3 - Thursday 28 November 2024

Bristol and Online

Day 3 - Thursday 28 November 2024

Bristol and Online

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Bristol t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

10:00 - 10:45 11:00 - 11:45

In-person and livestream






Online only


EveryoneneedsnatureHowcanweensureour programmesaredisablityinclusive,centrngthevoices ofDisabledpeople,andarefair,accessibeandinspring?

Hearaboutsomeofthekeyworkbeingdonetomake thegreatoutdoorsmoreaccessibe.(ESRCStrand)





In-person and livestream

Communications challenges: misinformation, cynicism, and greenwashing

How can we effectively commun cate n complex, challenging or hostile contexts? Our panel will explore current work, th nking and potential approaches for the sector.

Michael Harris, 89Up

Jam e Clarke, Engag ng Climate

Chaired by Olivia Sweeney, Clean Air Fund


In-person: workshops & masterclasses

Effective content and storytelling

Are you looking for some fresh insp ration to create engaging content and programmes using the very latest thinking about storytell ng? Join us for a session with BBC and breathe fresh life into your commun cat ons.

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol

Speakers coming soon

12:00 - 12:45

Lunch and networking

If you’re booked for a live event, please join us for a vegetarian / vegan lunch and a chance to connect with other delegates. Our conference delegate list will be shared in advance, and the Communicate team will be on hand to help with introductions.

Bristol and Online

Audience insights: what do the UK public think about the environment and climate change?

How are publ c attitudes towards the environment changing? Mike Clemence from Ipsos Trends & Foresight w ll share the latest data and insight from Ipsos to reveal the latest developments n UK views of Net Zero, cl mate change, green behaviours and more.

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Bristol t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

Mike C emence, Ipsos Trends & Foresight

Skills session: Pitching audio content

How can we share our nature stories effectively through aud o content? Our panel of producers will share tips and advice for pitch ng your projects, people and places to audio channels for greater reach with new audiences

Fergus Collins, BBC Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Penny Southgate, Community Radio Environment Network

Dav d De La Haye, Underwater Sound Record st

Chair: Connor Davies, Presenter & Podcast Host

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol

Decolonisingconservationandenvironmental sectorsintheUKusingasocialjusticeframework

Featurngresearchusingadecolonisationensto incorporateBIPOCperspectivesonreimaginingthe environmentalandconservationsector,aimingtocreate equtable,inclusive,&sustainableconservationpractices whileaddressinghistoricalandongoingcolonialimpacts.




Communicating the health value of nature

As the ev dence base for nature's impact on our health continues to grow, what has research and practice revealed are effect ve and engag ng ways to communicate the health value - and mpact - of nature?

Skills session: Building a communications campaign from scratch

Back to bas cs! Join the expert campa gns team from Greenhouse Communicat ons to deep d ve into the bu lding blocks of successful communicat ons campaigns to mprove your strategy, mpact and success.

E len Dev ne, Forestry Eng and Jonathan Reeves, WWT

Chair: Simon Martin, Nature Co lective

Will Spragg & Nina Whitby, Greenhouse Communications Host: Rachel Topley, Bristo Zoologica Society

Culture change for nature

How can we build leadersh p, skil s and increase diversity of thoughts and practitioners in the environmental sector? Our panel shares a range of projects and approaches and poses the r provocations to our Commun cate audience.

Hannah Windross, Bristol Zoo og cal Soc ety

Navroza Ladha, Natural England

Gnisha Bevan, Nature Rising

Chair: Chris Dunford, We The Curious

Activating community environmental action

Can action for nature reduce inequal ty? 18 community organisations in Bristol are engag ng with some of those hardest hit by the cost-of-living crisis on just this question. Join us for an interactive discussion to explore their new approach to community-led action plans, what has worked well and what s been challenging.

Chair; Mark Leach, Bristol City Counci

Donna Sealey, Ambit on Lawrence Weston

Amy Harrison, Bristol Cl mate & Nature Partnership

In-person: workshops & masterclasses

Skills session: Harnessing AI for communications

The communicat ons landscape continues to change with AI an increasing factor in content creation, chat functions with audiences and data analysis. We'll d ve into the opportun ties and challenges for communicators - no experience necessary!

Jocelyn Burnham, AI for Culture

Host: K t Beaumont, Bristo C ty Council

Day 3 - Thursday 28 November 2024

If you have an online ticket, you can access and choose from the online only and livestream sessions on this day. If you have a Bristol t cket, you can access and choose from the in-person sessions on this day. Livestream sess ons wil take place at the in-person venue and be streamed ive for our on ine audience

There is no online only session taking p ace at this time. Online ticket holders can tune into the livestream session.

In-person and livestream



Therole,positionandexpertiseofbusinessinthenature sectorischangng:howcanweworkmosteffectively togethertoengagenewanddiverseaudiences?Ifwe're notcollaboratng,arewecompetingforaudence attentonandengagement?





Ethics and communication

This workshop focuses on outcomes from a project that is seeking to identify the ethical d mens ons that researchers and pract tioners consider when communicating. Help to explore some of the ethical ramifications of communicat on and engagement, including questions it ra ses about power, access, purpose, autonomy, privacy and values

Clare Wilkinson, UWE Bristol

Chair: Stuart McCarthy Thompson, Avon Wild ife Trust

New Connections for Nature

26 - 28 November 2024

Online Manchester London Bristol

Skills session: Why our approach to email is all wrong — and how to get it right

The sector has fa len into a monthly generic newsletter trap, and t’s doing us more harm than good. Join this sess on if you want to inject new email marketing energy nto your organisation, improve performance, discover how you can be more creative and ultimately how to bui d an email programme that inspires your commun ty to act.

Alex Fearon, Maybe Later

In-person: workshops & masterclasses In-person: workshops & masterclasses In-person and livestream

Keynote 3: Mitch Turnbull - enhancing engagement with nature through immersive technologies

Mitch is an award-winning producer/director w th 30+ years experience making nature, conservation and arts documentaries. Founder and Director of Bramble Med a, she has worked in film, broadcast and digital media, and is currently researching the superpowers of immersive technologies to engage humanity w th nature. She is an Industry Immersion

Fellow w th the South West Creative Technology Network and a Senior Research Associate in Immersive Natural H story Experiences with the University of Bristol.

For those attending the in-person day at We the Curious in Bristol, we invite you to continue networking over drinks provided at a nearby venue.

Programme design by Isabelle Pulletz

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