Natural Awakenings NYC July 2013

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FDA APPROVED Non-Invasive Treatment FOR CELLULITE & UNWANTED FAT available at

Doctors at trump place


ummer is here in full bloom. The days are getting hotter and some folks are already tanning in Central Park. Many patients have come to the Doctors at Trump Place Longevity Institute and Medispa with concerns regarding their recent weight gain and asking for advice on how to get rid of unwanted cellulite in time for the beach. To address these very important issues, in addition to thorough physical exams and dietary interventions, we have created a simple and comprehensive solution for cellulite and fat reduction. Our Summer Indulgence Package features our unique customized programme, which includes the revolutionary Far Infra-Red Sauna, VelaShape and Deep Tissue Massage. The fat-busting journey starts with the 30-minute treatment in Far Infra-Red Sauna, which utilizes the most beneficial wavelengths of light energy. This energy penetrates deep into the tissue and makes the water molecules in our cells resonate with the optimal frequency. This promotes a more efficient elimination of cellular toxins. The healing effects of the FIR


New York City Edition

Sauna range from improved circulation and optimized lymphatic drainage to weight loss, boosted metabolism and heavy metal detoxification. There are very few FIR Saunas out there, which have been recognized internationally, and we are proud to employ the saunas whose manufacturers adhere to the strictest standards of safety and hygiene. After the 30-minute session in FIR Sauna, the client proceeds to a 20-minute session of VelaShape cellulite reducing treatment. This state-of-the-art FDA cleared technology safely countours, shapes and slims the body, by reducing cellulite and firming problem areas. The areas include thighs, buttocks, tummy, love handles, and arms. InfraRed light energy, Bipolar Radiofrequency, Vacuum suction and Mechanical Lymphatic Drainage are the four modalities employed in one application which lasts for 20 minutes on a given problem area. I typically recommend no more than 2 problem areas done in one day, to avoid tissue overheating. The procedure is non-invasive and has been popularized recently all over TV by Oprah, Rachel Ray, Dr.Phil, and Kim Kardashian. It is great for young and old men and women, and especially for all the mommies who have stopped breastfeeding and want to get back in shape for the summer. There are very few contraindications to either FIR Sauna or VelaShape. They include cancers, bleeding disorders, pacemaker and metallic implants. There is no downtime and the clients often pop into the office during their lunch breaks, to have a session. Once we break down the fat cells, it important to aid our body to eliminate them by directing the debris towards the lymphatic channels, which in turn, drain into the venous bloodstream, which then passes the debris to the kidneys and to the digestive system for excretion. The way to help this process along manually is a deep tissue massage. Our licensed experienced massage therapists will meet with the clients for one full hour on the designated days, to help optimize the lymphatic drainage. Most of our clients work out on the regular basis and the deep tissue massage is a great way to stretch and relax the overworked muscle groups, and to aid in

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