Some items in this catalogue have been enlarged to show detail. Colours may vary due to the printing process. White gold has been rhodium plated to enhance it’s appearance The plating finish is not permanent and may needtobereappliedtomaintainoriginalfinish TDW=TotalDiamondWeight TotalDiamondWeightmayvary CZ = Cubic Zirconia. The prices shown in this catalogue are recommended retail prices only. Reduced prices refer to a reduction from recommended retail price Items may have sold below recommended retail price prior to currentdiscountoffer Itemsmaynothavebeenpreviouslyofferedforsaleinthisstore AllpricesincludeGST Each retailer has a discretion to adjust the recommended retail price, accordingly the retail price is subject to change. Nationwide’s special offer prices are limited to the period of this promotion which ends 24th December 2024 or whilestockslast NationwideNZLimitedNZBN9429038870408 Notallitemsavailableinallstores 72HighStreet,Dannevirke|T063746696 293GloucesterStreet,Taradale|T068452903 longjewellers@gmail.com|www.longjewellers.com