NNN April 2011

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NNN SUPPORTING THE BLACK POUND This month the NNN introduces a new campaign to highlight the need for we in the African and African Caribbean communities to support the development of Black led enterprises. In this and forthcoming issues, we will be sharing news of initiatives and campaigns that will show ways in which we can support the Black Pound and encourage those enterprises who benifit from our support to invest the gains back into the community. We begin by introducing two initiatives which offers an insight in how best we can support these enterprises and also encourage us to find Black led sources for all our products. Boogles Ltd Boogles Ltd established the Black Pound Group as an answer to the ‘gap’ in the networks that already existed. There were groups for women, groups for young people,groups by area e.g. Wandsworth Chamber of commerce, groups by time e.g. BNI breakfast groups, groups by sector/ profession i.e. solicitors, but no regular group for black businesses. Networking groups is a big industry, and Boogles recognises this. Boogles Ltd is a bookkeeping company, which handles money i.e. pounds for all communities, and would like to encourage more businesses to do business with black businesses, and thus to circulate the black pound. The name “black pound” derives from the concept of having the pink pound (gay / lesbian market), the grey pound (the older age ‘silver’ market), and also the

black pound ... tapping into the lucrative potential of the African / Caribbean / Black British market. That is why Boogles established the Black Pound Business Network. The idea is to bring people together wherever possible. BUT, let us know if you are doing this already, and we’ll lend our support to you. As there is no point in reinventing the wheel! www.theblackpound.com This website began back in November 2006 by two friends who worked on the site in their spare time. What started out as a collaboration of minds, ideas and skills has developed into what can best be described as an online Afro-Caribbean centre. The aim of the website is to provide the UK’s African & Caribbean communities with an online home for people to visit, gather information, share views, opinions and experiences, learn about black history, ancestry and role models, and celebrate the achievements of black people throughout the UK. We are doing this because we want to recreate the sense of spirit, solidarity, strength and pride that our communities displayed when they first emigrated to the UK back in the 1950’s-60’s. Back then, they came together to face the adversity of being a small minority in an initially hostile Britain head on. They paved the way so that future generations could flourish and prosper, however it could be said that today we are losing that direction, spirit and drive to better ourselves and move forward. We want to change this by providing you with a platform to share information, knowledge and experiences and ultimately work towards making the UK’s Afro Caribbean communities a stronger group and start realising our potential today. The UK is becoming more multicultural by the day and the black culture has a lot to offer to the mix. The website is here for people

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from all walks of life who embrace the Afro-Caribbean culture, people, music and food. We strive to promote our positive attributes, get people talking, networking and trading together. We all need and use similar products and services such as hair grooming products, food, music and holidays, but we are not always getting as good a deal or the variety enjoyed by our American counterparts. With your help we intend to change that. By sharing the information we collate and that information passed on by you we can develop the UK’s largest and most concise directory of products and services aimed at the black market. From now on really look at every pound you spend, ask yourselves these questions.

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What did you spend it on? Where did you spend it? Did you make a saving? Did you get a large variety to choose from? Were you treated fairly and with respect?

Most importantly you need to be considering if the Afro-Caribbean community stands to benefit from knowing about your transaction and if you think we do, get in touch with us so we can share the information online. The Black Pound directory will enable us all trade online for specialist Afro-Caribbean and general products and services quickly and safely. The Black Pound also wants to empower the next generation by showcasing the achievements of individuals, celebrities and businesses that encompass the positive determination, academic and business success that black people can and do offer this country. The Black Pound will be the link to what makes us a multi-layered and caring community consisting of black, white and mixed raced individuals. Through this website we can break down attitudes, find a voice, empower the next generation and share information to benefit everyone.

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