Legacy Giving Booklet - 2021/22

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A Lasting Legacy

“The National Ballet of Canada has given me over 30 years of wonderful entertainment and many memorable moments. My future gift is a reflection of my appreciation.” – Edye Rome Webster

Let Your Love of Ballet Live On Ballet transports us into a different world – one filled with grace and splendour. It takes us away from our everyday lives to a gravity-defying world of beauty and athleticism, reminding us of the freedom and artistry that can be achieved by dedicating oneself to the rigorous discipline of classical dance. We all reach a stage in life when we think about what it’s all meant. Most of us want to be remembered for our best qualities. We want to be remembered for our generosity, our integrity and our life passions. By including The National Ballet of Canada or The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation as part of your estate plan, you will be remembered and celebrated as a passionate supporter of Canada’s leading ballet company. Every legacy we receive supports our work, both on stage and behind the scenes. Every gift, no matter the amount, makes it possible for us to create and stage new works, support and nurture our dancers, fund national and international tours, fund our celebrated orchestra, and engage thousands of children and youth annually through educational programming. We are truly grateful for every act of generosity from people like you, who make the decision to pass on ballet to future generations; a gift that will ensure that your passion for The National Ballet of Canada lives on.

Previous page: Brenna Flaherty. Photo by Karolina Kuras.


Your Gift to Future Generations Of course, family and friends will be your first priority, but you can also leave a gift in your will that will enable the National Ballet to: • Ensure that the National Ballet remains a creative force on the international stage by supporting the commissioning of new works or acquisitions of existing productions. • Support the professional development of all the dancers in the company in the form of guest coaches, teachers, and workshops. • Ensure that The National Ballet of Canada’s Orchestra remains a world-class ensemble that performs an array of classical and contemporary scores. • Support tours, ensuring that the National Ballet continues to provide a worldwide profile for Canadian dance and dancers. • Support the National Ballet in delivering meaningful and engaging public education programmes which introduce young people to the performing arts.

“Becoming a planned giving donor takes just a little forward thinking. In return, it is so rewarding to be close to an art form that I love.” – Marie Sampson Next page: Teagan Richman-Taylor. Photo by Karolina Kuras.


Join the 70 for 70 Legacy Challenge Celebrate the 70th anniversary of The National Ballet of Canada with us and ensure that the company you love will continue to thrive for future generations. By making a legacy gift, we invite you to join the 70 for 70 Legacy Challenge. The National Ballet will celebrate you and your commitment to the success of the company now and for the future. This campaign will: • Celebrate and recognize you, the 70 donors who have decided to leave a gift in their Will to The National Ballet of Canada. • Welcome you to the Celia Franca Society. With your legacy gift, you will receive lifetime acknowledgement in National Ballet publications, as well as access to special events exclusively tailored to you, our legacy supporters. Join us today to play your part in the future of the National Ballet and make the company you love a part of your life story.

Ayano Haneishi. Photo by Karolina Kuras.


70 for 70 Legacy Challenge My love for ballet began when I was a little girl. I loved dressing up in my pink tutu, performing pirouettes for my parents. As a teen, I became a serious and determined dance student and I’ve never lost my love for the art form. One of the fondest memories I have was attending a performance of The Sleeping Beauty in 1972 at the O’Keefe Centre – with Karen and Rudolf Nureyev in the leading roles. The night was magical, the entire company was flawless. My heart still flutters when I think about it. As I reflect on my wonderful and fulfilling journey with the National Ballet, I truly believe that it is donor and volunteer support that gives the company its leading edge on the global stage. Collectively, we should all be so proud to have a world-renowned ballet company right here in our backyard. I can never imagine our city without the National Ballet in it. For all these reasons, I’ve been a proud supporter of this incredible company for over 50 years. I, myself, together with 212 others, am a member of the Celia Franca Society. With your help, the National Ballet will be able to announce the support of 70 new Society members to commemorate the 70th anniversary of this exceptional company. Patricia Campbell Celia Franca Society Member Patricia Campbell.


The Celia Franca Society We know that some people prefer to keep their legacy intentions private, but if you have made the decision to remember us in your estate plans, we hope that you will let us know so that we can thank you. If you inform us of your decision, you will be invited to join the Celia Franca Society, an honorary group for those who are leaving a legacy to the National Ballet. The Celia Franca Society is named in honour of The National Ballet of Canada’s illustrious founder, Celia Franca, to pay tribute to her vision, tenacity and passion. Each season, we hold several special events for our Members, so that you can experience the impact of your future gift first hand.

“My involvement in the Celia Franca Society has really reinforced my love and deepened my appreciation for the National Ballet. As a long-time supporter, it means so much to me to leave something to an institution that has been so significant in my life.” – Patricia Campbell

Next page: Celia Franca with Jury Gotshalks, Lilian Jarvis, Lois Smith, David Adams and Joyce Hill in rehearsal at St. Lawrence Hall (1951). Photo by Ken Bell.


Direct Your Support As you contemplate your estate, you will decide who will receive your treasures. Many of us choose to provide for spouses, children and grandchildren. Some of us choose to include causes and organizations that have meant much to us during our lifetime. Over a million Canadians have already chosen to make a gift to charity in their wills. We understand that you may have people who depend on you for financial support – and that’s as it should be. But if you are able to provide for loved ones and worthy causes, the National Ballet would be grateful for your legacy gift.

There are two ways to include the National Ballet in your estate plans: To provide the National Ballet with direct assistance to meet its current priorities, you should consider leaving your gift to The National Ballet of Canada. These gifts can be directed for a specific purpose, or more frequently are left to The National Ballet of Canada with flexibility to determine how your gift can best be used to support its mission. If you want your gift to last in perpetuity, you should direct your gift to The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation. The principal is protected, and the annual investment gains are disbursed to The National Ballet of Canada. Again, you can direct the disbursements to be used for specific long-term purposes (through the creation of a Named Fund) or left to the Foundation with flexibility to determine how your gift can best support the National Ballet from year to year. For information on how to create a Named Fund, please contact Richard Lefebvre, Associate Director, Individual and Legacy Giving at 416 345 9686 x324. 10

Types of Gifts Many of our donors and subscribers have chosen to make what are known as “residual gifts.” A residual gift leaves “all the rest, residue and remainder” of the estate to a charity(s) after the general and specific gifts have been made to family and friends. If more than one charity is involved, the will can specify a percentage of the residue to each. Others prefer to leave a percentage of their estate to the National Ballet. For example, someone with three children and four grandchildren might divide his or her estate into eight equal portions. Each child and grandchild will receive an equal portion – and the final portion might be split between a few charitable organizations.

The Benefits of Leaving a Charitable Gift in Your Will • There is no immediate cost to you, so you don't have to worry that the gift will reduce what you have to live on. • You can make a bigger gift than you could during your lifetime. • Gifts made in your will can reduce or even eliminate final income tax that would otherwise reduce what you leave to your loved ones.

Discuss your options with your family and involve a financial advisor to help you assess your assets.


Leaving a Gift to the National Ballet If you decide to leave a gift to The National Ballet of Canada or The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation, your lawyer will need our official charitable name and registration number. You may find the following wording useful. Leaving a gift to The National Ballet of Canada Residual Gift “My estate trustees shall pay (all or %) of the residue of my estate to The National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, ON, with the charitable registration number 11905 1449 RR0001, to be used as The National Ballet of Canada may deem appropriate.” Specific Gift “My estate trustees shall pay the sum of $ (or transfer assets with an equal value) to The National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, ON, with the charitable registration number 11905 1449 RR0001, to be used as The National Ballet of Canada may deem appropriate.”

Leaving a gift to The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation Residual Gift “My estate trustees shall pay (all or %) of the residue of my estate to The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation, Toronto, ON, with the charitable registration number 88989 8722 RR0001, to be used as The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation may deem appropriate.” Specific Gift “My estate trustees shall pay the sum of $ (or transfer assets with an equal value) to The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation, with the charitable registration number 88989 8722 RR0001, to be used as The National Ballet of Canada, Endowment Foundation may deem appropriate.”

Next page: Harrison James. Photo by Karolina Kuras.



Thank You Over the years, we have learned that every planned giving donor is unique.

Some donors like to make their gifts in total privacy, others prefer to speak with someone who has the sensitivity, experience and expertise in legacy giving. If you would like further information and some guidance on how best to organize your gift before making your decision, please contact:

Richard Lefebvre Associate Director, Individual and Legacy Giving 416 345 9686 x324 rlefebvre@national.ballet.ca Thank you for considering The National Ballet of Canada in your estate plans. Tanya Howard. Cover: Heather Ogden. Photos by Karolina Kuras.

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