Over 50 5 ways to look younger natestretchandmore com

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there is nothing around you to laugh about, you watch comedians perform or use the internet to source for jokes. The place of sleep cannot be ignored and one is encouraged to engage in 5 - 8 hours of sleep minimum each night. Eyes denied of sleep could make one look older, but getting enough sleep can keep you fresh and young. So, next time, you could do well to hug your bed tight for a straight five hours or more. Use of skin and lips moisturizers As you age, your skin tends to dry out, and a dry skin tends to be distorted and wrinkled. A moisturizing cream on your face could come handy, which is known as face lotion. It is also important to note that a hand lotion shouldn’t be used on the face. Reason being that hand lotion might be higher in strength to face lotion and could lead to break out. It is pertinent to note that a face lotion should be used for the face and not vice versa.

Quit the habit of smoking Smoking distorts the appearance of the skin and it gives the nails and teeth a displeasing yellow coloration. Putting an absolute stop to the habit of smoking might make you look ten years younger. To become young and smart & healthy read fitness tips by expert here: www.natestretchandmore.com

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