The FLower Shop I

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2 The Flower Shop
by Natalia Ferber

Welcome to the Flower Shop first catalogue of 2022 with a small selection of flowers.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions, if you have any.

London Toile de Jouy wallpaper. Pollinators in action wallpaper

The Flower Shop’s mission is to outlast the limited lifespan of a cut (or uncut) flower. We offer you the joy of spring throughout the cold winters and beyond.

8 The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber

The flower shop consists of a “flower arrangement”, (mixed media on cotton paper), displayed in a custom-made acrylic cover (aka vase), bespoke wallpapers and objects (aka pollinators), and a series of Interiors and Landscapes, Mixed media on Canvas.

Two designs of wallpaper are part of the work, one is designed based in the “Toile de Jouy” using photographs I took during the 2020 lockdown, where the traffic and pollution was reduced to a minimum, and the city was taken over by pedestrians and by families and children on their bicycles, allowing the rebirth of nature. The Toile de Jouy is a traditional design usually depicting mostly pastoral scenes. Instead of the countryside, I am using the cities without traffic images (that have been taken over by transportation since the invention of the automobile) to illustrate that, with the polluters gone, they are once again a space for people to enjoy and nature to be reborn. A second motif, displays the Pollinators in full action, helping spread the seeds of life to create more beauty. As with everything, they are colorful cheerful, and threatening and dangerous, as nothing is totally good or totally bad (not considering extremes).

The flower Shop is a body of work I started during the first lockdown in 2020. At the time I was living in London, an overly centralized, polluted, and crowded city, yet also very beautiful full of history and events. As I lived in the center, I witnessed the

change the city went through during the lockdown. We biked around the city, without traffic, families with their children were enjoying a place that once before was owned by the car and public transport.

The view of the city was magnificent, the lack of advertising and other polluters allowed the very few of us to witness her beauty.

It has been difficult, ups and downs. But there was also the good side, the dolphins swimming back into the Venice canals, the pollution levels decreasing, and the smells of the flowers becoming more prominent. The office workers managed to work from home, all those hours wasted transporting in overly crowded public transport were put to a better use. Several left the big cities to settle in smaller towns and bigger houses with green areas, fomenting decentralization, and growth in other forgotten towns, where due to the small population, not many were able to start a business there, a restaurant, a convenience store, a theater, or an art gallery or whatever you have in mind…

The flower shop creates a space that allows you to revisit the speed of time we are living, the frenetic hysteria, the disparity and disproportionality in the way our resources were divided, priority and admirations, trust, and true needs, and most of all, to have a beautiful flower arrangement lasting (almost) forever.

The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber
London Toile de Jouy original Photographs April 2020

Welcome to my studio, where the magic happens, the place that holds my struggles, endless experimentation, failures and some success, more of the first than the second.

This is, by far, the biggest studio I have ever had. At the time of writing, I have been working from here for a year, and there is still so much organization to be done, still, it is a great space, with a large window facing the Spree River.

12 The Flower
Shop by Natalia Ferber
A short story about the countries I have lived and the studios I had.

In London, my second studio was about a quarter of the size of this one, and the previous one was probably slightly bigger than my rug (the large one pictured). Both were in a building where many other artists and photographers and theater stage designers had their workspace. It was lovely to run into people, that time when we were not afraid of social contact, have a chat or small talk. I must admit I wasn’t truly myself at the time, as it has taken me years to recover from a burnout.

While I was living in Dallas, I had a home studio in my flat(s), in 7 years I moved 5 times, the size of a standard room. At that time, I was working mostly digital, as it was a time of my life I was living “in transit” and everything I was doing was rootless, so I could pack my belongings in a suitcase and a hard drive and leave in no time. I was inventing my own space where I could bring my memories, because early in life I realized, the spaces are meaningless without the experience.

My Berlin studio, photo 2021 (a sunny day)

Uruguay was the country where I spent most of my life, and I moved just 4 times in 20 years, which sounds like a record. My first studios were wherever I found a surface to work, mostly tables and easels in Art School. By the time I finished University I managed to have my own studio, it was an amazing place, 30m2 rectangular shape, proportionated like a bus, long and skinny. It had an outdoor terrace where we had many gatherings with friends. It was a beautiful time, because I was in my 20s, full of energy and dreams and ambition.

When I was living in Madrid, I was a school aged girl, and I had a round table my mother painted green with a big colorful flower in the middle. I would spend hours sitting at my table lost in my histories. I would draw a group of characters, “Las Sajonas” I am not sure where I learned about them. They were a group of very strong women, long and skinny and mostly always facing sideways, some sort of Amazonians living in the 80s. It was so much fun.

I also attended art classes, my teacher was a woman, the mother of one of my classmates. She was beautiful and soft and made me draw the same plant over and over, until one day, out of boredom, I started doing whatever I wanted with the image, and that day I was promoted to oil painting. My dad gave me some money and off I went to the store to buy a little canvas and a brush and oil. In the class I made my first oil on canvas, and of course, my mom still has it.

14 The Flower
Shop by Natalia Ferber
My Berlin studio, photo 2021 (a gray day)
The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber My Flower corner with 2 home grow avocados 10-2021


Mixed media on canvas

Total dimensions 75x90cm

Previous page, A lovely summer picnic and we all smile. Mixed media on canvas with a Plate.

Total dimensions 50x60cm

Background paper “The Corner Garden”

18 The Flower
Shop by Natalia Ferber

My indoor garden(s)

I must admit my finger is light green, but I still love to be surrounded by plants and flowers, and I do try my best to make them feel comfortable and grow happy. Flowers brings me joy. Flowers and I, we go a long way back.

I grow up in Madrid, even if the weather is dry over there, there are big parks and flowers grow in every corner, most of time the balconies are full of pots with red geraniums and there are carnations everywhere. In the time I lived in the Americas, I missed flowers deeply. Montevideo is a grey city, it has trees, which is very good, but less flowers in general, and they like to measure the growth in m2 of concrete, therefore, every new square, plaza, public space, is made out of concrete, very grey, they believe progressive means lots of concrete and gardens are too much work, so, only the very rich or the

poor ones who live on the outskirts of the city have the joy of living around greenery and some color. In the US you don’t see many flowers either, maybe some overly manicured gardens in posh areas and, sometimes, at the side of the highways some wildflowers grow in the grass and long monochromatic lines guide your way, but this beauty I was just able to observe once, in 7 (long) years.

And when I moved to London, I landed in flower heaven. In every corner a flower shop, in the parks, in every little space people find in their homes to make a small garden, in their windows, house boats. The variety in the local growth is fabulous, and they take full advantage of it, they are everywhere, and that is the kind of invasion you want, colors and perfumes and shapes and sizes, all different living together.


That’s me telling stories to people who asked questions during the first flower shop pop up exhibition.

20 The Flower
Shop by Natalia Ferber
The First Flower Shop Pop Up Show - Berlin 09-2021
The Flower Shop First Layout Berlin 2021

On show, Larger Flowers than theVase and Vase with golden frame and pollinators wallpaper.

22 The Flower Shop
by Natalia Ferber

Left: Flowers in 2 Vases in a Vase. Framed with Toile de Jouy wallpaper placed over Pollinator’s wallpaper. Total dimensions 65x65 cm

On this page,

Top left: The garden is yawning. Framed with collage background. Total dimensions 35x45 cm

Top right: The Wild Garden. Framed with collage background. Total dimensions 35x45 cm.

Bottom left little flowers, paper collages inside a plastic dome.


The wallpaper was designed to be exactly that, a wallpaper, but it might not be possible to stick it to the wall, in that case, it is attached to panels and hung from the wall, and the “vase” is placed on it and held in place with transparent pins. Small flowers are also placed in the panels along with a few pollinators to help spread seeds of life.

24 The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber
3 panels for the Flower Shop Pop up.

The Pollinators The Pollinators

Polymer Clay with nails

Berlin 2021

Pollinators in full action, helping spread the seeds of life to create more beauty. As with everything, they are colorful, cheerful and threatening and dangerous, as nothing is totally good or totally bad (not considering extremes)

Left Page: Pollinators, scultpture Polymer Caly with nails.

Left Page Top: Pollinator inside an acrilyc dome over papel collage and white frame.

Total dimensions 30x40 cm

Right page: Pollinators in the wild, papel collage and white frame. Total dimensions 30x40 cm.

Partial view of “Interior with a tablecloth”, Mixed media on canvas, in the back.

Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber

The Vase The Vase

Bespoke Vacuum forming made in Berlin

It took several months to build the “Vase”. The first step was to build the model, after a sleepless night where I obsessed about the shape, I decided to scale it down and to try a modest bump first. I then went hunting fora company able to make it,

during a pandemic lockdown with half the companies closed. After weeks of research, I managed to get a reply from a charming English speak sales rep from a company base in Berlin. Once we established a connection, he fixed the model that was wrongly made by the person I paid to change the file extension. It is not easy to correct a file when you have no way of opening it. On and off it took about 7 months to make the first vases, and they look so cool, I cannot wait to see them hanging from your wall.

28 The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber

The Flowers The Flowers

Mixed media on cotton paper 21x27cm Berlin 2021

30 The Flower Shop by
Natalia Ferber

The Flowers will choose you. Once you place an order, you will receive a flower arrangement, it is the florist’s task, (aka the artist, aka Me) to decide which flowers you will receive.

You are entitled to state a few preferences, but this is a seasonal work, therefore, the season will determine what will be delivered to you.

32 The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber

You can choose the presentation, gold frame size: 60x60cm, 30x40cm, dark wood frame 60x60, 50x50cm, acrylic alone 31x40 cm, wallpaper size, and which of the 2 options you would like, and if you want it installed directly on the wall or in panels.

Or you can send me a photo of your wall, and I will design the best option for you.

I promise, it will make you smile


Mixed media on paper over collage with gold frame 21x27 cm - 35x45 cm framed - Berlin 2021

34 The
Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber “F01-21-19”
“F01-21-05” Mixed media on paper over collage with gold frame 21x27 cm - 65x65 cm framed - Berlin 2021 “F01-21-12” Mixed media on paper over collage with dark wood frame 21x27 cm - 63x63 cm framed - Berlin 2021 “F01-21-04” Mixed media on paper over collage with dark wood frame 21x27 cm - 63x63 c

“The Garden is yawning”

Mixed media on paper over collage with gold frame 35x45 total dimensions

Berlin 2021

38 The Flower Shop
by Natalia Ferber

“Interior with some flowers”

Mixed media on paper over collage with gold frame 35x45 total dimensions

Berlin 2021


“Blue sky at the park, lighting the indoors”

Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm

Berlin 2021

“Name the flowers”

Mixed media on canvas 50x50cm

Berlin 2021

“The Palace Gardens provide inspiration”

Mixed media on canvas 50x50cm

Berlin 2021

“End of summer sunset, still beach time”

Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm

Berlin 2021

40 The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber

“I walked around London and brought back some flowers”

Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm

Berlin 2021

“That morning walk on Hyde Park, what a day”

Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm

Berlin 2021

“Blue I”

Mixed media on canvas 50x50cm

Berlin 2021

“Serious series of Flowers II”

Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm

Berlin 2021


“April the First” with a Field of Flowers III background. Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm London 2020

42 The Flower
Shop by Natalia Ferber

“3 Stages of Time”


to be hang of the wall 20cm London 2020

Mixed media on canvas 90x75cm

London 2020

“I’ll call you when I get there”
The Flower Shop by Natalia Ferber


D 20 cm

London 2020 - Berlin 2021

Thank you for your time I hope you have enjoyed the visit to my Flower Shop.

There are many more pieces and more to come, if you would like to own a piece of eternal garden, or if you need help with your walls, email me with a photo and dimensions and you budget, and I will send you an idea for it just for you. We could also agree a meeting in your place if prefered.

To visit to my studio in Berlin, also, send me an email to schedule a time and day.

For this or any other inquiry, please write me a line (or more) to:

Cheers, have a lovely time


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